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Page 1: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN




Soemarno – Maret 2012

Page 2: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN



Padatan An-organik:Mineral & Bukan


Padatan Organik :Bahan Organik Tanah

(Senyawa organik mati)Organisme hidup

Udara tanah …… Aerasi Tanah

Air tanah = Larutan tanah Soil Solution, Elektrolit tanah

Sifat fisiologik penting dari Larutan tanah adalah

“REAKSINYA” (pH) ……. Kemasaman / kebasaan


Page 3: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

Apa itu pH Tanah? 

pH adalah kemasaman atau kebasaan relatif suatu bahan. Skala pH mencakup dari nilai 0 (nol) hingga

14. Nilai pH 7 dikatakan netral, di bawah nilai 7 dikatakan

asam, sedangkan di atas 7 dikatakan basa.

Asam menurut teori Bronsted dan Lewry adalah suatu bahan yang cenderung untuk memberi  proton (H+) ke beberapa senyawa lain, demikian sebaliknya

apabila basa adalah suatu bahan yang cenderung untuk menerimanya.

Teori asam basa ini sangat baik untuk diterapkan dimedia cair termasuk larutan tanah.

Teori asam basa lain yang sangat baik diterapkan dalam tanah adalah Arrhenius, yaitu asam adalah

suatu bahan yang menghasilkan H+ atau menurunkan pH apabila terdisasosiasi dalam air, sebaliknya apabila basa dalam disosiasinya akan

menghasilkan OH- atau menaikkan pH.

Page 4: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

KEMASAMAN (pH) tanah

Kemasaman di dalam tanah dapat dihitung berdasarkan kedudukan ion H+.

Apabila yang diukur adalah ion H+ yang ada dilarutan tanah (sebelah kanan, bebas) dikatakan sebagai kemasaman aktual.

Apabila ion H+ yang diukur terdapat di komplek jerapan tanah (sebelah kiri, tidak

bebas) dikatakan sebagai kemasaman potensial, yang nilainya jauh lebih besar

dari kemasaman aktual.

Sedangkan apabila kedua kemasaman tersebut dijumlahkan disebut kemasaman


Page 5: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

KEMASAMAN (pH) tanah

Kemasaman pH tanah secara sederhana merupakan ukuran aktivitas H+ dan

dinyatakan sebagai -log10[H+].

Secara praktikal ukuran logaritma aktivitas atau konsentrasi H+ ini berarti setiap

perubahan satu unit pH tanah berarti terjadi perubahan 10 kali dari jumlah kemasaman

atau kebasaan.

Pada tanah yang mempunyai pH 6.0 berarti tanah tersebut mempunyai H+ aktif

sebanyak 10 kali dibandingkan dengan tanah yang mempunyai pH 7.0


Page 6: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

KEMASAMAN (pH) tanah

Sebagian besar tanah tanah produktif, mulai dari hutan humid dan sub humid hingga

padang rumput di semiarid, mempunyai pH bervariasi antara 4.0 hingga 8.0.

Nilai di atas atau di bawah variasi tersebut disebabkan oleh garam Ca dan Na atau ion

H+ dan Al+3 dalam larutan tanah.

Pengaruh utama pH di dalam tanah adalah pada ketersediaan dan sifat meracun unsur

seperti Fe, Al, Mn, B, Cu, Cd dll terhadap tanaman atau mikroorganisme.

Page 7: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

pH = - log [H+]

[H+] dlm larutan tanah ………. Kemasaman aktif[H+] dijerap koloid tanah ………. Kemasaman potensialTotal keduanya ………………….. Kemasaman total

Kisaran Nilai pH tanah: 0 - 14 pH = 7.0 : Tanah Netral pH < 7.0 : Tanah MasampH > 7.0 : Tanah basa/ Alkalin/Alkalis

Biasanya:Tanah masam : di daerah iklim basahTanah alkalis: di daerah kering

Misel -H [H+]

Ion H+ terjerap, Hdd Ion H+ terlarut

Page 8: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

Kation aluminium:

MISEL Al Al 3+

Al 3+ + H2O Al(OH)2+ + H+

Al 3+ + OH- Al(OH)2+ Al(OH)2+ + OH- Al(OH)2 +

Al(OH)2+ + H2O Al(OH)2 + + H+

Al(OH)2+ + H2O Al(OH)3

+ H+


Hdd H+

Bahan Organik Tanah:

Page 9: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

pH & Ketersedia

an Hara

Ca dan Mg:Ketersediaan maksimum: pH = 6 - 8.5Ketersediaan minim pada tanah dg : pH < 4.0

N, K dan S:Ketersediaan maksimum: pH > 6 Ketersediaan minim pada tanah dg : pH < 4.0

Fosfat :Ketersediaan maksimum: pH = 6 - 7.5 Ketersediaan minim pada tanah dg : pH < 4.0

Fe, Mn,Zn, Cu,Co :Ketersediaan maksimum: pH < 5.5 Ketersediaan minim pada tanah dg : pH > 7.5

Bakteri & Aktinomisetes :Ketersediaan maksimum: pH > 5.5 Ketersediaan minim pada tanah dg : pH < 4.0

Mo: Ketersediaan maksimum pd pH > 6.5

Page 10: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

Problem Kemasaman Tanah

Kesuburan tanah Ketersediaan Unsur Hara

Suasana fisiologis larutan tanah tidak sesuai bagi proses-proses pertumbuhan akar tanaman

Keracunan unsur hara mikro

Gangguan akibat tingginya ketersediaan/kelarutan kation aluminium

Menurunkan kemasaman tanah = Menaikkan pH tanah = …………..


Gangguan kehidupan jasad renik tanah

Page 11: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

Aldd dan % KEJENUHAN Al

1. Sumber kemasaman tanah : H+, Hdd, Aldd, 2. Aldd diendapkan pada pH > 5.5 - 6.0 3. % kejenuhan Al dari KTK efektif menjadi

ukuran kemasaman tanah4. Kejenuhan basa (KB) = jumlah basa dibagi

KTK5. Aldd ditentukan dengan jalan ekstraksi

tanah dg 1 N KCl, dan mentitrasi ekstraksnya dengn larutan basa


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10 20 30 40 50 60 70% kejenuhan Al

pH tanah







Sumber: Abruna et al. 1975Ultisols & Oxisols

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70% kejenuhan Al

% hasil maks.







Sumber: Abruna et al. 1975

Ultisols & Oxisols

r = 0.93**

Page 14: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

1. Konsentrasi Al dlm larutan tanah > 1 ppm menyebabkan penurunan hasil tanaman

2. Tembakau dan kentang sangat peka thd Al+++ dlm tanah, terutama akarnya. Gejalanya akar menjadi tebal, kaku dan becak-becak jaringan mati

3. Pertumbuhan akar jagung mulai terganggu pada kondisi 60% kejenuhan Al.

4. Al cenderung terakumulasi dalam akar dan menghambat penyerapan dan translokasi Ca dan fosfat menuju tajuk, sehingga mendorong defisiensi Ca dan P.

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1. Gangguan pertumbuhan tanaman pd tanah masam dapat juga disebabkan oleh defisiensi Ca dan/atau Mg

2. Gangguan akar tembakau pd Ultisol yg tidak dikapur disebabkan oleh keracunan Al dan defisiensi Ca.

3. Kalau Al diendapkan (dg menggunakan MgCO3) dan tidak ditambahkan Ca, pertumbuhan akar tembakau akan berhenti dalam waktu 60 jam.

4. Tanah masam di daerah tropis defisien Ca tanpa menunjukkan masalah toksisitas Al.

5. Misalnya Tanah masam di Hawaii, pH < 5.0, namun Aldd nya sedikit; pengapuran berfungsi seperti pemupukan Ca

6. Tanah masam di Brazil sangat miskin Mg dan respon positif thd pupuk Mg.

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1 2 3 waktu (hari)

% maks. pemanjangan akar







Sumber: Abruna et al. 1975Ultisols & Oxisols

Dikapur CaCO3, pH 5.8, 4.4 meq Ca++

Dikapur MgCO3, pH 5.6, 0.4 meq


Tdk Dikapur, pH 4.2,

0.4 meq Ca++

Page 17: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN


Tanah pH Aldd % Kejenuhan Berat kering akar tanaman: me/100 g Al Jagung (mg/pot) Sorghum

Ultisol 4.8 4 40 931 400 4.5 6 57 874 296 3.9 11 87 209 19

Oxisol 4.8 3 52 687 345 4.5 4 70 630 126 4.0 5 87 389 128

Sumber: Brenes & Pearson, 1973.

Page 18: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN


Ada 2 metode yang paling umum digunakan untuk pengukuran pH tanah yaitu kertas lakmus dan pH

meter. Kertas lakmus sering di gunakan di lapangan untuk mempercepat pengukuran pH.

Penggunaan metode ini di perlukan keahlian pengalaman untuk menghindari kesalahan.

Lebih akurat dan secara luas di gunakan adalah penggunaan pH meter, yang sangat banyak di gunakan di laboratorium. Walaupun pH tanah

merupakan indikator tunggal yang sangat baik untuk kemasaman tanah, tetapi nilai pH tidak bisa

menunjukkan berapa kebutuhan kapur.

Kebutuhan kapur merupakan jumlah kapur pertanian yang dibutuhkan untuk mempertahankan variasi pH yang di inginkan untuk sistem pertanian

yang digunakan.Kebutuhan kapur tanah tidak hanya berhubungan dengan pH tanah saja, tetapi juga berhubungan

dengan kemampuan menyangga tanah atau kapasitas tukar kation (KTK).

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Tanah masam adalah tanah ber-pH rendah (pH di bawah 6), semakin rendah pH

tanahnya maka semakin ekstrim kemasamannya.

Kendala Tanah Masam

1.Unsur hara makro (terutama N,P,K,Ca,Mg) tidak tersedia dalam jumlah cukup, efektifitas dan efisiensi pemupukan makro (urea, TSP, KCl) juga rendah.2.Beberapa unsur (terutama Al dan Fe) tersedia berlebih sehingga sering meracun pada tanaman.3.Menghambat perkembangan mikroorganisme tanah.

