Sarah CLEGHORN MONEY WORKBOOK How To Resolve The 3 Most Common Money Issues With EFT **Virtual high five** Congratulations! You just made a decision you will NOT regret. I am really excited to show you how to work on your money issues with EFT. Get ready for some remarkable changes in the way you earn, spend, manage, talk about, feel about and invest your hard- earned cashola. (Seriously, using EFT on my money issues has completely transformed my financial life, but more about that later!) Extraordinary changes are created when you begin to use EFT in a specific, consistent and highly-leveraged way. And that’s what I am here to teach you! (And don’t stress if you’ve never heard of EFT before; it’s easy-peasy to learn. I’ll have you up and tapping in no time at all!) getmoneyconfidence.com

Money Workbook ~ How To Resolve 5 Common Money … · How To Resolve The 3 Most Common Money Issues With EFT ... I’ll have you up and tapping in no time at all!) ... your vision

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MONEY WORKBOOKHow To Resolve The 3 Most Common Money Issues With EFT

**Virtual high five**


You just made a decision you will NOT regret. 

I am really excited to show you how to work on your money issues with EFT.

Get ready for some remarkable changes in the way you earn, spend, manage, talk about, feel about and invest your hard-earned cashola. 

(Seriously, using EFT on my money issues has completely transformed my financial life, but more about that later!)

Extraordinary changes are created when you begin to use EFT in a specific, consistent and highly-leveraged way. 

And that’s what I am here to teach you! 

(And don’t stress if you’ve never heard of EFT before; it’s easy-peasy to learn. I’ll have you up and tapping in no time at all!)



I don’t know whether you’re an old friend or a soon-to-be friend.

I don’t know whether you’re rich or just getting started on your money journey.

I don’t know whether you are money confident or a money scaredy-cat

But, the good news is that it doesn’t matter.

What I do know is that wherever you are on your journey, you are not only welcome here but you are going to get huge value from this Workbook.

And in case you don’t know who I am, let me tell you a little bit about myself. 

The most important thing you need to know about me is that at the tender age of 33, I’ve experienced most money issues out there. 

Are you horribly ashamed of being in debt? 

Do you hate dealing with money? 

Do you avoid looking at your bills because there’s never any good news? 

You didn’t even realise you were allowed to negotiate your salary?

You’re too scared to negotiate your salary because the whole idea makes you anxious and you’re worried that everyone will hate you afterwards?

Have you started a business and have no (or very few) sales because you don’t really offer your services to anyone?

Ever experienced a massive money betrayal by someone you trusted? 

And the most dangerous money issue of all: 

Do you cross all your fingers and toes, hope that your vision board works and wait for the huge sums to magically appear in your bank account? **

Yep. Been there, done that. 

**Don’t get me wrong – vision boards are awesome. But they do have to be backed-up by some money confidence and inspired action. And if that seems incredibly foreign to you right now, you are in the right place! 


I used to be such a money scaredy-cat. 

Scared to look at your money? 

Scared to talk about your money? 

Scared of running out of money? 

Scared about where the next dollar will come from?

Scared to talk about money with your partner?

Scared of eating cat food in retirement? 

Yes, yes and yes! 

That was me. 

Let me tell you my story. 

I grew up in a family where we didn’t really talk about money, except to groan over bills. 

When I became an adult, I noticed that none of my friends talked about money either. There was a part of me that wanted to compare notes with my buddies. I thought that it would be great if we could learn about things like budgets and salaries and buying houses together, but I never felt confident starting the conversation. And neither did they. 

Whilst I studied psychology and political science, I fell into a job in the property industry. I was thrown into a world of budgets, feasibilities, ROIs, reconciliations, investment yields and capital growth.

From all reports, I was pretty good at my job. But whilst I was completely capable of managing multi-million dollar projects and negotiating large contracts at work, I was a total scaredy-cat when it came to my own money.

I avoided my money because I didn’t feel money confident. 

And, let me assure you, that never works out well!


After nearly a decade of success in the corporate sector, but not much to show for it financially, I decided to shift direction. I wanted to start my own business and use EFT to make the world a better place. 

It was a pretty rocky start. I’d invested a lot into my own training (and had some debt), hated selling myself and my services (so wasn’t earning anything) and ran around in circles like a crazy stress-head.    One morning, I woke up and realised that if I kept going in the same way, nothing was going to change and I’d probably be a homeless bag lady by the time I hit retirement. 

It wasn’t a pretty picture. 

