JEREMY LAI EMCEE PORTFOLIO Personable, Energetic & Relevant Personal Statement I believe that my approach on hosting is one that brings my personality out through the microphone. On formal events, I am a calm and confident individual, bring professionalism to the table. On informal events, I am an endless supply of energy, powering up each and every individual in the crowd. My passion in hosting started in Voice Personality Hunt 2014, an SMU hosting competition. Since then, I have hosted a myriad of different events which include formal and informal events ranging from Carnivals, Conferences, Seminars and Dinner & Dance. Relevant Skills: Improvisation, Interviews, Stage Games and versatility Fluent Languages: English & Chinese Contact Details H/P: +65 9248 2037 Email: [email protected] Instagram: @jemmlai Training SMUBE AMT Basic Hosting Course JAN – MAR 2015 Trainer: Jacqueline Chow[FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd] Grooming ClassOCT 2015 Trainer: Tracy Tan[FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd] Diction TrainingJAN 2016 Trainer: Daniel Jenkins [FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd] SMUBE AMT Advanced Hosting Course FEB – MAR 2016 Trainer: Jacqueline Chow[FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd]

Jem Lai(Emcee Portfolio)

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Personable, Energetic & Relevant

Personal Statement

I believe that my approach on hosting is one that brings my personality out through the microphone. On formal events, I am a calm and confident individual, bring professionalism to the table. On informal events, I am an endless supply of energy, powering up each and every individual in the crowd.

My passion in hosting started in Voice Personality Hunt 2014, an SMU hosting competition. Since then, I have hosted a myriad of different events which include formal and informal events ranging from Carnivals, Conferences, Seminars and Dinner & Dance.

Relevant Skills: Improvisation, Interviews, Stage

Games and versatility

Fluent Languages: English & Chinese Contact Details H/P: +65 9248 2037 Email: [email protected] Instagram: @jemmlai Training

SMUBE AMT Basic Hosting Course JAN – MAR 2015 Trainer: Jacqueline Chow[FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd] Grooming ClassOCT 2015 Trainer: Tracy Tan[FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd] Diction TrainingJAN 2016 Trainer: Daniel Jenkins [FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd] SMUBE AMT Advanced Hosting Course FEB – MAR 2016 Trainer: Jacqueline Chow[FLY Academy, Fly Entertainment Pte. Ltd]

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EVENTS ORGANIZED BY SMU CLIENTS Annual Celebrations/Ceremonies

SMU Freshmen Bash 2015 20 AUG 2015 Informal | SMU Bizcomm SMU Freshmen Bash is a night event held at Zouk. This event celebrates the brave and courageous individuals from the new intake of SMU students to showcase their talents on stage. Throughout the night, performances, stage games and lucky draws were conducted and the emcees had to facilitate the whole program flow. This event was attended by around 300 people

SMU Open House 2016 30 FEB 2016 Informal | Office of Student Life & University Events SMU Open House is to introduce the culture of SMU to incoming students through a range of exciting performances, academic talks and school tours SMU Patron’s Day 2015 30 JAN 2015 Informal | Office of Student Life & University Events Patron’s Day is SMU’s annual celebration of the school’s anniversary.

SMU Patron’s Day 2016 Roadshow 27 JAN 2016 Informal | Office of Student Life & University Events Patron’s Day is SMU’s annual celebration of the school’s anniversary.

SMU VOICE PERSONALITY HUNT 2015 COMPETITION 11 SEPT 2015 Informal | VPH’15 Organizing Committee SMU VPH 2015 is an annual competition organized by SMU Broadcast and Entertainment. VPH is a competition where the top 24 contestants battle it out in a game of wits, confidence and personality.

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Camps/Community Service SMU Freshmen Team Building Camp 8 JULY 2015 Informal | Office of Undergraduate Admissions Event to celebrate the incoming batch of SMU students SMU School of Accountancy Camp 21 JULY 2015 Informal | Office of Undergraduate Admissions An event to celebrate the finale night of a school camp.

SMU INSPIRAR CAMP 2015 11 AUG 2015 Informal | Office of Community Service An event to celebrate the finale night of a community service project. SMU Challenge 2015 5 SEPT 2015

Informal | SMU Challenge Organizing Committee SMU Challenge 2015 is a local community service project. On their finale, they came together to organize a 6km walkathon which combined both their volunteers and beneficiaries. SMU MILE RUN 2015 20 SEPT 2015 Informal | SMU Run Team SMU Mile Run is an event organised by SMU Run Team. This event was attended by both internal and external runners where they competed in competitive runs as well as fun runs. This event was also graced by the Dean of SMU, Professor Arnoud De Meyer where he joined in to kick start the fun run segment.

