LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY ¡VIVA ACTIVA Brochure bible.pdf · god’s word today: alive and active! catholic bible conference ~ archdiocese of newark la palabra de dios hoy: ¡viva y

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Saturday, June 22, 2019 Sabado, 22 de junio de 2019




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Rev. Msgr.Thomas P. Nydegger, Ed.D.

Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, will preside at our Morning Prayer Service

Vicario General y Moderador de la Curia presidirá nuestro servicio de oración de la mañana

Conference Schedule / Horario de la Conferencia

Registration and Hospitality 8:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Registración/Hospitalidad

Welcome and Opening Prayer 9:00 a.m.—9:45 a.m. Bienvenida/Oración de Apertura


Keynote Address in Spanish 10:00 a.m.—11:20 a.m. Orador Principal en español

Workshops in English 10:00 a.m.—11:20 a.m. Talleres en Inglés


Keynote Address in English 11:30 a.m.—12:50 p.m. Orador Principal en Inglés

Workshops in Spanish 11:30 a.m.—12:50 p.m. Talleres en Español


Lunch / Almuerzo 1:00 p.m.—1:45 p.m.


Workshops in English and Spanish 2:00 p.m.—3:20 p.m. Talleres en Inglés y en Español

Closing Prayer / Evaluations 3:20 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Oración Final / Evaluaciónes

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Discurso Principal en Español / Keynote Address in Spanish

Rev. Dempsey Rosales Acosta, S.S.L., S.T.D. Profesor Asociado de Teología

Universidad St Thomas, Houston, Texas Associate Professor of Theology

University of St Thomas, Houston, Texas

“La Existencia Híbrida del Cristiano” El Padre Dempsey va a presentar el paradigma del Cristiano como debe vivir su identidad y fe en un

ambiente multicultural, que muchas veces se presenta hostil, y esta articulado en los siguientes puntos de exposición: a)-El paradigm paulino; b)-El paradigma marcano;

c )-Las latinidades y la identidad; d)-Los desafíos y la propuesta

El Padre Dempsey Acosta es sacerdote católico nacido en Maracaibo, Venezuela. Licenciado en filosofía con especialidad en educación por la Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta en Venezuela. Egresado de la Universidad Pontificia Gregoriana de Roma, obteniendo el grado de doctor en Teología Bíblica. Es licenciado en ciencias bíblicas por el Instituto Pontificio Bíblico de Roma. Desde 2008 se desempeña como experto y consultor para el Roman Catholic Ministries de la

Sociedad Bíblica Americana. Actualmente es profesor a tiempo completo en la Universidad de St Thomas, Houston,Texas.

“The Hybrid Existence of the Christian” Rev. Dempsey will present the paradigm of the Christian who must live his identity and faith in a

multicultural world, which often appears hostile, and is articulated in the following points: a) -The Pauline paradigm; b) -The Markan paradigm;

c) -Latinidades and identity; d) -The challenges and the proposal

Fr. Dempsey Acosta, born in Maracaibo, Venezuela. He holds a degree in Education with a specialization in philosophy from the Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta in Venezuela. Fr. Dempsey is a

graduate of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, obtaining his doctorate in Biblical Theology. He holds a degree in Biblical Sciences from the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome. Since 2008 he serves as an expert and consultant to the Roman Catholic Ministries of the American Bible

Society. He is currently teaching full time at the University of St Thomas, Houston, Texas.

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Keynote Address in English / Discurso Principal en Inglés

Margaret Nutting Ralph, Ph.D.

“And God Said What?” When you read Scripture do you find yourself asking questions such as: Why would God make the

whole human race suffer because Adam and Eve disobeyed? Why would Jesus tell a parable in which all day workers were paid the same as those who worked for only one hour? Together, we will learn the

Catholic approach to understanding the Scripture, the contextualist approach, and will better be able to understand what biblical authors intended to teach.

Margaret Nutting Ralph, Ph.D. is a teacher: having taught grade school, high school, college, graduate school, and adult education groups throughout the United States, in Canada, Nassau, and Rome, Italy. She worked for the Covington and Lexington Dioceses for thirty years, as a teacher, Adult Ed. Consultant, Director of RCIA and Evangelization, and finally as Secretary of Educational Ministries for sixteen years. For twenty-nine years

she served as the director of the Masters in Pastoral Studies program for Catholics at Lexington Theological Seminary. Dr. Ralph is the author of eighteen books on Scripture, including Paulist Press’

bestsellers, And God Said What? and the series, Breaking Open the Lectionary: Lectionary Readings in their Biblical Context for RCIA, Faith Sharing Groups and Lectors (for Cycles A, B, and C of the Lectionary).

"¿Y qué dijo Dios?” Cuando lees las escrituras, haces preguntas como por ejemplo : ¿Por qué Dios hizo sufrir a toda la

humanidad cuando Adán y Eva desobedecieron? ¿Por qué Jesús contó la parábola en la que los jornaleros que trabajaron todo el día recibieron la misma paga que los jornaleros que trabajaron una hora? Juntos

aprenderemos el enfoque católico para comprender las Escrituras, el enfoque contextualista, para comprender mejor lo que los autores bíblicos intentan enseñar.

