co bbX'IA-L »IATTIbW. Bala« ni the attasat Bxekmmpm-'^UL- SI. U.rU*,1881( cp. KanANew-York 3,0W......109¡' 6.HO üfc«»\ÍA*-*» r, '62. iBank tamm.*-*« -A»..wJ¡¡.y/.:,® Ami ¿i«*!«. Beak 30.".* BnkofBepuWic 1^ »k| D.ft6s5-í»c,«52 5,000.102i 70,0fJ0.... 102} C.iÍ5B,l(>-t0cP. M.tjOO. 93 TntmuryT 3-lOt. 1st senes. 10.000.... 200. ._ 100.J" Mich. CentraL i00.101. Miol-Bo. * M.l 100. ...blO. Mg 200....«15- 681 1.500. 68} blO. 69 ImpATtad «Bk. A«jt*0.¿mlL 99} 3d senes. 5,000.98| tJ.ata,! T.c, a BT-..All ÍA'-sr S 2d «enea _ gstjiroaxui xt»_ no 000.98} 50........ 98 10.109} 70.109 WestTJiüoaTel. 7,000...... 981 K.Y.8ute7s,I'L 1,000.99} fenn. 6s '90. s,«».m 3.00P.» Hissooji tia «,000.76 Califom.» 7a 2,000.l18 O. A Misa Or. 10.000. 25 jr.Y.CenL6B,*83. 3,000.93 EreiUlmtéTe,79. 3,0)0.1« Une 5th intg e. 15,000.92} BnlT.NY.AE.lst 1,000. 94 Chi.AAlLlitm 30.51 50. 52 Ouicksilver. 55.39 600. 40 Mari posa pref. 100.17, Pacific Scrip. 100.165 N. Y. Central. 91 i I«j0.2c,s30. 68} Clere. A Pitta, 804 80, 81 fit n) 81- 811 81} 8I¡ Hi 500. 600. 500.... 500.... 200.... 2,(>00.. 500.... 500.... 1,300.. 1,000 . CuicagoAN.W 400.28} 600....281 Chic.ANW.pref TOO....»30. 54 900.541 100.o 54} Chic&troAiLI. 100.99 300.99} 300.99} 100.99«* Pitts.F_vV.AC. 300.94 1,000.'Jil 400.93, 100....»10. 931 ChicagoAAltuti. 100....810. 103 500.... [Ehe. 500.811 100.811 1,200.81, 300.2(1 call. 81} 100.81} 300.81} 100....s30. 81 ¡Hudson RiTer. 200.102 9 000. 93}¡HT. J. Central. American Gold. 20.114} 50,000 «30 139}! 50.114, Chic.AAlt. pn-f. lferohants'Bnk.l 30.114 100.103 J5.HO}1 I 1 O'tlrDCK BOARD. Ohi(iAMiaa,Cer.|Ere. Illinois Central. 10,000.25}| 700.81} 100.115 .WestUniouTel.iKeading. Clev. A Pitt«. 100.52 100.98*1 1,400.80} <¿*Tj¡e_.HlTer. ¡Mich. CentraL Pitt«.Ft.W.AC. 500. 401t 100.1019 700....slO. 93} W. Y. Central. 'Mii-h South AMI 300.93} M.bl5. 92 200.68} 2} O'CLOK BOARD. ü.8 6t>20c.,'64 10.000.101Î r.8.6t.5-20c, t¿) 1,000.101} 90,000.un 100,000.. ..101} Ü.8.5s,10-40ooii. 7,000.93 Tre*«.Note«7.30B 2d«*ri(.B. 17,000.981 20,000.98} 3d series. Canton. 100.44 Quicksilver. 200.40 WesLUnionTel. 100.52} N. Y. Central. 200.91} Pacific Mail. 50.185 Erie. 200.81 100 1,000.ml 50. VU».98} 500.2d coil. «78.6s] TT.e.new Reading. 2,000.98}j 300.99 *. Carolina 6e. Mich. Central. 5,000.82} 150.101 20.101 Mich. So. A N.I. 14.671 1,000.68} Illinois Central. 200.115 CIcto. A Pitta 1,500.81 200.2d call. 81} ChicagoAN.W. 500.28} Chi. AN.W. prf «tis 54} 54} 500... 300... 2,000. _ Chicago A R. I. 100.99} 100.99} Pit.,Ft.W.AC. 500.93} U.S. ¿V»«, of '64 10,000 b3 101} fjehuylkill. 900.b3. 16 500....b30. Iri} 200.b3. 16} V. Y. Central. 200. 91} 900.b3. 91} 100.b3. 91} 500.b3. 91|j Erie ex di v. 500.b3. 81 ; 100.81} «WO.81} 900.81} 900.81 ore* board or brokrbis.l p. m. WolfC'kDiam'd 200.96} Reading. 200.98} 400.c. 98} Mich. So. A N. I. 800. 300.b3 100. 300.b3. 68} Chicago A R.I. 100.99} 300.99} 100.99ii 100.b3. W]| ChicsjroAN.W. 100.«3. 28 100.28 300.b3. 28 100.b3. 28} 100.c. 68¡¡Chi.AX.W.prei " - *' 100.«3. 54 100.51} 200....b30. 54} 400.54| 100.b3. 54} 100.54} P.FWAC.exdiT 100....«20. >J3j 100....sGO. 92} Cle.APit.cidiv. 200.b3. 80} 500.80} 400.80} 200.b3. 80} 400....BOO. 78 300.b3. 8lj: 500.. .b30. 80 ÔM....A3. 81 200.b3. 80 900.c. 81 400.80i MO.8I}I 200.b3. 80} OFXH BOAWi OT BRt'KJ__*-7f,i PM lf-l It. ||| 401 13 BchtiTUtill l,4O0.b3O- !fO0.i3- WO.«3. «Quicksilver. 100. .Mariposa. 100... .... *WolfC'kI)iaiiid 100.961 400.96| H. Y. Central. 300.b3. 92 300.92 Brio ex dir. 100.b3. 81 2,400.81 200.«3. 81 1,700.81 700.b3. 81; Rendin*. too....trio. ?9| «SOO. 99} Cle.APit.ex div. 1,100.81} 1,000.81} 800.b3. 81} 200.81} 700_b3. 81} 400.«3. 81} Chicago A R.l 300.b3- 99 100.99) Miiih.So. A N.I. l «rio_ fi'U 1,500... n3. 69} 100.b3. 69} Chi. A N. W. 200.21 100.b3. 21 100....b30. 281 100.b3. 28} 100.28} 300.284 100_«15. 28} 100.b3. 28} 200.99||ChicAN.W.i.r 300.»3. 991 600.55, 100.b3. 99} 200.b5. 55 P.FWAC.ixdiv 200.d5. 55 100....BlO. 93} 200.k3. 55 300.93J| 100.b3. 55 TitsDAT, Jan. 30.p. u. Gold opened at 140}, »iiUl at 141}, and cloned at 140}. The market has been strong all dar. Government bond« were firm at quotations and Is good demand. Railway and State bonds wero ¿all and with few bids. Bank stocks were firm. The Railway share list was dull and steady early io the day, andf little disposition shown to op¬ erate, bat at the Second Board the market was firmer, and a disposition to cover short contracts .-sa manifested. Cleveland and Pittsburgh «nd Bock Island were Tery firm and were in demand. Late in the day the market wa« firm and all stocks wera in good demand. The closing prices were: Ohio Certificates, 25} ¿25}; Cumberland Coal, 44} .45; «Quitksilver, 40}»40}; Mariposa, 13; New- Tork Central, 92-392}; Erie, 81} _81}; Hudson- BiT«r, 101}; Reading, 99}S99}; Michigan South- «*.**&. 60}..»j; CleTeland and Pittsburgh, 81981}; Bock Island, 99} 99}, North-Western, 28} 7*28}; stforth-Wetton Preferred, 55}»55}; Fort Wayne, «31*94. Money has been freely offered to-day, bot the ¦rate may be quoted at 6 per cent on stock col¬ laterals. Some few transactions are quoted at 5 per Cast, but the rate is substantially advanced to 6 per «tent on all street operation«. The deposits on temporary loan to-day at the Rub- Treuury were $1,386,695. On and after February 1 th« rate of interest will be reduced to 5 per cent. Stpoculalors for tbe rise in Railway «hares sre now trying to make it appear that tbo decreass in Ballway earnings is but a temporary matter, and that as soon m navigation opens there will be an IneraBM which will oompeusate for the present loas. It is «Ten argued that " the hog crop'' is to make up for other deficiencies, and bring np the -receipts in extsesa of 1865, If this furniahe* any comfort to the holden of Railway share«, they have a right to anjoy it; bat we fear the idea will prove delusivo It should not be forgotten that the Railway business of 18«J4 «ni 1865 was extraordinary; ineTt-rsed largely by the war, which not only forced products though unnatural outlets to a very considerable «mount, but threw over East and West Railway line« an immense amount of transportation for ¦GoTernmenL The time having Arrived when this {maines« must be lost, it would be very surprising if Railway e-anung« did not diminish somewhat in the ratio of the «JiTcrsion, and we doubt, therefore, if the hog crop can prevent a reduction in Railway Business, however désirable such a result might be to the managen of the line« «nd the holden of stocks. It is worthy of notice that while «re have oc- «jBsional rallies in the stock market, price« hare in bo initanc« held their «dvanee« more utan a day or two «ino« ti»« element« of depression b«scams well \ui«l«3nt«3y*4iûU.t street, P«K>Plt OOP m __*,, whatever may be the délaya, there it in the natnial course of event« a atro-g and -.«vital*»« tid« to¬ ward bringing tha financial affairs at the cunntry to a ipecie batía. A postponement of action, to avoid sudden diitnrbance in the bntiness commu- nitv, can tcarcelv prevent tbe ahrinkage in value* which all tee it to be «ha oontaoqaence of a restora¬ tion to specie payments, and while all look forward to it at tooner or later to rome, it is a most effectua] check to speculation. It is, in onr judgment, wiso and prudent on the part of butinent men to be thus held to a cautious policy, and the more thii prevaili tie less are we liable to panic.the lc-st will there b)of overtrading, and the less will be the loss at the shrinkage in the value of stockt and merchan¬ dise progreiaei. The business of the Sub-Treasury was: Receipts, $2,->79,rî-8 59-for Customs. |8M,0(X)¡ Payments, tl,0J'«î.'t88 70.on account of Loan, fl.-«7»000' Balance, $93,766,307 98. Coin Ccrtifci-at«*, $-37,900. Freight» are firm. The engagements to Liver¬ pool are 800 bales Cotton at jd., 500 bush. Corn at 51d., and per tteamer 3,000 bales Cotton at 'd., 30 boxes Hiiciiii at -5s., and 14,011) bath. Corn at 5'd. Exports (exclusive of tpeele) from the port of Kew-York to foreign ports for week ending Jan. 30, 1866, $13,449,170. The Lotion Traveller of last evening lays: The money market continuel well applied witb capi¬ tal at the banks, and in Ihn bandi ofTndividuil leuden. Tbe applicstiuDi from borrower! »re wubin bound», and readily complied with in all tate» where tbe p*om- isor» and collateral» ire tatufactory. The common rate of intertat i* six per cent, with ex ta»ion»l ex¬ ception« a little oinler and over. 'Die banka are taking paper, with »Lort date», from the customer», at 7 MO 1 ti»- street ratet for tbe b- »t double name», humg titree or four month» to run, ii 7} to S per cent, with little dtiiD-i In too lower grade», at higher figure«. There is a good domand for ce rti ti cat es, and for tbe publio ta¬ llai it iel generally ¡ but t here lest doing in local ttockt and bondi, witb a few exceptions. The Cincinnati Commercial ot Monday says: Exchange remains about at irregultr at tver. Tbe mpply possibly not »o superabnuuant, and it» beavi- ne«» is in great part attributable to tbe c1..«erna«» in tbe »upply of currency, though the demand only moder¬ ate. "Tbe offeru ¿» of pajx-r for discount are fully np to what bankci» care to have, while the meant to take them do not teem to increase. aPrime cuttomert' paper ctood 1*2 per cent interest in some cate», and it is a favor lo ¿el any of luch patted at 1U per cent. The traffic of tbe Great Western Ballway of Canada for the week ending Jan. 26, was: ieC0..ÍM,*><>5 65 1865... $«15,244 90.} | Inc...10.320 74J Mr. L. M. Hoffman of the firm of Post li. Hoff- man, was this day elected a member of the New- York Stock Exchange. raoH w. a wbiobt» corro*« cibcüuir. Under the unexpectedly nnftvurtble newt trom Europe, our lairket declined to 47c. for Middling t'plindi, which brought In exportera and aouie «peculator!, who relieved the needy boldon, »tier which the markeri tteadi.y lecovered, »ud cloie» bim at quotation». Tin- talui for the week amount to üli.oeij n_lei. The export durii.f «am« lime baa beau: To Liverpool. 6 U8 balea i Havre. 1,074; Brauen, l.'aHH, Bar¬ celona, 42. Total. I,*r». Supply.t'ntil within a »bort tim«, I believed that from r-tre ti. lit Sept.. 18-8. cur total receipt« rai.lit prove fully 10*),000 bale«. From inform»lion recarntly received 1 am .»»titled that »hil ii excenive. i bejín to aoe. evidence that the toppry la becoming exhanited at many point». The river» have be» n up for two week», and vu have leeoived cotton iiuia ireinott point«. Hill, our total li let» «ban _»t week or before. The mpply from Mitiiwippi and J.outiiuia ia nearly »ii in. »udtl.e vicktburg bmU bru» in but hill crrgoei. The varioui drpoti in Alabama air no longer eroweled witb cotton hi d tbe nidiu river deliver! but . .mall portion ot what re¬ ceived »t Mobile, la Texae. «lao, the railroad» are all clear of totton frider «II the circumstance« I ariivu at the, ronclu.ion that the total, aa above, wiU he rathe/ uuder ebau ovtr 2,le»',- ooubelei. I'rit«..Tbe »pecial »Revenue Comminlon appointed by the U. ti. Secn-tiry of the Trenury, b»ve jual made tfleir report, In which tbey ret-onimead the Impontion of a tax of 5c. rp* 16. to be levied altor July. I. IStsS. upon »II c. elan the product of the I'nitMd State», lb« um« to bo collected «if the waiiufac- tuier at Iba place of consumption, and nf the merchant vi factor it the port of export, upoD all forei»*u »hipii »uti. The ("numil.4»II Incid.nttJIy ettimite tbe crop of li** at not len tiisn l.oonim bur». ti" iii.ru market«, by mill,»« reported «l»ewhere In foil, .how a heavy bairne», chiefly for fur-u-n account, at harden¬ ing price«, rlv teiegvipb I learn that tier« w»i lett done for th« week endui% Jau. 24, the market feelrtig the» »flirt cf vet» large receipt«, «ud of a decline a. equal t.i Dearly 4c. g? tb from Liverpool. Prie*«. notwittuUndtnj, were tolerably well auitained al New-Orlean» and Mobile, ciming ii reported «laa- wt.ere In oet.i). Receipt», r.xport« »nd Stork»..By mail the receipt» are «maller than for «onie time lal paHirulaily in New Oilea.I .liiiidtlriiiii Tbe etp. rta are iree Hy teb--T»pb 1 learn that tb« reeelp«« at New »Jrleant and Mobile forth« weak end in« Jan. 2& war* l«!