Davidson High School Senior Project Handbook 2012-2013 Principal: Lewis Copeland Assistant Principal: Lynn Nettles Senior Project Coordinators: Sarah Hoeb Lydia Shantazio Compiled by: Lydia Shantazio

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Davidson High School

Senior Project Handbook


Principal: Lewis Copeland

Assistant Principal: Lynn Nettles

Senior Project Coordinators:

Sarah HoebLydia Shantazio

Compiled by: Lydia Shantazio

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Table of Contents

I. Introduction to Senior Project ………………………………………….. 4

II. Senior Project Binder Check List………………………………………………… 9

III. Proposal

Proposal Assignment Expectations……………………………….. 10Proposal Template………………………………………………………… 11Proposal Rubric……………………………………………………………... 12

IV. Project Mentor Mentor Expectations……………………………………………………. 13

Mentor Signature Form……………………………………………….. 14 Mentor Final Evaluation………………………………………………. 15

V. ResearchAnnotated Bibliography Assignment Expectations…….. 16

Research Source Notes………………………………………………. 17 Formatting the Annotated Bibliography…………………….. 18 Sample Annotated Bibliography………………………………….

19 MLA Citation Reference Sheet…………………………………… 21 MLA Sample Paper…………………………………………………….. 23 Works Cited Sample…………………………………………………….. 25 Works Cited Rubric………………………………………………………. 26 Annotated Bibliography Rubric…………………………………… 27 Research Paper Instructions………………………………………. 28

Research Paper Rubric……………………………………………….. 29

VI. Project Log Book Project Log Book Assignment Expectations………………. 30

Project Log Book Sample Template…………………………… 31 Senior Project Presentations………………………………………

32 Speech Outline Template………………………………………….. 34

VII. Reflective EssayReflective Essay Assignment Expectations……………… 38

Reflective Essay Rubric……………………………………………. 39

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VIII. Other Important FormsPower Point Instructions………………………………………… 40

Resume Expectations…………………………………………….. 41 Resume Rubric………………………………………………………..

44 Sign of Commitment Instructions…………………………… 45 Sign of Commitment Rubric……………………………………. 46 Letter to the Judges Instructions……………………………. 47 Sample Letter to the Judges…………………………………… 48

This handbook is intended to help you understand the Senior Project, see the big picture, plan ahead, and get started. Dates and other details should be regarded as approximate and not exact. Specifics and changes, should any be necessary, will be

announced in a timely manner as the year goes on. Some assignments and particulars may vary from teacher to teacher. However, the basic requirements will be the same.

PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH YOUR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS!Please note that a copy of this handbook can be found on the Davidson School website

at www.wpdavidson.org .

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“The Senior Project introduces a process of lifetime learning to you, the student. Learning should not end with your formal education. In the world beyond school, learning is ongoing. Adults must research, read, write, and collaborate with others in an effort to solve problems, expand opportunities, and satisfy curiosity.” – Kuna High School Senior Project Handbook 2012

Senior project provides you with the opportunity to learn skills you may use in the workplace while also providing you with hands-on experience in a real-world setting. You will also be able to create relationships with people in the community and network for possible job or internship positions after high school. Many Senior Project students have gone on to get paying jobs with their mentors after school ended, as well as internships and important recommendations from business and community leaders.

Senior Project is composed of four basic parts: the project, the portfolio, the presentation, and the product. This is a long-term project that will take the entire semester to complete. You will also be required to spend several hours outside of school working on this project. You are allowed to choose a researchable topic of interest to you. Make sure to choose something that you are genuinely interested in or passionate about, because you will be spending a lot of time working on this project!

Planning ahead will ensure that you Senior Project experience will be less stressful and much more enjoyable. We will be doing other reading and writing throughout the term as well, so follow the Senior Project Calendar given to you by your Senior Project teacher. Assignments must be received on the due date, or they receive a grade of zero. You will receive additional information and instruction on these major assignments as their time gets closer.

Project Supplies and Requirements

You will need a separate notebook exclusively for your Senior Project. Your Senior Project teacher will provide you with a portfolio notebook, which must be kept in class at all times, but you will also need to purchase a separate three-ring binder specifically for Senior Project work. Purchase a 3-ring binder (with plastic sleeves on the front and back covers) and two sets of tab dividers. You will also need to purchase at least two packs of plastic sheet covers for your Senior Project portfolio.

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You will be expected to show your Senior Project teacher your organized notebook frequently. Good organization is one of the many qualities needed for a successful Senior Project- so get off to a good start!

Choosing a Project

You will begin by choosing a topic for learning. You may choose anything from hands-on projects to career studies. The project begins with an essential question that drives your research. This question will guide not only your research, but also the project experience, the journal, the product, and the presentation.

Choose something you know little or nothing about but that you have an interest in. The Senior Project involves new learning. Choose something that you think will be beneficial for you to know. It may relate to a career interest that you have, or a topic of personal interest to you.

Projects that are already requirements in another course that you are enrolled in are not appropriate or acceptable for your Senior Project. Learning new job-related skills is very appropriate. Talk to your Senior Project teacher about past projects or your own project ideas. Your teacher can also supply you with a list of past project ideas.

Finding a Mentor

As part of your Senior Project, you will need to find an adult in the community who is willing to work with you and direct you in regards to your chosen topic. This person will be your Senior Project mentor. A mentor is a person with real expertise in the field of your topic. It is someone with a great deal of experience in your field. This mentor will guide and supervise you during your community service or job shadowing experience. Your mentor will supervise the time that you spend on the community service/job shadowing aspect of your project. Your mentor does not complete your project for you. He/ She will be a resource for you when you have a question or need guidance. Your mentor will also sign off on your mandatory service hours as well.

Once you have decided on an area of interest, your mentor can help you plan out what you will do and what might be an appropriate research paper topic. It is your responsibility to find and obtain a mentor, and ultimately, you will be held accountable for having a suitable mentor.

Find a mentor. Take chances. Look into new fields. Don’t be afraid to ask someone you do not know to be your mentor. Do not ask family members or friends to be mentors. This is not appropriate for Senior Project. You may have more than one mentor if you wish, and this is to your advantage. Your mentor cannot be someone here at Davidson High School, your parents, friends, or anyone younger than 21! In addition, it is recommended that you send a letter of request to your prospective mentor asking him/her to help you on the project you have chosen.

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Time Requirements

The project involves about 25+ hours of course work and 10+ hours of community service or job shadowing. Hours must be logged and completed by the time you are scheduled to present your Senior Project! Your hours can be completed any time during the months after your proposal has been approved, and they may be turned in prior to the due date. You are not expected to be a pro in this short time, nor is your mentor expected to be with you all of the time during your job shadowing/community service.

