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Journal of Natural HistoryPublication details, including instructions forauthors and subscription information:http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tnah20

Synopsis of the Colombianspecies of Tityus Koch(Chelicerata, Scorpiones,Buthidae), with descriptionsof three new speciesWilson R. Lourenco

Version of record first published: 03 Dec 2010

To cite this article: Wilson R. Lourenco (2000): Synopsis of the Colombian speciesof Tityus Koch (Chelicerata, Scorpiones, Buthidae), with descriptions of three newspecies, Journal of Natural History, 34:3, 449-461

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/002229300299561


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Journal of Natural History, 2000, 34, 449–461

Synopsis of the Colombian species of Tityus Koch (Chelicerata,Scorpiones, Buthidae), with descriptions of three new species


L aboratoire de Zoologie (Arthropodes), Muse um National d’HistoireNaturelle, 61 rue de Bu� on, 75005 Paris, France; email: [email protected] r

(Accepted 16 March 1999 )

Three new species of T ityus (Scorpiones, Buthidae) are described from Colombia.With the new descriptions, the total number of T ityus species present in Colombiais raised to 25. Some comments concerning the taxonomic position of the newspecies are added. A check-list of Columbian species of T ityus and keys for theiridenti® cation are also included.

Keywords: Scorpiones, Buthidae, T ityus, Colombia, new species.

IntroductionThe Colombian scorpion fauna has attracted the attention of arachnologists

(e.g. Gervais, 1844; Thorell, 1876; Pocock, 1893; Kraepelin, 1912a, 1912b; Mello-LeitaÄ o, 1945) , since the middle of the 19th century. Only since the 1980s, however,and especially during the last 10 years has this fauna been studied intensively andseveral new species added ( LourencË o, 1984, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995; LourencË o andFlorez, 1989, 1990, 1995) . A recent contribution by LourencË o ( 1997 ) represents the® rst attempt to produce a synthesis. In this contribution it was admitted, however,that the results presented were probably only a part of the fauna actually presentin Colombia. This conjecture was con® rmed shortly afterwards by the descriptionof other new T ityus species from di� erent regions of Colombia ( LourencË o, 1998,1999; LourencË o and Otero-PatinÄ o, 1998) .

The study of a small collection sent by the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, ofthe Universidad Nacional, Bogota, revealed three more new species of T ityus fromColombia, which are described here. Since several people have been stung byscorpions in that country during the last few years, probably by species belongingto the genus T ityus, it seemed useful to present a check-list and keys to the speciesnow known to be present in Colombia.

Descriptions of the new species

Tityus ga� ni n. sp.( ® gures 1± 4 )

Holotype female. Colombia, Dept Vichada, Cro. Gaviotas ( 180 m), June 1995

Journal of Natural HistoryISSN 0022-2933 print/ISSN 1464-5262 online Ñ 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd

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W. R. Lourenco450

Figs 1± 4. T ityus ga� ni n. sp., female holotype: ( 1) carapace; ( 2) pedipalp with trichobothria;( 3 ) pecten; ( 4 ) metasomal segments II± V and telson in lateral aspect.

( F. Cortez) . Deposited in the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacionalde Colombia’ . No other material available.

Etymology. Named in honour of Dr Douglas Ga� n of the University ofOklahoma, USA, for his contribution to the biology of scorpions.

Description based on female holotype (measurements in table 1)Coloration. Basically light yellow, symmetrically marbled with dark reddish

brown, producing an overall spotted appearance. Prosoma: carapace yellowish andheavily spotted, except on the latero-posterior margins; eyes surrounded by black




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Synopsis of Colombian species of T ityus 451

Table 1. Measurements ( in mm) of the new species.

