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  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    This camera manual library is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved.

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  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01




  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    GONTENTSF O R E W O R D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N O M E N C L AT U R E . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , . . . 4 - 6B A S T C O P E R AT I O N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 1 5

    MO U N T I N GH EL E N S . . . , . . . . 7INSTALLINGATTERIES.. . . . . . . . . . . .CHECKING ATTERY OWER . . . . . . . 9L O A D T N Gt 1 M . . . . . . . . . , . . 0 - 11BASTC HOOTING . . . . . . . . . 2 -14RE W I N D I N GI L M . . . . . , . . 1 5

    F O C U S . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 - 2 1A U TO FO CU S. . .. . . . . . . 1 6 - 1 7Taking ictures i than Off-Center ainSubject . . . . . . 6A u t o f o c u s i n gi t h F l l u m i n a t o r. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7MANUALFOCUSWITH ELECTRONIC


    EXPOSURE . . . . .22-39S h u t t e r p e e d i a l n d A p e r t u r e i a l . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .2PRO G RA M U TOE X PO SU RE O D E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3SHUTTER.PRIORITYUTO

    E X PO SU RE O D E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 - 2 5APERTURE.PRIORITY UT O

    E X PO SU RE O D E , , . . . . 2 6 - 2 7

    MANUALEXPOSURE ODE 28-29EXPOSURE ETERING YSTEM .. 30-39Advanced utomatic xposure ontrol ith Nikon's

    Exclus ive r ip le -Sensore te r ing ys tem. . . . . . . . . .0 -31Centerweighted e te r in9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    Triple-Sensors . Centerweighted eter ing. . . . . . . . 2-35Centerweighted etering or Special Exposure

    S i t u a t i o n s . . . . 3 6 - 3 7A E L A u t o x p o s u r e o c k ) u t t o n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6M a n u a l x o o s u r e o d e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Balanced i l l -Flash hotography ithTriple-Sensor

    Metering ystem 38-39FLASHPHOTOGRAPHY .40-44

    BUILT.INTL FLASH . . . .40-41S h o o t i n g a r k u b j e c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Automat ic a lanced i l l -F lashhotography. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1FLASHPHOTOGRAPHY SINGEXTERNAL

    S P E E D L I G H T. . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 4 2 - 4 3SHUTTER PEED_FLASH MODECOMBI-N AT I O N S O RE A CHE X PO SU RE O D E . . , . . . . . . . . 4 4RE A D Y- L I G H T WA RN I N G S. .. . . . . . . . . . 4 4

    S E L F - T T M E R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5CAMERACARETIPS. . . . . . . . . . 46-47N O T E S N B AT T E R I E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8L E N SE S. . . . . . . . . . 4 9 - 5 0ACCESSORY OMPAT|BlL |TY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1EXPOSURE ALUE eV1. . . . . . . . . . . 52-53GLOSSARY . . . . .54-55SPECIFICATIONS 56-58

    vT E w FtN D E R N FO RMAT I O N . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .9


  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    FOREWORDThank you for purchasing his Nikon product. We hope you enjoythe Nikon N4004, and we're sure t will make photographybigger part of your life. For the first time eve( we are incorporat-ing Nikon's exclusive Decision Master System, a complete system

    that integrates amera and lens computers o give you automaticcontrol of all picture aking operations, nd makes he NikonN4004 an absolute oy to use.

    Get to know your N4004,but before using t, be sure o readthis manual horoughly.

    Nikon cannot be held responsible or malfunction esultingfrom he use of the camera ther han as specif ied n this manual .

    Your Nikoncamera equires recise electronic nd mechanical matchingbetween component products such as lenses and electronic lash. Nikonbrand enses and electronic lash units are made to Nikon's actory specifica-tions and will operate properly nd in accordance ith the Nikon LimitedWarranty hat was providedwith your products.Damage o your Nikon product, s a result of malfunction r improper on -nections, caused by the use of Non-|iikon brand products, s not coveredunder the terms of the Nikon Limibd Warranty and will void the Nikonwarranty.

