Ivanescu CV

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  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV



    Nume si prenume: IVANESCU MIRCEA

    Adresa: V.Conta, Bl.U4, sc.1, ap.13, 1100 CRAIOVA, ROANIA

    Adresa ser!iciu: Uni!ersitatea din Craio!a str. "apusului nr.#, 1100 CRAIOVA $ROANIA

    %ata si locul nasterii: 3 mai 1&43, comuna "ar'a, R.oldo!a(unt casatorit cu d$na )l!ira$)caterina I!anescu. Am o *iica: Alina$Nir!ana +1&4-.

    (unt de reli'ie ortodoa.


    Am a/sol!it Institutul olitenic Bucuresti, 2acultatea de )ner'etica, , iunie 1&.

    (unt doctor in'iner din 1&(unt pro*esor doctor in'iner cu norma de /a5a la 2acultatea de Automatica,Uni!ersitatea

    din Craio!a , Catedra de ecatronica.


    $ in'iner proiectant: 1& $ 1&6

    $ asistent:1& $ 1&16$ se* lucrari: 1&1 $ 1&6

    $ con*erentiar: 1& $ 1&&06$ director Centru de Calcul$ Uni!ersitatea din Craio!a: 1&71$1&&06$ pro*esor: 1&&0

    Activitatea didactica

    In cei peste 40 de ani de acti!itate didactica am or'ani5at la/oratoare, seminarii si am

    sustinut prele'eri la cursurile urmatoarelor discipline: Automati5ari in Industria Constructoare deasini,Ro/oti Industriali,"inii *lei/ile de *a/ricatie,(isteme de conducere a ro/otilor

    industriali.Am in*iintat in cadrul Uni!ersitatii catedra de ecatronica si am *acut un e*ort

    sustinut in reali5area unor sisteme interdisciplinare de in!atamant com/inand domeniile de

    macanica cu cele de electronica,automatica si calculatoare.Un e*ort deose/it a *ost depus in directia de5!oltarii unor discipline noi, cu un impact

    deose/it asupra noilor sisteme tenolo'ice: *a/ricatia *lei/ila si ro/otii industriali. In acest sens,

    la/oratoarele or'ani5ate in cadrul Uni!ersitatii sunt considerate printre cele mai /une din tara, cuun standard de calitate al sistemului educational la cote acceptate de toate re'lementarile


    Am participat, pe plan national ,la de*initi!area curriculei de Ro/otica si a celei deecatronica or'ani5and direct 8or9sopuri si seminarii pe aceasta tema.Am participat,de

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    asemenea,la numeroase intalniri internationale,con*erinte si con'rese pri!ind scim/arile impuse

    de re*orma Bolo'na.

    Am *ost mem/ru in Comisia de acreditare in domeniul (tiintelor In'ineresti si amparticipat direct la autori5area si acreditarea unui mare numar de pro'rame in domeniile de

    ro/otica si mecatronica in maoritatea centrelor uni!ersitare din tara.

    (unt mem/ru in Consiliul A'entiei Romane pentru Asi'urarea Calitatii in In!atamantul(uperior si am contri/uit la ela/orarea strate'iei pri!ind respectarea normelor de calitate in

    uni!ersitatile romanesti.Am participat la de*initi!area standardelor de calitate pentru noile

    pro'rame de studiu in in!atamantul in'ineresc : licenta +/acelor- si master.(unt unul dincoautorii sistemului de e!aluare pentru in!atamantul tenic +master-.


    Acti!itatea de cercetare a *ost si este orientata in urmatoarele directii: sisteme cu

    parametri distri/uiti, ro/oti industriali, sisteme de conducere, sisteme numerice, control optimal,

    sisteme de conducere pentru ro/oti industriali, sisteme de actionare necon!entionale cu licideelectroreolo'ice, sisteme *u55; ,sisteme necon!etionale de conducere pentru ro/otii

    industriali,etc."ucrarile de cercetare cuprind un numar mare de re5ultate pri!ind sistemele cu parametri

    distri/uiti, controlul optimal al acestora, utili5$1&7-,(an 2rancisco +ICRA #000-,Anaeim +A() #004-.

    entru modelele in*init dimensionale ale acestor sisteme s$au propus cate!a solutii pentruo/ser!eri de stare +)RO77 $ Clu, 1&77- si s$au determinat le'i de conducere /a5ate pe

    modelul in!ers +A() ress $1&7-, Inns/ruc9 +IA(?)%, 1&&0-, "u'ano +IA(?)%, 1&&1-.

    O directie importanta de cercetare este cea a implementarii unor structuri tenolo'ice

    /a5ate pe licide electro$reolo'ice, in special dedicate modelelor iperredundante tentaculare

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    +Na'o;a$ICRA, 1&&-, itts/ur' +ICR(, 1&&-, Roma +)CC, 1&&-, inneapolis +ICRA, 1&&-,

    ?aeon $ R orld Cup (occer $ 1&&.Au *ost propuse ,de asemenea,cate!a sisteme de

    actionare a manipulatoarelor industriale /a5ate pe materiale cu memoria *ormei +(A-: %etroit+ICRA 1&&&-,?aipei +Int Con* on Ro/otics #003-

    Au *ost introduse controlere /a5ate pe sisteme cu structura !aria/ila implementa/ile cu

    licide electro$reolo'ice si s$au propus al'oritmi *u55; pentru conducerea sistemelor compleeiperredundante +Ne8 Orleans$2UDD$I))), 1&&, Ancora'e$2UDD$I))), 1&&7, "eu!en$

    ICRA, 1&&7-.

    Un interes aparte l$au repre5entat sistemele de conducere /a5ate pe materiale inteli'ente+arro'ate$C(($1&&7, Ari5ona$I2%C$1&&1, Eournal o* Intelli'ent aterial (;stems and

    (tructures$1&&7, Victoria +Canada-$IRO(FI)))$1&&&, ?imisoara$CON?I 1&&7, Braso!$

    ROBO?ICA$1&&&, (prin'er$Verlo'$1&&&.?re/uie mentionata introducerea in literatura de

    specialitate a metodei %(C +%irect (lidin' ode Control- ce permite e!olutia pe o linie decomutare prin comutarea parametrilor miscarii *olosind licide electroreolo'ice ,asin'ton

    +ICRA #00#-.

    O directie importanta de cercetare a *ost acordata conducerii sistemelor multi$ro/ot,

    pro/lemelor complee impuse de coordonarea miscarilor pentru o traiectorie impusa in conditiide restrictii asupra spatiului starilor si *ortelor in articulatii +Bucuresti$(%CC($1&&7, Iasi$1&&7,

    Bucuresti$C(C($1&&&, Otta8a$%GCON($1&&&, ontere;$CIRA$1&&&, a8ai$IA(?)%$#000,ontere;$I(RA$#000, Bucuresti$C(C($#001, Ne8 Gor9$A()$#001-.

    (imultan cu aceasta tematica au *ost a/ordate si pro/lemele complee ce apar in

    conducerea ro/otilor mo/ili, in conditiile simple si multi$tas9 +Harlsrue$C"AAR$#001, aris$C"AAR$#00#-.

