"KusselTs New ancKlmppoved Edition. ^ L Translated (ivith special regard to afavoraWe airangeiiieiit of syllables leniT iadOer. lenry C Y/a//rer. F^.^ZSO 7t£t. ^BOSTON^ Copyright /ff7ff 6y B.RFussef/ilj!.

Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

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Page 1: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

"KusselTs New ancKlmppoved Edition.



(ivith special regard to afavoraWe airangeiiieiitofsyllables

leniT iadOer.lenry

C Y/a//rer.

F^.^ZSO 7t£t.


Copyright /ff7ff6y B.RFussef/ilj!.

Page 2: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

Scopo Del Metodo Pratico. Scope Of The PracticalMethod.

Pelgran vantaggio che offrel idiomaltaliamt^eglie

fuordidubbio chedebhasi incominciarelo studio delCan.

to in questa ltngua,giacche quexto conosciuto^riesce o.v-

sai facile ilcantare in tuttigli altri idioma .Ammae.stmtft

dalVesperienza conobbi che^ nella Germania, Francia,

Inghilterra ed anche in Italia^ aipiik che per dilettu lap^

prendono^ riesce digrandissimo peso doversi es-ercitam

in lunghi solfeggi ed esercizi (essendo loro unico scopo

di cantare in camera) e che in conseguenza,avviene di

non attenersi ad alcun metodo . Percio pensai a com.

pome uno d^un genere affatto nuovo^utile^e dilettevole


die evitando la noia di Ivnghi studi, raggiungesselame.

ta desiderata .

Essendo la difficolta maggiore pergli strameriqueL

la di cantare in una lingua non propria^anchedopoquuL

che eserdziodi solfeggi evocalizzi, immaginai che fin

da principio fosse meglio ahituarsi alia lingua^piuttosto

che a sillabe itusignificanti^escegliendo fra le bellepoesie

del METASTASlOy le piiiadatt*'^ me ne servii col propo.

sito di rendere piu grddite le prime regole che nessuno

vuol praticare^ onde sfUggirne la noia .

Certo che questo sara utile non solo a dilettanti, maanco a coloro che vogliono professare I'arte^potendosen

rire di schiarbnento ad altri metodi^ perche composto

con esempi dimostrativi


On account «fthe many advantages that Italian «ffers,it

is evident that v«cal culture should begin in this language,

since,this once learned, it becomes quite easy to sing in ao.

y other tongue. I have found that in various countries,

and even in Italy, the most of those m\m undertake this

study for pleasure merely,find it extremely tedioust(» be

obliged to practise long exercises (dieir only aimbeing pri.

vate entertainment), and that consequently theydo not be.

come grounded in any method.

The thought has therefore occurred to me, of compos,

ing a work, entirely new, useful and pleasing,which ,Mliile

avoiding all tediousness,should attain the desired end


The chief difficulty for strangers being that (»fsing,

ing in a foreign tongue, I concluded that it were better to

habituate the pupil from the very beginning to use the Ian.

guage itself, rather than unmeaning syllables; therefore,

selecting from the beautiful poems of Metastasio, those

most suitable, I have made use of them for the purpose

of rendering more acceptable those primary exercises,

which are always so tiresome to practise.

This work cannot fail to be of service, not only to

amateurs but also to those desirous of perfectingthem,

selves in the art, since being composed of illustrative

examples, it will serve to elucidate other methods.

General rules for pronouncing Italian. {Tuscan.)

as in father.

" .. let.

•' •« machine.

.. ., not.

as 00 in cool.

before a,0,U, like k.

e,i, like ch in chaise (generally.)

another c, like ch in chilly.

must be alwaj-s rolled.

g- before a,o,U, as in gX)ld.

g •• e,i, like zh (gienerally.)

g- •' another g- as in g'entle


gh asin ^>-host.

gl like Hi in million.

gn " n in onion.

qu as in queen.

sc before e,i, like sh in shade.

Z like ts in quits, except in mezzo, pronounced medzo.

20* Copyright 1H7S hy GJOMussell&Co.

Page 3: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

Figure e valore delle note e sue pause


Form and value of the notes and their

corresponding rests






Intero. Meia, Quarto, Oitavo. Sedicesimu.

Whole note. Half note. Quariec note. 81^ note. 16 tb note.



i P P


Tren^attuc'simo. Sessauf-ffuaflrfsim o.

32^ note. 6**.h note.



$ r

Tavola . TableIntero ,

\^Tiole N'ote



equivale a 2 Mfta,equivalent to 2halfnote:3,

r r

rt 4Qunrti,

to 4 quarter notes.

r ra 8 Ottavi,

to 8 eiffhth notes.

to 16 Sediceitimi,

to 16 sixteentfi notes.

r r r r -1^- r . r r

a-32 Tretifaduettimi,

to 32 thli-tv second notes1^

a 64 Sessantaquattmshni


to 64 sixty fourth notes.

n punio dopo una nota accrexce alia tiuta stessa la

mfta dfI suo valore





e: ^

A note foIlo-wed by a dot \s increaNed one half.



^ ^r

Lezione dclla battuta. Lessobt zh beating time.

Tt'mpu ordinario


Common time.Due,^erquattro,

-four time.Tr^ p«fr quattru


Three - four time .

Sei per otto

Six - eight t ime .

#1 V i •1^ f i


w~1^ 1* 1* ' • A » V * ffi « i1/ -* h=^ -J uSi ditidf in quattro movimenti.

Divided into 4 movements.

Tre per otto.Three- eight time

In due movimenti


Into )3 movements.

In tre movimanti


Into 3 movements


Nove per otto,JV^ine- eight time.

Dodici per otto .

TMelve- eight time.

//{ due oppure in sei movimenti


Info 13 or 6 movements


Tempo a cappella.

UM^ p liirgrHLC. !

' mtl'^^ [U0 i 1In tre movimenti


Into 3 movements.In ire movimenti.

Into 3 movementsIn quattro movimenti.

Into 4 movements


In due movimenti .

Into *Z movements.


Page 4: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


IE xy




Mi tenniper tutto il Metodo ad unestensione limita^taspercomodo delta maggior parte delle voci,edancf*perche e migliur cosa Vesercitare in principioilcentrodelta voce^ d'attronde sempre sufficiente perimparare.tutte te regute. ,

Intutti i modinon sara difficile traspurtareiquaii'do si voglia)qualunque.teziotie tm tono opiu atta upiiibas.sa




•Sca/at/t Do ma^giore, compoxtadiun Intero perogni battuta . ( Quaffro quarfi .)


The exercises fhroughouf fhi« work are confined fo alimifed range, bofh forfhe accommodafion of fhe major-ity of voices and also because if is better to cultivate firstthe middle register sufficiently at least to acquirea thf»r- .

ough comprehension of all the rules.In every case it will not be difficult to franspcise any

lesson one or two. t(»nes higher or lower.



Scale_of C. major, composed of one whole, note, for e*uery beat. (Four quarters.)

E 3s:

•^1.(g) (3)

o6 .


S i m ^=# ii^ f s±± i±±


Paunad'un Iniero.

Rest ofa wliole note



<4*.^ s ^ ^ »•m m m t=M

f p is:

Saiti di Seconda.

Saltidi Seconda eompostidi due Metaper ognibattuta.

^^Interval of the_Second.

Intervals of Seconds composed oftwo half notes to ev-

ery beat



i f iM Z.H 5. 6_^^ W=^ m a 6 7 i.i if—

im ^

iZ£ 22

6 5

i7 7

im ^^f#—


ZZi ^—^ 9^

(1) ChiarediSol.

(2) ChiarediFa.

(3) Tempo perfefto^ esso gi divide in quatiro movimenti.

N.B. L'accenioy^) noia ove Vtdlievo deve prendere un metto regpiro,

i due accenii (*'} i7 respiro intiero


(\) Treble Clef.

Vi) Bass Clef.

(3) Perfect time divides itself info four movements


N.B. The mark(') denotes that the pupilmnst takehalfa breath,

the two marks (") a full respiration



Page 5: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel





6 y ft



b5_^ 6 5,

1 ^ J ij ^

^^ 8^3



:s :i ;^


6 6




i its^18



^^3 2 «




i:< r, •.

i^ a #


6 5 3 6 6


8 » 5^ 6 , 6^ ^

^i^^ 1* s^p i

SaltidiTepza. Interval of the Third


iEI i^ f

JIS 3.

^ -« 'f if*

i mi22=^ ZC^IS

jjgi ^ t[


fe j i i32


^6 5 6 6

*• b ^ I i^ 6 6 8* 6 6

i E ^^ 3 ?^



6 5

W ff

^ f

^p ,

6 3

iip r ^


i6 6

P i




Page 6: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

Salt! di Quarta


Interval of the Fourth.

M^.^m^ Z2=?


* 6 ^ « , ^e

s p




^ 336. 7 5


^ ^ i ^ 3e:

•i 2 6 6

3 I ^^^ i^mm i

Z2=^iZt=^ "g-

I•^. a :^ 6 6 »6 6 :i 3 3^ ^ 19 19

i i ^*=i

^ ^ i$ 19-


£ i6 5.

^« fl

2 6 ^P i ^^ P

Saiti di Quinta


•$>ri/^'#/« Quinta, compustidi quattrrt f^uarti per ognibattuta^eduna pausa divn qnarto .

Interval of the Fifth.

\Interval of the Fifth ^ compowed of four quarter noteM

5 for each beat, and a rewt ofa quarter.

^m ^^ ^s iJ ^ ?^ p ? ^±±^r*


^^ f»-=-IS ^ 35:

j^^ ^ ^^ i^ s:iE f*=i

s M ^ i« 6 *7 ^


Page 7: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


Saltidi Sesta. Literval of the Sixth

f^- i

MB. Tastosolo.

^^ P








1^ ^ ^ sp I ^ ^ iTJ-^

3 m i^ ^ i^ iH^

?¥ f p ^

:^^ i^ m m i^ ^^ ^^ i g^ 3^^ #=P #-5#

Saiti di Settima


Interval of the Seventh


^^ m V m 59

s^^ f^ ^i=«


^ 3s: ^ .^^ PS ¥=«^??


•) r r u 3P*675^




# ^??



'^^ T^-r


^i tii

6 a^^^



f ±±^ pH^ iP P



P6 7 6 5


1^6 6•^ t 7

P 13:


Page 8: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


SaltiD'Ottava. Interyal of the Eighth


m iWm f I i^m ii=« ¥3^8.

5 6

'Xn - J ^ f=^^ m « 6

F^p p ^ i


$ m ^w f^^ t=5

6 «

H'r-l' pr

S 6 m M5

0. M

I ^^ i

I i s W j^C«-

i^ p ^ ^t* i^itt*

^^ 8 4 6 6 6 6

m 3P#—I—


^ ^ P m d a

£iepilogc> dei sette saiti precedenti . IRecapitulation ofthe seven preceding intervals.

Sfconda .


Terta .


Quarta .






i a:E i if I-©«—S^

^9. •» 2

')'n if r i6 ^=='= M £

* 6

3 ii ^ zc=:=zz=5








Eig-hths.^ i i P

•i 6.


a 5


6 4 6 :i 5 6 ^p f


i i


Page 9: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel



iV. Vaccai.

Lezione I.

La Scala.

//* que.sta /'.« lezione ladivisione delle sillahe si stacca

dalPofdhiariOj onde dare^ il piu pussibHe^%ui^idea del

modo di prommciare cantaiidui come cunsnmare adUivocale il valore di vna « piu note, ed unire la conso.nnnte colla sillaba segnente. Qnesto servira di facile

ita anche per imparare il Canto legato^ cio eke noupvos^

si ben insegnare se non che colla sola vocedivn biion

maestro .

Lesson I.

The Scale.

The di\-iHion of }<yllable« in thi« first lexson differs from

the ordinary arrangement in-order to give «omeidea of

the mode of pronunciation in singing: how to fill upwth

the vowel the value of one or more notex, uniting the con-

sonant Mith the following syllable . This will serve also

to facilitate the acquiring of the legato style,>»iiich can-

not be properly taught, otherwise than by the voice of

acompetent teacher.



i n n i n }Mzs: i -©- mE ? #—



(Man . . . ca sol - - . le . .ci . fa)

Ma nca so _ ^ lie. ci _ ta Piu

Fa- . _«te-r a.nd fa_stc-r Manes


E -

(R«t - - - er and fast . er wanes,)

de . II u . _ sa _ . to,

_ver MJ-tli fai-nter glow^

^^ M/I _ - ncoj'rhe

Though to a

i m ^f t^^-t -a-

Mi. f--f^<^. - i T ^^ ^ r^r r ii i r t U

$ i ^ ^m ^ $• *

.vV*. gi _ ti

tra.nsient flame.

Co .-nlie _ re fia _ .to,One wou.ld i.ts .e.mbers blow.

Fa _ - ce che pa _ _ Ipi _ ta

Fi- re tha.t i « n da. - rJkne_ssniu-st

m i

i55? Tt-f* s ^m^^^

• M [-


i.i J 'Ji J.J ' li I

Pre. .s»oa-ljnft rir.

Soo.-n di..sa. . .ppear.

# •

Wf-4V_s m,




fa _ - ce che pa . . Ipi.ta prcssoa-lw* - - rir.

Fi— je tha.t i--n da\^ - ckne«K«nui.8t Sou-n dL.sa. npear.I


" n-



Page 10: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


Saltidi Terza. Litepval of the Third



^ ^^ I 5^^ ^ ^

Fool- i«h,

cet - ta tor - ^>

fo«U i«h , lit - - tie

rel ^ la^ Che non ve^^deilsuo pe-dove - let

J.That- re gardr.leKK of . hep

•7 ^iLg ^

-#- •? 4-

fe ^^1 1 I JJH 2.

tM^ ^ f f

« « ^^ ^^^ 2


^' I ^f m i' p ^ p*:

ruglio Per fugdan.ger, To .eM ..

^gir. da eru _ rf<>jir . ti. glio Vo — /oJ»_..cape the cru . el ran._ger, Fliett un .

grem^ bo.al cac. .da.

to the hunt . er^M

s £ i ^^1^

p ^ « §. ^^=i ^^=* ^ ^

i ^g ^^^^ ^3e==?

^/r. P<fr fug gir da cru.-d(t^r. ti-glio.

per fug.

breast. To an cape the eru . el ran.g^er, To ew .

.gir da eru d<^ar.

eape the eru . - el

^' h j^ m s m j> J i>


>'b J- J- ^r^^


i)| J I'

p J)| J I) J ;) I J »^?^^^^^^ft^ft'o P^>. . /1^« grem.hoal cac^ia tor, r« - /aj/i grem.bfijil cac .cia^ — tor,

ranger, Flies un - - to the hunt.erM breast, Flies un.-to ' the hunt . ers breast.

ft ib:

i g# r


V ^ V

^ V i V


Page 11: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


Lezione II.


Lsssoir II.

Interval of the Fourth





^'li }s i^ I } i' ;>i'

I i' ,n^'' ii

La . sciail

Out . ward

It _ - do^ i( ma— V*L^'^

veer- ing, . on. -wardft. . do A sol

steer . ine, Plough« the

f ii » 'nf^

^»* I f^ [^ I iff \ I \if} /m

car tor. nqjl noc - chie ^

Nail . (»r xtill the »


_ ro, K pur. cean,Though he

.va cA/^ men. zo «

knowM its tran . quil

.gtte - ro Al . (re

mo . tion Oft be ,

vol _ te Vin .gati.

fore hath him de

- _ _ no. af - (re

- _ ceived. Oft be - _

vol . te I in .flan.

fore hath him de _

. MO,


Al . (re

Oft be


J'. p ^' P

vol . (e Vin .gan nofore hath him de . . eeived




'' J'^ ^Oft be - _ ff»re hath him de _ - oeived


Page 12: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


Salti di Quiiita


Interval ofthe Fifth.



^4. \

I 5E-d—Av -


£ M t-G- ^m 3t

ed ii\ mix _ - er- y,

S<'ii sa cim for - - - ^>,Com . . .fori.leMK sor- _ - row.


^y\ i ^ i

Ii i i ^ ^


I4 te



^ ^ 3


- cor nel

port I

por _

bor -

_ _ to Pa » ven . . 6*

- -row New dread of

lY mar.the Nea



i W SJ—



^''s ^ i=^in^m^ i ^; i i J ^



i i £ JI fW r ^^

P J JI J. J'J ' ^ ^3i:

- iv?_ re

- ep- y,Wont -

vex . zo aed tf>

Vt - S#?/t . . . za con _ _ y^>r . » - ^o^

Com - - -fort _ less sor- - - row.

I ^ -r-^ill ^.1w w w w

'mBJ^I^TT—«- £ ^ i ^ i i i at ^^


Page 13: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

14 LezzoheIII.

Saiti di Sesta .

Lesson III.

Interval of the Sixth



^ I f:- r ;^Tf-4^i—y,

Bel ^ (a prrt. vqj (VaUnia fur . te L^es . ser pla.. . ci ^ d^e se.

Well ap - - pr«v - ed, tru - ly no - ble, is the «c>ul that calm re -

^^'itj U J^


^^m r-?

^^m ^^


i^ S


^^ Si ^^ i fr«; na Nel suf - . ^Vmain . eth , .£en ^hen fate

Im^ffiii sta

un.. just or

J'i J J J

pe . na D'u . nadain. eth, That it

col _ pa cht* nonbear an . oth . er^t

s ^5 ^^» i


r ^ r ^i

f I7 -/ V :-t

^^ ^ i ^s^^ ^ ^^ eAflf. ^i*/ la

Nhame.. Well appro.- va e (Vat^'maprov - ed , tru - - ly

^^ta tru.-iy

fnr _ te Lesno ble, In

ser pla^ „ _ ci - rfi^ .v«?

the Nout that calm re



* f » fr r r p

f'^r r^ -^''^ ^'T i'ljjr^J I' I


r ^r i.f^^

re - na iVi^/ .vo^_ frir ibi^iu^ ^ sta pe « wa I)\,na col ^ pache . nun ha,main, eth, £ en 'when fate un^juxt or dain. eth, That it bear an. nth.erN shame.


Page 14: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


Salti di Settima


Lesson IV.»f -

Interval of the Seventh







^^ ^j)ii iif r 'r J J i j ^^

Fra I'om. bre un lam - po so . - . . /o

^Mid d;irkneMH,(ine flash Huf. 1 fi . _ . . ceth ITn. .to the ski 11. ful

p^f^L^f J


M ^ 15 Oi *J ^ IJ ;>.ff ^

^a - . - f«f

pi . ... lot.

Che gia nJnt^ vail poHim fromhiMcourMe en— ti eeth

^MGia ri.co^nu ^sceil mar.Then noMsepo. lar wtar.


Quell* an da eke ru^ _ i _ _ « /la

That wave that now is break . ing,

Balza^si fran^ge^ mor, mora,ilollethanddasheth mur. muring,


^^mmm^mw ' I' J II J f J iM r i ^JJjjrj-i# #

Ma limpida si

But liihpidthen re .

fa^ jbaUza, bal.za, hal.za, hal . ta, matreatH, Roll. eth, roll, eth , roll- eth , roll . eth, But

iim. pi.-, da si fp.

lim. pid then retreats


Page 15: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


Lezxone V.

I Semitoni.

Lesson V.








^^=^JMJTJJ ^ iii

dub Jbiii _ - .va,

and d(»ubt . in^^

//* _ cer - ta va

Tin - cep - _ tain



|)^a?mB?-^^^ K I

t > i * > >



^^JpJ 7 «iM^£p^ ^p l^'f ^p

iwg ~gia O.gtiiaU ^ ma cheinudeg ^a Fra^ /no- 6* *fe/ cor.

lay ing, I« each woul that's sway, ing E - mo - tion «f ^ heart.


i^aw.m ^^ ^?.f^?j^i





1*^^ ' p '"rl?r "'p '^r ' *' '5^^ i

/» _ - rof dub^hto . _ .va^ //« . cit- ta t'o _ neg ^gia^ O.gnial^ .ma cheun.

li . IP rious, and doubt, in^, Un. cer. .tain, de . lay. .in^, Is each soul thats

^^£pj nJMiiJ j .miJ ^ --plf. ^p ^p1 _

.dfg .gia Fra' iwo _ ti del for,

sway, iiig' E_ . mo. tion of heart,

fra^ mo . 6* del cor,

£. .mo. tion nf heart.

D\ J)•> j) V jg

204 s^

i 7 £ y £^ 1 ? 1 T 1 '^

i—4 ^m


Page 16: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel



Modo sincopato.







>yiij id^^i lUj MM .ilj7 ^1^I jlj7


Nel don- .tra^oamor s'ac, -cen.de: Con chi cr - de a chi si

Love con- - tes _ ted, buriiN le«« ten - der: Thowe ^hn quick them . NelveN «ur

P r~Ts v fe

r~Ts f i S^»i i1^^ i i^i



ty^'i hy^)^ ^g @=u=^ ^fe 7 11 7^ 7 # 7^ ^I p^ li'f MP J^

iJ-'j J'

lji s s

.... ren - «f*^

. ren. der

Mai si bar - ba _

Jfeer do find it



_ ro /to/t e. Mai^.

cru - el more. Jfeer,





i ^^ m s13^5 :t^=S*~* a; l-t ^^#

S ^ ^^ ^^ «*

^ ^-I b pi^-^^'^M^j j-1 j?i'^^*

non e


ne'*er more


/O/i cA/ fi*- -de fa chi. St ren - rflf^. no mat



Th(K«<e Mho quick them. . »ielve« «ur . ren. der Oh^ Ne'er



P k k f i i i ^^I fcaw^ jE

m /?N

fe^ ^ ^ ^ fes a

j'* r'j r'L.^'ilj^MN p ift^ ^^

bar -

fmd6a _ ro

it . cru

/io« **. no tftai

^mel more, No ne'er

.VI 6ar_ _ bu _ ro non e.

do find it cru el more.

5^ m t^ ^^ JPf

^^^ ^^ ^ ^m?=^ fe^ pX


Page 17: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

18 LezioneVII.

Intpoduzione alle Volate


fncominciasi questa lezione col tempo Adagio indi

uffrettando sino aW Allegro a norma delCabilitu deL

lo scolaro.


Lesson VII.

\ Iiitpoductorv to Runs .

\This leNNon ixto be begun Adagio^And gradu:jll>

\accelerated to ^^/I'^ro, according to the ability of

\the pupil.


^2 ^ ^Co - - me il can _ _ rfo » . _ r«?

Oh! like the glo ry

pi'i' I ^ s

D'f'n - - - tat . ta «« - - - ve^

Of Know un - - stain . - ed,

m 4 4

* f *

'i 't M^m i

f ^ ^

? J

J J «

i f i


^^ «ff?^P p 1^^' ^ li'*^^^ ? ^^E dim bet co . - r/*

Is the bright sto . - ry

La fe. deU . ta .

Of a true heart


Un or- maWhen .... eer so

I m IJ: ^ri* * * If

^ J ^ ^ J s¥

^ P M^ J^'p I >^P M^ J> JM ^^

.vo ^ . - ia

faint - . ly,

CAe in se

Spot it

ri - «? » « - f<?,

hath gain . . ed,

Tut . ^ ta ne in vo - _ la.

Beau, .ties so saint ly

^^m ps

i^;>j) i^J'>^ fci m

La sua bel . ta,

AH then de . - part,

S^ ' ij»j^

tut ^ ta ne in . ro _ « /a.

Beau . ties so saint . ly

la. sua bel » ta .

All then dfe . part

-^ € 4 -

•i T t i ty 9 i :

i i. i ^tt ^^^;20-^

Page 18: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


Le Appoggiature sopra e sotto


U miglior ornamento del canto e I'Appoggiatura^l effete

to dipeiide dal darle il suo giusto valore; puossi anche

qualchevolta accreseerlit,ma non devest mat diminuirlo.

Lesson VIII.

The appoggiatura from above 8c below.


The mosi pleading ornament (»f Nonj^ is the Appoggiatura,

the effect of which depends upon giving it itxtrue value;

it may be increased but never diminished.




J J^J ? I Ex.I

r rf ^

dante. [J*''

\ ^^^- ^#e^


Sen.za Va.ma.hile Dio di Ci^ te ^ ra I. di non tornano Di pri-ma ^ ve , ra^onMTien the a _ d<irable Gu.pid im yeta-far, Spring days re.turn no more,Lifen a Sa _ ha - ra nliere

^m. ^fem^^h

^11. ^ 3^

V^^:?Tyy 177 ^^ < 77^^77 ^^ ^^ ^ «: ¥^

i¥^ ^ ^^

i=i :^^#—


-j^—#- #—


jr ^

^^V ^'ift^Wvi'J ^ JTj^j ^iJ. J \\\\ i>J 7 1 J. J jiijj. ^spira vn zeffirtt^ Nonspunta nn fior.

neither a zephyr blow«,XorbIoj<«oms a flower.

Uer.be sul margine Del fon.teji.mi . co,

Herbs that adorn the brink Of the cool fountain,

he piah-te re. dovePlants that in lonelinesx

^J i^Ji^Jli

Sul colJea.pri. co Per lui ri . re.stono L'an.ti . . co o.nor. Per

Fade on the mountain, For him oncemore renewTheirbeauty of yore. For

^m :^ m^^ m.mrj-^y -wrw

^ ft\<-*—


7 7 17 73 ^¥ ^^^ r^ ^^ ^^ ^M- ^^^ 4



6^ •

t I i]*- j^pr i

ff /yt^ftpp^^^iJ- p

J'1^^1Pr ^^Pl^^pr

^«?5-\=^ y~y

/mi ri^vedowt UanJi. . co o. nor, per lui ri^vestono, V.an.ti^.co o.nor.

him <mce more renew Their beau.ty of yore, For him once more renewTheir beau, ty of yore.

Page 19: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


L' Acciaccafura. I The Acciaccafura.

VAiiciaccatura differisce daU'Appoggiaiura^nun to. \ The AeciJueatura differs from the Appoggiatura m not

glienduilvalore nP Caccento alia nota.I

fciking from the value northe accent of the note.




! b[ P a P ' '

^^ ^


4^^Ben . ehe di sen. so pri.ro. Fin lar. bo.xcel.ltif gra. .to AA\ . though of sense de - -pri - ved, Y<»n grateful trees re- - pay.ing The

r r

^^^nmffir # i^ r

1 7 ih:

^TlTtflr ^ j^ r

» 7 *^

r r r r^4 s

^fe^P 'p-^l^ p kV'' '^^


p It P'^1li'^"' U ^ p l-f p f p4^r; ^ft ^ J^

aquell*, a. mi. CO ri.vo Da cuiri.ee. vt^.mor.

bank from^Wchde . ri-ved, Its quickeningcurrent flows.

Per lui di frondt^r. na. to Bel


For leaf.y branches swaying, True

P=f ^ ^P i ? w^mr w w w wZt^'t w i- w't

.V:¥^ j^ ^-jfe ^

f!^^:¥^^=¥ < r « f

^y T

iir<# i)^J^ > l> p•,

p lipi p^; p 1^; p^ > IJ^J^'^^

M_ /« mer. ce gli

thanks it how ex


Dal sol quando di

.ten.detb, And while the sun of.

- fen.de. fendeth.

U suo be L ne.fut .

A cool.ing shadow

rg=f: ?^m i iBgg

rr^:ity- * V t T

'y-^h i^ i^5 ') y ^-T) ^«^-¥



j^ iffl J-'^^ ;.'

I i>m ^*i

^or, dal solquan.do . di . . fen.de il suo be . ne. fat. . tor.

thr<>ws. And while the sun of « . fendeth A

?^^^ i4 d^d^rlf-

cool-ing shadow throws.


h ^7 *^




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Lezione IX.Infroduzione al Mordente


U Mordente e Vurnamento H piu varittto ed Hjnu dif.

ficilr per la feagerexza am cui sideve eseguire.Si ann.

pniie di due »> ire notine^ e sipresta a tutte le graziedel

canto sema nulla tnaliere alia frase^ ed alia intenzione

del cnmposUore^ tutti quel cambiametiti pero^che si .v«_

{flinno (are net canto e che chiamansi fioriture sotutcat^

'tiri e difettosi allorche alterano la tneiodia originale^e

faccento pritnitivo dell'Autore




Lesson IX. nIntroducing the use oftlie Mordent.

The Mordent ik, oI'.'iII ornatuentM.the luoxt varied and the

nuist difricultyon account of the delivaey withi»hichitniu.st

burendi^red. Itiw compoNed oftwo or three NhortnoteN,iuidaddK to every ^race of siyle, without detractinia;' fromthe phrase nor the intention- of the composer ;aIlthoNechan.

ges M-hichareknoM-na.H/7ortYur#', are tastelexM and bad,

M'henever thev affect the original melody, or the peculi-ar features of the c<»niposers thought.


ha gio _ _

Ah! joy

- la re _ r«

that would tru

-, ce^ Per far si pa- - ly Find heart . . felt ex

_ » se, Dun lab .

_ sion, From lips.

lo jqua. . ce Bi - so

-. ly, No aid

M M m-X

gno non ha


doth re - . quire

^J^ fi

¥irm7 })V h^ hp ^

li * i •&- •


-&- J- inJljl^'^pj'i''r^r^ i'lf"^^"' 6'


gio _ _ - ia ve- .ra . ce, Per far . _ - si pa ^ - fc- .v**, J)mi lab, _ bro lo-

joy that would tru - ly Find heart- - felt ex pre««ion, From lip« oft un


if''' rj' .'" i''" i" J'' F.


£ j|^7 yJ




^V rijl>7 Q,|J^;., ;3;^|pP0mm1^


W!|^J| y^U^ I

Pqua. . _ _ ce Bi - - .v« _ - - ^'w> '*''" ha, no,m^no,mt,nii,wtjbi ~ so . gno mtn ha.

ly Hfo aid doth re_-_quire,no,no,no^no,no,no,no aid doth re -- quire.ru -

m^z . p ,. #^

204 |<

•#• *^ fy i ?

^:^ 5


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Lo siesso in diversi modi


The same in different styles.


^^ iL'tfM- - gt'l - - let, . tojti lac , ci stmt, _ to Per - che mat tan.

P«Mir, lone bird, oh! why cfost chant ««>, Thu« by toiU Mur .




j)^ J ^r ^^}m mS ^^tfr ,vVi - - .seal, .ta'f

round, ed ev- _ er?

Per. . che spe _ ra un^ al. .tra

Ah! be - - - c'iiuse it ^et hopex to

Vid . _ ta

«ev_ . er


^m ^—a

^^ i ^



S i »3e:

i^ ^ ^ ^f^-M f ^-h-in a _ _ 6^r _ _ - .ta,

to woar a . > . . far

1)1 tor. .

Cru el

. na . . re

bonds and

Ilau . gel . . let . . tt^Jn

Poor, l»>ne bird, <»h!


^#?^=^ «i ' #

^m ^ ^ p ^ p M f/^^m

^ j^jiJ I JJ^ iJ/r N Tr4 i

r ' T- ^ p

/«f . ci

why dost

stret. _ ^<>

chant Ko,

Per . che

Thus by

mat can .

toils Nur


tar s'a

. round . ed

- . scol . .ta?

ev . - er.

$ y })i hI I

k ^^ ^^


f ^ ^ f


7 p 7



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f jjjj iJ h}\\ J j^Jj,^ I J r •-'

\YY^\^.J^^^if _

Per .cbe spe ra nn' al— (ra tv*/. .ta Di tor- _ na _ re in li . - ber .

Ah! be - - euuse it yet hopex to sev— er Cru _ . el bonds and to «*>ar a » _

^^!» f J) 7 A \y })y })1±±4 §^I ^ ^^ ^^^ h^^^5=32?:

F '"T

^\ i'^p

^ ^ ^ ^ ^1 ^fe #^=^ ^l

^^r-npir/r-^ir i^^4^%^ i 4^


l><'r _ che spe _ ra ?//t' «/ _ _ ^ra vul ^ .ta

Ah! be . _ cauNe it yet hopes to «ev. _ er

di tor - _ «a re in

Cru . el bonds and to

m m^ m^ ^ m ^J-^—


^^ ^ & ^ 1 p 1 ^^ P 7 J )

' jSv J^^

f pj;'..j)i p ^I fJj_.^

I pjj^jj I pJ/? IJ 7

p, 1^^Noar a - far,

fii tor- _ na rein li _ -ber. -ta.

Soon a . _ eain to

in li _ - ber _ _

.soar a _ - far, To soar a

i ^ ^ i^ ^ ^5 ^^ I Ir=f

^ ^ ^^§ ^^ i^^Tp 7J;'|J^ ^^^ ^ s


in li _ » 6«?r_ _ ta^

To s«>ar a _ > _ far,

in li - -ber- - ta, in li - -ber- -ia.

To soar a far. To soar a _ _ far.


Page 23: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

SS4Leziowe Z. LessonZ.

Litroduzione al Gruppetto



Introducing the Turn .

Ter questo esempio si seguira ancora la regola indi. \ In this example follow the directions given in the Ne\ enth

caia nella settima lezione. (N^JO.) I Le««on.(N«MO.)


^^vj} jT^]} 4pij gji^MJ jjjji^ jj^^^Quandti ac cen.de un no .bit pei. . to, E irino. . . cen.te,e pu~ .ro af.

When a no ble bo- - som glow.eth, In. - no - . cent af- - .fee - tion

m fe=^i:!^r^

^iIf W

irr^r^ m"mif r=f

? r jr #






j)-^I J f ii{jlf J^^^Jil J j^^{73|p i mii%t^ t

.fet -- tOy De. bo lez _2« a mor Hon

groweth, Love can nev_ er a fiviil- ty



Qugn .do ac .cen _ de tin

Vihan a no _ _ . ble

I m ^ ^s ^^^ ni? h ^^^^^ ii±i=i -* r s ?

s \


\:5~-iS ^^m V s ^=¥==¥ ^^^ 5 p P p r-p

a gj^^iQjv\\^^^\ \^\^ ^\:!^^ I >i>^

/eo . h\l pet to^

E in..no . .

bo tioni glow..eth, In no . .

.cen _ te^ e pu r« af. . fet.to


De bo.

cent af_ - fee - - tion groweth, Love can..

$^ ^5 T^^ ^^ ^ ^ W^ I. ^ H^i


L=^ k"=^="=^ ^^? ^^ ^^ r=^

i ^^p I


I j^^^. iu~Mlex . za a. mor non

nev . er a frail - ty be.

I^ 5 5 i^

rf«? . _ - bo lez . za a. jnor non e .

Love can nev - er a frail - _ . . ty be,^ m?=« ^5 ^ fta

# ?

m ks 5

^f s^ ^

»=?: S J


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D Gruppetto. The Turn


Poco Andante.

M 16.

f'Mir^yrrF ii^ iii| i



i, »^^

Pm noH si tri»^ juano Tra mil. _ lea.man. .ti Sol due bet.i\o Ion. ger can we know, Mong fliou. M.md lov _ . er«, Two gentle

^^% J-^J^]^r-rJ|;[;!.Jfepi'1.jp p-^- liJJgiiJJtJj^

l r- pp ^

.. Va . nime Che 7... sien co^ stan-ti,

- souU wiiose glow, True faith clij«_ cov. erj*.

E tut ti par. lano

Yet all do clam. or «o


.-^ » I. - ? « ?Mji:n ^^ h'j ^wf * r^ *


*^''i. J..b^hJ.^NU>d^^^Mf> jqr jBif ugr rj-^ iJ ^"ni

fe. . del. ta,

con - «tan_ cy,

«? ^tt<_ ft par. . .la . no dt

Yew, all do clam . . or no of

fe . del.

con»<tan .

Im i }m!^ Jjgj< I

^J^.Jlfh I

j f-t^gj I^^*^


<* fti^« ti par. . .

Ye«, all do clam . .

la.no di fe .

or «o of con

- .del -

. Ntan . ey.

s ^s pmm k'^Ty J)

^; 3: is: ^2()it

Page 25: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


M 17.


LezzoneXI.Introduzioneal Trillo


Allegro moderato.

Lesson XI.Introductory to the_ Trill


k]-' i y 9 JJJJ,


i l^''M'6'^ ^

Se po.ve . . ro il ru _ jscef _ - - lo

The brook MiioMC wave Is .shal _ - - low,

Mormo^ ^ra. leu—to^Murmur, etii ev . -er


i^v i .^5^f^

1^9 »

r j^j)ij^jmjr ^ iS'-AJg6av _ « » .v«, C/>* ranio scet _ . /o, w/t .va.v— « - so

more l«>w. A brancb.a stone itMf^iint flow

Qua. '- siarresiar A>

Al. most hiith poMer to

*=?:S i ^ ilVi'i ^5555 i rr=r^ tit t t^s s ^TJ J'n J) ^ i'^ j i'rJ>^^ai2=i:

^^E^ iS I ^*d i ^mfa.bar.

Se pave- - nW/ ru - - seel

The bro(»k wiione wave in shal


l<»w. Murmur, eth ev. . er

6a.v .

more low,

m _ iwo- _ seel _ _ /o, unA branch.


stone itx

.va.v _ .so Qua.i-si^ qua .. - siarrestar lit

faint flow Al . most, al. mo.st hath power to

i=^ ^ V.J^7 i^7 i)? j) I ^ ^4—<—


^ r=f 1=1 j^^-^—


v^=^=i»f » ,


^ h ^ [x

J '7 «f'? 1^5 J

* *

tel ^^^^5 %±=i i^Bi^B^^^^ ^


^^t m mm mm m m _/^^ 0M0M0m ^^


- V i j^^S

i//t ramo- *eie/- . /«,iirt .vw.v^o qua.. . siarrestar lo

a branch,a st<me its faintflow Almost hath p^twerto



5 ^Q M ^^ Jfc; 5

te Ji 7 J)7 il7 J^> ^i^ i


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Lezione XII.LeVolate.

Lesson XIIRuns. .



Allegro moderato


M 18


^^ i i ^^Siam na . vi alluti - - de a( _ ^gen _ ti La. ^sa'a, . tejn ab . . ban _

Wejire ships up _-<»n the ». -eean JTo guide nor cap. .tain

If" i-

f-•# f" f-

m ^$do. no:


int. pe.tu.ii _ _ At*

With wild im.pet. .uous

—r—veti. ti

mo . tion

f nu.stri af,fet . ti xo.no:

Passions fierce blasts are blowing:

^ h i hi ^^^^ y/ })W W i^ i


J J^J)^g"/]

- ^ni di _ Z**^ . tut e scu _

Ev . . ery de.light b<»deth sor -

_ gliu: Tut ta la vi ta e mar,- - row. On life's great o . cean so vast.

Ogiddi^let. tu •

Everydelight b<>deth

iU:) pJiiJ>^-6^

scugliitt.Tut.talari.ta e mar, M^ . ta la vi, Ja e mar.

sorrow On lifes great o.cean so vast^ On life's great o - cean so vast.



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•^8 Lezione ZIII.Modo per portare lavoce


/%v portare mm .v'intende trascinare la voce da vnsuinio ad un ultra com** malamente si usa; ma anticipa^

r*' insetisih'dment*' coUa vocalf delta sillaba preceden.te ilsuono che se(fue,(Esempio /(*) o posticiparCoySem.

pre inxensibilmente^ promtiitiando la sillaba conquelloche si lasciaAKsempio 2 ) Tutti e due i modi sono rf mmbelCeffetto tuttarolta il 1? e il piu usato,

NonsarU difficile imparare a portare la voce mas^siine quando si sappiamt legar bene le sillabe come sHn _

diio nella li^ lezione(y?^ ma solo vn abileMaestropuoditrne una_ distinta idea colla propria voce .



Lesson XIII.Mode of carrying the voice called Portamento.

"Portamento" by no meanM Kignifiesthat drag-ging of

fii'Nt note by pronouneing M-ithit the follow !ng vowel. Both

these modes are effective,aIthough tl^e fn-nier ik oftener used.

"Portamento" will not be difficult to acquire after onehas learned to properly join- syllables, as shoMn in the

first lesson, but a perfectly distinct idea of this style

can only be conveyed by tne voice <»fan able teacher.



For- rei spiegar laf^fan . no^ Na-jicoti^^der^ ^to vor ^ - r*' _ « i; EI'd fain make knoMn my sor row, Yet would I not be tray it; And

^ zzn:^ir^*i

±±MJ. iV w r WW $^^s 5—


-¥- 1M19,

IV' v,i -!i L'l ^ & ^ a i i '


f?^ f=^ V7

•/ _...<„.. • j-.iLi..'„..L • rt.. ..i \. I

^^^mentre i dubbimie— i

ever afraid to say it,

Co _ A* cresceii do raa^ _ wo,

My doul)tsrr('sh>ig_ or bor- _ row,

Tut- tospiegar nonAll todisclo.se not

^ 'Jj-J\S 1 fe^^j^^ ^^ J^J^J^;)^n -*—


^s E ^fv^i 7 r^iv^^ Qf gl'f ^^ ^^ ^^? |f^^

I %kn]^n k . V

r r K^a^^^Hj n/^J> >ij ^ i ^j>^ *=jtxx* r^

o - .vo,



Tut^tononso ta^ver^in^to spiff, gar, tut., .to non so, non so ta^cer. Sfd.

Can I not all ignore Jfotall disclose, all, all 1 ran not all ignore. So

^ -<4-

-JS I ^# 'J I ^S 7 IJ"l7 M I



S ^ 5kiL?* jpE

^^ !>> J J)^ ^ J^y^-^ I^^ ^ g^MJ

iuiu-u ±>J i ^J-'iJ r ^ ^i^i^'LJ .^ ^>i^# _

3^^/*'- ci.ttt,


dubbio . . so

despair, -ing,



rammento, rammen . (o

and grieving, still pensive.

e ve. do; E a.

and grieving. Jfoi


^^ ^ m m^ro ^320*

^ 3::*:

"7 ^^

•< / L^ jt ^?^

# #


i*^ #

^^ ^ i



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I -^ r>iJJ^>CHj g^ ^^^

pr'ppifJ'^ ''!ii'^:-^ir-i;^j^*chI-# l^cr'^

gljocchimiei lum ere ^ «rf«, iVo/t cred(tal into pen^ sier. Nun credo non credo almiopensier;, noncredo^noneen my eyes be - .liev _ _ ing, My. «elf 1 trust no more.My«mTi.HeW,myownseIf _I trust no more,myown Neltjmy

i>-FN^ira-g]^y^u jw Ij^^ j\^ lA;^ ^^

* »


P^3^ ^=^

-'i \M ^kt

creLdo almiopen^ .sier. . Non ere. do almio pensier,. non credttjtlmio pen^.sier.own Melf I trust no more. My » self I tru«t no more, my.«e1f I trust no more.






^j) J) J)|

i-^^ 1

-'-^p p I

;^ Jljs i^/ J->- J^'^.p Pi"T

rj ^-^—p'


'—'—' ^' ^^

O |)(a «f»_ JoJ/ /wa -r** Lm. .sin^ghi la .sponda, porti eon lon.da Ter.

^Tien ealuily al _ .hiring Old ocean re.-poseth, Or when he dis . eloseth, His


I tf' i> J) i,h^ J) > ij;p J) JM ^

piii]i j^

^j^ ^^K eol.pa del

The winds to ber«- re e spa . ven.to, K col. pa del vetuto, Sua col.

wrath all un - . tam.ed, The winds to be blamed. JTot < - _

_ pa non e.

cean himself

W^ W -t

%\Tjj' i^H !)!^f^\ l jli; jjjl L ^^'''l'^r 'V I'

ven . . to,Sua eol . pa non e,

blam . .ed^Kot o . cean him - self,

e. eol .pa del ren . . to,sua eol . pa non e.

The wind's to be blam. - ed, not o- -cean him -self.


Page 29: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel





Lesson XIV,



Pel Recitative e mdispeiisabile sillahaziune distinta

eAecisa. Quatido sHncontraiw due notesimili alia

fine d'un periodoj od.anche piu note simili luimezzo,

quella xu eui cade Caccento delta parola dtveconver.

tirsi.in appoggiatura delta seguente^ eper maggior

chiarexza si indica con itn A sutla notadellaccento.

In the'Recitative" a clear and distinct enunciation ofev-

ery syllable, i« indispensable . Whenever two precisely

similar notes come t<»gether at the end ofa period,ore -

>eninthe middle ofa phrase, that upon which falls the ac-

cent ofthe word should be.converted into an appoggiatura

ofthat which follows. F(»r greater clearness, tliis is indica-

ted by an 4, over the accented note


Ex. ii ,1 i i' i'p p ^

p p p

h i'l J i'^-'ppif^4f^^ 'ppppp i p^^' p:^^f^

ha patriae nniutto . Dicui.siamparti . At citta.di.Hoe fallo Considerar se

Apart of his country Is every true man.That citizens in error Who but himselfcon _^M21.