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Pengapuran untuk Meningkatkan pH Tanah

Perbaikan pH tanah bisa diakatakan menyelesaikan 50% masalah kesuburan tanah. Salah satu cara

meningkatkan pH tanah dengan pengapuran menggunakan kapur pertanian (kaptan) atau dolomit.

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan :1.Idealnya paling lambat pengapuran dilakukan 2 minggu sebelum tanam, karena bahan kapur termasuk bahan yang lambat bereaksi dengan tanah.2.Setelah pengapuran sebaiknya tanah dicangkul (dibajak) agar kapur bisa merata masuk dekat zona perakaran.3.Pengairan setelah pengapuran sangat diperlukan.4.Peningkatan pH tidak bisa terjadi seketika, melainkan pelan dan bertahap. 5.Dosis kapur disesuaikan pH tanahnya, tetapi sebagai pedoman praktis dosis berkisar 500 kg/Ha 2 ton/Ha.

Catatan :Dolomit juga harus secara rutin digunakan pada tanah pH normal, karena unsur Ca dan Mg pada dolomit sangat dibutuhkan tanaman.

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Kapur pertanian merupakan mineral yang berasal dari alam yang merupakan sumber

hara kalsium. Kaptan yang mempunyai reaksi basa dapat menaikkan pH tanah. Kaptan yang banyak digunakan dalam

pertanian adalah kalsit (CaCO3)Manfaat : Untuk menetralkan pH tanah pada

tanaman sayuran⁄hortikultura dll . Untuk menanggulangi beberapa jenis jamur ⁄bakteri

pada tanah. Untuk menetralkan tanah gambut sehingga menambah tingkat

kesuburan tanah dll

Spesifikasi :Kadar CaCO3 + MgCO3 93.3 % , Kadar CaO + MgO 58.8 %, Kadar Air Saat dikemas 1.00 %, Mesh 40 – 100, Berat bersih kemasan 50


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Kapur Pertanian (Kaptan) memiliki kandungan kalsium dan magnesium yang tinggi, ukiran butiran (mesh) yang halus dan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan

oleh SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)

KAPTAN dapat diproduksi dengan menggunakan mesin crusher dan milling yang mampu memproduksi kaptan

sekitar 1.500 ton per bulan.

Spesifikasi KaptanKadar CaCO3 + MgCO3 : 91.53%

Kadar CaO + MgO : 50.23%Kadar air saat dikemas : 1.00%

Mesh 40 – 100 : 82.01%Berat bersih perkemasan    50 Kg

Kapur Pertanian merupakan mineral yang berasal dari alam yang merupakan sumber hara kalsium. Kaptan yang mempunyai reaksi basa dapat menaikkan PH

tanah. Kaptan yang umum banyak digunakan dalam pertanian adalah Kalsit (CaCo3)

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Dosis Kaptan1. Sebelum melakukan pengapuran, sebaiknya terlebih

dahulu dilakukan pemeriksaan PH tanah dengan menggunakan kertas lakumus atau PH soil tester, dapat

meminta bantuan penyuluh terdekat dari dinas pertanian/ perkebunan/ perikanan

2. Pengapuran dengan dosis tersebut untuk jangka panjang atau 3 tahunan keatas, baru dilakukan

pengapuran ulang. Ada anjuran para ahli sebaiknya dilakukan penambahan KAPTAN sebanyak 10% – 20% dari

dosis diatas pada setiap 6 bulan sekali atau bersamaan dengan waktu pemupukan dilakukan

3. Untuk tanah marginal, umumnya berwarna terang atau pada tanah podsolik merah dan kuning atau pada tanah

yang miskin kandungan bahan organik, dianjurkan pemberian kompos, bokasi atau pupuk organik

4. Mutu KAPTAN yang tepat selain kandungan kalsium (CaCO) yag tinggi kisaran 42% sampai 51%, tingkat

kehalusan dan kelembutan (mesh) yang terbaik adalah 60 sampai 100 mesh

5. KAPTAN berkualitas tinggi bereaksi lebih cepat dan sempurna, sedangkan KAPTAN berkualitas renddah

memerlukan waktu sangat lama untuk dapat merubah PH tanah, bahkan bisa sampai tahunan. Adapun KAPTAN yang memenuhi standar, dapat langsung bermanfaat

dengan cara pemberian yang tepat

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Kalsium karbonat adalah bahan aktif dalam kapur pertanian, dan biasanya merupakan penyebab utama

air keras. Hal ini biasanya digunakan secara medis sebagai kalsium suplemen atau sebagai antisida, namun

konsumsi yang berlebihan dapat membahayakan

Kalsium karbonat memunyai beberapa sifat khas khususnya :

1. Bereaksi dengan asam yang kuat, dan melepaskan karbon dioksida CaCO3(s) + 2HC1(aq) ---- CaC12(aq)

+  CO2(g) + H2O(1)

2. Ia melepaskan karbondioksida pada pemanasan (diatas 840 C dalam kasus CaCO3), untuk membentuk

kalisum oksida, yang biasa disebut kapur, dengan reaksi 178 KJ/ Mol

CaCO3 ---------------- CaO + CO2

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Kalsium karbonat akan bereaksi dengan air yang penuh dengan karbon dioksida untuk membentuk

larut kalsium bikarbonatCaCO3 + CO2 + H2O ? Ca(HCO3)2

Reaksi ini penting dalam erosi dari batuan karbonat, membentuk gua gua, dan menyebabkan

air keras di berbagai daerah

Sebagian besar dari kalsium karbonat yang digunakan dalam industri diekstraksi dengan

pertambangan atau penggalian. Kalsium karbonat murni (misalnya untuk keperluan makanan atau

farmasi), dapat dihasilkan dari sumber yang digali murni (biasanya marmer) atau kalisum karbonat

disusun oleh kalsinasi mentah oksida kalsium. Air ditambahkan untuk memberikan kalsium

hidroksida, dan karbon dioksida dilewatkan untuk mengendapkan kalsium karbonat yang diinginkan,

sebagaimana dimaksud dalam industri sebagai endapan kalsium karbonat

Page 26: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

KALSIUM KARBONATKarbonat sering ditemukan dalam pengaturan

geologi, kalsium karbonat terjadi sebagai polimor aragonit dan kalsit.

Polimorf adalah mineral dengan rumus kimia yang sama tetapi struktur kimia yang berbeda.

Mineral karbonat membentuk jenis batu : kapur, marmer, travertine, tufa, dan lain lain.

Kalsit umumnya terjadi sebagai sedimen dalam pengaturan laut. Kalsit biasanya ditemukan di

sekitar lingkungan tropis yang hangat. Endapan kalsit di lingkungan dangkal hangat lebih dari itu tidak dalam lingkungan yang lebih dingin karena

lingkungan lebih hangat tidak mendukung pembubaran CO2.

Hal ini dianalogikan dengan CO2 yang larut dalam soda. Ketika anda mengambil tutup botol soda,

CO2 bergegas keluar. Sebagai soda menghangat, & karbon dioksida dilepaskan.

Prinsip yang sama dapat diterapkan pada kalsit di laut

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Super Dolomite adalah pupuk magnesium berkadar tinggi, digunakan baik untuk tanah

pertanian, tanah perkebunan, kebutuhan industri dan bahkan untuk perikanan /tambak.

Bahan baku Super Dolomit berasal dari batuan dolomit yang ditambang dari kawasan

pertambangan di Gresik.

Menurut pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Direktorat Jenderal Pertambangan Umum

Bandung, batuan dolomit di Gresik adalah jenis batuan dolomit yang berkualitas tinggi, yakni

dengan kadar MgO 18% - 21%

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Keunggulan Pupuk Super Dolomit

1. Ukuran butir seragam, dan minimal 95% lolos ayakan 100 mesh

Kadar MgO minimal 18%Daya larut dalam air cepat, sehingga cepat

tersedia bagi tanamanSebagai pupuk Mg memiliki efektifitas tinggi

Daya tangkal pengasaman cepatUntuk mencapai produktifitas yang sama hanya

memerlukan 60% super dolomit bila dibandingkan dengan dolomit biasa, sehingga mengurangi biaya

aplikasi pemupukan dan biaya pengiriman

2. Pemakaian Kieserite dapat digantikan oleh super dolomit, jika super dolomit telah dicampur

dengan ZA.

Selain itu dapat memberikan manfaat lebih tinggi sebagai berikut :

Pemakaian kombinasi super dolomit + ZA mampu memasok hara Magnesium (Mg) dan Sulfat

Nitrogen pada tanaman dan tidak mengasamkan tanah

Penghematan biaya produksi karena pemakaian Super Dolomit + ZA harganya lebih murah

dibandingkan dengan KieseritePenghematan devisa, karena import Kieserite

dapat ditiadakan.

