Martingale representation theorem Ω= C[0, T ], F T = smallest σ-field with respect to which B s are all measurable, s T , P the Wiener measure , B t = Brownian motion M t square integrable martingale with respect to F t Then there exists σ(t ) which is 1 progressively measurable 2 square integrable 3 B([0, )) ×F mble such that M t = M 0 + t 0 σ(s)dB s () Stochastic Calculus March 30, 2007 1/1

Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

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Page 1: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Martingale representation theoremΩ = C[0, T ], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are allmeasurable, s ≤ T , P the Wiener measure , Bt = Brownian motionMt square integrable martingale with respect to Ft

Then there exists σ(t , ω) which is1 progressively measurable2 square integrable3 B([0,∞))×F mble

such that

Mt = M0 +

∫ t


() Stochastic Calculus March 30, 2007 1 / 1

Page 2: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

LemmaA = set of all linear combinations of random variables of the form

eR T

0 hdB− 12

R T0 h2dt , h ∈ L2([0, T ])

A is dense in L2(Ω,FT , P)

ProofSuppose g ∈ L2(Ω,FT , P) is orthogonal to all such functions

We want to show that g = 0

By an easy choice of simple functions h we find that for anyλ1, . . . , λn ∈ R and t1, . . . , tn ∈ [0, T ],

EP [geλ1Bt1+···+λnBtn ] = 0

lhs real analytic in λ and hence has an analytic extension to λ ∈ Cn

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Page 3: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Since EP [geλ1Bt1+···+λnBtn ] is analytic and vanishes on the real axis, it iszero everywhere. In particular

EP [gei(y1Bt1+···+ynBtn )] = 0

Suppose φ ∈ C∞0 (Rn)

φ(y) = (2π)−n/2∫

Rnφ(x)e−ix ·ydx

Fourier inversion:

φ(x) = (2π)−n/2∫

Rnφ(y)eix ·ydy

EP [gφ(Bt1 , . . . , Btn)] = (2π)−n/2∫

Rnφ(y)EP [eiy1Bt1+···+ynBtn )]dy = 0

Hence g is orthogonal to fns of form φ(Bt1 , . . . , Btn) where φ ∈ C∞0 (Rn)

Dense in L2(Ω,FT , P) ⇒ g = 0() Stochastic Calculus March 30, 2007 3 / 1

Page 4: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

LemmaF ∈ L2(Ω,FT , P) There exists a unique f (t , ω) which is

1 progressively measurable2 square integrable3 B([0,∞))×F measurable

such that

F (ω) = E [F ] +

∫ T


Proof of Uniquenesssuppose

F = E [F ] +

∫ T

0f1dB = E [F ] +

∫ T


⇒∫ T

0(f2 − f1)dB = 0 ⇒

∫ T

0E [(f2 − f1)2]dt = 0 ⇒ f2 = f1

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Page 5: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Proof of existence

First we prove it if F is of the form F = eR T

0 hdB− 12

R T0 h2ds

Defining Ft = eR t

0 hdB− 12

R t0 h2ds gives

dF = hFdB, F0 = 1,


Ft = 1 +

∫ t


Plugging in t = T gives the result.

If F is a linear combination of such functions the result follows bylinearity

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Page 6: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Proof of existence for F ∈ L2(Ω,FT , P)

Fn ∈ L2(Ω,FT , P) with Fn → F and

Fn = E [Fn] +

∫ T


E [Fn] → E [F ], so wlog E [Fn] = E [F ] = 0

E [(Fn − Fm)2] =

∫ T

0E [(fn − fm)2]dt → 0 as n, m →∞

⇒ fn Cauchy in L2([0, T ]× Ω, dx × dP).

Let f be the limit. Taking limits we have

F = E [F ] +

∫ T


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Page 7: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Proof of the martingale representation theoremBy previous lemma, for each t we have σt(s, ω) such that

Mt = E [Mt ] +

∫ t


Let t2 > t1

Mt1 = E [Mt2 | Ft1 ]∫ t1

0σt2(s)dBs =

∫ t1


Uniqueness ⇒ σt1 = σt2

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Page 8: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Quadratic variation of Xt =∫ t

0 σ(s)dBs

eλR t

0 σ(s)dBs−λ22

R t0 σ2(s)ds =martingale

E [eλR ti+1



R ti+1ti

σ2(s)ds | Fti ] = 0

E [Z (ti , ti+1) | Fti ] = 0, Z (ti , ti+1) = (

∫ ti+1


2−∫ ti+1


E [Z (ti , ti+1)2 − 4(

∫ ti+1

tiσ2(s)ds)2 | Fti ] = 0

E [(∑


Z (ti , ti+1))2] ≤ 4E [(



∫ ti+1

tiσ2(s)ds)2] → 0

〈Xt , Xt〉 =

∫ t

0σ2(s, ω)ds

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Page 9: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Levy’s TheoremLet Xt be a process adapted to a filtration Ft which

