Manual for Crisis Manager BLL Crisis Manager Database

Manual for Crisis Manager - Deckblatt · 1 Manual for Crisis Manager BLL Crisis-Manager Database Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V

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Page 1: Manual for Crisis Manager - Deckblatt · 1 Manual for Crisis Manager BLL Crisis-Manager Database Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V

Manual for Crisis Manager

BLL Crisis Manager Database

Page 2: Manual for Crisis Manager - Deckblatt · 1 Manual for Crisis Manager BLL Crisis-Manager Database Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V


Manual for Crisis Manager

BLL Crisis-Manager Database

Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V.

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Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V.

Claire-Waldoff-Straße 7 10117 Berlin

Contact person:

Susanne Sigg

Tel: +49 30 206143-125

Fax: +49 30 206143-210

@: [email protected]

October 2011

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You have been entered as crisis manager or his/her representative into the crisis manager database. In this manual we will guide you through all steps necessary to access our database.

When companies are affected by crises, it is absolutely vital for their crisis managers to be available at all times. When their crisis managers are readily available, companies can respond to, manage and solve crises in the shortest possible time.

The BLL crisis manager database facilitates fast communication in cases of crisis. It is open to all companies of the food sector and adjacent sectors.

The online database was built in 2005 by the German Federation for Food Law and Food Science (Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. v. - BLL) – leading association of the German food industry – and has been expanded ever since.

The database contains the contact data for companies' responsible crisis managers and their representa-tives. In addition, the database provides information about individual operational sites/branch locations, including postal codes, Federal State, type of operation involved and product categories.

Via a simple search function, operational sites (for example, key sites during a crisis) can be quickly selected, hit lists with contact data for crisis managers can be printed out and e-mail messages can be sent directly to crisis managers.

As of May 2008, the database also contains contact data for supreme monitoring authorities of the Länder (except Berlin), and selected staff of authorities have access to it.

The companies, laboratories and associations represented in the database enter and manage the data for their own crisis managers and their crisis managers' representatives. Each company names to the BLL the person it has appointed to be responsible for such data management.

The following data administrators have been appointed for your company:

Data Administrator: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________

Representative:____________________________________________ Phone: ________________

My Crisis manager/Representative

__________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________

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In general, the crisis-manager database is available to all food-sector companies. At the same time, access to the database has been restricted as necessary in keeping with needs of data protection. Only data managers and crisis managers of food-sector companies, and their representatives, as well as selected staff of the supreme authorities of the Federal States (Oberste Landesbehörden) may access the database. All persons authorised to access the crisis-manager database promise to use the database data only for the purposes for which the database was established.

If you have questions concerning the data management please contact the BLL.


Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V.

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Table of contents

IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction 3333

Table of contentsTable of contentsTable of contentsTable of contents 5555

GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneral 6666

1. Login 6

2. Navigation/Handling 7

3. Data protection 7

4. Exclusion of guarantee and liability 7

5. Checking your company’s data 7

6. Further information 8

SearchSearchSearchSearch 9999

1. General 9

2. Search for companies 9

3. Search for authorities 11

The ListsThe ListsThe ListsThe Lists 13131313

1. Quick list 13

2. Detailed list 15

3. Personal list 16

Email dispatch – Email to crisis managers 18181818

1. General 18

2. Quick overview of email dispatch 20

Personal ListPersonal ListPersonal ListPersonal List 23232323

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1. Login

Please open your internet browser. You can access the database on the BLL website www.bll.de

Click on the button “Krisenmanager-Datenbank / Crisis-manager” in the left column.

You will see a login-window. Enter your user name and password. If you do not want to enter this data on every single login, please activate the “cookie login” and your login data will be saved.

English Version. You can change to the English version by clicking on

On first login you will be shown the information on data protection and on the exclusion of liability and guarantee. Please read these. You can accept these provisions by checking the box in the penultimate paragraph. To avoid being shown this message in future, check the next box as well. Clicking on “OK” will lead you to the search mask of the crisis-manager database.

