Kata – Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris

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  • 7/28/2019 Kata Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris


    KataKata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Heres my love, take it. Heres my soul, use it. Heres my heart, dont break it. Heres my

    hand, hold it and together we will make it forever.

    You are my passion, my life, my love. Without you I would have no reason to live. All the

    stars in the universe could not replace what we have together. I thank you for the love we

    have and your gentleness. Never forget me, as I will never forget you.

    If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I

    love you.

    I love you, not because of what you have but because of what I feels.. I care for you, not

    because you need care but because I want to..

    Im always here for you, not because i want you to be with me but because i want to be with


    You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean and the beat in my

    heart I Love You!

    Never ask why I love you, just accept that I do, and that I will for the rest of my life.

    I want to be in your arms, where you hold me tight and never let me go.

    You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my

    heart. All my dreams came true the day that I met you. I Love You! You are the sunshine of

    my life! Thanks for brightening my world with the warmth of your Love You are the fire

    that burns the passion within my soul. I love You with all my heart I want to be your arms,

    I want to feel your touch, I want your lips on mine, I need you very much.

  • 7/28/2019 Kata Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true I Love You!

    Can i keep you and never let you go? Can i hold your hand and hug you tight? Can i tell the

    world how lucky i am eo

    have you in my life? or simply, can you be mine for the rest of my life?..

    You have entered my heart And Youll be here forever I Love You!

    I loved you once, I love you still, I always have, I always will

    For once in my life, I dont have to try to BE HAPPY, when Im with you, it just happensI


    Its not being in love that makes me happy. Its being in love with you that makes me happy.

    Having you in my life Makes everything so special & beautiful

    when my phone rings.. im not sure if it was you.. when someone calls my name.. im not

    sure if it was you.. but one thing for sure.. my heart beats only for YOU..

    we always have our ups & downs but we always breakthrough I no how much you love but

    do you no how much i luv u?

    I love you more than anything else in this world I hope you know that when i see you m heart

    beats faster every second i look into ur eyes i think about all the good times between usPeople think im crazy but they dont know you i just wanted to tell you IM CRAZY FOR


    I love you in the morning, in the middle of the day, in the hours we are together, and the

    hours we are away

    i love you with all my heart and you are the one that never let me sleep to my mind down to

    my soul you touch my lips im all alone without you my days are dark without a glimpse of

    you but now that you came into my life i feel complete the flowers bloom , the morning

    shines and i can see your love is like the sun that light up my whole world

    I may not be saying this everyday. But i want to Thank You for all that you do! I Love You!

    When i think rain, I think about singing. When I think about singing, its a heavenly tune.

    When I think about heaven then I think about angels. When I think about angels, I think

    about you.

    Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more, you prove me wrong.

    Its not my EAR you whispered into but my HEART!Its not my LIPS that you kissed,but my


  • 7/28/2019 Kata Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris


    If you want to know how much I love you, look into my eyes with your heart open.

    I love you for being you and the way you make me feel when Im with you!

    When I looked into your eyes I didnt see just you, I saw my today, my tomorrow, and my

    future for the rest of my lifeI love you!!!

    From the day you walked into my life, your all I think about. Your the reason i breathe. You

    are the stars in my sky. I wouldnt want this anyother way. Your the love of my life

    Explaining to you how much and why I love you would be as simple as explaining and

    describing to you how water taste, it seems impossiable.

    I love you more than any word can say I love you more than every action I take Ill be

    right here loving you till the end.

    a day without you is like a blunt with no weed be here with me every day let us cherrish these

    beutiful moments and know one thing that i love you.???

    All my dreams came true the day that I met you. I Love You!

    If a hug represented how much I loved you, I would hold you in my arms forever.

    I am an angel sent from God above. So, when youre sad and feeling down and dont know

    what to do, just remember that I care for you and love you too.

    YOURE my drug and im addicted !!




    You can count on the sun to rise, for the stars to come out at night, as long as theres air to

    breathe, youll always be loved by me.

    Before you came to me my world was so dark, at first you were my candle to guide me, my

    bulb to see, and now you have become my sunlight, you give me warmth and comfort and

    now I never have to be in the darkness ever again!!! Thank you Trisha Lynn!!! I LOVE YOU

    SO MUCH!!!

    My love to you is everlasting; it will never grow old and it will never fade away. I will

    forever love you.

    I will love the sun for it warms my soul. I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will

    love the light, for it shows me the way. But I love you most, for you are my dream come true.

    I never thought that Love was true until the day I met you.And when I met you all my dreams

    came true,so please love me like I love you!

