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  • 8/9/2019 Mandani




    J. J. Jassbi, Azad University, Science and Research Campus, Iran, [email protected]

    Paulo J. A. Serra, UNINOVA, Portugal, [email protected]

    Rita A. Ribeiro, UNINOVA, Portugal, rar@

    Alessandro Donati, ESA/ESOC, Darmstad, Germany, [email protected]


    This research provides a comparison between the performances of TSK (Takagi, Sugeno, Kang)-type versus Mamdani-type fuzzy inference systems. The main motivation behind this research

    was to assess which approach provides the best performance for a gyroscope fault-detection

    application, developed in 2002 for the European Space Agency (ESA) satellite ENVISAT. Due to

    the importance of performance in online systems we compare the application, developed with

    Mamdani model, with a TSK formulation using three types of tests: processing time for both

    systems, robustness in the presence of randomly generated noise; and sensitivity analysis of the

    systems behaviors to changes in input data. The results show that the TSK model perform better

    in all three tests, hence we may conclude that replacing a Mamdani system with an equivalent

    TSK system could be a good option to improve the overall performance of a fuzzy inference


    KEYWORDS: Fuzzy Inference Systems, Fault detection, Sensitivity analysis


    Intelligent monitoring and diagnostic tools are essential for mission control purposes, as for

    example assessing and monitoring the health status of spacecraft and satellite components, such as

    gyroscopes. In 2002 UNINOVA (Portugal) in cooperation with GTD (Spain), developed a

    software system called ENVISAT GYROSCOPE MONITOR for the European Space Agency

    (ESA) (see details in [1]). The fuzzy inference system (FIS) developed in the ESA project for

    monitoring the gyroscopes of the ENVISAT satellite provides the spacecraft controller's team,

    responsible for satellite operations, with a new type of gyroscope health-monitoring tool. This

    monitoring tool generates alarms with different degrees of criticality and a severity level of the

    alarm itself, instead of a simple presence/absence of an alarm. It also supplies an explanation forthe triggering of the alarm. The tool includes three main components, all developed with a

    Mamdani inference mechanism [1], [2]: (1) a fault detection module that monitors the health of

    each of the 4 gyroscopes; (2) a data quality system to assess the quality of the data triggering the

    alarms; (3) and a generic fault detection module for the overall system.

    In this paper we only use the last case, generic system fault detection module, to explain the

    comparison between both Mamdani [3] and TSK (Takagi, Sugeno and Kang) FIS [4] [5] and to

    discuss the performance tests made. The main objective behind this research was to assess which

    approach provides the best performance for the Space Fault Detection application. Due to the

    importance of inference time and robustness of results in online systems, we compare the

    application, developed with Mamdani model, with a TSK formulation using three tests:

    processing time, i.e. operational process time of each model in the same situation; robustness of

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    the system in case of noise; and sensitivity analysis of the system behavior when we change the

    input variables from its minimum values to its maximum, and from zero to max (variables can be

    seen in Table 2).

    The paper is organized as follows. The next section presents the motivation for the comparison ofMamdani versus TSK types of inference systems. In section 3 the case study and variables are

    introduced. In section 4 the results of comparing the performance of the two inference schemes

    are discussed and finally in section 5 we present the conclusions.


    In terms of inference process there are two main types of Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS): the

    Mamdani-type [3] and the TSK-type [4].

    In terms of use, the Mamdani FIS is more widely used, mostly because it provides reasonable

    results with a relatively simple structure, and also due to the intuitive and interpretable nature of

    the rule base. Since the consequents of the rules in a TSK FIS are not fuzzy this interpretability is

    lost; however, since the TSK FISs rules consequents can have as many parameters per rule asinput values, this translates into more degrees of freedom in the design than a Mamdani FIS thus

    providing the systems designer with more flexibility in the design of the system [5]. However, it

    should be noted that the Mamdani FIS can be used directly for either MISO systems (multiple

    input single output) as well as for MIMO systems (multiple input multiple output), while the TSK

    FIS can only be used in MISO systems (we explain below this issue).

    The fact that a Mamdani FIS can be seen as a function that maps the systems input space into its

    output space, ensures that there exists a TSK FIS that can approximate any given Mamdani FIS

    with an arbitrary level of precision (based on a result known as universal approximation theorem

    [6]). It is beyond the scope in this paper to explain in detail the formalisms of this comparison.

