- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . 0 that I might to Christ belong, . My. lifp bo ono continuous Bong ; . Ono Eong of prulso to Jeans givou. An authora swelling up to h oftvon. O Thou who slti’st upon tho’throoo, Accept aiid keep mo OsThluo own , Anil.lost my feet should go astray, Do Thou my guido through all iho way. If sorrow’s blttor cup 1 drain, Assauuo my grief, and eafloroy pain 8o shall my faith still find In Theo, • " Tho Hook of Ages.cl^ft ff'rmD,'’ If Satan's hosts with malice dlro. Against my soul should alt consplro, * . Tho slilold or fiiUli, Cull ofloii tried, . Will turn his Dory d-irt's aside.. Tims pressing on toward tho prfzu, ’ . \Vhioh at tho goal In waiting lies, i'll ovory cure nnd burden roll, On'Mcsus lover of my soul.” . July, 189). : . . • • ' • Jubilee Sermon. PHEACIIED J1Y HEV./T. 110YI) HHADY, OCEAN (WOVE AUDITOIUUM, HAUHATII MOUN- INO, JULY 2JJ, 1800, .COMMEMOHA-. . TIVK OK B All li.VL’11 OllSKRVAXCi: AT THK WOItLD’B FAIK. '/ “ Iteloleo ln tho Lord always; and.figuin I say rejoice.*’—PJiil. •!: . . It la a Christian precept und duty.to b« alwaya iii a cheerful nnd happy tuooU. Sometimes joy may-take on au exuberant type; This occasion bus come to us.. Let every manwltb a Ueuvt to thrill, and every woman with a voice to sing,.!* rejoice in tho Lord.’.' _'.;// 1. Because the gates of the World’s •Fair at Chicugo, by order arid authority of the directorship, is closed today and will . remain closed every Sabbath, and this is an unmistakable acknowledgment of the higher anthonty of the Lord God AL •mighty, jvlio enjoined, “ Remember tbo {Sabbath .day to keep it holy.'* 2. Because this action of the World’s Fair authorities contains evidence that the people of this nation understand tlie Sub- . bath '• question, in Us national and per- petual obligation,, as a sign of. our faith and allegiance to high heaven. ii. Because this-breaking to pieces the .combination of the World’s Fair directory allows to tlie wide world where wo as a nation stand in our. appreciation of the mission the Holy Subbuth.is destined to • fulfil. 4. Because the closing of tho gates is an evidence that hellish infidelity wi.th all its machinations is“ not able to . control tho American people. . The compulsory action taken shows that amirchy, nihilism* and licentiousness ‘ shall not. .prevail hetc. There are, all told, but 20,000 of .these nihilists in the United States against 120,. 000,000 who fpar God uud work-righteous - ness. ‘ '■ '■ : -. 5. Because it shows that mercenary truckling' aud ungodly journalism is squarely defeated, after tbelr boastful but. brief supremacy, and conscienceless trai- tors to law aud righteousness are humili- ated, iii the dust. G. Because it shows that tlie peopio he-, lieve per tc that. Jehovah blesses those . who keep faith with tho Dlvine Author of the Sahbuth: -Here^ho spenker pictured tho social, intellectual and moral condition of every. Sabbathless people on tlio face of the earth. It is the.Sabbath peeping na* tiou that “ rides ou tho high places of the earth"—none other. Great Britain uud America were refered to In. coutrust with other countries. This nation was bom in the womb of the Sabbath spirit and cradled by a Sabbath loving.mother.*; 7. Because this Fair'business is a pro- clamation to all lands, ut the. proper time and in'the right place’, that wo are a God- respecting people.. Every State (but.Cali- fornia), every cltyi even Chicago itself* and. every community is governed uud guarded by Sabbath law. .. . 8. Because it la a .notification to the.tan* ■tlons.of the earth1that this institution* is an inherent part of the life of tho Repub- lic, und Us warp and woof forms our Con- stitution.; The law is mighty as that of gravitation. Statesmen and public econo- mists have tested the utility ot one day. hi seven for rest, and our-greatest jurists havo given their emphatic sanction to the necessity of one day in seven for-man uud. beast.. This is proved experimentally,' historically and scientifically.. 0.. Rejoice in the Lord, • because the yielding of tlie Directory proves that the most wonderful and .glorious exhibit-the- tJnlted States of .America presents in this World’s Fair is our love fqr the Sabbath nnd its Lord. XO. Because this recent action is a mani- festo in thunder tones over all this land that our Sabbath is dear as our lliig—dour as republican liberty, uud w© clint» to thp ouo as* firmly as wo hold to tho other. The people have spoken. The Sabbath . ahull be defended against every foo to God and .liberty. ' •; :. The -victory is-beyond eoneepjion. O, Sabbath Queeni. we love to look Into thy bright fifce, and clasp th\* *s«»ft hand reach- ed out to help and bless a bleeding world. Queen of time 1 sweep on in triumph over the Himalayas, tlio Alps,Mt. Shasta, and poor Chicago! Sweot angel, go on, sweep- ing out the rubbish of /Budhistn, Pagan-, ism, anarchism. . Go bn I blessing all Eu- rope, arid tho Orient, ’round tho world; to meet us in New York again, with the mes- sage of Ono whoso hands were pierced for us, and who died that we might have life through his name. . . Push On th® Battlo. • The signal'vie.tory achieved by the fol. lowers of Christ in seeuriug tlie closing of tlie gates of the World’s Fair on the Lord's day suggests tliat tho time Is ripe for a still greater and mdrivUnpottant. un- dertaking uguirist the enemies of Sabbath observance. I refer to the Sunday secular, press which was the. greatest powev' in se- curing Sunday opening for the Fair. If the religious community that, conceitedly refused to give patronage to the Fair bo^ Cause of. Sunday opening, should array Itself in the same thunner against all tho newspapers who publish Sunday editions; ami positively refuse to putro/iize such pa- pers it woulil be but ti . short time before some papers in each of - our large cities woulil find It to their advantage to drop their : Sunday issue, and,’ as the Sunday Fair’failed of success *because of the op- positions of Sabba.tariuns, so newspapers who now publish Sunday editions two or three times tho size of those issued on oth- er days woulil,find that an inllueuce was being brought Into existence that was cur- tailing their profits and diminishing their circulation. , . , Tho time to strike is ichcn lfio ivon in hoti nnd now is the time for all. Christians to. organl/.e against the greatest foes to Sab- bath observance that our country has ever had. 7 it the.centriil organizations of our great religious bodiesi as well as. the Christian ICmjeavor; Kpworth League. and kindred societies,-would proceed against the Son- day secular press with as much' determi- nation aud eftort as they did ; against the opening of the Fair it would-be only ii short timo'betore tho C/hristian coinmunl- ty would be .relieved of the necessity of buying tv Sunday newspaper oh Monda'yor losing the ‘ principal part of. SuturdayV news. Many ministers whose'position- re - quire that they should keep posted on the events of the day now order that a Sun- day edition he.delivered’on •.Monday with the paper of ihat day. .. Wo.liavo gained a double victory during tlio past month but the great enemy 1* still entrenched with no concerted or practical effort being.made against him. Let every Christian man and woman determine tliat they, will not buy dr advertise in a'.Sduday secular newspaper,' and -It will bo but a short, time beforo leading.newspapers will issue their special edition on Saturday or 'Momlny, giving all Saturday's aiid Sunday’s news In.a. Mi>nday edition. If only ’six editions ure Issued, during a week there will be a period of rest to all connected with a paper which will be of good/moral, Intellectual, physical.and social advantage to all .connected wlth.it, aiid if none of .the papers now in existence will respect the demands of Sabbatarians tiie latter. are snllicletitly numernuX to warrant, tiew en- terprises that' will be tirofl tablo hi vest- ments’ . F. VaxSicki.kn. BIJ.m Cotiagj,. Mu s IVA 1.1-: A X I) I.AWS PA UT V.* Last Friday evening wa* the most gala qcCusipn our niodest '121Ini’*:ever saw. Tho lady munagers planned • wisely and well, for a popular ;deinoiisf .ratiou. .The interior had been tastefully.decorated and lawn illuminated w)th strings of Chinese lanterns. <Thp people began-to fill up in - doors and out about t p . m ., until ti splen- did crowd'had gathered to' spend;n social hour, but It w as near 10 beforo tho cus- tomary quiet again reigned in the heigh* Uorliood o^. Eiim. Dr. Stokes addressed- tho peopio who crowded parlor aud; adjacent rooms oh tlie purposes 6 f th o - “ law u p avty ’’ uud also took occasion to speak of the. benevo- lent intent of tho ladies’ association in keeping up this institution,.so well deserv- ing of its increasing popularity. Iio was followed by-Rey. Vincent Ravi and fam- ily, who are guests of the house and suug: a duet. Tho Misses'Lillie Wollo and Laura Moore rendered, a popular air tin tho piano,.accompanied by Mrs. 1L.M. Moore,.of Philadelphia;'Miss Ilelsler nnd Mr. Field with plum) and’ mandolin-de - lighted tho 'lovers of melody,, and I^fiss l*i ice, of Chester,'..Pal, recited the difilcult proiluction called Robert of Lincoln.’! LeRoy and Stanley Sanfordi with piano and,;violiii< prepared the way for. .Mrs, Young’s beautiful solo. A recitation by Miss'-Annie Hughes, of Trenton, was tlie finale to this part of the entertainment. Then camp the Ice.cream iuid “ sliver offering.” Tho/proceedsrloqked after hy Miss Hamilton, and some of the genth'. men present, were encouraging in the aggregate amount. ■; The thanks of the management lire lierehy.’ tendered’ to. all who contributed ■towards .the success and pleasure of the evening’s festivities; . ’ Shouting the Victoiy, H K'KTC11 OV' S lilt MON HV 11K V. (1KU(')0 K K. s .MOHUIS, I), I).; OCKAN OltOVK AUOITOU- ru.M, .tl * i ,Y*2;l, .181)3. As a fittiug finulo to the. Ocean Grove celebration, recognizing tho triumph; of the friends of G<id and .ITls Sabbath, in connection' with tho Columbian Kxposl- tioni Dr.Oi 1C. Morris, selected as his text the first verse t»f the *17{h I*sulm'.) “ O chip your hands all ye people; shout unto Gpd with the voice of triumph;” There is no feeling more natural, and enjoyable, said the speaker, than that of exultation. Tlie Bible everywhere com- mends it, and often, requires its exercise. But there should . be proper discrimina- tion in this exercise. To ; exult, over a fellow man is little and mean;, and not much better if- the cause is merely per - sonal, It is the victory over selfishness and sin, and because of the betterment of humanity, and the success of the cause of God, that should justify this, clapping of bunds and shouting according to the text.;, •* Kxultation from such motive Is healthy and. not. unfamiliar to. Methodists, and Methodisticuliy Inclined people of other denominations.. Wo whuld do more of It as did iho fathers, if we were not. nf rahl of .what the world would say. ... But the world is not alliaineil to sh« nt over baseball and other exciting contests. Why should we hesitate, when God and his ciitiso Is concerned^ to exhibit unusual enthusiasm , at times. It is dangerous sailing, to get nmbng icebergs. Let us show to' tho. world that, wo are on the Lord’s side on great questions of truth and right. Ilenco ; wo clup our hands aud siiout 6yer.ii hard contested victory. The decision of the. World’s Fair Dircc. to it to; close.its gates In respect* to the Sabbath day,1 is a* triumph which can bp best appreciated^hen-wo take a survey* of the forces combined against Ood and the Sabbath. . • Among these we must mime, with f«*w lionoiahle ex’coptidns, tlie secular press, w hi ch. has adroitly and persistently favored Sunday opening. Money*power- Is, next to coiiscience, a.greiit power—often mig.it- ler than conscience;,and with hundreds of millions bebiud it, tlio,railroad interest was .arrayed ou tho side of Sabbath dese- cration. 1 .'•.;•• Fallitig in line, on the Mammon side of tho question, xver'o powerful organizations of soulless, anil reckless purpose to luive their .way. Then the weaker forces, of- ovU-Vmeii. who disregard God and luite the Bible,’took .their gidilen opportunity to destroy the Sabbath In:-this country, ohco for all and m'nlio- it impossible ever t(». reg;iin* o'ur. lost g r o u n d L .. Added to this was the hypocritical sym- pathy of the demiig'oguo for poor working men—a ll' tlieso conspired against tho Jjprd’s day, und. did their beat to reach an Appomattox. * ... . But arrayed against this combination was the pulplt—so.o/teu sneered at as ef- fete and ,po\verless. It H the province of the pulpit to stein the current of evil; how- ever .‘rapidly It., sweeps, downward, and there Is merit, if ono can not go.against the stream, to stand still and seo'tho salva- tion of the Lord,. Tho press always goes with the current, butt much as It knows, or thinks it knows, it lias orerrated its power. There is an Undercurrent the press.knows litthvnbdut, Sober,, praying men and women muko this MeiUteranean undercurrent, and this ,1ms saved the Sabbath. JJow the cowardly press will turn and go the other way. The religious press has been compara- tively quiet but true to conviction, and al- though speaking out only once a week bus held our Churches, and families steadfast to religious principle. Consider the gravity of the Issues in- volved. If our Sabbath is lost;then the workman toils seven days In.thp week for six days' wages. Wo have, been fighting for the Intellect- ual nd.vancemcnt, social comfort, uud high- er and nohler aspirations of jnankinti; for. tho religious life, tlio Church, the means 1 i of. grace lo help souls aiid heavenward, and thp intelligence and virtue which alone cun save the country.. . Again*, when wo fight ft»r the Sahbatli, the battle Is for .‘the sturs'and stripes, if this World’s Fair had Ignored tlie Sabbath then every weak-kneed man would have gono buck on Its observance. ‘**. Tho sppalcer closed by summarizing the completeness of tho victpry. ' Fronl tho Senate and House - of Representatives, on and up, we have beaten oiir foes lh the argument, ovprcome all ;perVerslty, and held the people back when- they opened the gates. Now that tlieir . schemes have, failed and the puny Creatures wlih. have prevented, justice and law havo -sunk into contempt, wo may shout: tbo victory'/ Hallelujah! It will tiiko eternity to unravel the results. These may include the salvation of 'm il- lions of souls.- 'The moral ‘ power now re- vived will bring showers of revival bless- ing on the thirsty vineyard of .the Lord, arid our eyes shall see his salvation. I call, upon you therefore to •• chip your lmnda ” and shout for joy, that Gud Inter- posed for us and for tho honor and glory of his own name. “ Shout unto God with the voice of triump!” . . * A Losson for tho Prassnt., 11V MAH IA O. FOItTESCt'E. “ W’fmtsocver Ho siillli unto you, do It-" Jesus.was at the feast—present' in the bon sell old i In times of joy as well ns of sorrow. AVe do not read that lie ever laughed, but we may lie sure he did not thrown ‘‘wet blanket” over their mirth. 11He was a man of sorrows and acquainted “with grief,” yet little children were at- tracted by the sweetness of his counton- unce and by the gentleness of his deinejin- or. I Iis mother kne w that they wanted wine. She also knew by this time enough of her remarkablo son< to. expect soine-^ thing, she knew not what. IIow many of us anxious mothers know ju*t as little of the wonderful beings committed- to*our caro.as did this mother of Jesus. * As He went about his Heavenly Father’s business she had .watched him with vvoiidpr not un- mixed with anxiety, until sho had learned so niuch of Him .that Vvhoh.sho knew.of thelr.dilemma she -gavo* the. very wisest advice possible, viz:, " Whatsoever lie saith unto you, do It” So When Jefeus knew of their need, he. said to the. serv- ants (what*)* simply, ‘Vfijl 'thp.water pots \ylth wider." A very i-mnmon,- honiely coihniissjon—no sign ’of. Ouinipotence there! And whut lf they;had demurred, ns.wo would naturally, do, if wo had not learned; tho lesson of obedience ? They might never have known that Omnipo. tenco was; In their midst. /But they obeyed. Tired mothers and housekeepers, does He not often say to ns, just when wo want to do something for H im ;F ill tho water pots with water V" Does he not often tell u's just when wo are trying niost to serve Ilim, “ Sj>eep that room,”. “ Caro for that helpless c h ild ,M in iste r In the commonest tilings to that Invalid,’1or does He not set us. right dowii . to preparing tbo meals and looking after the physical comforts of those who liavo come, as guests to the feast ?* Oh,.if so, let us'not forget.that It was to. those who were per- forihiug the work of -servants • that lie first revealed Ills might. . :* •• Then, aH if still surther to test their' obedience,. I Ie': told them * to take this water to the governor of tlie feast. Wtiiit an absurdity It musthuVi*seemed! Tliev did' not want* water .th ey wanted wirio and ,Iesus knew lr.’ IMt. what tiiey, would have missed, if they had consulted reason and .common sense! They obeyed again, and lo! when tlie ruler of the feast tasted.it j h° extilUiined “ thou hast* kept the good wine until now;’*Then anil not till then, did. those serv’unts. know the won. dor that Jesus had wrought by tlieir aid. . What a. comfort* comes to. tho- many, who. liko Martha, are cumbered about much serving, just in tho season of rich- est spiritual fenstlng of thousands?. W hat a spring of delight* opens; us we reflect .that He.did not keep; tho helpfulness of Ills preseuco aiid of Ills •miracle, for the ruler or the guests, for tho servants know sootiQr than those wlioin they served. “For the ruler ktiew .not • whouco It was ;hut they that hiire It knew;” - Oh, may-we learn tliut only' by doing just what Ho says; shiill wo learn His ways. Only ; by implicit obedience In performing our homely common duties, will Ho be so revealed to us tlmt these irksome . cares..will ho. tranformed-. into sncrainouts* 7riday,. July 2S, 13 A. }[. ii. Church Missionary Jubilee Day ut; Ocean GrOve. Thoso who full’to hear the singing und speaking will uilsH pue.of. the fluest things of the season. ;■ Just as I.Am. ay it amii.iox ivy. " Just its l am. withoutmie pica,'' * • *.. Savo that my.Saviour died fur..me,!'., - The votco was soft and.Uw.aiul swcci,., And he who walked the quint street •' Paused for awhile as memory brought The creed a Fainted mother taught—;. Once more he heiird the inclbUy, - ; “ Justus I am, without oiie plea.” -.. ; Dear Father, when tlie rest I cks sea lioth bear the fatal bark -to mu,1 ftH shadowy salts to hieeze uiifurled For voyage to another world; •; .. * . Hemember that I como to Thee,. ’• Just as lam , wfthoutoae plea,” ‘ . I've borne the .cross on which Thou died, The spear thrust lit the shrinking side,. The crown.of thorns on bloody head:: ..Still, hi the latest hoiirpf dread, ,1nst as I am, wltbbm one plea, My weary ioul shall come to Thee. Horn Si) ihlne im'ige.'crth ! die?*; = . No, not.for me the mystery i-.]\ .. If Taou dost live, I-must live too/ And wtHhhig on my crow I vlb\V : Thy patient uycs, and in tliem see .. , A light that glorltleth me. ' ( ; •‘Just as I am; Without one plea,” '. The Ktveet voice ever blease'th me,; - And quiet, hearing sneers and hlurne From blinded eyes that sue but fchame, ; I watt the cud without one i*lea,. •< . Havo tliat my Saviour died foi-me. .hdvo! Iifft* ri *:i welcome boon fi'im her lov: itig .heavenly Father. . i Funeral services were held on'Monday afternoon; attended hy. her • pastor and Rev. ;Di*. Stokes. The hitter referred to/ her. bright and happy childhood under his own ministry,rind a pleasant ac(|Uaintance" continuing through all these intervening- years. For the bereaved bushhtid, daugh- ters and.other iimmediate-relatives, bo ex - pressed the deepest' sympathy and com- fortod them in this sad nlHction us best ho could. ..The rehiains were conveyed hy train to Morristown, X. J., under caro of Funeral Director J. W. Sexton, for interment.* Saturday evening, I)r. Joseph Cook's great lecture.—," Ultimate America.” • Don’t- fall to hear It. /. Training Siho'ol and Home. TIIE • UX ION ■ M tSSIONAH V Tit AININO* INSTI- . TUTK, 111(00KI.YX, X. V.. -;-..-* UV MRS. I . p. OSllOHNi* Within a month a new lirick building bus been purchased In Brooklyn for'fk’e L’nion Missionary Training Institute. It Is carpeted iind furnlsired thr<»ugliout, and bus fill the inodern improvements for heat- ing, lighting, etc. At the country branch of the Institute, located ut llackettstown, N\ J., an addition 57x25ft.,.costing.^,000, lias been made to the house.. ThUs, In Brooklyn and at HacketUtowii fifty pupils can now be uccommoduted with as com- fortable rooms as lire fouiid iu ' any ordi- nary Institute. ; . . jxsTUCCTiox. ; . . During the. yeur,. the schoid has.been raised a grade, ntld’all.the. pupils are-ex- pected to ’have passed In common Knglish briiu’ches before, tiiey enter.* Tho third year’s course is Biblical, ethical* theologi- cal, linguistic, musical ami medical. Four able ministers, six; excellent physicians,1 nnd -oilier instructors com prise the facility The first year the pupils remain at 4 the Country Branch, and have'most of their reciliitions at tbe tVnti»n»ry Collegiate-In- stitute.. ./Having obtained a good'founda- tion, for ilpdr theological and .-medical iii- structUm, tlie re main gi n g two y ears’. are spent iii the. Brooklyn lust it ute.1 - EX IMCX.SK..;. . • The pupils are required to-pay only $21 a yeiir, and fivo’ weeks woi k dut ing the summer at tho Country Branch. Xo in- stitute in the cduntry 'fU1 ni^hos such able Instruction for so small amount, no charge being made .for board; : This is done so that all.who. need it may liiiye the. beuetit of this truinltig, but it is expected, that all who can .will' give to. the Institution.ac- cord! rig to their ubility. The ./school Is supported by. uiisolicited voluntary contrI- butKuis. • . ' •’•* ’- ; . . HKrUI.TS., Thirty-t w(o /o f. ou r . j> u | d 1 s ha ve . gone, under six dilferent mhsipnaryorgauiza- thins to India, China, Japan,. Africa, Burr mab, Mexico, Bulgaria - and. iiayti, and their, work is highly appreciated.. Seven iiiive sailed. the.pa>t year, and four will go in n few weeks’ . * . . A LvVlhg Cirda 3ro!:en.: . Tho sudden deiitli. of’ >Irs.-\(i./.liUdiug on Saturday of last week, spread...a ..cloud of sadness over a very lar^o circle .of en- doured.friends at .Ocean Groye. . Tothis favorite resort Mrs. • liusling'and her de- voted daughters, came every summer as reguhtriy ns tho season rolled round;.aud being of au allable aud cheerfully deyovU. spirit, few v.Isiiors - were enabled to 'ex- tract more social and spiritual enjoyment front Its services than .herself. Iler tem- porary home was a plot uro of neatness and comfort and a model of Christian hospitality.; Iler husband,* >tr. Gershotn Rusling, was accustomed to be hero AVhen- ever allowed tho opportunity in an active business life, and it Was a charmed circle In tho /beautiful cottage, Main avemie. near the sea, when death entoiod iind shrouded its joy in the sorrow of bereave- meut. ; / Mrs. Rushing was brought to the Grovo th|s year in a ..very crl^cal couditioir of health. *The.ro‘*was littlo or no hopo held out by the hest inediiial authorities of per- manent. recovery^-. Her sufferings, niiist havo heeti. indescribable, a ltd her rc’leuso •lasjt Saturday;- to herself at’ least. must Amanda Smith’s -Own Book.- . Tlds is.the title in gilt letters on the hack of a large 12 riio./ closely printed volume.just to .hand; and many a waiting onei long hungry for tv sight oflhlsaiUo- . biography, will rejoice with us .that tho work—a stupendous one. for the author, is . not only.completed, .blit so well’ami faith- fiilly.done. Busy as wc are, it is hard to work,.eat »jr sleep;.until we read it every word.. The earlier chapters, which only we have, taken, snatches of time to.glanco at/lire fascinating. They relate; to event* ful perlods.pf her girlhouil and the trou- blesome times in slavery, beforo she be- came free and was con verted. The boolc covers her - entire* life iind!experience In miiny lands down to the present year, and every page burns with the fervor of her own spirit, and sparkles with the quaint- ness and . originality of her God-glyen genius tiv.state things just us they are. It Is. pervaded by that deferentl.d modesty , which make's lier such a power In church circles,; and so sincerely beloved by all who have ever made her acquaintance. ThU will surely be the book k)f thp season,.• There is nothing In print like it. Its renders' will, laugh and cry, nnd.siiout to . to .their heart's ;content .It ought to bo . put on siile at our Oi:euu Grove .book store right away. Meyers & Brotlier/103 Wash' • ingtoii st iVet, Clilciigo, are the publishers,, and fronVtheiu alone. tienlers Can obtain a Mipply,;■or Jndlviduals single' copies hy ma} 1 ut ^ 150. • Tli,e book 1 -i. prof iisely IliustrateV..- * .•* * .' *'/ '* .'■ From Indiana.- .TAVi.pn • oxtvr;i;^i;rv; /un.ANi)—couxKn- / '• M om ;- !,/,vino, ’ i; to. . - - .About t wo *rb'oii>an/l .people/ f rom tbo . town of* Upland, Gruiit- ciiunty, Iniliana, * nut} vlcitiify, gn.ther?»d; together in a beau- tiful grove,- where .pi at form,, tables, .stands and seals had been erected. The Uplaud- Cornet Bind’ rendere«l* tho niusic, Plat- . form’ speeches* were made by Rev; T. C. Ueadtt, A. M., president «>f Tayli)r Univer. ' slty, Dr. Geo. W.‘ Mooney, of /Nrew York, Rev. Dr/ C. B. Stemen, \fice-Vresldent of Taylor University; Rev.,* Dr. «lohn IV.. Wright, of('Wiiishinglon,. D. C-, President of the Xatipual Association . of Local .Preachers,.ultio President o f the Board of Trustees-Taylor University, J. W/ilayden of Fort Wayne, and,Rov; John C. White, pastorof the Methodist F.jdsc.opul Church ■ of Upland/ /, , / After the inttslo and speeches, the'Ma-.; sbulc nqd. other fraternities iind all wiio were present,- were invited to partake of it eolation which liud been prepared hy the Daughteis’of Rebetm and the I. O; U/Mi It was a bountiful'repnst. './■.** '• :*; - / Wlion the time cume to/proeeed to tho ** . University. Grounds ; It begun to *>ain,: which caused- tho. cr.oVvd to sciitter, and • delayed.the exercises for a’shoit time.. A procession..; being formed, heiided -by' tbo bund and speaker?, they marched; to the University campus, where ■ tho cornpr- stonu was; placed du’ position. The stone ‘ boars tlio ffdlowdng.inj-crlptipn.:. • ./..-■• Maui ah.AVhwut . I I ali., .-,-./ .TaYI.OK VxiVKHSrt’Y, , /.Upi J ajs' u, Ix ii;,' J une 20; 1893.* President Reude. Drs, Stemen, Mooney, * Wright iind Pastor White participated In ' tho services,, beside tiio singing by tho audience, who/with their umbrellas lifted, stood faithfully, while the rain descended, ; until, the exercises wero through. The Hull is named iu hqnor of theAvifo of Dr. John R. Wright, of Washington, D. C. Jlrs. Wright has made ii cash 'donation to ' •the institution of ’one . thousand dollars, tlius showing her* appreciation of the. honor bestowed upon her, in tho naming of tho now building. Tlio exercises took ; place upon- her blrthdtiy, which; will ho a jdensant' rouienibranco for yeard to come. D.r: and • Mrs. Wright-linve a cnttago at Ocean Grove, tvhere they-.havo Spent tbo* summer months for several years past. .

l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

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Page 1: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

- l a l

REV, A, W ALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. X IX , No. SO.

A n Invoca tion ,

I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, .

0 t h a t I m ig h t to C h ris t b e lo n g , .My. lifp bo ono co n tin u o u s Bong ; .O no Eong o f pru lso to Jeans g iv o u .A n a u th o ra sw e llin g u p to h oft von.

• O T h o u w h o s l t i ’s t u p o n th o ’th ro o o , A c c e p t a i id k e e p m o O sT h lu o o w n ,

’ A n il.lo st m y fe e t sh o u ld g o a s tra y ,• Do T h o u m y gu ido th ro u g h a ll iho w ay .

I f so r ro w ’s b l t to r c u p 1 d ra in , • A ssauuo m y g rie f , a n d ea flo roy p a in 8 o s h a l l m y fa ith still find In T h eo , •" T h o H ook o f A g e s .c l^ ft f f 'rm D ,'’ ■

I f S a ta n 's h o s ts w ith m alice d lro . A g a in s t m y so u l sh o u ld a lt co n sp lro , * . T h o s lilo ld o r fiiUli, Cull o flo ii t r ie d , . W ill t u r n h is Dory d-irt's a s id e . .

T im s p re s s in g on to w a rd th o prfzu , ’. \V hioh a t tho g o a l In w a it in g lies,

i ' l l ovory c u r e n n d b u rd e n ro ll, O n 'M c su s lo v e r o f m y s o u l.” . •

July, 189). : . . • • ' •

• Jubilee Sermon.PHEACIIED J1Y HEV./T. 110YI) HHADY, OCEAN



“ Iteloleo ln tho Lord always; and.figuin I say rejoice.*’—PJiil. •!: . ■ .

I t la a Christian precept und duty.to b« alwaya iii a cheerful nnd happy tuooU. Sometimes joy m ay-take on au exuberant type; This occasion bus come to u s .. Let every m anw ltb a Ueuvt to th rill, and every

’ woman with a voice to sing,.!* rejoice in tho Lord.’.' _'.;//

1. Because the gates of the W orld’s •Fair at Chicugo, by order arid authority of the directorship, is closed today and will

. remain closed every Sabbath, and this is an unmistakable acknowledgment of the h igher an thonty of the Lord God AL

•mighty, jvlio enjoined, “ Rem ember tbo {Sabbath .day to keep i t holy.'*

2. Because th is action of the World’s F a ir authorities contains evidence that the people of this nation understand tlie Sub-

. bath '• question, in Us national and per­petual obligation,, as a sign of. our faith and allegiance to high heaven.

ii. Because th is - breaking to pieces the .combination of the W orld’s F a ir directory allows to tlie wide world where wo as a nation stand in our. appreciation of the mission the Holy Subbuth.is destined to

• fulfil.4. Because the closing of tho gates is an

evidence that hellish infidelity wi.th all its machinations is“ not able to . control tho American people. . The compulsory action taken shows that amirchy, nihilism* and licentiousness ‘ shall not. .prevail hetc. T here are, all told, but 20,000 of .these n ihilists in the United States against 120,. 000,000 who fpar God uud work-righteous­ness. ‘ ■ '■ '■ : -.

5. Because i t shows that mercenary truckling' aud ungodly journalism is squarely defeated, after tbelr boastful but. b rief supremacy, and conscienceless trai­tors to law aud righteousness are hum ili­ated, iii the dust.

G. Because it shows that tlie peopio he-, lieve per tc that. Jehovah blesses those

. who keep faith with tho Dlvine Author of the Sahbuth: -H ere^ho spenker pictured tho social, intellectual and moral condition o f every. Sabbathless people on tlio face of the earth . I t is the.Sabbath peeping na* tiou that “ rides ou tho high places of the earth"—none other. Great B ritain uud America were refered to In. coutrust w ith other countries. This nation was bom in the womb of the Sabbath sp irit and cradled by a Sabbath loving.mother.*;

7. Because this Fair'business is a pro­clamation to all lands, ut the. proper time and in 'the right place’, that wo are a God- respecting people.. Every State (but.Cali­fornia), every cltyi even Chicago itself* and. every community is governed uud guarded by Sabbath law. .. .

8. Because i t la a .notification to the.tan*■ tlons .o f the earth1 that this institution* is

an inherent part of the life of tho Repub­lic, und Us warp and woof forms our Con­stitution.; T he law is mighty as that of gravitation. Statesmen and public econo­mists have tested the utility ot one day. hi seven for rest, and our-g reatest jurists havo given their em phatic sanction to the necessity of one day in seven for-man uud. b east.. This is proved experimentally,' historically and scientifically..

