24 1 Lieber Leser, Die Wochen vor Ostern sind im Kirchenjahr eine besondere Zeit. Die Passionszeit, erinnert uns an den schweren Weg Jesu vor seinem Tod, es passt auch wohl dazu dass viele Menschen in diesen Wochen ganz bewusst auf etwas verzichten, was sonst so selbstverständlich zu ihrem Alltag gehört. Aber vielleicht muss nicht der „Verzicht“ im Mittelpunkt stehen – vielleicht ist diese Zeit in erster Linie dafür da, das Gefühl einer inneren Freiheit wiederzufinden – Bereiche des Lebens zu klären – abzuwerfen, was uns zu sehr belastet – leichter und eben „freier“ zu werden. Natürlich wünscht sich jeder Mensch: Gesundheit – und dass wir mit den Aufgaben des Lebens einigermaßen zurechtkommen. Wir brauchen ein paar vertraute Menschen, mit denen wir Gedanken, Sorgen und Frohes teilen können. Wir brauchen gute Aufgaben. All das ist gut und wichtig, aber trotzdem: unsere Seele lebt nicht allein davon. Wie kann uns diese Zeit vor Ostern helfen, diese innere Freiheit wiederzufinden? Das Einzige, was nötig ist: Wenn der Mensch einfach zu ihm kommt. Vielleicht bloß getrieben von der Sehnsucht nach Heilung – der Erfahrung, ein bisschen „heiler“ zu werden, ein bisschen anders zu leben, neu anzufangen. Es ist doch auch eine stille Zeit. Gelegenheit, ein bisschen nachzudenken über das Leben - über die Sehnsucht - über die Punkte, die dringend Heilung erfahren müssten. Gelegenheit, sich innerlich diesem Raum der „Christus-Kraft“ zu nähern – wenigstens eine kleine Ecke davon zu berühren. Diese Kraft ist da für uns und wirksam: um uns in die Freiheit zurückzuführen. Dear readers, Easter is a time of absolute sorrow and sheer joy we Christians are privileged to experience. Lent is a 40 day build up towards that experience. Whether you abstain from any earthly things for those 40 days or not, may this time of reflection be a healing time. Our souls need that tranquillity and rejuvenation. At this time we need to become closer to our Jesus Christ and let Him take over our mind, body and soul. This time of healing will help us to appreciate the joy that awaits us when the stone is rolled away and the tomb is empty. I pray that each of us has the courage to just become quiet and be kind to yourself and others. God bless.

Lieber Leser, Die Wochen vor Ostern sind im Kirchenjahr ...€¦ · closer to our Jesus Christ and let Him take over our mind, body and soul. This time of healing will help us to

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Lieber Leser,

Die Wochen vor Ostern sind im Kirchenjahr eine besondere Zeit.

Die Passionszeit, erinnert uns an den schweren Weg Jesu vor seinem Tod,

es passt auch wohl dazu dass viele Menschen in diesen Wochen ganz

bewusst auf etwas verzichten, was sonst so selbstverständlich zu ihrem

Alltag gehört. Aber vielleicht muss nicht der „Verzicht“ im Mittelpunkt

stehen – vielleicht ist diese Zeit in erster Linie dafür da, das Gefühl einer

inneren Freiheit wiederzufinden – Bereiche des Lebens zu klären –

abzuwerfen, was uns zu sehr belastet – leichter und eben „freier“ zu

werden. Natürlich wünscht sich jeder Mensch: Gesundheit – und dass wir

mit den Aufgaben des Lebens einigermaßen zurechtkommen. Wir

brauchen ein paar vertraute Menschen, mit denen wir Gedanken, Sorgen

und Frohes teilen können. Wir brauchen gute Aufgaben. All das ist gut

und wichtig, aber trotzdem: unsere Seele lebt nicht allein davon.

