Lección 24.1

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  • 8/10/2019 Leccin 24.1


    Verbos irregulares XXIII: bid, bite, feed, ring

    En esta leccin vamos a estudiar los siguientes verbos:

    Inf. Past Past p.

    pujar, ofertar bid bid bid

    morder bite bit bitten

    alimentar feed fed fed

    tocar el timbre, llamar por telfono ring rang rung

    Verbos to bid


    bidpujar, ofertar (past)

    bidpujar, ofertar (past p.)

    My father used to bid in auctions when I was a childMi padre sola pujar en subastas cuando yo era nio

    I don't like bidding. It's nonsenseNo me gusta pujar. No tiene sentido

    When you bid for something, you can get a better priceCuando t pujas por algo, puedes conseguir un precio mejor

    Kale has bid for a house by the beachKale ha pujado por una casa al lado de la playa

    I haven't bid because I am not sure if my husband would like the pictureNo he pujado porque no estoy segura si a mi esposo le gustara el cuadro

    My sister has bid for an old Greek statue, it's beautifulMi hermana ha pujado por una antigua estatua griega, es bella

    Verbos to bite


    bitmorder (past)

    bittenmorder (past p.)

    Don't be afraid, that dog hasn't bitten anybodyNo tengas miedo, este perro no ha mordido a nadie

    The cat has bitten a ballEl gato ha mordido una pelota

    A snake has bitten MikeUna serpiente ha mordido a Mike

    The big dog bit Uncle Ben, he is at the hospitalEl perro grande mordi al to Ben, l est en el hospital

  • 8/10/2019 Leccin 24.1


    A spider bit me last nightUna araa me mordi anoche

    The baby bit everything because his teeth were coming outEl beb morda todo porque le estaban saliendo sus dientes

    Verbos to feed




    alimentar (past)


    alimentar (past p.)

    The zoo worker has fed the bears this morningEl trabajador del zoo ha alimentado a los osos esta maana

    Don't worry. Mike has fed the catsNo te preocupes. Mike ha alimentado a los gatos

    I fed my pets last nightYo aliment a mis mascotas anoche

    The farmer fed the cows and chickens every morningEl granjero alimentaba a las vacas y los pollos cada maana

    The cat fed the kittens in a lovely wayLa gata alimentaba a los gatitos de una manera adorable

    Verbos to ring

    ringtocar un timbre

    rangtocar un timbre, llamar por telfono (past)

    rungtocar un timbre, llamar por telfono (past


    The phone rang several times, but nobody answered itEl telfono son varias veces, pero nadie contest

    Your mobile phone rang in the cinema because you didn't switch it offYour mobile phone rang in the movie theater because you didn't switch it offT mvil son en el cine porque t no lo apagaste

    The bell rang and all the boys went home because the class had finishedLa campana son y todos los chicos se fueron a casa porque la clase haba terminado

    The phone has rung for a while; I think it was your mum

    The phone has rung for a while; I think it was your momEl telfono ha sonado un rato; creo que era tu madre

    The bell has rung. Can you open the door?El timbre ha sonado. Puedes abrir la puerta?

    Your mobile phone has rung but I didn't want to answerT mvil ha sonado pero yo no quera responder

    Verbos Regulares

    I coughed too much, so I went to the doctor. I need to restTosa mucho, as que fui al mdico. Necesito descansar

    You deceived me; you said you were working this afternoonMe engaaste; me dijiste que estabas trabajando esta tarde

  • 8/10/2019 Leccin 24.1


    Sales decreased last year. The firm is making adjustmentsLas ventas disminuyeron el ao pasado. La empresa est haciendo ajustes

    I deduced the answer to the problem and it was correct, so I passed my testDeduje la respuesta al problema y era correcto, as que aprob el examen

    I deleted the text message because I didn't need that information anymoreYo borr el mensaje porque ya no necesitaba esa informacin

    My friend delivered newspapers when he was a child

    Mi amigo entregaba peridicos cuando era nio