Jerraganda Vol 18 No 6 070814

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  • 8/12/2019 Jerraganda Vol 18 No 6 070814


    The Newsletter of Jerrabomberra RotaryRI District 9710

    Volume 18 No. 6Business &

    Rotary Information NightMeeting 8047 August 2014


    Weekly Headlines

    Welcome Hannah

    After a longer journey than planned our Youth Exchange

    student Hannah made it to Canberra on Saturday


    A small but very enthusiastic welcoming party was there

    when the much delayed and very tired Hannah finally

    landed at 4.30pm.

    (Additional photos and full story on page 2).

    Australia in the top 10 countries in terms of contributions to The Rotary Foundation

    Did you know that among the top 10 countries globally contributing to the Rotary Foundation is

    Australia? And whats more when you look at the figures from a per Rotary member perspective

    Australia comes in fifth. Pretty good stats. Jerrabomberra Club, as a club gives to the Foundation

    each year, and some club members also give individually. Do You? (Full story on pages 4 and 5).

    Mr Toilet drops in on Jerrabomberra Rotary

    Not in person, but via a video of his presentation at the RI Convention in

    Sydney in June this year, businessman-turned-sanitation-superhero Jack Sim

    was a virtual guest at last weeksmeeting. As part of a presentation on

    International Rotary projects, our very own Terry played the video during

    the meal break. (Not necessarily the best subject to be hearing about while

    eating; but still worth watching). A man with a clear passion and a healthy

    sense of humour, Jack Sim is bringing the worlds attention to the often

    neglected sanitation crisis affecting 2.6 billion people (that is one third ofthe worlds population). (See more on Terrys presentation on pages 4 and 5).

    Speed dating attracting members to Rotary

    Rotary clubs in Auckland, NZ have started meet-ups to combine their

    resources to attract new members to Rotary through Explore Rotary

    Speed Dating with Rotariansevents. These new style Rotary events

    are based on a speed dating format, allowing motivated non-Rotarian

    attendees to interact with the representatives from the Rotary clubs

    present and evaluate for themselves which club would be the best

    potential fit for them. Nine clubs have been involved in the first two

    rounds of speed dating with two new members recruited and otherpossibilities in the wings. (See more on page 7).

    Editors Note

    This weeks issue is a little late

    due to a very busy Rotary

    weekend, including Hannahs

    arrival and a 2 day trip to

    Tumbarumba to deliver a club

    visioning session.

    We have plenty of content this

    week, and quite a few photos. If

    you missed the meeting, or

    simply want a recap of events,

    Terrys interesting talk on

    international activities is

    summarised on pages 4 and 5,

    and Hannahsarrival is covered

    on page 2.

    Also of interest is a new initiative

    in New Zealand, involving a

    variation of speed dating. Might

    be something District could try

    out in Canberra.

    The program of the next fewmonths is looking very good, and

    general business covers a couple

    of social activities coming up


    Next week, as part of the

    growing content in the

    Jerraganda we will be

    introducing a Member Profile

    section. So watch out for a tap

    on the shoulder.

    Dont forget August is

    Membership Month.

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    Welcome Hannah

    At around midday on Saturday Canberra airport witnessed a slowly growing crowd of people

    wearing Rotarian jackets and polo-shirts. Yes it was the welcoming party for exchange student

    Hannah from Germany. But wait a minute there are Rotarians from more than just

    Jerrabomberra, there are members from Canberra East as well. Ah, there is another exchange

    student Joshua on the same flight. Thats goodas Hannah has had some company for her long

    journey from Germany (Joshua joined with Hannah at the stopover in Dubai).

    Hang on a minute, the Rotarians are all leaving, and there is no sign of Hannah and Joshua.

    Whats that? Flight delayed due to fog! Landed in Sydney 4 hours late! Missed connecting

    domestic flight and wait-listed for a flight later in the afternoon! Now scheduled to arrive at

    4.30pm instead of 12.30pm! Quick - Glenda says to Glenn, we can go to Costco and do some

    shopping!! Groan says Glenn. Others say might as well go and get some lunch and come

    back. Paul and Sue have to leave for Tumbarumba (to do Club Visioning) so have to miss the

    welcome excitement and meet Hannah later.