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    NOMENCLATUREFocusing ing

    Lens AF Zoom-Nikkor 5 70 mm f/3.3 4.5) Distance cale

    Distance cale window

    Focal length scale

    Aperture ndexes

    Aperture ing

    Meter coupling idge

    Distance/focal ength index line

    Zoom ring

    Aperture scale

    Minimum perture ock

    AF contacts

    Self-timerndicator ED

    AEL Auto Exposure ock)button

    Aperture oupling ever


    Battery ohamber

    Minimum perture ever

    AF coupling

    Tripod socket

    AF contacts

    Lens mounting ndex

    Lens elease button

    Focus mode selector

    Camera back ock release

    Lens elease in

    Lens mounting flange



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    Eyepiece over DK.S

    Flash ock-release uttons Shutter speed dial

    Accessory hoe

    Camera trap eyelet

    Self-timer utton

    Film plane indicator

    Film cartridge confirmation window

    Camera ack

    Shutter elease button

    Filmrewind button

    Camera trap eyelet

    Frame counter

    Film rewind ever

    Film advance ndicator

    Aperture ia l

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    12mm-dia. entralarea

    Focus brackets

    Focus ndicator ED

    Film sprocket

    Viewfinder eyepiece

    Film rewind fork

    DX contacts

    Film cartridge chamber

    Shutter curtains

    Film guide rails


    lnside Viewfinder

    Clear matte field

    Exposure ndicator EDs

    Flash eady-light

    Film ake-up pool

    Filmpressure oller

    Film eader ndex

    Battery hamber ock release

    Filmpressure late

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01



    Twist ens counterclockwise ntil tsecurely licks nto place.

    e * s & s q # # s #.p 4: & & &. & w & * 4' 4* {} # s

    To removeDo not push ens elease uttonexcept when removing ens.

    Set lens to its smallest aperture(largest f-number), hen turnminimum aperture ock to lockposition.

    The N4004 s designed or us ewithAF Nikkorenses, xcept F-Nikkor 0mm l2.B,200mm /3.5lF-ED, ndAutofocus onverterTC-16/TC-164.or imited se ofnon-AF ikkor enses, ee page49 .




    With he N4004, ll aperture trsetting perations re performed flusing he aperture ia l on he scamera body. Do not move ens' $aperture ing once t is set o &

    its smallest perture largest ;f-number) . &t s #s { ss i : fd+ s *is & s d& &,9 s * s di s 4* 4* * 4* s s # & * ss

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01



    Insert i lm cartridge.lide own camera back ock eleaseto open camera bact

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    Check o make sure ilm s positionedproperly, ithno slack.

    Close amera back and confirm ock-release naDs losed.

    Fullydepress hutter elease uttontb automatically dvance ilm oframe 1."Observe ilmadvance ndicator ota-tion o confirmproper ilm nstallationand ransoort.

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    BASICSHOOTINGThe Nikon N4004offers both autoand manual ocusing. t also givesyou hree auto exposure modes-program uto,aperture-priorityuto,shutter-priorityuto-plus manual

    exoosure ontrol.The ollowing nstructions re orautofocus hooting n program utoexposuremode withan AF Nikkorlens. Programmode s the easiest ouse and most automatic xposuremode.For details boutother ocusingmethods nd exposure modes, eepages 18 o 21 and 24 to 29,respectively.

    " Confirm ens s set to smallest

    : aperture largest -number); fI lens s incorrectly set, the"" shutter release ocks and +. and - LEDs blink al ternately.

    Set shutter peed dial o A, andaoerture ial o S.

    Set ocus mode selector o A(butofocus).lf the ens n use has an A-Mswitch,set the switch o A.


    When both A and S are set,program utomode s nooerat ion.

    Aim camera at the subject.


  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    Positionhe viewfinder ocusbrackets n the main subject.

    Lightly ress he shutter eleasebutton.

    Confirm he green ocus ndicatortED t and he red exposureindicator ED o lightup.

    * .lt focus ndicator ED blinks,,' see page 20.f . l t subjectmoves nd he ocusing,, distance hanges, efocus yL briefly emoving inger ro m* shutter elease uttonand ighflyi pressing gain o reactivatea autofocus unctionr;



    1) o blinks Picture btur possibility shutter speed s 1/30 sec. orslower). Use ripod o avoid camera hake, r use built-inTTL lash or accessory Nikon peedlight o synchronizeshutter peed t 1/100 ec.

    Z) + llgnts up* Overexposure arning. Too bright-very rare condition;use ilm with ower SO soeed.


    lights up* Underexposure arning. Too dark-use built-inlash or4) J bl inks

    accessory Nikon peedlight.Use buil t - in TL lash r accessory ikon peedlight .


    " Shutter s locked.

    1 3

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    1. Push lash ock eleasebuttons o release uilt-in lash.

    2. Lightly ress shutter eleasebutton o turn on the N4004.

    Check o make sure subject swithinproper lash shooting angefor filmspeed n use. f subject sbeyond lash shooting ange,ready-light ED blinks or approx.3 sec. after eleasing he shutter.For details, ee page 40 .

