Mol Biol Evol 1999 Bandelt 37 48

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  • 8/10/2019 Mol Biol Evol 1999 Bandelt 37 48



    Mol. Biol. Evol.16(1):3748. 1999

    1999 by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. ISSN: 0737-4038

    Median-Joining Networks for Inferring Intraspecific Phylogenies

    Hans-Jurgen Bandelt, Peter Forster, and Arne Rohl

    Mathematisches Seminar, Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

    Reconstructing phylogenies from intraspecific data (such as human mitochondrial DNA variation) is often a chal-lenging task because of large sample sizes and small genetic distances between individuals. The resulting multitudeof plausible trees is best expressed by a network which displays alternative potential evolutionary paths in the form

    of cycles. We present a method (median joining [MJ]) for constructing networks from recombination-free pop-ulation data that combines features of Kruskals algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees by favoring shortconnections, and Farriss maximum-parsimony (MP) heuristic algorithm, which sequentially adds new vertices calledmedian vectors, except that our MJ method does not resolve ties. The MJ method is hence closely related to theearlier approach of Foulds, Hendy, and Penny for estimating MP trees but can be adjusted to the level of homoplasyby setting a parameter . Unlike our earlier reduced median (RM) network method, MJ is applicable to multistatecharacters (e.g., amino acid sequences). An additional feature is the speed of the implemented algorithm: a sampleof 800 worldwide mtDNA hypervariable segment I sequences requires less than 3 h on a Pentium 120 PC. The MJmethod is demonstrated on a Tibetan mitochondrial DNA RFLP data set.


    The phylogenetic median-joining (MJ) network al-gorithm which we present here offers new features com-pared with our previous reduced median (RM) network

    algorithm (Bandelt et al. 1995) in that it can handle larg-er sets of genetic data, as well as multistate data suchas amino acid sequences. The MJ method begins withthe minimum spanning trees, all combined within a sin-

    gle (reticulate) network. Aiming at parsimony, we sub-sequently add a few consensus sequences (i.e., medianvectors, or Steiner points) of three mutually close se-quences at a time. These median vectors can be biolog-

    ically interpreted as possibly extant unsampled sequenc-es or extinct ancestral sequences. The median operation,also referred to as Steinerization in mathematics (in

    which the most parsimonious realizations of MP treesare called Steiner trees; see Hwang, Richards, and Win-ter 1992), is basic to all fast MP heuristic algorithms,

    although it is typically applied in a very restricted(greedy) manner in order to arrive at a single tree(Farris 1970). In contrast, the unconstrained use of themedian operation eventually generates the so-called fullquasimedian network (known as the full median net-

    work in the case of binary data), which normally harborsall optimal trees, as well as numerous suboptimal trees.This quasimedian network is in general too complex for

    visualization or even too large for storage in a computer.With MJ, we take care that at each stage only thosemedian vectors which have a good chance of appearingas branching nodes in an MP tree are generated by con-

    sidering only triplets of sequences for which one se-

    quence is linked to the other two in the network underprocessing. An additional ranking of these candidatetriplets according to a distance score (as proposed by

    Tateno 1990) allows further refinement of the triplet se-

    Key words: phylogeny construction, networks, parsimony, humanmitochondrial DNA.

    Address for correspondence and reprints: Hans-Jur gen Bandelt,Mathematisches Seminar, Universitat Hamburg, Bundesstrasse 55, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany.

    lection. After each round of median generation, the pro-cess restarts with the thus enlarged set of sequences.

    This approach, then, is quite similar to that of

    Foulds, Hendy, and Penny (1979), which, unfortunately,seems to have been rather forgotten in the field of bi-ology after tree-building program packages becamewidely available. The major differences between the twomethods are as follows: the criterion of selecting tripletsfor median generation is different; MJ stops earlier (witha postprocessing phase being optional, see below); andMJ is more generous and flexible in that it uses an ex-plicit parameter, , fuzzifying the employed distancemeasure, with the effect that by increasing , MJ pro-duces more median vectors simultaneously at eachstage. In the illustrative example using Tibetan mtDNA,we compare the different network methods and showhow the network analysis guides the informed choice of

    a single tree estimate in this particular case.

    Minimum Spanning Networks

    A minimum spanning tree for a set of sequencetypes connects all given types without creating any cy-cles or inferring additional (ancestral) nodes, such thatthe total length (i.e., the sum of distances between linkedsequence types) is minimal. Kruskals (1956) algorithmquickly finds one minimum spanning tree: in a prelim-inary step the pairs of sequence types are listed in in-creasing order of their distances (ordering of the pairswith the same distance is arbitrary and serves as a tie-breaking rule); then, the tree is built up by successively

    selecting the first link from the preference list whichdoes not create a cycle together with the already chosenlinks.

    A simple modification of this algorithm (namely,dropping the tie-breaking rule), allows one to constructthe union of all minimum spanning trees, which we willcall (by a slight abuse of language) the minimum span-ning network. (This construction is completely analo-gous to that proposed by Excoffier and Smouse [1994],who constructed this network by departing from the al-gorithm of Prim [1957]). Assume that there are kdistinctdistance values, 1 2 . . . k, between the se-

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    38 Bandelt et al.

    FIG. 1.Minimum spanning network displaying the mitochon-drial ND3 variation in 61 Africans, Asians, and Europeans (data fromNachman et al. 1996, table 1). This one-step network is identical tothe MJ and RM networks and contains all 15 MP trees. Circles (nodes)represent sequence types, numbered from 1 to 14; areas of (and within)circles are proportional to the number of sampled individuals. Transi-tions are referred to by the nucleotide positions (numbered as in An-derson et al. 1981); parallel lines in a reticulation represent mutationsat identical nucleotide positions and are thus labeled only once; su-perscript refers to transversions. Sequence type 1 represents the Cam-bridge reference sequence. At the right of the figure, gains and losses(represented by arrows) of restriction sites 10394DdeI and 10397AluIare explained. There is a single candidate for a most likely tree (in-dicated by unbroken lines) when geographical information is taken intoaccount. First, it is likely that the link between type 8 (African) andtype 14 (European) can be dropped, as suggested by Nachman et al.

    (1996). Second, the African mtDNA tree of Chen et al. (1995) includesseveral restriction sites within ND3, which indicates that sequencetypes 7 and 10 from Nachman et al. (1996) occur among the Biaka(West Pygmies), and thus favors the paths from type 2 to type 1 andfrom type 2 via type 7 to type 10. The branching and frequency patternof the resulting ND3 tree suggests that sequence type 2 is the root ofthe tree.

    FIG. 2.The median vector X of binary sequences U, V, and W.

    quences under consideration. We proceed in increasingorder of these values. At the beginning, no pair of se-quence types is linked. For the recursive step, assume

    that the next value to be processed isi, and the networkconstructed so far is not yet connected, that is, it com-prises several connected subnetworks (its components).

    Then, add links between all sequence types from differ-ent connected components that are at distance i. If theresulting network is connected, the algorithm stops; ifnot, it continues with the next value, i1. The proof that

    the minimum spanning network is constructed in thisway is deferred to appendix 1. Easy to compute, theminimum spanning network is of little direct use forrepresenting genetic data, since in general a minimum

    spanning tree is far from being most parsimonious. It

    serves, however, as a good point of departure in each

    recursive step of our MJ network construction for gen-

    erating additional inferred sequence types which reducetree length.

    There are, however, rare cases in which the mini-mum spanning network is a connected one-step networkand therefore provably contains all MP trees. In such acase, the connected network consists of exactly thoselinks between sequence types which differ in only onecharacter (e.g., nucleotide position or restriction site).

    This case can arise when the resolution of the employedcharacters is fairly low and the sampling of the popu-lation is sufficiently exhaustive; for example, the humanND3 data set published by Nachman et al. (1996) canbe represented by a connected one-step network (fig. 1).This network has two cycles sharing a link which giverise to 15 MP trees (rather than 27, as claimed in Nach-man et al. 1996).

    We can conceive of obtaining the minimum span-ning network by departing from the complete networkin which any two sequence types are connected by alink with a length equal to the respective distance andthen deleting links sequentially as follows: First, orderthe links from maximal to minimal length. Processing

    links in this order, check for each step whether the linkunder consideration joins two nodes which are connect-ed by a path comprising only shorter links; wheneverthis is the case, the processed link is deleted. This pro-cedure may be shortened in updating a network. Forexample, if a minimum spanning network is enlarged byadding a single node with incident links, then one needsto screen only the subnetwork formed by the new cyclescontaining the added node (cf. Foulds, Hendy, and Pen-ny 1979).

    Median Vectors and Quasimedian Networks

    For three aligned sequences, U, V, and W, there is

    just one tree (the star) connecting them. If all char-acters corresponding to the sequence positions are bi-nary, then this tree has a single most parsimonious re-construction (MPR; see Swofford et al. 1996); namely,the sequence that is assigned to the interior node in orderto realize minimum tree length is necessarily the medianvector X obtained by majority consensus (fig. 2). If,however, m of the characters have three different statesin U, V,and W, then there exist 3m distinct MPRs. Threeof them are distinguished by minimizing the length ofone link (at the expense of the two others); for instance,the sequence assigned to the interior node in an MPR

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    Median-Joining Networks 39

    FIG. 3.The median vectors X, Y, and Zof sequences U, V, and W.

    which is closest toU is sequenceX, where for each two-state character, the majority state is taken, and for eachthree-state character, the state of U is taken. Similarly,sequences Y and Z which minimize the distances to Vand W, respectively, are defined (see fig. 3 for an ex-ample). The three sequences X, Y, and Zare called themedian vectors of U, V, and W. The network com-posed of the equilateral triangle with nodes X, Y, and Z

    and three further links joining it with the sampled se-quences U, V, and W then represents the distances be-tween U, V, and W.

    Given any sample comprising n sequences, onemay successively add median vectors as follows: Ateach step, select any three sequences U, V, and Wfromthe pool of sequences sampled or created so far, and addthe median vector(s) of U, V, and W to the pool. Con-tinue until no further new sequences can be generated.The terminal pool of sequences can be organized as anetwork in which two sequences U and V are linkedexactly when there is no third sequenceXbetween them(i.e., Xis the median vector of U, V, and X). This net-work is called the (full) quasimedian network generatedby the sampled sequences. When all characters are bi-nary, this network coincides with the (full) median net-work described by Bandelt et al. (1995). Mathematicalproperties of quasimedian networks have been studiedand surveyed by Bandelt, Mulder, and Wilkeit (1994).In practice, the quasimedian network generated by thegiven data may be somewhat large due to homoplasy,such that only a portion should be heuristically con-structed by carefully selecting triplets of sequences formedian generation.

    Median JoiningPrerequisites

    The input data for our network algorithm comprisecorrectly aligned sequences of a population sample. Itis stipulated that ambiguous states are infrequent andrecombination is absent. These requirements are met forpublished human mtDNA RFLP and control region se-quences as well as Y-chromosomal short tandem repeatvariation when a single-repeat mutation model is as-sumed.


    The simplest way to obtain a distance measure be-tween two sequences is to count the number of character

    differences (the Hamming distance). As a refinement,we may also weight character changes, albeit only in asymmetrical fashion (i.e., giving both directions ofchange between two states the same weight). Theweighted Hamming distance between two sequencetypes is then the sum of weighted differences.

    Ambiguous States

    Prior to network construction, missing or ambigu-ous states in the sample are treated in the calculation ofdistances as follows. An ambiguous state X is equatedwith the set of states that specify this ambiguous state.For instance, X R (purine) would be equated with the{A, G} pair of nucleotides, whereas X N would meanthe set of all nucleotides, {A, G, C, T}. The weighteddistance between such sets of character states is equatedwith the minimum (weighted) difference between thestates from those sets; for example, in the unweightedcase, the difference between R and N is 0, but that be-tween R and T (thymine) is 1. Ambiguities in the char-acter string of a sequence type are then specified at the

    initial stage of the network construction, which is greed-ily realized by comparing the ambiguous states in eachsequence with the definite states of the other minimallydistant sequences (with respect to the above distancemeasure). An ambiguous state will be assigned to thesetting of the most common definite state of these se-quences (ties being broken arbitrarily).

    The Algorithm

    For the algorithm, we specify a tolerance up towhich we wish not to distinguish between distances. In-creasing the parameter widens the search for potentialnew median vectors (incurred by the choice of links instep 2, below) and also relaxes a distance criterion (step4). (One could replace the single parameter by a pairof parameters governing the two steps separately, butwe choose not to do this here.) At each stage, the al-gorithm constructs an initial part of the minimum span-ning network (described by the feasible links) for thecurrent sequence types (i.e., sequence types under pro-cessing), or, in the case in which is set 0, the -relaxed minimum spanning network, which containsadditional feasible links (step 2). Triplets of sequencetypes are admitted to median generation only if thereare at least two feasible links among them, but onlythose median vectors are actually generated and addedto the current pool of sequence types for which the total

    distance to the corresponding triplet attains the mini-mum value plus at most (step 4). The whole processis iterated until no further median vectors can be gen-erated following these rules. Some intermediate purgingof obsolete sequence types may be necessary (step 3).The final network is then the minimum spanning net-work of the expanded set of sequence types (step 5).

    Phase I: Successive selection of median vectors.

    Initialization:Specify 0. The current sequence typescomprise the sampled sequence types.

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    40 Bandelt et al.

    Table 1Four Sequence Types, A, B, C, and D, Defined by FiveWeighted Binary Characters



    A B C D

    A . . . . . . . .B . . . . . . . .C . . . . . . . .

    D . . . . . . . .Weights . . .

    0 0 0 0 01 1 0 0 01 0 1 1 00 1 1 0 11 3 2 1 2

    4 46


    Step 1: Determine the distance matrix d for the currentsequence types, pool identical sequence types, and orderthe different distance values as 1 2 . . . k.

    Step 2: Determine the links between sequence typeswhich describe the (-relaxed) minimum spanning net-work, i.e., which are feasible with regard to in thefollowing sense: two sequence types V and W are fea-

    sibly linked if there is no path from V to W consistingof sequence types V U0,U1, . . . , Uk Wwhich fulfilthe inequality d(Ui, Ui1) d(V, W) for all i 0,. . . , k 1. Thus, V and W with d(V, W) j form afeasible link if either j 1 or V and W belongto different connected components of the thresholdsubnetwork in which sequence types are linked exactlywhen their distance does not exceed i, where i is thelargest index with i j .

    Step 3: Iteratively remove from the set of current se-quence types those (obsolete) sequence types which arenot among the sampled sequences but are feasibly linkedto at most two current sequence types. If obsolete typeswere detected, go back to step 2; else continue.

    Step 4: Determine the feasible triplets U, V, and W ofsequence types, which are defined as follows: at leasttwo pairs from U, V, and W are feasibly linked, and atleast one median vector Xof U, V, and W is not yet acurrent sequence type. If there are no feasible triplets atall, then continue with step 5. Otherwise, compute theconnection cost d(U, X) d(V, X) d(W, X) of themedian vectors Xfor each feasible triplet U, V, and W.This value constitutes the length of MP trees connectingU, V, and W. Compute the minimum connection cost for all feasible triplets U, V, and W. Now, generate allmedian vectors Xof feasible triplets for which the con-nection costs do not exceed . Expand the set of

    current sequence types with these new median vectors.Go back to step 1.

    Phase II: Construction of the final network.

    Step 5: Calculate the minimum spanning network forthe new set of current sequence types. This can be ac-complished by performing a pass through step 3 withparameter set to zero (so that only minimum lengthconnections are taken into account); then, the feasiblelinks with regard to 0 yield the minimum spanningnetwork. If obsolete median vectors are present, removethese and repeat step 5. If not, these feasible links de-scribe the final network.

    The construction ensures that every link betweentwo sequence types V and W in the final network hasthe same length as any shortest path between Vand Win the sequence space endowed with the (weighted)Hamming distance. The segment bounded by V and Win this space consists of all possible sequences Z be-tween Vand W, that is, lying on shortest paths betweenVand W in the space or, equivalently, satisfying d(V, Z) d(W, Z) d(V, W). Two segments in the sequencespace bounded by pairs V, Wand X, Yof sequence typesthat are linked in the final network never intersect when-ever Vand Ware distinct from Xand Y,that is, there is

    no possible sequence type Zbetween V and Was wellas between X and Y (see appendix 2 for a proof). Wecan therefore select any of the shortest paths from thesequence space in order to connect linked sequencetypes without creating any internal node twice. A simpleconsequence of this observation is that for binary datafree of homoplasy, the unique most parsimonious treerepresenting them is reconstructed by this networkmethod.

    IllustrationsExample 1

    In order to show the MJ algorithm at work, weconsider an artificial data set consisting of four sequencetypes, A, B, C, and D, defined by five weighted binarycharacters (see table 1, which also displays the weightedHamming distances). There are four different distanceswithin the initial data set: 1 4, 2 5, 3 6, and4 7. We now determine the -step components, thatis, the connected components of the subnetwork inwhich pairs of sequences are linked when their distancedoes not exceed , for each choice of from 1, 2, and

    3. At

    1 4, we can link sequence A to both

    sequenceB and sequenceC, thus obtaining the two four-step components {A, B, C} and {D}. At 5, we canalso link sequences B and D so that a single five-stepcomponent {A, B, C, D} arises, thus ending the searchfor -step components. Therefore, the three pairs A, Band A, Cand B, D are feasibly linked for every choiceof. Thus, A, B, Cand A, B, D constitute feasible trip-lets, from which median vectors U 10000 and V 01000 can be generated at connection costs 7 and 8.Now, the process depends on the actual setting of theparameter .

    We begin with 0. Then, only the median vectorUis generated at minimum cost 7 in the first round.

    The distances from U to A, B, C, and D equal 1, 3, 3,and 8, respectively. The new distance values of the ex-panded set of sequences are thus 1 1, 2 3, 3 4, 4 5, 5 6, 6 7, and 7 8. The one-stepcomponents are {A, U}, {B}, {C}, and {D}, and thethree-step components are {A, B, C, U} and {D}, whichare also the four-step components. These are thenmerged into the single five-step component. We thushave feasible links from A to U, B to D, B to U, and Cto U. Notice that the pairs A, B and A, Care not joinedby a feasible link because they are at distance 4 fromeach other and belong to a common -step component

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    Median-Joining Networks 41

    FIG. 4.MJ networks (drawn to scale) constructed from the dataof table 1 with three different settings (ac) of the parameter ; inferredsequence types U, V, W, X, Y, and Zare added to the growing networkas median vectors.

    Table 2Six Sequence Types, A1, A2, B1, B2, C, and D, Defined bySix Binary Characters and One Ternary Character



    A1 A2 B1 B2 C D

    A1 . . . . . . .A2 . . . . . . .B

    1 . . . . . . .

    B2 . . . . . . .C . . . . . . .

    D . . . . . . .Weights . .








    3 45




    at 4. Obtaining no further feasible links, the algo-rithm stops (as triplets A, B, U and A, C, U and B, C,Uand B, D, Ugenerate only median vectors which areamong the current sequence types). The former feasible

    links yield a connected network which describes an MPtree.Setting the parameter to 1, the starting situation

    is exactly the same as with 0, except that we mustnow check all pairs of sequences which do not exceeddistance 5 6 for feasible linkage. Pair B, Cmustbe checked also, but it does not constitute an additionalfeasible link, since sequencesB and Cbelong to a com-mon -step component at 6 5. We thenobtain the same feasible links, feasible triplets, and min-imum value for as for 0. Now, we have to gen-erate all median vectors of feasible triplets not exceed-

    ing connection cost 7 1 8. Thus, for 1, both median vectors Uand Vare generated. The dis-tances from Vto A, B, C, D,and Uequal 3, 1, 7, 4, and4, respectively. The one-step components are now {A,U}, {B, V}, {C}, and {D}; the three-step componentsare {A, B, C, U, V} and {D}; and for 4, all sixsequences are within one-step component {A, B, C, D,U, V}. In the current set of six sequence types, feasible

    links connect A, B, U, and V among each other; fur-thermore, they connect C to A and Uas well as D to Band V. Since no feasible triplets arise, the algorithm ter-minates with the network of figure 4b.

    The final setting, 2, will eventually yield thefull median network generated by the data matrix, thusdisplaying the full homoplasy of this data set. At theoutset, all links between the given sequence types arefeasible. Then, all triplets are feasible. The median vec-tors U, V, W (00100), and X (11100) are generated atconnection costs not exceeding 7 2 9. In the ex-panded set of sequence types, the triplets C, U, W andD, V, X are feasible, producing median vectors Y(10100) and Z (01100) at connection costs 4 and 5, re-

    spectively. The resulting 10 sequence types yield thefinal network shown in figure 4c.This constitutes a me-dian network, since the median vectors for all 120 trip-lets of distinct sequence types are already found amongthe 10 sequence types.

    Example 2

    To demonstrate the MJ method with multistatecharacters, consider the following artificial data set com-prising six sequences, A1, A2, B1, B2, C, and D, withseven weighted positions (see table 2). These sequencesgenerate the quasimedian network displayed in figure 5,in which the prism signifies the incompatibility of thesingle ternary character with one binary character. MJ

    with 2 or larger retrieves this network. When setting 1 instead, three median vectors are generated in thefirst round: V from the triplet A1, A2, B1, and W fromA1, B1, B2, both at connection cost 6, as well as XfromA1, C, D at cost 7; no further median vectors are gen-erated, so MJ terminates with the unique MP tree forthese data. In contrast, MJ with 0 first generates Vand W, and then, in the second round, it adds both Xand Yat connection cost 6. We thus have the seeminglyparadoxical situation (although it is rarely seen with realdata) that the MJ network may shrink when passingfrom 0 to 1.

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    42 Bandelt et al.

    FIG. 5.MJ network with 2 constructed from the data oftable 2. The unique MP tree is indicated with bold lines and coincideswith the MJ network for 1. Unbroken lines constitute the MJnetwork for 0.

    Comparison with the Method of Foulds, Hendy, andPenny (1979)

    The approach taken by Foulds, Hendy, and Penny(1979) to exactly determine the MP trees for data sets(of small size) entails a heuristic network method, whichis comparable to our MJ algorithm with parameter 0, albeit with some differences. Steps 1 and 2 are per-formed the same, whereas step 3 (elimination of obso-lete sequence types) is not explicitly mentioned by thoseauthors but would clearly fit their strategy. The selectionof median vectors in step 4 to be added to the growingnetwork is quite different. To describe this, considerpairs U, V and U, Wof feasibly linked sequence typessuch that the median vector X (for the triplet U, V, W)nearest to U is different from U (as in figs. 2 and 3);say that Xis within the search radius max(d(U, V), d(U,W)) and yields the positive profit d(U, X). Now, createthose median vectors X, maximizing the profit withinthe smallest possible search radius in which new medianvectors would arise, expand the set of current sequencetypes by these created median vectors, and otherwiseproceed with step 5 of MJ. We refer to the resultingnetwork as the greedy FHP network (prior to furtherprocessing).

    The complete approach of Foulds, Hendy, and Pen-ny (1979) is somewhat difficult to compare with the MJalgorithm for 0, since the former employs the ex-

    plicit comparison of the length of the shortest trees con-necting the sampled sequences within the network witha calculated lower bound for the length of MP trees.This comparison, however, cannot effectively be real-ized for very large data sets. We deliberately interprettheir approach as consisting of two phases: an initialphase, essentially yielding the greedy FHP network, anda final phase at which the network may further grow inorder to capture additional putative MPRs. Specifically,each pair U, V of sampled sequences for which thelength of a shortest path in the current network exceedsthe input distance is processed separately: add an arti-

    ficial feasible link between Uand V, and seek to createnew median vectors by reiterating the previous phase.By way of illustration, consider the greedy FHP networkin example 1, given by the MP tree of figure 4a. In thistree, the pairs A, D and C, D do not have their inputdistances realized because of homoplasy. When execut-ing A, D first, we would create the extra link betweenA and D and thereby force the triplet A, B, D to become

    feasible, from which V is obtained as a median vector.This leads to the network shown in figure 4b. Introduc-ing the extra link between Cand D to this network givesrise to the feasible triplets C, D, U and C, D, V, fromwhich Y and Z are generated as median vectors. Bothvectors, however, are subsequently removed as beingobsolete, at which point the procedure terminates. Onthe other hand, when executing the pair C, D before A,D, the forced link between Cand D yields the feasibletriplets C, D, U and B, C, D, from which Y and X arenow generated. The two median vectors become linkedin the minimum spanning network for A, B, C, D, U, X,and Yand thus survive the purging of obsolete sequenc-es. The pair A, D then still needs treatment: adding anextra link between A and D produces the median vectorZ from A, D, X, which, however, remains obsolete andis removed. We thus see that one may obtain differentnetworks in the final phase, depending on the order inwhich the pairs are processed. Even if we took the sub-network comprising all temporarily constructed se-quences V, X, Y, and Z together with A, B, C, D, and U,we would still dismiss those most-parsimonious recon-structions which include the node W.

    Case Study

    The effectiveness of network analyses (along withappropriate weighting) for refining our understanding ofhuman mtDNA evolution will now be demonstratedwith the Tibetan RFLP data from Torroni et al. (1994).Variation at the two restriction sites 10394DdeI and10397AluI in the human mitochondrial genome definesthe deepest currently known phylogenetic split withinnon-African mtDNA, distinguishing supergroup M (bothsites present; rare in Europeans but frequent in Asians)from the other supergroup (both sites absent; frequentin both Europeans and Asians). However, because thetwo recognition sites overlap, it is conceivable that amutation in the overlap of the two sites may occasion-ally cause a secondary loss of both sites. This occur-rence has already been postulated by Torroni et al.(1993) and can now be confirmed with the ND3 data

    from Nachman et al. (1996) (see fig. 1; the double lossis induced by a mutation at nucleotide position [np]10397). Two out of five Eurasians with T at np 10400(characterizing the supergroup M; see Torroni et al.1996) have the np 10397 mutation, which indicates thatsequencing of nps 10397, 10398, and 10400 (cf. fig. 1)rather than RFLP analysis is required to identify Mmembership reliably.

    Single-hit losses of the overlapping sites10394DdeI/10397AluI would be most disturbing forphylogenetic analyses of Asian mtDNA RFLP data ifwe did not downweight these sites. In the Tibetan RFLP

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    Median-Joining Networks 43

    data from Torroni et al. (1994), which we reanalyze ig-noring the unreliable site 16517HaeIII (Chen et al.1995), no MP tree exists which would recognize thisdouble loss as one event in sequence types 131 and 135within mtDNA group D. There are, however, such MPtrees once sites 10394DdeI and 10397AluI are eachweighted by 1/2; employing this weighting, the greedyFHP network comprises exactly the 4 4 15 240

    different most-parsimonious realizations of all MP treesfor this data. MJ with 0 offers one additional me-dian vector, namely that for the triplet 146, 147, 62,along with three additional links (dotted in fig. 6). TheRM network, in contrast, does not incorporate all MPtrees, as a result of the hypothesis of a parallel event at5259AvaII/5261HaeIII rather than at 12406HpaI/HincII.The MJ network with set to 1 (not shown) wouldembrace this alternative as well.

    A most plausible MP solution (highlighted in fig.6) is obtained by taking into account mtDNA type fre-quencies and downweighting highly mutable sites: dou-ble losses of sites 10394DdeI/10397AluI are quite likely,and all MP trees suggest that both 15925HpaII and

    1667DdeI/1670AluI have experienced at least two in-dependent mutations. This tree agrees quite well withthe tree presented by Torroni et al. (1994), even thoughthey incorporated the unstable site 16517HaeIII in theiranalysis. Note that, departing from our tree, it requiresno fewer than six mutations to explain the distributionof site 16517HaeIII, whereas all other sites are estimatedto have experienced three or fewer mutations (see alsoForster et al. 1997). A notable improvement to the treepresented by Torroni et al. (1994) is our proposed phy-logeny for mtDNA group F, which suggests that16303RsaI (corresponding to np 16304) is a useful con-trol region marker for group F.

    Setting of the Parameter Generalizing from the Tibetan case study and oth-ers not recorded here, we recommend running MJ with 0 for human mtDNA RFLP data, provided that no-toriously noisy sites in the control region (e.g.,16310RsaI, 16517HaeIII) are downweighted. In anycase, postprocessing (described below) is encouraged, asis a trial with 1 to explore the homoplasy of thedata. For the more homoplasious human mtDNA controlregion sequences, differential weighting of sites is evenmore important, and it is advisable to compare the 0 network with the 1 network, to employ only fre-quent sequence types, or even to resort to a hybrid ap-proach (see below). In general, the longer the maximum

    length of links and the sparser the sampling, the higherthe setting of should be. These recommendations arevalid for a data set with a weight of 1 for most char-acters. For example, a choice of 4 has the sameeffect as 0 if all weights of characters are multiplesof 5. Therefore, increments of are only effective whenscaled to increments in the distance matrix of sequences.

    ImplementationData Reduction

    In view of the time the algorithm will take to cal-culate the network, it is advisable to reduce the data set

    to a minimum. It is routine to first group identical se-quences into sequence types for which the sample fre-quency is recorded. Moreover, all sequence positionswhich are unvaried in the data set are eliminated. Sec-ond, we can take a look ahead and predict which smallperipheral one-step subnetworks (such as pendantone-step subtrees) will inevitably show up in the result-ing MJ network, no matter how the parameter is cho-

    sen. These peripheral subnetworks can be constructedseparately, so that the algorithm will run on a smallerdata set, producing a smaller MJ network to which theseparately erected extremities are attached later. Forinstance, every sequence type linked to exactly one oth-er sequence type in the full quasimedian network maybe eliminated. To identify such a type Z in the data set,we check whether there exists some type W such thatthe characters distinguishing Z from W are binary (un-informative) characters for which all sequence types dif-ferent from Z share the same state. We then remove Zfrom the further-processed sample of types and continuethe search. Moreover, we will erase any four-cycle ofsampled sequences, which would be peripheral in thefull quasimedian network, by deleting its linked pair oftypes not linked to any type outside of this four-cycle.To this end, we check whether there exist four sequencetypes W, X, Y, and Z, distinguished by only two binarycharacters, and , such that Y and Z have one statewith respect to , and all remaining types (in the pro-cessed sample) have the other state, while distinguish-es W, Z from X, Y. Then, W, X, Y, and Z form a pe-ripheral four-cycle attached to the linked types W andX; remove Yand Zfrom the processed sample, and con-tinue until no further peeling is possible. Note that thecalculation of median vectors in the processed samplefor the algorithm is not affected by the removal of theseperipheral parts. All eliminated sequences are, of course,resurrected in the final network display.

    Running Times

    We have implemented the MJ algorithm with thedata reduction as described, accepting character weightsand any choice of . The program Network 1.5 (Rohl1997) accepts up to 9,000 different sequences distin-guished at up to 252 characters. The resulting networkis graphically displayed and is also described by a listof links.

    To demonstrate the efficiency of the MJ method,we tested a worldwide sample comprising 2,055 humanmtDNA control region sequences (hypervariable seg-

    ment I, with 199 varied positions). After pooling iden-tical sequences, there are 1,272 different sequences inthis sample. The data reduction further eliminates 14sequences and 14 positions before executing the corealgorithm. Positions are weighted uniformly and the pa-rameter is set to 0. The algorithm takes 25 rounds formedian generation. The final network has 548 medianvectors (which are not among the sampled sequences).The running time on a personal computer (IBM Cyrix6X86 150, similar in speed to a Pentium 120) was 26h and 21 min. If we limit the reduction process to thepooling of identical sequences (so that we have 1,272

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    44 Bandelt et al.

    FIG. 6.MJ network ( 0) for Tibetans, based on mtDNA restriction sites (Torroni et al. 1994; sites 10394DdeI and 10397AluI areweighted 1/2; site 16517HaeIII is disregarded, but its presence is indicated by accompanying the sequence types; an error in the originaltable concerning the status of 10394DdeI/10397AluI in mtDNA type 118 has been corrected). Designation of sequence types, restriction sites,and mtDNA groups A to G accords with Torroni et al (1994). A slash indicates that a site is recognized by more than one restriction enzyme,and underlining denotes resolved recurrent mutations. Arrows point to presence of restriction sites; areas of circles are proportional to thenumbers of sampled individuals. The dotted links do not appear in any MP trees; the unbroken links indicate a plausible MP tree (see text).

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    Median-Joining Networks 45

    Table 3Results with Data Reduction for Sequences RandomlyDrawn from 2,055 mtDNA Control Region Sequences(hypervariable segment I)

    Numberof Input

    SequencesNumber of

    Eliminated SequencesRunning Time for

    Data Reduction (s)

    300 . . . . . . . . .

    350 . . . . . . . . .400 . . . . . . . . .450 . . . . . . . . .500 . . . . . . . . .550 . . . . . . . . .600 . . . . . . . . .650 . . . . . . . . .700 . . . . . . . . .750 . . . . . . . . .800 . . . . . . . . .






    Table 4Results for the MJ Algorithm Applied to the ReducedData Sets of Table 3

    Numberof Input

    SequencesNumber of

    Varied Positions

    Number ofGenerated

    Median VectorsRunning Time


    223 . . . . . .271 . . . . . .

    294 . . . . . .347 . . . . . .376 . . . . . .400 . . . . . .434 . . . . . .458 . . . . . .511 . . . . . .517 . . . . . .571 . . . . . .








    different sequences of length 199), then we get a run-ning time of 28 han increase of 6.3%. In contrast, thedata reduction takes only 0.7% of the total running time.

    It thus pays to perform the reduction.To obtain a rough estimate of the average com-plexity of the algorithm, we randomly drew 300800sequences from the above data set and subjected themto the algorithm. Table 3 lists the numbers of sequencesemployed, along with the numbers of varied sequencepositions, the numbers of sequences eliminated in thedata reduction phase, and the time needed for this. Thereduced data sets in each case are then executed by thealgorithm, and the running times are recorded (see table4). For estimating the time complexity of the algorithm,we measure the amount of the input (reduced) data bycounting the total number m of entries in the alignedsequences (i.e., multiplying the numbers of input se-

    quences and of varied positions), and then assume afunctional relationship of computing time t and size mof the form t m. With a least-squares approach ap-plied after taking logarithms, we estimate from table 4that 1.6 107 s and 2.2. Applying this for-mula to the complete data set after data reduction (i.e.,1,258 sequences of length 185), we would expect a run-ning time of 28 h and 30 min. Compared with the actualrunning time, this is an overestimate of more than 8%.

    Since the number of varied sites in HVS-I increasesvery slowly with sample size and is bounded by thesegment length, we may express the expected total run-ning time (including data reduction) in terms of thenumber of sampled sequences. For larger data sets (with

    sizes above 500), we still observe an average case com-plexity on the order of 2.2.


    After having run MJ with different settings of (and possibly alternative weighting schemes for the se-quence positions), one should focus on certain parts ofthe MJ network, namely nontrivial blocks and largecells, in order to enhance a parsimony search. A blockof a network N is any maximal connected subnetworkwhich cannot be disconnected by deleting any one of itsnodes. The blocks of a tree are all trivial; i.e., they are

    formed by the pairs of linked nodes. Every cycle in Nextends to a nontrivial block (located within the tor-so, which is the smallest connected subnetwork of Ncontaining all nontrivial blocks). Two distinct blocks canintersect in at most one node. Nodes occurring in morethan one block are called cut nodes. Deletion of a cutnode then disconnects N. The network N is thereforebuilt up in a cactuslike fashion from its blocks. For ex-ample, the network of figure 4chas one nontrivial block,the cube, and two trivial blocks, the pendant links. Aslong as there is no obsolete block (i.e., a block withexactly one cut node and harboring no sampled se-quence different from the cut sequence), every tree sub-network of an MJ network N which connects the sam-pled sequences necessarily includes all cut nodes of N.In contrast, one may remove any single node which nei-ther is a cut node nor is represented by a sampled se-quence and still retain a subnetwork connecting thewhole sample. Since all tree estimates realized within Nare unanimous about the inclusion of the sequences la-beling the cut nodes, we may treat these sequences asif they were actually sampled and rerun MJ with thethus expanded data set, this time applying it to eachblock separately. For example, consider the three super-imposed MJ networks ( 0, 1, 2) in figure 5. The MJnetwork for 2 has V, W, and X as its cut nodes,giving rise to six blocks, the prism, and five pendantlinks. MJ applied to C, V, W, and Xrecovers the prismwhenever 1 is chosen, but with 0, no medianvector is generated, as C, V, W, and X form a one-steppath. Consequently, the MJ network for 0 shrinks

    to the MP tree, whereas the MJ network for 1 ex-pands to the full quasimedian network, thus eliminatingthe nonmonotonicity anomaly in this case. Another in-stance in which this postprocessing of blocks comes intoplay is in the MJ network (with 0) of figure 6. Thetorso of this network comprises four (nontrivial) blocks,namely two four-cycles and two dominoes (eachcomposed of two four-cycles sharing a link). The dom-ino harboring types 143 and 146 includes three unla-beled cut nodes; applying MJ with 0 to these fivesequences does not generate the sixth node of the dom-ino anymore. Therefore, postprocessing the blocks here

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    46 Bandelt et al.

    FIG. 7.MJ networks for amino acid sequences of primate AB0 blood group enzymes, based on examined positions 153283 (Saitou andYamamoto 1997, table 3, but with amino acid P at position 157 transferred from Ch3 to Ch5). Prefixes Ch, Go, Or, Mac, and Ba stand forchimpanzee, gorilla, orang-utan, macaque, and baboon, respectively, whereas the unprefixed labels refer to human AB0 enzymes. The fullnetwork represents the raw MJ network for 1; the postprocessed network for 1 is obtained by deleting the obsolete nodes and linksindicated by dotted lines; the MJ network for 0 is described by the unbroken lines. Underlining indicates resolved multiple hits at a position.

    results in the network exactly composed of the MP trees(which coincides with the greedy FHP network).

    The MJ algorithm cannot guarantee that all obso-lete intermediate sequence types will be eliminated instep 3, since the quick test for the number of incidentlinks cannot detect obsolete groups of tightly clusteredsequences. To give an illustration, consider the amino

    acid sequences of primate AB0 blood group enzymescompiled by Saitou and Yamamoto (1997, table 3). Set-ting to 1 (and disregarding four partially unexamined,uninformative positions), we obtain the MJ networkshown in figure 7 for these data; the three nodes incidentwith the dotted links are remnants of preliminary con-nections abandoned later in the course of the algorithm.(For 0, these nodes are no longer present, but for 2 they become functional in that they provide al-ternative connections.) Postprocessing the single non-trivial block for 1 eliminates these three sequencetypes along with the incident links. The postprocessed

    network decomposes along the cut node represented bythe human sequence A1-1/A3-1 into the full quasimediannetwork for the AB0 enzymes from humans, chimpan-zees, and gorillas on one side and the perfect tree linkingthe AB0 enzymes from orang-utans, baboons, and ma-caques with A1-1/A3-1 on the other side. According tothis network, positions 176 and 235 each have experi-

    enced two changes (but caused by mutations at differentnucleotide positions at the DNA level). Strikingly, ami-no acid positions 266 and 268 have mutated in concertat least twice and possibly three times during the diver-gence of humans, gorillas, and orang-utans. These twoamino acid changes are necessary and sufficient to con-vert a blood group A enzyme to a functional bloodgroup B enzyme, suggesting that their recurrent appear-ance in primate evolution may have been selected for(Saitou and Yamamoto 1997).

    The most alarming substructures in MJ networksthat need closer investigation are large cells. The cells

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    Median-Joining Networks 47

    of a network Nare, intuitively speaking, kinds of min-imal cycles from which the nontrivial blocks of N arebuilt up. More precisely, using mathematical jargon, acell is any cycle which cannot be obtained as the mod-ulo 2 sum of cycles with fewer links in the linear space(over the prime field) associated with the set of links ofN. The cells in a full quasimedian network (and inci-dentally, in all the networks shown in this article) are

    three- or four-cycles. We then speak of a large cell if itsnumber of links exceeds four. Arbitrarily large cells caneasily be generated from artificial data sets; consider, forinstance, n 6 binary sequences A1, A2, . . . , An oflength n, where the ith position is 1 at Ai and Ai1, but0 otherwise (indices read modulo n). The MJ networkof this data set for 2 is the full median network,which resembles a rosette or bouquet of four-cycles.When MJ is applied with 1 instead, a two-step cycleis obtained which coincides with the minimum spanningnetwork. The length of a minimum spanning tree (path)equals 2n 2 here. In contrast, the MP trees have length(3/2)n ifn is even and (3/2)n (1/2) ifn is odd. Thus,the length differences between spanning path and MPtree grow linearly with n. In practice, large cells mayoccur for several reasons: either homoplasy is generallyhigh and the choice of was too low (the result of adesire to produce a treelike or at least drawable net-work), or recombination (gene conversion, etc.) has par-tially acted on the data, or ambiguities of states in thesampled sequences are too frequent, or artifacts, such ascontamination or documentation errors, are present. It isthen recommended to generate the full quasimedian net-work of the sequences (whether sampled or reconstruct-ed) representing the nodes of a particular large cell andto investigate the causes for its appearance in the MJnetwork under study.

