lista de verbos español- ingles , sencilla.pdf

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  • 8/11/2019 lista de verbos espaol- ingles , sencilla.pdf


    abatir to knock down, demolish

    abrasar to burn

    abrazar to embrace, hug; to include

    abrevar to water

    abreviar to abbreviate

    abrigar to shelter

    abrir to open

    absolver to acquit, absolve

    absorber to absorb

    abstraer to abstract; to remove

    abuchear to boo

    aburrir to bore

    abusar to abuse, take advantage

    acabar to finish, complete

    acelerar to hurry, accelerate

    acentuar to emphasize

    aceptar to accept

    acercar to bring closer

    acertar to be right; to manage to

    aclamar to acclaim

    aclarar to clarify; to rinse

    acompaar to accompany

    aconsejar to advise, counsel

    acordar to agree, decide

    acostar to put to bed

    acostumbrar to get s.o. used to, accustom s.o. to

    activar to activate, stimulate

    actualizar to update

    actuar to act; to activate

    acuchillar to knife, stab

    acudir to come, be present

    acumular to accumulate

    acusar to accuse

    adaptar to adapt

    adelantar to advance, progress

    adelgazar to lose weight

    adherir to adhere; to join

    adicionar to add

    adivinar to predict, divine

    admirar to admire

    admitir to admit

    adoptar to adopt

    adorar to adore

    adular to flatter

    advertir to notice, observe; to warn, advise

    afeitar to shave

    afianzar to reinforce; to guarantee

    aficionarse to become fond of

    afirmar to affirm; to strengthen

    afrontar to confront, face

    agitar to shake up, agitate

    agotar to deplete, empty

    agradar to please

    agradecer to thank, be thankful for

    agrandar to enlarge

    agravar to aggravate

    agregar to gather, aggregate

    agrupar to group

    aguardar to expect, wait for

    ahorrar to save, economize, avoid

    ajustar to adjust

    alabar to praise, approve of

    alarmar to alarm

    alcanzar to reach, overtake

    alegrar to make happy, cheer up

    alentar to encourage

    alienar to alienate

    alimentar to feed

    almorzar to have lunch

    alojar to lodge, accommodate

    alquilar to rent

    alumbrar to illuminate

    alzar to lift, elevate; to remove

    amanecer to dawn, appear

    amar to love

    amenazar to threaten

    ampliar to enlarge

    amplificar to amplify

    analizar to analyze

    andar to walk, go, travel

    animar to animate

    anotar to annotate

    anular to annul

    anunciar to announce

    aadir to add

    apagar to extinguish, turn off

    aparcar to park

    aparecer to appear, show up

    aplaudir to applaud

    aplazar to postpone

    aplicar to apply, assign

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  • 8/11/2019 lista de verbos espaol- ingles , sencilla.pdf