Margaret Nutting Ralph, Ph.D., es una Profesora, ha enseñado en las Escuelas Primarias, Escuelas Secundarias, Universidades, Escuela de Posgrado, y grupos de Educación para Adultos en los Estados Unidos, en Canadá,

Nassau y Roma, Italia. Trabajó para las Diócesis de Covington y Lexington durante treinta años, como maestra de Educación para Adultos, Consultora, Directora de RICA y Evangelización, y finalmente como Secretaria de Ministerios Educativos por 16 años. Durante veintinueve años se desempeñó como Directora del Programa de

Maestría en Estudios Pastorales para Católicos en el Seminario Teológico de Lexington. Dr. Ralph es la autora de dieciocho libros sobre las Escrituras, incluyendo los más vendidos por la Editorial Paulist Press: ¿Y qué dijo Dios? y la serie Breaking Open the Lectionary (Lecturas del Leccionario en su contexto bíblico para RICA),

Compartiendo la Fe para grupos y lectores (Ciclos A, B y C del Leccionario).

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1.01 - DEI VERBUM: A SHIFT FROM SIMPLY TRUTHS ABOUT "GOD" TO GOD'S "PERSONAL SELF-DISCLOSURE." Vatican II's Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum, was a major turning point in our understanding of Scripture. The basic emphasis is now placed on the personal self-communication of God to humanity in Christ. This emphasis on God's personal self-communication also shines throughout Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. This presentation examines the relationship between Dei Verbum's understanding of the Word of God and Pope Francis' call for a new chapter on evangelization marked by the joy of life in Jesus Christ.

Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP a Dominican Sister of Hope, received her M.A. in Theology from Manhattan College and a Ph.D. in Theology from Fordham University. She is Professor Emerita of Theology at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. She served at Fordham University as Academic Dean for Freshmen and as the Associate Dean of the College. Sr. Maureen is a national consultant for the William H. Sadlier Publishing Company and is speaker at many diocesan events. She has published two books through Paulist Press: 101 Questions and Answers on Vatican II (2002) and The Road to Vatican II: Key Changes in Theology (2007).

1.02 - EXAMINING THE QUESTIONS OF JESUS AS A MEANS TO EFFECTIVE EVANGELIZATION Good teachers have good answers, while exceptional teachers ask great questions. Jesus is the greatest teacher and throughout the Gospels Jesus asks over one hundred questions. How can these questions be a non-threatening way to share the faith and act as a means of growth for the Catholic disciple? The participants will see the context in which Jesus asks these questions and will be able to lead others, believers and non-believers, in conversations of faith.

Allan F. Wright, MA, is an adjunct professor at Seton Hall University and Immaculate Conception Seminary and is the former Academic Dean for Evangelization in the Diocese of Paterson, NJ at St. Paul Inside the Walls. He is also a national speaker, author of 10 books on Scripture and related themes and a frequent guest on Relevant Radio. He has a Master’s Degree in Theology from Immaculate Conception Seminary, School of Theology, Seton Hall University. He resides in NJ with his wife and four children. For more information, visit his website at www.Allanwright.org.

1.03 - "I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL" WHAT PAUL CAN TEACH US ABOUT EVANGELIZATION TODAY Preaching "Christ Crucified" as the power and wisdom of God was as difficult in Paul's day as it is in our own. In this workshop, we will consider the difficulties faced by Paul, and how they compare to those we face today in our efforts to preach the Gospel. We will also consider the strategies Paul used to exhort and persuade believers to live Spirit-animated lives that reflect the gospel values.

Sr. Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J., S.S.L. S.T.D., earned a doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and a Licentiate in Biblical Studies from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. Before her appointment as Associate Dean of the Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University, Sr. Pascuzzi was Dean of the School of Theology and Ministry at St. Thomas University, Miami, FL and an Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at the University of San Diego. She is the author of various scholarly publications, and has just completed the commentary on Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians for the 3rd revised edition of the New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Bloomsbury Press). Dr. Pascuzzi is a Sister of Saint Joseph, Brentwood, NY and an active member of the Catholic Biblical Association of America.

1.04 - THE GOSPEL OF LUKE: KEY THEMES AND PASSAGES This workshop will present Luke's portrait of Jesus and key themes such as the jubilee year, the new exodus, prayer, mercy, and wealth/poverty. It will also cover familiar passages in Luke such as the Emmaus story and the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. Perfect for the Year C Lectionary Cycle.

Fr. Pablo Gadenz, S.S.L., S.T.D., is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University, where he teaches courses on the New Testament. He is the author of a forthcoming commentary on the Gospel of Luke for the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series. Ordained in 1996, Father Gadenz is a priest of the Diocese of Trenton. Fr. Gadenz regularly speaks about Scripture on Relevant Radio.

1.05 - WEAVING SCRIPTURE INTO FAITH FORMATION Pope Francis has challenged all Catholics to read the Word of God on a daily basis and be "living Gospels" in the world. Yet too many of us don't have a close relationship with the Bible. This workshop will provide practical ways in which we can weave Scripture into all we do as Church, from our faith formation programs to our at-home resources for families.

