Integumentary Physical Therapy 피부계 물리치료학 Dong-Ryul Lee, PT, Ph.D. Movement Impairment Specialist & Performance Enhancement Specialist Neurofeedback, Robotics & Virtual Reality Research Specialites: NeuroRehabilitation & Pediatric Rehabilitation [email protected] [email protected]

Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

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Page 1: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Integumentary Physical Therapy

피부계 물리치료학

Dong-Ryul Lee, PT, Ph.D. Movement Impairment Specialist

& Performance Enhancement Specialist

Neurofeedback, Robotics & Virtual Reality Research

Specialites: NeuroRehabilitation & Pediatric Rehabilitation

[email protected] [email protected]

Page 2: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity (비만)

Page 3: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient


• a medical condition • in which excess body fat has

accumulated to the extent

– that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

• when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's

height, exceeds 30 kg/m2


Page 4: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient


• a combination of excessive food energy intake and a lack of physical activity • most cases of obesity

• Genetics

• Medical reasons

• Psychiatric illness

• Bulimia nervosa 폭식증: 단시간 많은 양 음식 빨리 먹고 난 후 구토->반복-> 침샘

비대 or 치아 손상or 위액 역류로 인한 식도 손상 or 과도한 음식섭취로 인한 위 손상

Binge-eating disorder 폭식장애 : 단시간 많은 양 음식 빨리 먹음,

폭식증과는 달리 인위적인 장 비우는 행동 하지 않음

• Societal level

• due to an easily accessible and palatable 마음에 드는 맛있는 diet


Page 5: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient


• a combination of excessive

food energy intake and a lack of physical activity

• most cases of obesity

• Genetics

• Medical reasons

• Psychiatric illness

• Societal level

• due to an easily accessible and palatable 마음에 드는 맛있는 diet


Page 6: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient


• a combination of excessive

food energy intake and a lack of physical activity

• most cases of obesity

• Genetics

• Medical reasons

• Psychiatric illness

• Societal level

• due to an easily accessible and palatable 마음에 드는 맛있는 diet

Causes (1) Insufficient sleep

(2) Endocrine disruptors (environmental pollutants

that interfere with lipid metabolism)

(3) Decreased variability in ambient temperature

(4) Decreased rates of smoking, because smoking

suppresses appetite

(5) increased use of medications that can cause

weight gain (e.g., Atypical antipsychotics)

(6) Proportional increases in ethnic and age

groups that tend to be heavier

(7) Pregnancy at a later age (which may cause

susceptibility to obesity in children)

(8) Epigenetic risk factors passed on


(9) Natural selection for higher BMI

(10) Assortative mating leading to increased

concentration of obesity risk factors (this would

increase the number of obese people by increasing

population variance in weight).

Other possible contributors to the recent increase

of obesity (2006)

Page 7: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient


By 비만원인 By 지방세포수 & 크기

By 지방조직의 체내 분포

By 비만 발생 시기

단순성 비만 지방세포 증식형 비만 복부형 비만 소아비만

이차성 비만 지방세포 비대형 비만 • 내장지방형 비만 성인비만

혼합형 비만 • 피부밑 지방형 비만

둔부형 비만


Page 8: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Symptoms

• 역류성식도염(gastroesophageal reflux disease)

• 식사 후 가슴근통증(흉통, pectoralgia)

• 복통(gastralgia)

• 발한(diaphoresis)

• 부종

• 호흡곤란

• 피로

• 관절통

• 수면무호흡증

• 앉아숨쉬기(기좌호흡, orthopnea)

• 월경불순(월경이상, menstrual irregularity)

• 접촉 피부염

• 팽창선조(striae distensae)

• 셀룰라이트(cellulite): 지방과다축적->진피층까지

-> 피부울퉁불퉁하게 만드는 것

Page 9: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Complications

• 인슐린저항성과 2형 당뇨병 • 고혈압 및 관상동맥 질환 • 이상지혈증(dyslipidemia) • 골관절염(osteoarthritis) • 호흡기 장애 • 기타