    cenar to have dinner

    censurar to censor, censure

    ceir to surround; to shorten

    cepillar to brush

    cercar to enclose

    cerrar to close, obstruct

    certificar to certify

    circular to circulate

    citar to make an appointment

    civilizar to civilize

    clamar to clamor

    clarear to brighten; to clarify

    clarificar to clarify, illuminate

    clasificar to classify

    cobrar to recover; to charge; to collect

    cocer to cook, bake

    cocinar to cook

    coger to catch, grasp, gather

    coleccionar to collect

    colegir to gather

    colgar to hang; to attribute

    colocar to position, arrange

    colonizar to colonize

    colorar to color

    comandar to command

    combatir to combat

    comentar to comment on

    comenzar to begin, commence

    comer to eat

    cometer to commit

    comisionar to commission

    comparar to compare

    compartir to share; to divide up

    compensar to compensate

    competir to compete

    completar to complete

    complicar to complicate; to involve

    componer to compose

    comprar to buy

    comprender to comprise, include; to understand

    comprimir to compress; to control

    comprobar to verify; to prove

    comprometer to compromise

    comulgar to take communion; to agree

    comunicar to communicate; to connect

    concebir to conceive, imagine

    conceder to concede; to bestow

    concentrar to concentrate

    concernir to concern

    concertar to coordinate; to agree to

    conciliar to reconcile

    concluir to conclude

    concretar to specify, make concrete

    condenar to condemn

    conducir to lead, drive, conduct

    conectar to connect

    conferir to confer, give

    confesar to confess

    confiar to confide, trust

    confirmar to confirm

    confluir to meet, join

    conformar to conform; to shape

    confundir to confound, confuse; to lose

    conmover to shake

    conocer to know; to meet

    conseguir to get, obtain, manage

    consentir to consent; to bear

    conservar to conserve, save

    considerar to consider

    consistir to consist (of)

    consolar to console

    conspirar to conspire

    constar to be clear, obvious

    constituir to constitute

    construir to build, construct

    consultar to consult

    consumir to consume; to wear away

    contaminar to contaminate

    contar to count; to bear in mind; to tell

    contemplar to contemplate; to treat well

    contener to contain

    contentar to satisfy

    contestar to answer, reply

    continuar to continue

    contraer to contract

    contraponer to compare, counter with

    contrastar to resist; to contrast

    contratar to negotiate for; to hire

    contravenir to contravene

    contribuir to contribute

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    controlar to control; to supervise

    convalecer to convalesce, recover

    convencer to convince

    convenir to agree; to suit

    conversar to converse

    convertir to convert

    convocar to convoke, summon

    cooperar to cooperate

    copiar to copy

    cortar to cut

    corregir to correct; to reprimand, punish

    correr to traverse, cover; to run, hurry

    corresponder to correspond, tally; to be suitable

    corromper to corrupt, spoil

    cosquillear to tickle

    costar to cost

    crear to create

    crecer to grow

    creer to believe

    criar to feed; to grow, raise

    criticar to criticize

    cruzar to cross, intersect

    cubrir to cover

    cuestionar to question, dispute

    cuidar to care for, look after

    culpar to blame

    cumplir to fulfill, comply with; to end, expire

    curar to cure

    chafar to flatten; to mess up

    charlar to chat

    chispear to sparkle; to drizzle

    chistar to speak

    chocar to shock, startle; to collide with

    chupar to suck; to sap

    danzar to dance; (inf) to meddle

    dar to give

    deber should, must, to have to; to owe

    debutar to debut

    decantar to decant; to deposit (sediment)

    decidir to decide

    decir to say, tell

    declamar to declaim, recite

    declarar to declare

    decorar to decorate; to memorize

    dedicar to dedicate

    deducir to deduce; to deduct

    defender to defend, protect, uphold

    deferir to defer, delegate

    definir to define

    deformar to deform

    defraudar to defraud

    dejar to leave, permit

    delegar to delegate

    delinquir to break the law, commit an offense

    demandar to request; to sue

    demostrar to show, prove, demonstrate

    denegar to refuse, reject

    denotar to denote

    denunciar to denounce; to report, indicate

    departir to talk, converse

    depender to depend

    deplorar to deplore

    deponer to depose; to put down

    deportar to deport

    depositar to deposit, store

    depreciar to depreciate

    deprimir to depress

    derramar to spill, scatter

    derribar to demolish; to knock down

    derrotar to defeat; to tear

    desanimar to discourage

    desaparecer to disappear

    desaprender to forget, unlearn

    desaprobar to disapprove of; to condemn

    desarrollar to develop; to unroll

    desatar to untie, unfasten

    desayunar to have breakfast (often reflexive)

