rJ11 o IrL- I = T = l w S Yl F r z oao t mmnrnn1n lUfffftI 0 9 t f t iiaj 4 p The Greatest Selection 11a 1S 11e z2 OF pIS M I STYLISH e ssS- I e e e QSS 0 soe os s s s ss sssss es r S SS S S e SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 0 S f l S- S 5S SS SS S eS o S S V e SS S H 0 E S 5S e S Ses SSSS S- S 5S PS 5 5 z SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSS S t 0 5 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS S SSSSSSSS OSS SSSeSS S S SS SS SS GS S S eeGoooooseeSs SsSa S Se SSS S1S- o SS 1 = ever shown in the city While weljcarry an elegant line of ever thing in Footwear it is with pardonable pride that S we rail specialattention to our elegantline of New Spring I E Shoes for ladies men and children You can make no mistake our line over as it represents some of SS SIOS SI you see our prices Iare lower than are generally asked for these highclass Shoes iE 10 S SSo FV r CRUTChER o TRIBBLE m a 5 SSI Main Street Richmond Kentucky c S S I o z S S 5 5 5 SS S SSSS SS S S S S S S SSS SSS S SS S SSS S S S S SSS S S SSS S S SS SS S S 0 S S SS S S SS S SS S SSSSSSS S S S S SSSSSSSSSSS SS S S a SSSSS SSSS SSSSSS S U S S 0 S 0 0 a oo oo O8 S Tj 1 he Richmond Climax O CHBNAULT President D MILLKRRdito Managur WEDNESDAY VAV 4 I94- UHLftHFVrKV wrflIS1AY R The Climax Printing Co- jneewpr9I ar oun cements kONGRW4 I WaeastrIrd Wa nonce II 1IBLM fill Lincoln ptintr II eamlHate for OOHRTCWB fim tIs the Riar t Congr 0ional DIrfvt asitjuet U the cttou at the O woeiaUe party FOR COUNTY JUDO we ate crtltocited to Ace JtTDOK J C OHKICAULT a onnianle for tks office of 0 mtrJ4irMM <H aiiOa Btr Sabjeel t- ot action ot th Democrat party We are mthoriwl to owsoore JUDGE X B TORMN acamliilal fortheoeaf Coon- ty JudBfof MadKon rownty Subject to the actimi of tile emocralc iarty MrcH hn n writt ii of ltn about Richmond Jir merchants her pro- gT4vpnpp nnd hr n pid growth Bvwything in a business IInft here sftrtms nhavnn K new miorwy We can think of notb MC thst wilt do ninn ermiil tn this wMetiwnke spirit that laos exhiW < d iitwlf than for our mor ekmni nel lo IfS men to organize a OoftIft4t4I oltib This is something till t hs s NHW Rritattzc4morn than once lw ha MWJT Ixnn rpnHz+ 4 Other altk H larger than Richmond bmtot of tlMMr noniniHrolal eluhs then why nt Itichm Rd Hy this method errvthi tr ihnt is lt for the trade bHttt fr t hK ni rchniUs and bast for the oily Hi IRryH win lte studiad Such a nluli wonl hMve for its principal oh ject the HjtJdiiMSns of the town TVV have always hitrhly endorsed the for HDtUon of whR club and especial lv now Ilivre is no town of this size in th4 StRtM tint CUll point to better trading fariliUosund to as manyat tmotlve st iro < ThOi business men should nrsxnizti this club Let it be cue H rtMlty and thus add another feHture if progressiveness to our alrvHdy wilt awake city CI F1BroverCo11 LBXUXGTON LCv < f Furniture for Lawn and Porch Spring is here and wurn weather will soon be coaxing eVerdV to Sit nutdoors Ve have plucedon oin floors a car load of the cele bmteil OLD HICKORY FUR NITURBin Chairs RockersSettees Foot Stools Tables I Tabourettes TeteaTetes Also a full line of Reed Crex and Mission Furniture r CFBraMCo MAIN AND BROADVA E LEXINGTON Km LeSIpSfl I TUB hnnifcomintr f the Junior Senator from Keotmky note l in our per onal columns merits morn than parsing notice Sonntor James B McCmary has now been tostet in the mnst PXHctint position in pnMto life poislUlv with the exception of the Proslil ncy and he has emerged with that Rftnin decree of honor that maik eel his previous long find distineuishod en reel The first few years of a new Senators term nc ordin to the hoary eu tm of that holvnrc usimlly nmrkwJ by a sort of ditrninVd silence and which If vinlntnd is done at the peril of a now momlwrs future inllu pnce Hut Kentucky sent no novice in tRtAsmi1 hip diplomnoy and liusiness affHirs when McOreary took the sent a f fay and Carlisle hence we repeat the first session of hbsor ¬ vice has hen niirked bymaiterlv ac ¬ tivity and achievements ns extraordi ¬ nary ns untisiiil for a new Senator A review of Senator McCrenrys first roar in the Senate would bo more ox tended than that of many men who serve ten years in tHo Lower House or one full term in the upper chamber of Congress His speech almost at the opening of the present Congros on D 11 donlt with Trade Relations With luhi ami Reduction of Tariff Duties That speech WAS a precur ¬ SOl of the action of the Senate which was compelled to treat the infant re ¬ public with fairness and justice His next speech on the Poxtofline Appr > priation lull and Investigation of the Postiflieo Department Mardi 31 would form tho basis for a national platform on which all Democrats could unite It closing sentences are like a bugle tslI to the whole nation in this time of nnMi nsed acts and corruption in hich places This country at the present time newls tariff I reform limitation of taxes tn the actual need of the Government econmy in the expenditure of public money equal nnd exact Justice to all men particularly at this time vben a high protective tariff enables the manufacturers of nr country to sell their products cheaper in I lu rope thin at home Those who support Hiose principles will show at the next Novem her election for President that they ore alive when they defeat the Republican candidate for President and take charge of this Government On the other hand peechmakincj aside in which Senator McOreary showed himself at home in debate when under the fire of tho oldest member of the Sonate we have the most genuine pride in his adroit suc ¬ cessful and remarkable fight against the Army Camp Site Bill Kentucky was interested in securing one of the four great permanent sites for the nanoouvcrs of the armya splendid location at West Point twelve miles from Louisville in Hani In County had been tried fully and endorsed by the highest military officials But selfishness on the part of those politic ¬ ally entrenched assorted itself and Kentucky which is a Democratic SUte wan dropped regardless of the welfare of the setvice or the justice of her olaim In the language of the treet the jwas up All hope vas abandoned and the friends of the Kentucky site saw their plans shatter ed At this point Senator McCrearv whi possesses a parliamentary know ¬ lodge and experience rarely equaled threw himself into the breach and he sprang three points of order against tho measure One by one he was sus ¬ tamed until the whoM scheme to cut ut Kentucky from the bill was defeat ¬ ed and tho matter laid over until next session This will give the supporters of the Kentucky site time to organize for a compaign and as itmeans the sale of forty thousand acres to the govern mnt and the ultimate expenditure of possibly five millions of dollars in our state the magnitu ie of the victoryof McCreary in tho very jaws of defeat may be appreciated These matters arc known of all monoVe cannot oiiumurate the countless smaller ser vices he rendered to his constituents That same sleepless vigil