Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustín Arévalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Teléfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 ema il:  [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el nº 15 DF-D-351 Edición: 2 01/02/2013 MODELO DE PRUEBAS/ TAREAS DEL EXAMEN DE ACREDITACIÓN B1 INGLÉS (Modelo ACLES) [B1] Ejemplo de tarea de uso de la lengua   vocabulario: Esta parte consta de 20 ítems de vocabulario que pueden ser de diferentes tipos: a. Ítem de re spuesta alternativa o respuesta múltiple. El candidato debe elegir una respuesta correcta de entre tres/cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, solo una es correcta, mientras que las demás son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas. b. Ítem de respuesta corta con un máximo de palabras (entre 1 y 4). No es necesario escribir oraciones completas. Ejemplo item a.: Questions 01-10: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. The first one is done for you.  The skies above The weather has a big (0) ….B…. on our lives. Consider the difference (1) ………. waking up on a bright, sunny morning and waking up on a dark, wet and cold morning . Don’t you feel positive in the first case and maybe sad in the second? We use weather words to (2) ………. about the way we feel. For example, if somebody (3) ………. angry, their face “clouds over”. We do different things […] 0 A. difference B. influence C. decision D. cause 1 A. with B. between C. of D. among 2 A. inform B. tell C. describe D. talk 3 A. becomes B. goes C. makes D. runs Ejemplo item b.: Questions 41-45: Complete using the correct form of the words in bold. 41. Be ___________! You will receive some news today, don’t worry… PATIENCE 42. I’m so __________... My boyfriend left me, I lost my job and now I’m i ll…  HAPPY 43. I was so happy with his __________. He was really nice!  REACT

Modelo de Acreditacion b1

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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013


    [B1] Ejemplo de tarea de uso de la lengua vocabulario: Esta parte consta de 20 tems de vocabulario que pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una

    respuesta correcta de entre tres/cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, solo una es

    correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

    b. tem de respuesta corta con un mximo de palabras (entre 1 y 4). No es necesario escribir oraciones completas.

    Ejemplo item a.:

    Questions 01-10: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each

    question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. The first one is done for you.

    The skies above

    The weather has a big (0) .B. on our lives. Consider the difference (1) . waking up on a

    bright, sunny morning and waking up on a dark, wet and cold morning. Dont you feel positive

    in the first case and maybe sad in the second? We use weather words to (2) . about the

    way we feel. For example, if somebody (3) . angry, their face clouds over.

    We do different things []

    0 A. difference B. influence C. decision D. cause

    1 A. with B. between C. of D. among

    2 A. inform B. tell C. describe D. talk

    3 A. becomes B. goes C. makes D. runs

    Ejemplo item b.:

    Questions 41-45: Complete using the correct form of the words in bold.

    41. Be ___________! You will receive some news today, dont worry PATIENCE

    42. Im so __________... My boyfriend left me, I lost my job and now Im ill HAPPY

    43. I was so happy with his __________. He was really nice! REACT

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    [B1] Ejemplo de tarea de uso de la lengua gramtica: Esta parte consta de 20 tems de gramtica que pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una

    respuesta correcta de entre tres/cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, solo una es

    correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

    b. tem de respuesta corta con un mximo de palabras (entre 1 y 4). Las contracciones cuentan como una palabra, por ejemplo isnt. La respuesta se considera incorrecta si excede del nmero de palabras especificado en las instrucciones del ejercicio. No es necesario escribir oraciones completas.

    Ejemplo tem a.: Questions 21-30: Circle the correct answer (A, B or C).

    21. You arent going to the party, _____?

    a. you are b. are you c. arent you

    22. Could you tell me what _____?

    a. is your phone number b. your phone number is c. your phone number

    23. Ill pay, she said.

    Anna said that ____.

    a. she will pay. b. she would pay. c. she pays.

    Ejemplo tem b.: Questions 11-15: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. Use no more than three words. 11. They know they wont get better if they dont practise.

    They know they wont get better ____________________ they practise.

    12. James can ski well.

    James is ____________________ skiing.

    13. Entrance at weekends is more expensive than on weekdays.

    Entrance on weekdays is ____________________ than at weekends.