    O directie importanta de cercetare a *ost cea le'ata de noul domeniu impus pe plan

    mondial $ mecatronica $ un domeniu multidisciplinar al mecanicii, electronicii, calculatoarelor si

    automaticii. In acest sens se e!identia5a contri/utia adusa in sta/ilirea unor noi sisteme deconducere /a5ate pe o a/ordare ener'etica, care sa permita eliminarea di*icultatilor inerente

    compleelor modele matematice ale acestor sisteme. (e remarca in acest sens lucrarile pre5entate

    la (an 2rancisco$ICR$#000, (in'apore$ACRAFIC?$#001, Bucuresti$C(C 13$#001, Ber9ele;$I2AC$#00#, asin'ton$ICRA$#00#, ?ai8an$ICRA$#003 sau pu/licate in %;namics and

    Control +1&&&- si IU?A$Hlu8er +1&&&-.

    O atentie deose/ita a *ost acordata studiului modelelor iperredundante.(unt o/tinuteecuatiile de miscare in medii cu si *ara restrictii si sunt tratate pro/lemele complee ale

    conducerii acestor sisteme prin al'oritmi ener'etici implementati prin tenici *u55; si conducere

    prin !edere arti*iciala ,+Barcelona #004- sau pu/licate in (tudies in In*ormatics and Control

    Eournal +#00-.Au *ost studiate pro/lemele complee ale manipulatoarelor ;perredundante in contact

    cu mediul etern ,s$au determinat modelele dinamice ale acestor sisteme si s$au propus al'oritmi

    de conducere /a5ati pe licide electro reolo'ice care sa asi'ure sta/ilitatea miscarii petraiectorie :Duric +#00-,asadena+ICRA #007-,(eoul +I2AC #007-.

    Conducerea ro/otilor prin tenici !ideo,implementarea unor al'oritmi pentru operare in

    timp real au constituit de asemenea o preocupare maora: ?rans on In* (cience and Appl. #00,)d Academiei,#007.

    O preocupare constanta a acti!itatii mele a *ost concentrata pe de*inirea unor noi metode de

    identi*icare a modelelor dinamice din compleele structuri mecanice ale aritecturilor ro/otice si

    'asirea unor al'oritmi de conducere care sa o*ere in cat mai mare masura parametrii de calitate

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    impusi.Aceste e*orturi au *ost concreti5ate in Cap CON?RO" aparut in and/oo9 o*

    ecanical )n'ineerin' ,Academic ress,1&&&, si in 2RO C"A((ICA" ?O O%)RN

    )CANICA" )N>IN))RIN> +)d Academiei Romane,#00-. Un /arometru al e!aluarii cercetarii stiinti*ice este redat de citatiile eistente in literatura

    de specialitate +peste 100- din care prin >oo'le sunt semnalate cca &0 citatii , 3 apar in

    literatura din strainatate,apartinand unor personalitati ale ro/oticii mondiale ,de la presti'ioaseuni!ersitati din (UA ,Eaponia,>ermania,2ranta,Horea,etc.Conceptul de controller cu structura

    !aria/ila pentru ro/oti tentaculari introdus de mine in cate!a lucrari a *ost citat de 1 ori din care

    mentione5 lucrarile colecti!elor conduse de Ro/inson,oci;ama,Ciri9ian,Eones,Carro55a,an',?atlicio'lu in CI?1,CI?#,CI?

    3,CI?4,CI?,CI?7,CI?14,CI?1,CI?1&J.odelul dinamic al sistemelor cu structura

    iperredundanta a *ost utili5at de Ciri9ian,Burdic9,a;asi in

    CI?#0,CI?##,CI?#,CI?31J.Utili5area metodelor ener'etice in controlul po5itiei ro/otilortentaculari a permis o/tinerea unor al'oritmi usor de implementat ,idKe preluata si de5!oltata in

    lucrarile lui Bra'an5a,%a8son,al9er,Nat CI?37,CI?41,CI?4#J.Conducerea pe /a5a lo'icii

    *u55; si introducerea unor al'oritmi *u55; pentru sisteme cu parametrii distri/uiti au *ost

    preluate de Hatic,Vulo/rato!ic,an',(en',a,Lin inCI? #,CI?3,Cit4J.Introducereamaterialelor inteli'ente in actionarea ro/otilor tentaculari a *ost apreciata in lucrarile lui

    Eones,caan,al9er,"antei'ne,Eni*ene CI?4,CI?4,CI?47,CI?4&J.odelele dinamice culun'ime !aria/ila pentru ro/otii tentaculari au *ost preluate in lucrarile lui


    CI?,CI?7,CI?&,CI?0,CI?1J.%e5!oltarea unor al'oritmi pentru ro/oti cooperati!iiperredundanti a *ost citata in lucrarile lui>ar',Humar,Ho,"auCI?7,CI?&J iar utili5area

    controlerelor *u55; /a5ate pe tenolo'ii necon!entionale a *ost preluata si de

    Clemmensen,2a!re$Bulle,Huo si "in in CI?#,CI?7&,CI?&0J.

    (unt presedinte al (ocietatii Romane de Ro/otica,calitate in care am incercat sacoordone5 e*orturile de cercetare in acest domeniu in'ineresc de !ar* al ultimelor decenii ,cu un

    impact deose/it asupra lumii socio economice.Am or'ani5at numeroase con*erinte ,simpo5ioane

    si 8or9 sopuri in domeniul ro/oticii industriale,ro/otilor mo/ili si al sistemelor de conducerea*erente acestora.

    Am *ost !isitin' pro*esor la Uni!ersitatea din (aint$)tienne, 2ranta si Uni!ersitatea

    Au/urn, Ala/ama, (UA. Am participat la *inali5area unor contracte de cercetare internationalepe domenii de !

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    O preocupare constanta a *ost ca intrea'a mea acti!itate de cercetare stiinti*ica sa ai/a*inali5are practica.

    rintre reali5arile personale in aceasta directie si care se remarca si printr$o puternica

    ori'inalitate as mentiona:

    A. Aplicatii industriale

    $ Automati5area instalatiilor de transport si manipulare din com/inatele de prelucrare a


    $ roiectarea sistemelor de telecomanda si telesemnali5are din eploatari miniere de

    ne*eroase6$ Automati5area 'rupurilor de distilare$*ractionare din cadrul Com/inatului Cimic


    $ Automati5area instalatiilor de incarcare din cadrul centralei ?ermoelectrice Isalnita6

    $ roiectarea automatelor sec!entiale pentru controlul liniilor de tratamente termice6$ Automati5area liniilor de asam/lare de la 2a/rica de Osii si Bo'iuri din Bals6

    $ %e5!oltarea unor sisteme de control *luidic utili5

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  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    Cart! pu%"!cate !ntara

    #. I!anescu,., 2rom Classical to odern ecanical )n'ineerin'$2undamentals, )dAcademia Romana,Bucarest ,#00.

    3. Belea, C., I!anescu ., arametri distri/uiti in (isteme complee, )ditura ?enica,Bucuresti, 1

    4. I!anescu ., Cautil I., Automate industriale, )ditura =(crisul Romanesc= $ Craio!a,

    1&746. I!anescu,., (isteme a!ansate de conducere in ro/otica,)ditura (crisul Romanesc,

    Craio!a, #003.