Your community service hours will be due before your research hours. Please follow the Senior Project calendar that is given to you at the beginning of the semester.

The Project Proposal

A formal proposal will be the first major component of your project. This will be completed during the first few weeks of your Senior English course. Before your project becomes official, it must be approved by your Senior English teacher. You must convince your teacher that your project is worthwhile and feasible. Not only is the proposal a very important assignment in its own right, but approval of the proposal is necessary for you to receive credit for later parts of the project.

Changing your research topic must be done at the very beginning of the semester before the research process begins. If you choose to change your topic, you must complete a new proposal, and it must be approved by your Senior Project teacher.

Possible Projects

Teaching Projects: Design and teach a unit to elementary students. Community Projects: Serve as an aide in a senior citizen’s home or a

daycare center or hospice. Assist members of a city committee to prepare a presentation. Get active in a political party or union, etc….

Vocational Projects: Contact several different employers who are willing to provide you with job shadowing opportunities in a field related to your topic. Survey employers as to job requirements and specifications. Work as a intern/observer in a business/professional office or in a city agency with an elected official. Learn aircraft welding. Learn a new job skill.

Performance Projects: Create and perform in public a dance, a play, a reading, musical number, give a speech, etc….

Primary Research Project: Compile an oral history. Research a building or a landmark. Research an ancestor. Survey area residents of some matter of concern to our own city government or business or a neighborhood association. Conduct an independent science experiment, etc….

Production Projects: Design and build a boat, a piece of furniture, or a model house. Rebuild an engine. Build a computer. Build a website. Draw a series of illustrations for a book. Paint a series of portraits. Create a photo essay. Write and produce a film, etc…

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*** This is not an exhaustive list! **** These points are only meant to be examples, but there are many different projects out there for you to complete. Just be creative and ambitious!

The Research Component

As an important part of your project, you will do research and reading that is relevant to the topic of your project. The research component comprises the first part of your Senior Project experience. This research component will culminate in an annotated bibliography and a research paper. The research paper must be 4-6 pages in length. It must be in MLA format. It must be relevant to your topic.

The Project Log Book

You will keep a Log Book that will record the date, time and details each time you work on your project. This should be periodically reviewed by both your mentor and your Senior Project teacher.

Write it down anytime you work on your project. Document your time, what you did, conversations with your mentor, conversations with others about your project, what you learned, problems you solved, obstacles you faced, etc…. * Your mentor MUST sign off on all of the community service hours or job shadowing hours that you complete.* You must have a minimum of 10 service hours that are performed outside of school. *

The Presentations

Classroom practice presentations will begin during the final phase of your Senior Project, and they will be the preliminary to the final public presentations. You will complete two classroom rehearsals. The final classroom rehearsal will be a dress rehearsal in which you will wear your planned outfit for Senior Project Board Night. It is important that your instructor approve your chosen attire. It needs to be appropriate to a professional academic setting.

A schedule will be drawn up well in advance so that you will know exactly what day you will need to bring your things to school. Your final presentations will need to be between 8-10 minutes in length. For your first classroom rehearsal, your speech must reach at least 6 minutes. Plan on about 10-15 minutes of actual presentation time as the judges will want to ask you questions about your project at the end.

Effective presentations utilize visuals, demonstrations, and whatever else helps to show what you accomplished and learned throughout Senior Project. You will receive feedback from your classroom teachers and fellow students on your presentation so that you can improve your speech before Board Night.

You will do a public presentation in December or May, depending on which semester you take Senior English. Time limits and formats are similar to the classroom presentations. The public presentation will allow community members to give input to the quality of your work. You will receive the Board Night schedule well in advance so that you can plan and prepare. You MUST present on Board Night! It is a 400 point grade, and it is the culmination of your Senior Project experience!

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We believe that this project can become the highlight of your high school career if you use this opportunity wisely. This project incorporates the Alabama State and District Standards for research, writing, speaking, and organization. These skills will benefit you in your future whether you decide to go to college or to enter the workplace after high school.

The Project Grade

In accordance with state standards, the Senior Project is pass/fail. Your Senior Project grade is a large part of your English 12 grade. Your Senior Project assignments will be counted as Test grades, which comprise 60% of your final average. In addition to Senior Project work, we will also be completing the 12th grade literature curriculum objectives assigned by the State and the District.

Senior Project assignments MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE DEADLINE OR THEY RECEIVE A GRADE OF ZERO. Senior Project is meant to teach the importance of meeting deadlines. If you miss a deadline at your job, you can be fired. Senior Project is set up in the same way. You must learn responsibility and accountability for your actions.

If you fail to submit an assignment by the deadline, you will receive a grade of zero; however, you must still submit that assignment before you are allowed to receive credit for the next Senior Project grade! If you fail to do this, you will accumulate many zeros and it will be difficult for you to pass the course. You MUST stay organized and submit assignments on time or you will not be successful in Senior Project.

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Senior Project Final Portfolio Checklist

The following items must be in your final portfolio. For Board Night, you must place clean, corrected, word processed copies of each assignment in your portfolio.

Assignment DateComplete


Score Revision StudentInitials


Letter to the Judges

Senior Project ProposalMentor Consent Form

Mentor Q & A Survey

Works Cited

Annotated Bibliography

Sentence Outline

Log Sheets



Sign of Commitment

Reflection Essay

Community Service Pictures

Product Pictures

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The Proposal

Statement of Assignment

During the first part of Senior Project, you will draft a proposal for your Senior Project topic. The proposal will be a graded assignment. Once your proposal has been approved, your Senior Project is “official.”


Your Senior Project teacher must know what you will be working on during the project phase, and must make sure that you have chosen a topic that you will be able to effectively research.

Your ability to persuade your readers that your project is worthwhile, serious, and viable is a very important criterion for the project.

The formal proposal is frequently encountered in business writing, so you should be familiar with this form.


Your proposal must be submitted in the form of a memorandum ( see attached template)

It must be organized into clearly headed blocks or sections according to its main parts.

It must be typed. Clarity, thoroughness, format, and appearance will be grading criteria.

Proposal Approval

Be prepared to submit a hard copy to your teacher, along with an electronic copy to Moodle. You must also keep a copy for yourself on your jump drive. BACK UP ALL OF YOUR WORK! Your teacher must sign off on your project proposal for it to be approved. Once she has signed your proposal, you can consider your proposal as accepted and begin working on the research. Keep your accepted proposal in your portfolio. Keep another copy with you as you begin to research your topic as it will provide you with a way to stay focused and keep your goals in mind.