Joan Weber is Project Coordinator for Youth and Family Ministry Services at the Center for Ministry Development. Previous to that, she was the Young Adult Ministry Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Omaha, worked in parish faith formation and campus ministry, and taught theology in a Catholic high school. She has a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry from Creighton University in Omaha and is a former President of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association.

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1.06 - BECOMING PEOPLE OF THE WORD In order to be disciples of Jesus today, we must read Scripture in ways that move us inward to deeper holiness and that move us outward to effective mission. Studies have shown that nothing has a greater impact on the growth of discipleship in parishes than equipping people to read the Bible in ways that are reflective and transforming. We will learn the keys to studying the Bible using a method of the ancient Church and of the saints.

Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar and an award-winning author of over fifty books. As a popular speaker, he offers keynotes, seminars and workshops at international, national and regional conferences as education opportunities for clergy and pastoral leaders. In addition, he frequently leads pilgrimages to biblical sites and sacred places throughout the world. He is founder and author of Threshold Bible Study. Stephen earned graduate degrees at the Gregorian University and Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and in Jerusalem. Stephen lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with his wife Pamela. For further information, visit his website at www.Bridge-B.com.

1.07 - BREAKING OPEN THE BIBLE: CONNECTING THE WORD WITH LIFE Together we will journey through a Gospel passage from Luke, encounter Jesus in the reading and draw guidance for everyday life. This workshop will offer practical ways to bring Scripture reflection and sharing to the adults of your parish in a way that moves them to inspired action.

Milissa Else serves as the Director of Pastoral Services for Renew International. Previous to this she was Vice President and Director of the Church Division for Ruotolo Associates. Milissa has presented workshops on missionary discipleship and stewardship for national and regional meetings of both the International Catholic Stewardship Conference and NCDC (National Catholic Development Conference). Milissa is active in her parish and serves as a Eucharistic Minister and program coordinator for adult faith formation and “Be My Witness.” She holds a BA from Mount Holyoke College and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry at Loyola University New Orleans.

1.08 - FACING LIFE’S CHALLENGES: HOW THE WORD OF GOD HELPED ST. EDITH STEIN TO LIVE A LIFE OF HEROIC VIRTUE In the years leading to her death in a Nazi Concentration Camp, Edith penned many letters, essays, and poems that highlighted her love of Scripture and her reliance on the Word of God to encourage her to face the dark times of World War II with courageous determination. In pondering Edith’s life, death, and spirituality, we will consider how we, too, might rely more on Scripture in the challenging times in our lives.

Dianne M. Traflet is Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Administration, and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology. She also serves as the director of the Seminary’s Institute for Christian Spirituality, overseeing the Center for Diaconal Formation. The author of Edith Stein: A Spiritual Portrait, Dr. Traflet has given countless lectures, days of recollection, and parish missions on topics related to the spiritual life, and has facilitated and given numerous retreats and presentations related to forgiveness and mercy. Currently, she serves on the Board of Governors, St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York, and the Academic Committee of the Board of Overseers, Catholic Distance University, Virginia. Dr. Traflet is a recipient of the Archdiocesan Sesquicentennial Cathedral Jubilee Medal for Dedicated Service to the Archdiocese of Newark.

1.09 - ... AND IN MY WORKING HANDS: INTERPRETING HOLY SCRIPTURE WITH MUSIC AND DRAMA May the Word of God be ever on my mind. May the Word of God be ever on my lips. May the Word of God be ever in my heart. How do we become a living vessel of God’s word and get the Word of God to move from our minds, our lips & our hearts to our working hands? We will experience a unique style of storytelling, music and inspirational message, and participants will be led through a journey in which they meet people of Holy Scripture and Roman Catholic tradition. Innovative ideas on application and how to evangelize through the art and beauty of the Word of God will be shared.

ValLimar Jansen is a highly regarded singer, composer, storyteller, psalmist, author and recording artist. ValLimar has presented at some of the largest gatherings of Christians in recent years. She has a long history of singing sacred music. She received most of her training in music and performance at Howard University in Washington, DC, and she holds professional degrees in the Arts from California State University, San Bernadino and the University of California. ValLimar has sung and toured professionally throughout the United States, Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium and Japan. She has been the cantor for numerous liturgies at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, as well as many other national and international conferences.

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Como en un procedimiento circular ascendente el Evangeista San Juan nos presenta estas tres imágenes “Yo soy la Puerta” “Yo soy el Buen Pastor” “Yo soy la Vida Verdadera”; veremos en este taller el contenido Bíblico de las mismas y lo que buscaba el autor del Cuarto Evangelio al presentarnos las mismas.

Rev. Jose Antonio Ciordia A. OR Licenciatura en Sacra Teología de la Universidad Pontificia Gregoriana. Certificado del Pontificium Institutum Biblicum de Urbe (Licenciatura en Bíblia) Roma Italia, Diploma de Espiritualidad de la Facultad de Espiritualidad de los PP Carmelitas Descalzos de San Pancracio, Roma. Fue profesor de Sagrada Escritura de la Universidad de Navarra, España.

