Monday, March 16th

Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

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Page 1: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

Monday, March 16th

Page 2: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

1. Listening:

stand up for jointly

Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear.

A _______ (年龄)girl has honored to receive

the Nobel _______ Prize with an _______child

right campaigner. The girl, once shot in the

_______ by Taliban gunmen in October 2012,

now lives in _______.

维护,支持 共同地

Page 3: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

2. Sentence structure

He had formed such a strong habit of

throwing each pebble(卵石 ) into the sea

that when the one he wanted came along

he still threw it away.

Q: Please write down the attributive clause.

Page 4: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

3. Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s _______ the best jobs are.

A. where B .what C. when D. why

4. All this information can______(convey) in


5. I wish that he will win the game tomorrow.


Page 5: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

5. Correction:

I wish that he will win the game tomorrow.


Page 6: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

1. A ___________ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel _______ Prize with an ______ child right campaigner. The girl, once shot in the ______ by Taliban gunmen in October 2012, now lives in _______.

2. He had formed such a strong habit of throwing each pebble(卵石 ) into the sea that when the one he wanted came along he still threw it away.(定语从句)

3.Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s _______ the best jobs are. where /what /when /why

4. All this information can_____________(convey) in English.5. I wish that he will win the game tomorrow.6.我认为我们帮助处在困境中的人是非常必要的。

17-year-oldPeace Indian



be conveyed

hope 或wouldI think it necessary that we should help those in trouble.

Page 7: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai has urged children to "stand up for their rights" after becoming the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She says she's "honoured" to receive the award, saying it made her feel "more powerful and courageous". The 17-year-old was jointly awarded the prize with Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian child rights campaigner. The teenager was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen in October 2012 for campaigning for girls' education. She now lives in Birmingham in Britain.

Page 8: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

1.If we will go swimming depends on the weather.

2.The fact he failed in the exam made his teacher angry.

3.I doubt that he will succeed.4.The photo will show you that how your

village looks like.5.He will win the match is certain.6. No matter who did the job must be

rewarded.7.This is in which I worked.8.We find necessary that we should arrive

on time.

Page 9: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

8.I think that he will not come.9.The suggestion that we not waste time is

reasonable.10.I don’t know if to go there.11.The reason why he is absent is because

he is ill. 12.The news which we heard is

disappointing.13.The news which he went abroad is

inspiring.14.This worried her a bit that her hair was

turning grey.15.They are talking about if they’ll go

hiking.16.I wish I weren’t late this morning.

Page 10: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

“ ”富商吓得全身发抖。 求求你,别杀我, 他哀求道,“ ”玫瑰是给我女儿摘的。The merchant shook (/trembled) with fear. “Please don’t kill me,” he begged. “The roses are for my daughter.” 野兽并没有被打动,而是若有所思地看着富商。 The Beast had little pity (/was not moved), but he looked thoughtfully at the merchant.

Page 11: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

“然后他说: 只有一件事能救你。一个月之后你必须答应”带着你这次回家所看到的第一个活物回来。

Then he said, “Only one thing can save you. You must promise to return in a month’s time, bringing with you the first living thing to meet you (/… thing that you will meet) when you get home.” 惊恐万状的富商只好答应了巨兽的要求。The terrified merchant had to agree.

Page 12: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

富商很快就找到了回家的路。 The merchant quickly found his way home. 起初,他一边骑马,一边庆幸自己重获自由。 At first, as he rode, he was just happy to be free. 随后他开始琢磨到家后谁会第一个出来迎接他呢? Then he began to wonder who or what would be first to greet him -- ,会是他的猫者或是他的狗? would it be his cat, or his dog?紧接着一个可怕的念头出现了 ----可能是美女! Then a terrible thought came to him – it might be Beauty! 当然了,情况的确如他所料。And of course, it was.

Page 13: Monday, March 16th. 1. Listening: stand up for jointly Q: Fill in the blanks with what you hear. A _______ (年龄) girl has honored to receive the Nobel

2. Learning to be aware of your body language can be a very useful tool.

Q: What is the subject of the sentence?