Button for the crisis-manager database

Access to the English version


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2. Navigation/Handling

Navigation is possible using one of the several buttons at top and bottom of the page.

3. Data protection

The crisis managers' and their representatives' contact data stored in the crisis-manager database serves the sole purpose of facilitating contacts to companies in crisis, to their responsible crisis managers and their representatives.

The BLL attaches great importance to the security of contact data, as provided by users of the crisis-manager database, for crisis managers and their representatives, as well as to the security of stored information about individual operational sites / branch locations, including postal codes, German state (Land), type of business involved and product category.

At the same time, access to the database is restricted as necessary in order to comply with data protection regulations. For this reason, and for matching the intent behind the database, such data is stored solely for the purpose of making necessary contacts in crisis situations. Database data are not provided to third parties for other purposes.

All persons authorised to access the crisis-manager database promise to use the database data only for the purposes for which the database was established.

The BLL stores name, email and telephone number (company) of crisis managers in a separate address database solely for administrative purposes, to ensure the functionality of the crisis manager database and to enable contact to companies and contact persons entered into the database. You have the right to revoke your consent for future use at any time. If you decide to do so, your personal data stored will be deleted immediately. Your personal data stored will be deleted regardless of a revocation if it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was stored or if you revoke your consent to your data being stored. Data will also be deleted if its storage is not permitted for other legal reasons. You may request detailed information on your personal data stored at any time.

4. Exclusion of guarantee and liability

The BLL provides no guarantee, and assumes no liability, for the correctness, currentness or completeness of the data entered into the database and thus made available, which data administrators enter for their own companies.

The BLL accepts no responsibility for any unauthorised use of data by access-authorised persons in participating companies, laboratories, associations or lawyers.

Furthermore, the BLL assumes no liability for any damages incurred by users of the crisis-manager database, including damages to computer systems or caused by data loss.

5. Checking your company’s data

Please check the data of your company entered by your data administrator.

If a correction is necessary please contact the data administrator.

It is vital for your company to be informed in cases of crisis as soon as possible. If contact data is not kept up-to-date, you might be informed too late or not at all.

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Data should be checked in regular intervals and necessary changes should be made as soon as possible.

You may check your own entries using the search engine.

6. Further information

If you experience technical problems or if you have questions or suggestions please contact:

Susanne SiggSusanne SiggSusanne SiggSusanne Sigg

Telephone: +49 30 206143-125

Telefax: +49 30 206143-210

[email protected]

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1. General

The BLL crisis-manager database enables you to search systematically for food-sector companies and Supreme monitoring authorities:

If you do not enter any data, clicking on the “SearchSearchSearchSearch”-button will show you all registered foodall registered foodall registered foodall registered food----sector sector sector sector companiescompaniescompaniescompanies. Correspondingly, clicking on the “Search for authoritiesSearch for authoritiesSearch for authoritiesSearch for authorities”-button will show all entries of all entries of all entries of all entries of authoritiesauthoritiesauthoritiesauthorities.

That means that you have to decide before before before before you start searching whether you want to search for companies or authorities!

Otherwise, the handling of these two search masks is identical.

The search results lists may be combined in the personal list and then used as described below.

2. Search for companies

With the button „New Search“ you can search specifically for companies and their stored data. You can use the „full-text search“ (see Chap. 2.1), the „simple search“ (see Chap. 2.2) or the „combined search“ (see Chap. 2.3).

The search results are always displayed in a quick list.

This quick list contains: company name / operational site / crisis manager and representative (if specified) / telephone numbers and email address.

Clicking on “Details” will show more information on the crisis manager or the operational site.

All operational sites found are marked with the button “Hit”; the search term is highlighted.

