3 »nus emento cn». Xl.ret.n30. ».»..T-H. Tnr,tr-T -..Ami l:.,i,^rt » N.«.!ri.i»" I'tiV« I'M-TII AV.M-I'.-lnr .nu «Too M| Rnn.wa." I tt KUI lui tu H ."i;i,.niiiiii,M..k" Pulstl l-l .tin- Til» tin:.- Tatter« l'ut- t tainui,»*,:. Tu.h T.iiAuii.-M .laj «."io,n ,.,«.ii " 8 .t f*h\ ;»... M «i,., . ; ?, ajteWambsbJ, D i«>*« .-»«ii tee in: ii- "T ..? i-t.., «i Bbaaa.a WIII.A, Till.ti l i. -?-.. « ta I»'., i" Ac»*' UT .«F i>r«ii \ Una nf fotnttnsja. MnrnnemttraaII scrnoi ici I'alutlo/.tetenarf.cta. Rt»ltlN«i>\ li ,1 I T.d'li ,-i\ \ i 9fnSt% to TUn-ertioemento. Antnaaturra Blraratä l'âge m., late, and ate mimnos liiNiiv, imi.;. iMii;,.,,oi.. lii.Utlaor Üil auil Uli col am ut. VOABUAM» Roone tlroemlh .?<....». Island MeetaBna. M SIM»« Stiii ita Mitta ¡i.,"- 1»! tolnihii. tiiA>«>.» ron ii «IM«.» »ii« in'hi-utjr tttbralnmn. r«H AI,TM-»,«II11 Nt.ll. h hi' > .»l feijft ISt lolliniB, l»IMl«i»-t Mrtetmñ» /.g, «st ...luiiili. ittvimmti Non. ,*- 7»/>/a Caar IHnvluu», 1»*-.» I,«HU», /"/Ala i,ij. ..I, ,i.t, t'h, ,-tb iiiul dill <«ol «inn« BcaoraAs \i » ?nrmr.'tranTa / i*H frut Btb rvotamn, KtRi.lr-t« Hoint li'thl'ijr ."»Hi ;.'. rilli eulillu ia. KlHAH« t ti 7»ii*a, in;» 94 »u«l »«I eui muli», Pnasirt ? iijiu fag« atb <.!" «« Iln r V\ \«ni i«. 11 MAI i*« Kleremlk Jni* »'»ib riiluirtn. Hoi .»».» m. i* tawan isr» fUtk hoye «iib eehmna, Baa*!.«, i «ii. ». »«, iiiH.M».«,tVt;.- tytkitest inseat* man. Iltiii rirr'uih /'o/r 94 «ratemit Ivami OTU»\ rii/hlf. /,<." Jil eoliiiorj. lei i »M-Ft/t/. i'K.u «'!!, ,. H mi IdlkST AM» Kui SI» .'.ft»» filiri l!U toluniTl. M »I'M ««I'll I ifl.lh I'r ;. 1.1.1 ,..'Hin,t Manan tmtnt.ATa JUMILS truth r,,,,, ,,,i,,.,. ,,.",,, AKKIA,.»« til» l»r t di .»»ni/A /',1,/r lilli ...linen Bl i-i KMAHaoCB-ff/M* tSoyi (li li...'.nu.n ; linrirth J*BHM Btt. »ii». I'I and ml. nlumn«. Bhmcsi Im-iin »II'M« Clceenth mor Ott!itaTwaro Sur Fi in Anus» Htjh-n fir-ii 1«! alni ¿ I oliiliina. Bai» t-snis ink Bate im I>uti. I'njf lili ml mini: bi.-o.iai TV li.t'h fui* lili nu«I Olli eoiimiii-: Karn .inxi />.».'*. fi»ge--6tb eoiutuii lounrni* 7»n'* ;*i»,/r .'.lh riiloiuii : \l iT|o»- Truth IwfS 6tb ii ! ttb i «munni; To km nAM.t.- Tenth foge-\<\)t t ul- TlTl.ll. flirt ST AlTTlrtV-f.lrri ,1/. /*.«j-y tatruturon. ft» I».-.« HAM« /»"iiil, i-,\.jr-\ tu «..lutrin, »rrtiti Nniit i- tjeeemSh tSwgt »Uti t .1 inm. .in «n... «iiii'i. Mur«- //irniM ftajr Bil, üd, ang till eui ilTUli«; 1 KViild tifrrulh Inyt- ltd Mb, ami dib nanmna lillimur« ASK ft AI i itou«« li C. Cnjt- MB .nul f.tb ia B -. Bronana MrafJ» i*«*/* fl'lt r-ehtmn, gnanena, ' ». *.*» »..//nVi ia-,< .ni, ten, ami ."«lb coi- nmna ÍBMSH. RlTllf.tl« -Tlrri'i'tx , V»,/r -'"M (.«»Ililli««, ratriiaaei àseaii» Pnço !ld rtkhtmn, I'« ¡ io, cir*i I'Koi-iKfT- ¡mtl. ftige Btb «olutnn: r-.ft«» III« Truth Cave Otli itiliir.-in; t ol M KI -li r.'h lan* 6ta rateara, I«, a;ram ir Mm Covrant-FlfTA r»age ateeateaen. Batiatctt Notues. 11 \* PAID iji7r»i> ;i Dav, du over nini- jmtTn, to Palie] i uMi'i« rsiTru.Be iNStatvi iv Uartford To C'ov.-r.MiTivt «.-Many have IMVH happy r »-ive tin ir toltllionv lu fJ vi of |M Ml of »\ li i.. Y\ Bl fi» l.i» r 11 m titn i»;. Eraerleace baa aravei it !.. i»« a Hi'iial.li. I. ii..«!» foi I'fin.unt'iliop, \.«thiM:i l»Hi!ilhr«rla BntlStl ll«r.i». « of In« Till al trol I en,'« M BMinv t iut«l "ul» li» A. ti. vi li r.'iit. ciuiul»!. Beatos ^M b.» PraaBbasaera»rsliy. LIGHT, AIKY. AH P^IBIK, EtttOAitT-The pern usVaaln Tm I«:I *.* salkHni ir.i» l.i .f M n. Tin* tkrat, tiii.-f. mu. la i<iu|a>rtiou to asallty. loai» »I Iii ii.» Hy. a b»««'ii« y fin rT"i>!. ii.«ii «.««i ino »ii. »t. tm Mint r-i* Batar« t »miijilt-ttt.-tiid-ii« rtoort«! «itti til«« .ni I arslnartnett in laarier, rvorit«. lira« .'!»!.«. «jas.separata «riilbillBj Bass Bat sasb reata A*afti »t 'lui Tautiae LUIUHU^ KUUIU. Hau Ita tivailaltlt* «tB»tdr ulicady gtiiiK_ WlaraVftm'e Cop I,ivr.it On. Avr» LTMK.-lVr- BBM »«Iii. lia»'-1«» «i I 11, «liar «I !.«». '»ii 111 be j.'.- .«.«1 ta learn ?al l'r. Wilbae liua »tit. ». .i'«1 frnM Min ."."i« of neu i ti ino I. «»:r»ral |Í*I_IIOVI.II"II. in «' ni.liipliii; tin« pur» oil HIM li'nr ni «o li i Basas** Hut ii i inijAiiit i., i!.»- laata, aid *a>f*ta iu Inaa BBBtatototsart»trulj woadvrfaL \>ij BMB* p. I .m.« »»u»«r ia«i » »ii« luoiioiinro! lu.]« le.» allí! tvlm': i't t'ii n ih» :. ..' i I foi .i loi.K linn » ¡Mu ni II.ii ...I i tfrvt. Iiiuo 1 .( II en: M1»' m e«i t.i ualag thlr pn-Batatloa Be aor-e and r«*t ilu« gwnbii aaiiii! i«-liirt «I ty A, B. »» K HOK, Cht-inlal, Hu.ttuii. r««lil by all IriiHtt.ta. 'JIHM* OF THE TRIBUNE. fHii.Y I KIHI Nr. V.kil snla.1 .nliei'H, 91 Oper annnm. «>t;v«i >\ i.FKi T kim M M ni -«»ii«*-! iii«.]», ¡i«'» per na. lN».kki 1 t li' III NK, .M.lil.-ul««aUlllel.% g*L'li« 1 UUU'.iIU. A ti » A i t i « i n (*. Ii a t e a. Os\v\ i Hint NI , -iii.. 30e, toc .*»<)(. 7.*«.. ¡»lui fl pee X'nc. ?mi WIIKI » lui iirst .I»'» ninl BO renia in*t line. r> BJàUl i'kiiu M.. fat, Bte, ;in*l !*,r» r»or Jim-. '»nlnit. to jMi»itiiiti in tht« |ifi'n*r. Tri ms, ca»h in ml» am »«. Aildri-.H. Tfll IitfiH'SK, New-Yt-rk. .barrara unnhl< le e«t»twtn Tua Tnim w ia any a/ ^^ a»«-t»*, ínol". er /.('>/. ni vhit h it ki vmutUy i-otil, tn/i n'a- kv a Unin III iu>m nun'j is»« ejptaC of tht àjrtim>>t<ir;c*t>. Ailvt»rl«»f*iiit ni« reri'itpil jt np-t««\vn uflir**««, 1,'j;¡8 lañada ay, <««r. :il«t-«i.. tn ;»ut» VV. i*;i«J->t.; ¡»t tJie ii ni« m i>ili((, .J,!*«*; I'.'iutli-a»«-., between r_".ith lad ISftbaata., BM al the liriKtkly» Uram h Ofllie, Eat w ¡--i iiiirttui-t.. next itoxii i»« the r<»*.t-oihce, till |i. ni,, ut iiul'tr n't«». Atl»t ii»t nu nt« itn«l «l.liM'iIptiima it»eeiredal the Pin late telita ufii<r, ti-_* Si.iith .-ixth-iit. TBS 'Ir.mrvi: n liriinPR.-An ofl:««.. |«.T TI.IHI AK Lilvrrtitteiucnto and SHIIH«. ription*« H now traen in :.'»ii«l. Nf. M Klixt-ktt.. K. C. All Encueta :ui«i ;'(intirf:.t,il .iilrcrii-.t-'fieiit«! mt«ittl«al f..r iiisertlüo n Tan NRW-YOBB 1'KIPIM*. Bbnaddne aratdimi te Hie I «miloM rnij«»\ Hnfa«trii»tit>:it- f«tr an] ]u*iiod sill be received ai iii»* saiitaenmety, and singh mim.*« ii IK» ¡»itj» i may :il\» iys !».? oírtainraL Ail«lr».«A Till Ni W.YOUK IK'ni'MT. ?*" Flet-t st., I'..«'., I a-., i lion. TiiidTrytiM.'-i voNTiu.Y CAUS-rDaJL TA«» Voepeßtewot «. dt ttetht ttn.n t.t »/,» tr»(.r»//.. "»« »»»a/f ene» ,'..' Jji/t ff tht ¡.tar. Moa. f"«-«. Wea, Tbar IM lay-.i ... *.» in in ta I ii m ia m ir, it» iv.i^- a 'n *.*!.H« .'.'. i«. -.'8 *.». ..li I* -i I»! .lilt. l n K.I-*» r. in 7 HT 1.1 »ti ! 14 i"-» i 1 .'! 141 l18 i«n 27,lt, ¡i it* ¡(fi in FOUNDED BY HORACE QREELEY MONDAT, MAÏ 3, 1875. Til I'I' liK NUT, F/r. TUE NEWS Tills HORNLNO. Fi»t:rtr.v.-The an»».»er ot Itelgrlnni to the Is-t Di*nna*a nntt- locr« Ij takes ni-'tic« of (!» mian;'» iration in r«>-;iiii to the revision of the penn! Intrs, I ort y-one dca'l l»o»lit«s knee been >emr«ratra1 iroru lh« mine in .North W-illor-lahire, England. tU'i'io of the ('.irl!«t** in Vivariv nnve f.ti'lierl. -.. A lull hat l»i*««.i infrntlu« »*»l in th" Lower Jloi»««> ol the I'm.'i-.iiin l>!»-t for enpftvaaanon of îrlif-poii» t«i«l« IN. l»'tMr*»Tl(.-A tin* ni M"!'.t|)«l.« f, Vi., c.,r!y y-»tBf* rii» na.niiiii», il«*f»iT(t»rii «psi»jtcit* lo the ».»'».a id t»lll,OJ0. ; l»».i .i«J(l;t(»r.a! ili»islrt on the Lke« aro rtjxirt» a, t>>" wliiih toni UfM «r/rre loft. The bargo abiiniioiicxl on l.-tk« dot.ii i- iiim.«,( | oui,*. Archhlahop Willtiir» naa anumeinand in thp nan Catholic CsthMlral al i»o«ty.!.. Cardh »1 Mi l «nahef onitiated at the ct icnioiiii x, Tirv AM« &ViBi7;r.AN.-Msyi>t WkUunir'snaaBlna Kane for »jatmnntei in the city enntmiaatnaa wtre noiir)rnii*d uti.iiiiinoii»lv hy the Beaaa, of Al«l«riri«-ü. : AnpUeatlaa fra the *i'«i««>liitin«-ntoi ;. HneeiTM of the Mm ¡lamí' Lift laaaunaMM Caanp,aj brtntght to s-lfAir ssjneh emhnrrmiana nt in iii affaira lYeakarñtinna were mad far the nsa nf a mtft ed the l'ouït h Ait-tille I in»»io» t-ii« tit hy itilwiiv ttnina. Seviiiil Beeieag atirav« ami<tiii»**«>i ria« tare .Sdt-arrtvliii ih.ai it.» .tiid Jt-imlJ» n. 'rbt-rinorn«- t»r, BO . &:. . 40 i...hi, iir»^. ii,-,i4, U5«e,i tlolii viiln«* t«!' the lega] tender <l,i¡l,,r al the eJoM, J*»b')(» ihiits. Tai Wt t uni:. Tlie Cort nina nt roí-Hit («red Ute nruriiittraïKÎilitr m..liol. Oiriny to Ihr cfinstantlji-inrreitsing ciriulaHon g/Tua DAILY TtuBt9arc tee flité ¡t pt*rt êijt- cult then uxiuil, vii'l Ittdmtd generally uHpuheiblc, lu fur ni*h bivi; vtwlirrii, Ilntihrt whê il-> no1 vnol io !»<< uuy »J th» pifiiiiiini. uf the Vfdtàtr TriiU tMtn hore '1 in. DAILI tent hy mtul {¿nut- Wj" ¡I'I.'I ; Jiii -fi a wowtttit, Th't: i-itfiii* :ihfi(i!«t foi^ntii-n |»oiiiical hit- lory, with BBk__B_8tiv«l nll'ttioiit tiicri-iui, in i'it/1. Siuniii r'a lirturi- on "\n«ln»r Jnchattfl'B ? A«lf»/tni-tr«>üoü," ni arhkh a n i-oit li K'vi H on tito Uuitl ,»UB;I« of lt>-iLo'* TañuatTlte l'iot. Sunnier i- dobtg thoyOMUg men of the cnai.liy good m i ..rice in |!II».H» irglBJl ou piactical puli- li..*» Our ZfebdoQ li titi on lim tliinl page sliuvr* liiiA Mt. IHtaraeli, after having dow bia beet to brill'*' thf Hlü-.t (if ('nlininllri ililli ¡I f.llt-l' JU'si- 1 i<»ii OB lin* question of Privilege, onanaged to liji.¡I Iii» hbimli'l. (t I- imt tO iii« credit llltlt in (loiinr «».i In alionM make ra irnjnaliflalile all.nlt on Mi. I.oiii* ft'!' eXiTfialOB ulla!. iiinl'T tin- I'iir.nti.-i.iiii i «, na.« ,i perfectly proper ili-,- f ret ion. Mont i»tli» i, Vermont, balmoat us unlucky Oulikiv-li in the-matter oi Ina« The »I« -n .».*- lion ol' twenty feOTM anil dwO--ga FridbJ ! night baa aerved with tho work oi other rt-eenl «.»»titlii_T.iilona io lev wbite about half of tia IwfeilMWa pon ion ol' llu Iii«; naiiipil etty. Hut ti e ptiiciTiii«!* of tin' Vermoul peopleitpioterbial, atul MB uri* not runpii-ril to bear tbat the ¡ siilVcrer-i urn already piepiriiti, lo re«iinic l»u«i- lir-a-i iu hellt t h.nisi'ri. The attvieM ¡w to tin peugrew of Senator Boullia ll'r» ( 'nunnfftce in the investigation ol tin management of (lie Executive brunch j ol' tin (m. 11 nun nt «JIP an approval ol the «-till itin i o' tin- Treasury Di pal liimiit, which. thank« to Hecretaij Briatow'a record, la hardlj nafiianija Mr. Mont «ill taxas our credulity, however, ulien he Infurnte it» ili.it "the ejrm« "(ml man.ijii incut i.» about lb* MUMC HA wbea "lie wai Secretary ot lim Ttca-un >." Ii lo lu hoped tiuit tin? Committee Mill not fed that Un-if duty MIIS oblj for a ci atilinte of «lili i tu i end good conduct for every depart- incut. If lhere .»va« i'vrr uni ho]»f> of Reform from the ne.