Leitura em LE para formar criticidade: Women For Selves A leitura está presente em nossas vidas e está associada a muitas de nossas atividades, sejam de lazer, escolar ou mesmo a nossa rotina cotidiana como fazer compras ou ler um bilhete deixado por familiar ou amigo. Ler é uma atividade de extrema necessidade ao ser humano. Mas ler é uma atividade complexa, pois muitos confundem esta prática como decodificação do texto, ou seja, de descobrir palavra por palavra do que está escrito no texto. Essa crença reduz o ensino de leitura em língua estrangeira a uma prática do léxico e da gramática, que muitas vezes traumatizam o leitor, levando-o a uma prática repetitiva de exercícios que o façam dominar a estrutura da língua. Ler deve ser um processo de construção de significado através da interação dinâmica entre o conhecimento existente do leitor, a informação sugerida pela linguagem escrita, e o contexto da situação da leitura (Anthony Pearson e Raphael, 1993:284). Nesse sentido ninguém ensina ninguém a ler, o que se pode ensinar são estratégias de leitura para que o leitor possa interagir com o texto e assim entendê-lo de alguma forma. Este trabalho pretende, portanto oferecer a você, estudante, uma série de estratégias que o despertem para ler em língua estrangeira, entendendo que o modo como se lê e se interpreta um texto depende exclusivamente do conhecimento que você consegue construir. Trabalharemos textos que trazem características muito comuns de um determinado gênero textual e traremos uma problematização em relação a um tema. A busca por sua solução deverá despertar o seu interesse para desenvolver uma prática analítica e crítica, ampliar seus conhecimentos lingüísticos e perceber as implicações sociais, históricas e ideológicas presentes no discurso. Durante a leitura de um texto é primordial dar atenção a: A freqüência e distribuição de uma palavra ou grupo de palavras dentro de um texto (descobrir que uma determinada palavra tem um papel significativo dentro da temática estudada. Em língua estrangeira qualquer informação que pudermos extrair já é um

Leitura em LE para formar criticidade: Women For Selves · cotidiana como fazer compras ou ler um bilhete deixado por familiar ou amigo. Ler é uma atividade de extrema necessidade

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Leitura em LE para formar criticidade: Women For Selves

A leitura está presente em nossas vidas e está associada a muitas de

nossas atividades, sejam de lazer, escolar ou mesmo a nossa rotina

cotidiana como fazer compras ou ler um bilhete deixado por familiar ou

amigo. Ler é uma atividade de extrema necessidade ao ser humano. Mas

ler é uma atividade complexa, pois muitos confundem esta prática como

decodificação do texto, ou seja, de descobrir palavra por palavra do que

está escrito no texto. Essa crença reduz o ensino de leitura em língua

estrangeira a uma prática do léxico e da gramática, que muitas vezes

traumatizam o leitor, levando-o a uma prática repetitiva de exercícios que

o façam dominar a estrutura da língua.

Ler deve ser um processo de construção de significado através da

interação dinâmica entre o conhecimento existente do leitor, a informação

sugerida pela linguagem escrita, e o contexto da situação da leitura

(Anthony Pearson e Raphael, 1993:284). Nesse sentido ninguém ensina

ninguém a ler, o que se pode ensinar são estratégias de leitura para que o

leitor possa interagir com o texto e assim entendê-lo de alguma forma.

Este trabalho pretende, portanto oferecer a você, estudante, uma

série de estratégias que o despertem para ler em língua estrangeira,

entendendo que o modo como se lê e se interpreta um texto depende

exclusivamente do conhecimento que você consegue construir.

Trabalharemos textos que trazem características muito comuns de

um determinado gênero textual e traremos uma problematização em

relação a um tema. A busca por sua solução deverá despertar o seu

interesse para desenvolver uma prática analítica e crítica, ampliar seus

conhecimentos lingüísticos e perceber as implicações sociais, históricas e

ideológicas presentes no discurso.