    For a comprehensive comparison and description on several approximate reasoning methods,

    including Mamdani FISs and TSK FISs, see [7].Summarizing, our main motivations for testing the Space monitoring application developed with

    Mamdani FIS and with a TSK FIS and to compare the results are:

    The TSK FIS is more flexible because it allows more parameters in the output and since

    the output is a function of the inputs it expresses a more explicit relation among them;

    In computational terms the TSK FIS is more effective because the complex

    defuzzification process of the Mamdani FIS is replaced with a weighted average;

    Because of the structure of the TSK FIS rule outputs, it is more adequate for functional

    analysis than a Mamdani FIS.

    From the above, it seems that any TSK FIS is always more efficient than a Mamdani FIS and the

    question to ask is why wasnt the Space monitoring application developed from scratch with a

    TSK FIS? There are two important reasons for this:

    1. For classification problems, where the rules outputs are usually independent of each other,

    i.e. MIMO systems, it does not make any sense to aggregate different nature outputs with

    a weighted average. However, to select the output with the best match (max-min

    inference), as in Mamdani FIS, makes perfect sense. TSK FIS is ONLYsuitable for MISO

    problems, i.e. systems with the same output linguistic variable. Of course, any MIMO can

    always be divided into several MISOs

    2. The monitoring tool developed included two MISO FIS (the gyroscopes fault detection

    and the data quality fault detection) but only the generic system level of the alarms is a

    MISO system. Hence, we selected the latter to develop all modules with the same type of


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    In summary, in this research only the generic system level alarms module is considered for the

    performance comparison of the two FIS because it is a MISO and the three tests performed with

    both FIS are: processing time, robustness with respect to noise and sensitivity analysis to changes

    in the inputs.


    Fig.1. shows the general system level model (from the ESA monitoring tool) which is used in this

    work for comparing the Mamdani and TSK FIS. Please note that some of the input variables, in

    the left side, were divided in two (as shown in the Mamdani FIS box- Fig 1), thus resulting in 11

    input variables in the generic system level monitoring system.







    Incoherency Index




    Max/Max Delta

    Max/Max Delta

    Max/Max Delta










    Max_Incoherency Index





    No Alarm

    No-Gyro Soft Alert

    Soft Gyro Alert

    Gyro Alert

    Serious Gyro Alert

    Critical Gyro Alert

    Figure 1. General System Level Model

    The input variables are described in Table 1 and their respective fuzzifications are presented in

    Table 2. Due to paper size limitations only one example of the fuzzified variables for each axis is

    shown (Table 2), since the others are similar.

    Variables Description


    (variables 1,2,3)

    For each of the three satellite axes X/Y/Z this represents the maximum

    value of the estimated Attitude.


    (variables 4,5,6)

    For each of the three satellite axes X/Y/Z this represents the maximum

    value of the estimated Drift.


    (variables 7,8,9)

    For each of the three satellite axes X/Y/Z this represents the (absolute

    value of the) difference between the maximum and minimum value of theestimated Drift


    (variable 10)

    The maximum value of the coherency index.


    (variable 11)

    The number of times when the coherency index exceeds a given (user

    configurable) threshold.

    Table 1. Brief description of the input variables

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    Table 2. The fuzzified input variables of the model.

    In this research 73 rules are used and the output variables and their definition are as follows:

    Alarm level Mamdani TSK

    Name: Function Type: Parameters: Parameters


    Nominal Trapezoidal [0 0 20 30] [12.36]

    Non-GyroSoftAlert Trapezoidal [10 20 40 50] [30]

    SoftGyroAlert Trapezoidal [30 40 60 70] [50]

    GyroAlert Trapezoidal [50 60 80 90] [70]

    SeriousGyroAlert Trapezoidal [70 80 100 110] [90]

    CriticalGyroAlert Trapezoidal [90 100 120 120] [107.6]

    Table 3. Output variables definitions for both models

    It should be noted, that we slightly modified the original model outputs (they were almost uniform

    functions) to highlight the comparison between both FIS. Further, we used the centers of gravity

    of the output membership functions as the TSK output parameters.The input variables are identical in both FIS and the difference is in the consequents of the rules

    as can be observed in Table 3. The min operator is used for the implication in both FIS. For the

    Mamdani FIS, the aggregation was done using the max operator and for defuzzifier the center of

    gravity was used. For the TSK FIS the aggregation was done with the classical weighted average,

    using the singletons presented in Table 3.


    To compare the performance of the two types of rule base models, we use three kinds of tests, as

    mentioned in the introduction. Details about each test and discussion of results are presented in

    the next sub-sections.

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    4.1 Processing Time test

    In this test a set of randomly generated data was used (increasing the number of input vectors

    from 0 to 35000). For each measurement the same set of data was used for both systems.

