KEMENTERIAN RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Boger 16680 Telepon (0251} 8622642, Facsimile {0251} 8622708, http://www.ipb.ac.id 61-'November 2018 Nom or : C.1sL.1IT3.D3/KP/2018 Lampiran : 1 berkas Perihal : PENYEBARLUASAN INFORMASI LOWONGAN KERJA Yth. 1. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Fakultas/Sekolah 2. Ketua Departemen di Lingkungan IPB Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Pengembangan Karir IPB bekerjasama dengan Sukamoto Bogor, PT. Wirotono Baru, PT Elo Karsa Utama, PT Torrecid Indonesia, PT Murni Cahaya Pratama, Lembaga Pendidikan PLEC. membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/1bu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak/Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian drurkerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih. P' #-: ·swaan dan Pengembangan Karir, r .... l -...7 \ 5" ii!- \ Ill ... \ 'i . •, , !) "1'r \ Tembusan: 1. Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan 2. Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah l\ GH: _, - ...._ .l""'l ...;J R ... I NO. \OLta TGL f1B J - ......... ........ .. --_,.-- . ....... ........... ..... -.. .. .._...,..

JOB VACANCY - agrohort.ipb.ac.idagrohort.ipb.ac.id/downloads/2018/INFO LOKER_Sukamoto Bogor, PT...Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika -Sakamoto Bogor Sakamoto-JMC Sholeh Iskandar

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Page 1: JOB VACANCY - agrohort.ipb.ac.idagrohort.ipb.ac.id/downloads/2018/INFO LOKER_Sukamoto Bogor, PT...Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika -Sakamoto Bogor Sakamoto-JMC Sholeh Iskandar


INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Boger 16680

Telepon (0251} 8622642, Facsimile {0251} 8622708, http://www.ipb.ac.id

61-'November 2018 Nom or : C.1sL.1IT3.D3/KP/2018 Lampiran : 1 berkas



1. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Fakultas/Sekolah 2. Ketua Departemen

di Lingkungan IPB

Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Pengembangan Karir IPB bekerjasama dengan

Sukamoto Bogor, PT. Wirotono Baru, PT Elo Karsa Utama, PT Torrecid Indonesia, PT Murni Cahaya Pratama, Lembaga Pendidikan PLEC. membuka kesempatan bagi

lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/1bu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak/Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan


Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian drurkerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih. P' #-: '\~!~OLOGi,

11?;~~·~ ·swaan dan Pengembangan Karir,

r ~" ~ .... l ·~ -...7 \ 5" • ii!­\ Ill ...

\ '~ 'i . •, , !) "1'r ' , 15~-'


Tembusan: 1. Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan 2. Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah

AG~FN~i-; i'~;·f..:o-,-·· l\ GH: _, - ~·~ ...._ .~· ·r-.. ~ • .l""'l ...;J R

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NO. \OLta ('f.~ TGL o~(n f1B J - ......... ~ ........ ~ .. --_,.--........ ~ ........... --.."""""---~· ..... -.. .. .._...,..

Page 2: JOB VACANCY - agrohort.ipb.ac.idagrohort.ipb.ac.id/downloads/2018/INFO LOKER_Sukamoto Bogor, PT...Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika -Sakamoto Bogor Sakamoto-JMC Sholeh Iskandar

Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika - Sakamoto Bogor

Sakamoto- JMC Sholeh Iskandar

Komplek Ruko 9 Kav 3C

Jl. K.h Sholeh Iskandar rt 03/05

Kel. Kedung jaya Kec. Tanah Sareal Kota Bogar

0251 755 6842- Sakamoto. [email protected];:_QID


1. Guru Matematika tingkat SD dan SMP

Masukan lamaran anda sebelum November 2018


1. Menguasai mata pelajaran Matematika SD dan SMP

2. Pendidikan Minimum Sl

3. Menyukai kegiatan mengajar anak-anak dan mempunyai keinginan untuk mendidik,

bukan hanya mengajar

4. Dapat berbahasa Inggris ( nilai tambah )

5. Siap mengikuti test dan training di kantor pusat Sakamoto di Karawaci

Silahkan kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran ke alamat di atas melalui email kami di

sakamoto.by__g_Qf(tDgmaii.corn atau bisa datang langsung ke center kami.

more info: IG: cda_ipb

VVA:082318976624 email : [email protected]

