„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” MINISTERSTWO EDUKACJI i NAUKI Danuta Malinowska-Bartków Konwersacje w biznesie 341[02].Z2.02 Poradnik dla ucznia Wydawca Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy Radom 2006

Konwersacje w biznesie 341[02].Z202]_z2.02_u.pdf · mgr Janina Rosiak mgr Grażyna Gabryliszyn dr Patrycja Kamińska – opinia językowa Opracowanie redakcyjne: mgr inż. Katarzyna

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„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”

MINISTERSTWO EDUKACJI i NAUKI Danuta Malinowska-Bartków Konwersacje w biznesie 341[02].Z2.02 Poradnik dla ucznia Wydawca Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy Radom 2006

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Recenzenci: mgr Janina Rosiak mgr Grażyna Gabryliszyn dr Patrycja Kamińska – opinia językowa Opracowanie redakcyjne: mgr inż. Katarzyna Maćkowska

Konsultacja: mgr Andrzej Zych Korekta: mgr Joanna Fundowicz

Poradnik stanowi obudowę dydaktyczną programu jednostki modułowej 341[02].Z2.02. Konwersacje w biznesie zawartego w programie nauczania dla zawodu technik ekonomista. Wydawca Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Radom 2006

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


SPIS TREŚCI 1. Wprowadzenie 3 2. Wymagania wstępne 4 3. Cele kształcenia 5 4. Materiał nauczania 6 4.1. Struktura organizacyjna firmy (Organisational Structure) 6

4.1.1. Materiał nauczania 6 4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające 10 4.1.3. Ćwiczenia 10 4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów 14

4.2. Wyrażenia grzecznościowe (Polite Expressions) 15 4.2.1. Materiał nauczania 15 4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające 18 4.2.3. Ćwiczenia 18 4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów 19

4.3. Savoir-vivre w biznesie (Good manners in Business) 20 4.3.1. Materiał nauczania 20 4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające 21 4.3.3. Ćwiczenia 21 4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów 22

4.4. Kształtowanie stosunków interpersonalnych (Shaping Interpersonal Relationships)


4.4.1. Materiał nauczania 23 4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające 24 4.4.3. Ćwiczenia 24 4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów 28

4.5. Przepisy prawne dotyczące działalności firmy (Company Law) 29 4.5.1. Materiał nauczania 29 4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające 30 4.5.3. Ćwiczenia 31 4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów 31

4.6. Kształtowanie wizerunku firmy (Public Relations) 32 4.6.1. Materiał nauczania 32 4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające 32 4.6.3. Ćwiczenia 33 4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów 33

5. Sprawdzian osiągnięć 35 6. Literatura 38

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”



Poradnik ten będzie Ci pomocny w nabywaniu biegłości w konwersacji w języku angielskim, dotyczących języka praktycznego przydatnego w wykonywaniu zawodu. Zawartość poradnika (pakietu): – wprowadzenie, – wymagania wstępne, czyli umiejętności jakie powinieneś mieć przed przystąpieniem do

zadań praktycznych, które pozwolą Ci doskonalić znajomość języka angielskiego w mówieniu przydatnego w Twoim zawodzie,

– wykaz umiejętności, jakie ukształtujesz podczas pracy z tym poradnikiem (pakietem), – materiał nauczania, czyli wiadomości na temat formy i struktury organizacyjnej

przedsiębiorstw, kształtowania wizerunku firmy, marketingu i reklamy, kształtowania stosunków interpersonalnych, przepisów prawnych dotyczących działalności firmy oraz savoir-vivre’u w biznesie,

– zestawy pytań, które pomogą Ci sprawdzić, czy opanowałeś treści podane w materiale nauczania,

– ćwiczenia, które mają na celu wykształcenie Twoich umiejętności praktycznych, – sprawdzian postępów.

Poradnik zawiera również wykaz literatury oraz materiałów pomocniczych, tj. słowników, opracowań specjalistycznych pomocnych zarówno w trakcie nauki, jak i w wykonywaniu pracy zawodowej.

Zagadnienia omówione w materiale nauczania stanowią wprowadzenie do tematu. Pragnąc rozwijać swoje umiejętności, powinieneś korzystać z literatury podanej w poradniku, jak również z szeregu innych publikacji. W trakcie nauki pomocny Ci będzie nauczyciel, który odpowie na Twoje pytania, rozwieje twoje wątpliwości oraz wskaże Ci dodatkowe źródła informacji.

Zamieszczone w poradniku pytania pozwolą Ci na sprawdzenie, czy posiadasz wystarczającą wiedzę z odpowiedniego zakresu materiału oraz czy możesz przystąpić do wykonania ćwiczeń. Jeśli Twoje odpowiedzi będą poprawne, możesz przejść do dalszego etapu, jeśli nie – będziesz wiedział, gdzie masz luki i co powinieneś uzupełnić. Pod warunkiem, oczywiście, że będziesz odpowiadać na pytania samodzielnie.

Po etapie sprawdzania stanu Twojej wiedzy będziesz mógł przejść do następnego etapu, czyli do wykonania ćwiczeń praktycznych, których celem jest uzupełnienie i utrwalenie informacji teoretycznych.

Po wykonaniu zestawu ćwiczeń będziesz mógł sprawdzić swoje postępy, wykonując test Sprawdzian postępów, zamieszczony zawsze w podrozdziale.

Poznanie przez Ciebie całego lub określonej części poradnika będzie stanowiło dla nauczyciela podstawę przeprowadzenia sprawdzianu poziomu przyswojonych wiadomości i ukształtowanych umiejętności. Nauczyciel posłuży się w tym celu Zestawem zadań testowych zawierających różnego rodzaju pytania. W poradniku zamieszczony jest przykładowy test.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”



Przystępując do realizacji tej jednostki modułowej powinieneś umieć: – korzystać z różnych źródeł w celu znalezienia potrzebnych informacji, – czytać lub słuchać ze zrozumieniem tekst w języku angielskim na poziomie średnio

zaawansowanym (intermediate), zadać pytania do tekstu i udzielić odpowiedzi, – posługiwać się słownikiem anglojęzycznym w celu znalezienia definicji nieznanego

słowa w języku angielskim, – posługiwać się podręcznikiem gramatyki języka angielskiego w celu wyjaśnienia

wątpliwości z gramatyki, – wymawiać wyrazy angielskie zgodnie z transkrypcją fonetyczną podaną w słowniku bądź

w podręcznikach do nauki języka angielskiego, – stosować zasady transkrypcji fonetycznej, – stosować zasady gramatyki języka angielskiego na poziomie średnio zaawansowanym


