Momentum R&D Brochure

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R&D Tax relief is the UK’s most generous and most

under-claimed form of corporation tax incentive

available today. It is a great way to receive substantial

development costs back by way of cash or credit for

every year you have qualifying R&D activities.

Yet thousands of businesses are missing out on this

rewarding scheme, due to a lack of understanding,

incorrect advice, or the dread of an enormous

paperwork burden. To date, approximately 1% of

businesses in Northern Ireland have taken advantage

of this generous HMRC scheme that eligible, innovative

and developing businesses can avail from. Alarmingly,

a large proportion of limited companies in almost

every sector could qualify, but are failing to apply.

Making a successful R&D claim may be easier thanyou think…


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Momentum are a team of Business Consultants, Chartered Tax Advisers and R&D Analysts

who specialise in partnering with innovative and developing businesses to produce

successful R&D claims. With Clients in Northern Ireland and throughout the UK, their

success speaks for itself. In order to do this, we:

• Spend time at your premises to understand your business

• Vigorously identify and assess your R&D activities(most of which you are performing every day and are unaware off )

• Fully prepare your R&D claim with all supporting documentation (required by HMRC)

Businesses in the following sectors have all made successful claims. With Momentum’s

help, you might do so too. We can assess your eligibility to ascertain if you are performing

R&D activities, which meet HMRC’s guidelines.

Aerospace and Defence

Alarms, CCTV

Automotive industry

Banking, Finance

Chemicals, paints, adhesives

Clothing, textiles, fabrics

Construction, building materials


Electronic and electrical


Environmental remediation

Food & drink producers and processors

Games, software industries

Health and beauty

Household goods and textiles

IT hardware





Mobile phone and web apps

Personal care


Printing and packaging


Agri Food



Waste recycling

Web development

Insurance broker (software development)

Who qualifies for R&D tax relief?

Who are Momentum?


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The methodology behind R&D tax credits is that the UK’s economic advantage and growth is likely to come from its ability to deliver technological innovation.The Government’s objective is to use tax incentives to encourage firms to invest in developing their own innovative products or services, and make the UK more competitive in the global marketplace.

R&D Tax Credits work by allowing your business to include an additional deduction in calculating its taxable profits. Real tax savings can be achieved whether your company is taxpaying or loss making. For example, from April 2015 for every £1 of qualifying R&D expenditure identified, the following effective tax cash savings/benefits are achieved:


Payable credit for taxable losses = up to 33.35%Tax savings for profitable SMEs = 26%

Large companies

Enhanced deduction (abolished from 2016) = 6%The new R&D Expenditure Credit* = 8.8%

* The value of the R&D is recognised above the line and loss-making companies can potentially claim the credit for cash.

Whether your company is operating at a profit or a loss, contact Momentum today, request your free assessment and find out if you qualify for a R&D tax credit claim.

Call us on: +44 (0)28 9140 4030Or email: [email protected]


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What are R&D Tax Credits?Perhaps your company is attempting to develop a new product? Maybe you are trying to achieve something that has a level of uncertainty? Or it could be that you are modifying an existing product or process? If any of these circumstances apply to your business, then there is a real chance that you are undertaking qualifying R&D. The difficulty you face is knowing what qualifies, and what does not. That is why it is important to draw on the support of R&D experts like Momentum. We have the experience to identify and clarify areas of R&D that you may take for granted as your normal, every-day operating behaviour.

The types of criteria we use to establish your R&D competencies include:

• Do you attempt to solve problems for your clients or overcome issues for them?

• Do you encourage advancement in the field of science or technology?

• Do you seek to test or improve innovative new materials, process or code?

• Is there testing of your solutions after you have designed them?

• Does your work involve new processes or new ways of thinking?

• Do you encourage your team to find better, faster, more efficient, or more effective solutions?

• Are you attempting to achieve a resolution of uncertainty?

Thousands of eligible companies are losing out on valuable tax benefits. Momentum can help you make sure your company is not among those who miss out!


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Momentum has a solid and proven experience of accessing and helping to identify qualifying R&D expenditure for a vast range of Limited Companies. By helping innovating and developing businesses identify and re-claim R&D expenditure, this allows the company to re-invest this cash back into the business to further enhance its performance.

To date, Momentum helps HMRC achieve government objectives that relate to incentivising companies to carry on R&D and improving the competitiveness of the UK as a location for R&D investment.* These include: engineers, manufacturing, IT developers, food manufacturers, renewable technologies, web developers, commercial printers, air-conditioning firms, facilities management, hotels, constructions & many more. Furthermore, we have achieved successful claims in practically every type of business sector.