    . I!anescu ., Ro/oti industriali $ Al'oritmi si sisteme de conducere, )ditura

    Uni!ersitaria, Craio!a, 1&&46. I!anescu ., Coocaru %., %iaconu I., Introducere in mecatronica, )ditura

    Uni!ersitaria, Craio!a, #00#6

    7. I!anescu ., Nitulescu ., (toian V., (isteme necon!entionale pentru conducerea

    ro/otilor, )ditura Uni!ersitaria, Craio!a, #00#.

    #. Lucrar! e"ectate

    #.&.Articole si lucrari publicate in strainatate

    1. I!anescu, ., %;namic Control o* a ?entacle anipulator, Ro/otics and 2actories o* te

    2uture, (prin'er$Verla', pp.31$3#, 1&74.#. I!anescu, ., A Ne8 anipulator Arm: A ?entacle odel, =Recent ?rends in

    Ro/otics=, Nort olland, pp.1$, 1&7.

    3. I!anescu, ., An In!erse odel o* a ara/olic %istri/uted (;stem, A() Re!ie8,A() ress, !ol., No.4, pp.&$1, 1&7.

    4. I!anescu, ., )lectro$Reolo'ical *luid controllers, Eournal o* Intelli'ent aterial

    (;stems and (tructures, !ol.&, no.7, !ol.I, pp.0$1, 1&&7.. I!anescu, ., 2u55; Controllers /; Uncon!entional ?ecnolo'ies *or ?entacle arms,

    "ecture Notes in Computer (cience series, no.1#, pp.#3#$#4, )d.(prin'er Verla',

    %ortmund >erman;, 1&&&.

    . ar'itu, ., I!anescu, ., 2u55; "o'ic Control o* arametricall; )cited Rotatin'Beam Usin' In!erse odel, %;namics and Control, !ol.&, pp.31&$337.

    . I!anescu,., On te d;namic control o* ;per$redundant manipulators, Ad!ances in

    Automatic Control, Hlu8er Academic u/lisers,pp 141$17.7. I!nescu, ., Coocaru, %,#00, Visual Based Control (;stem *or a ?entacle

    anipulator, ()A( ?ransactions on In*ormation (cience and Applications, Issue 3,

    Volume 3, p10$1, I((N 1&0$073#.&. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A non$con!entional Controller *or )lectroreolo'ical 2luid

    Actuated al9in' Ro/ot, Clim/in' And al9in' Ro/ots, ro*essional )n'ineerin'

    u/lisin' "imited, aris, pp.#03$#10.

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    10. I!anescu,., 2lorescu,., A %istri/uted Control *or a >raspin' 2unction, EV) Eournal o*

    Vi/roen'ineerin',#00,Oct,Vol &,Issue 4,I((N 13$71,pp &$1.

    11. I!anescu,., Moving target interception for a walking robot by fuzzy observer andfuzzy controller, C"IBIN> AN% A"HIN> ROBO?( +C"AAR-:2ROBIO"O>G ?O IN%U(?RIA" "AN?( , #001,pp :33$3 6 I(BN 1$707$3$

    #,ro*essional )n'ineerin' u/lisin' "imited, Burr; (t )dmunds and "ondon, UH1#. I!anescu,., 2lorescu,., opescu N., opescu %., (ta/ilit; Control o* a

    ;perredundant Arm *or a >raspin' Operation, EV) Eournal o* Vi/roen'ineerin',#00&,Eanuar;, I((N 13$71

    13. Coocaru, %., ?anasie, ?.R., I!anescu, ., #007, >rapic (imulator *or te Visual

    Control o* ;perredundant Ro/ots, ()A( ?ransactions on (;stems and Control, Issue

    &, Volume 3, p&$7, (eptem/er #007, I((N 1&&1$73, IN()C, Dentral/lattJ.

    #.'.Articole si lucrari publicate in tara

    14. I!anescu, ., Numerical (imulation o* 2ractionin' Columns, Re!ie8 o* Cemistr;,nr.11, !ol.#3, pp.71$7, )d.?enica, 1.

    1. arin, C., I!anescu, ., ?e %esi'n o* ?8o$osition Re'ulators, Automatics,

    mana'ement, Computers, nr.1, pp.14$14, )d.?enica, 1&4.

    1. I!anescu, ., Computin' etods *or ?ime$(pace )!olution (;stems, Automatics,ana'ement, Computers, !ol.#0 B, pp.#4$#&, )d.?enica, 1&.

    1. Nicolae %., I!anescu, ., %;namic (;stems o* a >enerator in an )ner'etic Net8or9,

    Automatics, ana'ement, Computers, !ol.#0 B, pp.#3#$#37, )d.?enica, 1&.17. I!anescu, ., Optimal Control o* te (;stems 8it (pace Control, Automatic ro/lems,

    nr.&, pp.#01$#13, Romanian Academ; u/lisin' ouse, 1&.

    1&. I!anescu, ., opescu >., Optimal Control o* te %ri!e 8it (ort$Circuited RotorAs;ncronous otor, Re!ue Roumaine des (ciences ?ecni@ues, (erie )lectroni@ue et

    )ner'eti@ue, pp.&1$&&, 1&70.

    #0. I!anescu, ., %;namic Control *or a 2lei/le Arm $ Control (;stem and Computer(cience, pp.4#1$4#, Buc., 1&7.

    #1. I!anescu, ., A 2u55; "o'ic Controller *or a icro$?entacle anipulator 8it )R$

    2luids, (pecial Issue %edicated to te ?ird International Con*erence ?ecnical

    In*ormatics, CON?I &7, !ol.43+-, num/er 1 o* 4, pp.&$1, 1&&7.##. I!anescu, ., 2u55; Controllers *or "ar'e (cale (;stems, (tudies in In*ormatics and

    Control, (ept. #003, !ol. 1#, nr. 3, pp. 11$17#.

    #3. I!nescu, ., Coocaru, %,#00, ;perredundant Ro/ot Control /; Visual (er!oin',(tudies in In*ormatics and Control Eournal, Volume 1, Num/er 1, p&3$10#, I((N 1##0$


    #4. I!anescu,.,2lorescu,., A Compliance Control o* a ;perredundant Ro/ot,(tudies inIn*ormatics and Control,Eune,#007,!ol 1,Nr #, pp17&$#01.

    #.(.Lucrari publicate in volumele unor congrese internationale IEEE, ASME si IAC

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    #. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A !aria/le (tructure Controller *or a ?entacle anipulator,

    roceedin's o* te 1&& I))) International Con*erence on Ro/otics and Automation,

    Na'o;a, )dited /; Institude o* )lectrical and )lectronics )n'ineers, Inc., Eapan, a; #1$ #, 1&&, !ol. 3, pp. 31 $ 310.

    #. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A (e@uential %istri/uted Varia/le (tructure Controller *or a

    ?entacle Arm,roceedin's o* te 1&& $ I))) International Con*erence on Ro/otics andAutomation, )dited /; Institude o* )lectrical and )lectronics )n'ineers, Inc.,

    inneapolis, innesota, April 1&&, !ol. 4, pp. 301 $ 30.

    #. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A 2u55; Controller *or a ?entacle anipulator, 2UDDG$I)))'& International Con*erence on 2u55; (;stems, )dited /; Institude o* )lectrical and

    )lectronics )n'ineers, Inc., Ne8 Orleans, "ouisiana, U(A, (eptem/er 7 $ 11, 1&&, pp.

    14 $ 10.

    #7. I!anescu, ., A *u55; control s;stem *or multiple cooperatin' tentacle ro/ots,roceedin's o* te 1&&7 I))) International Con*erence on 2u55; (;stems +2UDDG $

    I))) &7-, )dited /; Institude o* )lectrical and )lectronics )n'ineers, Inc., Ancora'e,

    Alas9a, !ol.I, pp. 30$31#, 1&&7.

    #&. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A Control (;stem *or Cooperatin' ?entacle Ro/ots,

    ?e 1&&7I))) International Con*erence on Ro/otics and Automation, +ICRA &7-, !ol.#, )dited

    /; Institude o* )lectrical and )lectronics )n'ineers, Inc., "eu!en, Bel'ium, 1&&7,pp.140$14.

    30. I!anescu, ., (toian V., )lectro$reolo'ical *luid s;stems, 4t)uropean Con*erence on

    (mart (tructures and aterials and #nd International Con*erence on icromecanics,Intelli'ent aterials and Ro/otics, edited /; >.R.?omlison and V.A.Bullou', !ol.I, pp.

    ##$#3#, arro'ate (A, Near Gor9, U(A, 1&&7.

    31. I!anescu, ., A 2u55; Controller *or ultiple ;per $ Redundant Cooperati!e Ro/ots,

    roceedin's o* te tI2AC (;mposium$Arti*icial Intelli'ence in Real$?ime Control,!ol.I, pp.11#$11, Ari5ona, U(A, 1&&7.

    3#. I!anescu, ., ar'itu, ., Control o* an Impactin' (;stem !ia In!erse odel, IU?A

    (;mposium Unilateral ulti/od; %;namics, unic, >erman;, au'ust 3$, pp.&1$&,Hlu8er +eds. 2.*ei**er and c.>loc9er-.

    33. I!anescu, ., A Ro/ust 2u55; Controller *or Cooperati!e Ro/ot (;stems, I))) int.

    Con*erence on Ro/otics and Automation, )dited /; Institude o* )lectrical and)lectronics )n'ineers, Inc., %etroit, U(A, a;, #1$#, 1&&&, pp.#1#$#13#.

    34. I!anescu, ., ?8o "e!el ierarcical 2u55; Controller *or ;perredundant Cooperati!e

    Ro/ots, I))) Int.Con*erence on Ro/otics and Automation, )dited /; Institude o*

    )lectrical and )lectronics )n'ineers, Inc., (an 2rancisco, April, #4$#7, #000, pp. #74$#77.

    3. I!anescu, ., An Intelli'ent Control (;stem *or ;perredundant cooperati!e Ro/ots,

    roceedin' o* te #ndInternational (;mposium on Ro/otics and Automation$I(RA #000,!ol.I, pp.#01$#0, ontere;, eic, #000.

    3. I!anescu, ., A *u55; controller *or mo/ile ro/ots$ 4t international Con*erence on

    Clim/in' and al9in' Ro/ots, #001, ro*essional )n'ineerin' u/lisin' "imited,Harlsrue, (ept., 14$#3, pp.#3$#4.

    3. I!anescu, ., An Intelli'ent 2u55; Controler *or Cooperati!e ?as9s o* ?entacle Ro/ots

    +ACRAFIC? #001-, Ro/otics and ecatronics Con'ress tInternational Con*erence

    on ecatronics ?ecnolo';, pp.317$3#4, (in'apore, #001.

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    37. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A non$con!entional Controller *or )lectroreolo'ical 2luid

    Actuated al9in' Ro/ot, roceedin's o* te tCon*erence on Clim/in' And al9in'

    Ro/ots, +C"AARR #00#-, ro*essional )n'ineerin' u/lisin' "imited, (ept.#$#,aris, 2rance, pp.#03$#10.

    3&. I!anescu, ., %;namic Control o* osition *or a ?entacle anipulator$Int.Con*erence on

    Ro/otics and Automation, )dited /; Institude o* )lectrical and )lectronics )n'ineers,Inc ., #00#, asin'ton, a;, 1&$#, pp.3#4$3#3.

    40. I!anescu, ., )ner'; Based Control *or a ;perredundant anipulators, I2AC

    Con*erence on ecatronics, Bar9ele;, %ec. 4$7, #00#, pp.$3.41. I!anescu, ., Control o* ;perredundant anipulators 8it (A Actuators, I)))

    International Con*erence on Ro/otics and Automation, edited /; Institute o* )lectrical

    and )lectronics )n'ineers, ?aipei, (ept. #003, pp. #7$#.

    4#. I!anescu, ., Control (;stem *or a ?entacle anipulator 8it Varia/le "en't,I2ACFI))) Con*erence on ana'ement and Control o* production and "o'istics, No!.

    #004, pp. 1$.

    43. I!anescu, ., Unconstrained and Constrained Control *or a ?entacle anipulator, #004

    A(), International ecanical )n'ineerin' Con'ress, Anaeim, No!. #004, pp. 37#0$37#.

    44. I!nescu, ., Coocaru, %., #00, Visual (er!oin' (;stem *or a ;perredundant Ro/ot,?e t ()A( International Con*erence on (i'nal rocessin', Ro/otics and

    Automation +I(RA 0-, I(BN &0$74$41$, p113$117, 1$1 2e/ruar;, adrid,

    (pain.4. I!nescu, ., Coocaru, %., opescu, N., opescu, %., ?nasie, R.?., #00, 3% Visual

    (er!oin' *or a ?entacle anipulator, ?e tAsian Control Con*erence +A(CC #00-,

    I(BN &&$101$0, p77$7&3, 17$#1 Eul;, Bali, Indonesia.

    4. I!anescu, ., A Varia/le "en't ?entacle anipulator Control (;stem, I)))International Con*erence on Ro/otics and Automation,Barcelona,April,17$


    4. I!anescu, ., opescu, N., opescu, %., A Varia/le "en't ;perredundant Arm Control(;stem,I))) International Con*erence on ecatronics and Automation, Ontario,

    Canada, Eul;, #&$Au'ust,1 #00, pp1&&7$#004.

    47. I!anesu, ., 2lorescu, ., A %istri/uted 2orce and osition Control *or a ?entacleanipulator, I2AC C #007, (eoul, pp #34#$#347.

    4&. I!anescu, ., osition and 2orce Control o* te >raspin' 2unction *or a ;perredundant

    Arm, ICRA #007, asadena ,pp 17$1.

    0. Coocaru, %., ?anasie, ?.R., I!anescu, ., #007, >rapic (imulation *or CameraCali/ration in Visual$(er!oin' Application, in PNe8Aspects o* (i'nal rocessin',

    Computational >eometr; and Arti*icial Vision, roceedin's o* te 7t ()A(

    International Con*erence on (i'nal rocessin', Computational >eometr; and Arti*icialVision +I(C>AV07-, p.10$1, I(BN: &7$&0$$&$4, I((N: 1&0$10&, Au'ust

    #0$##, Rodes +Rodos- Island, >reece, I(I roc., IN()CJ.