1 has continuous sample paths2 is a martingale3 has quadratic variation t

Then Xt is a Brownian motion

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Page 10: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Proof of Levy’s theoremEnough to show that for each λ,

E [eiλ(Xt−Xs) | Fs] = e−12 λ2(t−s)

Call Mt = eiλXt+12 λ2t , tj = s + j

2n (t − s)

Mt −Ms =2n∑


Mtj −Mtj−1



iλMtj−1(Xtj − Xtj−1)−12λ2Mξj [(Xtj − Xtj−1)

2 − (tj − tj−1)]

E [Mtj−1(Xtj − Xtj−1) | Fs] = E [E [Mtj−1(Xtj − Xtj−1) | Ftj−1 ] | Fs]

= E [Mtj−1E [(Xtj − Xtj−1) | Ftj−1 ] | Fs] = 0

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Page 11: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Proof of Levy’s theorem

Fix m. Let ξm = max i2m : i

2m ≤ ξ



Mξmj[(Xtj − Xtj−1)

2 − (tj − tj−1)] = 0

So we only have to show



[Mξmj−Mξj ](Xtj − Xtj−1)

2 = 0

Would follow from



(Xξmj− Xξj )(Xtj − Xtj−1)

2 = 0

Left hand side = t limn→∞ max1≤j≤2n |Xξmj− Xξj | = 0 a.s.

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Page 12: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Note the same proof gives

Ito formula for semimartingales

Let M1t , . . . , Md

t be martingales with respect to a filtration Ft , t ≥ 0,A1

t , . . . , Adt adapted processes of bounded variation, Xt = x0 + At + Mt

where x0 ∈ F0, and f (t , x) ∈ C1,2. Then

f (t , Xt) = f (0, X0) +

∫ t



(s, Xs)ds +d∑


∫ t



(s, Xs)dAis + dM i




∫ t



(s, Xs)d〈M i , M j〉s

Multidimensional Levy’s theorem

Let M1t , . . . , Md

t be continuous martingales with respect to a filtrationFt , t ≥ 0, with

〈M i , M j〉t = δij t

Then M1t , . . . , Md

t is a Brownian motion in Rd

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Page 13: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Time changeLet Yt be a stochastic integral

Yt =

∫ t

0gds +

∫ t


where f and g are adapted square integrable processesLet ct > 0 be another adapted process and define

βt =

∫ t


Then βt is adapted and strictly increasing. We call αt its inverse. Wecan check that

Yαt =

∫ t



ds +

∫ t




for some Brownian motion B. In particular, if we are given a stochasticintegral

∫ t0 fdB we can choose f 2 = c as the rate of our time change

and the resulting Yαt is a Brownian motion() Stochastic Calculus March 30, 2007 13 / 1

Page 14: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Time change

TheoremLet Bt be Brownian motion and Ft its canonical σ-field

Suppose that Mt is a square integrable martingale with respect to Ft


Mt = M0 +

∫ t

0f (s)dBs

be its representation in terms of Brownian motion. Suppose that f 2 > 0(i.e. its quadratic variation is strictly increasing)

Let c = f 2 and define αt as above

Then Mαt is a Brownian motion

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Page 15: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Example. Stochastic growth model

dX = rXdt + σ√


Solution is Xt = rτt + B(τt) where τ ′t = XtBecause if

dY = rdt + σdB

then by time changeXt = Yτt

satisfiesdX = rτ ′dt + σ

√τ ′dB

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Page 16: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Here’s a funny trick to solve

dX = σ√


Let φ = φ(t) be deterministic and look at

Y (t) = e−X(t)φ(T−t)

dY = (φ +σ2

2φ2)Ydt − φYσ


So if φ = −σ2

2 φ2, φ(0) = λ then

E [e−λX(T )] = e−X(0)φ(T )

Called DualityGreat if it works.

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Page 17: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Example. Cox-Ingersol-Ross modelThe interest rate r(t) is assumed to satisfy the equation

dr(t) = (α− βr(t))dt + σ√


Note that the Lipschitz condition is not satisfied, butexistence/uniqueness holds by the stronger theorem we did not prove

If d = 4α/σ2 is a positive integer, then we can find a solution asfollows: Let B1(t), B2(t), . . . , Bd(t) be d independent Brownian motions

and let X1(t), X2(t), . . . , Xd(t) be the solutions of the Langevinequations

dXi = −αXidt + σdBi , i = 1, . . . , d .