and atten ¬ tion to details which gave him the soubriquet of the Model Governor later the Model Congressman wilj certainly twine about his brow in a wreath of fadeless green and glory Kentuckys Model Senator Eggs For Hatching I frqja highbred Barred Plymouth Rocks will be soldby mo at 50c pereetting ot IL Ejrg How toady Mrs E P Bentoii ISaloJ Union City Ky I Il v i jf t < e r i f l ir I ELSEWIIEKE in this issue will be found the announcement of Hon Harvey Helm of Stanford who is a candidate for Congress from this the Eghth congressional district He is too well known here to need any in ¬ troduction on our part He was edu- cated ¬ at old Central Universityand has many friends here Ho is not only a gifted and brilliant lawyer but a true Kentucky gentleman a sterling Democrat and a splendid citizen If Mr Helm receives the nomination he will be elected and will fill the im- portant ¬ position with honor to himself as well as his constituents ONE of the most noted cases whicb will come before the present term of the Winchester circuit court is that of Mrs Arabella Marcum and children against B F French and Senator Al ¬ ex Hargii of Clark county and Kd Callahan and James Hargisof Breath itt Mrs Marcum is suing for one hun tired thousand dollars damages for con- spiracy ¬ to murder her husband the late J B Marcum The defendants will make an effort to gut a change of I venue on the grounds that they cant get a fair trial in Clark county ALEX HAKRIS of Winchester has filed suit for ten thousand dollars d images against the Louisville Herald and the Lexington Leader for a re ¬ cent publication of an interview with Mr J B Marcum The Herald pub ¬ lished the article and the Lexington Leader reproduced it Hargis claim ¬ ed that the publication was intended to predtijico tho public mind against him in his suit with Mrs larcum DEATH BALBS Mr J W Bales received u telegram a few days ago announcing the death of his aunt Mrs Mary Bales rtliieh occurred at Shawnee leiinegsee Oil last Saturday HAIUUS Mr Robert Harris son of the late W C Harris died at the home of his mother near Urooksville ou last Wednesday typhoid fever Deceas ¬ ed was twentyone years old and was a splendid young roan Several other members of the family are ill with the same disease Mr Harris was a nephew of Mrs Susan Tribbleof this city CORXEMROX The death of Edward B Corneliaon occurred in Humholdt Kansas on the 26th of April Deceased was 42 years old and was burn and reared in this county He nas four brothers in this countyanione whom is Mr Howard Corjielison also a sister Mrs Naunie Graves who liyes In Fay ette county Only about tWO weeks ago we chronicled the death n n sister Mrs Docla Adams It was with this sister that Mr Edward CorneliHin had wade his home for a number of years and to whose family he was very devoted He survived her only two weeks anil live days his death resulting from hearts disease The family lucre have the deep sympathy of all in their double aflllctiou Tuniix Beautiful in the sight of the Lord is the death of Ills Saints It Following close upon the death of his agedwile which occurred less than to weeks ago came that of Mr Hayden Turpin In the death of these two our County has lost one of its most beloved andrespected couple For 53 long years these two had shared each otheis joys and griefs They had stood to- gether amid the storms of life and now they have both gone home to enjoy together the glories of the Heavenly Kingdom Mr Turpin was87 years old and his death was due to the infirmi ¬ ties of old ago Mrs Turpina death two weeks ago was the first death that had everoccured in this family There are seven children and a number of grandchildren and never a death Mr and Mrs Hayden Turpin lived all their life on a farm near Mutiny Creek They reared a large family lived to see them grown and with chlldien of their own Like the Apostle ot old They run well the race that was set be fort them they fought a good light and finished the course The children have the deep sympathy of a large circle of friends and relatives in the loss of both tattler and mother in so short a space of time Reduced Rita Via The L A On account of meeting of hand Coin mandery Knights Templar Conclave at Frankfort Ky May 18th and 19th rounrltrllltickets Valley View to Frankfort at rate of onefirst class fare plus 25ets on Mav 10th 17th and 18th good for return May2l6tR A Woolnms tit Soliciting Agent K 4k r t 4 tor t J L II i PB OIALI Rev Hugh MoLellan was in Louis ¬ rifle last week Mr Jonah Wagers of Estill county was here Monday Mr Thomas Williams of Irvine was here last week Mr J K Worrell has returned from a trip to Missouri Mr Lyons of Beattyville- was in the city Monday Editor J L Sowers of the Valley View Argent was hero Monday Miss Kathleen Poyntz of Mt Ster ling is visiting relatives here Miss Marie Harber is entertaining Mrs Wade Cushing of Cincinnati Editor Tom M Morrow of the J ickson Hustler was here Saturday Mises Fannie and Lilly Hurst o Jackain Kyare visiting relatives hereMr Allen Zar ng visited relatives in Shelby ville the first part of last week i Messrs J W Prather and J W Masters were in Valley Viiw last week Mrs George D Simmons left Mon ¬ day for a visit to her mother in Lex ¬ ington Mrs Lucy White attended the WelchRowland nuptials in Danville last week Mrs B J < Hay and Mrs Nannie Fish are at home from a short visit to Cincinnati Mr Charlie Sales of Beattyville was among the Courtday visitors here Monday Mrs Mattie B Finnell is visiting hr daughter Mrs C T Willis iu Niuholasville Miss Sallio White has been spend- Ing ¬ a fw days with Mrs Earl Sellers n Lexington Mr and Mrs rItlle Walkei of lan o Garranl county were quests of friend here iVonday Mr Robert Viun of Wisemantown was here Monday mingling with the court lay crowd Mrs Bcecbain M Lackey has been visiting her nnther Mrs Mol ie Pow ¬ oil in Nicholiisvillo Mr Walker McKinney aTid wife ol Georgetown w ere here last week vis iting relatives and friends Miss Julii Higgins is convalescing from her recent illness much to the lelight of her mtny friends Mr and Mrs Leonard West of Ir- vine ¬ were guests last week of Mrs Claude Smith on Second street Misi Laura Million returned Sunday from an extended visit to relatives in lark and Motgomerycountios Mr Robert Kolston of Middlesboro Superintendent of the Mingo coak and coal company was hero last week Mrs John Mershou attended tht funeral of Mrs Garland which tool place in Luxingtoa on last Wednesday Miss Banche VanDoVeer of Madi son Institute spent Saturday and Sunday with hr parents in Stanford The friends of Mrs Nealo Bennett will be glad In know that she is im proving from her recent severe attack of grip Miss Lucy Adams left last Wednes ¬ day evening for Stanford where she will instruct u ladies class in physical cultureMisses Sarah Stone nail Fannie D Walker of Gi mville Mississippi have been the pleasant guests of Mrs W W Vattp- Rev WOHVIT the new pastor of the Second Presbyterian church will fill his pulpit next Sunday morning and eveningThe League of the