I was fed-up with my money situation. I was jealous of those who were wealthier than me. And I was pretty angry about all the work I’d done for so little return. 

So, I decided to throw everything I had at it. 

All my EFT and other energy tools. All my knowledge. All my power. All the resources I’d collected over the years. All the money books on my Kindle. All the money audios on my iPod. All my meditating and visioning and manifestation exercises. Every dang thing! 

And, it actually worked. 

Things changed. 

Day by day, I became more and more money confident. 

Day by day, I took more and more action to create additional income. 

Day by day, I managed my money with greater and greater levels of intelligence and sophistication. 

Day by day, I learned more and more about how to effectively invest my money, my time and my energy. 

In short, I created money miracles in my life.  


I changed my thinking about money. 

I changed my feelings about money. 

I changed my experiences with money. 

Your life is the sum of all the small, daily actions you take.

I took little money actions, every single day, and created money miracles. 

And now I want to help you to do the same. 

It started with my energy. 

Money miracles always begin with clearing energy blocks and shifting your focus. 

And then I took action. 

Simple, consistent, effective action. The actions required are small. Often they’re no-brainers. But once you shift your energy, these actions become possible. Often the action becomes easy! 

Finally, I devoured all the information I could find. 

I read about different views of money. I read about how to make money and how to lose money. I read about all the different ways to invest money. I read about the history of money and the future of money. I read about the physical side of money and the spiritual side of money. I read about it all. 

And with my new-found learning, I figured out where my next energy block was and started the process again.  

I became money confident!

Now, it’s your turn! Are you ready for a money miracle?

To get the most out of this Money Workbook: 

Give yourself the gift of time. Set aside some time on a regular basis to work through the exercises with no distractions. Turn off the television, put your phone on silent and shut the door. You and your money deserve your full attention. 

Feel good before you start. Some of these exercises will ask you to look at things you’ve been avoiding, i.e., bills or debt. Before you start, create a nourishing and healing environment so that you feel safe working through your money issues. Light a candle. Wear your favourite scarf. Make a pot of hot tea. Do some light stretching.  

Be gentle with yourself.  Lots and lots and lots of people have money issues. Almost all of us don’t talk about them. Don’t beat yourself up for your current financial situation because you are not alone. Remember: I’ve got your back and the very act of looking at and working on your money issues gives you power that you previously didn’t have.  

Don’t just skim-read the exercises and think that is enough. You MUST actually do the tapping exercises.  

Rinse and repeat. Anytime I want to create a new money miracle, I come back to these exercises for that next insight or the next level of healing. I strongly suggest you do the same! 


Hang on, what is EFT? 

EFT (short for Emotional Freedom Technique and also known as tapping) is a mind-body tool that combines modern psychology with traditional Chinese medicine. 

(It’s the most powerful tool out there, IMHO.)

EFT releases tension from the body, calms a racing mind and clears energetic blocks.    It involves the verbalisation of a specific problem whilst tapping, with your fingertips, on certain acupressure points on the face and body. The tapping action sends soothing signals to the amygdala and deactivates the fight-or-flight response in relation to specific stimuli.

It is self-applied, quick, easy and effective.  

It can be applied to present-day stressful situations or on your stuff from years or decades ago that is still lurking.   And, YES, it looks totally weird!


For the analytical / science-y types:There is a growing body of research that is supporting the efficacy of EFT as a non-invasive treatment option for a whole range of things including anxiety, weight loss, peak performance and PTSD.   The best collation of EFT research is here: eftuniverse.com/research

For the intuitive / kinaesthetic types:If knowledge was enough,

we’d all be thin, rich, loved-up and fulfilled beyond our wildest dreams.

We know that there is another ingredient. 

The key to feeling good and making positive change is to access your body, change your internal wiring and release energetic blocks.

We need to acknowledge, relate to and release feelings of stress and tension in our bodies.

Once our bodies and energy systems are aligned with our mind’s goals, feeling good and creating change is easy.

So… How Do I Do It?

1. NAME ITUsing as much detail as possible, name the stress. What is the emotion attached to the stress? What is the specific detail of the situation causing you stress? Where in your body can you feel it?

Be imaginative and give the feeling in your body a colour, a size, a texture and a shape.

For example: I feel overwhelmed because I have four deadlines this week and I don’t think I’m going to get it all done. I feel this overwhelm in my chest and my heart is thudding. This overwhelm is like a big, grey, bowling ball of pressure.