„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”



W wyniku procesu kształcenia uczeń/słuchacz powinien umieć: – przeczytać ze zrozumieniem tekst o tematyce zawodowej, – skorzystać z technik poznawania nowego słownictwa podczas pracy z tekstem, – zidentyfikować główne problemy zawarte w tekście, – sformułować pytania dotyczące przeczytanego tekstu, – zredagować notatkę z wysłuchanego tekstu, – zabrać głos w dyskusji na temat przeczytanego bądź wysłuchanego tekstu, – określić sposoby kształtowania wizerunku firmy, – określić właściwe zachowania w kontaktach z cudzoziemcami z różnych kręgów

kulturowych, – użyć odpowiednich wyrażeń do właściwych funkcji językowych (prośba, odmowa, zgoda

itd.), – zastosować zwroty używane do wyrażenia pozytywnej opinii, zgłaszania wątpliwości,

stawiania warunków i argumentowania, – stosować zwroty grzecznościowe w rozmowie z klientem, – rozróżnić styl wypowiedzi służbowej i prywatnej, – zabrać głos w czasie spotkania z klientem, – przeprowadzić rozmowę z przedstawicielem firmy handlowej, – przygotować prezentację oferty handlowej, – zaprezentować ofertę handlową według opracowanego scenariusza, – zrelacjonować przebieg zdarzeń służbowych, – zanalizować przyczyny i skutki sytuacji zawodowych, – udzielić informacji na temat zadań poszczególnych komórek organizacyjnych firmy, – zanalizować przepisy prawne dotyczące działalności firmy.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


4. MATERIAŁ NAUCZANIA 4.1. Struktura organizacyjna firmy (Organisational

Structure) 4.1.1. Materiał nauczania DIFFERENT KINDS OF COMPANIES Divisions of economic activity

Although the structure of each country is different, their economies can be shown to have similar sectors. When speaking of business or economic activity, commentators normally recognize three major sectors: − primary – agriculture, fishing, mining, construction, − secondary – crafts, manufacturing, − tertiary – services, including education, banking, insurance etc. The occupational structure

The types of activities that most workers are occupied in differ, sometimes dramatically, from one country to another and from one time to another. In most developing countries (and in all countries the of the 9th century) the vast majority of the workforce work in agricultural or primary sectors. Their work is almost entirely manual, and most of the country’s labour power is concentrated on the basic task of feeding the population. In fully developed countries far more of their productive resources are directed towards other economic activities. In the USA and Canada only 4 and 7 per cent, respectively, of all employed work in agriculture, fishing and mining, compared to more than 70 per cent in India. Organisational structure

Here are three diagrams representing the structure of an organization.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Look at the diagram 1. Which group of people: 1. Own the company? 2. Sell to the company? 3. Formulate policy? 4. Buy from the company? 5. Work for the company?

Look at diagrams 2 and 3. Which part of this of this organization: 1. Manufactures the products? 2. Sells the products? 3. Deals with personnel matters? 4. Creates new products? 5. Buys supplies? 6. Gets the products to the customer? 7. Records transactions, collects cash, makes payments, and calculates costs? 8. Plans, schedules, monitors, measures, and gives direction? COMPANY CULTURE Total Quality Management (TQM)

Most companies face a tough competition nowadays. Therefore, to be able to succeed, they have to look for quality, good organization, economic use of time, resources and space. Total Quality Management involves doing the job right the first time. Mistakes mean that you have to fix them later and that incurs higher costs. It also means that you have to throw out outdated processes. It is a constant and never ending process and it has to involve everyone in the organization.

The responsibility must be pushed to where employees and customers meet. Important decisions must be taken at a point where the operating employees make important decisions because they are closest to customers. It means you have to stand the traditional management hierarchy on its head.

TQM cannot be introduced in an atmosphere of conflict. It can only be done with strong support from administration and through creative teamwork. STEP analysis A STEP analysis is a useful business tool for examining ways in which organizations need to adapt to changing external environments. STEP stands for sociological, technological, economic, and political changes.

S sociological changes

Altering demographic patterns such as people living longer, rising/falling unemployment, more/fewer school leavers, changing levels of unemployment. How are they affecting your customer base and the availability of staff?

T technological changes

Changing production technology, computer and information technology, automation, etc. How are they affecting the way your clients and suppliers work?

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


E economic changes

Recession, interest rate changes, taxation changes, currency fluctuations, changing process of raw materials. How are they affecting your company’s markets, profitability and the resources you have available for investment?

P political changes

Changes in government and policies, privatization policies, new laws, new regulations on green issues, stronger/weaker trade unions, wars. How are they affecting the way you conduct your business?

Example: Please read the text about Microsoft: Famous for its Windows operating system, Microsoft is the world’s No. 1 software company. With sales of $3 billion, it’s growing fast but the corporate culture remains strong. So, what’s it like to work there? Hard work Complaining about how hard you work at Microsoft is like complaining about the weather in Seattle. Everyone is overworked. Microsoft deliberately understaffs its product teams because it saves money, helps communication and encourages the fighting spirit. Fun Microsoft encourages individuality, and there are plenty of eccentric characters on the staff. Tough Microsoft employees are well-informed, logical and thick-skinned. They’ve got to be able to stand up for themselves when their bosses criticize them. Frugal The pay may be good but there are no fancy expense accounts. Bill Gates. The CEO, is one of the richest men in America but he still flies economy class to Japan. Recently his administrative assistant was rushed off his feet by phone calls and letters and asked if he could hire someone to help out. “Who am I, the Queen?” asked Gates. Challenging Authority is pushed down through the ranks. Microsoft picks and chooses recruits from the graduates of the elite universities and business schools, then gives them lots of responsibility straight away. Competitive Microsoft has been beaten in some markets by more sharply-focused competitors, but they keep fighting. They may get it wrong several times before they get it right but they never give up. Company culture involves various matters. The most important of them are: − hours of work and overtime, − over and understaffing, − pay and expenses, − competitiveness, − how much responsibility is given at low levels of the organization, − the type of people who work there, − the atmosphere of the company, − type of facilities that are used,

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


− type of communication, − relationship between employees and management.

In order to run a company efficiently nowadays both the Management and the Workforce need to communicate with each other.

Study and use in your discussions some useful language for participating in meeting. Giving an opinion

I'm convinced we should use an agent. I'm sure the Japanese market has big potential.


I have no doubt the new factory will make life a lot easier. I think we need a bigger sales force. As I see it, we must build up our middle management.


In my opinion, we should offer a bonus. It seems to me we should try to diversify. I tend to think our designs are old-fashioned.