T . ga� ni T . prancei T . ¯ orezi

Carapace 4.3 4.1 8.4LengthAnterior width 3.1 2.8 6.7Posterior width 4.8 4.8 11.1

Metasomal segment I 2.9 2.6 5.5LengthWidth 2.3 2.7 5.4

Metasomal segment V 5.3 4.6 9.8LengthWidth 2.2 2.3 6.3Depth 2.1 2.2 5.1

Vesicle 1.5 1.9 3.7WidthDepth 1.6 1.6 3.6

Femur 4.1 3.7 8.7LengthWidth 1.4 1.3 2.6

Tibia 4.7 4.2 9.1LengthWidth 2.1 1.9 3.7

Chela 7.9 7.2 16.9LengthWidth 1.8 1.6 3.8Depth 1.4 1.6 3.6

Movable ® nger 5.2 4.8 11.7Length

pigment. Mesosoma: yellowish, with variegated brown spots over all tergites.Metasoma: segments I± IV yellowish, with variegated brown spots ventrally andtriangular spots dorsally. Segment V dark reddish. Vesicle dark reddish, with baseof aculeus yellow reddish and extremity reddish. Venter light yellow without spotson all sternites. Chelicerae yellowish, with variegated brown spots; base of ® ngersdark; ® ngers reddish, with some black zones on the teeth. Pedipalps: yellowish withseveral spots on the femur and tibia; chelae slightly less densely spotted; ® ngersyellowish, with small brown spots at the base. Legs yellowish, with dark brownvariegated spots on all segments.

Morphology . Carapace feebly granular; anterior margin with a feeble medianconcavity. Anterior median superciliary and posterior median keels moderate tofeeble. All furrows feeble. Median ocular tubercle distinctly anterior to the centre;median eyes separated by 1.5 ocular diameters. Three pairs of lateral eyes. Sternumsubtriangular. Mesosoma: tergites moderate to feebly granular. Median keel feeblymarked but present in all tergites. Tergite VII pentacarinate, with all keels vestigial.Venter: genital operculum divided longitudinally. Pectines: pectinal tooth count15± 16; basal middle lamellae of the pectines not dilated. Sternites smooth with short,linear-shaped stigmata; VII with vestigial keels, almost smooth. Metasoma: segmentI with 10 keels, feebly crenulate; segments II± IV with eight keels. Segment V with® ve keels. All keels feebly crenulate. Intercarinal spaces feebly granular, almostsmooth. Telson with ® ve vestigial keels ventrally and with a long, curved aculeus;subaculear tooth very strong, between rhomboidal and spinoid. Cheliceral dentition




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W. R. Lourenco452

characteristic of the family Buthidae ( Vachon, 1963). Pedipalps: femur pentacarin-ate; tibia with seven keels; chela with nine moderate to strongly crenulate keels;internal face of tibia with two strong and ® ve small spinoid granules; all facesmoderate to feebly granular. Movable ® ngers with 14± 14 oblique rows of granules.Trichobothriotaxy ; orthobothriotaxy A± a ( Vachon, 1973, 1975) . Legs: tarsus withvery numerous ® ne median setae ventrally.

Taxonomic positionT ityus ga� ni can be distinguished from T ityus lancinii Gonzalez-Sponga and

T ityus rebierei LourencË o by the absence of a dilated basal middle lamellae of thepectines, and by a parallel arrangement of the ventral keels of metasomal segmentsI± IV (see key below).

Tityus prancei n. sp.( ® gures 5± 8 )

Holotype female. Colombia, Dept Cesar, La Jagua de Ibirico ( 9 ß 35¾ 5 ² N to73 ß 9¾ 45 ² W ), Quebrada el Indio ( 520 m), 21 March 1996 (J. Sanchez). Deposited inthe Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia’ . No othermaterial available.

Etymology. Named in honour of Sir Ghillean T. Prance, Director of the RoyalBotanical Gardens, Kew, UK, for his contributions to the study of botany andbiogeography of the Neotropics.

