Newsletter Term 2 2017 Homework Reading and Viewing Students will read texts in the form of books and view digital texts. There are main things that we will do improve our reading. Monday 1. Phonics and word knowledge Tuesday 2. Extend vocabulary and high frequency words Wednesday 3. Reading strategies Thursday 4. Comprehension Friday 5. Fluency and phrasing Writing Our term 2 text type is Imaginative narrative. We will also use the 7 steps to writing program Spelling Keep learning how to spell the MIOOW words AND… of course Use the THASS chart to make good spelling choices. Did you know? -There are 44 sounds in the English language. WOW! 1. READING Read each night and complete the reading diary. Bring to school every day. 2. SPELLING Your child will get spelling words in the home reading diary. 3. MATHS See over for essential skills. Lorem Ipsum 1/2 Learning Community [Date] TERM 2 is all about… #winteruniform #curious #narrative #sevenstepsofwriting #addition #subtraction #science #chemistry #spelling #ANZACday #queensbirthday #soexciting #glenroycentralprimaryschool #bestschool 14 student had 100% attendance in Term 1… Let’s see if we can beat it! (At school every day and on

Lorem Ipsum 1/2 Learning Community€¦ · VALUES Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] 2 Respect I am a Chemist Responsibility Honesty Doing your best Team work 1/2 Rules Our rules

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Page 1: Lorem Ipsum 1/2 Learning Community€¦ · VALUES Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] 2 Respect I am a Chemist Responsibility Honesty Doing your best Team work 1/2 Rules Our rules


Term 2 2017

Homework Reading and Viewing

Students will read texts in the form of books and view digital texts. There are main things that we will do improve our reading.

Monday 1. Phonics and word knowledge Tuesday

2. Extend vocabulary and high frequency words Wednesday

3. Reading strategies Thursday 4. Comprehension Friday 5. Fluency and phrasing Writing Our term 2 text type is Imaginative narrative.

We will also use the 7 steps to writing program


Keep learning how to spell the MIOOW words

AND… of course

Use the THASS chart to make good spelling choices.

Did you know?

-There are 44 sounds in the English language. WOW!


Read each night and complete

the reading diary.

Bring to school every day.


Your child will get spelling

words in the home reading diary.


See over for essential skills.

Lorem Ipsum

1/2 Learning



TERM 2 is all about…

#winteruniform #curious #narrative

#sevenstepsofwriting #addition #subtraction

#science #chemistry #spelling #ANZACday

#queensbirthday #soexciting

#glenroycentralprimaryschool #bestschool


14 student had 100% attendance in

Term 1… Let’s see if we can beat it!

(At school every day and on

Page 2: Lorem Ipsum 1/2 Learning Community€¦ · VALUES Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] 2 Respect I am a Chemist Responsibility Honesty Doing your best Team work 1/2 Rules Our rules

Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date]





Doing your best

Team work

1/2 Rules Our rules are linked to our school values.

1. RESPECT Treat other people the way

you want to be treated.

2. RESPONSIBILITY Take care of our

school community.

3. HONESTY Tell the truth.

4. DOING YOUR BEST Always try hard.

5. TEAM WORK Work together and help

each other.


I n v e s t i g a t i o n s

I am a Chemist!

Our Term 2 investigation topic is titled:

How does an artist use chemistry to create

masterpieces? This is a chemical science topic. We will learn about…

o Objects made of different materials o Changing & combining materials o Safety o Skills – making predictions o Curiosity o Growth mindset

Our Term 2 AIM:

Year 1: By the end of Term 2 Year 1 students should know the following essential skills: o Count forwards by 1s from different starting points using numbers to 110 o Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 110 o Locate numbers on number lines and number grids o Calculate the number before and after o ‘Count on’ and ‘count back’ by 1, 2 and 3 o Automatic recall of tens facts o Apply at least two problem solving strategies.

Year 2: By the end of Term 2 Year 2 students should know the following essential skills: o Count forwards and backwards from various starting points to and beyond 100 o Automatic recall of simple number facts up to 20 o Build to ‘ten’ to solve addition and subtraction o Partitioning of two digit numbers o Solve addition algorithm o Calculate the missing number in an addition /subtraction number sentence o Apply at least two problem solving strategies.


Winter uniform!

1/2 sports uniform on Wednesday ONLY

LABEL your uniform please

Bring your take home bag and

completed diary to school EVERY DAY

Be at school EVERY DAY & on time.