    descalzar to take off shoes; to undermine

    descaminar to mislead

    descansar to rest, support, lean; to aid

    descender to descend

    descolgar to take down, unhang

    desconocer to not know; to disown

    describir to describe

    descubrir to discover

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    desear to desire

    desenvolver to unwrap, unroll

    deshacer to undo; to destroy

    designar to designate; to select

    deslizar to slide, slip

    desmentir to deny, belie

    desobedecer to disobey

    desordenar to disarrange, make a mess

    desorganizar to disorganize

    despedir to say good-bye, dismiss

    despegar to detach

    despenalizar to legalize, decriminalize

    despertar to wake up, awaken

    destrozar to destroy

    destruir to destroy, ruin, damage

    desunir to separate

    desvestir to undress

    desviar to deviate, deflect

    detener to detain, stop

    determinar to determine; to cause

    devenir to become

    devolver to return; to refund

    dibujar to draw, design

    dictar to dictate

    digerir to digest

    dirigir to direct, address; to manage, run

    discernir to discern

    disculpar to excuse, pardon, forgive

    discutir to discuss

    diseminar to disseminate

    disentir to dissent

    disfrazar to disguise, conceal

    disfrutar to enjoy, make use of

    disimular to hide; to excuse

    disminuir to diminish

    disolver to dissolve

    dispensar to dispense; to excuse, exempt

    disponer to dispose of; to arrange, order

    distinguir to distinguish, discern

    distraer to distract, divert, amuse

    distribuir to distribute

    divertir to amuse, entertain, divert

    dividir to divide

    divorciar to divorce

    divulgar to divulge

    doblar to double, fold; to turn, overtake

    doler to hurt, ache

    dormir to sleep

    ducharse to take a shower

    dudar to doubt

    economizar to save, economize

    echar to throw; to emit; to ejectedificar to build; to edify

    editar to publish; to edit

    educar to educate

    efectuar to effect

    ejecutar to perform, execute

    ejercer to exert

    elaborar to elaborate; to manufacture

    elegir to choose, select, elect

    embarazar to hinder; to make pregnant

    embarcar to embarkembeber to imbibe; to absorb

    empezar to begin, start

    emplear to employ

    enamorarse to fall in love

    encabezar to lead, head

    encantar to enchant, bewitch, delight

    encender to ignite; to turn on; to provoke

    encerrar to confine, enclose; to comprise

    encoger to shrink

    encomendar to entrust

    encontrar to meet, find, encounter

    endulzar to sweeten

    enfadar to anger, annoy, offend

    enfermar to make or fall ill

    enfriar to cool

    engolfarse to get involved

    ennegrecer to blacken, darken

    enojar to anger, irritate, vex

    enrollar to roll up; to jabber; (inf) to turn on

    ensayar to test, try

    ensear to teach, train; to show

    ensuciar to soil, dirty, pollute

    entender to understand; to intend, mean

    enterrar to inter, bury

    entrar to enter; to bring/show in

    entregar to deliver, surrender

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    entretener to entertain; to hold up, delay

    enunciar to enunciate

    enviar to send

    envidiar to envy, covet

    envolver to wrap, pack, enfold

    equipar to equip

    equivocar to mistake, miss

    erigir to erect, build

    errar to err, miss; to wander

    escapar to escape, elude

    escoger to choose

    esconder to hide, conceal

    escribir to write

    escrutar to scrutinize; to count votes

    escuchar to listen (to)