    Fullydepress hutter elease uttonto take picture. hisautomaticallyadvances ilm by one rame.

    6 " n * F * 4 p 6 *

    . Upon shutter elease, he expo-sure ndicator ED(s)turns ffapprox. sec. after you removeyour inger rom he button.

    . l f camera etects bnormali tyduring ilmadvance, he self-t imer ndicator ED ights p ora few seconds. f this happens,set he shutter peed dial o L(lock) ,hen proceed s usual .3. Wait a few seconds or ready-

    light o come on, hen shoot.








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    Filmadvance tops automatically tend of roll, nd self-t imerndicatorLED ights p for a few seconds.

    While l idingilm ewind ever, ushthe ilm rewind utton.

    After ewinding tops automatic),'conflrmfilm rame counter asreturned o "S".

    Open camera back and remove ilmcartridge.

    lf you do not rewind he film whenyou come o the end of the roll,each ime he shutter eleasebutton s depressed, he self-timerindicator ED ights p or a fewseconds o remind ou o rewindit.

    t 3


  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    FOCUSAUTOFOCUSIn autofocusmode, he shutter annot bereleased nti l he subject s correct lyJocused, ndonce n ocus, he ocus slocked s long as the shutter eleasebutton emains ightly ressed.

    1. Center he ocus brackets n the subject nd ightly ress heshutter elease utton.

    2.Confirmhe ocus ndicatorED ightsup .

    t o

    Taking Pictures with an Off-Genter Main Subiect

    3. Keeping he shutter elease utton ightly ressed, ecomposeand ullydepress he shutter elease ut ton.

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    Autofocusingwith AF llluminatorlfexist ingight s nsuff icientor autofocus perat ion:1. MountNikon utofocus peedlight B-22/SB-20 n he

    N4004's ccessory hoe.2. Lightly ress he shutter elease utton.3. The speedlight's F illuminatorights

    up o start autofocusoperat ion. ordetai ls , ee speedlightnstruct ion anual .

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01



    1. Set ocus mode selector o M (manual).lf the ens n use has an A-Mswitch, etthe switch o M.

    2. Look nside ewfinder nd center hefocus brackets n the main subject.

    4. Keeping he shutter elease utton ightly ressed, atch he ocus ndicator ED nthe viewfindernd otate he ens ocusing ingmanually nt i l he ocus ndicatorLED ights p.

    1 B

    5. Fullydepress he shutter eleasebutton.

    3. Lightly ress he shutter elease utton.

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01



    1. Set he ocus mode selector o M(manual ) .

    2. Focus ubject s ing he clear matte ie ld

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    SPECIAL OCUSING ITUATIONSAutofocus opera t ion and e lec t ron ic ocus ing confi rmat iondepend upon he genera l igh t ing f the scene, subject contras tand de ta i l s , nd o ther technical po in i s Under cer t a in cond i t ions ,the au tomat i c ocus ing system/elect ronic ocus ing confi rmat ionmay exper i ence iff cul ty In these ci rcumstances , we recom-mend you focus manual ly us ing he c l ear mat te f ield

    Focus nc i i ca to r ED bl inksor d i sappears wi th the fo l lowings u b j e c t s .

    1) Very dark subjectFocus manually, r for autofocus,ocus on another, r ightersubject ocated t the same distance, r use accessory ikonAutofocus peedlight B-20 r SB-22. tlo other lashunitcan be used ,- r

    2)Low-contrast subjectFocus manual ly, r fo r autofocus , ocus on ano ther sub jec tloca ted at the same d i s t ance-bu t wi th more contras t -unt i lt he g reen ocus ind ica to r LED appears


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  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    Exposure ontrol onsists f two parts-aperture control ndshutter peed ontrol. he aperture works basically he sameway as the risof the human eye and controls he amount fl ight assing hrough he ens. he shutter, ocated n hecamera body, aries he amount f lightadmitted o the ilm byopening nd closing t different peeds. ogether, hese wo

    controls etermine he amount f l ight hat str ikes he ilm,resulting n exposure ontrol.Using he N4004's hutter peed and aperture ials, ou ca nselect hree different utomatic xposure ontrolmodes an done manual mode.

    Shutter Speed Dialand ApertureDialAlways et dials at click-stop ositions-never n-between.