2.02 - LLAMADOS DE LA BIBLIA A SERVIR: “VOCACIÓN Y MISIÓN” Desde los diferentes llamados de la Biblia encontraremos una línea conductora que nos lleva a dar respuestas concretas. Haremos una revisión de la Historia de la Salvación y la Vocación de María, oraremos con ella y usaremos cantos y ritmos actuales, y su relación con el contexto Bíblico, en particular con los que se escucharon en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud en el Parque Cristonautas.

Ricardo Grzona. Nació en Mendoza, Argentina. Dedica su vida a la capacitación de Agentes de Pastoral y Evangelización. Fue Secretario de los Departamentos de Catequesis y de Educación del CELAM para toda la América Latina (1989-1995). Fue Rector de la Universidad Champagnat de la Argentina, y actualmente es el Presidente de la Fundación Ramón Pané dedicada a difundir la metodología de oración de la Lectio Divina. Desde esta fundación dirige el programa Cristonautas reconocido a nivel internacional.

2.03 - ¿TIENE EL PROCESO DEL CATECUMENTADO RAÍCES BÍBLICAS? En el proceso del RICA veremos la estrecha relación que existe entre el Catecumenado y la Biblia, exploraremos que cada paso del mismo esta enraizado en la Sagrada Escritura y que en su desarrollo procuramos que el catecúmeno tenga una relación estrecha con la Palabra de Dios.

Rev. Giovanni Rizzo Administrador de la Parroquia Santa Teresa de Kenilworth, NJ; Miembro del Tribunal Metropolitano de la Arquidiócesis de Newark. Posee una Licenciatura en Derecho Canónico (JCL) de la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz, Roma; y una Maestría en Divinidad de la Universidad del Seton Hall, South Orange, NJ

2.04 - LA PALABRA DE DIOS Y LOS SACRAMENTOS Sabemos por nuestro diario vivir que los Sacramentos de la Iglesia enraizados en el Ministerio del Señor están relacionados con la Palabra de Dios, tanto en la Liturgia de la Palabra como por las oraciones y gestos bíblicos que los caracterizan. En este taller examinaremos a fondo la relación tan rica entre la Palabra de Dios y los Sacramentos.

Rev. Claudio M. Burgaleta S.J. Sacerdote Católico y miembro de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuita). Obtuvo el doctorado en Teología Dogmática e Historica de Boston College. De origen cubano, ha enseñado en varias universidades Jesuitas en los Estados Unidos, y ha servido a comunidades latinas en varios lugares, en distintas capacidades. Vive en Jersey City donde sirve como Rector o Superior Religioso de la Comunidad Jesuita de San Pedro.

2.05 - JESÚS EL SEÑOR En este taller vamos a explorar las Raíces Bíblicas de la Santa Misa, y con ello obtener una mayor comprensión de nuestra liturgia y como participar de manera más efectiva en ella.

Rev. Jesús Arellano CM. Natural de Navarra, España, aceptó el llamado del Señor, Ingresó a temprana edad en el Seminario de los Padres Vicentinos, tras estudios de Filosofía y Teología en España cursó la Licenciatura en Sagrada Escritura en la Universidad de Freiburgo, Alemania. Fue ordenado sacerdote en el año 1973 y enviado como misionero al Perú donde permaneció 10 años. A su regreso a España, realizo su labor pastoral como misionero y evangelizador espiritual a las Hijas de la Caridad. En el 2007 fue enviado a la comunidad de Padres Vicentinos de Manhattan, donde atiende a las Comunidades Latinas en el East End de Long Island. El estudio y la enseñanza son parte de su carisma y vocación.

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SESIÓN 2 TALLERES EN ESPAÑOL 2.06 - COMO PONER LA BIBLIA EN EL MEDIO DE LA FAMILIA La Biblia presenta innumerables historias, parábolas y narraciones que podemos ponerlas en el medio de nuestras familias, con el fin de lograr una incorporación de la Biblia en la vida de las mismas. Al participar de este taller obtendrás una idea de que la Biblia no es un libro muerto en la mesa de nuestras salas; es un libro que tiene vida, y que debemos incorporar como un miembro más de nuestra familia.

Sori Govin es una representante de ventas y asesora bilingue para la Editorial RCL Benziger. Trabajó en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta, GA. como subdirectora para la catequesis y ha sido Directora de Educación Religiosa a nivel parroquial. Trabajó por 25 años en comunidades multiculturales. De origen Cubano, vivio en Atlanta, Ga y ahora reside en Miami, Fl. Sori Govin fue la oradora principal para los hispanos en la Conferencia de Biblia de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York en el año 2017.

2.07 - LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY ES VIVA Y EFICAZ EN LA VIDA DE LA IGLESIA En este taller se expondrán los momentos fundamentales de la eficacia de la Palabra de Dios, en la vida de la Comunidad. Primero reseña como el Pueblo de Israel es convocado y animado por la continua Palabra de Yavé. Y después con la Palabra de Jesús, eterna Palabra de Dios en la majestuosidad de la fuerza y eficacia que tiene en la vida del creyente.