I feel our competitors are more market-orientated. Making a suggestion

I suggest (that) we buy from the French supplier. I would suggest strengthening our management team.


My suggestion would be to spend more on R&D. We could sell the business. Perhaps we should make a takeover bid. It might be worth setting up a joint venture. What about appointing a new agent?


Why don't we borrow some more money? Checking comprehension/reformulating To put that another way, ... If I follow you correctly, ... So what you’re saying is... Does that mean... ? Are you saying... ? Expressing reservations You have a point, but... I agree to some extent, but... I suppose you’re right, but... Maybe that’s true, but... Agreeing

I totally agree. I agree entirely with Peter. I quite agree. I couldn’t agree more. Absolutely! / Precisely!/


Exactly! (neutral) I agree with you.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


I think you’re right. That’s true. Mmm, maybe you’re right. Perhaps. I tend to agree.


I suppose so. Disagreeing

I don’t agree with you at all. I totally disagree. You’re quite wrong about that. It’s out of the question. Of course not.


Rubbish!/Nonsense!/No way! I don’t really think so. I can’t see that, I’m afraid.


I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there. Mmm, I’m not sure. I tend to disagree. Do you really think so?


Is that such a good idea? 4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające

Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące różnych sposobów funkcjonowania i struktur przedsiębiorstwa, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. Do you understand the corporate culture of Microsoft? 2. Do you think the employees of Microsoft work hard? 3. Why does the company deliberately understaff its product team? 4. What kind of personality types work in Microsoft? 5. Why are the employees thick-skinned? 6. What is the attitude of the company to expense accounts? 7. Who is recruited to Microsoft? 8. Is Microsoft a competitive company? 9. How much responsibility is given at low levels of the organization? 10. Do people at Microsoft work overtime? 11. What is TQM? 12. Who does it involve? 13. How long should it be introduced? 14. Who is given the decision-making powers? 15. What do you have to do to stand the traditional management hierarchy on its head? 4.1.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1.

Please read the text about Microsoft again. Discuss with your teacher or partner the culture of Microsoft. Think of: − hours of work and overtime, − over and understaffing,

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


− pay and expenses, − competitiveness, − how much responsibility is given at low levels of the organization, − the type of people who work there.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia

Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać ponownie tekst o firmie Microsoft, 2) przedyskutować z nauczycielem lub kolegą zagadnienie kultury Microsoft mówiąc

o następujących sprawach: − godziny pracy i godziny nadliczbowe, − nadmiar lub niedobór pracowników, − płaca i wydatki, − konkurencyjność, − zakres odpowiedzialności na niższych szczeblach organizacji, − charakterystyka osób pracujących w firmie.

3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2.

You are a director of a small manufacturing company. You are concerned about the environment and increasing levels of pollution. You have introduced a company suggestion scheme and collected the proposals below from your staff. Hold a meeting to decide what to do with their ideas: − dismiss them, − implement them immediately, − investigate the ideas further.

Suggestion scheme proposals 1. Take away all company cars. Provide bicycles instead and bus or train tickets. 2. Scrap the company’s fleet or lorries. Replace them with new models that are

more economical on fuel. 3. Encourage staff to work at home. Telecommunications can substitute for

travel. 4. Instead of working five eight-hour days each week, work four ten-hours days.

A three-day weekend will reduce the factory’s heating costs. 5. Change all the conventional light bulbs in the building to compact fluorescent

light bulbs, which use 20% of the power and last longer. 6. Install solar cells in the roof to collect sunlight to heat the offices. 7. Put less packing on your products. 8. Tell our suppliers to provide less packaging with their products. 9. Plant trees in the garden to stabilize the soil, conserve water to resources and

‘fix’ carbon dioxide to help slow the pace of global warming. 10. Ban all office memos to save the paper.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


11. collect all waste paper from offices at the end of each day and send it for recycling.

12. Only sell vegetarian food in the canteen. 13. Make a contribution from the company’s profits to the Green Party or green

pressure groups. 14. Stop trying to make the company expand. Make economic efficiency our goal

instead economic growth. 15. Install a large fan on the hillside outside the factory to blow away pollution.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia

Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) Wyobrazić sobie, że jesteś dyrektorem małej firmy produkcyjnej. Martwią cię coraz

większe ilości zanieczyszczeń zatruwających środowisko. Zaproponowałeś personelowi, aby zgłaszał projekty ochrony i zebrałeś propozycje. Zorganizuj zebranie w celu podjęcia decyzji, co zrobić z ich propozycjami: a) odrzucić je, b) wdrożyć je, c) rozważyć je później.

2) przeczytać uważnie propozycje projektów ochrony środowiska. 3) ocenić je i zdecydować, jak z nimi postąpić.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 3

You would like to award a prize to the staff member who submitted the best suggestion. Decide which one you think is best and what the prize should be. You can hold a meeting and discuss it with your staff.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia

Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) zdecydować jaką nagrodę przyznać pracownikowi, który podał najlepszą sugestię.

Zdecyduj która z nich jest najlepsza i jaka powinna być ta nagroda. Możesz zorganizować spotkanie i przedyskutować to ze swoim zespołem,

2) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika, 3) porównaj swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 4

Now compare your decisions with your colleagues from other teams. Find out which they decided to implement and why.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


1) przeczytać uważnie propozycje ochrony środowiska zamieszczone w poprzednim ćwiczeniu,

2) dowiedzieć się, jakie były propozycje kolegów, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 5

Please read the text on different kinds of companies and decide if their business activity belongs to: a) primary, b) secondary, c) tertiary sectors. Please discuss how would you organize w vehicle manufacturing company. vehicle manufacturing engineering food processing telecommunications catering electronics retailing beverages banking aerospace

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia

Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie tekst dotyczący różnych rodzajów firm i zdecydować, czy poniższe

rodzaje aktywności biznesowej należą do sektora: a) pierwotnego, b) drugorzędnego, c) trzeciorzędnego,

2) skorzystać ze słownika, jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów, 4) przedyskutować z kolegą sposób zarządzania fabryką pojazdów.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 6

Please read the information about STEP analysis and have discussion in 4 groups on: sociological, technological, economical and political changes and then with the whole class.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać ponownie tekst o analizie STEP i przeprowadzić dyskusję w swojej grupie,

a następnie z całą klasą. 2) skorzystać ze słownika, jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów

Please check your achievements giving correct answers YES or NO to the following statements:

Sprawdź swoje postępy, podając prawidłowe odpowiedzi TAK lub NIE na następujące stwierdzenia:

Yes No 1. If you like to plan, measure and give directions you have a potential for a

subordinate. □ □ 2. If you can calculate costs, record transactions and can deal with money

matters you should work in Financial Department. □ □ 3. If you have to look for quality, good organization, economic use of time

and resources you should throw out outdated processes. □ □ 4. People are living longer nowadays so it is a change in technology. □ □ 5. If you consider a new investment you had better think of resources

and profitability. □ □ 6. If you are competitive you are complaining. □ □ 7. If you are thick-skinned you are assertive. □ □ 8. If you are environmentalist you like a lot of exercise. □ □ 9. If you work in catering industry you should have experience in services. □ □ 10. If you are interested in STEP analysis you are concerned with dancing. □ □

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


4.2 Wyrażenia grzecznościowe (Polite expressions) 4.2.1. Materiał nauczania

Letters, the traditional form of business communication, are still generally preferred for confidential and very formal correspondence. But faxes (telefaxes) are growing in popularity, due to their speed and convenience. Many companies now have their own fax stationery which resembles a memo (memorandum) in layout. As information about the sender and receiver appears at the top, traditional greetings are often omitted so faxes tend to be more direct.

For information on layout, study the document below.

MASTER – School of English ul. Tkacka 66/10 70-556 Szczecin tel/fax: 091 812 23 98

Unizeto Technologies Kamila Rzetecka ul. Królowej Korony Polskiej 21, 70-486 Szczecin Tel. 091 48 01 294 Subject: Course in Business Correspondence Dear Ms Rzetecka, With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am pleased to tell you that we are able to start a 30 hrs Course in Business Correspondence for your staff, starting from January 2006. Please decide which days of the week and time of classes will be most suitable. I look forward to receiving your information in due course. Yours sincerely

Danuta Malinowska-Bartków Manager

It is important to choose polite forms, especially when one disagrees with someone in a business setting. Emphasize, too that the smooth running of a relationship can be oiled by ‘weakening’ or toning down a disagreement. Instead of telling someone that what they have offered or said is ‘rubbish’ (even if you think it is) it may often be beneficial to your continued maintenance of good customer or client relations to say ‘I don’t think that it is such a good idea’. This has nothing to do with being insincere but with being well mannered. Remember the Chinese proverb: ‘He who cannot smile should not open a shop’.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Useful phrases Make yourself a checklist of useful phrases for future reference. Complete the table below with words and phrases from the box.

Would you like me to ...? You will be pleased to hear

that enquire ...

I am afraid ... Please find enclosed ... seeing you on the

29th. any inconvenience caused.

please do not hesitate to ask. Further to ...

Could you possibly ...?

Starting We are writing to advise you of ...

confirm ... .................................

Stating a reference Thank you for your letter of January 23. With reference to our telephone conversation today … ................................. your fax of June 5th,...

Giving good news I am delighted to tell you that... .................................

Giving bad news We regret to inform you that... Unfortunately ... .................................

Making a request

We would be grateful if you could … I would appreciate it if you could … ................................. Please …

Offering help If you wish, we would be happy to … .................................

Apologizing I am sorry about the delay in replying. I would like to apologize for ... We are sorry for .................................

Enclosing documents I am enclosing ... .................................

Closing remarks If you have any further questions, ................................. If we can help in any way, please contact us again. Thank you for your help.

Referring to future contact I look forward to meeting you next week. Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course. .................................

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Polite expressions We use a lot of standard polite expressions in social situations. Here are examples of

some important ones. Asking people to do things Agreeing Refusing Can you … ? Yes, certainly. I’m sorry, but … Will you … ? Yes, of course. I’m afraid … Could you … ? No, not at all. Would you … ? Could you possibly … ? Would you mind … (ing) ? Asking for permission to do things Agreeing Refusing Can I … ? Yes, certainly. I’m sorry, but … Could I … ? Yes, of course. I’m afraid … May I … ? Please, do so. Could I possibly … ? By all means. Would you mind if I … ? No, not at all. Thanking Replies Thanks. You’re welcome. Thank you very much indeed. Don’t mention it. It’s very good of you. Not at all. It’s a pleasure. Apologizing Replies Sorry. It’s OK. I’m extremely sorry. No problem. It doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it. Offering help Accepting Refusing Do you want a hand? That’d be great. No, it’s all right, thanks. Can I … ? Shall I … ?

Yes, please. Thank you very much

That’s kind of you, but I can manage.

Would you like me to … ? Documents Companies use different procedures and documents when buying and selling goods and services. Here is a list of verbs frequently used with the documents:

ask for prepare You can give

a quotation.

And of course, you can quote a price. Quote is the verb (action) and quotation is the noun (thing) but quote can also be used as a noun, as a short form for quotation.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


place confirm acknowledge You can


an order.

You can check a delivery note.

issue query You can pay

an invoice.

You can ignore a reminder.

write sign postdate endorse pay in

a cheque. You can

put a cheque in the post. And if there aren't enough funds in the account, the bank will bounce the cheque!

ask for issue You can lose

A receipt.

4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające

Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące zastosowania różnych wyrażeń grzecznościowych, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. Do you know how to ask for permission to do things? 2. How can you politely ask people to do things? Do you know? 3. In what way can you offer help? Do you know? 4. Do you know how to make a request? 5. How can you apologize? Do you know? 6. How can you give bad news? Do you know? 7. In what way can you refuse? Do you know? 8. How do you reply if someone expresses gratitude? Do you know? 9. How can you politely refuse to do things? Do you know? 10. How can you refer to a future contact? Do you know? 4.2.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1.

Please prepare a dialogue with your partner in which you make a complaint. One of you is a manager and one is a customer.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przygotować dialog z kolegą/koleżanką, w którym jedna osoba jest kierownikiem, zaś druga – klientem,

2) jako klient złożyć zażalenie dotyczące wybranej sprawy, 3) sięgnąć do pożytecznych wyrażeń (useful phrases) i wyrażeń grzecznościowych (polite

expressions). Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2.

Now please present your dialogue to the class.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia

Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) zaprezentować dialog przed całą klasą, 2) porównać swoje wypowiedzi z wypowiedziami kolegów.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów

For each of the following statements choose one answer Yes or No. Do każdego z poniższych zdań wybierz odpowiedź Tak lub Nie.

Yes No 1. If you ask ‘May I, Could I possibly…?’ you ask form permission. □ □ 2. If you want to write closing remarks you put I am looking forward to… □ □ 3. When someone expresses gratitude, saying ‘Thank you’, you reply ‘

By all means’. □ □ 4. You want to refuse someone who offers help, so you say:

That’s kind of you but a can manage. □ □ 5. You want to make a request, so you say: I would appreciate if you could… □ □ 6. You want to express agreement when people ask you for something.