*» Board of Indian Commi««iom is, *n«h hop« WOnld be pirti v offert na Hy tlifj). Hi ii lu the atory of it- operntiooa M told lo-tlaj in a WbahingtOB hiltr printed on our recond page« sino* tin« retirement of UM old Board, Iii«*» Hiní: eefena to have hail ii« nun vat ; pailly, in» doubt, beca-M of ila« ¡«hu of a majority of the feènbere thal their flret ttlli gibbet i-, ¡o (lie Secretary ol tbi' Interior, and tluit ii IM llnir highest duty to cany out hi« wlahee. The «"Niiieiice of ilo» Merchante*1 Life Tn*iir- anee Company ol thin eily i.« eln«in;f amid tr.iiil.liuni contiiiition. A commit»'»'«- hi» been engaged in winding up Hi«* ail.iin-., and now conicH up uti application lor the .'ippoiniuMiit of a Receiver, which ? inliai i,is««*.» theit effortt. Frienda of a ionia r administration of the company rbnrge ninnanageMM-nl and aelf-iatereat un tho preaent head, ami the chargea am retorted upon the man fonneili in ofBcOi One th ng is certain. The capital of th«' contpanj baa been impaired, and tlir hopea oi the stockholder-» vibrate betweenfla dividend of fort* per cent , and zero. The Secretary of i lu* Treasury, after in ¡mit tin*; his eurrencj eoab balance t(» run down to |>1,096,376, direct.« the «ale this month ol lue niilliobl in geida It Would have been heiter for nil concerned had the Secretar] reauawd HagoM Kalt** tin» mouth.» ago. Al I-at time, however, ! Mi. II;¡slow na» in a ht.tte oi ,'ilarm, having discovered the Sinking Pond, find lu ing in denbt whether justice could be done lo Ide bondholdera without iaeieferiag faxe» forty m tifo million dollars ? year. \\ « think ii nasa mistake t«» permit the citrreat money lu the Troaiuiy to nm down from reventeen raillions to MM niillion, anti we should he ?a*lovl lo we ii,is fal- «np retraced. The ciiilt iillial cehhratiotl, I«» fak«' phue ill \Ve»toi')i«laiitl County, Penn., on tho 16ÜI of this month, bNaumai rallier a ilroll air in view of the fact that the I«noluttona W-Ml adoption ia iNimtoemoratcd declared the na« r-.li.ikcn loyalty ol the people of I'tini-* s.iltiiiiLi "to His M.'ii sty King George Mthe Third, out laviiul and rightful Ring*-. and thia after the masaacr« of Americaba at I Lexington. To call -nth a document a Decía raiinii of Independí mee is to twist ii ¡uto a ahape in which tin» original would never Im le««»o|iÍ7i il. The li «illiliion« WON Ho dottbt pntrioUe in intent and spirit, bat iln.i were v«r3 fur from Item/,' a declaration lütt that of Mc« k ten burg, in Kurth Carolin- -«fr With the frivolo-i wrangling of Meaarjk Beach ¡irai Tracy, the defeaae in tin Reeeher eaae reeled the oUa r dar, and the pcraBcention nstUMI thil nioniifii? the viork of rc¡fri¡i¡ii^* the hrcuhis in their Une of attacha They will utterly overthrow the »attempt to eo_Met Mr. TUtnii \iitli the Wood-Dili in tho Communiât proeeerion -a triiial natter, io which the dc- fensci altßcbot] undue Importanee, and on which it Witr« certainly BUBtakea fruin fltr- out- net. (In Iho other hand, they w[\\ *>,i¡n noiliinjr hy theil effcrt to have Mr«. Tuton placed upon the ataad. Thi-t poer worara hat alrcadj ¡».'¡»in loo mnch lefeiinonv on l»»ih ridt-*. The eoda of Justice did not Deed fb.it she bhotild he furthei tor- tund bj btwyera and held up t«i the prurient ran io-ii i of lh«; couutiv. The, linking of Hie traeka of (he raOroada which lind an outlet from the ci'y* tiironj»;!! I'ourMi-iive. ha« been one of the mo»! impor¬ tant ol the \iorki nth tnpttd in Ni w«York, and both the public and the Coiuiuiiiits aro to he congratuhjled that, with leven hours*1 nuki yefrterdaji the labor of over two .nats ami the expenditure of aoven] _illiona of dolían were rendered available. The eheen ol ihn»«« whoa¡tm nid the paaeage of tim tîr-t* (rain «»ver ihe underground traeka wfll doubt* le»s Unil au echo throughout tia etty, for r-aifcty, comfort and the \ due uf property v.ill be enhanced hj UM completion of thi--» j:i<ai ÍMhiinmilli of engineering ikill. Though th< work h not entirely finished, ii i- in Mich o stat«- that no traine beraaftai will be tun on th" old rarfaee ef the an one. In vievr of (he mar approach of the t'n«o finid for the preat Pit abyti li.iu Confcrctici in i.ii'iil.'u. ite pceacnt on another page a st ia mini of the eoodithroi «ii that con:ference, ami ni» intentoting review of th« pii-eni »tai« of t.h«> piini-ipal ooeleaiaatical bodiea which ara expected to take part, in Ita deHbentio-i. The n.oiiiuef.i nhiih mulla ¡u thii ga&ering waa begun io this city during the memorable »i i Kion of the EvangeliraJ Alliance marl» ino yean ago» and hal already received UM a;» prm al of a Bufficien! i :i.li r of Reforaaed ehurehea holdina* to the Preabytorbui ayateaa i<» iiisiiii Ita complete loec/aia Th« Importance of the Dpproachiag eonferenci will be apprtfiated a hen if is remembered that there exist m pre-vitt no h ««s than forty-eighl dfalitui and iiali p. ad« nt eharehee, aaeh claiming t<» !>«? Pu sb.i UM io n in doctrine and general ?.-»lit-». Then are iBTeral billa providing for Rapid i Tr.mMt pi .ulm . in iii« legislature, MMW oi lilli« h come up in the natural erdec ol buainaat in a day or two. A few of them aro doubt h -.«i genuine eflbrti In tin» right direction] the I majority, however, era pimply -rtended to obatrnel by oonfuatng all Rapid Tranett ateaa« urea. Ami, unhappily, the tew go«d ichemei are drawn in Ignoraact of the ben amendmenti ii» lae State Con tit iiion which aro held to be prohibiton «>! any new r'lartera «»1 thia kind, io that these ure impracticable in tin ii very u Igin. A huit pub-ihcd elsewhere from one who ha ¡made the ml je. I atboipugh atodyaaaerti thal the practical Bapid Transit rahemec in t'.i« etty have been redact ¡I to t'.vo M three in i.iiinlter, urn! if ne an- to h ive any road 1000, re¬ sort inil-l be luid fa one of these. The point in worth considering i though it i.» l-^ ao ateane clem thai a company cannot boorganiaodunder the General Ila-rand act with nil beeeaaary pi.v.i i«. At inj late the Legte! iim-u ona BBM nd the general lau al picaran. UTI S It'll Al, AFFOIXTMEXTS. Mayor Wickham fully dram vee th«** almost ubexampled comptttaebt he received an Satur« day Iront the Board of Althirnen. His ap'ioim- mints nie so Rood c- fairly to command the Official thank« tend» ntl by his political npjio- I nents; and they leem y«t bett« wheo con-j trailed with ihe wretched work io which poor Mr. Han "meyer and arctiatomed us. The aa- i illili'' oi Inn. Smith foi ita I'olic»« Beard j -i ians ti» II» OH the ulioh' tllCi .. -1 riin-1»- 11 11 _.- done in oin Municipal gOICHUBObtribce Tweed wa« sent to Rlackwelri Island, li any man can bring tbe discipline of the Police np to the ¡u my atundard, he ena; ami wa count the willing* m ss ol auch mea to ändert din sich doIhm us among the very liest abena of am improving t 'i.mliiion. The lit ness of l»t. .laneway is leoa conspicuously Iniown, but ne believe it will noon ht« HIIUOSI «»pially feooguized. So, we iiiink, will be thal of Mr. l»inn.<k. But it ii aeedlem lo apecifj, The appointment! are all thoroughly excelle-k Mayor Wickham nerd L'ive himself lilli«- coma rn at the « -nii-i.s about ilii-suii-iui'iion among the men who rjlooted him. The men who elected him were the people of New-York-no1 a ht K- gari) «T'i'iaTol small otlice hunter» ulai may be ¡nury al aeeiajt the atandard for appointment! lifted so fal our theil hrnadti ami the pi opie of Ne«-Yolk will not fotgel or fail to BUpport tin» Mayor who give! them at hint what they bave ao long groped in vaia foi «fini riana ability and unquet*titmed charactei in the pub* lie »i n ice. \ ~itiiil.il dutj and almoat as fair au oppor« I unit j Manir Wickham*! présent tbemselvei to ila> io Mayor Hunter of Brooklyn. IJnfor» ttinatil.i Mayoi lluntei bal bol ¡'t hi» hack to siisijin bim bconfirming board as positively in the interest» of reform as the Aldermen of New-York j for a majority of the Brooklyn Collin ¡I were elected, in the nairn of one party or the other, .«-ally M n jne»t iilalii i s of the Ring« One ol the reform neaauree eoming fr »ni (hat Ring in the ?.in^li in which Mr. Hunter wa» elected Mayor was the coiicc.»«don thai the tai mus department! Mi.mid remod¬ eled, ami it to ibis grave duly thal» Mr. Hunter i* to addrcaa bbnielf to-day. We an' aerated ili.Tt be reeogbiiee that the retirement of eertnia af the prêtent Commission«! s noto- rioi il> in Ihn KÍHÍ; inteicxt, is pn-i'ivcly | demaaded bj local nutliocnt-, and by public policy as expreleed not only in Brooklyn hut fiom Albany« The Mi*, m ma} be frustrated in hi» purpose ol' reUaviag the nun alluded to; ho will oortbialy do unwieeh) il lu« dues not linn ¡i-! the Miliaiiu ti to aaSUBM iiniquit ooall.v the K -.pon-ibiliiy of retaining bad men bj re¬ jecting good nominee«. Mai or Hunter's duty -vi plain that hu MC-ot fail in ii by mi.«- taki ; it i.« to name the ui) l>« «t men h«' can K<*t to Uni pt isiiiiii, atitl leave the it-t to, take unrn tri ¡i-olf. The Brooklyn Ring (innot afton! to reject lim men whom tim Mayor has it ia his power to sehet. A DILEMMA. 'I lu« journnliel whose duty to his reader» eoin- |n Is him to take notice of the mus Bl it tram apirea, and whose concern for the credit and prosperity of the country givce lum at the ! ¡s,ime time a deep ínteres! in an .'tonest ami reputable Administration, jil.iced jual now in a .»oiiuwhat cmbarraf-aiag predicament. The mail« ami the telegraph art burdened with dis- cJoearei of the rottenneej of the Interior De- ! pertinent. »Now ii is a story ol' trail-action-« in Lind claims which look veri much like blackmail. Again ii a aeml official famili alVaii hatdly to be diatinguiabed trow brflntya We have arareelj beard the detail- of it dfart-putabie arrangemenl foi the appointment of Indian traders when tht country t* mt laughing at the wandaloo! swindle of the mythical Toten Sioux. We are shown how favored cuni »actors are alio «red to guan at the weight of Texai rattle while whooping nvagei are chating them over th» plain; to ohargo by tho pound after they hate arrived at the peeper tiiíuius by this highly Mt¡¡>- betorj proceeei and then probably to multiply the number of the be-ela by two. Somtbodj looks iiil«» tho adiel is( nient « for Indian auppHee, and dawoven that they aie ao wurdi d as to shiil OUt ull buldits who do not belong to the Ringi examiaea the ayates oi purchaac and delivery, and aaccrtaina that it carefully pu vat an*, precautlo-i agaiaat fraud. Red » loud atepi forward with his black flour and damaged tobacco. Prof. Marah provi¬ dential!