    Hybrid Approaches

    The construction of the MJ network may be en-hanced by running the RM method beforehand. RM op-erates in a fashion complementary to MJ in that it firstresolves some character conflicts and eventually returnsan extended data matrix with more characters but a re-duced level of homoplasy. RM may also be regarded asparameter-driven: the crucial parameter r (the reduc-tion threshold), set equal to 2 by default, expresses, inequation (5) of Bandelt et al. (1995), how much largerthe total weight of compatible characters compared witha conflicting character must be in order to postulate a

    parallelism for the latter. Thus, lowering r toward 1leads to further reduction of network reticulationsinto more treelike networks, thereby increasing the riskof discarding the true evolutionary paths, whereas a re-duction threshold r 2 (as we would recommend whenRM is combined with MJ for 1), postulates fewer,but more obvious, recurrent events beforehand.

    MJ and RM alone may not be ideally suited to datasupporting potential phylogenies with rather longbranches. In these cases, MJ may also be combined withother tree-building methods, since it explores a restrictedsolution space in the (joint) neighborhood of postulated

    trees. To this end, one would apply MJ to a set of se-quences which comprises the original data set plus an-cestral sequences hypothesized either from tree-buildingmethods applied to the original data or from networkanalyses of smaller subsets, thus allowing for a hierar-chical approach.

    AcknowledgmentsWe thank N. Saitou, V. Macaulay, T. Warnow, and

    an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments. Thiswork was performed by A.R. in partial fulfillment of therequirements for the doctoral degree.


    We verify that the constructed networkNcomprisesexactly the links occurring in minimum spanning trees.Consider any link from Nbetween sequence types XandYof length i. Select a preference ordering for the pairsof sequence types at distance i where the pair X, Ycomes first. Since the link X, Yconnects different com-ponents of the partial network constructed up to distancei1, there cannot be any path between X and Y forwhich all links have lengths i1 or smaller. Kruskalsalgorithm (after having processed the pairs of sequencetypes at distances i1) would then select the link X,Y,given the prescribed preference ordering. On the otherhand, the network Nmust include all links of an arbi-trary minimum spanning tree T. Suppose the contrary;namely, let the pair U, Vconstitute the shortest link ofT that would not be found in N. When this link is re-moved, Tfalls to two connected components. Necessar-ily (asTis minimal), all links ofNconnecting these twocomponents have lengths of at least the distance iofUand V. Therefore, in the construction ofN, the sequencetypes U and V belong to different components of thepartial network erected right after distance value i1hasbeen processed. The link U, V would then be added tothe growing network at the next stage (for distance val-ues i), contrary to our assumption.


    It remains to verify that the segments bounded bydisjoint pairs V, W and X, Y of linked sequence types(having no ambiguous states) from the constructed net-work do not intersect. Suppose the contrary; then thereis some vector Z(from the sequence space) satisfying

    d(V, Z) d(W, Z) d(V, W)


    d(X, Z) d(Y, Z) d(X, Y) (1)

    where dis the (possibly weighted) distance in sequencespace. Then,

    d(V, X) d(W, Y)

    d(V, Z) d(X, Z) d(W, Z) d(Y, Z)

    d(V, W) d(X, Y) (2)

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    48 Bandelt et al.

    by virtue of the triangle inequality and equality (1). Sim-ilarly,

    d(V, Y) d(W, X) d(V, W) d(X, Y). (3)


    d(V, W) d(X, Y). (4)

    Let be the largest distance strictly smaller than d(V,

    W) between sequence types from the network. Since thepairs V, Wand X, Yconstitute feasible links (with regardto 0), we can stateafter interchanging the rolesof X and Y if necessarythat neither V and X nor Wand Yare within a -step component. In particular, thedistances for these pairs exceed and thus are boundedby d(V, W) from below. Assuming

    d(V, X) d(W, Y) (5)

    without loss of generality, the preceding fact may beexpressed by the single inequality

    d(V, W) d(V, X). (6)

    Moreover, as Xand Ydo not belong to the same -step


    d(X, Y)

    min(max(d(V, X), d(V, Y)), max(d(W, X), d(W, Y))).


    In view of inequality (5), this may be simplified to

    d(X, Y) max(d(W, Y), min(d(V, Y), d(W, X))). (8)

    If d(X, Y) d(W, Y) is true, then combining this in-equality with inequalities (6) and (2) implies that equal-ity must hold throughout, and in particular,

    d(V, W) d(V, X)


    d(X, Y) d(W, Y) (9)

    would be true. If, however, d(X, Y) d(W, Y), theninequality (3), together with inequality (8), would yieldthe equalities d(V, W) d(X, Y) d(V, Y) d(W, X),which are then in conflict with d(V, W) d(W, Y) d(X, Y) (employing inequalities 5 and 6). We concludethat equality (9) is indeed the only alternative. Sinceinequality (2) is thus an equality, it follows that

    d(V, Z) d(X, Z) d(V, X). (10)

    Hence, Z belongs to both segments from V to W andfrom Vto X, respectively. We conclude that there would

    be a median vector for the triplet V, W, Xwhich is nec-essarily different from V, W, X. This, however, wouldcontradict the status of feasible links (such as the pairsV, W and V, X) in the final network. This settles theclaim.


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    Accepted August 31, 1998