    esculpir to carve, sculpt

    escurrir to wring out; to drip; to be slipperyesforzar to strengthen, invigorate

    esparcir to spread, scatter; to amuse, divert

    especificar to specify

    esperar to wait, expect, hope

    espiar to spy on

    esquiar to ski

    establecer to establish

    estar to be

    estimar to estimate, esteem

    estorbar to hinder, bother

    estornudar to sneeze

    estrechar to narrow; to squeeze

    estropear to damage

    estrujar to squeeze

    estudiar to study; to think about, consider

    evacuar to evacuate; to fulfill

    evitar to avoid

    evocar to evoke, invoke

    exagerar to exaggerate

    examinar to examine; to test

    exceptuar to except, exclude, exempt

    excitar to excite, incite

    exclamar to exclaim

    excluir to exclude

    excusar to excuse; to prevent

    exhalar to exhale; to emit

    exigir to demand, require

    existir to exist

    expedir to issue; to ship

    explicar to explain

    explorar to explore

    exponer to expose, display

    expresar to express

    exprimir to squeeze; to exploit

    extender to extend; to draw up

    extinguir to extinguish, exterminate

    extraer to extract

    extraar to miss (someone), to find strange

    fabricar to manufacture, fabricate

    facilitar to facilitate; to provide

    falsificar to falsify

    faltar to lack, be lacking

    fallar to fail; to miss

    familiarizar to familiarizefatigar to fatigue

    favorecer to favor; to flatter

    felicitar to congratulate

    festejar to celebrate, feast

    fiar to entrust; to guarantee

    fichar to file, index; to sign up

    fijarse to affix, settle on; to pay attention

    finalizar to finish

    fingir to feign, fake

    firmar to sign

    flirtear (inf) to flirt

    florecer to flower, flourish

    flotar to float, flutter

    fluir to flow

    formar to shape, form; to train

    formular to formulate

    fornicar to fornicate

    forzar to force

    fotocopiar to photocopyfotografiar to photograph

    fregar to scrub; to wash dishes

    frenar to brake; to restrain

    frotar to rub

    fumar to smoke

    funcionar to function

    fundar to found

    fusionar to fuse, merge

    ganar to win, earn, gain

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    garantizar to guarantee

    gastar to spend, use up, waste

    gemir to groan, moan

    generalizar to generalize

    generar to generate

    germinar to germinate

    gestear to gesture, grimace

    gestionar to manage; to negotiate

    girar to turn, rotate, spin

    gobernar to govern; to guide

    golpear to hit; to thump

    gotear to drip, trickle

    gozar to enjoy; to have

    graduar to grade, classify; to graduate

    gratificar to reward; to gratify

    gravar to burden

    gritar to shout, scream

    gruir to grunt, grumble, growl

    guardar to guard; to keep, retain

    guiar to guide, lead; to drive

    gustarle to taste; to like, be pleasing

    haber to have (perfect auxiliary)