You say: No problem. □ □ 7. You want to give bad news. You say: Unfortunately, … □ □ 8. You want to offer help. You say: Do you need a hand? □ □

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


4.3. Savoir-vivre w biznesie (Good manners in Business) 4.3.1. Materiał nauczania

When the European Community began to increase in size, several guidebooks appeared giving advice on international etiquette. At first many people thought this was a joke, especially the British, who seemed to assume that the widespread understanding of their language meant a corresponding understanding of English customs. Very soon they had to change their ideas, as they realized that they had a lot to learn about how to behave with their foreign business friends.

Members of different nationalities have different attitudes to:

BUSINESS LUNCH/DINNER: 1. The British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink

during a meal. 2. The French like to eat first and discuss business later (they like to be well fed and watered

before they get to work). 3. The Germans get down to business first and have pleasure (lunch/dinner) later. 4. In Russia you must match your host drink for drink or they will think you are unfriendly. 5. In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands as quickly as possible

avoiding any conversation until it is eaten. 6. The Japanese never discuss business during a meal. A meal is a form of relaxation for

them. 7. In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for eating, drinking or smoking. GIFTS:

Cultures have different attitudes toward giving and receiving gifts. In English speaking countries (Australia, Canada, UK, USA) business people would be embarrassed to receive anything more expensive than a small corporate gift like a pen, but in Middle East and the Far East gifts have a special importance in establishing a personal and business relationship. Although they don’t have to be very expensive, they should be of a high quality and in the case of Japan, they should be beautifully packed. DRESS CODE: ● Taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeves is a sign of getting down to work in Britain and Holland, but in Germany people regard it as taking it easy. ● In the Middle East Arabic women often work in the office wearing a scarf on their heads. It is unthinkable to show any part of your body. It is advised for European women not to show too much leg and wear long sleeves while working in the Middle East. ● The dress code caused quite a stir in France when the Disney opened the EuroDisney theme park in Paris. Please read the case study below:

The EuroDisney theme park Before the EuroDisney theme park opened, east of Paris, it received strong criticism from anti-American element of the French media who accused the park’s management of behaving in a heavy-handed, authoritarian manner. EuroDisney was criticised for its policy concerning the way employees should be dressed. The company had announced a dress code which specified the Disney look required of its 12,000 workers.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Female staff had to wear ‘appropriate underwear’. Fishnet stockings and suspenders were not allowed. Neither were dark lipstick, leather trousers, miniskirts, false eyelashes, highlighted hair and very heavy heels. Male staff had to observe certain roles, too. Hair should not be long: beards and mustaches were banned, as were visible tattoos and earrings. Finally, both sexes had to have an ‘equilibrium between height and weight’. The dress code caused quite a stir. A government inspector supported the media critics, saying the Disney dress code violated personal liberty. An American who applied for the job was told that he would have to shave off his mustache. He commented, ‘I wasn’t interested in the job offer after I learned of the dress code. These kinds of attitude have no place in France or anywhere else in the modern world. 4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające

Odpowiadając na poniższe pytania dotyczące zwyczajów, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonywania ćwiczeń. 1. Which nationalities are the most and least punctual? 2. Which nationalities do not like to eat and do business at the same time? 3. Why is it not a good idea to visit Russia on business if you don’t drink alcohol? 4. Why is it not a good idea to offer an expensive gift to an English person when you are

visiting the UK? 5. What advice would you give to a woman going to work in an office in Saudi Arabia? 4.3.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1

Please read the article about EuroDisney theme park in Paris. Discuss your attitudes with your partner towards Dress Code. Exchange your ideas with the whole class.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać artykuł o parku rozrywki EuroDisney w Paryżu, 2) przedyskutować z kolegą swoje poglądy na temat zasad ubierania się, 3) wymienić poglądy z całą klasą.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2

Dou you think Polish women dress well for work? Discuss.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) odpowiedzieć: czy według Ciebie Polki ubierają się dobrze do pracy? 2) przedyskutować z kolegą swoje poglądy na temat sposobu ubierania się Polek, 3) wymienić poglądy z całą klasą.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 3

Situation: Imagine you work for a Japanese company. Your female colleague has been given a prize for her achievements. You want to congratulate her. Please describe how you would behave. What would you say?

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać historyjkę, 2) przygotować wypowiedź ustną, 3) zaprezentować wypowiedź.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 4

Situation: You work for a Russian company based in Poland. You are invited to a birthday party by a male staff member. At a party everybody is supposed to drink Russian vodka. You don’t tolerate alcohol. What do you say?

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać historyjkę, 2) przygotować wypowiedź ustną, 3) zaprezentować wypowiedź.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów

Please answer Y (Yes) or N (No) to the following statements: Odpowiedz T (Tak) lub N (Nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:

Yes No 1. Women in the Middle East are sensitive to fashions. □ □ 2. It is very important to give your business partner a gift in the Middle East. □ □ 3. It is good to have a conversation in McDonald’s in America. □ □ 4. You must never use a left hand for eating or smoking in the Middle East. □ □ 5. Everybody understands British customs. □ □ 6. You can wear what you fancy when you work for EuroDisney park. □ □ 7. In America people are embarrassed when they receive an expensive gift. □ □ 8. The Japanese value the wrapping of the gift as much as the gift itself. □ □

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


4.4. Kształtowanie stosunków interpersonalnych (Shaping Interpersonal Relationships)

4.4.1. Materiał nauczania

Work relations with other people include relationships with fellow employees, workers or colleagues. A great part of work or job satisfaction – some people say the major portion – comes from ‘getting on with others’ at work. Work relations will also include those between management and employees. The relations are not always straightforward, particularly as the management’s assessment of your performance at work can be crucial to your career. In business, people have to deal in person with all kinds of people. You may have to use English when talking to different people within your company who don't speak your language: these may be colleagues or co-workers, superiors or subordinates - who may work with you in your own department, in another part of the building or in another branch. And you may also have to deal in English with people from outside the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover, these people may be friends, acquaintances or strangers - people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. This relationship may even affect what you say when you meet people: for example, it's not appropriate to say 'Hi, how are you? when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say 'Good morning, it's a great pleasure to meet you' when being introduced to a person you'll be working closely with in the same team. Remember that people form an impression of you from the way you speak and behave - not just from the way you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere - and of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Remember also that your body language, gestures and expression may tell people more about you than the words you use. Successful teams

One of the most important functions of a manager is to build a team which will perform effectively and contribute to the success of a business. The art of team-building has been studied by many people, but possibly the most interesting work on the subject has been done by Dr Meredith Belbin. His original insight has been to identify the individual roles which are crucial to a successful team. He argues that while individuals in a management group have their formal job titles - accountant, designer, marketing director, production manager, etc. - they also perform a variety of 'personality team roles': the ideas person, the organiser, the unorthodox genius, the stickler for detail, the diplomat, and so on. Dr Belbin's team-role theory states that there are nine key personality types and a team will work most effectively if it has them all. However, a successful team need not be made up of nine members since some people may be more than one personality type. Thus a team of three could work together very successfully if, among them, the members combined the nine personality types.


