Iran - Persia Pace Presentation

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  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    Iran (Persia, until 1935)

    Resource Rich, Regional Power inSouthwest Asia.

    AIFC: Peace and Dialogue necessary between the United States and Iran

    Official name: Islamic Republic of Iran
  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    Iran Geography Southwest Asia Mountains, deserts Eastern

    Iran: high plateau, large saltflats & vast sand deserts.

    High mountains, the Zagrosto the west, the Elborz inNorth.

    Huge Oil & Gas Reserves inSouthwest, along Persian Gulf , & possibly in the CaspianSea bed.

    Strait of Hormuz & Gulf of Oman

  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    Countries Bordering Iran Pakistan Afghanistan Turkmenistan Azerbaijan Armenia Turkey Iraq Persian Gulf Sea of Oman Caspian Sea

    In last 250 years, Iran has never attacked anyone. Iran

    being a danger to its neighbors is a total falsehood.

  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    Regional Power 18 th Largest Country in World. Its land mass is greater

    than Britain, France, Germany, and Spain COMBINED. special geostrategic significance, Persian Gulf, Strait of

    Hormuz, Gulf of Oman and Caspian Sea

    Iran is a founding member of the UN, NAM, OIC andOPEC. Home to one of the world's oldest continuousmajor civilizations, with historical and urban settlementsdating back to 7000 BC.

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    Natural Resources Abound

    Petroleum & NaturalGas reserves, 2 nd in

    World Coal Chromium

    Copper Iron Ore Opecs 2 nd oil exporter

    Lead Manganese

    Zinc Sulfur Uranium

    Arable land & goodsources of water fromrivers and mts.

  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation



    Population70,495,782 1 Million Refugees from

    Afghanistan & Iraq Capital

    Tehran: 12 million

    Area1,648,000 square kilometers(636,296 square miles)

    LanguagePersian, Turkic, Kurdish,

    Arab, Baluchi & various localdialects Religion

    Shiite and Sunni Muslim

    CurrencyIranian rial

    Life Expectancy69

    GDP per Capita

    U.S. $6,800 Literacy Percent84%

    63% in Iran Universitiesare women

  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    Sectors of the Economy

    Irans automobile production crossed the 1million mark in 2005. IranKhodro is the largest car manufacturer in theMiddle-East. It hasestablished joint-ventures

    with foreign partners on 4continents.

    Relative distribution of population aged 10 andover in three major

    economic sections are:23.4 % agriculture, 31.8% industry, and 44.8 %services.

  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    History Britain, U.S Interference

    Constitutional Monarchy Shahs 1&2 Britain owned & operated the Iranian oil industry, centered in Abadan Prime Minister M. Mossadegh tried to nationalize Irans oil 1953: CIA overthrows Prime Minister M. Mossadegh & installed the Shahs son, Reza

    Pahlavi Under the Shah, US was turning Iran into a Gendarme or military accomplice. Shah

    purchased awacks, fighter planes, etc. Atomic plant sold to Shah and U.S. begantraining Iranian nuclear energy engineers. Meanwhile, outside of major cities, therewasnt electricity nor running water. In 1979, a revolutionary movement removed theShah. Iran became free of U.S.-British domination: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    8 year Iraq war supported by US, Britain and major powers- chemical weapons given by Rumsfeld to Iraq in 1977, used against Irans Kurds in the North. U.S., SecurityCouncil, West was silent of the crime.

    It is said by many Iranian historians that the U.S. hoped that Iraq would defeatKhomeini and both governments would be so weakened they would not survive.History had another story to tell.

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    Myths about Irans Government,

    People & Culture It wants a nuclear bomb & is dangerous International Atomic Energy Agency: no bomb! Supreme Leader and Pres. Ahmadinejad: Nuclear

    weapons are immoral & obsolete Under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, (NPT) of whichIran was one of first signers, Iran has a right to acivilian nuclear energy program to Iranian

    people, it is their inalienable right.

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    Myth: Iran supports Terrorists

    The IslamicGovernmentsupports thestruggle of thePalestinianPeople to self-determination,as well as other liberationmovements.

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    Myth: Women in Iran are not

    Free 63% University students are women Women are employed in all sectors of the

    economy: doctors, nurses, attorneys,teachers, engineers, scientists, film makers,artists, anthropologists, radio & TV

    announcers, secretaries, and mothers, withfully PAID maternity leave before and after giving birth!

  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    According to the World Health Organization,Irans comprehensive social protection systemincludes highest level of pensions, disabilityinsurance, job training programs, & disaster relief

    programs. National subsidies make basic food,housing and energy affordable to all. Extensive

    national network from primary health and preventive care to sophisticated hospital carecovers the entire population, urban and rural.Women are provided family planning,

    contraceptive information, and pre-natal care. NOTE: WE DO NOT HAVE A NATIONAL


  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


    Some Firsts in Iran Ahmadinejad chose Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi, as health minister in

    his new cabinet. "Women must have a greater role in the country'saffairs," she said, adding that half of all health ministry employeeswere women and that there were 1.6 million women studyingmedicine nationally. Dastjerdi, 50, is a trained gynecologist whostudied at the University of Tehran and became a university

    professor. In 1993, she was involved in creating the IslamicAssociation of Physicians, and after election to the Majlis in 1992,

    became chair of its committee on women, family and youth. "Wherethere are women and men working together, miracles take place,

    she said upon her confirmation.

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    Another Myth: June Election Stolen &Ahmadinejads Government is

    Illegitimate Iran, like all societies, including ours, is a class society, with

    different economic, political and social classes. A record 85%of the voting age population voted in Junes election, one of the highest rates in the world. To date, no credible data has

    proven that the election was rigged; the opposition candidatesrefused to accept Ahmadinejads overwhelming votes fromthe working and poor classes throughout the country.Mousavi, supported mostly by the secular, wealthy upper-middle classes, won in Tehran, which is only a part of thisvast nation. Debates and struggles, just like in our Congress,continue to take place in Iran, which is a normal process, &

    part of the on-going revolutionary process in Iran.

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  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation


  • 8/14/2019 Iran - Persia Pace Presentation