(er than lor uiauy week» patt whirl» di--« ni »IT..I I «»»..I i ». I.e.-" ..(.I aa IS. «a.-.««..» ot »apply. Tb« following ii a ttttemrnt ot the ovi mem io cc-ttoo lince the lit September lilt: I'.eceipt.ittne Font In the United Stat«.I,ij-S.f*00 art to (irett Britain. mi.tjon Ixuort to France. 51,000 Fxp-.rt to other Foreign Porti. lli.uoo Tar»; F.xportt. :..',.'is.i »la. k on bead. .v>*i iss) l)! wuirti dating the put work in- i».l«».l in tbe above: Iteceipt« at tbe Port. Ml "n0 I iporti to »Ireat Hritaiu. 37 COO Exporta to France. ft.000 F.ipurt« to other Foreign I'orti. 'a! is») Total Export». 44 l|"0 FIelgbt.-l\-Liverpool, I-by «Waiu and ¡ a 7 lud. by .»i!. To Havre, | hy «ail. fflarkeU.Cakbitllt HaroBTBD »ob thb N. Y. TniBrxB. Tieuimv, Jan. 30, ItiùH. ASHES.The market for Pot» is dallât C7 MS k1 la. COI TON.From exporters the demand ha*coniinned fair, though hardly »o active yesterday ; price» are firmer, cluain** at l'iaMc. for Miadlibgs, sales of .i.uou bales. COFFEE.Rio it quiet, but tteady. Menu. Wm. Soon A Sont mike the stack of Kio 'ii Ció bags, toolud- ing 50,645 bagt here, »3,000 m ilaitiuiorc, and l-.oiX) in Mew Orleans. CANDLES.Adamantine nre in moderate reuest, hb'I steady at i_l<r_5c.; Sperm, 4!><i4.'c., and 1'atent, -0«.-.o. COPPEK.American Ingot is firmer and In moderate r«*i»u« st, iilei of 60,000 tb, al li» a Jl'ie*. for Iaake and Bitluniore. New Kheatbing and Yellow Metal ate ¦teady. at tie. for the former and 40c*. for the latter. FLOCK AND MEAL.The market for Western and State Floor i* moderately active, the low grades are neglected and lower, while good and choie-e brsinls are lu revjuest and held witb more confidence: th¬ iele« are H,6UU bblt. at 96 bingi ii» for Snpérhne State; ti li tt tn tor Extra bute; gc mets lu fur Fuacv State; Í7 tOMMl 25 for the low gruie« of Wettern Extra; gti IO_-t.rV» for Shipping Ohio; *.»._. .11 Jj for Trade and Family brand», and #11 Jtr& tli 20 lor St. Iaouis Extrai. buckwheat Flour is dull at g1 Hld ti tp 100 m. Canadian Flour is.h.Iv in Iiiiiu-.i1 d. iiiiaMi. aud I'daier. »ale» ol Ubi) bbls. at ti '«Ja?- aa fur toe low grade» ol Extra, and êr) X, u k 11 K for trade and Family Extra«. Southern Flour ia in mi nieraie rtijuett and»f»~y, sales of 4aO bbls. at .'»«"'.IO 15 for mixed to good Superfine Conutry lialtimore. io , and ti») -0_¡ tis 50 for Trade and Family brand». Eye Flour Is dall and uncoanged; aalet of 150 bblt. at ..'» «".»!. furn Meal ea»ier and more plenty; lalee of 750 bblt. at 1*3 903 .3 95 tor Jersey, ana 94 50 for Urandy wine. K1.-*11.Dry Cod are only lo limited den and, bnt pricea ire without change, aale« of St (ieorge'i and Otaad Bank at 17 3192.'.. Mackerel are in lair Job¬ bing demand, and price» are well «attained tales of No. 1 MataMMetti at gill ¡nogoa. No. I do. at el- c . l8 -5, aod No. 1 do at $14 50<*»14 75. Staokea and 1'icklfd Herring« are dull, and pricea are nominal. lil; A1N.There ia rather a firmer feeling in the mar¬ ket for Wbeat to-day, but the demand baa bien only Lit».¡»iit« ai.d confined chiefly to milling; th« extreme prieta iuiuted npon cheek bueuae«». There it no Inquiry whatever for export, the current prioee being above ihip per»' limit»; tbe artie« are 7.000 6.th. Milwaukee Club «t .! TI-, 7 doo tiuih. Amber do., both In «tore, and «».000 bu»b. Amber Stale at .24. Barley ii dull «ud price» are umeuk-d. Barley «Malt ii quiet; we no4« sale» of 500 but-. State at «1 40 at the railroad depot. Data are lower «nd more plenty, the demand, bow- «ver, it fair; talet of 37,000 baan, at ratio, for Canadian iejc lor State by car load 41 _ 43a for Inferior Western, and ¡Ü9ilc. for Jeriey and Southern. Kye firmer, with amore general demand; aalei of i ioho boab' Prune Weelern. In »tore, at Ato. Corn in better de- H___d, and phen are better, the Inquiry being in part to hil maturing oontracta, bat chiefly for export; New plenty, and In moderate ree-uett lor the local trade- »nie* of 112,000 both, at t<0-»Jl|o. fur uneooml; t*4o -tac! fur .J.od Wciiein. in »lore; tiiaeóo.. afloat' Hi' y «.ic for White Sonthern, aad ir_a»33o. for Janey Tellow, on pl«r. (jtrNNIESart«#qo-t, bnt Wit-oot chang« in price» »mall aalet at _*»<i__c. for Cloth, «ad ÎHHe.,ii- tai Bnt». Bü*P8eontlnn»io goo«l4e._id for home eonttunpt ion and prices are well «nituned, we qnote at from -jati 4'k*. i-d 7 k'.. ai to growth «nd quality. HAÏ.The rnqnu-y u fklr, and price» are tteidy nie» of 8t~ balee, at BOtteAx. lor Shipping, and <»o«'«Ä- fur K'tail lota HKMP-ManlUa remalDtdnll. but in oricei we bare no change to not», »mall tali-» at lija, gold; other kind» aro inactive and nominal. IKON-lhe Inquiry fur Pig bo» been only t'loderate. bnt we nave no change to note; >fo. 1 Amsrlcatf bed ata-Uiia-'**- and Nu i ScourO at .4-&I52. Bar Imx. and Shew t «nd Wr««, l«c. 9m ' MOLA_V_£S.The d«i_and ia light; »»le» of SO Poru.l_co«C-ai«taa-, aihbd«. Caba at 45o. «nd «0 bblt New-Orl«__» at li tri! jo, toa latter rate for tb » nnvtt lot have ever teen, hiving mor« tht appear¬ ance of a a_e uruD than of molaaaee KA VAL 8_0____-_«ú«t «1150 bbla Spirit« Tamea- tige tt99e.«fi, ige»trgr\ ugmrr aoA*pweu Craig Torpaatioe it sito «ntl, bat as bear sf bo cbai*«-** ia Slices sales st te. Rosins axe duli and prices favor ». buyer: tales of Common st gb, »¿trained and So. * at $.'. '«Oaf |9, and Na 1. Pale and Wbite. st fj MägJO. Ttr is dui) st tri 90*13 75 for Dornet»; ic. OILA.There la no change to nute in City Linseed, but the demand is limite«!; traill tatet st 11 41 a* ti 43. Fit. Oils are losctlvs and nominal at ti 50 for Crude Whale, and $2 be tot Crude Sperm. Lard Oil is doll and beary at II 9.'- for Sommer and Winter. OIL I AKF- 1 be demand for Oil Cake has been very fair sod with limited an-itali and some advaooe lu Exchange, prices tuve impruved and are firm at tb« close. We quote Weiterä st 40« 48c. ; aad City in bags at 50452c, and in bbls. tt Mc FKOVISIONS-Attbeopeoisgof 'Change the mar¬ ket was better, and a ftlr butines« was done, bat era ile close s hesvy feeling prevailed, sod tbe improve¬ ment WBslost; for fat ore delivery we hear of sales of K.250 bbls New klee«, lncludius* '¿ga bbls., boyer Februsry. st t*.*9 S.'.3t«*9 371; SOObbla. bayer Msrch, a 12912}, and 500 bbU., seller March, at 128 87}: the aales, ea»h and regular, are 7,600 bbls. at |2>3«* t*2tl ¿i for Old Mets, »Ja 6atdk¿* tor New Mess, «los- in»» st ioside figures, ana Au for C ear. Beef is Hendy and moderately active; tales uf 200 bbls. st til ft«14 for (Hil Plain Mest: gV'.-aAli tut New do. «MS» 116 for Old Kura anl gA'atii tor New do. Tierce Beef ia more active, bal prices are rather heavy; sales of 700 tea st 140a $45 for Indis «leis. Beef Barns sr« In rood demand and Arm; tbestocEls reduced tales of 500 bbU. HgtOWgOk Cot Mest« «re in moderst« request; sales of 100 boxes Dry halted Shoulders, for next month delivery, at Hie. Bacon is steady; we have onlv to note a nil» of 50 bores ritiort Ribbed st IGJc I/retsed Hogs are steadv st lS'airic. f.ir Wait- em. and 13ail3ic for City; tales of Ugbt weights st hljrher ratet. Lard is dall sod hesvy at Idalia, for No.l¡ 164tTl7}c forCityi 17iai7ic for Wesiern, and I7i&l8c. for small lots choice do.; also sales of 500 tea, teller March, at li«. AFTF.Bsooif l^KOVWiost MtnEitT. M o'clock..ForE was dull and hetvr at $28 62} for New Mesa Beef sm] Heef Htm« were steady. Flacon and Cut Meats Irmly held. Lard dall and betty st 171 a 17|c. for Western. rKTKOLKL'M.The market Is doll «ad price« ftvor the bayer; small sale« at MaMjU. for Crude, biaiAe. tor Itetlned. In bond, and IvaTda tor do , free. RIC..No talet are reported; pneet are nominal. Bl OARS. Kaw arc almoit entirely neglected, and we quote only nominally at 1042 ile. for fair to good Kolining; tales of 40 bbili. Kctiiied ire somiual. TEAS.Fir invoices, there it a fair demand st full t.rioe», bat small 1.-ti are dull; sales of 6,000 half- chest» «îreens, ex Ki s on private terms. SEEDS.Clover Seed steady, with . moderet« de¬ rri ajil «t i'ua 14c. TlBKB**» BbN limited demand fur Imme u»e at tia t4 l.-Jj. Lotii/h Flat Seed limod erstcly sctiveat lüeOat-J. Calcutta Linseed remaiui .I ami prices are nominal st $1 M in Bolton and Ail 55 here. 'lOHACC'O-Tbere bat little doing-, at tbe ilockt ofTern.g ure not very deiirable, lalei of 115 hl.ds. Kv 4J®l4c.; 73 balea llavana on private terms; 61 ctiet Seedleaf at 8Jo. TALLOW.The market la more active and prices «re fi-.1er sales of 7.'. 000 tb at 12} 2 _!|c. for Wentern and 12} a Vie. forCitv. WHISKV.The market is dull and somewhtt tin- settled; sales of 35 bbls.. in retail lot«, at .2 26,«'*'27 for Weitern. Receipts Prattaee. yam, mi.» fan bbls. Flonr, 200 bbli. Whisky. Î.900 l.bls. «oro Meal, é.OOO butb. Corn, 7,0.'i0 buah. Oats, Ki pkgs. Ailie«. 1,300 pkgs. I*rovi»ious, 15J pkg«.L«_-d. 2,05« pkgs. Butter. .Financial. TtBAIfBT DarABTSBET, VI i.BIM.TOM Itn. 29. lftW!. «TOTICE..NOTICE l8 HEREBY GIVEN li thtt tb» Trrawurer of tb« 1 ü.-rl State», tbe At.i.tii.t Trei.nrei. tt New-York. PhilidVlphlt tnd Bolton, ind the driigmted Depo.il«. ea tt Btltunore tod CinrinDtti, btve been lnitructed lo di.« onllnue. on and after the nr»t of Keb- rutry neil maning, irrtiving depoilU for teni] ot_y loin it lit per i-'iit. i'.!' reit Tlier hive been Initracted to receive inch depoalti in lawful rooney, on and liter tiiat dite, tt r ¡ve per en,t. lntereit, pty tble on leo diy»' notice, after thirty diyi from dit« of depo.it. h. mcculloch. Secretary of «he Tretinry. M AKINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. STATKMKNT OK THE BI'SINF.88 AND CONDITION OP TUE METROPOLITAN 1NSUI1ANCF, Co., NOS. 108 AND 110 BUOADWAV, On the Jl.t day of UKI I'M H LU, I'«. Unearned Premium». Jin I. I8i5.$31»,6«il M Premium! lecelvedin ltfcj, »»lui BWti On Mum» ii.... »Slfl.S» 55 ._,_.. Onl-iratn-ki. «^.S** .t»-gl,38i.im} 93 Total Premiuma. »I,,til.947 89 Premium« wirked oft* etrned from Jin «o Per. 3!, leoS....»1.3~,'. 24 Lea» Keimt. 1'irmiuu.i. 1UJ. 1«KK IS Net F.irned Pr-nilurna. S>l,*_»S,3tS M Verne* pild .mrnig tbe yem lln Mar lue ii»n«....$.'ii'te«. '-' Ou Fire tiik». 37J ¡97 57 Tot«lIoi«ei. g10n.ru ti Rear.t-d foi lonea unidjuited.. lil 9JÚ 99 Exprniei, Ri-iniuiincti tem- ii.iiiium ard Tttei, (len la- lert.« received). -178,340 53 -«?1,139.*D1 1ft Srt Profit. tlM.eU 90 CAP LIL. The Cupittl of .lid Con»pu y n tutlly ptli np in tast i.glrWtJtm TbL-mrplui on th. Iitdiji.l J», iitrj'.lawi. (rl4,'.4a 48 Tulilinioi:ntr.fCari'.l »I'd S urn!'ii.$1,1,41,14J ii ASS! Tis. Jasi-ast I, 116«. Amount of uah on band and in I,.. »..$17',5,15 50 Aim. .lit ,.f tali in hand« ot *g.- lud in rotitte of Iriniiiiii.iori.... TI «10 57 Amu .1,1 ni I tilted «tt!e.i.-<i! 1AI 1' :¦«.! i«l Amount of United Mate» 10 40 S per cent bond.. T.000 00 Amount of L'nited Stale» 5-JO b per rent booda. 1; uOO 00 Amount of L'nited State«, oui pound üiterritn(te«. JOH 00 Amount of United Mitti 7.30 Treasury n«,te. .«8,700 00 Amount of bank rix-ki and other mia 11 «i.e....» wtarkIel. 13.300 00 An.m:nt ut loini on bond» tnd t..ort .*;.», being lint iien of record on iinmcuu.l-er--d real et- Ute. *B2,890 00 Ari.i-.uut ot loane On coUitertL pty. «b.e ou deniind. If.1,136 43 Amount of otb»r mi-crllaiieoua Kemi. 25,1X1 75 Amount due for Bre premium! on polirlr. iit'i-d it offue. iß.JSO 90 Auioiint due for intrine pren.luim on policiet U.ued tt office. 45,395 85 Amount of bil.« receiv.bl» fur pre- Diluait oa maria» ri.k.. 92,280 13 lntereit du» and accrued, but not y.t piytble. 11,283 .*5-$l,$44.Itl 41 The Botrd of Director« hive «hil diy re«o!v»d to pty I DIVIDEND of SIX FER CENT on ihe oatttindtnt f enib' »te«.t Prodi« ti, theholdenther.of. or their lr«»l rertr.-te'itidvei. oo lud tfter Moudtv tbe .'«tb ol Mtrth next; »lie a DIVIDEND of UM'. PER CENT on the (tpilil Stork ol (he Company, piytble In Cub on de rutad; lito i DIVIDEND of TWENT*. rpr» PER CENT in «clip, on tb» tact ean» I P«r1iripi«int Premlumi of the Compmy for ti.