Kung Pwede Story

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  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


    REAL NAME : Norman OsbornKNOWN ALIASES : NoneIDENTITY : Known to the authoritiesOCCUPATION : Criminal; formerly CEO and founder of Oscorp (Osborn Industries, Inc.; scientistCITIZENSHIP : .!.". with criminal recordPLACE OF BIRTH : n#nownKNOWN RELATIVES : Cher Osborn (half$sister%, &arry Osborn (son%, unnamed wife (deceased%, "mberson

    (father%, unnamed brother or brother$in$lawGROUP AFFILIATION : Osborn's unnamed !i)EDUCATION : *h.+ in arious sciencesFIRST APPEARANCE : (as Norman% ltimate !pider$-an / (0111%, (as 2oblin% ltimate !pider$-an 3(0111%

    HISTORY : Norman Osborm was a scientific 4enius who founded his own company, Oscorp, o er thirty yearsa4o. It de eloped new technolo4ies and inno ati e materials for the manufacturin4, construction,automoti e and chemical$processin4 industries, amon4 other. Osborn also li#ed to #eep his company at theforefront of new sciences, such as bioen4ineerin4. 5hen Colonel Nic# 6ury made it 7uietly #nown that!.&.I.E.8.+. wanted to tender contracts to the pri ate sector to de elop new !uper !oldier !erums, Oscorptoo# on competitors such as &ammer Industries to win the corporate biddin4 war; howe er, it rapidlybecame clear that Norman had misled !.&.I.E.8.+. as to how ready his company was to produce results.9hey had rushed the research process to win the bid, their formulae were messy, and their presentation hadbeen lar4ely smo#e and mirrors. "fter two and a half years without results, 6ury se ered ties between!.&.I.E.8.+. and Oscorp. 8osin4 the contract left Oscorp sha#y; to bolster their reputation and share price,Norman publicly declared that he had disco ered a miracle compound, O , with undisclosed, closely4uarded properties. 5ith the breathin4 space this pro ided, Norman tried to rush the de elopment of thecompound he had told e eryone he already had.

    5or#in4 with scientists such as Otto Octa ius , Norman be4an testin4 O on animals. +isaster seemed tostri#e when a spider e)posed to the compound escaped and bit isitin4 student *eter *ar#er, a friend ofNorman's son, &arry. 6earin4 e)posure of his ille4al research should *eter die from the effects of the bite,Osborn had his hired 4un !haw obser e the boy, and was prepared to ha e him murdered; but instead ofbecomin4 ill, *eter de eloped arachnid$li#e super$powers. elie in4 he had stumbled upon e)actly what heneeded to sa e his company, Norman decided to test direct application of the O Compound on a human4uinea pi4 $$ himself. +octor Octa ius super ised this process, but somethin4 went horribly wron4; ane)plosion destroyed the lab, #illin4 most of those present. Octa ius and bystander&arry both sur i ed,thou4h both were chan4ed as a result; but the most ob iouse and immediate effect was on Norman, who

    transformed into a 4ar4oyle$li#e stron4man.

    9he monstrous, mentally muddled Norman wandered the streets in a ha e before destroyin4 his ownmansion home in a fireball that #illed his wife; &arry barelyescaped. Norman ne)t attac#ed &arry's school,huntin4 for *eter,who had adopted the costumed persona of !pider$-an. "s !pider$-an, *ar#er tried tosubdue the monster, their fi4ht carryin4 them towards the city and clima)in4 atop a brid4e, where policemar#smen riddled Norman with 4unfire. adly in

  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


    "t school the ne)t day, 6ury confided in *eter, e)plainin4 that !.&.I.E.8.+. #new of Norman's theats butcould do nothin4 until Osborn made a public mo e.

    9hat ni4ht, Norman tried to ti4hten his hold on *eter by in itin4 *eter's "unt -ay to his s#yscraper; an4rily,*eter went alone to confront him. Norman met him on the roof in his 2oblin form, and when *eter refued tomeet his demands, Norman snatched the arri in4 -ary =ane 5atson, *eter's 4irlfriend, who had li#ewisebeen lured to the buildin4. Osborn carried the terrified 4irl to the >ueensboro rid4e, then threw her off. "s!pider$-an leapt to her rescue, !.&.I.E.8.+. attac# helicopters mo ed in. "ttac#ed by both *eter and4unships, Norman fled bac# to his s#yscraper, intendin4 to in

  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


    Real Name : &arold &. &aroldOccupa !"# : 5riter, mo ie and tele ision producerI$e# ! % : Not publicly #nown to be a ampireLe&al S a u' : Citi en of the nited !tatesPlace "( B!) * : nre ealedPlace "( F!#al De' )uc !"# : 8os "n4eles, California

    Ma)! al S a u' : !in4leK#"+# Rela !,e' : NoneG)"up A((!l!a !"# : "lly of >uincy &ar#er's ampire huntersBa'e "( Ope)a !"#' : oston, -assachusetts; later New or# City; later 8os "n4elesF!)' Appea)a#ce : 9O- O6 +F"C 8" GAF!#al Appea)a#ce : +OC9OF !9F"N2E H0

    H!' ")% : &arold &. &arold was a third$rate writer for the ma4a ine 9rue ampire !tories who stumbled uponthe in

  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story


  • 8/19/2019 Kung Pwede Story