1. Easter Monday – Monday 17th April

2. Curriculum Day – Monday 24th April

(Student free day)

3. ANZAC Day – Tuesday 25th April (Public


4. ANZAC assembly – Wednesday 26th April

@ 9am

5. 1/2 Assembly item – Monday 8th May

6. Queen’s Birthday – Monday 12th June

(Public holiday)

7. Parent/Teacher/Student interviews –

Wednesday 28th June

8. Last day of term 2 – Friday 30th June (School finishes at 2:30pm)

Page 3: Lorem Ipsum 1/2 Learning Community€¦ · VALUES Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] 2 Respect I am a Chemist Responsibility Honesty Doing your best Team work 1/2 Rules Our rules

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Issue [#] :: [Date]


Mauris nonummy, turpis ac lacinia ultrices, ligula nisl

tempor odio, eget viverra dolor massa at lacus. Donec

ultrices arcu id massa. Pellentesque vel lectus. Sed at

mauris. Nunc facilisis ipsum nec urna. Proin rhoncus,

magna eu tristique condimentum, leo justo imperdiet

odio, vehicula ultrices enim diam et nunc. Sed consequat

ultricies nunc. Mauris nulla. Nam sem nisi, fringilla

semper, tristique id, cursus vel, pede. Nunc lacus. Sed

feugiat. Curabitur fringilla justo non nisi. Class aptent

taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per

inceptos hymenaeos. Vivamus elementum ultrices eros.

Fusce diam purus, porta et, ullamcorper a, egestas id, mi.

Nullam cursus. Nullam auctor, eros vitae pellentesque

fringilla, sem augue dignissim enim, vitae interdum velit

lorem ut metus. Duis consectetuer lacus id tellus.

In vehicula malesuada velit. Etiam ante dui, interdum

tempor, cursus sit amet, accumsan vitae, tellus.

Suspendisse varius sollicitudin nisl. Pellentesque

habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis egestas. Donec pretium augue nec dolor.

Ut vestibulum. Donec non nisi nec tellus consequat

tincidunt. Mauris ultricies nulla. Ut nec augue. Mauris et

risus et odio vestibulum lacinia. erat. Cras vestibulum

magna nec nisi. Nam semper congue mi.

Vivamus nisl.

Nam orci. Aenean ipsum dui, porta sit amet, viverra nec,

placerat vitae, mi. Sed eget metus eu felis

convallis congue.Pellentesque rutrum pede ac


Donec sed sem.? Vestibulum porta dictum est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis

hendrerit congue nunc.

Sed sit amet lacus? Cras lacus lorem, fringilla a,

adipiscing ut, congue ac, tortor.

Sed aliquet vestibulum sem.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad

litora torquent per conubia

nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.

Mauris felis? Pellentesque commodo.

Phasellus lacinia, nisi semper

pulvinar tincidunt, orci magna

ultrices dui, sit amet laoreet

nunc nulla eu justo. Cras sed

risus euismod velit fermentum


Sed Ipsum Augue?

Page 4: Lorem Ipsum 1/2 Learning Community€¦ · VALUES Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] 2 Respect I am a Chemist Responsibility Honesty Doing your best Team work 1/2 Rules Our rules

Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date]


Continued from page 1 (Continued)

Cras sit amet quam nec

nisl viverra tempus? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Integer et lorem vitae orci auctor


Nullam tempor liberoPhasellus

pulvinar, velit in interdum

ultricies, ipsum diam sodales

augue, in ornare metus tellus id

metus. Sed bibendum semper

ligula. Nulla facilisi. Duis iaculis

nisl vitae eros. Proin hendrerit.

Non leo:

Duis volutpat lorem. Phasellus consequat, ipsum

ac scelerisque rutrum,

lorem leo eleifend justo, eu

vulputate mauris lorem .

Aenean adipiscing

tincidunt ante. Suspendisse luctus, mi eget

suscipit nonummy, ligula

urna pellentesque lorem, a

sodales nisl eros at est.



Etiam enim. Quisque interdum turpis

accumsan sem. Donec odio

mi, dapibus id, mattis

rhoncus, semper non, tellus.


Page 5: Lorem Ipsum 1/2 Learning Community€¦ · VALUES Lorem Ipsum Dolor [Issue] :: [Date] 2 Respect I am a Chemist Responsibility Honesty Doing your best Team work 1/2 Rules Our rules

Lorem Ipsum

Dolor [Street Address]

[City], [State][Postal Code]

[Web Address] [Recipient]

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3

Address Line 4

Fusce eget nibh. Maecenas commodo ipsum non urna. Vivamus

bibendum fermentum pede. Vestibulum eu dolor. Vestibulum

ligula magna, gravida vitae, malesuada et, tincidunt non, elit.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,

nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus pulvinar, nibh fringilla porta

vulputate, nibh justo imperdiet mi, ut ultricies sem lectus ut leo.

Phasellus nisl turpis, venenatis et, imperdiet eget, viverra id,


Cras fermentum dolor id ante. Nullam elementum, orci vitae

semper pellentesque, turpis lectus posuere lacus, in pharetra

justo odio vel ipsum. Vivamus aliquam sagittis arcu. Cras

nonummy tristique elit. Aliquam id augue vel nibh fringilla

placerat. Fusce sed eros. Duis consectetuer est at mauris.

Dolor sit amet.

LoremIpsumDolor [Issue] :: [Date]