2. RATE ITHow intensely are you feeling this stress? Determine your SUDs (Subjective Units of Distress) level on a 0-10 point scale. 0 = no intensity, 10 = maximum intensity.

3. TAP IT(Review the diagram of the tapping points on the next page.) a) Set up: Continuously and gently tap the fleshy side of your hand

between your little finger and your wrist whilst repeating aloud a set-up statement three (3) times. The set-up statement follows this formula: “Even though I have __________ (name the stress / specific target you identified Step 1), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

b) Tapping sequence: Tap approximately seven times on each of the meridian points with 2-3 fingers whilst repeating a reminder phrase. The reminder phrase is the problem that you identified in Step 1 and named in the part a) of Step 3.

4. TEST ITRe-evaluate your SUDs level. Tune back into the original problem and determine a new SUDs level. Repeat if necessary.

NOTE: You can tap either on one side of the body, or both, or alternate sides. Be aware that energy shifts can sometimes manifest themselves physically, e.g., yawns, burps. It’s completely normal and there’s absolutely nothing to be worried about.


The Tapping Points


Congrats! You’ve got the basics. Now it’s time to clear your money issues with EFT…

MONEY ISSUE #1“I avoid looking at my money”

How often do you look at your money?

Do you leave bills unopened in a drawer or on your desk? Y / N

Do you only open bills after you’ve left them sitting in a corner for a while? Y / N

Do you check your online bank accounts less than once a fortnight? (And possibly far less frequently?) Y / N

Dp you leave all money management in the hands of your partner? Y / N

Do you have more than one superannuation account but don’t do anything about consolidating them? Y / N

Did you lodge your tax return late this year? Y / N

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you avoid looking at your money and that is a money issue.

Complete these sentences:

When I open my bills, I feel ______________________

When I check my online bank accounts, I feel _________________

What emotion do you feel when you open your bills or check your online bank accounts? _________________________

Where do you feel it in your body? _______________________ What colour is it? ______________________ What shape is it? ______________________ What size is it? ______________________ What texture is it? ______________________

On a scale of 1-10, how intense is the feeling? _______________


ask yourself



If you are an experienced EFTer, use your answers to ‘Complete these sentences’ on the previous page to tap on this money issue.

Alternatively (or also), use the tapping script below.


Karate chop: Even though I avoid looking at my money, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I feel so stressed when I think about my money so I don’t open my bills or look at my bank accounts online, I accept myself anyway. Even though I feel all this money tension in my chest and my stomach and my head and my throat, I am willing to be gentle with myself and know that I’m doing the best I can.

Top of the head: All this money tension in my body.

Eyebrow: I avoid looking at my bills.

Side of the eye: I avoid looking at my online bank accounts.

Under the eye: I avoid looking at my money because it stresses me out.

Under the nose: I avoid looking at my money because it makes me scared.

Chin: When I look at my money, I feel tension in my body.

Collarbone: All this money tension in my chest.

Under the arm: All this money tension in my throat.

Top of the head: All this money tension in my head.

Eyebrow: All this money tension in my stomach.

Side of the eye: I feel all this money tension when I look at my money.

Under the eye: The only solution is to avoid my money.

Under the nose: Intellectually, I know it’s not a great solution.

Chin: But I’m doing the best I can to look after myself.

Collarbone: I avoid looking at my money because it makes me feel miserable.

Under the arm: I avoid looking at my money because it makes me feel stressed.

Top of the head: I avoid looking at my money because it makes me feel angry.

Eyebrow: I avoid looking at my money because it makes me feel scared.

Side of the eye: I don’t want to look at my money.

Under the eye: And you can’t make me.

Under the nose: I hate looking at my money.

Chin: And I’m not going to do it.

Collarbone: You can’t make me look at my money.

Under the arm: It’s my money and my decision.





Top of the head: I avoid my money because it’s always bad news.

Eyebrow: I avoid my money because I feel powerless.

Side of the eye: I avoid my money and that’s how it has always been.

Under the eye: I don’t really know what to do with my money, so I avoid it.

Under the nose: When I look at my money, I feel all this tension in my body.

Chin: Tension in my throat and chest and stomach and head.

Collarbone: I wonder if I can release some of that tension now?

Under the arm: I wonder if I can release some of this money tension from my body?

Top of the head: Releasing some of this tension now.

Eyebrow: I’m breathing out this money tension in my body.

Side of the eye: Releasing the tension from my throat.

Under the eye: Releasing the tension from my chest.

Under the nose: Releasing the tension from my stomach.