    habitar to inhabit, dwell

    habituar to habituate

    hablar to speak

    hacer to do, make

    hallar to find, come across

    hartar to satiate; to weary

    heder to stick; to annoy

    helar to freeze; to astonish

    henchir to stuff, fill

    heredar to inherit

    herir to injure, hurt

    hervir to boil; to seethe

    hidratar to hydrate, moisturize

    hinchar to swell, inflate

    hipar to hiccup; to pant; to yearn

    holgar to rest; to be superfluous

    honrar to honor

    hospedar to lodge, accommodate

    hospitalizar to hospitalize

    huir to flee, escape

    identificar to identify

    ignorar to be ignorant of; to ignore

    igualar to equalize; to level, even

    iluminar to illuminate

    ilusionar (inf) to deceive, encourage falsely

    ilustrar to illustrate, enlighten

    imaginar to imagine

    imitar to imitate

    impedir to prevent, impede

    implicar to implicate

    imponer to impose, demand

    importarle to matter, be important; to cost

    impresionar to impress, make an impression

    incendiar to set on fire, inflame

    incitar to incite

    inclinar to incline

    incluir to include, contain

    indicar to point out, indicate

    inducir to persuade, induce

    inferir to infer

    influenciar to influence

    influir to influence, have influence

    informar to inform, report

    inhalar to inhale, sniff

    inhibir to inhibit, restrain

    iniciar to initiate

    inocular to inoculate; to corrupt

    inscribir to record, inscribe; to enroll

    insinuar to insinuate

    insistir to insist

    inspeccionar to inspect

    inspirar to inspire

    instituir to institute

    instruir to instruct

    interesar to interest, appeal to; to concern, involve

    interpretar to interpret

    intervenir to intervene; to supervise

    interrumpir to interrupt

    introducir to introduce, insert, input

    inventar to invent

    invertir to invert; to invest

    investigar to investigate

    invitar to invite

    invocar to invoke; to implore

    ir to go

    irritar to irritate

    jabonar to soap, lather

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    jactarse to brag

    jugar to play

    juntar to join, connect, amass

    jurar to swear, take an oath

    justificar to justify; to verify

    juzgar to judge

    lactar to breast-feed

    lagrimar to cry

    lamentar to lament

    lanzar to throw, launch

    lastimar to hurt, injure; to distress; to pity

    lavar to wash

    leer to read

    legalizar to legalize; to authenticate

    legitimar to legitimize

    levantar to lift, raise

    liar to tieliberar to liberate

    licitar to bid for

    ligar to tie; to mix

    limar to file; to polish

    limitar to limit

    limpiar to clean, wipe

    lograr to obtain, achieve, manage

    lubricar to lubricate

    luchar to fight, wrestle

    lustrar to polish

    llamar to call, name; to draw, attract

    llegar to arrive, reach

    llenar to fill, fulfill

    llevar to carry, take; to wear

    llorar to cry, weep; to lament

    llover to rain

    maltraer to insult, abuse, mistreat

    maltratar to mistreat; to batter

    manchar to soil, stain, sully

    mandar to order, ask for, command

    manejar to handle, manage, run; to drive a car

    manifestar to manifest, show

    manipular to manipulate, handle

    mantener to maintain, support

    maquillarse to put on make-up

    marcar to mark, notice; to indicate

    marchar to walk, march; to work (a machine)

    marginar to marginalize, isolate

    marrar to miss; to fail, go badly

    mascar to chew; (inf) to mumble

    masticar to masticate, chew

    matar to kill (literally and figuratively)

    mecer to rock, swing, sway, stir

    mediar to be in the middle; to happen; to mediate

    medir to compare, measure

    meditar to meditate

    mejorar to improve; to upgrade

    memorizar to memorize

    mencionar to mention

    menguar to diminish; to discredit

    mentir to lie

    merecer to deserve, merit

    meter to put, insert; to score (a goal)

    mezclar to mix

    mirar to watch, look (at); to consider

    mitigar to mitigate, appease

    modernizar to modernize

    modificar to modify

    mojar to wet; to interfere

    moler to grind, wear out

    montar to climb, go up, mount

    morder to bite; to corrode

    morir to die

    mostrar to show, point out

    mover to move; to cause, provoke

    mudar to change

    multiplicar to multiply

    nacer to be born, hatch, sprout

    nadar to swim

    narrar to narrate

    naturalizar to naturalize

    navegar to sail, navigate

    necesitar to need, necessitatenegar to deny, reject, refuse, negate

    negociar to negotiate

    nevar to snow

    ningunear to scorn; to treat badly

    nombrar to name, designate

    nominar to nominate

    normalizar to normalize

    notar to notice, perceive; to note down

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    notificar to notify

    numerar to number

    nutrir to nourish

    obedecer to obey

    objetar to object; to present (an argument)

    objetivar to objectify, state objectively

    obligar to force, compel, obligeobliterar to obliterate

    obrar to work; to behave, act

    obsequiar to give; to be obsequious, lavish attention

    observar to observe

    obstruir to obstruct

    obtener to obtain, get

    ocultar to hide, conceal

    ocupar to occupy; to confiscate

    ocurrir to occur

    oficiar to officiate; to inform officially

    ofrecer to give, offer, present

    ofrendar to offer

    ofuscar to obfuscate; to dazzle

    or to hear, listen

    ojear to eye, stare at; to drive away

    olear to wave; to cheer

    oler to smell; to pry into, sniff out

    olfatear to smell, sniff

    olvidar to forget, omit

    omitir to omit

    ondularse to wave, undulate

    operar to operate; to effect

    opinar to think; to opine

    oponer to oppose

    oprimir to oppress, squeeze

    optar to opt, choose; to compete

    ordenar to order, arrange

    organizar to organize, set up

    osar to dare

    oscilar to oscillate, swing, fluctuate

    oscurecer to obscure

    pagar to pay, repay

    paginar to paginate, number pages

    palpar to touch, feel

    palpitar to palpitate, beat, throb

    parar to stop, lead

    parecer to seem, appear, look

    parir to give birth

    participar to participate; to notify, inform

    partir to depart, set out; to divide

    pasar to pass, give; to happen, spend (time)