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J cC. ~-.,-:.~;! . . ,t:!' :~ --r · _.,j- t{_'!Jf~lf<{{!ttfV'/3{/:? (l . ,.~, ... <o'5-.:'; 'S. !N C: Ii. 1968

JOB VACANCY PT Wirontono Baru is the shrimp processing industry with export market in USA, Japan and Southeast Asia. We are actively developing and expanding shrimp market in Europe. We looking for young professional to full fill the following positions:


General Requirement :

(QC) (SPV) (HRD)

• Male or Female Max. age 25 years old this year • Fresh graduate welcome to apply • GPA min 2.75 scale 4.00 • Have a good communication skill and analytical thinking • Honest, hard worker, high loyalty and initiative • Able to work in a team and individual

Production Supervisor & Quality Control (QC/SPV):

• Bachelor degree in Fishery j Technology of Fishery Product/ Aquaculture • HACCP certified • Capable in food safety system


• At least Diploma in Management/ all major • Capable in HR operational process, company regulation, Employee/industrial relation • Accustomed to work according to deadlines, hardworking and able to work under pressure • Have good negotiation skill

Send your resume detail, CV, transcript, certification and recent photograph to lmLwhJ\itCrD\vinl!JtlllJrl.l rJ .i,l

before 17th November, 2018 Visit our website at

'N\'\'}!I!~_Y~.'i mnt:rrn o . .£:.orn

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LEC We Underst~nd You Better !!!

lembaga Pendidikan lnternasional PLEC- PIK Komplek Ruko Manyar Blok A-19,

Pantai lndah Kapuk, Jakarta- Utara Phone I Fax: 021-29033656; 0818 074 139 11

Dibutuhkan Sangat Segera: Guru MIPA

Part Time dan Full Time

Syarat sebagai berikut:

• Menguasai pelajaran sesuai dengan bidangnya ( diharapkan bisa mengajarkan pelajaran Eksakta tingkat Secondary School I SMP I SMA 1)

• Minimal IP terakhir 3. 00 • Menguasai english pas if (Text Book dalam bahasa inggris, namun

penyampaian dalam bahasa Indonesia) • Pengalaman tidak diperlukan, tnahasiswa tingkat akhir boleh ikut mela1nar • Background sarjana yang berhubungan dengan pelajaran matematika-fisika

dan kitnia

Lama ran lengkap ditujukan pada alamat diatas atau dengan email ke

plec_pi k@ hotma i l.com Note: untuk kegiatan beribadah, tersedia ruang sholat dan toleransi waktu sholat.

Kos banyak tersedia di daerah kapuk. Kendaraan pulang malam tersedia.


1. Gaj i tetap + U ang Kesehatan + THR full 1 bulan ket:j a bagi Gun1 Tetap 2. Gaji Tetap buat Guru Part Timer 3. Cuti 12 hari kerja diluar libur bersmna lebaran (+I- 18 sampai 20 hari kerja

dalam satu tahun) bagi guru tetap. 4. Kedatangan dan Pulang ketja bila tidak men1iliki kendaraan diantar san1pai

daerah yang ramai angkutan umu1n.

Page 5: JOB VACANCY - agrohort.ipb.ac.idagrohort.ipb.ac.id/downloads/2018/INFO LOKER_Sukamoto Bogor, PT...Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika -Sakamoto Bogor Sakamoto-JMC Sholeh Iskandar

LEC We Understand You Better !!!

Lembaga Pendidikan lnternasional PLEC- PIK Komplek Ruko Manyar Blok A-19,

Pantai lndah Kapuk, Jakarta- Utara Phone I Fax: 021-29033656; 0818 074 139 11

Transportasi Kendaraan Umum:

1. Dari arah grogol = Naik angkot n1erah Suzuki Cany depan mal ciputra sampai gerbang pik tnuara karang, lalu Ian jut angkot tnerah Suzuki Cany dari depan gerbang Pantai Indah Kapuk muara karang yang masuk ke dalam komplek Pantai Indah Kapuk, berhenti di showroom Suzuki Pantai Indah Kapuk (Showroom Indomobil). Bisa lanjut naik Ojek atau telepon kan1i dan kan1i akan menjen1put. Posisi ruko seberang sekolah Singapore Inten1ational School, dekat sekolah Bina Ban gsa, sam ping Bank Panin (de kat pemancingan). Ada banner besar yang bertuliskan Lembaga Pendidikan PLEC. Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi kami.

