1 1 . ~ ~ ~L~LZJ WZY~I LIIIZIIL VI AE~I ICUILUI c - a wm w-m vm-- Northeastern Forest Experhent Station Upper Darby, Pennsylvania Ralph W. Marquis, Director Station Pap, no. 77


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1 1 . ~ ~ ~ L ~ L Z J W Z Y ~ I LIIIZIIL VI AE~I ICUILUI c - a wm w-m vm--

Northeastern Forest Experhent Station

Upper Darby, Pennsylvania Ralph W. Marquis, Director

Station Pap, no. 77

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Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Improvement

b y I J o n a t h a n R'. W r i g h t , G e n e t i c i s t

N o r t h e a s t e r n F o r e s t Exper iment S t a t i o n F o r e s t S e r v i c e , U.S. D e p t . A g r i c u l t u r e


THE PRESENT BOOM i n fo res t genetics makes it d i f - f i c u l t f o r even t he spec i a l i s t t o keep abreast of a l l the l a t e s t developments i n this f ie ld . Therefore, i n t h e f a l l of 1954 t h e Committee on Forest Tree Improvement, Society o f American Foresters, asked the author t o prepare a bibliogra- phy of publications issued i n 1954.

As f a r a s possible, a l l references t ha t have a bear- i n g on t he genetics of f o r e s t t r e e s a r e included. Also, some borderline references ( f o r example, those on vegetative propagation) a r e included because they a r e primarily of i n - t e r e s t t o t r e e breeders.

This bibliography was prepared from standard fores t ry , botanical, and abs t rac t ing journals; experiment s t a t i on pub- l i ca t ions ; and correspondence with t r e e breeders i n t h i s

'The author is stat ioned at the Morris Arboretum, Phi lade lphia ,h . , in coop- eration with the University of Pennsylvania.

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country and abroad. Special thanks a re due t o W. Langner, who prepared a l i s t of publications i n Germany; and K . Sato, who prepared a l i s t of publications i n Japan.

The Society of American Foresters Committee on Forest Tree Improvement was a l so very helpful . Members of t h i s committee, i n addi t ion t o t he author, a re : Sco t t S. Pauley, chairman; Keith W. Dorman, Harry A. Fowells, F. I. Righter, Stephen N. Wycoff, and Bruce J. Zobel.

The bibliography i s arranged a lphabet ical ly by au- thors. A subject-matter index can be found a t t he end.


(1) Anonymous. 1954. The I n s t i t u t e of Paper Chemistry. Jour. Forestry 52: 688. Describes fo res t genetics a c t i v i t i e s of the In s t i t u t e .

(2) ---------- 1954. Tagung der Arbeit sgemeinschaft f u r Fors tgenetik und Forstpf lanzenztlchtung. (Meeting of the Indus t r i a l Society of Forest Genetics and Forest Plant Breeding. I n Geman. ) Allg. Forstztschr. 9: 368.

(3) ---------- 1954. Proposals t o improve i den t i f i c a t i on and cu l t iva t ion of poplar i n the Near East. FA0 Near East Poplar Conf. 1954, Rome. FAO/NEPC/~. 17pp. Contains recommendations f o r breeding programs.

(4) Anderl, J. 1954. Pfropfungen an Waldbsumen. (Graft- i n g fo r e s t t r ees . I n German.) Allg. Forstztschr. 9: 241-243.

(5) Anderson, Edgar, and Stebbins, G. L., J r . 1954. Hybridization a s an evolutionary mechanism. Evolu- t i o n 8: 378-388. Discusses t he ro le of hybridization i n the r i s e of angiosperms i n the Cretaceous and i n t he .recent evolution of t he oaks.

( 6 ) Anderson, Enar . 1954. ~ i ~ r a data om pollenvariationen och pollen f e r t i l i t e t e n hos gran o c h t a l l . (Some data concerning pollen var ia t ion and pollen f e r t i l i t y of spruce and pine. I n Swedish: English summary.) Svensk Papperstidn. 57 (7) : 242-255 and 57 (18) : 654- 676.

(7 ) Arentsens, S. 1954. Och aEos de observaciones en Alamos. ( ~ i g h t years of observations on poplars. I n Spanish. ) I n Bosques , y Maderas (specia l i s sue of

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Chi le ~ a d e r e r o ) . - 15 pp. Inc ludes observat ions on hybrids.

(8) Ardikusuma, R. I. 1954. Per t jobaan tanaman dalam kebun ka ju a s i n g d a r i Ba la i Pen je l id ikan Kehutanan. ( p l a n t i n g experiments wi th exo t i c t r e e spec ies i n t h e gardens of t h e Fores t Research I n s t i t u t e . I n Indo- nes i a Ba la i Pen je l id ikan Kehutanan. Pengumurnan Istimewa 8. j0 pp.

(9) Arnborg, T. 1954. h he Soc ie ty f o r P r a c t i c a l F ~ r e s t Tree Breeding. I n Swedish. ) Skogen 41: 89-90. An English account of t h i s paper i s a v a i l a b l e i n : Am- borg, Tore, and Hadders, Gustaf. The Soc ie ty f o r P r a c t i c a l Fores t Improvement. St l l lskapets f u r p r a k t i s k skogsfdrtldling ledam6ter Meddel. 59. 13 pp.

(10) Babcock, Erns t B. 1954. The Fores t Genetics Research Foundation. Northeast . Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 99-100.

(11) Baldwin, Henry I. 1954. Provenance t e s t s of common exo t i c s i n t h e Northeast. Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 33-38.

(12) ---------- 1954. Seed c e r t i f i c a t i o n and f o r e s t ge- n e t i c s . Jour. Fo res t ry 52: 654-655.

(13) ---------- 1954. Need and oppor tuni t ies f o r coopera- t i o n on s e l e c t i o n of wild types. Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 92-93.

( 4 ) ---------- and Funking, D. L. 1954. Twenty years growth of hybrid poplars . N. H. Fo res t ry and Recre- a t i o n Dept. Fox Fores t Notes 56. 2 pp.

(15) Bannister , M. H. 1954. Var ia t ion i n a sample of Pinus r a d i a t a cones from t h e Nelson d i s t r i c t . - Roy. Soc. New Zeal. Trans. 82: 25-40.

(16) Barner, J. 1954. Eine Selekt ionsm6glichkei t ver- schiedener l i c h t r e a g i b l e r Pappelklone. ( A s e l e c t i o n p o s s i b i l i t y of d i f f e r e n t l i g h t - r e a c t i n g poplar clones. I n ~e rman . ) Ztschr . f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 135.

(17) Barner, H. 1954. (problems concerning our supply of seed, e s p e c i a l l y of Douglasf i r from B r i t i s h Columbia and WashingLon. I n ~ a n i s h . ) Dansk Skovfor. Tidsskr . 39: 462-478.

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(18) Bauer, F. 1954. Zur Rassenfrage der Roteiche. ( b c e s of red oak. I n German. ) Allg. Forstztschr. 9: 470-474-

(19) Beat t ie , R. Kent, and D i l l e r , Jesse D - 1954. F i f t y years of chestnut b l igh t i n America. Jour. Forestry 52: 323-329.

(20) Bergman, F. 1954. Om skogstrtldens s jukdomsresistens och dess ut@t jande inom skogstrLidsfl)r8dling. (The disease res is tance of t r e e s a ~ d i t s use i n fo r e s t t r e e breeding. I n Swedish. ) Arsbergtt . Fdreningen f d r V8xtfQrbdling av Skogstrtld 1953: 70-98.

(21) Boe, K. N. 1954. Per iod ic i ty of cone crops f o r f i v e Montana conifers. Mont. Acad. Sci . Proc 14: 5-9.

(22) Boldt . H. 1954. Beobachtungen bei Kiefern-Pfropfung- en. ( ~ e s e a r c h on pine graf t ing. ) Forst u. Jagd 4: 338-

(23) ~ b r s e t , O l a . 1954. Skogbrukets planteforedling. o ore st t r e e breeding. I n Norwegian. ) Tidsskr. f o r Skogbruk 62: 48-53. Contains information on poplar hybrids and spruce races.

(24) ---------- 1954. Skogtraernes arvelgenskaper og skogskjjdtselen. orest st t r e e breeding. I n Morwe- gian. ) Norsk . Skogindus t r i 8 : 97406.

(25) ---------- 1954. Harzgrana. ( ~ a r z spruce. I n Norwe- gian. ) Skogbrukeren 29 : 41-45.

(26) ---------- 1954. 0spefr4ets spireevne. he germi- nation power of aspen seeds. I n Norwegian: English summary. ) Reprinted from No rske ~kogforsbksvesen U. 4.4. pp. Contains information on differences -due t o mother t r e e .

(27) Bouvarel, P. 1954. L 1 ame'lioration des arbres fores t - i e r s en SuGde e t au Danernark. (~mprovement of for- e s t t r e e s i n Sweden and Denmark. I n French: German sunnnary.) Ann. de 1fEcole Natl. des Eaux e t Forgts e t de l a S ta .de Rech. e t Exper. 14: 1-72.

(28) ---------- 1954. va r i ab i l i t g de l1 epicea ( ~ i c e a excelsa Link. ) dans l e Jura F r a n ~ a i s . (Variabi l i ty of Norway spruce i n the French Jura. I n French.) Rev. Forest. Frans. 2: 85-98.

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- ( 2 9 ) Bradshaw, A. D. 1954. Man's influence on hybridisa-

t i o n i n Crataegus. I n t e rna t l . Cong. ~ o t : Proc. 8 Sect. 10: 217. Par i s .

(30) Bramble, W. C. 1954. Forest requirements: from t h e viewpoint of research. Northeast. Forest Tree Im- prove. Conf. Proc. 1: 6-7.

(31) Brandt , K . 1954. ~ r o v e n i e n s f o s s ~ g med skovfyr m.v,i. ~ b r ~ e n s ens plantage, D j urs land. (~rovenanc e expe ri- ments with Scots pine e tc . i n Jorgensens planta t ion, Djursland. I n Danish: English swnmary. ) Fors t l . Forsbgsv. i Danmark 21 (4) : 449-458.

(32) Brantseg, A. 1954. ~ r b ~ r o d u k t i o n og t i l v e k s t hod gran. (seed production and growth i n spruce. I n Norwegian. ) Tidsskr. f o r Skogbr& 62: 67-71.

(33) Brown, R. C. 1954. Genetic va r ia t ion i n res is tance of t r e e s t o i n sec t a t t ack . Northeast. Forest Tree hprove . Conf. Proc. 1: 30-32.

(34) Buchholz, E. 1954. Vegetative Vermehrung der Eiche. (vegetat ive propagation of oak. I n German. ) Allg. Forstztschr. 9 (12/13): 144-145.

(35) Camefort, H. 1954. ~ r 6 s e n c e e t l oca l i s a t i on de l ' a c i d e ribonucl6iyue dans l e point v6ge'tatif de quelques gymnospermes. h he presence and local iza- t i o n of ribonucleic a c id i n the growing point o f some gymnosperms. I n French. ) Par i s Acad. des Sci . Compt. Rend. 238: 922-924.

(36) Cappelli , 3 . S., and Claus, E. P. 1954. Studies on t he hayfever p lan t s of western Pennsylvania. 111. Ccmparative survey of anemophilous t r e e pollens. Pa. Acad. Sci . Proc. 28: 212-216.

(37) Chandler, Clyde. 1954. Tree improvement work a t the Boyce Thompson I n s t i t u t e f o r p lant research. North- eas t . Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 83-84.

(38) Chase, Spencer B., and Galle, F. C . 1954. Pine g ra f t - ing--a preliminary report . TVA Div. Forestry Relat . Tech. Note 18. 5 pp. Norris, Tenn.