Wie kann uns diese Zeit vor Ostern helfen, diese innere Freiheit

wiederzufinden? Das Einzige, was nötig ist: Wenn der Mensch einfach

zu ihm kommt. Vielleicht bloß getrieben von der Sehnsucht nach Heilung

– der Erfahrung, ein bisschen „heiler“ zu werden, ein bisschen anders zu

leben, neu anzufangen. Es ist doch auch eine stille Zeit. Gelegenheit, ein

bisschen nachzudenken über das Leben - über die Sehnsucht - über die

Punkte, die dringend Heilung erfahren müssten. Gelegenheit, sich

innerlich diesem Raum der „Christus-Kraft“ zu nähern – wenigstens eine

kleine Ecke davon zu berühren. Diese Kraft ist da für uns und wirksam:

um uns in die Freiheit zurückzuführen. Dear readers, Easter is a time of absolute sorrow and sheer joy we Christians are privileged to experience. Lent is a 40 day build up towards that experience. Whether you

abstain from any earthly things for those 40 days or not, may this time of reflection be a healing time. Our souls need that tranquillity and rejuvenation. At this time we need to become closer to our Jesus Christ and let Him take over our mind, body and soul. This time of healing will help us to appreciate the joy that awaits us when the stone is rolled away and the tomb is empty. I pray that each of us has the courage to just become quiet and be kind to yourself and others. God bless.


Unser Golgatha

Vor den Toren Stuttgart gibt es einen 471m hohen Hügel, der Birkenkopf. Der Birkenkopf wuchs zwischen 1953 und 1957 um rund 40 Meter, auf seiner Anhöhe wurden über 15.000.000 Kubikmeter Trümmerschutt aus dem zweiten Weltkrieg abgelagert. In Wagen und Karren fuhr man damals den Schutt auf einen Hügel, damit der Wiederaufbau beginnen konnte. Sie wollten neu anfangen. So einen Hügel brauchen wir auch für unser Leben, wohin man die Trümmer und Scherben bringen und dann neu anfangen könnte. Gott sei Dank so einen Hügel haben wir doch! Es ist der Hügel Golgatha vor der Stadt Jerusalem. Da, wo Jesus für unsere Sünden und Schwächen starb, kann man alle seine Scherben und Trümmer abladen und dann mit Vergebung und Heilung neu beginnen. Das Kreuz Jesu ist der Ort, an dem wir alles abladen können, der Birkenkopf für eine ganze Menschheit. Gott sei Dank! Die Sünden, die wir verbergen, werden immer wieder zum Vorschein kommen und den Lebensaufbau stören. Immer wieder können wir zum Hügel Golgatha kommen. Immer wieder können wir zum Kreuz Christi kommen und unsere Sünden abgeben und an ihre Stelle mit Vergebung und Versöhnung neuanfangen.

https://www.stuttgart-tourist.de/a-birkenkopf-monte-scherbelino-stuttgart Idee von dem Birkenkopf von eine Andacht aus “Überlebensgeschichten für jeden Tag“ von Axel Kühner ISBN 3-7615—612-6


CHAIRPERSON Heinz Lütge 0716818735


CHAIRPERSON Werner Schröder 0827724344


MINISTRY Pastor Rolf Schmidt 033 5061003


MINISTRY Treasurer

Financial Manager Werner Schröder

Edmund Wittig




MINISTRY Judith Witthöft 0723599939

Idwala Lomshwati Heinz Küsel 0823721208


MINISTRY Carmen Lorenz 0828088803

Men’s Auxiliary Heinz Lütge 0716818735

Women’s Auxiliary Karin Schröder 0836457642

Care Group Carmen Lorenz 0828088803


MINISTRY Louis Schröder 0823311546

Grounds Heinz Lütge 0716818735

Funerals Heinz Lütge 0716818735



Kinder Gottesdienst Debra Schröder 0827456211

Sunday School Jessica Schmidt 0748124094

Youth (Scholars) Rolf Schmidt 0823212358

Youth Adults Louis Lorenz 0828442336

Choir Deon Schröder/

Ingrid Lütge



Worship Team Rosi Küsel 0711248944

Brass Band Louis Schröder 0823311546

Home groups: Eng Annette Joosten 0824890911

Fröhlicher Morgen Christa Schröder 0827012060

Stammtisch Henning Klipp 0828202995

Men’s Interecession Heinz Küsel 0823721208

Ladies’ Intercession Judith Witthöft 0723599938


Representatives Dieter Küsel

Martin Schröder



Library Annette Wortmann 0761918954

Retreat Centre Ingrid Lütge 0844470609


The newsletter of the Ev-luth. Neuenkirchen,Harburg.

Published on behalf of the Councillors by the editorial team.