2. Dari arah kalideres = Naik angkot mikrolet kalideres kota yang melewati jalan kapuk raya. Berhenti di gerbang belakang Pantai Indah Kapuk. Naik angkot merah yang masuk kedalam perumahan pantai indah kapuk, , berhenti di showroom Suzuki Pantai Indah Kapuk (Showroom Indornobil). Bisa lanjut naik Ojek atau telepon kami dan kami akan menjemput. Posisi ruko seberang sekolah Singapore International School, dekat sekolah Bina Bangsa, samping Bank Panin ( dekat pemancingan). Ada banner besar yang bertuliskan Lembaga Pendidikan PLEC. Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi kami.

3. Jika n1emakai Gojek I Grab; set alamat: jalan manyar raya; rt 12/ rw 6; kapuk muara kota Jakarta utara. Turun di ruko manvar blok Al9, sebelah Bank

. - .

Panin I Seberang sekolah SIS - BBS. Ada banner Bimbel PLEC.

Page 6: JOB VACANCY - agrohort.ipb.ac.idagrohort.ipb.ac.id/downloads/2018/INFO LOKER_Sukamoto Bogor, PT...Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika -Sakamoto Bogor Sakamoto-JMC Sholeh Iskandar


• Pendidikan Sarjana Kimia I Tekhnik Kimia • Usia Max. 32 th • Laki-laki I Perempuan • Berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna • Memahami produk auto care ( Produk polish, sabun mobil/motor) • Memahami industrial care (Waste water treatment 8: Metal treatment) • Memahami produk-produk home care

2. STAFF R&D (HELM) • Lulusan S 1 Design Grafis (Helm) • Usia Max. 30 tahun • Menguasai Design Software (Coreldraw, Photoshop, Illustrator) Flash dan 3D Max • Pengalaman 2 tahun dibidang grafis • Disiplin, Tanggungjawab, Mampu bekerja dengan baik dengan tim maupun individu,

serta siap bekerja dibawah tekanan dan deadline.

3. SALES • Pendidikan S 1 semua j urusan • Usia Max. 30 th • Laki-laki • Memiliki SIM-A • Pengalaman dibidang sales Cat/ Auto Care/Home care/Personal care


4. ADMIN AUDITOR STAFF • Pria I Wanita maksimal 30 tahun • Pendidikan min. 51 Accounting • Mempunyai pengalaman di bidang terkait • Menguasai komputer (MS. Office) • Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan

Kirim lamaran lengkap sebelum 30 November 2018 ke:

Cargloss Jl. Lio Baru KM. 2 Desa Sanja

Citeureup Bogor 16810

A tau email:

[email protected] [email protected]

Page 7: JOB VACANCY - agrohort.ipb.ac.idagrohort.ipb.ac.id/downloads/2018/INFO LOKER_Sukamoto Bogor, PT...Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika -Sakamoto Bogor Sakamoto-JMC Sholeh Iskandar

Torreoid is a Globalized Multinational Business Group founded in 1963, dedicated to providing products , services , solutions and future trends to the Ceramic and Glass Sector.

Torrecid Group is present in 28 countries around the world with customers in more than 130 countries. Its

headquarters are located in Alcora - Castellon , in Spain

TORRECID INDONESIA /Torrecid Group is present in .Indonesia since 1995 under the name of PT Torrecid

Indonesia. Our business in Indonesia focused on providing services and soiutions for ceramic tiles and glass

companies. Indonesia's main and biggest Ceramic Companies have become our customers since 1995 and continue

to cooperate with us to this day in providing new innovation and trends to Indonesia's ceramic market.

Providing innovation and being the trendsetter in ceramic business in Indonesia have become our main targets ever

since we started our business in Indonesia. We were the first company who provided our customers the ability to

decorate ceramics by digital technology in 2010 through our INKCID Solution. In 2014, we have expanded our

showroom STYLE-CID to present our customers in Indonesia our latest technology SLIMCID (4 mm thick of tiles) as

well as big size tiles ( 1 X3 m) with full digital technology decoration to demonstrate that ceramics can cover all surfaces

in houses and buildings.