    Well after all the delays, Hannah completed her first flight and first

    journey away from home, and made it safely to Canberra by 4.30pm

    after 36 hours of travelling. Quite a trip for a first-time flyer. The

    welcome group, still excited but a little smaller than before was back and

    ready to cheer and wave their signs. Poor Hannahs mum, Margit,

    stayed up all night to wait for news of the safe arrival. But she can rest

    assured now that her baby is in good hands and will be well looked

    after for the next 12 months, and maybe just a li ttle spoilt along the way.

    Hannah is staying with Peter and Sue for the first 5 days, to settle in and get the counsellors

    briefing. She will then have a few days with Paul and Sue before starting her first host family

    stay with Bruce and Liz (once they have settled back into life in Jerra after their 2 month holiday

    in the States).

    On Sunday a small welcome lunch was held at the Jarviss for the host families and Hannah to

    get to know each other. (Sorry no photos of the lunch)

    Hannah was also able to catch up with David B, and Paul and Sue on Monday, after she had

    enrolled at Karabar High School, opened bank accounts, and shopped for school uniform.

    Sue, Hannah and Paul

    Hannah will attend her first Rotary meeting on Thursday 14th

    August, by which time she will be well settled in.

    Hannah and Joshua arriving

    Sue J, Glenn, Glenda, Joshua, Hannah, Peter

    and Paul pose for a photo taken by Mez

    Mez gets in on a shot

    too. Nice Koala.

    Hannah and David

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    Weekly Meeting Summary

    Meeting number 8047 August 2014


    President Paul welcomed Club guest Mick

    OMalley who joined us to see Rotary firsthand.


    Apologies received from Lynne, Anton, and Chris.

    David B, Bruce, Colin, Cathy and Lizzie continue on their

    LoAs, and Jon and Rebecca continue on their holidays

    still no postcards Jon!!

    Business Reports

    President Paul advised that as this was the first meeting of the month the night would be a business night, but also a Rotary

    Information Night with a short presentation on an aspect of Rotary. This would be the format in future for the first meeting of

    each month. Tonight Terry would give a short presentation on The Rotary International Programs followed by a short video to

    be shown during the meal break. (See Pages 4 and 5)

    From a business perspective, President Paul reminded all (not that we needed reminding) that our Youth Exchange student

    Hannah will be arriving on Saturday and all were invited to be at the airport to welcome her. Pres Paul also elaborated on last

    weeks Jerraganda scoop that we were successful with our Club Grant application to the Queanbeyan Council and had been

    awarded a total of $3865. This money will provide the club with a new 6x3 metre pop-up gazebo

    with appropriate Jerrabomberra Rotary advertising (quoted at $2115), and a portable Honda

    generator (quoted at $1750). The club will acquire these over the next month. Paul has been

    invited to a presentation ceremony at QCC on the 21 August.

    The club will also be pursuing a grant from District of $500 to contribute towards the costs of a

    new membership promotion stand which is currently being costed by the Club Service Committee

    with in principal approval from the Board.

    President Paul was pleased to let members know that he had received excellent feedback from theDG and his wife regarding their enjoyable evening with us at the last meeting. First lady Denise has

    also committed both herself and Rowley (not sure he knows yet) to assist with next years MS 24

    Hour Swim in May 2015. President Paul has recently assessed 18 applications for the MS Go for

    Gold awards which will draw on the money we raised at this years swim.

    In closing the Presidents report Paul invited Marie Claire to receive her much awaited club Polo Shirt. (Sorry no photo).

    Secretary Report

    Secretary Glenn circulated two postcards, both received from Bruce and Liz who are in the final two weeks of

    their US trip.

    Glenn then contemplated how happy he would be to receive more real (hard copy) correspondence.

    Treasurer Report

    There is a rumour that we do have a treasurer. The real one, Jon, is lost somewhere overseas and clearly not thinking about us,

    as no correspondence or even a post card has been seen. (The Secretary is most unhappy). What about the acting treasurer

    you may well ask? Yes there is one, and bills are getting paid. Apparently!!

    International Report

    Chilly advised that the plans for the September/October RAWCS trip to Tonga were taking shape nicely. 15

    airfares have been paid for. Correspondence with Tonga was continuing to happen but on Tonga time. The

    weekend (mid-trip) activity is being planned for FaFa Island, and the possibility of a little game fishing R&R

    for those interested is also being explored. Pam is organising Polo Shirts and Chilly hopes to assemble the

    whole team for a briefing and training session in early September. Tuggeranong Rotary has been kind

    enough to donate $1000 to the project in response to a request by Secretary Glenn to all clubs in the District.