Congregational Councillors (in bold) and Group Leaders:


Gemeindeveranstaltungen / Werke und Dienste Congregational Activities / Ministries

Bibelstunde 1+3 Mittwoch im Monat 9 Uhr 15 082 3212358 Pastor Schmidt 033 5061003 Young Family 1+3 Tuesday of Month 18h30 033 5061003 Pastor Schmidt 0823212358 Home groups Wednesday evenings Annette Joosten 0824890911 Bläserchor Donnerstags Abends um 18:30 Louis Schröder 0823311546 0338152208 Sängerchor Chorüben mit Verabredung Deon Schrὅder/Ingrid Lütge 0828536256/ 0844470609 Worship Rosi Küsel 0711248944 Practise Fröhlicher Einmal im Monat Morgen Christa Schröder 0827012060 033 5011727 Women’s Friday mornings at 7am Intercession Judith Witthöft 0723599938

Men’s Wednesday mornings at 5am Intercession Heinz Küsel 0823721208 033 5061213

Pastor email: [email protected] Cell: 082 3212358

Tel: 033 5061003

Fax: 086 6681073

Congregation Office: [email protected] Tel: 033 5061073

Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8am to 12pm.


The Greatest Love Peter and Jesus were having a a conversation when Peter asked Jesus: “Do you really want us to preach the Good News of what you have done for us to everyone? Even to the sinners who crucified you? Jesus replied, “Yes, Peter! Share the Gospel to them first. Go into the streets and look for the man who spat me in the face and tell him I forgive him. Tell the man who made and pushed the crown of thorns onto my head that I have a heavenly crown waiting in heaven for him if he is willing to accept the forgiveness I bring through my death and resurrection. Find and tell the man who took my walking stick out of my hand and beat me with it that I will give him a sceptre in heaven and he will sit next to me at the right hand of God. Tell the man who hit me in the face that my blood washes away all the sin of those who come to me. Tell him my blood was spilled for him too. Tell the soldier who pierced my side with a spear that there is a more intimate way into my heart.” What an amazing story. It is a fictional story, of course, but it shows the nature of Jesus grace and mercy to those who do not deserve it. Just as Jesus died for and prayed for those who executed him, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing,” so the Father wants us to meet those who hurt, attack, falsely accuse or leave us with the same grace. Grace is undeserved forgive-ness. If God can forgive us, we too should forgive. Grace means letting go of your anger without justice. Grace means loving and forgiving the one who hurts you even though they might not be sorry or repentant. Grace means letting go even though you have the right to be angry. Forgiveness and love set us free from the hurts and anger we have within us. Only we suffer through unforgiveness, not the one who hurt us. Forgiving does not mean getting straight back into the same hurtful situation, but it does mean letting God be angry for us. God says pray for our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, just as Jesus prayer for those who were killing him in such a horrible manner.

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them,

for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23v34



March 2017

13/03 – 25/03 Ceme-tery

Fallon Meyer

1 Birte Schroder

27/03 – 08/04 2 Evelyn Stegen

3 Naomi Meyer

April 2017

10/04 – 22/04 4 Monique Meyer

5 Jessica Schmidt

6 Elma Meyer 7 Brenda Wittig

Garden Duties

Please refer to your garden plan which was sent to the WA ladies.


March 2017

05/03 Marie du Toit 076 6557080

12/03 Rina Fortmann 082 8731803

19/03 Edna Freese 082 5777310

26/03 Ria Freese 082 4985396

April 2017

02/04 Yvette Freese 082 9225904

09/04 Tanya Holley 082 9759058

13/04 Mem Meyer Easter 083 6361009


23/04 Kate Johnson 082 4668483

30/04 Monica Johnstone 072 0854287


Tea will be served every Sunday after the service.

Milk must be supplied by the lady responsible for tea duty! Tee wird an jedem Sonntag nach dem Gottesdienst serviert.

Die Frau, die den Teedienst hat, muss bitte selber Milch mitbringen. IMPORTANT:

The lady whose name is underlined, is responsible to remind the other ladies of their tea and flower duties for that month. Reminders are also on the current “START” calendar. Please find a replacement if you are unable to do your duty on that particular Sunday.

NB !!! ONE flower arrangement is required in the Church and ONE in the C.C. It is up to each individual as to whether they feel they would like to do two arrangements in the church. Only ONE arrangement is needed when there is Holy Communion.



