LA DEPRESIÓN (No es para traducirlo , es para entenderlo). Sólo 3 páginas para pensar. Saludos. ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- “I never knew before the so-called word `Depression.' I learned it very well now in America. Half of America is under depression and I am finding that half of the people are under pills. They go to a doctor. (I say), "Why do you go to a doctor?" "I was thinking so much." "That's why they give you pills? Not to think anymore? " Now there is a problem (Sheykh smiles). If man does not think then he cannot know what is right and what is wrong. Once the man stops thinking for a little bit, he will be under depression. Then you go to doctor, the doctor looks and says, "Oh, you need to have some Prozac." All these kinds of drugs we are finding now. What happens after a while? After a while they are killing their brain cells and they are not even acting anymore. They are becoming a whole bunch of zombies. (But for other people, you ask them) "What do you have?"


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(No es para traducirlo, es para entenderlo). Sólo 3 páginas para pensar. Saludos.


“I never knew before the so-called word `Depression.' I learned it very well now in America. Half of America is under depression and I am finding that half of the people are under pills. They go to a doctor.

(I say), "Why do you go to a doctor?"

"I was thinking so much."

"That's why they give you pills? Not to think anymore? "

Now there is a problem (Sheykh smiles). If man does not think then he cannot know what is right and what is wrong. Once the man stops thinking for a little bit, he will be under depression. Then you go to doctor, the doctor looks and says, "Oh, you need to have some Prozac." All these kinds of drugs we are finding now. What happens after a while? After a while they are killing their brain cells and they are not even acting anymore. They are becoming a whole bunch of zombies.

(But for other people, you ask them)

"What do you have?"


"What are you so happy about?"

"Don't you see that I am alive? Don't you see that I am happy aboutit?"

Of course. People have everything but they are not happy. What is it that you are looking for? The spirit is not happy. That's the problem. When the spirit is not happy then your physical form is going to get tired whatever you give to it. You can feed yourself the best food, you can go to the best restaurants, you can go to the best clubs,


you can go to the best night-clubs in the nighttime and in the end you are going to come home circling around either drunk or losing yourself not really knowing what you are doing. That we must not try because that is not giving happiness to us. It is just bringing us more into delusions, problems, divisions, depressionsand (we will be) finding big walls in front of us which we are not going to be able to break through then.

So when man loses hope from His Lord, when man disconnects his spiritual world, one way or the other he is going to circle and he is going to end up in that mess. The system is going to use you as much as they need you. As soon as they finish with you, it's like a lemon. They squeeze the juice and then the rest is not good. They throw it to garbage saying, "You are retired now." Retired means, "Pack your packages from here, take your special names from here, go home and sit and wait to die." Hmm.

So now we are watching and facing that reality. Every one of us. Don't wait for somebody to tell you that you are retired. You retire yourself from this world correctly and start working for your own reality. Then you will always be alive”


“He is the Creator, and He creates what you are thinking and for what you are thinking and for what you are working and what is your purpose and what is your aim; He knows before you know it. I am saying, "Why are you not asking from Allah, coming to me and saying to me that 'Pray for me,' while between you and Allah Almighty there is nothing." You can say, "O my Lord"; you can say, "Ya Rabb, ya Rabb, ya Rabbi," and He is just reaching to you or He is just with you, because you can't stand up without Allah's Power; if His power does not go through your whole body, even through cells then you cannot function, cannot be alive. Cells must be alive with Allah Almighty's power or even the smallest cell can't be alive in your blood, in your brain, in your skin, in your flesh, in your organs. Every cell must be with its Lord and must glorify its Lord.

Therefore, we must try to reach a state that by praying we are able to reach Allah Almighty's Will -- that means, what He is asking for me, for you, for anyone else, and if you understand what is His will for you, then not to object to it, not to reject or object to Allah Almighty's Will, and then you should be happy. Try to be with Allah Almight's Will. Don't put your will in the place of your Lord's Will, or don't put your will against the Will of your Lord. Whoever puts his will in opposition to the Will of Allah, he is


going to fall into an endless depression. Mostly depression is coming from that point, because you want something and Allah Almighty wants something else.

And even if all mankind is going to insist on one purpose, they can't change it, they can't make their will to precede or subjugate Allah's Will. If Allah Almighty says "No," no one can make it "Yes." If He says "Yes" for something, even if all nations say "No," it must transpire as He wills. Therefore, that is the most keen knowledge, keen treatment for depressed people. Depressed people must know that what they are saying "Yes" to is not going to be or what they are saying "No" to is not going to be. They must learn that only Allah Almighty can say "Yes;" in spite of all mankind saying "No!" If He says "Yes," that must be. If all mankind says "Yes" and Allah Almighty says "No," it is going not to be.

That must be taught to everyone, because depression is increasing day-by-day, and it is a kind of punishment from Allah Almighty that His servants are not using their will and their minds for their actions; they are acting without using their minds and wills, and every time they are making mistakes. Even a simple mistake harms people. What if you make an mistake, every time, every moment, every hour, every day coming against the Will of Allah, and your will makes mistakes? But now it is the time of atheist people; they are saying "No God."


“But now time is coming to shut that door [of letting people rebel against their Lord freely] again, because Divine Order is coming down now. No prophets are living, but the representatives of the prophets are living and Order is coming to them now slowly saying, "Shut this door to them, shut that door to them, shut this door to them and put them in jail. Put them in jail inside their own bodies. Don't give them any peace. Let them to be in depression and problems twenty-four hours. Either they turn themselves to the Lord of the Heavens and Earth, or bigger problem is waiting for this mankind.”