« appcari with the testimony oi a di.s- intercatcd, booonblo, and acute obaervef to the prevalence of theft ami iniacenan-eoui forms of rascality all through moat of tin« Weitern agenciea which happened to fall liiuhr his oWrvat mu. One de- \e|.»pment follows ai.other with Itartling Hp««tl, till the most ancient of mu national [raudaacema to be í» urfremia. Ai the Tam- manj Riog, when the deeirivi Moa fan, went tO pi« I s ililli nlll'll H'Jil.ltjIHIl -s that lill« Jil opie j III li J lli-i OH li li lllial bli ¡lilli Sulla o| tilt fragment*!, so ibe Interior Ung ia apparently on th». veige of an explosion erbiet will hardly li iv on< ni |ta memben with a land on Iii«* ! iambic)«. Oi eOMTH it is our duty to co-aim ni BOOB thara pmt ni« of eat t-ui'pai. aad na con fen we alo ao nilli ao little latiafat'tiun. Bat on tin othei hand ii L, uipleaaiui to in; enured, m ire crerj daj bj the organa of otto-J opinión« that out anaeouilj laaguage only ii» fers the Impending blow. It may lie Trry well »?> reform abuse-, 0k*} Btieviag, puiJsh blackmailers, kop faith with Indiana, avert a ravage war, and t-.ivo the lit'iioi of tlio country, but the iir«i principle ol gov- ¡ oiniiieiii, according to the Pretideet, li to show a becot--g oonlompt foe newqiaper clamor, Und the lecond ii to vindicate evcrj gifted publie iiüiii among bil trie;,ils it)i(, happera to tie found out in disgraceful inluum---which | amolli,* las fiit mi-, ML r.-aiit to My, ia get« [ ling io be an unpleasantly common eeeenCMCO« lloma it is «piiU: impossible lor any (h:n it to be niido la a cabinet ofiice until ihi près« and tho puhlio concur in iniik- iri»ST hi lia-vo that no char ire ii mvet-stry. When tiny atop «lenimalin», ii-fiinna, tim I'ltaident »»ill j>.-rli.ifii think abott) BJUtkiDg .»mm, if ho tapp, n to fed like it. Hut lh» if. mu .! bo no '" i !,tiiiin- " inul no " hlaioliT.'' Upota lin* erhole, lioYuti-r, enj Clink HiO pi*cee may ii« w.'l ¡"....al. it» UUML Tita De- I.IIM « ',|hi«i!IM li.ixe gOOt lo» fal luhl' llll-hl'd ii|». !t is iintoiiou» lint h|-i il'it i ¡iai-*.< t again t tho Ititi lior |)i']»uilmoiit wen« Inoii-jrlit t<i (!i II. (»rant's i>(-.-»i>fial l.iiiiwli-'lvf.t long tujo, pitil that in roii*»i«iiui»!if*o ol' them an inilirn.-t lmt ti 111 II -I :ik;i lili« ro,|in*nl waa made for I lie Sri ii tarj's tfiigiKition. TlbOM fact«, we Baj aro iioiotioiiH. They uro no1 nunora ; uiitl no amount of lying «Urti t,»r»"vni ¡ration will ?»«.r-oiiMli* tho i'ouiitry that they aie not f.i< ? t. findet Midi dn-tuii-«! alices tlio savin K of Mr. Ii.l,it'o'> <h;ira< ti*r ijiiil«* out of tli-f- «|u»«-t i««:i, Ilii' fiivoiitc fairo of \ iiiili« -.it ion ha« I.«" n plnyed na un aiKrpito«* to an many un*.I. mi dtavmaa daring tim i»r« -». i » t a>nnngi^a*eoJ that it »till no1 ilraw any low-vr. ¡mil it Mt. 01 .tilt is .»»i-f lie »»ill lake it «»IT lln* ltoanl-i. A RELIC OF Till' ALABAMA CAMPAIGN. S|aiial Agent llaatOI i«* not tin* «mt ni |»cr- MIII itliojii limit i ominan iii. um «lances we »1,nulli »»ilritiiio lu ti«' ho.pii.ilit» of our i ulnnum, bul ho linn lattlv utit!» II iii a tt»r n hirii »to lotit: «h t«a mini ii in |niii!, inn (It .'ia <*i tiniii.il) iind jiaiil» na a lii.ii to th<« m Attor- m*\ -Com ral. Jlt^t« i wa- '«»-lil I»» Al.il>;.mu BO u ßfatwiid Agent ol UM ro.i-oih««- to InTfetigntfi j tim mindil ol n-1> llgTilll Ivy, uml ».hilo otliiitilily » ii'-r.irvfil j), d,j, lupines«« lu« i*«l;ili- liabod the moat rnnarfcnMe ». inn of polltirnl iiiiiniiiliii ii n (»ti »tit l.i ««rd iii ativili/itl ruin- linn:ii ». Ho II- »« r tniii.il lh«' mind« ier« i I Ii ?, t»hOttgh Im -.> nt .«.('.( i,il nu ii hu or tim i' linn- iii eil milts in Lanihuli« lo Moliilo, v bent l!n*y »»ire tli-i lur-cul for ktek of tv. idenct. lint Illili»; hil, us lu* ruiy«, to o|n*i.u«- on hit own jiiilu'Uiiut, ami kiiuitiii;* very well tliitl tin« pt ¡initial linly of a Fed- irai oíiii'i« hohliT is to tmxtj . hi lion«., I lu* arl liimtill with Beni to UM u«k of i«iliit- log tho lion, Climie» »Haya to COIJÍ»I «?.-«. At Ihn critical period of tin- campai;-;!! lu* made viliolisale .«.ri/nie-, of tim moat active ami in- lliii-iiti.il i'oiiHirvativo«., on lii-titiou** dmrgea of « «ni»! ianthe i-oiisjiir.icv to injure him. Ile ar- rtotod n arhole Slniiti'.« poaae ol 12 mon for «omi met ¡vu inlirfi rt-iift* willi a iitxioliay and g iiniiy wliilt; tho t\»o win* i aiiyiuv? the United Rttttea uiiiil. lío «nonred tvv*» coiiiiii.*«., ¡im-t- Ing oi threatening person«! i»u*»pi*<.-t«*d ol' lim uti nlowy oû'«n«n of iatiuiiil ilion ; and tltotlgh tin m irai a l\d M1 CommUgloo r close at lianil li. ¡oil« Mlioiii hi, m¡M»ni is oii'.'ht to hui« lu in taken, ho chime to aend thaoa . cn«tly journey of .»Oil mil- s for ¡»rliinimuy rxainina- limi ni Mobile. It wat i>iip|».*.«o<l ¡it Hu* linn* Ih.il lu* dill thig lii.i.iii«,e tho Coiiiini«<»i(iiii«r at. Mnoili« Wim a notts »activo parüsiu than Iii*« luothci lltiiulilii'.ifi fuiiclinnary in Suinter County ; lmt are on .«um« it aroa really a ih tico to maki au arir-t iijuhalont to [iuiii-»liiiu*ni, whether the acce>aed should IH* held or die** I . liaip-d, niid thus lo im-rr i«i* lln* terror of hie jil on t'lilian. Af.ui y ol tilt* piismicr« won» Jim« nu n »tim coultl not a lion! io bring lln ii »»it- ni«-.--, ho tal, rollld liol gat hail flt Moliilc, ami OTOO if they w.*n* allowed their liberty pi inline adjoin II mont* oT tltO eiOVtriflatioo, had DO mian«« ol' Mt|«poit daring llnir tnloici-d t.ft. joiirnwil.it iioin lioini». MorcuMT thijiio- « « Bal wa- hiiro to toop the Illili out of UM v\U} daring the lae! dara ol' the ramrmign. If we aio tint mi«laKi'n, nil .Mr. Ifitti'r'n jni.toiioi» »vcr.i liually diaehnrgctl, there being no Cage a^.ii'itt liny of tin III. Somr wnc I'- h«a«t*d ¡ti oin'-; othcra, hy iidjoti!inr*!!t of the hcariagi won: held nnlil öfter tho t-l.-t iii»*t. In the cowan ol tho ngnminntiotta the lad irna diaeloeed i!ii»i aoaae of tht» aiii«»i« hatl (seen dlitiiii'd IIJI.IU olBIlvita dittl a irrek or two ht/methe tillet/nl niTens/', BJrtJ a furlticr imiuiry, -tiiuul.ittt.til l»v lliit »olatiofi, ri'Millod in the ili«i-ovi iy that Ili--t«»r had li»*< li nsin»; in Iii*. t iiiitpir.u-y mid iiiiiiuiilatinii enaOB «titi il<*po«;i- lion« relating to tin- Ivy aiv.tir arhlch ho hap« j lulu d li» li«»«' on hand. It mav algo lu» recollected *nat an lnt*?reating iu- i iii«* it t in líi-lir'.H perennal hi«tor> Tras bcnsaghl to tight ut tim Kimi' timo, foi- Itiijihni .ailinn« rfOltgoizi d lum in nmrl M olio ol tilt' crew of Iii«* Alakilu'», who had Ottcopod fiom lln* -liiji al fiiliraltar, oflcr kuliup one of Iii-* mr*«'«- m.ili «. Aa noon an the «'amj»,ii»in w.n ovit the jmrMiiii of the Ivy niutiliur« w.tn alt.iiidoned, and Mr. Heatttsr Went had. to WáUthiogton, whoro. for »11 wo know to the contrary, hi; may be »-till in the !»ovrnrui*nl aervieo, li be i«, ere < »iniiitnd him to Lhu *«ii«rul notfao of the l'oitma-tor-ljîeiii rul. Tin* jiliiiinio'» mid dirri lion of jiolitical rani- pnigna like that in Malunna foitm-d a roiitid- i ra'»lu port of tho tfonloeos of Attorney-<-i*n- (T,d N\ illiaiif«, and vi cryliudy know«, I*M*I*]I|, [if-iliaji« (iii). <iiai'l, that all BOcfa oj> lalioQi tiiiiud oui ili»;i»,li«ni»»ly for (lie Adniini*«tialioii. Vit liopt« for tío« take of t.'io Pitnddi nt it.iti- r»(«if, ¡In Will II lor tîlP Silk»' of the r. Ililli ty, that iho now Att'i'."ui*.v-t»t m*ral will hove aoaani ami i',«li-ji:-nih m o eniMtgh to till tina. Grant, ti ii. B th" oi ra «ion liri "«, thal Un M s**.nidal« nniM not Km rope ah d. Wo aie a arondei fully jialimit pr.njili ; lmt. nilen ere do gel rou-ed »to Bnko outarivoa rery di-.i*-*rii-:ii>le, and it tloea not m*»«ni jio««ililo lit it tin* ]{'ttaltlii-.iii jiaity could live :!ii(ni^h tin* odium of niiotlur c;tm- i poign liki- th.it of la«! Auiiiiiui. ririvG TUF pirFK. Poojle v»ho Indalgt in luiuim-» nttni jiay foi th« in ; and lymhin«; an olitioytoua |><T«OII, HI* t.ikt* it, i,n't a mi:« óiiiy of lito. There neu* ii do/.« u or so of WOODOO in Wilton, Iov/0, who did no1 renjard M ita upjiroval the «ond'ail of Mi.v» EQa I OUÏ, a ::irl of «tiitirn, Iiiin^ willi hi*r lalher; and 80, dnripg tin» ali emu ot the porentnl piot»«!<ir, theee «VfltonJaa doiocai in- \;l«l«"l Mi. Coley'». li«idiini, Hiilijei-tcd the JOVOg «niiiiiii to Uti imliimify Ol tar and lealh- crs, oftcrtrarda oui'tim» her to leave town, an«l i-mlin«' tho B8a«ocecdiiigg hy knock¬ ing the ^la*»* out of tin* nimio",«, unhang- bag the «lours, and «.Uni»-.Uto darttnging the «lomicil. Th» re ¡.«j BOBOe ri*:L-dfm to lielii \o thal the rond'trt of the yo»ttOg eroniOO had l.ot lieeu iurjiroicliai»!«^; unii it ¡ri eeitain Unit nlien tin» inva-timi timk pim o Hen ml JTOnanJ men wert* found nuikinii» Ibesjuelveo verj mneh ut boonf in tim pRrlor. Wo bw^oaa that this W;IM BBOrO thon feminine li^idil, ot j »ii m ipi«; rould »..o »ilii « 'iii.-iniuii.y, und tlio r> nil U.MÍ»II ouiliiir.il of ft niinine vehemence mino juacil.-al and jil n'injilt»iy than hiinnuu. in ,t fi»v woid.t, we mar nay that tluse, injiiili«'iotis und rigidly - ; ii*;liteoiui 1 nil« -t «lid a rootinh thin«.*, ami, »T- Inn, a «nul on«-. Thelegnl jun«« "diiia;.«« ul.iih havo folio» ed tho nfiirn of the fatter oi the »ritI «lo m.t .