Le gare di appalto internazionali CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI TORINO CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI TORINO Le gare di appalto Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo Sviluppo e dall’Unione Europea e dall’Unione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

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Page 1: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali


Le gare di appalto Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle internazionali bandite dalle

Agenzie ONU,Agenzie ONU,dalle Banche Multilaterali di dalle Banche Multilaterali di

SviluppoSviluppoe dall’Unione Europeae dall’Unione Europea

Ancona e Pesaro, 10-11 dicembre 2009

Page 2: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali



Page 3: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Le gare di appalto internazionali 1/2:Cosa sono:

opportunità di business finanziate dai principali Organismi Internazionali, legate all’approvvigionamento delle pubbliche amministrazioni straniere, siano esse locali o nazionali, nonché degli stessi Organismi.

Da cosa sono originate:

a fronte della presentazione di un progetto di sviluppo da parte un’amministrazione locale, l’Organismo Internazionale procede con la sua valutazione, l’approvazione e il finanziamento. Ciascun progetto origina quindi delle gare di appalto, gestite nei vari Paesi dagli enti locali cui viene demandato il compito di bandire la gara, aggiudicarla e verificare l‘esecuzione del contratto.

Page 4: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Le gare di appalto internazionali 2/2:Da cosa possono scaturire:

- progetti finanziati in paesi in via di sviluppo

- emergenze umanitarie in paesi colpiti da calamità e/o conflitti

- approvvigionamento delle amministrazioni centrali e locali

Cosa possono riguardare:

- prestazioni di servizi / consulenze

- fornitura di beni

- esecuzione lavori

In quali settori di attività (prevalentemente):

- ambiente & energia - ICT

- infrastrutture & trasporti - istruzione & sanità

Page 5: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali



Page 6: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Le Nazioni Unite: www.un.org

• Membri:

• Area di intervento:

• Linee di intervento:

• Necessità di


• Opportunità:



- mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza

- sviluppo di relazioni amichevoli tra i Paesi

- soluzione di problemi internazionali

- promozione del rispetto dei diritti umani

- forniture funzionali alle Agenzie

- emergenze umanitarie derivanti da calamità

- emergenze umanitarie derivanti da conflitti

- programmi per lo sviluppo socio-economico


Page 7: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

L’Italia e il Sistema delle Nazioni UniteLa posizione dell’Italia: 3° posto tra i Paesi fornitori (224 USD mln =


Beni e servizi più comunemente forniti:

– agricultural equipment

– food items

– mining equipment

– pharmaceuticals

– water pumps

– engineering consultancies

– air transportation services

– freight forwarding

– insurance services

– printing services

Page 8: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

La World Bank: www.worldbank.org• Area di intervento:

• Linee di intervento:

• Necessità di



- crescita dei paesi in via di sviluppo

- ricostruzione dei paesi colpiti da conflitti

- sviluppo istituzionale

- sviluppo infrastrutturale

- istruzione e sanità

- forniture funzionali alla Banca

- programmi per lo sviluppo socio-economico

- emergenze umanitarie derivanti da calamità

- emergenze umanitarie derivanti da conflitti

Page 9: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Gli interventi della World Bank:

Fonte: www.worldbank.org

Per area:

• Europa e Asia (52%)

• Africa e Medio Oriente (29%)

• America Latina (19%)

Per settore:

• Law & Justice (21%)

• Transportation (19%)

• Water (10%)

• Energy & Mining (17%)

• Education (8%)

• Health (7%)

• Agriculture (6%)

• Industry & Trade (6%)

• Finance (6%)

• IT (1%)

Page 10: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Altre Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo (BMS):• European Bank for Reconstruction & Development: www.ebrd.org

Area di intervento: Europa Centro-Orientale e Asia Centrale

• African Development Bank: www.afdb.org

Area di intervento: Africa

• Asian Development Bank: www.adb.org

Area di intervento: Asia e Pacifico

• Inter-American Development Bank: www.iadb.org

Area di intervento: America Centro-Meridionale e Caraibi

Page 11: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

L’Unione Europea: www.ted.europa.eu• Area di intervento:

• Linee di intervento:

Europa, Mondo

sviluppo infrastrutturale & istituzionale

istruzione & sanità

fornire aiuti finanziari ai paesi in via di adesione, ai candidati e ai potenziali futuri membri

rafforzare rapporti di partenariato e vicinato con i Paesi del Mediterraneo

sostenere i programmi di cooperazione sostenere le azioni di peace-keeping e di

aiuto nella lotta al crimine e al terrorismo promuovere i processi di

democratizzazione e i diritti umani nel mondo

Page 12: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali




Page 13: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Il ciclo dei progetti e le opportunità:

6. Valutazione(Evaluation)

5. Implementazione(Implementation)

4. Negoziazione/Approvazione(Negotiation/Approval)

1. Identificazione(Identification)

2. Preparazione(Preparation)

3. Fattibilità(Appraisal)

Page 14: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Il ruolo delle BMS:

Identificare il progetto/programma

Valutare il progetto/programma

Supervisionare il progetto/programma

Monitorare la rispondenza tra il progetto e gli accordi con il Paese

Page 15: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Il ruolo dei Paesi:

Identificare il progetto/programma

Disegnare il progetto/programma

Richiedere alla BMS il prestito

Implementare il progetto/programma

Page 16: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Il ruolo delle BMS nel procurement:

Valutare il sistema Paese, la capacità di gestire il procurement e i rischi potenziali

Assistere il Paese nel procurement planning

Monitorare il progetto fino alla sua conclusione e assicurarne la rispondenza agli accordi

Page 17: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Il ruolo dei Paesi nel procurement:

Stabilire il procurement plan

Preparare e pubblicare i documenti di gara

Lanciare la gara

Ricevere e valutare le offerte e le proposte

Aggiudicare il contratto

Page 18: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Le relazioni contrattuali:

BMS Implementing Agency- Paese -

Supplier // Contractor

Page 19: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali



Page 20: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Le fonti informative:

Dove reperire le informazioni:

– siti web degli Organismi Internazionali

– banche dati on-line

(ad es. Development Business, Development Gateway)

Quali informazioni sono disponibili:

– linee strategiche di intervento

– progetti di sviluppo approvati

– avvisi di gara

– capitolati e documentazione tecnica

– gare aggiudicate

– liste fornitori

Page 21: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country Assistance Strategy – Economic and Sector Work, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Country Assistance Strategy

Identificazione, Preparazione – Monthly Operational Summary, Project Information Document (PID)

Valutazione – Project Appraisal Document (PAD), Procurement Plan

Negoziazione e Approvazione – Project Appraisal Document (PAD), General Procurement Notice (GPN)

Implementazione – Specific Procurement Notice (SPN), Contract Awards (per sub-fornitura)

Le fasi del progetto e i documenti correlati:

Page 22: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Economic and Sector Work, Country Assistance Strategy, etc.- www.worldbank.org / countries / strategies

Monthly Operational Summary, Project Information Document- www.worldbank.org / “country” / Projects & Programs

Project Appraisal Document (PAD), Procurement Plan- www.worldbank.org / “country” / Projects & Programs- www.worldbank.org / Projects / Procurement /Plan

Project Appraisal Document (PAD)- www.worldbank.org / “country” / Proj & Prog

GPN, SPN, Contract Awards- www.devbusiness.com

Dove reperire i documenti:

Page 23: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali



Page 24: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

COS’E’ UNA GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE?Avviso informativo con il quale l’Organismo Internazionale comunica l’apertura di una linea di finanziamento per un dato paese beneficiario a fronte della presentazione e dell’approvazione di un progetto di sviluppo

IN QUALI OCCASIONI VIENE PUBBLICATA?Sempre, talvolta anche prima che il finanziamento sia definitivamente approvato


