130 KRSTARICA THE CRUISER U desetak godina su, po narudžbi istog investitora – Vojno građevinske direkcije, nastale u Zagrebu tri građevine značajnih dimenzija, tipološki slične i sve tri visoke arhitektonske razine. Galerijska zgrada Ive Geršića (1950.) na raskrižju Držićeve i Vukovarske ulice kao da je izvađena iz funkcionalističko-konstruktivističkog kataloga 30-ih (Baršć, Vladimirov, Ginsburg). Svojom jedno- stavnošću i elegancijom plijeni pažnju, doduše više prolaznika i promatrača, a manje korisnika skromnih galerijskih stanova. Kompleksna galerijska zgrada Drage Galića u Vuko- varskoj, alias Proleterskih brigada, alias Moskov- skoj, alias Varaždinskoj br. 35A iz 1953. (“Ne daj se, Ines... “) je sa Catalanovom modulacijom stana, Le Corbusierovim oblikovnim principom i Galićevom Pursuant to the order of the same investor – the Military Construction Department – three buildings of significant size were made in the same decade, typologically similar and at a high architectural level. The deck access building made by Geršić (1950), standing on the corner of the streets of Držićeva and Vukovarska, seems to be taken from a func- tionalist/constructivist catalogue of the ’30s (Baršć, Vladimirov, Ginsburg). Its simplicity and elegance attract attention, but more from the passers-by and sightseers than from the inhabitants of the humble deck-access flats. The complex deck-access building made by Galić in Vukovarska Street (formerly Proleterskih Brigada, Moskovska and Varaždinska), No. 35A, from 1953 (the year of the song “Ne daj se Ines...”), using Cata- STAMBENA ZGRADA HOUSING BLOCK zagreb, hrvatska croatia 1961. tekst written by TOMISLAV ODAK fotografija photo by DAMIR FABIJANIĆ branko raos slavko jelinek

KRSTARICA (the cruiser)

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housing block in Zagreb (Croatia)

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  • 130


    U desetak godina su, po narudbi istog investitora

    Vojno graevinske direkcije, nastale u Zagrebu

    tri graevine znaajnih dimenzija, tipoloki sline

    i sve tri visoke arhitektonske razine.

    Galerijska zgrada Ive Geria (1950.) na raskriju

    Dri eve i Vukovarske ulice kao da je izvaena iz

    funkcionalistiko-konstruktivistikog kataloga

    30-ih (Bar, Vladimirov, Ginsburg). Svojom jedno-

    stav nou i elegancijom plijeni panju, dodue

    vie pro laznika i promatraa, a manje korisnika

    skromnih gale rijskih stanova.

    Kompleksna galerijska zgrada Drage Galia u Vuko-

    var skoj, alias Proleterskih brigada, alias Moskov-

    skoj, alias Varadinskoj br. 35A iz 1953. (Ne daj

    se, Ines... ) je sa Catalanovom modulacijom stana,

    Le Corbusierovim oblikovnim principom i Galievom

    Pursuant to the order of the same investor the Military Construction Department three buildings of significant size were made in the same decade,

    typologically similar and at a high architectural level.The deck access building made by Geri (1950),

    standing on the corner of the streets of Drieva

    and Vukovarska, seems to be taken from a func-tionalist/constructivist catalogue of the 30s (Bar,

    Vladimirov, Ginsburg). Its simplicity and elegance

    attract attention, but more from the passers-by and

    sightseers than from the inhabitants of the humble deck-access flats.

    The complex deck-access building made by Gali in

    Vukovarska Street (formerly Proleterskih Brigada,

    Moskovska and Varadinska), No. 35A, from 1953

    (the year of the song Ne daj se Ines...), using Cata-

    STAMBENA ZGRADAHOUSING BLOCKzagreb, hrvatska croatia 1961.

    tekst written by TOMISLAV ODAKfotografija photo by DAMIR FABIJANI

    branko raos slavko jelinek

  • 132

    strogou i dosljednou u interpretaciji totala

    i detalja postala paradigmom stambene zgrade

    kolektivnog stanovanja.