Description based on female holotype (measurements in table 1)Coloration. Basically yellowish to reddish yellow, symmetricaly marbled with

dark brown, producing an overall spotted appearence. Prosoma: carapace yellowishand heavily spotted on anterior margin, with an inverted triangle-shaped spot; eyesincluded in the apex of the triangle. Mesosoma: yellowish, with con¯ uent brownspots over all tergites and one dark longitudinal spot. Metasoma: segments I± IIIyellowish, with some brown spots over the keels. Segments IV and V dark reddish,with black spots laterally and ventrally. Vesicle dark brown, base of aculeus yellow-ish, and extremity reddish. Venter yellow, with several dark spots on the coxa-pophysis and on all sternites. A smooth, shining, expanded triangle present on theposterior region of sternite III. Chelicerae very heavily spotted, almost blackish;base of ® ngers blackish; ® ngers reddish, with some black zones on the teeth.Pedipalps: yellowish, with light variegated spots on femur and tibia; chela slightlyless densely spotted; ® ngers dark brown. Legs yellowish, with light brown variegatedspots on all segments.

Morphology . Carapace moderately granular; anterior margin with a feeble medianconcavity. Anterior median superciliary and posterior median keels moderate tostrong. All furrows feeble. Median ocular tubercle distinctly anterior to the centre;median eyes separated by 1.5 ocular diameters. Three pairs of lateral eyes. Sternumsubtriangular. Mesosoma: tergites moderately granular. Median keel present on alltergites. Transversal keels also present on all tergites. Tergite VII pentacarinate.Venter: genital operculum divided longitudinally. Pectines: pectinal tooth count15± 15; basal middle lamellae of the pectines not dilated. Sternites almost smooth,with short, linear-shaped stigmata; VII with four vestigial keels, almost smooth.Metasoma: segments I± III with 10 keels, crenulate; lateral inframedian keels on




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Synopsis of Colombian species of T ityus 453

Figs 5± 8. T ityus prancei n. sp., female holotype: ( 5 ) carapace; ( 6) pedipalp with tricho-bothria; ( 7) pecten; ( 8) metasomal segments I± V and telson in lateral aspect.

segment III vestigial; segment IV with eight keels. Segment V with ® ve keels.Intercarinal spaces moderately granular. Telson with ® ve vestigial keels ventrallyand with a long, curved aculeus; subaculear tooth strong, between rhomboidal andspinoid. Cheliceral dentition characteristic of the family Buthidae ( Vachon, 1963).Pedipalps: femur pentacarinate ; tibia with seven keels; chela with nine moderatelycrenulate keels; internal face of tibia with 9± 11 spinoid granules; all faces moderatelyto feebly granular. Movable ® ngers with 14± 14 oblique rows of granules.




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W. R. Lourenco454

Trichobothriotaxy ; orthobothriotaxy A± a ( Vachon, 1973, 1975) . Legs: tarsus withvery numerous ® ne median setae ventrally.

Taxonomic positionT ityus prancei can be distinguished from T ityus lancinii Gonzalez-Sponga and

T ityus rebierei LourencË o by the absence of dilated basal middle lamellae of thepectines, and by a parallel arrangement of the ventral keels of metasomal segmentsI± IV; from T ityus ga� ni n. sp. by the presence of a more intense and darkerpigmentation generally, and by stronger keels on the metasomal segments (seekey below).

Tityus ¯ orezi n. sp.( ® gures 9, 10 )

Holotype female. Colombia, Dept Tolima, Mariquita, Bremen, 12 November1995 ( in stone crevice, 300 m alt.) ( J. Betaneur) . Deposited in the Instituto deCiencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Etymology. Named in honour of Dr Eduardo Florez D., of the Instituto deCiencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Description based on female holotype (measurements in table 1)Coloration. Basically blackish brown, with some reddish areas. Prosoma: carapace

reddish brown, with some yellowish zones posteriorly. Mesosoma: brownish, withblackish transverse stripes on the posterior part of tergites. Metasoma: segmentsI± III reddish brown, with some yellowish lateral spots; IV and V blackish. Vesicle:brownish black; aculeus reddish. Venter brownish black, with some yellowish regions.Chelicerae yellowish brown, with a very dark thread; ® ngers dark; teeth reddish.Pedipalps: reddish; ® ngers reddish black, with extremities yellowish. Legs blackishbrown, with some di� use and discrete fuscous spots; tarsi yellowish.

