Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

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Page 1: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster
Page 2: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Learning Aim ( 学习目标 )

To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster.

Page 3: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster


Frankenstein 1931 Boris Karloff as the Monster

Page 4: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

huge ugly wrinkled monster

terrifying eyes skin lip human being horror film

Page 5: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Read part 1 and find the general idea of the paragraph.

Main idea: __________________________Exercise:

1. The monster began to hate his creator because ( ) A. he felt lonely and unhappy B .his creator gave him an ugly face C. his creator refused to create a wife for him D. he wanted to become clever2. When Frankenstein studied at university, he ( ) A. learned how to create the ugly monster B. refused to create his own wife C. discovered the secret of how to give life to lifeless matter D. taught the clever monster to speak 3. The monster terrifies people because of _______________________.4. Frankenstein tries to destroy the monster




its ugly appearanceit kills three people

The general story of Frankenstein

Page 6: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Read Part One and find the answers to the following

questions:1. What does Frankenstein create?

2. What does the monster look like?

3. What does the monster ask Frankenstein to do?

4. What does the monster do ?

5. What happens at the end of the story?

A creature that resembles a human being.

He is large, strong and extremely ugly.

To create a wife for him.

He kills Frankenstein’s brother, friend and wife.

The monster disappears into the ice and snow to end his life.

Page 7: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Retell the story of Frankenstein

Frankenstein ______ a creature that _____ a human being, using ______ from dead bodies. The _______is unusually ____ and _____, and is also extremely_____. He _____ everyone who sees him. When Frankenstein ______ to _____a wife for him, the monster _____ Frankenstein’s brother, best ____ and new___. At the end of the story, the monster _______into the ____________to_____ his own life.




ice and snow

creates resembles


largestrong ugly

refuses createfriend


Fill in the blanks and complete the passage


Page 8: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Read part 2 and match the main ideas with each paragraph.





The monster became a creature from my worst nightmare.The monster didn’t give what I had expected in return but gave much trouble.The description of the monster and how I felt when I saw it for the first timeWhen the monster came into being

Page 9: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Exercises of part 2:1. In order to give life to a lifeless body, Frankenstein

( ) A. had worked hard for nearly two years with more than

one aim B. could sleep well as before C. was tired of doing this before giving life to it D. hadn’t slept for this and had destroyed his own


2. Frankenstein didn’t wish ( ) after he had finished the monster.

A. he hadn’t created this creature B. he was on the other side of the world C. he could disappear D. to stay in the same room with the monster



Page 10: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Read the passage carefully and say if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 、 It was a cold December night the first time he saw his creation.

2 、 It was raining outside when he gave life to the creature.

3 、 He had intended to make his creation beautiful but failed.

4 It was very easy for Frankenstein to give life to a lifeless body.

5 When he finished his creation, he felt very relaxed.

6 、 The monster was not ugly before it was given to life.







Page 11: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Describe the monster using the words given words

The monster is very_____, _____and also extremely____. He is the ______thing ever _____in the world. You can ____the ______beneath his yellow_____. His ____was black and his _____were white. But these things _______ horribly with his yellow______, his _______yellow ____and black_____. He ______everyone who sees him, and makes ______and _____ fill their hearts.

Fill in the blank with proper words to describe the monster




eyes wrinkled lips

terrifieshorror disgust





Page 12: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

How many “I wish…” are used in the passage? Why did he say so?

Five. Because he regretted having created the monster very much.

亮点句型 语法链接

Page 13: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Dolly the Sheep cloned plants “weiwei the bull”

Cloned Humans???

Page 14: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

1. in the 1950s 青蛙的克隆

2. in the 1970s 用老鼠的胚胎做实验

3. 1981 年 首例老鼠的克隆实验

4. 1983 年 首例奶牛的克隆试验

5. 1996 年 实现了首例哺乳动物 ( 羊 ) 的克隆

6. 2001 年 中国首例双胞胎克隆牛诞生

7. 2002 年 首例克隆猫

8. 2005 年 首例克隆狗


Page 15: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster

Are you for cloning or against cloning? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing?

for cloning beneficial to : 1. organs used for transplanting (器官移植)2.animals and plants that are becoming extinct 3agriculture development…………….

against cloning

bad for :1.nature variety 2.cloned animals--- an unexpected variation of genes( 基因突变)

3. law and morals ( 法律与伦理道德)



很难设想 , 当一个人发现自己只不过是另外一个人的完全复制品,他(或她)会有什么感受?

Page 16: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster


Write a short passage about what we have discussed.

Maybe in the future, the world is just like Brave New World . What do you think of it?

So many “me”s

Page 17: Learning Aim ( 学习目标 ) To get the general idea and some detailed information of Frankenstein’s Monster