    Raosova galerija u Zorkovekoj ulici, posljednja u

    trolistu, projektirana je 1961. godine. Urbanistiki

    gledano, radi se o krstarici koja se usidrila izmeu

    brodica trenjevake periferije, izmeu vrtova

    ma lih kua... na kraju perspektive, a scena i

    mizan scena u dugih etrdeset i neto godina nije

    se promijenila i Bogu hvala da je tako.

    Park, zelena ploha sa june strane odvojila je

    pri gradsku usitnjenu gradnju od respektabilnog

    volu mena kao element pomirenja dvaju razliitih

    princi pa organizacije i koritenja prostora. Razliiti

    volu meni i intenziteti u kreativnom meuodnosu

    samo dobivaju: sitna izgradnja, urbano disci-

    plinirana ali amorfna u svojoj tepih interpretaciji,

    Raosovom kuom dobiva zavrni identifikacijski

    i oblikovni akord, a nova zgrada dobivaju pitomi

    okoli kojim superiorno vlada, no s druge strane

    u drugom mjerilu i drugim izraajnim i organizaci-

    jskim sredstvima, vertikalnim adiranjem stambenih

    jedinica nastavlja zateenu funkcionalnu matricu.

    Umjesto crkve, kole, socijalne ustanove dogodio

    se stambenjak koji u sebi sadrava potencijale

    razvoja zajednikih i javnih prostora, to se naknad-

    no i dogodilo.

    Koliko je Raos sudjelovao u oblikovanju mizanscene

    nije poznato, ali je vidljivo da se radi o smiljenom i

    briljivo pripremljenom zahvatu u prostoru.

    Odnosom prema tlu i nebu, znai osnovnim orisima,

    definiran je arhitektonski volumen. Igra izmeu ta

    dva horizonta moe biti suzdrana ili bogata, puna

    detalja ili jednostavna, ovisno o sadraju, impera-

    ti vi ma koji iz njega proizlaze, temperamentu i svje-

    to nazoru autora, itd. Sve to moe biti arhitek tonski

    lanos flat modulation, Le Corbusiers design principle

    and Galis strict and consistent interpretation of

    the whole and its details, has become a paradigm of

    collective housing building.The last and the most recent member of the trio is the building in Zorkoveka, made by Raos in 1961.

    From the aspect of urbanism, it is a cruiser anchored

    between boats in the outskirts of Trenjevka, among

    the gardens of small houses... at the end of the

    perspective. The scenery and background have not

    changed in these forty-something years, thank God.

    A park, which is the green surface in the south,

    separated suburban small-scale constructions from this considerable volume, forming an element of

    reconciliation between two different principles of the

    organization and use of space. The different volumes

    and intensities profit from their creative interaction:

    the small-scale houses, with their urban discipline but

    amorphous in their carpet interpretation, get their

    final identification and form in the Raos house, while

    the new building gets a cultivated environment where

    it can reign supremely. On the other hand, it uses

    a different size and expressive and organizational

    methods vertical stacking of residential units to continue the old functional matrix. Instead of a church, school or social care institution,

    there came a housing block with the potentials to

    develop common and public spaces, which subse-quently did happen. It is not clear how much Raos

    participated in designing the background, but it was

    obviously a planned and carefully prepared interven-tion in space.The relation with the ground and sky, in other words,

    the basic outlines, define the architectural volume.

    The interplay between those two horizons can be

    restrained or rich, full of details or simple, as it de-

    Drago Gali, stambena zgrada / residential building, Vukovarska 35a, 1953.

    Ivo Geri, stambena zgrada / residential building, Vukovarska-Drieva, 1950.

  • 134

    vie ili manje uspjeno, ali pogreka u osnovnim

    od nosima je nepopravljiva.

    Raosova krstarica je upravo u tom smislu sjajna.

    Pri zemlje je transparentno i primjerenom visinom

    us po stavlja prirodan, leeran odnos prema tlu.

    Trans for ma cije koje su tijekom eksploatacije nasta-

    le nisu nau dile cjelini. Sadraji koji su bili iskljuivo

    u funkciji stam bene zgrade (ne stano va nja, nego

    zgrade) zami jenjeni su javnim i trgovakim prosto-

    rima, ali se nita bitno nije dogodilo u osnovnoj


    Glede urastanja u funkcionalnu i socijalnu strukturu

    ireg okolia pozitivan pomak je nesumnjiv. Osobina

    dobrog projekta je da daje ivotu ansu... Ona e biti

    iskoritena na nama nepredvidiv ali ivotan nain.

    Nasuprot mekom i transparentnom prizemlju atika

    dimenzijom, geometrijom i likovnom interpretaci-

    jom neopozivo, vrsto definira gornji rub okvira u

    koji je smjeten ostatak od osam katova zgrade.

    Malo brojni otvori atike naznauju da se iza iste,

    ravne plohe nalaze svrsishodni prostori koji mjes-

    timino diskretno proviruju u svijet horizonta, a ne

    iskljuivo neba.

    Izmeu prizemlja i atike postoje samo dinamine

    horizontale - galerija na sjeveru i loa sa ostakljenim

    pends on the content, its resulting imperatives and

    the authors temperament and world view, which can

    all be more or less successful from the architectural aspect; however, a mistake in basic relations would

    be irremediable.It is precisely in that sense that the Raos cruiser is great. A transparent ground floor level has an ap-propriate height that establishes a natural, relaxed

    relationship with the ground. Transformations made

    during exploitation have not harmed the whole. Con-tents that were meant exclusively for the residential

    building (not for residents, but for the building) have

    been replaced by public and commercial premises,

    but there were no important modifications to the

    basic proportions. Undoubtedly, a step forward has been made with

    regard to growing into the functional and social

    structure of the wider surroundings. A good project

    always gives life a chance... It will be used in an un-foreseeable but living way.

    Opposite the soft and transparent ground floor, the at-tic uses its dimension, geometry and visual interpreta-tion irrevocably and strongly to define the upper edge

    of the frame that houses the rest of eight floors.

    The few openings in the attic indicate that the pure,

    tlocrt 9. kata / 9th floor plan

    tlocrt karakte -ristinog kata / typical floor plan

    tlocrt prizemlja / ground floor plan

    presjek / section

  • 136

    ogradama na jugu. Na prvi po-

    gled ini se da je zgrada bez sit-

    ne strukture proelja pro zo-

    ra, vrata i svih onih neiz bje nih,

    uglavnom remetilakih ele-

    me nata. ak su se i pregrade

    lo a izmeu stanova zagubile

    u materijalu (staklu) i obliku.

    De talj, tamo gdje se pojavljuje,

    dis kretan je, u funkciji cjeline.

    Ostakljenje i zatita stubita

    na galeriji doimlju se pomi-

    nim; minimalistikim jezikom

    proporcije, obli ka i materijala.

    Jo je jednom pokazano da ma-

    nje moe biti vie.

    Unutarnja struktura je jedno-

    stav na, konstrukcija skeletna,

    stambena struktura ujedna-

    e na, na razini standarda voj-

    no-graevinske direkcije.

    Dimenzioniranje i i dispozicija

    prostora su solidni.

    Zadatak je postavljen i savla-

    dan na razini Geria, Galia,

    Vitia, Raice, dakle onih koji

    su imali privile giju projektirati

    za tada najvanijeg investitora


    Stanovi u okviru poznatih she-

    ma za odabranu tipo logiju

    sjever komunikacija i servis,

    jug boravljenje, spavanje i vanj-

    ski prostori. Solidan standard.

    Da je standard solidan, blizu

    potreba i zahtjeva korisnika,

    po kazuje injenica da je una-

    to vreme no sti graevine vrlo

    malo intervencija koje su inae

    dio folklora i koje s jedne stra-

    ne pokazuju manjak na kontu

    kulture prostora i njegove kon-

    tro le, a sa druge na nedostatak

    prostornog i inog standarda ko-

    ji se nekontroliranim interven-

    ci jama krpa i po pravlja.

