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    Volume 2

    Number 1

    Articles in This Issue

    Religious Traditions

    r Religion of MythosasReligious Traditions

    The Divine and the Devoted series depicts the NineGods of Mythosa based on how they are

    interpreted in the Western Marrshite tradition.Other races and cultures view the gods differently.Their pantheons (for want of a better term) aredetailed below. Names marked with an asterisk(*) indicate the deity is female in that pantheon.

    Note: Western Marrshite refers to the SouthernKingdoms west of the Sidra Peaks, the Emerald Coast, andAmbia. It includes all Marrshites outside of Syrhaat. Thenames and details of the gods are described in the Divineand the Devoted series and are not included here.

    HumanoidsOrcs, ogres, and their kin are generally partial toAzakhar, Shaarizad, and Aadu, though the namesthey give these dark gods vary greatly from race torace and tribe to tribe. References to the neutraland good deities usually adopt a name fromanother pantheon. Shadrathu and demon lords arealso popular targets of worship for these races.

    Khazrani/CalythirThe inhabitants of Calythir and Khazrani have thesame names for the Nine, but their views aboutthe gods are quite different. The Calythirrans aregenerally more open and accepting of all the gods(except the evil ones and especially not Adagus),though their worship tends towards the neutraland chaotic. The Khazrani dismiss the lawful gods

    as weak and dogmatic. Any worship from thebarbarians is given to the chaotic deities.










    RunirThe Runic pantheon has traits of dualism, but itadheres to a hierarchy of sorts, taking the divinesquare and rotating it such that Balthor is on topand Melarr is at the bottom. The Runir generallysee the world as a struggle between lawful goodand chaotic evil. As such, Balthor is their highestand primary deity. After being freed from theHearthstones, a popular belief among the Runir isthat their imprisonment was the will of Balthor, topreserve them for a future conflict (or to avoid aprior one). This was undone by the Enemy, thechaotic evil Melarr.

    Runir cleric of Balthor

    The Runic pantheon consists of Balthor on top,supreme among the gods of good. A typical Runirwould have an attitude of Helpful towards afollower or clergy of Balthor. The next tier holdsthose who are one step removed from the

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    philosophies of Baltur his daughter Hasrid theHealer, who shys away from full lawfulness due toan overly compassionate personality, and his sonHalgrim the Lawgiver, who lets his obsession withorder blind him to the misdeeds sometimesconducted in the name of lawfulness. Most Runirare Friendly towards these two religions.

    The Runir are Indifferent to the third tier, whichare those who are two steps removed fromBalthor. These faiths are halfway between theultimate good and complete evil. Runir who tendto fall here by faith or action are either considerednot worth bothering with or lost sheep whoneed to reconnect with their Runic nature thecommunity of law and good. Grimthor the Tyrant(commonly worshiped by the Duergar), VerhildStonemother, and Skafurd the Fool occupy this

    tier in their pantheon. Note that Verhild isconsidered more-or-less to be an unattentive,uncaring deity. They recognize her as Balthorssister, an earth and nature goddess, but one whosimply sets things into motion and thens stepsback to let them develop on their own.

    The fourth tier of the pantheon has those who arethree steps from Balthor or just one step fromMelarr. Runir are Unfriendly at best to theadherents of these gods. They include Khaain theShadow and Asera the Harlot.

    The lowest and final tier of the pantheon isreserved for the hated Melarr the Destroyer diametric opposite of Balthor. Melarr represents allthat dwarves hate: he is evil and chaotic, and revelsin destroying that which the Runir take delight increating. His cult is also held responsible for thedeaths of countless dwarves, slain when the ChaosOrbs shattered the Hearthstones.













    SkalnirThe Skalnir pantheon is similar to the Runic, but ithas no tiers like the latter. Patterns of worshiptend to be similar to those of the WesternMarrshites, with the exception of Malarr. The Seaof the Frozen Dead spawns numerous destructive

    storms, so appeasement of Malarr is common inthe North Realms.










    Sylvari/DrakariThe structure of Sylvari religion is somewhatsimilar to that of the Runir in that it is akin to arotated square. For the Sylvari, however, thesquare is tilted towards chaos rather than law.Lyranis is the chief god of the elves, though manyof them also follow Allyreth, Sindyrin, andKalthira. There is no rigid hierarchy like thedwarves have, however. Outside of the principalfour gods, the Sylvari respect Valenthe for hisgoodness if not his lawful nature, they areindifferent to Iseldarilas, and they are hostile to theDark Triad: Azadrimir, Malera, and Daedir. Giventheir veneration of Lyranis, Azadrimir is treated asthe ultimate enemy of the Sylvari, though the othertwo dark gods arent considered to be much better.

    Sylvari druid

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    In general, the Drakari reject the gods, but a smallnumber are partial to the shadowy goddess Malera.Legend has it that she was one of the dark powersthat engineered the fall of the Drakari and theensuing civil war with their surface brethren. Whyshe doesnt have a greater following among thedark elves is unknown.










    SyrhaatSyrhaati religion is essentially dualistic. There aretwo primary gods, each with three aspects. The

    first is Yadra, goddess of goodness and light. Sheencompasses all three of the good deities: Varya theJudge,Ayana the Healer, and Ushura the Huntress. LikeYadra, the three are all female. The enemy ofYadra is Marus, god of evil and darkness. Hisaspects areAtazikan the Tyrant, Dravanas the Shadow,and Kalat the Destroyer. Marus and his aspects are allmale.

    Yadra, Goddess of Light

    The Syrhaati dont acknowledge a LN deity; theybelieve that there once was a genderless god of lawnamed Sira, but it has either abdicated its role orno longer exists. They believe this explains thecontinual degradation and lawlessness that theworld has been succumbing to over the years.

    They do recognize a neutral earth deity, butdruidism is not common there. Those few who doadhere to that faith simply refer to the earthgoddess as the Mother.

    Finally, there is Kalima, the genderlessmanifestation of amoral chaos. It is believed to

    have been a minor power, equal to Sira (both ofwhich were weaker than Yadra and Marus), butwho has been growing in power over the years. AsSyrhaat slides further into decay, Kalima-worshipcontinues to grow. In some regions of Syrhaat,particularly the city of Ulem, worship of Kalimahas surpassed that of Yadra.

    UlthiaOnly one god is revered in the Ulthian Imperium,that being Azakhar (which is the name he isknown by there). References to any of the othergods use their Khazrani or Western Marrshitename.

    ValnysiaThe Valnysians give no veneration to the gods.They acknowledge their existence but believe thatpeople were meant to look after themselves, andworship of deities is a sign of weakness.References made to the gods use their Khazrani

    name. The exception is the Kargyr, who drawstrength from their unholy pacts with the darkpowers.

    VarghaniVarghani religion differs little from that of theWestern Marrshites save for different names.Some more remote areas use older names forsome of the gods, leftover remnants from thetwilight years of the Khemsan Empire.













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    VisstakhThe Visstakh believe the gods are great dragonsand the pantheons of other cultures are simplytheir attempt to impose their cultural norms on thedragons. The lizardfolk mainly worship Izathan,also called the Great Scaled Mother. She is

    depicted as a huge dragon occupying the interiorof the world. The rest of the gods areacknowledged, but none has any notable followingamong the Visstakh.










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    The Mythosa Chronicle is Copyright 2007 by Bruce A.Gulke. The artwork found here is either original workby the author (in which case it is Copyright 2007 byBruce A. Gulke), taken from sources which believe it to

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    Mythosa Chronicle Volume 2 Number 1, from, Copyright 2007,Bruce A. Gulke