    pasear to walk s.o. or s.t.; to parade

    patear to trample, kick

    patinar to skate; to skid, slip

    pausar to slow down

    pedir to ask for, request, order

    pegar to beat, hit; to glue, adhere

    peinar to comb

    pelar to shear, skin, peel

    peligrar to be in danger

    penar to penalize, punish; to suffer

    penetrar to penetrate

    pensar to think

    percibir to perceive, sense

    perder to lose

    perdonar to pardon, forgive, excuse

    perdurar to last

    perecer to perish

    perfilar to outline, shape; to streamline

    perfumar to perfume

    perjudicar to harm, prejudice

    permanecer to stay, remain

    permitir to allow, permit

    permutar to exchange

    perseguir to pursue, persecute

    persistir to persist

    personalizar to personalize

    personificar to personify

    persuadir to persuade

    pertenecer to pertain

    pervertir to pervert

    pesar to weigh; to distress

    pescar to fish, catchpicar to pierce, prick; to sting

    pilotar to pilot; to drive, steer

    pintar to paint

    pisar to tread, step, walk (on)

    plagar to plague

    planchar to iron

    planear to plan; to hover

    plantar to plant; to erect, set up

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    plantear to implant; to plan; to cause (problems)

    platicar to talk, chat

    poder can, may, to be able

    poner to put; to switch

    portarse to behave

    posar to put down, place; to pose

    poseer to possess, ownposponer to postpone; to place after

    potenciar to favor; to promote, develop, improve

    practicar to practice; to perform, carry out

    precisar to need; to pinpoint, specify

    predecir to predict

    predicar to preach

    predisponer to predispose, prejudice, bias

    predominar to dominate, predominate

    preferir to prefer

    preguntar to ask, inquire

    prender to catch, attach

    preocupar to worry, preoccupy

    preponer to place before

    prescribir to prescribe

    presentar to present; to introduce

    presentir to have a premonition

    preservar to preserve, protect

    prestar to loan, lend

    presuponer to presuppose

    pretender to try to; to claim

    prevalecer to prevail, thrive

    prevenir to prevent; to warn; to prepare

    prever to foresee, anticipate

    principiar to begin

    privar to deprive; to forbid; to delight

    probar to test, try; to prove

    proceder to proceed

    proclamar to proclaim

    procurar to procure; to try to

    producir to produce, cause

    proferir to utter

    progresar to progress

    prohibir to forbid, prohibit

    prometer to promise

    promover to promote

    promulgar to promulgate

    pronunciar to pronounce

    propagar to propagate, disseminate

    proponer to propose, suggest

    proporcionar to supply; to obtain; to adjust

    proscribir to prohibit, proscribe

    proseguir to continue, proceed with

    prosperar to prosper

    proteger to protect

    protestar to protest

    provenir to come from, stem from

    provocar to provoke; to tempt; to bring about

    publicar to publish, publicize

    pulir to polish

    pulsar to press, click (mouse); to pulsate

    puntuar to punctuate; to assess

    purgar to purge, purify

    quebrantar to shatter; to weaken; to force

    quebrar to break, smash; to interrupt

    quedar to remain, be left; to stay; to be

    quejarse to complain, protest

    quemar to burn; to annoy

    querer to want; to like, love

    quitar to remove, take away; to ward off

    racionar to ration

    rajar to split, crack, slice; to chatter

    rascar to scrape, rasp, scratch

    rasgar to tear

    rastrear to track, trail; to dredge, trawl

    rastrillar to rake

    ratificar to ratify

    razonar to reason; to itemize

    reaccionar to react

    realizar to make real, realize

    reanimar to revive, stimulate

    reanudar to renew

    reaparacer to reappear, return

    rearmar to rearm

    reasumir to resume, reassume

    rebajar to lower, reduce; to humble, disparage

    rebasar to surpass, exceed

    rebatir to repel, parry, reject

    rebotar to bounce, rebound

    recalentar to reheat, overheat

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    recapitular to recapitulate, summarize