(39) Chiba, S. 1954. ( ~ n h e r i t a n c e of coloring of needles i n the f a l l of Sugi. I n Japanese.) Sanrin 836: 35- 37. C r ~ p t o m e ~ i a .

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(40) Cir in , A. , and ~un&u, I. 1954. Hibiridarea vegeta- t i v g a sa lbe i . (Vegetative hybridization of Euonymus . I n Rumanian. ) Rev, Pxdurilor 69: 140-141.

(41) Clapper, R. B. 1954. Chestnut breeding, techniques and resu l t s . I. Breeding mater ia l and po l l ina t ion techniques. Jour. Hered. 45 : 107-114.

(42) --------- 1954. Chestnut breeding, techniques and r e su l t s . Jour. Hered. 45: 201-208.

(43) Cl i f ford, H. T. 1954. A quant i ta t ive study of a pre- sumed hybrid swarm between Eucalyptus e l a e o p h 9 and E. goniocalyx. Austral. Jour. Bot. 2: 325-336.

( 4 --------- - 1954. Analysis of suspected hybrid swarms i n t he genus Eucalyptus. Hered. 8: 259-269.

(45) Cook, David B. 1954. Larch and t he problems of for- e s t t r e e improvement. Northeast. Forest Tree Im- prove. Conf. Proc. 1: 49-50.

(46) Cyprus Forestry Department. 1954. Grafting Pinus spp. Cyprus Forestry Dept. Rpt. 1953: 24.

(47) --------- 1954. Provenance t r i a l s of Pinus hal- epensis var. brut ia . Cyprus Forestry Dept. Rpt.

(48) Cunningham, F. E. 1954. Methods o f es tabl ishing plantations of hybrid-poplar cutt ings. U.S. Forest Serv. Northeast. Forest Fxpt. Sta . , Sta. Paper 66. 10 PP*

(49) Czeczott, H. 1954. The past and present d i s t r i bu t i on of Pinus halepensis M i l l . and Pinus b ru t ia Ten. In te rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect . 5: 196-197. Par is . Contains information on intermediate forms.

(50) Datta, M. 1954. Cytogenetical studies on two species of - Morus. Cytologia 19: 86-95.

(51) David, R. 1954. La mul t ip l icat ion vgggtative du pin maritime. (vegetative propagation of maritime pine. I n French.) Nature (pa r i s ) 3235: 424-428.

(52) Davids , R. C. 1954. Hybrid poplars make news ! Farm Jour. 77 (10): 76-78.

(53) Dellingshausen, M. von. 1954. Der Anteil fremden Pollens bei der Befruchtung i n e iner Birkensamen-

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- plantage. (The proportion of foreign pollen f e r t i - l i z i n g a birch seed orchard. I n German: English s2mnary. ) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3 : 52-53.

(54) Di l l e r , J. D. 1954. A po t en t i a l timber-type Chinese chestnut. U.S. Forest Sew. Northeast. Forest Expt. Sta . Forest Res. Note 37. 4 pp., i l l u s .

(55) Dimpflmeier, R. 1954, Pfropfungen an WaldbtCmen durch Professor D r . H. Mayr vor 55 b i s 60 Jahren. r raft in^ of fo r e s t t r e e s by D r . Henrich Mayr 55 t o 60 years ago. I n German: English summary.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 122-125.

(56) Doran, W. L. 1954. The vegetative propagation of some fores t t r ees . Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 41-47,

(57) ---------- 1954. The vegetative propagation of w- go. Jour. Forestry 52: 176-177. -

(58) Duffield, J. W. 1954. Studies of extraction, storage, and t e s t i n g of pine pollen. Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 39-45.

(59) ---------- 1954. The importance of species hybridi- zation and polyploidy i n fo res t t r e e improvement. Jour. Forestry 52: 645-646.

(60) ---------- 1954. Forest t r e e improvement a c t i v i t i e s in the Pac i f ic Northwest. Jour. Forestry 52: 692- 693.

(61) Dunn, Stuar t , and Townsend, Ralph J . 1954. Propaga- t i o n of sugar maple by vegetative cut t ings . Jour. Forestry 52 : 678-679.

(62) Easley, L. T. 1954. Loblolly pine seed production areas. Jour. Forestry 52: 672-673.

(63) Eckbo, N. B. 1954. (production of superior t r e e s by control led po l l ina t ion and vegetative propagation. I n Norwegian. ) Skogbrukeren 29 : 209-211.

(64) Edwards, M. V. 1954. A summary of informaticn on Pinus contorts, Par t I. Forestry Abs. 15 : 389-396. Contaihs information on genetics.

(65) Eklundh, Ehrenberg C. 1954. Alms jukan, h i s to r ik och atg5rder fijr framstallning av mot sjukdomen r e s i s t - enta almar. ( ~ l m disease h i s to ry and proposal f o r

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breeding disease r e s i s t a n t elms. I n Swedish. ) Svenska ~kogsvsrdsf8ren Tidskr . 52 : 35-42.

(66) Eliason, E. J . 1954. On the Massey, Ontario, seed source f o r red pine. Northeast. Forest TreeImprove. Conf. Proc. 1: 50-51.

(67) E l l i o t t , G. A . 1954. The fo res t t r e e seed committee. In te rna t l . Seed Testing Assoc. Proc. 18 (1953): 253- 255

(68) Engstrom, W. H. 1954. Oregon cone crop, 1954. Oregon S t a t e Bd. Forestry Res. Note 16. 7 pp.

(69) Erdtman, G. 1954. Pollen morphology and plant taxon- omy. Bot. Notiser 2: 65-81.

(70) Eversole, K . R. 1954. Using t he climbing rope and saddle i n fores t ry . Jour. Forestry 52: 285-286.

(71) Ferrg, Y. de. 1954. La s t ruc ture des plantules de conifGres, son importance en phyloghie . h he s t ruc- tu re of conifer seedlings, i t s phylogenetic s i gn i f i - cance. I n French.) I n t e rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect. 4: 78-80. Par is .

(72) ---------- 1954. Resistance de quelques especes de Pseudotsuga au Phaeocryptopus g!zlumanni (Rhode) Petrak. (Resistance of some species of Pseudotsuga t o P. &umanni.) I n t e rna t l . Cong. Bot: Proc. 8 Sect. 13. Par is .

(73) Fillmore, R. H. 1954. Open frame propagation of cut- t ings under mist. Amer. Nurseryman 100: 12-13, 67- 74. Includes information on Juniperus and Picea.

(74) Fischer, F. 195.4. Fors t l i c h e PflanzenzUchtung a l s Mi t te l zur Steigerung des Waldertrages. (Forest t r e e breeding t o increase fo res t growth. I n German.) Schweiz. Ztschr. f . Forstw. 105: 165-183.

(75) ---------- 1954. Neue Wege zur Steigerljng des Wald- ertrages. ( ~ e w ways of increasing fo r e s t y ie ld . I n German. ) Wald u. Holz 35 (9) : 178-185.

(76) Flordh, S . 1954. (s tudies of F2 popldations of hy- br id aspen. I n Swedish. ) Svenska ~ k o ~ s v z r d s f br. Tidskr . 52 : 287-298.

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(77) Ford, H. F. 1954. Ef fec t o f s t e r i l i z i n g t r e a t m o n t ~ on s u n r i v a l and growth of hybrid poplar cut t ing . - . U.S. Forest Serv. Northeast. Fores t Expt .Sta.Forest . Res. Note 33. 3 pp.

(78) ---------- and Snow, A. G. 1954. Summer i s t h e bes t t ime t o t h i n hybrid poplar p l an ta t ions . U.S. Fores t S e w . Northeast. Forest Expt. S t a . Forest Res. Note 40. 2 pp.

(79) Forshal l , C . P. 1954. Kottens och f r d e t s u tb i ldning e f t e r sjt l lv- och korsbefruktning hos t a l l . (Cone and seed production a f t e r s e l f - and c r o s s - f e r t i l i z a - t i o n i n pine. I n ,Swedish. ) Sweden S ta t ens Skogs- f o r s k n i n g s i n s t i t u t Meddel. 43 ( l o ) , 42 pp.

(80) Fos ter , C . H. 1954. Future s i z e and q u a l i t y requi re- ments f o r softwood t imber t r e e s i n t h e Northeast. Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 8-12.

(81) Gambi, G. 1954. I1 pioppo t r e m l o d e l l f Asprommte. he aspromonte aspen. I n I t a l i a n : French and English summaries. ) Monti e Boschi 5 (4) : 161-164.

(82) Garin, G. I., and Mary, J. 1954. Trees can be no be t - t e r than t h e i r parents . Ala. S ta . Highlights Agr. Res. 1: 7. 1954.

(83) Gerhard. 1954. Zur anzucht von S i tka f i ch ten . he c u l t u r e of S i t k a spruce. I n German. ) Fors t u. Holz 9: 97-98.

(84) Goo, M. 1954. Is germination pe r cent of Sugi (cryptomeria japonica) seeds a f f e c t e d by t h e posi- t i o n i n crown of t h e i r cones? ( In Japanese: English summary. ) Jap. Fores t ry Soc. Jour. 36: 24-26.

(85) Gravat t , G. F., D i l l e r , J . D . , Berry, F. H . , Graves, A. H . , and Nienstaedt , H. 1.954. Breeding timber chestnuts f o r b l i g h t r e s i s t ance . Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 70-75.

(86) Graves, A . H., and Nienstaedt, Hans. 1954. Chestnut breeding repor t f o r 1954. North. Nut Groviers Assoc. Ann. Rpt . 44: 136-144.

(87) Greguss, P. 1954. Origine e t Gvolution des Conif jr- ophytes. (o r ig in and evolu t ion of t h e coni fers . I n French. ) I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect . 5: 178- 188. P a r i s .

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G::inier, P. 1954. Nomenclature f o r poplars: app l i - c a t i o n of t h e dec is ions of t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Botani- c a l Congress a t Stockholm. I n t e r n a t i o n a l Poplar Comn. Rpt. 7 Sess. (Germany, May 1953) : 37-38.

Haddock,Phi l ipG. 1954. S a p l i n g s u g a r p i n e s grown from excised mature embryos. Jour. Fores t ry 52: 434-437.

Halls , L. K . , and Hawley, N. R. 1954. S la sh pine seed production i s increased by seed-tree r e l ease . U.S. Fores t Serv. Southeast . Fores t h p t . S ta . , Res. Note 66. 2 pp.

Hansbrough, J. R. 1954. Genetic v a r i a t i o n i n d i sease r e s i s t a n c e of n a t i v e f o r e s t - t r e e species . Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 26-90.

Hasegawa, K. 1954. On hydroponics and treatments with t h e growth hormones of c u t t i n g s of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. (1n Japanese. ) Kyoto Univ. For- e s t s Bul. 24: 63-65.

11 ---------- and Konoe, R. 195.4. Uber das Wurzelzystem und Sprossewurzelverh#ltnis d e r Stecklinge von Meta- sequoia. ( ~ o o t systems and top-root r a t i o of m- sequoia cu t t ings . I n Japanese: English summary. ) Jap. Fores t ry Soc. Jour. 36: 164-167.

Haugberg, M. 1954. Hybrid-osp. ( ~ y b r i d aspen. I n Norwegian. ) Tidsskr . f o r Skogbruk 62: 114-117.

---------- 1954. Noen r e s u l t a t e r f r a avkommfors&k med osp. (some r e s u l t s of progeny t r i a l s wi th aspen. I n Norwegian: Norwegian and English summaries. ) Norsk. Skogindustr i 8: 180-185.

Heikinheimo, 0. 1954. Geographische Lage d e r Baum- schule, Herkunft des Samens und Zei t de r Pflanzung. ( ~ e o g r a p h i c p o s i t i o n of t r e e nur se r i e s , o r i g i n of seed and time of p lant ing . I n Finnish: German sum mary. ) Acta Forest . Fenn. 61 (9) . 28 pp.