Morphology . Carapace moderately to strongly granular; anterior margin with amoderate to strong concavity. Anterior median superciliary and posterior mediankeels moderate to strong. All furrows moderately deep. Median ocular tubercledistinctly anterior to centre of carapace. Eyes separated by more than one oculardiameter. Three pairs of lateral eyes. Sternum triangular. Mesosoma: tergites moder-ately granular. Median keel moderate to strong on all tergites. Tergite VII pentacarin-ate. Venter: genital operculum divided longitudinally. Pectines: pectinal tooth count22± 23; basal middle lamellae of the pectines rounded and moderately dilated.Sternites feebly granular, with elongate stigmata; VII with four very feeble keels.Metasoma: segments I and II with 10 keels; III and IV with eight keels, crenulate;V with ® ve keels. Dorsal keels on segments I± IV with some spinoid granules, butless marked than in T ityus forcipula (Gervais). Lateral inframedian keels on segmentI complete, strongly crenulate; on II represented by only six to seven distal granules;absent from III and IV. Ventrolateral keels strong, crenulate. Ventral submediankeels strongly crenulate. Intercarinal spaces moderately granular. Segment V withdorsolateral and lateromedian keels vestigial; ventrolateral and ventromedian keelsstrong, crenulate. Lateral intercarinal spaces moderately granular. Telson moderatelyto feebly granular, with a long, strongly curved aculeus. Dorsal surface smooth;ventral surface feebly granular; subaculear tooth strong and spino-rhomboidal .Cheliceral dentition characteristic of the family Buthidae ( Vachon, 1963) ; ventral




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Synopsis of Colombian species of T ityus 455

Figs 9, 10. T ityus ¯ orezi n. sp., female holotype: ( 9 ) pedipalp with trichobothria; ( 10 )metasomal segments I± V and telson in lateral aspect, showing the size of spinoiddorsal granules.

Fig. 11. T ityus forcipula, female; metasomal segments II± V and telson in lateral aspect,showing the size of spinoid dorsal granules.

Fig. 12. T ityus pachyurus, female; metasomal segment V and telson in lateral view.

aspect of both ® ngers and manus with long, dense setae. Pedipalps: femur pentacarin-ate; tibia with six to seven keels; chela with eight to nine keels; all faces feeblygranular. Movable ® ngers with 16± 16 oblique rows of granules. Trichobothriotaxy ;




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W. R. Lourenco456

orthobothriotaxy A± a ( Vachon, 1973, 1975) . Legs: tarsus ventrally with numerous,short, ® ne setae.

Paratype. Immature female from Colombia, Dept Tolima, Mariquita (en la casade expedicio n Botanica, 535 m alt.) , November 1995 (J. Betaneur) .

The coloration is yellowish with intense variegated spots over both the body andappendages, as in all species of the T ityus asthenes group. Pectines with 22± 23 teeth.Movable ® ngers with 16± 16 oblique rows of granules.

Taxonomic positionThe new species belongs to the T ityus asthenes group. It is very similar to T ityus

forcipula (Gervais) , but can be readily distinguished from the latter by the followingcharacters:

( 1 ) Vesicle with a rounded shape (whereas in T . forcipula it has a pear shape’ )( ® gures 11 ± 12 ).

( 2 ) A much weaker granulation on metasomal segments I± V.( 3 ) Spinoid granules on the dorsal keels of metasomal segments II± IV less

developed ( ® gure 12 ).( 4 ) Basal middle lamella with only a moderate dilatation (whereas in T . forcipula

this lamella is strongly dilated ) .( 5 ) A higher number of pectinial teeth, ranging from 22 to 23 ( in T . forcipula

the number ranges from 14 to 16 ) .( 6 ) Movable ® nger with 16 oblique rows of granules ( 14± 15 in T . forcipula).