%.un,i th us. 1.11a M. Corey, bj Llhirt Cony, her next fri«*ud, M te forth in her petition to tho MUM aline ( ounty Circuit Court, the nOnBult willi all ii.» aggrovataOnaa, Bate oTon that "tht- uVfcndiiiitt»- fuuii«.f»n of á " them -bail© her h-ave town, and two of them "led ha fifiu the house to the (driel-, she chid " in her thin iniileri*arm<nits-the bight was M ver«, cold-anil COOdai ted her for somr dls- " taara from the boorai then, heeding barep« '. peal» Im mercy, and hoi tears, they allowed " lu.' to «TO bali» lo her boiM fat wann clothe»*, " ¡mil bit her to lier fate with bel Har uud " feathers and bei wlndowleaa liona»" Now, tlifs will not «h». No biattei how im- properiy (hit ;,*i*-l of rixb eu years may have be¬ haved ; DO math rho»i high the atandardof virtue is in Wilton ; no matter hoi* dreadfully ihorked may heve been then wlvee and mnthen- there was one maid, probably ancient, among them-in spite of all possible» e\ti niiaiion« and excuses, wc still *ny distim tly this will in»t .h». The error» of a little woman of «ixtien hardly anthorin a mob of muiron«.. Tin law, which likes lo IfeVC peopb good, frowns upon this method <»f Braking them so. Misa Cotej j wants $50,000 for daamgn to lor peraoMi Mr. Corey arante$1,000foc damagee to bli house; a lawyer in Davenport who, we are told, ha« "a reputatiou foi ability mid energy-»'* ha* taken op thurn eniun] nnd Wilton will have its little l«M«al judicial sensation. Fifty-one thousand dollars tumbi he | gmt I deal of monty for the buebanda of these ener¬ getic kuli« s to pay; ami probably I ho damage*, if um, will be assessed by Ihc jury at a much | stn.iib i BUBB I bul even litio (with cn.«!.« will In- -elfin ierif lo rout inc». tin-se Pillie« thal thai? plan of promoting morality it i- not trieb. We think there must he a better waj «if weaning 0 girl from error than the h.ir»h way ol break¬ ing into her bouae, tearing off ker riothea, »iibiet Hnghet toahambful Ignominy, and tuning li« r, halt naked, out «it town. Pfeifepa. in time, Ihi» ¡/«oil people who are ettta-iti- dieialiy hangftg bom thJOVM, and tryiiig to j put down « rime of one kind hy committing clime ol mother, will nee the error of such i 1 loh lit dei ices. Any BdVBMtBge <»v«*r sin und Iniquity so gained will l»o found inndeejuaai I and evanescent. Pot on** devil expelled, two, woree tbaa the drat, may come j and all that ha» been raid of the Mtnctity of the law, and the duty of abiding by it, liebig true in theory, uill, in the loila.' run, be found true ia practice. Oliver fharlink ia follow«»! to the r-*r.ivrt l»y few of tim hitter tbooghta thal j»i»r»u«>'J bira Ibroogb life. I lln waa raagb, arbitrary, ami nsoluit*., but Barer lillian. Hi-« ¡»lulu j waa aneucatioued, «tini ha »n- ip.n- ei:iiiv aaueeaaBi Be balangad to au obi Babool af palitma-andaot a fjood one. II««. U buiicd aa Uen. "Ilall> * Smith is i.iL'iia hie fenner placo in the Police Board j ead thi old erdec ihaagra Kiving plaeetooew« The spirit of IBVoll a-gainfe the ir«K'dnr noiriina- lion baa spread, cn n t<» the I Ihamber of Cammane» lim atldreaa, eleewhere prlated, wau tabeeiaaed I «¡n i.a .illy eg-nat the unsound fimimial vii wa of | Mr. Opdyke, and it oanclndoa with a atrnaglndtn peadenl ticket over wLiinh a lively eeatefe ia pend« m¿ muí is deeiraUe. PERSONAL Senator ferry of Michigan, who hat beenelek m W 4«li<nH'li/ii mili ,t II.UK un It of ?.' " it-vcr, has r. r -I a. lu, linn," ana i,n.» in a fun way lo o «pcted** »nu i>. Victoi Hugo baa left Peril for Queraaey to dere s iiiin»cir to tar eompletloa fe o now niiiiiiir* of poema whirl uni saan i>» ?j-uMfei-ed aaefe tbetMefe " baa rraae* et i.rsOataabaa" Mr. Churlos Bradlaugh han apparently found his visit« to Antoric*» feeoBBBI. Be minni» a«: «lo In Oeto- lier nott on another lafearfeg tonr. His lim tv-w locton-» an« " Iii I iu.:-iiina,i -- i .»-n ,,f 410014800 4* »lilter»," anti .. i i»c Labor Maeatloa la Ibu Olí .uni Hi i Worht».** Mini une ("bri »tine Nilnee, having been re- iiiio-iei tn «¡UK »o ii enii. .«ri in Braaaelebn tia-ben« tit of tin« < blfeiea'a ftalaetlea Hariet/, uni ;n» uuitido tu do «.». ». lil it .iltii.i riptlOB «if ?.')" train - I In Ci »munt tee fe l-iil'. l'.i!i!.t,i--e« nf tin ip'titnt'int seta lu-r In i-ctiini a Ou» houuuet, nu 1 inalo Ina-» litn na iiiin«r of tlimr a-isn- ei»t!..'i. A provoking piece of impudence wits recently per«*! trotad apon Mis* Sofeooe, theorem bean Maota, io Mew Ortona* A «iii»ert» beaejafe **:»* tiirotvn BOOB fee ?Uti'.'. Hntl tlir fair arll.t. »Her Bmlllag IWfeM/ upon Ufe voungmoa wba three It, Maoped m pick u up. just t»«->- f'iri" ina- tlnirrr« tom-lu-il it. it waa sadooaly withdrawn, a siiin-r liai m«'ii-ou ali.n'lit'i tn li tor Iii,il pur-mu . 'Hie littti I Jo.irll lias li-i Ü liritvill fll'dl for lill- uillriitfil. The InMitiition of i'i\il Rngineen of Great Bntala, arblek km aerrteffee Umited n* pafeMeaMaaa to iii P »f» r.-ai| in fore Ile b««ily srnl the ili-cns-iiius upon tin m, aaa léeeatlf ti i l-l» .! tn publish two otber eusses j of popera i fe Hi«t win Itflfh eeeapa BJ meafeefefe » i'liiir»''t«-r ni tt«a suite.I fur Blady tliiin for vublic readliiir, iiml ill«ii|r«|nii tUo S«:e«»ll«l will« lilli |ll I«.) ttbst nii-t« nf rmoh papen Mom bj f*>ivl«n asanrlattoaa or pabUebrd in for- clajn I'liirnuls the 1'mineil ui.i.v doom umtüy fe n-pm- «la.-ii..i« or "f «i««'lnl value fur refHrrnn«. The Ur»t ?inartorlj pablkottee under tin« icKiiiatioubos «>...,.. »red, and cciit.ti»« three papen lead before Hu AuwnoaaSo« o'eiv of cini laiaiiieor«. namalyi ?* Ifprtaht baabed l'ai?.»-..?«." by < efe. .1. B. Kail»; " ihs P.«uifall urnf How in lUn« paon Valley," by J, J- It. Croea, anti (moona lanlBxeeelmhM ararwl-eefetna,Peas..bf ILCferolL Aluiii-'i'.ulenia baa iust liiii-hml a reimtrkable ptataiafait-wa couipiittinents, CHllcil ta* "ftagady of au fïnaret M"lfn." Clitli»cric, Klntr of the Franks, bafeai iiiiti.T Hire», made an offer to tho f »Ha of UrunWltl for bia jaantii dngbfir oaisiiinthe, lu aaaavtagb ptadglB§ i.iin.'.i If to dismiss ull har ptrilocMsora 1 lu» he did, but i'r«(decani-« (MM of tim dlsciirdod wlvca, set herself to win bock her lover, and one niorotngOalatiiuthe '.».«« tiMiail »'.i',?mi In beal. But wlina sha urtu burled it i.r»Ai narai le lutpittiurd, for Hu lamp ia r her tou.b fell ou Hie j. ii« iii.i.\ bat lastoed of uaiüg hrnLi a. Lin- pHVcninnt ?ave i* a i to ''d'I vu It, muí It burned oa lu the marble. In tin« tbri'ft »rparata pariions «>f lils plctum Mr. Alni« Isili-uiit «iii.«-, Iii ilc^utiilii ii«"li!iia* in .?. tier window on Hil) muriia-'i «»f Chili» rio uinl b«>r rival ; Hie dawtifav fe di-fin i, a«'." tie» « ajee tiDi-nt alter tha tannin and th.i.ii-'t ii an un I..nil» bni'ii'K in the pavt-'u-at Bl', te tin* (rave, near whi' h n inouli ¡»fi.» .' ; Andrew Jackson Wilcox, a clerk in the Navy lx-je.rrii.i at ait Maabtagtea.baa in Ma paaeeaaloa urana which waaBBvaoatad to hi» KTe.it gaafeUfebea^ Antireir Im _sen. bp a eoaBBBHtte repri^enUn« the citi/eas of Teiiae.-n i It Is of tbii tlia-st hiokorv wir»«»«!, anil waa taken Han- 11 is« in Hm front f""«.ril< n of C> n. Ja.'lt«(»n's Hanfelloe. Hu; " it« -n.a.i.«-. M slnat tl'-itance trotn Ni hvilla The top aarmoaated with a, ean at aaUd »iiv»-r. iiftnn ii lao'i is mxntved too natara of all the 1'I-H«.I- di-utsof tuis cnuiilrv iii'in 1T7G lo IB41, «iniiiin neitiK tt ali .Inhr, H.nn ". k an I etnliii** it ith .Inlin 'i'jrler. Ka. h ni ttix ni »n»,'iir kin.t.s i* ti|i,"«! tilth silior, afea wblM It enorared the arwatra of tho donor«. 1 here alee a ,i m .1 le made la r»ae al the knot», wba wu* used bj .on. Jw»«mi in BOII-B bl« hound*. CpoB the side i. t n,-.-». t«l Hie folios ¡n.r " Intl III4V ai I l«1 Sir « a,.,-1: sp» tr lint nut tin i> in ijtil Hrr~ltq_T" ' I rrlM_t Mr. Windell Phillipe returns vigorourij to bli Bttjk apnn the politcn«-«« r.f Boefeal pn'lto soc1i»ty. He ¡-.tait»out with tills rospinrobarrratioai "Harvard Coll« KB on '. anti ni Ui> BaotbOTl l.isi, trxiitcil ('li-irleslum- iur -af»iy oitltaiolefe(Mateepeet fur mure than h.«'f bl* life. Theil pitiable effort» t»» nth mil tv n feci, now ('?nt eebaetekea ht» feaeeaaaeua taaaiaM iiiaitnous ABM'tkaeBideaei(miprlmBaa" Ha tbaaaeaMaawi "I ii-.ni (...»ni Hitler titeado fe Mr. aBaaaar hareeftn ho.ird i'. a . .'? i '. 'I'.'II. I. - "-»n Ups, wini« vit» arle r.ei uki../ wltb bau fe Me siubii Qarvord Catien eeaetaatty put apea hint f»»r man» T»-,|T> No oin« sill itonjr tbat ailinn/*; Hutt n)llr»rt«'* "nuiiiair»« ffetbelofe lift) le-u« .-ainior m/mtili prtneepa, niuti'tilahtj foremoat, or stuonn the fmir or lim fiir.iint.t iinti. Tin» deter«»» of I.I. I»., usintPy gtvea to peioo-» of in« MBiooare. Bod tacked t<y ¡irr ne i»-i!ii*i ij, UIH»U »isa-tul nit«- nu",, lia, rard waa tba last »n,"in; Aim rn an c««llr,r« a tn lu «lew on »-J.iiiiu.ir, frotn Ibl raiiio .i.ili.i.t :.» I 1 tti.it hi.« Iii'ide h'-r leal« I'ark.T's iiiiiii» us yi-i aabeaaerd and Kmemoal ter ao amay a .nar. The Inooll le hieaftat afeeb i laeaUeaed >«**t»>/- ii..> Bun in r bil »n nil thal I have he ti»! bim »:tjr bo should han' left Hu« hull butfOTthl piidonii» nf forelirn i*n«it|»." In reply in I'nat c.iiiiil «-|n's arnottl«.n Ibfe trie lunch ama lamimal w»d vi.r.v jen |a»»i>ii» aomoMMed, Mr I ¡nilli«« ijlinl« « '.inn a'.«., nf H,i, li .,,,.'i ip.-. . »hell It,,; that b. tti.«*iii»i,e aad t'li.h'imi'««) pi ii""» tt ere praa> «lil, uinl t'nil Ihr« uU «¡at Un »m. Binn Mr. ii id Sintoii ».iiniifiid hi* intention tn KI vu Hu« rit.r of t'.'iiituiBti i*>o,t*»i fnr the admaaidil l'un- l'ifth ««_ in .il-« I pi,tun, t, numhxrof fe-M li.ne han Huiiin" lad bl feabitlni Mtifea M minora ead ,,^ hi- leils, from Wfefe »»'io tats at tait ban S'lccletl. The pt uposislini pnu ça», it will I»« tn tho foi to of »fin«, feen wal- h towor. bulli upon a miw-ve K-! »ull« pUtfiirm. lin.fewwpeeper, *.>i<nit ino tn t Mpb, *nu t»oirnpoued of threo sooHous, His Irst to«» ««,ii«n. »na the third m «.:».n.*J In sbap«, Th«) pUtfotnt, a«natndi<<'. by alaba on the BOlth sod t mil »iiloa. will ho «to fnt« «ipiaro B_I1 eight »oil out» half fe-t hl-rh, und is Inf.-mbxl for a».. fe a -i A p'lMtu Cu-ara. Ibo tint ««. a, fe tlv* los«*4* will tina a.«iv» th« fttmta .'al L+\, .trill la»V!j Sjag aoi-io»». tvea wall« alt r»y*t In til «*kii«-_-, and wiij beglir*nann> i I.> s bt .««riv. harm ' i aaU na* linly araittnl tea u«»< r Bmand a ball... i ni... On raatuti't v.-»«»|aii|,<, <a.,r| to tv <?«>.?.I ilr»,r-» .«, o.,-., | t«» I'J fif In «i iii, o'»«nlu','lati»il..«iiii' :?. .. i, .,.- Above Hu» .i'Mtr wil' u, pia.,, i " ...,, .. , ; n»i!ut!n»ti »Twiite lu i. iii/; un .i,i,t.-.., ..lal.« i*.*,i.i|,i in,, r .a «.-...¡ii M1-...JÜ, l-l :?« Killi; io, «., i: ... i,,.-,, i',;,i,) ., h ,, tar» iMlrmii, ansí illa lu* II «f i.i.l ItalrJIItiif laid tr»*«. »..a, , un-, n,nu.lo I (Kirni'.ti li« »via'i.» >...! b ILivsf.H ..'.'.<. I" " '.' ?! <a| f.ai feet ii*...vc tl.o .'. t .ii tvUI '. ideal ia« an .ii ii»:: i,u.ir>«ra «!.;.! ?