Type Symbol Typical Features Positive Qualities Allowable Weaknesses

Company Worker

CW Conservative, dutiful, predictable.

Organising ability, practical common sense, hard-working, self-discipline.

Lack of flexibility, unresponsiveness to unproven ideas.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Chairman CH Calm, self-confident, controlled.

A capacity for treating and welcoming all potential contributors on their merits and without prejudice. A strong sense of objectives.

No more than ordinary in terms of intellect or creative ability.

Shaper SH Highly strung, outgoing, dynamic.

Drive and a readiness to challenge inertia, ineffectiveness, complacency or self-deception.

Proneness to provocation, irritation and impatience.

Plant PL Individualistic, serious-minded, unorthodox.

Genius, imagination, intellect, knowledge.

Up in the clouds, inclined to disregard practical details or protocol.

Resource Investigator

RI Extroverted, enthusiastic, curious, communicative.

A capacity for contacting people and exploring anything new. An ability to respond to challenge.

Liable to lose interest once the initial fascination has passed.


ME Sober, unemotional, prudent. Judgement, discretion, hard-headedness.

Lacks inspiration or the ability to motivate others.

Team Worker

TW Socially-orientated, rather mild, sensitive.

An ability to respond to people and to situations, and to promote team spirit.

Indecisiveness at moments of crisis.


CF Painstaking, orderly, conscientious, anxious.

A capacity for follow-through. Perfectionism.

A tendency to worry about small things. A reluctance to let go.

Specialist SP Single-minded, self-starting. Brings knowledge or skills in rare supply.

Contributes only on narrow front.

4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające

Odpowiadając na poniższe pytania dotyczące stosunków interpersonalnych, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. Why the relations between management and employees are not always straightforward? 2. ‘Hi, how are you?’ What kind of register is it? 3. ‘How do you do?’ When is it appropriate? 4. Is it good when people have a lot of talents? 5. What is the advantage of a specialist? 4.4.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1

What would you say in these situations? Write down the exact words you’d use. The first is done for me as an example.

1. The customer services manager, Mrs Hanson, doesn’t know Linda Morris, the new export clerk.

Mrs Hanson, I’d like you to meet Linda Morris. She’s our new export clerk. 2. Your boss says to you, ‘this is Tony Watson. He’s visiting us from Canada.


3. Tony Watson says, ‘Hi. I think you know one of my colleagues: Ann Scott.’


„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


4. You’ve been introduced to someone by name, but later in the conversation you can’t

remember the person’s name.


5. You enter an office full of strangers one morning. Someone asks if they can help you.


6. A visitor arrives after traveling a long distance to see you.


7. Your visitor looks thirsty.


8. It’s time for you to leave. You look at your watch and realize that it’s later than you



Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) wypełnić lukę, wstawiając właściwe słowo bądź wyrażenie, 2) skorzystać ze słownika, jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2

Please read the following job advertisement, consider your application. Write your own CV and a letter of application.

Customer Services Assistant Are you highly efficient with good communication and inter-personal skills? We are a leading manufacturer of video and audio equipment, and are looking for someone special with good administrative and secretarial abilities to join our very busy Customer Services Department. Salary dependent on age and experience. Apply to: Brenda Howarth

Spectro UK Ltd 12 Rothesay Terrace Edinburgh EH3 7SE

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać uważnie ogłoszenie o pracę, 2) rozważyć swoją aplikację, 3) napisać swój życiorys i podanie o pracę.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 3

Students read out their CV and letters of application. The most suitable candidates are chosen, are shortlisted and invited for the interview.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać życiorysy i podania o pracę, 2) wybierać najbardziej odpowiednich kandydatów i wypisać ich nazwiska, 3) wybrać osoby, które zaprosisz na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 4

Choose your personal strengths and weaknesses from those given below:

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES confident arrogant

enterprising opportunistic humorous frivolous ambitious ruthless

helpful controlling forceful bullying

competitive combative open to change obsessive

thorough uncaring tolerant nosy caring indecisive

focused interfering supportive irresponsible generous careless

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


1) przeczytać podane cechy, 2) zdecydować, które z nich pasują do Ciebie, 3) skorzystać ze słownika, jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 5

The teacher divides the class into candidates and employers. The employers prepare questions for the candidates. Candidates prepare for the interview. The employers have the following evaluation sheet.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) mieć przydział do jednej z 2 grup: kandydatów do pracy lub pracodawców, 2) jeśli jesteś pracodawcą – przygotować listę pytań. Jeśli jesteś kandydatem – przygotować

się do rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: − słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Evaluation Sheet Position__________________________________________ Name of Candidate_________________________________ Score - + 1 2 3 4 5 Background Education ..………….. Languages …………… Experience … .………... Behaviour and communicative ability Physical Presentation …………… Communication Skills ……………. Ability to listen ……………. Culture ……………. Maturity ……………. Manners ……………. Personal Qualities Dynamism ……………. Ambition ……………. Organisational Skills Leadership ……………. Team Spirit ……………. Involvement …………….. Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ Suitability of the Candidate _______________________________________________ Action to be taken _______________________________________________________ 4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów

Please answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the following statements: Odpowiedz T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:

Yes No 1. The relations between the employer and employees are not always

straightfoward. □ □ 2. Business people have to deal in person with the same kind of people. □ □ 3. The impression you make the firs time depends only on your work

achievements. □ □ 4. Good manners are the same around the world. □ □ 5. One person may perform many personality team roles. □ □ 6. A successful team may be small. □ □ 7. Specialists are people who lack inspiration to motivate others. □ □ 8. A chairman is a person of ordinary intellect. □ □

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4.5. Przepisy prawne dotyczące działalności firmy (Company Law)

4.5.1. Materiał nauczania

Companies may have different structures and their owner(s) may have different shares of a company. They may be fully liable or their liability to the company may be limited. Before one decides to set up a company or buy its share(s) it is advised to consult a lawyer to learn about an owner’s rights and obligations. Please read the following dialogue between a person who wants to start a company (here called a CLIENT) and a legal adviser (here called a LAWYER). CLIENT: Good morning. LAWYER: Good morning. CLIENT: I have a few questions about my business. LAWYER: How may I be of assistance? CLIENT: As you know, my business has been growing very rapidly. I have been trading as

a sole trader. I am a little worried about what should happen if market conditions change.