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Kegunaan Super Dolomite1. Penyembuhan

Untuk tanaman, kekurangan Magnesium (Mg) berakibat sangat fatal. Tanaman yang menderita

kekurangan Magnesium ditandai dengan daun yang menguning, sehingga kehilangan kemampuan

menghasilkan CO2, dengan demikian, pemberian pupuk Super Dolomite akan mampu menambah

unsur hara Magnesium yang diperlukan tanaman, sehingga warna daunnya menjadi hijau lagi

2. AmelioranPada tanah masam atau PH rendah, selain

pertumbuhan tanaman akan terganggu, juga keracunan A1 dan Fe sering terjadi. Dengan

pemberian Super Dolomit, selain dapat menetralisir A1 dan Fe, juga menaikkan PH tanah sehingga

penyerapan unsur unsur hara, N Fosfor (P), K oleh tanaman menjadi baik

3. Pembenah Pemberian pupuk berbentuk Amonium (UREA/DAP)

dan kalcium (KCl) yang terlalu banyak, dapat mengakibatkan kekurangan Magnesium (Mg). Selain

itu pupuk nitrogen mempunyai kecenderungan menciptakan suasana masam. Pemberian pupuk

Super Dolomit mampu menetralisir reaksi tanah yang bersifat masam akibat pemberian pupuk yang


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1. Disebar/ Dicampur merataCara ini dilakukan apabila pupuk super dolomit

digunakan untuk memperbaiki tanah yang buruk. Pupuk ini disebar/ dicampur merata diatas tanah pada waktu tanah terakhir yang bisanya dilakukan sebelum

tanaman ditanam atau benih ditabur2. Dimasukkan pada lubang tanaman

Bila sebagai pupuk dasar pada tanaman perkebunan, Super Dolomit ditempatkan pada dasar lubang

tanaman, kemudian diaduk merata dengan pupuk dan tanah pada dasar lubang, setelah itu ditimbun sedikit dengan tanah, baru diatas timbunan ditempatkan bibit

tanaman3. Super Dolomit dicampur dengan ZA / Pupuk lainnya

Bila super dolomit diperlukan dalam pencampuran pupuk maka cara pemberiannya dilakukan dengan

cara sebar merata dalam larikan sejajar baris tanaman, sekeliling batang tanaman atau ditempatkan pada

lubang yang dibuat dikanan – kiri tanaman

Untuk meniadakan reaksi tanah masam, Pupuk Super Dolomit dicampurkan pada waktu pengolahan tanah

secara merata dan dilakukan 2 minggu sebelum tanam.

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Kapor Oksida: Kapur Sirih

Kemurniannya: 85 - 95%Pembuatannya:

CaCO3 + panas CaO + CO2 CaMg(CO3)2 + panas CaO +MgO + CO2

Reaksinya dlm tanah:

MISEL - H + CaO MISEL - Ca + H2O

CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2Ca(OH)2 + 2 H2CO3 Ca(HCO3)2 + 2 H2O

% Oksida CaO : 77%Ekuivalen oksida Ca : 102Daya netralisasi : 182.1 (kesetaraan CaCO3)Persentase unsur Ca : 55

% Oksida MgO : 18%Persentase unsur Mg : 10.8

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Kapor Hidroksida: Kapur TembokKemurniannya: 95 - 96%Pembuatannya: CaO + MgO + H2O Ca(OH)2 + Mg(OH)2

Reaksinya di udara lembab terbuka: Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O Mg(OH)2 + CO2 NgCO3 + H2O

Reaksinya dlm tanah: MISEL - H + Ca(OH)2 MISEL - Ca + 2H2O

Ca(OH)2 + 2 H2CO3 Ca(HCO3)2 + 2 H2O

% Oksida CaO : 60%Ekuivalen oksida Ca : 76.7Daya netralisasi : 136.9 (kesetaraan CaCO3)Persentase unsur Ca : 42.8

% Oksida MgO : 12%Persentase unsur Mg : 7.2

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Kapor Karbonat : Kapur Kalsit = CaCO3Kapur Dolomitik = CaMg(CO3)2Dolomit = MgCO3

Kemurniannya : 75 - 99%

Pembuatannya:Batuan CaCO3 digiling Kapur giling

Reaksinya dlm tanah:

MISEL - H + CaCO3 MISEL - Ca + H2O + CO2

Oksida CaO = 44.8%; MgO = 6.70%Ekuivalen oksida Ca : 54.10Daya netralisasi : 96.6 (kesetaraan CaCO3)Persentase unsur Ca = 32; Mg = 4.03Karbonat:CaCO3 = 80%; MgCO3 = 14%Total = 94%

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Pengaruh Fisik: - Membantu granulasi -

agregasi- Memperbaiki struktur

tanah- Tata Udara (Aerasi)- Tata Air / Pergerakan

airPengaruh Kimia: (Bila tanah dg pH= 5.0 dikapur hingga ph naik menajdi 6.0)

- Kepekatan kation hidrohen menurun- Kepekatan anion hidroksil meningkat/ naik- Daya larut Fe, Mn dan Al akan menurun - Ketersediaan fosfat dan Mo akan diperbaiki- Cadd dan Mgdd akan naik- Persentase kejenuhan basa (KB) akan naik- Ketersediaan kalium berubah tgt keadaan.

Pengaruh Biologik: 1.Merangsang kegiatan jasad tanah, termasuk mikroba tanah2.Membantu pembentukan humus3.Aminisasi, amonifikasi, oksidasi belerang dipercepat4.Fiksasi nitrogen dari udara secara biologis dirangsang5.Nitrifikasi dipercepat

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Kebutuhan Kejenuhan pHVarietas tnm yg tolerankapur Al(t/ha) (%)

0.25 - 0.5 68 - 75 4.5 - 4.7 Gogo, ubikayu, mangga, mente

Jeruk, Nanas, Desmodium, Cen-

trosema, Paspalum0.5 - 1.0 45 - 58 4.7 - 5.0 Cowpea, Plantain

1.0 - 2.0 31 - 45 5.0-5.3 Jagung, Black bean

Sumber: Spain et al. 1975

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1. Morfologi akar. Varietas yg toleran Al mampu

menumbuhkan dan tidak mengalami kerusakan ujung-ujung akar pd kondisi tanah masam kaya Al

2. Perubahan pH rhizosfer.Varietas yg toleran Al mampu menaikkan pH zone rhizosfernya, sdg varietas yg peka menurunkan pH tsb. Perubahan pH ini diduga akibat dari penyerapan anion diferensial-selektif, sekresi asam organik, CO2 dan HCO3-.

3. Lambatnya translokasi Al ke tajuk. Varietas yg toleran Al mengakumulasikan Al dlm akar, dan mentranslokasikan ke tajuk secara lebih lambat dp jenis yg peka.

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4. Al dalam akar tidak menghambat penyerapan dan translokasi Ca, Mg dan K dlm varietas yg toleran Al.

5. Toleransi varietas kedelai thd Al berhubungan dengan penyerapan dan translokasi Ca.

6. Toleransi varietas keNTANG thd Al berhubungan dengan translokasi Mg dan K .

7. Toleransi varietas padi thd Al berhubungan dengan tingginya kandungan Si dlm tanaman.

8. Varietas yg toleran Al tidak mengalami hambatan penyerapan dan translokasi fosfat; tdk dmk varietas yg peka.

Page 38: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

1. Tujuan utama pengapuran adalah menetralisir Aldd, dan biasanya diikuti oleh kenaikan pH hingga 5.5.

2. Kalau diduga ada keracunan Mn, maka pH dinaikkan 6.0

3. Faktor-faktor yg harus diperhatikan:1. Jml bahan kapur yg diperlukan untuk menetralkan

Aldd hingga tingkat yg sesuai bagi tanaman2. Kualitas bahan kapur3. Cara penempatan / aplikasi bahan kapur ke tanah.

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Umumnya pertumbuhan tanaman menjadi lebih baik. Tnm kacang-kacangan menyukai kapur, termasuk kedelai dan kacang tanah

Alasan terjadinya respon tanaman: 1. Pengaruh langsung unsur hara Ca dan Mg2. Dinetralkannya senyawa-senyawa toksik3. Penekanan gangguan penyakit tanaman4. Ketersediaan beberapa unsur hara meningkat5. Rangsangan kegiatan jasad mikro akan meningkatkan ketersediaan hara6. Beberapa tanaman tertentu tidak senang pengapuran, misalnya semangka.7. ……. Dll.

Page 40: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

1. Kamprath (1970): Dosis kapur = 1.5 x ( me Aldd topsoil)

= m.e. Ca yg harus diaplikasikan sbg kapur

2. Dosis kapur yg dihitung dg cara ini mampu menetralkan 85 - 90 % Aldd dlm tanah yg mengandung 2 - 7% bahan organik

3. Faktor 1.5 digunakan untuk menetralkan H+ yg dilepaskan oleh bahan organik atau hidroksida Fe dan Al kalau pH tanah meningkat

4. Dalam tanah yg kaya bahan organik, faktor tersebut menjadi 2.0 atau 3.0, karena adanya Hdd.

5. Untuk setiap satu m.eq. Aldd dlm tanah diperlukan aplikasi 1.5 meq Ca atau setara dg 1.65 ton CaCO3 per ha.

6. Faktor penting lain adalah kandungan Aldd dlm tanah yang dapat ditolerir oleh tanaman tertentu

7. Jagung sensitif terhadap kejenuhan Al 40-60%. Pengapuran hingga kejenuhan Al = 0% dapat menguntungkan, namun pengapuran untuk menurunkan kejenuhan Al menjadi 20% dapat lebih ekonomis.

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % kejenuhan Al

% Hasil maks.







Sumber: Abruna et al. 1975Oxisols & Ultisols

Rumput gajah



Page 42: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

1. Kapur biasanya dibenamkan sedalam 15 cm beberapa hari sebelum tanam.

2. Tanah Oksisol sangat masam yg topsoilnya telah dikapur hingga pH 5.5 , sebagian besar akar jagung tumbuh dalam topsoil. Tingginya kandungan Aldd dalam subsoil mencegah pertumbuhan akar lebih dalam.

3. Penempatan kapur pada lapisan tanah yg lebih dalam mengakibatkan perakaran tanaman tumbuh lebih dalam dan hasil tanaman lebih baik

4. Deep placement kapur dimungkinkan pada tanah-tanah berpasir yang strukturnya baik.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dosis kapur ( ton/ha)

Hasil biji , t/ha







Sumber: Gonzales, 1973

Tanah Oxisols

Zone pengapuran 0-30 cm

Zone pengapuran 0-

15 cm

Page 44: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

1. Efek residu pengapuran tergantung pada seberapa cepat Ca dan Mg digantukan oleh residu kemasaman dari pupuk nitrogen.

2. Pada tanah HydrandeptSelama lima tahun sejak aplikasi 2 ton kapur/ha ternyata nilai Aldd dalam tanah dipertahankan sekitar 1 meq, semula sebesar 3 m.eq, meskipun sebagian besar Ca++ telah tercuci. Setelah lima tahun efek residu pengapuran lenyap.