Heimburger, C . C. 1954. Forest t r e e breeding i n Canada. Jour. Fores t ry 52: 682-684.

Heit , C. E. 1954. Tree and shrub seed law i n New York S t a t e . Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 52-53.

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( 99) HeitmUller , H. H. 1954. Beobac htungen fiber indiv id- u e l l e Resistenz gegen G i l l e t e l l a coole,yi G i l l . an Douglasie. ( s tud ies on ind iv idua l s of douglas-f ir r e s i s t a n t t o U l e t e e l l a cooleyi . I n Gennan. ) Ztschr. f . Forstgenet ik 3: 99-100.

(100) -- -------.- 1954. Vegetative Vermehrung un te r Verwend- ung von Wuchsstoffen b e i , Populua canescens Smith und Populus tremula L. he use of growth hormones i n t h e vegeta t ive propagation of Populus canescens- and Populus tremula. I n German.) Ztschr. f . Forst- genet ik 3: 135-136.

(101) Heribert-Nilsson. 1954. fiber hochkomplexe Bastard- verbindungen i n der Gattung Sa l ix . (complex hjr- b r ids i n t h e genus Sa l ix . I n German.) Hereditas 40: 517-522.

(102) Hesmer, H., and Feldmann, A . 1954. Die n a t a r l i c h e Verbreitung und d m f r W e Anbau de r Kiefer im Ostm!lnsterland, h he nat,ural d is t r ib ix t ion and e a r l y c u l t u r e of Scotch pine i n Ostmtlnsterland. I n German. ) Fors tarchiv 25: 225-237.

(103) H i t t , Robert G. 1954. A progress r epor t on methods f o r s t imula t ing f lowering a t an e a r l y age on r e d pine, P inus resinosa. Univ. Wis. Fores t ry R e s . Note 15. 2 pp.

(104) Hoekstra, P. E. 1954. New blood f c r southern pines. South. Lumberman 189 (2369) : 182-183.

(105) House, William P. 1954. Fores t requirements : from t h e viewpoint of p rac t i ce . Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 4-5.

(106) Houtzagers, G. 195b. Het Populierencongres voor he t Nabije Oosten t e Camascus van 5-9 Apr i l 1954. I. he poplar congress a t Damascus, Apr i l 5-9, 1954. I n Dutch. ) T i jdschr. Nederland. Heidemaatsch. 65: 237-211.

(107) ---------- 1954. Applicat ions of genet ics i n for - e s t r y and refores ta- t ions . I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect . 13: 10-12. Pa r i s .

(108) Hyodo, M. 1954. (on t h e propagation of Robinia pseudoacacia var . umbraculifera by means of stem- and root -cut t ings , e s p e c i a l l y by t r e a t i n g wi th hormone chemical. I n Japanese : English smmary. )

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Rin-Godhiken-Hokohu 70: 47-56. ( ~ o v t . Forest Expt. Sta. Bul. 70: 47-56.)

(109) Hyun, S. K. 1954. Induction of polyploidy i n pines by means of colchicine treatment. Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 25-33.

(110) I U i e s , Z . M. 1954. Weitere Erfahrungen m i t colchi- z in ie r ten Urchen. ( ~ u r t h e r experiments with col- chicine-treated larch. I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 136-137.

(111) Irgens-MUller, H. 1954. RtSdeg. ( ~ e d oak. I n Dan- i s h . ) Svenska Skogsvards f Ur. Tidskr . 52 : 27-33.

(112) Isaac, L. A . 1954. Western Europe welcomes invasion of Dmglasfir . Arner. Forests 60 (10): 22-23, 52-54, Information on races.

(113) Jamblinne, A . de. 1954. Hybridations experimentales dans l e genre Pinu.s . ( ~ x ~ e r i m e n t a l hybridization i n the genus Pinus. I n French. ) Ztschr. f . Forst- genetik 3: 125-130.

(114) Jensen, H. 1954. The establishment of f o r e s t t r e e seed orchards a t Ramltlsa 1941-1954. Nteborg. Bot. Tr5dg;rd. Meddel. 19: 157-192.

(115) Joachim, H. Fr. 1954. Beitrdge zur Kenntnis von Populus enramericana f o m ge l r ica Houtzagers . (Con- t r ibu t ions t o the knowledge of P o ~ u l u s euramericana forma pelr ica . I n ~erman. ) Arch. Forstw. 3: 23-36.

(116) ---------- 1.954. Probleme der Pappelforschung. (Problems i n poplar research.) Arch. Forstw. 3: 487-502.

(117) ---------- 1954. Die Rinde der Pappelarten und -sorten l ad i h r e EXgnung a l s Erkennungsmerkmal f a r d i e Pappe lbes t imng. h he bark of poplar species and va r i e t i e s and i t s diagnostic characters f o r poplar iden t i f i ca t ion . I n German.) Arch. Forstw. 3 ( 7 / 8 ) : 620-644.

(118) Johnson, Albert G. 1954. White pine breeding, Cabot Foundation. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 85.

(119) ---------- 1954. Juvenile se lec t ion cr i t ' e r ia . Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 75- 77

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(120) Johnson, Albert G. 1954. Betula l e n t a var, uber Ashe. Rhodora 56: 129-131.

(121) Johnsson, H., Kiellander, C. L., and Stefansson, E. 1954. Kottutveckling och f r8beskaff enhet hos ymptrtld av t a l l . (cone development 9nd seed qua l i t y on pine g ra f t s . I n Swedish. ) Arsbertitt. Fbr. VWfBrtldling Skogstrad 1953: 20-51. Also i n Svenska skogsv&rdsf~r . Tidskr. 51i 358-389. 1953.

(122) Joransen, Ph i l i p N. 1954. Genetic s tudies of pulp- wood species, with specia l reference t o aspen. Ins t . Paper Chem. Res. Bul. 21 (2) : 55-62.

(123) ~ u r k e v i r , I. D. 1954. 0) osobennost jah rasgrostran- en i ja ramex i pozdnei form duba ceregEatogo po tipam l e s a v BSSR. ( ~ e c u l i a r i t i e s of t h e dis t r ibu- t i o n of early- and late-flushing forms of Quercus ~

robur according t o fo r e s t types i n t h e Belorussian S.S.R. I n Russian. ) Akad. Nauk Dok. SSSR 95: 183- 185.

(124) Kadambi, K . , and Dabral, S. N. 1954. A i r layer ing i n fo res t ry practice. Indian Forester 80: 721-724.

(125) Kaufman, Clemens M. 1954. Extensive application of genetics by bhe s i l v i c u l t u r i s t . Jour. Forestry 52: 647-648.

(126) --------- 1954. The Committee on Southern Forest Tree Improvement. Jour. Forestry 52 : 685-686.

(127) Klaehn, F. U. 1954. Alte Pfropfungen von WaldbHumen. Forst- u. Holzwirt. 9: 484-485.

(128) ---------- I I

1954. Uber d i e Maserbirke und d i e Mbg- l ichkei ten ih res Anbaues. (on c w l y birch and i t s culture. I n German.) Forst- 3 . Holzwirt. 9: 29-31.

(129) Kobendza, R. 1953. Czym j e s t topola rogalinska? (What i s Populus rogalinensis? I n Polish: Russian and English summaries. ) Roc z . Dendrol. Polsk. Tow. Bot. 9: 153-166. Warszaw. P. alba x tremala.

(130) Konovalov, N. A. 1954. ( ~ r o m the work i n breeciing poplars. I n Russian. ) Bot. Zhur. 39: 773-775.

(131) Krahl-Urban, J . 1954. Buchenrassenstudien im Bayer- isch-Bdhmischen Wald, i n den Bayerischen Alpen und i n den Karawanken. ( ~ a c i a l studies of beech i n the Bavarian-Bohemian fores t s , i n the Bavarian Alps,

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and i n t h e Karawanken. I n German.) Forstwiss. Centbl. 73: 309-325.

(132) Krahl-Urban, J. 1954. Einige neue Ergebnisse von Rassenstudien b e i d e r Rotbuche. ( ~ e w r e s u l t s of r a c i a l s t u d i e s of red beech. I n ~ e r m a n . ) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 137-138.

(133) Kriebel , Howard B. 1954. Tree breeding a t t h e Ohio Agr icu l tu ra l Experiment S ta t ion . Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 52.

(134) -- ------- 1954. Bark th ickness as a f a c t o r i n re- s i s t a n c e t o white p ine weevil, i n ju ry . J o ~ r . For- e s t r y 52: 842-845.

(135) Laing, E. V. 1954. S tudies of v a r i a t i o h i n conifers . Report on Fores t Research f o r Year Ending March 1953: 121-122. H.M.S.O., London.

(136) La i t aka r i , E. 1954. Poppeli--tulevaisuuden puu. (poplar--tree of t h e fu ture . I n Finnish: English summary. ) Metstlt. Aikak. 1954 (1) : 11-16. Helsinki. Contains information on breeding and hybrids.

(137) Langdon, 0. G. 1954. Gum y i e l d s of South F l o r i d a s l a s h pine. U. S. Fores t Serv. Southeast. Forest Expt. S ta . , Res. Note 47. Phenotypic cgmparison of y i e l d s from various regions.

(138) Langlet, 0. 1954. Lnportence d1 une s p e c i f i c a t i o n r igoureuse de 1 1 o r ig ine des semences . (Importance of rj.gorous spec i f i ca t ions of seed o r ig in . I n French.) I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect . 13: 19-22. Pa r i s .

(139) ---------- 1954. ( s e l e c t i o n of spruce of German o r ig in . I n Swedish. ) Skogen 41: 133.

(140) Langner, W. 1954. Die Entwicklung d e r Forstgenet ik und Fbrstpflanzenzfichtung i n Deutschland. h he de- velopment of f o r e s t genet ics and f o r e s t t r e e breed- i n g i n Germany. I n German.) Ztschr. f . Forstgene- t i k 3: 5 5-60,

(141) ---------- I f

1954. Uber d i e Ursachen e i n i g e r phgno- typ i sche r Besonderheiten be i Fichtenpfropfl ingen. (on t h e o r i g i n of some phenotypic p e c u l i a r i t i e s from spruce g ra f t ing . I n German: English summary.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenet ik. 3 : 83-86.

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(142) Langner, W. 1954. Dominant e Vererbung von FJUchsigkeit und Wuchsform b e i F ichte ( ~ i c e a ab ie s ) . omin in ant i n h e r i t a n c e of growth r a t e and form i n spruce. I n German.) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 138.

(143) ---------- 1954. Kreuzungsversuch zwischen nord- i s c h e r und schrrarzwtllder F ichte . ( ~ r o s s i n g experi- ments between nor thern and Black Fores t spruce. I n German.) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 138.

(I,&) --------em 1954. Bllitenbildung a n Zwergfichte. l lower formation i n dwarf spruce. I n German. ) Ztschr . f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 138.

(145) ---------- 1954. RUckmutation be i Zwergfichte. (Back mutations i n dwarf spruce. I n German.) Ztschr . f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 138-139.

(146) --------- 19 54. Kreuzlmgsversuche mit H i l f e e i n e r f re i s tehenden Feuerwehrlei ter . ( c ros s ing research

I with t h e he lp of a free-standing f i r e ladder . I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3 : 139.

t (147) ---------- 1954. SpontaneWurzelbildung an einem Lbrchenpf r o p f r e i s . (spontaneous r o o t formation on a l a r c h g r a f t . I n German.) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 139.

(148) Larsen, C. Muhle. 1954. Du rappor t e g t r e l e sexe e t l e dgveloppernent chez l e s a rb res dioiques. (Rela- t i o n s h i p between s e x and growth i n dioecious t r e e s . I n French. ) I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sec t . 13: 25-26. P a r i s .