In Torrecid , the career growth of our people depends on their performance and their achievement. Our people will be

assessed base on the result of their training and their work , and also by their attitude. Torrecid is committed to give

wide opportunity to our people and to develop them as far as their ability and capacity allows them. Every Leaders ,

Managers and Directors that Torrecid has is our own employees who grow their career in the company .

We're Looking for Innovative Individual from Industrial Engineering or Business Administration for position

of Supply Chain Management Staff:

Your Responsibilities Will Include:

• Handling responsibilities relates with Purchasing , Sales Administration or PPIC

• Create and improve the working system to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the company

• Control and do administration work relates with the responsibilities , including being responsible for ERP

system of the company

• Coordinate with other department regarding your work and responsibilities and ensuring you 're giving the best

support and solutions to other department

Characteristic that We're Looking For:

• Fresh Graduate or People with 1 or 2 Years Experience Only

• Graduate from Industrial Engineering or Business Administration

• GPA Min. 3.00 in scale of 4.00

• Good Command in English

• Energetic and Dynamic Person

• Good analytical thinking and have interest with Business Process

• Organized and pay attention to detail

• Adaptable and can interact with people with various background

• Cooperative , Innovative and open to new concepts and new ideas

• Resilient individual and has courage to face unpredictable situation

Placement in Cibitung - Bekasi

Info lebillanjut · http:/ /cda.ipb.ac.id/

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We're Looking for Innovative Individual from Chemistry or Material Science for position of Quality Control/Quality

Assurance Staff:

Your Responsibilities Will Include:

• Check the material to ensure Raw Material we have are in accordance with our standard

• Do research to find solution and improvement in QC and QA

• Coordinate with other departments to improve the quality of end products and raw materials

• Check the final products to ensure the products we produce are in accordance with our standard

• Reformulation and do problem solving for problems in materials

• Updating and creating procedure relates with QC/QA scope of work

Characteristic that We're Looking For:

• People with 1 to 2 Years Experience Only

• Good Command in English

• Graduate from Chemistry or Material Science with GPA Min . 3.00

• Energetic and Dynamic Person

• High ability in analytical thinking and strategic thinking

• High interest to tackle challenge, problem solving, and giving solution in unconventional way

• Adaptable and can interact with people with various background

• Resilient individual and has courage to face unpredictable situation

We're looking for Innovative Individual from Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering or Civil & Environmental

Engineering for position of Maintenance Staff:

Your Responsibilities Will Include:

• Do maintenance works to maintain the facility in the factory and office (Civil , Mechanical & Electrical ) of

Torrecid in good condition

• Coordinating maintenance team for maintenance schedule for preventive and curative maintenance

• Coordinating with Leader of Department and other departments and divisions regarding the maintenance


• Analyze the effectiveness of working process in maintenance team and do continuous improvement to

improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the division

• Ensuring the HSE process in Torrecid

Characteristic that We're Looking For:

• Fresh Graduate or People with 1 to 2 Years Experience Only

• Graduate from Electrical Engineering , Civil Engineering or Civil & Environmental Engineering

• GPA Min . 3.00 in scale of 4.00

• Good Command in English

• Energetic and Dynamic Person

• High ability in analytical thinking and strategic thinking

• High interest to tackle challenge , problem solving , and giving solut ion in unconventional way

• Adaptable and can interact with people with various background

• Resilient individual and has courage to face unpredictable situation

Placement in Cibitung - Bekasi

Info lebillanjut · http:/ /cda.ipb.ac.id/

Page 9: JOB VACANCY - agrohort.ipb.ac.idagrohort.ipb.ac.id/downloads/2018/INFO LOKER_Sukamoto Bogor, PT...Lowongan Pekerjaan di Kursus Matematika -Sakamoto Bogor Sakamoto-JMC Sholeh Iskandar

PT Elo Karsa Utama was established in 1981 as a private limited company in Jakarta. Its main business is the importing, sales and marketing mainly on Biotechnology, Microbiology and Life Science products. Now PT. Elo Karsa Utama has grown to be a leading distributor for biotechnology, microbiology and life science products in Indonesia is looking for :

PRODUCT SPECIALIST (code : PS ) Requirements : Male /Female S1 I S2 graduated majoring in Biology I Biotechnology I Veterinary Mature and good personality Familiar with Cell Culture ( a ), ELISA & animals vaccine for ( b ) Highly driven and results oriented Fluent in written and spoken English is preferred Has experience in related field for 2 years Having SIM C & A

Job Location : Jakarta