General Procurement Notice

Page 25: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICESector: Population, Health and NutritionLoan/Credit Number: Project ID No. P077675Deadline: not specifiedThe Government of Serbia and Montenegro has applied for a credit in the amount of US$ 20 million equivalent from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Health Project in Serbia, and it intends to apply the credit proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.The project`s objective is to build capacity to develop a sustainable, performance oriented health care system where providers are rewarded for quality and efficiency and where health insurance coverage ensures access for affordable and effective care. Project will include the components: Health Services Restructuring, that will support planning, improve efficiency through the restructuring of services and rehabilitation works in general hospitals in four areas and support for local capacity building. The credit will finance consultants services and training for service planning, functional planning, health management; civil works and provision of medical and other equipment. Health Finance, Policy and Management to build capacity in the Ministry of health, HIF and other health care institutions in the areas of the health financing, health policy, and health regulations through provision of technical assistance and development of health IS/IT capacity. The credit will finance consultants services and training in the fields of health finance (including resource allocation, basic benefits package, provider payment); licensing and accreditation; health information systems; health policy, planning and evaluation; and communications. The credit will also finance hardware and software for health information systems development. Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. The credit will finance consultants services and training.Procurement of contracts financed by the credit will be conducted through the procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 1995 (revised January and August 1996, September 1997 and January 1999), and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank's international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for large-value consultants' contracts will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business and in local newspapers. Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive an invitation to bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of the advertisement requesting expressions of interest for large-value consultants' contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Project Coordination Unit. Attn: Dr. Milutin Delic, Director. Nemanjina 22-28. Belgrade 11000 Serbia. Tel: (381-11) 3616244. Fax: (381-11) 361-4890. E-mail: [email protected] Notice Number: WB836-606/03UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 606, 16 May 2003 Posted Online: 25 April 2003

GeneralProcurement Notice

Page 26: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICESector: Population, Health and NutritionLoan/Credit Number: Project ID No. P077675Deadline: not specifiedThe Government of Serbia and Montenegro has applied for a credit in the amount of US$ 20 million equivalent from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Health Project in Serbia, and it intends to apply the credit proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.The project`s objective is to build capacity to develop a sustainable, performance oriented health care system where providers are rewarded for quality and efficiency and where health insurance coverage ensures access for affordable and effective care. Project will include the components: Health Services Restructuring, that will support planning, improve efficiency through the restructuring of services and rehabilitation works in general hospitals in four areas and support for local capacity building. The credit will finance consultants services and training for service planning, functional planning, health management; civil works and provision of medical and other equipment. Health Finance, Policy and Management to build capacity in the Ministry of health, HIF and other health care institutions in the areas of the health financing, health policy, and health regulations through provision of technical assistance and development of health IS/IT capacity. The credit will finance consultants services and training in the fields of health finance (including resource allocation, basic benefits package, provider payment); licensing and accreditation; health information systems; health policy, planning and evaluation; and communications. The credit will also finance hardware and software for health information systems development. Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. The credit will finance consultants services and training.Procurement of contracts financed by the credit will be conducted through the procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 1995 (revised January and August 1996, September 1997 and January 1999), and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank's international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for large-value consultants' contracts will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business and in local newspapers. Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive an invitation to bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of the advertisement requesting expressions of interest for large-value consultants' contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Project Coordination Unit. Attn: Dr. Milutin Delic, Director. Nemanjina 22-28. Belgrade 11000 Serbia. Tel: (381-11) 3616244. Fax: (381-11) 361-4890. E-mail: [email protected] Notice Number: WB836-606/03UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 606, 16 May 2003 Posted Online: 25 April 2003