Sr. María del Socorro Becerra posee un Bachillerato en Filosofía y en Teología del Insituto Filosófico de San Lucas y una Licenciatura en Teología Bíblica de la Universdad Pontificia de México. Sor María entiende los siguientes idiomas: Italiano, Inglés, Hebreo, Griego y Latín.





Hebrews 4:12





Hebreos 4:12

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4.01 - DEI VERBUM: A SHIFT FROM SIMPLY TRUTHS ABOUT "GOD" TO GOD'S "PERSONAL SELF-DISCLOSURE." Vatican II's Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum, was a major turning point in our understanding of Scripture. The basic emphasis is now placed on the personal self-communication of God to humanity in Christ. This emphasis on God's personal self-communication also shines throughout Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. This presentation examines the relationship between Dei Verbum's understanding of the Word of God and Pope Francis' call for a new chapter on evangelization marked by the joy of life in Jesus Christ.

Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP a Dominican Sister of Hope, received her M.A. in Theology from Manhattan College and a Ph.D. in Theology from Fordham University. She is Professor Emerita of Theology at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. She served at Fordham University as Academic Dean for Freshmen and as the Associate Dean of the College. Sr. Maureen is a national consultant for the William H. Sadlier Publishing Company and is speaker at many diocesan events. She has published two books through Paulist Press: 101 Questions and Answers on Vatican II (2002) and The Road to Vatican II: Key Changes in Theology (2007).

4.02 - EXAMINING THE QUESTIONS OF JESUS AS A MEANS TO EFFECTIVE EVANGELIZATION Good teachers have good answers, while exceptional teachers ask great questions. Jesus is the greatest teacher and throughout the Gospels Jesus asks over one hundred questions. How can these questions be a non-threatening way to share the faith and acts as a means of growth for the Catholic disciple? The participants will see the context in which Jesus asks these questions and will be able to lead others, believers and non-believers, in conversations of faith.

Allan F. Wright, MA, is an adjunct professor at Seton Hall University and Immaculate Conception Seminary and is the former Academic Dean for Evangelization in the Diocese of Paterson, NJ at St. Paul Inside the Walls. He is also a national speaker, author of 10 books on Scripture and related themes and a frequent guest on Relevant Radio. He has a Master’s Degree in Theology from Immaculate Conception Seminary, School of Theology, Seton Hall University. He resides in NJ with his wife and four children. For more information, visit his website at www.Allanwright.org.

4.03 - "I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL" WHAT PAUL CAN TEACH US ABOUT EVANGELIZATION TODAY Preaching "Christ Crucified" as the power and wisdom of God was as difficult in Paul's day as it is in our own. In this workshop, we will consider the difficulties faced by Paul, and how they compare to those we face today in our efforts to preach the Gospel. We will also consider the strategies Paul used to exhort and persuade believers to live Spirit-animated lives that reflect the gospel values.

Sr. Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J., S.S.L. S.T.D., earned a doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and a Licentiate in Biblical Studies from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. Before her appointment as Associate Dean of the Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University, Sr. Pascuzzi was Dean of the School of Theology and Ministry at St. Thomas University, Miami, FL and an Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at the University of San Diego. She is the author of various scholarly publications, and has just completed the commentary on Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians for the 3rd revised edition of the New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Bloomsbury Press). Dr. Pascuzzi is a Sister of Saint Joseph, Brentwood, NY and an active member of the Catholic Biblical Association of America.

4.04 - A BIBLICAL VISION FOR LIVING IN TIMES OF TRANSITION This workshop will search the scriptures for a vision for living in times of transition in the world, our country and the Church. The biblical journey in both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures is one of constant change and growth that comes from a God who tells us that “I am making all things new.”

Fr. Anthony Ciorra was ordained a priest in 1973. His experience has included parish life, teaching, administration, retreat work, preaching, and formation ministries. He has graduate degrees in psychology, history, and pastoral theology, and a certificate in Spiritual Direction. He has a Ph. D. in Theology from Fordham University. His publications include Everyday Mysticism, Beauty: A Way to God, and he co-authored Moral Formation in the Parish. He is currently the Vice President for Mission and Catholic Identity and Professor of Theology and Catholic Studies at Sacred Heart University, Connecticut.

4.05 - CONNECTING FAMILIES WITH THE BIBLE This workshop is designed to provide simple yet effective ways to help families access, pray with, and live the teachings of the Bible in ways that are faithful to our Catholic tradition. Participants will receive numerous ideas and activities to connect the Bible and family living both at home and in the parish.

Joan Weber is Project Coordinator for Youth and Family Ministry Services at the Center for Ministry Development. Previous to that, she was the Young Adult Ministry Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Omaha, worked in parish faith formation and campus ministry, and taught theology in a Catholic high school. She has a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry from Creighton University in Omaha and is a former President of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association.