    recargar to overload; to increase tax

    recelar to suspect

    recetar to prescribe

    recibir to receive; to greet, entertain

    recitar to recite

    reclamar to demand; to protest

    recobrar to recover, retrieve

    recoger to pick up, gather

    recomendar to recommend

    recomenzar to begin again, recommence

    recomponer to mend, repair; (inf) to dress up

    reconcentrar to concentrate on; to bring together

    reconocer to recognize, identify, acknowledge

    reconstituir to reconstitute

    reconstruir to rebuild

    recontar to recount, count again; to retell

    reconvenir to reprimand

    recordar to remember, remind

    recortar to cut off, trim

    recorrer to traverse, go over/through

    rectificar to rectify

    recubrir to cover, coat

    recular to recoil, retreat

    recuperar to recuperate, recover, reclaim

    rechazar to repel, reject

    reducir to reduce

    referir to tell, refer

    reflejar to reflect

    reformar to reform

    regalar to present, give; to treat well

    regar to water, irrigate

    regir to rule, govern, prevail

    registrar to register, record; to search

    regresar to return, come/go back

    regular to regulate

    rehacer to redo

    rer to laugh

    relajar to relax

    relatar to relate

    releer to reread

    relevar to relieve; to emboss

    relumbrar to glare, shine brightly

    rellenar to refill, stuff

    remarcar to observe, remark; to emphasize

    remediar to remedy, repair; to prevent

    remeter to put back

    remitir to send, remit

    remontar to mend; to surmount

    remorder to grieveremover to remove; to dig/stir up

    renacer to be reborn; to revive

    rendir to produce, yield; to defeat; to exhaust

    renovar to renovate, renew

    renunciar to renounce

    reir to quarrel; to scold

    reorganizar to reorganize

    reparar to repair; to notice

    repartir to distribute, divide

    repasar to pass again; to sew; to check, revise

    repeler to repel

    repentizar to ad-lib, improvise; to sight-read (music)

    repetir to repeat

    repintar to repaint

    replantar to replant

    replicar to retort, rejoin, answer back

    reponer to replace

    reposar to repose; to let one's stomach settle

    repreguntar to cross-examine

    representar to represent; to perform; to look; to explai

    reprimir to repress

    reprochar to reproach

    reproducir to reproduce

    repudiar to repudiate, disown

    repulsar to repulse, refuse

    requebrar to flatter, compliment

    requerir to require; to request

    resaltar to stick out, project; to bounce

    resbalar to slip, skid

    resentirse to resent; to suffer from

    reservar to reserve; to conceal

    residir to reside

    resistir to resist; to withstand, endure

    resolver to solve, resolve

    resonar to echo, resonate

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    respectar to concern, relate to