GeneralProcurement Notice

Country: Paese beneficiario

Project: Tipologia di progetto

Financing: Finanziatore del progetto

Abstract: Tipologia di avviso

Sector: Settore di intervento

Loan/C n°: Identificativo del progetto

Deadline: Scadenza per la presentazione delle offerte

Page 27: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICESector: Population, Health and NutritionLoan/Credit Number: Project ID No. P077675Deadline: not specifiedThe Government of Serbia and Montenegro has applied for a credit in the amount of US$ 20 million equivalent from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Health Project in Serbia, and it intends to apply the credit proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.The project`s objective is to build capacity to develop a sustainable, performance oriented health care system where providers are rewarded for quality and efficiency and where health insurance coverage ensures access for affordable and effective care. Project will include the components: Health Services Restructuring, that will support planning, improve efficiency through the restructuring of services and rehabilitation works in general hospitals in four areas and support for local capacity building. The credit will finance consultants services and training for service planning, functional planning, health management; civil works and provision of medical and other equipment. Health Finance, Policy and Management to build capacity in the Ministry of health, HIF and other health care institutions in the areas of the health financing, health policy, and health regulations through provision of technical assistance and development of health IS/IT capacity. The credit will finance consultants services and training in the fields of health finance (including resource allocation, basic benefits package, provider payment); licensing and accreditation; health information systems; health policy, planning and evaluation; and communications. The credit will also finance hardware and software for health information systems development. Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. The credit will finance consultants services and training.Procurement of contracts financed by the credit will be conducted through the procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 1995 (revised January and August 1996, September 1997 and January 1999), and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank's international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for large-value consultants' contracts will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business and in local newspapers. Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive an invitation to bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of the advertisement requesting expressions of interest for large-value consultants' contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Project Coordination Unit. Attn: Dr. Milutin Delic, Director. Nemanjina 22-28. Belgrade 11000 Serbia. Tel: (381-11) 3616244. Fax: (381-11) 361-4890. E-mail: [email protected] Notice Number: WB836-606/03UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 606, 16 May 2003 Posted Online: 25 April 2003

GeneralProcurement Notice

Informazioni generali sul progetto

Page 28: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICESector: Population, Health and NutritionLoan/Credit Number: Project ID No. P077675Deadline: not specifiedThe Government of Serbia and Montenegro has applied for a credit in the amount of US$ 20 million equivalent from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Health Project in Serbia, and it intends to apply the credit proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.The project`s objective is to build capacity to develop a sustainable, performance oriented health care system where providers are rewarded for quality and efficiency and where health insurance coverage ensures access for affordable and effective care. Project will include the components: Health Services Restructuring, that will support planning, improve efficiency through the restructuring of services and rehabilitation works in general hospitals in four areas and support for local capacity building. The credit will finance consultants services and training for service planning, functional planning, health management; civil works and provision of medical and other equipment. Health Finance, Policy and Management to build capacity in the Ministry of health, HIF and other health care institutions in the areas of the health financing, health policy, and health regulations through provision of technical assistance and development of health IS/IT capacity. The credit will finance consultants services and training in the fields of health finance (including resource allocation, basic benefits package, provider payment); licensing and accreditation; health information systems; health policy, planning and evaluation; and communications. The credit will also finance hardware and software for health information systems development. Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. The credit will finance consultants services and training.Procurement of contracts financed by the credit will be conducted through the procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 1995 (revised January and August 1996, September 1997 and January 1999), and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank's international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for large-value consultants' contracts will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business and in local newspapers. Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive an invitation to bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of the advertisement requesting expressions of interest for large-value consultants' contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Project Coordination Unit. Attn: Dr. Milutin Delic, Director. Nemanjina 22-28. Belgrade 11000 Serbia. Tel: (381-11) 3616244. Fax: (381-11) 361-4890. E-mail: [email protected] Notice Number: WB836-606/03UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 606, 16 May 2003 Posted Online: 25 April 2003