M E Churchwas entertained in a delight ful manner on last Tuesday evening by Miss Laura Bennett Mr Herman Frasa returned from De catur Alabama Friday night Mrs Frasa will remain for a longer visit to net parents Mr and Mrs Cartwright Mr Joe Gardner of Irvine was hero a short while Wednesday enrnute to Valley View where he remained severeal days assisting in tha railroad ollice at that place Mr George McRoberts returned last evening from Philadelphia where be was called to the bedside of his sister Miss Mami lie reports her muck bet ¬ ter Danville Sews of April 29 Mrs Harrison Simrall of Lexing- ton ¬ is at the bedside of her grand ¬ mother Mrs H B Dillingham who is critically ill at her home on West Main street Ier physicians enter- tain ¬ little hope for her recovery Mr Robert Saufley the populai clerk at E C Wines drugstore was initiated into the mysteries of the An tiered tribe iin last Friday evening A large number of Elks were present and enjoyed the social session at the close of the business meeting Theengagementof Miss Clara Moore Shirley of Louisville to Mr Adams Tower of Boston has been announced The wedding will occur early in June Miss Shirley is well known here hav ¬ ing upon one occasion been the guest of Mrs Louis J Frazeo and Miss Della Ramsey now Mrs Allen Kennoy of DanvilleMr N Mobcrly has taken a posi ¬ tion in Amsdens Bunk and he and Mrs Moberly will Ynake their home in Versailles which is a source of pleas ¬ ure to their friends Mrs Moberlys physician whom she went to New York to consult last week pronounces her condition grestl improved Woodford Sun U S Senator McCreary and his secretary Mr Henry B foshy arrive on Monday Both look splendidly af ¬ ter their winters stay in the Capital Senator McCivary first session as a Senator was distinguished far beyond the average how Senator by states- manlike ¬ activity instead of dignified passivity that usually marks the first years of a new Senators service The Stanford Interior Journal has the following to say of three of our young people Adams Brot who have been in our city several days organizing classes in physical culture opened their class for gentlemen at the St Asapb last night The class for ladies under direction of Miss Lucy Adams is also in Hae Much interest r > < J v Wol J 7 1 < jjj I t 1A r Aers w Your doctor will tell you that thin pale weak nervous phil ¬ dren become strong and well by taking Ayers Sarsaparilla t Small doses for a few days SarsaparillaThe and very marked Ask your doctor why it is He has our formula and will explain When 13 years old for many months no one thought I could lire became ot thin blood But In a few weeks Ayers Sanaparllla com pleleILi1I1g to t Vlneland JJJ- Jl M a battle J c A TaR CO Lowell MIM c1nu1tfor The Children U Biliousness constipation prevent re covery Cure thoso with Ayers Pills is heinz mnnifosted and thn outlook for widespread enthusiasm is flattering- Mr Clarence K Woods ia expected home from Washington about Frills He stopped off at Washington at d IMO University at Lexington Vn oft bUsiness In adrtJton to hiwork in the cube of Senator AfcHrparv at Washington Mr Woods succeeded in fnundine a chapter of Slma Nu at the smat ITnJversity of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia In spite of the very inclement iav n large nrowil of little folks r spcnded to invitations sent out by Miss len nette Winston Pates and attendfld her eighth birthday party on last Thiis Iaytrln The invitations were unique and rend yFrom hoyst Enploedw5tb this was an engraved ard bearing the little hostess name Allof the guests asspmbled male merrywith the fish pondend other names A delicious lunch added much to the enjoyment of all tires nt Li1 tie Miss Jennette js the bpantifnl 11 tlpduwhter of Captain anfl Mrs John ii Pates She entertained in R style bofitting one much older Hr partywas a delightful affair and rllpirlIv their hostess runny returns of the same happy lay 100 Reward The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lies 0been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Hulls Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the ine < licml fraternity Catarrh he ¬ ing a constitutional disease requires constitutional treatment Halls Ca ¬ tarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem thereby destroy ¬ jug the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na lure in doing its work The proprie tiirs have PO much faith in its curative powers that they offer otto hundred dollars for any case that it tills to cure Send for list of testimonials l Addres F J CHENEY co Toledo Ohio Sold hv nil drufririets 75c IHalls Family Pills are the best 2m B Deatherage pays the highest price for wool tf Souse for Rent or Sale l I have in my hands for salt or rout the property of Jo S Jopliu on Maiti street Any one desiring to inspect same can do w> bv applying to the un ilersigned at the State Hank Trust Co LP EVANS iBntl Shackelford Co sell tit famous Javecka fertilizer from SIC 00 to MOO per ton ISatf m Master Commissioners Notice to Creditors Madison Circuit out laura Smith o rift against Will Quisentwry DU All persons having claims against the estate of Fiorina Quieenberry are hereby notified to file same legally v rifled with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of June 14 or same wll be barred 8 11 THORPE itaiter Commissioner M C O Master Commissioners Notice to Creditors MADISON CIRCUIT COURT MJ Robert Adrnr Plff Against Helen E Pordc Dft All persons having claims against the es ¬ tate of MsryJ Roberts are to file surne legally verified with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of August 1901 or fame will be barred S H THORPE MC M C C ommi don r s al MJ Itoberts Admr Pltf aa1iist- ItelenM c Deft Notice of Sale in Equity By virtue of a Judgment nod Order of Hale of the Madison Circuit Court rendered at the April Term theref 1901 in the above style cause the undersigned will on Saturday May 2J t04 at the honrof 2 oclock p m on the premises In Richmond Madison county Ky proceed t expose to Public Sale to the highest and best bidder the following described property viz A Certain Lot or parcel of ground situated in the ciy of Richmond Madison county Kyand being the same prop rty owned by M J Roberts at date of her death and located at corner of Irvine and First streets opposite Court House Square Upon said lot is situated a good TwoStory Brick House fronting on Irvine and First streets and three frame buildings fronting on Irvine street This is a splendid for u hotel an other business property Said property will be surveyed before day of sale ¬ ing to said survey TERMS Hale will be made on a credit ot MX and twelve months The purchaser will be re qulrcd togice bond with approved ecurlly forthe payment of the purchase money to have the force and effect of a Judgment bear ¬ lug legal interest from day of sale with a Lien reserved upon said property until all the pur ¬ chase money is paid S H THORPE Master Commissioner M C O U WW Si The i boxes inourburgI S lar proof