0.. Rejoice in the Lord, • because the yielding of tlie Directory proves that the most wonderful and .glorious exhibit-the- tJnlted States of .America presents in this W orld’s F a ir is our love fqr the Sabbath nnd its Lord. •

XO. Because this recent action is a mani­festo in thunder tones over all th is land

■ that our Sabbath is dear as our lliig—dour as republican liberty, uud w© clint» to thp ouo as* firmly as wo hold to tho other. T he people have spoken. T he Sabbath

. ahull be defended against every foo to God

and .liberty. ' •; :.The -victory is-beyond eoneepjion. O,

Sabbath Queeni. we love to look Into thy bright fifce, and clasp th\* *s«»ft hand reach­ed out to help and bless a bleeding world. Queen of tim e 1 sweep on in trium ph over the Himalayas, tlio A lps,M t. Shasta, and poor Chicago! Sweot angel, go on, sweep­ing out the rubbish of /Budhistn, Pagan-, ism, anarchism. . Go bn I blessing all E u ­rope, arid tho Orient, ’round tho world; to meet us in New Y ork again, with the mes­sage of Ono whoso hands were pierced for us, and who died that we m ight have life through his name. . .

Push On th® Battlo. •The signal'vie.tory achieved by the fol.

lowers o f Christ in seeuriug tlie closing of tlie gates of the W orld’s F a ir on the Lord's day suggests tliat tho tim e Is ripe for a still greater and mdrivUnpottant. un­dertaking uguirist the enemies of Sabbath observance. I refer to the Sunday secular, press which was the. greatest powev' in se­curing Sunday opening for the Fair. If the religious community that, conceitedly refused to give patronage to the F a ir bo C ause of. Sunday opening, should array Itself in the same thunner against all tho newspapers who publish Sunday editions; ami positively refuse to putro/iize such pa­pers it woulil be but ti . short tim e before some papers in each of - our large cities woulil find It to their advantage to drop their : Sunday issue, and,’ as the Sunday F a ir’failed of success * because of the op­positions of Sabba.tariuns, so newspapers who now publish Sunday editions two or three times tho size of those issued on oth­e r days woulil,find that an inllueuce was being brought Into existence that was cur­tailing their profits and dim inishing their circulation. , . ’ ,

Tho tim e to strike is ichcn lfio ivon in hoti nnd now is the time for all. Christians to. organl/.e against the greatest foes to Sab­bath observance that our country has ever had. 7

i t the.centriil organizations of our great religious bodiesi as well as. the Christian ICmjeavor; Kpworth L eague. and kindred societies,-would proceed against the Son- day secular press with as m uch' determ i­nation aud eftort as they did ; against the opening of th e Fair it would-be only ii short tim o'betore tho C/hristian coinmunl- ty would be .relieved of the necessity of buying tv Sunday newspaper oh Monda'yor losing the ‘ principal part of. SuturdayV news. Many ministers whose'position- re­quire th a t they should keep posted on the events of the day now order that a Sun- day edition he.delivered’on •.Monday with the paper of ih a t day. ..

Wo.liavo gained a double victory during tlio past month but the great enemy 1* still entrenched with no concerted or practical effort being.made against him. Let every Christian m an and woman determ ine tliat they, will not buy dr advertise in a'.Sduday secular newspaper,' and - It will bo but a short, tim e beforo leading.newspapers will issue their special edition on Saturday or 'Momlny, giving all Saturday's aiid Sunday’s news In .a . Mi>nday edition. I f only ’six editions ure Issued, during a week there will be a period of rest to all connected with a paper which will be of good/moral, Intellectual, physical.and social advantage to all .connected wlth.it, aiid if none of .the papers now in existence will respect the demands of Sabbatarians tiie la tte r . are snllicletitly numernuX to warrant, tiew en­terprises tha t' will be tirofl tablo hi vest­ments’. F . V axSicki.kn.

BIJ.m Cotiagj,.M u s I VA 1.1-: A X I) I.AWS PA UT V.*

Last Friday evening wa* the most gala qcCusipn our niodest '121 Ini’*:ever saw. Tho lady munagers planned • wisely and well, for a popular ;deinoiisf.ratiou. .The interior had been tastefully.decorated and lawn illum inated w)th strings of Chinese lanterns. < Thp people began-to fill up in­doors and out about t p . m ., until ti splen­did crowd'had gathered to' spend;n social hour, but It w a s near 10 beforo tho cus­tomary quiet again reigned in the heigh* Uorliood o^. Eiim .

Dr. Stokes addressed- tho peopio who crowded parlor aud; adjacent rooms oh tlie purposes 6 f t h o - “ law u p av ty ’’ uud also took occasion to speak of the. benevo­lent intent of tho ladies’ association in keeping up this institution,.so well deserv­ing of its increasing popularity. Iio was followed by-Rey. V incent Ravi and fam­ily, who are guests o f the house and suug : a duet. Tho M isses'L illie Wollo and Laura Moore rendered, a popular a ir tin tho piano,.accompanied by Mrs. 1L.M. Moore,.of Philadelphia;'M iss Ilelsler nnd M r. F ield with plum) and’ m andolin-de­lighted tho ' lovers of melody,, and I^fiss

l*i ice, of Chester,'..Pal, recited the difilcult proiluction called Robert of Lincoln.’! LeRoy and Stanley Sanfordi with piano and,;violiii< prepared the way for. .Mrs, Young’s beautiful solo. A recitation by Miss'-Annie Hughes, of Trenton, was tlie finale to this part of the entertainment. Then camp the Ice.cream iuid “ sliver offering.” Tho/proceedsrloqked after hy Miss Hamilton, and some of the genth'. men present, were encouraging in the aggregate amount. ■;

The thanks of the managem ent lire lierehy.’ tendered’ to. all who contributed ■towards .the success and pleasure of the evening’s festivities; . ’ •

Shouting the Victoiy,H K'KTC 11 OV' S lilt MON HV 11K V. (1K U(')0 K K. s

.MOHUIS, I), I).; OCKAN OltOVK AUOITOU-ru.M, .tl*i,Y *2;l, .181)3. ■

As a fittiug finulo t o the . Ocean Grove celebration, recognizing tho trium ph ; of the friends of G<id and .ITls Sabbath, in connection' with tho Columbian Kxposl- tioni D r.O i 1C. Morris, selected as h is text the first verse t»f the *17{h I*sulm'.) “ O chip your hands all ye people; shout unto Gpd with the voice of trium ph;”

There is no feeling more natural, and enjoyable, said th e speaker, than th a t of exultation. Tlie Bible everywhere com­mends it, and often, requires its exercise. But there should . be proper discrim ina­tion in th is exercise. To ; exult, over a fellow man is little and m ean;, and not m uch better if- the cause is merely per­sonal, It is the victory over selfishness and sin, and because of the betterment of humanity, and the success of the cause of God, th a t should justify this, clapping of bunds and shouting according to the t e x t . ; , •*

Kxultation from such motive Is healthy and. not. unfam iliar to. Methodists, and Methodisticuliy Inclined people o f other denominations.. Wo whuld do more of It as did iho fathers, if we were no t. nf rahl of .what the world would say. • ...

B ut the world is not alliaineil to sh« nt over baseball and other exciting contests. W hy should we hesitate, when God and his ciitiso Is concerned^ to exhibit unusual enthusiasm , a t tim es. I t is dangerous sailing, to get nmbng icebergs. Let us show to' tho. world tha t, wo are on the Lord’s side on great questions of tru th and right. Ilenco ; wo clup our hands aud siiout 6yer.ii hard contested victory.

The decision of the. W orld’s F a ir Dircc. to i t to; c lose .its gates In respect* to the Sabbath day,1 is a* trium ph which can bp best apprecia ted^hen -w o take a survey* of the forces combined against Ood and the Sabbath. .• Among these we must mime, with f«*w lionoiahle ex’coptidns, tlie secular press, w hi ch. has adroitly and persistently favored Sunday opening. Money*power- Is, next to coiiscience, a.greiit power—often mig.it- ler than conscience;,and with hundreds of millions bebiud it, tlio,railroad interest was .arrayed ou tho side of Sabbath dese­cration. 1 . '• . ;• • • ‘

Fallitig in line, on the Mammon side of tho question, xver'o powerful organizations of soulless, anil reckless purpose to luive their .way. Then the weaker forces, of- ovU-Vmeii. who disregard God and luite the Bible,’ took .their gidilen opportunity to destroy the Sabbath In:-this country, ohco for all and m'nlio- it impossible ever t(». reg;iin* o'ur. lost g r o u n d L ..

Added to this was the hypocritical sym­pathy of the demiig'oguo for poor working m en—a l l ' tlieso conspired against tho Jjprd’s day, und. d id their beat to reach an Appomattox. * . . . .

But arrayed against this combination was the pulp lt—so.o/teu sneered a t as ef­fete and ,po\verless. I t H the province of the pulpit to stein the current of evil; how­ever .‘rapidly It., sweeps, downward, and there Is m erit, if ono can not go.against the stream, to stand still and seo'tho salva­tion of the L o rd ,.

Tho press always goes with the current, butt much as It knows, or th inks it knows, i t lias orerrated its power. There is an Undercurrent the press.knows litthvnbdut, Sober,, praying men and women muko this MeiUteranean undercurrent, and th is ,1ms saved the Sabbath. JJow the cowardly press will turn and go the other way.

T he religious press has been compara­tively quiet but true to conviction, and al­though speaking out only once a week bus held our Churches, and families steadfast to religious principle.

Consider the gravity of the Issues in­volved. I f our Sabbath is lost;then the workman toils seven days In.thp week for six days' wages.

Wo have, been fighting for the Intellect­ual nd.vancemcnt, social comfort, uud high­er and nohler aspirations of jnank in ti; for. tho religious life, tlio Church, the means

1 • • i

of. grace lo help souls aiid heavenward, and thp intelligence and virtue which alone cun save the country... Again*, when wo fight ft»r the Sahbatli, the battle Is for .‘the sturs'and stripes, i f this W orld’s Fair had Ignored tlie Sabbath then every weak-kneed man would have gono buck on Its observance. ‘**.

Tho sppalcer closed by summarizing the completeness of tho victpry. ' Fronl tho Senate and House - of Representatives, on and up, we have beaten oiir foes lh the argument, ovprcome all ;perVerslty, and held the people back when- they opened the gates.

Now that tlieir . schemes have, failed and the puny Creatures wlih. have prevented, justice and law havo -sunk into contempt, wo may shout: tbo victory'/ H alle lu jah! I t will tiiko eternity to unravel the results. These may include th e salvation of 'm il­lions of souls.- 'The moral ‘ power now re­vived will bring showers of revival bless­ing on the thirsty vineyard of .the Lord, arid our eyes shall see his salvation.

I call, upon you therefore to •• chip your lmnda ” and shout for joy, that Gud Inter­posed for us and for tho honor and glory of his own name. “ Shout unto God with the voice of trium p!” . . *

A Losson for tho Prassnt.,11V MAH IA O. FOItTESCt'E.

“ W’fmtsocver Ho siillli un to you, do It-"Jesu s .was a t the feast—p resen t' in the

bon sell old i In times of joy as well ns of sorrow. AVe do not read that lie ever laughed, but we may lie sure he did not th row n ‘‘ wet blanket” over their mirth. 11 He was a man of sorrows and acquainted

“with grief,” ye t little children were a t­tracted by the sweetness of his counton- unce and by the gentleness of h is deinejin- or. I Iis m other kne w that they wanted wine. She also knew by this tim e enough of her rem arkablo son< to. expect soine-^ thing, she knew not what. IIow many of us anxious mothers know ju*t as little of the wonderful beings committed- to*our caro.as did this mother of Jesus. * As He went about h is Heavenly Father’s business she had .watched him with vvoiidpr not un- mixed with anxiety, until sho had learned so niuch of Him .that Vvhoh.sho knew.of thelr.dilem m a she -gavo* the. very wisest advice possible, viz:, " W hatsoever l ie saith unto you, do I t ” So When Jefeus knew of their need, he. said to the. serv­ants (what*)* simply, ‘Vfijl 'thp.w ater pots \ylth wider." A very i-mnmon,- honiely coihniissjon—no sign ’of. Ouinipotence th e re ! And whut lf th e y ;had dem urred, ns.wo would naturally, do, if wo had not learned; tho lesson of obedience ? They m ight never have known that Omnipo. tenco was; In their m idst. /B u t they obeyed. T ired mothers and housekeepers, does He not often say to ns, just when wo want to do something for H i m ; F i l l tho water pots with water V" Does he not often tell u's ju s t when wo are trying niost to serve Ilim , “ Sj>eep that room,”. “ Caro for that helpless c h i l d ,M i n i s t e r In the commonest tilings to that Invalid,’1 or does He not set us. right dowii . to preparing tbo meals and looking after the physical comforts of those who liavo come, as guests to the feast ?* Oh,.if so, le t us'not forget.that It was to. those who were per- forihiug the work of -servants • that lie first revealed Ills m ight. . :* ••

Then, aH if still surther to test their' obedience,. I Ie': told them * to take this water to the governor of tlie feast.

Wtiiit an absurdity It musthuVi*seemed! Tliev did' not want* water . t h e y wanted wirio and ,I esus knew lr .’ IMt. what tiiey, would have missed, if th e y had consulted reason and .common sense! They obeyed again, and lo! when tlie ru le r of the feast tasted.it j h ° extilUiined “ thou hast* kept the good wine until now;’* Then anil not till then, did. those serv’unts. know the won. dor th a t Jesus had w rought by tlie ir aid. .

W hat a. comfort* comes to. tho- many, who. liko Martha, are cumbered about m uch serving, ju s t in tho season of rich­est spiritual fenstlng of thousands?. W hat a spring o f delight* opens; us we reflect .that H e.d id not keep ; tho helpfulness of I l ls preseuco aiid of Ills • m iracle, for the ru ler or the guests, for tho servants know sootiQr than those wlioin they served. “For the ru ler ktiew .not • whouco It was ;hu t they th a t hiire It knew;”- Oh, may-we learn tliut only' by doing

ju s t w hat Ho says; shiill wo learn His ways. Only ; by im plicit obedience In perform ing our homely common duties, will Ho be so revealed to us tlmt these irksom e . cares..will h o . tranform ed-. into sncrainouts*

7 r id a y ,. J u ly 2S, 13 A. }[. ii. Church Missionary Jubilee Day ut; Ocean GrOve. Thoso who full’ to hear the singing und speaking will uilsH pue.of. the fluest things of the season. ;■

J u s t a s I.A m .

ay it am ii.i ox ivy.

" Just its l am. withoutmie pica,'' * • *..Savo that my.Saviour died fur..me,!'.,

- The votco was soft and.U w.aiul swcci,., And he w ho w alked the quint street •' Paused fo r aw hile as m em ory brought T he creed a Fainted m other taught—;.Once m ore he heiird the inclbUy, -

; “ Ju s tu s I am , without oiie plea.” -.. ; •

Dear Father, when tlie rest I cks sea lioth bear the fata l bark -to mu,1 ‘ ’ ftH shadowy salts to hieeze uiifurled For voyage to ano ther w orld; •; .. *

. Hemember th a t I como to Thee,.’• Just as la m , w fth o u to ae plea,” ‘

. I 'v e borne the .cross on w hich T hou died, The spear th rust lit th e sh rink ing side,. The crow n.of tho rns on bloody head::

..Still, hi the latest ho iirp f dread,,1nst as I am , w ltbbm one plea,My weary ioul shall come to Thee.

Horn Si) ih ln e im'ige.'crth ! die?*; =.No, not.for me the mystery i-.]\

.. If Taou dost live, I-m ust live to o /And wtHhhig on m y crow I vlb\V :Thy patien t uycs, and in tliem see .. ,A ligh t t h a t glorltleth me. ' ( ;

•‘ Ju st as I am; Without one plea,” ' . The Ktveet voice ever blease'th me,; - And quiet, hearing sneers an d hlurne From blinded eyes th at sue but fchame,

; I w att th e cud w ithout one i*lea,. •< . Havo tlia t my Saviour died foi-me.

.hdvo! I iff t* ri *:i welcome boon fi'im her lov: itig .heavenly Father. . i

Funeral services were held on'M onday afternoon; attended hy. her • pastor and Rev. ;Di*. Stokes. T he hitter referred t o / her. bright and happy childhood under his own ministry,rind a pleasant ac(|Uaintance" continuing through all th e se intervening- years. F o r the bereaved bushhtid, daugh­ters and.other iimmediate-relatives, bo ex­pressed the deepest' sympathy and com- fortod them in this sad nlHction us best ho could.

..The rehiains were conveyed hy train to Morristown, X . J ., under caro of Funeral Director J . W. Sexton, for interment.*

Saturday evening, I)r. Joseph Cook's great le c tu re .—," Ultimate America.” •Don’t- fall to hear It. /.

• Training Siho'ol and Home.TI IE • UX ION ■ M tSSIONA H V Tit AI NINO* INSTI -

. TUTK, 111(00KI.YX, X. V.. - ; - . .- *

UV MRS. I. p. OSllOHNi* ■

W ithin a m onth a new lirick building bus been purchased In Brooklyn for'fk’e L’nion Missionary Training Institute. I t Is carpeted iind furnlsired thr<»ugliout, and bus fill the inodern improvements for heat­ing, lighting, etc. At the country branch of the Institute, located ut llackettstown, N\ J ., an addition 57x25ft.,.costing.^,000, lias been made to the house.. ThUs, In Brooklyn and at HacketUtowii fifty pupils can now be uccommoduted with as com­fortable rooms as lire fouiid iu ' any ordi­nary Institute. ; . .

jxsTUCCTiox. ; .. During the . yeur,. the schoid has.been

raised a grade, ntld’all.the. pupils are-ex­pected to ’ have passed In common Knglish briiu’ches before, tiiey enter.* Tho third year’s course is Biblical, ethical* theologi­cal, linguistic, musical ami medical. Four able ministers, s ix ; excellent physicians,1 nnd -oilier instructors com prise the facility

The first year the pupils remain a t 4 the Country Branch, and h a v e 'm o s t of their reciliitions a t tbe tVnti»n»ry Collegiate-In­stitute.. ./Having obtained a good'founda­tion, for ilpdr theological and .-medical iii- structUm, tlie re main gi n g two y ears’. are spent iii the. Brooklyn lust it ute.1

■- EX I MCX.SK..;. .• The pupils are required to-pay only $21

a yeiir, and fivo’ weeks woi k dut ing the sum m er at tho Country Branch. X o in­stitute in the cduntry 'fU1 ni^hos such able Instruction for so small amount, no charge being m ade .for board; : This is done so that all.who. need it may liiiye the. beuetit of this truinltig, but it is expected, that all who can .will' give to. the Institution.ac­cord! rig to their ubility. The ./school Is supported by. uiisolicited voluntary contrI- butKuis. • . ' •’•* ’-

; . . HKrUI.TS., • •Thirty-t w(o /o f . ou r . j> u | d 1 s ha ve . gone,

under six d ilferent m hsipnaryorgauiza- thins to India, China, Japan,. Africa, Burr m ab, Mexico, Bulgaria - a n d . iiay ti, and their, work is highly appreciated.. Seven iiiive sailed. the.pa>t year, and four will go in n few weeks’. * . .

A LvVlhg Cirda 3ro!:en.: .Tho sudden deiitli. o f ’ >Irs.-\(i./.liUdiug

on Saturday of last week, spread...a ..cloud of sadness over a very lar^o circle .of en- doured.friends at .Ocean Groye. . T o th is favorite resort Mrs. • liusling 'and her de­voted daughters, came every sum m er as reguhtriy ns tho season rolled round;.aud being of au allable aud cheerfully deyovU. spirit, few v.Isiiors - were enabled to 'ex­tract more social and spiritual enjoyment front Its services than .herself. Ile r tem ­porary home was a plot uro of neatness and com fort and a model o f Christian hospitality.; I le r husband,* >tr. Gershotn Rusling, was accustomed to be hero AVhen- ever allowed tho opportunity in an active business life, and it Was a charmed circle In tho /beau tifu l cottage, M ain avem ie. near the sea, when death entoiod iind shrouded its joy in the sorrow o f bereave- meut. ; /

Mrs. Rushing was brought to th e Grovo th |s year in a ..very crl^cal couditioir of health. * The.ro‘*was littlo or no hopo held out by the hest inediiial authorities of per­manent. recovery^-. H er sufferings, niiist havo heeti. indescribable, a ltd her rc’leuso •lasjt Saturday;- to herself at’ least. must

Amanda Smith’s -Own Book.-. Tlds is .th e title in g ilt letters on the hack o f a large 12 riio./ closely printed volum e.just to .hand; and many a waiting onei long hungry for tv sight oflh lsaiU o- . biography, will rejoice with us .that tho work—a stupendous one. for the author, is . not only.completed, .blit so well’ami faith- fiilly.done. Busy as wc are, it is hard towork,.eat »jr sleep;.until we read it every w ord.. The earlier chapters, which only we have, taken, snatches of tim e to.glanco at/lire fascinating. They relate; to event* ful perlods.pf her girlhouil and the trou­blesome times in slavery, beforo she be­came free and was con verted. T he boolc covers her - entire* life iind!experience In miiny lands down to the present year, and every page burns with the fervor of her own spirit, and sparkles with the quaint­ness and . originality of her God-glyen genius tiv.state th ings ju s t us they are. I t Is. pervaded by that deferentl.d modesty , which make's lier such a power In church c irc le s,; and so sincerely beloved by all who have ever made her acquaintance. ThU will surely be the book k)f thp season,.• There is nothing In prin t like it. Its renders' will, laugh and cry, nnd.siiout to . to .their heart's ;con ten t .I t ought to bo . put on siile a t our Oi:euu Grove .book store right away. Meyers & B rotlier/103 W ash' • ingtoii st iVet, Clilciigo, are the publishers,, and fronVtheiu alone. tienlers Can obtain a Mipply,;■ o r Jndlviduals single' copies hy ma} 1 ut ^ 150. • Tli,e book 1 -i. prof iisely IliustrateV..- * . • * * . ' *'/ '*.'■

From Indiana.-.TAVi.pn • oxtvr;i;^i;rv; /un.ANi)—couxKn-/ '• M o m ;- !,/,vino, ’i;to. . - -

. About t wo * r b'oii>an/l .people/ f rom tbo . town of* Upland, Gruiit- ciiunty, Iniliana, * nut} vlcitiify, gn.ther?»d; together in a beau­tiful grove,- where .pi at form,, tables, .stands and seals had been erected. T h e Uplaud- Cornet B ind’ rendere«l* tho niusic, Plat-

. form’ speeches* were made by Rev; T. C. Ueadtt, A. M., president «>f Tayli)r Univer. ' slty, Dr. Geo. W.‘ Mooney, of /Nrew York, Rev. D r/ C. B. Stemen, \ fice-Vresldent o f Taylor University; Rev.,* D r. «lohn IV.. W right, o f('Wiiishinglon,. D. C-, President of the Xatipual Association . o f Local .Preachers,.ultio President o f the Board of Trustees-Taylor University, J . W /ilayden of Fort Wayne, and ,Rov; John C. White, pastorof the M ethodist F.jdsc.opul Church ■ of U pland / / , , /

A fter the inttslo and speeches, the 'M a-.; sbulc nqd. other fraternities iind all wiio were present,- were invited to partake of it eolation which liud been prepared hy the Daughteis’of Rebetm and the I. O; U/M i It was a bountiful'repnst. './■.** '• :*; - /

Wlion the tim e cume to/proeeed to tho **. U niversity. Grounds ; It begun to *>ain,: which caused- tho. cr.oVvd to sciitter, and • delayed.the exercises for a ’sho it time.. A procession..; being formed, heiided -by' tbo bund and speaker?, they m arched; to the University campus, w here ■ tho cornpr- stonu was; placed du’ position. T he stone ‘ boars tlio ffdlowdng.inj-crlptipn.:. •. / . . -■• Maui ah .AVh w u t . I I ali., .-,-./

.TaYI.OK VxiVKHSrt’Y,, /.Up iJajs' u, Ix ii;,' J une 20; 1893.*

■ President Reude. Drs, Stemen, Mooney, * W righ t iind Pastor W hite participated In ' tho services,, beside tiio singing by tho audience, w ho/with their um brellas lifted, stood faithfully, w hile the rain descended, ; un til, the exercises wero through. The Hull is named iu hqnor o f theAvifo of Dr. John R. W right, of W ashington, D. C. J lrs . W right has made ii cash 'donation to '

•the institution of ’ one . thousand dollars, tlius showing her* appreciation of the. honor bestowed upon her, in tho naming of th o now building. Tlio exercises took ; place upon- her blrthdtiy, which; will ho a jdensant' rouienibranco for yeard to come.D.r: and • Mrs. W right-linve a cnttago at Ocean Grove, tvhere they-.havo Spent tbo* sum m er m onths for several years past. .

Page 2: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

p a Z E - A - l S r G R O V E R I D G O H . D . . J U L Y 3 9 ? 1 S 9 3 .

0 m n 6 w eP0BI.18HEJ> W REKLY BY •'

RF.V. A . . W A LLA C E, D . D .» .:At


Jubilee Sabbath,

REV. K. U.STO KES,D .D .,CorrcfipgudlngEditor,

TERMS, P03TAGE PREPAID.Ono qopy, four monttifi

" “ six m onths,............................" one y e a r . . . . . . . . . . . ...............

. O lu b o f five o r m o ro , o n e y e a r , e a c h ,.

A d v e r t iHum cuts i n s b r l e i l a t t b o r a t e o f t e n cento p e r l i n e . o n e t i m e . F o r o n e , tw o o r t h r e e m o n th s , o r b y t h e y e a r , a l i b e r a l r e d u c t l o u w i l l b o m a d e

.60 . . • .75. ..81.50


SATURDAY,. JULY 29, 1893,

F ifty cents will pay for the. Ocean G rove R ixoud for four months; mulled to. any address.

Copies of tiie Oceim Grove R ecohd can alwuys bo.had nt the book store, 27 P il­grim Pathw ay,.‘T he store is.open day ami evening.

Tho nicest th ing to send to friends at homo would bo a copy or two of tlio Ocean

. Grovo. ‘ pictorial double num ber of the R ecohd. I t costs only five cents and can bo sent free to any address from this oflice.

One of tho popular features o f “ Voiin People's D ay”—next Sabbath.will bo tho sermon of that bright and greatly esteemed young m inister, Uev, W allace McMullen, who is by many regarded as the Summer.

/ field of this'generation.T hat we uro not able to give verbatim

reports of Ihst Sunday’s splendid sermons, will displease not a few, but this cannot be helped. I t is far harder work to put each sermon into the compass of a single colum n than to p rin t e ith e r or both entire

Among the questions sen t, 'u p in the baskets a t la s t ' Sunday's Bible Class was this brief but significant acknowledment:" D r. Hanlon, your answer last Sabbath in behalf o f the Salvation A rm y won for you the affectionate regard of hundreds present. Their work cannot be too highly

.eulogised.” . •'F o r the first tim e In all these years we

are tohave the distinguished lecturer, Jos. Cook, a t Ocean Grove. T his will be a rare privilege to thousands .of peopio who lmve heard of him , and read somo of his renowned utterances, but never saw or

. heard the man. ' We'look, for the largest audiences of the season on tiex t Saturday

' and Sutiday event tigs. .“ The best blessing I find in religious

services a t Ocean Grove,” rem arked a guest o f the Howland House, the other

* day,, “ is at the fam ily devotions with which we are liere favored every morning regularly after breakfast, whou boarders, waiters, cooks aud all the family join in cheerful song, and bow' In simple, fervent prayer, before the mercy seat!” '

As usual, while tlie. sum m er rush.is oh: us, correspondents and all general con­tributors m ust wait the ir turn, as peopio do a t the mill. I t is impossible, with the limited space a t o u r . command, to do bet-' ter than we are trying to do, in keeping up a full and fair record- of the season’s work,, all of which m ust be w ritten and boiled down by our band. «.

We publkhed about .this time last year a midsummer double pictorial num ber of the H ecokd containing over tw enty illus­trations of Ocean Grove- scenes/portraits of Dr. Stokes und several other notabili­ties, and a correct map of Ocean Grove grounds, G reat as wus tlie .demand for tills gem of journalism , we have still a good supply on hand, and the Book Store and periodical stands let them go at five cents per copy. Get one if. you can.

The season niny be quoted as “ d u l l ’’ but there are so many tilings, in tiie .liter­ary and musical Hue at the Ocean («rove Book Store, which visitors cannot well, do without, the trade will be necessarily largo and lively. They are SO. accom m odating! there that* you can obtain postag« stamps and. cards a t cost, to save! tho trouble o fj standing iii loiig’ lines at the posr oHlVo | The popular singing bonk, Praise in.SongJ iff going off liko hot cakes/ j

How the enthused Auditnriiiui emigre j- gatlon would have broken out in app lause :

. a dozen tim es last Sunday morningj under tho tremendous periods o f Scathing rebuke and patriotic peroration, as Dr. Brady ex­coriated the enem ies £f .the Sabbath, or eulogized the- prayerdoving propensities of a Washington or Lincoln, but for the admonition given by Dr. Stokes, to ref fain

, from all such demonstrations on the Lord’s day I A t other times, uuring weekday or evening services, tlio Doctor, we are sure, has no objection to a rousemeut of this k ind; for we have often seen him self en*. thused to tlie-echo.. The Women’s Home Missionary Anni- versary, with M rs..Gen. 0 . B. F isk presid­ing, is in progress as wo go to press. This j

.orgauiiationjuis brought to . Ocean Grove the.present year a line array o f ladies coii-' nceted with thi* r-'-oue’oT the most belief}- cent and useful societies in the 51. E . j Church, including a large representation I of the Deaconess order wliiclV co.o/jerates | witli the general society. Dr. Duiby, o f \ W ashington; Dr. M ortis, of C incinnati;': Dr. S. L. Bailiee and- a number ,of lady ’ speakers havo beeti heard in advocacy o f tli tv grand reform atory work being done lu the South anti other parts of the county by tlieso consecrated m issionaries..

As soon as the,final action of the truck­ling , Directory a t C hicago/w as taken, to obey tho overwhelming sentim out of tho American people in their demand for Sab­bath observance ut the Columbian lixposi- tion, it was. determ ined to celebrate the victory for God and righteoutmessat Ocean Grovo. - Accordingly, the Hag of trium ph w as Hung to ’.tlio bre.ezo on last Suuduy morning, and ’the Auditorium sermons of the day w ere of an intensely jubilant char actor. . . * . . . ■’ ■

Tlio eightli annual meeting of tho New Jersey Sabbath Union held on. the preced ing Saturday, afternoon and evening struck.iho keynote of th is high celebration. The addresses.of DiyM ott, Dr! Joseph JI Knowles, Anthony Ciinistock mid ■ Ji. 1* Craginj reviewed, tiie protracted light,- the dlfticulties encountered,the broad question of h um an : obligation, and tho loyalty of' the Aniericnn heart to Divine institutions and set .forth the propriety of universal’ thanksgiving, since, the hand of God has so evidently been revealed iu this crisis of the nation’s history. /; Tho,-services of the day Avero entered upon; with , even more than the usual interest, on account of the fresh acces­sions of visitors every week, including former visitors and cut ho strangers, nit eager for the days imposing round of re li­gious devotions, Tlio Tabernacle, with its lengthening' “ prayer roll,” solid expe­riences, mutual exhortations and spiritual communion, seem ed' pervaded with the life, light and power o f holiness; So. in the Temple, Mr. Iloaglund handled an au­dience crowded to the doors, and mlido a very judicious use of the helps a t hand, In music, testimony and illustration, to bring the young people, a hundred hearts atonce, to term s of absolute surrender to tho cluitiis of Christ. • '• / ■ ’/ .