Durante a leitura de um texto é primordial dar atenção a:

• A freqüência e distribuição de uma palavra ou grupo de palavras

dentro de um texto (descobrir que uma determinada palavra tem

um papel significativo dentro da temática estudada. Em língua

estrangeira qualquer informação que pudermos extrair já é um

passo fundamental para evitarmos a “incompreensão” ou o “não

entendi nada”.

• A freqüência com que certos elementos (dados iconográficos) são

utilizados: gráficos, cifrões, tabelas, percentuais, ilustrações.

• Palavras cognatas (parecidas com o português).

• O tipo de letra usado: negrito, sublinhado, itálico, caixa alta, tipos


• O aspecto visual do texto, as ilustrações e sua disposição dentro do


• Para quem o texto foi escrito, o assunto, a fronte de onde foi

possivelmente retirado.

• O propósito do escritor.

• O nível de formalidade.

Nosso objetivo é desenvolver estratégias e propiciar a você a

possibilidade de atingir um nível de competência lingüística capaz

de permitir-lhe interpretar diferentes textos em língua estrangeira.

Em duplas discuta sobre as questões propostas:1. Com que freqüência você lê na sua própria língua? E em inglês você lê

algo? 2. Por que você lê? Como a leitura faz você se sentir?3. A leitura o ajuda? Se sim, como?4. Você lê em casa? O que você lê?5. Que tipo de livros, revistas e jornais você lê?6. Como você sabe se gostará do livro ou revista que está comprando na

livraria ou pegando na biblioteca?7. Você tem um livro, jornal ou revista favorito? Por quê?8. Você tem um autor favorito? Por quê?9. Quando você lê um texto em inglês, como você lê?

Activating Reading

Ler bem em uma língua estrangeira implica em ativar o conhecimento que você possui antes da leitura. Esse conhecimento é que ajudará você a ter uma idéia sobre o texto. Poderá ser semelhante ao que você já sabe, estar em conflito com o tópico ou não existir. Chamamos essa estratégia de pré-leitura porque ativa o conhecimento anterior à leitura.


Por que as mulheres não se destacaram ao longo da história no campo da política como os homens?

E hoje as mulheres se destacam em algum campo? Quais?Como você vê as mulheres hoje?

What characteristics do you think is it necessary to be considered good at something?

There are some controversies among men and women. Sometimes

nobody understands each other, maybe because of the differences,

specially the physical ones. Even being humans, they also have different

roles in this planet. The way they feel and see the world is not the same.

Men believe in the woman’s submission and women believe in the men’s

power. Nowadays they are trying to turn these believes into the past.

Women are fighting for their rights and competing with men face to face.

But past shows that neither all the women thought conventionally like


Use o conhecimento que possui acerca de definições. A palavra definição, significa delimitar, estabelecer limite ou fronteira com relação a outros entes. Ao trabalhar com o gênero listas, temos o subgênero top lists. TOP LIST is a category for lists of "top", "greatest", "biggest", "busiest", "best" etc. things such as books, films, businesses, etc. It refers to the highest or most important rank or postition. The criteria for organising a top list can be a result of an opinion research or a voting process in which somebody elaborates a list and asks for people choose the better. The most voted ones makes part of a top list.

1. Are you a good student at History? Well, let’s make a test. Make a

top list of 10 notorius men throught history. You can make your

choices by their work in Arts, entertainment, or sports, business,

courage, ideals, dreams, fight or just by their beauty. Don’t forget to

justify your choices to a classmate.

2. What criteria do you think it is necessary to make a top list?

Task 1 Talk with your family women about their lives in the past in the fields below and compare with the actual days.

EducationPoliticsRights Family positionReligionMarriage rightsSports

Making preview

3. Look at the pictures of these women below and say to a partner

which of them you know and what is your knowledge about them.