3. Pada Oxisol berpasir.Jagung dan kedelai respon positif terhadap kapur enam tahun setelah aplikasi, respon hasil meningkat dg waktu, diduga karena pelarutan partikel kasar kapur.

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Pemberian KAPUR

Kelebihan: penambahan kapur yg mengakibatkan meningkatan pH tanah melebihi yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan optimum tanaman.

Tanaman akan menderita, terutama pada tahun pertama aplikasi kapur

Biasanya terjadi pada tanah berpasir / berdebu yg miskin bahan organik

Pengaruh buruk pengapuran yg berlebihan:

1. Kekurangan Fe, Mn, Cu dan Zn2. Ketersediaan fosfat mungkin menurun

karena pembentukkan senyawa kompleks dan

tidak larut3. Serapan fosfat dan penggunaannya dlm

metabolisme tanaman dapat terganggu4. Serapan B dan penggunaannya dapat

etrganggu5. Perubahan pH yang terlalu melonjak

dapat berpengaruh buruk6. ………dst.7. ……. Dll.

Page 46: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

Apakah KAPUR

perlu diberikan?

Penggunaan kapur harus didasarkan pada :

Kemasaman Tanah dan Kebutuhan Tanaman

1. Sebelum mengapur tanah, karakteristik kimia tanah perlu diteliti

2. pH tanah dan Kejenuhan Basa harus ditentukan secara akurat : Lapisan atas dan Lapisan bawah

3. Cara lain adalah menentukan Aldd

4. ……….

1. Kebutuhan kapur untuk tanaman secara umum atau untuk tanaman tertentu

2. Pengelompokkan respon tanaman thd kapur :

- Tanaman Senang Pengapuran- Tanaman tidak senang

Pengapuran- Tanaman netral

Page 47: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

Bentuk KAPUR yg


Lima faktor unt menentukan bentuk kapur :

1. Jaminan mutu kimia bahan kapur2. Harga bahan3. Kecepatan reaksi dengan tanah4. Kehalusan bahan kapur5. Hal lain-lain (penyimpangan,

pembungkusan dsb.

Kecepatan Reaksi:1. Kapur kaustik (kapur tohor dan tembok)

lebih cepat bereaksi dg tanah dp kapur giling2. Kapur dolomitik bereaksi lebih lambat dp

kapur kalsitik3. Bentuk tepung halus lebih cepat bereaksi dg

tanah4. …. Dll.

Pertimbangan biaya: 1. Harga bahan kapur 2. Biaya angkut ke lahan usaha 3. Biaya aplikasi bahan kapur ke lahan

usaha4. ….. dll

Page 48: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

Jumlah KAPUR yg


Enam faktor penting unt menentukan jumlah kapur :

1. Karakteristik tanah: Lapisan atas: pH, Aldd, Tekstur & Struktur, BOTLapisan bawah: pH, Aldd, Tekstur & Struktur

2. Tanaman yg akan ditanam3. Lamanya pergiliran tanaman4. Macam bahan kapur dan komposisi

kimianya5. Kehalusan bahan kapur 6. Pengalaman praktis

Karakteristik Tanah :1. Tekstur dan BOT menentukan besarnya

kapasitas jerapan2. Semakin tinggi Kapasitas jerapan dan Aldd,

semakin banyak kapur diperlukan3. Kemasaman dan Aldd tanah lapisan bawah

ikut menentukan jumlah kapur

Contoh: Jml kapur giling unt tanah mineral setebal 20 cm seluas 1 ha:

Untuk menapai pH Jumlah kapur, ton/ha5.2 1.2 x me Aldd

5.5 1.56.0 2.1

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Teknologi Aplikasi KAPUR

Cara Aplikasi :1. Kapur disebar di permukaan tanah

yg baru dibajak, kemudian dicampur rata dengan tanah olahan

2. Kapur disebar di permukaan tanah, tanah dibajak (diolah) dan dicampur rata

Waktu Aplikasi :1. Biasanya sebelum tanam 2. Kapur diberikan bila diperkirakan tidak

turun hujan pd saat aplikasi 3. ……

1. Pertanaman tunggal2. Pertanaman majemuk: Pola pergiliran tanaman

Kapur diberikan pd tanaman yg paling memerlukan pengapuran

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Prinsip utama pengelolaan tanah masam adalah menaikkan pH tanah dan mengurangi kejenuhan

Al yang meracun, serta meningkatkan ketersediaan hara tanaman, terutama unsur hara P sehingga sesuai dengan pertumbuhan tanaman

yang optimal.

Pengapuran merupakan teknologi yang paling tepat dalam pemanfaatan tanah masam di dasarkan atas beberapa pertimbangan:1.Rekasi kapur sangat cepat dalam menaikkan pH tanah dan menurunkan kelarutan Al yang meracun. 2.Respons tanaman sangat tinggi terhadap pemberian kapur pada tanah masam. 3.Efek sisa kapur atau manfaat kapur dapat dinikmati selama 3 sampai 4 tahun berikutnya. 4.Bahan kapur cukup tersedia dan relatif murah

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Teknologi pengapuran terpadu meliputi topik-TOPIK :

1.Kapur pengendali kemasaman tanah2.Peranan kapur dalam meningkatkan serapan P3.Penetapan kebutuhan kapur4.Manfaat kapur bagi pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman 5.Pengaruh sisa pupuk P bersama kapur6.Jenis kapur dan cara penggunaannya7.Pengapuran harus di sertai dengan pemupukan8.Peran bahan organik pada tanah masam9.Integrasi kapur, bahan organik, dan pupuk10.Efek kapur berlebihan11.Pengapuran dan pengaturan pola tanam12.Budidaya lorong "Alley cropping" memantapkan pengapuran13.Perhitungan keuntungan penggunaan kapur

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Teknologi pengapuran yang diintegrasikan dengan penggunaan bahan organik dan

pupuk buatan yang disertai dengan budidaya lorong dengan pola tanam yang

menguntungkan .

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Department of Agronomy

http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/agr/agr5/agr5.pdf….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

When lime and fertilizers are applied to soils, manychemical reactions take place — some immediately, andsome over long periods of time. These reactions have a

great influence on when lime and fertilizer can be appliedand how efficiently fertilizer is taken up by growing crops,

and this influences the economic returns from lime andfertilizer use.

When applied to soil, the liming material reacts withsoil moisture to release particles of calcium or, in the caseof dolomitic lime, magnesium. The rate at which the lime

material dissolves to release these particles is largelycontrolled by how finely it is ground and the chemical form

of the material (carbonate, oxide or hydroxide).

The finer the material, the more rapidly it dissolves. Oxides (burned lime) and hydroxides (hydrated lime) are more

soluble in water and react much more quickly than carbonate forms of lime (calcitic aglime or dolomitic


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http://www.aglimefertilisers.com.au/applications.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Timing Lime Application for Best Results

In general, follow these guidelines to achieve the best results with our Superfine formulation:

1.in a rotation, apply before the crop with the greatest acid sensitivity2.if you plan on reducing tillage, apply one year before the most acid sensitive crop, and in a greater quantity3.make sure that the root disease Take-All has been controlled before applying lime fertiliser ahead of a wheat or critical crop4.lime fertiliser application is generally not recommended for permanent pastures, due to issues of incorporation


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http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acidity2_review.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

The term pH stands for the potential (p) of the hydrogen ion (H+) in water. It is actually a way of reporting the concentration of H+ in solution using an electrical "potential" to measure H+. The pH of any solution is one of the easiest

laboratory measurements to make using a pH meter and an electrode specifically designed to

measure hydrogen (pH electrode). Color indicators and litmus paper are a quick

alternative for less precise measurements. By mixing a quantity of soil with demineralized or distilled water (usually a 1:1 mixture), we can

measure the pH of the water solution in equilibrium with the soil.

The pH measurement is based on a scale from 1 to 14 (pH is reported as the negative logarithm

of the hydrogen ion activity). At a pH of 7.0, there is an equal balance of hydrogen (H+) ions and hydoxyl (OH-) ions, and the soil (actually

the soil-water suspension) is said to be neutral. Because the pH measurement is logarithmic, each unit change in pH represents a ten-fold increase in the amount of acidity or basicity. That is, a soil solution with a pH of 6.0 has 10 times as much active H+ as one with a pH of


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When the pH falls below 6.0, the availability of nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium decreases. The availability of the metallic micronutrients,

however, like zinc, manganese, copper, and iron increases as the pH decreases.

Plants don't need aluminum to grow. It's not an essential plant nutrient. Aluminum, however, is one of the prominent mineral components of silt

and clay. Therefore, the earth's crust is naturally high in aluminum. Like zinc,

manganese , copper and iron, the more acid the soil, the more aluminum will be dissolved into the soil solution. If the pH is allowed to drop

much below 5.5, the availability of manganese and aluminum is increased to the point that

they could become toxic to plants.

Aluminum toxicity to plants is the main concern we have with acid soils in our


Charles C. Mitchell. Extension Agronomist-Soils & ProfessorAuburn University

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acidity2_review.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Page 57: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN


Problems in very acid soils Problems in alkaline soils

*Aluminum toxicity to plant roots *Iron deficiency

*Manganese toxicity to plants *Manganese deficiency

*Calcium & magnesium deficiency *Zinc deficiencies

*Molybdenum deficiency in legumes *excess salts (in some soils)

*P tied up by Fe and Al *P tied up by Ca and Mg

*poor bacterial growth *bacterial diseases in potatoes

*reduced nitrogen transformations

Charles C. Mitchell. Extension Agronomist-Soils & ProfessorAuburn University

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acidity2_review.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

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Parent material. Soils of the Piedmont and Sandstone Plateau regions of Alabama are very acid because of the acid nature of the rocks (granites and sandstones, respectively)

which formed these soils. Limestone valley soils were formed from basic rocks (limestones) but may be acid on the surface because of time and weathering. Some Black Belt Prairie soils may be alkaline because the Selma chalk (soft

limestone) which formed the soils is alkaline.