T he Auditorium presented a grand scene. Expectation was rl fo .for u pulp it effort' of more than ordinary, forco and power. Tho prelim inary devotions wero impressively beautiful. Those delightful P ark Sisters.with Mr. Charley Miller- aud other perform ers made the welkin resound with their cornets,-and the opehlug prayer by Rov, 15,-H. Young of Canada j was so reverently fam iliar with the Majesty on high, and 50 comprehensive in its por- tray a lo f hum an dependence and n e e d - personal, general and universal,.that de* vout .hearts apprehended the nearness of God, and the significance of the saying-: “ T his Is holy ground;”

F o r a Scripture lesson, the fifth chapter of Douterouomyhad been selected, and it. wus read with such unctuous diction.by Kev.ZE. I. D, Pepper, th a t peopio could not avoid remembrance o f Moses the.m an of God, iind Sinai with its giory. W hen the reading was ended, Dr. Stokes ro- m arked, !• This is a great and grand ser* 111011 in itself, even if we-had no more,?’

I t required a considerable interval be­fore preatihlng to .givothe announcements and gather in the o ffe r in g .D u rin g th is interval the full choir, following Mrs. Young as soloist, gave the piece, “ Open yo the gates of the tem ple.” Tlio same ladym m gn beautiful solo in tho evening.

Introducing the p reach er of tho inOru- ing, Hev. Dr. J / ' Boyd Brady, of Newark; Dr. Stokes-alluded to his being a man of. strong convictions and the courage to ex­press them . l ie bugged the audience to respect the day and place in rofruiuing from such demonstrations of applause as. they might feel strongly inclined to in­dulge in, and to their credit, although at tim es iu a whirlwind of excitem ent they obeyed his request.

The tex t was Pau l’s exhortation to the Phiilipians, -1:4—“ Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice.” The speaker said it was a commendable tra it o f Christian, character always to bo in a happy moo'U; und sometimescircutustatices m ight ‘justify anti require au exuberant demonstration! ' Such a tim e had come to us, and 'h e ttmUgiit it fitting that ovlery -niim. witli, a lii»art. in him, and every, woman with a tongue, should “ rejoice in the L o r d :

llo assigned! ten:.specific'reasons for special joy In. the vindication of God’s Sabbath ut tlie .Columbian Exposition, and each pm ticuiaf be«<l in tlie unfolding of this argum ent became a clim ax o f pulpit' eloquence. '• We present an outline of this brilliant aud powerful discourse on first page. '• / •' ■ ‘

Tho Bible class rallied several hundred stronger than the previous Sabbath* and tho services . Wore - d u ly opened by Vice- president Jirowuing a t 2 p. j l , iind a ’good deal of tbo tim e Was -taken up /with last week’s lesson and questions, -growing out of.A thenian character, Paul’s preaching, and the causes of bis failure to found a church in that proud and idolatrous seat of learning. Dr. Jlii.ulon presented the claims of the new Auditorium 011 his class, and asked for $20,000 to help build it. Au ihlliientlnl committee was appointed to co­operate1 w itlrh im duriug tho two. weeks ensuing in raising subscripttbhsj wiiich w ill be duly announced on “Auditorium Sunday.” He intimated .that ho had $5,000 already ,ln sight as a beginning, . • •/

Tho internutioual and prim ary dejiart- nieuts of the Oceau Grovo Sum m er Sun-: day-school aro, doing llrst-rato work, and superiutcmlohts and teachers from various parts of the country uro much interested in Dr.-Gunnuig’s methods a t the Temple.

The beach meeting called together ono

of the old tim e crowds, and tho hour was delightfully spent on the sands reading, singing and listen ing , to tlio addresses’ which * wero delivered by Revs. M ilton Relyen, of St. Paul’s, Ocean Grove, W- Ji. England, of W ilmington Conference, G. W. Mooney, JsTow. York, and F. B. Hoag- land who, in the absence 0/ Rev. C. II. Yatman, conducts the Tem ple services. Liko the latter, he rallied tho people, offered C hrist t<> .sinners, timi g<»t several committed to ; start in the .cjiristian life, D uring' the closing song . Alr. Lovatt had the people to wave their wliite handker­chiefs as they sung “ We’ll meet ouo an­other again.”

Hev; George 1C. Morris, D.D.,-.had a splendid congregation, in ..the evening, Kev. Mr. Donaldsou, of tho Presbyterian Church, dil'ered tho opening prayer, and Rev. Madison C. Peters, of Bloomingdale Reformed ' Church j sat in the chancel fronting the pulpit.

T he text was, “ O clap your hands, all yo poople; shout unto God-with -the voice of (riiim pjr’—Psalin 47: t.

Dr. M orris said the passage involved no controversy with Dr. Stokes in his restric* tiotis beforo the m orn ing sermon. J t re­ferred to something higher aiid better than applause to men who voiced our own sentiments iu what they implissionedly uttered. T his m eant exultation and shout­ing to God for a victory having within its scopo tlio best and highest interests of humanity, in the closing of tho World F a ir ou tlie Sabbath day. I f people of tho world become excited to. shouting point over some of their successes, why may not tlio Lord’s peopio exhibit something of heaven .with in them wlieu they are real happy. Oil certain lines the evening dis­course rau parallel with that of tho morn­ing, and both together made acuiminaUou high as tho Alps or Appennities in vindi­cation of tiio sacretitiess/and perpetual 0 0 - ligatio|i of the Holy Sabbath. A sketch of Dr. M orris’ logical aud eloquent ser­mon will be found elsewhere.

Mr. Hoagland held, the audience for. nearly half an iiour iu an evangelistic*ser. vice, and tho finid benediction' was pro- nO’jnced by Dr. Madison Peters.

Popish heirarciiy, th is “ father,” enjoyed a largo measure of sympathy, aiubtho crowd flocked’to hear his platitudes on religious aud ethical subjects, but since his “restor ation” by the shrewd’ Satt)li, iind liis recent vlsit to receive a blessing from that fossil humbug, Ley X 111, d uring which, it is not improbable ho kissed the Pope’s toe, like all the. faithful who consider such-n,priv­ileg e be^'ond price,, lie only poses as a Uomnu Catholic priest, ami truo to all the Instincts of his politico-religious aiid semi superstitious: fraternity, it becomes his supreme duty to impose on the Protestant world. We think his w en pat Ion is ended In. Asbury. Park. Evidently all his plans iblo rhetoric is designed toconcilllate the uuwary. m ultitude with a system which historically, is monstrous In initiuity, and practically so full of cnift. Pretonse and downright blasphemy beforo God, is and ought'to be repudiated by all right.thiiik- lug peopio. There never was' a tim e in tho annuls o f .th is/repub lic, when such emissaries as Satoll, McGlynn nnd the scarlet coated cardinals should bo watched with keouer suspicion and distrust than ju s t now, / ‘X o.. Pojiery” for this free Republic I '/.■

Tho Saving Work Advancing.

Tho tuorniug m eeting for the promotion of holiness has been growing in interest, aud saving effectiveness the past week. Rev. 15.1. D. Popper, ono of the editors of tlie Chr,iniian Standard, has been glv ing a series o f his helpful Bible Jleadin'yn which.the peopio havo greatly enjoyed. Tile a ltar uas been surrounded .with seek­ers of pardon and purity. . T he other m orning a young man came forward greatly in earnest for his .soul’s suivationi aiid, ere long, lie wiis rejoicing in the knowledge of Ids sins forgiven. Let the friends of holiness heartily support the meeting.

A Valued Testimonial,

, Man-ivit'n-ths Loving Hsart.W e forget exactly what particular name

the.Ihdlan tribes of the .far Northwest gave to Rev. Egerton 11. Young, who has been ( tho in strum out under God in bringing so many of them froiii darkueas to light, and from', the power and dominion of sin aud Satan into the joyous liberty of the gospel; but wo th ink the above designation m ight fit th is great traveler and- w orker in the mission, field. Iio has frequently givou us a day or two of his company at Ocean Grove, anti every visit increases tho affec­tionate estimation in which he .is held by young and old.

H is stay with us.this year has been full of useful labdurs, and whether'conducting family/devotions tit tho Howland House, asslstiug .In tho holiness m eeting every morning, participating in the A uditorium services on Sabbath, encouragiug tho Wo­man’s Hom e Missionary bands, or deliver­ing his thrilling lectures before delighted audiences, Dr. Young , may .bo written down “ oue of a thousand.” Ills narratives of adventure/ and inexhaustablo fund of remarkable stories draw tlie juveniles in great crowds before his platform, and they draw everybody else, as a matter of course. Ills uiidient-es on Monday, and Tuesday ovenlngs exceeded all - expectation, and every body-wili vote for his return to Ocean Grove us soon and as often as he can. W hen ho comes next, by the way, ho has confided to us that he will iiave a splendid series of-stereopticon pictures showing big Indlaus(as largo aud uatural as life, dog trains, canotw, wigwams, aud m ighty for­ests and rivers, with which ho was so fam iliar for many years—years of toil and. suffering, but. unparalelleil success with (foil and his Indian tribes learning to sing aud pray and looking to him as an hon­ored ambassador from heaven to . show th em -th e way of salvation! lie left, for Chautauqua on Thursday, accompanied hy Uls daughter, aud followed wherever he goes by-.our best wishes and. prayers for bis continued success.

Dr. Mc&iynn.Iii connection with the visitand address

of this noteil ecclesiastic- in Asbury-Park last week, a Phihulelphia paper rather snappishly says:iG lvo us a rest from Rev. Dr. McGlynn’s

twaddle* llo has iuade moro nblsoou less m erit than aiiy other dozen agitators dur­ing tiio last two years, and about the only substantial results tire fl 1st,*a compromised priest, and next, ti compromised church .authority, that restored-him.

I f ho is to rejsnmo holy orders lot him do st) and stop interviewing him self abou t ln>w the Pope blessed h im ; if, ho is not to be a priest, le t him tu rn 'agitator and politician; w ithout affectation. Ho has made the public tired of his eruptions about himself, and if ho would preserve atiy measure of fu'turo usefulness; ho will get down to liis pi oper work and stick to it.

If this item in any general sense reflects public sentiment, and wo believe i t does, it inust be a little uiortifying.to our ener* getic frieud, Rov; S. L d ward You tig, 'who at an iinmenso am ount of trouble and probably somei expense, succeeded , in bringing him oiicp moro before tho people of tho twin cUIes. to /en ligh ten (?) Us on “Jm portau t Topics of tho Timea.”

AVIiile in. outspoken array against tlio

On Thursday,. Ju ly G, the ^liildren of tlio Home for tiie Friendless,. Newark, N. J ., wero given tlieir accustomed aunuai excursion to Ocean Grovei anti how they enjoyed the day may be inferred from a communication w ritten by themselvestind tho whole sheet filled with autograph sig­natures of. littlo boys and girls.

F irst thoy marched to ' the Tabernacle and sung for the W. C. T. U., whoso Sum­mer School of Methods was then being held. They afterwards repaired to Ross’ establishment, and the genial proprietor gave them a cordial welcome, furnishing 72 of the num ber bathing shits for a jolly, time in the s u rf ./T lio sm aller children found a good-sized pond left on a depres-- sion of the beach by the failing uue, iind bathed to .their heart’s content. W hen they bad finished and dressed they gath­ered up stairs iu tho large pavilion and sang a number of their littlo hymns, and were treated- to- refreshments, including •ico crpjini. This is tlio letter Mr. Ross received the other day \vith tiiirty names a ttached: : •. Mu. Ross, Dear Frtcud — Us ehlldren.of

the Homo of the Fiiem lless u ro under-so uiany obligations' to you. We ail enjoyed it so much.. I t was so.kind of yon to give all the littlo children suits; so they could havo a got)d time. Wo will all think of It till next year comes taround. May God bless y<m for your kindness and your efforts in helping others, as tlio Master says “ Inasmuch as yo havo douo 'it unto one '.of; the least of theso tny* brethren yo have done it unto mo.”—M a t t . 20:40.

AU o f us would like to express our thanks by signing our names to this letter but the list would bo too long. . ' ’

W hon W eary and Languid.use libitst'oun’s acid piiospuatj:. .

When you are weary and languid with the heat of summer, and slri* 0 in vuitl to keep cool, and your teinppr also, tho use of Horsford’s Acid Phosphate will limte- riully aid you.

A*hon? and Corinth Ventilated,’ “ T his greiit Bible-class,’‘ said Dr. H an­lon ‘last. Suinlay afternoon, “ is not only funituis for enlarged views ou Bible top­ics and the cutting of some theological Gordian knots, but, 1 believe, Is capable o f lending a inaterlal helping hand in the graud enterprise now projected here, re- spectin'g the erectlou'of j i uow A uditorium to comfortably seat 10,000 people. I want the Ocean Grovo Bible-class to ’raise §20,- 000 towards the cost of the building, wiiich will be $r»0 ,000.” ;. ‘

Tills stiitement was delivered so coolly and* confidently " t h a t : nobody lost their breath over it. A. printed circular, with baud somo engravings o f tho front arid sido elevations of the uiaminbth m eeting­h ouse,w as distributed, and.“ the class.” proceeded, under the-iu^pl.ratloii of Mr. Lovett’s second t«» the motion,'to ralso pre­lim inary to the subscriptions, a largo titid influential committeo to act In cbnjunc. tion witli tho leader, fo r.the 'ensu ing two' weeks, In ‘behalf of the project.”

All this was but an incidental item in the B1 blo cluss proceetlings last \Ssibbuth. Thp. regular lesson was duly taken up, following/lust week’s dii'cussidu under tho head of “ Paul a t Athens.” Paul had tie. parted from the caintal .of Attica^ iho most famous literary centrq of Greece, to Corinth, the great commercial metropolis: of tlio East, and thither tho class would, have followed liim had. not so' many/ques­tions about Athens remaiued to' bo an* swored,’ ’

■ Editorial Mention. ' •11 was a pleasant surprise on last Sun­

day to find the now Auditorium , so fro- quentiy referred t o ' these days, already completed—on paper, in the handsome en-, graviugs furn ished• with blank subscrip­tion cards.to all wiio desired them.. The pictures of front.and sido elevation take the eye for architectural neatness as well as magnitude, nnd now . tho question of progress and success, is beforo tho people, among whom the enterprise is m aking somo , enthusiastic and liberal friends. Tbo cuts appeared last Saturday• in the Ocean G r o v e . Why they wero not furnished the R kcono is perhaps a mere oversight, and since they are already dis trlbuted so widely, It relieves us from the necessity o f. taking u p »the .space they would require In this paper. • *•

T he llygeinic Iustltuo th a t w as,is now sim ply tho Tlyglea Hotel, and that a clever motherly woman is a t tho head-of,affairs; is not tho least of thoso attractions which will help to fill it with coutented and happy sum m er guests. Tho entire estab­lishm ent has been renovated and refur­nished,. m aking i t a comfortable—wo m ight say luxurious homo.- -Mrs.* M ur­dock, to whoso management it has been assigned, -is no t/a 'stranger to its form er guests, many of whom will rem em ber her kindly attentions w ith gratitude. The house, In its now coat of paint, is pretty as a picture, aud tho entertainm ent its guests may expect will bo substantial and entirely satisfactory,. ‘ • ’

The dentist is always au Important fac­tor in a wtdl-reguKiWit watering place, nnd Dr. S. G..Wallace, a skilfn ll practltlouer ut Ocean Grovo for many years past, is thoroughly up with the needs of the place, and the varied demands of his profession. Ills card in this paper has been misleud ing, Imt'ls uow correct as to tlio exact loca- tion o f.id s oflice,-southeast- corner of P il­grim Pathway and H eck avenue, ono short block from the post oflice. Iio is always ready for business.:

Among the workers/ and speakers a t the Women’s Home - Missionary Anniversary,

•Miss Miner, of Washington Miss Boll, of Baltimore, and Miss Bowden, of Philadel­phia, have added much to the interest of the meeting by their presence and earnest words. They are all stopping ut tho How­land House. Miss Curts and Miss Ilardle, o f.th e Deaconess Home in Now York are also guests of tiie Howland. Theso earn- ost workers carry sunshine into, homes iu the c ity/w here their, presence glvoa joy and streugth to poor neglected people.

Among the notable peopio in tho Grovo a t this tim e are Dr, A. E. Gibson and wife, accompanied iiy their daughter Mrs. Nowell, from Florida; also Mrs. Marga- re t Bottome anti sisters, Mrs. Moore and Mrs.;Tate,- of Brooklyn. These with a num ber of. others aro m aking tlieir tem ­porary -jonie with Miss. F , M. Cudden at the Red Swiss, and. at 0 apparently haying a g?>od time. One lady who had been with her sometime said, “ Everything ut the Red Swiss is simply perfect.” •

The tent.inhabitants on Mt. 55ioh Way between tiie Auditorium and New York avenuo have ’ another occasion to crow. On the Fourth they carried tho palm for patriotic decorations, aud some tim e ago the baby sliow prize wiis captured by. lit­tlo Alice. Now they are jubllent over Miss H attie Taylori.who carried off Mrs. Loomis’ grand prize of an Oxford Bible for tiie most profilcient standing In her Assembly class, Tho editor is their near 'neighbor and shouts, “ hurrah for us!” .

Dr. E R. Young’s th rilling books, “Ca- 1100 and . Dog 'T rain ” . and “ Indian Wig­wams and Northern C am p fire sh av o had a great run during the .recent visit of this Intrepid missionary to Ocean- Grove. Theso books iiiay still b'o had' at the juui- tor’s oflice, rear of the Auditorium;

Dr. J . B. Brady’s splendid book, “ Sung- orfest Sermons,” which hits been.termed a “ cyclone of pulpit eloquence,” muy be had a t the Oceuu Groyo Book Storo and a t tho janitor’s olliee,. iihtl ev'eVy purchiiner gets an additional publication and a.fine photographic portrait of tho author as a present. This is a large return In valuo for i?1.25.

The youngest and one of the tiiost en­thusiastic spectators, of the grand march

Chatauquu Day was John Ruder Reeves, grandson of Rev. aud Mrs. J . R. Yanktrk, Ho was furnished with ii whito handkerchief and waved it like tlio best.

Mrs. S. Gooiitner, of Hathorb, • Pa.^ with her daughters, Catharine L. and Ellinor M., noiv Airs. Stradley, accompanied with her husband, Prof.- §1 fad ley, areou a visit to the Grove, and stopping at-Mts. H unter’s Now Pliiladelphia, Ocean Pathway, next to the sea. . ' ”: Mr. antlM rs. Robert Paul, of Philadel­phia, with Mi«s Steila’Paul, their duugh- ter, havo been spending souio weeks at the, (irove, as guests of Mr. aml Mrs. W. II. Geary, a t the Cottage, 07 Mt. Carmol, and have jidw departed for the mountains..

Mrs. John Clymer and Mrs. Geary, with the-Misses. Annie M uy‘and Cluudlo Shipe, of PhiludelphiuVaro sum m ering witii Mrs. W. H. Geary, a t her. cottugo on Mt. Car­mel, and tak in g great interest In Mr. Yat- man’s meetings ut tho Young Peoplo’8 Toinple, ’ . / \ / •. .

Dr* and. Mrs. F.- Y. Clarkson, o f Grand avenue, Asbury Park, huvp.gone for the balance o f tho sum m er tb Bayviow, Miehi-


OHOVE/N, J . , SUMMER OK 1803.

10/Lt'Cluro by Rov. Joseph Cook, D.D., LL.D.— Saturday, July 20,7.;{01*. M.

11. Youna Pcopiu's Day, aabbatb, July HO. a u h ,Anulvcrsfiry of first meethitf at Ocean Qrovo. ScrtnotL 10.JJ0 a. m, ; Hev. Joseph Cook, D.D., LL-D., r.30 V . it. •'.

12. Occun Grovo Twonly.-fourth Anniversary Ser- .vfccs—Motiday, July 81,7.30 t\M. ‘ '

13. Epworth Lcuruo Convontlon-Tucsday, Aug­ust l. Rev, Pcruy Perinehtef, presidtuj?/

14. NationalTomporanoo and Publication SocietyWednesday, August 2 to Sabbath, Augiiat ■

6, htcluslvo, J. N, Sicartis, Esq., presiding. The Sllvor Lako Quartotto will bo In attowl- : unco, ami an array of distinguished speak- ers, Jnohullnpt Col. Goorgo W. Uatn, tho

. Kentucky orator. /15,.Occan Groyo Momoriul Day—Monday, August

10. Industrial Christian AlUaneo/A. W. MUbury, /prcsldlag—Tuesday, August s.

17. Scriptural Unfoldings and Spiritual Exposltions, by Rev, George D. W a I s o u , P. D.—

• ^yodne8{Iay, August 0, to Saturday, August.. 12,'hioht»>lvo. .

18. Now Auditorium Day—Sabbath,' August 13.Sermon-by chaplain MoCabo, 10.30 a . m.

10. Women's Encouragement Mootings—W'cdnesJ day, August 10, to Friday, August 18, Inclu­sive. Mrs. Wheolor und Mrs. Chandlor.

20. Womon'aforeign Missionary Soclcty—Satur­day, Augustin, Sabbath, August20.’

til. Annual Camp-Meeting— Monday, August 21, to August 131, Incluslvo.: Opontng sermon ou Tuesday, August 22, a t 10.30 a . . m . , by Rov. Bishop .T. M. Walden.

Prof. J. R. Swerioy wilt conduct tho flnglng daring tlio Sunday-school '.Assembly and tho . Cauip-Mcotlag.

Holiness- Meeting overy morning during tho Bcasou in tho Tabera-ide/conducted by Mrs. Dr. Palmer, and Young People's Meoltngoyery morn* : lug In tho Tornplo by Rov. C. II. Yatman nnd Hoy. IMJ. flongland. Twilight inoetmgs during / tho Camp'Jleoting, also in tlio Templo. Surf meeting overy Sabbath evening during tho sea- • son whon tho weather wlllallow. '

• , * • E. II. STOKES, President. .

Pennington Seminary.Shall we send our sou or daughter away

to school? This Is ..a very, serious ques­tion, but more and moro in this country parents are asking this . question.' N ot because the local schools tire poor, but be- cuuse of tlio great udvuntuge that a good boarding-school bestows upon a child. In tuo first placo, it cultivates self-reliance in the child. Wheo the child remains a t home ambition is ap t to sleep. There is a dependence upon father arid mother, that greatly hinders that independence of pur­pose and character which is so necessary to manhood and womanhood. In this earnest world wo canuot mako headway without Sand, and g rit/and push, and pur- poso. N ot till it fully dawns upon a child that after all it depends chiefly upou him. self or herself whether they shall become auything in tho world will thoy be likely to tako that serious u n d earnest view o f life that .will make hard study n delight and real success in life almost certain. I t is a great change for the child to leave home und. outer a--boarding school. T he vory ' impartial discipline of such a school is a great benefit to a child. I t foreshadows to the child, Under uiost favorable clrcum- stances, that im partiality which our chil­dren, sooner or later, are sure to experi' euce out in tho untried world that lies be foro them. If they m ay/w hile yet under tho tender cure of good Christiau teachers, learn souiethiug of tlio im partial treat­m ent which awaits them out in real life it must certainly do much to prepare them for the stern duties that await them. Tho mere mastery of books is the smallest part of a good education. This may bo . gotten In local schools, but self-reliance Is not nod canuot bo fostered a t home, and ' what is 'an education worth w ithout self- reliance and self-restraint? From tlie standpoint o f education, what a couspicu- ous place Pennington Semlnury bus occu­pied iu its career of fifty-four years) /I ts numerous aluinril, numbering over ton ihouaaud, and scattered all over this con­tinent, uud inuny of them in distunt iands, is full proof of this.

Address D r/T Iios. Hanlon, Pennington,N. J ., for our catalogue. I t is full of the very information you aro now seeking for your son or daughter, and is so beautiful that it would grace your phrlor tabio. I t will bo sent you free, or may bo had at Ocean Grove Book Storo. I)r. Hanlon may bo seen a t his rosidence, 104 Mt. Tabor Way. . . • V. . *.

Send for a copy of the Midsummer P ic ­torial.num ber of the R ecord, published iu 1892. It.is really a “Panorama of Ocean . Grove,” and its perusal will furnish in­struction and delight to everybody seeking information about this place. I t contains eight piiges und over twenty Uluatrutibns fi ve .cents a copy. . .

Howland House.Each successive week btIngs u largo in ­

crease of, oltl friends 'aud new guests to- the popular J lowland. Tho following are recent arrivals: ' /

Rev. Dr. John Handley, G . T. F Itz : goorgo, M!D., Duncan McKenzie and,fam­ily and Joseph McKenzie aud family, Trenton ; L. L . Drayllis,' w ife and daugh! ter, R. Doickuian, Miss Donnell and Miss Clark, Brookryu ; .0 . F . Snedoker and wlfej Claronco and Louisa Suodokor, Ila- verstraw, N. Y .; Rev. JO. R. Young and daughter, Toronto; Rev. S. Monroe Yan- sunt and M rs.. S. S .; Vansant, . Island H eights; Mrs. J . II . Melicli and W illiam Melick, N orth Jirancb, N /J .;;M ra . Jos. • Flfzga, Somerville; O. W. Tunis, Free- ‘ hold; \Y. W. Rus9„ N ew ark ; Mrs. W. W. Beach, Jersey City; Miss C. C. Lybrand Philadelphia; Mrs. M._ Jlow itt, Amster­dam, N.- Y . ;' JIIss .-Hattie M orehouse, Jacksonville, Fla; ; Miss Lillie Morehouse, Orange, N . J . ;. M iss Ida Edna Miner, ^Vasblngton, D. C .5.M issM argaretF , Bell, Bultlmoro; Miss Mattio A. Bowden, Phil­adelphia; Miss Kniio Luster- and H arry • Luster, Elizabeth.

Rev. J . W. Cornelius of tho Baltimore Conference, formerly editor of tho Balti­more Mcthodi&t, is a guest a t tho Ctfrroll ton. . .

Page 3: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

OOES^ISr Q-JE&O'V'E! R E C O R D ,. ‘iTTTX-.TT 3 9 , 1 8 9 3

W hen you go lo Now York, 6lop a l .H O RTO N ’S , i i » W estjasii street

Central, quiet, home-like. R igh t In (ho heart o f tho shopping an d amusum»nt d is tr ic t ; couver n ien t to overy whero. 51.&U per day, Am erican plan

Troy Place.25 A tla n t ic A v e ., Occan Grovo.

A contral and delightful location. Ouo block from th o Ocean.

O ppa J u n o othi to S o p to m b o r 15th.

,Mh?. AV. II. MlilCKKH,Lock Box 2111. • ‘ * ‘ IViijirjftior

Olive House,.Corner Heck and Beach Avenue*-,

OCKAN o n o VE, N .J .

Centrally located, plcasnnt surroundings. Only .one block from tho ocean surf. ■ ■

• MRS. M. E. SUlIW AIiTZfi’roprietnr.

The Randolph,No. 10 Pitm an Avenue, OceaniGrove

Delightful situation. Only a few stops to board­walk. Opon Juno to Ociober.

^M R S.A D U lE MOREHOUSE, Box 2117.; . Proprietor.

Mulford Cottages*' • 27’and|29 O lin!8treot, Ooean Orovo.Near th o oooan, post, ofllco, Auditorium njid

Fishing 1‘lcr. Location contral. A rtoslan w ater, san ita ry and othor improvomonts fo r com fort of guostfl. Tablo llrst-olass.- Term s m oderato.

AddresslMRS. M. J . MULFORD,

Red Swiss and Westport,FrontlnK-ou Ocean Pathw ay und McCHutoOk. .Central to overy poin t of Interest.- Charm ing

oooan outlook, tfoll furnished rooms, an d tab le appointm ents, first-class..

.. Box 2150. Address M ISS F. M. CAD DEN.

Keystone Cottage,• > • ; . ••••'• Opon Ju n e 15> 1893.

v H cok avonuo, wo3t o f Pilgrim Pathw ay,• Ocean Grovo. ■ . '

Boarding by th e day 'o r wook. ' V. p. o . Box 2205. MRS. C. II. QHBBNi P roprie tor. ,

The Mansion House,N» E . cor. Embury arid Noyv York

/ ' ; ' Aves.j Ocean Grove,. ;•This spacious and comfortablo :h o u se . Is now

open for tho season, and will, rem ain open a ll tho . y ea r round. I t Is centrally located, convenient to tho bcach and Auditorium . Largo aln r rooms, pleasant surround Ings, hom e-llko comforts and m oderato In term s. Address

Box 101. MISS A. BONSALL, Prop’r.

Webb Ave. House,No. 73 Wobb avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J.

This houso is pleasantly located in a contral and quiet p a rt o f tho Grove, convenient to post oflice, Auditorium a n d ocean beach. Now opon for boarders by tho day or w eok.. Charges mod- oralo. • • - - . . ■ • • • * .

' . JTNN IB DTCKINSON, \ p rftn«dKJIMA MOilKIS, J Prop s.

The Interlacken,No. 9 A tlantic Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J.

Lately purchased an d nowly furnished. Very cholco accommodations.' All m odern improve incuts, Houso now open.: •/.Box 072. MRS. M. AGpINGS, Proprietor. :

Hodson Cottage,No. 21 S u r f A venue,

Between C entral and. Beaohi OCEAN GROVE. ; OPEN A L L TIIE YEAR. :.; * V

A desirable location, w ith home-llko comforts, ou tho m ost reosonablo tormB! Bates .during fall a n d w inter m onths unusually low. •. Fam ilies ac­comm odated a t reduced prices.B ox 06 MRS. E. HODSON, Proprietor

Bath Ave. House,Cor. Central aud Bath Avenues,


F ine location, near tho A uditorium , Wesley Lake, Ocean and Bathing Grounds. P leasant ac ­commodations. Enlarged and Improved. Rates, Juno aud Soptembor, 85 per week.

P . O. Box 812. M. F . MacPIIERSON, Prop’r.

, ST. ELMO,j r • ■ - . ■ v. ■ .c|)r. New .York*Hiiil Main Avenues,

‘ O c e a n G r o v e , N . J . ;. .Bodrdlng Accommodntlous'. Central;

Location. O tie'Squarc from L’psldiUeo and Audi­torium- Couvenleiit to Ocean Roach.B o x 2052;/'.• ‘ MRS. M. M. COMPTON, PJ-op!

Mt. Tabor C ottage110 lilt, Tabor, Ocean Grove, N . J : .

■A comfortable, hom ellko boarding houso, opon all tho year. Convenient to both Grove and P a r k , . Terms very reasonable.

. MRS. C. R. HITCHCOCK, Prop’rl

Camp View Cottage,No. G8 Mt. Carmel, Ocean Grovo, N, J . .

Contrally locatod n e a r Tabornaclo and Audito­rium ; very convenient to all mout.lugsami places of in terest. Tor ms fo r room s nnd bo ard the»,*««,* niiiiintiiililii

MRS. C. D. COSTON,Proprlotor.

m ost reasonable,

Box 131,

Hygeia Hotel,C en tra l A venuo a n d M cO lintock S tre o t

Opposite tho Arllngtou.Newly rotiovated and refurnished. Acommo-

d a tlo n s for gnost* vory desirable. Good tab le und a ll homo comforts.

MRS. M -M i MURDOCH, P ro p ’r. '. Box-852.:, : Ouqkn. Orove, N. J.


Comfortablo accom m odations, experienced m anagem ent and lowest rates.

Box 43d. MRS. S. P. BROWN,Proprietor.

FOR RENT.A t Eglcston. FJa., for W inter, n Largo and Sm all Houso, Furnished.. ' *• .■ •

A ddress 2012, ASBURY PARK, N. J.

. . S P E O I A L N O T I C E S . ' '

Q H A S . \V . K A R S N E H , M . D . '

M U N H R O E O N ,"x; . ■ G raduate of both schools...

Sum m er offlee-—Opposite Postolllce, Ocean Grove, P ilgrim Pathway, corner Ml- Uermon W a y ,1

1109 South 15th S treet, • Philadelphia , PaRespectfully refers to Rev, Stokes, I). D.,

Rov. AV Wallace, D.D,, and- Georgo -W,; Evans, Esq., Ocean Grovo., .;

J - ) R . M A K G A B E T G . C U I t l H E ,

i i o m E i i iM 'r i i i s T . ’120 l ilu ln A v im u e, . . O c k a k G jiov f ..

■ D’lfccasefl o f women aiid ch ildren a specialty. OFFICE HOURS^-V. to li) a . in .,;2 to 5, 7 to 10 pi m.