(149) ---------- 1954. i t u d e r e l a t i v e aux v a r i a t i o n s de

l a grandeur des stomates dans l e genre Popillus. ( v a r i a t i o n s i n t h e s i z e of stomata i n t h e genus Populus. ) I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect . 13: 26-27. P a r i s .

(150) Larsen, S. Syrach. 1954. Om a t bevare pioneren a g pionerinden. (1n Danish. ) Hedeselsk. Tidsskr . 75 (11): 259-271.

(151) ---------- 1954. Fores t ry and genet ics . I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect . 13: 1-9. P a r i s .

(152) Lavenzzini-, A . 1954. h he s e l e c t i o n o f p l a n t s and t h e p l a n t i n g p r a c t i c e a r e e s s e n t i a l f a c t o r s i n pop- la r r e tu rns . I n I t a l i a n . ) Awenire Agr. 62: 325- 328.

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r- \ - 1 Lee, C. L. iSj4. Sex c h r o ~ r l ~ ~ G i ~ g k a s El&. -- -

. Amer. Jour. Bot. 41: 545-549.

(154) L i , Hui-Lin, and Wright, Jonathan W. 1954. The Chi- p e s e t u l i p t r e e ( ~ i r i o d e n d r o n chinense) i n North- e a s t e r n United S t a t e s . Univ. Pa. Morris Arboretum Bul. 5:34-35. Comparison of t h e Chinese and American spec ies .

(155) Libby, William J. 1954. Fores t gene t i c s i n t h e Lake S t a t e s , a n annotated bibl iography. Univ. Mich. School Nat. Resources. 62 pp. (prel im. Ed.)

(156) L i t t l e , E. L., Jr., and Dorman, K. W. 1954. S lash p ine (pinus e l l i o t t i i ) , inc luding South Flor ida s l a s h p ine , nomenclature and desc r ip t ion . U.S. Fores t Serv. Southeast . Forest Expt. S t a . , S t a . Paper 36. 82 pp.

(157) L i t t l e f i e l d , E. iJ., and Eliason, E. J . 1954. On t h e t e s t i n g of some c o n i f e r spec ies and types i n New York S t a t e . Northeast . Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 38-41.

(158) L j unger, A. 195h. Primxrympning och p lus t rddsu rva l a v ek. (primary g r a f t i n g of oak an$ t h e s e l e c t i o n of p lus t r e e s . I n Swedish.) Arsbertlt t . FBr. V w f b r a d l i n g Skogstrad 1953 : 52-69. Also i n Svenska Skogsv&dsfor. Tidskr. 52: 139-156. 1954.

(159) ~ d f t i n ~ , E. C. L. 1954. ( ~ e n m a r k l s s i l v e r f i r prob- lem, P a r t I. Choice of provenances. I n Danish: English summary.) Danish Fores t Expt. S t a . Rpt. 21 (4) : 337-381.

(160) ~ b k e n , A. 1954. Unormale rakleformer hos vanly b jdrk (Betula pubescens Ehrh. ) . (Abnormal flower formation i n ~ e t u l a pubescens. I n Danish: German summary. ) Tidsskr. f o r Skogbruk. 62: 12-13.

(161) Loma, L. de la . 1954. Genktica f o r e s t a l . orest st gene t i c s . I n Spanish. ) Rev. Ganad. 14: 53-60.

(162) Lombarts, J. 1954. Bouturer avec humidif icat ion. ( ~ o o t i n g wi th humidif icat ion. I n French. ) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3 : 104-105.

(163) Maekawa, F. 1954. ( ~ h ~ l o g e n e t i c cons idera t ions on con i fe r taxonomy. 1. I n Japanese.) Jap. Jour. Bot. 29: 307-313.

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(164) Marcet , E. 1954. Aspe und Weisspappeln, waldbaulich und w i r t z c h a f t l i c h wichtige Barmarten d e r Z ~ k ~ m f t . ( ~ s p e n and white poplars , spec ies of s i l v i c u l t u r a l and i n d u s t r i a l importance f o r t h e f u t ~ r e . I n Geman: French summary.) Schweiz. Ztschr . f . Forstw. 105: 425-459. Contains a review of Ewopean work on breeding and propagation.

(165) ---------- 1954. Un procedl: p o w mieix r g e u s s i r ler: s e n i s de tremble. ( A procedure f o r bes t us ing t h e seeds of aspen. I n French.) Schueiz Ztschr. f . Forstw. 105 : 621-625.

(166) Martin, D. M. 1954.. Bette.r-bred t r e e s . Nature Mag. 47: U1-412.

(167) Matthews, J . D. 1954. Fores t Genetics. Report on Forest Research f o r Year Ending March 1953: 56-60. H.M.S.O., L~ndon.

(168) ---------- 1954. Japanese l a rches a t D.unkeld, Perth- s h i r e . A stktdy i n va r i a t ion . G t . B r i t . Fores t ry Comm., London Forest Record 25. 23 pp.

(169) Mazek-Fialla, K. 1954. Die Steigerlmg d e r Harzer- trtlge dmch Selekt ion . h he inc rease of r e s i n y i e l d s throrigh select iori . I n German. ) Allg. Forstzei t- ;ng 63: 68. Wien.

(170) McComb, A. L . , and Hansen, Norman J . 1954. A natc- r a l l y o-curr ing a s p e n - ~ o p l a r hybrid. Jour. Forest- r y 52: 528-529.

(171) MacDonald, J .A.B. 1954. The p lace of Pinids contor ta i n B r i t i s h s i 1 v i c u l t : ~ r e . Fa res t ry 27: 25-30. Dis- casses d i f f e r e n t provenances.

(172) McGregor, W. H. D. , Conan, D. Ross, and Spurr, H. Stephen. 1954. Three races of Scotch pine com- pared i n southeas tern Nichigan. Univ. Mich. Dept. Forestry, Mich. Fores t ry 5. 2 pp.

(173) McNeill, Id. M. 1954. Observations on cone and seed production i n p lan ta t ions of Scots pine i n s c a t l a n d . Fores t ry 27: 122-133.

(174) McNitt. V. J. 1954. Top-grafting t e c h n i q ~ e uses p l a s t i c s . Amer. NLlrseryman 100 ( 6 ) : 19, 63-65.

(175) Mergen, Franqois . 1954. Graf t ing succulent slash pine sc ions . U. S. Forest Serv. Southeast Fores t Expt. S ta . Res. Note 59. 2 pp.

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(176) Mergen, Franpois. 1954. Var ia t ion i n 2-year o ld s l a s h p ine seedlings. U.S. Forest Serv. Southeast. Fores t k p t . S ta . Res. Note 62. 2 pp.

(177) ---------- 1954. Improving t h e early- growth of long- l e a f pine. Forest Fanner 13 (11): 8, 9, 16, 17, 19.

(178) --------- 1954. S e l f - f e r t i l i z a t i o n - i n s l a s h pine reduces height growth. U.S. Fores t .Sew. Southeast. Forest Expt. S ta . Res. Note 67. 2 pp.

(179) --------- 1954. Anatomical s tudy of s l a s h pine g r a f t unions. Flori'da Acad. Sc i . Quart. Jour. 17 ( 4) : 237-245.

(180) ---------- 1954. Tree improvement research a t t h e Lake Ci ty , F lor ida Research Center--a p r o j e z t anal- y s i s . U. S. Forest Serv. Southeast. Forest Expt. S ta . , S ta . Paper 45. 59 pp.

(181) --------- 1954. Vegetative propagation techniques f o r genet ic s tud ies of s l a s h pine (Pinus e l l i o t t i i Engelm. ) . Amer . Soc . Plant Physiol . Program 29th Ann. Meeting: 6-7.

(182) --------- 1954. Inher i tance of o leo res in y i e l d i n s l a s h pine. ATFA Jour. 17 (2) : 16-18. Also i n Naval Stores Rev. 64 (9 ) : 8, 9, 20.

(183) ---------- 1954. H e t e r o ~ l a s t i c micrograft ing of s l a s h pine. U. S . Forest S e w . Sautheast. Forest Expt. S ta . , S t a . Paper 47. 17 pp.

(184) ---------- 1954. Inher i tance of deformit ies i n s l a s h pine. South. Lumberman 189 (2370) : 30-32.

(185) ---------- and Hoekstra, P. E. 1954. Germination d i f ferences i n s l a s h pine from d i f f e r e n t sources. South. Lumberman 189 (2364): 62, 64, 66.

(186) ---------- andPomeroy,KennethB. 1954. Suggez- t i o n s f o r b e t t e r s l a s h pine seed. Fores t Farmer 13 (5): 6-7, 15.

(187) ---------- and Rossol, Harry. 1954. How t o roo t and g r a f t z lash pine. U. S. Forest S e w . Southeast. Forest Expt.Sta., S ta . Paper 46. 22 pp.

(188) Meyer, H. 1954. Der Bastard Pinus s t robus x excelsa. . .

(The hybrid P. s trobus x e x c e l ~ a . ) I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Union Forest Res. O r ~ a n . Proc. 1953 Sect ion 22: No. - 13. 2 pp. Rome.

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(189) Meyer, H. 1954. Rhabdoclinebefall an Douglasien verschiedener Provenienz. (~habdoc l ine damage on Douglas-fir of various provenances. I n ~erman. ) Forst- u. Holzwirt 9: 180-182.

(190) ---------- 1954. Zur Blasenrostresistenzz~chtung. (Breeding f o r b l i s t e r r u s t resistance. I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 101-104.

(191) Migita, K. 1954. (vegetative propagation of so- ca l l ed races of Cwptomeria japonica D. Don, ty cu t t i ngs . I n Japanese. ) Jap. Forest Soc. Jour. 36: 202-203.

(192) Miles, E. E., and Hoekstra, P. E. 1954. Tree climb- i ng safe ty hint . Jour. Forestry 52 : 526-527.

(193) Mirov, N. T. 1954. Lodgepole pine discovered and misnamed. Madrofio 12: 156-157.

(194) ---------- 1954. Apache pine and i t s re la t ionship t o ponderosa pine. Madrozo 12 : 251-2 52.

(195) Molinier, R. 1954. Sur l a nature e t la s ignif ica- t i o n de divers bois de pins dans l a Sud-Est de l a France. (on the nature and significance of d i f - ferent pine woods i n southeast France. I n French. ) In t e rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect. 13: 35-38. Paris .

(196) Mudra, A . 1954. Ein Vergleich verschiedener Ver- suchsmethoden. ( A comparison of d i f fe ren t experi- mental methods. I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Pflanzen- z k h t . 33: 419-423.

(197) Mudrich, H. 1954. Stellungnahme zu J. P. V i t 6 ' ~ n - terschiedliche Anfiilligkeit von Larix europaea, leptolepis und deren Eastarden gegen den Larchen- blasenfuss ( ~ a e n i o t h r i ~ s lar ic ivorus Krat . ) a l s mBgliche Ursache verschiedener Wipfelformenf . ( ~ e - ply t o J. P. Vi te ' s 'Varying suscep t ib i l i ty of L a r k europaea, L. leptolepis and hyhrids t o a t t ack by Taeniothrips lar ic ivorus a s a possible cause of differences i n crown form1. I n German.) Ztschr. f. Forstgenetik 3: 87-88.

(198) Mtiller-Olsen, Carl, and Simak, Milan. 1954. X-ray photography employed i n germination analysis of Scots Pine (pinus s i l v e s t r i s L.) . Sweden Sta tens Skogsforskningsinstitut Meddel. 44 (6) : 1-19. Con- t a i n s data f o r several mother t r e e s .

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(199) Nakamura, K., Goo, M., and Hasegawa, S. 1?54. (noes t h e q u a l i t y o f seedchangeyear ly? Anexperiment employing seeds from the same mother t r e e of m- tomeria japonica. I n Japanese : English summary. ) Jap. Forestry Soc. Jour. 36: 1-2.

