Marko Hotti Ratkaisuarkkitehti (SQL, BizTalk, BI/DW, SOA, BPM) [email protected] http://blogs.technet.com/markohot

Miksi siirtyä pois Oracle Forms - download.microsoft.comdownload.microsoft.com/documents/UK/Finland/.../oracle_forms-migr… · Miksi siirtyä pois Oracle Forms ... - Forms 9i, 10g

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Marko Hotti

Ratkaisuarkkitehti (SQL, BizTalk, BI/DW, SOA, BPM)

[email protected]


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Miksi siirtyä pois Oracle Forms –sovelluksista?

- Sovellusalustan yhdenmukaistamispyrkimykset

- Kustannussäästötavoitteet

- Forms -sovellusten kehittäminen ja ylläpitäminen kallista, migraatiot versiosta

toiseen hankalia

- Liiketoiminnan muutosten tuomat vaatimukset edellyttävät joustavampaa ja

ketterämpää sovellusarkkitehtuuria

- Tietotyöläisen eli loppukäyttäjän tuottavuuden lisääminen esim. Tarjoamalla

palveluja Office / Sharepoint Server –ympäristöön miltei mahdotonta


- Forms –versioiden mukanaan tuomat haasteet:

- Forms 6/6i viimeinen versio joka tukee Client-Server –mallia

- Forms 9i, 10g ja 11g käyttöönotto edellyttää Forms Server –palvelun

- käyttöä Oraclen sovelluspalvelimen käyttöönotto kallis ja


- Forms –sovellukset ovat vaikeita integroida muiden sovellusten kanssa, edes

WebForms –sovellusten ajaminen Oracle Containers for J2EE ympäristössä

ei tee Forms-sovelluksista varsinaisesti SOA-kelpoisia

- Oracle Forms –teknologian roadmap vs Oraclen J2EE –strategia

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Miksi Microsoft .NET –pohjaiseen teknologiaan?

- .NET on moderni teknologia ja sovellusten ajoalusta verrattuna Forms-

teknologiaan joka kehittynyt merkkipohjaisten sovellusten ajalta

- Yhtenäinen sovelluskehittäjän käyttäjäkokemus (Visual Studio 2008)

kehittäjän valitsemasta ohjelmointikielestä (esim. C++, C#, VB.NET)


- Sovellukset voidaan tehdä joko työasemaan asennettaviksi, selaimessa

ajettaviksi tai nk. ClickOnce –sovelluksiksi

- .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 ja 3.5 sisältävät suoraan SOA-periaatteita

toteuttavat teknologiat

- Sovellukset on helppo integroida esim. Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server

-alustaan tai Microsoft Office –sovelluksiin Loppukäyttäjien tuottavuus

paranee käyttöliittymien integroituessa tukemaan liiketoimintaprosesseja

- Oracle Forms –sovelluksista tulee migraation jälkeen ADO.NET (Active

Data Objects) –kirjastoja tukevia mikä puolestaan mahdollistaa tietokannan

vapaamman valinnan

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Manuaalinen migraatio vs migraatiotyökalut

- Oracle Forms –sovellusten koko ja käytettävien funktioiden määrä (Oracle

blokit jne) yhdessä Oracle Forms –kehikon monimutkaisuuden kanssa

tekevät manuaalisesta migraatiosta hankalan

- Kohdearkkitehtuurissa halutaan usein hyödyntää sen erikoisominaisuuksia

ja parhaita käytäntöjä jotta sovelluksen korkea käytettävyys ja skaalautuvuus

saadaan varmistettua (esim. Windows Server / IIS / ASP.NET –teknologialla

ajettavat kuormaa tasaavat selainkäyttöiset sovellukset)

- Koska sovelluksen sisäisiin rakenteisiin tulee alustan vaihdon seurauksena

väistämättä muutoksia, migraatioprojektit ovat usein kalliita ja aikaavieviä

- Migraatiotyökaluilla voidaan helpottaa migroitavan sovelluksen rakenteen

ymmärtämistä sekä automatisoida komponenttien konversio

- Migraation tavoitteena on aina tarvittaessa säilyttää käyttöliittymän

ulkoasu ja toimintalogiikka

- Liiketoimintalogiikan eriyttäminen omaksi kerroksekseen mahdollistaa

uudelleenkäytettävyyttä sekä sovelluksen sisäisen palvelupohjaisen


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Esimerkkejä migraatiokustannuksista (manuaalinen vs migraatiotyökalu)