« yetr ISeiS, for wl-leb Certiacatei wUl be laaued on to« iftet th« M d«y of Aprii next. DIRECTORS. Jtau LoBiBta Obahab, li Birav rum, RosebtM. (J (Ieabab. IrcDUT B. irait, Epwabe A. STtsiaiKT. Jobs a. Obabab. Jotira B. l'ABBca, «Iilbbbt L. Hibcibaji, ii..»r.« it M. »-i» CbablbiP. Kiaa-tsa, Pbbmbice H Woloott, lotira B. Vabbch Jr., William K «nnt'i Watmb E. ( air. Jobs G llataoaatos. Iobbais ! buba», (icrvAvri A. Coeoveb, I dwabb Macoaasa Mabtts Bath. J Loan«ti Usabas Jr.. Pam hal W TvraJiET. Bastcil D. Batoroao, ra.BaXIE 11. DtLAEO, Uro. W. I atcb. OFriCER«*. JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM. lTeildenL KOHERT M. C. «1RA11AM. Vice Pr.^ldeuL JAMES LORIMRR (iRAHAM. Jr., id Vire-Pretddent H. 11. Poitbb. Mt^eUry. New-York, Jan. J3, IMSJ. AT» SPECIAL TERM «,f the SUPREME COURT, held at toa City IWl. New-York, on the 29th d.y of January. Iitoti.Preaent Mon Jo«i«h 8a(h*Hind, J .In th» mitt.r of the Al'PLK ATKIN ol (».» RE( CXTEU of THK COLUMBIAN INSURANCE ( ()MPANY-Th. Reeeîveri hatlag applied to tbe Coert for liu.tru, tiona at to whtlhrr O'ltituidiB« salicirt abouis be caarela-d and pram lam aot-i rttunied up. paymeot of »nch part thereat u U already earned. It la ursetnai. (hat tb» matter ttind adjourned to Wedaeav dty, Jib. 31. it 13 m.. it the Cbamben of lull Coan to enable til penoiu int«reiied to pr-«er I td.-ir view» It ii (»rther ordered. Ibu tbe Retvivet. publiai thit order la Uie ptineip. daily piper, of New Yuri. A copy WU. C. CONNER. CTlet*. INSURANCE SCRIP. ATLANTIC MUTUAL (intereet aaraltl» Feb. <> PlCiFK Ml TI Al. (interert payable feb. 6). SI N MITI.'AL (uxerettpattbUreb. I). ORIENT MITrALIinteiMtpayibleMarehl). EOK SALE io iu_>. to ault burn., by Wat a OILMAN. No. «I l*ine »t NATIONAL BANKERS' EXPRES.*?. NATIONAL EXPRESS tnd TRANSPORTATION Co AMERICAN EXPRESS. ADAM« EXPREß» AMERITAN TELEGRAPH. l+TOi K\S for SALE. Applv ta _OEOROE C. DUNBAR, Ne. 46 Plpe-at KEW-YORK AND NEwThaVEN KAIL- ROADCO. STOCK. IHoeJiboIdrri who do Bot wi.l, ta «vtil tbaastalves trf the pr.Uer-u, which lbeT ir» entitled by reeoluiioe ot the Di reetert IM ram, of iub»rril»-g for NEW «STOCK can eStain . preniiura to; tbavlr righi« apon top icaaIod lo r, . »_t.i .Ql° c OUBAAA, Ko. «4 f1«_«r»e«. E_E*_f*______g «nd B«aa> sat «aid «4 ¦« tunk U^^imm.rryiT^r^ta^UrXmaBsaUA Ornea «a rat Ai-tmc M-crrtt Iat-*fU*M»C*. I Ni« Vou, Jan. 17. 1*4- I THE TRUSTEES, in conformity to the Charter of the Com»ear, .ohm- «he f«!lowio| STATE MK5T of lu _f«irt on the Hit Decaiiiber, 1385: Premium» reca-lved on Milln» Eliki, (to. lit J«BU»ry. 1185. to Htl December, II».»i,l«*J*",14fl » Prenit im» on Polki<«. not marked off titJaaaary. IPcai. t,OTI.j*M 73 Total amount of Maria« Framlumi.a8,*J-2.4.1 53 No pohc«. have laen -»tied «poo LU« Hiak», not upon Fire Ri.k» diK-onne, ted witk Minne .Ilk«. Premium, marked off from January, 186S. to ______ 31tt December, IMS.*6,7«4,l4- 38 Leetea paid dum.« the kum period. #3,559,171 «6 Return» of I'reiin io,» tnd Ex**-*».... .StW34l 44 The C'nu pan y bal the f .Ilawin» A ne ti. vii t United State» and r*ra. c«New York _u>ek, City, Bank and oner »Stock«.04.tU.mi 00 Lmm «-cured by Stock« and o.erwlivi. **»£!0,\52 ? Beal F.tUteand Bondi «nd Mortgage«.*, «*'..* <*> Dividend» on Stoclt, latrreit ob Bondi and Margue», «nd otb*r Loan«, mndry sote«, reina.-nee «nd other ela.a« doe in. Com- peny, ««-mated al. 144.ÍW4 43 Premium Note» «-dBU-Recaivabl«. 3.*S3,íh)1 Su C_bta Ba__,«oUi. *",«-» ** C««h in Bank, United State» Treaaury Not« Cur« re.jy. JlO.SSl It Total amooat of An»ta.011.1.9 t*» 17 Six per caul intérêt» ou tb. ou Ulindi ng certiflctlet of prohU will hat paid to tk» holden lliereef or tl.elr legal repreaeuta- tivei, on and «fUr Tueaday, the, Mb of February next. Fifty per rent of the ontalanding certlfi. atea of the l«me of l8« 4 will be redeemed and paid to lb« holder« thereof or their leg»! representative.», on and after Tue«d«y the btb of F«b- ru«ry next, from which date intérêt« on (he amount to re¬ deemable will cette. The certificat«« to be produced »t the liai« of payment and canceled to the eiteut p arl. A dividend of Thiity-bv« per cent la dec »red on the ort earned pre..mun of Um Company for til» year ending Jut December, 1W6. for which rerttfl'Ate« wui be liaeede.0 and after lu« »d»y. ti.« id of April Belt By order of the Board, J. H. ClUrM-iN, -sscr«t_ry. TRUSTEK8. JOHN D. JONE8. DANIEL. 8. MILLER, CHARD'S DENNIS, UM. STI'ROIS, W. H, M MOORE, HENRY K. BOOERT, HENRY COIT. JOSUUA J. HENRY, UM. C. PICKERSGILL, DENNIS PERKINS LEWIS CURTIS. JOSEPH OAlI.LARD. jr., CHARLES 11. RUSSELL. J. HENRY BL'KCiY. LOWELL HOLBROOK, CORNELIUS ORlNisELL, R. WARREN WESTON, C. A. HAND, ROYAL PHELPS. B. J. HOWLAND, CALEB BARSTOW, RENJ BAKceie K, A. Y. PILLOT. FLETCHER WESTRAY, WILLIAM E. DODOE, ROBERT B. MINTI'RN. Jr., OEOROE O. UOB-Ot-f, «iOllItoN W. BURNHAM. DAVID LANE. FREDERICK CllAl'NCEY, JAMES hlCVi E JAMES LOW, LEROY M. WILEY. OEOReiE S. STEPHENSON, WILLIAM H WEBB. JOHN D. JONES, Ptetidenl. CHARLES DENNIS, Vice President. W. H. H MOORE, Se«-ond Vice-Preitdent. J. D. HEW LE IT. Thud Vice-F-etideut. NrviDi Íilvx» Mi-iso CoarasT 1 OrriCB No 70 Bboadwav, Nbw-Yob« Jib I«*«". S A SPECIAL MEETING of the f-t«»ckhnl»lers of «bli Company will be held« their office e THURS¬ DAY, Frh 8. DM, it'll in., for bu>ine«i ol impof ance. By order of the »oui. 1. S. BOLLES, tia, retary. Ornea TBB Wut Vieui.ia Oil and Coal Cob-) r«*ir Jan. 25, l-»tj. 5 AN ELECTION for TRUSTEES of this Company will be bold on the 5th day of February next, «I No. 71 Broadway, Room No. 20. Poll« opened from 12 o'clock m. and 1 oY'o k p. ni. A. 8. CROWELL. Secrettry. Stavb or Mais«, ) Euri riva DsrABTB»BT. > Al'UCITA, Dec. 31, lit». J SALE of UNITED STATES LAND »SCRIP.. Proposai« will be r«t*ei»ed till the Ant diy of Mar.h, HVa5. by hi« Excellency SAMUEL CONY. Ho«-mor ot the Ml of M»ine, for the purer.««« of LAN'O SCRil'inued Iot«id St«te. lor th« endowment of t College for th« benefit of Agrieallure .ai Mechuiio Am. hi qujntitlei uot len then Ive thoi«ind .c-rei. TermI c««h, piyible In l«wtul money «t the office of Tr««i irer of Sute of Main« it Augutta. or it th« Bu.olk Ni- lionel Bink. B.xt.in. in twenty d«y» »fier notice itiued of «c cepttn.« of ofler. The Scrip to bet delivered «t Augutta. Right to reject proponli nieived. All offen will be directed to Ibt iddrett of the Sirretiry of State, Autmlt, Miine, ai.d iudoried ou tb» cut- ide, Proponli for " Agiicultural College Scrip." _ El'llRAIM FLINT. 8«creUry of Stat«. Tbabivbb Ornea or tbb Cbicauo abo Noara- Wb»vibb BAiLWar Co.No. 8 Wall it, > N«W ÏOBK, Jan. ID Ibu , COUPONS clue Feb. I, Irm, from the Bonds of the Chit «io «nd North- Weitem Rai'way Company and the Oilena and Chicago Union Railtoad Company, will be uaid on and after that dal« on presentation at tbla utfit-e. "^ JAMES It. YOI NO. SecreUry. Orrie« or tbb Mow» Fib« Imraanc» Coartar o»j NBWÏOBB, No. 170 Broadway, > Nbw-Yob«. J»n.23. lfWi. "\TOTICE is hereby (riven that Bcioks for the li iiibtcriptlon of the iddhiauil C«]Ulal of ONE HLND H ED THOUSAND DOLLARS will be open »t the Office ef the Comp.iv until the Jill inat. The prêtent Shareholder« will be nn'ltled to an tw«rd equal lo UKI Y i'Ell CENT of their Stock. _H. C. BEACH. Secretary. OTF'ICE oflhe FARMERS' MIAN AND TRUST COMPANY, NO. 2t EXCHANGE PLACE. Nsw Voax. Jan. .r* 'si The Conpom of the F.VANSVII.LE ml CRAW 1»ORDS- \1LLE RAILROAD COMPANY due on the lit of FEBRUARY NEXT will be ptld it thii office. _OFOROE P. PITCH, Seemtiry. PORTAGE LAKE AND LAKE SLTE- Rleitl SHIP CANAL COMPANY. FIRST MOUTHAOE BONDS, SECURED _}__ TLIILIC LANDS. TEN PER CY.SÏ flmCUfK TAYABL- SEMI- ANN! ALL*»*. Tl.eie Bondi ire Itiued to ild in th« «utiitfuction of I Ship final from Portage Laka to Lakes .'tuperior, «eros» the pro- raont.ry of Kewen»w Point, forming » link In 'he cU«tn ¿7 the ntvigitlon of Lak« Superior, via Sajlt St. Mart« . Can»l. with the Lower Lake- The importance of liaient. rnri»e hi« been n-cognited by Congrett by an ict ipproved M«rcb 3. 1863. and confirmed by an act of the Legiaiatura of the Stale of Mi.'higaii, pii.-d March It, 1 ;e>3. .ranting to thii Company 2i>0 OOJ aerea of public land«, located In the rich mineral legiau of th» upper panimula oflhe Stat» of .Michigan. Th« whole amount of bond» to be inued li limited by the Compii.y to *>*_W,000, «nd »ecured by a first mortgige on all the fnni-lu«ei right«, prtvlleiei and loila of the Cuni Com¬ pany, togetber willi the laid 2i»i.'S«1 at r-« of public land«. The bondi ir« payable In 10 yean from the lit ot July. !84>5, with intrieit at Hie rat» of 10 per cent, ai authorixed by the lawa of Michigan, payable «enti inaaa-y. on the lit diy« r.f January and J .I», at lb» Ocean Bark, in the City of New- York, and are ullereJ fir «al« at th« Offi.« ol be Pretldcnt of the Company, H. A. TICKER, No. 4 Brotd it Tbb Mabibtta abd Cibci.biti Haiuman c okpa.vt, j c bii.ucotub, Ohiu. Jin. c, isrn, ( THE COCPON.S «if tb.* FIRST MORTGAGE MONDS r.f tl.i« C ompany, Jua Feb. I, will be paid on and tftcr that dat« at the AmericBU National Bank. No. 80 Bru.dw»y._W. E. WATSON, Secutary. á'-RAVELLVü CREDITS on hleean. J. 8. A MOKOAN k Co, LONDON (Saceeaaort lo UEO. PEABO0Y It Col. availabl« io the priaciptl nile« of El'ROPEind the EAST, inued by DA-NRY MOROAN k Co., No S3 F.ir-biage-placa. AND WARRANTS and COLLEGE LAND I SCRIP Pt RcilASED and for SALE by C. It O. WOODMAN. No. 60 Wall «t Conking fjonsca ana üankers. FISK -tT^-ÄTCH; BANKERS, Ho. i nass.ii; ST BUT raid SELL AT MARKET RATF.8 ALL DESCRIP¬ TIONS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, ACCOUNTS of BANKS. BANKERS a-doth.rt RECEIVED on favor »bl« term«. Mitetl-neeu» STOCKS lad BONDS BOL CHIT »nd SOLD on Cumminion it th« _REGULAR rTTOCK EXCHANOE. ENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD STATE AID BONDS. Intereit at the rate of SEVEN PER CENT PER ANNUM IN CJOLD, afaytbl« Sen,i Annual!». GUARANTEED AND PAID BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. The Bondi »re ««cured by » mortltt« ou 180 mile« ol road, from 8»a-rsm»n«o la Um Californiat Stat« Im«, forming part of the great 1'at-flc Railroad Routa, uiopted and ilded by the I mud State« Oovarnn.ent. They ti* further tecned hy . SINKI.M» Ft NI) of g JO. ODO la gold, per annum, reeerved from the earning* of tbe road, and pledged for tbelr redemp¬ tion. Ti»»v »re . frit elia» teejrity ia »very reipect. aud a limited amount will ba aftaret upon terms wnlcfa render tbem a mr atli-fti»« and dealrabl« iavettme-t. For furtbar par ti. ular», ino .ire «t our o.ce, No. 5 Naxau «t. FISK k HATCH. Banker». r\EPEW »t POTTER, BANKERS, No. II BROAD ST., NEW-YORK. Allow tBtere»t at the raU of FOUR ÍER CENT per ai.nuiii oo depotlu which miy be checked for »I tight. Special attention given to th« PURCHASE ami «ALE of 00\TRNJ_ENT 8ECURITIER. Uitutiuwom «TOOK- »nd BONDS benth', tai »liri ea tmmotm COLLECTIONS promptly Blade ob all -Mia.. CHAUNCET M. DEPEIV, 1Ü-SRT W. "«ITTEl. ilmMAmtiyjtttmm.) VERMILYE & CO., BANKERS Na 4*4 WALlrST., WCWTOEK, Keep coBtltsUy oa atad in I.media'* d«av«ry. ALL I8SUES OF UNITED STATES STOCKS. INCLUDING: e PER CENT BONDS Of 1881, » PER CENT «VÜO BONDS Of l8««, 6 PER CENT ¿VIM BONDS OK 18«M, . PER CENT O-'iO BONDS 184U. S PER CENT lvJ-49 BONDS, 7.3-10 PER CENT TREASURY NOTES, M, Id «nd 3d Iiiuee, 6 PER CENT CURRENCT CERTIFICATES. ORDERS from BANKS »b1 BANKERS for tb« PUR¬ CHASE tod ÍALE of OOVERNMENT STOCKS, etecuted ftvtrtbla termi ind with tfipetch; ela», for all Securttlei dealt in at the Regular Stock Ex- hang». «COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, of 18tJ4, BOUOHT and SOLD. _ _VF,RMir,VK «fc Co.. Steesee U. CosatCT. I D*n*¿,**n~Mb r New-York. Charleaton. 