4. What adjectives could you give to them by what you see in the


5. How about the knowledge you have about them, what characteristics

can you give to their personalities? Choose and write from the chart

the adjective you think is the most meaningful for each picture


Some adjectives to help you: motivator – powerful – good mood – sexy – honest – despotic – strong – overproud – smart – ambitious – prepotent – audacious – tolerant – strong – romantic– idealistic – clever – faithful – selfish – successful – expansive – bold – misterious – refined – astute

1.Anita Garibaldi___________

2.Isabella of Castile___________



4.Elizabeth I


5.Catherine II of Russia____________

6.Joana of Ark_____________

7.Queen of Sabah____________

8.Margareth Tatcher___________


10.Queen Victoria___________

6. The women above you have talked about take part of a top list made

by a famous magazine. Ten women were for the series Adventures in

History. Think up and make a list of the reasons for the choices the

magazine could use to elaborate it.

7. Think of great women nowadays. In groups make your own top list

and write what you know about them.

Reading for matching

8. Match the numbers next to the names of the top list with these short

summaries about each one of the 10 most important women in


( ) She was the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 to 1876. Her reign lasted 63 years and seven months, longer than that of any other British monarch. In general, the period centred on her reign is known as the Victorian era.( ) She was born on January 6, 1412. In response to visions and voices which she heard beginning in her 13th year, she left her small home village of Domremy to meet with the Dauphin (Charles VII, king of France). She lead an army to raise the siege of Orleans, and to accompany her Dauphin to Rheims where he was formally crowned. Later, She was captured by the opponent's of Charles and was turned over to the English and put on trial for heresy, condemned and burnt at the stake by the church. In 1920, the Catholic Church formally canonized her as a Saint.

( ) Her name’s meaning is Foremost of Noble Ladies. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. She is generally regarded by Egyptologists as one of the most successful female pharaohs, reigning longer than any other woman of an indigenous Egyptian dynasty.( ) (1821- August 4 1849) This woman was the Brazilian-born wife and comrade-in-arms of an Italian revolutionary. Their partnership epitomized the spirit of the 19th century's age of romanticism and revolutionary liberalism. She fought at the side of her lover and they had four children.( ) She was a Hellenistic co-ruler of Egypt with her father (Ptolemy XII Auletes) and later with her brothers/husbands Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV. She later became the supreme ruler of Egypt, as pharaoh, consummated a liaison with Gaius Julius Caesar that solidified her grip on the throne, and, after Caesar's assassination, aligned with Mark Antony, with whom she produced twins. Her

reign marks the end of the Hellenistic Era and the beginning of the Roman Era in the Eastern Mediterranean. She was the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. ( ) (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) She was Queen of England, France (in name only), and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. She is sometimes referred to as The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, or Good Queen Bess. She was the fifth and final monarch of the House of Tudor. She reigned for almost 45 years, during a period marked by increases in English power and influence worldwide, as well as great religious turmoil within England. ( ) (April 22, 1451 – November 26, 1504)She was Queen regnant of Castile and Leon. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, laid the foundation for the political unification of Spain under their grandson, Carlos I of Spain (Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor). Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain and made the Inquisition into a powerful institution whose main victims were Jewish conversors.( ) The Baroness (born 13 October 1925) served as British Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990 and leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 until 1990, being the first woman to hold this post. Her tenure as Prime Minister was the longest continuous period in office. She was the first woman to lead a major political party in the UK, and the first of only three women to have held any of the four great offices of state. She currently has a life peerage as Baroness Thatcher, of Kesteven in the County of Lincolnshire, which allows her to sit in the House of Lords.( ) Her appearance is very remote. Some believe she is just a legend, but according to bible she was an African queen very intelligent that became one of the wives of the Israelist King Salomon, son of David .( ) Though born as Sophie Augusta Frederica (nicknamed "Figchen") a minor German princess in Stettin, she did have very remote Russian ancestry. In accordance with the custom she received her education chiefly from a French governess and from tutors.The choice of Sophie as wife of the prospective tsar — Peter of Holstein-Gottorp — resulted from some amount of diplomatic management that wanted to strengthen the friendship between Prussia and Russia to weaken the influence of Austria and to ruin the chancellor Bestuzhev.