    Look at me in my nice

    new club jacket

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    Community Report

    Jan sought volunteers to assist with the BBQ lunch in support of the JRA Community Information Day. 7 people

    have nominated so we will have a good show. The set up and cooking time is likely to be from midday until

    about 2.30pm.

    Youth Report

    Peter advised that the club is about to enjoy a wonderful journey and youth experience with the arrival and

    hosting of Hannah for 12 months. There is a plan to have welcome signs with a lot of excited Rotarians (after

    travelling for over 30 hours Hannah will have to find some extra energy to cope with the unruly crowd) .

    Members who do not make it to the welcome at the airport will meet Hannah at next weeks meeting (14

    August) when our outgoing exchange student William will also come along to meet us.

    Peter also advised members that we are looking for a suitable candidate to attend the next RYPEN in September. Nominees

    should be between the age of 14 and 17, and Peter needs to know by next weeks meeting if there are any candidates.

    Club Service ReportMez reminded everyone to make sure they email Glenda to advise whether they will be attending the vocational

    visit to Humble House on 21 August and the meal afterwards (venue yet to be advised).

    The Club Service Committee will be having its second committee meeting on Tuesday 12 August.

    Next week we have a guest speaker Roger Lee who will be speaking on the 100th

    Anniversary of World War 1.

    Also on October 2nd

    we will have a visit and short thank you presentation from Ms Hayley Phelps who we have agreed to assist

    with a short international exchange. The club will be presenting her with a cheque for $200 toward her expenses. Hayley is a

    Queanbeyan Interactor and hopes to eventually do a full Youth Exchange, but wants a shorter experience first, to ensure she

    can manage a full 12 months.

    Glenda has moved the German Night to October 9th

    to enable the RAWCS Tonga group to be back and attend. (Sounds like this

    could be an Oktoberfest night?? get out your Lederhosen and Steins).

    Rotary Information Segment -International Progams

    President Paul introduced Terry as the speaker for the night by advising that Terry would give a short

    speech on Rotary international programs for about 10 minutes. It was immediately noted that three things

    mentioned by the President did not gel. Terry, speech and 10 minutes. After the laughter died down,

    Terry did an excellent job, over about 20 minutes, of providing members with some useful insight into

    RotarysInternational activities.

    Terry commenced with background information on the Rotary

    Foundation (TRF), how it raises its revenue and some examples of

    the projects and activities the foundation supports. It was

    interesting to note the position of Australia as one of the top ten

    countries contributing to the Foundation, particularly on a rotary

    member per capita basis, as depicted by the purple figures in the


    The TRF is Rotarys charity and it is only through the donations

    received from clubs and especially from individuals, and from

    partners such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, that the

    foundation can do the great work that it does. Terry also mentioned other activities and how history had seen some come and

    go and other stay but with new names. These included; Ambassadorial Scholarships, Peace Fellowships, Group Study

    Exchanges, Vocational Training Teams, PolioPlus, Matching Grants, and District, Global and Packaged Grants. Plus also some

    examples of Rotary partnerships with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Center for Disease Control and

    Prevention (CDC), Mercy Ships (Africa Mercy), ShelterBox, the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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    Terry then moved to a more local footing and talked about Australiasinternational Rotary activities, such as Rotary Oceania

    Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC), Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS), Rotary Against Malaria (RAM), and

    Interplast. In discussing our own Jerrabomberra clubs international activities, the role of t he International portfolio, and some

    of the projects we have conducted in countries, Terry noted that we have had quite a bit of involvement through members

    being the District Chairs for RAM, ROMAC and Interplast, and others serving on the RAWCS Board for a number of years. We

    have also donated annually to TRF and we have utilised the grants process to assist with projects and RAWCS projects in

    counties such as Thailand, Tanzania, Vanuatu, and most recently Tonga. Additionally we have been active in hosting Group

    Study Exchange teams from USA, Mozambique/East Africa, and Germany, and through sponsoring outgoing youth exchange

    students to Japan and USA, and hosting incoming youth exchange students

    from USA, Mexico, Belgium, Austria and Germany.

    Terry concluded his brief exploration of international activities, by showing

    the Mr Toilet video and Mr Toilets talk to the RI International Convention in

    Sydney by businessman-turned-sanitation-superhero Jack Sim about his fight

    again the oft-neglected sanitation crisis affecting 2.6 billion people (that is

    one third of the worlds population).