^ t r s . .t . s . b a w x o i i t , j l i x

Hom oeopathic Physic ian^and Surgcon, 81 MAIN VE. , r d do.or ivcst o f Now.. YoVk A vo.

. OCEAN GROVE, N .'Jv ' 1 ' ' , ' . :DIfieasns o f ; Wopien a n ^ ’ Children! ;Exnmina-

tions and Local Tfeatmei»t:n:8j>eclalty. \ .. Outside calls day o r h lgiit a ttended. ,v; .; ■ Houra, 7. to 10 A. i t.i 1 to 3.no’t»:ir,»'0‘» i ’lo 0 ivm.

,R. I. N. E E E G L E ,7S Mrtiii ^ voiiiic, i

O C K A X < JH O V K , - t i . . f . .

Opkicf. Hours—7 to 9 a . m., 12 to v>,and 6 lo 8 iv

. “ Doslme'flc.” .

D R, S. G. W A LLA CE,

- D E N T I S T —Ofilco during summ er m onths S. E.’Cor. IJeck

and Pilgrim P 'w ay, O'ceaii Grovo. - Established tbero in 18S0. . ; . . - • .. .•

Regular olliee, 125 Pcnu street, Cam den, N, J .Han a ll the modern appliances for rnphl work

and- alleviatliiK pain. Gas or local anesthetics u&ed lu extraction.

Respectfully refe rs to Rev. K. If. Stokes, D.I).. Rev. A. Walldce, D.D., Itev. R. J. Andrews aud Hr. J . U. Alday, Oevau Grove. ■


Durintr tho season %vlll glvo lo?gou<* In V O IC E C U L T U R E , JlAUMONYnmlTIIOIiOUUUBASS

Inquire n t Tusting’s Muslo Stnro, Cor. Bond S t u u d M attison Avc., Asbm y Park.

ON B U L E TO JiA lV C R ED ITO R S.•• .Ex^CUtlu'x’s .NoTICB. V '•.!'• .

• M atilda M, A dam s,. E xfciitrix o f Jan d . Duff, deceasedi by o rder of tlio S urrogate o f the coun­ty . of M onmouth, ■ hereby 'g ives no tloo ,'to : tho erodltors of th o ’said deceased-to bring in their dobt^. d -m nnds and claim s a g a in s t the e s ta te .o f said deceased, under oath d r afilrm atlbn,'w ithin nino m onths from tho a lxth day of Jn u e , 18‘J3, or thoy will bo forover barbed o f an y action there­for against the said Executrix


E s t a t e o e SARAH f . ; e a t o n ,deceased. v. - .■ ■ ' • • ;.

Notice is hereby glvon th a t the accounts of tho subscriber, executor o f : said'/doccasad,.. will bo audited and s tated by the .Surrogate, and reported to the . O rphan’s Court of; tho co u n ty o r Mon­mouth on Thursday, June 29,1893., ; I' • • ' , ‘ ‘

.. • ;U'S.TOM.KlNS,;

/~ |N RXJLK T O BAR C R E D IT O R S.E x k c u t o k ’h N o t i c e .

Joseph W, IIuls« and John li. Hulse, execntors of MnrKaTet Hulse, deceased, by on lec of the Snrroyuto of tho county of'M ohm ontb, hereby gives notlpo to tho erodiiors o f s a id . decensed lo bring in their d«bts, dem nnds and claim s against the estate of said decedent, u nder o a th .o r aillrm- afiun, within nino m onths from tho J.'H hdayof June. 1893 or they will bo forovcr Imrrcd of any octlon therefor akulust the said execu to rs'


FOR SALE.A Good C ottage, F u rn ish ed , .

contalnlm i 9 rooms, on Embury avenue, ^ b lo c k s froui tho Occau. L’au be bought chcnp. • ’ .

Apply to I). D. PEAK.Lock Box 2012, Ocean Grovo, N. J .

Furnished Rooms., :.. . A N N K X I iS

10:} and 105 Asbury A venue, AVesiey Lake Terrace.

To ren t by season orw eek.

Address MRS. HOLLIS, Ocean Grove, N .J.

One block from oceati promo* | nnde.' .Sun parlors, modern im- ; provements,: nml r e a s o n a b io j terms.

OPEN ALL THE Y E A R . ;I Steam Jtent in Cold W eather.

CHflS J, H. BECKETT,■ Proprietor.

No. 8 O cean A venue, O cean G rove, N . J .OPENfj Jf'N I. I. Dlrcclly nn tlio Oec.in front. - Full Ocean vie.w from all tliu rooms, ( ‘on*

venlent to Auditorium and RonVh't’avlUbn.* Good rooms. Pleasant verand;w. Simitary arrange-' incnts complete. . .. .

Uox 2217. * . , ; • M. J . HOLT. ■

Sea V iew an d B each A vonues, - O cean Grove, N . J . .. T i l ls s p a c io u s a n d 'b e a u t i f u l l y lo c a t e d h o u s o w i l l b b o p e n a s u s u a l . I t ^ a c k n o w l e d g e d . t o : b o o h o

o r th o m o s t d o s i r i b l o iri p o i n t o f s j t i p i t i o n , .e l e g a n c e o f r o o m s a n d e v e r y « c lv j tn ta g e c o n d u c iv e t o h e a l t h a n d c o m n i r t . / ( { r a n d o u t lo o k , o u la k e a n d o c e a n . T a b le a n d a l l a p p o in tm e n t* d r s t - c lu v c

. ' MRS, II M. Ad NEW; P r o p r i e t o r .

BEACH AVENUE HOUSE,Corner/Beach and Webb Avenues Ocean Drove, N. J.

Located one. block from Ocenn and Fishing Pier. Tnble nr-t-cla'^. Home comforts. Three wide vcrandfls with full Ocean view. Artesian water. Bourd bv the:Day. Week o r Season.

Lock Box 2IM. R. k . FUIDlvUtCl, Proprietor,

Ocean - H ouse,M AIN AV EN U E, Near Association Building, OCEAN GROVE, N. J*

Choice accommodations. New h a ir m attresses—woven wire spring*, fh'str-clas.s tablo and. lino dining hall, Artesian water,’ law n tennis court, one m inute from A uditorium and.thrco minutes from occau. Term s rensonabI«. Accom modations for. 150. with every com fort nod a tten tio n to guests. BoxyiT. TUOS. PRENTI^, proprietor.

OSBORN HOUSE,C orner P itm a n a n d .C e n tra l A venues; O cean Grove, N . J-

lo ca tio n the most central and desirable. Reputation for table aud air home comforts unsur passed. PatronaRe increasing every year. Expericuced and jtopular m anagem ent. • <

! lio x s ia i . . MltS. A. ISItAEI.. Proprietor.

THE CARROLLTON,28 O cean P a th w a y , S o u th Side, O cean G rove, N . J.

OBAWKR ii.A F I K S T - C L A S S l lO U S .

J W O . W I L B O N .

The Alaska,SK\ ENTH SEASON. O C K A N O R O V K .

‘ Dellchtfiilly situated on PITMAN AVENUE,, seOoud house from the bcaeh.^ ■* • .

Its Hue ocenti view, large copi verandas, spring beds, sanhnry plumbing, AUe^lnn water, etc., oifcrw spenlal rnuueem ontstoperm uD cntand tra n ­sient guests. Table Unit-class,

Terms reasonable. :■ • N. II. KILMER, -• :t and r» Pitman Ayenue, Ocean Grove.

Lock Box 20S7. ••

LA W R E N C E HOUSE,C orner M ain a n d C en tra l, Ocean G rove, N . J .

Two.bloebp from tho Ocean Promenndc ah d Fishing Pier.- Artesian water. Perfcct sanitary tipp laiice*. .E lectric lights. Home comforts. Reasonablo rates.

I*. O 110X 2021, MISS M. WHITE, Proprietor.

Tlae Ardmore,OCEA N P A T H W A Y ,; N e a r th e Sea.

This nowly erecled and com pletely furnished hotel Is pre-em inent for cholco location, m ag­nificent outlook, luxurious, roonitj and first olass ucconimodatloiw. ■ Every m odern convenience,

A ddress .MRS, M;M, RUSSELL, Prop’r, Rox295, Oceun Grove, N. J . (Late of tho Alpha.) •;

Tower House,27 Webb Avenue, Ocean .Grove, N . J.-

Terms 81 per day and Sj and SO. per w^ek for June nnd .September. Spcclal rates for season. Fam ily parties accommodatert. Rooms a ll cheerful uud pleasant, and table unexceptionable. Loca tion nearocean front and bathlng 'grounds. •

•Box 1151 ' . ... ' MRS.’A .GO OD NO W .Proprietor:;


NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Large rooms, comfortably furnished, gocd beds, Artesian water,.perfcct sanitary arrangem ents and electrlo lights. One block trom the Ocean,

au<l one block from Wesley Lake. Close to Ross’ Pavilion an«l s. ■ . . - • • bath ing grounds. Prices m oderate. - ;

Lock Rox 2C50. MRS. E. A. CARR, Manrfgcr, •

D E L A W A R E V IL L A ,Cor. Central and Pitm an Avenues, OCEAN GROVE, X , J ..

Very cenlrailv located. Fino Ocean view. N ear AuVIItorlum and Post Olliee. Spacious, veran das W ell-lurnM ied rooms. Tablo Unit-class. E lectric lights. Perfect sanitary airangcm onts.

Open ,Iuno 15. Speelal rates for Ju u e and Scptcmbvr.. For lerm s apply Box i7j;. : •. . .m rs . c p l i j e r t s o n p r i c e .

For Sale or Exchage.A gnod houso, barn nnd nriarly tM acres of

land a t Green ^rove.SK* miles from Asbury Park, P leasant location, o u th o main road leading from Hamilton to Eatontow n.

Apply on tho premises, or.ito. : , * MILAN ROSS.

Maiu .S tteel, Asbury Park.

Go to D ILK ES,151 N. N inth St., riU ladelphla.

to get you garm ents cleaned, dyed and repaired. Ladles’ dresses can be cleaned o r dyed w ithout ripping, and finished lo look equal UK.new by.au. experienced Freuch Dyer,

BROWN’S BAZAAFt210 Cookman Ave.,: Asbury P ark .

The old.established nnd popular em porium for tho latest noveRlcsjiud richest dlp!ay of Jupaucso goods ou tho coast.

Raro and beau ill ul o rnam ents a t the most sur­prisingly reitsonablo scale o f prices. Call a iu l see.

, V The Metropolitan, .;•, W l T J l U K O A B W A T h o u s e a s n k x . "

C orner B each a n d A b b o tt A venues, a n d B roadw ay , fro n tin g F le tc h e r L ake,Splendidly located, w ith in ono'block or* the O cean. Luke, and Hnitllne Rronmta Kxtrft larcc. cool

and nlccly furnished rooms. Sp.vclnus verandas. Elcctrlc llphts Table llrst-class. Perfect fan itay atiauBeineuus. Terms reasonablo.

Post Oflice Box 290. ' MR3, II: M. BLAKE,.Prop.

Ocean Pathway, Nearest the Sea, South Side,

. ' * OCEAN GROVE, N . J .This spnclousaud elegant new ltou<c; possessing a ll tho improVemcuts and conveniences possible

for the comfort ot sum m er visitors, handsomely furnished, w ill bo opened for guestaabout Juno 1 Engagements for rooms and board now in order.

E f^ P iBox 2207. ...• MRS. T. B. HUNTElc, Proprietor.'

T H E ELDORADO,Broudwny, fronting Fletcher Lake and tho S ea ,. Ocean Grove, N. J .

Eighteenth Season. Cholco location. Splendid Ocean vlow. Flowing Artesian well, cheerful rooms, broad verandas. A ttention lUst-ulass lu every particular. F or term s,' Ac., address .

Box 2070. MRS. A. LOOMIS, Proprietor.

THE BUENA VISTA,S. W. Cor. IJonch nnd H eck Aves., OCEAN GROVE. N . J..

Sixth season. One bloek from the surL Comipamls flno Ooean vie\V. Cheerful .surroundings, well furnished rooms aud tlr.-t class tabid. Artesian w ater, e lectrlo lights, perfect Sanitation.Box 2101. MRS. M. B. HERITAGE, Proprietor,

Tlae Albatross,S ix th S eason. O cean P a th w a y , O cean Grove; N . J .

I/icatlon un8iirpnssed. Full Ocean vl*?w ; near to lieaeh and Auditorium. All modern Im prove­ments. Sanitary iirranuernents perfect. Rooms la rg e ; sp rltij beds, h a ir m atress js; Arlesian w ater, llcst accom m odations and homcUku comforts.* Box‘2025. • MRS. M; C.,DOWNS, Prop’r.- ;

T he -A lplia.l '& 3 O cean P a th w a y , N o rth Side, - Ocean Grove, N ; J .

OBKS? JUNE 1 to-OtTOtlKK 1.

Unobstrueted Ocean view. All modern im provements. ..Choice rooms eh suite or single,P. O. Uox *2251. ‘ 5 , * * MRS! C.'H . CLEM ENT, Proprietor.

; B ry n MaW r Hotel*‘ ' ' - V - ’ ’ [ F o u m e r Lv G e r m a n t o w n H o u s e .] ' :

. . . N , E. Corner C'eutrnl und lleck Avenues..OCEAN GROVE, N. J . '

Deslrablo location. - Convenient to Reach, Post Otllco aud Auditorium. Good-AccommbdaUoua. Now improvements. Reasonable terms. ^ . .

Special*rates for Juno aud September. ’Box 21)00, MRS. G. S. LUKENS, Proprietor.

GROVE H ALIj , :PUgrim Pathway, opposite Thomson Park , Ocean Grove, N. J .

C ouvonient to a ll points o f Interest. Now opon for tho slxtoonth season, v : • . • For term s address; .

Bpx ai63; • - . ; E, A,.IRELAND, Proprietor,

Higlalancl H ouse,25 A tla n t ic A ve ., O cean G rove, N . J .

THE CASTLETON.C7 Embury Avenue, Ocean Grove, N.J*

A quiet an d ctunfvaiable house, centrally lo­cated a n d well conducted. Terms reasonablo,

Box 2123. ' : MRS. R. KENNEDY, I ’rOp’r.

FOR SALEa t ERlcstou. F la . one mllo from St. •loltu'x river ahd located ou hl>*h pine laud, a ten room house; situated ouo block from tho railroad htation ; f ru i t trees nnd ' grape vinca in beanng.-- Price, SI SCO. Terms onsy. A Iso for Mle, a t wune idaco, a llvo room house; will sell for SGOOcosh. ''

• Address TilUo E. Thotno, Box 2012% Asbury P ark, N .J . < . . ••

For Sale, or ExchangeFOR VACANT LOTS. • . ’ •;

On acco u n t of going abroad will s<ill o u t my Stable. Urowster L au n d ah t. Huokhoaicl. Double nud S ingle-Ilarhesa pa ir b right Rays, 10 hands high ; cun ho.diivou by u ludy. Address,


Corner o f M a in nnd Bench Avenues,OCEAN GROVE, N. J ,

Tho location of this houso is one o f th e mo** convenient and beautiful, w ith in a single block of the Ocean, and having overy surrounding a ttraction. Uoatd duriug Ju u e aud September $5 aud SO p e r week. Comfortable homo. »Moderato charues. ' . . . .

Box 2173, ; MRS. R» A. SWAN. Proprietor. .’

W ILM INGTO N HOUSE,S. W. COR.;C E N tR A L :A N D IIECIC A V EN l'IiS OCEAN OUOVE, N, .1.. . . ---- - - - r i ------------ -

Ono block from Association Huilding and Po-st Olliee, two from Ocean front. Vi4y ciiolco rooms aud every convenience fyrcoiu tort o f gue&ts. House ojieti from Ju n e 1. ,v..

Box . . ■ • - . MRS. M. B. DAY, Proprie to r

:';>;-;;SeIvept Oottage.B n O A p ^ Y AY, 'O p p o s i t e FLETCPIEU l 'a R E / .

Only hiilf a bloek from l.Ulayore’s jjcu bath ing establishm ent^. Comfortablo and airy roomst good tnble und reasonablo r.ites. . . :.*• . ‘

JOS. II. SBLVEr t , Proprietor,; .

Hotel LoChevaUeivNortheust Cor.AVebb and Central Avenues,

; OCEAN GROVE, N. J,G reat bOultli resort for w inter, spring nntl'tmm-'

m or. Lovely country und sea shuro d rives, nea ulr. Invigorating phm breezes giving s tren g th and honlth to tired a "d weary ones who need to recuporato th e ir w ustlugoncrgics. Special whiter rates. :

Address A. L. WILCOX. Box 250.

The Chautauqua,ii-1 Broudwny, Ocean Grove, N . j .

•••, TWELKTlI SEASON,'. • .

A hom elike, quiet aiid thoroughly comfortablo boardhig house, plvttsantly Iw nted near Fletcher JjikC and Ocean bn th ing puvllious. ilouso always, ready for guests. . Rooms and table uuexceptlou. ublo. , . MRS. T T. WIGHTM AN- ; .. andM ISS M . A. DOWNER,

Box 2010. Proprietors

Dollghtfully s itu a ted near tho Occan.';Wesley Lake, A uditorium .nnd Youhg People’s Temple, large, thoroughly furnished, well ventilated rooms. All m odern Im m ovements. Accommoda-; ions for fifty guests. Kntes until Ju ly 15 hud uftor.Sopt* 1, $1 per d u y ; from Ju ly 15 to Sept. 1, §10 single. SI I totf-’iKor. couples por week. •’ '•• '• • ' ' ■ .

Box 20»5.; . . - ; - • : . • : F. D. UOSECRANS. ;


Iniprovcd accommodations, with am ple room nnd every facility, for tho comfort of guests: Scale ot charges alwuys m oderate. House now open for the keasou, .

' ' -/ ; : REV. S. II.; AS AY, P ro p rie to r .. •

B a th avonuo n e a r C en tra l,NORM AN HOUSE,

Ocean Grovo, N . J .Convenient to all points o f Interest. Full Ocean view. Everything for comfort ofgnosts. Houso

w ell ventilated. Large'eool verandas. Special rates during Spring aud Fall. Tablo ilrst.-class; Open early in June. Until May 27 address correspondence to PriueelOtt, N .J,

LOCK BOX, 2147,. ' . MRS. O, It. PRIEST, P roprietor.

C E N T EN N IA L HOUSE,Main Avenuo near Post Olliee; : Ocean Grove, N. J .

Location central and prom inent. Spacious parlors. Comfortable a lry rooms. Good beds, San Jtatiou.perfect. Rates the mtv»t icastmable. . ' . .

Box 2J25. • . MRS. M .B. DAVISSON, Proprietor.

OCEAN V IE W HOUSE.C orner B ro ad w ay an d C en tra l A v o n u o ,' O cean G rovo, N , J .

l fOURTEF.NTU SEASON. Flno oecnn outhcik. Accommodations hom e-llko, and term s reason-, able. Sanitary arraugem cuts approved, und loeution heahb tu l, cheerful aud accessibly.

Box 2002 1 . , . MRS. WM. A. WHITE, Proprietor.

v T H E LA K ESID E .; • . WESLEY LAKE, bolow NCw Jersey avenue. Ocean Grove, . |^ :

Opens JUNE 17. Sanitary Brrangeuients o f the host. Artesian water. , :.

' Lock Box712, . ’ . . . . MRS, S. P . SINGER, prop’r.

Page 4: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

G C 1E ^ 3 . : ;C3" I c O ^ ^ H ] • B E G p S ^ - ^ C i ; i , Y S 9 .. ; i 99S . :

V l l p f l

l ^ f e j e s ,p i t 4''k ;. V,J'':"'J rC(\l -i>

Makes an :cver\;-.tl’.y Cftrr-cnhiv.oAvt-\ni! clil-tiiTW ;lu;<<irv. ' P itre r.p. i

■ Prepared «'i j j : ; riipblc’-■■y;.;‘- , ': l‘!i;;S . ' ! ;aw !irj:it !ill l3urv l :or.;.l I' ;sp • */■-'n s . : i .:13:.

•7pad<age mafcc.V l a i f - i - ' i A v . -1.. Imitations— ii:iJ !". .i ■■< "0 1 . :firiv-ifi>* I fa

. NoKn si-ir.n MERREI I. K ' l .

l' r tuTItETOMS-’_ . . . K e /iressFjistcnin&j

A BOON Dressm aking1 M « l> rm h ig 'v lib linnVs a n d ry e s .

A p p llrd lu tin*I IU 1 rrfri C.* »t»* nut g:«|i. J’ml. tho Ihe Oili«K Is «|onc.~hiBknrfc. v w tf l or. !>raK If >'»*»r drissmntii'r f t ►li»*n «1*u*s not hnv»* them. N*fi») 2-» reins f.»r Knnj'Us t» I . l t l l o i o n ^ K . . H w h . F n H l P u f p

. W.fltol FilbertSt.,VIUVvAgents Wantci 1. W'omen prefi rri’iI.-

D on’t lio th r r w ith H oo k s m ul K yes.

: CL'bEim tTED


. (OMM'i-iir UnlWing), ajul . j. Itth and F Sis., Washington/D. C.

mrv?»ios for i’ix k rno*. .imrfiilliriion ut

p a s t e : , , p o r t r a i t s•i la tliy Fhiest It- t’io Country. (Specialty.)

<:. ?t. * h ,h k :m \ »so riM'Wniii n u tp i ,ixiZ$??&ri?r.tFw'xt fc7rras :.K riS3ai

i K X '^ V v y A N I A I I A I M t o A r> .

- . TIME TABLE. ,!ULY;l!l, 1893. ‘V ,T I!A 1N > LEA VK 0 CKAN it IIOV B V V ' V * ' ;

Foir N ew Y^irkViKqwftrkj K!Sxitbetli’, '<5I &’M V;y7!vi5,- 9.ift iV m ., U p , 2.4ft,: :i;Wi ;■ 'l.iKv 5.«u.vi»;Or*

j* -1 r o . ;■ - V ■'.■;■ '■ ' .■*;■ ■ ■ >’■.■F a r linKwnyVC, IKi 0.10 in „ iU O 1, ;. U25V B lUVihul. .• • ■%[>■ Uf* - it.-- i i i i - ‘i '■>; ; v V-. > . *For. MuVuWmi,flM8» ^ , l \ f l i l 0 a , in v ,(S a tu rd a y s o r : :vix’li-iiio . 't.iis/o .yo . » o.5 n .;n i. •

WILLIAM H. BEEGLE7 -. v. (Successor to.11. B. l{cegle.). ' ;• Vr;-

■. ;i in p . ni, - .• ■F o r Ibid Hank, iV l“, T.TJ; 1110 n. iu ., 1 10. U 15,

;j to . tti’A )t. in .. '. •• -For t'h^rtrtolnhlR (UroiuiStrOctl.nml T rent o l.fi 27,

7.0:,, 7.f<t). jo «. m .. J* w*, u.&r. r«.:i j ji.. m . •For .1 -hintitm.. Hurlm«linV >un\ Hovilcmown, v ia• *.'i'rt'iftoii; 7. *'. ni, J2..W n. m>l*'oi;<'ufmU*U mnl l'lillinU'lpliln. vlnij'fim’ s Ulvrr,

-<». 12 l.’l .M'otidnjs only), ■«.«>.,. •! hi- j). m.» wvi'k nay«. . . . . ’ .*

FdrToms.iUvct, {Klninl ititorwcdJate" Mniions. ii.r-; «s.i:i iMoiuhtytt only). 11.08 n. uj.,

■I & 3 .w .A v y u k - i U j s .'F o r 'P o in t W ensiu t tuul interm edin to Rtntlons,

. - •A.oii, il.io (s.lft,Mon - nys only). !>:W; ll.O.s, 11.47 n. ti\.. *J.Ut. (v* r»SSattiuliiysonly). I 4.W,fl Iff, T.i:t..‘.K':i p. m. wcck-Uny*

For New Itr'iuiswlek^vluM-ounioutli Jtuicli.oti, C ~7, 7.r»o n; in;. ii:w , a,M, 6:®t p. m.

taAIN.s lkavk.vbvv vojsk (via ConrtlnmU am \ Bch- brosKOs S treet Ft'rrics) pok' ocbaK ukovs.

At rUO. 7.W. y.10, ItiW ri.irt;, IlM<» (I iJ0 Pnnm)ay only), a ;x>. :vio. :t.40, 4 ’lh &.10 mwX t.ou y . w .

. . Sumiays H it. to , 6.Ui p. J». .On Siiiiilny w lli s top nt. Interlaken nml Avon In

plnft*. o f North Asbury tu ik and Asbury Park to Jet oil passengers.TRAINS I.K4V.K I'llILADKMMIlA* (tttOdA 9lrOCt) TOU

OCKAN QKOVll—WHV.K J>AYS.A t 4 05. C.r-n, $:2\ 11.39 a. m .; 2 40. . s :w, -i on,

. unil yanudnya onJy) p. in'. Market St. Wharf v[a. Camden aiid Trenton, 0.10, 7.20, 10.30 a .m ., 2.H0 p .m . (4.80 p .• m ijatnrtiuy otily). Via Camden and Jauiesburg, 7.20 u. a.m., l.oo p. m.

F or )$aHlinore nml \Va*Uiuulon\ :5.r.0, 7.20. 8.31. 0.10. 10:20, 11.18 a. in .,, (12.25 Limitedl>h)hip Car), a 4tt, 4 41 <5.10 ConKrvt-siaual Limited P(ilhnan Cars nu<l Dining Car).7.W, 7.10 t>. ml; and P2.0.I n ight \veek-da>a. Suuduyp, »,M. 7.20, ||.in, 11 IK. a. in., 12.10, 7.U0, 7.4»f>, «i ..and 12.0.) nlgJit. Fur \Ynsli* ing tou only t O.ftS p m dully, iu* eomtnes. •

For Ilalilutore oniy, iiw , 4.VI, b O.'i and ji.Jin p. in.. wpek-days. bnnday», f>.0S and 11 >ki p. in. Thne-tftbb’s of.nll other trairin o f H io .f^tem

may be obtalneu ut the ticket oQlets orhtations.J . It. WOOD, Gen’l Fass. ABCttl.

8. M. rn iiV O ST. Ueu’l Manager.


^ Stations in New York—Central K. It. of New Jcr- eey, foot of Liberty Street; 1*. it. R., fnot of CorUftiultftud DesbrosaeS’Strcelsi; N. Ji S. loot



. e o f iitt.pEw ruo d F;. .■ G o o d s w nrh inted nt v e ry lo w flgnVes.

A lso And stocK o f A ll-w oo l and Oottoft B unting Plngp For Sale.. ■

Burgees for Hotels ami StoresVERY LOW.

G IV E 3 IE A CA LL : :• _1_ • • ; __


, Leave orders o*', jleek arenue/and front o l ..' ' .Ladkh* store, Maiu aveune. . .

NO CONNECTION AVITII ANY O Tit I ' R KXI'|?ESS Attention to btojeage and freight delivery at de­

pot. and thtough«»m theiirove. ProD>|.t and hatr- • IsOiftory as usual. Oidcis pri>uii«Tly attended

i E S S S i l E l i K f ,gpr,»iOLIN ST R E E T , Opposite P o st OlHco.

• CIIU-.S. JU E, Proprietor.Best arrancementsXor rapid and thorough work

at leasdinilile p r im ;' Articles chJ led for and do* livcred in any part ofOrovoor Par if when desired.

’ 01‘KS A L L TU E Y E Alt 11013 N I). '

O r a n i r e a n d

I l l l f i ! , I s l lI J iitS M .

Miling S to n e cf a ll kinds.'Curbing aiid Flagging a jpf.cia:fy.

■ Work Executed iu all pavts o f the State. /

. G E ^ U . W c & G © 0

M a i n S t . u n c i S e c o i u t A v e .

' A sbury P a rk , N . J .

n s : i ; i ^ i p E i p s r\ M«hT cv«ryw\a;io n lll elitUled under cither Old

or JVoiv Lmu'. W riii* lii 'rtf.K u d w -p, No>v h • g.*»od lime tojipt'ly beh»e Cimgre.'S rhangos.Pen* 'fifdttv J .«»•«: o f I entlons uiltnvetlthro\f,(ih tills A ireiuy,.and otlieis now dally. Puustoiipasesjiefe from ail United .Status, Qttituhi etc.- ' •

. .. J A M E S F . R U S L I N G ,

. \ fi.)!. A l I w v ,U. S.'Pension AHtoVney. • ;mu K' siate St., .

Lute; U. H.- PetO^gt, N. J . TUJCXTON. N. J . '

Itector street:

I.KAVK Nfc>V YOIIK FOR OCEAN* DROVE, itC.Cent m l t{. K. o f .V. J . - l SO.-, VMOa.tu.,

1 .an, 8.1&, *;1 ;W, 1 ,W. 4 r* U0, U15 n m . P e n n sv iv n n la -a M, ? .'hi. 0.10. 10 00 a m ., 22.10,

2.SO, 8.10, *:j 40, I 20. r».10, 7.00 p.m.New Jersey Southern—ii.oo a iu ., LOU (Saturdays

Ouly), *3,45, 4 30, 5.80 p.m . .LEAVE OCEAN OHOVF. VOTl NKW YORRV &C.

C entral It. it. o f N. J .-G .lu . 7.W,-47.so. *sm,S.'JO, 11.40, 10 to, a . in.. 12.15,2.10.4.CO, 7.00 p. in. ,

PennH>*ivauiu—<».4S, *7.42. *8.20, t»,t5, o.io a . tn.,I.10, 2.45, S.50, 1.25. 5.:W. 0 05 p.m.

New Jersey S outhern-ts. 53,7.47. «.85 a . in ., 5.14 p. ni, • . . • , •

For I’b l'udelpida and 'fron ton , via Bound Brook Kuute-0.10,-8.0s; 8.30. !W0 n . m .f I2.i5. S.W, 4.00 p. m.

For Uelnmr. Sprlng. Lako. Nnonffiimn—5 50, f.27/ 0.42, 0.55/ 7.25.1 SO, 012.0 80.10.12, H 08;1L17

. . a 4 ill,;. 12.83;. 12.:H 3Ji.57, L3S, 2 )8< 3,28/851/ - 4.07, 4 2JL 4,52, 5.02, 5.15,5.20, 5.2s, 6.3:8. .5.f.8,: r,.o!l, o.oa, i) }:j, 0 j8 , 7.13, 7J8r 732( 8,33( 9.03

' p . m . •;>< * " ■ l'.:ManaSfHlfln - and* Point- Ple«fBni-r5 50, fi.42, 0,55,

. 8.13,0.yr.,10,1'2,11.58, 1L17 a. 18,57/• LIS, 2 ,IS, 8.8S. ij.07, *1 2.3; 4.82, 4 52, 5 02. 5.^0,-

: - vS 28, 5:58, 0 03,' 0.08, 013, 0.18, 7.13, 7 18; :7.32,:■ 8.13/0.03 ;v-;i •••:,.’-v •

F or' Ttehlon aiuV 'Philadelphia v ia Sca G irt~ *0.27, 7.25,.7 .5a; 0,18 a.m ., 12.3/{,-8 5r,5.«.? f>. m.

For Freeliuld—7 5t>,.0.12ii.m.. 12.83,3.57, 5.33.p.in.I I .03 p . m w S aturdays ouly. ’ V ';/•. • ;

For Tom s-Itiver-*6 42,11.08 a> ni..:B 20, 7,13 p, m. Ftir Camden a tid lnierincdiai e ■ ’sta t5ous: v 1 a Bea

Hhore l to u te - 0. 12a. ni.. f*.2 0p m.-♦E xpress. - . KCFL'S.Ki.OPtiFlT. Supt.I l i* . i tA L in v tw a % v j . a h \ Ji. o f* - */,

• J. K. • WIM) 5 fir n. J\IK .tffl. filJlHi: II Ji,

Insurance,LS a rA IN A V E ,

O G E A H ' G - I R O 'V I E XNOTAIiV ru m .ic .

DANIEL C. COVERT,N o. 2 7 P ilsr im P ath w ay, A sso ­

ciation Book Storo,


F or - tb o ; Purchase, Sale and R enting of . Beal e s ta te .- Also, •’

Property In&wert In flrsl-class cajnpantcB, v im provem ents m ade for non-residents,

• P roperty cared for, ■Loans negotiated and collections m ade.