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4.06 - BECOMING PEOPLE OF THE WORD In order to be disciples of Jesus today, we must read Scripture in ways that move us inward to deeper holiness and that move us outward to effective mission. Studies have shown that nothing has a greater impact on the growth of discipleship in parishes than equipping people to read the Bible in ways that are reflective and transforming. We will learn the keys to studying the Bible using a method of the ancient Church and of the saints.

Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar and an award-winning author of over fifty books. As a popular speaker, he offers keynotes, seminars and workshops at international, national and regional conferences as education opportunities for clergy and pastoral leaders. In addition, he frequently leads pilgrimages to biblical sites and sacred places throughout the world. He is founder and author of Threshold Bible Study. Stephen earned graduate degrees at the Gregorian University and Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and in Jerusalem. Stephen lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with his wife Pamela. For further information, visit his website at www.Bridge-B.com.

4.07 - BREAKING OPEN THE BIBLE: CONNECTING THE WORD WITH LIFE Together we will journey through a Gospel passage from Luke, encounter Jesus in the reading and draw guidance for everyday life. This workshop will offer practical ways to bring Scripture reflection and sharing to the adults of your parish in a way that moves them to inspired action.

Milissa Else serves as the Director of Pastoral Services for Renew International. Previous to this she was Vice President and Director of the Church Division for Ruotolo Associates. Milissa has presented workshops on missionary discipleship and stewardship for national and regional meetings of both the International Catholic Stewardship Conference and NCDC (National Catholic Development Conference). Milissa is active in her parish and serves as a Eucharistic Minister and program coordinator for adult faith formation and “Be My Witness.” She holds a BA from Mount Holyoke College and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry at Loyola University New Orleans.

4.08 - FACING LIFE’S CHALLENGES: HOW THE WORD OF GOD HELPED ST. EDITH STEIN TO LIVE A LIFE OF HEROIC VIRTUE In the years leading to her death in a Nazi Concentration Camp, Edith penned many letters, essays, and poems that highlighted her love of Scripture and her reliance on the Word of God to encourage her to face the dark times of World War II with courageous determination. In pondering Edith’s life, death, and spirituality, we will consider how we, too, might rely more on Scripture in the challenging times in our lives.

Dianne M. Traflet is Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Administration, and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology. She also serves as the director of the Seminary’s Institute for Christian Spirituality, overseeing the Center for Diaconal Formation. The author of Edith Stein: A Spiritual Portrait, Dr. Traflet has given countless lectures, days of recollection, and parish missions on topics related to the spiritual life, and has facilitated and given numerous retreats and presentations related to forgiveness and mercy. Currently, she serves on the Board of Governors, St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York, and the Academic Committee of the Board of Overseers, Catholic Distance University, Virginia. Dr. Traflet is a recipient of the Archdiocesan Sesquicentennial Cathedral Jubilee Medal for Dedicated Service to the Archdiocese of Newark.

4.09 - ... AND IN MY WORKING HANDS: INTERPRETING HOLY SCRIPTURE WITH MUSIC AND DRAMA May the Word of God be ever on my mind. May the Word of God be ever on my lips. May the Word of God be ever in my heart. How do we become a living vessel of God’s word and get the Word of God to move from our minds, our lips & our hearts to our working hands? We will experience a unique style of storytelling, music and inspirational message, and participants will be led through a journey in which they meet people of Holy Scripture and Roman Catholic tradition. Innovative ideas on application and how to evangelize through the art and beauty of the Word of God will be shared.

ValLimar Jansen is a highly regarded singer, composer, storyteller, psalmist, author and recording artist. ValLimar has presented at some of the largest gatherings of Christians in recent years. She has a long history of singing sacred music. She received most of her training in music and performance at Howard University in Washington, DC, and she holds professional degrees in the Arts from California State University, San Bernadino and the University of California. ValLimar has sung and toured professionally throughout the United States, Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium and Japan. She has been the cantor for numerous liturgies at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, as well as many other national and international conferences.

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Como en un procedimiento circular ascendente el Evangeista San Juan nos presenta estas tres imágenes “Yo soy la Puerta” “Yo soy el Buen Pastor” “Yo soy la Vida Verdadera”; veremos en este taller el contenido Bíblico de las mismas y lo que buscaba el autor del Cuarto Evangelio al presentarnos las mismas.

Rev. Jose Antonio Ciordia A. OR Licenciatura en Sacra Teología de la Universidad Pontificia Gregoriana. Certificado del Pontificium Institutum Biblicum de Urbe (Licenciatura en Bíblia) Roma Italia, Diploma de Espiritualidad de la Facultad de Espiritualidad de los PP Carmelitas Descalzos de San Pancracio, Roma. Fue profesor de Sagrada Escritura de la Universidad de Navarra, España.

4.11 - LLAMADOS DE LA BIBLIA A SERVIR “VOCACIÓN Y MISIÓN” Desde los diferentes llamados de la Biblia encontraremos una línea conductora que nos lleva a dar respuestas concretas. Haremos una revisión de la Historia de la Salvación y la Vocación de María, oraremos con ella y usaremos cantos y ritmos actuales y su relación con el contexto Bíblico en particular con los que se escucharon en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud en el Parque Cristonautas.