LAWYER: Ah! What you are concerned with is your liability. CLIENT: I think so. I have some friends who would like to join my business and form a

partnership. Would this make things better? LAWYER: Simply, a partnership, like a sole trader does not enjoy limited liability. CLIENT: I am not sure that I completely understand the term limited liability. LAWYER: This means that you will not be legally liable for your company's debts

should the company go bankrupt. CLIENT: That sounds good. LAWYER: It may sound good, but in practice you may have to give personal guarantees to

secure a bank loan and so you will be personally liable for the repayment of bank loans.

CLIENT: Are there any other advantages or disadvantages of setting up a company? LAWYER: There are additional requirements for the public filing of information in the case

of a limited liability company. On the other hand you may find that the stature of a limited liability company may be useful.

CLIENT: That is true. But why is it that lawyers, accountants and dentists tend to be partnerships? What's the advantage?

LAWYER: Oh, no, that's a completely different story. There are certain professional requirements that we do not incorporate.

CLIENT: So what do I need to do to set up a limited liability company? LAWYER: There are a number of formalities, but the most important is to decide upon the

contents of the deed of association. CLIENT: What is a deed of association? LAWYER: It is sometimes called the articles of incorporation or the articles of association. CLIENT: Is there any difference? LAWYER: No, this is the document that sets forth matters such as the name of the company,

its purpose and scope of activity, its duration and the rights and liabilities of shareholders and directors.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


CLIENT: So it is like the company charter? LAWYER: Yes, but we rather use the term company charter to refer to the articles of

association of a joint stock company. CLIENT: So should I be looking to set up a joint stock company? LAWYER: This is very much more expensive. The minimum share capital requirements are

much higher and the filing and notice requirements are much stricter. CLIENT: If the new company would like to buy other companies is this possible? LAWYER: Yes, certainly we have a large department dealing with mergers and

acquisitions, public company takeovers as well as private company acquisitions and disposals.

CLIENT: What if I would like to raise more capital? LAWYER: We have a large corporate finance department which can of course advise you on

securities issues, public offerings and private placings. It is clear that as your company grows it may be necessary to transform into a joint stock company, if in fact you do not start from that point.

CLIENT: If I would like to expand overseas, how would I go about that? LAWYER: Very simply. We have a network of offices around the world and we can advise you

on joint ventures, and privatisations in many different countries. CLIENT: What is the biggest disadvantage? LAWYER: I suppose the biggest disadvantage is that you will be more controlled in your

actions as a managing director than as a sole trader. We can advise you on your rights and obligations as a director and as a shareholder but you may feel that your independence is affected by changing your legal status.

CLIENT: Thank you for your advice and I will contact you after I have considered all that you have said.

In order to set up a company the shareholders have to sign a deed of association, establish

the name, the seat as well as the scope and time of business. It is then registered in court. The share capital of the company shall be contributed in cash and/or in kind. Shareholders contribution in kind may be valued by an independent auditor and described in the deed of association. The company’s share capital in quoted currency (f.i. Polish zloty) can be converted into shares and each partner will have a definite number of shares quoted in the deed of association. The share capital may be increased by the resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting. New share can also be subscribed. The shareholders may not pledge their shares as a security or otherwise encumber them for debts or other obligation except with the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting. The Shareholders’ Meeting, the Supervisory Board and the Management Board will be Company’s governing bodies. 4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające

Odpowiadając na poniższe pytania dotyczące przepisów prawnych związanych z działalnością firmy, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. How can the share capital of a company be contributed? 2. How will the in kind contribution be valued? 3. What does limited liability mean? 4. What is a deed of association? 5. What is a company charter? 6. What are possibilities to buy other companies?

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


4.5.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1

Please read the text about Japanese attitude towards work and the questions and then discuss them with your partner/teacher.

For the Japanese, hard work is a pleasure and a personal achievement. It is a result of a long tradition. Working makes one noble and for the Japanese, it is the duty to one’s company that counts. Questions:

Does the attitude towards work in your country correspond to the one you have read about the Japanese?

Do people generally have a strong feeling of loyalty towards the company they work for? What is the attitude to overtime?

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać pytania, 2) przedyskutować pytania z kolegą.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2

Japanese workers are entitled to 2 weeks’ holiday per year, but many of them just take one week off. The situation, however, is starting to change slowly. People are determined to enjoy life more and are spending more money on leisure. Some companies are granting longer holiday time to their workers and in a recent survey 80% of university graduates said that a five–day working week was a major requirement when choosing a job.

Please discuss: In your opinion, are holiday and leisure time important aspects of a person’s working life?

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać pytanie, 2) przedyskutować pytanie z kolegą.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów Choose one answer Y (yes) or N (no) to each of the following statements: Wybierz jedną odpowiedź T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Yes No 1. If you have a job contract you are entitled to paid holiday. □ □ 2. If you are a sole trader you have limited liability. □ □ 3. If you are a limited liability company and you have means to develop you

develop through acquisition. □ □ 4. Share capital can be contributed in shares. □ □ 5. An in kind contribution can be valued by an independent auditor. □ □ 4.6. Kształtowanie wizerunku firmy (Public Relations) 4.6.1. Materiał nauczania

‘A good business should be part of society, and you should lead by example. You have to have pride in what you do. There’s no pride in making millions of pounds, but there is pride in helping people and the environment.’

‘The idea now is global responsibility. Businesses are the true planetary citizens, they can push frontiers, they can change society.’

The statements printed above were made by Anita Roddick, founder and managing director of Body Shop International. The first branch of The Body Shop was opened in Brighton (UK) in 1976 and the company now trades in 50 countries, more than any other British retailer. The Body shop is against using animals in community projects. It is particularly known for its involvement in environmental causes, especially the right of all inhabitants of the Amazon rain forest. The Body Shop have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to their defence. It has mobilized employees for petition drives and fund rising campaigns, carried out through the store and on company time. It has produced window displays, posters, T-shirts, brochures, and videotapes to educate people about the issues. It has brought 250 employees to London for a major demonstration at the Brazilia embassy, with a TV crew broadcasting the event live, via satellite, to Brazil. Long before it launched its rain forest offensive The Body Shop waged similar campaigns against everything from the killing of wales to the repression of political dissidents. Almost as well known, and accepted, are its efforts to help communities in developing countries by setting them up as suppliers under a program Trade not Aid. The Body Shop has built a factory in a poverty-stricken section of Glasgow, Scotland with explicit (and well-publicized) purpose of providing jobs for people who, in some cases, have been unemployed for upward 10 years. Not to mention the project that every shop and that every employee of the Body Shop is expected to work for community for at lest one (paid) hour a week, on company time.