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Proposal Template

TO: Senior Project Teachers

FROM: (Your Name)

DATE: (Current Date)


Topic: (1 -3 words telling your topic choice, i.e. Global Warming, Technology Trends, etc…)

Overview: 3-5 sentences briefly describing what your project is about and what it will look like.

Essential Question: What is the big question your hope to answer through this process? It should be clearly defined and measurable. Your thesis statement will answer this research question. You should also list supporting questions that you would like answered as you are working on discovering the answer to your big question. Examples: If your topic is Global Warming, you might ask a research question like this: “Do mankind’s activities- especially burning fossil fuels to create energy- affect climate? How? Why? “

Objectives: What goals do you hope to accomplish with this project? At this point, what do you see the final product or experience being? How will you know if you have been successful? Answer these questions in the objective section.

Statement of Significance: How is this project going to impact your life? Will you be gaining new knowledge, or is this an extension of prior knowledge? Why is this project worth doing? Convince your audience that your project is worthy of study, and tell your audience how this project is new learning for you.


Explain the what, when, where, how long, with whom (other than your mentor) of your project.

When will you meet with your mentor? How often ( guess if you don’t have one yet) What days will you set aside for your project What are your ideas for a product? How many hours per week will you need to complete this project?

Requirements: Time, money, materials, equipment, facilities, and/or assistance from others. Be realistic on the cost and the money. Where will you obtain the needed items? Do some initial footwork to get an approximate idea of the costs and materials.

Problems and Solutions: Try to anticipate potential problems that might arise, and then attempt to plan for them. If you’ve already found a mentor, this might be something to talk with him/her about.

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Possible Mentors: You will need a list of at least 3 possible mentors. You don’t have to have them approved yet. Be sure to include the mentor’s name, title, project qualifications, and contact information.

Senior Project Teacher Approval: Your teacher’s signature will be the final stamp of approval on your document. Create a signature line for your teacher to sign.

Proposal Rubric

This rubric will be used to grade and assess your submitted proposal. For the final portfolio, you must submit a corrected and ungraded copy of the proposal.

Standard Description PointsOverview 3-5 sentences of a clear

and defined description of the project


Essential ResearchQuestion

Research question is clearly defined and measurable with several supporting questions.


Statement ofSignificance

Student has a clear project vision, and the project is ambitious and challenging. Details new learning.


Plan Plan specifically details who, what, where, when, and how long required for student success.


Requirements Time, money, materials, etc. are clearly defined and realistic.


Problems and Solutions Anticipates all likely problems and obstacles, and offers possible solutions for each.


Mentors Listed at least 3 possible quality mentors with all requisite information.


Professionalism Complex sentences usedNo grammatical or spelling errors.Follows formatting requirements


Final GradeComments:

Teacher Comments:________/100

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Teacher Signature:____________________________________________________Date:_____________

The Mentor

Statement of Assignment:

You must find a mentor (21 or older) with expertise in your area of interest. Your mentor cannot be someone at Davidson High School, a parent, family member, or friend! In addition, if your mentor cannot commit to at least 5 hours of time to teach and guide you, you may choose to find another expert to give you direct instruction on what you want to learn.

You must complete and submit the mentor form as soon as you have identified a mentor. At the first meeting with your mentor, have him/her help you define and articulate your project goals. Once the mentor is approved, you may begin meeting with him/her as needed. Your mentors will sign off on the project goals you have listed, and they will also sign off on each hour that you spend at community service/ job shadowing. We advise that your parents or guardians meet and speak with your mentor so that you can all work together to arrange meetings and work time.


Having a mentor that is an expert in your chosen field of research will allow you access to a great resource as you are learning about your topic.

Your mentor should be someone that can help guide you to the places that you can find information and answers rather than simply giving the answers to you.

Mentor’s Role:

Be a resource for you; however, you are expected to do your own work with mentor assistance only when needed.

Provide guidance on the shape or form of the project. The mentor will help determine what you need to learn in order to accomplish the goals of the project.

Mentors should help students get started and the guide them through the process of deciding what steps to take and in what order. The mentor should not make decisions.

Provide emotional support when you experience setbacks or roadblocks. Be able to attest to what they have seen you do. They will be asked to complete an

evaluation of your work, and to sign off on all of the community service/ job shadowing hours you completed.

Mentors should be available for scheduled meetings throughout the semester and complete evaluations in a timely manner.

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Mentor Contact Information

Name:______________________________ Date:__________________________________

Company or Organization Affiliation:____________________________________________

Years of Experience:_________________________________________________________

Company Address:__________________________________________________________

Contact Phone:______________________________ Contact Email:_____________________

I understand that my position is primarily one of advising and giving technical assistance when needed and appropriate. I understand that it is not my responsibility to complete this project. I agree to supervise and sign off on the hours the mentee works. When requested I agree to send a written evaluation of _______________________’s work.

Based on my experience and expertise, I approve of the Project Proposal. I am willing to serve as _____________________________’s mentor and I understand that I will be expected to complete a final evaluation on the student’s performance.

Mentor Signature:_______________________________ Date:__________________________

Signature and Consent

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Parental Consent: As the parent/guardian of _____________________________, I am aware that he/she is engaged in completing the Senior Project at Davidson High School. I approve of the project proposed and the choice of the mentor.

Parent/ Guardian Signature:_________________________________ Date:____________________

Parent/ Guardian Name (please print) :__________________________________________________

Contact Phone:_____________________________ Contact email:_____________________________

Mentor Final Evaluation


This form is a required part of the documentation for the Senior Project. It is your responsibility to make sure that this evaluation has been completely filled out by your mentor and submitted to you teacher by__________________________.

Fill in the information below and then pass this document to your mentor to complete the bottom section.

Student Name:______________________________________________________________

SP Teacher’s Name:__________________________________________________________

My Learning Objectives (transfer from your Proposal)

1. _________________________________________________________________________





Thank you for your willingness to guide this student through his/her Senior Project. Please take a minute to assess the student’s achievement through this process in the following areas:

1. Do you believe the student met the objectives listed above? YES_____ NO______EXPLAIN: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Did the student meet the required number of community service/job shadowing hours? (10 Hours) YES__________ NO___________

3. What evidence of new learning was provided by the student?_______________________________________________________________________________

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4. Please comment on the student’s motivation, work ethic, attitude, commitment, etc…..________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MENTOR SIGNATURE:_________________________________ DATE:_______________

Would you be willing to mentor future Senior Project Students? YES_____ NO______ Please return this form to the student or to Davidson High School

Davidson High School, 3900 Pleasant Valley Rd., Mobile, AL 36609, 251-221-3084

The Annotated Bibliography

Statement of Assignment

In your Proposal, you have indicated an area of interest, some project goals, and some plans for achieving those goals. One major component of Senior Project is the research that you do based on your topic. You must do extensive reading and research that is relevant to your Senior Project topic.