«, i, f.ii-"i .__. lOWer. AtatrVI Ina « "cn .. Mi.|:,,.,iiai! .^ Oil. o i. ,.!. n. .?.*».? «ttts*fl*aal ia .ian«*, .»«-. .-i. t- r.. " j, -.»,. ^ . ,i." Kin.a..-.I. It-i ii. «ii im t .w» rr>.,i.,«.«.i. I, ., , ;;.i !. arrêt .»*'.,, i, M,:I be ara*nnlatl bj sal. ral .*i i tur tai* t.ru !». |iarliíM«ut, unn tua anani.'nen um« .. i it« Ile l. n, »I ,i* ;,., ,,u'.li», lie u». sill »»..I lil., io.', ,,ia tim III.OI ter by emane ot a »i««nti stabnam MtoiMi», V..ty L'.-I)i««p,ireh»»H r«c«iv«il lera i ni.nillir« ti. lasa Airoliíto, I. ./!n«r ni Dan «"j.!««, ta» 111.lill« iii I,..'..' Civ» INS \i i, May 2.-VlcePit-srdent V/iltort rrtrastits al t>viagma, Ky., ths amng <.' te n »\riiar. I'.i «n.II, uiilil u<-iii ifniv, momln*:. uLiii ho l»u»«tiia» tm» Win»l. iiOM>f/\, y.zy 2.-Mr. J«ih;i O'Connor l'mrcr, nitiii it-, tt r.n i.a ii. nt tur hlajaCanatf, nm teen em . .«"«i Ti»i » stn rii'iTith,-'' tteurta tea Cntmel Beartoteste li tri li c1'if. oi |_f ¡,ir «, .. r" li, 0 "Jon nf lit Lui*, CONSI AN.I.',(»I*I r, Muy 1.-Tho !* ultan »r.ive a härene li anallen« io Mr. Oi tir-^D li. Hnkrr. v»hn brrin» P tl> bei n ! run« forrad from tee Aim rleati ii.i«i.i...i I., ra lo Hut nt nt IM-i-itiii,,. Mr. li« iii. r till I «.«4a,t iii Ay rcttr«'ju,g uuil v-ii k. rOLlTICAl NOTES, Tim BefoUltaBaa of hfnhne hive «,«-,i.l.-.l t<j Bali 'lair -'.T. Ci'U' linn ft' Puitl.'nl on .Ians 15. <. it.n.iiii "i .,r,.|,.r >-, iJllii.il) /,irid-'.iirlii> It», ti a1/- riomluae Im Got ri a ... Ciilea» « j»*** nrnn«« « ere very ileer iitir«-, lî«'n. n ii. iiiii i»iii i.. tim 1*1 »i Hangi laaainii rrtaa ti»»* DUO «.«...n.'!.-» UiAttU.I. ( ,.iiti;ia ¡«na tennU *< ml in t'..«*lr K\it r>«r til«- »ii'inir i», «i *. »".'i t,. be pi'i'ed i»"f w-t »i i. «8 II It >.'. »lr \l»t.tl.«ii II. tlfltltt-lt« Hi ta. IL..ia« «if M»*ataa- |. ntitii».. Co i>'!i «»in.iri Kelli) lalnr* duly sat nr*-v_ I,; tee Vl'i.'li' rtrntlrai orgitns fer d.i. ag t-» «is* lia rt> i,i;.t'ml lil« vu!« tu f iTor «if iii»- r*.«*ri. MU Th* »'.»«bing» tin l.ni*r gtnm lum a kiel*, nu I Ihr Ctilni'tirliiir I'rrto mmt. «iii.¡m liu» '*,», tint tim ran«! ti mat«, fit»or (1 tNJS no1 li" «r «**tltag 'I.' 'r'üli iii .nil tbe Hi.ulh " li WS t.t Bat li.'-I.'«cn, Jîr Kid!, ir iii.ra, t.»fi>n» ha*. I!.«« '....liuj oiiiicii. tr,. »t di ...,..,».-.a.- i-,j.i«iif Iii iUtatt i, lo- lc.i L.ntl. l.ti.1.,1 j lln, i>,.-. ,i,"i'. «»f 'in., io« «ti« ita ina/ .l'';««uil no tlif c«..*i.;. l.iii.fllit -latlii.t." It se«*nis to Imve dawned on n tmnil»er of aeeaane mmnHjr ti.st peinapi t'icr ? tit» anttei ria* ia «is* i larlag Omi 'iii* Ubi ml u* pambenne* » i.-» »*i-i»t t.. < m. ia. nyl la l*«7.', loft it,- j.iuiy. T1o»> sneewti ma that His ClaelllBBtl plla-llli.« »tori« »rbflt fM left Ol' ila I'lStly *\lvU Orannnm eras taken entef it, ano tam it eslghl i»« Juil w»*ii to ««i»»litk to tii.-in Baeteai atteefthnj tii»oi to .!. -«..! .' in* j»; ;'.i"!ji>.» i.i.ti I*»T inialc tlie |»J.*.» K'O.4 f. i AI.) (lilli,*, rae ><tr lirdforil tmteàmfé * em la »'«"ibu. " 'illara ia li" WOOé TOom ii." li taft, " ali» a nillo'! «io.nig net io »ttai'ti ii" iH'ttitfo lb« KtstMbilewM aa I tea laaa» na.-iir miora. " , lia K> pnliiiiH'i (atrtj »»li lula la al'Sti'lon ooriiliift* r.f it« p'lm »aiic«, but -au-«:.» t" n-iira to tiieri,tit va* vnare ii ¡»..» n ii. 'lhe Indi pemlint jouru.il.«i nre a sourco of *-?*?. «i IKI.'I if, -t to Du« or»;,.m t>t bens » .«»a Fal Coiymid Cit'.rvii, Iiftuio« utie oifiB for .Nea, Hampiliiro, I'MIOMI tills Idtlrig rtmUMM muta teem I "Any ona *wl'h a ihimMeful of tenieg Bao BBBj If bs r»s:i«li the awjaateltiaa psr««*»« and rb« la alten* tin» i'ni'«i»'i).i> .it cn «». ti; it tea meant laen» m ia BK w ilHUipaliir« »uti ia < run*, beni lum almnr»«i| lbs eandnetmaatteem »ii<*«ta, ami teni nmj aea at thair ilirijr woik of iiild»r»?i»i-(.8t'rdtitlon and tbrosing mud al tea DaíDot-r.ilic parir anl li« bmOlM "" '? Til«-»«lUors .' 11.»»a atari tiru kim praii« »*»a tha Inintiwritinr, na the »tiiil.'' 'iiiii ia .1 pially Barte'rnaa sartal a garni graaOaUteremoXbattb>laateaattea at i't»»an> ibe tehans, "l'uiall* »tncln.li vi ui« Is laiiOuimiii/ul/ armen Vice-l'reiiilent Wilton encoutilereil lim inevi- t»Me "intT'.io Tor" tr. rim lu nail t^'> eOhnr «lsr. i»tri nit««tful Hie resnthm »iliii'.isiar.-t Lira b.r t?i« *.ilinia> latralion.'oiiiiialt, li«* tlt.«««llni«il to nii»t,f« an.» niara inanwOg ultiaut tbu third tirai. Ila rnrral;- n ', ». .-.lui ?; 1. ¡he } if/ i.ciT. tim! til«* Kiani Uitti:>i!«»i4 ii/ InaneteaVensnafJ i*.iini»a'gti »touifj In « »nii, and tho tarli» !««i»t or «nu foi tin* i.oiiiiiiiii'dVii r«'.iy. Iha. fv »n» tatknrjaaai i>> tita part) leaiiarv ni aTnsIteasaan, mnl gnml eOnvM vtowltl bs rojidano bothfeldei ti» u»rry tba Kiaie liataran no« ao«| NoverotxT «>f uo\t yt sr. Hi» «/t».at inau of IsNtatefaMO run jiiiit) In OU10 «Vmld take Hi:» iiii.H'aui.oi» taet li lilllhl.liniil.'il. ill. J Olhlt'lt It«- rilu.la'i.a to r Lai« 11 n BJ t-dtniliilitt.«.» fur «mi .Tin.r J/UQ.-I O'tllism AIUTI. lory dontaaemmOarxntrtlytelling «»nr »-at'ii laiaarmttate ii.itir tu tin HIP stemlarn teams el (ii« vii'1.*'"' tee neil Baatnaign. Mr. FeiTi.inilo Woes] d««»«; no1 PTT«eet to be igenkmtetOanrufltmm <*f Osrartisalml>te. EbeaM t«> s reponer of Thr raOwnVrjteiB lim».« ranli«/ ? WI.Us» 1 limo t». 1. ltiiini for tea rprntwreailB«. anal im net an» B»dinOfatef tenhnMt at th« anmr, {«teBaaeamratteno i la« tr*«t I «b.i'l prc'jttbly te beat» i. t?*-«*ttn«u« I «nil not ra« iimi'ii«h m.» nu, «J indi» du.tMi j-, and »mi BtHaBanmatem» «anamannO ttaate ter tea ntaaa»" Mr. IV«nteei>tt>meteBO t.derabi.y rnülitlint nf !ht» nanM .**. Bia pun; in ti.a unit Prtalil'niUl rai'.pu gn, for bo nil; Mgethh»g«mahaBj the DemeCfOtte pirty lu IrtTtl. They »ill rat in, te pawer if ibu nestle ti>saPdip«-r erem *.i."uJii bs agnteal tiiani. Tin- stenttM «an psn» .; n«ii x [«ar!» ItettarnNeB» lint a rnalition of inilitWiiifO*. for lhe war. Tlütttaf «M'.'ii.i Ita galvaalrsd sir*"*i rntn an Is«na, IrWltheaO» Kn'iita ,i««iii:in«*a «if au«,) » Ictory'' II- |0«ik.« that JildfS luitld Illili« bM »'. ry »lr|.n»T ¡>i«<«i.t .'it »if wuluma* lbs l'i «.o.lim mi raoe, tbat «¿o». tutiaa has anula a grautae lilt, and Is in« lina«! to the N Itrtf :h it th« lU-pubttasBl wig nominate llninil!«n l'i«h, «li«.111 »in ihn ka t«< be !-'is iusa »»bo bil* 1,'iu-d (iant s < s'ciu* t fT».a l*rtrtrB>jl IVrs«iii8 of |iari'taun pro« li» it ii-1 are ignhahoi at prt-iiai? *Hh ac abir-bodn-d ttttiuoitj ali«nit th^ vs/ the Ipdcpander.t geteg I* 8«i!!"ii tot -.. n ha his «utTr*»*««in thefut'irt». Iwaf aaooaaeta aasswasteni bow s HUB oin von with BOJ aomfnrt itnlsm b«. y. «>a a puny io tail hate vrbuni te tem tee. Tmt àjMrktffUÊé ií«*|."'iit«ar» mm lmee te len inn tau lena ama tem itengn which ten ind«». rteii.lent Vitieis aro rert.tin Bog lo In, "Thej su not Koing lo tola fur (.iant, or any K.pnVI an of bit «.»rt» rxwpt to eaiiipo a i»ori>a ov,J ; tOW/nN lad » -ii. * to h.dg tbt Uui.iocrst la pftrly ntdli to powtír. e.v«« id tt* «.«i »ia a a orme vii. Tht «a »..t- 1 *, .»!i.-*-*iutal/ team «'Jins si .»4 st*a, d. I'I like tbe i 'OLs ot atOser, BBkt am *enh1a_ «'*»e* sad left m an inmtlBllliB amnanrani r»itb au ippf&itttx's oraniict». torctdt«» itcUt^icctht-y niUefeenswgeheanOi If Oteaaneamaf n'dtt jurt ii-.«»* one tbap«, tbabutk t4 tliu Indrpcndotdt Vol*» trill p.iit> « «ulfld'ly K > to the O«*« miaTa'V ; if it f.ikrsu!n*:'i« r, ti.» maal iiii,|i-.rlt*f of Ima d. ta'hêtl vo(i«rs wfllbe found«iii'iK'riier tbs Kt-puHtiaa tdiclii«». If tn Is lillie nutitilii torcai.ia«, tu»> i«iii da vide their rot/a bri 8WM i«V twa, If l-olh pibrtMe p «t lilt .rome foot fo'cu.o't, ti.- r-j Is vitr .Laida le la s tK,jn ticket In th«* field." Gen. Dcouro_m»^»avn amrrr ord fooli*h lettnO about L'.A bl:«« k flasr npar »ttonshaa I.o BBWCWl >n»er« U Ita mate ynillma 0«wtJ»»rn |«>nrnata. 'ni"» Irmrete ia aloft, ni aeemtesten nrnel that M h n *;t. anwiaate «..ate UM ".:11b with Undi»»»« anti le ''.?*.. Jn»* tett «rtin», thererore, the teltewteg nr-den^reir»' true n.ii.»a flam The Ifsmjata» linfanins. a ni minni nMrh i tuda serernltoi.e»jein litt *ioiith itit' ti I *8teBna«a0aj v»i!lb«:of Interact ..ml prout : "It* :rt\ oil -..».»loa leadi-rs ar« (teni -"I» v. I»î.«.i*î Brad I tnry no Uo*r«W pna-a-fi trirtdCittnt ahrmnrthtntvana tNwnntanrle. ...ate phantmn brtttallons Tl.dr hoid npou the Baammi u.ii«.« rj ii weaker than t'mt ..f the 1 *-p<*rhani u»'» on theNortb, 'nn-j- »vare'airj."n- te tee «nhmetej l' '"öOt sndti>«lí-.j thethmth rents te tn« i . .' tee h'/itarf of a f.-illiire. ITsilir ¡llv, n«» 1l..*^ an ,'.«*....' ia koot u 8) ¡«tiuttiem polit1«'«. OaiiathatVamw hate for j^t^iaw» .im«-ptiy aaaertol ti.st a hanja ant»«Vnhm er M«e elim piirty i-lists :u i^-rkiiita- it area ''«r hal ran) ti no se, the easter te cure kio-.. *i. t hy apaealitO popnhvfen, id'ee la tho BTmlh Ina ami v.bone art tiaaiiilnthcf'i.'.iUiLitv.." ntarij d-*t M. ed 0 Bepahhssti partv, whtehfbt ». a aaj ;«...* ! -i nph« «i, .?? d te vr»*w roreresi««)! tiiiis f«ir tiu n,, pa. f ;ui. d teatr a rh no1». Nc[rrsonnot in njmvfdMf wiih Item " 1 aantOO bauilltg. ü)»/ IvtSlIii'd Control of !'(' it ) <?«.* »in«*1sg tb.-iii that a «tivlalen «*f tha r r^a*«t»t««»la,«n> enilavt tbcli', suit dal aid (>-.. N .:« ti- ' . J:. ,.,.Mi..»ae lum las IxMrif that tbs nvi'i'y ol **** l».-.f!e of tita KiiiHh ware !io»lli* t»S PSOBbj anil wsrct'crailT pre, ^rli a- for ret« lie-« H.tr.« ¡m « Itiaill of tliesa ««triM' .1* ii.!»r»pit vnu*.i t«B8a jhj N i>rt a, '»lie t-outiiorn pro 1.1» ia woniii ham .'. . « attona toi-ii/ Si'lrrd hntg ann " VC1UU OtISION, Aha I dÍM'ovtr ina «on. White ânOJ Piapbi"is ss'tl tha ntti I-«.?»iii.,nt »oald b* ?,. 1 enOm tint lui out f'l r lo bJBaielit .K««'««»t«.x lu"«'«*m (.bridiicle (Ki p I Bemjtof t'onViling te n«vw Mai to ''«, I ^r!**_ ila ut uclor In tbe nut. I « »J'ai r. oiciueu«. Hsbtemns wi .!. - lu -».. iiuty . inna-*! Hull It ti a ivamts pi*.' ?«*"-*«g Bad i.nu on tin) i\' '.. 1 ; "- lae i " n vrm ÖtenJ » I___ajMnn n* tho Southern 1>« ov«. ia»> -I" .* sHb the uaoabiaialn, »ad sr. not to rail apis«, maw National ti.'k«*t.tli.«o> ai'l. .».'. ni-« ' '.-».' « «J *.»*_? sltion, n«. Bastear Who ia to 1»* «ps '.'ll__! ii.otlitai ,1 re»iiu it aa iiM fur la».. I krluMi» - »». Onnm tàn.il.r iHiii I I1 "ia.I. ii ir .«' t-« 1'atiiul 1», ia..