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    [B1] Ejemplo de tarea de comprensin lectora: Esta parte consta de dos tareas: una que contiene una serie de textos cortos, entre 5 y 6, (anuncios publicitarios, cartelera, mensajes personales y avisos, opiniones, noticias breves) de entre 60 y 100 palabras cada uno, sumando un mnimo de 500 palabras en total; una segunda tarea basada en un texto de mayor extensin (narrativo, descriptivo, de opinin, informativo, etc.) de entre 400 y 450 palabras. Habr entre 10 y 20 tems en total. Los tems pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una respuesta correcta entre tres o cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, slo una es correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

    b. tem de respuesta verdadera o falsa. El candidato debe elegir si el contenido de la frase propuesta se corresponde o no con el texto.

    c. tem de reintegracin de un fragmento a un texto. El candidato debe insertar en su ubicacin original una palabra o un fragmento de texto que previamente se ha extrado del mismo. Puede haber fragmentos que no corresponden al texto y actan como distractores.

    d. tem de ordenamiento. El candidato debe ordenar los prrafos de un texto o poner en orden cronolgico los acontecimientos de un texto.

    Ejemplo tem a.: READING 1

    Read the text in each question. What does it say? Mark the correct letter A, B, C or D.

    1. Do you feel anxious when you cant update your Facebook profile, read

    your emails or tweet? If so, you may be suffering from FOMO. A new

    survey says that 56% of people suffer from FOMO when they stay away

    from social networks. The term has recently entered the Oxford English

    dictionary. It stands for fear of missing out. The dictionary definition is anxiety that an

    exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by

    posts seen on a social media website. 27% of those who participated in the survey

    admitted that checking their social media feeds is the first thing they do when they wake


    Which is the best definition of FOMO according to the text?

    A worrying that if you are not at a party or event you are missing something great

    B compulsive checking for status updates and messages on social networks for fear

    of missing an opportunity.

    C the fear that you may lose your smartphone

    D feeling sad because you have not been invited to an exciting party or event

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    2. How many mobile phones have you had in your life and what do you do

    with the old, broken ones? Most people throw them away. In fact,

    digital waste is a growing problem for society. Dutch designer Dave

    Hakken has come up with an amazing idea to reduce such waste. The

    Phoneblocks concept is a mobile phone made up of little blocks that can be replaced

    when they stop working. This means that you can keep your phone forever and just

    replace the broken parts. You can also build the ideal phone for your personal needs.

    The designer is trying to spread the word about his idea. His goal is to find 50,000

    supporters so that the mobile phone industry will take notice.

    What is Phoneblocks?

    A a new system to recycle mobiles phones

    B a new kind of smartphone

    C a new idea to build mobile phones that last longer

    D a new mobile phone that never breaks

    Ejemplo tem b.: READING 2 Look at the sentences below about working on a childrens summer camp. Read the text and decide if each sentence (1 to 10) is correct or incorrect. If its correct, mark T; if its not correct, mark F. Justify your answer according to the text.

    Summer jobs in childrens camps

    Camp America is an organization that runs over 12,000 childrens summer camps in the USA. All

    the camps are in the countryside and some are in areas of outstanding natural beauty. Different

    types of camps are available. While some are designed mainly for sports activities, others are

    suitable for children with different interests. Accommodation is provided at the majority of

    camps but some children attend during the day and return home in the evening.

    Camp America offers a variety of summer jobs for young people. Some allow you to work

    directly with children teaching sport, dancing or arts and require relevant qualifications. There

    are other jobs working with children, however, that do not require special skills or

    qualifications. In these roles you help to run activities and take care of children after organised

    events have finished.

    If you do not want to work with children, there are other jobs available, such as office work,

    laundry work and food preparation. You do not have responsibility for any children in these

    roles, so you often have more free time in the evenings.

    You can make paper or online applications for summer camp jobs. To complete a paper

    application you need to write us requesting a form which you then need to complete and

    return. We will send you a list of interviewers located in your area and you need to select one to

    arrange a convenient time for an interview. You can apply online by visiting our How to Apply

    Section on our main website. Here you can fill out our application form and select an


  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    There are certain general requirements that all applicants must meet: you must be 18 years of

    age or older, speak fluent English and be able to provide two references. It is also essential that

    you are available for work for a minimum of nine weeks and able to leave for the USA no later

    than June 28 and return no earlier than August 24.

    If you are successful at interview, we will inform you immediately where you will be working in

    the USA. We will also help you with your visa application. This involves attending an interview at

    the US embassy in your home country. We will also have to pay the embassy fee for visa

    applications. This fee is currently $100 but can increase without notice.

    We arrange your free return flights and your transfer by bus from the airport to your summer

    camp. While you are working at the camp you receive pocket money and free accommodation

    and food. You may choose to travel around the USA once your work has finished. If you inform

    us, we can arrange a later return flight.

    Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Remember to justify your answer according to

    the text.