GeneralProcurement Notice

Informazioni generali sulla procedura di gara

Page 29: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICESector: Population, Health and NutritionLoan/Credit Number: Project ID No. P077675Deadline: not specifiedThe Government of Serbia and Montenegro has applied for a credit in the amount of US$ 20 million equivalent from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Health Project in Serbia, and it intends to apply the credit proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.The project`s objective is to build capacity to develop a sustainable, performance oriented health care system where providers are rewarded for quality and efficiency and where health insurance coverage ensures access for affordable and effective care. Project will include the components: Health Services Restructuring, that will support planning, improve efficiency through the restructuring of services and rehabilitation works in general hospitals in four areas and support for local capacity building. The credit will finance consultants services and training for service planning, functional planning, health management; civil works and provision of medical and other equipment. Health Finance, Policy and Management to build capacity in the Ministry of health, HIF and other health care institutions in the areas of the health financing, health policy, and health regulations through provision of technical assistance and development of health IS/IT capacity. The credit will finance consultants services and training in the fields of health finance (including resource allocation, basic benefits package, provider payment); licensing and accreditation; health information systems; health policy, planning and evaluation; and communications. The credit will also finance hardware and software for health information systems development. Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. The credit will finance consultants services and training.Procurement of contracts financed by the credit will be conducted through the procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 1995 (revised January and August 1996, September 1997 and January 1999), and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank's international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for large-value consultants' contracts will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business and in local newspapers. Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive an invitation to bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of the advertisement requesting expressions of interest for large-value consultants' contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Project Coordination Unit. Attn: Dr. Milutin Delic, Director. Nemanjina 22-28. Belgrade 11000 Serbia. Tel: (381-11) 3616244. Fax: (381-11) 361-4890. E-mail: [email protected] Notice Number: WB836-606/03UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 606, 16 May 2003 Posted Online: 25 April 2003

GeneralProcurement Notice

Contact: Agenzia implementante, cui rivolgersi per qualsiasi informazione

Notice N°: Identificativo dell’avviso

UNDB Print Ed.: Fonte informativa cartacea su cui è

pubblicato l’avviso

Posted Online: Data di pubblicazione on-line su UN Development Business

Page 30: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

COS’E’ UNA SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE?Avviso informativo originato da una GPN con il quale l’Organismo Internazionale comunica l’apertura di una di gara per una componente specifica del credito, specificando paese beneficiario, oggetto della fornitura, tempistiche e caratteristiche della procedura.



Specific Procurement Notice

Page 31: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: CONSULTING SERVICES: PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNSector: ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number: Credit No. 3768-YF; Project ID P077675Contract/Bid Number: Expressions of interestDeadline: 6 November 2006This notice appears in UN Development Business Online only and not in the printed version. Although this notice is assigned to a specific print issue, the official publication date of this notice is considered the date that it is posted online (see below). This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business No. 627 of 31 March 2004.The Government of Serbia has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for Public Information Campaign under Serbia Health Project. The main objective of the public information campaign is improving level of the information available for the beneficiaries and providers of the health care regarding citizens and patients rights within the health care system.The campaign should achieve specific objectives: 1. Health care quality 2. Services covered by health insurance 3. Patient’s rights protectionThe Project Coordination Unit in behalf of the Ministry of Health now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below, from 0900 to 1500 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 6 November 2006.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Attn: Dr Aleksandar Milojkovic. Project Coordination Unit. Omladinaskih brigade 1, SIV3. New Belgrade 11000, Serbia. Tel/Fax: (381-11) 311-2889. E-mail: [email protected] Number: WB3739-690/06UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 690, 16 November 2006Posted Online: 23 October 2006

SpecificProcurement Notice

Il termine“General” non compare nel titolo e l’Abstract, in questo caso, riporta informazioni riguardanti il settore specifico di attività per il quale è pubblicato questo avviso di gara.

Page 32: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: CONSULTING SERVICES: PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNSector: ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number: Credit No. 3768-YF; Project ID P077675Contract/Bid Number: Expressions of interestDeadline: 6 November 2006This notice appears in UN Development Business Online only and not in the printed version. Although this notice is assigned to a specific print issue, the official publication date of this notice is considered the date that it is posted online (see below). This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business No. 627 of 31 March 2004.The Government of Serbia has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for Public Information Campaign under Serbia Health Project. The main objective of the public information campaign is improving level of the information available for the beneficiaries and providers of the health care regarding citizens and patients rights within the health care system.The campaign should achieve specific objectives: 1. Health care quality 2. Services covered by health insurance 3. Patient’s rights protectionThe Project Coordination Unit in behalf of the Ministry of Health now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below, from 0900 to 1500 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 6 November 2006.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Attn: Dr Aleksandar Milojkovic. Project Coordination Unit. Omladinaskih brigade 1, SIV3. New Belgrade 11000, Serbia. Tel/Fax: (381-11) 311-2889. E-mail: [email protected] Number: WB3739-690/06UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 690, 16 November 2006Posted Online: 23 October 2006