New localities for some previously described Tityus species of ColombiaT ityus bastosi: Department Casanave, Socaina. Dept Guaviare, Reserva Natural

de Nukak Maku. Dept Meta, Restrepo, Unillanos.T ityus columbianus: Department Boyaca , La Uvita.T ityus erikae: Department Bolivar, Santuario de Fauna y Flora `Los Colorados’ .

Dept Cundinamarca, Medina, Mivalindo.T ityus sabineae: Department Caldas, Saurara , Uda San Lucas. ( N.B. This

specimen caused a severe incident to a young girl, who was hospitalized.)T ityus tayrona: Department Bolivar, Zambrano.

Check-list of the genus Tityus Koch, 1836 in Colombia ( ® gure 13 )( 1 ) Species of the T ityus clathratus group

T ityus bastosi LourencË o, 1984T ityus betschi LourencË o, 1992T ityus columbianus ( Thorell, 1876 )T ityus erikae LourencË o, 1999T ityus tayrona LourencË o, 1991

( 2 ) Species of the T ityus bahiensis groupT ityus blanci LourencË o, 1994T ityus charalaensis Mello-LeitaÄ o, 1940T ityus engelkei Pocock, 1902Tityus ga� ni n. sp.T ityus lourencË oi Florez, 1995Tityus prancei n. sp.T ityus rebierei LourencË o, 1997T ityus sabineae LourencË o, 1994T ityus sastrei LourencË o & Florez, 1990




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Synopsis of Colombian species of T ityus 457

Fig. 13. Known distributions of T ityus species in Colombia.




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W. R. Lourenco458

( 3 ) Species of the T ityus asthenes groupT ityus antioquensis LourencË o & Otero, 1998T ityus asthenes Pocock, 1893T ityus cuellari LourencË o, 1994T ityus festae Borelli, 1899Tityus ¯ orezi n. sp.

T ityus forcipula (Gervais, 1844)T ityus fuhrmanni Kraepelin, 1914T ityus macrochirus Pocock, 1897T ityus nematochirus Mello-LeitaÄ o, 1940T ityus oteroi LourencË o, 1998T ityus pachyurus Pocock, 1897

Total: 25 species

Key to the three species groups of T ityus proposed in the check-list1 Small species ranging from 25 to 40 mm in total length with variegated pigmentation

and a rhomboidal subaculear tooth . . . . . . . . T ityus clathratus group± Species of medium or large size, ranging from 50 to 100 mm in total length; pigmenta-

tion varying from yellowish to brown and black; subaculear tooth spinoid . . . 2

2 Species of medium size, ranging from 50 to 70 mm in total length; coloration ratherpale varying from yellowish to reddish brown or brownish, never black; often withconspicuous dark spots; basal middle lamellae of female pectines not dilated in almostall species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T ityus bahiensis group

± Species of large size, ranging from 65 to 100 mm in total length; pigmentation blackishin the adult and yellowish/variegated in immature individuals; subaculear tooth alwaysspinoid; basal middle lamellae of female pectines dilated in almost all species . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T ityus asthenes group

Key to species of the T ityus clathratus group1 Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments I± IV without a spinoid posterior granule,

or with only a very feeble granule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2± Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments I± IV with a strong spinoid posterior granule

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . bastosi

2 Subaculear tooth strong and markedly rhomboidal . . . . . . . . . . 3± Subaculear tooth moderate and feebly rhomboidal . . . . . . . . T . betschi

3 Sternite V with a conspicuous smooth and shining expanded zone . . . . T . erikae± Sternite V without a conspicuous smooth and shining expanded zone . . . . . 4

4 Pectines with 10± 14 teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . columbianus± Pectines with 14± 17 teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . tayrona

Key to species of the T ityus bahiensis group1 Ventral submedian keels of metasomal segments III and IV converging proximally to

form a Y-shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . rebierei± Ventral submedian keels of metasomal segments III and IV parallel along entire length 2