• 암 발병률이 높음, • 통풍, • 지방간, • 다낭성 난소증후군, • 여성불임, • 간내 담석

Page 10: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Complications

Page 11: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Test & Evaluations

Using 체중 & 신장지수 Using 지방분포 Using 기타 체지방량

체질량 지수 (BMI) 허리둘레 측정법 생체 전기저항분석법

상대 체중 허리-엉덩이 둘레비 측정법

컴퓨터 단층촬영법

피부주름두께 측정법

Page 12: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Test & Evaluations

Using 체중 & 신장지수 Using 지방분포 Using 기타 체지방량

체질량 지수 (BMI) 허리둘레 측정법 생체 전기저항분석법

상대 체중 허리-엉덩이 둘레비 측정법 컴퓨터 단층촬영법

피부주름두께 측정법

체질량 지수BMI = kg/m2

Page 13: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Test & Evaluations

Using 체중 & 신장지수 Using 지방분포 Using 기타 체지방량

체질량 지수 (BMI) 허리둘레 측정법 생체 전기저항분석법

상대 체중 허리-엉덩이 둘레비 측정법 컴퓨터 단층촬영법

피부주름두께 측정법

Page 14: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Test & Evaluations

Using 체중 & 신장지수 Using 지방분포 Using 기타 체지방량

체질량 지수 (BMI) 허리둘레 측정법 생체 전기저항분석법

상대 체중 허리-엉덩이 둘레비 측정법 컴퓨터 단층촬영법

피부주름두께 측정법

Page 15: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Test & Evaluations

Using 체중 & 신장지수 Using 지방분포 Using 기타 체지방량

체질량 지수 (BMI) 허리둘레 측정법 생체 전기저항분석법

상대 체중 허리-엉덩이 둘레비 측정법 컴퓨터 단층촬영법

피부주름두께 측정법

Page 16: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Test & Evaluations

Using 체중 & 신장지수 Using 지방분포 Using 기타 체지방량

체질량 지수 (BMI) 허리둘레 측정법 생체 전기저항분석법

상대 체중 허리-엉덩이 둘레비 측정법 컴퓨터 단층촬영법

피부주름두께 측정법

Page 17: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Obesity Test & Evaluations

Using 체중 & 신장지수 Using 지방분포 Using 기타 체지방량

체질량 지수 (BMI) 허리둘레 측정법 생체 전기저항분석법

상대 체중 허리-엉덩이 둘레비 측정법 컴퓨터 단층촬영법

피부주름두께 측정법

Page 18: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

• Treatments PT 의학적 처치

운동치료 물리적 인자치료 약물/수술

• 운동치료 • 운동처방 및 프로그램 • 운동종류 • 운동강도

• 도수치료

• 근막치료 • 피부굴리기 • 근막이완

• 림프배액법 (manual lymph drainage)

• 경락마사지

• 수치료 • 러시안욕 • 염수욕 • 저주파 진동욕

• 전기치료

• 심부투열치료 • 체외충격파

• 약물치료 • 시부트라민 • 올리스타드 • 펜터민

• 수술

• 위 밴드술 • 위소매 절제술 • 루와이 위우회술

• 식사요법미세수술

• 영양 섭취 평가 • 열량제한 • 지방

• 행동수정요법


Page 19: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

• Treatments PT 의학적 처치

운동치료 물리적 인자치료 약물/수술

• 운동치료 • 운동처방 및 프로그램 • 운동종류 • 운동강도

• 도수치료

• 근막치료 • 피부굴리기 • 근막이완

• 림프배액법 (manual lymph drainage)

• 경락마사지

• 수치료 • 러시안욕 • 염수욕 • 저주파 진동욕

• 전기치료

• 심부투열치료 • 체외충격파

• 약물치료 • 시부트라민 • 올리스타드 • 펜터민

• 수술

• 위 밴드술 • 위소매 절제술 • 루와이 위우회술

• 식사요법미세수술

• 영양 섭취 평가 • 열량제한 • 지방

• 행동수정요법


Page 20: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

• Treatments PT 의학적 처치

운동치료 물리적 인자치료 약물/수술

• 운동치료 • 운동처방 및 프로그램 • 운동종류 • 운동강도

• 도수치료

• 근막치료 • 피부굴리기 • 근막이완

• 림프배액법 (manual lymph drainage)

• 경락마사지

• 수치료 • 러시안욕 • 염수욕 • 저주파 진동욕

• 전기치료

• 심부투열치료 • 체외충격파

• 약물치료 • 시부트라민 • 올리스타드 • 펜터민

• 수술

• 위 밴드술 • 위소매 절제술 • 루와이 위우회술

• 식사요법미세수술

• 영양 섭취 평가 • 열량제한 • 지방

• 행동수정요법


Page 21: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

• Treatments PT 의학적 처치

운동치료 물리적 인자치료 약물/수술

• 운동치료 • 운동처방 및 프로그램 • 운동종류 • 운동강도

• 도수치료

• 근막치료 • 피부굴리기 • 근막이완

• 림프배액법 (manual lymph drainage)

• 경락마사지

• 수치료 • 러시안욕 • 염수욕 • 저주파 진동욕

• 전기치료

• 심부투열치료 • 체외충격파

• 약물치료 • 시부트라민 • 올리스타드 • 펜터민

• 수술

• 위 밴드술 • 위소매 절제술 • 루와이 위우회술

• 식사요법미세수술

• 영양 섭취 평가 • 열량제한 • 지방

• 행동수정요법


Page 22: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

• Treatments PT 의학적 처치

운동치료 물리적 인자치료 약물/수술

• 운동치료 • 운동처방 및 프로그램 • 운동종류 • 운동강도

• 도수치료

• 근막치료 • 피부굴리기 • 근막이완

• 림프배액법 (manual lymph drainage)

• 경락마사지

• 수치료 • 러시안욕 • 염수욕 • 저주파 진동욕

• 전기치료

• 심부투열치료 • 체외충격파

• 약물치료 • 시부트라민 • 올리스타드 • 펜터민

• 수술

• 위 밴드술 • 위소매 절제술 • 루와이 위우회술

• 식사요법미세수술

• 영양 섭취 평가 • 열량제한 • 지방

• 행동수정요법


Page 23: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

• 피부물리치료학, 이재형 외, 정담미디어, 2013

• 피부물리치료중재학, 박지환, 범문에듀케이션, 2013

참고 문헌

Page 24: Integumentary Physical Therapycontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2014/honam/leedongryul1/... · 2016-09-09 · that interfere with lipid metabolism) (3) Decreased variability in ambient

Dong-Ryul Lee, PT, Ph.D.

Copyright by Dong-Ryul Lee, PT, Ph.D.