vault will keep your notes deeds i policies sil- verware ¬ other valua ¬ ble safe from T fires storms or thieves Prices reasonable Cull and see them I State t Bank Trust I Co p t 1- 1t of r r 71- 1f > I L ti 4F L0 Protects the System Against Catarrh I iyomci Prevents Colds nnd Cures Grip aid Catarrh Money I Back if it tails If An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure A few breaths of Hy inei through the neat pocket inhnler that comes with every outfit will cheek i cold or the grip at 4be start and pre vent serious nnd IbstiiiK lllnesf In all catarrhal troubles and diseases 1If the air passages llyomei has a pos- itive action uiotossus8ed by nmty oilier medicine or treatment It Is pleasant and convenient to use simply put 20 drops of Hvoniei in the inhaler and reathf it R few minutes four times a div In this way every particle of air that enters the lungs is charged with a Healing balsam that kills all catarrhal nHnis soothes and allays the irritated mucous membrane vitalizes the blood with ozone and makes n permanent and complete cure A Hyomei outfit costs only jl and contains an inhnier medicine dropper and bottle of Hyomei The inhaler lasts a lifetime and when more Hyo ¬ mei is needed extra bottles can be ob- tained for BOc B L Middeltoti will give his personal guarantee with every Hyomei outfit and will refund the nioncu ii it does not cure 1m We have iipver howu H larger stock of Carryalls Hurries Rubies unit rUlla ¬ bouts than we now have on display in our show room Ir wilpdv you to ex- amine ¬ them before buying We also ilo rwpairitu and rejoining in best rtan oars at moderate prices The best rub ¬ ber tire applyed and guaranteed for one year Call and SHe us Richmond Carriage Works tf S L Midkitf Prop What ia the name ofthe Rofrienlor and Ice Box that is lined with Granuln ¬ ted Cork und who sells tIters in town It is the North Star and can be found at D It Sbackellord Co where it has been for years ISatf The highest market cash price will be paid for wool by Covinglon Arnold Bro Take them your wool 20atf WallPaper Paints Oils Frames Etc 0For Kent Our large and commodious store room l8x lOt feet No 208 south side Main street This is one of the best located best liglltudand handsomest store room in the city Suitable for almost allIIlrs Richmond Kentucky Telephone No 292- Sliackelfirtl A Co sell the genuine BrowII walking cultivator and the fil- er ¬ riding cultivator the Tiger tornado and disc harnrvs We guarantee satis- faction ¬ l3atf Ve purchased our vehicles tOsell and it you will only call and net prices we will prove title insertion and make of you an everlasting friend and custo iner tf S L MidkifT Prop For the next 2 lays we will close out for cash at cost two Moores double heaters three Kndiant llotueH three Coles lint Blast stoves in order to make room for spring goueJs- U B Shackelford Co Sheriffs Sale Nannie Garrison- vs R T aad Jas Whittaker NO TICK OF SALE By virtue of a Judgment and Order of Sole of the Ricnmond Police Court the undersigned will on Saturday May 14 J904 at he heur of 2 pm in front of the court house door in Richmond Ky sell the barroom fixtures now in the house of Mrs J W Garrison on First street in Richmond Ky consisting of 1 side board 1 frant counter 1 b > cr pump anti 1 lot of bottles These articles will be sold as a whole on a credit of three mouths purchaser to give bond with approved iecurity said bond to bear interest from date of sale at tho rate of 6 per cent and to be a iien upm the articles sold to secure its payment JOHN F WAGERS S M C 27 ap 3t s 5 S 2 5 < d 4 I I 7F 71 7F TheGlothes That Ma Made L M J 0pr You should therefore get the habit of having your Clothes made You w Rice and Arnold if THE HOUSE 71 fh It 11 7i ffi 1 7U U Oddities Predominate- This Year I There have been times v when it seemed as If nil papers looked alikebut that is certain v not the case this year Wo have so many radically different styles that there is very little likelihood no matter what you select that any one of your neigh ¬ bors will select a similar style Geo Willging HEMPS TE2ID Hempstead will make the season of 1904 at Ellendale Stock Farm Rich ¬ mond Kyat S 500 SOT a tmur CoXl Hempstead vas sired by young Jim 2009 First dam Margery Daw by Lumps second dam Nelly by Mam brino third dam Flora by Parsons Abdallah Hempstead is a blood bay and is perfect in gait and action and is an nbred George Wilkes King Jlrthur At the same time and place King Arthur will make the season of 1901 at J500 For a Living Colt King Arthur is a sorrel Kallion by Haxhall dam Alice Wilson by Ja cinto As a twoyearold King Ar ¬ thur was not defeated In the State in the harness ring Money due when mare leaves the bands of the original owner or bred to another horse Lien retained on colts until service fee Is paid Due dili- gence ¬ will be exercised in care of mares but will not be responsible for accidents escapesJNO GIBSON Richmond Ky novington Arnold Bro will pay the highest market cash price for wool 20atf Four handsome wel located lots 50 xlSO feet cheap ou installment clan Also two lots in a stone throw of court house fronted on two streets cheap Apply toT P Evans State Rank Trust Co Itlg Notice to Creditors All parties having claims against the estate of C Hunley deceased are requested to file same with the undersigned properly verified on or before June 1st ISO or same will be barred 2m W H HUNLEY Admr Our Window Screens are 0nade and painted ready to be put in place without the aid of a carpen ter Prices are low with no extra charges for odd slzes Iryus on all kinds of Mill- Work Lexington Lumber andj Manufacturing Co 1EWn c at OR x Lexington Kentucky c ff 1Jj JIf rJ r tiu i iiuos at- f J lrc tJ lft titI i t 1 t f c Joboii t 1wi- i j LN Ji There was 7 probably a time when you lookedwith boyish pride onlithe clothes that ma made they answered the purpose I Later on perhaps you bought store clothes made for no one in particular they also answered the purpose just as coaloil answered the purpose before T the age of electric lights 5 t- Jls a man Rmon men you can only feel at ease and appear ft at your best when you know you ha- re as corectly dressed as any other man 6 5i5 jS 7r to fit F It- ffi ONE PRICE Ti 7i7Jt M Window Shades Picture complete n IIU L2L2L2 p s ftfI zr2 7 THAT FIT That is the kind we make We handle I only the best the newest andmost I stylish goods IIis ings 5J Give us a call we can please you both with goods and pri- cesStouffer Mahler MERCHANT TAILORS fJ ft F m ft 7ij 7l1 W E Richmond Ii GREEN HOU E m Phone 188 Geraniums Carnations Roses Heliotropes Ferns Ti Asparagus etc C- a callrleeS 1 Reasonable I CtALBERT r 9 fV JJ Wf I tte N w ff r Dont Risk Life tdpal1 your Lome ThatJ Awful Smell and the U greasy discomfort of kp< pit 1 J ouJ ¬ tJ fttJl t stoves only because they are unsafe > J lDetroit Jewell Gas Ranges J1 and cooking by Gas ARE SAFE as Vdla rc economical cleanly laborsaving See the b Gas Company Do it now j tSeichmolld ia d Eighi Co- a p 0 10ffc + r11r l r c 11 IdIIt- r- g 1Ig