Sources of information may include, but are not limited to, books, magazines, web sites, databases, manuals, trade and professional literature, interviews, video and film. Strive for a variety of sources. You must have a minimum of 8 research sources for the final paper. You must have at least 3 AVL sources, 1 book source, and two internet sources. The other sources may be chosen at your discretion. Your English teacher will approve of the sources selected. For the annotated bibliography, you must have 3-5 reputable sources.

Note cards will enhance the quality of your sources. You will be provided with a template explaining how to correctly format your note cards.

A note about plagiarism: don’t do it. When doing research, it can be very easy to accidentally plagiarize by not citing where you have found the information you are using to answer your Essential Research Question. The best way to avoid plagiarizing is to document your research and keep it organized.


As you are researching, you will need an organized way to collect your information. Note cards and an annotated bibliography will allow you to collect that information and comment on it so you will know what will be useful to your essay.

Your ability to collect information from credible sources to help you answer your essential question will make your Senior Project more meaningful to you.

The annotated bibliography is a frequently encountered form of research writing with which you should be familiar.

Description of the Assignment

3-5 credible sources properly documented in MLA format.

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Each annotation should include: - 3-5 sentences of summary- put the source into your own words- 3-5 sentences of evaluation- explain how this will be beneficial to your research and

project- 2-3 sentences verifying source credibility-you will need to explain and justify to your

audience that your source is credible. 1” inch margins Double spaced 12 pt. Times New Roman font Entries in alphabetical order See the sample attached bibliography for the proper format. Annotated bibliographies not in

proper format will not be accepted!

Research Note Cards

MLA Documentation of Source : ( See the MLA citation handout for how to do this properly)

3-5 Sentence SUMMARY OF SOURCE: ( In your own words, what does this source say)

3-5 Sentence EVALUATION OF SOURCE : (Explain how this source will be used /useful to answering your Essential Research Question)

2-3 Sentences SOURCE CREDIBILITY: ( Explain and justify the credibility of this source)




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( ) .

( ).

Formatting the Annotated Bibliography

1. Running Header (Last name and page number) in the upper right hand corner. a. <Insert>b. Header-Blankc. Right justify the cursor and type your last named. <Header and Footer Tools>e. <Page Numbers>f. <Current Position>

2. Double space the entire page 3. Header: ( Should be left justified)

a. Your Nameb. Teacher’s Namec. Class Titled. Datee. Hit Enter Once f. *The header is only on the first page*

4. Title: (Should be centered) a. Topic: An Annotated Bibliographyb. Hit Enter Once.

5. Entries: (Should be left justified with a hanging indent) a. Should be alphabetized by author’s last name ( or the first word of

the entry if no author is given) b. No extra spaces between each entryc. MLA citation followed by annotationd. See Sample

6. Annotations: a. Follow immediately after MLA Citationb. 3-5 sentences of summary of source ( see notes section on


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c. 3-5 sentences of assessment ( see assessment notes)d. There should be no “paragraph breaks” between summary and

assessmente. See Sample.

*Sample Annotated Bibliography*

Neil Mabry

Mrs. Shantazio

English 12

11 October 2012

Attainability of College: An Annotated Bibliography

“College Scholarships- Free Scholarship Grants Program.” College Admissions- SAT-

University & College Search Tool. College Board, 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2012.

With so many different types of scholarships, it is important to understand the

process. Identifying your interests and career plans will help with the scholarship

process. Scholarships can be found in many places varying from local

scholarships, various organizations, small businesses, large corporations, to the

institution to which a student hope to attend. Contacting the local State

Department of Education is a great way to look for additional scholarships. While

this article doesn’t have a specific author attached to it, the College Board is a

not-for-profit organization that is designed to provide future students with

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information about scholarships. The College Board is a reference tool designed to

help teachers of AP courses as well as students. The President of the organization

has credentials to be an authority on this topic; he has served as governor of West

Virginia, helped rewrite the SAT, and helped develop AP programs in

underprivileged schools.

“Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program.” Ed.gov.US Department of Education, 2009.

Web. 11 Oct. 2012. Work study programs offer qualifying students the

opportunity to work off part of their college tuition through employment on

campus. The students must qualify for financial aid as determined by the FAFSA.

Campus jobs must pay at least the federal minimum wage. This website is

published by the US Department of Education, which designs, manages, and

regulates all such programs, and is therefore not only reliable, but probably the

most reliable source for this information. The US Department of Education

creates federal financial aid policies for the nation. As a website run by the

government ( it’s a .gov site), it is reliable, even though it is not signed by an

individual author.

Weston, Liz Pulliam. “ How much college debt is too much?” MSN Money. 11 January

2008. Web. 7 October 2012. Weston’s article cautions students to be prudent and

not overextend themselves or their parents when making plans to pay for college.

Instead of borrowing upwards of $ 21, 000 ( the national average debt of a

graduation college student), Weston suggests grants, work-study, and widening

your choices in schools as viable options to debt. She also advises college

students and their families against tapping into the equity on existing properties,

as the interest rates are traditionally higher on second mortgages than on

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educational loans. In “How much college debt is too much?”, Weston advises

potential college students to weigh all options before taking out loans, cautioning

students of the negative impact and effects repayment of loans can have on a

student’s future. So often, loans appear to be the easiest and simplest way to pay

for college, but actually can have a long-lasting, negative impact on the student’s

post-college life and finances. Weston has written multiple books on the subject

of finance, including Easy Money: How to Simplify Your Finances and Get What

You Want Out of Life , and she is the winner of the 2007 Clarion Award for

online journalism. She writes exclusively for MSN Money.

MLA Citation Reference


Basic Book (one author)

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

Medium of Publication.

Book with no author

Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of


Book with an editor

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Ed. Editor’s First and Last Name. Place of

Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

Essay or Portion from a Collection ( Book)

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Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Essay.” Title of Collection. Ed. Editor’s Name(s). Place of

Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.

Article in Well-Known Reference Book

“Title of Entry.” Title of Reference Book. Edition. Year. Medium.

Multi-volume Works

Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Section.” Title of Collection/Book. Translator or Editor’s

Name. Vol. #. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry.

Medium of Publication.