Ricardo Grzona Nació en Mendoza, Argentina. Dedica su vida a la capacitación de Agentes de Pastoral y Evangelización. Fue Secretario de los Departamentos de Catequesis y de Educación del CELAM para toda la América Latina (1989-1995). Fue Rector de la Universidad Champagnat de la Argentina, y actualmente es el Presidente de la Fundación Ramón Pané dedicada a difundir la metodología de oración de la Lectio Divina. Desde esta fundación dirige el programa Cristonautas reconocido a nivel internacional.

4.12 - ¿TIENE EL PROCESO DEL CATECUMENTADO RAÍCES BÍBLICAS? En el proceso del RICA veremos la estrecha relación que existe entre el Catecumenado y la Biblia, exploraremos que cada paso del mismo esta enraizado en la Sagrada Escritura y que en su desarrollo procuramos que el catecúmeno tenga una relación estrecha con la Palabra de Dios.

Rev. Giovanni Rizzo Administrador de la Parroquia Santa Teresa de Kenilworth, NJ; Miembro del Tribunal Metropolitano de la Arquidiócesis de Newark. Posee una Licenciatura en Derecho Canónico (JCL) de la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz, Roma; y una Maestría en Divinidad de la Universidad del Seton Hall, South Orange, NJ

4.13 - LA PALABRA DE DIOS Y LOS SACRAMENTOS Sabemos por nuestro diario vivir que los Sacramentos de la Iglesia enraizados en el Ministerio del Señor están relacionados con la Palabra de Dios, tanto en la Liturgia de la Palabra como por las oraciones y gestos bíblicos que los caracterizan. En este taller examinaremos a fondo la relación tan rica entre la Palabra de Dios y los Sacramentos.

Rev. Claudio M. Burgaleta S.J. Sacerdote Católico y miembro de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuita). Obtuvo el doctorado en Teología Dogmática e Historica de Boston College. De origen cubano, ha enseñado en varias universidades Jesuitas en los Estados Unidos, y ha servido a comunidades latinas en varios lugares, en distintas capacidades. Vive en Jersey City donde sirve como Rector o Superior Religioso de la Comunidad Jesuita de San Pedro.

4.14 - JESÚS EL SEÑOR En este taller vamos a explorar las Raíces Bíblicas de la Santa Misa, y con ello obtener una mayor comprensión de nuestra liturgia y como participar de manera más efectiva en ella.

Rev. Jesús Arellano CM. Natural de Navarra, España, aceptó el llamado del Señor, Ingresó a temprana edad en el Seminario de los Padres Vicentinos, tras estudios de Filosofía y Teología en España cursó la Licenciatura en Sagrada Escritura en la Universidad de Freiburgo, Alemania. Fue ordenado sacerdote en el año 1973 y enviado como misionero al Perú donde permaneció 10 años. A su regreso a España, realizo su labor pastoral como misionero y evangelizador espiritual a las Hijas de la Caridad. En el 2007 fue enviado a la comunidad de Padres Vicentinos de Manhattan, donde atiende a las Comunidades Latinas en el East End de Long Island. El estudio y la enseñanza son parte de su carisma y vocación.

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SESIÓN 4 TALLERES EN ESPAÑOL 4.15 - COMO PONER LA BIBLIA EN EL MEDIO DE LA FAMILIA La Biblia presenta innumerables historias, parábolas y narraciones que podemos ponerlas en el medio de nuestras familias, con el fin de lograr una incorporación de la Biblia en la vida de las mismas. Al participar de este taller obtendrás una idea de que la Biblia no es un libro muerto en la mesa de nuestras salas; es un libro que tiene vida, y que debemos incorporar como un miembro más de nuestra familia.

Sori Govin es una representante de ventas y asesora bilingue para la Editorial RCL Benziger. Trabajó en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta, GA. como subdirectora para la catequesis y ha sido Directora de Educación Religiosa a nivel parroquial. Trabajó por 25 años en comunidades multiculturales. De origen Cubano, vivio en Atlanta, GA y ahora reside en Miami, FL. Sori Govin fue la oradora principal para los hispanos en la Conferencia de Biblia de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York en el año 2017.

4.16 - LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY ES VIVA Y EFICAZ EN LA VIDA DE LA IGLESIA En este taller se expondrán los momentos fundamentales de la eficacia de la Palabra de Dios, en la vida de la Comunidad. Primero reseña como el Pueblo de Israel es convocado y animado por la continua Palabra de Yavé. Y después con la Palabra de Jesús, eterna Palabra de Dios en la majestuosidad de la fuerza y eficacia que tiene en la vida del creyente.

Sr. María del Socorro Becerra posee un Bachillerato en Filosofía y en Teología del Insituto Filosófico de San Lucas y una Licenciatura en Teología Bíblica de la Universdad Pontificia de México. Sor María entiende los siguientes idiomas: Italiano, Inglés, Hebreo, Griego y Latín.

