Intensive Study Passage 1 Passage 2

Intensive Study Passage 1Passage 2. Passage 1 Toledo: A Problem of Menus

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Page 1: Intensive Study Passage 1Passage 2. Passage 1 Toledo: A Problem of Menus

Intensive Study

Passage 1 Passage 2

Page 2: Intensive Study Passage 1Passage 2. Passage 1 Toledo: A Problem of Menus

Passage 1

Toledo: A Problem of Menus

Page 3: Intensive Study Passage 1Passage 2. Passage 1 Toledo: A Problem of Menus

Related words and expressions:

1. I escaped but projected myself into an even worse situation… v. 逃脱;逃避2. “Do you smell something?”

v. 闻;嗅出;察觉到;有…气味3. Without speaking she pointed her fork at the partridge, whereupon her husband…

adv. 于是,因此;马上4. I was now in a relaxed mood and had no desire to see the Englishman… n. 心情;情绪

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5. …because I was sure he wanted to avoid a scene.

n. 吵闹;景象;场面6. … waiting for him to acknowledge me. v. 承认;表示感谢;表明已收到7. I tasted the partridge and it was exactly the way…

n. 味道;鉴赏力;品位;爱好

8. …and I am embarrassed to report that it smelled just like the partridge.

v. 使难堪;使困窘

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get away

use the sense of the nose

after that

a state of the feeling

a view of something from a specific place


special flavor that something has

cause to feel ashamed or shy

Students’ escape








Page 6: Intensive Study Passage 1Passage 2. Passage 1 Toledo: A Problem of Menus

Task 1: Answer the following questions according to the passage.

1. What menu did the author ask for in the restaurant ?

He asked for the tourist menu.

2. How many dished were available on the tourist menu?


3. What did the author find about the tourist menu?

Most of the dishes on the menu carried a surcharge.

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4. What does the author mean by saying “Madrid had laid

the law, but Toledo was carrying it out”?The local authorities ignored the price limits set by the central government.

5. Did the gentleman like the partridge he had ordered?

Why?No. Because it had a terrible smell.

6. Why did the author try to stop the Englishman calling

the waiter about the bad-smelling partridge?Because he didn’t want to see the Englishman make a fool of himself.

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Task 2:Fill in the blanks without referring to the passage.

At this point the waiter brought my ______, and I am embarrassed to report that it ______ just like the partridge. It was uneatable. I tried cutting off a small piece, but ______ ran out the end and the smell increased. I followed ______ and tasted it, but it was truly awful and I must have ______________, for the Englishman reached over, cut himself a helping, cut it into _____ and tried one while giving the other to his wife. Neither could eat the ______, whereupon the Englishman smiled and said very _____, “See what I mean?”



made a face




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Task 3: Translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

1. give sb. the impression that 给某人的印象是

(Para. 4) Unfortunately, I had chosen a table that

put me next to a good-looking, red-faced

Englishman whose suit gave the impression that

he must at home have been a hunting man.


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他们说的话给我的印象是他们刚争论过。What they said gave me the impression that they had just had an argument.


What you did gave us the impression that you are the real boss.


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2. as sb. suspected 正如…猜想的一样(Para. 4)He had, as I suspected he might have, ordered the partridge…


正如我所猜想的一样,他成功地通过了面试。He has, as I suspected, passed the interview successfully.跟你猜想的一样 ,那个地区的污染问题已经很严重 .The problem of pollution in that area, as you suspected, is very serious now.


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3. have no desire to see 不愿意看到…4. in …mood 以…的心情(Para. 13)I was now in a relaxed mood and had no desire to see the Englishman make a fool of himself, because I was sure he wanted to avoid a scene.当时我心情很轻松,不想看那个英国人出洋相,因为我肯定这个人不想与人争吵。


We have no desire to see our football team fail in the game.

我总是以放松的心情看电视。When I watch TV, I ‘m always in a relaxed mood.

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5. be accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于…(Para. 16) …“my good man, I’ve been accustomed to the well-hung all my life. Gamy. But this bird is rotten.”


在英国住了一年之后,我现在已经习惯吃英国菜了。Having lived in England for one year, I’ve got accustomed to English food now.

小姑娘对这个新家还不习惯。The little girl is not accustomed to the new home yet.

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Passage 2

Dial a Recipe

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Related words and expressions:

1. This is Dial a Recipe and I’m Jerry with today’s recipe: Strawberry ice cream, …

v. 烹饪法;处方

2. First of all, the ingredients.

n. 成分;原料;内容

3. Start by defrosting the strawberries.

v. 除霜,除冰;解冻

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4. Blend these together at high speed for a minute. v. 混合;搅和

5. Now add the cream and the mashed ice and blend everything together until it is smooth.

v. 挤,压,磨

6. Now the strawberry ice cream is ready to serve!v. 上菜;提供服务;用来作…

7. If you like, you can decorate it round the bottom with a few fresh strawberries. v. 装饰;点缀

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direction for preparing and cooking a dish, cake, etc.

one of the parts of a mixture

beat or crush into powder or paste

get rid of the ice or frost

mix something together to form a mixture

give, supply, and place food on the dinner table

make beautiful by putting ornaments on








Page 18: Intensive Study Passage 1Passage 2. Passage 1 Toledo: A Problem of Menus

Task 1: Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.

1. Jenny is hosting a TV recipe program. F

2. Today she is giving instructions on how to make a kind of strawberry ice-cream. T

3. The audience is supposed to have guests to entertain at home. F

4. Ingredients are the things we use for preparing a particular kind of food. T

5. The frozen strawberries are defrosted first in a micro-wave oven. F

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6. The strawberry and orange juice should be boiled in a saucepan. F

7. The well-blended mixture should be poured into a box and kept in the open air until it has set. F

8. Fresh strawberries can be used to make the ice-cream even more appealing. T

9. The ice-cream can be served as a nice dessert for about five persons. T

10. The Dial a Recipe will teach you how to cook a special dish for Christmas in its next day’s program.


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Task 2: Fill in the blanks according to the recipe in the passage.

Ingredients needed for making the Strawberry Ice-cream:1. ______________ mashed ice

2. ______________ cream

3. _________________ frozen strawberries

4. juice of _____________

5. ________________ gelatin

6. ________________ milk

7. ______________________ sugar

8. _____ eggs

a cup of

half a cup of

one packet of

an orange

half an ounce of

half a cup of

four tablespoons of


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Task 3: Put the instructions to make strawberry ice-cream in order and retell the passage in your own words.

a Put in fridge until set.

b Defrost strawberries in orange juice.

c Heat strawberry juice.

d Keep blending till smooth.

e Add cream and mashed ice.

f Blend for one minute.

g Add sugar, strawberries and eggs.

h Blend for one minutes.

i Put juice into blender.

j Pour into box.

k Add gelatin and milk. Key:b-c-i-k-f-g-h-e-d-j-a

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Put in Use Relative Clause

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Put in usePut in usePut in usePut in use

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

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Waiter: Would you like to have Chinese food or Western food, sir?  

Jackson: Chinese food, of course. _________.  

Waiter: Yes, I hope you’ll enjoy it. Here is the menu.  

Jackson: Thank you. But I know very little about Chinese food. Do you have any specialties to recommend?  

Jackson is eating in a Chinese restaurant for the first time. Complete the following conversation by choosing from the proper responses given below.  


Waiter: _________.  

Jackson: Oh, I know Beijing Roast Duck is popular in China. I’d like to try it.  

Waiter: O.K. _________. We serve a wide range of typical Chinese wines and beers.  

Jackson: Please recommend me the most typical.  

Waiter: _________.  

Jackson: Either will do, please.  




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Waiter: _________.  

Jackson: I’ve heard a little about Maotai and it is quite strong, isn’t it? Can I try

a small glass of it and have a beer?  

Waiter: Yes, of course. Would you like to use chopsticks or forks and knives?  

Jackson: I think chopsticks are very interesting. I’d like to use chopsticks.  

Waiter: OK. _________.  



A. And what would you like to drink?  

B. Then I’d like to recommend Maotai.  C. It’s said to be the most delicious in the world.  D. Do you mean wine or beer?  

E. Our specialties are Beijing Roast Duck and sliced cold chicken.  

F. I’ll bring your order right now.  

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Imagine you are having dinner at a restaurant. Fill in the

blanks according to the Chinese version provided.  

Waiter: Can I take your order now, sir?  

You: Yes. .

( 但我还没有看过菜单 呢 .) 

Waiter: I’ll show you one. Would you like Chinese food

or Western food? We serve both.  

You: .

( 我想品尝一下西餐。 )  

Waiter: I hope you’ll enjoy it. Here is the menu.  

But I haven’t got a menu, yet

I would like to try some western food

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You: Well, .

( 我要一份烤牛肉、蔬菜色拉和炸薯 条 .)


Waiter: Do you want some drinks?  

You: Yes. _________________________. ( 一杯啤酒。 )  

Waiter: Would you like any dessert later on?  

You: ______________________________ ( 你们有什么甜食 ?)  

Waiter: We have some very nice vanilla ice cream ( 香草冰激 凌。 )  

You: Very good. 6 ________________________. ( 我就要香草 冰激凌吧。 )

I’d like to have a roast beef, a vegetable salad

and French Fries

A glass of beer, please

What do you have for dessert?

I’ll take it.

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Suppose you are drinking at a bar. Play your role according

to the clues given in the brackets.  

Waiter: Good evening, sir. What would you like to drink?  

You: Well, ( 问他们有什么啤酒。 )

______________________________________ .  

Waiter: We have Qingdao, Five Stars, Shanghai, Xuehua and

dozens of other brands. Which one would you like?  

You: ( 请他推荐一种度数较低的。 )  


What sort of beer do you have?

Would you please recommend me a mild one?

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Waiter: May I suggest Qingdao beer? It’s milder than many

other brands. And it’s very popular in China.  

You: Good. ( 表示你要一杯青岛啤酒 .)

________________________________ .

Waiter: Yes, sir. I’ll be back right away. ... Here is your beer, sir.  

You: Thank you. Um, (表示啤酒的确好 . )


Waiter: What else would you have, sir?  

You:  (表示不需要了。) _______________________________________ .

Bring me a Qingdao beer

It does taste good

I think that’s enough. Thank you

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1. 这就是车祸发生的地点。

2. 他对国家做出的贡献将永远不会被人们遗忘。

3. 我想见一见提出这项有价值的建议的员工。

4. 你能不能告诉我,为什么拒绝接受他生日聚会的邀请。

5. 我昨天买的钢笔将作为礼物寄给你。

This is the place where/ at which the traffic/car accident occurred.

The contributions (that/which) he has made to the country will never be forgotten.

I’d like to see the employee who has put forward the valuable suggestion.

Could you tell me the reason why you refused the invitation to his birthday party?

The pen, which was bought yesterday, will be sent to you as a gift.

Write Through Translating

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6. 我无法告诉你她来桂林的准确时间。  

7. 他把房子卖了,这让他妻子很恼火。  

8. 正在装货的那艘轮船明天离港。  

9. 我的薪水没有提高,但这并不是我离开的原因。

10. 我相信你做什么饭我都喜欢吃。

I can’t tell you the exact time when she will be in Guilin.

He sold the house, which annoyed his wife.

The ship that/which is being loaded is leaving/sailing tomorrow.

I didn’t get a pay rise, but this wasn’t the reason why I left. 

I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything that you cook.

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Combine the two sentences into one with relative clause

1. Where is the beautiful picture? You bought it last Sunday.

2. We watched the play Teahouse. The play Teahouse was written by Lao She.

3. The building is at the other end of the Street. She is looking for the building.

Where is the beautiful picture which/that you boughtlast Sunday?

We watched the play Teahouse, which was written byLao She.

The building which she is looking for is at the other end of the street.

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4. The student studies very hard. His father is a model worker.

5. The hotel used to be a palace. The cadre is staying at it.

6. She told us the reason. The experiment failed.

The student whose father was a model worker studies very hard.

The hotel where the cadre is staying used to be a palace.

She told us the reason why the experiment failed.

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7. Maths is one of the most difficult subjects. I have never studied a more difficult subject.

8. I met my old schoolmate. He was very pleased to see me.

9. He once bought a railway ticket for a woman. It was reported in the newspaper.

Maths is one of the most difficult subjects that I have ever studied.

I met my old schoolmate, who was very pleased to see me.

He once bought a railway ticket for a woman, which was reported in the newspaper.

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10. Professor Li has told us something. We should do them in the summer vacation.

11. He was English himself. I soon learnt it.

12. The old man is Mr. Green. I met him at the gate.

Professor has told us something that we should do in the summer vacation.

As I soon learnt, he was English himself.

The old man whom/who/that I met at the gate is Mr. Green

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13. He has two sisters. Neither of them went to university.

14. He never hesitates to make such criticisms. They are considered helpful to others.

15. They tried to think of a plan. They could fulfill their task ahead of time by the plan.

He has two sisters, neither of whom went to university.

He never hesitates to make such criticisms as are considered helpful to others.

They tried to think of a plan by which could fulfill their task ahead of time

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