2 General coloration from yellowish to reddish yellow . . . . . . . . . 3± General coloration from dark reddish to blackish . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments II± IV with several granules modi® ed asspines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . blanci

± Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments II± IV without granules modi® ed as spines . 4




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Synopsis of Colombian species of T ityus 459

4 Dentate margins of pedipalp-chela ® ngers composed of 16 oblique rows of denticles . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . sastrei

± Dentate margins of pedipalp-chela ® ngers composed of 13± 14 oblique rows of denticles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5 Basal middle lamellae of female pectines strongly dilated . . . . . T . engelkei± Basal middle lamellae of female pectines not dilated . . . . . . . . . 6

6 Metasomal segments yellowish, with a pale, variegated pigmentation; keels feeble . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . ga� ni n. sp.

± Metasomal segments I± IV dark yellow; segment V and vesicle dark reddish; keels strong. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . prancei n. sp.

7 Male pedipalps slightly longer and more slender than those of females . . . . 8± Male pedipalps larger and more bulky than those of females . . . . T . sabineae

8 Pectines with 16± 17 teeth; dentate margins of pedipalp-chela ® ngers composed of 17oblique rows of denticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . lourencË oi

± Pectines with 14 teeth; dentate margins of pedipalp-chela ® ngers composed of 12oblique rows of denticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . charalaensis

Key to species of the T ityus asthenes group1 Male pedipalps longer and more slender than those of females . . . . . . . 2± Male pedipalps larger and more bulky than those of females . . . . . . . 5

2 Values of (male) femur, tibia and chelae length, respectively, 6± 8, 8± 10 and 10± 13times longer than width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

± Values of (male) femur, tibia and chelae length, respectively, 5, 3 and 5 times longerthan width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . asthenes

3 Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments I± IV with several strong spinoid posteriorgranules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . oteroi

± Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments I± IV without spinoid posterior granules . 4

4 Pectines with 14± 16 teeth; overall coloration reddish . . . . . T . antioquensis± Pectines with 20± 22 teeth; overall coloration blackish . . . . . T . nematochirus

5 Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments I± IV with several strong spinoid posteriorgranules, or with one very strong spinoid posterior granule . . . . . . . 6

± Dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments I± IV with moderate or feeble spinoid poster-ior granules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6 One very strong spinoid posterior granule on dorsolateral keels of metasomalsegments II± IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . fuhrmanni

± Several strong spinoid posterior granules on dorsolateral keels of metasomalsegments I± IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

7 Adult length around 60 mm; legs and pedipalps blackish . . . . . T . forcipula± Adult length around 45 mm; legs and pedipalps yellowish to reddish yellow . T . cuellari

8 Moderate spinoid posterior granules on dorsolateral keels of metasomal segmentsI± IV; male pedipalps larger and more bulky than those of females . . . . . . 9

± Feeble spinoid posterior granules on dorsolateral keels of metasomal segments I± IV;male pedipalps only slightly larger and more bulky than those of females . . . . 10

9 Subaculear tooth spinoid; basal middle lamellae of female pectines strongly dilated . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . pachyurus

± Subaculear tooth rhomboid; basal middle lamellae of female pectines moderatelydilated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . ¯ orezi n. sp.

10 Pectines with 15± 16 teeth; dentate margins of pedipalp-chela ® ngers composed of 15oblique rows of denticles . . . . . . . . . . . . T . macrochirus

± Pectines with 21± 22 teeth; dentate margins of pedipalp-chela ® ngers composed of 16oblique rows of denticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . festae




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W. R. Lourenco460


I am very grateful to Prof. John L. Cloudsley-Thompson, London, and to DrMark Judson, Paris for reviewing the manuscript, to Dr Eduardo Florez, Bogota,for sending me the studied material and to Mr Ph. Bouchard, Laboratoire deZoologie Arthropodes, for preparing several illustrations.


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Synopsis of Colombian species of T ityus 461

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