IrL- I mmnrnn1n 9 lUfffftI PB LOIALI Aers TheGlothes Made That …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx938f6b/data/0108.pdf · 2013-06-07 · IrL-o rJ11I l = T = w S Yl F oao z r t mmnrnn1n lUfffftI

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Page 1: IrL- I mmnrnn1n 9 lUfffftI PB LOIALI Aers TheGlothes Made That …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx938f6b/data/0108.pdf · 2013-06-07 · IrL-o rJ11I l = T = w S Yl F oao z r t mmnrnn1n lUfffftI


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The Greatest Selection11a


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S eeGoooooseeSs SsSa S Se SSS S1S-o SS 1

= ever shown in the city While weljcarry an elegant lineof ever thing in Footwear it is with pardonable pride that

Swe rail specialattention to our elegantline of New Spring

I E Shoes for ladies men and children You can make nomistake our line over as it represents some of


SIOSSIyou see our prices

Iare lower than are generally asked for these highclass Shoes

iE 10S SSo




a5 SSI

Main Street Richmond Kentuckyc S

S Io zSS 5 5 5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

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Tj1 he Richmond Climax

O CHBNAULT PresidentD MILLKRRdito Managur



The Climax Printing Co-


ar oun cementskONGRW4 I

WaeastrIrd Wa nonce II 1IBLMfill Lincoln ptintr II eamlHate for OOHRTCWB

fim tIs the Riar t Congr 0ional DIrfvtasitjuet U the cttou at the O woeiaUe party

FOR COUNTY JUDOwe ate crtltocited to Ace JtTDOK J C

OHKICAULT a onnianle for tks office of0 mtrJ4irMM <H aiiOa Btr Sabjeel t-ot action ot th Democrat party

We are mthoriwl to owsoore JUDGE XB TORMN acamliilal fortheoeaf Coon-

ty JudBfof MadKon rownty Subject to theactimi of tile emocralc iarty

MrcH hn n writt ii of ltn aboutRichmond Jir merchants her pro-

gT4vpnpp nnd hr n pid growthBvwything in a business IInft heresftrtms nhavnn K new miorwy We canthink of notb MC thst wilt do ninnermiil tn this wMetiwnke spirit thatlaos exhiW < d iitwlf than for our mor

ekmni nel lo IfS men to organizea OoftIft4t4I oltib This is somethingtill t hs s NHW Rritattzc4morn than oncelw ha MWJT Ixnn rpnHz+ 4 Otheraltk H larger than Richmondbmtot of tlMMr noniniHrolal eluhs thenwhy nt Itichm Rd Hy this method

errvthi tr ihnt is lt for the tradebHttt fr t hK ni rchniUs and bast for theoily Hi IRryH win lte studiad Such anluli wonl hMve for its principal oh

ject the HjtJdiiMSns of the town TVV

have always hitrhly endorsed the forHDtUon of whR club and especiallv now Ilivre is no town of this sizein th4 StRtM tint CUll point to bettertrading fariliUosund to as manyattmotlve st iro< ThOi business menshould nrsxnizti this club Let it be

cue H rtMlty and thus add anotherfeHture if progressiveness to ouralrvHdy wilt awake city




Furniture forLawn andPorch

Spring is here and wurnweather will soon be coaxingeVerdV to Sit nutdoors

Ve have plucedon oinfloors a car load of the celebmteil OLD HICKORY FURNITURBinChairs


Foot StoolsTables



Also a full line of

Reed Crex andMission Furniture





TUB hnnifcomintr f the JuniorSenator from Keotmky note l in ourper onal columns merits morn thanparsing notice Sonntor James B

McCmary has now been tostet in themnst PXHctint position in pnMto lifepoislUlv with the exception of theProslil ncy and he has emerged withthat Rftnin decree of honor that maikeel his previous long find distineuishoden reel The first few years of a newSenators term nc ordin to the hoaryeu tm of that holvnrc usimllynmrkwJ by a sort of ditrninVd silenceand which If vinlntnd is done at theperil of a now momlwrs future inllupnce Hut Kentucky sent no novicein tRtAsmi1 hip diplomnoy andliusiness affHirs when McOreary tookthe sent a f fay and Carlisle hencewe repeat the first session of hbsor¬

vice has hen niirked bymaiterlv ac ¬

tivity and achievements ns extraordi ¬

nary ns untisiiil for a new SenatorA review of Senator McCrenrys firstroar in the Senate would bo more ox

tended than that of many men whoserve ten years in tHo Lower House orone full term in the upper chamber ofCongress His speech almost at theopening of the present Congros onD 11 donlt with Trade RelationsWith luhi ami Reduction of TariffDuties That speech WAS a precur ¬

SOl of the action of the Senate whichwas compelled to treat the infant re¬

public with fairness and justice Hisnext speech on the Poxtofline Appr >

priation lull and Investigation of thePostiflieo Department Mardi 31

would form tho basis for a nationalplatform on which all Democratscould unite It closing sentences arelike a bugle tslI to the whole nationin this time of nnMi nsed acts andcorruption in hich places

This country at the present time newls tariff I

reform limitation of taxes tn the actual needof the Government econmy in the expenditureof public money equal nnd exact Justice to allmen particularly at this time vben a highprotective tariff enables the manufacturers of

nr country to sell their products cheaper inI lu rope thin at home Those who supportHiose principles will show at the next Novemher election for President that they ore alivewhen they defeat the Republican candidate forPresident and take charge of this Government

On the other hand peechmakincjaside in which Senator McOrearyshowed himself at home in debatewhen under the fire of tho oldestmember of the Sonate we have themost genuine pride in his adroit suc ¬

cessful and remarkable fight againstthe Army Camp Site Bill Kentuckywas interested in securing one of thefour great permanent sites for thenanoouvcrs of the armya splendidlocation at West Point twelve milesfrom Louisville in Hani In Countyhad been tried fully and endorsed bythe highest military officials Butselfishness on the part of those politic¬

ally entrenched assorted itself andKentucky which is a DemocraticSUte wan dropped regardless of thewelfare of the setvice or the justice ofher olaim In the language of thetreet the jwas up All hopevas abandoned and the friends of theKentucky site saw their plans shattered At this point Senator McCrearvwhi possesses a parliamentary know ¬

lodge and experience rarely equaledthrew himself into the breach and hesprang three points of order againsttho measure One by one he was sus¬

tamed until the whoM scheme to cutut Kentucky from the bill was defeat¬

ed and tho matter laid over untilnext session

This will give the supporters of theKentucky site time to organize for acompaign and as itmeans the sale of

forty thousand acres to the governmnt and the ultimate expenditure ofpossibly five millions of dollars in ourstate the magnitu ie of the victoryofMcCreary in tho very jaws of defeatmay be appreciated These mattersarc known of all monoVe cannotoiiumurate the countless smaller services he rendered to his constituentsThat same sleepless vigil and atten ¬

tion to details which gave him thesoubriquet of the Model Governorlater the Model Congressman wiljcertainly twine about his brow in awreath of fadeless green and glory

Kentuckys Model Senator

Eggs For Hatching I

frqja highbred Barred Plymouth Rockswill be soldby mo at 50c pereetting otIL Ejrg How toady