Article in Magazine or Newspaper (print) – note that pagination is different

Author(s). “Title of Article.” Title of Periodical. Day Month Year: pages. Medium of



Remember to use n.p. if no publisher name is available and n.d. if no publishing date

is given.

Entire Website

Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version Number. Name of

institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of

resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.

Part of a website- one webpage

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Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). “Title of Webpage/Section.” Name of

Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site

(sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of

publication. Date of access.

Online Magazine/ Newspaper

Editor, author, or compiler name ( if available). “Article Name.” Name of Site. Version

Number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or

publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of


*Sample MLA Paper and Works Cited*

Note: Your paper and Works Cited will be much longer!

Firstname Lastname

Instructor’s Name

Course Number

6 May 2023

Center Title, Do Not Bold or Underline

Created by Kirby Rideout of Collin County Community College, this is a

template for formatting a research paper in MLA format. The paper has one-inch margins

all around. Each page has a header of last name and page number. The paper will be

double-spaced throughout, no extra space between sections or paragraphs. The entire

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paper, including the heading and title, needs to be in the same type and size of font. This

template uses Times New Roman 12pt font. Because it is easy to read, this font is

definitely appropriate for college essays. Make sure that the essay is left aligned, not fully

justified. One space between sentences is standard; however, double-spacing between

sentences is okay. Follow your instructor’s preference in spacing and be consistent. Hit

the enter key only once at the end of each paragraph.

In the MLA format, you document your research in parenthetical citations. This

allows you to “acknowledge your sources by keying brief parenthetical citations in your

text to an alphabetical list of works that appears at the end of the paper” (Gibaldi 142).

Notice that in this brief citation the period goes after the parenthesis. The information in

parenthesis should be as brief as possible. You will use the author’s last name or a

shortened title for unsigned works. If you used the key information (author’s last name or

the title of an unsigned work) in your text, do not repeat it in the parenthesis. Gibaldi


The information in your parenthetical references in the text must match

the corresponding information in the entries in your list of works cited.

For a typical works-cited-list entry, which begins with the name of the

author (or editor, translator, or narrator), the parenthetical reference begins

with the same name. . . . If the work is listed by title, use the title,

shortened or in full. . . . (238-239)

Notice how the long quote was set off by an extra one-inch margin rather than quotations

marks, and in this case, the period goes before the parenthetical citation. Chapters 5 and 6

of the MLA Handbook give more information on works cited and parenthetical citation.

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After the last paragraph in an MLA style essay, force the document to begin a

new page for the Works Cited page. The Works Cited page will still have the one-inch

margins all the way around and have the heading of last name and page number. This

page will also be double-spaced throughout with no extra space between entries. Items in

a Works Cited page will be alphabetized by the first word of each entry (author’s last

name or title of work). Each entry will use a hanging indent, in which lines after the first

indent half an inch. Because the URLs in a Works Cited page are not underlined, remove

the hyperlinks so that URLs will be formatted correctly. To do this, right click on the

hyperlink and select remove hyperlink. The sample Works Cited page that follows has

the entry for the MLA Handbook and then templates for some of the most common types

of sources used. For more information, refer to chapters 5 and 6 of the MLA Handbook.

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Works Cited

Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York:

MLA, 2003. Print.

Lastname, Firstname. Title of the Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Medium of


Lastname, Firstname. “Title of the Article.” Name of the Scholarly Journal.

Volume.Issue (Date): first page-last page. Medium of Publication.

Lastname, Firstname. “Title of the Newspaper Article.” Title of the Newspaper Date,

edition: Section Page number. Medium of Publication

“The Title of the Article.” Title of Magazine Date: page number. Name of the Library

Database: Name of the Service. Name of the library with city, state abbreviation.

Date of access. Medium of Publication.

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MLA Works Cited Rubric

Name: ___________________________________ Works Cited Score:_________

3 points each

Y N Last name and page # are in upper right corner.


Y N “Works Cited” title is centered on page and spelled correctly.


Y N Entries start with an author or title and author is last name, first name.


Y N The list is alphabetized.


Y N The entire document is double-spaced.


Y N Text extending to next line has hanging indent.


Y N Used “quote marks” for article titles.


Y N Book titles are italicized.


Y N One space after each period.


Y N Appropriate capitalization.


Y N Dates are formatted correctly.


Y N Font size and style are appropriate


Y N Three or more sources are present.


Y N Each citation uses MLA 7th Edition format.


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Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Minimum Requirements: You will earn points for complying with each of the following requirements.

Points Possible

Requirement Points Earned

10 Reliability and credibility of source 1 10 Reliability and credibility of source 210 Reliability and credibility of source 310 Reliability and credibility of source 410 Reliability and credibility of source 510 Source 1-Annotations 8-13 sent. Of summary

and evaluation10 Source 2-Annotation 8-13 sentences of

summary and evaluation10 Source 3-Annotation 8-13 sentences of

summary and evaluation10 Source 4-Annotation 8-13 sentences of

summary and evaluation10 Source 5- Annotation 8-13 sentences of

summary and evaluation. 100 pts. Total Points Earned:

Technical Deductions: In addition to points earned for having the proper sources, you are being graded on correct MLA citation of such sources on your Works Cited list. Areas for possible deductions are listed below.

Area Evaluated No Deduction - 2 points -4 points -6 pointsFormatting-12 pt. font, double spaced, hanging indents, margins, alphabetical order, etc…

0 errors 1-2 errors 3-5 errors 6-8 errors

Punctuation of sources

0 errors 1-5 errors 6-10 errors 11-15 errors

Order of Elements of each citation

0 errors 1-5 errors 6-10 errors 11-15 errors

Completion of Entries for each citation-required info fully approved

0 errors 1-2 errors 3-5 errors 6-8 errors

Annotations-writing is free of grammatical and structural errors

0 errors 1-2 errors 3-5 errors 6-8 errors

Points Deducted

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Total Points Earned: ___________/100

The Research Paper

Statement of Assignment

In addition to your hands-on project, you must complete a 4-6 page research paper that answers , explains, and evaluates the Essential Research Question that was laid out in your Proposal. Using your Annotated Bibliography research you will answer your Essential Research Question in an essay. The answer to your questions should become your thesis statement. Since the research essay will be completed before your project, this should be outside information on your topic, NOT a reflection on your project of the work you are completing. Your sources should be the ones you have already read and found in your Annotated Bibliography.

Plagiarized essays, in any form, will not be accepted and will be grounds for a zero. When in doubt, cite! You must submit your paper to Turnitin.com, Moodle, and you must supply your teacher with a hard copy by the due date in order to receive credit for this assignment.