3. C. Braos SasaaAS. Wa. M. Tcsso, New-York. ¡..va-uah, Ot. CONDICT. SHERMAN à CO, BANKERS, NO. 17 NASSAU ST., NEW-YORK. Olve ipeclal attention to Collection* throoghou*. the Southern Sutei ; »ollelt Depoalti, inbietrt to check it light. Iron» btnki, binkert «nd tndividnali, and allow lntereit by agreement; etecot« Orden promptly f.r the purch«« and tile of Oold ind of Government end other Securities Sall Eoreign Exchange, and buy and tell Exchange on CharWon tnd Savannah. D. JENNINGS It Co.. W. 5L TUNN'O k Co., (.berlettou. S. C._BawSSSBSB, OA HMUHWR'SSONS, BANKER!», NO. Jt» WALLST, BUY AND SELL 1*. S. 6 PER CENT CO.MPO'ND INTEREST NOTES. U. S. T.JO TREASURY NOTES. AND ALL «'LASSES OK 0WÏ. lafefe? «-ti NoviSlT^ Coupons Cashed in Gold. We bave alto for SALE, a full a.ioitment of COMMERCIAL PAPER, comprliini the lei.llnt namei of Houie» In th* Dry (jcodi Cumminin and Jobbing. Hat and Cap, Grocer*. ind other trade!, tt utei vtiyüig from 7 to IJ per cent per annum. ... ,. Hank, «nd Inve.tor. out of the City will be «upplied with li.ti ti atma tnd rttet, on application, by mail_ EWELL & CLARKE, (icccttisoE! to Stead«!*«, Ewell Ii Co.) RANK EUS «S BROKERS, NO. ST EXCHANGE-PLACE tnd NO. 19 BROAD ST.. NEWYORK. Prompt ittentloa given to the purchue tnd itle, on Coin- miaslon, of OOVERNMENT SECURITIES, UULD, BONDS, RAILROAD tod PETROLEUM STOCKS. Mil' tnd tele;riphir order« rxecoted with dlipatcb. Inteleat «Mow ed on depotit!._ II CLEWS. OKO H. BEND, UM B. BEND, THEO. S. FOWLER. HENRY CLEWS & CO., (Succeiiori «o Live.nore, CItwikCo.,) BANKKKS. 33 WALL STRÍET, NEW YORK. U. S. SECURITIES PURCHASED AND FOR SALE. All klndi on bind, reidy for iniltat delivery, at th« lowarl market price. _ DEPOSITS IN CURRENCY AND GOLD RECEIVED Account! of btnki. bauten »nd indivldutli »ollclted. 4 PER CENT INTEREST ALLOWED ON ALL DAILY B.VLANCE8, which nity be checked for witnout notice. Collection! mid» promptly on ill point«. Order« fir itocki, bond« and gold executed on commit lion. n.'ld for payment of dulle» f r lil» In mmi to mit. N ORWOOD A LOCKWOOD, BROKERS STOCKS, BONDS AND OOVERNMENT SECURITIES, No. IT WILLlAM-ST., NEW-TORK. A. O. NORWOOD, JNO. f. LOCKWOOD, of the N. Y. Stock Exchange. let» of Buffilo JOHN MUNROE «fc Co., AMERICAN BANKERS, No. 5 RUE DE LA PAIX, PARIS, No gwallst.,Sew.york, f'lue Circular Letten of Credit for Trivelen In ill parti of Europe, kc, «Vc Alio Commerciil Credit«. JOHN J. CISCO A 80N, BANKER«, NO. 33 WALL ST., NEWYORK. RECEIVE MONEY ON DEPOSIT, and allow li,terrât at th« rtte of four per cent per a-iiium on dilly btltni-e». wbicb may be checked for tt light, NEGOTIATE LOANS AND BUSINESS PAPER. EXECCTE PROMPTLY ORDERS KOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OK GOLD. Buy ind Sell Government in.) other Seonritleionconiminion, MAKE COLLECTIONS On ill putt of the United Sute« tnd ('»nilli. JOHN J. CISCO. (LaU of the United St«(e. Tree»ury in NewYoik), ISHFI-" JOHN A.-r-ilVlELD CISCO. LOCKWOOD A Co., BANKERS. NO. St BROADWAY AND NO. ti WALLST. Detleii in Oovernn.ent tnd other IsssSBBsa Interest «¡lowed upon depoaita of gold in I eurrenev, tub- jtct to i-iie« k it tight. Gold louie J to ineiehtnti tnd binkert upon fivonble 1er ma n^xTí-ERCENT. JNTKRj-^VrEE 1-ROM .O TAX. MARKET SAVINGS BANK, No. ti Ñauan-it.. New-York. Depe.it. made now will draw Br. t,«t freie Kuh 1. WM. VAN NAME, Preild.-ni. HaiBT R. Coieli.v, Secre««ry. ^ JEW-YORK SAVINGS BANK, corner of I Eouitei-i.t.-i it. tnd Eighth ive. Open dally furn 10 t. ro. to 3 p. in. Mondiy «nd Thundty ev, n'nirs from S to a o'slock. SIX PER CENT INTEREST free frotnOorernment Tu, DtpoaiU mad» ou or bef.re Feb. 1 wi I i!r»w lntereit from thal dit». T'.iii. Chri.tv Pre«. R. II. Boll, Ker SIX PER CENT INTEREST, Free from Government T«x, tllowed At METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK, No. 1 Third ive. . ISAAC T SMITH, Preiident. W. J. Hasses, SecreUry. SIX PER CENT INTEREST PAID, Free from Government Tu. THIRD-AVENUE SAVINGS BANK. Corner of Twenty..ixth-.t. tod Tiiird-tve. Diinüerto iV'olirco. Orrics or thb Ilu*oi«|Cbstbal Raileoaii Coktaet. ) Nsw-Yoma Dec 13, iib». 1 TA MEETING of tho BOARD OF DI- - RKC'I'. HIS of «bl« ('oiapany, bril (hi« day, It ».. Remitid, Thata DIVIDEND of KI IK PER CENT In ca»h. free of Goterumenl lax, be pud on toe brit day of February next to «he bolder« ef tb» fall paid tbarei rrgi.tered on tb» Una day of January, and that th« ivtnifer book, be cloaed on «he >.i.{ Jinn diy of Jinntry ind opened on (be 3d dtv of Ftbruary, THoMASJBTwaLKER, Treaiurej. Tabs Kabb 1'KTKOLtna t obtabt, j OaftSS No. 10 Pioa-ct, J AT A MEETING of th« Trustees of the TARR KAHM PETROLEUM COMPANY, hell Jin. 15, l8**, tDIVlllKND of ONE PER CF. NT upon «heir rap! til Kock of «I.OWI.iisi w ia de.lire«, rnyibl« Keb. I, woxiaio. Tb» Iruiifi-r book! will be I..ard from Jan. 21 to Keb 1 io, ciu.lv._J. P. HOGARTH, Hem-Ury A B ROADWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Ne. W7 llroidwiv. «ntruir« on Ptrk-pltre. DIVIDEND .The Tru»leei .t tbit Incitaition here directed the« tbe u.ut! DIVIDEND on drpoaiti entitled thereto, for the dt teootbi ending Dee. 31, it the rue of SIX PER CENT per .nniim cn «uu.ioo« »xcee.i.ng 0>j«i, ,.d FIVE PER CENT .ver aSOO Ifre« from Government tai), will paid on tnd tiler ItONDAY, Jin. 15. st*;. paie on ans iv » ti. FRANCIS Y- SCHOAL8. Pretideat Wa»« B «t OBBAU, See. Pt rta Cübsieo. Aert, . ?i*.?"-- Onxçm Pete Railboas CsartsT, i D.V.,.lVnm,Mnn" ¥*l Yo"- immtm It, mt { I\ IDLND..The Directors of this Compan** b.ve de-ilirr*. SEMIANNUAL DIVIDEND from the »«.ningi.,Mlie toad for «a uioolbi «nditg 3la| Dcrtttobti .l ^FrÄsTT^ OStUALr'pEk&'Ztke M«A.NOC^!T^TV0Kr0L'R PEE CENT - ** <** the resletered binden «f Hock «I tb. dclag ef tit heikt « **Sr*f*ÍÍ* hoohi of both claiiet of »lock will be eiaMed on ÜQiMJW* V^|_|-S»»*tBT. D ITIDEND NOTICE. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 103 BROADWAY. CASn CAPITAL. §*...*». SURPLUS. l,Q34,*r-*_ TOTAL.il.M'*-Sf»- THREE FOURTHS OF THE PROFITS OF IHN» NE8S DIVIDED TO ITS CUSTOMERS, WITHOUT IM POSINO ON THEM ANT LIABILITY \VIL4TE*VF.R. N«w Yob«. J-iuir- 9 » ««. Thi» Company hu thii d»y detUred A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND or SEVEN PER CENT to it» Stockholder», p»y»ble to them or their lv%*: mmummU tin,, on »nd «tier TUURSDAY, 11th inat GEO. T. HOPE, Ire- eel II. H. LAMPORT, Secretary. CYRUS PECK. Atiiitant SecreCarr- DIVIDEND..THE PETER COOPER FIRE INSCHINC E COMPANY ha»« de«_red * DI» iDl of FIVE PEU CENT ireeof Dovernmeut Tut 1 »" .'...- tlieir oSice, cor. ol Thirdive. and N nth tt.. on ehe It* «. v M Feiruaryuext The Tituifer Booki will »je oio»«*d iron» in« ._*h lu -l.t Jtuiuary inclut.ve. »y mnbnj ^ p ^ ^ ItUTBÜÍ KiarlrrirBAira OBrAîil j No. 15:! Bboabwai. Nbw îobk. J«ini«ry I». ** ' DIVIDEND..Tbe SEMI«ANND__L «HjTfcB* BOT DIVIDEND of THREE AND A HAL! Pi K t EN r on Hie Cti'itil Slock (free of Oovernment Mt) hat »hi» diy been declared, payaule on demand. ' D. K. CI RRY. Seeretary. orrie« or ma p«o»lb . laaaaiaoa Co., « SlVt'i|l.Jtii--'ilH*« > DIVIDEND..The l.emnl ol' Dire» te»;- of ti"«» PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY hie. til. d»y de. -lsre.1 i DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT, OVM ot l ¡overr.uieut tax, payable on demand. By order. « M S^MARTIN. Secretary. lim Sixra Dividb-id. 1 NOBTB ABBB1CAS FlBB I.SIÜBAI.CB « «JBrlJIV, J 1H Htajdw»y, New-York. Jan. 9. lae**>- > HE BOARD of DIRECTORS have THIS DAY dwlared an INIEREST DIVIDEND W »I\ E PER CENT on the capital «tock, p«y«bl« oti demand. R W. «3LEECKFB. Se. reury. BkOAOWAT ISHCBAMCB «^OBrA.tT. I No. lil BruiidwajT. lan. 1", MU S THIRTIETH DIVIDEND..The I'ounl <»f Hirectoiaof thia Company have declared «DIVIDEN o, FIVE PER CENT, free liomin, J^$*¿};.t^ _ BOMB DÍ8ÜB1NCE COMPANY, No. 135 Broadway. N«W YOB«, Jan. It. IM*>. A DIVIDEND of FIVE PER CENT, free of l»over..n »ai lu. au THIS DAY d.- aired by the Board of Dire "ora p»y»b!» on d-m«nd. JOHN MçOEE. S«-cr«t«rv^ i*\ ST Dm DENI). . THE UNITE D 111 STATES FIRE IN-.URANCE COMPANY l.veTHI- DAY de,-l_-rd« &EMI-ANNI AL DIVIDEND of FIVE (»J PER CENT, free of Government km, p»yabl« or. Imwwi, and carried three (li per rent lu iurplui Account, o .*. «: th« earnlnt« of the la.-t «lx month». SURPLl S JAM ARY 1. INA«, S1*_0,0O0 New York. Jan. 3, inn«. W. W. I NDERHILL. S. reeary. T t-banres for ßn-incöB fflett. A WHOLESALE NOTION and H0SI1.KV HOUSE tel SALE on v«rv iavoribleterm«.St iel In lure» and valuable lane.in cuuiequet ce ol' III health oi would »diyit »ctiv« partner, with capital. Addieta B., Bob HajMFo._'_ FOR «SALE.At an imun'iiso «.aeritiet*. tim* SILVERSMITH ESTABLISHMENT of the "-te *-"r. P O. PERDRIAUX, No. 110 South Ki tilth »t., l-MtlfU» witb food wl'.l, Fixture», and full and complete ¦aat BtfJ for the minnfacture of »11 kindt of plain and fmcy ti vet ii oPm._ Apply to or iddreia No. 1,009 Pine »t Phll.d'-lohli. P«. ipOB 8ALE.A "üi>t-class GBOCEST, of X »even yi-art' «tai.dir », on one of the pnnripal avei. it, ..» Brooklyu, d. in« a food trade. Duly rer.»on lor »eJin;. t « proprietor« have other beisuieea reouiriug 111- Ir attent on. I. p»rti-u art, »pp y to toil. MACKEY, No. 'JJ lu.tun «ve Brooklyn. $ I H ÍUIlk .»»000--Abi: A \Jm\r\y\rm with the above tim pOR SALE.Tho PATENT BIGHT "f mu A. of the mott eitef.il »nicle« »nd which everybody tieedt firofit on th« nunnlictured arti-le ¿ni per cent. luq.i.-»ci iODOMAN, at 10 o dock, »t No. «Jti Fe_r.it., cr oi HUE ti Co No. 37 Puk row, N. Y. FOR SALE-A v*rJn_bta PATENT. Ii*V*~« at No. Ti John it., New Yotk. 1X> MAMUFACTDREBa.__. «dratiM--. reildent otJCblc««'». and well acqailnte.l «sith li e to I,o a tal«Jobt.iiigTrade tt the Weat, ¡«opentoENOAI'KMEN I i< SOLICIT ORDERS from Whole«-. Trade at the Watt for any Staple Manufacturée Wanta lo «elicit for «ecotio* a* Mtnulactiirera only, and only f».r lueh »oodt aicaa le- larg«! quantitiei to lint t'a«» tiade i'ty bv Coiiai.uvi.-i: lalee. Bett of refeience liven. Adilret« till Ulli relnu rv CH1CAUO AND *»T. LOUIS, careTiibune Odio. New-Yura WANTED.A relialilo mau with a «mill .c«|IUl to take charee of a va'n.ble INVENTION a. Farmers'nie, in Noitheru or frwtheni fltilfI Ha ,-e-.l.i-* c1«.« M»ytr»velor loc»te. D. C. COLBY, Nu 1«*7 Br -J way. Now-Yoik, Room No. 26 »sines* man inn » anted, lo l-e ome half owner and take ch»rje of the Manufacture ttiid -'»'.. of «n article ol unlit.ited cn«.iuiption. Uood r«feren um P-Ttcnal t'ipervlsioii retiuirnd. For explinatlona, aidreaa Room No. d4. French'« Hotel, »*.iliii¿ where «nd whee 1 «1 ni' call on yo.i. THE LOUISIANA AGRICULTURAL COMPANY. It li conceded by mut ptrtiei that th« now w«»-e.i ta«r t]e«ol«te plat.iatioDi of the South can never be rnatored la their former itato of productique«, «at« by th« introd tu» of that poareiful luxi itry, CAPITAL. Th« Stale ot Louitlan«, by the ricliie»» »ad fertilliy uf .oil. and the laliibrity of it! climate, at preieut offen .re.tii biducamenU to capital lit» than any other region of the Southern Stat««. Thi» Company, alreidy incorporated, ha» been orj.ni/ed .nd propoM» to commence it* operation« u mon u the uerei «ary amount of Mock hu been lubacribed. It prop«-»,,.,, by a judlclou« um of lu mean«, with It« head office in New O'etna and branch officaa la N«w-York, te PURCHASE OB, USA-OB, it may deem mort adviiahla, PLANTATIONS NOW LYING IDLE, » nd work tbem under it« roperintendenU ; and a.'io to »dvaia . fund« to planten npon po-artai crop«, the Company to r*v«i»i i «har» of th« product when ready for mark«- Tbt« «.Ui prlaepromian a batUr retara for the inveatment of i-apila than anyt-i-of «var before offered to th« pnbHc It« Preiident now in the ,Hy, «nd will be happy to give la til the mull of a «is mooth.' tour tbroU|h tba Sut« of Lo m -na, with a »law to aaeat-ia daanttely Um conditiea of th« Meat.', MM», tuo. By adaii-eiilni a note, or ciUlnj at the COMPANY .*» 3FFICE, lit. 49 Exflianre-plaff. lota Xt. 19, rlr«rml«n, »rhich tater more fully into the datai'. 0f lu» «,ofc activa opentloni, will be.* forwarded, lojether with » mp, uf ta Chatter and By -law». vl D. W. CORBIN. Paatu»taw Lorui^A Aa-te-Ltwa-i, Coaratv Na. Ab Ewlmt-ilarga. Ha. Na. 19. _üfcböing Corbi, &c. ¿LA__Î_£_^ÈÎ_S_!_____j_-_5

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1866-01-31 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1866-01-31/ed...Bala « ni the attasat Bxekmmpm-'^UL-SI. U.rU*,1881(3,0W.....109¡'cp

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co bbX'IA-L »IATTIbW.

Bala« ni the attasat Bxekmmpm-'^UL- SI.

U.rU*,1881( cp. KanANew-York3,0W......109¡' 6.HOüfc«»\ÍA*-*» r, '62. iBank tamm.*-*«-A»..wJ¡¡.y/.:,®Ami ¿i«*!«. Beak

30.".*BnkofBepuWic1^ »k| ?»

D.ft6s5-í»c,«525,000.102i70,0fJ0.... 102}C.iÍ5B,l(>-t0cP.M.tjOO. 93TntmuryT 3-lOt.

1st senes.10.000....


Mich. CentraLi00.101.Miol-Bo. * M.l100. ...blO. Mg200....«15- 6811.500. 68}

blO. 69

ImpATtad «Bk.

A«jt*0.¿mlL 99}3d senes.

5,000.98|tJ.ata,! T.c, a

BT-..All ÍA'-sr S2d «enea_gstjiroaxui xt»_

no 000.98} 50........ 98


7,000...... 981K.Y.8ute7s,I'L1,000.99}

fenn. 6s '90.s,«».m3.00P.»Hissooji tia«,000.76Califom.» 7a2,000.l18O. A Misa Or.10.000. 25

jr.Y.CenL6B,*83.3,000.93EreiUlmtéTe,79.3,0)0.1«Une 5th intge.15,000.92}

BnlT.NY.AE.lst1,000. 94Chi.AAlLlitm

30.5150. 52Ouicksilver.55.39600. 40Mariposa pref.100.17,

Pacific Scrip.100.165N. Y. Central.

91 i

I«j0.2c,s30. 68}Clere. A Pitta,


500.600.500....500....200....2,(>00..500....500....1,300..1,000 .

CuicagoAN.W400.28}600....281Chic.ANW.prefTOO....»30. 54900.541100.o 54}Chic&troAiLI.100.99300.99}300.99}100.99«*Pitts.F_vV.AC.300.941,000.'Jil400.93,100....»10. 931

ChicagoAAltuti.100....810. 103

500....[Ehe.500.811100.8111,200.81,300.2(1 call. 81}100.81}300.81}100....s30. 81

¡Hudson RiTer.200.102

9 000. 93}¡HT. J. Central.American Gold. 20.114}50,000 «30 139}! 50.114, Chic.AAlt. pn-f.

lferohants'Bnk.l 30.114 100.103J5.HO}1 I

1 O'tlrDCK BOARD.Ohi(iAMiaa,Cer.|Ere. Illinois Central.10,000.25}| 700.81} 100.115

.WestUniouTel.iKeading. Clev. A Pitt«.100.52 100.98*1 1,400.80}

<¿*Tj¡e_.HlTer. ¡Mich. CentraL Pitt«.Ft.W.AC.500. 401t 100.1019 700....slO. 93}W. Y. Central. 'Mii-h South AMI 300.93}M.bl5. 92 200.68}

2} O'CLOK BOARD.ü.8 6t>20c.,'6410.000.101Î

r.8.6t.5-20c, t¿)1,000.101}90,000.un100,000.. ..101}Ü.8.5s,10-40ooii.7,000.93


17,000.98120,000.98}3d series.

Canton.100.44Quicksilver.200.40WesLUnionTel.100.52}N. Y. Central.200.91}

Pacific Mail.50.185Erie.200.81100

1,000.ml 50.VU».98} 500.2d coil.«78.6s] TT.e.new Reading.2,000.98}j 300.99*. Carolina 6e. Mich. Central.5,000.82} 150.101


Mich. So. A N.I.14.6711,000.68}

Illinois Central.200.115CIcto. A Pitta1,500.81200.2d call. 81}ChicagoAN.W.500.28}Chi. AN.W. prf«tis54}

54}500...300...2,000. _Chicago A R. I.100.99}100.99}Pit.,Ft.W.AC.500.93}

U.S. ¿V»«, of '6410,000 b3 101}

fjehuylkill.900.b3. 16500....b30. Iri}200.b3. 16}V. Y. Central.200. 91}900.b3. 91}100.b3. 91}500.b3. 91|j

Erie ex di v.500.b3. 81 ;100.81}«WO.81}900.81}900.81

ore* board or brokrbis.l p. m.WolfC'kDiam'd200.96}Reading.200.98}400.c. 98}Mich. So.A N. I.800.300.b3100.300.b3. 68}

Chicago A R.I.100.99}300.99}100.99ii100.b3. W]|ChicsjroAN.W.100.«3. 28100.28300.b3. 28100.b3. 28}

100.c. 68¡¡Chi.AX.W.prei" - *' 100.«3. 54

100.51}200....b30. 54}400.54|100.b3. 54}100.54}P.FWAC.exdiT100....«20. >J3j100....sGO. 92}

Cle.APit.cidiv.200.b3. 80}500.80}400.80}200.b3. 80}400....BOO. 78

300.b3. 8lj: 500.. .b30. 80ÔM....A3. 81 200.b3. 80900.c. 81 400.80iMO.8I}I 200.b3. 80}

OFXH BOAWi OT BRt'KJ__*-7f,i PMlf-lIt.|||40113



.Mariposa.100... ....

*WolfC'kI)iaiiid100.961400.96|H. Y. Central.300.b3. 92300.92Brio ex dir.100.b3. 812,400.81200.«3. 811,700.81700.b3. 81;

Rendin*.too....trio. ?9|«SOO. 99}Cle.APit.ex div.1,100.81}1,000.81}800.b3. 81}200.81}700_b3. 81}400.«3. 81}

Chicago A R.l300.b3- 99100.99)

Miiih.So. A N.I.l «rio_ fi'U1,500... n3. 69}100.b3. 69}

Chi. A N. W.200.21100.b3. 21100....b30. 281100.b3. 28}100.28}300.284100_«15. 28}100.b3. 28}

200.99||ChicAN.W.i.r300.»3. 991 600.55,100.b3. 99} 200.b5. 55P.FWAC.ixdiv 200.d5. 55100....BlO. 93} 200.k3. 55300.93J| 100.b3. 55

TitsDAT, Jan. 30.p. u.

Gold opened at 140}, »iiUl at 141}, and cloned at140}. The market has been strong all dar.Government bond« were firm at quotations and

Is good demand. Railway and State bonds wero

¿all and with few bids. Bank stocks were firm.The Railway share list was dull and steady earlyio the day, andf little disposition shown to op¬erate, bat at the Second Board the market was

firmer, and a disposition to cover short contracts.-sa manifested. Cleveland and Pittsburgh «ndBock Island were Tery firm and were in demand.Late in the day the market wa« firm and all stockswera in good demand. The closing prices were:

Ohio Certificates, 25} ¿25}; Cumberland Coal, 44}.45; «Quitksilver, 40}»40}; Mariposa, 13; New-Tork Central, 92-392}; Erie, 81} _81}; Hudson-BiT«r, 101}; Reading, 99}S99}; Michigan South-«*.**&. 60}..»j; CleTeland and Pittsburgh, 81981};Bock Island, 99} 99}, North-Western, 28} 7*28};stforth-Wetton Preferred, 55}»55}; Fort Wayne,«31*94.Money has been freely offered to-day, bot the

¦rate may be quoted at 6 per cent on stock col¬laterals. Some few transactions are quoted at 5 perCast, but the rate is substantially advanced to 6 per«tent on all street operation«.The deposits on temporary loan to-day at the Rub-

Treuury were $1,386,695. On and after February 1th« rate of interest will be reduced to 5 per cent.

Stpoculalors for tbe rise in Railway «hares sre

now trying to make it appear that tbo decreass inBallway earnings is but a temporary matter, andthat as soon m navigation opens there will be an

IneraBM which will oompeusate for the present loas.It is «Ten argued that " the hog crop'' is to makeup for other deficiencies, and bring np the -receiptsin extsesa of 1865, If this furniahe* any comfort to

the holden of Railway share«, they have a right to

anjoy it; bat we fear the idea will prove delusivoIt should not be forgotten that the Railway businessof 18«J4 «ni 1865 was extraordinary; ineTt-rsedlargely by the war, which not only forced productsthough unnatural outlets to a very considerable«mount, but threw over East and West Railwayline« an immense amount of transportation for¦GoTernmenL The time having Arrived when this{maines« must be lost, it would be very surprisingif Railway e-anung« did not diminish somewhat inthe ratio of the «JiTcrsion, and we doubt, therefore,if the hog crop can prevent a reduction in RailwayBusiness, however désirable such a result might beto the managen of the line« «nd the holden ofstocks.

It is worthy of notice that while «re have oc-

«jBsional rallies in the stock market, price« hare in

bo initanc« held their «dvanee« more utan a day or

two «ino« ti»« element« of depression b«scams well

\ui«l«3nt«3y*4iûU.t street, P«K>Plt OOP m __*,,

whatever may be the délaya, there it in the natnialcourse of event« a atro-g and -.«vital*»« tid« to¬

ward bringing tha financial affairs at the cunntryto a ipecie batía. A postponement of action, toavoid sudden diitnrbance in the bntiness commu-

nitv, can tcarcelv prevent tbe ahrinkage in value*which all tee it to be «ha oontaoqaence of a restora¬tion to specie payments, and while all look forwardto it at tooner or later to rome, it is a most effectua]check to speculation. It is, in onr judgment, wisoand prudent on the part of butinent men to be thusheld to a cautious policy, and the more thii prevailitie less are we liable to panic.the lc-st will thereb)of overtrading, and the less will be the loss at

the shrinkage in the value of stockt and merchan¬dise progreiaei.The business of the Sub-Treasury was: Receipts,

$2,->79,rî-8 59-for Customs. |8M,0(X)¡ Payments,tl,0J'«î.'t88 70.on account of Loan, fl.-«7»000'Balance, $93,766,307 98. Coin Ccrtifci-at«*,$-37,900.

Freight» are firm. The engagements to Liver¬pool are 800 bales Cotton at jd., 500 bush. Corn at

51d., and per tteamer 3,000 bales Cotton at 'd., 30boxes Hiiciiii at -5s., and 14,011) bath. Corn at 5'd.Exports (exclusive of tpeele) from the port of

Kew-York to foreign ports for week ending Jan.30, 1866, $13,449,170.

The Lotion Traveller of last evening lays:The money market continuel well applied witb capi¬

tal at the banks, and in Ihn bandi ofTndividuil leuden.Tbe applicstiuDi from borrower! »re wubin bound»,and readily complied with in all tate» where tbe p*om-isor» and collateral» ire tatufactory. The commonrate of intertat i* six per cent, with ex ta»ion»l ex¬

ception« a little oinler and over. 'Die banka are takingpaper, with »Lort date», from the customer», at 7 MO1 ti»- street ratet for tbe b- »t double name», hu mg titreeor four month» to run, ii 7} to S per cent, with littledtiiD-i In too lower grade», at higher figure«. There isa good domand for ce rti ticat es, and for tbe publio ta¬llai it iel generally ¡ but t here i» lest doing in local ttocktand bondi, witb a few exceptions.

The Cincinnati Commercial ot Monday says:Exchange remains about at irregultr at tver. Tbe

mpply 1» possibly not »o superabnuuant, and it» beavi-ne«» is in great part attributable to tbe c1..«erna«» in tbe»upply of currency, though the demand i» only moder¬ate. "Tbe offeru ¿» of pajx-r for discount are fully np towhat bankci» care to have, while the meant to takethem do not teem to increase. aPrime cuttomert' paperctood 1*2 per cent interest in some cate», and it is afavor lo ¿el any of luch patted at 1U per cent.

The traffic of tbe Great Western Ballway ofCanada for the week ending Jan. 26, was:

ieC0..ÍM,*><>5 65 1865... $«15,244 90.} | Inc...10.320 74JMr. L. M. Hoffman of the firm of Post li. Hoff-

man, was this day elected a member of the New-York Stock Exchange.

raoH w. a wbiobt» corro*« cibcüuir.Under the unexpectedly nnftvurtble newt trom Europe,

our lairket declined to 47c. for Middling t'plindi, whichbrought In exportera and aouie «peculator!, who relieved theneedy boldon, »tier which the markeri tteadi.y lecovered,»ud cloie» bim at quotation». Tin- talui for the week amountto üli.oeij n_lei. The export durii.f «am« lime baa beau: ToLiverpool. 6 U8 balea i Havre. 1,074; Brauen, l.'aHH, Bar¬celona, 42. Total. I,*r».Supply.t'ntil within a »bort tim«, I believed that from

r-tre ti. lit Sept.. 18-8. cur total receipt« rai.lit prove fully10*),000 bale«. From inform»lion recarntly received 1 am

.»»titled that »hil ii excenive. i bejín to aoe. evidence thatthe toppry la becoming exhanited at many point». The river»have be» n up for two week», and vu have leeoived cottoniiuia ireinott point«. Hill, our total li let» «ban _»t week or

before. The mpply from Mitiiwippi and J.outiiuia ia nearly»ii in. »udtl.e vicktburg bmU bru» in but hill crrgoei. Thevarioui drpoti in Alabama air no longer eroweled witb cottonhi d tbe nidiu river deliver! but . .mall portion ot what 1« re¬

ceived »t Mobile, la Texae. «lao, the railroad» are all clear oftotton frider «II the circumstance« I ariivu at the, ronclu.ionthat the total, aa above, wiU he rathe/ uuder ebau ovtr 2,le»',-ooubelei.

I'rit«..Tbe »pecial »Revenue Comminlon appointed by theU. ti. Secn-tiry of the Trenury, b»ve jual made tfleir report,In which tbey ret-onimead the Impontion of a tax of 5c. rp* 16.to be levied altor July. I. IStsS. upon »II c. elan the product ofthe I'nitMd State», lb« um« to bo collected «if the waiiufac-tuier at Iba place of consumption, and nf the merchant vi

factor it the port of export, upoD all forei»*u »hipii »uti. The("numil.4»II Incid.nttJIy ettimite tbe crop of li** at not lentiisn l.oonim bur».

ti" iii.ru market«, by mill,»« reported «l»ewhere In foil,.how a heavy bairne», chiefly for fur-u-n account, at harden¬ing price«, rlv teiegvipb I learn that tier« w»i lett done forth« week endui% Jau. 24, the market feelrtig the» »flirt cf vet»

large receipt«, «ud of a decline a. equal t.i Dearly 4c. g? tbfrom Liverpool. Prie*«. notwittuUndtnj, were tolerably wellauitained al New-Orlean» and Mobile, ciming ii reported «laa-wt.ere In oet.i).

Receipt», r.xport« »nd Stork»..By mail the receipt» are

«maller than for «onie time lal paHirulaily in New Oilea.I.liiiidtlriiiii Tbe etp. rta are iree Hy teb--T»pb 1 learnthat tb« reeelp«« at New »Jrleant and Mobile forth« weak endin« Jan. 2& war* l«!(er than lor uiauy week» patt whirl» di--«ni »IT..I I «»»..I i ». I.e.-" ..(.I aa IS. «a.-.««..» ot »apply.Tb« following ii a ttttemrnt ot the u« ovi mem io cc-ttoo

lince the lit September lilt:I'.eceipt.ittne Font In the United Stat«.I,ij-S.f*001» art to (irett Britain. mi.tjonIxuort to France. 51,000Fxp-.rt to other Foreign Porti. lli.uooTar»; F.xportt. :..',.'is.i»la. k onbead. .v>*i iss)

l)! wuirti dating the put work in- i».l«».l in tbe above:Iteceipt« at tbe Port. Ml "n0I iporti to »Ireat Hritaiu. 37 COOExporta to France. ft.000F.ipurt« to other Foreign I'orti. 'a! is»)Total Export». 44 l|"0

FIelgbt.-l\-Liverpool, I-by «Waiu and ¡ a 7 lud. by .»i!.To Havre, | hy «ail.

fflarkeU.Cakbitllt HaroBTBD »ob thb N. Y. TniBrxB.Tieuimv, Jan. 30, ItiùH.

ASHES.The market for Pot» is dallât C7 MS k1 la.COI TON.From exporters the demand ha*coniinned

fair, though hardly »o active a» yesterday ; price» arefirmer, cluain** at l'iaMc. for Miadlibgs, sales of .i.uoubales.COFFEE.Rio it quiet, but tteady. Menu. Wm.

Soon A Sont mike the stack of Kio 'ii Ció bags, toolud-ing 50,645 bagt here, »3,000 m ilaitiuiorc, and l-.oiX) inMew Orleans.CANDLES.Adamantine nre in moderate reuest,

hb'I steady at i_l<r_5c.; Sperm, 4!><i4.'c., and 1'atent,-0«.-.o.COPPEK.American Ingot is firmer and In moderate

r«*i»u« st, iilei of 60,000 tb, al li» a Jl'ie*. for Iaake andBitluniore. New Kheatbing and Yellow Metal ate¦teady. at tie. for the former and 40c*. for the latter.FLOCK AND MEAL.The market for Western

and State Floor i* moderately active, the low gradesare neglected and lower, while good and choie-e brsinlsare lu revjuest and held witb more confidence: th¬iele« are H,6UU bblt. at 96 bingi ii» for SnpérhneState; ti li tt tn tor Extra bute; gc mets lu furFuacv State; Í7 tOMMl 25 for the low gruie« ofWettern Extra; gti IO_-t.rV» for Shipping Ohio; *.»._..11 Jj for Trade and Family brand», and #11 Jtr&tli 20 lor St. Iaouis Extrai. buckwheat Flour is dullat g1 Hld ti tp 100 m. Canadian Flour is.h.Iv in Iiiiiu-.i1d. iiiiaMi. aud I'daier. »ale» ol Ubi) bbls. at ti '«Ja?- aa furtoe low grade» ol Extra, and êr) X, u k 11 K for trade andFamily Extra«. Southern Flour ia in mi nieraie rtijuettand»f»~y, sales of 4aO bbls. at .'»«"'.IO 15 for mixedto good Superfine Conutry lialtimore. io , and ti») -0_¡tis 50 for Trade and Family brand». Eye Flour Is dalland uncoanged; aalet of 150 bblt. at ..'» «".»!. furn Meali« ea»ier and more plenty; lalee of 750 bblt. at 1*3 903.3 95 tor Jersey, ana 94 50 for Urandy wine.

K1.-*11.Dry Cod are only lo limited den and, bntpricea ire without change, aale« of St (ieorge'i andOtaad Bank at 17 3192.'.. Mackerel are in lair Job¬bing demand, and price» are well «attained tales ofNo. 1 MataMMetti at gill ¡nogoa. No. I do. at el- c. l8 -5, aod No. 1 do at $14 50<*»14 75. Staokea and1'icklfd Herring« are dull, and pricea are nominal.

lil; A1N.There ia rather a firmer feeling in the mar¬ket for Wbeat to-day, but the demand baa bien onlyLit».¡»iit« ai.d confined chiefly to milling; th« extremeprieta iuiuted npon cheek bueuae«». There it no Inquirywhatever for export, the current prioee being above ihipper»' limit»; tbe artie« are 7.000 6.th. Milwaukee Club«t .! TI-, 7 doo tiuih. Amber do., both In «tore, and«».000 bu»b. Amber Stale at .24. Barley ii dull «udprice» are umeuk-d. Barley «Malt ii quiet; we no4«sale» of 500 but-. State at «1 40 at the railroad depot.Data are lower «nd more plenty, the demand, bow-«ver, it fair; talet of 37,000 baan, at ratio, for Canadianiejc lor State by car load 41 _ 43a for Inferior Western,and ¡Ü9ilc. for Jeriey and Southern. Kye firmer,with amore general demand; aalei of i ioho boab'Prune Weelern. In »tore, at Ato. Corn in better de-H___d, and phen are better, the Inquiry being in partto hil maturing oontracta, bat chiefly for export; Newi» plenty, and In moderate ree-uett lor the local trade-»nie* of 112,000 both, at t<0-»Jl|o. fur uneooml; t*4o -tac!fur .J.od Wciiein. in »lore; tiiaeóo.. afloat' Hi' y «.icfor White Sonthern, aad ir_a»33o. for Janey Tellow, onpl«r.(jtrNNIESart«#qo-t, bnt Wit-oot chang« in price»»mall aalet at _*»<i__c. for Cloth, «ad ÎHHe.,ii- taiBnt».Bü*P8eontlnn»io goo«l4e._id for home eonttunpt ion

and prices are well «nituned, we qnote at from -jati4'k*. i-d 7 k'.. ai to growth «nd quality.HAÏ.The rnqnu-y u fklr, and price» are tteidynie» of 8t~ balee, at BOtteAx. lor Shipping, and <»o«'«Ä-fur K'tail lotaHKMP-ManlUa remalDtdnll. but in oricei we bare

no change to not», »mall tali-» at lija, gold; otherkind» aro inactive and nominal.IKON-lhe Inquiry fur Pig bo» been only t'loderate.

bnt we nave no change to note; >fo. 1 Amsrlcatf 1» bedata-Uiia-'**- and Nu i ScourO at .4-&I52. Bar Imx.and Shew t «nd Wr««, l«c. 9m '

MOLA_V_£S.The d«i_and ia light; »»le» of SOPoru.l_co«C-ai«taa-, aihbd«. Caba at 45o. «nd «0bblt New-Orl«__» at li tri! jo, toa latter rate for tb »nnvtt lot w» have ever teen, hiving mor« tht appear¬ance of a a_e uruD than of molaaaeeKAVAL 8_0____-_«ú«t «1150 bbla Spirit« Tamea-

tige tt99e.«fi, ige»trgr\ ugmrr aoA*pweu Craig

Torpaatioe it sito «ntl, bat as bear sf bo cbai*«-** ia

Slices sales st te. Rosins axe duli and prices favor». buyer: tales of Common st gb, »¿trained and So. *

at $.'. '«Oaf |9, and Na 1. Pale and Wbite. st fj MägJO.Ttr is dui) st tri 90*13 75 for Dornet»; ic.OILA.There la no change to nute in City Linseed,

but the demand is limite«!; traill tatet st 11 41 a* ti 43.Fit. Oils are losctlvs and nominal at ti 50 for CrudeWhale, and $2 be tot Crude Sperm. Lard Oil is dolland beary at II 9.'- for Sommer and Winter.OIL I AKF- 1 be demand for Oil Cake has been very

fair sod with limited an-itali and some advaooe luExchange, prices tuve impruved and are firm at tb«close. We quote Weiterä st 40« 48c. ; aad City in bagsat 50452c, and in bbls. tt McFKOVISIONS-Attbeopeoisgof 'Change the mar¬

ket was better, and a ftlr butines« was done, bat eraile close s hesvy feeling prevailed, sod tbe improve¬ment WBslost; for fat ore delivery we hear of sales ofK.250 bbls New klee«, lncludius* '¿ga bbls., boyerFebrusry. st t*.*9 S.'.3t«*9 371; SOObbla. bayer Msrch,a 12912}, and 500 bbU., seller March, at 128 87}: theaales, ea»h and regular, are 7,600 bbls. at |2>3«*t*2tl ¿i for Old Mets, »Ja 6atdk¿* tor New Mess, «los-in»» st ioside figures, ana Au for C ear. Beef isHendy and moderately active; tales uf 200 bbls. st tilft«14 for (Hil Plain Mest: gV'.-aAli tut New do. «MS»116 for Old Kura anl gA'atii tor New do. TierceBeef ia more active, bal prices are rather heavy; salesof 700 tea st 140a $45 for Indis «leis. Beef Barns sr«In rood demand and Arm; tbestocEls reduced talesof 500 bbU. HgtOWgOk Cot Mest« «re in moderst«request; sales of 100 boxes Dry halted Shoulders, fornext month delivery, at Hie. Bacon is steady; wehave onlv to note a nil» of 50 bores ritiort Ribbed stIGJc I/retsed Hogs are steadv st lS'airic. f.ir Wait-em. and 13ail3ic for City; tales of Ugbt weights sthljrher ratet. Lard is dall sod hesvy at Idalia, forNo.l¡ 164tTl7}c forCityi 17iai7ic for Wesiern, andI7i&l8c. for small lots choice do.; also sales of 500 tea,teller March, at li«.AFTF.Bsooif l^KOVWiost MtnEitT. M o'clock..ForE

was dull and hetvr at $28 62} for New Mesa Beef sm]Heef Htm« were steady. Flacon and Cut Meats Irmlyheld. Lard dall and betty st 171 a 17|c. for Western.rKTKOLKL'M.The market Is doll «ad price« ftvor

the bayer; small sale« at MaMjU. for Crude, biaiAe.tor Itetlned. In bond, and IvaTda tor do , free.RIC..No talet are reported; pneet are nominal.Bl OARS.Kaw arc almoit entirely neglected, and

we quote only nominally at 1042 ile. for fair to goodKolining; tales of 40 bbili. Kctiiied ire somiual.TEAS.Fir invoices, there it a fair demand st

full t.rioe», bat small 1.-ti are dull; sales of 6,000 half-chest» «îreens, ex Ki s on private terms.SEEDS.Clover Seed I« steady, with . moderet« de¬

rri ajil «t i'ua 14c. TlBKB**» BbN I» limited demandfur Imme u»e at tia t4 l.-Jj. Lotii/h Flat Seed limoderstcly sctiveat lüeOat-J. Calcutta Linseed remaiui.I ami prices are nominal st $1 M in Bolton andAil 55 here.'lOHACC'O-Tbere i» bat little doing-, at tbe ilockt

ofTern.g ure not very deiirable, lalei of 115 hl.ds. Kv4J®l4c.; 73 balea llavana on private terms; 61 ctietSeedleaf at 8Jo.TALLOW.The market la more active and prices

«re fi-.1er sales of 7.'. 000 tb at 12} 2 _!|c. for Wenternand 12} a Vie. forCitv.WHISKV.The market is dull and somewhtt tin-

settled; sales of 35 bbls.. in retail lot«, at .2 26,«'*'27for Weitern.

Receipts oí Prattaee.yam, mi.» fan bbls. Flonr, 200 bbli. Whisky. Î.900

l.bls. «oro Meal, é.OOO butb. Corn, 7,0.'i0 buah. Oats,Ki pkgs. Ailie«. 1,300 pkgs. I*rovi»ious, 15J pkg«.L«_-d.2,05« pkgs. Butter.

.Financial.TtBAIfBT DarABTSBET, VI i.BIM.TOM Itn. 29. lftW!.

«TOTICE..NOTICE l8 HEREBY GIVENli thtt tb» Trrawurer of tb« 1 ü.-rl State», tbe At.i.tii.t

Trei.nrei. tt New-York. PhilidVlphlt tnd Bolton, ind the

driigmted Depo.il«. ea tt Btltunore tod CinrinDtti, btve

been lnitructed lo di.« onllnue. on and after the nr»t of Keb-

rutry neil maning, irrtiving depoilU for teni] ot_y loin it

lit per i-'iit. i'.!' reit

Tlier hive been Initracted to receive inch depoalti in lawfulrooney, on and liter tiiat dite, tt r ¡ve per en,t. lntereit, ptytble on leo diy»' notice, after thirty diyi from dit« of depo.it.

h. mcculloch.Secretary of «he Tretinry.




On the Jl.t day of UKI I'M H LU, I'«.Unearned Premium». Jin I. I8i5.$31»,6«il MPremium! lecelvedin ltfcj, »»lui BWti

On Mum» ii.... »Slfl.S» 55._,_..

Onl-iratn-ki. «^.S** .t»-gl,38i.im} 93

Total Premiuma. »I,,til.947 89

Premium« wirked oft* .« etrnedfrom Jin «o Per. 3!, leoS....»1.3~,'. 24

Lea» Keimt. 1'irmiuu.i. 1UJ. 1«KK IS

Net F.irned Pr-nilurna. S>l,*_»S,3tS MVerne* pild .mrnig tbe yem

lln Mar lue ii»n«....$.'ii'te«. '-'

Ou Firetiik». 37J ¡97 57

Tot«lIoi«ei. g10n.ru tiRear.t-d foi lonea unidjuited.. lil 9JÚ 99Exprniei, Ri-iniuiincti tem-

ii.iiiium ard Tttei, (len la-lert.« received). -178,340 53 -«?1,139.*D1 1ft

Srt Profit. tlM.eU 90CAP LIL.

The Cupittl of .lid Con»pu y n tutlly ptli np intast i.glrWtJtm t»

TbL-mrplui on th. Iitdiji.l J», iitrj'.lawi. (rl4,'.4a 48

Tulilinioi:ntr.fCari'.l »I'd S urn!'ii.$1,1,41,14J iiASS! Tis. Jasi-ast I, 116«.

Amount of uah on band and inI,.. »..$17',5,15 50

Aim. .lit ,.f tali in hand« ot *g.- t«lud in rotitte of Iriniiiiii.iori.... TI «10 57

Amu .1,1 ni I tilted «tt!e.i.-<i! 1AI 1' :¦«.! i«l

Amount of United Mate» 10 40S per cent bond.. T.000 00

Amount of L'nited Stale» 5-JO b perrent booda. 1; uOO 00

Amount of L'nited State«, oui poundüiterritn(te«. JOH 00

Amount of United Mitti 7.30Treasury n«,te. .«8,700 00

Amount of bank rix-ki and othermia 11 «i.e....» wtarkIel. 13.300 00

An.m:nt ut loini on bond» tndt..ort .*;.», being lint iien ofrecord on iinmcuu.l-er--d real et-

Ute. *B2,890 00Ari.i-.uut ot loane On coUitertL pty.«b.e ou deniind. If.1,136 43

Amount of otb»r mi-crllaiieouaKemi. 25,1X1 75

Amount due for Bre premium! onpolirlr. iit'i-d it offue. iß.JSO 90

Auioiint due for intrine pren.luimon policiet U.ued tt office. 45,395 85

Amount of bil.« receiv.bl» fur pre-Diluait oa maria» ri.k.. 92,280 13

lntereit du» and accrued, but noty.t piytble. 11,283 .*5-$l,$44.Itl 41The Botrd of Director« hive «hil diy re«o!v»d to pty I

DIVIDEND of SIX FER CENTon ihe oatttindtnt fenib' »te«.t Prodi« ti, theholdenther.of.or their lr«»l rertr.-te'itidvei. oo lud tfter Moudtv tbe .'«tb olMtrth next; »lie a DIVIDEND of

UM'. PER CENTon the (tpilil Stork ol (he Company, piytble In Cub on derutad; lito i DIVIDEND of

TWENT*. rpr» PER CENTin «clip, on tb» tact ean» I P«r1iripi«int Premlumi of theCompmy for ti.« yetr ISeiS, for wl-leb Certiacatei wUl belaaued on to« iftet th« M d«y of Aprii next.

DIRECTORS.Jtau LoBiBta Obahab, li Birav rum,RosebtM. (J (Ieabab. IrcDUT B. irait,Epwabe A. STtsiaiKT. Jobs a. Obabab.Jotira B. l'ABBca, «Iilbbbt L. Hibcibaji,ii..»r.« it M. i« »-i» CbablbiP. Kiaa-tsa,Pbbmbice H Woloott, lotira B. Vabbch Jr.,William K «nnt'i Watmb E. ( air.Jobs G llataoaatos. Iobbais ! buba»,(icrvAvri A. Coeoveb, I dwabb MacoaasaMabtts Bath. J Loan«ti Usabas Jr..Pam hal W TvraJiET. Bastcil D. Batoroao,ra.BaXIE 11. DtLAEO, Uro. W. I atcb.

OFriCER«*.JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM. lTeildenLKOHERT M. C. «1RA11AM. Vice Pr.^ldeuLJAMES LORIMRR (iRAHAM. Jr., id Vire-PretddentH. 11. Poitbb. Mt^eUry. New-York, Jan. J3, IMSJ.

AT» SPECIAL TERM «,f the SUPREMECOURT, held at toa City IWl. New-York, on the 29th d.yof January. Iitoti.Preaent Mon Jo«i«h 8a(h*Hind, J .In th»

mitt.r of the Al'PLK ATKIN ol (».» RE( CXTEU of THKCOLUMBIAN INSURANCE ( ()MPANY-Th. Reeeîverihatlag applied to tbe Coert for liu.tru, tiona at to whtlhrrO'ltituidiB« salicirt abouis be caarela-d and pramlam aot-irttunied up. paymeot of »nch part thereat u U alreadyearned.

It la ursetnai. (hat tb» matter ttind adjourned to Wedaeavdty, Jib. 31. it 13 m.. it the Cbamben of lull Coan to enabletil penoiu int«reiied to pr-«er I td.-ir view»

It ii (»rther ordered. Ibu tbe Retvivet. publiai thit orderla Uie ptineip. daily piper, of New Yuri. A copyWU. C. CONNER. CTlet*.

INSURANCE SCRIP.ATLANTIC MUTUAL (intereet aaraltl» Feb. <>

PlCiFK Ml TI Al. (interert payable feb. 6).SI N MITI.'AL (uxerettpattbUreb. I).ORIENT MITrALIinteiMtpayibleMarehl).EOK SALE io iu_>. to ault burn., by

Wat a OILMAN.No. «I l*ine »t



_OEOROE C. DUNBAR, Ne. 46 Plpe-at


IHoeJiboIdrri who do Bot wi.l, ta «vtil tbaastalves trf thepr.Uer-u, which lbeT ir» entitled by reeoluiioe ot the Direetert IM ram, of iub»rril»-g for NEW «STOCK can eStain .

preniiura to; tbavlr righi« apon top icaaIod lo

r, . »_t.i .Ql° c OUBAAA, Ko. «4 f1«_«r»e«.E_E*_f*______g «nd B«aa> sat «aid «4 ¦« tunkU^^imm.rryiT^r^ta^UrXmaBsaUA

Ornea «a rat Ai-tmc M-crrtt Iat-*fU*M»C*. INi« Vou, Jan. 17. 1*4- I

THE TRUSTEES, in conformity to theCharter of the Com»ear, .ohm- «he f«!lowio| STATE

MK5T of lu _f«irt on the Hit Decaiiiber, 1385:Premium» reca-lved on Milln» Eliki, (to. lit

J«BU»ry. 1185. to Htl December, II».»i,l«*J*",14fl »Prenit im» on Polki<«. not marked off titJaaaary.

IPcai. t,OTI.j*M 73

Total amount of Maria« Framlumi.a8,*J-2.4.1 53No pohc«. have laen -»tied «poo LU« Hiak», not upon Fire

Ri.k» diK-onne, ted witk Minne .Ilk«.Premium, marked off from 1« January, 186S. to ______

31tt December, IMS.*6,7«4,l4- 38Leetea paid dum.« the kum period. #3,559,171 «6Return» of I'reiin io,»

tnd Ex**-*».... .StW34l 44The C'nu pan y bal the f .Ilawin» Ane ti. vii t

United State» and r*ra. c«New York _u>ek, City,Bank and oner »Stock«.04.tU.mi 00

Lmm «-cured by Stock« and o.erwlivi. **»£!0,\52 ?Beal F.tUteand Bondi «nd Mortgage«.*, «*'..* <*>Dividend» on Stoclt, latrreit ob Bondi and

Margue», «nd otb*r Loan«, mndry sote«,reina.-nee «nd other ela.a« doe in. Com-peny, ««-mated al. 144.ÍW4 43

Premium Note» «-dBU-Recaivabl«. 3.*S3,íh)1 SuC_bta Ba__,«oUi. *",«-» **C««h in Bank, United State» Treaaury Not« Cur«re.jy. JlO.SSl It

Total amooat of An»ta.011.1.9 t*» 17Six per caul intérêt» ou tb. ouUlinding certiflctlet of prohU

will hat paid to tk» holden lliereef or tl.elr legal repreaeuta-tivei, on and «fUr Tueaday, the, Mb of February next.

Fifty per rent of the ontalanding certlfi. atea of the l«me ofl8« 4 will be redeemed and paid to lb« holder« thereof or theirleg»! representative.», on and after Tue«d«y the btb of F«b-ru«ry next, from which date intérêt« on (he amount to re¬

deemable will cette. The certificat«« to be produced »t theliai« of payment and canceled to the eiteut p arl.A dividend of Thiity-bv« per cent la dec »red on the ort

earned pre..mun of Um Company for til» year ending Jut

December, 1W6. for which rerttfl'Ate« wui be liaeede.0 andafter lu« »d»y. ti.« id of April Belt By order of the Board,

J. H. ClUrM-iN, -sscr«t_ry.


WILLIAM H WEBB.JOHN D. JONES, Ptetidenl.CHARLES DENNIS, Vice President.W. H. H MOORE, Se«-ond Vice-Preitdent.J. D. HEWLE IT. Thud Vice-F-etideut.

NrviDi Íilvx» Mi-iso CoarasT 1OrriCB No 70 Bboadwav, Nbw-Yob« Jib I«*«". S

A SPECIAL MEETING of the f-t«»ckhnl»lersof «bli Company will be held« their office e THURS¬

DAY, Frh 8. DM, it'll in., for bu>ine«i ol impof ance. Byorder of the »oui. 1. S. BOLLES, tia, retary.Ornea o» TBB Wut Vieui.ia Oil and Coal Cob-)

r«*ir Jan. 25, l-»tj. 5

AN ELECTION for TRUSTEES of thisCompany will be bold on the 5th day of February next,

«I No. 71 Broadway, Room No. 20.Poll« opened from 12 o'clock m. and 1 oY'o k p. ni.

A. 8. CROWELL. Secrettry.Stavb or Mais«,)

Euri riva DsrABTB»BT. >Al'UCITA, Dec. 31, lit». J

SALE of UNITED STATES LAND »SCRIP..Proposai« will be r«t*ei»ed till the Ant diy of Mar.h, HVa5.

by hi« Excellency SAMUEL CONY. Ho«-mor ot the Ml ofM»ine, for the purer.««« of LAN'O SCRil'inued Iot«id St«te.lor th« endowment of t College for th« benefit of Agrieallure.ai Mechuiio Am. hi qujntitlei uot len then Ive thoi«ind.c-rei. TermI c««h, piyible In l«wtul money «t the office ofTr««i irer of Sute of Main« it Augutta. or it th« Bu.olk Ni-lionel Bink. B.xt.in. in twenty d«y» »fier notice itiued of «ccepttn.« of ofler. The Scrip to bet delivered «t Augutta.Right to reject proponli nieived.

All offen will be directed to Ibt iddrett of the Sirretiry ofState, Autmlt, Miine, ai.d iudoried ou tb» cut- ide, Proponlifor " Agiicultural College Scrip." _El'llRAIM FLINT. 8«creUry of Stat«.

Tbabivbb Ornea or tbb Cbicauo abo Noara- J»Wb»vibb BAiLWar Co.No. 8 Wall it, >

N«W ÏOBK, Jan. ID Ibu ,

COUPONS clue Feb. I, Irm, from the Bondsof the Chit «io «nd North-Weitem Rai'way Company

and the Oilena and Chicago Union Railtoad Company, will beuaid on and after that dal« on presentation at tbla utfit-e.

"^ JAMES It. YOI NO. SecreUry.

Orrie« or tbb Mow» Fib« Imraanc» Coartar o»j

NBWÏOBB, No. 170 Broadway, >Nbw-Yob«. J»n.23. lfWi. *»

"\TOTICE is hereby (riven that Bcioks for theli iiibtcriptlon of the iddhiauil C«]Ulal of ONE HLNDH ED THOUSAND DOLLARS will be open »t the Office efthe Comp.iv until the Jill inat.The prêtent Shareholder« will be nn'ltled to an tw«rd equal

lo UKI Y i'Ell CENTof their Stock.

_H. C. BEACH. Secretary.


NO. 2t EXCHANGE PLACE.Nsw Voax. Jan. .r* 'si

The Conpom of the F.VANSVII.LE ml CRAW 1»ORDS-\1LLE RAILROAD COMPANY due on the lit of

FEBRUARY NEXTwill be ptld it thii office.

_OFOROE P. PITCH, Seemtiry.



ANN! ALL*»*.Tl.eie Bondi ire Itiued to ild in th« «utiitfuction of I Ship

final from Portage Laka to Lakes .'tuperior, «eros» the pro-raont.ry of Kewen»w Point, forming » link In 'he cU«tn ¿7the ntvigitlon of Lak« Superior, via Sajlt St. Mart« . Can»l.with the Lower Lake- The importance of liaient. rnri»e hi«been n-cognited by Congrett by an ict ipproved M«rcb 3.1863. and confirmed by an act of the Legiaiatura of the Stale ofMi.'higaii, pii.-d March It, 1 ;e>3. .ranting to thii Company2i>0 OOJ aerea of public land«, located In the rich mineral legiauof th» upper panimula oflhe Stat» of .Michigan.Th« whole amount of bond» to be inued li limited by the

Compii.y to *>*_W,000, «nd »ecured by a first mortgige on allthe fnni-lu«ei right«, prtvlleiei and loila of the Cuni Com¬pany, togetber willi the laid 2i»i.'S«1 at r-« of public land«.The bondi ir« payable In 10 yean from the lit ot July. !84>5,with intrieit at Hie rat» of 10 per cent, ai authorixed by thelawa of Michigan, payable «enti inaaa-y. on the lit diy« r.fJanuary and J .I», at lb» Ocean Bark, in the City of New-York, and are ullereJ fir «al« at th« Offi.« ol be Pretldcnt ofthe Company, H. A. TICKER, No. 4 Brotd it

Tbb Mabibtta abd Cibci.biti Haiuman c okpa.vt, jc bii.ucotub, Ohiu. Jin. c, isrn, (

THE COCPON.S «if tb.* FIRST MORTGAGEMONDS r.f tl.i« C ompany, Jua Feb. I, will be paid on

and tftcr that dat« at the AmericBU National Bank. No. 80

Bru.dw»y._W. E. WATSON, Secutary.á'-RAVELLVü CREDITS on hleean. J. 8.A MOKOAN k Co, LONDON (Saceeaaort lo UEO.PEABO0Y It Col. availabl« io the priaciptl nile« ofEl'ROPEind the EAST, inued by DA-NRY MOROANk Co., No S3 F.ir-biage-placa.AND WARRANTS and COLLEGE LAND

I SCRIP Pt RcilASED and for SALE byC. It O. WOODMAN. No. 60 Wall «t

Conking fjonsca ana üankers.


Ho. i nass.ii; ST



on favor »bl« term«.

Mitetl-neeu» STOCKS lad BONDS BOLCHIT »nd SOLDon Cumminion it th«




afaytbl« Sen,i Annual!».GUARANTEED AND PAID BY THE

STATE OF CALIFORNIA.The Bondi »re ««cured by » mortltt« ou 180 mile« ol road,

from 8»a-rsm»n«o la Um Californiat Stat« Im«, forming part ofthe great 1'at-flc Railroad Routa, uiopted and ilded by theI mud State« Oovarnn.ent. They ti* further tecned hy .

SINKI.M» Ft NI) of gJO. ODO la gold, per annum, reeervedfrom the earning* of tbe road, and pledged for tbelr redemp¬tion. Ti»»v »re . frit elia» teejrity ia »very reipect. aud a

limited amount will ba aftaret upon terms wnlcfa render tbema mr atli-fti»« and dealrabl« iavettme-t. For furtbar parti. ular», ino .ire «t our o.ce, No. 5 Naxau «t.

FISK k HATCH. Banker».



Allow tBtere»t at the raU of FOUR ÍER CENT per ai.nuiii

oo depotlu which miy be checked for »I tight.Special attention given to th« PURCHASE ami «ALE of


Uitutiuwom «TOOK- »nd BONDS benth', tai »liri ea

tmmotmCOLLECTIONS promptly Blade ob all -Mia..




Na 4*4 WALlrST., WCWTOEK,Keep coBtltsUy oa atad in I.media'* d«av«ry.






ORDERS from BANKS »b1 BANKERS for tb« PUR¬

CHASE tod ÍALE of OOVERNMENT STOCKS, etecutede« ftvtrtbla termi ind with tfipetch; ela», for all Securttleidealt in at the Regular Stock Ex- hang».«COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, of 18tJ4, BOUOHT

and SOLD. _

_VF,RMir,VK «fc Co..Steesee U. CosatCT. I D*n*¿,**n~Mb r

New-York. Charleaton. 3. C.

Braos SasaaAS. Wa. M. Tcsso,New-York. ¡..va-uah, Ot.


NO. 17 NASSAU ST., NEW-YORK.Olve ipeclal attention to Collection* throoghou*. the Southern

Sutei ; »ollelt Depoalti, inbietrt to check it light. Iron» btnki,

binkert «nd tndividnali, and allow lntereit by agreement;etecot« Orden promptly f.r the purch«« and tile of Ooldind of Government end other Securities

Sall Eoreign Exchange, and buy and tell Exchange on

CharWon tnd Savannah.D. JENNINGS It Co.. W. 5L TUNN'O k Co.,

(.berlettou. S. C._BawSSSBSB,OA





0WÏ. lafefe? «-ti NoviSlT^Coupons Cashed in Gold.We bave alto for SALE, a full a.ioitment of

COMMERCIAL PAPER,comprliini the lei.llnt namei of Houie» In th*Dry (jcodi Cumminin and Jobbing. Hat and Cap, Grocer*.

ind other trade!, tt utei vtiyüig from 7 to IJ per cent perannum. ... ,.

Hank, «nd Inve.tor. out of the City will be «uppliedwith li.ti ti atma tnd rttet, on application, by mail_

EWELL & CLARKE,(icccttisoE! to Stead«!*«, Ewell Ii Co.)RANKEUS «S BROKERS,


Prompt ittentloa given to the purchue tnd itle, on Coin-




Mil' tnd tele;riphir order« rxecoted with dlipatcb.Inteleat «Mow ed on depotit!._


HENRY CLEWS & CO.,(Succeiiori «o Live.nore, CItwikCo.,)



All klndi on bind, reidy for iniltat delivery, at th« lowarlmarket price. _


B.VLANCE8, which nity be checked for witnout notice.Collection! mid» promptly on ill point«.Order« fir itocki, bond« and gold executed on commit

lion.n.'ld for payment of dulle» f r lil» In mmi to mit.




of the N. Y. Stock Exchange. let» of Buffilo


No gwallst.,Sew.york,f'lue Circular Letten of Credit for Trivelen In ill parti ofEurope, kc, «Vc Alio Commerciil Credit«.



RECEIVE MONEY ON DEPOSIT,and allow li,terrât at th« rtte of four per cent per a-iiium on

dilly btltni-e». wbicb may be checked for tt light,NEGOTIATE LOANS AND BUSINESS PAPER.


Buy ind Sell Government in.) other Seonritleionconiminion,MAKE COLLECTIONS

On ill putt of the United Sute« tnd ('»nilli.JOHN J. CISCO.

(LaU of the United St«(e. Tree»ury in NewYoik),ISHFI-"JOHN A.-r-ilVlELD CISCO.


Detleii in Oovernn.ent tnd other IsssSBBsaInterest «¡lowed upon depoaita of gold in I eurrenev, tub-

jtct to i-iie« k it tight. Gold louie J to ineiehtnti tnd binkertupon fivonble 1erma


MARKET SAVINGS BANK,No. ti Ñauan-it.. New-York.

Depe.it. made now will draw Br. t,«t freie Kuh 1.WM. VAN NAME, Preild.-ni.

HaiBT R. Coieli.v, Secre««ry.

^JEW-YORK SAVINGS BANK, corner ofI Eouitei-i.t.-i it. tnd Eighth ive. Open dally furn 10 t.

ro. to 3 p. in. Mondiy «nd Thundty ev, n'nirs from S to ao'slock. SIX PER CENT INTEREST free frotnOorernmentTu, DtpoaiU mad» ou or bef.re Feb. 1 wi I i!r»w lntereitfrom thal dit». T'.iii. Chri.tv Pre«. R. II. Boll, Ker

SIX PER CENT INTEREST,Free from Government T«x, tllowed


.ISAAC T SMITH, Preiident.

W. J. Hasses, SecreUry.

SIX PER CENT INTEREST PAID,Free from Government Tu.

THIRD-AVENUE SAVINGS BANK.Corner of Twenty..ixth-.t. tod Tiiird-tve.

Diinüerto iV'olirco.Orrics or thb Ilu*oi«|Cbstbal Raileoaii Coktaet. )

Nsw-Yoma Dec 13, iib». 1TA MEETING of tho BOARD OF DI-

- RKC'I'. HIS of «bl« ('oiapany, bril (hi« day, It »..Remitid, Thata DIVIDEND of KI IK PER CENT In ca»h.

free of Goterumenl lax, be pud on toe brit day of Februarynext to «he bolder« ef tb» fall paid tbarei rrgi.tered on tb»Una day of January, and that th« ivtnifer book, be cloaed on«he >.i.{ Jinn diy of Jinntry ind opened on (be 3d dtv ofFtbruary, THoMASJBTwaLKER, Treaiurej.

Tabs Kabb 1'KTKOLtna t obtabt, jOaftSS No. 10 Pioa-ct, JAT A MEETING of th« Trustees of the

TARR KAHM PETROLEUM COMPANY, hell Jin.15, l8**, tDIVlllKND of ONE PER CF.NT upon «heir rap!til Kock of «I.OWI.iisi w ia de.lire«, rnyibl« Keb. I, woxiaio.Tb» Iruiifi-r book! will be I..ard from Jan. 21 to Keb 1 io,ciu.lv._J. P. HOGARTH, Hem-Ury


BROADWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION,Ne. W7 llroidwiv. «ntruir« on Ptrk-pltre.

DIVIDEND .The Tru»leei .t tbit Incitaition here directedthe« tbe u.ut! DIVIDEND on drpoaiti entitled thereto, for thedt teootbi ending Dee. 31, it the rue of SIX PER CENT per.nniim cn «uu.ioo« »xcee.i.ng 0>j«i, ,.d FIVE PER CENT.ver aSOO Ifre« from Government tai), will j« paid on tndtiler ItONDAY, Jin. 15. st*;.

-» paie on ans

iv » ti.FRANCIS Y- SCHOAL8. Pretideat

Wa»« B «t OBBAU, See. Pt rta Cübsieo. Aert,

. ?i*.?"-- Onxçm Pete Railboas CsartsT, iD.V.,.lVnm,Mnn" ¥*l Yo"- immtm It, mt {

I\ IDLND..The Directors of this Compan**b.ve de-ilirr*. SEMIANNUAL DIVIDEND from the

»«.ningi.,Mlie toad for «a uioolbi «nditg 3la| Dcrtttobti .l

^FrÄsTT^ OStUALr'pEk&'ZtkeM«A.NOC^!T^TV0Kr0L'R PEE CENT - ** <**

the resletered binden «f Hock «I tb. dclag ef tit heikt« **Sr*f*ÍÍ* hoohi of both claiiet of »lock will be eiaMed on

ÜQiMJW* V^|_|-S»»*tBT.




CASn CAPITAL. §*...*».

SURPLUS. l,Q34,*r-*_





N«w Yob«. J-iuir- 9 » ««.

Thi» Company hu thii d»y detUred



to it» Stockholder», p»y»ble to them or their lv%*: mmummU

tin,, on »nd «tier TUURSDAY, 11th inat

GEO. T. HOPE, Ire- eel

II. H. LAMPORT, Secretary.

CYRUS PECK. Atiiitant SecreCarr-


of FIVE PEU CENT ireeof Dovernmeut Tut 1 »" .'...- >«

tlieir oSice, cor. ol Thirdive. and N nth tt.. on ehe It* «. v M

Feiruaryuext The Tituifer Booki will »je oio»«*d iron» in«

._*h lu -l.t Jtuiuary inclut.ve. »y mnbnj^ p ^^

ItUTBÜÍ KiarlrrirBAira OBrAîil jNo. 15:! Bboabwai. Nbw îobk. J«ini«ry I». ** '


t EN r on Hie Cti'itil Slock (free of Oovernment Mt) hat »hi»

diy been declared, payaule on demand.' D. K. CI RRY. Seeretary.

orrie« orma p«o»lb . laaaaiaoa Co., «SlVt'i|l.Jtii--'ilH*« >

DIVIDEND..The l.emnl ol' Dire» te»;- of ti"«»PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY hie.

til. d»y de. -lsre.1 i DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT, OVMot l ¡overr.uieut tax, payable on demand.Byorder. « M S^MARTIN. Secretary.

lim Sixra Dividb-id. 1

NOBTB ABBB1CAS FlBB I.SIÜBAI.CB « «JBrlJIV, JN» 1H Htajdw»y, New-York. Jan. 9. lae**>- >


PER CENT on the capital «tock, p«y«bl« oti demand.R W. «3LEECKFB. Se. reury.

BkOAOWAT ISHCBAMCB «^OBrA.tT. INo. lil BruiidwajT. lan. 1", MU S

THIRTIETH DIVIDEND..The I'ounl <»fHirectoiaof thia Company have declared «DIVIDEN I»

o, FIVE PER CENT, free liomin,J^$*¿};.t^_


N«W YOB«, Jan. It. IM*>.

A DIVIDEND of FIVE PER CENT, free of l»over..n »ai

lu. au THIS DAY d.- aired by the Board of Dire "ora

p»y»b!» on d-m«nd. JOHN MçOEE. S«-cr«t«rv^i*\ ST Dm DENI). . THE UNITED111 STATES FIRE IN-.URANCE COMPANY l.veTHI-DAY de,-l_-rd« &EMI-ANNI AL DIVIDEND of FIVE (»JPER CENT, free of Government km, p»yabl« or. Imwwi,and carried three (li per rent lu iurplui Account, o .*. «: th«earnlnt« of the la.-t «lx month».

SURPLl S JAM ARY 1. INA«, S1*_0,0O0New York. Jan. 3, inn«. W. W. I NDERHILL. S. reeary.


t-banres for ßn-incöB fflett.

A WHOLESALE NOTION and H0SI1.KVHOUSE tel SALE on v«rv iavoribleterm«.St iel In

lure» and valuable lane.in cuuiequet ce ol' III health oi

would »diyit »ctiv« partner, with capital. Addieta B., BobHajMFo._'_FOR «SALE.At an imun'iiso «.aeritiet*. tim*

SILVERSMITH ESTABLISHMENT of the "-te *-"r. PO. PERDRIAUX, No. 110 South Kitilth »t., l-MtlfU»witb food wl'.l, Fixture», and full and complete ¦aat BtfJfor the minnfacture of »11 kindt of plain and fmcy ti vet ii oPm._Apply to or iddreia No. 1,009 Pine »t Phll.d'-lohli. P«.

ipOB 8ALE.A "üi>t-class GBOCEST, ofX »even yi-art' «tai.dir », on one of the pnnripal avei. it, ..»

Brooklyu, d. in« a food trade. Duly rer.»on lor »eJin;. t «

proprietor« have other beisuieea reouiriug 111- Ir attent on. I.p»rti-u art, »pp y to toil. MACKEY, No. 'JJ lu.tun «ve


$ I H ÍUIlk .»»000--Abi:A \Jm\r\y\rm with the above tim

pOR SALE.Tho PATENT BIGHT "f muA. of the mott eitef.il »nicle« »nd which everybody tieedt

firofit on th« nunnlictured arti-le ¿ni per cent. luq.i.-»ci .«iODOMAN, at 10 o dock, »t No. «Jti Fe_r.it., cr oi HUE tiCo No. 37 Puk row, N. Y.

FOR SALE-A v*rJn_bta PATENT. Ii*V*~«at No. Ti John it., New Yotk.

1X> MAMUFACTDREBa.__. «dratiM--.reildent otJCblc««'». and well acqailnte.l «sith li e to I,o a

tal«Jobt.iiigTrade tt the Weat, ¡«opentoENOAI'KMEN I i<

SOLICIT ORDERS from Whole«-. Trade at the Watt forany Staple Manufacturée Wanta lo «elicit for «ecotio* a*Mtnulactiirera only, and only f».r lueh »oodt aicaa le-larg«! quantitiei to lint t'a«» tiade i'ty bv Coiiai.uvi.-i: r«

lalee. Bett of refeience liven. Adilret« till Ulli relnu rv

CH1CAUO AND *»T. LOUIS, careTiibune Odio. New-Yura

WANTED.A relialilo mau with a «mill.c«|IUl to take charee of a va'n.ble INVENTION a.

Farmers'nie, in Noitheru or frwtheni fltilfI Ha ,-e-.l.i-*c1«.« M»ytr»velor loc»te. D. C. COLBY, Nu 1«*7 Br -Jway. Now-Yoik, Room No. 26

»sines* maninn I« » anted, lo l-e

ome halfowner and take ch»rje of the Manufacture ttiid -'»'..of «n article ol unlit.ited cn«.iuiption. Uood r«feren -« um

P-Ttcnal t'ipervlsioii retiuirnd. For explinatlona, aidreaaRoom No. d4. French'« Hotel, »*.iliii¿ where «nd whee 1 «1 ni'call on yo.i.


AGRICULTURAL COMPANY.It li conceded by mut ptrtiei that th« now w«»-e.i ta«r

t]e«ol«te plat.iatioDi of the South can never be rnatored latheir former itato of productique«, «at« by th« introd tu»

of that poareiful luxi itry,

CAPITAL.Th« Stale ot Louitlan«, by the ricliie»» »ad fertilliy uf !»

.oil. and the laliibrity of it! climate, at preieut offen .re.tiibiducamenU to capitallit» than any other region of theSouthern Stat««.Thi» Company, alreidy incorporated, ha» been orj.ni/ed

.nd propoM» to commence it* operation« u mon u the uerei

«ary amount of Mock hu been lubacribed. It prop«-»,,.,, by a

judlclou« um of lu mean«, with It« head office in New O'etnaand branch officaa la N«w-York, te

PURCHASE OB, USA-OB,a» it may deem mort adviiahla,

PLANTATIONS NOW LYING IDLE,» nd work tbem under it« roperintendenU ; and a.'io to »dvaia .fund« to planten npon po-artai crop«, the Company to r*v«i»ii «har» of th« product when ready for mark«- Tbt« «.Uiprlaepromian a batUr retara for the inveatment of i-apilathan anyt-i-of «var before offered to th« pnbHcIt« Preiident I» now in the ,Hy, «nd will be happy to give la

til the mull of a «is mooth.' tour tbroU|h tba Sut« of Lo m-na, with a »law to aaeat-ia daanttely Um conditiea of th«Meat.', MM», tuo.By adaii-eiilni a note, or ciUlnj at the COMPANY .*»


lit. 49 Exflianre-plaff. lota Xt. 19,rlr«rml«n, »rhich tater more fully into the datai'. 0f lu» «,ofcactiva opentloni, will be.* forwarded, lojether with » mp, ufta Chatter and By-law».


D. W. CORBIN.Paatu»taw Lorui^A Aa-te-Ltwa-i, CoaratvNa. Ab Ewlmt-ilarga. Ha. Na. 19.

_üfcböing Corbi, &c.