In other words, X1(t), X2(t), . . . , Xd(t) are d independentOrnstein-Uhlenbeck processes

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Page 18: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Example. Cox-Ingersol-Ross model

r(t) = X 21 (t) + · · ·+ X 2

d (t), X1(t), X2(t), . . . , Xd(t) indep O-U.

dr(t) = (α− βr(t))dt + σ√







dB(t) =d∑




B(t) is a martingale with quadratic variation

dBdB =d∑



dBi(t)dBj(t) =d∑


X 2i (t)r(t)

dt = dt

⇒ B(t) Brownian motion

dr(t) = (α− βr(t))dt + σ√


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Page 19: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

The type of solutions dealt with in the existence/uniqueness theoremare strong solutions

This means that you are given the Brownian motion B(t) and asked tocome up with a solution X (t) of the stochastic differential equationdX = bdt + σdB.

A weak solution is when you just find some Brownian motion B(t) forwhich you can solve the equation dX = bdt + σdB.

Example. Cox-Ingersol-Ross.

If d = 1 then B(t) = B1(t) so we have a strong solution

But if d = 2, 3, . . . then all we have is a weak solution, because given aBrownian motion B(t) it is not at all clear how to find B1(t), . . . , Bd(t)for which dB(t) =


Xi (t)√r(t)


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Page 20: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Diffusion process as probability measure on C([0,∞))

Brownian motion=collection of rv’s Bt , t ≥ 0 on (Ω,F , P)or

Brownian motion=probability measure P on C([0,∞))

If A is a (measurable) subset of continuous functions, then P(A) is justthe probability that a Brownian path falls in that subset

Same for any diffusion.If X (t) is the solution of the stochasticdifferential equation dX (t) = b(t , X (t))dt + σ(t , X (t))dB(t), X (0) = xthen we can let Pa,b

x denote the probability measure on the space ofcontinuous functions with

Pa,bx (A) = Prob(X (·) ∈ A) a = σσT

Question:What is the relation of Pa,bx for different x , a, b?

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Page 21: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

1 If x1 6= x2 then Pa,bx1 ⊥ Pa,b

x2 .2 The quadratic variation



|X (i + 12n )− X (

i2n )|2 =

∫ T

0a(t , X (t))dt a.s. Pa,b


Hence if a1 6= a2, Pa1,bx ⊥ Pa2,b

x3 To see what happens if we change b, let dXi(t) = bidt + σdB(t),

i = 1, 2

P(X1(t1) ∈ dx1, . . . , X1(tn) ∈ dxn)

P(X2(t1) ∈ dx1, . . . , X2(tn) ∈ dxn)

= e−


(xi+1−xi−b1(ti+1−ti ))2−(xi+1−xi−b2(ti+1−ti ))


2σ2(ti+1−ti ) dx1 · · ·dxn

= eZ dx1 · · ·dxn

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Page 22: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

P(X1(t1) ∈ dx1, . . . , X1(tn) ∈ dxn)

P(X2(t1) ∈ dx1, . . . , X2(tn) ∈ dxn)= eZ dx1 · · ·dxn

Z = −n−1∑i=0

(xi+1 − xi − b1(ti+1 − ti))2 − (xi+1 − xi − b2(ti+1 − ti))2

2σ2(ti+1 − ti)

= −n−1∑i=0

σ−1(b2 − b1)σ−1(xi+1 − xi − b2(ti+1 − ti))



(σ−1(b2 − b1))2(ti+1 − ti)

n→∞−→ −∫ t

0σ−1(b2 − b1)dB(s)− 1


∫ t

0(σ−1(b2 − b1))


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Page 23: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Cameron-Martin-Girsanov formula

For each x the measure Pa,bx is absolutely continuous on Ft with

respect to the measure Pa,0x and




= exp∫ t

0a−1(Xs)b(Xs)dXs −


∫ t


ProofWe want to show is if we define a measure

Q(A) =


exp∫ t

0a−1bdXs −


∫ t




then Q is a diffusion with parameters a and b in other words, for eachλ,

expλ(Xt − X0 −∫

bds)− λ2


∫ t


is a martingale with respect to Q() Stochastic Calculus March 30, 2007 23 / 1

Page 24: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure


Yt =

∫ t

0(λ + a−1b)dXs =

∫ t

0(λ + a−1b)σdBs.