Rationale for the Assignment

Researching your topic from other experts in the field will give you another perspective on your topic.

Your ability to collect information from credible sources to help you answer your essential research question will make your Senior Project more meaningful to you.

The research essay is a frequently encountered form of writing with which you should be familiar.

Description of the Assignment

Essay must fully and completely answer a thesis statement laid out in the introduction paragraph.

MLA format with parenthetical citations and a Works Cited Page Typed, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font 6-8 Concrete details from the research you collected on your Annotated

Bibliography, properly cited. Attached Sentence Outline in MLA format

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Research Paper Name: Date:________________________________

10 – 9 8 – 7 6 – 5 4 – 3

Mastery Above Average Average Below Average Failure

Unity and Coherence

_____ MLA Format: The paper should follow the MLA format rules. TOTAL POINTS: _________/200

_____ Paragraph and Paper Unity: Each maintains a clear focus.

_____ Paper Unity: Avoids digressions and off-topic discussions.

_____ Use of Transitions: Smooth links provided both within and between paragraphs.

_____ Quotations: Should be clearly introduced.

_____ Sentence Sophistication: Variety and complexity in syntax.

_____ Sophisticated Diction: Word choice shows variety and preciseness.

_____ Introduction: Leads into topic and provides thesis.

_____ Conclusion: Broadens or returns to idea of introduction.

_____ Conventions: Should be near perfect in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


_____ Clarity of Thesis: The paper should make a clear central point or argument.

_____ Depth of Thesis: Should be a topic under dispute or worthy of clarification.

_____ Thoroughness of Discussion: Should account for all elements of the argument.

_____ Integration of Analysis and Research: The paper should display your understanding of the borrowed material while

engaging in original thought. MUST have eight sources.


_____ MLA Documentation: Bibliography and citations should follow models to perfection.

_____ Direct Quotes: Should be integrated smoothly and with purpose.

_____ Use of Critical Sources: Should be used throughout the paper.

_____ Analysis of Evidence: Chosen quotes should be discussed.

_____ Relevance: Sources used should be relevant to points being made.

_____ Quality of Critical Sources: Should be from clearly authoritative sources.

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Project Log Book

The Project Log Book is essential in documenting the time and effort you put into the project as well as a narration for you to reflect on after the project is complete. Your log book will consist of two parts: the journal, and the time log and reflections for your community service and job shadowing.

Using the templates provided to you, your Time Log will consist of the following parts:

Date: When you completed the community service/job shadowing hours

Hours: How much time you logged on that visit

Meeting Place: Where you met your mentor for community service/job shadowing

Description: What you did while you were there or questions that you had for your mentor

Mentor Initials/Signature: Your mentor MUST SIGN OFF ON EVERY ENTRY! If he/she does not, that entry is not valid.

Journals: Your journals will be completed on Moodle. You will have a different journal question each week that must be posted by the end of the week for a grade. At the end of the semester before presentation time, you will copy and paste all of your journal entries into a word document, format them to your teacher’s specifications, and then print them out and put them in your portfolio. You will receive weekly grades for your journal entries.

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Name: _______________________________ Mentor: ______________________________________

Regular Meeting Time/Place: _______________________________________

Senior Project Mentor Time Log

Date Amount of Time Spent

Meeting PlaceDescription of Activities Mentor Signature

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Senior Project Presentations

The Senior Project culminates in a formal presentation given in front of members of the community. This presentation allows you share all that you have learned throughout your Senior Project experience.

You will give an 8-10 minute presentation for your classmates and Senior Project speaker before you give your speech on Board Night. Your teacher will grade you using the same rubric the community members will be using on Board Night. This should be considered as a dress rehearsal for your community presentation. Use the comments and feedback from your teacher and your fellow students to better prepare for the community presentation.

Additionally, you will make a presentation to a panel of patrons of the district, community members, and/or faculty members. The two presentations will have the same time limits, share the same material, and will likely be quite similar.

Your presentation should focus on:

What you did Why you did it What you learned

Your research, your journal, and any pictures or artifacts you have will all come together in your presentation.

Preparing the Presentation

You will have a 12-15 minute time slot which includes the set up, delivery, and take down of your presentation and visual aids, as well as judge’s questions. The actual speech should be between 8-10 minutes. Try not to go over your allotted time, as it can bring down your score and hold up the rest of the presenters. However, keep in mind that a shorter presentation will not provide your audience enough information to determine the success and value of the project. One that is too long may be cut off before it is finished. Edit thoughtfully and time yourself as you practice. Have equipment and materials at the ready.

When you have finished speaking, be ready to answer questions from the judges about your project and your research. You are required to complete a power point presentation or a prezi to accompany your project. You must use visual aids to provide your audience with context and evidence collected during your project. This slide show will also help you to stay organized, focused, and on-topic in your speech. You may also bring in other visual aids or artifacts to use as evidence of research. You will also need to bring in your created product.

Products or artifacts may include but are not limited to:

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Objects (no weapons) Models Video Flipcharts Project Photo albums Printed handouts Power points

Your presentation is first and foremost an informative speech. All the tips and techniques you learned in speech class should help you here. Classroom presentations will be graded. Content, organization, delivery, and overall effect will be the criteria for grading.

Scheduling In-Class Presentations

Presentations will be scheduled day-by-day so that they will be complete before public presentations begin. Your teacher will post a schedule so that you will know exactly what day you must be ready to bring your things to school. For the dress rehearsal, you will need to wear the clothes that you will be wearing on Board Night. Your Senior Project teacher must approve your outfit beforehand.

Gentlemen, wear nice slacks, dress shoes, button down shirts, and ties. If you have a sports coat, this would be an appropriate time to wear it. No cargo pants or T-shirts. Ladies, you may wear dress slacks, skirts, or dresses. Dresses and skirts should come to the knee. Dresses and skirts should not be too tight or figure hugging. Do not put your cleavage on display. Do not wear heels higher than 2 inches. You will be uncomfortable, and it will look unprofessional. Do not wear flashy jewelry; it is a distraction. Be tasteful and classy. Dress as if you are going to a job interview.

Once the dress-rehearsal schedule is drawn, it is very difficult to reschedule you without bumping someone else from their time slot. If you do not come to school on the day of your presentation, and you have not notified your teacher that you will be absent, you will receive a grade of zero on your dress rehearsal. If you must be absent on the day of your rehearsal, you must contact your teacher via phone or email beforehand. You must also provide a VALID written excuse from a parent/guardian, or doctor to be able to make-up your speech.