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Esimerkkejä migraatiotyömääristä (manuaalinen vs migraatiotyökalu)

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ATX Technologies Ltd

Sales: 34-36 High Holborn London WC1V 6AE United Kingdom Technical: Dept Computer Science, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH United Kingdom

T: +44 (0) 207 190 1705 F: +44 (0) 207 190 1696 E: [email protected] W: www.atxtechnologies.co.uk

migration made easy

From Legacy to Microsoft .NET: Migration Made Easy

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Introduction to ATX Technologies Ltd

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Our Company

ATX Software SA started in 1996: – Commercial presence in Iberian market

– Clients are mainly financial institutions (e.g. Banco Espírito Santo, Caixa Geral de Depósitos)

– Head office in Lisbon, Portugal with permanent teams at clients in Lisbon and Madrid, Spain.

ATX Technologies Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ATX Software SA: – Started in late 2007 with a global commercial focus

– Sales office in London, technical office in Leicester

– Partnership with University of Leicester for collaborative R&D

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Our Company

ATX provides building blocks to

support three reference models:

– Migration and Reengineering

• (based on the SEI’s Horseshoe Reengineering model)

– Architectural Optimization

– Software Development Optimization

Architecture Representation

Function Level Representation

Code Structure Representation

Source Text Representation







ry /





Base Architecture Target Architecture











Program Plans

Design Patterns & Styles


Function LevelRepresentation

Code StructureRepresentation

Source TextRepresentation

Legacy Source Code New System Source

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Windows Forms

ATX Migration Market

Forms Based




Client - Server






























Business Logic





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ATX Reference Model





(1) Design Recovery

(3) Generation

(2) Restructure, Tuning

•Domain Specific Language for representing systems, focusing on architectural concerns

•Pattern Detection •Tansformation and Design Recovery

•Map specifications to lower lever specifications or code


Specification Design Recovery


(3) Generation

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Primary Offerings for .NET

From Oracle Forms to Microsoft .NET

…. more to follow ….

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Primary Offerings for .NET

From Microsoft Access application components to .NET:

– Converts Forms, Macros and VB Modules to 100% pure .NET code

– Uses similar code generators to Forms2Net

– Output application structure based on MVC pattern

– Generates C# or VB.NET code

– Target platform is either classic Windows Forms, WPF Windows Forms or ASP.NET Web Forms.

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Primary Offerings for .NET

From Cobol to Microsoft .NET

– Reengineering of legacy screens (3270/BMS, VAX/FLG) to .NET, separating business and presentation logics

– Conversion of Cobol programs to functionally equivalent C# classes

– Target output conforms to MVC pattern

– Refinement phase for semi-automatic reorganisation of screens and programs (aggregation and removal)

– Generation of utility C# classes providing transparent access to data and reports from migrated applications

– Adaptable code generators, with output code always following .NET best practices

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Alignment with SSMA

Forms2Net and Access2Net complement the SQL Server Migration Assistant

tool from Microsoft.

– All clients are notified of the potential for database migration

– ATX can offer the database migration as an extra service

Both tools promote database migration:

– Runtime package level procedures and function calls obey SSMA naming conventions

– Application Data support library includes a special SQL Server provider to support a database migrated using SSMA

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Application and Database Migration Process

Step 1: Application Migration – Can be done by the client using ATX tools or outsourced completely to ATX

Step 2: Application Acceptance Tests – (Step 2a: Transfer of logic to the database, if required)

Step 3: Database Migration using SSMA – Can be done by the client using MS tools or outsourced completely to ATX

Step 4: SQL Queries Normalisation – ATX can offer an additional service to provide automatic transformation of all SQL queries within

application code to being SQL Server compliant.