eYt−Y0− 12

R t0 a(λ+a−1b)2ds = martingale w.r.t. Pa,0


eλ(Xt−X0−R t

0 bds)−λ22

R t0 ads+

R t0 a−1bdXs− 1


R t0 a−1b2ds = martingale w.r.t. Pa,0


eλ(Xt−X0−R t

0 bds)−λ22

R t0 ads = martingale w.r.t. Q

dQ = eR t

0 a−1bdXs− 12

R t0 a−1b2dsdPa,0


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Page 25: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

”Solution” of one dimensional stochastic differential equationsSuppose you want to solve the one dimensional stochastic differentialequation

dX (t) = σ(t , X (t))dB(t) + b(t , X (t))dt

By Cameron-Martin-Girsanov, you could instead solve

dZ (t) = σ(t , Z (t))dB(t)

and then change to an equivalent measure which will correspond tothe solution of X (t)Define t(τ) by

τ(t) =

∫ t

0σ2(u, Y (u))du

B(τ) = Z (t(τ))

is a Brownian motion and Z (t) = B(τ(t)).Only works in d = 1

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Page 26: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Brownian motion as the limit of random walksX1, X2, . . . iid Bernoulli P(Xi = 1) = P(Xi = −1) = 1/2

Sn = X1 + · · ·+ Xn

Bn(t) = 1√n Sbtnc Takes steps ± 1√

n at times 1n , 2

n , . . .

Or Bn(t) = polygonalized version. Almost the same but continuous

Bn(t)n→∞−→ Brownian motion B(t)

What does it mean for stochastic processes to converge?

dist(Bn(t1), . . . , Bn(tk )) → dist(B(t1), . . . , B(tk )) k = 1, 2, 3, . . .

Convergenence of finite dimesional distributionsImmediate from (multidimensional) central limit theoremSame for Bn(t)

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Page 27: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Pn = measure on C[0, T ] corresponding to Bn(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T

Invariance principle (Donsker’s Theorem)

Pn ⇒ P

Much stronger than convergence of finite dimensional distributions


dist( max0≤m≤n


Sm) → dist( sup0≤t≤1



dist(n−1− k2


Skm) → dist(

∫ 1

0Bk (t)dt)

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Page 28: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Brownian motion with variance σ2 and drift b as the limit ofrandom walksXn(t) jumps 1√

nσ + 1n b or − 1√

nσ + 1n b with probabilities 1/2 at times

1n , 2

n , . . .Xn(t)− b


= σBn(t)

Xn(t) → σB(t) + bt

General local diffusivity σ2(t , x) and drift b(t , x)

Xn(t) jumps

1√nσ( i

n , Xn(in )) + 1

n b( in , Xn(

in )) or − 1√

nσ( in , Xn(

in )) + 1

n b( in , Xn(

in ))

with probabilities 1/2 at times in , i = 1, 2, . . . Xn(t) → X (t)

dX (t) = σ(t , X (t))dB(t) + b(t , X (t))dt

But how to prove it?() Stochastic Calculus March 30, 2007 28 / 1

Page 29: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Here’s another proof that random walks converge to Brownianmotions, which does generalizeRecall Bn(t) = 1√

n Sbtnc where Sn = X1 + · · ·+ Xn

Let f ∈ C2

f (Bn(t)) =1n


Lnf (Bn(in

) = Martingale

Lnf (x) =12

n(f (x + n−1/2)− 2f (x) + f (x − n−1/2))

Lnf (x) → 12

f ′′(x)



Lnf (Bn(in

) → 12

∫ t

0f ′′(B(s))ds

f (B(t))− 12

∫ t

0f ′′(B(s))ds = martingale ⇒ B(t) Brownian motion

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Page 30: Martingale representation theorem · Martingale representation theorem Ω = C[0,T], FT = smallest σ-field with respect to which Bs are all measurable, s ≤ T, P the Wiener measure

Really one needs to show that Pn are precompact as a set ofprobability measures. It is similar to the proof that Brownian motion iscontinuous, but you just use the martingale formulation directly. Thedetails are long, but the final result is

TheoremSuppose that

1 n∫|y−x |≤1(yi − xi)(yj − xj)p1/n(x , dy) → aij(x) uniformly on

compact sets2 n

∫|y−x |≤1(yi − xi)p1/n(x , dy) → bi(x) uniformly on compact sets

3 np1/n(x , B(x , ε)C) → 0 uniformly on compact sets, for each ε > 0where a(x) and b(x) are continuous. Suppose that we have weakuniqueness for the stochastic differential equation

dX = σ(X )dB + b(X )dt

and let P denote the measure on C[0, T ] corresponding to X (t),0 ≤ t ≤ T . Then Pn ⇒ P

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