(200) Nash, R. W. 1954. Chinese chestnut plantings, 1953. Maine Forest S e n . Forest Insect Notes 2: 7. 1954.

(201) Natividade, J. V. 1954. La se lec t ion e t llam6liora- t i o n genetique due chgneligge au Portugal. ( ~ e l e c - t i o n and genetic improvement i n the cork oak of Portugal. I n French. ) Rev. Forest. Francj. 1954: 346-3 54

(202) Newcomer, Ear l H. 1954. The karyotype and possible sec chromosomes of Ginkgo biloba. Arner. Jour. Bot. 41: 542-545.

(203) Nielsen, P. Chr. and de Muckadell, M. Schaffalitzky. 1954. Flower observations and control led poll ina- t ions i n Fagus. Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3 : 6-16.

(204) Nienstaedt, Hans. 1954. Applications of vegetative propagation t o fo r e s t t r e e improvement. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 47-48.

(205) -- -------- 1954. Hemlock project a t t h e Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Sta t ion. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 82-83.

(206) Nit to, M., and Shimizu, K. 1954. (on t h e chestnut va r i e t i e s r e s i s t an t to t he chestnut g a l l wasp. I n Japanese and English. ) Tokyo Univ. Forests Bul. 47: 173-188.

(207) Nordstrbm, L. 1954. Om den inom v issa de la r av vgrt land G l i g a talltypen--des s appkomstsbtt samt prakt- i ska konsekvenser dgrav. he i n f e r i o r pine s t r a i n s i n ce r t a in pa r t s of Sweden--their o r ig in and p rac t i c a l significance. I n Swedish. ) Norrlands ~kogsvbdsfbrbunds Tidskr i f t . 1954. ( 3 ) : 435-487.

(208) Okimura, Y., and Toyama, T. 1954. Studies on cut- t ings of Pinus densiflora. (I). Jap. Forestry Soc. Jour. 36: 323-326.

(209) Oksbjerg, E. 1954. Om udspringstid og skudstraek- ning i grankulturer. a ate of f lushing and shoot growth i n Norway spruce plantations. I n Danish.) Hedeselsk. Tidsskr. 75: 49-55. Contains i n f orma-

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t i o n on p l a n t a t i o n s of ear ly- and l a t e - f lu sh ing types.

(210) Orr-Ewing, A. L. 1954. Inbreeding experiments wi th Douglas f i r . Fo res t ry Chron. 30: 7-20.

(211) Ostrom, Carl E. 1954. Southern Fores t Tree Improve- ment Committee. Northeast. Fo res t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 95-97.

(212) Ozawa, J. 1954. (Experiment on f r u i t promotion o f Japanese l a rch . I n J a p a n e s e : English summary. Hokkaido Fores t Ekpt. S t a . Spec. Rpt. 2: 44-49.

(213) ---------- and Matsuura, T. 1953. (observat ion o f t h e flower-buds of todo f i r i n Hokkaido p r e f e c t u r a l f o r e s t . I n Japanese. ) Japan Fores t ry Expt . Sta . Sapporo B r . Kenky; happy6 k a i k8en shii: 29-38.

(214) Pa jch l , J. 1954. h he s e l e c t i o n and c u l t i v a t i o n o f willows. 15 Czecb: English summary.) ~ r g c e Vyzkumn. cst Lesn. CSR 4: 213-234.

(215) P a o l i n i , A . 1954. Los nuevos Glamos h ibr idos . ( ~ e w hybrid poplars . I n Spanish. ) Chacra 24 (286) : 36- 37.

(216) P a r r i s h , Frank T. 1954. Use requirements : hardwoods. Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 1.3- 17.

(217) Pa t ton , R. F., and Riker , A . J. 1954. Top growth arid roo t devalopment ctf rooted white p ine c u t t i n g s . Jour . Fo res t ry 52: 675-677.

(218) Pauley, S c o t t S. 1954. The photoperiodic response and i t s importance i n t r e e improvement. I n t e r n a t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sec t . 11: 13-16. P a r i s .

(219) --------- 1954. Var ia t ion i n time of break of dormancy among a l t i t u d i n a l ecotypes of Pop.dus tri- chocarpa. Genetics Soc. Amer. Rec. 23: 59-60.

(220) ---------- 1954. Inf luence of l i g h t on break of dormancy i n var ious t r e e species . Genetics Soc. Amer. Rec. 23: 60.

(221) ---------- 1954. Treeimprovement s t u d i e s o f t h e Maria Moors Cabot Foundation f o r bo tan ica l r e sea rch . Northeast. Fores t Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 68- 70

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(222) Pauley, Scot t S. 1954. The scope of fo res t genetics. Jour. Forestry 52: 643-644.

(223) 1954. Forest genetics--its scope and ap- pl icat ion. Wis. S i l ve r Anniversary Forestry Conf. Proc. (NOV. 30-Dec. 1, 1953) : 92-97.

(224) ---------- 1954. Increasing y ie ld of p ~ l p f i b e r through the appl icat ion of genetics i n s i l v i c u l t u r e . Amer. Pulpwood Assoc. 195k Pulpwood Annual. 2 pp.

(225) ---------- and Perry, Thomas 0. 1954. Ecotypic var- i a t i o n of the photoperiodic response i n Populcs. Jour . Arnold Arboretum 35 : 167-188.

(226) Pavar i ,A. 1954. Unimportante centro de s t ud i dendrologici. : 1 'Arboretum Taurinense . (The Arbore- tum Taurinense a t Turin. I n I t a l i a n : French and English summaries.) Monti e Boschi 5 (8): 339-349.

(227) Peace, T. R., and Jobling, J . 1954. Var ie ta l t r i a l s and other work on poplars. Report on Forest Re- search fo r Year Ending March 1953: 53-55. H.M.S.O., London.

(228) Pease, R. W. 1954. Growing American hol ly f o r orna- mental planting. Science Serves Your Farm. W. Va. Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta . Bul. 363, pa r t 4: 5, 7. Men- t i ons va r i e t i e s .

(229) --------- 1954. Growing chestnuts from seed. W. Va. Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta . Circ. 90. 9 pp.

(230) Perry, Thomas 0. 1954. Controlled po l l ina t ion of pine species i n North America. Jour. Forestry 52: 666-671.

(231) Persson, A . 1954. Plantagefrd av masurb jOrk. (Seed orchard production of figured-birch seed. I n Smed- i sh . ) Skogen 41: 160-161, 163.

(232) Peschaut, R. 1954. Beitrag zur Geschichte des An- baues von euramerkanischen Pappeln i n Osterreich. (Observations on the his tory of t he cul ture of European-herican hybrid poplars i n Austria. I n ~erman.) Osterr . Forst- u. Holzwirt. 9: 58-59, 62.

(233) Poensgen, R. 1954. Der Standort der Samenplantage. (The locat ion of seed orchards. I n ~errnan.1 Forst- u. Holzwirt 9: 381.

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Pomeroy, K. B. i954. B e t t e r t r e e s f o r tomorrow. Fla. Grower and Rancher 17 (2) : 12, 34.

--------- 1954. Progress a t the.Lake C i t y Research Center, Naval S to res I n t e r n a t l . Yearbook: 63-66.

---------- 1954. Crys ta l gazing i n gun naval s t o r e s . ATFA Jour. 1 6 (10): 8. Also with t i t l e "Looking Ahead With Naval Storesl l . Forest Farmer 13 (12): 14, 18.

___--_____ and Mergen, Fransois . 1954. Be t t e r f ~ r - e s t s a r e a l i t y . Natl. Container Digest 8 ( 4 ) : 5.

P o r t e r , W. 1954. Test ing f o r r e s i s t a n c e t o t h e b l i s t e r r u s t d i sease of western white p ine i n B r i t i s h Columbia. Canada Dept. Agr. S c i . Serv. Fores t Biol . Div. P ro j . 51.01.03 In te r im Rpt. 12 pp. ( ~ r o c e s s e d . ) Vic tor ia , B. C .

Pour te t , J . , and Turpin, Paul. 1954. Catalogue des espsces cu l t ivQes dans l 'drboretum des Barres. (catalogue of species cu l t iva ted i n t h e Arboretum of l e s Barres. I n French. ) A n n . de 1' Ecole na t ionale des Eawr, e t For& 9 (1) 2nd ed. 245 pn. Nancy.

Pryor, L. D. 1954. The inhe r i t ance of infl .orescence cha rac te r s i n Eucalyptus. New South Wales Linnean SOC. 79 (3/4): 79-89.

---------- and W i l l i s , J. H. 1954. A new Vic tor ian (and South Aust ra l ian) Eucalyptus. Vic tor ian Nat . 71 (12) : 125-129. Contains d iscuss ion of variabi3.- i t y and re l a t ionsh ips of E. Zaromapholoia Pryor and W i l l i s .

Quint in , S. 1954. Bouturage de quelques coni f 6res e t l e rGle de l l a u x i n e dans l a formation des r ac ines . (Propagation by c u t t i n g s of some con i fe r s , and t h e r o l e of auxins i n root formation. I n French.) Trav. Lab. Forest . Toulouse 1 ( 5 ) , A r t . 16. 22 PP*

Rao, H. S. 1954. Chromosome numbers i n f o r e s t p l a n t s . Indian Fores t e r 80: 551-552.

Rees, L. W . , and Brown, R. M. 1954. Wood dens i ty and seed source i n young p l a n t a t i o n red pine. Jour. Fores t ry 52: 662-665.

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(245) Reginster, P. 1954. ~ 6 t h o d e dlappreciat ion des peuplements 5 graines . ( ~ e t h o d s of appraising e l i t e stands f o r seed production. I n French. ) Soc. Forest. Belgique Bul. 61: 217-244.

(246) Rehackova, 0. 1954. Untersuchung Uber i d e jttrhr- l ichen Veranderungen des Keimprozentes und der Keimungsgeschwindigkeit von Fbhren- und Larchen- samen. ( ~ e s e a r c h on year ly changes i n germination percent and germination speed i n f i r and larch. In- German. ) Schweig . Ztschr. f . Forstw . 105 : 459-467.

(247) Rhodes, A. D. 1954. I r r ad i a t i on s tudies at the University of Massachusetts. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 84.

(248) Righter, F. I. 1954. Forest t r e e improvement re- search i n California. Jour. Forestry 52: 680-682, i l l u s .

(249) Riker, A. J. 1954. Opportunities i n disease and in- s ec t control through genetics. Jour. Forestry 52: 651-652.

(250) ---------- and Patton, R. F. 1954. Breeding of Pinus strobus f o r q u a l i t y and res is tance t o b l i s t e r rus t . Wis. Forestry Res. Note 12, 2 pp. (same t i t l e i n In te rna t l . Bot. Cong. Proc. 8 Sect . 13: 23-24. Par i s . )

(251) Robak, H. 1954. ( ~ o r e i g n t r e e s i n Finland. I n Nor- wegian. ) Tidsskr. fo r Skogbruk 62: 345-350.

(252) Rohmeder, E. 1954. 23 jdhrige bayerische Anbauver~ suche m i t pruner Douglasie verschiedener Herkunft. (23-year-old Bavarian provenance t e s t s with green Douglas-fir. I n German.) Forst- u. Holzwirt 9: 179- 180.

(253) ---------- 1954. Erreichtes und Erreichbares i n der fors t l ichen Resistenzziichtung. (Attained and a t - ta inable i n res is tance breeding i n fo res t t r ees . I n German.) Allg. Forstztschr. 9: 529-536.

(254) ---------- 1954. Umwelt und Erbanlagen bei der Fichtensamenausbeute. (Environment and her i t ab le characters i n t h e seed y i e ld of spruce. I n German: French and English summaries. ) Ztschr. f . Forst- genetik 3 : 113-118.