    General Business:

    Home in Queanbeyan Movie NightPam is putting together a list of people who want to

    attend this years movie fundraiser for Home in Queanbeyan. Showing is on 5th

    September, so let Pam know if you want tickets. (See flyer within this edition).

    Jerrabomberra School Trivia NightWe have a table booked for 8-10 people for the

    school Trivia Night. Always a great night and one which our club team usually does very

    week at. Glenda is filling up the seats, so let her know if you want to attend. There is a

    small cost, and you take your own food and drink, but there are lots of prizes and there is

    plenty of fun.

    Working with Children ChecksPP Paul again reminded members to please complete

    their working with Children Checks. Responses from members have been very slow. As a

    club we have an obligation to report to District regarding our compliance with this process.

    (See below).

    If you have not already done so please make time to complete the NSW Working with Children Check

    and send your approval document to the Clubs Protection Officer, Past President Paul for recording. The

    Working with Children website can be access by googling Office of the Childrens Guardian NSW. On the

    Home page click on the Working with Children Check Tab. Once you have the page entitled Working with

    Children Check click on the Blue Start Here box. Then click on Apply for your Check and simply follow the

    instructions and complete the form. In the section Purpose for Check select Volunteer and in the Child-

    related sector select Clubs or other bodies providing services to children.

    Complete the process, print out your receipt and pop into Service NSW (the old Queanbeyan Transport Registry) with your drivers licence

    to do your identity check. When you have received an email with your approval, forward a copy to PP Paul.
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    Market Master:

    Anton was unable to attend the meeting.

    PP Paul gave a brief guide to erecting the new FoH

    Stall for those on market duty at the weekend.

    Just in case Anton cannot make it out to the

    markets to provide on-site instructions.


    Once again to the pleasure of all, the joker failed to go off.

    Our guest Mick was invited to draw the lucky number which was B34

    held by Sue J. Sue drew the 10 of diamonds from the pack and the

    joker survived. The jackpot now stands at $75.

    SGT Fines:

    Sue R returned as the fines mistress for the night. However Sue was

    suffering from a date recollection disorder, believing that it was 7th


    and not 7th August. She pressed on regardless, as fines

    masters/mistresses tend to do [Rule 1.One is not allowed to question

    or argue with the fines master. Rule 2. The fines master/mistress is

    always right. Rule 3. If the fines master is considered to be incorrect,

    refer to Rules 1 and 2]. PP Paul was given a fine free night after being bankrupted last

    week, but still offered to throw in some fines money just for the sake of it. Sue

    managed to extract a reasonable sum of $67.85 from those in attendance.


    Interim Attendance Officer Mez continued once again to report a high attendance (by her figures). Counting

    those in attendance and the LoAs of David B, Bruce, Lizzie, Colin and Cathy, the attendance was calculated

    at 89.2%. However Mex felt that Anton would have a market make-up and the presence of a guest

    (potential member) took the attendance to 90%. Once again requiring the President to shout port and

    Baileys after the meeting.

    This weeks report submitted by Jan

    It was freeeeeezing and a real pea soup fog that London would be proud of. Marie-Clair

    felt right at home! Trusty Anton and his son Liam were there to show us newbies how toerect the Magic Tent and it was up in a jiffy.

    Stall holders and punters were well down which is reflected in our figures. Car parkers were generally well behaved except

    for the odd one or two. The questions of the day were Where is the ATM? and Where are they selling the babies gear?

    I got my first ever approach of Hello My name is Peter and I would like to know more about Rotary I would like to join. I

    greeted him with open arms but then had to refer him to the Hall Club as he lives in Hackett. (I gave him our contact

    number just in case however) and Chilly explained that it was only a short way to Jerra!!

    The hot chocolate, and orange juice were yummy and I got my pies this week! Yay

    7 August


    Jan, Chilly, Ian,

    and Marie Claire,









    Market Roster

    Date Members

    9 AugustJan, Chilly, David S

    and Marie Claire

    16 AugustPam and Terry

    Ian and Pres Paul

    23 AugustGlenn and Glenda,

    Chilly and TBA

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    Rotary Speed Dating

    Rotary clubs in Auckland, NZ have started meet-ups to combine their resources to attract new

    members to Rotary through Explore Rotary Speed Dating with Rotariansevents. The events

    are a new opportunity for networking between a cross section Rotarians from various clubs

    around Auckland and prospective members wishing to learn more about Rotary opportunities.