In pairs, choose 24 words from the texts you have read. Make a domino

game with them and play.

Reading for confirming

9. The magazine’s editor justify his choice. Read it and make a list of

the reasons the editor presents to decide underlining these women:

“ I was always the kind of person that admired independent women. I never was feminist, but I have to confess that I use to feel pride when I see well succeed, powerful and independent women. I think my enthusiastic feeling is a genetic heritage of my mother, a strong women, that faces by herself any fight. So this is the reason I admire the fighters and have a special caress by this book of the colection the best. And I am not alone. Claire, our competent – and valent – Art editor, also vibrated with these fascinat histories: Queen of Sabah, Hatshepsut, Cleopatra, Joana of Ark, Isabella of Castile, Elisabeth I, Catharine II, the Great, Queen Victoria, Anita Garibaldi and Margareth Tatcher. Living in a time when men dominated everything, they hit the chauvinist tradition and won the quarrel. The

most interesting is that they did not lose their femality. They were sexy, mothers and devoted lovers. Because real fighters have lots of roles, isn’t it? Until nowadays. Good reading.”

10.Do you think the criteria used by the magazine is good? What is the

topic presented in this top list?

11.Compare the criteria they used and the criteria you used to make

your top list. Were they different? Discuss this with your friends.

12.Make a list of the adjectives used in the class to describe the women

in the top lists done. Make comparisons among the women chosen.

13.Make some comparisons expressing your opinion about some

important women around the history.

a) The first women to wear pants in movies was Marlene Deitrich

in the 1930 film “Morrocco”. In my opinion she was

__________________ than Marilyn Moroe.

b) I think Anita Garibaldi was____________________than Joanna of


c) I have no doubt that Cleopatra was_______________than


d) I was specially impressed with Queen of Sabah. I have no

doubt that she was___________________than Queen Victoria.

e) As far as I am concerned Margareth Tatcher was the first

female minister in the United Kingdom. In my opinion, she

is_______________ than ____________________________

f) I think Chiquinha Gonzaga was a wonderful composer. In my

view, she was _________________________than


14.See these comments about the Brazilian women costumes in the

1880’s and tick the true ones.

a) Women were as independent as men.b) Divorced women were more respected than men.c) Men work were more valuable than women.d) The women rights were the as important as the men ones.e) Women could vote as men and their votes were more signifcant

than men.f) Women were more political than men.g) Men were the most studious people of the time.h) Women’s clothes were sexier than men.i) Women’ daily routines were easier than men.



15.Be creative! Write five ideas you have about the given words.



From the women chosen by the magazine, we are going to have a look

at two of them. One is Anita Garibaldi, a Brazilian woman. She shows

that there is no prejudice when you are convicted on your desires. Even

in a period when women should be a role of religiousity and good

behaviour. Using the strategy of scanning, know a little bit of her.

ScanningÉ uma estratégia de leitura que consiste em passar os olhos pelo texto rapidamente para buscar palavras chaves, imagens, números e símbolos universais ou informações específicas.

16.This is a text about Anita Garibaldi. Scan it for looking up common

information about biographies (key words), such as name, date of

birth, date of death, family members.

Anita GaribaldiThe Wife of a Revolutionary Who Went to Battle

© Henry Ramsager Nov 21, 2007 Brazilian-born Anita Garibaldi was wife of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the unifier of Italy. Anita fought alongside her husband in several South American battles.Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva di Garibaldi (1821-1849) was born in Brazil. She is famous for her association with the revolutionary Italian hero Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), who brought about the unification of Italy starting in the 1850's.