^i]h}i)^^^hi- i

l:iJ0-'7j-)J:ip).>]|j J-)


stesso Separatft da lej. llu.tile ojIdahnojO^ei co^^ noscer di'e solo, ecioche .giom Omioceaffasua

siders And ignoreth her wellfare. Be it g«»od or e-vil Thatwhich histhought shouldfi»lloM,isMhatdothCivorOrh;irmtlieluidbe-

W Ig^^ *s:

^2 J t

^ iJWiJ^ p p p

P Ji J/ Ii^p piJJ^>'7


'r ^p^p iJ^'Ji; i

/>pf ipj^y is

patria^a eui di tuttttK debt- tor.

loved to which he oMtith everything.

Quandoi sudori eil sangue Spargeper lej^ nvlladelptriprio ei

Whenhe out-pouretfa his hearts bliod For her in battle^ all that he giveth is

za s


Page 30: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


^ ],h^»i^

^^p^j, fy)i,kI

- ij i)j)|^;>/)7|i;j^vfl piu^ _i_JLihi)

dona: Hemlesttl ci'oche - nebbe.

not hiK; He returns Miiat she gave him


Kssqjlpro.dusse, lle.du.coj loau.dri. Con le sue

She'tii* Mho bore hlm,and hath eared for his needs


Her Iws pro


^^ / *1b*^^^i~"^#iJ e ^^^i

^ H?^ m km i ^^^^ ir-#

Ex.^ Ex. q/' JJ'

^ A

j,il^7jiii,'jJ^iJ)j^^^^^^^^ ij^i^'i; p>i^i)i j)j)j jpj)j^i] );)J)i)^^^leggi DagV inxulti do ^nes.twi il difi'ude


Daglh'stt'rni con lanni. KUa gli presta JSoine,gradit #y/o«

tecth!ni,Fi*omthefi>ethjitwoulddesecnitehisfireside Andfnjmstningers her armies. Shetohimlendeth.Honor^ g'^J^y andre.

I S ^^ 3E iJESx: ^1^ ^»g*i


i5F i i^ ^ ''1 ^ i j

^4 1


I^ aiempc).

tl^h^ ^nht^nor;



fe ^ ^Jj^ 3 ^

nepremiail merto; A> vendica lejtf.fe.se; e ma. ~dre a. mante A fabbricar s af.

rewardshiiT merits avenges all of- - fences; And fond, h.ving mother, Striveth in every

a tempo.

1^ Js:



s=# -#—



^) ; ;'7 j)pp

p i,>i p ^,^

j^ ,^,Jj;);,v i,ii) I

> jUiijjiL ,,

pI p j)^ - m

fanmt Lasua fe.li.ei. . ta^ perqnanto li.ve Al de . .stin demortaJi esser fe. . li.ee.

manner, To makehim truly blest, so far as Heaven Doth voueh-safe to usmortals,TotaHte en- joyment.

m it



m i

:?= i

m i


^^mi i


Page 31: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel

32 Lezione XV.



Lesson ZV.





fv. j-l.y pif^mi >iJ'^4af:^^^ji^r^£^Al

When.la siagion Spo . ri E de noveL lijf^ mo . - ri Egm~JoilwoLlefui toflun

floWiNreiiewtheirglo _ . vy And Lovv hix old, oM «to . _ ry,Whh fair- y nj«>- tion air- - y The

jy-U',) iij

':^%!y^^S\\mxef. . fi . -ru leg. ~ ger, Egra.xeph yr l'^^ d»ih toy. With fair

to UmoUefia^ _

-y motion air .

to D\ui zef -

y^ The zeph

¥ /i^^^' ^^ rt ^^g^^irrvyft^BS ^ i-jij yi7 ^^^*^i»^=?

/t.n> /^^ _ _ - ger,

- -jT light doth toy.

ge.ma^ o ge.ma^ o ge . .niafra le p-oti. .df^

Or Nighinj^, or wighing, or Mgh . . ing mong treeM «way_ -ing^Or

I J mi m t ^^ -mUsi—



^: rF^W^&i ^m 22t=i:

ti 3t=i1^"> rri>#>'^i ^ s ^ J

^rt l>g< .i^J y.*^^ Sj ^ |^i;i). jjj T ^^len.to^ o len^toy o ten., .to mere . spi ton. . de^ Zef.fi.ro in o.gni

gent-ly, or gently, or gent.. - ly with wave, lets play. . ing. Zephyr, low, wobh'theand^ ^ Wt i ^ I?=i?=F?ess


f f

F-^- -•-

Zl ^ ^ —a ^ < arr ^y—« t *^:¥=J=^

If* 5 I 5



Page 32: Metodo pratico de canto · 10 PRACTICALMETHODOFSINGING. iV.Vaccai. LezioneI. LaScala. //*que.sta/'.«lezioneladivisionedellesillahesistacca dalPofdhiariOjondedare^ilpiupussibHe^%ui^ideadel


I,* rj-'}'

\ i_^hiu~A\-i \

-i[\'f r.

tfy.^ i

„f!.f -f^LKj


^ila^tu^ Cinn.pa gno*' delpin .eery.

fair.y, coni-pan. . i<»ii i«eerofjoy,.,

in ogiii la.tu^ imtgni la.to^ com. - ^ pagno^ edelpia.

MO blitheand fairy, no blitheand fairy, eom _ _ - panion is eW.of

mtP J iU fkf^ .A ., k jkw^' 41 kV ^ 'i X ^ ^ ^ ^ceVj com - - - - pagno^ com

joy com. .... panion,con]

pagnUf com - _ _

panion,coni .... - pa^ . gno e del pici

. . .pan . ion is eW of

¥'H'l'^ ill I ^^fe ?i:344 4-§-€

Hf fKI iS^^^^i ^ fc=^ fi^ 3E^s ?


»» # i »

J' Ni.nH . 1^ &»7i ft f?'NrRM-?ii^f i

cer^ comjoy^ com

pngnOf.com ^ - - - ^pagno^companion,com . .... panion,com

. . . /7a . . . ^«« <? del pia

. . pan . . ion in e'er of

^ S^^ 7 J)'? J) 7 ^ =^ ^^^^5^f'S0='

Lit t

S J^y «^^feK k k

I i^3 fe^-7

H- ^-•-9—< 7 <# #

i: :y t ^ ^ ^ *

f ,


^fj-:Ji| ^fJr^ ^

pju^ i j Jvy^^W'f?ij ^- M

trr, <? rf*7 p/a - cer, e del pia . cer com _ . - - />flr^/«o e del pia . i^*/-.

j"y, *•* ,£^ * '^ j"y, i* *''*^'' "^ J'% <^"".... panion i« eer of joyj"y, i« e;Wv*. <^

^ ^ tt^-^

^^^j.=fciW^ 1 A^*i •i* V- J:

S:J i^ 5^5


-#^^5# J

A A «;


^ i3


¥20* Schlimper. Eag"i'