    So far, two of these events have been held on November 26, 2013 and May 28 this year to

    encourage participants to mix and mingle while enjoying nibbles and drinks.

    These new style Rotary events are based on a speed dating format, allowing motivated non-Rotarian attendees to interact with the

    representatives from the Rotary clubs present and evaluate for themselves which club would be the best potential fit for them. Six Rotary clubs

    participated in the first event: Auckland; Botany East Tamaki, Downtown Auckland, Mt Eden, Parnell, and Westhaven. Seven Rotary clubs

    participated in the second event, including repeat participation from Auckland, Downtown Auckland, Mt Eden and Parnell plus new comers

    Ellerslie Sunrise, Newmarket and Remuera. These two events attracted 18 Rotarians and two prospective members to the first meet-up, and six

    Rotarians and 14 prospective members to the second meet-up.

    So far one of the hot prospects has since joined the Rotary Club of Parnell plus another one is joining the Rotary Club of Auckland.

    While Rotary is an international organisation with common goals and values, there are many nuances between different clubs, including how

    they operate and contribute to the community. Allowing prospective Rotarians a glimpse into these differences, while highlighting the warmand welcoming nature of Rotary as a whole, is one of the main aims of the Explore Rotary Speed Dating with Rotarians events. Lessons learnt

    along the way include: have membership packs handy; every Rotary club should nominate two representatives to attend; and bring along

    friends to learn about Rotary at these casual, less intimidating Rotary events.

    Rotary Club of Auckland Meet-up Team organisers Michael Kruesi and Lena Salim are encouraging another participating club to step up and

    take the lead for the next interclub meet-up, aiming at the end of August according to their four meet ups per year goal. As Michael says, by

    working together we achieve more than we could individually, and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.See more at:

    Dont forget to send your

    Jerraganda contributions to the Editor.

    A final thought,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNEtnDxWoYWx24Z8iCwM81-cy6jPng&ust=1407584076633613
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    The Last Page


    Meetings Social & Special Events

    Date Description Date Description (Contact)31 July DG VisitRowley Tompsett 26/27 July NYSF District Selections (PP Paul)

    7 August Business Meeting 9 August Hannah arrives (Peter)

    14 AugustSpeakerRoger Lee

    100th Anniversary of WW120 August Oh What a Night (Mez)

    14 August Hannahs first meeting 30 August School Trivia Quiz Night

    21 August Vocational VisitHumble House 22 Sep7 Oct RAWCS ProjectTonga (Chilly)

    18 September Youth Month Presentation 22 October Queanbeyan Rotary Polio Day Dinner

    9 October German Night 26 October Wine Tour (Anton)

    30 October Club Forum 26 October Jerra School Fete

    13 November Vocational VisitBottles of Australia 1 November Inaugural Jerra Fun Run (Anton)

    13 December Our Christmas Party (tba)

    * Compiled from information provided by the Program Mistress

    BOARD OF MANAGEMENT - 2013-2014

    President Paul Robey

    President Elect Mez Mulvaney

    Vice President Paul Roger

    Secretary Glenn Wahlert

    Treasurer Jon Wells

    Club Service Director Mez Mulvaney

    Community Service Director Jan Pettigrew

    International and Foundation Director Robert Chilman

    Youth and Vocational Service Director Peter Jarvis


    David Bailey, PHF. PP Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP

    Robert Chilman Paul Robey, President

    Marie-Claire Egan Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP

    Cathy Hobbs Paul Roger PHF, PP

    Colin Hobbs, PHF, PP Sue Roger

    Chris Hunter, OAM, PHF, PP Pam Spencer, PHF, PP

    Peter Jarvis, PHF, PP Terry Spencer, PHF, PP

    Sue Jarvis, PHF David Stevens, PHF, PP

    Lynne McPherson Glenda Wahlert, PP

    Kerry McPherson Glenn Wahlert

    Bruce Miller Jon Wells

    Liz Mulvaney, PHF Rebecca Whitehouse

    Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF, PE Ian Wholohan


    Alex Alexander Vera Alexander

    Robert Cooke Vickie Still

    Anne Davis


    Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Incorporated

    PO Box 8, Jerrabomberra NSW, 2619

    Email: [email protected]


    Thursday 6.15 for 6.308.30pm

    Jerrabomberra Public School (Staff Room)

    Attendance &


    Mez Mulvaney by 12 Noon Tuesday

    T: 0419 121 128

    E: [email protected]



    Paul Roger

    T: 0418 786945

    E:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]