Scheduling Public Presentations

A master schedule of all presentations will be drawn up well in advance in order to give you ample time to adjust your schedule. Make sure you are not scheduled to work nor do extracurricular activities on Board Night. Board Night is a major part of your Senior Project grade and experience.

Specific room assignments will take into consideration what presentation media you have requested. On the day of Board Night, you will be required to stay 15-20 minutes after school in order to set up the room that you will present in. This will be for a grade, and if you leave before doing it, you will not present on Board Night. On Board Night, you must arrive at the DHS library no later than 5:30. You will remain in the

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library until you are called out for your presentation. When you finish your presentation, you may check in with your Senior Project teachers, and then leave.

Final presentations will be judged by the community member panelists. They will not directly grade you, but your SP teacher will take their critique sheets into account to arrive at a grade. They will evaluate you on how clearly and completely your presentation conveys your project. Appearance and overall effect are also important.


Directions: You may use the following as an outline as a guide to help you complete your speech. Fill in the blanks with your speech, and work on perfecting and memorizing your key points.

* Before your speech, don’t forget to shake hands with the judges and introduce yourself*

I. Introduction

A. Attention Grabber:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. Good Evening, my name is:_______________________________________________________

C. I chose to do my Senior Project on the topic of:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D. I chose this topic because:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Body

A. During my research, I discovered four/five outstanding facts. 1.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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3. ______________________________________________________________________________


A. _______________________________________________________________________________



B. I chose to do my community service at _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________( Name organization)

B. I chose to do my community service at this organization because:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(relate community service to your topic and research)

2. During community service, I worked closely with a mentor who helped to guide me through my service experience. My mentor’s name is:___________________________________________________________________________

and he/she ( list position, experience, etc….) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ( Discuss community service in depth) During my first visit:_________________________________________________________________

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4. Also during community service, I : ________________________________________________


5. As a result of community service, I chose to create the following product: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. I chose this product idea because: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. This product was used to: ______________________________________________________

8. (Discuss the product development step-by-step)

a. In order to develop my product I first had to :______________________________________




C. Secondly/ Then: _______________________________________________________________

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D. Thirdly/Lastly/ Following that: _____________________________________________________




E. _______________________________________________________________



F. I faced/ experienced a few challenges while creating my product. For example: (Describe the challenges you faced)


G. Conclusion:

H. During Senior Project, I experienced two learning stretches. I. My first learning stretch was intellectual/physical/emotional.

(describe your first learning stretch)


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J. My second learning stretch was intellectual/physical/emotional.

(describe your second learning stretch)



K. Completing Senior Project was challenging because: (Describe your challenging component) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

L. However, throughout Senior Project I learned to/ that: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Describe a life skill you developed)

M. Senior Project also taught me that I can/ am: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________( list element of self-discovery)

N. This concludes my speech. Thank you for your time. Are there any questions? ( Take this time to answer judges questions)

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Reflective Essay

Statement of Assignment

After you have completed the research and service elements of your Senior Project, you will reflect on the process and outcomes of your Senior Project experience. This essay should comment on your thoughts and feelings about how your project progressed, what you learned, and what personal skills you gained during the project.

Using your research and your personal experiences during community service/job shadowing, explain what you learned/gained from this project. Topics could include, but are not limited to:

What went well What didn’t go as planned and how you overcame that obstacle What you learned from your mentor How the knowledge you gained will affect your life How you will use this knowledge in the future

Rationale of Assignment Your ability to look back at your process and critique its effectiveness will allow you to

gain perspective on your project. Reflection allows you to see what you can improve upon for the next learning venture

you undertake. Reflection is a process employers and educators will require (i.e. job performance


Description of the Assignment 2-3 pages in MLA format Double Spaced Times New Roman, 12 pt. font 6-8 Concrete details ( examples from your research, journals, or presentation) Addresses multiple aspects of your project Uses concrete evidence from your project to explain what you learned.

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Reflective Essay Rubric

This rubric will be used to assess your performance on the reflective essay. You will be graded in the following categories:

Content Area Description Total PointsThesis -Describes what you

learned/gained from the project.- Extremely clear, challenging and interesting.


Introduction -Actively engages the reader in an interesting way.-Clearly introduces the topic with plenty of detail-Includes the thesis statement


Body Paragraphs - Includes a clear and focused topic sentence that helps to explain the thesis-Structure is organized and coherent-Paragraphs are in logical order


Concrete Details - 6-8 concrete details from your research or experience-Relevant to the thesis-Add to the meaning of the essay


Discussion - Author’s ideas are clearly expressed, interesting, and relevant to the thesis


Conclusion -Rephrase the information presented-Does not present brand new ideas-Refers back to the main thesis -Reconnects to the hook in the intro


Professionalism -Complex sentences

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-Word Choice is appropriate-No grammatical or spelling errors-Accurate MLA formatting


TOTAL POINTS: ___________/100


Power Point Instructions

Directions: Must have a minimum of nine slides. Slides must be in order according to these instructions. Use a solid color for your background. Do not use bright or distracting colors. Avoid animation and sound effects. Font can be no smaller than 20 pt.

SLIDE ONE: Attention Grabber centered on the slide.

SLIDE TWO: Your name, topic, and research question centered on the slide.

SLIDE THREE: Four outstanding facts from your research written in bullet form. These should be phrases, not complete sentences. You will expand and explain them in your speech.

SLIDE FOUR: Collage of pictures related to your topic. Use non-copyrighted images only.

SLIDE FIVE: Community service/ job shadowing pictures. You must have AT LEAST five pictures from your community service. This should be action shots of you doing something.

SLIDE SIX: Picture of your mentor with his/her name centered above

SLIDE SEVEN: Your two learning stretches, bulleted and labeled as either physical/emotional/ intellectual. These descriptions should not be written in completed sentences- just phrases.

SLIDE EIGHT: List your challenging component(s) and your element of self-discovery ( something positive you learned about yourself during Senior Project) .

SLIDE NINE: A picture and a description of your final product.

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The Resume

The Assignment

You will be responsible for creating a professional resume that you can use when you

enter the workplace. Resumes and application forms are two ways to provide employers with

written evidence of your qualifications and skills. Generally, the same information appears on

both a resume and an

A resume must be very easy to read so that an employer can see at a glance who you are, where

you can be reached, what kind of work you can do, and why you’re qualified for that kind of


A resume should be short, preferable one page typewritten. It must be error free. It includes

honest, positive information that is related to your job goal.

A good resume will open the door for an interview.