4.17 - EL EVANGELIO DE LUCAS: TEMAS CLAVE Y PASAJES En este taller, ofreceremos un portaretrato de Jesús según el Evangelio de San Lucas, con temas como: el Año Jubilar, el Nuevo Exodo, Oración, Misericordia, Riqueza/Pobreza. También cubrira pasajes familiares de San Lucas como: el Camino de Emaús, la Parábola del Buen Samaritano y el Hijo Pródigo. Perfectos para este año que usamos el Ciclo C del Leccionario.

Padre Pablo Gadenz S.S.L.,S.T.D., es Profesor Asociado de Estudios Bíblicos del Seminario de La Inmaculada Concepción, Universidad de Seton Hall, donde el imparte cursos sobre el Nuevo Testamento. El es autor de comentarios sobre el Evangelio de San Lucas en una serie de comentarios sobre Sagrada Escritura. Ordenado en el año 1996, el Padre Gadenz es un sacerdote de la Diócesis de Trenton. El Padre Gadenz habla con frecuencia sobre temas de Sagrada Escritura en las estación radial Relevant Radio.

La hierba se seca y la flor se marchita,

mas la palabra de nuestro Dios

permanence para siempre. Isaias 40:8 NIV

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To secure your place and your workshop choices, please register today.


Last First Name (print) Name

Email address

Telephone: ________________________________________

Parish____________________________________________ City _________________________

Lunch 1:00 p.m.—1:45 p.m. (please select one):

____ Turkey ____ Ham & Cheese ____ Tuna ____ Vegetable ___ Gluten Free

Lunch is included in the registration fee.

Do you require any special services? ___Sign Interpreter ___Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) ___Wheelchair Access


Your schedule will be distributed at the Conference.



REGISTRATION FEE IS $25 PER PERSON. This conference is subsidized through a grant from the American Bible Society.

Archdiocese of Newark - Catechetical Office – 973-497-4285 - www.rcan.org/catechetical

Please make check payable to: Catechetical Office

Return form to:

CATHOLIC BIBLE CONFERENCE Archdiocese of Newark/Catechetical Office

P.O. Box 9500 Newark, New Jersey 07104

Office Use Only Registration Fee: _______________


Check #____________

Date Received __________

Second choice: Workshop Number

Third choice: Workshop Number

First choice: Workshop Number

Session 1 Workshops in English (10:00 a.m.—11:20 a.m.)

Session 4 Workshops in English or Spanish (2:00 p.m.—3:20 p.m.)

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Para estar seguro(a) que usted puede participar en los talleres que ha seleccionado,

necesitamos recibir su aplicación lo antes posible.


Apellido Nombre (letra de molde)

Correo Electrónico Teléfono: _______________________________________________ Parroquia_______________________________________________ Ciudad______________________________

Almuerzo 1:00 p.m.—1:45 p.m. (seleccione uno):

___Pavo ___Jamón y Queso ___Atún ___Vegetariano ___ Sin Gluten

El almuerzo esta incluído en la registración.

¿Necesita servicios especiales? ___Intérprete de signos __Aparatos de asistencia auditivas (ALDs) ___Acceso para sillas de ruedas

Devuelva esta planilla de registro tan pronto como pueda, de esta manera Ud. obtendrá los talleres que ha escogido y desea participar.

El día de la Conferencia serán distribuidas sus horarios con los talleres asignados a cada persona.

**************************************************************************************************************** NO SE ACEPTARA REGISTRACIONES EN LA PUERTA EL ULTIMO DIA DE ENTREGA ES 1 DE JUNIO DE 2019.

CUOTA DE INSCRIPCION: $25 CADA PERSONA Esta conferencia es subsidiada a través de una subvención de American Bible Society.

Archdiocese of Newark - Catechetical Office – 973-497-4285 - www.rcan.org/catechetical

Por favor escriba su cheque pagadero a: Catechetical Office


Archdiocese of Newark/Catechetical Office

P.O. Box 9500 Newark, New Jersey 07104

Office Use Only

Registration Fee: _______________


Check #____________

Date Received __________

Segunda Selección: Número del Taller

Tercera Selección: Número del Taller

Primera Selección: Número del Taller

Sesión 2 -Talleres en Español (11:30 a.m.—12:50 p.m.)

Sesión 4 -Talleres en Español o en Inglés (2:00 p.m.—3:20 p.m.)

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God’s Word Today

Alive and Active!

Catholic Bible Conference

Archdiocese of Newark

La Palabra de Dios Hoy

¡Viva y Activa!

Conferencia de la Biblia Católica

arquidiócesis de Newark

Date: Saturday, May 30, 2020 Fecha: Sábado, 30 de Mayo de 2020

Adults of all ages are welcome to this annual conference.

Join us as we explore the Bible and encounter God through His Word today.

Keynote addresses and workshops will be given in English and Spanish.

Additional details and registration information will be available in January 2020.

Los adultos de todas las edades son bienvenidos a esta conferencia anual.

Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos la Biblia y nos

encontramos con Dios a través de su Palabra.

Conferencias de aperture y talleres se oferceran en español e inglés.

Detalles adicionales e información de registración estarán disponibles en enero 2020.