SpecificProcurement Notice

Country: Paese beneficiario

Project: Tipologia di progetto

Financing: Finanziatore del progetto

Abstract: Richiesta

Sector: Settore di attività di chi presterà l’opera

Loan/C n°: Identificativo della linea di intervento e del progetto

Contract/Bid n°: Tipologia di procedura di gara

Deadline: Scadenza per la presentazione delle offerte

Page 33: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: CONSULTING SERVICES: PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNSector: ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number: Credit No. 3768-YF; Project ID P077675Contract/Bid Number: Expressions of interestDeadline: 6 November 2006This notice appears in UN Development Business Online only and not in the printed version. Although this notice is assigned to a specific print issue, the official publication date of this notice is considered the date that it is posted online (see below). This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business No. 627 of 31 March 2004.The Government of Serbia has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for Public Information Campaign under Serbia Health Project. The main objective of the public information campaign is improving level of the information available for the beneficiaries and providers of the health care regarding citizens and patients rights within the health care system.The campaign should achieve specific objectives: 1. Health care quality 2. Services covered by health insurance 3. Patient’s rights protectionThe Project Coordination Unit in behalf of the Ministry of Health now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below, from 0900 to 1500 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 6 November 2006.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Attn: Dr Aleksandar Milojkovic. Project Coordination Unit. Omladinaskih brigade 1, SIV3. New Belgrade 11000, Serbia. Tel/Fax: (381-11) 311-2889. E-mail: [email protected] Number: WB3739-690/06UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 690, 16 November 2006Posted Online: 23 October 2006

SpecificProcurement Notice

Informazioni specifiche sul progetto.L’avviso riguarda una componente specifica del credito:

“The Government of Serbia has received a credit from the International Development

Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for Public Information Campaign

under Serbia Health Project.”

Page 34: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: CONSULTING SERVICES: PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNSector: ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number: Credit No. 3768-YF; Project ID P077675Contract/Bid Number: Expressions of interestDeadline: 6 November 2006This notice appears in UN Development Business Online only and not in the printed version. Although this notice is assigned to a specific print issue, the official publication date of this notice is considered the date that it is posted online (see below). This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business No. 627 of 31 March 2004.The Government of Serbia has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for Public Information Campaign under Serbia Health Project. The main objective of the public information campaign is improving level of the information available for the beneficiaries and providers of the health care regarding citizens and patients rights within the health care system.The campaign should achieve specific objectives: 1. Health care quality 2. Services covered by health insurance 3. Patient’s rights protectionThe Project Coordination Unit in behalf of the Ministry of Health now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below, from 0900 to 1500 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 6 November 2006.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Attn: Dr Aleksandar Milojkovic. Project Coordination Unit. Omladinaskih brigade 1, SIV3. New Belgrade 11000, Serbia. Tel/Fax: (381-11) 311-2889. E-mail: [email protected] Number: WB3739-690/06UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 690, 16 November 2006Posted Online: 23 October 2006

SpecificProcurement Notice

Informazioni specifiche sulla gara: Cosa occorre fare?