    Pri kraju prie: boja. Boja je sa-

    stavni dio arhitek ton ske inter-

    pre tacije. Po definiciji crna i

    bi jela nisu boje, nego ekstremi

    na granicama spektra, gdje je-

    dan sve apsorbira, a drugi sve


    Ipak u ovom sluaju bijeli

    seg ment spektra, primi jenjen

    flat surface hides purposeful spaces that occasionally take a discreet look at the world of the

    horizon, not only the sky.

    Between the ground floor and

    the attic, there are only dynamic

    horizontals, a deck in the north

    and a loggia with glass-covered

    railings in the south. At the first

    glance, it seems that the build-ing does not have the intricate front structure windows,

    doors and all those unavoidable elements that usually interfere. Even the partitions of loggias between flats disappeared in

    the material (glass) and form.

    When there are details, they are

    discreet, serving the whole. The

    glazing and protection of the

    deck staircase seem (re)mo va-

    ble; the minimalist language of proportions, forms and materi-als showed yet again that less

    can be more.The internal structure is simple,

    the structural framework, the

    residential structure is bal-anced, following the standards

    of the Military Construction Department. The dimensions and arrange-ments of the space are good. The task was set and resolved

    at the level of Geri, Gali,

    Viti, Raica, those who were

    privileged to work for the most

    important investor of the time the military.The flats follow the well-known

    schemes for the chosen typolo-gy the north for communica-tions and ancillary rooms, the

    south for living room, bedroom

    and outside spaces. A good

    standard.The quality of the standard,

    close to the needs and require-ments of the users, is confirmed

    by the fact that the building in its advanced age has given very little cause for interventions,

    which are a part of folklore any-way, revealing on one hand the

    deficit in the culture and control

    of space, and on the other the lack of spatial and other

    standards that are patched and repaired through

    unregulated activities.Finally, the colour. Architectural interpretation always

    includes colour. By definition, black and white are not

    colours, they are the extremes of the spectrum, one

    absorbing everything, the other reflecting everything.

    Still, in this case, the white segment of the spectrum,

    applied to all the visible surfaces of the front, makes

    it seem as if the building, with its railings of stained

    glass, is a transparent reflection dipped in whiteness.

    True, all those years and faulty maintenance have

    made it a little grey and worn out, but this is not such

    a bad thing.

    na sve vidljive plohe proelja, ini da zgrada sa

    mlje nim staklom ograde postaje transparentni

    odsjaj umoen u bjelinu. Istina, kroz sve ove godine

    i manj kavo odravanje malo je posivjela i pohabala

    se, ali ni to nije loe.

    Elementi oblikovanja i organizacije prostora koje

    Raos koristi nisu originalni; sve je to ve vieno i dio je

    usvojenog arhitektonskog vokabulara svog vre mena,

    ali u datom kontekstu okolia i graevine primijenjeno

    je senzibilno i promiljeno tako da moemo govoriti

    o rijetko postignutom suglasju namjere i rezultata

    ostvarenih jezikom i sredstvima svog vremena.

    Uostalom, umjesto beskrajnih analiza postavimo

    pitanje: to bi bilo da Raosova krstarica otplovi?

  • 138

    Odgovor e rei sve ono to o

    ovoj sjajnoj kui u ovom tekstu

    nije reeno.

    Konano, vano je naglasiti

    da je realizaciju Raoso vog

    idejnog projekta preuzeo biro

    arhitekta Slavka Jelineka koji

    je iskus tvom, organizacijskom

    razinom i profesionalnou u

    razradi svim sigurno pridonio

    arhi tek tonskom i graditeljs-

    kom rezul tatu.

    The elements for forming and organizing space used by Raos

    are not original. It was done be-fore, it belongs to the accepted

    architectural vocabulary of that age, but it was applied in the

    given context of surroundings and of the building itself with

    sensibility and consideration,

    achieving a rare harmony of intention and result by means of the language and means of its time.Anyway, instead of endless

    analyses, we could ask: what if

    Raos cruiser sailed away?

    The reply to that question will

    say everything that has not been said here about this great building.At the end, it must be noted that

    Raos design was realized by the

    office of the architect Slavko Je-linek, whose experience, organi-zational level and professional

    approach to the task certainly contributed to the architectural and constructional result.