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(255) Roheder, E., and Boiselle, R. 1953/54. Erkl8ru.g zu d m Douglasienherkunftsversuch v. Prof. D r . MLlnch in St i f tswald des Fors tamtes Kaiserslaut ern. (Ex- planation of t he Douglas-fir provenance research of Prof. Miinch i n t he Kaisers lautem fores t d i s t r i c t . I n German. ) fisterr. Allg. ors st-u. Jagd Ztg. 125: 186.

---------- and Lederhuber, M. 1954. Anbauversuche m i t fremdltlndischen Baumarten im fo rs t l i chen Ver- suchsgart en Grafrath. ( ~ e s e a r c n with exotics i n t he fo r e s t experiment garden a t Grafrath. I n Ger- man.) Deut. Baumschule 6: 233-249.

Rohrneder, Marion. 1954. Ein z w e c ~ s s i g e s BestlLub- ungsgerat . (A useful pol l inat ion instrument. I n ~erman.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 54-55.

---------- 1954. Amerikanische Aufbewahrungsver- suche mit fo rs t l i chen Saatgut bei niederen Tempera- turen. (American low-temperature experiments with fo res t seed. I n German. ) Allg. Forstztschr. 9: 139-14l

Rohrhofer, J. 1954. Eine Fichte von e igenar t iger Wuchsform. (A spruce with pecul iar growth form. I n German.) Zentbl. f . das Gesam. Forstw. 73: 104- 105.

Rubner, K. 1954. Zur Frage der Entstehung der Alpinen Lirchenrassen. (on the question of the de- velopment of alpine l a rch races. I n German.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 49-51.

Ruden, T. 1954. Om valbj#rk og endel andre u n o m l e veddannelser hoa bjbrk. (on speckled birch and some other forms of curled birch. I n Norwegian: English summary. ) Norske Skogsfors#ksv. Meddel. 43: 455-5050

Rudolf, P. 0. 1954. Age of seed t r e e and ear l iness of shoot growth i n young red pine seedlings. U. S. Forest Serv. Lake S t a t e s Forest Expt. Sta. Tech. Note 422. 1 p.

---------- 1954. Seed source and ear l iness of shoot growth i n young red pine seedlings. U. S. Forest Serv. Lake S t a t e s Forest Expt. Sta. Tech. Note 423. 1 P*

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(264) Rudolf, P. 0. 1954. The Lake S t a t e s Fores t Tree Im- provement Committee. Northeast. Fores t Tree Im- prove. Conf. Proc. 1: 97-98.

(265) ---------- 1954. Fores t t r e e improvement work i n t h e Lake S t a t e s . Jour. Fores t ry 52: 688-689.

(266) Sarbroe, Axel S. 1954. Fores t ry i n Denmark, a guide t o our v i s i t o r s . Danish Fores t Soc. 3 rd ed. , Copen- hagen, 118 pp. Contains information about t r e e breeding and b r i e f biographies of 72 Danish f o r e s t - e r s , inc luding t r e e breeders.

(267) Sato , Y. , Kondo, Y., and Hashizume, H. 1954. (Art i- f i c i a l c o n t r o l of t h e sex -d i f f e ren t i a t ion of Japa- nese r ed pine s t r o b i l e . 11. The e f f e c t of l i g h t o n t h e sex-di f ferent ia t ion . I n J a p a n e s e : English swnmary. ) Jap. Fores t ry Soc . Trans. .63: 128-129.

(268) ---------- and Muto, K . 1954. (on t h e v i a b i l i t y of po l l en of some f o r e s t t r e e s . I n Japanese: English summary. ) Jap. Fores t ry Soc . Trans. 63: 126-128.

(269) ------- --- I I

and Muto, K. 1954. Uber d i e Lebensdauer des Bllltenstaubs von S a l i x bakko Kimura. h he longevi ty of po l l en of S . Sakko. I n German: German and Japanese sumnaries .) Hokkaido Univ. Expt. For- e s t Res. Bul. 17: 15-22.

(270) Satoo, S. 19%. ( o r i g i n and development of ad\-enti- t i o u s roo t s i n cu t t ings of Chamaec.yparis obtusa. I n Japanese and English.) Jap. Fores t ry Soc. Jour . Soc. 36: 355-359.

(271) Satoo, T., Goo, M . , and Hasegawa, S. 1954. ( ~ c r m i - na t ion of Cr.yptomeria seeds from cones t h a t re- mained green on t h e t r e e f o r two years . I n Japa- nese: English summary. ) Jap. F o r e s t r ; ~ Soc. Joar . 36: 53-54.

(272) Sauer, E. 1954. Beobachtungen an zwi t t r igen Pappeln. ( s tud ies of hermaphroditic poplars . I n German: English summary.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik3:89-91..

(273) Sax, Karl. 1954. The con t ro l of t r e e gro17.th ky phloem blocks. Jour. Arnold Arboretum 35: 251-298.

(274) Scepotjev, F. L. 1954. Novye gibridnye formy osiny. ( ~ e w hybrid forms of aspen. I n Russian. ) Akad. Nauk Dok. SSSR 97 (1) : 161-164.

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(277) Schaffali tzky de Muckadell, M. 1954. Juvenile stages i n woody plants . Physiol. Plantarum 7: '782-796.) Grafting experiments,

(276) Schantz-Hansen, T., and Jensen, R. A , , 1954. A study of jack pine source of seed. Minn. Forestry Note 25. 2 PP, r .

(277) Schmidt, H. 1954. Fors tpflanzenzU,chtung al.if d.er Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fUr Forstgenetik ;md ForstpZlanzenzUchtung i n Schmalenbeck und Ekebo. (Forest t r e e breeding a t the meeting of the 1nd:ls- t r i a l Association f o r Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding a t Schmalenbeck and Ekebo. I n Ger-

m man. ) ' Alig. Forstztschr. 9: 486-487.

(278) ---------- 19.54. Kartierung bodenstHnctiger Eestbnds. ( ~ a p ~ i n ~ indigenous stands . I n German. ) Z t sc hr . f . Forstgenetik 3 : 118-122. -

(279) Schmidt, W. 1954. Physiologische Teste im Keim- l i ngsa l t e r . ( ~ h ~ s i o l o g i c a l t e s t s of seedling age. I n ~erman.) I n t e rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect. 13: 29-30.


(280) -----?--+- 1954. ~ i e f ernheulk6nfXe ;md Eipzels tamm- absaaten auf d e r -VerauehsSliiche KeltenbronnSchwarz- wald. (scotch pine o r ig in and s ingle t r e e seeding

,. I a ,at the Kaltenbronn experimental p lo t s , Black Foyest. - I e n . Ziichter 24 (6) : 167-17h. -

r . c

(281) SO hober , R. 195315~. ~ o ~ ~ ~ a s i e n - ~ r o v ~ @ e k z v e r s u c h e I. (Douglas-fir provenance research. . In Gezman. ) Allg. Forst- und Jagd Ztg. 125: 160-179.

. 1994. . Probleme der ~ o r s t ~ f & a n z e n z ~ c h t - ung. (problems of fo r e s t t r e e braeding, I n Ger- man. ) Forst- und Jagd, Sonderheft, 38-41.

i L * l

(283) -a-------A; 3 ~ 9 5 4 ~ Berichte iiber d i e 4. Tagung d& - ' :& 1 . T r rArbeitagemeins~ha'ft , RBpl ( ; ~ ~ ~ @ t ~ e n e & % - <gpd Fors t- J - *.r-)l.: " zp f&af i zcnz~eh t~~g 6L. :-. inb&epo wp-:$9-2$. J u l i . "yg. . ti--1954. ' , .kQbpervat&~ns on .tM-,luthpeetigg. ~f the In-

dCts0Sial. Assoc$a$ip+-f pr . Fqceqq ~ ~ ~ ~ t i ~ ~ ; ~ n d Forest Tree Breeding 11. Ekebo, July 19-21, 1954. I n . i - , " . , : ~ - - ~ a n h a ~ r ) <tjghqT .f. Forst@nstik;;8; i17?3$25. ; !,; I

* i "- Y i- i r 1 - ' . J". , - \- < { :"-L

$284) -1------?--. L9Bk. :IGeSJ,ulos eug&e~;.suchvqg 79 =p Einzel- ..-' G f i thauseniundKlqnandpr~-~a~ge$, ,,&+$u~g$e invest i - * ,

, g&+A.on$ .qn s ioglg stern3 cl~r~p~:?$:;po@ar. I n German. ) ~ t s c h r . f . Forstgenetik 3 t~ 639-140.

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(285 ) Schopmeyer , C . S . , Mergen, Fransois , and Evans, Thom- as C. 1954. Appl icabi l i ty of P o i s e u i l l e l s l a w t o exudation of o leores in from wounds on s lash pine. Plant Physiol. 29: 82-87.

(286) Schramm, J. R., and Schreiner, E. J. 1954. The Michaux Quercetum. Univ. Pa. Morris Arboretum Bul. 5: 54-57.

(287) Schreiner, E. J . 1954. Forest t r e e improvement work i n t h e Northeast.. Jour . Forestry 52 : 689-691.

(288) ---------- 1954. Pos s ib i l i t i e s of inbreeding, se- l e c t i ve in t raspec i f ic breeding, r a c i a l and species hybridization, and polyplcidy. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 64-68, .

(289) 1954. Need and opportunit ies f o r cooper- a t ion on breeding, Northeast . Forest Tree Imprcve . Conf. Proc. 1: 94-95.

(290) Schrsck, 0. 1954. Der individuel le Wachstumsgang und seine Bedeutung f u r d i e Methodik der Forst- pf lanzenzlichtung. (Individual grovvth and i t s sig- nif icance i n t r e e breeding. methodology. I n German. ) Ztschr. f. Forstgenetik 3 : 140-141.


(291) Schrs t ter , F. M. von. 1954. Uber zwei Typen der JapanlArche ( ~ a r i x . l ep to lep i s Gord. ) i n Schleswig Holstein. (TWO types of Larix leptolepis i n Schleswig Holstein. I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Forst- genetik 3: 33-38.

(292) -------- 1954. Forstgenetik im Waldbau. orest st genetics i n s i lv icu l tu re . I n ~erman.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3 : 69-83.

(293) Schulenburg, A. F. v. d. 1954. Probleme urn Prove- n i enz f r agn bei Vomaldholzarten fu r d ie Neubewald- ung von Odlandsbbden. (The question of provenance i n pioneer species f o r t he a f fores ta t ion of s t e r i l e so i l s . I n German: French summary. ) In te rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc, 8 Sect. 13: 22-23. Par is .

( 294) Se i tz , F. W. 1954. Die Bewertung eines Norm-Abweich- e r s aus der Graupappelmannifaltigkeit als Zucht- mi t t e l . mi he evaluation of deviations from the normal gray poplar d ive r s i t y as a research ayerage. I n ~erman.) I n t e rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect. 13: 28-29. Par is .

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It S e i t z , F. W. 1954. Uber das Auftreten von Triploid!:li

nach d e r Selbstung anomaler Zwitterbltlten e i n e r Graupappelfonn. h he occurrence of t r i p l o i d s a f t e r s e l f i n g flowers of gray poplar . I n German.) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 1-5.

I f ---------- 1954. Uber den Selbstungs- und Kreuzungs- e r f o l g b e i Verwendung des Pol lens d e r m i t t r i g e n Graupappel von Dil l ingen. ( ~ e l f i n g and c ross ing r e s u l t s fol lowing t h e use of po l l en from a per fec t - flowered gray poplar a t Dil l ingen. I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Fors tgenet ik 3: 141.

Sekawin, M. 1954. ( ~ i r s t impressions on new crosses made i n 1953. I n I t a l i a n . ) Cong. Naz. d e l Picppo. A t t i . 1953: 204-213,

Shea, K. R. 1954. Poplar improvement i n Wisconsin. I. Regulated p o l l i n a t i o n , seed storage, and con- t r o l of damping-off. 11. Hypoxylon canker of aspen. Ph.D. t h e s i s , Univ. Wis. 137 pp., i l l u s .

---------- Kuntz, J. E., and Riker, A. J. 1954. Breeding poplars f o r d isease r e s i s t ance . Univ. Wis. Fores t ry Res. Note 15.

---------- and Riker, A . J. 19.54. Breeding poplars f o r d i sease r e s i s t ance . ( ~ b s . ) Phytopatholody 44: 505

Shigemoto, M. 1954. h he growth of various races of Sugi (cryptomeria .japonica) a t Kitayama, Kyoto. 11. Comparison of t h e growth of var ious races of 'Shi rosugi t . I n Japanese: English summary. ) Jap. Fores t ry Soc. Jour. 34: 348-350.

S i e g l , H. 1954. Zrvei i n t e r e s s a n t e Weisspappelgrupp- en im Schlosspark Berg. (Two i n t e r e s t i n g white poplar groups on Schlosspark Mountain. I n German.) Allg. Fors tz tschr . 9: 236-238.

Simak, Milan. 1954. elations between seed s i z e and seed nwnber i n d i f f e r e n t l y l a r g e cones of i n - d iv idual t r e e s (P. s i l v e s t r i s L. ). I n Swedish: English summary. ) Sweden =tens Skogsforsknings- i n s t i t u t Meddel 43 (8): 15 pp.

0 ---------- and Gustafsson, A . 1954. Frubeskaffen- neten hos modertrad och ympar a v t a l l . (seed p r o p e r t i e s i n pine parent t r e e s and g r a f t s . I n Swedish:

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Swedish and English summaries. ) Sweden Statens Skogsforskningsinsti tut Meddel. 44 (2) : 1-81.

(305) siroak, Milan, and ~ u s t a f s s m , i k e . 1954. X-ray pho- tography and s e n s i t i v i t y i n foresk t r e e species. Hereditas 39: 458-468. Contains data on d i f f e r en t mother t rees .

(306) Simmonds, N. W. 1954. Chromosome behaviour i n some t rop i ca l p lants . Heredity 8 : 139-146. Includes chromosome numbers of some t r ee s .

(307) Slavin, B. H. 1954. Thg Seneca hybrid maple. Phy- to logia 5: 1. X Acer senecaensis (A. leucoderme x saccharum).

(308) Smith, Richard H., and Mergen, F ~ a n ~ o i s . 1954. P A - yophthorus pul icar ius (~imm. ), a bark beet le a t - tacking scions of grafted s lash pines. U.S. Forest Serv. Southeast. Forest Expt. Sta . Res. Note 64. 2 FP*

(309) ---------- and Mergen, Francjois. 1954. A bark bee t le a t tacking scicns of graf ted s lash pines. Jour. Forestry 52: 864-865.

(310) s4egaard, B. 1954. (controlled po l l ina t ion of f ive s i s t e r t r e e s of European larch. I n Danish: English sunnnary. Danish Forest Expt. Sta. Rpt. 21 (4) : 43 5-4-47,

(311) ------- 1954. Resistance t e s t agains t infect ion

by Di4ymascella thuj ina ( ~ u r . ) Marie i n T h u y a p l i c a t a Lamb. In te rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect. 13: 120-121.

(312) Southern Forest Experiment Sta t ion. 19%. Hybrid willow cut t ings i n the Delta and South Arkansas. U.S. Forest Serv. South. Forest FJrpt. Sta . Ann.Rpt. 19 53 :. 12-13.

(313) Squil lace, A . E., and Bingham, R. T. 1954. Forest genetics research i n the northern Rocky Mountain region. Jour. Forsetrg 52: 691-692.

(314) ---------- and Bingham, R. T. 1954. Breeding fo!r impmved growth r a t e and timber qua l i ty i n western white pine. Jcnr. Forestry 52: 656-661.

(315) Stanek, W. 1954. Der Ldrchenvgal d i n Finnland. fi arch fores t i n Finland. I n German.) Holz-Zenthl.

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80: 216. Describes species and hybrids grown i n Finland.

(316) Stern, K. 1954. Zur Entwicklung eines fo rs t l i chen ~or tenversuchswe~ens . f he development of a f o r e s t va r i e ty t e s t garden. InGerman.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 91-98.

(317) ---------- 1954. Ein Modell f u r d ie . $Jechselwirkung- en des Wachstums. ( A model f o r t h e reciprocal ac- t i o n of growth. I n German. ) Zcchter 24: 216-220.

(318) ---------- 1954. Berichte Uber d i e 4. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft filr Forstgenetik and Forst- pflanzenztichtung. I. I n Schrnalenbeck vom 15-17 J u l i 1954. (observations on t he fourth meeting of the Indus t r i a l Association f o r Forest Genetics and For- e s t Plant Breeding i n Schmalenbeck from Ju ly 15-17, 1954. I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 130- 132.

(319) ---------- 1954. Die Teilsttickgrbsse im Sortenver- such. (p lo t s i z e i n v a r i e t a l t e s t ing . ) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: l&l.

(320) Sugama, R. 1954. ( ~ d a p t a b i l i t i e s t e s t f o r t h e h- ported t r ee s . I n Japanese: &gl ish summary. ) Ryuku Forestry Expt. Sta . Testing Rpt. 2: 36-a .

(321) Tais i t i roo, S., Goo, M., and Sato, H. 1954. Gemi - nation of Cryptomeria seeds from cones which re- mained green on the t r e e f o r two years. Jap. For- e s t r y Soc. Jour. 36: 53-54.

(322) Taylor, Fred H. 1954. Maple research a t the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Stat ion. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf . Proc. 1 : 51-52.

(323) Tennessee Valley Authority, Division of Forestry Re- l a t ions . 1954. Seed orchards planned. Super t r e e s sought. Seed sources tes ted. Pine g r a f t s survive. - I n TVA Div. Forestry Relat. Ann. Rpt. 1954: 9-10.

(324) Texas Forest Service. 1954. Forest t r e e improvement program of t he Texas Forest Service, second prog- ress report . Texas Forest Serv. Circ. 38. 12 pp.

(325) Toda, R. 1954. (A method t o indicate t h e degree of crown slenderness of individual t r e e s . 11. Result

. from llKumotosi", a clone of Cryptomeria ;japonica,

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and Pinus densiflora i n so-called "FIyuga Pine" area. I n Japanese : English summary. ) Jap. Forest-- r y Soc. Jour. 36: 123-127.

(326) Toyama, S. 1954. (studies on breeding fo r e s t t r ees . I n Japanese : English summary. ) Meguro ( ~ o k y o ) Forest Expt. Sta. Bul. 66. 269 pp.

(327) Tulecke, W. R. 1954. Studies i r i v i t r o on the pollen of Ginkgo biloba. Disser ta t ion Abs. 14: 589.

(328) United S ta tes Department of Agriculture., Agricultural Research Service Hort icul tura l Crops Research Branch, Section of F ru i t and Nut Crops andDiseases. 1954. Chestnut b l igh t and r e s i s t a n t chestnuts. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmer's Bul. 2068. 21 pp.

(329) Vaartaga, 0. 1954. Photoperiodic ecotypes of t r e e s . Canad. Jour. Bot. 32: 392-399.

(330) Vabre, A . 1954. L'hybride Tsugo-Picea hookeriana e t ses parents: 6tude des plantules. he hybrid Tsuga-Picea hookeriana and i t s parents: a study of t he seedlings. I n French. ) Trav. Lab. Forest. Toulouse 1 (5) , A r t . 15 . 8 pp.

( 3 ) ---------- 1954. Structure de noyau quiescent de sept especes de coniferes. ( s t ruc ture of the dor- mant bud i n seven species of conifers. I n ~ r e n c h . ) Par i s Acad. des Sci . Compt. Rend. 238: 382-384.

(332) Veen, B. 1954. General remarks on provenance re- search i n fores t ry . Euphytica 3: 89-96.

(333) Vincent, G. 1954. (~xpepimental provenance p lo t s f o r larch:) (1n C~ech : English summary.) ~ r 6 c e Vyxkumn. Ust. iesn. CSR 4: 91-136.

(334) V i t 6 , J . P. 1954. Unterschiedliche Anftllligkeit von Larix europaea, leptolepis und deren Bastarden gegen Larchenblasenfuss ( ~ a e n i o t h r i p s lar ic ivorus ) a l s Ursache verschiedener Wipfelformen. (varying suscep t ib i l i t y of L a r i x europaea, L. leptolepis and t h e i r hybrids t o a t tack by Taeniothrips laricivorus) a s a possible cause of differences i n crown form. I n German. ) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 86-87.

(335) Vloten, H. van. 1954. Jeugdgroei van nakomeling- schappen u i t Kruisingen met Leuce-populieren, een generatieve toe t s ing van daarb i j gebruikte ouders. ( ~ u v e n i l e growth of hybrids within t he sect ion

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Leuce, Populus. I n ~ u t c h . ) T.N.O. Nieuws 99: 195- 200.

(336) Vloten, H. van. 1954. he S c o t t i s h hybrid o f Japanese l a r c h i n t h e Netherlands. I n Dutch: Eng- l i s h summary. ) Nederland. Boschbouw T i jdschr. 26: 340-343.

(337) Wakeley, P h i l i p G. 1954. The r e l a t i o n of geographic r ace t o f o r e s t t r e e improvement. Jour . Fo res t ry 52: 653-655.

(338) ---------- and Campbell, Thomas E. 1954. Some new p ine p o l l i n a t i o n techniques. U. S. Fores t S e w . South. Forest Expt. S t a . Occas. Paper 136. 13 pp.

(339) Waterman, Alma. 1954. Surface s t e r i l i z a t i o n of hy- b r i d poplar c u t t i n g s . U.S. Fores t S e w . Northeast. Fores t Ekpt. Sta . Res. Note 32. 3 pp.

(340) Wells, J. S. 1954. Open bench g ra f t ing . Amer. Nurseryman 99: 83-87.

(341) Wenger, Karl F. 1954. The s t imula t ion of l o b l o l l y p ine seed t r e e s by preharves t r e l ease . Jour . For- e s t r y 52: 115-118.

(342) Went, J. C . 1954. The Dutch elm disease . Summary :)f f i f t e e n years hybr id i za t ion and s e l e c t i o n r o r k (1937-1952). T i jdszhr . over P lantenziekten 60: 109-1.23,

(343 ) ---------- 19%. Verslag van de cnderzsekningen -t-er de I e ~ e n z i e k t e v ~ r r i c h t ~p h e t Phy t~pa tho log- i.-ch LaLcratorism TI. C. Scholten t e Baarn. 1939- 1953. (Report on t h e research on t h e D ~ t c h elm d i s e a s e z a r r i e d on a t t h e Phytopathological Labora- t o r y W. C. Scholten a t Baarn, 1939-1953. I n Dutch. ) Med. C m i t e Bestudering en Bes t i jd ing van de Iepen- ; iek te en andere Boornziekte 1939-1954.

(344) Wet ts te in , W. von. 1954. Ergebnisse d e r Pappel-Sort- enpr5f:mg i n Gs te r r e i ch 1949-1953. (Resxl t s of poplar v a r i e t y t e s t i n g i n Aust r ia , 1949-1953. I n German.) Allg. Fo r s t e t sch r . 9: 235-236.

(345) ----- 1954. Pappelkui turen i n Spanien. (poplar c u l t u r e i n Spain. I n German.) Allg. Fors tz t schr . 3: 425.