    1. Each summer camp offers the same sports facilities. ___

    2. Some children leave their summer camp after the day-time activities have finished. ___

    3. You must be qualified to do any work with children at the summer camps. ___

    4. If you work in the camp kitchen, you may not need to work evenings. ___

    5. It is possible to choose who will interview you. ___

    6. You can apply for a summer camp job on the internet. ___

    7. Job offers are for a maximum of nine weeks. ___

    8. You will be told which camp you are working at on your arrival in the USA. ___

    9. You may have to pay more than $100 for your visa. ___

    10. If you stay in the USA after your job finishes, you have to book your own return flight.


    [B1] Ejemplo de tarea de comprensin auditiva: Esta parte consta de dos textos grabados, adecuados para el nivel B1, de diferente tipologa, por ejemplo: dilogos breves, textos narrativos, descriptivos o de opinin; pueden ser de tipo formal o informal, con una duracin de entre 2 y 3 minutos por texto o conjunto de microtextos. Cada grabacin se escucha dos veces. Habr entre 10 y 20 tems en total. Los tems pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una respuesta correcta de entre tres opciones. En todos los casos, slo una es correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    b. tem de relacionar o emparejar. El candidato debe relacionar enunciados con las distintas partes de la audicin.

    c. tem de respuesta corta con un mximo de cuatro palabras. No es necesario escribir frases completas.

    Ejemplo tem a.: LISTENING 1: You will hear an announcement about whats on television tomorrow. For each question, circle the correct answer a,b or c.

    1. The Railway Princess is on television from

    a. 9:00 to 10:00 b. 9:00 to 10:30 c. 9:30 to 11:00

    2. There is a music program for teenagers

    a. early in the morning b. before lunch c. at lunchtime

    3. You can see a football match between

    a. Ireland and Spain b. Brazil and Ireland c. Spain and Italy

    Transcripcin Listening 1

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    Ejemplo tem b.: LISTENING 2: You will hear five messages left on an answer phone. For each question, fill in the missing information in the blank spaces. These messages were on the answer phone:

    1. Sarah Smith rang to say she left her _______________________ behind yesterday.

    2. Alex arrives about 6.00 tomorrow evening. Please collect him from station when he

    rings. He has lots of ___________________________!

    3. Helen phoned to invite you to have lunch on Saturday. Has friends visiting from


    4. Premier Travel say holiday tickets have arrived. Change of departure time from 7.30

    a.m. to _____________________ a.m. This means 7.30 check-in!

    5. Mary called. Problem at Australian ___________________. Call at once. Shes at home

    after 7.00.

    Transcript Listening 2

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    [B1] Ejemplo de tarea de expresin escrita: Consiste en la redaccin de dos textos:

    uno de interaccin (breve carta informal, correo electrnico, nota breve, entrada de blog o foro) de entre 80 y 100 palabras.

    otro de expresin (carta formal, artculo, narracin, opinin, etc.) de entre 120 y 150 En ambas tareas se proporcionar informacin que ayude a acotar y contextualizar el texto de salida. Longitud mxima entre los dos de 250 palabras.

    Ejemplo de interaccin :

    You have received this email from your supervisor at work. Reply to her message with your ideas. Keep it short, simple and informal. Write between 80 and 100 words.

    Dear all, Im trying to get some ideas from people in the office for any changes that would make our staff happier in their jobs. Can you write me a short message with your personal recommendations or suggestions? Many thanks, Susan


    Ejemplo de expresin :

    You want to help a conservation project and have decided to write an article for a local newspaper to inform your community about the project and encourage them to give money. Write your article using 120 and 150 words. In the article you should:

    explain briefly what the conservation project is about

    state why the project is important

    encourage people to give money and provide instructions on how they can send it

    indicate if there are other ways in which they can help ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    [B1] Ejemplo de tarea de expresin oral: Consiste en una entrevista en pareja de entre 8 y 10 minutos. Incluye:

    a. Preguntas sobre la vida cotidiana, trabajo, estudios, intereses etc. b. Descripcin de una foto o comparacin de dos fotos. Preguntas generales sobre un

    tema relacionado con la(s) foto(s). c. Dilogo entre los dos candidatos (basado en estmulos visuales o verbales).

    Ejemplo tarea a.:

    Ask your partner questions to find out some information about each other

    Ejemplo tarea b.:

    Think about your photograph for a few seconds, then describe it to your partner for about a minute. Tell your partner about these things:

    Where are the people?

    What are they doing?

    What are they wearing?

    How do they feel?

    What else is there in your picture?

    Candidate A

    Candidate B

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: www.fg.ull.es C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    Ejemplo tarea c.:

    You are going on a camping trip in the mountains with some friends. There are some things you could take with you. Decide together which of the things you will take. Discuss things like:

    What the weather will be like

    Which things will be most useful

    What you will need