Comments from Harburg participants at

Rüstwoche 2016

Stefan Tredoux………

Rüstwoche 2016 was my first year at the camp. I was encouraged to go by my

pastor. I told a friend of mine, if he went that I would go as well and he

agreed. The camp as a whole, was better than I expected and I am very

grateful that I decided to go. The food at Rüstwoche was amazing and can't be

compared to other camps that I have gone to. I met really awesome people

and made some great friends.

It was pretty nice to have four pastors on camp, giving you the opportunity to

pick and choose who you want to talk to. Rüstwoche is a real spiritual re-

charge and with all the quiet time you get, you can really think about the past

and have a conversation with God without any Interruptions. This year there

were a great amount of younger attendants, around my age, which made it

really fun. There is no doubt that I will go in 2017. I encourage anyone who

wants to get closer to God, to give Rüstwoche a go, you won't regret it.

Catherine Wilkinson ……..

I really enjoyed Rüstwoche 2016 – it was amazing…… the meals were


Fiddi Schrὅder……..

Es war ein überraschendes und wunderbares Erlebnis – ich habe nicht viel

erwartet aber vielleicht war es besser so – denn es machte das Ganze einfach

so viel mehr ‘enjoyable’ ! Ich finde es eine wunderbare Gelegenheit nicht nur

mein Verhältnis mit Gott zu verstärken sondern auch Freundschaften zu

schliessen mit Jugendliche in meinem Alter – Ich habe nur schὅne

Erinnerungen und mache alle Jugendliche Mut mitzumachen !!


A birthday wish is sent your way hoping you’ll have a wonderful day surrounded by people you hold most dear gathered to celebrate one more year. A happy day is wished for you, I hope it lasts the whole year




01 Karen Joosten

03 Anke Küsel

04 Annika Schröder

Inge Schröder

07 Gertrud Röhrs 80

09 Ryan Halvorsen

11 Veronica Hillermann

12 Rudi Hillermann

Siggi von Fintel

14 Kaylin Elizabeth Kaiser

15 Zak Appelt

17 Rory Schirge

Phillip Schröder

18 Annette Wortmann

19 Michelle Kaiser (Kelvin)

20 Flynn Lütge

22 Dieter Küsel

Cara Schirge

24 Frank Stegen

26 Kevin Kendall-Ball

28 Daniel von Fintel

31 Helga Josche


01 Marcell Meyer

02 Amy Klipp

Karin Muhl

Andrea Joosten

05 Rosi Küsel

Erwin Schröder

06 Marietha von Fintel

07 Fallon Meyer

08 Frank Küsel

Petra Küsel

09 Lothar Schröder

Luc Haasbroek

Ryan Kaiser

Hugo Schröder

Rowan Redinger

12 Thomas Erasmus

13 Sonja Halvorsen

15 Rolf Lütge

17 Judith Witthoft

18 Tyron Freese

19 Uwe Thies

22 Eva Schmidt

25 Danika Freese


On behalf of the New Hanover Preparatory School, we wish to thank

the Neuenkirchen Harburg Lutheran Church for the generous donation

of R2435.00.

The idea of a collection towards education is truly commendable and

we pray, that the Congregation will be truly blessed

for its involvement in the community.

With grateful thanks,

Erich & Jane Vorwerk

for New Hanover Preparatory School

To the Harburg TDK committee

The Santa’s from TDK paid Brunfelsia an

early visit in the form of a wonderful do-

nation to our home from the TDK pro-

ceedings. Thank you very much for

blessing us with this generous donation of


One of our residents is in a wheelchair as his legs are paralysed but

he is steadily losing mobility throughout the rest of his body. In

anticipation of complete paralysis, Brunfelsia had established a

fund in order to purchase a hospital bed for him.

Your kind donation contributed towards our purchase of this

hospital bed.

We trust that your generosity will be blessed.

Kind regards



Neuenkirchen Congregation Harburg Woman's Auxiliary.

On behalf of the Rencken Centre we thank you for your most generous donation,

we really appreciate all that you do for us and we assure you it will be put to good use.

Kind regards,

John Sheppard



To the Pastor and Harburg Neuenkirchen Congregation, We are overwhelmed by the generous donation of R20000.00 we received for our project to renovate and build more classrooms for the Enthuthukweni Crèche and Kindergarden in Appelsbosch. Thank you so much for supporting us once again in our endeavour to bring absolutely necessary facilities to those that are less privileged than so many of us in this area. It is the second time that our Harburg Congre-gation heeded our request. Thank you so much. It is not easy to raise enough funds to build adequate rooms to enable us to divide the children into groups according to age so as to teach them properly. We now have enough money to build an ablution block with small toilets as well and we can even renovate the kitchen. Our Swedish donor had given generously, but we would not have been able to complete everything if Harburg had not added to our fund. We wish to invite anybody that might be interested to see what is being done at both the school and the Kindergarden to contact us so as to deter-mine a time to visit Appelsbosch. We would love to show you around. It is heart-warming to see the enjoyment of both the children and the teachers using the school buildings and the sportsfields as well as the jungle gyms. At the moment there are not many children attending school as the bad habit of staying home after exams still continues. This impacts on the Kin-dergarden as the older children bring their siblings in the morning on their

way to school and take them home in the afternoon. So I suggest that we wait for January 2017. With warm regards, Sylvia Chamane and Edna Freese ( Project leaders)


Mein Kreuz und meine Plagen, sollt's auch sein

Schmach und Spott,

hilf mir geduldig tragen, gib, o mein Herr und

Gott, dass ich verleugne diese Welt

und folge dem Exempel, das du mir vorgestellt.

Lass mich an andern üben,

was du an mir getan,

und meinen Nächsten lieben,

gern dienen jedermann ohn Eigennutz

und Heuchlerschein und,

wie du mir erwiesen,

aus reiner Lieb allein.



At the beginning of each year the Committee

wonders how the bookings will come in and

hope that the marketing and “word of

mouth” have found their mark. January

started with a visit of the fraternal from Em-

pangeni who came and spent a weekend for

introspection and enjoying the quiet and

peace experienced in Harburg. As a member

of the fraternal we welcomed our former

Pastor Reiner who felt that he had “come home”. One of the

pastors was ecstatic when he found the graves of family in the

graveyard. They certainly left Har-

burg refreshed and certain that they

would be back !

Part of the beauty of that weekend

was the peace and quiet before the

storm with a beautiful rainbow in the


Also in January we hosted the Prefect group from Hermannsburg

who came to the Retreat Centre for team building and bonding –

they worked throughout the weekend under the guidance of two

teachers and Pastor Rene Risch. They were a happy motivated


For the first time we are hosting a pastor for the month of February

who is fasting and living on water for 28 days ! We have had some

confirmed bookings for groups in the third term of this year as well

as enquiries for the next two months. Ingrid Lutge


Thank You !!! We wish to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude for

your generous donation towards the catering at

Rüstwoche 2016. Your generosity enabled the Youth fund

to assist those that could not afford the cost of the week

and so were able to attend.

Rüstwoche 2016 started off with a leadership training

weekend, seeing the arrival of 15 facilitators on Friday 9th

December 2016. The actual camp started on Sunday 11th

December and some 80 participants arrived in buses, kombis and cars.

The ice-breakers soon enabled participants to extend the hand of friend-

ship to each other. After a very successful week everybody was part of

the outreach which took place in Hermannsburg. Teams visited the Old

Age Home and Hospital in Greytown, repaired and upgraded two

crèches and cleaned the “flower patch” which lay in the valley at

Hermannsburg and housed some valuable indigenous plants which were

totally overgrown with bramble!


Dear Neuenkirchen Congregation,

We are once again humbled at your very kind gesture of choosing us as

recipients of the offering taken during your service on Christmas Eve.

Our sincere thanks goes to the Neuenkirchen Congregation for your con-

tinued support and to everyone who contributed towards this generous

donation of R4, 539.20.

We pray that this money will find its way to the people who are in need. I

would also like to take this opportunity of inviting whoever feels led to

serve in this field, to please come forward and contact us. We all have

various gifts and it would be great if you would allow God to use you

where He wants you to be, be it in the church or in the greater commu-

nity. We all share the common goal of serving an almighty God who

loves us regardless of who we are and what a privilege it is to be able to

share His love with others.

God bless you and may we walk under the Lord’s guidance and His grace

throughout this New Year.

Kind Regards,

The Helping Hands Circle

Harburg Gemeinde,

Wir möchten uns herzlich bedanken für die Mahlzeiten, Anrufe. SMS’s

und Besuche.