Step 5: Application Acceptance Tests against SQL Server database

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The safest way to migrate Oracle Forms and Reports to .NET

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Product Line

Product line targeting the migration of Oracle Forms applications to the .NET platform:

Forms2Net Analyzer – Analyzes Oracle Forms programs structure and complexity – Produces output used for estimating Oracle Forms Modules complexity and

migration effort

Forms2Net Converter – Converts Oracle Forms Modules into 100% pure .NET code – Produces up to 100% of the converted applications final code – Produces database independent code

Reports2Net Converter – Converts Oracle Reports into Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services

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Current Status:

− Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Add-Ins

− Generate code according to the .NET Framework 3.5

− Support Oracle Forms 4.5 onwards

− Generate C# or VB.NET code

− Up to 100% automated conversion

Forms2Net Converter supports generation of .NET Windows Forms (inc.

WPF) and ASP.NET Web Forms.

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How It Works? (1/4)

Forms2Net converter is not a language conversion tool, it is a platform migration tool

Structural and semantic approach instead of “1-1” conversion:

– Oracle Forms structures transformed to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern

– Code pattern conversion approach allows Oracle-style code structures and idiosyncrasies to be converted into .NET code style

– The resulting code follows the Microsoft recommended .NET best-practices

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How It Works? (2/4)

Produces up to 100% of the final code: − 100% business logic code (model) − 100% user interface code (view) − Up to 100% of controller logic (controller)

Data Layer connectivity: data access components on top of Microsoft ADO.NET

Support for both the Oracle and SQL Server database Complements the Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for

Oracle to SQL Server database migration

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How It Works? (3/4)

Mind the Gap!

− A semantic gap exists between Oracle Forms and .NET

− Gap is bridged by lightweight support libraries (Application, Database, and Oracle Types Support)

− Library source code is provided to the client

Completely .NET based:

− 100% pure .NET code

− Produces or uses components that are integrated with the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET environment

− Developers in place can use all Visual Studio functionalities

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How It Works? (4/4)

Well-documented migration process generating:

– Migration report – identifies areas of code that may require attention

– Migration guide – provides information about completion steps

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Forms2Net Migration Process

Step 3: Migration Process


Step 4: Code Conversion

Step 5: Code


Step 6: Testing

Step 7: Production

Step 1: Application


Step 2: Migration


Source application statistics

Migration scope and objectives

Roadmap plan of migration

Automated code generation

Including code validation and UI


Acceptance tests of .NET application


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Post F2N Code Maintenance

Code is structured according to .NET best practices

MVC pattern aids in reducing the code comprehension effort

Model code generated from a graphical view

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Less Effort, Cost and Risk

Considerable lower Total Cost of Ownership for the resulting .NET


Quality: code delivered based on .NET best practices

Architectural Optimizations: MVC-based compositional structures

Functional Equivalence: crucial business knowledge is preserved and

current investments are protected

ATX Technologies expertise and support

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Support and Warranty

All Forms2Net customers are provided with a support package based

on their individual needs and circumstances.


– 6 months warranty for the application for the ATX migration service

• Any identified error in the application is fixed

– 12 months warranty for the support libraries

• Although the customer receives the source code, the warranty is invalidated if they perform their own changes. This is intended to ensure the quality of the libraries for multiple Forms2Net customers and save time in the bug testing process.

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ATX Technologies Ltd offer migration and reengineering solutions, specifically

focussed on the .NET target platform:

– Forms2Net (Oracle Forms to .NET)

– Access2Net (MS Access application components to .NET)

– Cobol2Net (Cobol applications to .NET)

Migration solutions are not 1-1 conversions, but full structural


– Preserving crucial business logic and maintaining functional equivalence

– Optimizing output .NET code for easier maintenance and reuse.

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Karl Dyer (Commercial)

[email protected]

– +44 207 190 1704

Stephen Gorton (Technical)

[email protected]

– +44 116 223 1368


[email protected]

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Kuinka päästä Oracle Forms –migraatioprojektissa vauhtiin?

- Ota yhteyttä allekirjoittaneeseen

- [email protected] / 050-3952 093

- ATX Technologies voi järjestää demon Forms2Net –migraatiotyökalusta

(esim. Office Live Meeting –verkkokokouspalvelua hyväksikäyttäen)

- Asiakasreferenssejä tehdyistä Forms2Net –migraatioista saa

ATX Technologiesilta ([email protected])

- Proof-of-Concept mahdollista järjestää (tyypillisesti 3-5 päivää)

- Paikallista kumppania on mahdollista käyttää, tällöin kumppani toimii yhteis-

työssä ATX Technologiesin kanssa

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The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market

conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation.


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© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.

The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not

be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation.