Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации ФГБОУ ВО «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина» (Мининский университет) О.А. Минеева СБОРНИК ТЕКСТОВ И УПРАЖНЕНИЙ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Учебно-методическое пособие 1

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

ФГБОУ ВО «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет

имени Козьмы Минина»

(Мининский университет)

О.А. Минеева


АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУУчебно-методическое пособие

Нижний Новгород



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УДК 811.111ББК 81.2 Англ.М 57

Рецензенты:кандидат педагогических наук, доцент С.Е. Цветкова

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент И.А. Малинина

М 57Минеева О.А.Английский язык для студентов заочного отделения: учебно-методическое пособие. Нижний Новгород: Мининский университет, 2017. 84с.

Учебно-методические материалы подобраны с учетом требований программы по английскому языку для студентов заочной формы обучения высших учебных заведений. Пособие предназначено для работы на занятиях, а также для индивидуальной работы студентов.

Материалы содержат грамматический материал, тренировочные задания, базовые тематические тексты, сопровождаемые вопросами, для подготовки устных монологических высказываний, а также контрольные задания для проведения промежуточной аттестации студентов. Содержание учебно-методического пособия «Английский язык для студентов заочного отделения» соответствует утвержденным рабочим программам по предмету «Английский язык» с учетом специфики неязыкового вуза.

УДК 811.111ББК 81.2 Англ

© Минеева О.А., 2017 © Мининский университет, 2017


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СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Введение ……………………………………………………………. 4

Контрольная работа №1…………………………………………… 5

Контрольная работа №2 …………………………………………… 36

Контрольная работа №3.…………………………………………. 56

Приложение 1. Задания для итогового контроля ………………. 74

Приложение 2. Список основных неправильных глаголов ……… 80

Список использованной литературы………………………………. 83


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ВВЕДЕНИЕНастоящее учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой учебный

материал, предназначенный для студентов-заочников неязыковых

факультетов. Оно рассчитано на три семестра, включая установочную

сессию, и может быть использовано как при проведении аудиторных занятий,

так и для организации самостоятельной работы студентов заочного


Цель данного пособия – обеспечить развитие навыков чтения и

говорения; закрепление лексического, грамматического материала при

помощи различных упражнений; развитие навыков самостоятельной работы

с незнакомыми текстами на английском языке. Этим целям подчинена и

структура пособия, методика её подачи, а также система лексико-

грамматических заданий на базе языкового материала в соответствии с

действующей программой для заочной формы обучения.

Издание содержит теоретический материал по грамматике, комплексы

упражнений для его закрепления, текстовой материал с системой

упражнений и задания для самостоятельной работы в течение

межсессионного периода.


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Контрольная работа №1Для правильного выполнения контрольной работы №1 необходимо

изучить следующий материал:

1. Глагол to be во временах группы Simple.

2. Видовременные формы глагола в действительном залоге:

А). Времена группы Simple;

В). Времена группы Continuous.

3. Степени сравнения прилагательных.

4. Тема: About myself.

Часть 1Формы глагола to be во временах группы Simple

Present SimplePositive Negative Question Short Answers

I am (I'm) am not (I'm not) Am I? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.you are (you're) are not (aren't) Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.he is (he's) is not (isn't) Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.she is (she's) is not (isn't) Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.it is (it's) is not (isn't) Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.we are (we're) are not (aren't) Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.they are (they're) are not (aren't) Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

I am a student. / She is a student. / They are students.

I am not (I’m not) a student. / She is not (isn’t) a student. / They are not (aren’t)


Are you a student? – Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

Is she a student? – Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.

Are they students? – Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Past Simple


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Positive Negative Question Short Answers

I was was not (wasn't) Was I? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.you were were not (weren't) Were you? Yes, you were. No, you weren't.he was was not (wasn't) Was he? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't.she was was not (wasn't) Was she? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.it was was not (wasn't) Was it? Yes, it was. No, it wasn't.we were were not (weren't) Were we? Yes, we were. No, we weren't.they were were not (weren't) Were they? Yes, they were. No, they weren't.

I was a student 5 years ago. / They were students 5 years ago.

I was not (wasn’t) a student 5 years ago. / They were not (weren’t) students 5

years ago.

Were you a student 5 years ago? – Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.

Were they students 5 years ago? – Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.

Future SimplePositive Negative Question Short Answers

I will be ('ll be) will not be (won't be) Will I be? Yes, I will. No, I won't.you will be ('ll be) will not be (won't be) Will you be? Yes, you will. No, you won't.he will be ('ll be) will not be (won't be) Will he be? Yes, he will. No, he won't.she will be ('ll be) will not be (won't be) Will she be? Yes, she will. No, she won't.it will be ('ll be) will not be (won't be) Will it be? Yes, it will. No, it won't.we will be ('ll be) will not be (won't be) Will we be? Yes, we will. No, we won't.they will be ('ll be) will not be (won't be) Will they be? Yes, they will. No, they won't.

I will be at home tomorrow. / They will be at home tomorrow.

I will not be (won’t be) at home tomorrow. / They will be (won’t be) at home


Will you be at home tomorrow? –Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

Will they be at home tomorrow? –Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.

1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be в

Present Simple.


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1. Не ... a good student. 2. They … old friends. 3. I ... a teacher. 4. John … absent

from class today. 5. The weather … good today. 6. There … a big parade today. 7.

I … glad to see you here now. 8. My friend … an economist. 9. He … a handsome

young man. 10. Ben … my friend. Where … he now?

2. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и

отрицательной формах.

1. They are in Europe now. 2. They are clever girls. 3. It is warm today. 4. He is in

his office. 5. They are members of the country club. 6. Both sisters are tall. 7. John

is angry with you. 8. She is a good tennis player. 9. The stamps are in my desk.

10. She is a good teacher.

3. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be в Past


1. Ann … absent from school yesterday. 2. The exercises in the last lesson …

difficult. 3. It … late when I returned home yesterday. 4. We … tired after our long

walk. 5. The weather yesterday . . . very warm. 6. There ... a lot of students absent

from class yesterday. 7. The day I got married … the happiest day in my life. 8. I

... busy all day yesterday. 9. We … good friends for many years. 10. ... there any

new words presented at the last lesson?

4. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и

отрицательной формах.

1. We were pleased to receive your letter. 2.The door of the office was open. 3.

The wind last night was very strong. 4. He and his brother were sick two days ago.

5. There were few passengers in the compartment. 6. Last month they were in

Hermitage. 7. When I came home all my family were at home. 8. There was a large

picture in her room. 9. My friends were present at the last conference. 10. Our

friends were in Moscow last week.


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5. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be в Future

Simple. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной


1. She . . . our new teacher. 2. These exercises … very difficult for you. 3. They

… glad to see their old friends. 4. There … many examinations next term. 5. There

... a new club in our town next year. 6. We … very tired after the long walk. 7. I ...

happy to be here again. 8. We … interested in his progress. 9. My friend … in St.

Petersburg tomorrow. 10. It … rainy and sleety tomorrow.

6. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.


1. ... it cold yesterday? 2. What subject ... your favourite one when you studied at

school? 3. Who ... your best friend? 4. I ... hardworking and sociable. 5. ... you

ready for the lesson or not? 6. It ... dark when we returned home yesterday. 7. ...

you ... at home tomorrow? 8. Where ... my pen, I wonder? 9. They ... not polite to

each other when they met yesterday. 10. New districts in our city ... beautiful.


Ronald Frank … a managing director of the Bank on Main Street. He … always on

a business trip. Yesterday he and his secretary … in Geneva. Tomorrow he … in

London. Last week he … in Chicago. Next week he … in Boston. At the moment

he … in Amsterdam. In three hours he … in the Hague. At the end of his trip he …

usually very tired but happy. He … (not) often with his family so when he returns,

his son … very excited and everybody … very glad to see him at home again.

Времена группы Simple в действительном залогеНастоящее простое время


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The Present Simple Tense1. Употребление. Время The Present Simple обычно используется, когда мы:

1) описываем привычки или действия, повторяющиеся в течение долгого

времени или всей жизни:

I use the Internet. – Я пользуюсь Интернетом.

2) рассказываем о том, как часто совершаем те или иные действия:

He goes to the gym on Fridays. – Он ходит в спортзал по пятницам.

3) говорим об общеизвестных фактах или абсолютных истинах:

If you heat water to 100°C, it boils. – Если вы нагреете воду до 100 градусов,

то она закипит.

4) употребляем глаголы чувственного восприятия (agree, believe, disagree,

feel, hear, know, see, understand etc.), которые не употребляются во временах


I want to become a software developer. – Я хочу стать разработчиком

компьютерных программ.

5) ссылаемся на расписание, программу, график и т.п.:

My train leaves at 12.30, so I need to be at the station by 12. – Мой поезд

отходит в 12:30, так что мне нужно быть на станции в 12:00.

2. Образование.Positive Negative Question Short Answers

I work do not (don't) work Do I work? Yes, I do. No, I don't.you work do not (don't) work Do you work? Yes, you do. No, you don't.he works does not (doesn't) work Does he work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn'tshe washes does not (doesn't) wash Does she wash? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.it goes does not (doesn't) go Does it go? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.we work do not (don't) work Do we work? Yes, we do. No, we don't.they work do not (don't) work Do they work? Yes, they do. No, they don't.

Утвердительные предложения: Английский глагол во временной форме

Present Simple почти всегда совпадает со своей начальной, то есть указанной

в словаре, формой без частицы to.


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В 3-ем лице единственного числа к основе глагола нужно прибавить

окончание -s:

I work – he works


– Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, то к нему прибавляется

окончание -es:

I wish – he wishes

– К глаголам на -y с предшествующей согласной тоже прибавляется

окончание -es, а -y заменяется на -i-:

I try – he tries

– Если же глагол оканчивается на -y с предшествующей гласной, то -

y сохраняется и добавляется только окончание -s:

I play – he plays

Вопросительные предложения: Для того, чтобы построить вопросительное

предложение, перед подлежащим нужно поставить вспомогательный глагол

do или does в 3 л. ед. ч.:

Do you use the Internet? – Ты пользуешься Интернетом?

Does he go to the gym on Fridays? – Он ходит в спортзал по пятницам?

Отрицательные предложения: В отрицательных предложениях тоже

используется вспомогательный глагол do/does, но не перед подлежащим, а

перед глаголом. После него прибавляется отрицательная частица not.

Do/does и not часто сокращаются до don’t и doesn’t соответственно:

I don’t use the Internet. – Я не пользуюсь Интернетом.

He doesn’t go to the gym on Fridays. – Он не ходит в спортзал по


3. Слова указатели на Present Simple: Наречия частотности делятся на

простые и сложные. Простые состоят из одного слова, сложные – из



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Простые наречия частотности always (всегда), usually (обычно), often

(часто), sometimes (иногда), seldom (редко), never (никогда)

обычно стоят перед основным (смысловым) глаголом. Правильнее

«отсчитывать» положение наречия в предложении от основного глагола, а не

вспомогательного, или подлежащего:

We always help our mother about the house. – Мы всегда помогаем маме по


Their dog sometimes barks at people. – Их собака иногда лает на людей.

Если в предложении используется глагол to be, который не нуждается во

вспомогательных глаголах, то простые наречия частотности

ставятся после единственного глагола:

My cat is always hungry. – Моя кошка всегда голодна.

I am usually right. – Я обычно прав.

Сложные наречия частотности представляют собой небольшие устойчивые

фразы: every day, twice a week, from time to time … . Эти наречия, как

правило, стоят в конце предложения или в начале, НО не перед смысловым


Several times a year I visit my aunt's place. – Несколько раз в году я посещаю

свою тетю.

We go to the theatre twice a month . – Мы ходим в театр два раза в месяц.

1. Заполните таблицу.

I / you/ we / they he / she / it I / you/ we / they he / she / it

finish stay

teach study

try give

like say

wash mix

worry listen


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go cry

miss have

work want

lie touch

take travel

dress watch

2. Выберите правильный ответ.

а) We’re English but we live / lives in France. I go / goes to university and me

brother go / goes to school. I like / likes France, but I miss/misses my friends in

England. They write / writes to me, and sometimes they visit / visits. My friend

Emily always come / comes here in the summer. We always have / has a great time


b) 1. He don’t live /doesn’t live in Cambridge. 2. The shop don’t open / doesn’t

open on Saturday. 3. I don’t go / doesn’t go to college on Tuesday. 4. My mum

don’t like/doesn’t like rap music. 5. You don’t know/doesn’t know her. 6. They

don’t sell / doesn’t sell newspaper. 7. We don’t visit / doesn’t visit them every

week. 8. Josh and Tom don’t do / doesn’t do much at weekends.

3. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Simple.

1. We (have) many friends. 2. He always (prepare) his homework carefully. 3. My

friend (study) at the university. 4. She (speak) several foreign languages. 5. The

children (play) in the park every afternoon. 6. He (get) on well with his parents. 7.

They (take) a lot of trips together. 8. We always (travel) by car. 9. I (eat) lunch in

the cafeteria every day. 10. My mother (go) to the gym every day.

4. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и

отрицательной формах.


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1. My mother has a lot of hobbies. 2. I understand everything he says. 3. She

makes mistakes in spelling. 4. They enjoy their English lessons. 5. They live in

Kiev. 6. We use our books in class. 7. The plane leaves at ten o'clock. 8. She

always comes to class late. 9. I always take the same bus to work. 10. Children go

to school when they are five.

5. Расположите слова в нужной последовательности, чтобы получились


1. always / to / she / bed / goes / 10.00 / at

2. sometimes / goes out / she /with / friends / her

3. every / Chris / summer / his / visits / granny

4. I / coffee / hardly ever / the evening / in / drink

5. come / bus / the / you / by / university / bus / do / to?

6. mother / teacher / your / is / a?

7. often / Kate / to / go / doesn’t / theater / the

8. once / week / a / goes / he / the / gym / to

9. how often / they / English / classes / have / do?

10. does / university / she / in / study / the?

Простое прошедшее времяThe Past Simple Tense

1. Значение. Время The Past Simple обычно используется, когда мы


1) действия или свойства предмета, имевшие место в прошлом:

On Sunday afternoon we went for a walk along the beach. – В воскресенье

днем мы пошли прогуляться по пляжу.

2) действия, регулярно повторявшиеся в прошлом:

He swam every day. – Он плавал каждый день.


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3) ряд последовательных действий в прошлом:

He arrived from the airport, checked into the hotel and met the others. – Он

приехал из аэропорта, поселился в гостинице и встретился с


4) действия, происходившие в течение определенного периода в прошлом:

I lived in Moscow for seven years. – Я жила в Москве семь лет.

2. Образование.Positive Negative Question Short Answers

I worked did not (didn't) work Did I work? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.you took did not (didn't) take Did you take? Yes, you did. No, you didn't.he worked did not (didn't) work Did he work? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.she washed did not (didn't) wash Did she wash? Yes, she did. No, she didn't.it went did not (didn't) go Did it go? Yes, it did. No, it didn't.we worked did not (didn't) work Did we work? Yes, we did. No, we didn't.they bought did not (didn't) buy Did they buy? Yes, they did. No, they didn't.

Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительная форма прошедшего

времени правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления окончания -ed-

к основе глагола.

-ed- произносится:

а) как [d] после звонких согласных и гласных: opened; answered;

б) как [t] после глухих согласных: worked; finished;

в) как [id] после [d] и [t]: added; waited.

NB!– немая е на конце опускается: live – lived;

– в глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную с предшествующей краткой

гласной, согласная удваивается: stop – stopped;

– конечная y с предшествующей согласной изменяется на i: study – studied, но

stay – stayed.

Неправильные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени различными


– write – wrote; go – went; sit – sat etc.


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Вопросительные предложения: Вопросительная форма образуется при

помощи вспомогательного глагола do в прошедшем времени – did и

смыслового глагола в форме инфинитива без to. Вспомогательный глагол

ставится перед подлежащим:

Did they work yesterday? – Они вчера работали?

Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательная форма образуется при

помощи вспомогательного глагола do в прошедшем времени – did, частицы

not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола и смыслового глагола

в форме инфинитива без to.

He did not go to school yesterday. – Он не ходил вчера в школу.

3. Слова указатели на Past Simple: yesterday, two days ago, last week, in 2005.

1. Заполните таблицу.

Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple

work study

start want

like return

hate listen

walk play

stop plan

carry marry

2. Заполните таблицу.

Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple

write go

read spend

break make

do meet

lose come


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build have

drink eat

be win

buy wake

bring sing

sleep speak

stand tell

take get

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Simple.

1. This (happen) a year ago. I usually drive to the town centre to meet my friend

for lunch on Saturdays, but that day I (decide) to take the bus. I (wait) at the bus

stop for ten minutes, but the bus (not arrive), so I (try) to call my friend from a

nearby phone box. Unfortunately, she (not answer) and while I was there, I (miss)

the bus! So I (start) to walk. When I finally (arrive) at the restaurant an hour later,

my friend (not believe) my story and (shout) at me for being late!

2. Last week my mother (lend) me her car and I (drive) to a nearby town. I parked

the car in a side street and I (do) some shopping. When it (be) time to go home, I

realized that I (not remember) where the car (be). I (spend) about an hour looking

for it, but I (not find) it. I (feel) really stupid. Finally, I (ring) my mother.

Fortunately, she (not get) angry. She (tell) me to leave the car and come home. So I

(catch) a bus and the next day we (go) back together and (find) the car.

4. Исправьте ошибки.

1. Did you had a nice weekend?

2. Did you see Jan at the library? – Yes, I saw.

3. I’m sorry, what did you said?

4. What time did you got up this morning?

5. It was a very long flight: the journey take more than thirteen hours.


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6. We went to the shopping centre yesterday, but we didn’t bought anything.

7. I come home early because I felt very tired.

8. Did you enjoyed the film?

9. I didn’t understood what they said to me.

10. Where did you went on Friday night?

Простое будущее времяThe Future Simple Tense

1. Употребление. Время The Future Simple обычно используется для


1) действий или событий в будущем:

The new airport will be the biggest in Europe. – Новый аэропорт будет

самым большим в Европе.

2) предположений:

You’ll have a great time in the Bahamas. – Ты хорошо проведешь время на


3) просьб и предложений:

We’ll help you get ready for your exam. – Мы поможем подготовиться тебе

к экзамену.

4) спонтанных решений:

I know! I’ll go to China this summer. – Я знаю! В следующем году я поеду в


2. Образование.

Positive Negative Question Short AnswersI will work will not (won't) work Will I work? Yes, I will. No, I won't.you will work will not (won't) work Will you work? Yes, you will. No, you won't.he will work will not (won't) work Will he work? Yes, he will. No, he won't.she will work will not (won't) work Will she work? Yes, she will. No, she won't.it will work will not (won't) work Will it work? Yes, it will. No, it won't.we will work will not (won't) work Will we work? Yes, we will. No, we won't.they will work will not (won't) work Will they work? Yes, they will. No, they won't.


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Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительная форма будущего времени

глаголов образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will и

смыслового глагола в форме инфинитива без to.

I’ll work tomorrow. – Я буду работать завтра.

We’ll work tomorrow. – Мы будем работать завтра.

You’ll work tomorrow. – Ты будешь работать завтра.

They’ll work tomorrow. – Они будут работать завтра.

Вопросительные предложения: Для образования вопросительной формы

вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

When will she begin working? – Когда она начнет работать?

When will you begin working? – Когда ты начнешь работать?

Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательная форма образуется при

помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после

вспомогательного глагола.

He will not (won’t) work tomorrow. – Он не будет работать завтра.

They will not (won’t) work tomorrow. – Они не будут работать завтра.

3. Слова указатели на Future Simple: tomorrow, in five years, next week, in


1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Simple.

1. This year, more than a million tourists … (visit) our local area. 2. I’m sure we …

(find) your bag soon. Where did you last see it? 3. Everything on the menu looks

delicious! I … (have) Chicken Kiev, please. 4. I … (take) you to the bus station, if

you like. 5. One day, people … (live) on Mars in special buildings. 6. I’m sure you

… (pass) your driving test. Don’t worry. 7. If you want me to, I … (complain) to

the manager about it. 8. Oscar says he … (do) the washing-up after dinner. 9. I

can’t decide. I think I … (have) a pasta dish. 10. Ask Lisa. She … (lend) you some


2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.


Page 19: Web view1. Ann  absent from school yesterday. 2. The exercises in the last lesson  difficult. 3. It  late when I returned home yesterday. 4. We  tired after our

1. I will go shopping tomorrow. 2. The train will arrive in an hour. 3. He will think

about this information. 4. We will come to you at 3 o’clock p.m. tomorrow. 5.

They will begin to read this story tomorrow. 6. I will see him tomorrow. 7. We will

visit our friends tomorrow. 8. The students will write a dictation next week. 9. My

mother will spend her holiday in the country. 10. They will have an examination

session next month.

3. Составьте 10 предложений во времени Future Simple, используя слова

из данных колонок.


Your friend

My brother

Her parents

The students

Our grandmother


The sisters

The teacher













to the cinema

a newspaper

a book

a dictation

my friends


her sister

an article

to the country

next week


the day after tomorrow

next year

next month

in 2007

4. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future


1. I usually (watch) TV in the evening. 2. I have a car but I (not use) it very often.

3. When you usually (get up)? 4. My father (work) as an engineer at a big plant. 5.

How many cigarettes your brother (smoke) a day? 6. What school you (study)

when you were a pupil? 7. Lola (not attend) classes last week. 8. I (go) abroad two

years ago. 9. My friend (spend) his holiday in the Crimea next summer. 10. I think

Mary (not buy) such an expensive thing next time.


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Времена группы Continuous в действительном залоге

Настоящее продолженное времяThe Present Continuous Tense

1. Употребление. Время The Present Continuous обычно используется для


1) действия или события, которое разворачивается в момент речи:

It’s snowing now. – Идет снег.

2) длительных действий, совершающихся в настоящий период, но не

обязательно в момент речи:

My elder brother is studying at university. – Мой старший брат учится в


3) запланированных будущих действиях (и уверены в их совершении, так

как имеется договоренность, план и т.п.):

He’s graduating from university next year. – Он заканчивает университет в

следующем году.

2. Образование.Positive Negative Question Short Answers

I am (I'm) readingam not (I'm not) reading Am I reading? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

youare (you're) reading

are not (aren't) reading Are you reading?

Yes, you are.

No, you aren't.

he is (he's) readingis not (isn't) reading Is he reading? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.

she is (she's) readingis not (isn't) reading Is she reading? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

it is (it's) sleepingis not (isn't) sleeping Is it sleeping? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

weare (we're) reading

are not (aren't) reading Are we reading? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.

theyare (they're) reading

are not (aren't) reading Are they reading?

Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.


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Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительная форма Present Continuous

образуется путем прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу be в настоящем

времени причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола.

I am working. – Я работаю.

We are working. – Мы работаем.

Вопросительные предложения: При построении общего вопроса

вспомогательный глагол be ставится перед подлежащим предложения.

Are you working? – Ты работаешь?

Is he working? – Он работает?

Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательные предложения образуются

путем прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу be отрицательной частицы


I am not working. – Я не работаю.

We aren't working. – Мы не работаем.

3. Слова указатели на Present Continuous: now, at the moment, at present.

NB!Не употребляются в Continuous следующие глаголы: want, love, like, see,

know, remember, forget, seem, wish, hear, notice, understand, recognize, be, need,

hate, suppose, belong, realize, mean, prefer, believe, have (possess), think


1. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. My sister is playing the piano now. 2. The teacher is explaining the rule. 3. We

are learning the new words. 4. Ann is standing at the window. 5. We are going to

the park. 6. John is taking a piece of chalk and writing a sentence on the

blackboard. 7. I am doing my homework. 8. Jane is speaking on the telephone. 9.

She is cooking supper.


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2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

1. She (read) magazines. 2. He (work) hard at his French. 3. Mr. White (not give) a

lecture. 4. He (write) a letter to his brother. 5. I (prepare) for the test. 6. They

(work) at this factory. 7. She (sit) in an arm-chair and (watch) TV. 8. I (have)

supper with my friends. 9. Her brother (not go) to school. 10. He (stand) at the

table. 11. They (swim) in the river. 12. What you (do)?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present


1. Where is John? He (play) football in the yard. 2. I not (like) the picture you

(look) at now. 3. He (read) books in three languages, and now he (read) a French

novel. 4. She usually (do) her homework at home, but now she (do) it at the

library. 5. In autumn many birds (fly) to the South. 6. What that woman (do) there?

She (sell) vegetables. 7. What you (buy) here? I (buy) an English text-book. 8.

Look! How many birds (fly) high up in the air! 9. There are many children in the

garden. Some of them (run) about, others (to sit) on the benches and (laugh)! 10.

Where you (go) now? I (go) to the library to prepare for my examination.

Прошедшее продолженное времяThe Past Continuous Tense

1. Употребление. Время The Past Continuous обычно используется для


1) действия, которое находилось в процессе развития в некоторый момент

времени в прошлом:

He was reading a book at 5 o'clock. – В пять часов он читал книгу.

I was cooking the dinner. – Я готовила обед.

2) действия или события, на фоне или в процессе развития которого

произошло некоторое другое событие:


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He hurt his leg while he was playing football. – Он повредил ногу, в то время

как играл в футбол.

It was raining when I arrived. – Шел дождь, когда я приехал.

3) параллельных длительных действий в прошлом:

My sister was singing while she was doing her homework. – Моя сестра пела в

то время как делала домашнюю работу.

2. Образование.Positive Negative Question Short Answers

I was readingwas not (wasn't) reading Was I reading? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.

you were reading were not (weren't)Were you reading?

Yes, you were.

No, you weren't.

he was readingwas not (wasn't) reading? Was he reading? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't.

she was readingwas not (wasn't) reading Was she reading? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.

it was sleepingwas not (wasn't) sleeping Was it sleeping? Yes, it was. No, it wasn't.

we were readingwere not (weren't) reading

Were we reading?

Yes, we were.

No, we weren't.

they were reading

were not (weren't) reading

Were they reading?

Yes, they were.

No, they weren't.

Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительные формы Past Continuous

образуются путем прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу be в прошедшем

времени (was/were) причастия настоящего времени.

I was working. – Я работала.

We were working. – Мы работали.

Вопросительные предложения: При построении общего вопроса

вспомогательный глагол be в прошедшем времени ставится перед

подлежащим предложения.

Were you working? – Ты работал?

Was he working? – Он работал?


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Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательные предложения образуются

путем прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу be в прошедшем времени

отрицательной частицы not/n't.

I was not working. – Я не работал.

We weren't working. – Мы не работали.

3. Слова указатели на Past Continuous: at … o'clock yesterday; while / as; all

morning / day yesterday; the whole evening yesterday; at that time; when he came;

from .. to … yesterday.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Continuous.

1. I (wait) for the bus when I met Jane. 2. The boys (sing), while their mother

(play) the piano. 3. At 5.30 yesterday afternoon, Peter (do) his homework and

Kikki (have) a French lesson. 4. You (study) when I called you last night? 5. She

(cry) while she (watch) the film. 6. I (not watch) the film last night because I was

very busy. 7. I (sit) at home one day, feeling miserable. 8. It (rain) and I (think)

about my summer holidays. 9. Later that day, I (surf) the Internet. 10. Some of my

friends (travel) round India.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past


A funny thing (happen) while I (fly) to London last summer. When I (get) on the

plane, I (take off) my jacket and put it in the overhead locker. When the passenger

next to me (sit) down, I was surprised to see that she (wear) the same jacket as me.

Anyway, the plane (land) and we went to pick up our bags at the luggage carousel.

While I (wait) for my bags, I (decide) to listen to some music. But when I (look)

for my MP3 player in my jacket pocket, it (not be) there. Then I realised I had the

woman’s jacket – and she had mine!


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Будущее продолженное времяThe Future Continuous Tense

1. Употребление. Время The Future Continuous обычно используется для

описания действия, которое будет находиться в процессе развития в

некоторый момент времени в будущем.

I can't come at one o'clock tomorrow because I'll be giving a lecture at this time.

– Я не смогу прийти завтра в час, потому что я буду читать лекцию в

это время.

Now I'm studying. This time next Monday I'll be sitting in the cinema. – Сейчас

я учусь. В следующий понедельник в это время я буду сидеть в


2. Образование.Positive Negative Question Short Answers

Iwill be ('ll be) reading

will not be (won't be) reading

Will I be reading? Yes, I will. No, I won't.

youwill be ('ll be) reading

will not be (won't be) reading

Will you be reading?

Yes, you will. No, you won't.

hewill be ('ll be) reading

will not be (won't be) reading

Will he be reading? Yes, he will. No, he won't.

shewill be ('ll be) reading

will not be (won't be) reading

Will she be reading?

Yes, she will. No, she won't.

itwill be ('ll be) sleeping

will not be (won't be) sleeping

Will it be sleeping? Yes, it will. No, it won't.

wewill be ('ll be) reading

will not be (won't be) reading

Will we be reading? Yes, we will. No, we won't.

theywill be ('ll be) reading

will not be (won't be) reading

will they be reading?

Yes, they will. No, they won't.

Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительные формы образуются по

формуле: will + be + Present participle смыслового глагола:

I will be working/I shall be working. – Я буду работать.

He'll be working. – Он будет работать.

You'll be working. – Ты будешь работать.

Вопросительные предложения: При построении общего вопроса первый

вспомогательный глагол (will) ставится перед подлежащим предложения:


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Will you be working? – Ты будешь работать?

Will he be working? – Он будет работать?

Отрицательные предложения образуются с помощью отрицательной

частицы not/n't, которая ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола

(will). Форма will not может стягиваться до формы won't:

I will not be working. – Я не буду работать.

We won't be working. – Мы не будем работать.

He won't be working. – Он не будет работать.

3. Слова указатели на Past Continuous: at … o'clock tomorrow; this time

tomorrow; tomorrow evening; the day after tomorrow; in … days; in a month.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Continuous.

1. Erick (wait) for me outside the cinema at this time tomorrow. 2. Pamela (not to

sleep) the whole night tomorrow, as she is going to take part in the night

performance. 3. My father (repair) his car the whole day tomorrow. 4. What you

(do) at 5 p.m. next Sunday? 5. Carl (wait) for you from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. tomorrow.

6. I (stay) at home the whole next week. 7. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We

(have) dinner then. 8. Half an hour from now, the cinema will be full. Everyone

(watch) the film. 9. This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I (lie) on the beach or

(swim) in the sea. 10. Can we meet tomorrow? – Yes, but not in the afternoon. I


2. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. Our exams finish on Friday. This time next week I will relax / will be relaxing at

home. 2. Bring your books round tonight. My brother will help / will be helping

you with your Maths. 3. I’ll still be awake at midnight. I’ll have / ‘ll be having my

fifth cup of coffee! 4. I won’t go / won’t be going without you, but please don’t be

late. 5. Good luck with your exam on Wednesday. I’ll think / ‘ll be thinking of you.

6. Meet me in the library on Thursday morning. We’ll revise / ‘ll be revising


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together. 7. Come round on Saturday morning for a chat. I won’t do / won’t be

doing anything.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future


1. I (write) an English exercise now. 2. I (write) an English exercise at this time

yesterday. 3. I (do) my homework at six o'clock tomorrow. 4. My friends (not do)

their homework now. They (play) volleyball. 5. Don't come to my place tomorrow.

I (write) a composition the whole evening. 6. You (eat) ice-cream now? 7. You

(eat) ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday? 8. What your father (do) now?

9. They (to sit) in the yard when they heard the bell. 10. He (to wait) for your call

at 5 p.m. next Sunday.

Степени сравнения прилагательных Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

1. Значение:

Качественные прилагательные в английском языке имеют три степени

сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную.

– положительная степень (The Positive Degree) обозначает качество предмета

вне сравнения с каким-либо другим предметом, обладающим тем же


– сравнительная степень (The Comparative Degree) указывает на наличие

большей степени качества у одного предмета сравнительно с другим

предметом, обладающим тем же качеством;

– превосходная степень (The Superlative Degree) указывает на высшую

степень качества у того или иного предмета среди всех других однородных

предметов, обладающих тем же качеством.

2. Образование:


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Односложные прилагательные и двусложные, оканчивающиеся на -у, -er, -

ow, образуют сравнительную степень при помощи суффикса -еr, а

превосходную степень при помощи суффикса -est, которые прибавляются к

прилагательному в положительной степени:


ная степень







dark darker the darkest

big согласная


bigger the biggest

nice немая –e


nicer the nicest

lazy буква -y меняется на


lazier the laziest

simple simpler the simplest

clever cleverer the cleverest

yellow yellower the yellowest

This highway is wider than that highway. – Это шоссе шире того шоссе.

That is the highest building in the city. – Это – самое высокое здание в городе.

Все многосложные прилагательные, а также двусложные, не

оканчивающиеся на -у, -er, -ow, образуют степени сравнения при помощи

служебных слов more / less для сравнительной степени и (the) most / (the)

least для превосходной степени:



Сравнительная степень Превосходная


useful more useful the most useful

difficult more difficult the most difficult

interesting more interesting the most interesting


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This subject is more important for you now. – Этот предмет для тебя сейчас

важнее (более важный).

It is the most interesting book I have ever read. – Это самая интересная

книга, какую я когда-либо читал.

This text is less difficult than that one. – Этот текст менее трудный, чем


This text is the least difficult of all. – Этот текст наименее трудный из


3. Исключения:

Несколько прилагательных образуют степени сравнения от разных основ. Их

рекомендуется запомнить:



Сравнительная степень Превосходная


good better the best

bad worse the worst

little less the least

much/many more the most

Следующие прилагательные имеют две различные по значению формы

сравнительной и превосходной степени:





Превосходная степень

far – далёкий, дальний farther – более

отдалённый (по


further – дальнейший,


the farthest – самый

далекий (по


the furthest –самый

далекий (по времени)

old – старый older старше (по


the oldest старейший

the eldest самый

старший в семье29

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elder старше (в семье)

near близкий nearer более близкий the nearest ближайший

(по расстоянию)

the next следующий (по


She is older than my sister. – Она старше моей сестры.

My elder brother graduated from Moscow University. – Мой старший брат

окончил Московский университет.

The nearest house is the library. – Ближайший дом – это здание


The next lesson is English. – Следующий урок-урок английского языка.

4. Употребление:



Используется с



Положительная – as … as – такой же как

– not as … as – не такой же


Bob is as smart as Tom.

Ann is not as kind as


Сравнительная – than – чем

– the…, the … – чем …,

тем …

Bill is taller than Phil.

The sooner, the better.

Превосходная – in – в …

– of all – из всех

– I have ever seen / read etc.

– который я когда-либо

видел / читал и т.п.

Tom is the laziest boy in

my class.

Ann is the smartest of all

my friends.

This is the best film I’ve

ever seen.

1. Заполните таблицу.30

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Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree


more careful



the best




the funniest


more important


2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. English is … than German.

a) easyer c) easier b) the easiest

2. The blue whale is … animal in the world.

a) the largest b) largest c) most large

3. It is … that one.

a) the difficultest b) the difficult c) the most difficult

4. My friend Nick plays chess … I do.

a) bad b) worse than c) the worst

5. A BMW is more expensive … a Volkswagen.

a) as b) of c) than

6. Peter is as … as Sam.

a) handsome b) more handsome c) the most handsome

7. The more you read, the … you know.

a) much b) the most c) more

8. Martin is … student in the class.31

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a) most good b) the goodest c) the best

9. He is the … and … player in the team.

a) tallest, better b) most tall, best c) tallest, best

10. The Pacific Ocean is … in the world.

a) the bigest b) biggest c) the biggest

11. My present is … than hers.

a) funnyer b) funnier c) funniest

12. Agatha is the nicest … all my class mates.

a) than b) of c) in

13. My hotel room was … than the one in the photo in the brochure.

a) smaller b) the smallest c) small

14. Which is … planet in our solar system?

a) more cold b) the coldest c) coldest

15. It is … dress we have seen.

a) the expensivest b) the expensive c) the most expensive

3. Употребите прилагательные, данные в скобках, в нужной степени


1. Traveling is becoming (expensive) than it was some years ago. 2. My bags

seemed to get (heavy) as I carried them. 3. I enjoyed our visit to the museum. It

was (interesting) than I had expected. 4. Jack isn’t as (old) as he looks. 5. She is

(intelligent) student in the class. 6. It is one of (nice) rooms in the hotel. 7. As the

conversation went on, she became (talkative) than before. 8. Your English is

improving. It is getting (good) and (good). 9. Canada is (large) than the United

States. 10. She is (good) player in the team.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая

внимание на конструкции типа the more the less.

1. The less baggage you have to carry, the better. 2. The faster the train, the earlier

we will arrive. 3. The more I thought about my departure, the more frightened I


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got. 4. The cheaper the hotel, the worse the service. 5. The more I speak to him, the

less trouble I have. 6. The more I learn the words, the better I read. 7. The sunnier

the day, the happier I feel. 8. The more you travel, the more interesting it is to

speak to you.

Часть 21. Прочитайте тест и переведите его на русский язык.


My name is Valentina. I am 18. I was born in Moscow. I am neither tall nor

short. My friends say that I am thin. My hair is fair and short. My face is oval, my

nose is short and turned-up. My eyes are large and blue. My parents say that I am a

pretty girl.

I like to dress well. I try to buy shoes and dresses which are in fashion. I am

a polite girl. I try to be a kind, honest and serious person.

I study at the university. I would like to notice that I am good at many

subjects. I like English and History best of all. I like to read English books and

learn poems and songs. My hobby is swimming. I go to the swimming-pool twice a


Our family consists of my parents, my sister and me. We live in Moscow, in

Lyublinskaya street. I can say that our family is small, and we love each other very


My mother's name is Marina Vladimirovna. She is 37. She is a teacher. She

is a very nice woman.

My father's name is Konstantin Ivanovich. He is a pilot. I am sure he is a

skilled pilot. My father is a very clever and kind man. I can always turn to him

with my troubles.

I have a small sister. Her name is Lyuda. I like to take care of her.

Sometimes we read funny stories, sometimes I go for a walk with my sister. Lyuda


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is fond of drawing. She spends a lot of free time drawing trees, streets, flowers and


All members of our family have their own hobbies. But we like to spend our

weekend together. We go to the forest. In summer we pick up berries and

mushrooms, in winter we prefer to be closer to nature and spend some free time in

the country. We have a small comfortable house and a nice garden near it.

2. Прочитайте диалог и переведите его на русский язык.

А: Hello. What is your name?

B: Hello. My name is Olga. And what is your name?

A: My name is Sveta. How old are you?

B: I am 15. How old are you?

А: I am 16. Where are you from?

B: I am from Moscow. It is the capital of Russia. Where are you from?

А: I am from Minsk. It is a very big and nice city. Where do you study?

B: I study at school. I am fond of English and Russian. What subjects do you like?

А: I like History, and my friends say that I am good at History.

B: Have you a hobby?

А: Oh, yes, I have. My hobby is cooking. I like to make cakes and pies best of all.

I prefer to make pies with cabbage. Have you a hobby?

B: Yes, I have. I have a hobby too. My hobby is swimming. I can say that I am a

good swimmer. I think that it will be a competition at our camp. I am going to take

part in it.

А: Oh, I wish you to be the first.

B: Thank you. I'll try to win in the competition. Now let's go to my house, I'll show

you my collection of butterflies. It is rather big and interesting.

А: All right. Let's go.

3. Поговорите со своим партнером, используя следующие вопросы:


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What is your name?

How old are you?

Where do you study?

Is your family small?

What is your mother's name?

What is your father's name?

Have you got a sister or a brother?

How do you spend your free time?

What holidays do you like?

Your family is a friendly one, isn't it?

4. Составьте рассказ о себе и Вашей семье.

Контрольная работа №2Для правильного выполнения контрольной работы №2 необходимо

изучить следующий материал:

1. Видовременные формы глагола в действительном залоге: времена группы



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2. Пассивный (страдательный) залог.

3. Вопросительные предложения. Типы вопросов. Порядок слов в

вопросительных предложениях.

4. Тема: My studies at the university.

Часть 1Времена группы Perfect в действительном залоге

Настоящее совершенное времяThe Present Perfect Tense

1. Употребление.

Время The Present Perfect обычно используется:

а) при описании события, произошедшего в прошлом и являющегося

актуальным, существенным, значимым для момента речи:

I've washed my hands so I can help you with the cooking. – Я помыл руки и

могу помочь тебе с готовкой.

I have forgotten his name. – Я забыл его имя (и не помню его сейчас).

б) когда хотят объявить нечто или сообщить о чем-то, что произошло только

что или совсем недавно:

I've just hurt my elbow. – Я вот ушиб локоть.

в) при описании события, которое развивалось или повторялось в период

времени, охватывающий момент речи. Present Perfect употребляется с

выражениями, обозначающими период времени, который к моменту речи

еще не закончился:

I have eaten ten apples today. – Я съела сегодня десять яблок.

d) Помимо результата, Present Perfect показывает длительное действие,

которое все еще актуально: оно началось в прошлом, но продолжается в

настоящем и, возможно, будет продолжаться в будущем:

She has wanted to become an actress since her childhood. – Она мечтает

стать актрисой с детства.


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2. Образование:Positive Negative Question Short Answers

I have read haven’t read Have I read? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.you have read haven’t read Have you read? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.he has read hasn’t read Has he read? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.she has read hasn’t read Has she read? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.it has eaten hasn’t eaten Has he eaten? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.we have read haven’t read Have we read? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.they have read haven’t read Have they read? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительная форма Present Perfect

образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола have (has) в настоящем

временичастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола:

I have done the exercise. – Я сделал упражнение.

He has eaten the apple. – Он съел яблоко.

Вопросительные предложения: При построении общего вопроса

вспомогательный глагол have (has) ставится перед подлежащим


Have you done the exercise? – Ты сделал упражнение?

Has he eaten the apple? – Он съел яблоко?

Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательная форма образуется путем

прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу have (has) отрицательной частицы


I haven't done the exercise. – Я не сделал упражнение.

He hasn't eaten the apple. – Он не съел яблоко.

3. Слова указатели на Present Perfect: already, never, ever, yet, since, for, just,

today, this morning, this evening, this term, this week, recently, so far, up to now.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect.

1. Peter (forget) to take his wallet with him. It’s on the table. 2. They (not do) all

their exams. They have two more tomorrow. 3 Sarah’s feeling a bit lonely. Her


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best friend (move) to France. 4. I don’t know if Rob’s coming. He (not reply) to

my invitation. 5. The neighbors (borrow) our ladder. I hope they return it soon.

6. I think I (leave) my umbrella at work. I can’t find it anywhere. 7. You can’t go

to the bank. It (not stop) raining. 8. Dinner’s ready. I (make) a pizza. 8. I’m sorry

we can’t change these shoes. You (wear) them. 9. The rain (stop) but a cold wind is

still blowing. 10. I can’t tell you whether I like this book, as I (not read) it.

2. Образуйте вопросы во времени Present Perfect, используя подходящие

по смыслу глаголы. Дополните краткие ответы и сопоставьте их с

вопросами из левой колонки.

arrive / buy / drink / hurt / plan / start / try

1. … you … a present for Ken? It’s his

birthday next week.

a. No, we … . There’s some in the


2. Why can’t your brother write? … he

… his hand?

b. No, I … . I don’t know what he


3. … your parents … their holiday? c. Yes, they… .They’re going to


4. ... you … the new vegetarian


d. Yes, he … . He was playing

basketball when he fell.

5. … your sister … her new job? e. Yes, she … . She’s in the kitchen.

6. … Kate … at your house? f. No, she … . Tomorrow’s her first day.

7. … we …all the milk? This bottle’s


g. No, we …, but we want to go next


3. Дополните предложения словами already, ever, for, just, never, since, yet.

1. Have you heard the good news? They’ve … won first prize. 2. Kate’s … eaten

Indian food, but she wants to try it. 3. My brother’s got a new car, but he hasn’t

passed his driving test … . 4. We don’t need to go to the market again. We’ve …

been there today. 5. I can’t remember his name because I haven’t seen him …

years. 6. I’ve had my watch … two months. 7. They’ve owned their cottage …


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2003. 8. The train hasn’t arrived …. . 9. It’s … stopped raining. 10. Have you done

your homework …?

Прошедшее совершенное времяThe Past Perfect Tense

1. Употребление. Время The Past Perfect используется для обозначения

действия или события, которое завершилось до определенного момента в


He bought a new car as he had broken his old one. – Он купил новую машину,

так как разбил старую.

I had done the homework by 5 o'clock. – Я сделал домашнюю работу к 5


He had already left by that time. – К этому времени он уже ушел.

2. Образование:Positive Negative Question Short Answers

I had read hadn’t read Had I read? Yes, I had. No, I hadn’t.you had read hadn’t read Had you read? Yes, you had. No, you hadn’t.he had read hadn’t read Had he read? Yes, he had. No, he hadn’t.she had read hadn’t read Had she read? Yes, she had. No, she hadn’t.it had eaten hadn’t eaten Had he eaten? Yes, it had. No, it hadn’t.we had read hadn’t read Had we read? Yes, we had. No, we hadn’t.they had read hadn’t read Had they read? Yes, they had. No, they hadn’t.

Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительная форма Past Perfect

образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола have в прошедшем времени

(had) и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола:

I had done the exercise. – Я сделал упражнение.


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He had eaten the apple. – Он съел яблоко.

Вопросительные предложения: При построении общего вопроса

вспомогательный глагол had ставится перед подлежащим предложения:

Had you done the exercise? – Ты сделал упражнение?

Had he eaten the apple? – Он съел яблоко?

Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательная форма образуется путем

прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу had отрицательной частицы


I hadn't done the exercise. – Я не сделал упражнение.

He hadn't eaten the apple. – Он не съел яблоко.

3. Слова указатели на Past Perfect: before he came, by 5 o’clock yesterday, by

the time he / I came.

1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect.

1. We decided to stay at home because it (start) to rain. 2. Your interview went

badly because you (not prepare) for it. 3. She didn’t buy a new dress because she

(spend) all her money. 4. I couldn’t get on the flight because I (not book) a ticket.

5. We weren’t hungry because we (have) a big lunch. 6. He was excited because he

(not ride) a horse before. 7. All the plates were dirty because nobody (wash up). 8.

I went to see the film because a friend (tell) me about it. 9. She didn’t know his

name because she (not meet) him before. 10. When we got to the airport, the plane

(take off) already.

2. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

My parents (buy) our first television when I was ten, but we still (spend) more time

listening to the radio, playing games and talking. At that time we never (see) a

colour TV and they certainly (not invent) the video recorder yet. By the time I (be)


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eighteen, my parents (buy) a big colour TV. It was on all day and we’d practically

stopped talking to each other!

Будущее совершенное времяThe Future Perfect Tense

1. Употребление. Время The Future Perfect используется при описании

действия, которое будет завершено к некоторому моменту времени в


I'll have finished the work before you come back. – Я закончу работу до того,

как ты вернешься.

Many natural resources will have disappeared by the end of the century. –

Многие природные ресурсы исчезнут к концу этого века.

2. Образование:Positive Negative Question Short Answers

Iwill have read

won’t have read Will I have read? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.

youwill have read

won’t have read Will you have read? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.

hewill have read

won’t have read Will he have read? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.

shewill have read

won’t have read Will she have read? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.

itwill have eaten

won’t have eaten Will he have eaten? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.

wewill have read

won’t have read Will we have read? Yes, we will. No, we won’t.


will have read

won’t have read Will they have read? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.


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Утвердительные предложения: Утвердительная форма образуется путем

сложения will + have + причастие прошедшего времени смыслового глагола:

I want to quit my job in a month. I will have worked for 5 years for this company

by then. – Я хочу через месяц уволиться. К тому времени я проработаю в

этой компании 5 лет.

We will have built our new house by the next year. – Мы достроим наш новый

дом к следующему году.

Вопросительные предложения: При построении общего вопроса

вспомогательный глагол will ставится перед подлежащим предложения:

Will you have built your new house by the next year? – Вы достроите свой

новый дом к следующему году.

Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательная форма образуется путем

прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу will отрицательной частицы


Will you have read all these books by the exam time? – Ты прочтешь все эти

книги до начала экзаменов?

3. Слова указатели на Past Perfect: by then, by next year, before you come, by

5 o’clock tomorrow, by the time + Present Simple.

1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Perfect.

1. They (drive) for 2 hours before they reach the town. 2. Elvis (travel) for a week

before he returns to London. 3. Sue (drive) home by midnight tomorrow. 4. Terry

(to sew) her new dress by the end of this week. 5. I think you (write) the letter by

next Friday. 6. I (carry) out all my duties by the end of this year. 7. By the end of

this week Sue (complete) her work. 8. How much of this work you (complete) by

the end of next week? 9. Ann (write) the novel by the end of this week. 10. Corny

(return) the book by tomorrow.


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2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future


1. I just (see) Jack. 2. The TV programme (begin) before I came home. 3. I (do)

my homework by six o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not eat) ice cream since summer. 5. I

understood that she (not read) my letter. 6. It's all right: she (find) the way out of

the situation. 7. You (do) this work by next Sunday? 8. How many pages you

(read) by five o'clock tomorrow? 9. She is very glad: she (finish) her composition

at last. 10. I never (be) to Rome.

Страдательный залогThe Passive Voice

1. Употребление. В английском языке глаголы могут иметь два залога:

действительный (the Active voice) и страдательный (the Passive voice). Глагол

в действительном залоге показывает, что действие выполняется,

совершается лицом или предметом, обозначаемым подлежащим.

Глагол в страдательном залоге показывает, что лицо или предмет,

обозначаемый подлежащим, является объектом чьего-либо действия или

находится в определенном состоянии в результате какого-то воздействия:


The British Isles are separated from the Continent by the sea. – Британские

острова отделены от континента морем.

The sea separates the British Isles from the Continent. – Море отделяет

Британские острова от континента.




I amHe/she/it is + V3 We/you/they are

I/he/she/it was + V3

we/you/they werewill be + V3


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am is being + V3


was being + V3


Не используется


We/you/they have been + V3

He/she/it hashad been + V3 will have been +V3

Утвердительные предложения: Страдательный залог образуется с

помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице

и числе и причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) смыслового глагола:

Letters are written every day. – Письма пишут каждый день.

The film was shown yesterday. – Фильм был показан вчера.

The film will be shown tomorrow. – Фильм будет показан завтра.

Вопросительные предложения: Вопросительная форма образуется

постановкой первого вспомогательного глагола перед подлежащим:

Are letters written every day? – Письма пишут каждый день?

Was the film shown yesterday? – Фильм был показан вчера?

Will the film be shown tomorrow? – Фильм будет показан завтра?

Отрицательные предложения: Отрицательная форма образуется при

помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после первого

вспомогательного глагола:

Letters are not written every day. – Письма не пишут каждый день.44

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The film was shown yesterday. – Фильм не был показан вчера.

The film won’t be shown tomorrow. – Фильм не будет показан завтра.

Субъект действительного оборота может быть выражен дополнением с

предлогом by в соответствующем страдательном обороте. Если дополнение,

которое могло бы быть подлежащим в конструкции с действительным

залогом, называет инструмент или содержимое какого-либо пространства,

используется предлог with:

The letter was written by John. – Письмо было написано Джоном.

The letter was written with a pencil. – Письмо было написано карандашом.

3. Перевод страдательного залога на русский язык

1. Соответствующим глаголом с частицей -ся:

The car was being repaired all week long. – Автомобиль ремонтировался всю


2. Сочетанием глагола «быть» с краткой формой страдательного причастия

основного глагола:

The car was repaired a week ago. – Автомобиль был отремонтирован

неделю тому назад.

3. Действительной формой глагола:

The car was repaired by the workers a week ago. – Рабочие отремонтировали

автомобиль неделю тому назад.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

1. The rooms … (clean) every day in our hotel. 2. The door … (just lock) from the

inside. 3. The jewellery … (steal) between midnight and five o’clock. 4. America

… (discover) in 1492. 5. Don’t look now, but I think we … (follow). 6. The

painting … (return) to the National Gallery next month. 7. All the books …

(already return) to the library. 8. A new dictionary … (write) at the moment. 9.

When I went in, the carpets …. (clean). 10. While the photocopies … (make), the

electricity was cut off.


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2. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и

отрицательной формах.

1. They were invited to a concert last Saturday. 2. His question is being answered

at the moment. 3. Hockey is played in winter. 4. Mushrooms are gathered in

autumn. 5. Many houses were burnt during the Great Fire of London. 6. His new

book has been finished this year. 7. He was told to prepare a speech yesterday. 8.

He will be sent to a sanatorium. 9. The novel will have been written by the end of

this week. 10. My letter hadn’t been read.

3. Активный или пассивный залог? Употребите нужную форму глагола

в скобках.

1. Last week the film (show) on TV. 2. Recently our products (advertise) Internet.

3. This agency (design) our new logo. 4. Our brand (promote) on several channels.

5. Product placement (use) by many companies. 6. He (steal) a lot of money from

the shop. 7. At twelve o'clock yesterday the workers (load) the trucks. 8. Several of

our new products (return). 9. They (forget) the story. 10. They (not bring) back my


4. Активный или пассивный залог? Употребите нужную форму глагола

в скобках.

English as a global language

English …. (speak) originally in Britain by the Anglo-Saxons 1500 ago, but it …

(differ) a lot from the language we … (know) today. In fact, we would have great

difficulty understanding Old English now.

Since then, the English language … (change) a lot and it … (spread) all over the

world. It … (speak) as the first language in the UK, the USA, Australia, New

Zealand, Canada, South Africa and the Caribbean, and it … (use) as an official

language in more than 70 countries. A lot of different forms and varieties of


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English … (use) not only across the world, but even within the British Isles. It …

(teach) as a foreign language in several countries. More and more people … (use)

English when travelling and doing business abroad. It

5. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

e.g. Mother waters the flowers in the evening. – The flowers are watered in the

evening (by Mother).

1. The doctor ordered me a month's rest from studying. 2. The boys will paint the

roof of the house. 3. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence. 4. Her daughters gave

her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present. 5. Tom gave Nick a book for his

birthday. 6. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 7. Lydia will show you a

new book of pictures. 8. A boy has showed her the way. 9. They will send us a box

of fruit. 10. Five or six small children are following them.

Вопросительные предложения. Типы вопросов. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях

Questions. Types of questions. Word order in questions

Типы вопросительных предложений: Вопросительные предложения в

английском языке бывают пяти типов. Каждый из них имеет определенную

структуру построения.

1. Общий вопрос (General Question): общий вопрос относится ко всему

предложению в целом, и ответом на него будут слова «да» или «нет».

Структура общего вопроса отличается от структуры повествовательного

предложения порядком лов: в вопросительном предложении сказуемое или

часть сказуемого ставится перед подлежащим:

Порядок слов в общем вопросе с глаголом-связкой:глагол-связка подлежащее остальные члены предложения


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Is your brother in London?

Is he a student?

Порядок слов в общем вопросе с вспомогательным глаголом:вспомогательный

глагол / модальный


подлежащее смысловой


остальные члены


Does your father work in Manchester?

Did you have a holiday last year?

Can Kate speak English well?

Все общие вопросы требуют кратких ответов: да или нет. Краткие ответы в

английском напрямую зависят от вспомогательного глагола,

использованного в вопросе:

Did you get a good mark for this exam? – Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. 

Are you Jared's sister? – Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 

Can you call me later? – Yes, I can. / No, I can't. 

2. Специальный вопрос (Special Question): специальный вопрос задается

для получения дополнительной информации, уточнения каких-либо деталей.

В нем используется обратный порядок слов, на первом место стоит одно из

вопросительных слово.

Порядок слов в специальном вопросе с глаголом-связкой:вопросительное


смысловой глагол

или глагол-связка

подлежащее остальные члены


Why is your brother in London?

Where is he now?

Порядок слов в общем вопросе с вспомогательным глаголом:    вопросительное




подлежащее смысловой


остальные члены



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When did your father work in Manchester?

Where do you live?

    Вопросительные слова и словосочетания в английском языке:who – кто

what – что, какой

whose – чей

whom – кого, кому

which – который

when – когда

where – где

how – как

why – почему

how much / many – сколько

how long – как долго

how often – как часто

Часто в английских специальных вопросах встречаются предлоги, связанные

с основным глаголом. Как правило, эти предлоги ставятся в самый конец

предложения. Например:

What are you looking for? – Что ты ищешь?

Who does he take after? – На кого он похож? / В кого он пошёл?

Who is she talking to? – С кем она разговаривает? 

What are they talking about? – О чём они разговаривают?

3. Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative Question) – это такой вид вопроса,

который предлагает сделать выбор. В альтернативном вопросе всегда

присутствует союз or (или). Особенностью этого вопроса, является то, что

ответ как бы уже присутствует в вопросе, нужно только выбрать из двух

заданных предметов, лиц, качеств и т.д.:

Do you like apricots or peaches? – Ты любишь абрикосы или персики?

Is he from England or from Wales? – Он из Англии или из Уэльса?

Can she sing or dance? – Она может петь или танцевать?

Построение альтернативных вопросов мало отличается от общих вопросов,

лишь добавляется союз or и дополнительная часть для


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выбора. Дополнительная часть обычно укороченная и может быть выражена

одним словом или короткой фразой:

Is she a lawyer or a judge? – Она адвокат или судья?

Did he go to his place or to his friend's? – Он пошёл к себе или к другу? 

Will you be in office at 5pm or at home? – Ты будешь в офисе к 5 вечера или


4. Разделительный вопрос (Tag Question) – это вопрос,

выражающий сомнение, удивление или подтверждение сказанного. 

Разделительный вопрос образуется с помощью добавления к обычному

утвердительному предложению краткой фразы с вспомогательным глаголом,

придающей всему предложению сомнение. Русский эквивалент

разделительного вопроса – «Не так ли?», «Не правда ли?». При этом, если

повествовательное предложение имеет утвердительную форму, краткий

общий вопрос стоит в отрицательной форме. Если же повествовательное

предложение имеет отрицательную форму, то краткий общий вопрос –


John is a good student, isn't he? – Джон хороший студент, не так ли? 

We aren't going to London tomorrow, are we? – Мы не собираемся ехать

завтра в Лондон, не так ли?

5. Вопрос к подлежащему (Subject Question) – это особая категория

вопросов, в которых не нужно менять прямой порядок слов, т.е. он остаётся

таким, как в обычном повествовательном предложении. Таким образом, это

единственный вид вопросов, где нет надобности в вспомогательных глаголах

и не происходит инверсии (перестановки членов предложения):

Who came to the party? – Кто пришёл на вечеринку? 

What happened at the end? – Что произошло в итоге?


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How many students arrived to the lesson? – Сколько студентов пришли на


Часто вопросы к подлежащему начинаются именно с вопросительных

слов who?, what?, how many/ how much? Смысл вопроса к подлежащему

кроется в том, что вопросительные местоимения в нём выполняют роль


Who is talking to you? – Кто говорит с тобой?

1. Составьте общие вопросы.

e.g. It rains a lot in Scotland. → Does it rain a lot in Scotland?

1. We’re going for a picnic tomorrow. 2 Pat’s a good cook. 3. Mary can type fast.

4. You saw the football match yesterday. 5. She has a lot of work to do. 6. They’ll

be here soon. 7. Andy’s gone to the post office. 8. He should speak to the director.

9. They watch TV most evenings. 10. It’s snowing heavily.

2. Составьте специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым членам

предложения, используя подходящие по смыслу вопросительные слова

из списка:

what / time / when / where / which / who / whose / why

e.g. When is he going to move house? B: He’s going to move house next year.

1. A: ......................................................... B: I borrowed Anita’s dictionary.

2. A: ......................................................... B: He was crying because he was sad.

3. A: ......................................................... B: They’ve gone to the park.

4. A: ......................................................... B: She’s arriving at half past eight.

5. A: ......................................................... B: I prefer the blue one.

6. A: ......................................................... B: We’re meeting Paul tonight.

3. Составьте специальные вопросы по образцу, обращая внимание на

предлоги, связанные с основным глаголом.


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e.g. She’s looking for her keys again. → What’s she looking for?

1. I’m afraid of the dark. → What …?

2. He went on holiday with his friends. → Who… ?

3. They were talking about computers. → What…?

4. We’re interested in adventure sports. → What… ?

5. This dog? Oh, it belongs to Jerry. → Who… ?

6. She gave the money to me. → Who...?

7. I’m listening to some jazz. → What...?

8. She’s probably waiting for her dad. → Who... ?

4. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. Chloe’s invited you to the party, isn't / hasn't she?

2. I didn’t pass the exam, did / didn't I?

3. You weren’t listening to me, were / did you?

4. We can’t get into the club with jeans on, do / can we?

5. The last bus goes at ten o’clock, isn't / doesn't it?

6. He isn’t very happy, is / isn't he?

7. You’ll see Lewis tomorrow, don't / won't you?

8. They hadn’t been to America before, had / hadn't they?

9. It wasn’t very warm at the weekend, was / wasn't it?

10. They aren’t waiting for us, are / do they?

5. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

1. You don’t recognize me, … ?

2. We haven’t seen each other for years, …?

3. Your mother was a teacher, …?

4. Our brothers went to the same school, …?

5. When we last met, you’d just sold your house, …?

6. Your brother isn’t working at the moment, …?


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7. We could meet for coffee one day, …?

8. You won’t forget to phone me, …?

9. You’re Edith, …?

10. We go to the theatre twice a month, …?

Часть 21. Прочитайте тест и переведите его на русский язык.


I’m a student. I live and study in Nizhny Novgorod. I’m a first year student

of the State Pedagogical University after K. Minin. I’m doing a degree in

management. The course lasts five years.

The university was founded in 1911. Now it occupies seven many-stored

buildings. Besides, it possesses some halls of residence.

I’m a student of group ___. There are ___ students in my group. The

monitor of the group is ___. We entered the university ... ago and since that time

they have studied together. We are studying by correspondence.

In the programme of the first academic year there are the following subjects:

mathematics, physics, English, Russian, physical training, psychology, history and

the other subjects.

In these subjects the students have lectures, seminars and tutorials. A lecture

as well as a seminar lasts 90 minutes. After that we have a ten minutes rest. I work

in the library a lot because I have to write lots of essays.

Every year the students have two terms. At the end of each term they have

an examination session, when they take their exams and tests. The students of

group ____ get only good and excellent marks during the term and pass the

sessions well too.

When I’ve got my degree – a BSc – I want to study for a Master’s degree.


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2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (возможен выбор нескольких


1. At university, students have to …. .

a) attend lectures

b) teach professors

c) take exams and tests

2. A … is a type of class at a university.

a) tutor

b) seminar

c) lecture

3. Some students live and study …

a) at home

b) homesick

c) away from home

4. … are types of teacher.

a) undergraduates

b) professors

c) tutors

5. In order to have enough money, students often … .

a) try to get a grant

b) pay tuition fees

c) have a part-time job.

3. Заполните пробелы подходящими по смыслу словами.


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If you are an …. (1) at university in Britain, you spend a lot of time studying alone,

but you also have to …. (2) a lot of … (3) and … (4). In seminars, the discussion is

usually led by a … (5). You may have to express your opinion on a range of … (6)

topics. In many courses, there is continuous assessment: the … (7) you get for your

… (8) go towards your final …. (9), after which, if you are successful, you … (10).

attend, graduate, undergraduate, essays, result, lectures, tutor, seminars, academic,


4. Подберите определения к данным словам

1) lecture

2) laboratory

3) gym

4) classroom

5) faculty

6) Rector

7) staff

a) a special room that has equipment for doing physical exercise

b) the people who work for an organization:

c) long talk on a particular subject

d) a room that you have lessons in at a school or college

e) the person in charge of certain colleges and schools

f) a department within a university

g) a special room in which a scientist does tests

5. Составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями.

– go to/ attend a lecture

– afford to do something

– conduct a survey / investigation / review etc.

– have a background (in something)

– do a course / take a course on / in

– do / conduct / undertake research in / on

6. Составьте рассказ об учебе в университете.

Контрольная работа №3Для правильного выполнения контрольной работы №3 необходимо

изучить следующий материал:


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1. Условные предложения и сослагательное наклонение.

2. Модальные глаголы.

3. Согласование времен. Косвенная речь.

4. Тема: My native city.

Часть 1Условные предложения

Conditional Sentences1. Значение. Условными предложениями (Conditional Sentences)

называются сложноподчиненные предложения, в которых в придаточном

предложении содержится условие, а в главном предложении – результат

выполнения этого условия. Условие и следствие могут относиться к

настоящему, прошедшему и будущему.

Условные предложения делятся на четыре типа в зависимости от того,

насколько вероятно выполнение данного условия. Эту вероятность

определяет говорящий.

Условное предложение обычно вводится союзом if и выполняет функцию

придаточного предложения в составе сложноподчиненного предложения.

Условное предложение нулевого типа (zero conditional) употребляется для

описания общеизвестных фактов, законов природы, т.е. действий, которые

обязательно должны произойти при каком-то условии:

If temperature is zero, water freezes. – Если температура равна нулю, вода

замерзает. (100% истина)

If you heat water, it boils. – Если вы нагреете воду, она закипит. (100%


Условное предложение первого типа (first conditional) употребляется для

описания реального или вероятного условия в настоящем или будущем, т.е.

для выражения действий, которые могут произойти при каком-либо условии:


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If it rains, I will not go to the park. – Если пойдет дождь, я не пойду в парк.

(я не знаю, пойдет дождь или не пойдет)

If I see Mary, I will tell her. – Если я увижу Мери, я скажу ей. (я могу ее

увидеть, а могу и не увидеть)

Условное предложение второго типа (second conditional) употребляется для

описания нереального или маловероятного условия в настоящем или

будущем, т.е. для выражения нереальных на данный момент действий,

которые невозможны в настоящем или будущем:

If I had a lot of money, I would travel round the world. – Если бы у меня было

много денег, я бы путешествовал по всему свету. (но у меня нет таких


If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain. – Если бы я был на

твоем месте, я бы вел машину аккуратнее во время дождя. (но я не на

твоем месте)

Условное предложение третьего типа (third conditional) употребляется для

описания нереального условия в прошлом, т.е. для выражения нереальных

действий, которые не произошли в прошлом:

If the weather had been nice 2 days ago, I would have gone to the beach. – Если

бы погода была хорошей 2 дня назад, я бы пошел на пляж. (но погода была

плохая, и я не пошел на пляж)

If I had gone to Egypt, I could have learned Arabic. – Если бы я поехал в

Египет, я бы мог выучить арабский язык.

Условное предложение третьего типа – единственный тип условных

предложений, связанный с прошлым.


Если придаточное условное предложение предшествует главному

предложению, оно отделяется запятой. Если придаточное условное

предложение следует за главным предложением, запятая не ставится:


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Ср.: If I had a lot of money, I would travel round the world. I would travel round

the world, if I had a lot of money.

2. Образование.

Тип условного


Условная часть Главная часть Перевод



Present Simple

V / Vs

If you heat water

to 100°C,

Present Simple

V / Vs

it turns into steam.

Если вы нагреете

воду до 1000С,

она превратится в




Present Simple

V / Vs

If we walk faster,

Future Simple

will + V

we will get to the

cinema on time.

Если мы пойдем

быстрее, мы

придем в кино




Past Simple


If I won the


Future in the Past

would +V

I would buy a


Если бы я

выиграл в

лотерею, я купил

бы дом.



Past Perfect

had + V3

If I had known

about this


Future in the Past

(with Prefect


would + have + V3

I would have

made the right


Если бы я знал об

этом открытии,

то принял бы



3. Союзы, используемые в придаточных предложениях условия: if – если,

in case – в случае если, unless – если не, if I were you / in your place / in your

shoes – на вашем месте я бы …

1. Выберете соответствующий вариант ответа.58

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1. I wouldn't have believed it if I...it with my own eyes.

a) didn't see b) haven't seen c) hadn't seen

2. If I hadn't been wearing tight shoes I...the bus quite easily.

a) would catch b) would have caught c) caught

3. He would take me with him if I...ready.

a) were b) had been c) would be

4. If you obeyed my instructions you...into trouble.

a) wouldn't have got b) didn't get c) wouldn’t get

5. If it rains this weekend, we … to go to the country.

a) won’t be able b) aren’t able c) weren’t able

6. I’m sure Jane … if you explained the situation to her.

a) understands b) would understand c) understood

7. He … differently if he had understood the situation..

a) would have acted b) would act c) will act

8. If I … a teacher of English, I would speak in class only in English.

a) will be b) am c) were

9. She won’t believe you unless you … her the truth.

a) tell b) will tell c) told

10. If we … a spare room, you could stay here.

a) have b) will have c) had

11. He won’t do it if you … him.

a) don’t help b) won’t help c) didn’t help

12. If he had studied hard, he (not/to fail) the exam.

a) wouldn’t have failed b) wouldn’t fail c) won’t fail

2. Раскройте скобки и напишите глагол в соответствующей форме.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If he (bring) me the book I'll read it. 2. You wouldn't have so many accidents if

you (drive) slowly. 3. If he didn't ring me up I (not come). 4. What (happen) if I

had pressed the button? 5. If he hadn't written to me I (not answer) him. 6. If she

(learn) about that, she'll get very angry. 7. If I (be) you, I would apologize to her. 8. 59

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We (stay) at home if we had known he was coming. 9. If I’m still ill tomorrow, I

(miss) the chemistry test! 10. If you (tell) me you were going to the beach, I’d have

come with you.

Модальные глаголыModal Verbs

К модальным глаголам (Modal Verbs) в английском языке относятся

следующие глаголы: can (could), may (might), ought to, must, need. Глаголы

to be, to have, will, would, shall, should могут употребляться и как

вспомогательные глаголы и как модальные глаголы (имея модальное

значение и выражая необходимость, желание, намерение совершить


Модальные глаголы не выражают конкретных процессов (действий), а

показывают лишь отношение говорящего к действию, оценку действия.

Модальные глаголы имеют ряд формальных отличительных особенностей:

а) не имеют окончания -s в 3 лице ед. числа настоящего времени группы


She can read. – Она умеет читать.

He will come here. – Он придет сюда.

б) не имеют неличных форм (инфинитива, причастия, герундия),

повелительного наклонения;

в) после них употребляются глаголы в форме инфинитива без частицы to:

You should go. – Вам следует идти.

It may rain today. – Сегодня может пойти дождь.

г) Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются без

вспомогательного глагола:

You should not do like this. – Тебе не следует так делать.

Can you speak English? – Ты можешь говорить по-английски?


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VERB & ITS MEANING PRESENT PAST FUTUREMust1) долженствование, обязанность, настоятельная рекомендация:We must go out.2) запрет:You mustn’t touch these wires.3) уверенность:He must be right.

must had to will have to

Have to1) вынужденная необходимость в силу обстоятельств:I have to wear glasses for reading.2) отсутствие необходимости:I don’t have to be at the meeting.

has to /have to

had to will have to

Be to1) обязанность по договоренности, графику:He is to meet us at the station.2) приказ / запрет:You are to come here on time.3) неизбежность, предрешенность:He was to leave soon.

am/is/are to

was/were to


Should1) совет, обязанность:You look tired. You should go to bed.2) уверенность:The children should be at school now.3) сожаление, упрек по поводу того, что действие было / не было совершено:You missed a great party last night. You should have come. Why didn’t you?I’m feeling sick. I shouldn’t have eaten so much.

should ________ ________

Ought toсовет, обязанность, долженствование, моральный долг:Do you thing I ought to apply for this job?

ought to ________ ________

Can1) физическая способность, навыки, умения:Can you swim? – Yes, I can.2) разрешение или запрет:Can I use your pencil?

can сould / was able


will be able to


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3) просьба:Can / could you lend me your laptop?4) неуверенность, сомнение:It can’t be true.Be able to1) способность, возможность совершения действия в определенной ситуации:I think I’ll be able to do it myself.

am/is/are able to

was/were able to

will be able to

May1) разрешение или запрет, данные другим человеком, законом, обществом:May I come in?2) возможность, вероятность, предсказание:He may be in his office.3) упрек, совет (только might):You might help us, you’re quite free now.

may might will be allowed

Need1) отсутствие необходимости совершить действие:You needn’t do this exercise.2) сожаление по поводу того, что действие было совершено напрасно:You needn’t have gone there.


________ ________

1. Вставьте в пропуски модальные глаголы can / cannot, must, may, be able

to (в соответствующей форме).

1. You … learn this poem by heart. 2. … I take your pen? – I … find mine. 3. Soon

he … speak German. 4. I … visit you today because I … do my homework. 5. If

you have done your homework, you … go for a walk. 6. Ann … draw but she …

draw well. 7. I hope I … go to Sochi next summer. 8. I can’t understand Martin.

I’ve never … understand him. 9. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we …

rescue him. 10. … you skate well? – No, I am afraid I … .

2. Вставьте в пропуски модальные глаголы should или have to (в

соответствующей форме).


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1. Nurses … know how to give people injections. 2. You … eat more fruit and

vegetables. 3. … you … travel abroad in your job? 4. Tom is ill, he … see his

doctor. 5. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your party. I … work late. 6. You … try to

phone your father this week. 7. I am free on Saturday because I … work at the

weekend. 8. You look tired. You … go to bed now. 9. Mike is a teacher. He …

teach different kinds of students. 10. He … wear a suit to work but he usually does.

3. Вставьте в пропуски модальные глаголы mustn’t или don’t / doesn’t

have to.

1. I’ve already learnt the words. I … do it in the evening. 2. You … stay so late

without ringing me. I’m worried. 3. You … speak to the managing director about

it. We’ve already discussed everything. 4. Ann … finish the report now. She can

do it tomorrow. 5. I … forget to call Granny. It’s her birthday tomorrow. 6. You …

watch the film if you don’t want to. 7. You … watch the film. It’s not for children.

8. It’s a secret. You … give the information to anybody. 9. They … give me an

answer immediately. I can wait. 10. He is better today. He … stay in bed.

4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Mike … play the piano very well. And what about you?

a) can b) should c) must

2. I … skate when I was little.

a) can’t b) couldn’t c) mustn’t

3. We … hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.

a) can’t b) needn’t c) must

4. … you help me with this task?

a) Could b) Must c) may

5. I’m sorry I’m late. … I come in?

a) Must b) Should c) May

6. … you speak any fore any languages?

a) Can b) Should c) May63

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7. It’s raining. You … take an umbrella.

a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should

8. You … go there at once. It’s really very urgent.

a) don’t have to b) needn’t c) must

9. When I was young, I … run for miles.

a) could b) must c) should

10. “… I smoke here?” – “No, you mustn’t”.

a) Must b) May c) Should

11. You … drive carefully on a busy road.

a) can b) should c) may

12. I don’t feel very well today. … leave a bit earlier?

a) Should b) May c) Must

13. Yesterday I stayed at home because I … help my father.

a) must b) had to c) could

14. You … use my dictionary as long as you like.

a) must b) have to c) may

15. “I can’t find my umbrella.” – “You … have left it in the restaurant last night.”

a) should b) might c) had to

5. Перефразируйте ситуации, используя подходящие по смыслу

модальные глаголы.

1. I advise you to stop eating chocolate. You … stop eating chocolate.

2. I insist that you do your homework. You … do your homework.

3. Will you let me speak to David, please? …. I speak to David, please?

4. Talking is not permitted during the test. You … talk during the test.

5. It isn’t right to speak to your mother like that. You … speak to your mother like


6. It isn’t possible for him to come to the party. He … come to the party.


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7. He is obliged to go to the police station once a week. He … to go to the police

station once a week.

8. It’s forbidden to feed the animals in the Zoo. You … feed the animals in the


9. It isn’t necessary to dust the furniture. You … dust the furniture.

10. Perhaps they’ll come with us. They … come with us.

Согласование времен The Sequence of Tenses

В английском языке время глагола-сказуемого в придаточном предложении

зависит от глагола-сказуемого в главном. Согласование времен заключается

в следующем:

1. Если в главной части сказуемое стоит в одной из форм прошедшего

времени, то в придаточном предложении может употребляться тоже одно из

прошедших времен:

– для обозначения одновременных действий в придаточном предложении

употребляется Past Simple или Past Continuous. Глагол в придаточном

предложении переводим на русский язык глаголом в настоящем времени.

He knew that she lived in London. – Он знал, что она живет в Лондоне.

She was sure that her son was doing his homework at that time. – Она была

уверена, что ее сын делает свою домашнюю работу в то время.

Для обозначений действий, предшествующих действию в главном

предложении, в придаточном предложении употребляется Past Perfect.

Глагол в придаточном предложении переводим на русский язык глаголом в

прошедшем времени.

He said he had seen that film before. – Он сказал, что смотрел этот фильм


Для обозначений действий, которые произойдут в будущем с точки зрения

прошедшего времени, в придаточном предложении употребляется Future-in-


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the-Past. Глагол в придаточном предложении переводим на русский язык

глаголом в будущем времени.

He informed us that he would go to Paris soon. – Он сообщил нам, что

поедет в Париж вскоре.

2. Если в главном предложении сказуемое стоит в одной из форм настоящего

или будущего времени, то сказуемое в придаточном предложении может

стоять в любой форме, которая требуется по смыслу:

He says that he was busy yesterday.

He says that he will be busy tomorrow.

He says that he is busy.

Согласование времен не соблюдается в следующих случаях:

1. Если придаточное предложение выражает общеизвестный факт или

неопровержимую истину:

The teacher told us that honesty is the best policy. – Учитель говорил нам, что

честность – лучшая политика.

Copernicus proved that the earth moves round the sun. – Коперник доказал,

что земля вращается вокруг солнца.

2. В придаточном предложении модальные глаголы ought to, must, should

употребляются только в одной неизменяемой форме:

She says (told) I ought to tell about this. – Она сказала, что я должна

рассказать об этом.

3. Если в придаточном предложении указано время совершения действия:

Linda said she called her doctor 2 hours ago. – Линда сказала, что звонила

доктору 2 часа назад.

4. В предложениях, в придаточных которых употребляется сослагательное


Не said that if he had time he would go to the pictures. – Он сказал, что, если

бы у него было время, он сходил бы в кино.


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Косвенная речьReported Speech

Прямая речь – это чья-либо речь, передаваемая без изменений. На письме она

заключается в кавычки: "…". Все знаки препинания ставятся внутри кавычек,

тире не ставится.

Косвенная речь передает лишь содержание слов говорящего. Она

представляет собой дополнительное придаточное предложение, вводимое

союзом that – что, который в разговорной речи часто опускается. В

косвенной речи соблюдается правило согласования времен.

Способы передачи косвенной речи:

Типы предложений

Type of sentences

Прямая речьDirect Speech

Косвенная речьReported Speech


He says, “I often play


He said to me, “You are


He said, “I must call her


He said, “I saw this show


He says that he often plays


He told me that I was wrong.

He said that he had to call her


He said that he had seen that

show the day before.

Повелительное He says to me, “Get your


He said to me, “Don’t go


He said, “You’d better not

drink this water.”

He tells me to get my coat.

He asked me not to go away.

He advised me not to drink that



He said, “What a good idea!” He exclaimed that it was a good


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He said, “Thank you!”

He said, “Liar!”


He thanked me.

He called her a liar.

Вопроситель-ное– общий вопрос

He asks, “Is anyone here?”

He asked, “Did you see the


He asked, “Will you be here


He asks if anyone is there.

He asked whether I had seen the


He wondered if I would be there

the next day.

– специальный вопрос

He says, “Laura, when is the

next flight?”

He asked, “Why didn’t you

come yesterday?”

He asked, “When shall I see

you again?”

He asks Laura when the next

flight is.

He asked why we hadn’t come

the day before.

He wondered when he would see

her again.

При переводе в косвенную речь следует помнить о «сдвиге времен», т.е. о

правиле согласования времен. Времена меняются следующим образом:

Present Simple – Past Simple

Present Continuous – Past Continuous

Present Perfect – Past Perfect

Past Simple – Past Perfect

Past Continuous – Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect – Past Perfect Continuous

Future Tenses – Future Tenses – in-the Past

Am / is - was

Are – were

Has / have – had

Don’t /doesn’t – didn’t

Can – could

Must – must / had to68

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Will – would

Shall – should

Изменение обстоятельств времени и места при переводе из прямой речи

в косвенную:

Прямая речь

Direct Speech

Косвенная речь

Reported Speech




the day after tomorrow

in two days


the day before yesterday

two days ago

a year ago

last week / year

next week / year

that day, the same day

that night

the next day, the following day, the day after

in two days’ time

two days later

the day before, the previous day

two days before

two days before, two days earlier

a year before, the previous year

the previous week / year, the week / year before

the following week / year, the week / year after, the

next week / year



this / these

then, immediately


that / those

1. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. “Speak up, please,” said the teacher to the student. 2. “Don’t worry about me,”

said Nick to his mother. 3. Ann said to her sister: “I have met Tommy in the street

today.” 4. John said to Nellie: “I went to Paris last year.” 5. George said: “It was so

difficult to win the game.” 6. Terry said to me: “My parents will take me to the

next expedition with them.” 7. She said: “I am going to leave for Moscow tonight.”

8. My children said: “We will not do our homework until you buy us ice-cream.”


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9. Charlie said to Sue: “I am living in London now”. 10. Judy said; “I don’t know

what Fred is doing”.

2. Передайте следующие вопросы в косвенной речи.

1. “Will you get the tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday?” asked she her brother.

2. “Why are you so gloomy?” asked Jack his sister. 3. “Were you present at the

meeting yesterday?” asked Mary her husband. 4. The chief asked: “Did you meet

the delegation yesterday?” 5. The doctor asked: “What temperature do you have?”

6. My friend asked me: “Can you show me your photo?” 7. “Are you working

today?” asked Jim his friend. 8. Margaret asked Tommy: “When did you see

Helen?” 9. “What will you do?” asked Jim his brother. 10. “Do you enjoy soap

operas?” said Ann.

Часть 21. Прочитайте тест и переведите его на русский язык.


Nizhny Novgorod is one of the largest cities in Russia. As for the population

and industrial development it ranks third after Moscow and St. Petersburg. The city

was founded in 1221 by Duke Yuri Vsevolodovitch. It is situated on the great

Russian river Volga, at the place where the Oka falls into it.

Before 1917 it was rather a big merchant town with numerous churches but

with less than 30 schools. There were many narrow and crooked streets with small

wooden houses. The city has changed since then. It has become a large industrial

and cultural centre with more than a million population.

There are many plants in Nizhny Novgorod which are known not only in our

country but throughout the world. The major plants are located over the rivers. The

most important is the Gorky Automobile Plant manufacturing Volga cars. The

decision of our Soviet government to build the first automobile plant in Gorky was


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of great importance for the development of the city. The city, in which there were

only six automobiles in 1913, has become the centre of Soviet motor-car industry.

Another industrial giant is the Sormovo Shipyards which produce a vast scope of

sea and river vessels. Still major plant is the Gorky Aircraft Co. putting out combat


Now Nizhny Novgorod is one of the greatest cultural centres of the country.

There are five theatres in Nizhny Novgorod: the Drama Theatre, the Opera and

Ballet theatre, the Comedy theatre, the Puppet Show and the Theatre for Young


There is a philharmonic, a palace of sports, a circus, to say nothing of

numerous cinemas, clubs, houses of culture and libraries which are at the disposal

of the people.

Nizhny Novgorod is a city of students. It is famous for establishments of

higher education: Lobachevsky University, the Technical University, the

Architecture and Civil Engineers Academy, the Linguistic University, the Medical

Academy are among the leaders in the Russia’s educational system.

There are many sights, historical buildings, places worth seeing in Nizhny

Novgorod. For example, Kashirin cottage, the Kremlin, the Art Museum, the

Gorky Museum and others.

The centre of the city is the Kremlin / Old Town / surrounded by the thick

red-brick walls and towers. The brickwork is covered with a wooden roof and has

numerous slots for shooting arrows. The main watch tower is decorated with a

seven feet coat of arms depicting a deer.

Large squares, buildings of modern construction, parks, bridges and

embankments decorate the city. Just beside the Kremlin the main street of the city

starts. It’s Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street. Several years ago it was turned into a

pedestrian street – a major leisure place. Numerous cafes, cinemas, two theatres

and the Central Bank are located there. There are many shops selling clothes,

books, pictures, records, handicrafts on it. One more leisure area is the


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Embankment with several cafes and very comfortable «Oktyabrskaya» and

«Volzhsky Otkos» hotels.

The inhabitants of the city are proud of the outstanding people who were

born here: Gorky, Sverdlov, Lobachevsky, Dobrolubov, Balakirev and some

others. Many monuments decorate the city, among them the monument to Gorky,

Chkalov, Minin.

The face of the city has changed and is still changing. Old houses are pulled

down and replaced by new ones. Many multistoried houses have been built and are

being built both in the centre and on the outskirts of the city. They offer people all

modern conveniences. Many new districts with wide straight streets and avenues

have grown in Nizhny Novgorod.

Nizhny Novgorod is visited by tourists who like to go sightseeing and can’t

help admiring the city which looks very picturesque indeed from the Volga and the


2. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений в тексте.

Промышленное развитие, узкие и извилистые улицы, известны по всему

миру, очень важный, не говоря уже о, в распоряжении жителей, среди

лидеров, герб, превратился в, выдающиеся люди, многоэтажные, предлагать

современные удобства

3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. When was Nizhny Novgorod founded?

2. Where is the city situated?

3. What town was it before 1917?

4. What plants are there in Nizhny Novgorod?

5. Why is Nizhny Novgorod one of the greatest cultural centers?

6. What establishments of higher learning are there in Nizhny Novgorod?

7. What sights in Nizhny Novgorod are worth seeing?


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8. What is special about Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street?

9. What outstanding people were born in Nizhny Novgorod?

10. How has the face of the city changed?

11. Why is Nizhny Novgorod popular with tourists?

4. Заполните пропуски, затем воспроизведите краткое содержание


Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1221 by … . It is … on two rivers … and … .

Before 1917 it was rather a big … town. The city has … since then. It has … a

large … center. The decision of our … … to build the first … … in Gorky was of

great… . Nizhny Novgorod is one of the … cultural centers of the country. There is

a play house, an opera house, a comedy and other … . The face of the city has … .

Old houses are … down. Many multistoried houses have been … . Many new

districts have … in Nizhny Novgorod. Large squares, parks, bridges and

embankments … the city. There are many places … … in Nizhny Novgorod for

example the Kremlin, the Art Museum and others. The inhabitants of the city are

… of the people who were … here.

Приложение 1

Задания для итогового контроляКурс 1 семестр 1

Вариант 1

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Toyota expects their operating profits … 35 per cent.

1) surged 2) surging 3) will surge 4) surge

2. The company has … product on the market of similar goods.


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1) cheapest 2) cheaper 3) the cheapest 4) more cheap

3. They expect the report … ready on Monday.

1) is 2) are 3) will be 4) were

4. He … the new company structure at next month's meeting.

1) is presenting 2) presents 3) will be presenting 4) presented

5. The production … on many factors.

1) depend 2) depends 3) depended 4) depending

6. He … on an official visit to Italy yesterday.

1) is 2) will be 3) were 4) was

7. The company …at the moment.

1) expand 2) expands 3) is expanding 4) will be expanding

8. Two months ago the company … new sales offices in France and Singapore.

1) set up 2) is setting up 3) will set up 4) was setting up

9. … they … this plant in South America last month?

1) Did … visit 2) Did … visited 3) Is … visiting 4) Are … visiting

10. We will turn to other suppliers who will quote … prices.

1) good 2) the best 3) better 4) best

Курс 1 семестр 1

Вариант 2

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. They usually … their prices at the beginning of the year.

1) raise 2) is raising 3) raised 4) will raise

2. They … a special committee for this purpose soon.

1) forms 2) formed 3) will form 4) are forming

3. It … economic foundation for peace in the Middle East last year.


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1) places 2) placed 3) place 4) will place

4. They … partners for a few years.

1) is 2) was 3) will be 4) were

5. We can assure you our prices are …

1) lowest 2) lower 3) the most low 4) the lowest

6. Which project … on?

1) they are working 2) are they working 3) are they work 4) do they working

7. They … very reliable customers.

1) are 2) is 3) be 4) being

8. … cause of economic growth is the increase in technical knowledge.

1) most important 2) more important 3) important 4) the most important

9. They … the price problem at that moment.

1) are discussing 2) were discussing 3) discussing 4) discuss

10. … on many factors?

1) the production depend 2) do the production depend

3) does the production depends 4) does the production depend

Курс 1 семестр 2Вариант 1

1. Since then I ______ my job several time.a) changed b) has changed c) have changed

2. «You ______ your hair», he cried.a) have dyed b) dyed c) dye

3. Jane ______ suddenly that there was a letter attached to the painting.a) found b) has found c) had found

4. I ______ that point yet. 75

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a) haven’t considered b) didn’t consider c) not considered

5. Mary isn’t at home. She ______ to work.a) went b) was c) has gone

6. No, I have not. a) Have you written a poem?

b) Have you ever written a poem?

c) Have you ever writed a poem?

7. At the art-school.a) Where they have talked about art?

b) When have they talked about art?

c) Where have they talked about art?

8. I have heard the song every day. a) How often have you heard the song?

b) Have you often heard the song?

c) How often have you heart the song?

9. I hope they ______ this unpleasant episode by the time they meet again. a) will have forgotten b) ‘ll be forgotten c) forget

10. We ______ the camp by 10 o’clock, I believe.a) reached b) were reaching c) will have reached

11. I hope, we ______ half of our way by tomorrow.a) will have drived b) are driving c) ’ll have driven

12. We’ll ______ decorating the room before you get back.a) finish b) have finished c) will finish

13. By the end of August we’ll ______.a) have moved b) would move c) will move

14. We could not send you a postcard because we _____ our address book.a) have forgotten b) had forgotted c) had forgotten

15. I _____ the key that he had given to me. a) lost b) losted c) had lost

16. She put on the red dress, which she _____ for ages. a) has not worn b) not had worn c) had not worn

17. _____ your homework before you went to the cinema?


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a) Had you finished b) Did you finished c) You had finished

18. I _____ downstairs because I had heard a noisea) go b) had gone c) went

19. The building ______ two years ago.a) destroyed b) was destroyed c) is destroyed

20. I ______ by the news he had told me the day before.a) am surprising b) surprised c) was surprised

21. ______ he ______ at the airport tomorrow?a) Is … being met b) Will … be meet c) Was … met

22. The police ______ to me. a) is hands b) was handed c) will be handing

23. I ______ into buying a motorbike by Martha.a) was talked b) talk c) have been talked

24. Yesterday the whole programme ______ over to a report from Bosnia.a) has been given b) was given c) gave

25. Angela went to London last year. – Напишите 5 вопросов к данному предложению (1) общий; 2) альтернативный; 3) разделительный; 4) специальный; 5) вопрос к подлежащему).

Курс 1 семестр 2Вариант 2

1. The children ... to the zoo.а) were enjoyed taken в) enjoyed being taken с) were enjoyed taking

2. He ______ for nearly 12 hours.а) operates with в) is operated at с) was operated on

3. His decision ______.а) approves of в) was approved of

4. The land next to our house ______.77

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а) has been bought в) have been bought с) was being bought

5. The tennis court ______ so we couldn’t play.а) has been used в) was used с) was being used

6. Better results ______ soon.а) will be expected в) are expected с) expect

7. Before he gets home from school tonight Peter will ______ three bars of chocolate.а) ate в) eat с) have eaten

8. By the time the software goes on sale, the company ______ 5 million dollars on developing it. а) will spend в) will have spent с) spent

9. When you get back, I will ______ the front door.а) am painting в) have painted

10. John is going to spend a year away from his family in Peru. By the time he sees his children again he ______ what they look like.а) will have forgotten в) will be forgetting с) will forget

11. I am sure you ______ my letter of resignation by now.а) receive в) will be receiving с) will have received

12. When they came home, Sue _____ dinner already. а) has cooked в) had cooked с) had cooking

13. Why _____ the bathroom before you bathed the dog? а) had you cleaned в) you had cleaned с) had you clean

14. The waiter served something that we _____.а) have not ordered в) had not ordered с) not had ordered

15. Had she found a place to stay when she ____ to Boston? а) will go в) went с) go

16. His mother was angry because he ____ her with the shopping. а) have not helped в) not had helped с) had not helped

17. Father has.


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а) Who have cooked dinner?

в) Who has cooked the dinner?

с) Who has cooked dinner?

18. Caron has read 89 pages.а) How much pages has Caron read?

в) How many pages has Caron red?

с) How many pages has Caron read?

19. Marilyn has.а) Has Marilyn paid? в) Has Marilyn paided the

bill?с) Who has paid the bill?

20. I ______ the letter you asked about.а) brought в) ‘d brought с) ‘ve brought

21. ______ you ______ dinner already?а) Did ... have в) Were ... having с) Have ... had

22. He ______ his driving test. He is so happy. He hasn’t been able to pass it for three years.а) has just passed в) have just passed с) just passed

23. I ______ my keys. I can’t get in.а) Have lost в) lost с) have losed

24. The taxi ______. Hurry up!а) arrives в) have arrived с) has irrived

25. Willie usually walks to work. - Напишите 5 вопросов к данному предложению (1) общий; 2) альтернативный; 3) разделительный; 4) специальный; 5) вопрос к подлежащему).

Приложение 2

Список основных неправильных глаголов


(I форма)

Past Simple

(II форма)

Past Participle

(III форма)


be was, were been быть

become became become становиться

begin began begun начинать

break broke broken ломать


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  bring brought brought приносить

  build built built строить

  burn burnt burnt жечь, гореть

  buy bought bought покупать

  catch caught caught ловить

  choose chose chosen выбирать

  come came come приходить

  cost cost cost стоить

  cut cut cut резать

  do did done делать

  draw drew drawn 1. рисовать 2. тянуть

  drink drank drunk пить

  eat ate eaten есть

  fall fell fallen падать

  feel felt felt чувствовать

  fight fought fought бороться

  find found found находить

  fly flew flown летать

  forget forgot forgotten забывать

  get got gotten получать

  give gave given давать

  go went gone идти

  grow grew grown расти

  have had had обладать, иметь

  hear heard heard слышать

  hide hid hidden прятать

  hit hit hit ударять

  hold held held держать

  keep kept kept хранить

  know knew known знать


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  lead led led вести

  leave left left покидать

  let let let позволять

  lose lost lost терять

  make made made делать

  mean meant meant означать

  meet met met встречать

  put put put класть

  read read read читать

  ride rode ridden ездить верхом

  run ran run бежать

  say said said сказать

  see saw seen видеть

  sell sold sold продавать

  send sent sent отправлять

set set set помещать

  sing sang sung петь

  sit sat sat сидеть

  sleep slept slept спать

  speak spoke spoken разговаривать

  spend spent spent тратить

  stand stood stood стоять

steal stole stolen красть, похищать

  swim swam swum плавать

  take took taken брать

  teach taught taught преподавать, учить

  tell told told рассказать

  think thought thought думать

  understand understood understood понимать

  wear wore worn носить (одежду)


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  win won won выигрывать

  write wrote written писать

Список использованной литературы1. Anderson V., Holley G., Metcalf R. Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate

Students With Key. – 3rd edition. – Longman Pearson, 2007. – 192 p.

2. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book

for intermediate students / R. Murphy. – 4th edition. Cambridge University Press,

2015. – 392p.

3. Минеева О.А. Деловое общение на английском языке: учебно-

методическое пособие. – Н. Новгород: НГПУ, 2016. – 78 с.

4. Угарова Е.В. Английская грамматика в таблицах. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2012.

– 128 с.


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5. Цветкова С.Е., Даричева М.В. Английский язык для бакалавров

направления подготовки «Сервис». – Н. Новгород: НГПУ, 2014. – 123c.

6. Шкунова В. К., Костюкова И.А. Комплект контрольных заданий для

системной подготовки по предмету «Английский язык»: Учебно-

методическое пособие. – Н. Новгород: ВГИПУ, 2006. – 82 с.


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Учебное издание

Минеева Ольга Александровна



Учебно-методическое пособие