Introduction to Computer Systems Recitation 2 Yao Guo

Introduction to Computer Systems Recitation 2 Yao Guo

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Page 1: Introduction to Computer Systems Recitation 2 Yao Guo

Introduction to Computer Systems

Recitation 2

Yao Guo

Page 2: Introduction to Computer Systems Recitation 2 Yao Guo


• 作业提交时间– 周六晚 12 点(周日凌晨 0 点)

• 小班答疑时间– 周五下午 3-5 点

• 课程内容回顾– 本周:高嗣淳– 下周:李晨旸

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• Homework review• Review of this week’s material• Integer arithmetic– Negation

• TMin in C• Code security example• Floating point

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Arithmetic: Basic Rules

• Unsigned ints, 2’s complement ints are isomorphic rings: isomorphism = casting

• Left shift– Unsigned/signed: multiplication by 2k

– Always logical shift

• Right shift– Unsigned: logical shift, div (division + round to zero) by 2k

– Signed: arithmetic shift• Positive numbers: div (division + round to zero) by 2k

• Negative numbers: div (division + round away from zero) by 2k

Use biasing to fix

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leal (%eax,%eax,2), %eaxsall $2, %eax

Compiled Multiplication Code

• C compiler automatically generates shift/add code when multiplying by constant

int mul12(int x){ return x*12;}

t <- x+x*2return t << 2;

C Function

Compiled Arithmetic Operations Explanation

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shrl $3, %eax

Compiled Unsigned Division Code

• Uses logical shift for unsigned• For Java Users

– Logical shift written as >>>

unsigned udiv8(unsigned x){ return x/8;}

# Logical shiftreturn x >> 3;

C Function

Compiled Arithmetic Operations Explanation

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testl %eax, %eaxjs L4

L3:sarl $3, %eaxret

L4:addl $7, %eaxjmp L3

Compiled Signed Division Code

• Uses arithmetic shift for int• For Java Users

– Arith. shift written as >>

int idiv8(int x){ return x/8;}

if x < 0 x += 7;# Arithmetic shiftreturn x >> 3;

C Function

Compiled Arithmetic Operations Explanation

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Two’s Complement Negation

• Claim: Following Holds for 2’s Complement-x = ~x + 1

• Complement– Observation: ~x + x == 1111…111 == -1

• Is it always correct? Can you prove it?• The answer is NO!

– Consider x = 1000…0002

– ~x = 0111…1112 ~x+1 = 1000…0002 = x

1 0 0 1 0 11 1 x

0 1 1 0 1 00 0~x+

1 1 1 1 1 11 1-1

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Negation: Practice #1• You are given the task of writing a function with the following

prototype:/** Generate mask indicating rightmost 1 in x.* For example 0xFF00 -> 0x0100, and 0x6600 --> 0x0200.* If x = 0, then return 0.*/int rightmost_one(unsigned x);

– If argument x equals 0, this function returns 0. Otherwise, it returns a mask consisting of a single one inthe same position as the least significant bit with value 1 in x.

• Solution:return (x & -x);

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TMin in C

• In the C header file limits.h

/* Minimum and maximum values a ‘signed int’ can hold. */

#define INT_MAX 2147483647#define INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1)

• Why DON’T we write INT_MIN as -2147483648?

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Data type of TMin in C

• Consider the data type search order:

• We have:

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TMin: Practice #1

• Consider the following code:int dtmin = -2147483648;int dcomp2 = (dtmin < 0);int htmin = 0x80000000;int hcomp2 = (htmin < 0);

• What are the results of dcomp2 and hcomp2 for 32-bit and 64-bit machines?

• WHY?– The values of both constants are casted into type “int”.

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TMin: Practice #2

• Write TMinw

– where w is the number of bits in data type long• An example

/* Shift 1 over by 8*sizeof(long) - 1 */1L << sizeof(long)<<3 – 1

• What’s the value generated? Is it correct?– For 32 and 64-bit machines?

• No, Correct answer:1L << (sizeof(long)<<3) - 1

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Code Security Example

• Similar to code found in FreeBSD’s implementation of getpeername

• There are legions of smart people trying to find vulnerabilities in programs

/* Kernel memory region holding user-accessible data */#define KSIZE 1024char kbuf[KSIZE];

/* Copy at most maxlen bytes from kernel region to user buffer */int copy_from_kernel(void *user_dest, int maxlen) { /* Byte count len is minimum of buffer size and maxlen */ int len = KSIZE < maxlen ? KSIZE : maxlen; memcpy(user_dest, kbuf, len); return len;}

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Typical Usage/* Kernel memory region holding user-accessible data */#define KSIZE 1024char kbuf[KSIZE];

/* Copy at most maxlen bytes from kernel region to user buffer */int copy_from_kernel(void *user_dest, int maxlen) { /* Byte count len is minimum of buffer size and maxlen */ int len = KSIZE < maxlen ? KSIZE : maxlen; memcpy(user_dest, kbuf, len); return len;}

#define MSIZE 528

void getstuff() { char mybuf[MSIZE]; copy_from_kernel(mybuf, MSIZE); printf(“%s\n”, mybuf);}

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Malicious Usage/* Kernel memory region holding user-accessible data */#define KSIZE 1024char kbuf[KSIZE];

/* Copy at most maxlen bytes from kernel region to user buffer */int copy_from_kernel(void *user_dest, int maxlen) { /* Byte count len is minimum of buffer size and maxlen */ int len = KSIZE < maxlen ? KSIZE : maxlen; memcpy(user_dest, kbuf, len); return len;}

#define MSIZE 528

void getstuff() { char mybuf[MSIZE]; copy_from_kernel(mybuf, -MSIZE); . . .} /* Declaration of library function memcpy */

void *memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n);

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Floating Point Representation

• Basic format of bit representation (single precision):

More on IEEE-754: http://babbage.cs.qc.cuny.edu/IEEE-754/

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Interpreting the Bits

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Example: Practice 2.46

• 美国爱国者导弹系统– 时钟每次增加 0.1 秒– 0.110 = 0.000110011[0011] . . .2

– 截取 23 位 : x = 0.00011001100110011001100• 问题– 0.1-x 的二进制表示?– 0.1-x 的十进制表示?– 100 小时之后,时间的误差是多少?– 设导弹速度 3000m/s ,距离误差是多少?

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阿丽亚娜 5 号火箭• 1996 年发射失败• 原因:– 64-bit Float 转换为

16-bit int – 在 Ariane 4 上完全

正常– Ariane 5 的速度是

Ariane 4 的 5 倍– 溢出!!

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