The couple met in Brazil, after which Anita, in 1839, left her husband, Manuel Duarte Aguiar, to be with Giuseppe Garibaldi. Upon seeing her for the first time, Garibaldi is said to have muttered, "You must be mine."She took active part in the battles with him in the south of Brazil as well as in other South American countries. They were married in 1841.Anita Garibaldi was said to be a skilled horsewoman and could handle a sword. She gave birth to four children and died while sick and pregnant with her fifth child. She and her husband took part in the defence of Rome, which was under siege by French troops. Advancing French and Austrian troops pursued them following a retreat from Rome. She died in her husband's arms.http://latinamericanhistory.suite101.com/blog.cfm/anita_garibaldi

17.What information shows you that Anita was a women in front her


18.Write comparisons using the adjectives and the information from the


a) Revolutionary: Anita was more revolutionary than many men

from her time.

b) Famous:

c) Romantic:

d) Active:

e) Idealistic:

f) Skilled:

19.Think and say if nowadays there are some kind of prejudice about

women? Why? Why not?

20.What do you know about the History and Portugal?

21.Place an “X” by the best alternative for the History of Portugal and


a) The Spanish kingdom came from the union between Castile

and Aragon.

b) Spain was divided in independent states and two of them were

Aragon and Castile.

c) King Ferdinand governed Spain and Queen Isabel governed


d) From the Castile kingdom and the Aragon kingdom we have

today the Spain country.

e) Asturies Princess was the way Isabela I was named.

22.Let’s play!!! Choose two words from the text read. Write them on the

blackboard. Choose friends to give their meanings.

SkimmingEsta estratégia consiste em passar os olhos sobre o texto para se ter uma idéia do que se trata. As primeiras e a últimas orações dos parágrafos são particularmente importantes. Elas normalmente resumem os pontos principais.

23.Skim the text. Underline the sentences in each paragraph that

contain the main points.

Queen Isabella I of Spain (r. 1474 - d. 1505)Isabella of Castile was a powerful queen as Europe passed from the Late

Middle Ages to the Renaissance. When she was eighteen she already favored jewels and beautiful gowns which she wore throughout her life. She had beautiful blue eyes and chestnut hair and was just striking. Isabella was queen of Castile from 1474 to 1505, and she had to fight a civil war to secure her throne. Her marriage to Ferdinand II of Aragon began a thirty five year joint rule of a unified Spain by the Catholic Monarchs. Ferdinand and Isabella succeeded as joint sovereigns to the throne of Castile on the death of Isabella's half brother Henry IV in December of 1474. From 1481 the "Catholic Kings," as Ferdinand and Isabella were known, ruled both kingdoms jointly, but it was a union of crowns not countries. The two kingdoms maintained their separate laws, institutions and governments. In 1478, they established the Spanish Inquisition as a royal council under royal control. In 1492 The Inquisition persuaded the Catholic Kings to expel the Jews whose conversion to Christianity was doubtful.

It was typical of Isabella's political vision that she agreed to finance the expedition of Christopher Columbus which brought the New World and wealth to Spain. If it weren't for Queen Isabella of Spain, Christopher Columbus would never been able to set sail. Isabella took an interest in the Native Americans of the new lands and when some of them were brought back to Spain as slaves she had them returned and freed, she wanted the Indians to be treated fairly.

Isabella had five children: Isabel, John, Joan, Maria, and Catherine. Of her five children, two of them were deceased before Isabella, also her grandson and heir passed on, which brought many sorrows during her last few years. Also her daughter Joanna Juana la Loca was mentally unstable and her son Charles, after Ferdinand's death, became Holy Roman Emperor. Catherine was the first wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Mary I of England.

Through all of this Isabella found the time for education, which was very important to her. She learned Latin at age thirty five. Also, she wanted scholars to set up palace schools at her court. She also educated her sons and daughters. Isabella lived a life as a mother, wife, Catholic and queen. Her dream was for continued rule for her family, which was successful, and greatness for her country.

24.Complete this chart about text, according your conclusions.

Queen Isabella I

Physical description Problems she had to face Political view

Eyes:___________ ________________ _____________Hair:____________ ________________ _____________ ________________ _____________ ________________ _____________Family people Husband: __________ Women roles Dreams ______________ ____________Children: ____________ ______________ ____________ ______________ ____________ ______________ ____________ ____________

25.Compare the two text. In your opinion what is the position of the

author about the text about Anita Garibaldi and the author of the tex

about Queen Isabela. Who was more entusiastic about on writing

about them? Which one was more predicitive? Why? You can find

clcues in the text that justify your answers?