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1875-05-03 [p 6]....Sur Fi in Anus» Htjh-n fir-ii 1«! alni ¿ I oliiliina. Bai» t-snis ink Bate im I>uti. I'njf lili ml mini: bi.-o.iai TV li.t'h

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  • 3 »nusemento cn». Xl.ret.n30.».»..T-H. Tnr,tr-T -..Ami l:.,i,^rt » N.«.!ri.i»"I'tiV« I'M-TII AV.M-I'.-lnr .nu «Too M| Rnn.wa."I tt KUI lui tu H ."i;i,.niiiiii,M..k" Pulstll-l .tin- Til» tin:.- Tatter« l'ut- t tainui,»*,:.Tu.h T.iiAuii.-M .laj «."io,n ,.,«.ii "8 .t f*h\ ;»... M «i,., . ; ?, ajteWambsbJ,D i«>*« .-»«ii tee in: ii- "T ..? i-t.., «i Bbaaa.aWIII.A, K» Till.ti l i. -?-.. « ta I»'., i"

    Ac»*' UT .«F i>r«ii \ Una nf fotnttnsja.MnrnnemttraaII scrnoi ici I'alutlo/.tetenarf.cta.Rt»ltlN«i>\ li ,1 I T.d'li ,-i\ \ i

    9fnSt% to TUn-ertioemento.Antnaaturra Blraratä l'âge m., late, and ate mimnosliiNiiv, imi.;. iMii;,.,,oi.. lii.Utlaor Üil auil Uli