    1. Coocaru, %., ?anasie, ?.R., I!anescu, ., #007, >e%e) Q An Application *or>eneratin', %eri!in' and )!aluatin' atematical )pressions, 4t ()A(FIA()

    International Con*erence on %;namical (;stems and Control +CON?RO"07-, I(BN

    &7$&0$44$014$, I((N 1&0$#&, p17$1, Cor*u, >reece, Octo/er #$#7, I(I

    roc., IN()CJ.

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    #. ?anasie, ?.R., Coocaru, %., I!anescu, ., #007, >rapic (imulation *or In!erse

    Al'oritms in Visual (er!oin' Applications, 4t ()A(FIA() International

    Con*erence on %;namical (;stems and Control +CON?RO"07-, I(BN &7$&0$44$014$, I((N 1&0$#&, p171$17, Cor*u, >reece, Octo/er #$#7, I(I roc., IN()CJ.

    3. Coocaru, %., ?anasie, ?.R., I!anescu, ., #007, Cali/ration Application *or Real$?ime

    ;perredundant Ro/ots Vision Control, roceedin's o* te RAA% #007 1tInternational or9sop on Ro/otics in Alpe$Adria$%anu/e Re'ion, I(BN &7$77$&03$

    0$7, paper no. 3&, (eptem/er 1$1, #007, Ancona, Ital;.

    C. Art!co"e) tud!!) "ucrar! *"ucrar! e"ectate+

    4. I!anescu, ., ?e (imulation o* %iriclet ro/lem in Con*orm ?rans*ormation, Ann.

    Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a, pp.#03$#07, 1&0.. I!anescu, ., ?e (ta/ilit; Criteria *or %istri/uted arameter (;stems, ?e 3rd

    Con*erence o* )lectricit;, Bucarest, pp.47#$4&4, 1.

    . I!anescu, ., arin,C., odern (;stem ?eor; Applied in 2ractionatin' Column (tud;,

    ?e 3rd (imposium on Use o* Computers $ >li8ice oland, pp.34$4, 1&4.. I!anescu, ., Numerical (imulation o* an A/sor/tion *or Nitric Acid (;ntesis. ?e 3rd

    (;mposium on Use o* Computers, >li8ice, oland, pp.33$37, 1&4.7. I!anescu, ., %;namic Identi*ication and Optimal Control o* 2ractionin' Columns,

    Ann. Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a, nr., &&.37&$40, 1&4.

    &. I!anescu, ., %iscret Control in Optimal (;stems, Ann, Uni!. o* Craio!a, nr.#, pp.40$41, 1&4.

    0. I!anescu, ., Optimal %esi'n o* "ar'e (;stems /; "o8 Order (;stems, Ann. Uni!ersit;

    o* Craio!a, nr.#, pp. 41$40, 1&4.

    1. arin,C., I!anescu, ., %;namic Optimi5ation o* )conomical (;stems, Ann.Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a nr.#, pp.31$30, 1&4.

    #. arin C., I!anescu, ., ?e %esi'n o* ?8o$osition Re'ulators, Automatics,

    ana'ement, Computers, nr.1, pp. 14$14, 1&4.3. I!anescu, ., (ta/ilit; Criteria *or %istri/uted arameter (;stems, Ann.Uni!. o* Craio!a,

    nr.#, pp.31$30, 1&4.

    4. I!anescu, ., Contri/utions o* te Automatic (;stems to (pace Control, .%. ?esis,Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a, 1&.

    . I!anescu, ., )lectric Circuits, Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a, 1&.

    . I!anescu, ., arin, C., Industrial Automati5ations, Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a, 1&.

    . I!anescu, ., Al'oritms *or Optimal Control o* %istri/uted arameter (;stems: ControlIne@ualit; and )nd$oint )@ualit; Constraints, Internat. Con*. on In*ormation (ciences

    and (;stems, atras, >reece, (ection II, amispere u/lisin' C., pp.3#0$333, 1&.

    7. I!anescu, ., Optimal Control *or te (;stems %escri/ed /; artial %eri!ati!e)@uations, roc. o* te t (;mp. on Computers in Cemical )n'ineerin', raa,

    C5ecoslo!a9ia, pp.11$17, 1&7.

    &. I!anescu, ., A Ne8 Al'oritm *or 2ault %etection in (e@uential Circuits, ?e 3rdInternat. (;mp. on Control (;st.and Computer (ciences, pp.11$11#, Bucarest, 1&&.

    0. I!anescu, ., Optimal Control o* %istri/uted arameter (;stems 8it Ro/ust Re'ulator,

    3rd Internat, (;mp. on Control (;st., pp.17$1&1, 1&&.

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    1. I!anescu, ., ?e ?esta/ilit; o* (e@uential Circuits 8it Random (i'nals, ?e 2irst

    National (;mp. on (;stem ?eor;, Craio!a, pp. #$#3, 1&70.

    #. I!anescu, ., Optimi5ation o* ;droener'etic (;stems in Accumulator "a9es, 2irstNational (;mp. on (;stem ?eor;, Craio!a, pp. 30&$31, 1&70.

    3. I!anescu, ., "earnin' (;stem o* Industrial Ro/ots, roc. 4t Internat. Con*. on Control

    (;stems, Bucarest, pp.#44$#47, 1&71.4. I!anescu, ., An )tension o* "a'ran'e )@uations on "ar'e (cale (;stems, ?e #nd

    National (;mp. on (;st. ?eor;, Craio!a, pp.117$1##, 1&7#.

    . I!anescu, ., A rocessin' (;stem o* (tatic Ima'es, ?e 3rd National (;mp. onIndustrial Ro/ots, Bucarest, pp.1$17#, 1&73.

    . I!anescu, ., Ro/ust Re'ulator *or a Class o* %istri/uted arameter (;stems, )CC73,

    Uni!ersit; o* atras, atras, >reece, 1&73.

    . I!anescu, ., uscasu, (.,"earnin' Industrial Ro/ots /; ro'rammin', Automatics and)lectronics, No.1, pp.$7, 1&73.

    7. I!anescu, ., (istem de transmisie si prelucrare a ima'inilor statice, al 3$lea (impo5ion

    National de Ro/otica, !ol.I, pp.#3$#&, Bucuresti, Romania, 1&73.

    &. I!anescu, ., %istri/uted (;stem *or a ?entacle anipulator, 2irst Intern. or9sop onte Real ?ime Control o* "ar'e (cale (;stems, atras, >reece, 1&74.

    70. I!anescu, ., Un sistem de transmisie si prelucrare a ima'inilor statice, al 3$lea(impo5ion International de ?eoria (istemelor +(IN?)( 3-, !ol.1: (isteme automate $

    Conducerea proceselor si Ro/oti Industriali, pp.#4$##, Craio!a, Romania, 1&74.

    71. I!anescu, ., Cio/anu, >., Un model tentacular de manipulator, al $lea (impo5ionNational de Ro/oti Industriali +$ROBO? 1&7-, VO".#: Actionare$Comanda, pp.##$

    #34, Braso!, Romania, 1&7

    7#. I!anescu, ., Control (;stem *or a 2lei/le anipulator, roc. o* te t National

    Con*erence on )lectrical %ri!es, Iasi, pp.10&$11, 1&7.73. I!anescu, ., ?e In!erse (;stem *or a Class o* %istri/uted arameter (;stems, 4t

    (;mp. on ?eor; o* (;stems, pp.#&4$#&&, Craio!a, 1&7.

    74. I!anescu, ., Un nou manipulator $ un model tentacular, al 4$lea (impo5ion National deteoria (istemelor +(IN?)( 4-, !ol.I: Ro/oti5are$(isteme *lei/ile, pp.33$3, Craio!a,


  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    &0. I!anescu, ., An Inte'ral %i**erential odel o* a ?entacle anipulator, roc. o* te &t

    IA(?)% (;mp., Inns/ruc9, pp.173$17, 1&&1.

    &1. I!anescu, ., A ?entacle anipulator in 3$% (paces, IA(?)% (;mp.on Ro/otics,"u'ano, pp.#01$#07, 1&&1.

    . I!anescu, ., )lectro$reolo'ical$*luid$Based Control Ro/otic (;stems,?e Annals o*

    te Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a, )lectrical and Control )n'ineerin' (eries, No.1 F 1&&3,pp.&$7.

    &3. I!anescu, ., A %istri/uted )R 2luid Controller *or a ?entacle anipulator,

    International Con*erence on Ro/otics and (;stems, itts/ur', U(A, 1&&.&4. I!anescu, ., A !aria/le (tructure Controller 8it )R 2luid *or a ?entacle anipulator,

    roceedin' o* 3rd)uropean Control Con*erence +)CC &-, Roma, Italia, $7 septem/rie

    1&&, !ol. 3, p'. 144& $ 144.

    &. I!anescu, ., A !aria/le (tructure anipulator Arm, ?e International Association o*(cience and ?ecnolo'; *or %e!elopment $ IA(?)% $ Anaeim $ Orlando, Cali*ornia,

    U(A, Eanuar; 7$10, 1&&, pp. #3 $ #4#.

    &. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A ne8 control metod *or tentacle ro/ots usin' )R 2luids,

    International (;mposium on (;stem ?eor; $ Ro/otics, Computers and rocessIn*ormatics +(IN?)( 7-, !ol.3, pp.1#0$133, Craio!a, 1&&

    &. I!anescu, ., A icro $ ?entacle anipulator 8it )R $ 2luids, icro $ Ro/ot orldCup (occer ?ournment, IRO(O?, roceedin's, No!em/er & $ 1#, 1&&, ?aeon,

    Coreea, !ol. 1, pp. 4 $ &.

    &7. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., )lectro$reolo'ical materials and teir usa'e in tentacle ro/ots;stems, Annals o* te Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a$)lectrical )n'ineerin' (eries, No.#0,

    pp.34$3, 1&&.

    &&. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., )lectro reolo'ical 2luids $ a Ne8 tecnolo'; *or te Ro/ot

    Control, Con*erinta Internationala (I)")C &, 1$17 octom/rie, 1&&, Cisinau,Repu/lica oldo!a.

    100. I!anescu, ., ;per$redundant Ro/ot Control Usin' 2u55; "o'ic, International

    (;mposium on (;stems ?eor;, Ro/otics, Computers S rocess In*ormatics +(IN?)(&-, !ol.I, pp.#0$#, Craio!a, Rom

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    IV$Automatica si Calculatoare, 1&&7, ?omul T"IV +T"VIII-, *asc.1$4, pp.11$#0, editat

    de Uni!ersitatea ?enica =>.Asaci=, Iasi

    10. I!anescu, ., Ba5doaca, N., A Ro/ust Control (;stem *or ?entacle Arms, Annalso* te Uni!ersit; o* Craio!a$ )lectrical )n'ineerin' series, nr.#1, pp.300$30&, )ditura

    Uni!ersitaria, 1&&&.

    10. I!anescu, ., Ba5doaca, N., A Ro/ust 2"C *or Cooperati!e Ro/ots, roceedin'so* te 1#t Intern. con*erence on Control (;stems and Computer (cience +C(C( 1#-,

    !ol.I, pp.#71$#7, Bucarest, 1&&&.

    107. I!anescu, ., Ba5doaca, N., A Ro/ust 2u55; (;stem *or ;per$redundantCooperati!e Ro/ots, Internat. Con'ress on %;namics and Control o* (;s. +%GCON(

    &&-, !ol.I, pp.34$3&, Otta8a, Canada, 1&&&.

    10&. I!anescu, ., Ba5doaca, N., A Ro/ust 2"C *or Cooperati!e Ro/ots, roceedin's

    o* te 1#tInternational Con*erence on Control (;stems and Computer (cience +C(C(1#-, !ol.I, pp.#71$#7, Bucuresti, 1&&&.

    110. I!anescu, ., A *u55; Control *or Cooperati!e ?entacle Ro/ot (;stem, I)))

    Intern. (;mposium on Computational Intelli'ence in Ro/otics S Automation, +CIRA

    &&-, ontere;, U(A, 1&&&.111. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A Ro/ust Control (;stem *or ?entacle Ro/ots in

    Cooperati!e ?as9s, roceedin's o* te t)uropean Con*.on Intelli'ent ?ecni@ues and(o*t Computin', Aacen, >erman;, 1&&&.

    11#. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., Ro/otics Arm.Control, roceedin' o* te International

    (;mposium on (;stem ?eor;, Automation, Ro/otics, )lectronics and Instrumentation+(IN?)( 10-$ Automation, Computers, )lectronics, pp.A1$A170.

    113. I!anescu, ., (toian, V., A ierarcical 2u55; Controller *or (na9e$t;pe

    Cooperati!e Ro/ots, Ro/otica, Oradea, #000.

    114. I!anescu, ., An adapti!e ierarcical 2u55; Controller *or Cooperati!e ?as9so* ;perredundant Ro/ots, IA(?)% International Ro/otics and Applications +RA #000-,

    onolulu, a8aii, U(A, #000.

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV



    M Ivanescu, V Stoian - Robotics and Automation, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE , 1995 -ieee!"ore.ieee.org#$e !a!er !resents a c"ass o% tentac"e arms based on t$e use o% %"eib"ecom!osite materia"s in con&unction 'it$ active-contro"ab"e e"ectror$eo"ogica"%"uids (ER). #$e mode" is consisting o% a %inite number o% segments, eac$ ...*ited b+ 19- Re"ated artic"es- eb Searc$- /irect-A"" 0 versions

    Cit 1.H Mochiyama, E himemura, H !obayashi " #he $nternational %ournal of &obotics &esearch, 1''' " i(r.sagepub.com#he $nternational %ournal of &obotics &esearch Hiromi Mochiyama, Etsu(irohimemura and Hisato !obayashi hape Control of Manipulators with Hyper )egreesof *reedom ...#he $nternational %ournal of &obotics &esearch +dditional ...Cited by 1"&elated articles" -eb earch"/ )irect"+ll versions

    Cit0.-orkspace generation of hyper"redundant manipulators as a diffusion process on E 234 -ang, 5 Chirik(ian " &obotics and +utomation, $EEE #ransactions on, 0667 " ieee8plore.ieee.org

    +bstract9Hyper"redundant manipulators have a large number of redundant degreesof freedom. #hey have been recognized as a means to improve manipulatorperformance in comple8 and un" structured environments. However, the high ...Cited by 1:"&elated articles" -eb earch"/ )irect"+ll 0 versions

    Cit.;ractical !inematics for &eal"#ime $mplementation of Continuum &obots+ %ones, $) -alker " $EEE #&+2+C#$

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    Cit:. !$2EM+#$C +2) $M;/EME2#+#$

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    tentacle arm with continuum elements produced by fle8ible composite ...>iew as H#M/"-eb earch

    Cit1:.Coil function control problem for a hyperredundant robotM $vanescu, MC *lorescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " +dvanced $ntelliget Mechatronics, 066 $EEEI+ME @, 066 "ieee8plore.ieee.org

    +bstract L #he paper focuses on the control problem of a hyperredundant robotthat performs the coil function of grasping. *irst, the dynamic model of a

    hyperredundant arm with continuum elements produced by fle8ible composite ...&elated articles"-eb earch

    Cit1'.2ew dynamic models for planar e8tensible continuum robot manipulatorsE #atlicioglu, $) -alker, )M )awson " $ntelligent &obots and ystems, 066. $&ariable /ength #entacle Manipulator Control ystemM $vanescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " &obotics and +utomation, 066A. ;roceedings of the 066A $EEE @, 066A " ieee8plore.ieee.org

    +bstract " #he control problem of a class of tentacle arm, with variable length,that can achieve any position and orientation in ) space and can increase the

    length in order to get a better control in the constraint operator space is ...Cited by '"&elated articles"-eb earch"/ )irect

    Cit00.&? a snake"like robot for "d visual inspectionM+ /ewis, )M Jehnpfennig " $ntelligent &obots and ystems '7.+dvanced &obotic ystems @, 1''7 " ieee8plore.ieee.org

    +bstract" #his artick describes the design of an : degree offreedom snake"likembot, the & manipulato8 #he purpose of the device is to position a CC) cameraand to rapidly acNuire a seNuence of images in an envi" mnment containing ...Cited by "&elated articles"-eb earch"+ll 0 versions

    Cit0.*uzzy Controllers by Bnconventional #echnologies for #entacle +rmsM $vanescu, > toian " /EC#B&E 2

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    1166, Craiova, )ol( &iew as H#M/"-eb earch"+ll versions

    Cit0:.+ controller for hyper"redundant cooperative robotsM $vanescu, > toian " $ntelligent &obots and ystems, 1'':. ;roceedings., 1'': @, 1'': " ieee8plore.ieee.org#his paper proposes a new method for multi"chain hyper"redundant robot models. +hyper"redundant model is a manipulator with a great fle8ibility, a tentaclemodel which can achieve any shape in space. -e will discuss a system formed ...

    &elated articles"-eb earch"+ll 0 versions

    Cit0'.Mathematical model and conventional control for a shape memory alloy tendon actuated tentacle robot25 izdoaca, + ;etrisor, ) ;atrascu, C;C >asile, ) @ " log " doi.ieeecomputersociety.org

    +bstract ? #he paper presents a tentacle robotic structure shape memory alloyM+3 tendon actuated. #he tentacle robotic single unit contains 7 M+ actuatorsand a spherical articula" tion. $n order to assure a high efficient robotic ...&elated articles"-eb earch"+ll 0 versions

    Cit 6.M $vanescu, > toian " *uzzy ystems ;roceedings, 1'':. $EEE -orld Congress on @, 1'': " ieee8plore.ieee.org$n the past few years, the research in coordinating robotic systems withmultiple chains has received considerable attention. #he problem of controllingthis system is complicated. + multiple chain tentacle robotic system is ...&elated articles"-eb earch"+ll versions

    Cit1. !inematics of Hyper"&edundant Manipulators5C%- urdick " +dvances in &obot !inematics? -ith Emphasis on ymbolic @, 1''1 " pringer >erlag&elated articles"-eb earch

    Cit0.+ fuzzy controller for a tentacle manipulatorM $vanescu, > toian " *uzzy ystems, 1''=., ;roceedings of the *ifth $EEE @, 1''= " ieee8plore.ieee.org;age 1. + *uzzy Controller for a #entacle Manipulator Mircea $vanescu +utomaticand Computer )ept. Bniversity of Craiova, 1 166, Craiova, &

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    Cit A.+ *uzzy Controller for Multiple Hyper"&edundant Cooperative &obotsM $vanescu, > toian, 2 izdoaca " +rtificial $ntelligence in &eal"#ime Control 1'':? + @, 1''' " ;ergamon&elated articles"-eb earch

    Position d+namic contro" %or a tentac"e mani!u"atorM Ivanescu - Proceedings- IEEE Internationa" *on%erence on Robotics and , 7887*ited b+ 11- Re"ated artic"es- eb Searc$

    Cit =.M $vanescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " &obotics and +utomation, 066A. ;roceedings of the 066A $EEE @, 066A "ieee8plore.ieee.org

    +bstract " #he control problem of a class of tentacle arm, with variable length,that can achieve any position and orientation in ) space and can increase thelength in order to get a better control in the constraint operator space is ...Cited by '"&elated articles"-eb earch"/ )irect

    Cit.>isual ased Control ystem for a #entacle ManipulatorM $vOnescu, #Onasie, ) Co(ocaru, ) ;opescu " -E+ #ransactions on $nformation cience and +pplications "prodlogsys.ici.ro

    +bstract? #he control problem of a tentacle manipulator by using a robust )visual servoing is presented. #he theoretical model of this class of arms isstudied. ervoing is based on binocular vision obtained by two cameras that ...Cited by 1"&elated articles"Cached"-eb earch"+ll 7 versions

    Cit:.+ 2eural 2etwork Controller for Continuum &obots) raganza, )M )awson, $) -alker, 2 2ath " &obotics, $EEE #ransactions on Psee also &obotics and @, 066 "ieee8plore.ieee.org& E*E&E2CE P1Q %. +ngeles, +. Morozov, and

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,searching e8isting data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, ...&elated articles"-eb earch

    Cit7.E/EC#&iew as H#M/"-eb earch

    Cit77.Coil function control problem for a hyperredundant robotM $vanescu, MC *lorescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " +dvanced $ntelliget Mechatronics, 066 $EEEI+ME @, 066 "ieee8plore.ieee.org

    +bstract L #he paper focuses on the control problem of a hyperredundant robotthat performs the coil function of grasping. *irst, the dynamic model of ahyperredundant arm with continuum elements produced by fle8ible composite ...&elated articles"-eb earch

    Cit7A.+ )istributed *orce and ;osition Control for #entacle ManipulatorM $vanescu, MC *lorescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " nt.ntnu.no

    +bstract? #he grasping control problem for a hyperredundant arm is studied.*rist, dynamic model of the arm is analyzed. #he control problems are divided in

    the subproblems? the position control in a desired reaching area, the ...

    M Ivanescu - Proceedings o% t$e Internationa" S+m!osium on Robot , 1946 - !orta".acm.org:oog"e, Inc. (searc$), Subscribe (2u"" Service), Register (imited Service,2ree), ogin. Searc$; #$e A*M /igita" ibrar+ #$e :uide. ...*ited b+ 5- Re"ated artic"es-eb Searc$

    Cit7=.*uzzy Controllers by Bnconventional #echnologies for #entacle +rmsM $vanescu, > toian " /EC#B&E 2

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    Cit A6. + *uzzy Controller for Multiple Hyper"&edundant Cooperative &obotsM $vanescu, > toian, 2 izdoaca " +rtificial $ntelligence in &eal"#ime Control 1'':? + @, 1''' " ;ergamon

    A se toian " /EC#B&E 2iew as H#M/"-eb earch

    CitA7.+ controller for hyper"redundant cooperative robotsM $vanescu, > toian " $ntelligent &obots and ystems, 1'':. ;roceedings., 1'': @, 1'': " ieee8plore.ieee.org#his paper proposes a new method for multi"chain hyper"redundant robot models. +hyper"redundant model is a manipulator with a great fle8ibility, a tentaclemodel which can achieve any shape in space. -e will discuss a system formed ...&elated articles"-eb earch"+ll 0 versions

    CitAA.+ non"conventional controller for electro"rheological fluid actuated walking robotM $>+2ECB, > #

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    /+namic contro" %or a tentac"e mani!u"ator 'it$ SMA actuatorsM Ivanescu, = i>doaca, / Pana - Robotics and Automation, 7880. Proceedings. I*RA?80. IEEE ,7880 - ieee!"ore.ieee.orgPage 1. Procredingso%t$r@880 IEEE InternStiooai *on%erence / Robotics

    BAutomation #ai!ei, #ai'an, Se!tember 1-19, 7880 /+namic *ontro" %ora #entac"e Mani!u"ator 'it$ SMA Actuators Mircea Ivanescu ...*ited b+ 5- Re"ated artic"es-eb Searc$- /irect

    CitA.;ractical !inematics for &eal"#ime $mplementation of Continuum &obots+ %ones, $) -alker " $EEE #&+2+C#$

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    +bstract. #his paper focusses on the application of intelligent controltechniNues neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms3 and theirhybrid forms neuro"fuzzy networks, neuro"genetic and fuzzy"genetic ...Cited by 0"&elated articles" -eb earch"/ )irect"+ll versions


  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    M Ivanescu, = Po!escu, / Po!escu - Robotics and Automation, 7885. Proceedings o% t$e 7885IEEE , 7885 - ieee!"ore.ieee.orgAbstract - #$e contro" !rob"em o% a c"ass o% tentac"e arm, 'it$ variab"e "engt$,t$at can ac$ieve an+ !osition and orientation in 0/ s!ace and can increase t$e

    "engt$ in order to get a better contro" in t$e constraint o!erator s!ace

    Cit 6.+ %ones, $) -alker " &obotics, $EEE #ransactions on Psee also &obotics and @, 066= " ieee8plore.ieee.org+bstract9-e introduce a new method for synthesizing kine" matic relationshipsfor a general class of continuous backbone, or continuum, robots. #he resultingkinematics enable real"time task and shape control by relating workspace ...Cited by 07"&elated articles" -eb earch"/ )irect"+ll A versions

    Cit1./imiting"case +nalysis of Continuum #runk !inematics+ %ones, $) -alker " &obotics and +utomation, 066 $EEE $nternational Conference @, 066 " ece.msstate.edu

    +bstract9Continuum robotic manipulators, termed trunks, mimic the astoundingcapabilities of elephant trunks and octo" pus arms by bending in smooth arcs.everal approaches to kinematic analysis of continuum trunks complement a ...Cited by 1"&elated articles">iew as H#M/"-eb earch"+ll 0 versions

    Cit0.!$2EM+#$C +2) $M;/EME2#+#$

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    mani!u"ator and t$ere $as been a ra!id"+ e!anding interest in t$eir stud+ andconstruction "ate"+. #$e contro" o% t$ese s+stems is ver+ com!"e and a ...*ited b+ 7- Re"ated artic"es-eb Searc$

    Cit:0.+ Compliance Control of a Hyperredundant &obotM $vanescu, MC *lorescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " ici.ro

    +bstract? #he grasping control problem for a hyperredundant arm is studied.*irst, the dynamic model of the arm is analyzed. #he control problems aredivided in the subproblems? the position control in a desired reaching ...&elated articles"Cached"-eb earch"+ll 0 versions

    Cit:.+ )istributed *orce and ;osition Control for #entacle ManipulatorM $vanescu, MC *lorescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " nt.ntnu.no

    +bstract? #he grasping control problem for a hyperredundant arm is studied.*rist, dynamic model of the arm is analyzed. #he control problems are divided inthe subproblems? the position control in a desired reaching area, the ...

    Industria" Robots-*ontro" S+stems and A"gorit$msM Ivanescu - 199 - Dniversitaria, *raiova*ited b+ 1- Re"ated artic"es-eb Searc$

    Cit :7.E obasu, ) ;opescu " ;roceedings of the th -E+ $nternational Conference on @, 066= " portal.acm.org+bstract? " $n this paper some adaptive nonlinear multivariable techniNues usedin the control of robotic manipulators are presented. #he nonlinear control lawand state feedback are used in achieving a linear input" output behavior ...

    V Stoian, M Ivanescu, E Stoian, * Pana - 17t$ Internationa" Po'er E"ectronics and Motion *ontro", 7886 - ieee!"ore.ieee.org7-Re"ated artic"es- eb Searc$

    Cit:A.)esign of a Control ystem for Multiple +utonomous 5round >ehicles to +chieve a elf )eployable @" vt.eduP/23% Clemmensen %r " 066 " scholar.lib.vt.edu;age 1. )esign of a Control ystem for Multiple +utonomous 5round >ehiclesto +chieve a elf )eployable ecurity ;erimeter %ohn cott Clemmensen%r #hesis submitted to the faculty of the >irginia ...

    Cit:=.+ )istributed *orce and ;osition Control for #entacle ManipulatorM $vanescu, MC *lorescu, 2 ;opescu, ) ;opescu " nt.ntnu.no

    +bstract? #he grasping control problem for a hyperredundant arm is studied.*rist, dynamic model of the arm is analyzed. #he control problems are divided inthe subproblems? the position control in a desired reaching area, the ...

  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


  • 8/12/2019 Ivanescu CV


    singular perturbation approach. + singular perturbation approach is introducedto derive the slow and fast subsystems and thus reduce the effect of ...

    Visua" ased *ontro" S+stem %or a #entac"e Mani!u"ator

    M IvHnescu, R# #Hnasie, / *o&ocaru, / Po!escu - SEAS #ransactions on In%ormation Scienceand A!!"ications - !rod"ogs+s.ici.roAbstract; #$e contro" !rob"em o% a tentac"e mani!u"ator b+ using a robust 0 /visua" servoing is !resented. #$e t$eoretica" mode" o% t$is c"ass o% arms isstudied. Servoing is based on binocu"ar vision obtained b+ t'o cameras t$at ...*ited b+ 1- Re"ated artic"es-*ac$ed-eb Searc$-A"" versions

    Cit'1.Computer graphics and image processing tools for visual servoing) Co(ocaru, #anasie " ;roceedings of the =th -E+ $nternational Conference on @, 066= " portal.acm.org

    +bstract? " #his paper presents a pro(ect dealing with visual servoingapplications. + general structure for the software system was developed startingfrom the >i; architecture model P1Q. oftware modules were already ...