Perhaps we can help you too - all it takes is one call.+44 (0)28 9140 4030

Who we help...

Working with your company accountants...Your accountants are an important part of the claims process and we work closely with them. Many would believe that accountants should be performing claims for their clients as it is to do with corporation tax. The truth is that R&D Tax Credits are VERY technical and requires a high level of understanding of your business activities to ensure you claim the true value associated with your company’s R&D.

Momentum have such an understanding and track record in performing R&D claims that we act for several accountancy firms to carry out claims for a variety of clients on their behalf.

* www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/385186/TIIN_2357_2447.pdf#


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Time after time, we ask business owners if they have made a R&D Tax Credit claim and we often hear them say:

“I didn’t know about it”

“I thought someone else was doing this for me”

“My accountants told me we don’t qualify”

“I don’t think we can make a claim, as we don’t do any R&D”

“I don’t pay corporation tax so we can’t claim”


Our process is simple, we undertake 90% of the work and you 10%. No one will know your business better than you, all we ask is a small amount of your time initially so that we can understand your business to uncover where the R&D expenditure and activities are for this purpose. After that, simply sit back and await the outcome of your claim.

The Momentum 90 -10 Rule...

What Momentum can do for you...

Having a market leading claims specialist working with you on your claim to help you identify your R&D expenditure and activities means you will have a greater chance of achieving a successful outcome. All we ask is that you set aside any preconceptions you may have about what R&D is, or is not. Momentum’s R&D experts think strategically and technically to help you identify claimable R&D Activities, most of which you are unaware of as they are hidden in your day-to-day general business activities.

What is more, Momentum will manage the entire process on your behalf. Once we have undertaken our exploratory fact-find and R&D assessment, we complete your claim and present it in an HMRC compliant format. Our skill in achieving successful claims lies in: (i) being able to identify qualifying R&D activities (ii) providing all the supporting technical documentation in a clear, concise and accurate HMRC format (iii) Fully understanding what does and what

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Contact Momentumfor a free assessment

by one of our R&D experts.

We produce your claim & supporting documents for you to forward to your


Sit back & await the outcome of

your claim.

1 3 4 5

A specialist R&D analyst visits your

place of work to assess what qualifies.


We manage the process of building

your claim from start to finish.


“The Government continues to want companies to undertake research and development and one way of supporting this is R&D tax reliefs.” 1

Footnote 1www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/cirdmanual/CIRD85100.htm

We understand business personnel are busy, so we have a simple 5 step process...

does not qualify. Our approach and methodologies are so effective that it is not unusual for our clients to receive their benefit within a matter of weeks from submission.

What are the risks?The process is administered directly by HMRC, and indeed, it is actively encouraged by HMRC as a well-established statutory relief, it is not a ‘scheme’, or a form of tax avoidance.

No-win, no-fee We will only submit a claim based on established facts, and we work on a ‘no-win, no-fee’ basis. There are no up-front costs to your business and no financial risk to you.

We only get paid when a successful claim has been awarded.

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A few words from some of our many satisfied clients

“...Momentum are a very professional and efficient

company who took care of everything and within

approximately 2-weeks of submission, we had a nice

5-figure sum paid directly into our bank account...”

“...I would encourage all proactive and forward-thinking

business owners to speak with Tom to see if he can

discover qualifying R&D in your business. He’s a genuine

professional who we would recommend to anyone!..”

“...Tom’s team project managed the process from start

to finish and it was a flawless process. We received

a significant sum of cash paid directly into our bank

within four weeks of submitting the claim...”

Ms J Boyd - Co. Armagh

Mr McBride - (Director)

Ms LB - (Director)

*Clients full details are not published for confidentiality purposes, however they are all happy to take your call

“...Tom’s team project managed the process and

developed the supporting claims document and

technical report. My accountant submitted the claim

on 30th September and I received a cheque on 10th

October directly from HMRC for the claim. If you don’t

think you qualify – Think again...”

“...Momentum’s R&D Analyst met with me and asked all

the ‘probing questions’ and to my surprise, he identified

where we had performed R&D activities. To say I was

surprised was an understatement as I just absorbed

these activities as a ‘commercial’ cost to the business...”

“...Momentum revealed that we were actually

performing significant R&D over the last two years

generating a substantial 6-figure claim...”


Mr Devenny - MD

Mr D Thompson

Mr O’Neill (M.D)

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Your next step?

Call Momentum today and arrange a Free confidential R&D Tax Credit assessment.Tel: (028) 9140 4030

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T: 028 9140 4030 | E: [email protected] | W: momentumni.com

Momentum House 8 Balloo Court Bangor BT19 7AT cham





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