Mrs E P BentoiiISaloJ Union City Ky


Il v


jf t< e ri f


I ELSEWIIEKE in this issue will befound the announcement of HonHarvey Helm of Stanford who is acandidate for Congress from this theEghth congressional district He istoo well known here to need any in ¬

troduction on our part He was edu-


at old Central Universityandhas many friends here Ho is notonly a gifted and brilliant lawyer buta true Kentucky gentleman a sterlingDemocrat and a splendid citizen IfMr Helm receives the nomination hewill be elected and will fill the im-


position with honor to himselfas well as his constituents

ONE of the most noted cases whicbwill come before the present term ofthe Winchester circuit court is that of

Mrs Arabella Marcum and childrenagainst B F French and Senator Al¬

ex Hargii of Clark county and Kd

Callahan and James Hargisof Breathitt Mrs Marcum is suing for one huntired thousand dollars damages for con-


to murder her husband thelate J B Marcum The defendantswill make an effort to gut a change of

I venue on the grounds that they cantget a fair trial in Clark county

ALEX HAKRIS of Winchester hasfiled suit for ten thousand dollarsd images against the Louisville Heraldand the Lexington Leader for a re¬

cent publication of an interview withMr J B Marcum The Herald pub¬

lished the article and the LexingtonLeader reproduced it Hargis claim ¬

ed that the publication was intendedto predtijico tho public mind againsthim in his suit with Mrs larcum

DEATHBALBS Mr J W Bales received u

telegram a few days ago announcingthe death of his aunt Mrs Mary Balesrtliieh occurred at Shawnee leiinegseeOil last Saturday

HAIUUS Mr Robert Harris son ofthe late W C Harris died at the homeof his mother near Urooksville ou lastWednesday typhoid fever Deceas ¬

ed was twentyone years old and was asplendid young roan Several othermembers of the family are ill with thesame disease Mr Harris was a nephewof Mrs Susan Tribbleof this city

CORXEMROX The death of EdwardB Corneliaon occurred in HumholdtKansas on the 26th of April Deceasedwas 42 years old and was burn andreared in this county He nas fourbrothers in this countyanione whom isMr Howard Corjielison also a sisterMrs Naunie Graves who liyes In Fayette county Only about tWO weeks agowe chronicled the death n n sister MrsDocla Adams It was with this sisterthat Mr Edward CorneliHin had wadehis home for a number of years and towhose family he was very devotedHe survived her only two weeks anillive days his death resulting fromhearts disease The family lucre havethe deep sympathy of all in their doubleaflllctiou

Tuniix Beautiful in the sight ofthe Lord is the death of Ills Saints It

Following close upon the death of hisagedwile which occurred less than toweeks ago came that of Mr HaydenTurpin In the death of these two ourCounty has lost one of its most belovedandrespected couple For 53 longyears these two had shared each otheisjoys and griefs They had stood to-

gether amid the storms of life and nowthey have both gone home to enjoytogether the glories of the HeavenlyKingdom Mr Turpin was87 years oldand his death was due to the infirmi ¬

ties of old ago Mrs Turpina deathtwo weeks ago was the first death thathad everoccured in this family Thereare seven children and a number ofgrandchildren and never a deathMr and Mrs Hayden Turpin lived alltheir life on a farm near Mutiny CreekThey reared a large family lived tosee them grown and with chlldien oftheir own Like the Apostle ot old

They run well the race that was set befort them they fought a good light andfinished the course The children havethe deep sympathy of a large circle offriends and relatives in the loss of bothtattler and mother in so short a spaceof time

Reduced Rita Via The L A

On account of meeting of hand Coinmandery Knights Templar Conclaveat Frankfort Ky May 18th and 19th

rounrltrlllticketsValley View to Frankfort at rate ofonefirst class fare plus 25ets on Mav10th 17th and 18th good for returnMay2l6tR A Woolnms

tit Soliciting Agent

K 4k r t 4tort J

L II i

PB OIALIRev Hugh MoLellan was in Louis ¬

rifle last week

Mr Jonah Wagers of Estill countywas here Monday

Mr Thomas Williams of Irvinewas here last week

Mr J K Worrell has returnedfrom a trip to Missouri

Mr Lyons of Beattyville-was in the city Monday

Editor J L Sowers of the ValleyView Argent was hero Monday

Miss Kathleen Poyntz of Mt Sterling is visiting relatives here

Miss Marie Harber is entertainingMrs Wade Cushing of Cincinnati

Editor Tom M Morrow of theJ ickson Hustler was here Saturday

Mises Fannie and Lilly Hurst o

Jackain Kyare visiting relatives

hereMrAllen Zar ng visited relatives

in Shelby ville the first part of lastweek i

Messrs J W Prather and J W

Masters were in Valley Viiw lastweek

Mrs George D Simmons left Mon ¬

day for a visit to her mother in Lex ¬

ingtonMrs Lucy White attended the

WelchRowland nuptials in Danvillelast week

Mrs B J < Hay and Mrs NannieFish are at home from a short visit toCincinnati

Mr Charlie Sales of Beattyvillewas among the Courtday visitorshere Monday

Mrs Mattie B Finnell is visitinghr daughter Mrs C T Willis iuNiuholasville

Miss Sallio White has been spend-Ing


a fw days with Mrs Earl Sellersn Lexington

Mr and Mrs rItlle Walkei oflan o Garranl county were quests of

friend here iVondayMr Robert Viun of Wisemantown

was here Monday mingling with thecourt lay crowd

Mrs Bcecbain M Lackey has beenvisiting her nnther Mrs Mol ie Pow ¬

oil in Nicholiisvillo

Mr Walker McKinney aTid wife ol

Georgetown w ere here last week visiting relatives and friends

Miss Julii Higgins is convalescingfrom her recent illness much to thelelight of her mtny friends

Mr and Mrs Leonard West of Ir-


were guests last week of MrsClaude Smith on Second street

Misi Laura Million returned Sundayfrom an extended visit to relatives in

lark and MotgomerycountiosMr Robert Kolston of Middlesboro

Superintendent of the Mingo coak andcoal company was hero last week

Mrs John Mershou attended thtfuneral of Mrs Garland which toolplace in Luxingtoa on last Wednesday

Miss Banche VanDoVeer of Madison Institute spent Saturday andSunday with hr parents in Stanford

The friends of Mrs Nealo Bennettwill be glad In know that she is improving from her recent severe attackof grip

Miss Lucy Adams left last Wednes ¬

day evening for Stanford where shewill instruct u ladies class in physical

cultureMissesSarah Stone nail Fannie D

Walker of Gi mville Mississippi havebeen the pleasant guests of Mrs WW Vattp-

Rev WOHVIT the new pastor of theSecond Presbyterian church will fill

his pulpit next Sunday morning and


League of the M EChurchwas entertained in a delightful manner on last Tuesday eveningby Miss Laura Bennett

Mr Herman Frasa returned from De

catur Alabama Friday night MrsFrasa will remain for a longer visit tonet parents Mr and Mrs Cartwright

Mr Joe Gardner of Irvine washero a short while Wednesday enrnuteto Valley View where he remainedsevereal days assisting in tha railroadollice at that place

Mr George McRoberts returned lastevening from Philadelphia where bewas called to the bedside of his sisterMiss Mami lie reports her muck bet ¬

ter Danville Sews of April 29

Mrs Harrison Simrall of Lexing-ton


is at the bedside of her grand ¬

mother Mrs H B Dillingham whois critically ill at her home on WestMain street Ier physicians enter-tain


little hope for her recovery

Mr Robert Saufley the populaiclerk at E C Wines drugstore wasinitiated into the mysteries of the Antiered tribe iin last Friday eveningA large number of Elks were presentand enjoyed the social session at theclose of the business meeting

Theengagementof Miss Clara MooreShirley of Louisville to Mr AdamsTower of Boston has been announcedThe wedding will occur early in JuneMiss Shirley is well known here hav ¬

ing upon one occasion been the guestof Mrs Louis J Frazeo and Miss DellaRamsey now Mrs Allen Kennoy of

DanvilleMrN Mobcrly has taken a posi ¬

tion in Amsdens Bunk and he andMrs Moberly will Ynake their home inVersailles which is a source of pleas¬

ure to their friends Mrs Moberlysphysician whom she went to NewYork to consult last week pronouncesher condition grestl improvedWoodford Sun

U S Senator McCreary and hissecretary Mr Henry B foshy arriveon Monday Both look splendidly af¬

ter their winters stay in the CapitalSenator McCivary first session as aSenator was distinguished far beyondthe average how Senator by states-manlike


activity instead of dignifiedpassivity that usually marks the firstyears of a new Senators service

The Stanford Interior Journal hasthe following to say of three of ouryoung people Adams Brot whohave been in our city several daysorganizing classes in physical cultureopened their class for gentlemen atthe St Asapb last night The class forladies under direction of Miss LucyAdams is also in Hae Much interest

r > <

J v Wol J7

1 <jjjI


1A r

AerswYour doctor will tell you thatthin pale weak nervous phil¬

dren become strong and wellby taking Ayers Sarsaparilla t

Small doses for a few days

SarsaparillaTheand very marked Ask yourdoctor why it is He has ourformula and will explain

When 13 years old for many months noone thought I could lire became ot thin bloodBut In a few weeks Ayers Sanaparllla compleleILi1I1g to t Vlneland JJJ-

Jl M a battle J c A TaR COLowell MIMc1nu1tfor

The ChildrenU

Biliousness constipation prevent recovery Cure thoso with Ayers Pills

is heinz mnnifosted and thn outlook forwidespread enthusiasm is flattering-

Mr Clarence K Woods ia expectedhome from Washington about FrillsHe stopped off at Washington at dIMO University at Lexington Vnoft bUsiness In adrtJton to hiworkin the cube of Senator AfcHrparv atWashington Mr Woods succeeded infnundine a chapter of Slma Nu atthe smat ITnJversity of Pennsylvaniaat Philadelphia

In spite of the very inclement iav nlarge nrowil of little folks r spcndedto invitations sent out by Miss lennette Winston Pates and attendfld hereighth birthday party on last ThiisIaytrln The invitations wereunique and rendyFromhoystEnploedw5tb this was an engravedard bearing the little hostess name

Allof the guests asspmbled malemerrywith the fish pondend othernames A delicious lunch added muchto the enjoyment of all tires nt Li1

tie Miss Jennette js the bpantifnl11 tlpduwhter of Captain anfl MrsJohn ii Pates She entertained in R

style bofitting one much older Hrpartywas a delightful affair andrllpirlIvtheir hostess runny returns of thesame happy lay

100 RewardThe readers of this paper will be

pleased to learn that there is at leastone dreaded disease that science lies

0been able to cure in all its stages andthat is Catarrh Hulls Catarrh CureIs the only positive cure now knownto the ine< licml fraternity Catarrh he¬

ing a constitutional disease requiresconstitutional treatment Halls Ca¬

tarrh Cure is taken internally actingdirectly upon the blood and mucoussurfaces of the svstem thereby destroy¬

jug the foundation of the disease andgiving the patient strength by buildingup the constitution and assisting nalure in doing its work The proprietiirs have PO much faith in its curativepowers that they offer otto hundreddollars for any case that it tills to cureSend for list of testimonials

l Addres F J CHENEY co ToledoOhio

Sold hv nil drufririets 75c

IHalls Family Pills are the best 2m

B Deatherage pays the highestprice for wool tf

Souse for Rent or Salel I have in my hands for salt or rout

the property of Jo S Jopliu on Maitistreet Any one desiring to inspectsame can do w> bv applying to the unilersigned at the State Hank TrustCo L P EVANS

iBntlShackelford Co sell tit famous

Javecka fertilizer from SIC 00 to MOOper ton ISatf


Master CommissionersNotice to Creditors

Madison Circuit outlaura Smith o rift

againstWill Quisentwry DU

All persons having claims against the estateof Fiorina Quieenberry are hereby notified tofile same legally v rifled with the undersignedon or before the 15th day of June 14 or samewll be barred

8 11 THORPEitaiter Commissioner M C O

Master CommissionersNotice to Creditors


AgainstHelen E Pordc Dft

All persons having claims against the es¬

tate of MsryJ Roberts are tofile surne legally verified with the undersignedon or before the 1st day of August 1901 or famewill be barred


ommi don r s al

MJ Itoberts Admr Pltfaa1iist-

ItelenM c DeftNotice of Sale in EquityBy virtue of a Judgment nod Order of Hale

of the Madison Circuit Court rendered at theApril Term theref 1901 in the above stylecause the undersigned will on

Saturday May 2J t04at the honrof 2 oclock p m on the premisesIn Richmond Madison county Ky proceedt expose to Public Sale to the highest andbest bidder the following described propertyviz

A Certain Lotor parcel of ground situated in the ciy ofRichmond Madison county Kyand beingthe same prop rty owned by M J Roberts atdate of her death and located at corner ofIrvine and First streets opposite Court HouseSquare Upon said lot is situated a good

TwoStory Brick Housefronting on Irvine and First streets and threeframe buildings fronting on Irvine streetThis is a splendid for u hotel another business property Said property willbe surveyed before day of sale ¬

ing to said surveyTERMS Hale will be made on a credit ot MX

and twelve months The purchaser will be requlrcd togice bond with approved ecurllyforthe payment of the purchase money tohave the force and effect of a Judgment bear ¬

lug legal interest from day of sale with a Lienreserved upon said property until all the pur ¬

chase money is paid

S H THORPEMaster Commissioner M C O


Si The i boxesinourburgI

S lar proofvault willkeep yournotes deedsi policies sil-


other valua¬

ble safe from T

fires stormsor thieves

Prices reasonableCull and see them I

Statet BankTrust I


t 1-

1tof rr 71-



ti 4F L0

Protects the System AgainstCatarrh


iyomci Prevents Colds nnd CuresGrip aid Catarrh Money I

Back if it tailsIf

An ounce of prevention is worth apound of cure A few breaths of Hy

inei through the neat pocket inhnlerthat comes with every outfit will cheeki cold or the grip at 4be start and prevent serious nnd IbstiiiK lllnesf