The search result may be

— printed as quick list;

— edited in the quick list, i.e. you may delete some of the operational sites from the list;

— accepted as list of recipients for the sending of emails straight away;

— shown as detailed list and printed;

— edited in the detailed list, i.e. you may delete or add operational sites;

— edited first and then accepted as list of recipients for the sending of emails;

— added to the “Personal list” or deleted from it;

— deleted by clicking the button “New search”.

You will find more information on these procedures in this manual.

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2.1 Full-text search

In the field “Full-text search” you can search for names/company names/cities. The search term does not have to be entered completely. E.g. enter “Bund für Lebens” and the results list presents all hits that contain this phrase.

The number of results is shown.

Clicking on “Details” will show more information on the company.

Please note:

Full-text search searches all data, i.e. hits might be listed that contain the search term in the street or city name, email address, product category etc.

Example: Searching for “soup” will return the “Association of soup industries” as well as companies / associations that have ticked the category “Soups, sauces”.

You can also combine several search terms.

Example: “Association Food Law Bonn” or “Smith Berlin”.

2.2 Simple Search

Below the full-text search you will find several areas that are linked to the information on crisis managers and operational sites stored in the database. To search within that data, simply click into that area.

Within an area (e.g. “Product category”) the chosen options are combined with an “OR”-Search.

The search areas themselves (e.g. postal code, product category and operational sites) are combined with an “AND”-search.

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Example: You can select operational sites of producers or importers that produce/market nectars, desserts or potato products.

2.3 Combined search You can combine the full-text search with the options below. The more restrictions you set, the more precise your search results will be.

Please click on “Start search” after entering the necessary information.

If you do not receive any results, you may check and change your entries and restart the search with the buttons “Change search”.

2.4 Change search

With the button “Change search” you can change the existing search, e.g. set more restrictions by entering additional information, or increase the number of search results by setting fewer restrictions.

2.5 New Search

By cklicking the button “New search” entries made during the last search are deleted and you can start a new search.

3. Search for authorities

With the button “Search for authorities” you can search for the contact data of supreme monitoring authorities of the Länder ( with the exception of Berlin).

You can use the full-text search, search for postal code, for the Bundesländer (Federal States) and for three product categories.

The search results are always displayed in a quick list.

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This quick list contains: name of authority/department/contact person/telephone number and email address.

Clicking on “Details” will show more information on the crisis manager or the department.

All departments found are marked with the button “Hit”; the search term is highlighted.

The search result may be

— printed as quick list;

— edited in the quick list, i.e. you may delete some of the departments from the list;

— accepted as list of recipients for the sending of emails straight away;

— shown as detailed list and printed;

— edited in the detailed list, i.e. you may delete or add departments;

— edited first and then accepted as list of recipients for the sending of emails;

— added to the “Personal list” or deleted from it;

— deleted by clicking the button “New search”.

You will find more information on these procedures in this manual.

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The Lists

1. Quick list

This list gives a quick overview and presents only the key data of the crisis mangers found: company / authority, operational sites / departments, telephone numbers, email addresses.

You may find more information on an operational site / department by clicking on “Details”.

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The quick list can be

— printed (button top right)

— edited, i.e. you can delete operational sites / authorities from the results list: Simple uncheck the box “Hit” PLEASE NOTE: Once the operational site / authority was deleted, it can not be added again to the current result list

— accepted as list of recipients for the sending of emails straight away: Click the button “Email to crisis managers” and check “Email to current list“ on the

following page;

— added to “Personal list” completely: Click the button “into personal list”

— deleted from “Personal list” completely: Click the button “delete from personal list”.

— shown alternating with the “Detailed list”: If you press the button “Detailed list” on the left area of the window, you will be shown the full details of the operational sites / authorities found. Changes made here, i.e. deleting and adding of operational sites, affect also the quick list.

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2. Detailed list

As opposed to the quick list, this list shows further information on the results: e.g. details on company / authority, the complete address, more operational sites of the company / departments, all contact persons of the company in all operational sites etc..

The type of business / product categories are not shown not unless you click on the button “Type of business / Product category”.

AnAnAnAn advantage of the detailed listadvantage of the detailed listadvantage of the detailed listadvantage of the detailed list is that you can add other operational sites / departments, which are linked to those found, to the current list. Operational sites that were not part of the result list of the last search have no checkmark in the box “Hit”. If you check this box, the state “Hit” is assigned to the operational site / department and it is included in the current result list. You can undo this by unchecking the box.

Apart from this the detailed list offers the same functionality as the quick list.

If you want to send emails, please specify the “current list” as recipients.

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Not all operational sites listed here will receive an email, only those that have been a checkmark in the “Hit”-box.

All changes made here also affect the quick list.

3. Personal list

In the personal list you may combine the results of several searches (foodfoodfoodfood----sectorsectorsectorsector companies and authoritiescompanies and authoritiescompanies and authoritiescompanies and authorities) and save them permamently, so that a list of recipients is available for a longer time.

To compile a personal list, first conduct a search and then transfer the result into the personal list by clicking on the “into personal list” button. With this procedure you can combine the results of several searches in your “Personal list”.

Please note, that the contact details saved in the personal list were updated (example telephone number, e-mail address) but not the query (your search steps).

Only the hits were saved in your personal list not the query.

Example: You have updated your personal list on 20.10.2008. On 25.10.2008 a new customer has entered his data into the database. This contact is not included in your personal list of 20.10.2008 und will not be added automatically.

Example: You want to compile a personal list with your customers (companies) and the responsible authorities.

Please proceed as follows:

— Please search for your customers as described in chap. 2 of Search. Edit – if necessary - the results list and save the result in your personal list by clicking on „into personal list“.

— Repeat this step until you have combined all of your customers (companies).

— By cklicking on „Personal list“ you can check the status quo of your personal list.

— Search now, as decribed in Search 3 the authorities. Edit – if necessary - the results list and save the result in your personal list by clicking on „into personal list“.

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— By cklicking on „Personal list“ you can check the status quo of your personal list.

The personal list is always shown as a detailed list.

A quick list is not available.

The „personal list“ is composed of two sections:The „personal list“ is composed of two sections:The „personal list“ is composed of two sections:The „personal list“ is composed of two sections: the authorities section and companies section. First the saved authorities were listened and then the companies.

In the annex you can find an example for a personal list.

In contrast to the quick list and detailed list, operational sites are selected using the box “Email” instead of “Hit”. Primary intention of this is to simplify the differentiation between the two types of lists.

You can now further edit your personal list: You can now further edit your personal list: You can now further edit your personal list: You can now further edit your personal list:

You can for instance:

— add or subtract new search results using the corresponding button;

— delete operational sites from the list: Click on the box “Email”; the checkmark disappears; No email is sent to the operational site and it is deleted from the personal list automatically, when you perform a new search!

— accept it as list of recipients for the sending of emails straight away by clicking the button “Email to crisis managers” and check the box “Email to personal list”;

— delete the list completely by clicking the button “delete personal list”.

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Email dispatch – Email to crisis managers

1. General

You can send emails by clicking on the button “Email to crisis managers”

A new window will open and you can send emails to one of the five following groups:

1.1 Email to current list

= the current results list= the current results list= the current results list= the current results list (see quick list or detailed list)

This group is only shown if a search has been conducted.

Below the input masks the operational sites are shown again. In contrast to the personal list you can not edit the list here. If you want to change it, please switch to the quick list or detailed list.

1.2 Email to personal list

= the list = the list = the list = the list compiled by you. compiled by you. compiled by you. compiled by you.

You can choose this group only if you have compiled a personal list, otherwise the option is not available.

Below the input masks the list of recipients is shown again and can be edited, i.e. you can delete operational sites by unchecking the “Email”-box.


Changes made here affect your personal list and can not be undone!

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1.3 Email to all companies

= = = = all crisis managers and their representatives from the foodall crisis managers and their representatives from the foodall crisis managers and their representatives from the foodall crisis managers and their representatives from the food----sector companiessector companiessector companiessector companies, that have been entered into the BLL crisis-manager database, will receive the email.

1.4 Email to all authorities and companies

= = = = all crisis managers and their representativesall crisis managers and their representativesall crisis managers and their representativesall crisis managers and their representatives, that have been entered into the BLL crisis-manager database, will receive the email.

1.5 Email to all authorities

= = = = all contact persons of thall contact persons of thall contact persons of thall contact persons of the Supreme Monitoring Authoritiese Supreme Monitoring Authoritiese Supreme Monitoring Authoritiese Supreme Monitoring Authorities, that have been entered into the BLL crisis-manager database, will receive the email.

Regardless of your choice, you can choose if you want to send the email to the representatives of the crisis managers also.

Below this the number of emails that would currently be sent is shown

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2. Quick overview of email dispatch

1. Choose one of the groups

2. Choose: including or excluding representatives

3. Number of the recipients

4. Sender: The email will automatically have your email address as sender

5. Subject: Please enter the subject here; it is not visible in the form, but for further identification the subject of the mail sent will be “BLL crisis manager” followed by the subject chosen by you.

6. Message: Please enter your message here. Please enter your contact details. Only your email address is automatically chosen and shown as sender i.e. you will receive answers as well as messages of undeliverability.

7. Add a file: By clicking on “Durchsuchen” you can choose the PDF file. After clicking on the button “Add file” the file is uploaded. If you want to add other files, please repeat this procedure. The maximum size of attachments may not exceed 5 mb! You can only attach PDF files! You can delete files already uploaded by clicking on “Delete”.

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8. Checking the list of recipients: Above the input mask you see the number of recipients and all recipients are listed below the message field. You may display these by clicking on the button “Show contact persons”. Here, you can verify the list for correctness and completeness. An editing is no longer possible.

9. Please confirm your entries by clicking on “OK”. The mail is not sent at this stage. You will be forwarded to the

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10. Dispatch overview You may print the email including all information on the recipients for your records. Attachments are not printed!

11. To send this mail, please click on the button “Send email”.

12. The sending of the email is then confirmed: “x of x addresses notified”: A copy of the email is automatically sent to you.

Please forward messages with erroneous email addresses to the following address: [email protected]. We will try to correct these.

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Personal List

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Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e.V.


Personal list


Musterfirma GmbH

Musterfirma Werk Süd


Mustergasse 1

58888 Musterhausen

North Rhine-Westphalia

Type of business / Product categories

Dr. Musterbrandt

Referatsleiter Verbraucherschutz Lebensmittel

Telephone: +49 2889 300-00

Fax: +49 2889 300-112

Email: [email protected]

Internet: musterbehoerde.de

Telephone (Company): +49 2889 300-300

Mobile (Company): +49 1999 9876543

Hotline (outside of

regular working hours):

+49 2889 112

Fax: 49 2889 300-301

Telephone (private): +49 2889 777777

Email: [email protected]

Musterfirma GmbH & Co.KG

Musterstraße 7

00000 Musterstadt


Type of business / Product categories

Dr. Mathilda Musterfrau


Telephone: +49 1234 56790

Email: [email protected]

Telephone (Company): +49 1234 6789-123

Mobile (Company): +49 1234 7899-567

Hotline (outside of

regular working hours):

+49 123444 678999-123

Telephone (private): +49 1234 78901234

Mobile (private): +49 1234 78901234

Email: [email protected]

Teststraße 5

12345 Teststadt


Telephone: +49 6789 18798

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© bll 2008 - http://www.bll.de

Type of business / Product categories

Dr. Hans Mustermann


Telephone (Company): +49 6789 7894-123

Hotline (outside of

regular working hours):

+49 6789 67897766

Fax: +49 6789 789897

Email: [email protected]

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