    Throughout the procedure, increasingly larger sets (10 times more for each test) of input data weretested to see how the execution time evolved.

    As for the actual measurements, they were taken as the mean of ten measurements obtained for

    each set of input data and for each system. Figure 2 presents the results obtained for both systems.


















    0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

    Number of Input Vectors


    Execution time for Mamdani FIS Execution time for Sugeno FIS

    Figure 2. Comparison of process time operation between Mamdani and TSK

    On the average, the Mamdani system required 14 times more processing time than the TSK

    system. More specifically, on the average, the time taken for the Mamdani system to return one

    result was 4.6 x-4

    seconds and 3.2 x-5

    seconds for the TSK system.

    4.2 Robustness to noise

    The data used in this test was a set of ten thousand randomly generated input vectors. These

    points were changed with randomly generated noise, using a normal distribution with zero mean

    and increasing the variance 10 times for each test (Figure 3 shows the variance increases in the xx









    0.00000 0.00001 0.00010 0.00100 0.01000 0.10000 1.00000

    Variance (Logaritmic scale)




    Mamdani FIS Sugeno FIS

    Figure 3. Comparison of Mamdani with two types of TSK by using sensitive analysis

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    Figure 3 shows the comparison for both FIS using the mean squared difference between the

    outputs obtained from data corrupted with noise and the results for the data without noise. As can

    be observed in Figure 3, the TSK FIS is almost always closer to its noise-free results, meaning

    that the noise present in the input data is not affecting the behavior of the system and, hence, the

    TSK FIS is quite robust. On the other hand, for very high noise variance the TSK FIS deviates

    more than the Mamdani FIS; this means that the data for the system is becoming so different from

    its original noise-free values that the system begins producing quite different results. Hence, we

    may say that the TSK system is better than the Mamdani FIS with respect to noisy input data.

    Further, the TSK FIS is responsive to the fact, that when the noise becomes too high (i.e. when

    the input data is drastically changed), the TSK system reacts more strongly and, hence, its

    behavior is more realistic.

    4.3 Sensitivity analysis

    In this test a time series was considered (with 1000 points) when all values for the input variables

    are increasing, at a constant rate, from their minimum to their maximum. Figure 4 depicts the

    results for both systems.

    increase from minimum value to maximumFigure 4. Sensitivity comparison between Mamdani and TSK FIS

    As can be observed, Figure 4 shows that there is a decrease in the alarm level, for the TSK

    system, between iterations 300 and 500 (area highlighted in gray).

    a- MaxTheta b- MaxDrift

    Figure 5. Two types of input values between iterations 300 and 500

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    Regarding iterations 300 to 500 (approximately), the values for the input variables 1 to 3 and 7 to

    11 (see Table 2) are entering a range where the membership degrees for Tolerable and not

    Tolerable are close to one another (see for example the variable shown in Fig.5.a highlighted

    area). On the other hand, for variables 4 to 6 (Table 2) a high membership value for the term

    Tolerable is being reached (see Figure 5.b. highlighted area), as one would intuitively expect,

    since the only variables where a clear result is being obtained are the Tolerable, and the other

    variables are in a state of limbo between Tolerable and Not Tolerable. The TSK system is

    sensitive to this area by decreasing the level of alarm while the Mamdani system is completely

    numb and does not respond to these changes. It should also be noted that the TSK FIS has

    smoother transitions than the Mamdani FIS.


    This research showed that for this case study TSK FIS does not only works better in case of

    processing time but also perform better in the other tests, showing that the structure of the TSK

    FIS is more robust in the presence of noisy input data (until a certain point, obviously).Furthermore, when we tested the sensitivity of both FIS systems we observe that the TSK FIS is

    more sensitive in areas where there is significant imprecision in the input representation, i.e. when

    the fuzzy sets overlap.

    In summary, we believe that the TSK FIS should be used whenever we have applications with a

    single output variable (MISO systems). For MIMO systems (usual in classification problems) the

    Mamdani FIS is maybe more appropriate, i.e. it can deal directly with MIMO, while TSK FIS

    would require dividing the MIMO into as many MISO systems as the number of output variables;

    often a cumbersome and time consuming task. We are presently studying ways to transform

    automatically a MISO Mamdani FIS into a TSK FIS and vice versa.


    This research was developed in part under the project New Operators for Monitoring and

    Diagnostic Intelligent Systems, contract No: 18989/05/NL/MV, of the European Space Agency

    (ESA/ESOC). The example used was adapted from the research project "Fuzzy Logic for Mission

    Control Processes" financed by European Space Agency, ESA/ESOC No: AO/1-3874/01/D/HK



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