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  • 7/28/2019 MythChronVol2Num2


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    Volume 2Number 2

    Articles in This Issue

    Elven Embassies Kingdom Quotes

    rCultures of MythosasElven Embassies

    Since the Marasinians attempted to wipe them outin 450 AR, the Sylvari have been understandably

    paranoid since their return to the shores ofRyhardha. Marasinia has long since disappearedinto history, but there are still those who wouldfinish what they started, such as the Maraadans.

    To provide some degree of protection forthemselves, the Sylvari have establishedAnsilrendirin a number of cities. The castle-like Ansilrendirare elven embassies of a sort, places of refugeand familiarity in lands that are still rather foreignand dangerous. They also provide a contact point

    for those who wish to establish formal relationswith the elves (and specifically Tyr Aegas), thoughthis is a secondary purpose.

    Architecturally, the Ansilrendir have a layoutsimilar to human fortresses, but withornamentation and decoration that is distinctlyelven. This design is necessary due to theAnsilrendirs defensive nature as well as theconstraints imposed by its placement in a largecity.

    Ansilrendir may be found in Aranmor, Ilmara,Lhyrna, Spyre, Stalis, and Zeldora.

    ServicesAnsilrendir offer a number of services to Sylvari,free of charge, though those who stay in theembassy for a time are expected to provide theirskills to its occupants in exchange. Those who are

    merely visiting generally make a donation of sometype. The services available vary from embassy toembassy, though each has rooms in which elvesmay stay, a small shrine for their spiritual needs, avault for goods they wish to have protected, andhealing services. The Ansilrendir also have a smallbuilding solely used as a destination forteleportation spells. Note that stabling is notavailable in the Ansilrendir, so this must bearranged elsewhere in the city.

    DefensesThe walls of an Ansilrendir are generally quite tall,usually 15-20 feet high. Magical defenses areemployed at the tops of the walls and anyentrances. Eight to ten guards from the elite Orderof the Silver Falcon are on duty at all times, with alike amount in reserve. Each Ansilrendir has ahidden escape route as well, though this is a highly

    guarded secret and will never be revealed unlessabsolutely necessary (i.e.; such as if the Ansilrendirneeds to be abandoned).

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    First Floor


    Wall2. Watchtower3. Courtyard: Very well kept, always wooded with

    a small pond4. Reception Building: Anyone wishing entrance

    or contact with the Syvlari comes here first.This is the furthest that any non-elf may gointo a Ansilrendir (including half-elves).Consists of a foyer (a), two meeting rooms (b),and an administrative room (c).

    5. (Watchtower) Silver Falcon Barracks6. Guest Chambers7. Great Hall: Decorated with elven-themed

    banners and tapestries. Meals are served herefor the Ansilrendir staff; visiting Sylvari maytake advantage of this as well. Also used forspecial occasions, such as Sylvari celebrations.

    8. Shrine: A small, non-denominational shrine.Contains idols of and items associated withLyranis, Allyreth, Kalthira, and Sindyrin.

    9. Storage

    Second Floor

    10.(Watchtower) Silver Falcon Barracks11.Guest Chambers12.Clerics Chambers: Used by the embassy cleric;

    if no permanent cleric is present, it is used asanother guest chamber if needed

    13.Eldarals Chambers: Eldaral literally meanslight of the distance; the Eldaral is the headof the Ansilrendir and is usually anaccomplished fighter or wizard.


    Teleportation Chamber17.Staff Chambers: Rooms for the varioussupport staff assistants of the Eldaral,cooks, groundskeeper, etc.

    Third Floor18.(Watchtower) Silver Falcon Captains Quarters

    (not shown)

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    rKingdoms of MythosasKingdom Quotes

    AeloreaOppressive? Tyrannical? Bah! Aelorea is neither -despite what those outside our dominion wouldhave you think. One cannot live a pure life withoutorder and discipline but I wouldnt expect themto know that, wallowing in their decadence andwanton behavior, trafficking with dark powersYears of immoral behavior have blinded them tothe truth. Fortunately, in time, we will save themfrom themselves.- Seeker Karath the Younger, Lesser Inquisitor, Aeloreanarmy


    The third daemon raised its standard, and a cloudof dust rose in the north. The dark horde rode intothe kingdoms of the east, sweeping away thegolden defenders like chaff from wheat. Whenthey had finished, a full third of the worldbelonged to them.- The Iahotep Scriptures, Chapter 7, Verses 5-7

    GothmoorThe cursed hordes of Maledicium must surelyhave had a hand in creating this place of howling

    winds, venomous mists, and unholy temples. TheLiving Dead hold free reign throughout this realm,where dark wings carry aloft darker riders, and thegrey skies forever hold back the light of the sun.- Heradas the Vanquisher, renowned vampyre hunter(deceased 689 AR)

    MaarAccuse most cities of being controlled by guildsof thieves and assassins, and their rulers willvehemently deny such charges. Not so with Maar,which not only acknowledges its dark side, butseems to be proud of it.- Ander Zalos, Saren mercenary

    ShesadaThey say that in Shesada, the streets are pavedwith gold. They arent, of course, but Shesada isrich enough that it could probably do it- Lyrus Kalheart, caravan guard for House Venora

    Better a Shesadan slave than an Ilmaran lord.- Common saying


    In the city-state of Spre, with its many towersrising majestically over the Havenwood forest,good and evil are paid no heed; magic is the onlydogma.- Excerpt from the volume Cities of Ryhardha

    SyrhaatThose in other lands may scoff at our matriarchy,but consider the other great empires of history Khemsa, Marasinia, Satar, Ambiawhither havethey gone? Lost, but for entries in sages journalsand unknown faces stamped into ancient, worn

    coins. We watched them rise and fall, while ourrealm endured. The women of Syrhaat are itssecret, the reason it has has outlived all the greatkingdoms ruled by men...- Vala Ariksh, Exarch of Laharu

    Talek PharosThe only certainty about this city is the fact thatno one knows much about it. One of the oldestcities of man, to be sure. Countless warlords havelaid siege to the place, for it is rumored that the

    ancient mysteries and treasures of Xolta-Morasmay be found within. Each who tries, however,does little more than add his bones to the manythat already lay scattered outside the citys walls.- Antolius Casanella, Talsmarran sage and historian

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    UlthiaThe greatest threat to human freedom comes notfrom any dark cult or orcish horde, but from thisancient, decadent, and avaricious empire- Baranus of Sarenland, sage and philosopher


    Ah, sweet Zeldora! Sindalese silks, Uhntari ivory,Shesadan rubiesif someone wants it and it canbe sold, it will be found here. Just remember thatthe bazaar isnt the only place to find items forsalethough it is certainly a safer place to spendyour money.- Jerran Alincour, Lhyrnan gem merchant

    Visit Mythosa on the Web at:

    The Mythosa Chronicle is Copyright 2007 by Bruce A.Gulke. The artwork found here is either original workby the author (in which case it is Copyright 2007 byBruce A. Gulke), taken from sources which believe it tobe in the public domain, or taken from sources thatallow its usage in the context of this document(Artwork with the Elmore logo is 2002 by ElmoreProductions, Inc.). The use of this material is permitted

    for personal use only. The information here is madeavailable at no charge. Duplication of this material

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    Mythosa Chronicle Volume 2 Number 2, from, Copyright 2007,Bruce A. Gulke