Chin: Releasing the tension from my head.

Collarbone: I wonder if I could look at my money occasionally?

Under the arm: I wonder if I could look at my money a little bit more frequently?

Top of the head: I wonder if I could look at my money for about 5 seconds. No more!

Eyebrow: 5 seconds, no more. Only 5 seconds. Not a second more.

Side of the eye: I wonder if I could look at my money sometimes and feel ok about it?

Under the eye: Looking at my money is probably a good thing to do.

Under the nose: Opening my bills is probably a sensible thing to do.

Chin: Reviewing my online bank accounts sounds pretty smart.

Collarbone: I'm releasing all this money tension from my body.

Under the arm: I'm releasing this money tension.

Top of the head: I'm opening up to the possibility of looking at my money.

Eyebrow: I'm considering the possibility of opening my bills.

Side of the eye: I'm considering the possibility of reviewing my online accounts.

Under the eye: Maybe I’ll do it.

Under the nose: Maybe I won’t.

Chin: Either way, I’m going to release this money tension from my body.

Collarbone: I”m going to release this money avoidance.

Under the arm: Releasing it and setting it free.

And take a really DEEP breath! Great tapping! You’re a natural :-)



Action for Money Issue #1:

Take one teeny-tiny step towards looking at your money.

Open one bill. Log onto one online account. Take one crumpled receipt out of your wallet and look at it.

Now complete the following sentences... My money action was: __________________________ When I took the action, I felt: __________________________

TIME TO TEST IT: Once again, really imagine opening your bills or looking at your online bank account. Try to make it as real as possible.

Complete the same sentences as before…

When I open my bills, I feel ______________________

When I check my online bank accounts, I feel _________________

What emotion do you feel when you open your bills or check your online bank accounts? _________________________

Where do you feel it in your body? _______________________ What colour is it? ______________________ What shape is it? ______________________ What size is it? ______________________ What texture is it? ______________________

On a scale of 1-10, how intense is the feeling? _______________

Compare and contrast: Jot down a few notes about any changes you have noticed. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

MONEY ISSUE #2“I am in debt and feel ashamed”

Do you have any consumer debt?

Credit cards? Y / N

How many? ______

Personal loans? Y / N

How many? ______

Do you know exactly how much you owe? Y / N

How much? ______

Complete these sentences:

When I think about my debt, I feel ______________________

Where do you feel it in your body? _______________________ What colour is it? ______________________ What shape is it? ______________________ What size is it? ______________________ What texture is it? ______________________

On a scale of 1-10, how intense is the feeling? _______________

ask yourself


The shame/debt connection:After working with heaps of clients on money issues, I have learned that shame and worthlessness are the most commonly-cited feelings attached to debt.

Shame is a heavy, suffocating energy and it often prevents you from creating and following sensible debt-reduction plans.

Once you clear some of the shame, you still owe the same amount of money but you feel far more worthy and capable of paying it off.




If you are an experienced EFTer, use your answers to ‘Complete these sentences’ on the previous page to tap on this money issue.

Alternatively (or also), use the tapping script below.


Karate chop: Even though I’m in debt and I feel so much shame, I willing to work through some of this now. Even though I have this debt and it makes me feel so ashamed, I am doing the best I can. Even though I have this debt and it feels like a weight, tying me down, I am choosing to accept myself without judgement.

Top of the head: All this debt.

Eyebrow: All this shame.

Side of the eye: I feel so ashamed when I think of my debt.

Under the eye: This heavy shame.

Under the nose: This shame is weighing me down.

Chin: This debt is weighing me down.

Collarbone: I feel so ashamed.

Under the arm: This shame in my chest.

Top of the head: This shame in my stomach.

Eyebrow: This shame in my throat.

Side of the eye: This shame everywhere in my body.

Under the eye: All this debt shame.

Under the nose: I don't like talk about my debt.

Chin: I don't like to think about my debt.

Collarbone: I don't like to do anything about my debt.

Under the arm: When I think about my debt, I feel so ashamed.

Top of the head: How did this happen?

Eyebrow: Why did this happen to me?

Side of the eye: I don't know what I’m going to do.

Under the eye: I don't know how I’m going to pay this all off.

Under the nose: I feel so ashamed.

Chin: I feel so worthless.

Collarbone: All this heavy debt shame.

Under the arm: All this heavy debt shame in my body.

And take a really DEEP breath! How do you feel? That was a biggie, wasn’t it?!?



Top of the head: All this heavy debt shame in my head.

Eyebrow: All this heavy debt shame in my stomach.

Side of the eye: All this heavy debt shame in my chest.

Under the eye: All this heavy debt shame in my throat.

Under the nose: I have all this heavy debt shame in my body.

Chin: I can feel it now.

Collarbone: This debt is really stressful.

Under the arm: I can’t see a way out.

Top of the head: I wonder if I can release some of this shame now.

Eyebrow: I wonder if I can release some of this debt shame now.

Side of the eye: I wonder if I can begin to forgive myself for this debt.

Under the eye: Releasing some of this debt shame from my body.

Under the nose: Releasing some of this debt shame from my chest.

Chin: Releasing some of this debt shame from my stomach.

Collarbone: Releasing some of this debt shame from my throat.

Under the arm: Releasing some of this debt shame from me.

Top of the head: Releasing it now.

Eyebrow: I'm lightening the load.

Side of the eye: I'm not going to carry this energy around with me forever.

Under the eye: I'm choosing to release some of this shame now.

Under the nose: All this debt.

Chin: All this shame.

Collarbone: I choose to release it now.

Under the arm: I wonder what I can do to reduce my debt?

Top of the head: I wonder what I can do to feel better when I deal with my debt?

Eyebrow: I wonder how I can release more of this debt right now.

Side of the eye: I wonder how I can release more of this shame right now.

Under the eye: Releasing it from my body.

Under the nose: I'm releasing some of the debt shame from my energy system.

Chin: It’s not serving me anymore.

Collarbone: I'm setting myself free.

Under the arm: And I’m releasing this shame.



Action for Money Issue #2:

It’s time to grab your journal and write some lines.

Write out the following sentence FIFTY (50) times in your journal:

“My debt represents blessings already received. I am thankful for those blessings and intend to repay the money quickly and easily.”

Even if you resist the sentiment of the statement, writing out the lines over and over allows you to access your subconscious and begin to transform your relationship to your debt. Start writing!

TIME TO TEST IT: Think about your debt.

Complete these sentences:

When I think about my debt, I feel ______________________

Where do you feel it in your body? _______________________ What colour is it? ______________________ What shape is it? ______________________ What size is it? ______________________ What texture is it? ______________________

On a scale of 1-10, how intense is the feeling? _______________

Compare and contrast: Jot down a few notes about any changes you have noticed. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

MONEY ISSUE #3“I just need to win the lottery (or marry a rich guy / inherit some money) and then everything will be ok”

Got a secret rescue fantasy?

How much time per week do you spend daydreaming about:

Winning the lottery ___________

Marrying a wealthy dude ___________

Inheriting money ___________

Your credit card debt being magically wiped by the bank ________

Being ‘discovered’ (whether it be for acting / coaching / writing / sport) and becoming minted overnight ___________


Is this the best use of your time? (Be really honest with yourself!) Y / N

ask yourself


I There are so many ways to create wealth, (most of which are the cumulation of heaps of tiny right-feelings and right-actions) but if you spend all your time focusing on manifesting that big, lump sum that will save you from yourself,

you’re not making the best use of your time and energy.

Sure, a few people do win the lottery. But many more create wealth by consistently delivering value in exchange for payment.

Sure, some women marry money. But given how common divorce is, it’s far from a fool-proof strategy. A man is not a financial plan!




Karate chop: Even though I need to be rescued from my money situation, I love and accept myself. Even though I need a big windfall and then everything will be ok, I love and accept all of me. Even though lottery is the answer to all my problems, I deeply and completely love and accept me and my money situation.

Top of the head: I just need to be rescued.

Eyebrow: I just need to win the lottery.

Side of the eye: I just need a really rich husband.

Under the eye: I’m only asking for a small inheritance to set me up.

Under the nose: It's not fair, other people easily attract money into their lives.

Chin: Why not me?

Collarbone: It feels so hard to attract money into my life.

Under the arm: I sit here visioning and manifesting and daydreaming.

Top of the head: It's not working yet and I’m feeling frustrated.

Eyebrow: I just want someone to come along and fix everything for me.

Side of the eye: My money situation is a bit of a mess.

Under the eye: I just need someone else to fix it for me.

Under the nose: I don't want to have to do anything.

Chin: I certainly don’t want to have to work for my money.

Collarbone: Other people don’t work for their money, why should I?

Under the arm: I'm sitting around waiting for a big windfall. And then I will start being responsible with money.