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Carnivals SMU ASOC DAY 2015 17 SEPT 2015 Informal | Asoc 11th Management Committee Asoc Day 2015 is the School of Accountancy 12th Birthday. This event was held at SMU University lounge with more than 150 people, both current and alumni members of the school of accountancy attended the event. SMU SPORTS DAY 2015 18 SEPT 2015 Informal | SMU Sports Union SMU Sports Day was an event organised by SMU’S Sports Union (SSU). This event was held at U Square at SMU and was attended by over 200 students to celebrate the re-opening of school. Throughout the day, guest performers such as Jude Young. SMU BE BASH 2015 5 October 2015 Informal | SMU Broadcast and Entertainment SMU BE BASH 2015 is a Halloween event organised by Broadcast and Entertainment. This event was organised to celebrate Broadcast and Entertainment’s 12th birthday. This was

an informal event, which saw over 100 members of BE attending this event. Throughout the night, bands played during the event SMU HALLOWEEN BASH 2015 17 October 2015 Informal | SMU Office of Postgraduate SMU Halloween Bash is organised by for the students taking their Masters in SMU. It is to celebrate the end of their “holiday week” and to help them relax. This was an informal event, which saw over 120 students and the arrival of various important guests such as the President of SMU Office of Post graduate. During the event, the emcee conducted various stage games, and even a mini whisky tasting session SMU Arts Festival 2016 11 November 2016 Informal |SMU Arts Cultural Fraternity SMU Arts Festival is to celebrate the achievements by SMU Arts CCA’s achievements SMU FAMILY DAY 2016 3 December 2016

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Informal | SMU Corporate Offices SMU Family Day was held at Universal Studio’s Singapore, where the event is to encourage the SMU community to bond and have fun through stage games and a day out at theme park

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Formal Seminars & Competitions

Technology Risk Management Seminar (Workshop 1) 27 JAN 2016

Formal | Financial IT Academy TRMS is organized by the Financial IT Academy at SMU, targeted at professionals and corporate individuals who have been working for more than three years, to understand the risk and learn how to manage it when information is disseminated through technology. The event was held at Grand Park City Hall Hotel and firms such as KPMG, Deloitte as well as Monetary Authority of Singapore were there to listen to the seminar. The emcee had to facilitate between introducing the various speakers as well as manage the question and answer sessions.

SAS-SMU Analytics Competition 2016 29 JAN 2016

Formal | SMU Business Analytics Group SAS-SMU Analytics Competition is a formal event, a competition aimed to drive young individuals towards understanding how analytics can improve mobile devices. During the event, there were numerous industry experts in Analytics such as Professor Michelle who attended the event. The event was held at NAKA and the emcee had to introduce firms such as SAS who were present at the event. The emcee had to introduce the teams, comment on their performance to stall time, as well as announce the winners who walked away with prize money up to $1000. VIVA LA SALSA 27 APRIL 2016 Semi Formal | SMU Caderas Latinas Viva La Salsa is a collaborative dance production between SMU Salsa Team and JJ

Salsa Rengue. The event was held at Scape Underground Theatre from 6pm to 9pm.

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EVENTS ORGANIZED BY NON-SMU CLIENTS INDECO DINNER AND DANCE 11 DECEMBER 2015 Formal | Indeco Engineers Pte Ltd Dinner and dance event to celebrate the end of year for the company.

FANTABULOUS MAGIC CHALLENGE 29 JUNE 2016 Informal | Singapore Street Festival 2016 Magic competition held at Bugis+ to select the best team of magicians who will go on to perform as part of Singapore Street Festival 2016 SHINE FESTIVAL ROADSHOW 2 JULY 2016 Informal | Shine Festival 2016 Roadshow to hype the various events that were happening at Ngee Ann City. Events included Parkour, Free-style football and other exciting activities.

HDB Carnival Around the Musical Globe 26 JULY 2016 Informal | HDB Roadshow to hype the various events that were happening at Taman Jurong and Woodlands Point Shopping Mall. Events included Lucky Draw, arrival of MP and carnival games

Singapore Night Festival 26 AUG 2016 Formal | Singapore Art Festival Mini-concert at SAM at the Glass Hall, to commemorate Singapore art culture and

the night festival ongoing at SAM. Performers included Latin dance to pole dance.

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BINGO Night at FRY Bistro 11 DEC 2016

Informal | Fry Bistro

Hosted BINGO night at FRY Bistro where the emcee had to conduct 3 rounds of bingo

to entertain the guests at the iconic rooftop bar.

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Photos of Formal and Informal Events

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