Rainfall/leaching. Rainfall also affects soil pH. Water passing through the soil leaches basic cations

such as calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and potassium (K+) into drainage water. These basic cations are replaced by acidic cations such as aluminum (Al3+)

and hydrogen (H+). For this reason, soils formed under high rainfall conditions are more acid than those formed under arid conditions.

Fertilizers. Both chemical and organic fertilizers may eventually make the soil more acid.

Hydrogen is added in the form of ammonia-based fertilizers (NH4+) , urea-based

fertilizers [CO(NH2)2], and as proteins (amino acids) in organic fertilizers. Transformations of these sources of N into nitrate (NO3

-) releases H+ to create soil acidity. Therefore, fertilization with fertilizers containing ammonium or even

adding large quantities of organic matter to a soil will ultimately increase the soil acidity and lower the pH.

NH4+ + 2O2 ---------------- NO3

-+ 2H+ + H2O Bacteria

Plant uptake. Plants take up basic cations such as K+, Ca++, and Mg++. When these are removed from the soil, they are replaced with H+ in order to maintain electrical neutrality.

Charles C. Mitchell. Extension Agronomist-Soils & ProfessorAuburn University

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acidity2_review.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Page 59: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN

PENGAPURAN TANAH MASAMSoils are limed to reduce the harmful effects of low pH

(aluminum or manganese toxicity) and to add calcium and magnesium to the soil. The amount of lime needed to achieve a certain pH depends on (1) the pH of the soil and (2) the buffering

capacity of the soil.

The buffering capacity is related to the cation exchange capacity (CEC). The higher the CEC, the more exchangeable acidity

(hydrogen and aluminum) is held by the soil colloids. As with CEC, buffering capacity increases with the amounts of clay and organic matter in the soil. Soils with a high buffering capacity

require larger amounts of lime to increase the pH than soils with a lower buffering capacity.

Most soil testing laboratories use a special buffered solution to measure the exchangeable acidity. This is the form of soil acidity that must be neutralized for a change in soil pH. By calibrating

pH changes in the buffered solution with known amounts of acid, the amount of lime required to bring the soil to a particular pH

can be determined.

Lime reduces soil acidity (increases pH) by changing some of the hydrogen ions into water and carbon dioxide (CO2). A Ca++ ion

from the lime replaces two H+ ions on the cation exchange complex. The carbonate (CO3

-) reacts with water to form bicarbonate (HCO3

-). These react with H+ to form H2O and CO2. The pH increases because the H+ concentration has been


H+ Soil Colloid + CaCO3 ------ Soil Colloid-Ca++ + H2O + CO2     

Remember, the reverse of the above process can also occur. An acid soil can become more acid as basic cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ are removed, usually by crop uptake or leaching,

and replaced by H+.

Charles C. Mitchell. Extension Agronomist-Soils & ProfessorAuburn University

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acidity2_review.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

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The most common liming materials are calcitic or dolomitic agricultural limestone. These are natural products made by finely grinding natural

limestone. Since natural limestone is relatively insoluble in water, agricultural limestone must be very finely ground so it can be

thoroughly mixed with the soil and allowed to react with the soil's acidity. Calcitic limestone is mostly calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

Dolomitic limestone, according to most state laws, must have at least 6 percent magnesium, and is made from rocks containing a mixture of

calcium and magnesium carbonates. Either will neutralize soil acidity. Dolomitic limestone also provides magnesium.

Charles C. Mitchell. Extension Agronomist-Soils & ProfessorAuburn University

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acidity2_review.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Some common soil liming materials.


RelativeNeutralizing value

----------- % ------------


pure CaCO3 100 not generally availableCalcitic agricultural lime,

  (calcium carbonate,  CaCO3 +impurities)

90 - 100 easily available

Dolomitic agricultural lime,  CaCO3 + MgCO3

95 - 108 easily available; provides Mg

Ground oyster shells 85 - 95  Selma chalk/marl,

  CaCO3 + clay 50 - 85 contains clay; keep dry

Burned lime, CaO 150 - 175 very caustic; don't useHydrated lime or

  builders' lime, Ca(OH)2 120 - 135 caustic; use with caution; no Mg

Basic slag 50 - 70 contains some P & micronutrients; byproduct

Wood stove or fireplace  ashes 40 - 70 provides some plant nutrients

Boiler wood ash 30 - 60 provides some plant nutrientsBy-products Variable use as specified by manufacturer

Gypsum and/or  ground drywall, CaSO4


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Liming to Increase Soil pHA.M. JOHNSTON¹  and R. DOWBENKO²

¹  Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ²  Agrium Inc., Calgary, Alberta

The desirable pH range for optimum corn production is 6.0 to 6.5. Soils with a pH 0.2 to 0.3 units below the recommended level should be considered for liming.

Liming to maintain an optimum soil pH has several benefits. It reduces the risk of toxicity from aluminum (Al) and other metals, improves the physical condition of

the soil, stimulates microbial activity, increases the cation exchange capacity (CEC) in some variable charge soils, increases the availability of several nutrients

such as N, P, and molybdenum (Mo), supplies Ca and Mg for plants, and improves symbiotic N fixation by legume rotation crops such as alfalfa and soybeans. Calcitic and dolomitic aglime are the most common lime sources.

http://www.farmwest.com/index.cfm?method=library.showPage&librarypageid=135….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Yield response of corn to soil pH.  (From Lathwell and Reid. 1984. In F. Adams, ed. Soil Acidity and Liming-

Agronomy Monograph 12, 2nd Edition. American Society of Agronomy).

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(i) Kemasaman aktifRefers only to H+ and not Al3+ in the soil solution

(ii) Kemasaman-tukar = Exchangeable acidity Includes exchangeable Al3+

Includes exchangeable H. Usually there is a small amount in acid mineral soils but it is more abundant in organic soils

It is extracted with a neutral unbuffered salt solution, such as KCl, CaCl2 or NaCl

(iii) Kemasaman residual atau Non-exchangeable

This is comprised of weak acids not replaced by neutral unbuffered salt solution and H+ which bonds with OH-. This is the type of acidity caused by organic

matter and bound Al. Bound Al occurs in soils primarily as Al polymers (long chain compounds) and is denoted as Al (OH)x


Al (OH)xx+ + OH- ------- Al (OH)x

x+ COOH + OH- --------- COO- + H2O

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acid1.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Page 63: MAES PENGELOLAAN kemasaman tanah dan PENGAPURAN


Al-tukar dan Kation-tukar

Soil chemists have defined exchangeable cations in acid soils as those cations extracted with a neutral unbuffered salt solution. The sum of

these cations is termed the effective cation exchange capacity. A neutral unbuffered salt solution will extract only cations that are held at active exchange sites at a particular pH of the soil. The exchangeable acidity

extracted from soils with a neutral unbuffered salt is Al. Acid mineral soils at pH 5.0 have their active exchange sites occupied by Al and at pH 6.0 these sites are countered by exchangeable bases. The relative cation saturations have an important effect on the cation

composition of the soil solution and in turn on plant growth.

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acid1.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Cation composition of the exchange sites as related to the soil pH value.

pH Al Ca + Mg + K CEC


4.5 0.91 0.20 1.11

5.4 0.34 0.91 1.25

5.9 0.10 1.60 1.70

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The concentration of Al in the soil solution is related to pH of the soil, the Al saturation of effective cation exchange capacity, and the salt concentration of the system. At a pH of 5.5 the concentration of Al in the soil solution is quite low. However, as the pH drops from 5.0

to 4.5, the Al concentration increases markedly. The Al concentration of the soil solution is related to the Al saturation of the effective CEC

of the soil. The concentration of Al in the soil solution is low until the exchangeable Al saturation exceeds 60% and then increases rapidly. When the Al saturation is greater than

60%, the soil solution concentration of Al is greater than 1 ppm and may be as high as 5 or 6 ppm.

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acid1.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

ManganeseWater-soluble Mn content of acid soils is closely related to the soil pH, being high below pH 5.0 but decreasing rapidly as the pH value increases to 6.0.

CalciumThe predominant cation in the soil solution of most acid soils is Ca.

Concentrations of soil solution Ca are increased considerably when acid soils are limed.

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Clays with hydrogen ion on the exchange complex are not stable. The aluminosilicate structure decomposes to form Al saturated

clays. Aluminum and basic cation content of different soils. Notice the difference in aluminum saturation even though the pH

values are approximately the same.

Soi1 pH

Al Ca + Mg +K

%Alsaturation------------ meq/100g


Norfolk 4.5 0.91 0.20 82

Lynchburg 4.6 1.96 0.46 81

Portsmouth 4.7 4.18 3.63 54

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Serapan Ca dan Mg oleh TanamanRainfall in excess of evapotranspiration (leaching) removes Ca and Mg from the soil. Soils of humid regions usually contain

little weatherable Ca and Mg minerals.

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Calcium and magnesium composition of some crops.

CropCa Mg

lbs/ton of cropDicots Alfalfa 35.0 9.8Lespedeza 17.0 5.7Red clover 29.4 9.2Soybean 25.0 17.4MonocotsK. bluegrass 6.2 4.0Timothy 5.6 3.6Corn stover 9.8 8.4Wheat straw 3.2 2.2

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acid1.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

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Penambahan Hidrogeni.) From the decomposition of organic matter

ii.) Roots take up basic cations and exchange them with Hiii.) Acid forming fertilizers

2NH4+ (ammonium) + 4O2 2NO3

- (nitrate) + 4H+ (acidic hydrogen) + 2H2O Estimates of 1.8 to 3.6 lb of CaCO3 is required to

neutralize the acidity generated from 1 lb of NH4+ nitrogen:

Acidity generated from common N sources

Nitrogen Source

lb CaCO3/lb Nneeded to

neutralize theacidity

Anhydrous ammonia 1.8Urea 1.8 Ammonium nitrate 1.8Ammonium sulfate 5.4

Monoammonium phosphate 5.4

Diammonium phosphate 3.6

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acid1.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

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http://soils.usda.gov/sqi/management/files/sq_atn_8.pdf….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Liming will provide the following benefits:

1.reduces the possibility of Mn2+ and Al3+ toxicity;2.improves microbial activity;3.improves physical condition (better structure);4.improves symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes;5.improves palatability of forages;6.provides an inexpensive source for Ca2+ and Mg2+ when these nutrients are deficient at lower pH;7.improves nutrient availability (availability of P and Mo increases as pH increases at 6.0 – 7.0, however, other micronutrients availability increases as pH decreases).

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Crops require different pH levels (adapted from Tisdale et al., 1993).

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Liming materials are usually Ca and or Mg carbonates, oxides, and hydroxides.

Liming materials are effective when they:• remove H+ and Al+ off of exchange sites (potential

acidity);• neutralize H+ in solution (active acidity);

• are economical.

In order for liming material to be economical, it generally has to be a salt. A strong base and strong acid such as NaCl

(sodium chloride) or CaSO4 (gypsum) are not effective in raising pH levels because a hydroxyl (OH-) is not released to

neutralize H+ by forming water (H2O).

A salt of a strong base and a weak acid is required to raise pH as shown by the equation below.

CaCO3 + H2O ↔ Ca2+ + HCO3- + OH-

The Ca2+ displaces H+ and Al3+ on exchange sites where OH- neutralizes the H+ in solution.

The effectiveness of liming material is based on two factors:• Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE) and

• fineness of material

These two factors when combined are called the Effective Calcium Carbonate (ECC).

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http://soils.usda.gov/sqi/management/files/sq_atn_8.pdf….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

The CCE is a way to relate all liming materials to CaCO3 as a standard.

The molecular weight of CaCO3 is 100 (Ca = 40, C =12, and O =16 x 3). The CCE of CaCO3 has been theoretically established at 100. When using

other materials other than CaCO3, the molecular weight of CaCO3 is divided by the other material’s molecular weight.

For example, the calculation for the use of wood ash as a liming material is as follows:

Wood ashes (K2CO3) molecular weight = 138CaCO3 = 100

100/138 = 0.72 (CCE) or 72% effective compared to CaCO3

So if a recommendation from a soil called for 1,000 lbs. of agricultural lime (CaCO3), then you would divide the CCE of 0.72 (K2CO3) into the rate

needed to determine the amount of K2CO3 needed.

1,000 lbs. CaCO3 / 0.72 = 1,389 lbs. of K2CO3In this case 1,389 lbs. of K2CO3 are needed to achieve the same effect as

1,000 lbs. of calcium carbonate.

Neutralizing Value (CCE) of Liming Materials (Tisdale et al., 1993)

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http://nrcca.cals.cornell.edu/nutrient/CA5/CA0540.php ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Limestone is calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate: CaCO3 and MgCO3

The limestone dissolves in water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2): CaCO3 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 + Ca(OH)2

Carbonic acid is unstable and converts to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water; the CO2 gas escapes:

H2CO3 ↔ CO2 + H2O

The remaining calcium hydroxide dissociates: Ca(OH)2 ↔ Ca2+ + 2OH-

The Ca2+ replaces 2H+ from the soil, increasing the soil base saturation

The hydroxide anion (OH-) reacts with the soil acid cation (H+), forming water:

OH- + H+ ↔ H2O

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http://nrcca.cals.cornell.edu/nutrient/CA5/CA0539.php ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Soil pH affects nutrient availability by changing the form of the nutrient in the soil.  Adjusting soil pH to a recommended value can increase the

availability of important nutrients.  Plants usually grow well at pH values above 5.5.  Soil pH of 6.5 is usually considered optimum for nutrient

availability.Lower pH increases the solubility of Al, Mn, and Fe, which are toxic to plants in excess.  A critical effect of excess soluble Al is the slowing or

stopping of root growth.Extreme pH values decrease the availability of most nutrients.  Low pH

reduces the availability of the macro- and secondary nutrients, while high pH reduces the availability of most micronutrients.  Microbial activity may

also be reduced or changed.

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http://ohioline.osu.edu/agf-fact/0505.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Lime supplies a surplus of the basic cations Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ in a carbonated, hydroxide, or oxide form (CaCO3, MgCO3, CaOH, MgOH,

CaO). As the compounds dissolve in soil solution, the carbonate (CO32-),

hydroxyl (OH-), or oxide (O2-) react with active acidity (H+) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) or water (H2O). Also, because H+ is being removed

from soil solution, free Al3+ reacts with OH- to form an insoluble compound. Hydrogen held by soil-clay (potential acidity) is released into soil solution

to maintain chemical equilibrium as active acidity is neutralized, and Al3+ is released from the soil to form insoluble compounds. The H+ released into

the soil solution is then neutralized until the CO32-, OH-, and O2- are

exhausted. Ultimately, most of the carbonic acid will dissociate to form water and carbon dioxide. Thus, excess H+ is converted into water, and free Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ replace the released H+ and Al3+ on the soil exchange sites

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TNP = Total Neutralizing Power

http://ohioline.osu.edu/agf-fact/0505.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Total Neutralizing Power (TNP) is a measure of the ability of a liming material to raise the pH. The percentage of

calcium, percentage of magnesium, and impurities, such as silt and clay, determine TNP.

Pure calcium carbonate has a neutralizing power of 100: other liming materials are compared on a percentage basis

with it. The two major liming materials are dolomitic and calcitic

limestone. Both are sources of calcium and magnesium, but the percentage of each varies and thus the TNP varies. Dolimitic limestone contains approximately 20 to 22%

calcium and 11 to 13% magnesium. Because of molecular weight differences, magnesium

carbonate on a pound for pound basis is 16% more effective in raising the pH than calcium carbonate.

Therefore the TNP will normally range from 100 to 110 for dolomitic limestone. Calcitic or hical lime contains

approximately 32 to 35% calcium, 2 to 5% magnesium, and has a TNP of 90 to 99.

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ENP = effective neutralizing power

In Ohio, liming materials are labeled based on their effective neutralizing power (ENP), which is reported in lbs/ton. The ENP considers the total neutralizing

power (TNP), fineness of grind, and percent moisture of a liming material (Ohio Aglime Council, 2003), and may be calculated by Equation 1.

Equation 1:ENP (lbs/ton) = TNP/100 * FI/100 * %DW/100 * 2000 lbs/ton

http://ohioline.osu.edu/agf-fact/0505.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Total neutralizing power (TNP), fineness, water content, and ENP of common liming materials.

Grade TNP (%)


Water (%) ENP (lbs/ton)

% passing mesh size

8 20 60 FI

Aglime superfine 100 100 100 100 100 0 2000

Dolomitic hydrated aglime

140 100 99 76 90 0 2520

Calcitic aglime 99 99 60 37 59 0 1168

Dolomitic aglime 105 97 95 90 93 0 1953

Waste water lime 102 100 100 100 100 74 530

Pelletized lime 93 100 100 100 100 0 1860

These are liming materials available in the state of Ohio. Depending upon source, lime characteristics will vary.

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http://ohioline.osu.edu/agf-fact/0505.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Once it has been determined that liming is necessary by soil pH and the buffer pH measurement, a lime recommendation can be made. Reported lime rates assume an

effective neutralizing power (ENP) of 2000 lb/ton and an incorporation depth of 8 inches. To compute the application rate of a lime source with an ENP different from 2000 lb/ton

use Equation :Tons of material / A = LR * (2000 / ENP)

If depth of incorporation is different than 8 inches, divide the lime recommendation by 8 and multiply by the new depth. For example, assume the lime rate needed is 1.6 t/A from Table 4. The lime will be incorporated into the top 6 inches, so the new rate of lime is 1.2

t/A, (i.e., 1.6/8 x 6 = 1.2).

Tons of liming material (ENP of 2000 lbs/ton) needed to raise the soil pH to the desired pH level based on the SMP (Shoemaker-McLean-Pratt) buffer and an incorporation

depth of 8 inches (adapted from Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations, 1996)

Buffer pH1

Desired pH levelsMineral soils Organic soils

6.82 6.53 6.04 Soil pH 5.3

tons agricultural limestone/acre   tons/acre

6.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 5.2 0.0

6.7 1.6 1.4 1.1 5.1 0.5

6.6 2.2 2.0 1.6 5.0 0.8

6.5 2.9 2.5 2.0 4.9 1.3

6.4 3.6 3.1 2.5 4.8 1.7

6.3 4.2 3.6 3.0 4.7 2.1

6.2 4.9 4.2 3.4 4.6 2.5

6.1 5.6 4.7 3.9 4.5 2.9

6.0 6.2 5.3 4.4 4.4 3.3

1.To compute LTI multiply buffer pH by 10.2.For desired pH of 6.8: lime recommendation = -6.8*buffer pH + 46.83.For desired pH of 6.5: lime recommendation = -5.6*buffer pH + 39.14.For desired pH of 6.0: lime recommendation = -4.6*buffer pH + 31.8

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Lime Recommendations for Field Crops

http://www.nnyagdev.org/PDF/LimeRecommendations.pdf….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Lime recommendations depend on:1. Current and desired pH.2. Exchangeable acidity.

3. Base saturation of the soil at thecurrent and at the desired pH.

4. Tillage depth.

Base saturation is the amount of basic cations divided by the total cation exchange capacity (total number of cation exchange sites). So, if the base

saturation is 0.75, 75% of the cation exchange capacity is occupied by Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and/or Na+ while 25% is exchangeable acidity. For soils with a pH of 6.0 or lower, the lime recommendation is determined by the exchangeable acidity, base saturation at the original pH and at the desired

pH, and the tillage depth (TD, inches):

(BSdesired-BSoriginal)Lime Req. = EA*0.5*---------------------------------------- * (TD/6)


Where the pH of the soil is 6.1 or higher, the exchangeable acidity is negligible but there is still residual acidity. For these soils, the exchangeable

acidity measurement needs to be replaced by estimated cation exchange capacity (CEC).

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Lime and Nutrient Recommendations

http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/agr/agr1/agr1.pdf….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Soil pH and Lime RecommendationsSoil-water pH provides a measure of active acidity in soil,

and soil-buffer pH provides a measure of reserve acidity in soil.Soil-water pH can be lower than expected in the fall after a dry

growing season due to salts from fertilizer not being leachedout. To avoid the lower than expected soil-water pH, active

acidity is measured in a solution with a high salt concentration(1 M KCl), which removes variable soil-salt levels occurring atmuch lower concentrations in the soil. The soil pH measured

in 1 M KCl is about 1 pH unit lower than soil-water pH. Sincesoil-water pH is a much more familiar value in relationship to

optimum plant growth, the measurement of 1 M KCl soil pH isconverted to soil-water pH for presentation on soil test reports.

Lime recommendations, however, are based on 1 M KCl soil pH.

To determine how much lime is required to raise soil-waterpH, see tables 6, 7, or 8 with the target pH of 6.4, 6.6, or 6.8 in theheading. The soil-water pH is shown as the first column, and the

buffer pH is shown as the top row of pH values. To determinethe appropriate lime rate, read down the first column to the

samples soil-water pH then read across to the samples bufferpH. The lime rates were determined from a lime response curve

using 1 M KCl soil pH and buffer pH with a correctionfactor for field application. The resultant lime rates are

rounded to the nearest 0.25 tons/acre.

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Lime and Nutrient Recommendations

http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/agr/agr1/agr1.pdf….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Soil pH and Lime RecommendationsRate of 100% effective limestone (tons/acre) needed to raise soil pH to 6.4.

Rate of 100% effective limestone (tons/acre) needed to raise soil pH to 6.6.

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http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijfr/2012/976809/fig2/ ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Mean millipede and snail abundance (number per 25 m2) with SE bars on lime-treated and control sites with model lines. Lime treatment was applied between 2003 and 2004 in central Pennsylvania. *Confidence intervals of the time-by-

treatment interaction excluded zero, indicating a significant effect of liming on that variable.

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http://www.canolacouncil.org/chapter6.aspx ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Effects of Liming on Canola Yields at 27 Alberta Sites on Soils with Different pH Ranges .

The canola yields on acid soils can be substantially increased by lime application.

The increase in soil pH resulting from lime application provides a more favourable environment for soil microbiological activity that increases the rate

of release of plant nutrients, particularly nitrogen. Reduced soil acidity following liming also increases the availability of several other plant nutrients,

notably phosphorus.One of the benefits of liming acid soils is the increased utilization of residual

fertilizer phosphorus by crops. On slightly acid (pH 6.1 to 6.5) and moderately acid (pH 5.6 to 6.0) soils, liming will have a minor effect on canola yields

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http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/pages/publicationD.jsp?publicationId=112 ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Soil acidity consists of active and reserve acidity. Most of the acid-causing elements (hydrogen and aluminum) are held by the cation exchange sites of the soil particles and organic matter. This is referred to as reserve acidity. Soils with large amounts of clay and organic matter have high

potential for reserve acidity. Soil pH is a measure of active acidity, the hydrogen ion

concentration in the soil solution. The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions in soil solution, the lower the pH (i.e., greater acidity). The active acidity is present in the

immediate environment of roots and microbes. The total acidity is the sum of the reserve and active acidity.

Lime neutralizes both the active acidity and some of the reserve acidity. As active acidity is neutralized by the lime, reserve acidity is released into the soil solution, maintaining

the active acidity or the pH.

The ability of a soil to resist changes in pH is called buffering capacity and is largely due to the reserve acidity.

More lime is required to neutralize acidity on a highly buffered soil compared to a less buffered soil

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Examples of approximate lime required to raise the pH of soils of different textural classes. (Source: Nutrient

Management for Agronomic Crops in Nebraska, EC155, UNL Extension.)

Soil texture





Lime rate(tons/acre)

Loamy sandSilt loamSilty clay loam



http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/pages/publicationD.jsp?publicationId=112 ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

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KUALITAS BAHAN KAPURTwo factors determine the effectiveness (ECCE) of liming materials:

1.neutralizing value or purity, also referred to as calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) 2.particle size or fineness of the liming material.

The neutralizing value, or CCE, is the amount of acid on a weight basis that a given quantity of lime will neutralize when dissolved. It is expressed as a

percentage of the neutralizing value of pure calcium carbonate or calcite (100 percent CCE). A lime that neutralizes 80 percent as much acid as pure calcium carbonate is said to have a CCE of 80. Table III shows the CCE of

different liming materials.

Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) of liming materials.Material % CCE*

Pure calcite Calcitic lime Dolomitic lime Hydrated lime Burned lime Pel-lime (finely ground ag-lime) Fly ash** Wood ash




*These values only consider the purity of the material, however, the fineness also must be considered to determine the effectiveness of the lime (i.e., ECCE = CCE times fineness).**Based on UNL research on ash from power plants in Nebraska. Fly ash CCE values and other chemical analyses should be done due to variation caused by source of coal, collection procedures and other factors.

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http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/forages/publications/ay267.htm ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Soil acidity has a direct effect upon availability of most essential plant nutrients.

The general effect of pH on plant nutrient availability. The best pH range for most nutrients is between 6.0 and 7.0. Deficiencies can be

observed at both low and high pH's. Manganese and iron exhibit toxicity at low pH's and deficiency at high pH levels. Although aluminum is not an essential nutrient, it is important because it

rapidly increases in solubility as the soil pH drops below 5.0. Too much aluminum in solution will restrict root and plant


Effects of change in soil pH on the availability of plant nutrients.

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Normal crop growth occurs over a range in pH values and the range varies by crop. In a soil testing laboratory, the

necessity for limestone is based on crops to be grown, soil pH, and soil organic matter (mineral soil vs. organic soil). The goal of a liming program is to apply enough aglime to

raise the soil pH to the middle of the range for normal growth and then reapply when it drops below the range.

Mineral soil pH ranges for crops.

http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/forages/publications/ay267.htm ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

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1.Improved availability of soil nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, and molybdenum.2.Increased efficiency of fertilizers applied to the soil.3.Reduced availability of aluminum and manganese, which may cause toxicity problems in acid conditions.4.More favorable microbial activity in the soil.5.Better soil structure and tilth.6.Increased longevity of legume stands such as alfalfa and clovers.7.Improved activity of certain herbicides, providing better weed control.

http://extension.missouri.edu/p/G9102….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Effect of soil acidity on soybean yields. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 947. T.R. Fisher.

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Pasture responses to lime over five years are limited and highly variable

A.E. Crawford and C.J.P. GourleyAgriculture Victoria Ellinbank, Department of Natural Resources and Environment,


http://www.regional.org.au/au/asa/2001/3/b/crawford.htm….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Effect of lime on soil pH(H2O), exchangeable Al (KCl), available P (Olsen) and extractable cations at Wyelangta in October 1999, five

years after application. Depths shown are 0-5 cm (), 5-10 cm (), 10-15 cm () and 15-20 cm ().

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Grain yield responses to liming obtained at Rutherglen, North-east Victoria, 1984 season.

http://regional.org.au/au/asa/1985/invited/p-12.htm….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

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http://www.fao.org/docrep/x5872e/x5872e0a.htm….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Effect of calcium carbonate on dry matter output from a surface seeded grass-clover sward (source O’Toole 1968)

Liming to neutral state is expensive and unnecessary. It may affect the availability of trace elements and over-liming may influence

denitrification, producing toxic levels of nitrate-nitrogen. O’Toole (1968) showed that where an adequate supply of nitrogen fertilizer is applied to pasture the pH can be maintained at lower

levels than where no applications are given. The influence of liming on the dry matter output of a mixed grass-clover sward.

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http://www.regional.org.au/au/roc/1986/roc198607.htm….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Cumulative yields of maize over three years at a site in Brazil, as affected by lime rates and depth of lime

incorporation (CPAC 1976).

A yield increase in corn after lime incorporation to 30 cm compared to 15 cm

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Responses of Corn and soybeans to liming on mineral soils

http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/acid3.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

A major reason for crop response to lime is due to the precipitation of exchangeable Al

The beneficial effects of liming on crop growth are often related to neutralization of Al and not directly to the

change in pH.

pH % Al Saturation

YieldCorn Soybeans


5.0 77 127 185.5 25 143 406.0 15 143 40

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http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/diagnosis.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

The Adams and Evans buffer (used by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Virginia) was developed for soils with low cation

exchange capacity and containing primarily kaolinitic clays. These soils usually have relatively low lime requirements and the possibility of

overliming exists. The Adams and Evans buffer is very reliable for soils with relatively small

amounts of exchangeable acidity and provides a fairly high degree of accuracy of estimating lime requirements to reach pH 6.5 or less. Sensitivity of the lime

requirement by this method is within 500 lb/A of limestone. The Adams and Evans lime requirement method is based on separate

measurements of soil pH in water and a buffer solution (pH 8.0) The soil pH determination is used as a measure of acid saturation of the soil (H-sat1)

according to the following equation: Measured soil pH = 7.79 5.55 (H-sat1) + 2.27 (H-sat1)2

Where H-saturation is expressed as a fraction of the CEC. Buffer pH is used as a measure of soil acids (Soil H) according the following equation:

Soil H = 8(8.00 buffer pH)

The desired soil pH is expressed in terms of acid saturation of the soil (H-sat2) according to the following equation:

Desired soil pH = 7.79 5.55 (H-sat2) + 2.27 (H-sat1)2

The Adams-Evans buffer method assumes that agricultural-grade limestone is about 2/3 effective in neutralizing soil acidity up to a soil pH of about 6.5, and allows for this by using a correction factor of 1.5. Thus, the lime requirement

is the product of the following equation:Soil H/H-sat1 x (H-sat1 (H-sat2) x 1.5

or for 10 cm3 soil in 10 ml water + 10 ml buffer solution, the lime recommendation is:

Limestone (lbs/A) = 8000[(8.00 - buffer pH)/H-sat1] x (H-sat1 - H-sat2) x 1.5

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http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/diagnosis.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

As noted above lime requirement calculations using the Adams-Evans method is based on two pH determinations,

soil pH and buffer pH. With this information and the formulas above the lime requirement of a soil can be

calculated. The following table is an abbreviated example of the lime requirement for a soil depth weighing 2,000,000

pounds per acre to increase soil pH to 6.5.