TAPPING TIME: Tune into your favourite money daydream, e.g., lottery, marrying rich, inheritance.

On a scale of 1-10, (1 = not true at all, 10 = never a truer thing

said!) how true are the following statements:

Winning the lottery / marrying wealth / inheriting money is the ONLY way I will solve my money problems. ____________

I spend a lot of my time and energy thinking about focusing on winning the lottery / marrying wealth / inheriting money. __________

If only I was born into a different family, things would be so different for me right now. _____________

I just need a big windfall and then everything will be better. ________



Top of the head: Once I manifest this money, I will start being who I want to be.

Eyebrow: Once I manifest this money, I will pay more attention to my money.

Side of the eye: I'm sitting here waiting for this money to come into my life.

Under the eye: And then I will start living.

Under the nose: I just want a sign that the Universe cares about me.

Chin: I want some cash from the Universe right now.

Collarbone: I wonder if there are other ways to attract money towards me?

Under the arm: I wonder if there are other ways to create wealth?

Top of the head: I wonder what else I can do to increase my income?

Eyebrow: I wonder if I can be my own money-knight-in-shining-armour?

Side of the eye: Absolutely not! Sounds far too hard.

Under the eye: But maybe there are other ways to create cash.

Under the nose: I wonder if I can spend less?

Chin: I wonder if I can ask for a raise?

Collarbone: I wonder if I can offer my services to my neighbours?

Under the arm: I wonder if I can offer my services online?

Top of the head: Ugh, it sounds like too much hard work.

Eyebrow: Hang on, I’m really good at working hard.

Side of the eye: I’ve certainly been working quite hard at manifesting a lottery win / rich husband / inheritance.

Under the eye: I am a hard worker!

Under the nose: Maybe I can direct this energy to something that has a greater chance of success.

Chin: Maybe I can direct this time and energy to creating wealth in other ways.

Collarbone: After all, as long as it’s ethical, I don’t mind how the money comes to me.

Under the arm: I'm willing to show the Universe how committed I am to improving my money situation.

Top of the head: I'm willing to experiment with different ways of attracting more money into my life.

Eyebrow: I’m releasing these old rescue fantasies.

Side of the eye: I'm choosing to put my ‘Big Girl’ panties on.

Under the eye: I'm choosing to put my ‘Big Girl’ panties on and make a Money Plan.

Under the nose: I'm open to seeing more and more money-making possiblities.

Chin: I'm open to creating additional wealth in lots of different forms.

Collarbone: I am willing to be my own money-knight-in-shining-armour.

Under the arm: And it’s so much fun!

And take a really DEEP breath!


Action for Money Issue #3:

Grab your journal and write down at least ten things that you can do to make some extra cash. Be really specific, e.g., sell that old bike you never use, babysit your neighbour’s kids, ask for a raise, offer to whip up a website for your sister’s boyfriend.

Look through your list and take action on the easiest task on your list. Right now!


TIME TO TEST IT: Tune into your favourite money daydream, e.g., lottery, marrying rich, inheritance.

On a scale of 1-10, (1 = not true at all, 10 = never a truer thing

said!) how true are the following statements:

Winning the lottery / marrying wealth / inheriting money is the ONLY way I will solve my money problems. ____________

I spend a lot of my time and energy thinking about focusing on winning the lottery / marrying wealth / inheriting money. __________

If only I was born into a different family, things would be so different for me right now. _____________

I just need a big windfall and then everything will be better. ________

Compare and contrast: Jot down a few notes about any changes you have noticed. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________



~ You are so brave ~

You dived into your money issues and waded through some pretty icky emotions.

You tapped your little heart out.

You answered questions and examined your beliefs and looked at your money situation with clarity and honest.

**What a superstar!**

I know that handling your money issues isn’t always easy, but it is the most powerful work you can do.

Money impacts EVERYTHING.

Your health, your relationships, your family, your career, your contribution, your impact and your spiritual life.


Want more?

Liked what you saw and want to go deeper? 

Know that this is just the tip of the iceberg and want to create more money miracles? 

Feel the power of this work and need some more exercises to keep you on track? 

Looking for more support around your money issues? 

Good news – I have created a program just for you! 

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Sarah Cleghorn combines a decade of success in the corporate sector with 8+ years of study with the pioneers of the cutting-edge field of energy psychology. Sarah is a certified EFT practitioner, the founder of Tapping Into Your Genius and the creator of “Money Confidence: 5 Steps To Creating Money Miracles”. @TappingGenius