26.In groups of 4 or 5 make a research about one of the names given in

the first top list or other strong women that overcame some kind of

prejudice or was in front of her time and make a presentation to

your class.

Expressing opinion

When you read you improve your knowledge and can express your

opinion. After reading, talk with your friends, what are the meaning for

some expressions of positive or negative opinions and take notes next to

each one.

Personally, ...In my opinion,......, I think,...as far as I am concerned,...In my estimation,...

I have no doubt that....In my view,I must admit,...In a sense

27.This is a top list from a member of an English site named dooyoo.

Paul is participating of a discussion about the ten best sportist

women or men. Read this top list about them and express your

opinion. Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?

Michael Schumacher is the greatest sportsman of all time (Top ten sports men or women)

Name: paul36Product: Top ten sports men or womenDate: 10.12.06 (305 review reads)Advantages: read my listDisadvantages: no

Top 10 sportsman/women:1 Michael Schumacher: needs no introductions, greatest driver of all time. Won six world titles and over 90 races. That is more than any other driver.

2 Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer of all time. He wins more tournaments than any one else. When Woods finishes his golfing career he would have won more than any other golfer. Has natural talent. One of the top sportsmen in the world. He earns more in one year than all the British golfers put together.

3 Lance Armstrong overcame cancer to win multiple races. Cycling champion.

4 Zinedine Zidane retired from football after last world cup. Won World Cup for France, first for the country. Very good midfield player, scored plenty of goals.

5 Shane Warne, greatest Australian bowler of all time. I make him the best spinner of all time ahead of Murli who plays on pitches that suit spinners. Warne has taken over 700 test wickets and won world cups with Australia.

6 Pete Sampras won 14 grand slams in 15 year career, 7 at Wimbledon. One of the best players in tennis.

7 Chris Evert won 18 grand slams. She makes the list because she has the record for staying number 1 in the rankings for over 15 years.

8 Ali was the greatest boxer of all time. He had boxing skills and a brain, spend time in prison for refusing to join the army, would have won more if not stopped in his prime.

9 Jackie Joyner Kersie won 3 golds in four Olympics (American athlete)

10 Martina Navratilova won more than Chris Evert. I think she had physical advantage on other women tennis players.


28.Do you think the criteria used by Paul, really considered the great

sportist of world? Why?

29.Talk with a classmates about these questions. After make 2 or 3

sentences about the ideas you brought in speaking.

a) What do you know about soccer in Brazil?

b) Do you watch a match on TV at home?

c) Do you like sports?

d) Do you think women like soccer?

e) What is your favorite team in Brazil’s soccer?

30.Read the text bellow and with your partner, try to discuss about the

ideas it comes you out.

Posted 9/24/2003 3:08 AM Updated 9/24/2003 3:28 AM

Brazil women make name for selves By Gary Mihoces, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — In keeping with Brazilian soccer tradition, rising star Marta Vieira Da Siolva goes by just one name — Marta. And in keeping with being 17 years old, she has a favorite way of relaxing between games of the Women's World Cup. (Related item: Preview Capsules)"She listens to Brazilian music," says Andreia, team goalie and Marta's hotel roommate this week. Specifically, she likes a fast tempo style of Brazilian folk music called forro (foe-HOE). It's the rage in the dance clubs. "She wakes up listening to that music. It's popular music for young kids in Brazil now," Andreia says with a laugh. Andreia is just 26, but she's one of the elders on Brazil's team, youngest in the World Cup with an average age of 22 years, 2 months.It is a team on the rise, and it gets a measure of whether it can contend for the title when it takes on Norway today (ESPN2, 4:55 p.m. ET) at RFK Stadium. France plays South Korea at 7:45 in the second game of a Group B doubleheader.Norway, winner of the Women's World Cup in 1995, is ranked No. 2 in the world. Brazil is sixth. Norway opened this World Cup with a 2-0 victory against France; Brazil beat South Korea 3-0."It's a very important game," Brazilian coach Paulo Goncalves says. "It all depends on how the game flows ... and we're hoping it flows our way."Brazil's women have made a fast rise the past decade. They placed ninth in their first two World Cups. They took the bronze in 1999, beating Norway on penalty kicks in the third-place match after losing to the champion U.S. team in the semifinals.But Brazil's team has been almost totally revamped since 1999.