    col am ut.VOABUAM» Roone tlroemlh .?f*ta iu InaaBBBtatototsart»trulj woadvrfaL \>ij BMB* p. I .m.« »»u»«ria«i » »ii« luoiioiinro! lu.]« le.» allí! tvlm': i't t'ii n ih» :. ..'i I foi .i loi.K linn » ¡Mu ni II.ii ...I i tfrvt. Iiiuo 1 .( II en: M1»'m e«i t.i ualag thlr pn-Batatloa Be aor-e and r«*t ilu« gwnbiiaaiiii! i«-liirt «I ty A, B. »» K HOK, Cht-inlal, Hu.ttuii. r««lil by allIriiHtt.ta.


    fHii.Y I KIHI Nr. V.kil snla.1 .nliei'H, 91Oper annnm.«>t;v«i >\ i.FKi T kim M M ni -«»ii«*-! iii«.]», ¡i«'» per na.lN».kki 1 t li' III NK, .M.lil.-ul««aUlllel.% g*L'li« 1 UUU'.iIU.

    A ti » A i t i « i n (*. Ii a t e a.Os\v\ i Hint NI , -iii.. 30e, toc .*» BJàUl i'kiiu M.. fat, Bte, ;in*l !*,r» r»or Jim-.

    \« '»nlnit. to jMi»itiiiti in tht« |ifi'n*r.Tri ms, ca»h in ml» am »«.

    Aildri-.H. Tfll IitfiH'SK, New-Yt-rk..barrara unnhl< le e«t»twtn Tua Tnimw ia any a/ ^^

    a»«-t»*, ínol". er /.('>/. ni vhit h it ki vmutUy i-otil, tn/i n'a-kv a Unin III iu>m nun'j is»« ejptaC of tht àjrtim>>t.

    Ailvt»rl«»f*iiit ni« reri'itpil jt np-t««\vn uflir**««, 1,'j;¡8lañada ay, t.; ¡»t tJieii ni« m i>ili((, .J,!*«*; I'.'iutli-a»«-., between r_".ithlad ISftbaata., BM al the liriKtkly» Uram h Ofllie,Eat w ¡--i iiiirttui-t.. next itoxii i»« the r:it- f«tr an] ]u*iiodsill be received ai iii»* saiitaenmety, and singh mim.*«ii IK» ¡»itj» i may :il\» iys !».? oírtainraL Ail«lr».«ATill Ni W.YOUK IK'ni'MT.

    ?*" Flet-t st., I'..«'., I a-., ilion.

    TiiidTrytiM.'-i voNTiu.Y CAUS-rDaJLTA«» Voepeßtewot «. dt ttetht ttn.n t.t »/,» tr»(.r»//.. "»« »»»a/f ene»,'..' Jji/t ff tht ¡.tar.

    Moa. f"«-«. Wea, Tbar IM

    lay-.i ...*.» in in ta I ii m ia m

    ir, it» iv.i^- i» a r» I»'n *.*!.H« .'.'. i«. -.'8 *.».

    ..li I* -i I»!


    l nK.I-*»r. in 7 HT

    1.1 »ti ! 14 i"-» i 1.'! 141 l18 i«n

    27,lt, ¡i it* ¡(fi in


    MONDAT, MAÏ 3, 1875.

    Til I'I' liK NUT, F/r.TUE NEWS Tills HORNLNO.

    Fi»t:rtr.v.-The an»».»er ot Itelgrlnni to the Is-tDi*nna*a nntt- locr« Ij takes ni-'tic« of (!» mian;'» irationin r«>-;iiii to the revision of the penn! Intrs,I orty-one dca'l l»o»lit«s knee been >emr«ratra1 irorulh« mine in .North W-illor-lahire, England.tU'i'io of the ('.irl!«t** in Vivariv nnve f.ti'lierl. -..

    A lull hat l»i*««.i infrntlu« »*»l in th" Lower Jloi»««> olthe I'm.'i-.iiin l>!»-t for enpftvaaanon of îrlif-poii» t«i«l« IN.l»'tMr*»Tl(.-A tin* ni M"!'.t|)«l.« f, Vi., c.,r!y y-»tBf*

    rii» na.niiiii», il«*f»iT(t»rii «psi»jtcit* lo the ».»'».a idt»lll,OJ0. ; l»».i .i«J(l;t(»r.a! ili»islrt on theLke« aro rtjxirt» a, t>>" wliiih toni UfM«r/rre loft. The bargo abiiniioiicxl onl.-tk« dot.ii o« i- iiim.«,( | oui,*. ArchhlahopWilltiir» naa anumeinand in thp nan CatholicCsthMlral al i»o«ty.!.. Cardh »1 Mi l «nahef onitiatedat the ct icnioiiii x,Tirv AM« &ViBi7;r.AN.-Msyi>t WkUunir'snaaBlna

    Kane for »jatmnntei in the city enntmiaatnaa wtrenoiir)rnii*d uti.iiiiinoii»lv hy the Beaaa, of Al«l«riri«-ü.: AnpUeatlaa fra the *i'«i««>liitin«-ntoi ;. HneeiTMof the Mm ¡lamí' Lift laaaunaMM Caanp,aj brtntghtto s-lfAir ssjneh emhnrrmiana nt in iii affairalYeakarñtinna were mad far the nsa nf a mtft ed thel'ouïth Ait-tille I in»»io» t-ii« tit hy itilwiiv ttnina.

    Seviiiil Beeieag atirav« amii ria« tare.Sdt-arrtvliii ih.ai it.» .tiid Jt-imlJ» n. 'rbt-rinorn«-t»r, BO . &:. . 40 i...hi, iir»^. ii,-,i4, U5«e,itlolii viiln«* t«!' the lega] tender no1vnol io !»üoü," ni arhkh a n i-oit li K'vi H ontito Uuitl ,»UB;I« of lt>-iLo'* TañuatTlte l'iot.

    Sunnier i- dobtg thoyOMUg men of the cnai.liygood m i ..rice in |!II».H» irglBJl ou piactical puli-li..*»

    Our ZfebdoQ li titi on lim tliinl page sliuvr*liiiA Mt. IHtaraeli, after having dow bia beet tobrill'*' thf Hlü-.t (if ('nlininllri ililli ¡I f.llt-l' JU'si-1 i,i¡nnoiliinjr hy theil effcrt to haveMr«. Tuton placed upon the ataad.Thi-t poer worara hat alrcadj ¡».'¡»in loo mnchlefeiinonv on l»»ih ridt-*. The eoda of Justicedid not Deed fb.it she bhotild he furthei tor-tund bj btwyera and held up t«i the prurientran io-ii i of lh«; couutiv.

    The, linking of Hie traeka of (he raOroadawhich lind an outlet from the ci'y* tiironj»;!!I'ourMi-iive. ha« been one of the mo»! impor¬tant ol the \iorki nth tnpttd in Ni w«York, andboth the public and the Coiuiuiiiits aro to hecongratuhjled that, with leven hours*1 nukiyefrterdaji the labor of over two .natsami the expenditure of aoven] _illionaof dolían were rendered available. The eheenol ihn»«« whoa¡tm nid the paaeage of tim tîr-t*(rain «»ver ihe underground traeka wfll doubt*le»s Unil au echo throughout tia etty, forr-aifcty, comfort and the \ due uf property v.illbe enhanced hj UM completion of thi--» j:i« «t men h«' canK(-.-»i>fial l.iiiiwli-'lvf.t long tujo,pitil that in roii*»i«iiui»!if*o ol' them an inilirn.-tlmt ti 111 II -I :ik;i lili« ro,|in*nl waa made for I lieSri ii tarj's tfiigiKition. TlbOM fact«, weBaj aro iioiotioiiH. They uro no1 nunora ;uiitl no amount of lying «Urti t,»r»"vni ¡ration will?»«.r-oiiMli* tho i'ouiitry that they aie not f.i< ? t.findet Midi dn-tuii-«! alices tlio savin K of Mr.Ii.l,it'o'> aed should IH* held or die** I. liaip-d, niid thus lo im-rr i«i* lln* terror of hiejil on t'lilian. Af.ui y ol tilt* piismicr« won» Jim«nu n »tim coultl not a lion! io bring lln ii »»it-ni«-.--, ho tal, rollld liol gat hail flt Moliilc,ami OTOO if they w.*n* allowed their libertypi inline adjoin II mont* oT tltO eiOVtriflatioo, hadDO mian«« ol' Mt|«poit daring llnir tnloici-d t.ft.joiirnwil.it iioin lioini». MorcuMT thijiio-« « Bal wa- hiiro to toop the Illili out of UM v\U}daring the lae! dara ol' the ramrmign.