Commissioner o f Weeds and Notary Public.P. O. Box 2136. Correspondence solicited.

C. SICKLER, Real Estate Agent


C om m issioner o f Deeds & N otary Public, C ottages and Lois Sold o r R e n ie i

F ire Insu rance in R eliable Companies. Money io Loan on M ortgage.

O P H O E - m 76 M A IN A V E N U E ,Near Aksoclatlou Oillco.

a . 3 E . -IJB A Ij E S T A T E


IN S U R A N C E : A G E N T ,9 5 M A IN A V E N U E ,

• . . OCEAN DROVE, N. J.

N ew Y o rk ,■ Ju ly 24,' . S93.

. W e have stv.nv hats o f all the shapes - ridiculous and otherw ise— th a t. fashion, and com fort, have' concocted for. this season. But, dear Fash ­ion, won’t you please invent a sort that the wind can, blow all around and through ? Please th ink it over.

T h e re ’s no nonsense'about our russet shoes ; they’re built for com fort, and tiie low ones — if the m osquitoes will only stay away —are almost as good as barefoot. ■ • ; ' '

A n d so on; all over the body, cool undershirts, cool neglige shirts, cool-suits.

Send for book about clothes:

. Free dellvericH within one hundred miles of New Yolk City, esvvptlug C. O'.'U. j'liekuges.'

R O G E R S P E E T & CO .T H K liK j l’rincc,'

B R O A lnV A YJ-W antn ,; .ST O R ES



Arcliitect and BuilderPiuns iind specific itlons drau n for a ll kinds of

modem wood, mono or brick buildings? For iVorktuaiikhfp ami prieuii will refer to ait for vlm m 1 huvu doiH work, hi tho Grovo aud Park. Estimates ehecrfuiiy given. *.I{qx 2CC-3. • ft I ' i t m t t r t A v « , O v o n n ( i m v o .

$25 to $50 FA:\\t* Wtvli,* 1 Ai'unt*,

._ u t i l e * n rti,*ii(11*tni*ll. ii.Iiii; ur trlllnt; ‘•0|fJ.ttvlf«t»t« I '/ u l i 'f . '- 'O ii lyJUUCllCill « i l f l>» fr ji la li: r u .l ) un i«,«r« tueku * (»«««•. rie:<inl.-fcli ilin iB liy ili|i |.:ii: In i . i . l u l,

. Xic-fl lit . . |...jU l.h lrf « r nri:»il|i> r ; : riilfS i>l;«ir oi (•(>•.• d |.. ia :(..i.: lu*u S m 10 lino titiMi nln-ii u l i - « Irym ili.Milm.-t. t ' m r f io tin iia t em iiii* ,i<» l*l» i t t . a-11 ly .IV. lM |J rr;.onA C u.',C oliju il,j.,0 .

A, ALLISON WHITE,• Successor to James'A. Griillng,* Co,

- O C E A N G R O V E -

P H A R M A C YPitman 4vo„ opp. “ Tits Arlington,"

O CEA N C R O V E , N. J .

Drugp, Chcmlcftis, Fancy Goods, fepongeis, Patent M edicines. Pliam inceutleal VreparntiouB. etc.

Store closed on Sundays d u rin g eburch servlets.

Main Avenue Drug Store,- OCEAN GROVE,.N. ,T.

Opeu for th e w ilder, mom Its opposite Ocean Oiove lim ianeeGfties.


UATES iM PHARMACV.l ’rleos g u aran teed an low a s 1 the b es t goods

and holiest dealing w l(1 perm it. ’

. NTIU'ftKN O. WUOl.LV.ir.

G E O . IC. H O U G H , Practical Tailor and Cutter,

(LatcofPhUadeiphia.) . •_N it* St I ’ llgrrlrn I* r i< l» w iy , i io n r ly o i»j ». 1»onI 4»tUco, O v c a n t irn v ft .

Porcon'K fnnilsbiitg theltoivh materb'.l can havo It made up io the latest stylo aud most eatisfac* torr 'rtuuwer. • , .CUTTING, CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRESSING

J O S E P H T R A V I S ,ISalnS lreat, Asbury P a r t , K. J ,

' XING’8 B 1UCK BUILDING.A splendid assortm ent of .

G old a n d S ilv o r A m odcaK an d Sw iss W a tc h e s .

• Q t k U l n i r . i t M t o o l N j M i a t n c l o H .

Theoretical and Practical Ropairor o f Chron* ometers and Watches.

, . H f iR K A b b . T H E '9’R.VSl* ,

L . ' V ' A N G I L L U W E ,


Tinware, H ouse-F u m isliing A rtic les. C o r . 'C e n tra l a n d O lin S ts .,

O C E A N C R O V E .

DANIEL 1. PEAK,ftdffCcNNor t(* C E O . W . K V A X h ,


First oflice east of tho'AfSochidon lluilding. General ngcnt for the Sale and Reullngof Ocean

Grove Properties..Ifi.siinipeo pJuyed in reliable compatdeH at lc|v-

e.st rates. :' ; Estimates fuhitsiied for all kinds of ‘Improve* ments. ' V■ .• Collections made and loans negotiated.

CorrcNi»omleuc<i Nolieltoil*

J. S. FLITCROFT & BRO.,Sauitey Plumbers,

and Dealers hi S L O V E S a m i K A N G E S ,

Oppo.site P ost O lttee, '

O CEA N G K O V E , N. J .

H . B . B E E G L E , .OCEAN GEOVE, N . J, :

NOTARY PUBLIC.Commiwiionbr of PrcdK for- Penii5.ylv«nJa aud

Uio IMhtr let of Columbia.

WILLISFOBD DEY, •N o. 1026 S e v e n te en th S tre e t,


Real Estate, Loans and In ­vestm ents.

Somo Bplendid 8 por cent, m ortgage loan iuvcstmouta for salo.

Cotrespondcncc solicited. •

POUTER’S Slioo and Hat Store

I Jus K euiom l from Pilgrim Pathway,

. - Ocean Grove, to

636 COOKMAN AVE.. Corner Bond. Sireet,

(Lewis’s New Uriel; BwiUHng,)

A S V V n y . T A T ,K t S I W O IE S IY .

WASHINGTON W H ITE,7 iiO MjiCHmoii Av<*., IN is* O illr c .


REAL EST A T E & INSUBAHCE,. .MONEY W ASK D OS fllW T MOKTGAGE.. . Lota for Salo In any jwirl o f Stalo. .

• /. Several Fhi o Far ins on Easy Terma.I have 10 lota a t West Grovo that 1 w ill hoU on

easy ienns to partied wlfhlim to build. Also Bomo at West Asbury Pavk*~iho ihiest on the t/atit-iiJ|d ii g rra t variety o f ’ properly placed wUh mo for h iiIo nnd to rent Mnvlnu a tbor ough. knowledge ol' valuations throughout the Stale, It w ill pay you to call on mo.

N .H . KILMER,Contractor, Carpenter

• . AND B U IL D E R. Piatifi atul speeftiei'ifions furufshod, and esti- mates made an ull kinds ot' carpenter work, ,

? Jobbing of n)I nttemled to,o. Box’som, >UEAN UROVE.

T - F R A N K A P P L E B Y ,

Real EstateAND .

Insurance Office,... .. lleinovcd to ..

; ' 0 1 M A I N A V E N U E ,

Anbury i ’atK urd:0<*cau Grovo Haul; Uulldlug, GCh/tN (iUOVH.How 0]>cn in charge of HOU'T E. M A YO. •

Ail kinds of . *PROPERTY for SALE or RENT

JOHN M. DEY,(Pormimemfj*. residing at Oceau GrovoJ

ARCHITECT AND BUILDER,Is always ready to funiish plans and cstlmatcfi ol cottages iu every Kize and Rtyie.

For gopd workmanship aud.sfillHfa'ctory teitne,. he refetKto all for whom ho lias erected cottages, both In Oceau’Grove and Asbury Fark.duriug tho past, Ofteen veais. •• • .

J O H N ST. D E V ,Cor. Bensou atul Mato Avo.,. Ocean Grovo

J A S . H . ' S E X T O N ,

Funeral Directora n d E m b a l r r t e r .

A LARGE APKORTMEVJ’P OF CASKETS, ETC. % . . CONSTANTLY ON IJANZV :Flowers of tmy design «t siiort notke.

P arlo rs, and OfHco— No, 17 Main St.,ASBL’ IlY P A R K , K , J . • . ‘

Also Suporintoudi;nt o f Mt. Prospcct Ccmctory

XJnitecl S t a t e s I i o tel.Corner M ain and Beach A venues and Olin S t., O cean Grove.

Location tit)finrpas5ed : oxtemlve outlook lu the sea; nrcommmlnlions greatly enlarged ; new an* ilex eonbiinlng ilO rooms. Tho choice IFumily Hotel ofOeeau Grovi*.

WTLLIAM ORR, Proprjqtor...

. r w

i i i - 1 i i i f l f

f THE WAVERLY,Ocean Pathway, near iho Burf .


Open M ay 1 to Oct. 1.

. Fm * T o rm s, K re ,,.A d d re ss

A Strictly Firet-closs

Family notel.

Eulargcd and Improved.

.Choice rooms cn-sultcorslnglo-


TH® [JLLAGAA.RD,A bh'.tt A-Vonuc near tlie Ocean, Ocean Grovo, N . J.

E nlarg 'd lr> ilfij* ele«nut rooms A<*e«m»»(«lattouR **uporl<.ir In ‘every re«nect. Only a fow t,lops to su rf and hot fea w aier baths w ith electric and massage trea tm en t o t nil hours. Tabic first-class*

.VfSS M. A. K A M A , Proprietor. ( M x l W l ) >1 ISS LIZZIE M. D. EARLB, Manager.

Geo. W. E vaj?«, Vice-President. F.nuUND E . Davton, Ca hlorH c^av c . \yi:iKon, President.

i i i i f F a t o i l e i l o i : l e t ,• MATTISON AVE. ANO MAIN ST ., ASBURY PARK, . ^


S 5 S -O .C S 0 8 3 . . B X 5 ^ 2 P I * X X C 5 , $ 2 5 , 0 0 0• Trausactsn geiieialRaukfu-; Rufiiiieas. lEHuesForeign aud DomestioDraltB.: •

Prompt attention given to a ll maticis entrusted to tt«.MJASJK AKD AC.R.&<»\Vl4KtJGtD,

. • - • D l R f Z C T O R G * . ; 'K. K. RUOHaNOK. * J . S..FHKGUSON. ' GEO. W. EVANf5/0. <1 O-iVTO N. V GKO. Xs. TP.FAT. . ,). A. W Al^RtGUT.

.•>v. *. .*; w . u irrw r/-K „ fr i'h iiA F p , . rr,rv o t '~ w tk^q p .T. FRANK APPjiF.DY. - LEWIS IJAINEAR. r AMOS TILTON. ..


FIRST--.’ N AT-i ON AL BMH OF ASBURY PARK..,C a p i t a l . § 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 - 1 localc-d ia Surplus, $70,000.

.Oceftn Grovo Oftlc6~A?aoolatlon Building. - prompt ami earoinl attention Mveuto all btiilnoss eatrustod to our caro. Now York, Brooklyn

aud Philadelphia directories for the uso ol iho public on iile a t tho oflice." -.S ■ /.• • OKFlOBHS: ^ .• ■■■'

Goo, F, Kroelil, Pres. ................ . 0. II. Uroyvii, 1st Vice Pres. . Albort C. Twlnhig, CashierM.L. Bamman, Sd Vico Pres. M, V. Dauer. Ai<s’t Cash ter.

• ' . -J ‘ ” DIRECTORS: . ■Isaac C. Kennody.' BraooS. Kcator, 5LI>., CJms. A. Atkins, Chas. A. Young, -w. ll. Bcegle, • M. L. Bamman, Guo. )f. Erocbl, John L. Coflln,MilauRosa, ' ; Oltvbr IL Brown, Albert C. Twlnlmr, . Sbcrmau B» Ovlatt.

D. C. Covert, Dr. Sam'l Joliuson. • .'Y O U R B U SIN E SS FA V O R S R ESPEC yrFU LLY S O L IC IT E D .



Trimmed HatsValid-Bonnets

In In le s t Rtyles. H a ls p ressed . F e a th e rs c u r le d 1 C rep e re s to red . . . . . V


. P A R IS . : Unman Hail* Store,

611 Cookm an & 612 M attisoa A h -, ASBtTBY P A R K .

. L argo a s s o r tm e n t o f H u m a n H a ir \Vo,rka. N a t u ra l w a te r C u rls g u a ra n te e d .

L ad ies’ H a ir C u ttin g , S h am p o o in g , H a ir Dreaa- iu g a u d C u rlin g by p ro fessional F re n c h a r tis ts .

My C ircassian T o n iq u o 'fq r th o g ro w th :o f th o h a ir an d for re m o v in g d an d iu lT a u d a l l com - p la itU so l thofccalp a n d h a ir , h as b ee n h ig h ly re ­co m m en d e d by th e b est re s id e n ts o f A sb u ry P a rk P a rk a n d O c ean Grovov • No h u m b u g . S uccess in a l l cases.

L ad le s a n d g o u tlem en con sn U allo n free.My V elo n tin o fo r th o face n ee d s o n ly a t r i a l to

be p re fe r re d to a l l o th e rs th o .m a rk e t . . F re e tr ia l to a l l . ' • . •


Page 5: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

C i r c u l a t i o n o f T h i s N u m b e r

lOOO.j B e s t A d v e r t i s i n g

M e d iu m in

O c e a n G r o v e .

V O L . i . N O . 13 . O C E A N G R O V E , N E W J E R S E Y , S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y 2 9 , >893. O N E D O L L A R P E R Y E A R .

A ugust I W ill lie a 1 ■ Coinin? Generation,


Ocean'Grove’s Contingent Promisesto be th e M ost Interesting Fea­

ture and ' W ill D oubtless Carry

- off a fla jority of th e P rizes. ■

The annual baby parade which in such a great feature in Asbury Park is to be Iield pn Tuesday A ugust 1. H undreds of

.mamm as and papas'have .already entered th e ir 'young ones and tho genial Mrs. H elen E. Miles is.still booking nam es for new contestants.4 The prizes • offered are rich and rare, a t least in th e eyes' o f the infant recipients, and m any aro really very valuable. Mrs. Miles says she doesn 't expect a larger num ber o f entries this year th an last, b u t the parade will probably be more interesting.. Ocean Grove \h unusually well repre­

sented and there is bu t littlo doubt th a t some o f its juvenile inhnbitnntH o r those only on a visit will carry oil* the prizes.

Perhaps tlie m ost interesting infant from th is side o f the lake, will bo M r.

. W illiam W allace F o s te r .. This dignified cognomen belongs tp a n it h e r dim inutive youngster who litis just, past his.lirst mile post in life. He was born a few hours previous to the starting, o f th e pnmde last year, and h is papa .woei so happy th a t he immediately-rushed to Mrs. Miles to have th e four-hour-old youngster entered. Of

Aiourso he took the prize last year offered for the youngest baby, even though, it wos originated for th is littlo fellow’s sole benefit.

Joseph II . and Ralph Vaughn, aged teii m onths and th ree years respectively a re two g reat m en in em bryo who have strong hopes of capturing a prize o f some description.

Miss Melissa Sm ith, a dim inutive, liiiss ' o f one year, and a daughter of Allen A.

, Und K atharine .Smith, is another contest- a n t who bids fair to carry a prize In one end o f her carriage 011 her homeward trip .. /•

Mr. John S. Conover,, a one-year old citizen o f Newark, who is stopping iu the Grove for a sho rt time, is going to do his p rettiest in th e hope o f w inn inga prize of some s o r t . '

The ra the r imposing nam e o f Stanley Eugene Ameli belongs to a lO-months old youngster stopping a t Ocean Grove in company w ith his parents, l i e too is entered and botli mamma and papa have h igh hopes o f th e ir , youthful offspring tak ing a prize suitable to th e youngster’s accomplishments. .

Among the o ther prom inent ontries from th e large num ber of Ocean Grove infants are the following:

i. V H arry Kenton Lloyd, aged ten months, o f Newark} Florence W . Mitchell, 2i> m onths, Philadelphia; M ary M cPherson; Trenton; George Howell P a tte^on , Cam­den; Genevieve K. WJiceler, ten months,

:Clarence Wheeler, three .years, Philudel- v ' ph ia ; Ralph Hill, 23 'm onths, Brooklyn;

R uth Nottenger, Philadelphia;’ Charles Leslie Severs, ten moutlis, Philadelphia

. W arren Brown, two years; eleven months, Philadelphia; E llfworth WhltetieUl H ar­ris, seven m onths,' Brooklyn; Antonio

. Bamman, th ree years, Occan Grove, and . A nnie Gortrudo Blenelscr, two years,

NeWarlc. . ,f A nother im portant feature o f tho par­

ade th is year will he tlio advance guards; These are composed o f small boysw hose ages range froni five to gevon years, and are to be dressed in tlie ir ba th ing gar­m ents. •

The two Ocean Grove baby boys who are to .take a prom inent p a rt iii th is pro­cession are M aster R obert W ilson Patter­son, of Camden and Milster Frederick Bamman, an Ocean Grove youth o f five summers.

-Another p re tty feature o f the parade will b e termed th e doll procession, and many, -diminutive, mammas will carry th e ir w axen offspring in a m anner th a t in

- ' m otherly in the extreme.Mabel l{osal>cl is the .ra th er poetical,

name o f a beautiful flaxen hair and blue . eyed image t h a t . Miss Lillian. South, of

Ocean Grove,-will hold high in th e air.. -Among the o ther littlo girls who are stop­

ping in Ocean Grove and whp intend carrying*dolls in the procession, a re Alice

. and E s tl io r . Nittehger; Philadelphia; M abel.K. Trum m cr, New Y ork; Mabel Saul, New York, and G m cie’ Eichelman N ew York..

J u s t w hat the prizes will be for the various grades of m erit and for. w hat they will be awarded is no t yet known.

.Mrs. M ile s is actively engaged.in a r­ranging the souvenirs and prizes, how­ever, and ns soon as possible they will all

' bo on exhibition a t the A sbury avenue ; pavilion.

That Alysterlous Explosion.A heavy explosion, ou Friday night

last startled and alarmed a good m any people iu th is vicinity. Upon invcst.ign- tion it proved to have been , a largo dyna­mite, cartridge which had been provided to enlarge an artesian well now being sunk near the ice house. O/ving to some difficulty w ith tlio connecting wires it would not explode while iii the well, and

• i t was takOn out and carried into the swamp to test it, w hen, tlio wires wero again connected and tho current turned on it proved to be in good working order. 1

SABBATH OBSERVANCE DAY.,Noted Divines Express Their. Views Concern-

Ing Sunday Desecration.T h a t t i ie re . Lad. beeii a ■ dettideil m-!

creaso i n . Ocean Grovo1 s su 1 nmep popular- tion was evidenced 011 Sunday by tlie large attendance tit the’ various* m eet ings o f the day. The You ng People's M eeting .in the Tabernacle a t 9 o’clock under th e charge o f Mr. ,; H oagland,.; brought; to-, getjier a good m any o f th e , young as well as th e , oI<ler people and th e ser-. vice w as: one : o f .abspvbhig in terest th roughout/ ;• ’'. ';VV-- ■

H a l f past ten o’, clock in tbo Auditpriuin was the- h ou r of the Jubilee Singers, in cP m m em oration 'o f the closing o f the W orld 's F a ir on Sunday. The Rev;. J; Boyd Brady, I ) . . !>., o f Newark; N. J ., preached from the tex t “ Rejoice in the •Ix>rd, and again I say, rejoice:” P h illip - lans, iv: 4, The sermon was a powerful one upon. Sabbath Day Observance, and: the audience, was in hearty accord w ith the speaker, as the frequent “am en’’ and ‘‘hallehijahs” fully ' attested. ,

A fter the usual discussion in Dr. H an­lon’s Bible Class . the new *.Auflitorium question was taken lip and a commiftee consisting, of twenty-five mem bers witli M r.lC T . Lovnit, of; Tarry town, N. Y . t as ch a irm an / Was appointed to procure subscriptions. . T he class; hiul agreecl. tp- raise $20,000 toward tlie n e w ^building. and a strong coiiihnttee 'was appointed to further th e work. Considerable advance­m en t i;has-already .been made as^ oyer $5000 is already in hand, and the $20,000 m ark will undoubtedly be reached before August HI.

The-timml crowd was on hand ut the Beach meeting. T he speakers were Rev. G. M. Mooney, o f tlie Christian J fm tld , New Y ork ;. R ev/ ' W . I. Gill, o f Asbury 1 ’a rk ; R ev/ W. K. England, 01 W ilming­ton, Del.; iuid Rev, M ilton ilelyenj of Ocean Grove, and their rem arks were, appreciated by those who could get w itlP in-hear ing distance.. 'o;,;:;- '/•

G. K. Morris, ,D. J ) ., o f Cincinnati, Ohio, preached ' th e evening sermon in tho A lid itpri ii m a t • 7.45 < O'clock 011 the absorbing, top ie o f t 11 e d a y , “ Sal dm t i i Ob-: servance;’’ ; ; . • . '


The Klrmess Given For Their Benefit Haa Been q Decided Success.. . ..

- Perhaps the most novel, if not tjie ‘most interesting enterjw inuent ever staged a t tl 1 e P a rk Opera; Ilousq is the fiuhpiis Kiriness, w hich has been going on for several days and will continue un til Sat­urday evening. Both manager Abbey and Captain E ddy have- worked lmrd for the success o f th e en terta inm ent and their labors have certainly been appre­ciated by all who have witnessed the per­formance. . ,!•. ' Captain Kddy. o f the Thirty-Second Separate, N. G .t S. N. Y., o f Iloosiac Falls, N. Y ., has had all th e drills under his personal supervision and has origina­ted many, now and novel features in con-; ncetibh\w ith th e ord inary dances,> ; T h e perfect m anner in w hich th e per- formers keep step h as excited inuch com­m ent and i t is doubtful if an y o ther th an the. famous Captain Eddy;, coiild direct a class so large in such; a short space o f time; : -;,7 \ ■/ ■? o'C";.

Tlie Gypsy Dance is one of the pret-: tiest and probably the -most diflicult drill aiid e lictcd great app lause . every n ig h t tlia t i t was presented. The.stago is set to. represent a gypsy camp. Miss Lou .Tunison entera singing an app; opri- ate song,;in which the othora join. She executes a p re tty dance, imd disappears one hardly knows w here,w hile th e o thers continue w ith th e festivities.

T he “ M etropolitan, ” as i t Is term ed on th e program m e is.none Qtlicv. th a n the fanious Bowery dance, and <eight young nien, prom inent in th is locality, perform tlie.: drill.; I t always; .brings shouts; of. laugliter froni th e audience,.aiid th e boys -iire encored again aiid again;- . ' • '/'/;•

. A nother feature deserving speciaf nien- . tion is ; the shadow dance executed by i\ [iss ;YiygUiia 5 tai Day t on , ;a ehiirming

. young lady from Avon. The stage is so arranged th a t she is enshrouded in per­fect darkness. A brillian t calcium light shines directly on her, aiid moves in w hatever <lirect.ioii' she moves. The effect is beautiful, us she flitfe about the stage -in flow 1 ng wl>ito. robes, - a iu l ; js illwavs.t he occasion for;loud appIiUi.se.;: Several no ted p ro fessionals hayc k in d ly V olunteered th e ir , se r vices, a n d ; iippeair n ig h tly in com e pleasing npvelty . : :.‘ ' Saturday, evening _ is to.; be know n as souyeiiir night, aiid it is the intentioii of the ' jNranagCnient to. present all the K ir-. mess drills on tha t liigli.t; A large house- is looked fbr,; limt it is ' advised ;‘tp /secure ; seats early for ibis, tlie banner nigl i t o f ■ tlio1 Kiriness. . ; . .


Several Noted Ministers froiii. Various Sec*; .- t lo n s to Speak a t th e neetlnjfS.. ;; ; ,

Sunday’ th e th ir tie th day of Ju ly will be-kno>v n as You ii g l ’epple’s Day,, fmd; i t is also tlie tw enty-fourth an n iv c ran y of the first meeting ever held in Ocean Grove. At 10.30 A. M., th e Rev. Wal­lace McMullen, pastor o f Grace M» K. Church, o f Philadelphia, -will preach in tho Auditorium and Joseph Clark, D. D., L .L.D., of Boston, Mass., w ill deliver an address in the A uditorium a t 7.*‘10 o!clock, in the evening. In addition' to those the Young People’s Mootings will bo hold in the Templo .a t 1) o’clock. ’ Mrs. Dr. Pal- iner • will eonddet tho :;l.Ioiiuess AIeoting. in tho Tabernacle.iit t lio same hour. Dr. H anlon’s Bible Class and tho Sabbath School in the afternoon, and Beach-Meet­ing n t s ix o'clock,


Tlie. A nnual Meet o f the. A. IV W . Held ; Last.Fi'iilayaiiilSatiii'ilii]’ A fton ioo iis..


The W orld's Champion is Hard Pushed

by T yler in th e Fourth Race o n <’

Saturday—-The Grounds Are

Crowded Both D ays.

: The annual m eet of th e Asbury > P ark W heelmen w hich took place on Friday ti nd Saturday 0 f last w eek was t } le’grcat- e st occasion p f th e k ind ’ e v er held iii this, vicinity . T he w eather-w as .bright and clear,; the track .in' good condition aiid a delightful breezq m ade i t coinfortablc.and pleasant for. the ,thousands o f peopio who • thvonged the. grand stand; and lined the

; fences aioiind tlie tnick-. i ■ ;:/. ■ Several o f the best riders iii the country, including A. A. Ziminerhian, tiie world’s, cham pion, were' in atteiidance aiid iiiany o f the races wore exciting in tlio ex- treme. • \

.’ ; Tl 10.fir^it. race., pi 1; Ji1 riday way th e 011 e mile 110vice, w 11 ieh was run iii two M ats , and the finale was won bv Rennie L. Sm ith w ith George W. Condon second. As tlie nice was not rmi w ithin the time lim it o f 2.0O, it was declared oil’ and was not run over.

The one m ile open' was ii very pretty race between A. A> Zimmerman, Carl I less, G. M. Wcl I s W . *: W . Ta x is an d W. T. . Campbell. They loafed 011 th e lirst nice add exceeded the tim e limit, m ak­ing it necessary to run the race overagain w hen Zimmerman won i n 2.258 with lifcss a good second. /. '

The th ird race, three m inute class, was run in heats owing to th e large num ber o f-en tries and tho final was won by d ia r ie s Brown in 2.44, w ith George M.! Coates second, Otto L. Mange third.

Over fifty entries had been received for th e 'fo u rth mee, th e one mile handicap,; and there were a good-m any - starters. Tlie tim e nmdo in fii-st he^t w.as ^.lS , secpiul 2.2t) ;}-5,and th ird , 2.22. ;T he final heat being Avon by II.,C. Tyler in 2.212-5!

Chav\o« B tow n second, Wiiliiiim l i . .Mulliken third. •

The fifth ’ nice—h alf mile for boys under 15 years o f age, developed some speedy riders and it was won by John Lindley, in 1.18 JI-5, w ith Jo h n W. How­ard second, and E . W. Piese th ird ..

T he six th and final race for Friday was the two inile handicap and the sev­eral heats were run in the following tim e: ; / '

F irst heat;- 2.50 2-5; second 5.02 flat* th ird 5.03 flat, and tho final in 4.50 flat, being . won by. Zimmerman, a t scratch, w ith 10. J . Titus, 230 yards, second and Du rand McLean, 215 yards, th ird . ■■■.': Saturday’s race's wero still • m ore in ter­esting'as: Zimniermaii and Tyler1 cam e in close Competition; som ething th a t the pub lic was more than desirpiis to s e e . ; ;

The first .race o f th e diiy was th e 250 class; run in .heats, w ith 2.58 1-5 for ,’the first, 2,52 for the second and 2.37 2-5 for the - th ird heats. The final being won by Charles -Brown in 2.30, flat, w itli Jam es W illis Sccond and G. Fred Royce third. 5;, ;;; ;-Thc second-race;-was a one-fourth iiiile open and developed ' sonic . great spped 111 the different heats. The first and second heats were run together in 32 seconds, w ith Zimmerman lii'st, and H arry B. M artin a close second. T he th ird .and fourth heats wero run together, and made in 34 3-5 seconds by II . C. Tyler, w ith W. A.; Mulliken second; a iid the final h e a t ' Was woii by Zimiiierinun in 30 2-5, wiio was eloselj^ fplIowed by Tyler-: and M illikcn iii the order named. • :

Excellent, tiii.te was liiade iii . each licat of th e th ird nice,. the one mile hand icap ;' tlio lii'st heat.being won bv Jam es Willis, 140 yards,* 2.32 3-5. • T he second liea t by^ H arry 'M addox, 150 yards, in 2.21; the the th ird and fourth heats being run to­gether a n d . was won by Carl Iless, 10 yards, iii 2.20 2*5. The final heat was- won by D urant M chcan,lfi0 yards, in 2.21 flat, with Carl Iless, 10 yards* sjfcoiid, a n d ' T. J . Titus,* 20 yatxis, th ird .

In the fourth race, the one-m ile open,• tlio fast - men . did tort much loaf i ng am i d id ’ ilot coinb w ith in ;the tinie lim it of 2.50 iiiid i t was run over latei* in th e clay.; Tile fifth nice; the oiVe ihile handicap,’ was run in. 2.2 ] ; ;.Cliarles Browii};scratch,; cPinihg‘iii firet, - w itli >rai^litill Wells, sec­ond ami l i ’L. Blnuvelt, third.

•The sj xt h- nice;; tl iii t wo mile haildich p, wiis in ten deit ip .1 ip; rii ii; i n. fpti r 11 eat s,; bjt t to save tim e-it was run in two, a iid was won by TV J . Titus, 13 yards, in 4.55, with W. F. Sims second, ami I lurry 11 ill, Ji*., 150 yards, th ird . * * . . . - • • ■

By far th e liiost interesting .race.of the two days and tiio oiic tha t awakened the grca'testexeitcinent a n d en th u s ia sn i.w a s the second runniiig of the^fou rth ,;race which was ruled out on . the first trial 011 account o f having exceeded the time lim it. .•

There were euteVcd for this contest, Zimmerman, Price, M ulliken, T yler ami Stcensom Tyler seemed to he th e only m an fast enough fo push the cham pion and on th e la s t-tu rn o f th e last lap he held a lead o f somo twenty, feet am i was coming for th e tape like', the wind, when Zimmerman 'again displayed his powers to spurt by forging to .Tyler’s side and; leading him over thp tape by four or five inches. Thero; was intense excitem ent tor a fe\V nunutcs, as tho finish was so close th a t many thought the cham pion liud been beaten;, and th e otVieiid un-

F acts and Fancies A bout T hose W ho Alnnlp- uldte th e Pedals.

= R ed Bank is to have an illum inated bicycle parade on th e evening o f August 3, with prizes for th e best decorated wheels. - . . ’. . ; * ' :

= T h e W est Creek Cycling Club was .recently organized a t th a t place. Jam es Edw ard H ay wood.is president o f the. or­ganization. ’..-

= IIon tce A. Alien, o f Po in t Pleasant, will not be in racing condition for somo tim e to com e.; Allis’leg was injured in the collisioii a t 'Asbury Park oii Ju ly '4.; r= A .; P ritehett,: ohe 0f Baltimore-s 1 )est wl 1 ee lih e iia rriv ed a t trip Ocean I loteI in Asbury Park on Tuesday aiid {' will com­mence t lain iiig for th e races 011 Saturday.

noftnceirietit. rthat ■ Zimniernian had;won, brought Jbr Ii; tiie*■ .usual roiishig cheer froiii. the th rong upon aiid: around th e - grand stand.- ;’. Mr. N.- Ji. ’Kaufman,: tlie ■ chauij»ion; trick -rider Of tlie WorUl entertai ned i 1 ie people oh lioth. days by a (lispliiy of liis.. prowess and agility witli the wheel and n o .feat, seem ed', too diflicult for • 11 im. to acifoinplisii.- 11' iniittered iif t le .w het 11 er h is wheel was ’round, - ellip tical. or.^lJlt,,. W.it I i 0 r wi t l 1 ou t ha nd I e bn rs or ot iier ap -; pemiagcs, lie could; ride*,it, perhap.i'iVpt. Avith any. com fort to hiuis.el f, but cert a i idy to. the 'pleasure o f th e audience, . . . .

Tiie nex t m eet will occur ' on Saturday, Ju ly 20, under th e auspices o f the'Asbury Park A thletie .A sso c ia tio n an d Ziuiliier- nuin"aiid -many o ther, noted riders.hnve idready entered for the several races.

; v . Death ;o<waVpung G ir l . \. ! •- Florence Inez Clay»v daughter o f John Clay of Brookly n, N. Y. f died a t her sum­m erhon ie , corner o f Central avenue and Olin street on Tuesday evening,; aged 14 yeai*s, after a h ill ness o f th ree weeks. T he funeral services Were held on Thursday a t o p’clock and the in term ent took place at- Greeiiwood Cem etery, New York, 011 Fri-- (lAy nitirning..'; ; ; -



S ervices Now Being Held In th e New.'Teht at; ;. B rad ley ' 'Beach. T he tent;, recently; erected at. Bradley Beach by M r. .^Bradley, for eVangelicai services, has Beeii; a decided r suc(ressf ah(t a t the two Sunday evening .services held there it was fairly packed, as niaiiy,as 300 people being iiiside a t one t im e .; I t ;is lo- cated.on the beach;. dircctly opppsite. tlie; Bradley Beacli House; '• Ltist Sunilay^^!evtMih.igv3In5. '(;ha(,i‘. ^

ser Davis,;, a p ro m in eiit.:evangelist‘ of; Bradley Beach,, addressed ^beassemblage.

Ori S unday ; / m o rn in g next,^^ at- both ; m o rn in g an d ev e n in g serv ices, R ev. % E." A vcher, a in ih is te r fronv K im ba ll Pmirie.; M inneso ta ,: is' to • p reac h , iu id a la rge, a t-.vtendance is expected... • • v :V ; ■


Gossip About Their Proprietors and Items of - Interest Generally.

; '—The Evorton .Cottage, on Pilgrim Pathw ay, will be m anage^ th is j'ear, by M rs; "Siuaii. P.BroNvii ,o fP liilad e lp h ia .

—rB usiness; a t th e C hau tau q tia ’ H ouse on B roadw ay appears ' to bo p ro spering . • T tib ; p rop rie to i's h a v e h a d a good deal o f ; ex p e rien ce in . k e e p in g ; boardera a iid tlieii* guests, a re ; sure; o f rece iv ing t h e . g rea tes t -’c a re , an d a t te n t io n i1■ ’; ' i-; : ;

• . 'Excursionists. Big Day.; , ‘ . v- ,•;;' Wednesday; last: Svas . the ^m ost. i nipoi'-: tau t day ,thus far iii iu tiiisy ear’s history; •go;' far as . excui-sipiis ;gov;i:Therc'i;;were some; .eighty-jiye^ carloiids.; of. ]>leasiire- scckors brought i 11 duri ng ;■ ■ t\ 10 j day4-tlie.■ priiicipal excursion .being tlio ahnual oiit-; iiig o f the E lizabeth O rphan Asyluin. witli fifty-six carloads o f people.‘' In addition to th is tiiere wero tw o Sunday school exj curaipns from ,Newark, and - the .' Usuai- weekly excursion froni Philadelphia; over tlie Peiinnsylvania;[road; The visitora scattered,;most, of theni fin<ling th e ir wav to the- beiiei 1; a nd its; lit traction's, and. 1 e ft -in; th e evening liappy ainl content, >yitli the day’s enjoyment.


The World's Champion and Other Noted RldeVsto Compete For Voluuble Prizes.,

Tiie'-1)icycl0 niceji i o ' b e . • 1 iel<I tp.*d'ay (Siit urdiiy); iiiider , tiie; ;ai 1 spices •.o f : th e ' A thletic Association a t -N ortli •:As?bury IVirk :pronuSo?to be o f a clun'acter: Uvgnit- ify every lover o f t h e . s p o rt.. The in tro­duction o f a flying s ta r t will be an Inno­vation 0111 h e gene nil \) met i ce h ere a 1 id a character rain* in w 11 iel 1 the .ridyrs;will be arrayed in grotesriue costumes will be an am using feature. Such riders as Zinimer- inaii, Taxis, Hess, Tvler; M ulliken and Titus iirp expcctcd to bo on hand iind the prizes offer <1 are o f great beauty and value. Mr. C. Fred.Cope, thenoted trick rider o f Philadelphia, will give exh ib i­tions p f liia skill, aiul .so ;altogether; the event will bo one .of woiiderfui interest.

A Aleetlng Ground For Baptists. •A sum m er resort for Daptists is. the

latest scheme projected, and several Inin- istera prom inent in th a t denom ination, favot Bradley Beach Us a m eeting ground. Tlio m atter comes again before the com­m ittee next M onday m orning in Phila­delphia, 'l le v . J . Wesley Sullivan and I'ey* Dr. French,' .w lth^Pastor Colby, .went out 011 AVedncHday inorning to view the pavilion a t Watuimassa, w itli a view of ascertaining the advisability' o f erect­ing ii sim ilar s tructure ' a t Bradley Beach should the committee •■decide to locate there. They will carry to tho Philadel­phia comuuttoe estiuudes o f th e cost of erection. • ’ : . . • V .

. .. .. . rtf ' l l e v i e p . t l i c Slate Tioojis nn Tiiiir.siliw Affri-iinnu. ;

m A nv n o ti-;d ; ; m en i’ k e s e n t

Thousands From all Parts of th e S tate

Visit th e'E ncam p m ent—A Recep­

tion a t the;MOnmouth House

';';.';;V .ln t!ie : E ven ing,

Gpyevnor;s.J)ay a t .Cahip W erts was-in- deed jthe most i n ipo rtan te veiit eon nee tod witli; the anim al encam pm ent o f Jersey’s boys' in blue a t Sea G irt, and thousands from all parts o f the State assembled to Witness the.proccedings.

T he day was beautiful, th e lovely azure sky overhead and the cool sea breezes th a t were wafted over, the grounds scenied to iiispire. tl.ie Holdiera- withViiew; life, T hey ' were a noble looking set pf; men;in th e ir light.b liietrp iisere.and coats o f a darkqr tin t, ,.-T h ere 'w ero over 1000 (yirringes 011 the

-grounds, iiiany o f. tlie occupaiit.4 driving from .distant p o in ts ., Each train brought hinidrwls Of visitors;-froin every'^sections o f the State, although t l i e 'huijority .were; from arbuiid Newiirk aiKbtiialsoii county.11 seemed to •; be a big d ay fo r promi iieiit; politicians, iu id m any (en;ding. State offic­ials; were present Svith. tiie ir fam ilies; lion . W ill lain W alter Phelps aiul General K. Biird,Grubb were there also. V' - ;

Lincoln.. Post, ,G. A. R ., pf; Newark,; brought down a n excursion of 1500 peor pie who’ sephyed to enjoy themselves im- inehsel v under the auspices of.the" boys. 0 f

- :; • v ’-: One. o f the fi nit drills . o f th e <1 ay were the H pw itzei'G un ,dctachineMiL«,who \Vent dow n to th e beacli a n d ;; practiced-w ith. a targetftiichoreMl35pb feet o u t iii th e PceaiL M any o f th e shots took -effect, and a shell froin one o f the big glllis carried a way a p a rt ; o f ih e . target. /ThousandsVwit-^ liessed this drill w ith .‘absorbing interest.•;;;Tlie Essex troops werii engtiged i i 11 w h a t is kno wn ; as a tilting .tournament. This, consisted o f a num ber o f Avooden lieads placed On ’ jiosts about five or s ix . feet high. T he nien took th e ir sabres liiui;khocked tlie':heads froin tl 1 eir rest 1 iig' pi aces in ah exceed i 1 lgly wa rl i ke fasliioii.

A skirm ish in the afternoon attracted considerable attention , when th e soldiers fired blank cartridges ut a makc-belieye oneiuy and o f course ' vanquished the foe.

At five o’clock the gnimi- review o f the troops by the Governor took place, and the soldiers inarched about inside of a square enclosure. This was perhaps the .11 lost interesting event df tlie day aiid, w as; watched by thousands.

Ju st before the men lined up a salute of 17 guns were fired. The Governor, with Colonel Campbell by his side and his staff in th e roar, rode along th e long line in order to inspect tho troops.!

There were 1800 soldiers in line, and and the lniinner in -wiiich they obeyed th e ordei-s was indication o f perfect-mili- tery discipline. The soldiers, went through fniiny inaiiouveivand ended w ith, m arching around - the inside o f th e en ­closure. • . ; ^;

TIIK (!()VHHXoil’.S IIAI.I.. ;The day ended with the famous-annual.

Governor’s ball, which was held as usual at the.M onm outh House, Spring Lake. , Over a thousand invitations were - issued and sent out, am i m any o f the most prom­inent people iu the Shite o f New Jersey tripped the light, fantastic until th e early

m o rn ing horn's.- The hall was brilliantly illum inated,und decorated w ith veri-col­ored bunting. Handsome flowers wero placed along the walls, am i about tlie orchestra; completely hid ing it ;froiii view,:.: A t nine o’clock th e guests began to a r r iv o aiicl- in. a shdrt -while : the hall; wag fiiiVly tlirohge(l w itl 1 ..pedple.v ; •

Tin* Executive Committee was coin- posed of Col, M. T . '. Bavrett, cbaivman; Col. K.P. ile an y , Col. John T. Van Clcef, Col. A. U. Kuscr and Col. Joseph I*. Bedle, J r.

The following* gentlemen •.comprised- tin* reception Committe: General William S. Strvkeiy chairm an; General Richard .\. 'Donnelly, 'General W’illinm-C. * l le p - peuheim er, C'plonel ■ Aa Ira i 11,: - Co ioue 1.1.eon /A bljbtt^Jr^^^W doiiel/JoiniL^w^ o ra l :J dlin 1K . McGill; v;tfedehd ' .Burd Wv-

: S i lencerj Colonel;A s a W . I)ick 1 tisoii, Coir piiel George Pfeiffer, J i*. , and ; I.ieutenant ( ‘olonel Cyrus F. Loutrel.

M rs . Governor W erts ami M iss'W erts received the guests,uiidcr a large i^tnopy. They were assisted by M rs. Gen. Plume, Mrs. Gen; Donnelly,- Mrs. Gen.-Heppeu- heimer, ^Irs. Col. M eany, Mrs. Col.' ilar- rct, Mrs. Col. Adrian, .M is. Col. B edle,;

■Mrs; Col, YanCleefc, Mi*s.Col. Dickinson, Mrs. Col. P feiflerand : Mrs* Col. Loutrel.

A nother .im portant event was the elec-' tion ofollicers for the M ilitary Surgeon’s Of the State ■ of - N eiv; Jersey.; Tlie I- body

. uiet;;in ;;the '.G overnor!s:cottage a iid the f< jl lo uniigof fieers were elected: Preside iityC .. F. ,W. ^fycrs, Paterson; first vice-' president, L ieutenant Colonel E. L. B. Godfrey, second vice-president M ajor II. G. Cook, Ifplmsdale; Secretary, M ajor' Daniel Strode, C am den;-and treasurer, Major C. 11, llcrold, Newark.

A New BriUce to be Dedicated.The iiridgp crossing Fletciier. I jik e and

connecting' Tilgrini.' Pathw ay, Ocean- G rove, wit 11 Cent n il . avenue . Bm< I lev Beach, is now completed, and will, be for- mally opened td-night (Friday .);. Spcech- mnking ami- suulw lches will form th e ' laiy.er pavt o f the programm e, and nn en­joyable ' (ime ts lookcd fbr.


Pleasant. Penciling s'; A bout; ih e . People, Place.- ••:':• a n d ;P ro p e rty .., •

■;’•*** E* S.. Karly-'of Philadelphia is;.stop­ping tit the At pijia! 011 Ocean P a th Vvay.

*** Janies MiKjVm i)f Trim to 11 pa id; a . fly iiig visit to; tile Grovo ‘On W ednesday. •’

*** Rev.Alfrctl Hoehui-rntid faiiiily'are. occii]»ying th e ir Cottage ni, M ount.Tabor W ay/. .. •'

;v Rev. J . 11. Knowlcs. . of- Ni*\varkr i gave the TrMKs u pleiisaut call on Tues- day. ’ .

# V Mr. J . K. Jo rdan , o f Xew York, has taken possession o f the cottage at No. 12 S u rf avenuo. • . '

f** Peter E. Ostello o f ' Taconv, Pa., Ims rented Dr. W. B. Joh n so n 's cottage 011 Clark avenue. ' • •’

Mrs. E. J . ilu b b s , iif IVilttdclpUia, wlU* - pass tlio balance o f th e season at’ No. 10 . E m bury aveniic.

*** Miv Christian M ershcimer, tv young man from Jersey City, paid a short, visit to th e Grove 011 W e(lnesday last.

•*% jr r . William Em mons, proprietor o f th e JCcyporl J ’iwm paid tiie Timks a pleasant,-visit on Fridav hist. *;

Captain Joseph Wilson, a Con­gressman from W ashington is stopping ut the W averiy for a short season....

#** Edward Rhodes, “ Iiow-de-do,” a • butcher from New York, has engaged; with McCabe aud Murgerum for tho su m ­mer season. ’ . ' '

Mrs. H orace S. Muekec, o f Stan­ford, is spending a few d a y s a t t f ie Bel'-: mont, recruiting after a season o f unusual, gaiety at home.

Rev. Cearles A. Brown Pastor of the Pilgrini Church, Brooklyn, is stop-, ping a t the Garford.Villa on W ebb.avemio. for a short season. . '

Aii en terta inm ent was held a t the Atlantic House on W ednesday evening. Henry Strange the noted colored e locu -. tioiiist was th e leading feature. ;

#**-Mrs. .T. Dubois ail'd M iss"IL H ind­man, two ladies well known in W est Ph il­adelphia church circles, have been spend­ing th e past week a t the Bower Cottage.

**# JudgeB . W .Parish,;of W ashington, ■ and his daughter, Em ily K. Parish, are located a t th e * W ashington Villa, on Ocean Pathw ay, ' They are en-routc for the W orld’s Fair. . . •

*** J. C, Ivovin, of Phihulelphiii, hiis ren ted Captain Uuiueav’s Maiii avenUQ cottage and the Captain has taken up business quarters in his old location in a ten t near Ross’s pavilion.

It is runiorcd tha t application will be made to the a u th o ritie s . for ri s tep lad­der for use in climbing th e curb a t the north-w est corriijr o f 1 leek av en u e . and Pilgrim Pathway;;

*** WnShiiigton Wilson, o f MetuClieb, ‘accompanied by his wife, was in town ou Tuesday, on the occasion o f a. fam ily gjithering, in honor o f the b irthday o f liis father, 'Bishop Wilson.

A M I 'S . A nna C. Bullock, of Seven­teen th and M arket streets, Philadelphia,- is spending two weeks in tlie Grove, as the guest o f Mrs. Amos Palmateer. After he r stay here she will g o .o n to Long Island for a short visit. . . •'. M yitni Wi Morse, a prom inent

real estate broker,'from Newark, is stay­ing for a week o r so in -th e Grove.with • his wife. He sports the National colors and is the author, of quite a num ber of the most favorite M ethodist hym ns.. ; Aniong the prpm im M it'arrivals a t' tho Arlington th is week is the .nan io of Mr. Samuel T. Sm ith, wiio for the past tw enty years’bus been a regular v isitor to the Grove. He is viee:presidont o f the Firet National Bank a t W atertoii. .

>fr. and Mi'S. H arold McAllister, o f New Vork, have ju s t re tu rned 'from a delightful tour of Europe and are stop­ping a t Ocean Grove for the rest of the summer. M iv McAllister ' is otic o f tho prom inent young business men in New-; York and his charm ing bride will be one o f the spcial attractions here. ‘ • ; • ; 'v-./!

in the iibscnce o f a bureau ofinfpr-’ mation the Association office appears.to lie the point most generally sought by anxious inquirers looking for friends. There is ii. public register in th e oflice, hut unfortunately but few o f our sum m er people, cottage rs, or boarders, get their- names upon it. We would suggest th a t all new-coniers seiid their-nam es and local addresses to 3ftV A y iv sa t the Association ’ office and he will see that* tlicy aro e n - .; tered on the register. If th is were g en -; enilly done it would- prove of value by •fa­cilitating. • the delivery of telegrams, and special delivery letters.

Tlrs. Isabella Rusllng Dead.Mrs. Isabella Rusling,' wife, o f Ger-

slipm Rtisling, died a t her sum m er home a t No. 5 M ain avenue, 011. Saturday even- ; ing last,at 5 o’clock; She bail been suffer-;; ing from B righ t’s disease for some time,, bu t th e immedi’ato.eause of h e r d eath was heart failure. Tho funeral services were, conducted 011 M onday hy the Rev. Dr. (Jaston, o f th e Reformed Church, Passaic, N. J;,. and th e rem ains were taken tp M orristow n, N. J ., her form er hom e for interm ent.

Struck While Crossing the Railroad Track. ,Ciiarles A ntonidcs o f ’ W est A sbury;

Park while driv ing acros.s .the railroad track a t Sea C»*rt on Tuesday was struck by a drill .engino. • The horse was instant; ly killed mid Mr. AntPuides w^S* hurled- some distance away and so. seriously in ­jured ' th a t • for a tim e it was thought lie. ! -could not recover, lie. Avas cared fo i'u t tlie cuiup hospital a t Sea G irt a n d 'i s now , thouglit tp 'have.a, tair .eUance of vecov- .

Page 6: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

OCEAN G RO VE T IM E S —SA T U R D A Y, JU L Y 29, 1893

. ; • The Shot Proved Fatal.David T. Xewlin, Avlip wiis accidentally

sliol. by ’ h is ;sp», 1 . Kewlitii.o f Asb.inv Park, on Thursdtij: .pfv just week .11 iii I . t l io ; following ieveiiiii^f‘ The .rem ains wero taken to Philadelphia on ’Monday ijiorntng foi* in te rm e n tv -> v V .;y

\ A Baptism .and Bit of History* ..V; •AVil 1 in in 1 ten ed ie tso n o f AVesloy Ken*

noy a nd «1 en n io 1C. 'Jlnu 1 nor,’ , born at 'UnulleyUloiich, * - wasbaptized l>y: I\oV, 1C.: II; Stokes j l ) ; tlie.i‘n)ino o f.th e parentVj Hnidjoy.Jleneii, iifa I ti rdit y.. s i ft onh m n J u ly S,:-!Thoioworo presoii t ' at 1 he- He m o o the father and m other, and the baby’s only brother, .Uyo .gnmdmothevs, one gvent - g riu id n io th b iy tliro o : aiuits, oho • great aiint* mid ; one; u h e ie . 'T h e jiah ie: o f the: fa ther ]>oi‘)ictI tiaies a oheo; popular minis* ter in th e Newark, Pli iiadel phi a a ml A Vi 1 -

: iiiingtqii■:Confereiieo£, iit connection w ith th e . luU er'o f w h io h h e {died—Key. Dtv

’ AVosley Keniiey, The groat grundioot her is'ji d j in g h te r o f a n It iterant -MethPditH

; intiipiVr; f(>r nearly; fo rty ' di\ring a l l : w hich tii'no.he >vas aii intenseai^tagjinizer o f (iicjturiehfe of. .Tohn OilvitV.imt;'Vhova1 few years previous t o his deat li united AVifli the Presbvieriiiii' Cl >nrclii.ahd a t last' 'iwaeeftiHvli; . reclining. o n < Jija \;b 6i5o n \• breathed liis. life out sweetly ■. there. It .wris ; a beau t i fu l , ga t) i eri ng :. a nd • ,d ist i n- g|iislVed,aswellv: • AVhori th e balfthecom es old , enongli wo hope s.oiueone wili pro'-' servo; th is 'i te m .' long-enough . to le t hi ni roail it . f V ■ 1 \ ■ •'

^ iU m iik e th e t^mincrciaV H otel, Asbiiry; Park, b»siu/adquttrttits for the bit\anoeof the season. M r . ^Vilshere is a jonrnalist p f market)' ab ility aiul w ill W(»rk nt» sea- slioiV nows .from Sea GI rt to' Long liraiU'ti.

, ^ hile s )io e in g a horse oti Tuesday , m orning a t MejCsu'tliy*s Miop on NMain street,. k d ix Mo&oej a hoi j'ioiv >vas kicked in t lie. side. 1 ivvji iiot I lo r 1 i6rse - wait ing 1 iis tilrh aiul 1 liUlly itijim»iI; NO l>ones w.eiy.

; i '^ k e n , bu t 3 IcUeo; \y ti*y al) n'ost; fatal I v •twisted -11y tin*’ ptovt'riul: blow ■ o f , 'th e :il6l’Sl'V'll(t0 lV> ■ ^

. TI.iV.'I>:)I--'w**i|y-In*in:*.ijtiiu»s:vs\<: 1 >»w 110'y*:.1 »lv *>’‘V;1 »*i M> * * rKl oh 1 1 ; - C»i 11 i i »

; oir I luj -Hjiiestioiy a > rc a paeitjv o f? th £ now^ art esia n Wei J* • ^*iis .frozen; i iito ;a Vsolid hl«»ck o f lee* )jy:- i lie U n it^ l l ce ,(V».V arid plsi'cci I; ,o i i J ex li i|> i t io J V1 • at the;; ^slaii'V •

; >• V v i:Vi iio f j >a v i! Vv.lA*-: 1 * Mi i. - Tr* C ? it l it* h s s;t(j: wOiiririg.' t ljat;. 1 itii ’• • t he recoiloot ions o f

!;its*(>lie t ii iVe-iey , • iiniiiorsii>iV will |irolm bly; Jceej) h is 'head coi'if iu 11ichol'tl‘st weather.


N o .:4*8 M a in A v e n u e ,

^Vn.i;iA,M 11. .lUiuoi.ii, M l i i o r ' t t m l jV:

L .; 11. lU ’Siltlu.i:, ..

S u b sc r ip tlo n , One I)olI la r Per Y ^ f ij

. vln A*l* iiiuv. •

■ B - ••• \ ^ o o I I « g ,

D R U G G I S T ,

vi iTo C o i h t o i . N i>'-T>ye shall licsijul (o i-or f'^Qiyo 1 icnis: W ’eoinminiU-ai l«MK;oii ■'hi ul.»I f’d s1 of p \ i M O’sl io tills CO ini ii iVtii t y * \Vr I li*. on 1V nn uiii‘ >5tl6;ol tlVo.shoot^ y . ■//'‘''C’;:\

■ iu l\ u ;s\no iu id ' m U hv>s‘ o f t h e S v rlle r * KlmuJil-' m v im ip a n y ra llV .c tia u iu iii lea l Io n s , j a i l . i jii ivC>«i i'i I y - for: p u b l t o n t t o r i i l i i i l u ^ a u ti: t i*i i ittc e '■ t> f fa I t h i A n o h .y in o ii s. le t t i>'r« w 111 •• a.i t J »i\ n o L ie c d .11 : v' ■ ~.;-i

\v i A i l il iVSk; n l V o o ln j iii} h I ira ti«m K . e IN h* r • fni: ,11 uvb d l to r ln io v new* ilepiirliiimvtV.tfVlho-', ' - : , ImHKm-oi. T h i : T i m e s ,

• : r '.• ‘ - n e o n n O i-ovc , K ;;J;-


OCEAN GROVE■ An p ce a ii Grove G irl- Nearly Drowned., k^ j^ iO i^ y ie e llallof^^AVebb iiyenue? C)eeaiV . ' (!i,pye,vwas:l)at 1 ii ng si 11 lie Anbury .avenue:

'grpunds oh \Vednestliiy liioi'nijig^,;: wlieii ; lior luiir l>eeaine_ontangled' j11 thekrojiesi (aiul* li a d i t j ’iot ‘been fo rt I to t inielv ii^si’st- ■

■} aneO rendered by . I f e .Guard’ Holiert Den- ,<• nis si ie would lia Ve heeii ‘(HtVw ne«t. . A i iss .'j/ilall was lmiuglit. froin (lie surf in an ox- j hiVusted.coiuHt ion, and taken' to tho eineiv jgeneyhospital, \v]lore;' restonit ivcs ivere i npirtiei) 1 >y th e jil i vsieia ii in: el largiv i

j Two Qrovc B o ys Receive.;Free Scholarships.

| ' - George S.’ Ferguson hud p . AV.; Fla yell, • i p f Ocoan ti rove, botIi gmdiui(os last m onth j jVcinV t l ie Asbury Park h igh school, luive

:j passed v sueeossfully t h e . exam inations j which entitle tlioni to fi*eo si.*h'olai^lnps‘a t f t he $tate College; Now Briiiiswiek;; t.;:r

S A T U R D J;U 8 9 ^

'' jni taV-binj*k;. Vyifroti' J tlK V t ei? -i: Hvli 6 ;, ; ] >rOi i io i i i \d e . :

k.oV'sunimor eveiiiiigs. ^ '< .':

. 'f.O s i : .o f .O tx M in G r o v e 's w a t e r w a g o n s

s t m y e d .d o w n ’C e n t m l a v e n u e .- o n e d a y th i s . ;W e e k a n d g o t lo s t, i n a c lo u d o f d u s t . .

: 'It!;W as m 'b y e r e d , \ ) e f o i 'e a n y seriv>us; ai> pi;,e* h e n s i o i i A vas i e l t a s t o i t s w l 1 e i v a b o u t s / . •

^ E 7V Y F O R I U 7^ O C E A N G R O V E N . J .?\v7‘,rtk ^ ^ iV .Y R A R 's^ ^ su b sc rip tio n to t l i e T im i> ' w ill

. '^ f t ; y o iV 'p n c i s i l v e r d o l l a r ( i i i t r i n s i e .v a lu e : 5 3 ;p e n ts .) ‘ Y o u n ih y , g e t v o i i r - .m o n e y ’s w o r t l i i n ; 6 r ie : 'is s \io a n d y o u m ig h t , n o t^ g e t

i t i n 'a ‘y e a r , b u t ’ y o i i > l i p t i l d s u b s c r ib e

; n n y w a y ; ; v! ^ - v: ■

SIr.U!HKTi,v exrl-V tm aster AVanamaker's. snltenie 6 f diili w nt 'sized }>ostaUants for

.tiie* eoiiyenieiiee.; of..;, th e ■ pnVU'ic/ do.es not •suit Postm aster Bissoll’s,idea . - H o lias fddeidi^;';tO ' lulopt ,on6 .Jnnifo^illl■ sjzb■■ :fo.r: ])'ostasl cards, and in a short while they

•iwill al 1 njoftsure oj>; by • iiiehcs^

T H R O U G H O U T T H E S T A T E :

|j A now sh irt factory is now being started a t Freehold, and will give em ­ploym ent to. a large-number o f hands.

II Ilarm 'ohy M ethodist Sm idaySchool, o f Jackson Township, h(‘!d the ir annual picnic in the Grove, owned bv J . li. Hev- no lds,on Ti iu rsday last.

|[ TJic liidtCH o f th e rnivorsidist Society O f AVarotown, hold a fail* and. festival on AVodiit'sday. last. Tlie entertainm ent was successful IVpiii eyery- point o f view.

1| M r; Vpton S. Jeliorys, Xew Jersey editor o f tlie Philadelpliia hujrirer, is the stiiff correspondent for that paper a t .Sea Girt during the soldier’s encampment.

• T h e plans for . tlie iiew All .Saints rec­tory to be biiilt a t ; Uikeivoofi a re al>out1 coiiipletod and the structure proinises tobe. a pretty-addition to' th a t v illage.' j t isi expected th a t buiiding opem tions will, shortly be commenced. ' '

J . D. B E E G L E ,succcsao* TO w. H. JONES.'* CO.,


B LA C K D IA M O N D SY A R D - M A I N S T . A 2N D A V E .

A S B U R Y PA R K, N .J .



J . S . MATTHEWS,# m t Iv\p m h f ]$pra)i o f AVednesdav: calls a tte titjo n ,t o.'itl ie d an g e r o f acc iden t eaused .hyAvVieetnieii rid ing , b e t w een ..the elect rie ca r tra c k s in A sh u ry ■- Pa r k . : idol’seliopse th is p a th "because , it is in b e tto r cond itionV tlm ii th e o th e r p a rts o f t h e s tree t: Som e loose' gmw-l sca ttered ho- tiv een ^ ‘tlio -trjic.ks w ould so lve tl ie diflU


O lin S t r e e t , R e a r o f P o s t O f f i c e , G O O D S D E L IV E R E D P R O M P T L Y . .

v. l iard w prk to keep a .s tneko f th e ^Iii- jestic.Bieyeles on hand, so g m it is tlie de­m and a t tlie popular: price o f $85. • They come i ii 'a t: daWii a i id are s.ok I before dark: A nv h itle r: o f a -"Miijcslu’V \yiU give1, it a flattering: reeommemlat ion,

V ; AV. II . JiKV.0l.Ky « v “- : : ■ • 48 Main Avenue.—Adr.

vXotlii ngoqiial toM ada iii I^ t i 11 e’sAA'itcl i 1 Iazel Oreain for reihpviiig; Vtuilnirn^tail and pimples.. Its healing qualities are wonderful for burns, scalds inflamed jo in ts and tender feet. For sale only at U-’O Cookman avenue next to PammoreV—

O lin S t . , n e a r C e n t r a l A v e .,

Q c e a n Q rovse .JIfrfrf Trade a Specuiity. . Fim vt M ar

; :: fcd.in Monm'tiiith Vomit if. :

c . c o v b e t , •

R E A L E S T A T E A N D I N S U R A N C E ,to iu iiiix s io iic i' o f llc cd s nu<t R otary l'ul>lic.

iHoncy liflaHcd on U oiu l and llor(g:»s'e.

2 7 P IL G R IM P A T H W A Y , X inr (lie Auilitiininn,

lit,x 2130. O C E A N : Q R O V J E , N . J ,

^ l is s II. Clarke o f New Ik'd ford, Mass.*. has opened at 2l’0 Cookman avonuo next to Pamuiore’s, a choice lino o f liliii- brodcrics, lm m U dniw ii' patterns; > art ist i- cally designed, rare atul beautiful. Also novelties that are new, dain ty and use-i ;

You can got a double valiie for your old wheel in exfliange fo ra pneum atic at the t)ccan Grove IJieycle.Kinporiiini, -JSMain vaeiiue.—.-l»/r. . .

This is the Trade-JViark of# i - L . ?• y s N G I L L U W E ^

—r o u SAI.K AT—G R E N E L L ’S DRUG S T O R E:

O p p o c i t o E o p s t , ^ o ' f c - u . x s r F c c r l c .

George M. Bennett, • ^ P A I N T I N

IN A LL IT S B R A N C H E S .L o c k B o x 2 1 3 2 ,

O c e a n G r o v e , N . J .

^ P r o f e s s i o n a l < £ a r d s .

D R . B E E G L 6 ,X». 7S M M X AVICXCIC,

OCKAX CH() I /.', V,

O ra rts Hw iw .—7 to 9 A. M.y 12 to i aiul . H to 8 1’. >1.

J O S E P H m v i l l tiV IRS. J . S . B A R I G H T , M . D .,Homitopatliic Physician & Surgeon

8 4 .M A IN A V E N U E ,Hivoml I)i»or W est n fX c w YorK A w iu ie .

•HOCE A N G R O V E , K. U.<<*:Olliee IIoun»; 7 to 10 a. m .; 1 to;i.:m,S.f5U to :• e. m .

DR. G EO . B. H E R B E R T , D e n t a l S u rg e o n ,

Office opposite Depot over the Asbury Park and- Ooeaii Grove Hank, corner o f

•Main S treet and M attison Ave., Asbury Park , N. J , H o u rs 9 a. 111. to 5 p. 111.*

’ Gas adm iuistercd. A ppoiiitjnents m ade bv mail o r in pcrsoii.

C e n t r a l I ^ iv e r y - a n d - B o a r d i n g - S t a b l e s ,M O N RO E AND COOKM AN A V EN U E, Opp. lied - Si. ISmhjv,

A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .F ifty N etc Stalls am i Several U o x S ta lls’f o t Hoarders. Prices Reasonable. Good

• Care and Accommodations. Telephone Connection.

vT. IU. P JL S B IER 'Sc g o te l and R estau ran t,

Livery nnd Boarding Stables. 7 0 9 m a t t i s o n a v e n u e ,»• A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J ;E — v C om fortab ly F u rn ish e d H oom s b y th e D ay o r

j t f L L AVcck.^ R egu lar D in n er fr o m / / to j , j o Cents,

I; . J A S . II.SEXTO IV,j ;F!IX£f!AL WKEGTOR HU. mm, N o . 2 1 0 M a in S t r e e t ,

.1 Inrur a tvirinicnt Of Qvthri.i, vt<\ cnnsUva};/ on hand. J-'louvr« 0/ it nt/ thxif/n u t ah ort 111 it ice.

Parlors and Oflice—Xo: 17.>fatn Street, ASIM'KY PAIvK, X. J.

,A]so S u p erin tcn d cn to r Mt. Prospect Cem etery,

H S B U R Y •••; P K R K• {Opposite Hull road S ta tio n .)

s n n u s L B K jY ^ L e m e e T. — HY T J i i : - .



T - c r n L / s r 2 1 , 2 2 ,

S p c c i n l 2 1 o lic ifs .

BOU SA l.Iv-;- A UesimWlV fnrnlsln-il c o th i^ o . d lm t lly u u llHMii-i-au rro n t. W ill he wild

'» t a b a iiia ln . \ \ ‘. J I. B kko i.k , 18 M ain a v e n u e .C O ll liiC N T .-S m ull Slor*> a iljo in ln ^ T ay lo r’s r lt:iU«iry tai l 'llu riin I 'u th w ay ,O l-wiii (Jrovi.1 X . J , liKjuln* a t lh u U akery . '

... ____ .1011N so xy \\; 1.0 u»I f A N 'l’k f ) «.->■!.—ritMHl l t r a l W a l l* S S triirlty . YV. W in . i l . Bc«*glo, is M a in a v e m ie , O c ean G ro v e ; N . .J. . J . ’n U H NIsj 11 KD^I tOOM.S f* u "rei »7.1 »y * th J w eekI - o r kMiwhi. A p p ly , liM aiu l' lu"> A sbury A VCiiue, 0 « « i:n<*rove,_N. J . _ ; . . . 1"Jmu*-U:_

BOV W AN TKD—F ifteen o r s lM to n yvars o r I’tKO. A p p ly a t TIMES ollee, IS .Main

uvttiuU*. • ,

ROOMS TV) I ,‘k T —I Ji h?'V » I ry a IHI Im m l. boiucly fu rn ish ed . J iu ju ire a l 78 M ain

;. v e n u e . ' •• - _. .nOOM .S TO ,1-KT— At II K m h u ry a v en u e , J l p le ;w m t room s, nicely fu rn ish ed a u d yuod

F= O JR S H L 6 ,A Desirable Corner House

Ol'l'OSlTK CIIUHCH.Two lots. N ine good-sizeroom s and large

attic. Sewer w ater and furnace.Address uox 202-1, Ocean Grove.

J.atrrt’lH’C J i v \ 2 Dnnrx South Main vli r . (la/t t, IK-KAN OHOVIi, X. J.

v \ l l . h in d s » f f a s h i o n a b l e tu rn o u t* to h ire : s n e e i a l i i e e o n i m o d a t i o u s fo rS ln iw l<ldlnt;'|Kir- t i e s ; e l t ) s e « l e a r r i a i r e s f « u 'f u n e > n l s a n d W e d d in g s . H m neh Olllees—W . i f . Jkc^le , a n d C ap ta in ltn ln earV JV n t H ouse.Telephone 211>. ’ M. Iv. SF.XTOX. S I O O O . $ 1 2 0 0 .


Bond and Mortgage,W, II. llEKCII.i:, 48 Mnin Ave.


Corner Pihjrim Path tail/ nnd ‘Pitawn .1 r O C E A N G R O V E , N . J .

\ / j :U V I)K.S1KAHMC KOOMS lo let^ No. 11 V J leek avui»ue,>.<s«iuarefn)m .Octioi. H er-

zo«r. . - . Ju ly £ M l.I OJST—A CJold L in k Hmcolot. S u llah lc n 1- L wiird w ill b o kIveil b y re tu rn in g to c o rn e r

J jik e a lid n e la \v a re a v e n u e s .’

T . FR A N K A P P LE B Y ,


o m m e n o prizgsGeneral .Admission, 35 Cts.,

Grand Stand, 50 Cts.f OST—SJ rew ard fo r.re tu rn to T im k s olliee o f L, sm a ll s tiek -p in doub le v io le t w ith sm a ll d iam o n d , lost betw een ‘C lark , a v e n u e a n d JJroadw ay G a tesu tx ia t th re e w eeks ag o ,1 *

Wugoas DtUvtr In Grove and Park.. J O il NSO X. r!pAV 1.0 H, Piio phi cron.

N O . 01 M AIN A V E N U E ,. •

O C E A N G R O V E , NV J ,

Page 7: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK

O C EA N G R O V E T IM E S — S A T U R D A Y , JU L Y 29, 1893

<T b e tr i m e s ” f jc ite la n d B o a rd in g ^ o u s e JDireetorj/,AS OTHERS SE E US,

A n Interest in pro nd Unique Description of Ocean Grove Published Ina German Handbook.

K arl llaedeker, f*f Licpiue, Germany, tho publisher o f Tonrixta’ (fuide*, in tlio U nited States .Edition o f his hand book for travelers, gives an interesting and very correct description Of Ocean Grove, w hich reads as follows: .

; 51 M-. Ocean Orovo ? JM; Arlington ,$2-14 3; L it Ptnrre, S-'tj A tla n tic S2-1, mun.v o th e r h o tels a ml board ing-houses), a seaslde-rcso rt

•estab lished ii\ 1870 hy. ntf A ssociation o f-Ih e M eth o d is t K plscopal C h u rch n u d n ow fre­q u e n te d yea rty. b y 2O-2.>,U)0 people.' Thin o x tm o rd ln n ry se ttle m e n t, possib le on ly In A m erica , In w liloh m an y th o u sa n d s o f per- 80» 8, y o u n g an il o ld , v o lu n ta r ily c lcc t (o spend th o lr su m m e r v a c a tio n s u n d e r n relig ious a u ­tocracy , w h ieh Is severe h a th In Its positive a n d n e g a tiv e regu la tions, Is cu rio u s enough to rep a y 41 s h o r t v is it. I t Is h o u n d b y th e sea o n th o ICast, b y lak es on th e N o rth a n d H outh a n d b .v n .h lg h fence o n th e W est, im d Its g a te s xire c losed a t 10 p . m .dn lly ’n n d a ll d a y 011 S u n ­day;* T h e d r in k in g o f a lco h o lic beverages a n d ’ th e siO oof tobacco a ro s tr ic tly p ro h ib ited , a n d ! n o th e a tr ic a l perfo rm ances o f a n y k in d a re .

.a l lo w e d ,. N o b a th in g , r id in g , o r d r iv in g Is p e rm itte d 011 S u n d a y , In n u m c m h le rclig lou» : m eetings of a ll k in d s a rc h e ld da lly , tho ch ief p lace o r assem blage be ing a h u g e A u d ito riu m , •which ciin hold 0,000 people. T he a n n u a l C am p M ectln g is tho g re a t ev e n t o f th e se a so n .. N e a r th e A u d ito riu m Is 11 la rg e M odel J e ru s a ­lem , T h e e x ce llen t b a th in g lieaeh Is sk ir led b y a p lan k -w a lk , th ree -fo u rth s o f a m ile long.

Xo. 70 Jf.u.v Avkni k, Or i: \ n Gitoyi:.

Money to L oan on ’Mortgage, Cottages far R en t o r Safe, fu surann• Placed

in jn o s l Reliable Companies.

capacity iso. C o r n e r o f W e b b a n d C e n t r a l A v e n u e s ,O C E A 1 T a R O V E , I T . T . . ’

T h is ho lel Is local ed n e a r Ih e o cean , o p p o site th e f ish ing p ier, l.a ry e room *, w id e h iills , a r ­tes ian w ater, pellet-l d ra in a g e w ith th e sea. F irs t c la ss a ccom m odations, a n d te rm s m o d era te . T ab le Itoard . S in g le m ea ls , r>0 cen ts . F o r p a rticu la rs , apply , to

B o x N o , SKti.. . a . L . W IL C O X .

Broadw ay, Near the Ocean OCKAN GROVE, N. J

M 'rA. rS ’nn ;L:o o m i6, R ro p r ic tc r . H as rm novfid to th e

BRICK BUILD1NC,Corner Cookmaii Avemio mid Jloiiil St.

A s l n i r j ’

. © — '

All Hiq latest designs ;mil imvultios

in ‘W atches and Jew elry .,


O CEA N G R O V E, N .J :•ul f ro m Kurl', ilflOO fee t o f p iazzn s , l i ix u r io u s I,inly, laHlt; firn t c la ss , a r lc s in n w a ­te r , -su n p a r lo r , p ia n o , p e r f e r l s a n i ta t io n , a c c o m in o ila te s ^00, o p e n a l l y e a r .

Ad,Iross W. H. L-. S T A R K S , M. D.; P rop ’ r.

Ocean Grove J .S . F L IT C R O F T & BRO .,


Stoves and Ranges.- O pposite P o st Oflice,

■ O C E H N G R O V n e

C O N T R A C T O R I N D B U IL D E RS jE aZ Z H I^ID O Z L T l E s io ’c r s i E * • o t ' K A i v t a t o v i ; r v . .1 .

( >pons fo r t h e S e a so n o f JHM J u n e 151 li, u n d e r o u t ire ly . n e w M a n a g e m e n t . A ll a p . p o in t m e n ts f irs t cities. .Send fo r I ilu s t r a te d C irc u la r w i th T e rm s . A d d re s s ,

C H A R G E S R O S S , M a n a g e r ,

OCEAN GROVE, N. J .A ll k in d s o f repairs reeelvo p ro m p t a tte n tio n .

• C harges m o d em te.\ full and com plete line of

everyth ing required to furnish

a house, including Carpets,

Mattings and Oil Cloth.

A. • R. • SHREVES, B U T C H E R ,


542 Cookman Avenue. A sbury P a rk , X. J .

Hex(11 no o f C igars a n d S m o k e r* A rtic les in - . th o m a rk e t.*• • K. C. JjK\VIS, P ro p 'r.

■Special Services to. be Held a t Ocean Grove for the Season of |8p3 ,

: J. A u d ito riu m O p en in g ,' M rs. P a lm e r’s n n d Y oung. People’s M eetings;1 S u m m e r Snl>- ba tli School, S u b b a th , J u n o 21. O pening germ on by G eorge K. Itced,- P .D ., L.L.D., p re s id e n t o f D ick inson College, Pa., 10.30 a .m .

2 .’ N a tio n a l A n n iv e rsa ry o f A m erican In d e ­pendence—'Tuesday J u ly 1. O ra tion , J .

• K in b u ry P rice, p a s to r o f S t, J a n ie s M . K. C iiurch N ew Y o rk C ity , -in.no n .tn .

3. \V . (J. T. U .o rN . J .—T h u rsd ay , - J u ly 0, F r i­d a y , J u ly 7.- M rs, IJm m u Boui tie, p resid­in g . „ .

4. K in g ’s l)au g h ters , M rs. M arg a re t B ottom e, .:. p re s id e n t—S a tu rd a y , J u ly 8.

.5 . Ocean G rove S u n d a y S chool A ssem bly , Itev ; D r. Jl.. B. Loom is, c o n d u c to r—Tues-

. d a y , J u ly II to T h u rsd iiy , J u ly 20, in c lu ­sive . B acca lau rea te se rm o n S ab b a th , J u ly 10, b y B ishop E .G . A ndrew s, 10.IW a . m . C. L . S . C. G n u ln a tlo n Dtty, T h u rs ­d a y , J u ly 20, o ra tio n , G eorge K. V in ­c e n t, K H q.,C han tauq im ,N . Y, F irew o rk s in th e ev en in g 011 tlie l ie a e h ,. •

<1. S a b b a th O bservance D ay—S a tu rd a y , J u ly 21 Hev, J . IT. K now les, D.D, p res id in g

7 ,.ljcc tu re s on In d ia n Life, by. H ev. K dgertou I t. Y tiu n g ,M iss io n a ry to th e In d ia n s — M onday ; J u ly 21, T u e sd a y , J u ly 21.

8. W o m a n 's J Io tn o M issionary S oc iety o f M.E , Clmveh—W edncw luy J u ly 2(1, TUurw

,■ d ay , J u ly 27. M rs. G en . F isk , presid ing . 0. A fric jin M ; K. C hurch Ju b ile e , B lsim p T a n ­

n e r, p rcs ld ln g —F rid a y , J u ly '.24, U a . in .,- '3 p. m . .

10. L ec tu re b y Itev . Jo sep h Cook, I),D ., L.L.D.S a tu rd a y , J u ly 2S>, 7.110 p .m .

J l. Y o u n g Pcoplo’s D ay , S a b b a th , .Tilly ..TO. 21th A n n iv e rsa ry o f firsts’ m eetin g a t Ocean G rove, S e rm o n 10.JJ0 a . in ., by Kev. W allace M noM ullcn, P h ilad e lp h ia ; Jo s . C ook. D , j ) . , L. b . I)., 7.:i0 p. m .

12, Ocean G rove T w en ty -fourth A nn lversarj-Serv ices—M onday, J u ly «t[, 7.fl0p. m .

13. E p w o rth Ix?aguo C onven tion — T uesdayA u g u s t 1.' I te v . P ercy P erlne h ie f, pre- s id in g .

1 -J. N atio n a l T em p eran ce a n d P ub l lea tio n So­c ie ty —W ednesday A u g u s t 2 to S ab b a th

. A u g u s t 0, inclusive , J , N . S tearn s , E sq , pres id in g . T he S ilv e r I j ik e Q u a r te tte

■ w ill, bo In a tte n d a n ce , a i id - a n a rm y o f . d is tin g u ish e d sp eak e rs , in c lu d in g Col,.

George. W . B ain , th e K e n tu c k y o m lo r.15. Occan G rove M em orial Day—M onday , A u ­

gust,? . ’10. In d u s tr ia l C h ristian A lliance, A . W, Mll-

' h t io ’, p rcs ld In i'—T uesday , A uuust 8.17, S c r ip tu n ir Unfold Iiig a m i 'S p iri tu a l Expo-

s ltlo n s , hy Itev , G eorge 1>. W nlson , D.D. —"W ednesday A u g u s t O to .S a tim ia y A u g u s t 12^1nclusiye.. .

18. N ew A u d ito riu m Day—S a b b a th A u g u st 13.. S e rm o n by C h a p la in J lcC ab e , ll).:*) a . ‘in

10. W o m en 's Enanim gct'ncht'M cctingH T-W w t'. n csdny , A ugust 17, to F r id a y A u g u st IS,

Inclusive. S irs . W h eeler aiu l Miv. C hand­ler.

20. W o m an ’s F oreign M issionary Society-rS at- ’ u rd a y , A ugust 10, S a b b a th A u g u s t 20.

21. A n n u a l C am p M eeting—M onday A ugust21 to 31,' Inclusive. O pening, se rm o n on T uesdtty i A ugust J£!at 10.30a, in ., by Kev. B ishop .I. M. W alden .

P ro f. J . B. SwOeney w ill c o n d u c t th e s in g in g d u r in g thoSunilny*School A ssem b ly a n d th e Cumi>-Mectlng. .•.H oliness M eetln g ev e ry m o rn in g d u r in g th e

Kcafion.ln T abernac le , M rs.. D r. P a lm e r; u n d Y oung People’s M eeting e v e ry m o rn in g in .th e Tem ple , l le v . C. I I . Y a tm an a n d 'Itev '. F . I I . . H o ag lan d . T w ilig h t m ee tin g s d u r in g tlie C am p M eeting, a lso In th o T em p le . S u r f M eeting ev e ry S a b b a th ev en in g d u r in g th e season w hen ' th e w e a th e r w ill a llo w .

. . . E, II. STO K ES, President.

T H E A L A S K A I l O t S I ) ,I T o . 3 c c x i s l S U P i t a n a c x n ' A " r o .

O n e o f t h e ' H est f -o c a te ff H o te ls in O cea ii ( i ro v e . P e r te e t S a n i ta r y S y s tem ;

A r te s ia n W a te r anti* W e ll ' V e n t i la te d K oo iiis ,

I to x .2 0 s7 . X . I I . K IT iM IU t,-P h o p 'k .

Corner o f N ew York an d M ain A venues , OCEAN G RO V E, N .J .

S u p erio r B o ard ing A cco m m o d atio n s. Cen­tra l I .oca tio n . One Srjuare- from Post Oflice! a n d A u d ito riu m .oox 2082. • Mrs. M. M. COMPTON. Prop’r.

Oppoxitf' Orrtnt 'droiY School IfOUSC.S uccesso r to TA YLO U A :H Y N u ,


Sto ves a n d 'RangesT in R o o fin g ttiitlc i'in ^

aiid,: Kcpaii'ing;.Hot A ir "F urnaces, lis t i- inaivM f i iv m 011 S team and H ot W a te r H eaters, am i Hot A ir an il H ot W a ter C om bination Heater*.

uth Main Street, /O p p o s ite O cean G ro v o G ate s

A § IS H it i ' P A R K .

IVY H O U S EBest Quality of Meat. Only;M ain A venue, Ocean Grove. '

A C om fortab le F a m ily H o te l, n e a r th e Ocean, w ith JJberiU M an ag em en tn o t! U enson- ab to Jhvles. A cco m m o d atio n s for l<Vi, w ith ev e ry Com fort an d A ttcn tlofi to G uests.

T. PREN T IS, P roprietor.

M ain Ave. between Central and Beacli.Ivstablislted 1S713.

Com fortab ly fu rn ish ed ro o m s,'e lectric ligh ts, a n d c e n tra lly located , w ith fine ocean view .


Bedroom Suits, from $ 1 2 , up.

Folding Beds at $ 8.

tooo Doz. of Rogers’ Plated

Ware— Knives, F o r k s a n d

Spoons, Triple Plate, at Prices

usually asked for Single Plate.

An unlim ited stock of Gran-

ite Ironware Kitchen U tensils

bought at Manufacturers’ Auc­

tion Sale n ow offered at half

price, including extra large

Coffee Pots, for less than the

price of tin ones. \

L a w r e n c e H o u s e

Corner o f M ain and Central A venues.C E N T R A L LO C A T IO N A N D O C C A N V IE W

Artesian W ater, Perfect S an ita ry Ap­pliances, E lectric L ights, . *

H om e Comforts.Lock Bo x 3023 M l o o " W 1x1 to .

T H M N Y I L I I Ocean grove,N O . 6 4 L A K E A V E N U E ,

O CEA N G R O V E, N . J .‘ '

H oute Boarding H ouse. Open all the year. Close to the Ocean aud

Cainp M eeting G rounds,T o r particulars, inquire o r address,

Box 115. A . A , H iggins & C o .

First- Class Materials only. : J.ead. and Oil used. jY o palest paints to fade, .

Estimates Cheerfully Given.

Cor, I leek Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway • H T H I R T V - Y E H R S • E X P O R lE N C E i f r .

Tilts House is P leasantly anti C entrally Located, near all the P rincipal Points of 7 n t crest. | One M inute to Post Office, Telegraph Office and A uditorium and Three M inutes1 W alk to the Beach.

Open from June / to October. /.The com fort o f o u r guests will be- care­

fully looked after, w hether they re­m ain b u t a day o r th e season.

JChrfric Jlelb, . Iturglur A farm* nnd SpatL'- ing Tit hex ) till up ut*h •nt 'mil ire. Trunk* and parasol* repaired.J . B . C L E E T O N , 4 7 O lin S t r e e t .Mt. Tuhor, near Pilgrim Path n ay,-'

. . O C E A X G R O V E ;C cn tm lly I.w a'totl,-nw ir th e A u d ito riu m am i

all places o f in te re s t. B oom s a n d Board 011 M ost Ben so liab le T erm s. • Special B a les for F am ilies.uox J177. • Kev. S. IT. A.SAV, P rop 'r,1

A. G RAVA TT,t ^ e + V i e n n a - b s k s r y H . A . W A L T O N ,

— M A K K It OK— .

P in e b o o c s m d s p c e s ,• Iii pairing. Done, at Short A o/tVv.

R E H R i- O p + T H B + R O S T + O F F I C E

B read , P ie a n d 'F a n cy C a k e ,.S ou th -M ain S tre e t,O p p o site BroiWlwny ( ia le s

A C E T T E T P A P . Z , 2T. T.O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y A T T E N D E D TO ,

P r y n M a w r H o te l,Corner o f Central• and J /rrk Aren in*,


O CEA N G R O V E, N. J.

□ox 2os7. J O S E P H W H I T E , Pro/t'y.

- 5 - o c e a n G R p v e . - s * H. T R U A X & SO N ,

THEE G0UNTBY MUX iV liL S t l iV H . h l l . W liK . A R C H IT E C T AND B U IL D E R

P la n s a n d speelflcaf i<nm d ra w n fo r a ll k in d s o f m odern wood, s to n e o r b rick b u ild in g s . F o r w o rk m a n sh ip a n d prices w ill re fe r to a ll for w hom I h a v e d o n e w o rk .in th e GroVe a n d - P a rk . K s th im tesch ee rfu lly g iven . .

J i o x 2 u S 7 . - 5 P itm an Avenue, Occan G rove.

T his Department is fully

and com pletely, stocked,- Ev­

erything n ew and fresh.

J . A. W a in r ig h t .

One Cows' Milk for Infants and Invalids. * (51U)X IMKl, Ashury Park, .n r ho.v Ocean Omve. M ilk’Dtipot, F^twrenet* ave.'. hetw eenM aiu and Ilmadwiiy t Jatr, Oivah (irove. ■ 'T elephone (.'pnueetinn.-

T h in : Iloust? has heOn Jtem odeled anti thoroughly renovate<I, ami in two blocks froin the .beach and close to. the Post ■Oniee and Auditorium, (iood Aecom- inotlalion.s ami Most Jieasonuble Termn.

G .- S . I j U K K i Y S , P r o p ’r .P ost Of f ic k B ox 20i>H.

A m herst- H ouseS plend hi Ocean View.

P itm a n A venue, O ccau G rove. X. J „ O ne-half ldock from tiie Ocean. T h is lions** Is d e lig h t- h illy s itu a ted . A ll m o d ern Im provem ents, P erfec t sjinh a rv sy stem . P u re a rte s ia n w ater. T e rm s j-easonnble. • .

W . S. TOWNSEND, f..M-k Box 2212.

1 1 3 Z e x ii .x a .e < ti^ r ] B C o i t K . s e ? •2 6 W E B B A V E . , O C E A N G R O V E ,

One JHork from the Ocean, Splendid Sc<( Vie iv, Electric Light*, Artesian and perfect Sanitary Arrangement*.

p. 0 .110X3270. . MrH. L . VanKoti^ Prop’ r.

Corner o f Jfmch and .Ahlmtf Aren nr*, 6 c KAX OleOVK, X, J .

S p len d h ily I^ icated , w ith in one liloek o f th e oem ii, lak e u u d b a th in g g ro u n d s.

P. O.JioxX'jO. . M R S . H , M . B L A K E ,

drllE CIIALFOiVTK.Xo 9 Occan Avenue, above Ocean PiitU-

way.Mish A, M. BECKtrrr, Proprietress, P.ox 22-1

- 3 j i t T b e © G u e r e t t f $ -

No. .f6 Embury Avenue, Ocean Grove.Pleasantly located w ith in tw o m inutes'

w alk o f the Ocean and convenient to all points o f interest. Prices from $8 to $12 per week.L o c k B o x 2 2 ( 5 0 . . M i t s '. 1*1. 11 ATCl 1;

T fl I K C I I A D T A I ^ I I A .Xo 64 Broadway.

M as. T . T . W k . u tm a x , M iss M . A . DoWKu.

S I L A S I V . R A l t T O n ,

m m m and BUILDERM A T T m C i S ,

Fifteen-cent Fancy ‘Mat tings, retluced to 10c per yard. .

Twenty-tlve cent M attings, reduced to loc p er yard.

Thirty-eent ^rattings nnhiced to 20c per:^:^,:.yardv> - ■

F itty-cent M attings reduced to 25c. jier . yard .:• . A -0 'U> ■;

Reductions" iii ‘.Carpets, Utigs and Oil Cloths. -V-,:

: I £ E F K I C J E K A T O K 8 . 'Tlie Glia lleiige,.. hard wood, 1 highcHt'grade, eiegii 111 sideboard style, red ii ced from $30

, • ■ ■ . to $22,50.Othei; styles, chests and uprights from

V:-.; ; . ■' >;■ 1 $7.50.Upwards..

:A 5TCialion can gocs: \vith every stove! \vlten yOu buy ou r gasoline. •

The largest a iid liuest'line- ever shown in the;- county. y. Our-- ow n iniportatip'ns.

: ;;; Deep rated', and white. - ■ • A ' K.ine:Eiigiisli:l)econ\tcd';P ! :i l*i eccs, 511 • 25', ;'. red 1.1 ced- fro n i. $ 13,06.. - • ■

. p tlie r liiips to^^close;oiit r c ^ r d l ^ ^ i f ct>st; W ant the room.

i i u t i 11 tw oLAAVX ^lOW EnS^W armiUed^-liedticcil:

^ : V‘: A P r i c e s . V: ^Sou veil! rs> v l t l i , pu rchiisea • aii loiuit j iig 10;

one 'dollar, on Saturdavs. -. -

n A X s u t x 1 1 0 1 .su .O w ner Xew York and Kmhury Avenues.

Miss. A. Ponsai.i..

A T L A N T I C l l O I S i :All A ppointm ents tirsi-class.


Corlies Avenue Xcar Church.

W e s t G rove, N ew J e r se y flake Hay While the Sun Shines.

And the sun of opportunity is shining how for those who wish to ‘reap the harvest." Prices are not. al­ways as low as they- are now, nor qualities so good when the- price is low: But this, is a special Gleaning out sale ordered for the purpose of making room for Fall stock. . If you. need, or are likely to need in the near future, anything at all in the clothing line, now is your gole.n opportunity to "m ake hay while- the sun shines" lor the occasion may never be repeated. The. chance of a lifetime. The . best bargains of the whole season.

PostlOiflce Address, Box 2090, Ocean: Qrove.■\ "P ro m p t'a t ten tio ii g iven (o o rd ers-fo r sn u ill

.' j o b s .a n d repairs.:

Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Furna-

. . ccs and .House Fur-

n ishing Goods.

Jabbing l ‘iiim)illij..\lhwkil,lii.Tin lionjihtj 11 $t>ti:iutt>i.



C ounsellor a t Law ,Monmouth Building, A sbury Park,

C o m m issio n er o f B ecds o f wNew 'Yoric: a nd ^ P e n iis y lv a 1 i.lii; A ck n o w led g ein e iits ; tak e n : o f a ll S ta tes. V-:':/ V

W ILLIAM M P A W L E YT e n t a iid - f lrs t-e ia s s , p la t fo rm ; w ith tw o rootris a tta c lic d . T e n t 11x10, k i tc h e n ,12x13, w ith side stoop, b ack r o o m , '12x16,. ■ AH h i . gpod o rd er.; in q u ir e bn .tho , p rem ises,‘ •i7 Clai’k ; A venuo / OceaiLGrove. *’ ' . SOJuly-lt, ^:

166-168 Main St.

H ; O; ,0 A N D E E , P r o p r ie to r

Page 8: l a l - digifind-it. · PDF file- l a l REV, A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 189S, VOL. XIX, No. SO. An Invocation, I1Y.W. II. Cl.AHK, . ... AT THK


T E T E - A - T E T E .

After-Pinner Clint (lathered by the "Tim e**': Reporters. •

• Anyone in Konreli'nf u half-hour’ senur- :tu in in cn t,sh o u ld drop into .Mr. II- I'-, .liilm^on's now jtnveiery- establishment at 'flic ronior.ofX ’ookinsVn avenue and Hoiid street, A sbury Park, - examine tl’ic elegant lino o f . d iam onds watehes iind jew elry displayed in Ids -how '«!*«*• Air. f.1olim>ou was formerly located .on - M ain s treet, next : to- I Ion rv Sieinbach’f*, but found .the i|Uin b r> h.»o small for h is grow- ing bus*lt\csv. and t ho ttrsl lloor ol* tlu* brick In'll Mi nir where ho is now located w as'lined up and furnished especially for

; th e purpose. He lms spared no expense iii making the. place attractive .anil ono

[cannot conceive of. a moro. beautifuj and \ve11 selected lino o f piods, both- useful am l.ornuineutnl. :

H O T E L A R R IV A L S .

A L is t of People whii «re HoMnjc Ocean llroye . ; ; . * . .T M r^tO pplnR IMacc,

' T he follow ini*, named people re"isU:red ; in .Ocean l»rove*-last week :

' '' . iiow Kii c o t t a ; :; M r. n i i t lM rs . 'H a r ry H arv ey ; S p r in g ' l.uko; i l r s . M 1117:11 tv t B a rk e r, Pussalc; M rs. Louisa Pow ells u n i t : fam ily , M is. :A u n n x‘otclouph,

i T ren to n ; M ira I t . i lh u lm u n . M is. J . Puhots, W e s t P litIn d u lp lthit. M rs. W ood, a n d MKs ; S a ra h ..M iller, C am den , N .J ,

• I'l.ltOttADO.• M r, n n d M rs. W illiam M ay iiiul d au g h te r , O te n Utilize, N . Y.; Mis. A. C. F iilivh lld . M is. .1. II; OookI M rs. K. W . A lien. P a tte rso n , N . .1::

; P r . .Tallies A . I t. Dickson, G all. O n t.:-M r. Clin n n coy S tn tle r n u d wife X ew Y ork; Miss A m y. G, B u rt, Mis* C lara M. Hurl, PlaiutlcUL X , n n d M rs. Spiv h a i\d son , Mv. wmlM rs ,W a r r e n .an d ch ild , l)r. ,1. M . S tew art, P a te rso n , X , ,1.:. M is. ,1. Ia A iian, P c rtlm it. A jsati, E liza P . Airun, M r, Chits. A . D errick, C am b rid g e , X*.Y .;C . II, C om stock. B rooklyn ,

:X , P u rn e ll wife, nm l cb lld , P a terson ,:,N . ,1,: .1. I t, L o o tiiK S e tt1’ Y ork: A. ,',L- Loos,

. A Tima* Lady Faints While llathinpMi>- iirnee. I'nnOec, icm porardv stop-

piiiti’ai the (•Maerndon llouvc, <*t* Mt. Ta-: .1 >i ir \\*a v, fainte« 1 in tho wa tor. wh ilo I tat h - nm a t Lilla^ovc’s on . Thu ivday, morning. She was eurried in to tlio • hathinir parlors and 11 physician called, but it V as sotpe ‘hours before, she returned to conscious­ness...M iss (.’atulee has been under a 'physicians .eare Tor some tim e ami tbo shock uiaYhe alhmdod .w ith serious re ­sult*.-., \ •

A Hire nt Ko.«s*$ PavllUtn. •A slight lire occured at Hoss's pavilion

on Thursday afternoon. It was , occa­sioned • through th e carelessness o f tlie chef. and but tbv.. tim ely a ttention it m ight: have resulted seriously;

Otto yanOillnwe, one o f iho F.aglc ■ llook * iind.Liddei: boys, was throw n ■from th e watnm in which he was ritlin^. aiul th e h i mi wheels o f that vehicle aiul the truck which was d irec tly 'in th e roar niii/over h is body, injuring him slightly.