(346) ------.---- 1954. Einf luss d e r Tageslgnge auf das Wachstm d e r Kiefer (pinus s i l v e s t r i s ) . ( Inf luence

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of day length on the growth of Scotch pine. I n German.) Ztschr. f . Forstgenetik 3: 142.

(347) Wettstein, W. von., and Grcll, H. 1954. Das photo- periodische Verhalt en von ~ i e f e r l r i e rkb f t en (pinus sy lves t r i s S.L.) he photoperiodic response of d i f f e r en t Scots Pine provenances. I n German: Eng- l i s h summary. ) In te rna t l . Bot. Cong. Proc. 8 Sect. 13: 17-19. Par is .

(348) Wilde, S. A. 1954. So i l s and fo r e s t t r e e breeding. Jour . Forestry 52 : 928-932.

(349) Wilkinson, J. 1954. The cytotaxonomy of some Sa l i x species. In te rna t l . Cong. Bot. Proc. 8 Sect. 9: 91-92. Par is .

Woods, Frank. 1954. We need an American Society f o r Forest Genetics. Jour. Forestry 52: 361.

Wright, Jonathan W. 1954. Preliminary report on a study of races i n black walnut. Jour. Forestry 52: 673-675 9

--------- 1954. Racial va r ia t ion and individual t r e e se lec t ion i n the Northeast. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 20-25.

---------- 1954. In te r spec i f ic hybridization i n spruce, maple, and ash a t the Northeastern Forest Experiment Stat ion. Northeast. Forest Tree Improve. Conf. Proc. 1: 77-81.

---------- 1954. ( A survey of fo res t genetics re- search. ) Translated i n t o Chinese by Yu Hou i n Sci . Agr. 2: 13-17. Originally i n Jour. Forestry 51: 330-3330 1953.

Wyckoff, Stephen N. 1954. Forest Genetics Research Foundation. Jour. Forestry 52: 686-688.

Yanagisawa, T. 1954. (some phenological observa- t i ons of the fo res t t r e e s a t various a l t i t udes of M t . Muine i n Hokkaido. I n Ja2anese: English sum- mary.) Hokkaido Forest Expt. Sta . Rpt. 2: 71-92.

---------- 1954. ( ~ 1 hybrids between Picea jezoensis and P. glauca. I n Japanese: English surmnaryJ Hokkaido Forest Expt. Sta. Rpt. 2: 57-70. Rin-go Shiken-Hokchu 70: 57-70.

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(358) Zinnai, I., and Hukuhara, N. 1954. (Rooting of the cut t ings from the clones of colchicine-induced t e t - raploid Sugi ( ~ r , ~ ~ t o m e r i a japonica D. Don. ) I n Japanese : English slmmary. ) Jap. Forestry Soc. Jour. 36: 232-233.

(359) Zobel, Bruce. 1954. I s an "American Society f o r Forest Genetics" needed? Jour. Forestry 52: 607.

(360) ---------- 1954. Selection i n the in tensive phase of fo res t t r e e improvement. .Jour. Forestry 52: 649-650.

(361) ---- ----- 1954. The ro l e of genetics i n improving plant ing stock. La. Univ. School Forestry, Proc. Forestry Symposium 3: 48-51.

(3 62) ---------- Dorman, K. W., Perry, T., Garin, G., and Wiesehuegel, E. G. 1954. The ro l e of genetics i n southern fo r e s t management. Forest Farmer 14 (1) : 4-6, 14, 15--14 (2): 8, 9, 14-19--14 (3) : 8, 9, 14, 15.

(363) ---------- and Goddard, Ray E. 1954. Pine flowering and seed ripening i n Texas. Texas Forest Serv. Res. Note 8. 10 pp.

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(Numbers r e f e r t o a r t i c l e s c i t e d )

Abies: 159, 213, 246. Acer: 353. A . saccharm: 61, 133, 322. X A. senecaensis: 307 Arbeitsgemeinschaft ftir Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzen;

zuchtung: 2, 277, 283, 318. Arboreta: 226, 239, 286.

- . s Betula: 53, 120, 128, 160, 231, 261, 293. Bibliographies : 64, 155. Bcyce Thompson In s t i t u t e : 37.

California: 248. Canada: 97. Castanea: 19, 41, 42, 85, 86, 206, 229, 328. C. mollissima: 54, 200. Chamaecyparis obtusa: 270. Chromosome numbers: 243, 306. Clonal t e s t s (see Vegetative propagation). Cone s ize : 303. Conifers: 71, 80, 87, 135, 157, 163, 242, 331. Controlled po l l ina t ion (see Technique, Progeny t e s t s ) . - - - .

Crataegus : 29. Cryptomeria .iaponica: 39, 84, 191, 199, 271, 301, 321, 325,

358. Cytology (see a l so Chromosome numbers): 50, 153, 202, 243,

306, 349.

Denmark: 27, 266. Disease resistance: 20, 65, 72, 85, 91, 99, 189, 190, 238,

249, 250, 253, 298, 299,300, 311, 313, 328, 3k29 343.

Ecotypes (see provenance). Embryo culture: 89. Eucalyptus : 43, 44, 240, 241. Euon.ymus : 40. Evolution: 5, 87, 163. Exotics (see a l so ~ r b o r e t a ) : 8, 11, 251, 256, 3200

F2 populations: 76. Fagus sylvat ica: 131, 132, 203, 275. Finland: 251, 315. Florida: 180, 235. Flower formation (see a l so ~ r u i t ) : 144, 160, 213, 267, 273,

363. Forest Genetics Research Foundation: 10, 355.

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Fraxinus : 353. F r d t induction (see a l s o Flower formation): 90, 103, 212,

341. F r u i t production (see a l so Seed production) : 21, 68, 79,121,

General: 23, 24, 27, 30, 60, 74, 75, 97, 105, 107, 125, 140, 150, 151, 161, 166, 167, 180, 221, 222, 223, 224, 234, 237, 282, 289, 292, 326, 348, 350, 35-43 359, 361, 362-

Germany: 2, 102, 140, 256. Ginkm: 37, 57, 153, 202, 327. Graft ing (see Vegetative pmPagation). Growth: 32, 317. Gymnosperms: 35.

Hardwoods : 216. Hybrids

Racial: 143, 288. Species: 5, 7, 29, 43, 4 4 , 49, 52, 59, 76, 85, 86, 94,

101, 113, 118, 129, 188, 197, 274, 288, 297, 307, 312, 318, 330, 334, 335, 336, 353, 3579

Vegetetive: 40.

I l e x opaca: 228. Inbreeding (see ~ e l f i n g ) . Indonesia: 8. Insect resistance: 33, 134, 197, 206, 249, 253, 334. I n s t i t u t e of Paper Chemistry:. 1. I r rad ia t ion : 198, 247, 305.

Japan: 326. Juglans nigra: 351.

Lake S ta tes : 155, 264, 265. Larix: 37, 45, 110, 147, 157, 167, 197, 246, 315,'333, 334,

336. L. europea: 260, 310. L. l e ~ t o l e p i s : 168, 212, 291. Light: 16, 267. Liriodendron: 154.

Metasequoia: 92, 93. Morus: 50.

Naval s to res (see Resin, pinus). Near East: 3. New York: 98, 157. Northeastern United S ta tes : 287. Northern Rocky Mountains: 313.

Ohio: 133. Oregon: 68.

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Pac i f ic Northwest: 60. Phenology: 356. Photoperiodism: 218, 219 220, 225, 329, 346, 347. Phylogeny (see ~ v o l u t i o n j . Picea: 353. P = abies: 6, 11, 23, 24, 25, 28, 32, 114, 139, 141, 142, 143,

144, 1-45, 209, 254, 259. P. ,iezoensis x glauca: 357. P. s i tchensis : 83, 330. Pinus : 389 46, 58, 80, 109, 113, 157, 167, 169, 195, 230,

2489 323. P. apacheca: 194. P . banksiana : 276. P. b ru t ia : 47, 49. P. contorta: 38, 171, 193. P. densi f lora : 208, 267, 325. P. e l l i o t t i i : 90, 137, 156, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181, 182,

183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 285, 308, 309. P. halepensis: 49. P. lambertiana: 89. P. monticola: 238, 313, 314. P. pa lus t r i s : 177. P. pinaster: 51. P, radia ta : 15. P. resinosa: 66, 103, 244, 262, 263. Pinus, southern United S ta tes : 82, 104, 180, 234, 235, 324,

338, 360, 361, 363. P . s t robus : 56, 118, 134, 190, 217, 250. P. strobus x g r i f f i t h i i : 188. P. sy lves t r i s : 6, 11, 22, 24, 31, 79, 102, 114, 121, 172,

173, 1989 207, 280, 303, 304, 305, 346, 347. P. taeda:62, 341. P d l e n : 6, 36, 53, 58, 69, 268, 269, 327. Polyploidy: 59, 109, 110, 288, 295, 358. Populus: 3, 7, 14, 16, 23, 24, 48, 52, 77, 78, 88, 106, 116,

b 117, 130, 136, 149, 152, 215, 225, 227, 272, 284, 297, 299, 300, 339, 344, 345.

Pop~:lus, sect ion Leuce : 335. P. a lba: 1.64, 302. X P. canescens: 100, 294, 295, 296. X P. euramericana: 115, 232. P. grandidentata x alba: 170. X P . rogalinens i s : 129. P. tremula: 26, 81, 95, 103, 164, 165, 274. P. trernula x t remlo ides : 76, 94, 298. P. tremuloides: 122. P. trichocarpa: 219. Progeny t e s t s , 2-parent: 39, 63, 95, 142, 176, 182, 183, 184,

203, 243, 313, 314. Provenance: 11, 18, 28, 31, 47, 66, 96, 112, 131, 132, 139,

1.59, 171, 172, 185, 191, 207, 244, 252, 2c5, 260, 263, 276, 280, 281, 293, 3019 323, 332, 333, 337, 347, 351, 352.

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Pseudotsuga menziesii: 17, 68, 72, 99, 112, 189, 210, 252, 255, 281.

Qnercas: 5, 34, 158, 286. Q. borealis: 18, 111. Q. robur: 123. Q. suber: 201.

Races (see provenance). Resistance (see Diseases, ~ n s e c t s ) . Resin: 169, 182, 236, 285. Ribonucleic acid: 35. Robinia pseudoacacia: 108. Rooting (see Vegetative propagation).

Sa l ix : i01, 214, 312, 349. S. bakko: 269. Seed

Cer t i f ica t ion: 12, 17, 67, 96, 98, 138- Germination: 84, 165, 185, 229, 246, 258, 271, 321- Orchards: 53, 62, 114, 231, 233, 245, 323. Origin (see provenance). Production (see a l so ~ r u i t ) : 32, 62, 79, 245, 254, 280- Quality: 121, 198, 199. Size: 303, 304, 305.

Seedlings: 71, 279. Selection: 13, 16, 63, 82, 119, i25, 139, 152, 1-58, 169, 177,

186, 201, 214, 245, 278, 280, 288, 290, 323, 3259 352, 360. Selfing: 79, 178, 210, 288, 295, 296. Sex: 148, 153, 202, 267, 272. Society f o r Prac t ica l Forest Tree Breeding: 9. Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee : 126, 211. Species hybridization (see Hybridization, species) . Stomata s ize: 149. Sweden: 27.

Technique Climbing: 70, 146, 192. Controlled poll ination: 41, 203, 230, 257, 338. Testing: 196, 290, 316, 319.

Texas : 324. Thuja p l ica ta : 311. Tsuga: 205, 330.

Ulmus: 65, 342, 343.

Vegetative propagation: 34, 51, 56, 57, 61, 63, 100, 181, 204. A i r layering: 124. Grafting: 4, 22, 38, 46, 55, 121, 127, 1419 147, 158, l749

175, 179, 183, 187, 273, 275, 3049 3089 309, 3239 34O~ 3 58

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