    If we aio tint mi«laKi'n, nil .Mr. Ifitti'r'njni.toiioi» »vcr.i liually diaehnrgctl, there beingno Cage a^.ii'itt liny of tin III. Somr wnc I'-h«a«t*d ¡ti oin'-; othcra, hy iidjoti!inr*!!t of thehcariagi won: held nnlil öfter tho t-l.-t iii»*t. Inthe cowan ol tho ngnminntiotta the lad irnadiaeloeed i!ii»i aoaae of tht» aiii«»i« hatl (seendlitiiii'd IIJI.IU olBIlvita dittl a irrek or twoht/methe tillet/nl niTens/', BJrtJ a furlticr imiuiry,-tiiuul.ittt.til l»v lliit i« »olatiofi, ri'Millod in theili«i-ovi iy that Ili--t«»r had li»*< li nsin»; in Iii*.t iiiitpir.u-y mid iiiiiiuiilatinii enaOB «titi il Trasbcnsaghl to tight ut tim Kimi' timo, foi- Itiijihni.ailinn« rfOltgoizi d lum in nmrl M olio ol tilt'crew of Iii«* Alakilu'», who had Ottcopod fiom lln*-liiji al fiiliraltar, oflcr kuliup one of Iii-* mr*«'«-m.ili «. Aa noon an the «'amj»,ii»in w.n ovit thejmrMiiii of the Ivy niutiliur« w.tn alt.iiidoned,and Mr. Heatttsr Went had. to WáUthiogton,whoro. for »11 wo know to the contrary, hi;may be »-till in the !»ovrnrui*nl aervieo, li bei«, ere < »iniiitnd him to Lhu *«ii«rul notfao ofthe l'oitma-tor-ljîeiii rul.Tin* jiliiiinio'» mid dirri lion of jiolitical rani-

    pnigna like that in Malunna foitm-d a roiitid-i ra'»lu port of tho tfonloeos of Attorney-le, and it tloeanot m*»«ni jio««ililo lit it tin* ]{'ttaltlii-.iii jiaitycould live :!ii(ni^h tin* odium of niiotlur c;tm- ipoign liki- th.it of la«! Auiiiiiui.

    ririvG TUF pirFK.Poojle v»ho Indalgt in luiuim-» nttni jiay foi

    th« in ; and lymhin«; an olitioytoua |>'J bira Ibroogb life. Illn waa raagb, arbitrary, ami nsoluit*., but Barerlillian. Hi-« ¡»lulu j waa aneucatioued, «tini ha »n- ip.n-ei:iiiv aaueeaaBi Be balangad to au obi Babool afpalitma-andaot a fjood one. II««. U buiicd aa Uen."Ilall> * Smith is i.iL'iia hie fenner placo in thePolice Board j ead thi old erdec ihaagra Kivingplaeetooew«The spirit of IBVoll a-gainfe the ir«K'dnr noiriina-

    lion baa spread, cn n t» ?j-uMfei-ed aaefe tbetMefe" baa rraae* et i.rsOataabaa"

    Mr. Churlos Bradlaugh han apparently foundhis visit« to Antoric*» feeoBBBI. Be minni» a«: «lo In Oeto-lier nott on another lafearfeg tonr. His lim tv-w locton-»an« " Iii I iu.:-iiina,i -- i .»-n ,,f 410014800 4* »lilter»," anti.. i i»c Labor Maeatloa la IbuOlí .uni Hi i Worht».**Mini une ("bri »tine Nilnee, having been re-

    iiiio-iei tn «¡UK »o ii enii. .«ri in Braaaelebn tia-ben« tit oftin« < blfeiea'a ftalaetlea Hariet/, uni i« ;n» uuitido tu do«.». ». lil it .iltii.i riptlOB «if ?.')" train - I In Ci »munt tee fel-iil'. l'.i!i!.t,i--e« nf tin ip'titnt'int seta lu-r In i-ctiini aOu» houuuet, nu 1 inalo Ina-» litn na iiiin«r of tlimr a-isn-ei»t!..'i.

    A provoking piece of impudence wits recentlyper«*! trotad apon Mis* Sofeooe, theorem bean Maota, ioMew Ortona* A «iii»ert» beaejafe **:»* tiirotvn BOOB fee?Uti'.'. Hntl tlir fair arll.t. »Her Bmlllag IWfeM/ upon Ufevoungmoa wba three It, Maoped m pick u up. just t»«->-f'iri" ina- tlnirrr« tom-lu-il it. it waa sadooaly withdrawn, asiiin-r liai m«'ii-ou ali.n'lit'i tn li tor Iii,il pur-mu . 'Hielittti I Jo.irll lias li-i Ü liritvill fll'dl for lill- uillriitfil.The InMitiition of i'i\il Rngineen of Great

    Bntala, arblekkm aerrteffee Umited n* pafeMeaMaaa toiii P »f» r« r.-ai| in fore Ile b««ily srnl the ili-cns-iiius upontin m, aaa léeeatlf ti i l-l» .! tn publish two otber eusses jof popera i fe Hi«t win Itflfh eeeapa BJ meafeefefe »i'liiir»''t«-r ni tt«a suite.I fur Blady tliiin for vublic readliiir,iiml ill«ii|r«|nii tUo S«:e«»ll«l will« lilli |ll I«.) ttbst nii-t« nf rmohpapen Mom bj f*>ivl«n asanrlattoaa or pabUebrd in for-clajn I'liirnuls a« the 1'mineil ui.i.v doom umtüy fe n-pm-«la.-ii..i« or "f «i««'lnl value fur refHrrnn«. The Ur»t?inartorlj pablkottee under tin« icKiiiatioubos «>...,.. »red,and cciit.ti»« three papen lead before Hu AuwnoaaSo«o'eiv of cini laiaiiieor«. namalyi ?* Ifprtaht baabedl'ai?.»-..?«." by < efe. .1. B. Kail»; " ihs P.«uifall urnf Howin lUn« paon Valley," by J, J- It. Croea, anti (moonalanlBxeeelmhM ararwl-eefetna,Peas..bf ILCferolL

    Aluiii-'i'.ulenia baa iust liiii-hml a reimtrkableptataiafait-wa couipiittinents, CHllcil ta* "ftagady ofau fïnaret M"lfn." Clitli»cric, Klntr of the Franks, bafeaiiiiiti.T Hire», made an offer to tho f »Ha of UrunWltl forbia jaantii dngbfir oaisiiinthe, lu aaaavtagb ptadglB§i.iin.'.i If to dismiss ull har ptrilocMsora 1 lu» he did, buti'r«(decani-« (MM of tim dlsciirdod wlvca, set herself towin bock her lover, and one niorotngOalatiiuthe '.».«« tiMiail»'.i',?mi In beal. But wlina sha urtu burled it i.r»Ainarai le lutpittiurd, for Hu lamp ia r her tou.b fell ou Hiej. ii« iii.i.\ bat lastoed of uaiüg hrnLi a. Lin- pHVcninnt?ave i* a i to ''d'I vu It, muí It burned oa lu the marble.In tin« tbri'ft »rparata pariions «>f lils plctum Mr. Alni«Isili-uiit «iii.«-, Iii ilc^utiilii ii«"li!iia* in .?. tier window onHil) muriia-'i «»f Chili» rio uinl b«>r rival ; Hie dawtifav fedi-fin i, a«'." tie» « ajee tiDi-nt alter tha tannin andth.i.ii-'t ii an un I..nil» bni'ii'K in the pavt-'u-at Bl', tetin* (rave, near whi' h n inouli I» ¡»fi.» .' ;Andrew Jackson Wilcox, a clerk in the Navy

    lx-je.rrii.i at ait Maabtagtea.baa in Ma paaeeaaloa uranawhich waaBBvaoatad to hi» KTe.it gaafeUfebea^ AntireirIm _sen. bp a eoaBBBHtte repri^enUn« the citi/eas ofTeiiae.-n i It Is of tbii tlia-st hiokorv wir»«»«!, anil waataken Han- i» 11 is« in Hm front f""«.ril< n of C> n. Ja.'lt«(»n'sHanfelloe. Hu; " it« -n.a.i.«-. M slnat tl'-itance trotnNi hvilla The top l» aarmoaated with a, ean at aaUd»iiv»-r. iiftnn ii lao'i is mxntved too natara of all the 1'I-H«.I-di-utsof tuis cnuiilrv iii'in 1T7G lo IB41, «iniiiin neitiKtt ali .Inhr, H.nn ". k an I etnliii** it ith .Inlin 'i'jrler. Ka. hni ttix ni »n»,'iir kin.t.s i* ti|i,"«! tilth silior, afea wblMIt enorared the arwatra of tho donor«. 1 here I» alee a,i m .1 le made la r»ae al the knot», wba I» wu* used bj .on.Jw»«mi in BOII-B bl« hound*. CpoB the side i. t n,-.-». t«lHie folios ¡n.r

    " Intl III4V ai I l«1 Sir « a,.,-1: sp»tr lint nut tin i> in ijtil Hrr~ltq_T" ' I rrlM_t

    Mr. Windell Phillipe returns vigorourij tobli Bttjk apnn the politcn«-«« r.f Boefeal pn'lto soc1i»ty.He ¡-.tait»out with tills rospinrobarrratioai "HarvardColl« KB on '. anti ni Ui> BaotbOTl l.isi, trxiitcil ('li-irleslum-iur -af»iy oitltaiolefe(Mateepeet fur mure than h.«'fbl* life. Theil pitiable effort» t»» nth mil tv n feci, now('?nt eebaetekea ht» feaeeaaaeua taaaiaM iiiaitnousABM'tkaeBideaei(miprlmBaa" Ha tbaaaeaMaawi "Iii-.ni (...»ni Hitler titeadofe Mr. aBaaaar hareeftn ho.irdi'. a . .'? i '. 'I'.'II. I. - "-»n Ups, wini« vit» arle r.ei uki../wltb bau fe Me siubii Qarvord Catien eeaetaatty putapea hint f»»r man» T»-,|T> No oin« sill itonjr tbat ailinn/*;Hutt n)llr»rt«'* "nuiiiair»« ffetbelofe lift) le-u« .-ainiorm/mtili prtneepa, niuti'tilahtj foremoat,or stuonn the fmiror lim fiir.iint.t iinti. Tin» deter«»» of I.I. I»., usintPygtvea to peioo-» of in« MBiooare. Bod tacked t«**t»>/-ii..> Bun in r bil »n U« nil thal I have he ti»! bim »:tjr boshould han' left Hu« hull butfOTthl piidonii» nf forelirni*n«it|»." In reply in I'nat c.iiiiil «-|n's arnottl«.n Ibfe trielunch ama lamimal w»d vi.r.v jen |a»»i>ii» aomoMMed,Mr I ¡nilli«« ijlinl« « '.inn a'.«., nf H,i, li .,,,.'i ip.-. . »hellIt,,; that b. tti.«*iii»i,e aad t'li.h'imi'««) pi ii""» tt ere praa>«lil, uinl t'nil Ihr« uU «¡at Un »m.

    Binn Mr. I» ii id Sintoii ».iiniifiid hi* intentiontn KI vu Hu« rit.r of t'.'iiituiBti i*>o,t*»i fnr the admaaidill'un- l'ifth ««_ in .il-« I pi,tun, t, numhxrof fe-M li.nehan Huiiin" lad bl feabitlni Mtifea M minora ead ,,^ hi-leils, from Wfefe »»'io tats at tait ban S'lccletl. Thept uposislinipnu ça», it will I»« tn tho foi to of »fin«, feenwal- h towor. bulli upon a miw-ve K-! »ull« pUtfiirm.lin.fewwpeeper, *.>i