Soil pH in Buffered Solution

Soil pHin water 7.9 7.80 7.70 7.60 7.50 7.40 7.30

6.3 183 366 549 732 915 1098 1281

6.1 324 648 972 1295 1619 1943 2267

5.9 436 872 1308 1744 2180 2616 3052

5.7 528 1056 1584 2112 2641 3169 3697

5.5 605 1211 1816 2422 3027 3633 4238

5.3 672 1344 2016 2689 3361 4033 4705

5.1 731 1462 2193 2924 3655 4386 5117

4.9 785 1569 2354 3138 3923 4707 5492

4.7 836 1672 2507 3343 4179 5015 5850

*Note:   The depths of soil it takes to weigh 2,000,000 pounds will vary with the bulk density of the soil. For example, a sandy loam soil with a bulk density of 1.472 would weigh 2,001,232 pounds per 6 inch-depth, whereas, a loam soil with a bulk density of 1.299 would weigh 2,001,504 pounds per 6.8 inch-depth.

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http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~blpprt/diagnosis.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

The Mehlich buffer method (used by North Carolina) was developed to determine the amount of lime required to neutralize the acidity extracted with an unbuffered salt solution. This approach was based on neutralizing the

acidity that is limiting crop growth and not trying to achieve a given pH. A buffer solution of pH 6.6 is used to measure

extractable acidity (Ac). The buffered solution extracts both exchangeable Al and the pH dependent acidity (H) which becomes ionized up to pH 6.6. The lime rate to apply is

calculated with the following equation:

CaCO3 tons/acre = Ac (desired pH - soil pH) (6.6 - soil pH)

The desired pH for a soil is the pH at which the activity of Al is neutralized. The effect of soil organic matter in

decreasing the activity of Al has been taken into account by establishing desired pH's for three classes of soils based on their organic matter content: mineral, mineral-organic and

organic. The desired pH at which exchangeable Al is essentially neutralized is 6.0 for mineral soils, 5.5 for

mineral-organic soils and 5.0 for organic soils.

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http://www2.hawaii.edu/~nvhue/acid.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

When lime (i.e., CaCO3) is added to a moist soil, the following reactions will occur:

(1)Lime is dissolved slowly by moisture in the soil to produce Ca2+ and OH-

CaCO3 + H2O (in soil) ==> Ca2+ + 2OH- + CO2 (gas)

(1)Newly produced Ca2+ will exchange with Al3+ and H+ on the surface of acid soils

2Ca2+ + soil-Al ===> soil-Ca + Al3+ + soil-H soil-Ca + H+

(1)Lime-produced OH- will react with Al3+ to form Al(OH)3 solid and with H+ to form water.

Al3+ + 3OH- ===> Al(OH)3 (solid) H+ + OH- ===> H2O

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http://courses.soil.ncsu.edu/ssc051/chapters/print2_2.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Relationships between permanent and pH dependent charge

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http://www.fruit.cornell.edu/grape/pool/nutrition.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

At low soil pH Aluminum ions make up a large fraction of the cations. As soil pH approaches 4.5, exchangeable Aluminum ions per se, disappear, and

above pH 6 there are few Aluminum ions potentially available. The table below reports data from a Bordeaux study on the affects of

Aluminum ions on growth of Cabernet Sauvignon (V. vinifera) grapevines. Note that only 10 ppm (mg/l) in solution reduced vine growth almost in

half. The aluminum ions are not absorbed by the roots, and they do not enter the vine. Aluminum ions directly inhibit root growth. Thus aluminum

toxicity cannot be detected from petiole mineral element analysis. Vine roots must be inspected.

EFEK pH dan Al terhadap tanaman

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http://www.fruit.cornell.edu/grape/pool/nutrition.html….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

the addition of lime to an acid soil raises the pH and decreases aluminum availability.

Effects of Lime Addition on Extractable Aluminum of a Bordeaux, France Soil

Soil Treatment Soil pHExtractable Aluminum

(mg/kg)Control 4.1 328

2.8 tons/acre CaO 5.1 54

3.7 tons/acre CaO 5.5 28

5.5 tons/acre CaO 6.1 Trace

Source: Delmas, Pont-de-la-Maye, 1984

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http://www.agronomy.lsu.edu/courses/agro2051/chap08.htm….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Isomorphic substitution

Al3+ for Si4+ in the tetrahedral sheet and Mg2+ for Al3+ in the dioctahedral sheet.

These substitutions occur during formation of the clay mineral and are permanent to the structure. 

Both lead to net negative charge within the crystal lattice that is balanced by adsorbed cations.

pH-dependent charge

Loss of ionizable H+ from certain sites on mineral colloids or from certain functional groups in

humus leads to negatively charged sites. Protonation of other sites leads to positively charged sites. pH-dependent negative charge

increases with increasing pH but pH-dependent positive charge increases with decreasing pH.

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Muatan negatif yang trgantung pH

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1FEA1D74 ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Influence of pH on CEC of smectite and SOM. Below pH 6 the charge for clay minerals is relatively constant

(permanent CEC charge); above pH 6, contribution of the variable charge from clay minerals is evident

(ionisation of H + from hydroxy groups). By comparison, almost all of the charges on the organic colloid are considered to be pH dependent, i.e. variable charge

(modified from Brady 1990).

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The permanent negative charge on a clay mineral as a result of isomorphous substitution does not change with pH. Why? Because the charge was created when the mineral was formed sand is locked inside

the crystal structure. Increased negative charge, or pH dependent charge, is caused by ionization of H+ ions (deprotonation) attached to -OH ions

on the surface and edges of the crystal lattice. Therefore at higher soil pH's the clay minerals have increased capacity

to hold basic cations.

http://agcal.usask.ca/slsc240/modules/module3/clay_charge.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

pH dependent charge on clay minerals

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pH Dependent Charge

http://agcal.usask.ca/slsc240/modules/module3/clay_charge.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

The negative charge on clay minerals generally increases with a rise in the pH of soil solution. This is a result of

deprotonation. Deprotonation is the removal of H+ from anions such as OH bound at the edges of 2:1 clay minerals

or the surface of 1:1 minerals such as kaolinite. The reaction can be represented as follows:

In soils there are many other sources of pH dependent negative charge: from dissociation of H+ from functional

groups on organic matter and also from OH groups attached to amorphous hydrous metal oxides which often coat the

surfaces of clays and link to organic matter.

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http://agcal.usask.ca/slsc240/modules/module3/clay_charge.html ….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

During clay formation, the central cation of a silica tetrahedra Si4+ can be replaced (substituted) by similar sized ions such as, Al3+ aluminum or Fe3+ iron (How? See previous section). Similarly,

replacement of the central cation, Al3+, in aluminum octahedra can also occur. In this case Mg2+ magnesium or Fe2+ iron are the most

common substitutes. This phenomenon is called isomorphous substitution (literally: "same shape").

2:1 Crystal lattice showing isomorphous substitution and net negative charge

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Electric Double Layer

http://www.substech.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=stabilization_of_colloids&DokuWiki=011add7efefd6f1bd6b9974b3a66990f….. Diunduh


Electric Double Layer is the phenomenon playing a fundamental role in the mechanism of the electrostatic stabilization of colloids.

Colloidal particles gain negative electric charge when negatively charged ions of the dispersion medium are adsorbed on the particles surface.

A negatively charged particle attracts the positive counterions surrounding the particle.

Electric Double Layer is the layer surrounding a particle of the dispersed phase and including the ions adsorbed on the particle surface and a film of the countercharged

dispersion medium.The Electric Double Layer is electrically neutral.

An Electric Double Layer consists of three parts:

Surface charge - charged ions (commonly negative) adsorbed on

the particle surface.Stern layer - counterions (charged

opposite to the surface charge) attracted to the particle surface and

closely attached to it by the electrostatic force.

Diffuse layer - a film of the dispersion medium (solvent)

adjacent to the particle. Diffuse layer contains free ions with a

higher concentration of the counterions. The ions of the diffuse

layer are affected by the electrostatic force of the charged


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http://www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/doc/s12ch2.htm….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

The interchange between a cation in solution and another cation on the surface of any negatively charged material such as clay or organic matter.

What determines if a cation is on the exchange complex or in the soil solution?

Cation exchange is influenced by: 1) strength of adsorption--->Strong adsorption » Al+3 > Ca2+ > Mg2+ >

K+=NH4+ > Na+ >H+ »Weak adsorption 2) the relative concentration of the cations in the soil solution.

At any one time the quantity of ions on the exchange compared to what is in the soil solution is determined by the kind of ions present and the quantity

of ions present in the soil.

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http://www.swac.umn.edu/classes/soil2125/doc/s12ch2.htm….. Diunduh 27/2/2012

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is the ability of the soil to hold onto nutrients and prevent them from leaching beyond the roots. The more cation exchange capacity a soil has, the more likely the soil will have a higher fertility level. When combined with other measures of soil fertility, CEC is a good indicator of soil quality

and productivity. The cation exchange capacity of a soil is simply a measure of the quantity of sites on soil surfaces that can retain positively charged ions by electrostatic forces. Cations retained electrostatically are easily exchangeable with other cations in the soil solution and are thus readily available for plant uptake. Thus, CEC is important for maintaining adequate quantities of plant available calcium (Ca++),

magnesium (Mg++) and potassium (K+) in soils. Other cations include Al+++( when pH < 5.5) , Na+, and H+.

Cation Exchange Capacity can be expressed two ways:

1.the number of cation adsorption sites per unit weight of soil or,2.the sum total of exchangeable cations that a soil can adsorb.

Soil CEC is normally expressed in units of charge per weight of soil. Two different, but numerically equivalent sets of units are

used: meq/100 g (milliequivalents of element per 100 g of dry soil) or cmolc/kg (centimoles of charge per kilogram of dry soil).

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http://www.waldeneffect.org/blog/Cation_exchange_capacity/….. Diunduh 27/2/2012