“ T h e S ta t a le s rejralal In jit ho opo ral tons (if N a tio n a l P u n k s a re ;n f siu*h w tso conception . t lint. coilsH ciilto iistv eon io riueil to l»y U lllcers nm l D irectors, n o in*t It u tio n o fp u n k lim i«|>- p roaelies tin- N a ih n ia i, lo r e lescrvea em iiltleneo o f h»»«\ Keeurlly i<» palvons,•’ .


ALUUKT C. T WIN IN O , C ashier.

O r g in iiz t t i I ’t b n i a r y 1 S S 6. .

O. H . IHUnVN. Vice President. M ARTIN V. n.\C.l*R. Ass’V Cashier.

M a t t i s o n A v e . a n d B o n d S t r e e t , A s b u r y P a r k .■ ; l*or C onvenience of Ocean O r 'v e p a tro n s :

Of fa r ( \r iv i Grove Cautp M e c iiu g .. tesot'iqthn /iu i/d i'iii, Ouiin (>’ro;t\ A’. /.

C a p ita l) S I0 0 ,OOO, Suvp I iiS S 7 .0 ,000 .Transacts a general hatllciuK business, issues letters of credit available in the

principal cities of the world. Foreign aud domestic exchanges bought and sold. Collections Carefully nuiilc nml promptly accounted for, •

/7. Kl’orhf, I l n u r AV<//»»)■,

M ih t i i Jtaxs, JufitV I.. Cultiii,11 C. C um i,. .

llO A liP OF 1 )1 HKCTpivS: A O n ri T>{'iiiiiui, O liirrJF , t tn n n t ,M. h. JhtmuHtH,. Slur mu n Ji. Oautt, UWiuin Jf- Iu tyUv

C. K>:itn>:ilif, S n n iiu i J o h n non, . 1'lnn-hx A. At tin?, •

.1. Yotniff, W iltunn Jlo tliiu n iif.


BanRs Ave & E m ory S t

A S B U R Y PA R K .

On*hi*stni S»iii‘*. ”•'*«•.. Pa Icony (frontV ‘A*.Orein*.<ira i ’trvlc. *»<V . • ltiteo n y , : iv .

H allcry , iV*. lS ivem M . S c a ts a t • K lu tito n th V P iu i; S tore.

Fridaij and&hrdBij.Julil 28,29.

K IR M E SSc m m i * OS’ ‘ HATIOHS

! K » tt T IIK 1IKXKKIT UKPli()uilt‘lp{i(a: M iVa'ntl Mrs. S . O shon t. Klla ■ ..31iiy O sborn, H arrie t t ish o m , .Kllzjihi-itt, N .,l.; . I I R n f t I—<< i m / 1P ..P ; NVi'Cksami wife, > tastc r W eeks, Kocluv-- } U C d t 1 1 L ) d 1 1 L I * U U Ute r . X . Y.; l>. I t, M acN eii, w ile n u d eh llii.

'•Hut h e r font rN .' J .; O lianneey 11. H u r t , Plain* fleUl, N,;.l,; i t . ’l t . H a r r is . P ttlla ile lp h la ; Klleu .In rre lt, PntValo. N , Y .; K. P . i>>l*»n n m u l wife. K llz a lv th . X , Y.; M tss M antle 0 >Im*i i i , Xew* a X . ' J A t is . I <> iH r Pixxiine,' . le h je y c i lyJlcipht®. ' ' ’ ' . "

iv y ilOVSK, •' ..'•;;V'j3lt*s. ,7. Hasi. Miss Atitnife P. Hurt, Phmk- *|:■ ly n ; >rrs, K n ih k M , H utch ison . Tri*ti.toii; Th«V>.*‘\ •*• * P a 111 e is to 11 * 1);‘P . S;,! U u n b ert vtlle; Mrs;-. Pal- j 1 -:detsiou , trfituberty llle: A t iv .M .■,■ UtnW hack, ,-v : J tl^ s Kllu lUnlebac.k',:cIiester; M r. ,)u m csi.an n - : ..pinvKiist iO ratipe: J tr , \V.;:I*', H u l l .M ts s Ire n e 1

ttr tw se H all, I 'liH julelphia: M r. k ; ' |-j Itenyii not,'; Mr. \V ii i (uker,. .Phl!ailel pii la; [

I’lulef tlie (llreetlou nfC’APT. t*. W. KHPY

F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 4 t h a n d 5 t h .

LEW D O d ^ D E ^ :

G h a s . L e w i s ,j . : ; Lumber,j ‘ — T,v— Dpors, Sash, Blinds,

CHAS. LEWI5 .& 00... i . Frames, Mouldings,Hardware, ./Paints,Ofls, etc. '

S O O T K ; E l I M . S T . ,

Factory, Dunkirk, N. V.^-sTo-CLr^ r I F 5a.rl^ :« IS ret ueh -Yard, Spring Lake. :

B r a d l e y e a c h

This tract lies between Ocean Grove on tho N orth anti Avon on th e South. Jt has a frontage o f one m ile (m th e Ocean. Tho streets; run at rijxht angles to th e sea. M uch o f the prtiperly is still in tlie hands o f one petvon, .who .is not a seller n t the present, time; but who lilts aided adjoin-, ing owners in .mapping ou t aiul ghiding the ir lands on the best • possible plan to preijare for. th e oncom ing hosts .o f our great cities, to whom New Jersey coast ipust always be a sanitariinu.

p lila : M rr iiiiil. M rs. W , NY. .|aeobu.<M ls ,-5 X etlie • J tieo b u s, M j s s . M a be i' J iu v b u s. JI Iss . Pess J e ' .Ja- ;;Cobiis;'JI v : YeruetV Kust'Oni tiiie; j i rs, S..K. H ie k n m n , M Iss J u lla .11 ie.kitian, T. K, Grlf-

ittftti, H ,.C . ^ tw ll. M rs, H , C. S tn ll,; Miss’ J u lia J>tull, T n ’Uton; M is. nm ! M is s liibj-on. pnx ik - y ly n iM r. KrOileriek F o \; Mis< H . P a r io n .M rs , ,1. J l. H n l l 3 t r . AllH'rt l la l t . Mr. I* P . I tot iler- ; sio«.,'VhUnsU'.lpUi!r. U, Hv Iug v tso tl, AUixnlie

>,'t?ity; Miss ^ ilphja.C liinnlH 'rluln, Tri'iu«)ii.'^1 • •■■j i i k ''cASTi.vrrxix.-. ■

M .'FVP. F rleber. M i '; ' W ritth t,. M. C'onnlM'. , 1 X ew ’Y ork;-M rs.* P , V*. I ’rlvber, W ash tn jilon ;: J l is . K, i '. l lm u v , M rs s . A rbnck le , Xew , H av en , C o n n .:M rs . !•:. -HiMnlmoiv, \V estvllle,. Conn.; M is .’F . Ptnlewell', K le h n n u a l’ Va.


. A OHitipstf at its Interesting Trea5uries.O f inoro real interest t o . tlie average •

v isitor to th e World’s l a ir th an all the I. confusing arm y o f locoim>tivos. u iis . ; ships, Ayagons, bicycles, and yeloci- . •pOiles in the- great Transportation Build- • ing is the compact vet com prehensive ex- j h ib it which th e Pennsylvania Hai!road j Company makes in its o\Vn beautiful lit­tle model railroad station. W hat - witli i signal tow er,.overhead foot-bridge,, auto- 1

: m at it* ; switches,. t racks,. ballast, and ! ditches just ouiside its doors and xln> ■ original “ .lolni Hull’''locomotive, the o ld - ! est in America, w ith its tra in o f ’

• autiquo.wijv,- and the.colossal iron , ve- ' h id e oiioii which lie lingo K rupp guns • wore conveyed froin H aitim otv to the.K x- ;

|; /position .standing in th e shadow' o f its f walls, it presents, to th e passer-by an ap- ■ iv a ran ccso distinctly characteristic that

. a careful inspeetion o f :)ie tt\‘asures o f ' the in terior is nhnost inevitable. . .. . \.

■?. / Once inside y ou en ter .immediately > I: intern study o f trauiK*rtation\ history in i., th e ' Unitoil States on the kindergarten ; ;,/_or objtvt-U^s*ui. k tsis. and bv means o f

iniylels, ranging from the ' old Com'stogn• A\*iigons, tlirotiL’li. a e r ie s o f curiously

ia sh ip n ^ l rars-up to the standard loa-iiio,- •. tives and. |iassenger Lvacln-s ;of to -day ,. t you seeiire a most effective, idea, o f rail- •

; i« id progress. Nor do tlie . nuxlels here ' shown have to do w ith vehicU'S ohlv. In

r/the rttses. whiolx line ; walls o f tht* ivl.l • . /wUUe Uwerisw ;wvv : \ l ^ to W seen niodel .• thicks o f .all periiMls.* various s>Vteins 'of.

. sigunls rin .;Uk*. a t diileretu tiim s.; and ' / even ticket's an d ;:time-table*, not forA t-

ting .(viuhtcti^rs’ pum'ho? and lanterns.;’l l i t tlie..way o f models, The jv - t o f honor . isg iven to a.m agnitiivnt O'p.r.KitiViioti ’.o f '

ih e Pennsylvania Kailo/ad t.Viujiciny’s : • new .doubV deck• forry*l*o:it •'* W ashing?v ? ton.*’•whicb.plie.' IvtWi'on New York and . Jersey City; a m ,ldel o»>ui|Oe.te i i i . every 1

detail, even t o 11 ie ' electric lighting a n d :; the ntl>i»or hiats at ihe .doo:v.’.,; Maps m re lie f o f a; Iii.)st inteiv--tinu an d Inst m ot- ive clm hictor a iv iiume»\ui>. .uot the least

•im portant lieirigiono four tVvt wide by -: tWclyo fe«.‘t 1 loug,‘.shi>wiiig a t once th e i>ld ■

: IVrtage.the.iic'w Ponai»e':uid the p.ivSent nvid o f t he Vi ‘si i\»a tiy i.ver 11 io -VI leg I ioii ies, : aU.armiigvsl to a ?cale and •jiving a Iv tte r ;

‘ notion of that AV.ijidet tui feat.of engineer- j 1 ing,' the 1 loise-slu.v .OiryO} tHati eiih even J.h* li:ul, l»v ji trip oyer it.

To furnVsb ;v i>>niptvl)en?ivo'idea”o f the lnaiinitude o f the Pennsylvania 15ai)road system no Iv tte r method could haye been

' iidopuxl le an th a t \rhicli is heiypivsentvd in .th e shape o f u jHiyijective maji th irty - ’ th ree iw t long,'show ing the jv jitio n «*f fticli t rain in m otion on th e system : a t (> ’ P. M. on C ohuiibia. I>.»y. OctoW r 2 1> I ^ i \ ;

1 th e ]< L ^nger trains - 1-oiiiir bv^-it :ny ' gilt kx-omotivj.(s n..V the ftvigiit v .tra ins' by 's i i n ib r ; Un'omotiye*,* -axvIopchI i.

■ blue; •;' I ti ad; I it ion to al 11 his t hen*, i * cjtse • i n ite r «»f p'no.togniphs,; i^ te rv . letters.

■ bills :uv4 o ther 'dt vuuien’ts. a l l ’ n*.«.»rir o r :• :*kss ih:er';-s:ir»2i an.! a uiunt*er o f wajc t;g. tires, ciottie- j h i the ’.miiorms o f thy Pvt-.::-

isyivatiia 's . w orking . .-tad’ \ . f enipJoye.s ip.'tir UKrsa^"r».irscre. vvnductorj.;.'

IIAIIHY .1. l-LAl'IIAJI. Manager.4 0 G r e a t A r t i s t s 4 0

1 1 C o m d e i a n s 1 1

8 S o l o V o c a l i s t s 8

Ih iim m t’f t ' Lalt'ti $ k t i c h ~ r j j \ : o i ' ('‘h iroijo \ . '■ D u r iiu j th i F a ir . [

iM tICKS $I.W;-Ta. ^V.AXD '23 CKXTS.


o n si m l a f te r J u ly 10, I$i!.


i'o r .X eW Y ork , N ew ark un it KIl?,'ibi*th.-t’. j ' \ 7.r:.s.*J»*.s.ai».ian. in .. 1.10, XW , VS>,•VO. anih».tt‘> p , 111.

I ’o r P a h w ay, it.IS, 0.10, a . in ., 1.10, -W an ti. o.U‘i p . nr.

F o r M :»«w iiii, «Un S.-l-i, 4P.Ill S titu n la y only). U. III.. 1.10. 2.4.% O.lVi }», III.

Ft»r Loin: P n iu e li, lUtl fi.4S, t7,Ji) M omluy onlyV i .T.rJ, s:>'. iU 'i. n.m I0.i i . l l .0i n ,r» a . m .. 1.10... 2.4o. 1 S jitn n la y o n ly >, i.Vi. 4.i», ‘«,:a •, !•V li li/J-V ti. Ci. 7.H. j ja tu n ltiv o tily r. O.Oi

P .m .F o r I te tl R in k . O.li. 7,42, P. 10 a . in ., 1 .10.

i f v Jl..'*'. -1.2% 3.W, 0.U1 p. in,-

S T IL E S ’ E X P R E S S A N D S T A G E L I N E .

Is th e o ld e s t e s ta b l is h e d l in e \ in O cean G ro v e find As- bu i-.yP avk. S pecia l ia c ilitie s f o r t h e p r o m p t a iid c a re fu l h a n d l i i i f f o f a l l k in d s o f F u rn itu re ,- P ian o s . B o ile rs a n d Safes. S h ipp ing -tag 's fu rn is h e d free. S to ra g e fo r a ll k in d s ' o f goods.' S e p a ra te C o m p a r tm e n ts . E ac h in d iv id u a l 'f u r - n ish e d w i th key .

| ^ J K C O B f S T I L E S f1 O ti’iCES:—No. 702 Mattison Avenue, ltailroad Dopot, Asbury .Park; Corlies

Avenue, W est Grove; No. 4G Main Avenue, opposite Association Office, Ocean Grove, Post Office Box GG9, A sbury .Park, N. J . .

The following pei-sons are property owners a t Bradley Beach and are offering desiivble plots and lots for sale :

Kobcrt Hut tor. . ;■ Palm ateer Bros,*

I)r, 1 I .S . k ii im o n th .

William B. Bmdnor. ,' >ltv. A, S. B rin lev ; (thtxmgh. T, F rank : Appleby, agent), and othei’S. ’= •

Maps o f those projierticH can no doubt be furnished by Charles Rogers, the rt»al estate agent.. .

lirailley Beach is now ihcor|>omted and tliese aro the officers o f the Borough :. • :

.AlAYOH.—Benjamin Bennett. .• COUNCI LMEX.—Alfrod B. Yarnall,

Peter Polantl, W illiam (lifford ami Je r­ome H. Mntldell. ..

C’LKHK.—Addison ilutchinson.' AjnSE-S.^OK.—:l 'n u ik H erb c r t. COLLKCTOU.—W illiam. W. I^umbee. COM M IS.SIOX KH.S OF. A PPE A L.—

Kolwrt Pctei-son, Williain-.T. Pavnter and William Flood. ; •

1>0UNT)KF.EPEK.~Charles M u rp h y ..

/jSV fS ' A *T* <[> <1* 'T* *T*

Cuts ,’prices on patent med­

icines 'alter tlie proprietor of an alleged drug store has been lined for keeping a dis­orderly house. In other words,

selling, rum.

No REPUTABLE druggist’ can afford to meet such prices. Which is it, principles or pen­nies? . , . ■.

W jllTE, TSjg Dfuggi^V

in Ocean Grove, opposite the

Auditorium, keeps a drug store, not a rum mill.

' l* /jN /p /’j ' /jS *T> *T»

J M E S A . Q U I N N ,

0MRY> 3X1) - 1GE milUiu »U i l u i t n r . i . u n i / i e i / vv .um n) ■

A ll G oods M ad e.011 t h e P rem ises .

A’o. 51 M ain A venue,

O C B ^ N Q R O V E , W.J,G O O D R I C H ’S

A S B U R Y P A R K a n d O C E A N G R O V E .

m rn n n o n IVin

. G O O

ut.F o r P h ila d e lp h ia , tP ro a il S t,i um l T ren to n ,0.27,7.2*», ‘M .0.12. a . m :, 1*J.-*S :L‘>T, ,V« p,.. ,

F o rO u m le n . ParllnuM onantl P o n lcn to w n , v ia i T re n to n ,-7.2», l*.12a. in .,' 12.5$ p. m , ;

F o r O o m len .utnl. P h ita tle lp h la . v ia Tom s * ..U iver;ti.r2 , iS.lo.M oiuluys only* u , in ., 4,j2

p. in . w tvk-tlays. . ;F o r T om s ltlv e r. Is la n d I le lu h ts . a n d 'in te rn ie - :

t lia te sm lin n s . 0,l2.(S.i:| > tom lavs on ly ; 11.(K. u in. L*»2, 7.1.'t p.m .. week tluys, !

F o r P o in t Plrtismm u n it in te rm ed ia to s ta t io n s 1 ill .W , 0.42,1 S.i:l M o n d ay s only,* 0,.’W. 1HK \ 11.17, a . n i„ 2.1:1,v2..V»^Nnimlays on lyv i.21 . , 4,:ti'4.52, Xla, ti,^ , 7.1;l-aiul O.ttl p. in. week- , d ay s , ■• . . ;

F o r New PrutiswU -k. v ia M o n m o u th J u n e lio n . 0/J7,7.*i a .m ., !2.:K(*:t..'i7 a ml p .m . . . •. j

t h a t n s i .k a v k n k w v o i:k (v la 'lV sl >rosses um i \ Cort la m l t S t s .- fe r r ie s ) 'r o i : o 'c k a s o k o v k :

AM ) .ISHI'HY CAKK.. . 1 ‘ !At T.:W.‘0.10..10,n>a.‘ m .,p il0 . U.2>‘.S a iu rd :n ' I

nn ly l. 2,;X>, :*.I0. -MO, 4,2>‘, o. 10. nud 7.'«i p. n r , !• ^um \ny^( n V.\ o.O a , m.'. o.l.j p . iu .

•On ‘ S u m lu y s w ill , s to p u t In te rla k e n f a n d A von in p lace o f X p rtlt A sb u ry l*urk t a n d A sb u ry I 'a r k to let oil'.ivissenjjers.TWAINS LKAVE H IlI.A ltK I.l'H IA (Pro:ld St.,) i

y o u Asm-uY v a h k —w k e k u a v s .A t I .US, ti,.*i *, S.2V 11.^1 a . in .; 2. It*, 4.(*0. p .m .' \

■ and .i'iaO ^ a tu n lay > on ly ) p . m . . M arke t i s t n v t W harf; v ia Q im d en a u d T e u to n —'i

• • **.10, 7.2i>,. U'.<*>i u. m „ 2.‘>a p. in ., (4.*«up; m . •S sttim lay on ly ). V ia O itu d en a m i J a m e s - • lu iiv . .7.2V u , n i.. n : in ;.

F o r PalUinori> a n d W a>liJnj:ton, .VA 7 :X I tf.:il, 0 .10,10,20, 11.IS a . in.; 12. 0 (12.2’». L im it- i

.etl. P in ingC ar,> ;l.:w. 4.U. w . l u 'f o n - ;erv>>loii:il L im ited P u llln a u I*arlor tAiK a n d l 'in ln s i.'ap i*.IT. 7.i'0.7.4»>p.m.,and I2.u:. Ulsiht, w trk da>>. S u n d a y s , . 7 ^ > ' . s.H*. -

• ILK a , nil,' 12,10 4.4L 7.iO,7.k),p. in ;a n d 12.05 1 n icllt:W ash in u tiin o n ly ii.Vi p. in .; d a ily . X**»eiKp»ht ' , F o r R iltlm o rx -o n ly .2.it!, 4.01,-3.0s a n d ll.-J»p.ni.

Wivk-^lays; S u n d ay s: .*i.<iS'aml • 1 !.*?».p .'in . : .T tniiM iiblfs «»f a ll t i ih e r tr.»in>.-of t lie -V !- ;

u-m >inay be nhtaiue«l a t th e tiek e t-o tllee o r ■ ■-•aiUnc, ■ . ._ .... •: . ’• J i ' i l w . i „i . i r 1 \ i . u t .

S. J t . P I IK \ ('♦ST, Kim'! .i/ffi:<iyr, ' •


; T im e Tublvl in i ifo-t J u n e ■ 2V.l-:n

o r p t j e i t i t i j b e

U n d e r o u r ro o f is w o rth seeing. "While o u r prices are th e low est, th e goods w ill be fo u n d th e v e ry best. Do n o t forget us w h en y o u w a n t M at­tresses o r P illow s. W e m an u fa c tu re these goods a n d can saye 3rou 25 p e r cent. Call an d ex am in e th e stock.

JOHN A. GITHENS & Co.,M a i n S t r e e t ; A s b u r y P a r k .

S F E S C I A X . S A L E

L A D IE S ' M IS S E S °nd C H IL D R E N SM E N S 'B O Y S . A N D Y O U T H ’S


C o o k m a n A v e . , a n d B o n d S t . ,

A s b u r y P a r k .

g ll.U tL E S lipOKRS..

PIONEER REAL ESTATE AGT.M ain St. C om er F ifth Avenue;

J5HADLEY ♦ B EA C H , - N. - J.


im :f k u k n wc f s : •

p a lm a tc t'r . llro th e rs , L u m b e r H eaters. . J a m e s A . B radley .

A . A 1 T ay lo r, M a s o n a n d P u i ld e r .


I i o i s i : MOVER,

Braillt-y Bcadt, - J«o«‘ iofsey.

j l i . M I 'D D K LI.,

■■■: B l ’T C IIE R ,rn-.lilli'v' lU-.ich, Xew ■ JoiM'V.

U’>r. f iH I F l 'iX ,

TE A M ST E R ,Iira.ltuy IVu'h. Xew Jctsty.'

JT i'A R T KO(3KK«,

Civil Engineer and Surveyor,Fifth Avo., and Main St., Bmdley Ik'ach.

]u m m

O F F I C E S ;Xo. oO IhvI: Air.. Oca in Orote ttntl

llaih'CHul Depot, jUbunj Park. ;

G E O . E . F I R M E R , / :opp. octkn onovt tuat9,

H A IN S T R E E T ; A 5 B U R V P A R K .


^ 1 * 0 0 T K 1—L im e, C em ent, P la s lcr , &c.

.B r a n ch O f f i c e :M, L. lianunan, Asbury Park, *

J . A. W ainright, Ocean’Grove.. TELEPHONE, 28*.

M 1 R C U S D . L E R O Y ,j Successor to L. M, TA Y LO R,


ir3® A I f . 9 W © © 2D . AKD D

( D H A M I50A 3I.,Main Office—Mattison Avenue, opposite the F irst National Bank, Asbury Park. Ocean Grove Branch at Stiles’ Express Office; ‘ • ■ ■.

Sm iinn-, in X« w Y o rk —4.V:ltra5 ttal*r».od »«i New Jer?«*v, f ,» t o f LlU r ty stn -t-t. U.-P., ) ftki: ,i.f i 'o r ; la n d t .a iid 1 b n >'»»•> -

.X . J . S-Uith'-ni lliiilw iiy . f . . / t o f Ii*.-vti»r at!.

. i .ka.vf. n e w y«:*»:k i o n oCE.\N oro vk . a;c.C en tra l K. I l. 'o f X . .L—I .X O -v l i \ s > i l .^ ta : lit.• •. !.»». i i \ -X i>. 4.o>, 4.r>.. :>:■}). v .i’i p. in . ..

;Peiin>ytv .in la—:^n , v.\», 1*0.0, u. in:, l ilO , f• 1.2'., % 10, 7,i«'. p, iij.Xew JerM 'y -^v.uhvrti—ll.O ' a . m<« l .«0 i?sitnr- \ dav> o n ly i;.;l, .VJi p . m . • ■ . * J' v k tA snuisy J’a i ; k ;ro t : N ew v o r 'k . We

CeutRit IL K. i>f X. >1.— ,b \ 7 «o;■ ■ n.i**. l“ ..vifca. niv 12.1.V, 2.10. -i.K\ T.o.i.ip.' mi Pi*nn»ylyaniu—O.In T.Vi *». j.:s O.bva. u u j - , ^ If, 2. $•*), V 4.2V, f’.o'i, p , m . :Now Jor>ey >oiUluriv— 7.»7, m ., ,VU

- P.- in , ♦ • ' ' • .■F o r 'P lilhuU 'lph la n n«S T n-n to ii.' v ia . ' i ^ i i i p ! ’

’ I j rook J Utine—'.!. l»», .?,%•,•,». t(>» . in ., 12 i.j.r 2Jli‘, 4.*.o p. rn. . ,

Fop Pelmsir, Spriiv;vIa*kei M anayjiinn—W*. ti.27, 0.42. ti.Vi, 7 .2 \ S».l2; 1»..X pf.12, H,*«'. -lH 7 ;a . tn., 12.::!, 12.-N, 12.V7. l .P , 2 ,f l ’ i-V .

;s-Vk. 1.07, 4,2V .4^2,. l..)2, a .iv .\1 V .\2 n • v*S, o.i>; v.YX T.i:;,‘ 7.1s 7 .7 i

. . ; **.1 j, O.ui. p . i n : : ; ' :M a tinsquau a n d Pi*fnf . I'irttN int—V A i- .ti -.

. tt.Vi. S.PVO.::*;, b.Mi- H.'t*. l l . i : . ,W nc . |2 ;S ,: . l i »7, l . l s 2.11. 4.*c, 1,21; l.:y, 4..Vi- '- ;».•>, .V«N f'.'»*, ti.i:5, , ||.1 \ T.l;:, 7.IS ' 7.' L

. . >.l‘;,9 .0 if p; m . •• ■ . . . •F o r Ti^‘ntt>ii a n d P h ilad e lp h ia . v!a, CUxi—

*'.1,27.7.2‘*.r%Vt,}*.!J .t» .n i,; iiicvv.'f.v.X -:\ p . iri. For'F rve lio lii—7,'*; 0.12 a . m ,.12.2 t. p. in. / ' ] p. in;. S.11 u n la y 1'iMily. • •' 'FOr T \uus lU yer-^ /,;:. v.;>v, Has,, a . to ., i/O. 7 .r.. . p :m „t o r t ’am denandtni«.«n.Hliate -*lation> via s ^ i

Shon»: Houu'—f>.rj a. tn..4;;4i p. ni.— ■ m ’FF.S P r.O D G hT F, S,-U .U . P . PALV*\V IX .:*;. } \ ; fo e . Jf. ! t. <f A \ J .

J . IL WO»>I>. <rV»i7 '} \is.■, I «/,*. /v .init; Je. Ii.

F O R M E R L Y P I L C R 1 W P A T H W R V . O C E H N C R O U E .

D o Y o u E x p e c t to R e n t

A P ia n o a t th e Seashore th is Sunin ier?D o n o t do it u n t i l yo u '{ re t m y P ric es a.xid- see m y StQC-k.

% : : R - A . T U S T I N G ,C y E - :M .i i IT fS O 'N ; M E . J jiK D . B O N D S T . , A S B U R Y P S R K ,



The Knoll Double- Action Rubbing and Suction Washer,

T w o .Machines in One.AVaslies 14 S h ir t s a t a

T im e, 7 on ea ch sicle. O n ly •J y e a rs old. ijOOO Sold. F iv e D is tin c t O p e ra tio n s m a d e liy o n e m o t io n ' o f ■ th e •l«?vor; a n d y e t a ch ild oi' ■lOcan o p era te , it. .

P r i c e , S IO , L a r g e S iz e , S I 2 ,

. .MANL'i'ACTlT.KP Ity—

U lL D E T D r S :& -D.D,, O O D A T J B JR D T Z E , K 0

u l G - B i T T S

TJT .AVEST PUAPLKY BKACil IS LO-| ttiitvl the lanie Xii*ht Shirt Factory j

ofSTKIXKH. Th I* .factory employes jthree hundred ha ml.-. It is without doubt the I laryesi faetor>* of the kind in the L'nltcd ! S ta tes . • ■. * I

BU A U LKY HE AC I i EC HO.— T h is Is a ! : m o n th ly .p ;i|ter pu b lis lied priiieip<»lly in -i

th e In te rest-o f ih e H radley P each C hurch . I t ! > a n elsht-jBiire j u i k t a n d is conductod’.w ith j mucH s k il l a n d c u ltu re , •Hev.' A lb ert Sw ift i< th e e d ito r a n d p u b lif h e r, .

r r l l K KX TKX.SIVi: P v - 'fP IX G 8 T A T I0 X ! 1 o f .th e O c« ih Grovo A rtes ian ' W ate r \V<irk^, uIso tlie Uvr^e K U ^trie I .l^ h t P la n t Ik.- : lo n i 'in ^ to th e .s a m e corp o m ilo ii, a re .In th e Homu^U o f Pr.vdley Peach .

tt S P C P Y PA PIC GA S CUM PA NV— T H IS X I C om jiany w ill o n M ay 1st be a b le to lu r- n lsh bus tq th e htorvs o r co ttag es a t P m d le y P each . Olllce A sbn'ry P a rk .

T H E E X T E N S IV E F R E IG H T STA TIO N OF 1 th e lV n n ^y lv an ia anU .I^uiy B h u ieh Ita il-

roadi* Is a t W est H rad ley P « te h . F ro m .th is drjWjt Ocean G rove, A.sburj* P a rk a n d I lm d ley . Pcaeh get th e i r m erch an d ise . The*.business d o n e a t th is s ta t io n is d o u b le th a t a t P ran eh . • .■ .* '■ . . . . .

P I U D L E Y PEA C H SCHOOL, IH.STRICT ■ ^ /P r in e l iu l—M lssB e n a n L

T.'aeliers—MIf.s P e n a rd , M iss E m ily H arris . Tw o D epart m en ts . In te rm e d ia te a n d Pri-

nian'.* Afwiui l|0 .*cliotarsi '

r .rE T U O m S T EPISC O PA L CU CU CH ,- i , '{L iH le C hurch in the. Woo* is.)

p p a i d . i : v 111: a c i i . x . j . •P e v . A ijjkut Swu^r, - I’.u.'tor..:

i S e h ic t^ A lO ^ jA . M. a n tl 7^7) i*. m. . •• * .‘ Sunday-s<*hool 2,:» i», ji;* **

“ U p p e r L e h i g h C o a l a S p e c i a l t y . ”

V D j f n e o o p I f g u l s h a r t |i—PEA LEJLS IN—


Y a r d — S o u t h M a in S t r e e t .X e a r B roadw ay G ates pf Ocean G rove.

B ran ch Ollices— L. V an G illu w e 'sG ro cerjv C o r- n e r O lin S tree t a n d C en tra l A venue: T om ­lin so n A: W alton'K-GriM -ery, C orner E m o rr an d M onroe A venues, a n d Pradley* Peach PostollU“C. . . .

•T E L E P H O N E CA L L N O . 8 9 .


P L U M B E ROpposite Ocean (troveM ain A vc . Cates,

I-Vtiinatw on .Si*u'er and W ater Connect-', ion.- Pn>mj»t|y Furnishe«.l. Low

Price?? and Go<>d: Work.

J O S E P H . V J. P E R R IN E . . , ' J O S E P H C . J A C K S O N .


•F ilp II JXD lSLT - j l E I T H i r . M O T , ■f . ' • • So. 125 Heck Avenue,j Xear W hitefield Avo.f . .

j o C E H N f G R O V e .!• . Fe<*h Stock, PtomjJ. fr rrics, F ne[ ■ • D>.lwtry. *. *.j T lie o n ly t lrm t tia t k eeps a n ojven m a rk e t, th e i : • • • veilr a ro u n d .

} ’ j . G . EM M O N S,^ c h s h *c r o 6 e r ^ '

Will o j<n about May 10, l^OO, the .'•tore. j corner o f I leek and W hiiefield avenues, j wit h a eh nice .and well M*lceteil stock of 1 G r o c e r i e s , wliir.h will be 'sold a t tlie j lowest prices consntent w ith quality, for; j - e s i s h .

■ G O O D S D E L I V E R E D , v ;