Helmut und Edith Thies mit Familie


02.03.2017 Lent Services begin

03.03.2017 Women’s World Day of Prayer

3-5.02.2017 Men’s Development Conference

3-5.03.2017 3LC Confi Camp in Harburg

05.03.2017 3LC Service HBG + Young Families Braai

11.03.2017 NHP Bass Competition

11.03.2017 Co-Worker Training in New Germany

13-16.03.2017 Seniorenfreizeit in Scottburgh

17-21.03.2017 Pastors Retreat - Scottburgh

24.03.2017 Private Schools close

30.03.2017 Public schools close

13.04.2017 Maundy Thursday

14.04.2017 Good Friday

16.04.2017 EASTER

18.04.2017 Public Schools reopen

21.04.2017 Private Schools reopen

22.04.2017 KZN Youth Ministry AGM

25.04.2017 Pastors Conference (S&E Circuits) - Winterton

28.04-1.05.2017 G.O. Camp

Closing date for

May/June 2017





For more articles and info please visit our website


Click on “Follow” - bottom right corner - and stay abreast of

any new developments.


Wir sind innigst gerührt und dankbar für die zahlreiche

Unterstützung die wir zum Heimgang unseres Lieben, Arno, und

auch immer wieder weiterhin noch bekommen. Dem Ortspastor und

Dekan Ron Küsel für ihren so ermutigenden und gutem Beitrag in

der “All Saints” Kirche, einen besonderen Dank. Für alle Arbeit und

Zeit die gespendet wurde uns diesen Tag zu erleichtern, für alle

Teilnahmskarten und Blumen, auch in unsern Häusern, einen

herzlichen Dank. Es wird uns allen, besonders in unserem engen Fa-

milienkreis, noch sehr lange im Gedächtnis bleiben.

Meinen Mann, Vater, Bruder und Sohn, nach langem

Leiden, ruhe in Gottes Hand.

In herzlicher Verbundenheit grüßen

Christa, Thomas und Claudia,

Die Brüder des Verstobenen, mit Familien,

Herbert, Roger und Victor und

Eltern Werner und Helga.

We are profoundly grateful and touched by the g enerous support received, and which we still continue to receive, after the passing away of our dear Arno. We wish to express our special thanks to the local Pastor and Dean Ron Küsel for their encouraging and thoughtful contribution at the All Saints Church. A heartfelt thank you for all work and time provided to make this day easier, also for all the sympathy cards and flowers, even in our houses. These gestures will remain in our thoughts for very long, especially within our intimate family circle. Rest in God’s hand, my husband, father, brother and son, after your long suffering. In sincere fellowship we greet you, Christa, Thomas and Claudia, the brothers of the deceased, together their families, Herbert, Roger and Victor and parents, Werner and Helga.



eQuip 2017eQuip – ukuhlomisa – nêêla

eQuip is an initiative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (N-T) to

give people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds an opportunity to come together to

be better equipped to serve God in our lives and communities.

The eQuip journey started in December 2013, and we meet in the first week of Janu-

ary every year. Each five day workshop, usually in Hermannsburg, includes high qual-

ity input from theologians as well as committed and knowledgeable lay people, with

discussions and creative activities. It is a one stop shop – child friendly holiday, re-

treat, a chance to make new friends and experience fellowship. Themes relate to

issues that affect our lives in the church and world, particularly in South Africa. We

enjoy the leadership of the Bishop (especially his sense of humour!).

Let’s give you a taste of this year’s eQuip “Grace for you - eQuipped to reform”, the

aim of which was to prepare us for the 500 year commemoration of the Reformation.

Who doesn’t want to learn about this historic event? But we not only gained knowl-

edge: we experienced the grace of God as a fire that still transforms us as individuals,

communities and nations. Different people from within the group led the morning

and evening devotions – it was exciting to experience different styles and messages.

The piano, recorders, flute and guitar led us and helped us connect to the spiritual

message in the songs.

For the little amount of money that you pay, you enjoy the beautiful setting in north-

ern KZN – forests, dam, farmland, with the amenities of a school – swimming pool,

comfortable accommodation, and excellent food (especially home-made bread and

cottage cheese!)

Watch this space for eQuip 2nd

to 7th

January 2018 – we’d love you to join us.

Act now : Wa lala wa sala! (you snooze, you lose!)

Christa Meyer, Ann Mokhine and Tessa Welch

eQuip 017 eQuip 2017 Grace for you - eQuipped to reform