    I loved you then as I love you now. I love you now as I always will. I wanted you then as I

    want you now. I want you now as I always will. I wanted you happy then as I do now. I want

  • 7/28/2019 Kata Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris


  • 7/28/2019 Kata Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris


    When that cats away, the mice will playTikus-tikus bermain riang manakala kucing telah


    Croos the sream where it is shallowestSebrangilah sungai pada bagian yang paling dangkal

    You Scratch my back and Ill scartch yoursJika engkau mencakar punggungku, aku akan


    The Swetst of all is praiseBunyi yang merdu diantara segala bunyi ialah pujian

    Early to bed and early rise make a man helthy, wealthy and wiseCepat tidur, cepat bangun

    menjadikan orang sehat, makmur dan bijaksana

    if you cant say good words of a person, dont say bad onesjika anda tidak dapat berkata baik

    tentang diri seseorang, janganlahyang buruk anda katakan

    Those Who Are Able To Control Their Rage Can Conquer Their Most Serious Enemy.Siapa

    Yang Dapat Menahan Marahnya Mampu Mengalahkan Musuhnya Yang Paling Berbahaya.

    Knowledge And Skills Are Tools, The Workman Is Character.Pengetahuan Dan

    Keterampilan Adalah Alat, Yang Menentukan Sukses Adalah Tabiat.

    A Healthy Man Has A Hundred Wishes, A Sick Man Has Only One.Orang Yang Sehat

    Mempunyai Seratus Keinginan, Orang Yang Sakit Hanya Punya Satu Keinginan

    A Medical Doctor Makes One Healthy, The Nature Creates The Health. (Aristoteles)Seorang

    Dokter Menyembuhkan, Dan Alam Yang Menciptakan Kesehatan. (Aristoteles)

    The Man Who Says He Never Has Time Is The Laziest Man.(Lichtenberg)Orang Yang

    Mengatakan Tidak Punya Waktu Adalah Orang Yang Pemalas.(Lichterberg)

    Politeness Is The Oil Which Reduces The Friction Against Each Other. (Demokritus).Sopan-

    Santu Adalah Ibarat Minyak Yang Mengurangi Gesekan Satu Dengan Yang Lain.


    Love is beauty, but not every beauty have loveCinta itu indah, tapi tidak selamanya

    keindahan mengandung cinta

    Love based by the gearious duty moula still growth although the beauty haschanged into grey

    and the hardness has changed into the weaknessCinta yang ditanam pada kewajiban luhur

    akan tumbuh meskipun kejelitaanberubah jadi uban dan keperkasaan berubah jadi renta

    Love make the weak man become strong and the strong man become weakCinta membuat

    orang lemah menjadi kuat dan orang kuat menjadi lemah

    Love isnt the base of happines, but without love is the base of sadnessCinta itu bukan

    sumber bahagia, tapi ketiadaan cinta jadi sumber derita

    Love likes the fire, it cant be made a fool, it would burn your owncinta itu laksana api yang

    tidak boleh dipermainkan, jika dipermainkanakan membakar diri anda

  • 7/28/2019 Kata Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris


  • 7/28/2019 Kata Kata Mutiara tentang Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Laziness Makes A Man So Slow That Pov Erty Soon Overtake Him.Kemalasan Membuat

    Seseorang Begitu Lamban Sehingga Kemiskinan Segera Menyusul.

    A Drop Of Ink Can Move A Million People To Think.Setetes Tinta Bisa Menggerakan Sejuta

    Manusia Untuk Berfikir.

    We Can Take From Our Life Up To What We Put To It.Apa Yang Bisa Kita Dapat Dari

    Kehidupan Kita Tergantung Dari Apa Yang Kita Masukkan Ke Situ.

    Real Power Does Not Hit Hard, But Straight To The Point.Kekuatan Yang Sesungguhnya

    Tidak Memukul Dengan Keras, Tetapi Tepat Sasaran

    If You Leave Everything To Your Good Luck, Then You Make Your Life A Lottery.Jika

    Anda Mengantungkan Diri Pada Keberuntungan Saja, Anda Membuat Hidup Anda Seperti


    Real Power Does Not Hit Hard, But Straight To The Point.Kekuatan Yang Sesungguhnya

    Tidak Memukul Dengan Keras, Tetapi Tepat Sasaran.

    Being Careful In Judging An Opinion Is A Sign Of Wisdom.Kehati-Hatian Dalam Menilai

    Pendapat Orang Adalah Ciri Kematangan Jiwa.

    You Recognize Birds From Their Singging, You Do People From Their Talks.Burung

    Dikenal Dari Nyanyiannya, Manusia Dari Kata-Katanya.

    One Ounce Of Prevent Is Equal To One Pound Of Medicine.Satu Ons Pencegahan Sama

    Nilainya Dengan Satu Pon Obat.