“The Project Coordination Unit in behalf of the Ministry of Health now invites eligible

consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they

are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of

appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their


Page 35: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: CONSULTING SERVICES: PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNSector: ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number: Credit No. 3768-YF; Project ID P077675Contract/Bid Number: Expressions of interestDeadline: 6 November 2006This notice appears in UN Development Business Online only and not in the printed version. Although this notice is assigned to a specific print issue, the official publication date of this notice is considered the date that it is posted online (see below). This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business No. 627 of 31 March 2004.The Government of Serbia has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for Public Information Campaign under Serbia Health Project. The main objective of the public information campaign is improving level of the information available for the beneficiaries and providers of the health care regarding citizens and patients rights within the health care system.The campaign should achieve specific objectives: 1. Health care quality 2. Services covered by health insurance 3. Patient’s rights protectionThe Project Coordination Unit in behalf of the Ministry of Health now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below, from 0900 to 1500 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 6 November 2006.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Attn: Dr Aleksandar Milojkovic. Project Coordination Unit. Omladinaskih brigade 1, SIV3. New Belgrade 11000, Serbia. Tel/Fax: (381-11) 311-2889. E-mail: [email protected] Number: WB3739-690/06UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 690, 16 November 2006Posted Online: 23 October 2006

SpecificProcurement Notice

Informazioni specifiche sulla procedura di gara.

“A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s

Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002). Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address

below, from 0900 to 1500 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address

below by 6 November 2006.”

Page 36: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

Country: Serbia and MontenegroProject: HEALTH PROJECTFinancing: World BankAbstract: CONSULTING SERVICES: PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNSector: ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number: Credit No. 3768-YF; Project ID P077675Contract/Bid Number: Expressions of interestDeadline: 6 November 2006This notice appears in UN Development Business Online only and not in the printed version. Although this notice is assigned to a specific print issue, the official publication date of this notice is considered the date that it is posted online (see below). This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business No. 627 of 31 March 2004.The Government of Serbia has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for Public Information Campaign under Serbia Health Project. The main objective of the public information campaign is improving level of the information available for the beneficiaries and providers of the health care regarding citizens and patients rights within the health care system.The campaign should achieve specific objectives: 1. Health care quality 2. Services covered by health insurance 3. Patient’s rights protectionThe Project Coordination Unit in behalf of the Ministry of Health now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised September 1997, January 1999 and May 2002).Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below, from 0900 to 1500 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 6 November 2006.Contact: Ministry of Health, Serbia. Attn: Dr Aleksandar Milojkovic. Project Coordination Unit. Omladinaskih brigade 1, SIV3. New Belgrade 11000, Serbia. Tel/Fax: (381-11) 311-2889. E-mail: [email protected] Number: WB3739-690/06UNDB Print Edition: Issue No. 690, 16 November 2006Posted Online: 23 October 2006

SpecificProcurement Notice

Contact: Agenzia implementante, cui rivolgersi per qualsiasi informazione

Notice N°: Identificativo dell’avviso

UNDB Print Ed.: Fonte informativa cartacea su cui è

pubblicato l’avviso

Posted Online: Data di pubblicazione on-line su UN Development Business

Page 37: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali



Page 38: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

La partecipazione alle gare: consigli pratici• Puntare su Organismi Internazionali di cui si ha

familiarità;• Puntare su aree geografiche conosciute;• Evitare di impegnarsi su troppe iniziative

contemporaneamente;• Individuare con rapidità le opportunità su cui

concentrarsi;• Programmare accuratamente l’iniziativa;• Individuare possibili partner per la costituzione di

un consorzio;• Costituire un team di lavoro dedicato;• Scegliere accuratamente le referenze da


Page 39: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali

La partecipazione alle gare: consigli pratici• Curare gli aspetti formali delle offerte;• Redigere offerte tecniche e finanziarie semplici e

chiare;• Se consentito, enfatizzare soluzioni alternative o

innovative;• Verificare sempre le informazioni chiave e le

scadenze;• Preparare sempre una checklist dei documenti

richiesti;• Rispondere sempre a richieste di offerte e/o

approfondimenti;• Familiarizzare con i progetti, le procedure e gli

organigrammi degli Organismi Internazionali;• Non arrendersi se i primi esiti dovessero risultare


Page 40: Le gare di appalto internazionali Le gare di appalto internazionali bandite dalle Agenzie ONU, dalle Banche Multilaterali di Sviluppo e dallUnione Europea

Le gare di appalto internazionali