In all catarrhal troubles and diseases1If the air passages llyomei has a pos-

itive action uiotossus8ed by nmty oiliermedicine or treatment It Is pleasantand convenient to use simply put 20drops of Hvoniei in the inhaler andreathf it R few minutes four times a

div In this way every particle of airthat enters the lungs is charged with aHealing balsam that kills all catarrhalnHnis soothes and allays the irritatedmucous membrane vitalizes the bloodwith ozone and makes n permanentand complete cure

A Hyomei outfit costs only jl andcontains an inhnier medicine dropperand bottle of Hyomei The inhalerlasts a lifetime and when more Hyo ¬

mei is needed extra bottles can be ob-

tained for BOc

B L Middeltoti will give his personalguarantee with every Hyomei outfitand will refund the nioncu ii it doesnot cure 1m

We have iipver howu H larger stockof Carryalls Hurries Rubies unit rUlla ¬

bouts than we now have on display inour show room Ir wilpdv you to ex-


them before buying We alsoilo rwpairitu and rejoining in best rtanoars at moderate prices The best rub ¬

ber tire applyed and guaranteed forone year Call and SHe us

Richmond Carriage Workstf S L Midkitf Prop

What ia the name ofthe Rofrienlorand Ice Box that is lined with Granuln ¬

ted Cork und who sells tIters in townIt is the North Star and can be foundat D It Sbackellord Co where it hasbeen for years ISatf

The highest market cash price willbe paid for wool by Covinglon Arnold

Bro Take them your wool 20atf


Paints Oils Frames Etc

0For Kent

Our large and commodious store rooml8x lOt feet No 208 south side Mainstreet This is one of the best locatedbest liglltudand handsomest storeroom in the city Suitable for almost

allIIlrsRichmond KentuckyTelephone No 292-

Sliackelfirtl A Co sell the genuineBrowII walking cultivator and the fil-er


riding cultivator the Tiger tornadoand disc harnrvs We guarantee satis-faction



Ve purchased our vehicles tOselland it you will only call and net priceswe will prove title insertion and makeof you an everlasting friend and custoiner tf S L MidkifT Prop

For the next 2 lays we will closeout for cash at cost two Moores doubleheaters three Kndiant llotueH threeColes lint Blast stoves in order tomake room for spring goueJs-

U B Shackelford Co

Sheriffs Sale

Nannie Garrison-vs

R T aad Jas WhittakerNO TICK OF SALE

By virtue of a Judgment and Orderof Sole of the Ricnmond Police Courtthe undersigned will on

Saturday May 14 J904at he heur of 2 pm in front of thecourt house door in Richmond Kysell the barroom fixtures now in thehouse of Mrs J W Garrison on Firststreet in Richmond Ky consistingof 1 side board 1 frant counter 1

b> cr pump anti 1 lot of bottles Thesearticles will be sold as a whole on acredit of three mouths purchaser togive bond with approved iecuritysaid bond to bear interest from dateof sale at tho rate of 6 per cent andto be a iien upm the articles sold tosecure its payment


s 5 S2 5 < d4 II 7F71 7F

TheGlothes That Ma MadeLM J

0prYou should therefore get the habit of having

your Clothes made You

wRice and Arnold if


It 11 7i ffi 1 7U U

Oddities Predominate-This Year

IThere have been times vwhen it seemed as If nil

papers looked alikebutthat is certain v not the

case this year

Wo have so many radicallydifferent styles that there

is very little likelihood nomatter what you select

that any one of your neigh ¬

bors will select a similarstyle

Geo Willging

HEMPS TE2IDHempstead will make the season of

1904 at Ellendale Stock Farm Rich ¬

mond KyatS 500 SOT a tmur CoXl

Hempstead vas sired by young Jim2009 First dam Margery Daw byLumps second dam Nelly by Mambrino third dam Flora by ParsonsAbdallah

Hempstead is a blood bay and isperfect in gait and action and is annbred George Wilkes

King JlrthurAt the same time and place King

Arthur will make the season of 1901 at

J500 For a Living Colt

King Arthur is a sorrel Kallion byHaxhall dam Alice Wilson by Jacinto As a twoyearold King Ar¬

thur was not defeated In the State inthe harness ring

Money due when mare leaves thebands of the original owner or bred toanother horse Lien retained on coltsuntil service fee Is paid Due dili-gence


will be exercised in care ofmares but will not be responsible foraccidents


Richmond Ky

novington Arnold Bro will paythe highest market cash price for wool


Four handsome wel located lots 50xlSO feet cheap ou installment clanAlso two lots in a stone throw of

court house fronted on two streetscheap Apply

toTP Evans

State Rank Trust Co Itlg

Notice to Creditors

All parties having claims against the estateof C Hunley deceased are requested to filesame with the undersigned properly verifiedon or before June 1st ISO or same will bebarred

2m W H HUNLEY Admr

Our Window Screens are

0nade and paintedready to be put in placewithout the aid of a carpenter Prices are low with no

extra charges for odd slzes

Iryus on all kinds of Mill-


Lexington Lumber andjManufacturing Co

1EWn c at OR xLexington Kentucky

c ff

1JjJIf rJ r

tiu i iiuos at-


Jlrc tJ lft titI

i t 1 tfc

Joboii t 1wi-i

j LN


There was 7probably a time when you lookedwithboyish pride onlithe clothes that mamade they answered the purpose

I Later onperhaps you bought store clothesmade for no one in particular theyalso answered the purpose just ascoaloil answered the purpose before Tthe age of electric lights


t-Jls a man

Rmon menyou can only feel at ease and appear ftat your best when you know you ha-re as corectly dressed as any otherman 6 5i5 jS 7r

to fit

F It-ffi


Ti 7i7Jt

MWindow Shades Picture


nIIUL2L2L2 p s ftfIzr2 7

THAT FITThat is the kind we make We handle


only the best the newest andmostI

stylish goods

IIisings 5J Give us a call we can please you both withgoods and pri-

cesStouffer MahlerMERCHANT TAILORS

fJ ft

Fm ft 7ij 7l1 W

E RichmondIi GREEN HOU E m

Phone 188Geraniums CarnationsRoses Heliotropes Ferns

TiAsparagus etc


a callrleeS1 Reasonable ICtALBERTr9 fV JJ

Wf I tteN w ffrDontRiskLifetdpal1your Lome

ThatJAwful Smell

and the Ugreasy discomfort of kp<pit 1 JouJ ¬

tJfttJlt stoves only because they are unsafe >

J lDetroit Jewell Gas RangesJ1

and cooking by Gas ARE SAFE as Vdla rc

economical cleanly laborsaving See the bGas Company Do it now

jtSeichmolld ia d Eighi Co-

a p010ffc



r c11 IdIIt- r-g 1Ig