Sissi, 36, the team captain and scoring star, was dropped from the roster. Prethina, perhaps Brazil's top player, was lost in July with a knee injury sustained in WUSA play.Against South Korea, Marta and 26-year-old Katia led the way. Katia, a holdover from 1999, scored two goals. Marta started the scoring by converting a penalty kick in the 14th minute as she was named player of the match."Even though we won, I want to have a better game against Norway," says Marta, a 5-3 124-pounder who wears Sissi's No. 10."The most important thing isn't that I was named player of the match but that the whole team played very well. And I still have a lot to learn in every match of the tournament."Andreia says Brazil's coaches have done a good job mixing the veterans and youngsters. "They are doing it on the field and off the field, trying to make sure that we get along and play together," the goalkeeper says.Meanwhile, the Brazilian women have a long way to go to catch up in their own nation with the popularity of the Brazilian men, who have won five World Cups."The Brazilian men's team is one of the most famous in the world and in all of Brazil," Goncalves says. "Women's soccer is not popular at all. It is just beginning to start."A strong showing in this World Cup could close the gap. "I have always said that if you win medals that definitely will help," Goncalves says. "Also, in Brazil, because of the Women's World Cup, they are (showing) women's soccer on TV. They never did that before."Andreia played volleyball until she was 18. After sustaining a shoulder injury, she switched to soccer."It (women's soccer in Brazil) is not like it is here in the U.S. It has got a long way to go in Brazil," she says. "But it is starting."

35.Now think about these elements that are in the text:

a. When did the author write it?

b. Why do you think the author decided for a title like “Brazil

women make name for selves”? What is in this title to be


36.Underline the author’s ideas that reinforce the argument defended

in the text.

37.Do you agree with the author’s point of view or not? Why?


RAMSANGER, Henry. Anita Garibaldi: The wife of a revolutionary that went to a battle. Suite101.com, 2007. Disponíviel em <http://latinamericanhistory.suite101.com/blog.cfm/anita_garibaldi> acesso em 01 de dezembro de 2007 às 14:00.

PAUL36. Top ten sportsman/women: Michael Schumacher is the greatest sportsman of all time. Doo Yoo: more than pieces: 2007. Disponível em <http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/member/paul36/> acesso em 23 de novembro de 2007 às 10:00

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Anita Garibaldi 389 x 490 - 20k – jpg. <www.algosobre.com.br>, Isabella of Castille 172 x 200 - 10k – jpg. <www.answers.com>, Cleopatra papyrus painting450 x 600 -110k – jpg. <www.egyptgiftshop.com> Elizabeth I, Rainha da Inglaterra e ... 220 x 265 - 27k – jpg <www.tiosam.com>, Catherine II is the following ...372 x 432 - 104k – jpg. <www.lib.ndsu.nodak.edu>, Joana D'Arc seria declarada ...375 x 495 - 40k – jpg. <g1.globo.com>, The story of the Queen of Sabah is ...224 x 320 - 26k – jpg. <litestraboen.blogspot.com>, Margareth Thatcher250 x 300 - 15k – jpg. <www.algosobre.com.br>, Hatshepsut - The Woman Who Was King 401 x 475 - 45k – jpg. <images.amazon.com>, Queen Victoria dressed in tartan ...520 x 665 - 82k – jpg. <www.btinternet.com> Pesquisas em: <http://www.google.com.br/> Imagens. Acesso em 09 de outubro de 2007 às 09:00

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