Kedokteran 092010101002 Bambang Prabawiguna

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Kejadian Kurang Pendengaran akibat Kebisingan Mesin Kereta Api pada Pemukim Pinggir Rel di Kelurahan Gebang, Jember(Prevalence of Hearing Loss due to Train Engine Noise on the Resident of Edge Rail in Village Gebang, Jember)

Bambang Prabawiguna, Irawan Fajar Kusuma, Yudha NurdianFakultas Kedokteran Universitas [email protected]

AbstractHearing loss due to noise or "noise-induced hearing loss" (NIHL) is hearing loss due to the influence of noise in a long time/chronic. In industrial environments, NIHL is the first ranked of occupational diseases. However, studies on NIHL caused by a train engine on the resident of edge rails is rarely done. This research aimed to determine the incidence of NIHL associated with long lived and age factors by using an audiometry. This is a cross-sectional study on the resident of edge rail of Gebang village, Jember who qualified according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Measurement using an audiometry test was conducted 12 hours after free from noise exposure. Prevalence of NIHL in the resident of edge rail was 47.4% (18 people). Data analysis resulted p-value=0.039 (