Is it all public relations? Anita Roddick admits she wants causes that will generate real excitement and enthusiasm

in the shop. ‘You educate people by their passions especially young people’, she says. ‘You find ways to grab their imagination. You want to make them feel that they are doing something important, that they are not a lone voice, that they are the most powerful, potent people on the planet.’ 4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające

Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące kształtowania wizerunku firmy, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


1. What is business to Anita Roddick? 2. In what areas is the Body Shop active? 3. What causes involving South America is The Body Shop famous? 4. Why does the Body Shop organize demonstrations? 5. How does the Trade not Aid program help developing countries? 6. According Anita Roddick, what kind of publicity best increases sale of her products? 7. What effect do Anita Roddick’s environmental polices have on her workforce? 8. Do they have any effect on sales and profits, what do you think? 4.6.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1

Use the following words from the table to complete the passage below. Use the plural form where necessary.

campaign mobilise petition

fund-raising display issue

publicity audience

The Body Shop believes that people should be aware of today's major environmental and social (1)________ .That is why they frequently organize (2) ________ to draw the public's attention to serious problems, such as the protection of endangered animals or the imprisonment of political dissidents. Thanks to The Body Shop's strong educational policy for staff members, individual shops play an active role in (3) ________ support for these various causes. For example, almost one million people signed The Body Shop's (4)________against the burning of the Brazilian rainforest in a two-week campaign. Shops also organise (5)________ events to obtain money for important causes, and fact sheets, leaflets and window (6)________ensure that people all over the world (customers and staff alike) get the message. The Body Shop's prominent position on the High Street gives their activities a wide (7)________ , and the (8) ________ they receive through the press contributes to extending their message still further into the community.

Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:

1) przeczytać tekst, 2) uzupełnić luki w tekście.

Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:

− słownik polsko-angielski, − słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów Choose one answer Y (yes) or N (no) to each of the following statements: Wybierz jedną odpowiedź T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


Yes No 1. If you have strong views abort something you can give moral or

financial support for the cause. □ □ 2. If you are good at writing you can organize a group of supporters

to sign an article. □ □ 3. For poor and remote regions of the world big companies

give donations and organize fund-raising campaigns. □ □ 4. Information about how consumers should use the product is given

on detailed posters. □ □

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


5. SPRAWDZIAN OSIĄGNIĘĆ INSTRUKCJA DLA UCZNIA 1. Przeczytaj uważnie instrukcję. 2. Podpisz imieniem i nazwiskiem kartę odpowiedzi. 3. Zapoznaj się z zestawem pytań testowych. 4. Test zawiera 12 pytań. Do każdego pytania dołączone są 4 możliwe odpowiedzi. Tylko

jedna jest prawidłowa. 5. Udzielaj odpowiedzi tylko na załączonej karcie odpowiedzi, stawiając w odpowiedniej

rubryce znak X. W przypadku pomyłki należy błędną odpowiedź zaznaczyć kółkiem, a następnie ponownie zakreślić odpowiedź prawidłową.

6. Pracuj samodzielnie, bo tylko wtedy będziesz miał satysfakcję z wykonanego zadania. 7. Kiedy udzielenie odpowiedzi będzie Ci sprawiało trudność, wtedy odłóż jego rozwiązanie

na później i wróć do niego, gdy zostanie Ci wolny czas. 8. Na rozwiązanie testu masz 30 min. Powodzenia! Zestaw pytań testowych

1. If you want to take a bank loan and you are a sole trader you:

a) have limited liability b) have unlimited liability c) may not pay your business debts d) can’t take a loan

2. If you have a business partner and you want to form a partnership you: a) have limited liability b) may not pay your business debts c) have unlimited liability d) may keep your personal assets

3. A big company looks after its PR and it often: a) looks after its publicity b) keeps in touch with other companies c) sponsors programmes d) advertises in the media

4. If everybody in the company have access to its boss it means: a) the company structure is flat b) the company is demanding c) the company is frugal d) the company is open and friendly

5. If you go to the Far East on business you should: a) take a small gift b) not take anything special c) take an expensive gift d) buy flowers

6. If you phone a client and want them to buy insurance from you you should: a) telephone and ask for time to give a short presentation b) send leaflets c) send a questionnaire

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


d) talk over the phone 7. If you look for TQM you:

a) eliminate outdated machinery b) make your staff reduntant c) send your staff on unpaid leave d) recruit new workforce

8. If you want to apply for an unpaid leave you should: a) phone your boss b) apply in a written form c) talk to your boss in the office d) send them a letter

9. When invited to visit the client’s house in the Middle East don’t expect: a) to drink alcohol b) to be offered food c) to meet their wife d) to do a quick business

10. A good company is protective and: a) gives their staff unpaid leave b) offers their employees training c) makes their staff redundant d) gives their staff a holiday

11. You are a boss and you have a problem with your employee. What do you do? a) talk to them b) fire them c) dismiss them d) make them redundant

12. You see your boss in a public place. You: a) pretend you don’t see them b) greet them c) shout ‘Good morning boss!’ d) shout ‘Good to see you!’

„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”


KARTA ODPOWIEDZI Imię i nazwisko..................................................................................................... Konwersacje w biznesie Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.

Nr zadania Odpowiedź Punkty

1 a b c d

2 a b c d

3 a b c d

4 a b c d

5 a b c d

6 a b c d

7 a b c d

8 a b c d

9 a b c d

10 a b c d

11 a b c d

12 a b c d


„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”



1. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S.: Market Leader. Coursebook. Intermediate Business. Longman 2000

2. Cotton D., Robbins, D.: Business Class. Nelson English Language Teaching. 1993 3. Evans David, Powerbase. Pre-Intermediate. Pearson. Longman 2003 4. Johnson Ch.: Market Leader Banking and Finance. Longman 2000 5. Jones, L., Richard, A.: New International Business English. Workbook. CUP.

Cambridge. 1997 6. Neymann, M., Ruhan, T.: Legal Business. Poltex. Warszawa 2002 7. Ramshaw, Norman.: A World Guide to Good Manners. New Headway Intermediate.

Coursebook. Oxford University Press, 1996. 8. Świda D.: Office English. Polter. Warszawa 1998 9. Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business. Coursebook. Longman 2000 10. Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business. Workbook. Longman 2000