Lexen & Bengtson 2011 - GAEA Heidelbergensis

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  • 8/12/2019 Lexen & Bengtson 2011 - GAEA Heidelbergensis


    22ndLAK 2011, Heidelberg Abstracts 131




    Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany: manuela.

    The Museum of Earth Sciences of Heidelberg University houses the probably largest col-

    lection of marine Cretaceous macrofossils from Brazil outside this country. The material com-

    prises approximately 14,000 specimens of ammonites, bivalves, gastropods, echinoids as well

    To date, the ammonites, bivalves and echinoids have been the subject of taxonomic and/or bio-

    stratigraphic studies. The present project concerns the AptianConiacian gastropods from the

    Sergipe Basin, including exquisitely preserved specimens with colour patterns from the Aptian

    The Sergipe Basin is one of a series of continental margin basins along the Brazilian

    coast, which were formed in the late Mesozoic by rifting and separation of the South American

    Cretaceous succession is extensively exposed and composed of predominantly shallow-water

    carbonates and mudstones representing one of the most complete Cretaceous successions of

    the South Atlantic region.

    Preliminary studies of the CenomanianConiacian gastropods (Burrer 2003; Dietzel 2003;

    Lexen, in preparation) have revealed a diverse fauna with at least 30 genera, notably Pseud-

    amaura, Aporrhais, Anchura, Drepanocheilus and Piestochilus

    coeval faunas of the Tethyan realm, such as those of northern Africa, the Near East and North


    Besides taxonomic treatment of the gastropods, the palaeoecology and palaeobiogeog-raphy of the fauna is being studied. Particular attention is paid to the biostratigraphic potential of

    The project is part of a long-term project comprising the entire macro- and microfauna of the

    marine Cretaceous of north-eastern Brazil, with the overall objective of establishing an integrated

    biostratigraphy for the South Atlantic region.

    Burrer, N. 2002. Gastropoden aus dem CenomanConiac des Sergipe-Beckens, Brasilien. Teil1: Die Gattungen Aporrhais, Avellana, Drepanocheilus, Epitonium, Fasciolaria, Fusus,Globiconcha, Lunatia, Piestochilus, Pterocera, Ringinella, Turbo, Turritella, Tylostoma,Voluta, Volutilithes, Volutomorpha. - 101 pp. Unpublished Diploma thesis, HeidelbergUniversity.

    Beckens, Brasilien. Teil 2: Die Gattungen Akera, Ampullina, Cerithium, Cimolithium,Dicroloma, Drepanocheilus, Drilluta, Euomphalus, Fasciolaria, Mesalia, Piestochilus,Pterodonta, Scalaturris, Solarium, Turbo, Turritella, Tylostoma, Uchauxia, Voluta. - 215pp. Unpublished Diploma thesis, Heidel berg University.

    LAK2011.indb 131 16.03.2011 15:27:24 Uhr

  • 8/12/2019 Lexen & Bengtson 2011 - GAEA Heidelbergensis


    Stefan Gtz, Peter Bengtson,Francisco J. Cueto Berciano,

    Wolfgang Stinnesbeck (Eds.)LAK 2011

    22ndInternationalColoquium on

    Latin American Earth Sciences

    Abstracts and Programme

    Heidelberg, Germany30 March - 1 April 2011







    http://www.lak2011.uni-hd.deISSN 0946-0535

    1 8

    h e i d e l b e r g e n s i s

    G A E A

    covergaramond16.3G.indd 1 16.03.2011 16:37:15 Uhr

  • 8/12/2019 Lexen & Bengtson 2011 - GAEA Heidelbergensis


    22ndLAK 2011, Heidelberg Organizing Team 1


    Wolfgang Stinnesbeck

    Stefan Gtz

    Organizing Team

    Hpke Andresen

    Gregor Austermann

    Peter Bengtson

    Francisco Jos Cueto Berciano

    Karin Dietzschold

    Ulrich A. Glasmacher

    Jan Hartmann

    Dominik HennhferAnne Hildenbrand

    Margot Isenbeck-Schrter

    Arabella Jankovic

    Martin Maier

    Enric Pascual Cebrian

    Stefan Rheinberger

    Silvia Rheinberger

    Simon Ritter

    Christian Salazar

    Christian Scholz

    Cite as: Gtz, S., Bengtson, P., Cueto Berciano, F.J., Stinnesbeck, W. (Eds.) 2011: 22nd

    International Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Abstracts and Programme.GAEA heidelbergensis 18, 231 p.

    Cover picture: Eroded gypsum dunes of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, NE-Mexico. In the background,steeply folded Early Cretaceous limestones of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Photo: StefanGtz

    LAK2011.indb 1 16.03.2011 15:26:46 Uhr