    respetar to respect

    respirar to breathe

    responder to answer, respond

    restar to take away, deduct; to remain

    restituir to return, give back; to restore

    resucitar to resuscitate, revive

    resultar to be; to result, ensue, amount to

    resumir to summarize; to abridge

    resurgir to reappear; to recover

    retar to challenge, defy

    retardar to delay, retard

    retener to retain, hold back

    retirar to retire; to withdraw

    retorcer to twist

    retractar to retract

    retraer to bring back; to dissuade

    retransmitir to relay; to retransmit

    retrasar to delay, postpone

    retratar to portray

    reunir to reunite, gather, combine

    revelar to reveal, disclose

    revender to resell

    reventar to burst, explode, pop

    revertir to revert

    revisar to revise

    revivir to revive; to relive

    revocar to revoke; to dissuade

    revoltear to flutter

    revolver to stir through, disturb

    rezar to pray, read, say

    rezumar to ooze, leak

    ridiculizar to ridicule

    rimar to rhyme

    rizar to curl, ripple

    rodar to roll, wheel; to travel; to racerodear to surround; to detour

    rogar to plead, beg, pray

    romper to break, tear

    roncar to snore; to threaten

    rozar to rub, chafe; to border on

    rumiar to chew; to ruminate

    saber to know; to find out

    saborear to savor; to taste; to flavor

    sacar to take out; to produce, make

    saciar to satiate, sate

    sacudir to shake, tug; to beat

    salar to salt

    salir to leave, go out

    salivar to salivate

    salpicar to sprinkle, splash, scatter

    saltar to jump, leap, skip

    saltear to rob, assault

    salvar to save, salvage

    sanar to heal, cure, recover

    sangrar to bleed; to drain

    santiguar to bless, make the sign of the cross

    satirizar to satirize

    satisfacer to satisfy

    saturar to saturate

    sazonar to season; to ripen

    secar to dry; to annoy, boresecretar to secrete

    secuestrar to kidnap

    seducir to seduce, charm; to bribe

    segar to harvest

    seguir to follow, continue; to chase

    sembrar to sow, spread

    sensibilizar to sensitize, make aware

    sentar to sit, place; to suit, fit

    sentir to feel, sense; to regret

    sealar to signal, show, indicate

    separar to separate

    ser to be

    servir to serve

    serrar to saw

    signar to seal; to sign

    significar to mean, signify

    silenciar to silence

    simbolizar to symbolize

    simpatizar to get along

    simplificar to simplify

    simular to simulate

    situar to put, place; to locate; to invest

    sobar to handle, touch

    sobornar to bribe

    sobrar to exceed; to remain

    sobrecoger to startle, scare

    sobreponer to superimpose; to favor

    sobrevivir to survive

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    socializar to socialize

    socorrer to help, succor

    sofocar to suffocate

    solicitar to solicit

    solidificar to solidify

    soltar to release

    solventar to settle, resolve

    sollozar to sob

    sombrear to shade

    someter to conquer; to submit

    sonar to sound, ring

    sonrer to smile

    soar to dream

    soplar to blow (off, away); to inspire; to prompt

    soportar to support

    sorber to sip; to absorb

    sorprender to surprisesospechar to suspect

    sostener to support, maintain, sustain

    subestimar to underestimate

    subir to go up, climb; to raise, lift

    sublimar to exhalt, praise

    subrayar to underline, emphasize

    subsanar to overlook; to repair

    subsidiar to subsidize

    subsistir to subsist, survive

    subvenir to meet, defray

    subvertir to subvert, undermine

    subyugar to subjugate

    succionar to suck

    suceder to happen, succeed

    sudar to sweat

    sufrir to suffer, endure

    sugerir to suggest

    sugestionar to influence

    sujetar to subdue, seize

    sumar to add, total; to collect

    sumergir to immerse, submerge

    sumir to sink, plunge

    superar to surpass, overcome

    superponer to superimpose

    supervisar to supervise

    suplantar to supplant; to impersonate

    suplicar to beg, implore

    suponer to suppose, assume

    suprimir to suppress, eliminate

    surgir to emerge, surge

    suscribir to agree to, sign, subscribe

    suspender to hang, suspend

    suspirar to sigh

    sustituir to substitute

    sustraer to subtract, deduct

    susurrar to whisper

    tachar to erase; to correct; to criticize

    tapar to cover, conceal

    tapiar to wall in, block

    tardar to delay, be late, take a long time

    tejar to tile

    telefonear to telephone

    temblar to tremble

    temer to fear, dread

    tender to extend, stretch; to tend (to)tener to have

    tentar to try; to touch; to tempt

    teir to dye

    teorizar to theorize

    terminar to finish, end, terminate

    testar to test; to make a will

    testificar to attest, testify

    timar to swindle, steal

    timbrar to stamp; to postmark

    tipificar to typify, characterize

    tirar to pull; to throw

    titular to title, entitle

    tocar to touch, play an instrument

    tolerar to tolerate

    tomar to take, eat, drink

    torcer to twist; to influence

    toser to cough

    tostar to toast, tan

    trabajar to work

    traducir to translate; to express

    traer to bring

    traficar to traffic, trade, deal in

    tragar to swallow

    tranquilizar to calm, reassure

    transcribir to transcribe, transliterate

    transferir to transfer; to postpone

    transformar to transform

    transmitir to transmit, broadcast

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