To respond to a want ad

To give an employer more information about you than the job application gives

To send to a company you’d like to work for

To give to an interviewer so he or she will ask you about the positive things on your

resume you want to talk about

To leave with an employer after an interview as a reminder of your skills and abilities

You need two types of information to prepare your resume:

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1. Self information. Completing a background and experience list will give you the self

information required to prepare your resume.

If you’ve worked before, list your jobs. Next, write down the work duties for the jobs

you’ve listed. Now, think about the skills or talents it took to do each work duty. Write

them down.

List your hobbies, clubs you belong to, sports you’ve been involved in, church and school

activities, and things that interest you. Look at the first item on your list. Think about the

skills or talents it takes to do that item. Write them all down.

Look at the abilities (talents) identified on your background and experience list. You

have talents that you use everyday. Now, find out what JOBS can use your talents.

Don’t limit yourself. The important thing is not the job title, but the skills and abilities of

the job.

2. Job information. Gather specific information on the job you’re applying for. Here’s what

you need:

Job duties (to match your skills to the skills needed to do the job). Get your job duties

from the job announcement. If the job announcement or ad is vague, call the employer

and ask for a description of job duties.

Education and experience required (again, so you can match your education and

experience with that required for the job).

Hours and shifts usually worked.

Pay range (make their top offer the minimum acceptable!).

The best way to select information that belongs on your resume is to think like an employer. Ask

yourself, "If I were hiring a person for this position, what training and experience would be

related?" Give brief, specific, positive information that would be of interest to your next

employer. Do not give unrelated or negative information.

Contact information

Tell the employer your full name, street address, apartment number, city, state, zip code and

telephone number (including area code).

Employment goal or job objective

Tell the employer the specific job you are interested in. Good examples are, "An entry-level

clerical position", "A customer-service position in the retail industry", or, "A manufacturing

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position utilizing my five years of quality control experience."

Avoid vague statements like, "A position with growth potential", or, "A challenging position with

a stable company." Remember, keep it simple and to the point.

Summary of Qualifications

Tell the employer your major selling points in 3-5 lines. Be brief, summarize, give facts — not

opinions. (This section is optional)

Work Experience or Work History

Tell the employer about your work experience in one of two ways — either by job titles and

dates, or by functions and skills. Later in the publication you will see outlines and sample

resumes which will help you decide which way would work best for you.


Tell the employer about any job-related training or education. List your most recent training


If you are a recent graduate with little work experience, you might want to list the following

information before your work history: the name of the school, the degree or certificate received,

dates, course titles related to your job goal, scholarships, honors, grades, and extracurricular


If you have been working for over five years, you don’t need to give as much information about

your education. Name the school, city, state, degree or certificate, or course work and dates

(dates are optional).

Include your high school unless you have a higher degree. Never include your grade school or

middle school.

( Information taken from Wisconsin Job Center website- Resume Writing- A Basic Guide)


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Sample Resume Templates can be found on Moodle. Use one of these template to create your resume.

Resume Rubric

Name:__________________________ Date:___________ /100 Points

Information presented covers five major areas:

Personal Information: name, address, telephone number, e-mail (20 Points)

Objective: state what you want to do, then make a quantifiable, measureable statement (20 Points)

Work Experience: position, company, branch/division, title, brief description of responsibilities, salary (20 Points)

Education: schools, courses taken, skills acquired, grades earned, specialty classes (20 Points)

School Activities/Work Skills: organizations, positions, years involved, sports (20 Points)

References: reference title, organization, address, phone number, e-mail address

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{The most important information should be presented first, chronologically.}

(all places/locations should be full address/phone/web)


Teacher Comments:

Sign of Commitment Instructions

Directions for Senior Project Sign of Commitment

After your Senior Project Proposal and Research Paper Proposal are approved, you will create a Sign of Commitment, which will be displayed in school and on the Senior Project website. This sign announces to the school community your project topic, research paper focus, fieldwork, and final product.

While creativity is encouraged, you must follow these guidelines:

1. Your sign must be 8 ½” X 11” in size.

2. Your sign must include:

a. your name.

b. your project topic, research paper focus, fieldwork, and final product.

c. a symbol or graphic to represent the project and fieldwork to be performed.

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d. a photo of you (no larger than 2” x 2”). It can be your senior photo, a favorite photo of yourself, or your image superimposed onto a graphic or symbol on your sign.

3. Typed text is required.

Students may wish to use Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher to create their signs.

Sign of Commitment Rubric

o Correct Size : ___/10

o Topic Clearly Listed:________/10

o Community Service (fieldwork) Clearly Listed __________/10

o Final Product Clearly Listed:________/10

o Graphic or picture related to topic:__________/10

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o A clear and appropriate picture of yourself:________/10

o Neat and Organized:_________/10

o Typed:___________/10

o Creative:__________/10

o No Misspellings or Grammar Errors:__________/10

TOTAL POINTS:________________/100

Letter to the Judges

The Assignment

As one of the final steps in the Senior Project process, you will be required to write a letter to your panel of judges. This letter will introduce you to the judges, and it will be the first thing they read when they look at your portfolio. In other words, it will be their first impression of you, so it needs to be good! In the business world, you will often have to write cover letters and business letters, so this assignment is important because it teaches you the basics of formal letter writing. This is a skill that will be very valuable to you in the future.

The Rationale

This letter will introduce you to the judges, and give you the opportunity to make a good first impression.

It will allow the judges to get a brief summary of who you are as a learner, and of how Senior Project has benefitted you.

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Formal letter writing is an important aspect of the business and academic world, and you need this skill to thrive in the workplace as well as in academics.


One page Business letter format ( you may download a business letter template on Microsoft

Office online) 4 short paragraphs Follows the sample given 12 pt. Times New Roman Signed Uses formal language and correct grammar

* Use the sample provided on the following page to help you write and format your letter. *

Sample Letter to the Judges

(one inch margins all around)

Your street addressYour city, state ZIP

Date (format should spell out name of the month: example April 10, 2005)(4 enters)

Dear Judges: (2 enters)

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Paragraph 1 – Thank them for agreeing to be a judge for your senior project. Tell themwhen and where the presentation will take place. Add a sentence showing yourexcitement to be able to present your senior project to them.(2 enters)

Paragraph 2 – Tell a few things about yourself—what you like to do, what you areinvolved in here at school, what your future plans are.(2 enters)

Paragraph 3 – Tell them a bit about your project—what it is and why you chose theproject you did.(2 enters)

Paragraph 4 – Thank them again and that you look forward to them participating in yoursenior project presentation.(2 enters)


(4 enters. After letter is printed you will sign your name in this space)

Your name