    Shutter Speed Dial

    Lock shutter release/turn off power

    Shutter speed settings(1 1 /2000 ec . )

    Aperture Dial

    Aperture ettings( i l14 -32)

    Shutter speed dial Aperture dial Exposure mode


    Program ut o1 2000 D Shutter-priorityuto

    A 1 4 - 3 2 Apertu e-priority ut o

    B, 1 2000 1 4 - 3 2 Manual

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    PROGRAM UTOEXPOSURE ODEProgram uto s the easiest xposuremode o use, since tcontrols oth aperture nd shutter peration. he N4004'smicro-computer utomatically ets he best combination f shutterspeed nd ens aperture, nd matches hese with he correctdual program normal r high peed) or he ens n use. Normalprogram s selected or enses with ocal engths horter han135mm. igh-speed rogram s selected or enses i th ongerfocal engths o reduce he possibi l i tyf blurred ictures ue osubject ovement r camera hake.Withzoom enses, i thernormal r high-speed rogram il lbe selected, epending nthe ocal ength etting.

    TheEV Exposure alue) hartdemonstrates he differencebetween he N4004's ormal and high-speed rograms. olloweither olored ine o where t intersects diagonal ine. hisshows he combinat ion f aperture vert icaline) nd shutterspeed horizontaline) . orexample, t a brightness f EV1O,the N4004 elects l2.Band 1/'125 ec. withAF 1B0mm /2.8lens t ISO 100, r f /4 and 1/60 ec.withan AF SOmm /'1.4lens t ISO 100.

    Dual program chart

    f / 1 . 4


    2 . 8

    (Shutter peed)

    - Normal program with AF 50mm f/1.4 ens at ISO 100)High-speed rogram withAF 180mm /2.8 ens at ISO 100)


    : 5 . 6o

    s o 8




  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    SHUTTER.PRIORITYUTO EXPOSURE ODEThismode ets you choose hutter peeds manually, o you can reeze he action withsharp, lear outlines sing ast shutter peeds, r create motion ffects y choosingslower hutter peeds. he N4004's microcomputer utomatically elects he correctaperture o match he shutter peed ou set.

    1. Set aperture ia l o S.



    2. Set shutter oeed dial o desired oeed.

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    3. Look nside iewfinder nd ightly ress he shutter eleasebutton.

    lfexposure ndicator EDO does not ightup:

    4. When he exposure ndicator ED ights p, ul lydepress heshutter elease utton. r

    + lights p* Select a higher hutter peedlights up* Select a slower hutter peed, r use built-inlash or

    speedlight* /- blink alternately* Set ens o its smallest perture ettino+ l- disappear ' Shutter ial s set o "8"; select theroosi t ion

    *Shutter s locked.


  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    APERTURE.PRIORITYXPOSURE ODIThe N4004's microcomputer utomatically elects he correct shutter peed o matchthe aperture ou set. This s the recommended ode when depth of field s your primeconsideration. ocreate softer, ess distinct ackgrounds, s in portraitures, se widerapertures. oroveral l harp, learpictures, uch as scenic hotography, se smalleraoenures

    At wide aperture

    1. Set shutter peed ial o A.

    2. Set aoerture ial o desired -number.

    At small aperture

  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    3. Look n side v iewf inderand l ight lyp ress shutter elease ut ton.

    j . ' il *: $ :[] il;,i *; ri, .i di : i r Ii d. dF'o d if * q, 1:9,s g, 1f lp * s 3: +; s € 6 6

    : : lfexposure ndicator ED does not ightup:

    4. When he exposure ndicator ED ights p, ul lydepress heshutter elease ut ton.

    ;1 ;A t6 sii ,; 'ti liJ iii rb d, j *i\ s s, * rs sj q9 ,g er ers ,€r q + ,p + '-.9 $. ql {b 4l s {* si {} rg qt {+ lp rfi *j li *

    * f t

    I '{ lf aperture ial s set beyond;* * lens 'aperture ange,|; fr aperture s automatically, ' . adjusted o minimum r* X maximum ett ing, hich-€r $ wt '' - .s:& s ever s nearest, nd correct 6,I ][ shutter peed s selected ;d $1 aCCOrdingly €,

    blinks Picture lurpossibi l i tyshutter peed s 1/30 ec. orslower) . elect aster perture et t ing smaller -number) ,or use a triood o avoid camera hake

    l ights up* Select lower aperture etting larger -number)

    lights up* Select faster perture et t ing, r use buil t - inlash rspeedlight

    bl ink al ternately ' Set ens o i ts smallest perture et t ing.s

    B: s* .29:g{9 ,p *} i+rH .9, It. Shu t t e r s locked

    z t


  • 8/15/2019 nikon_n4004_af-01


    MANUALEXPOSURE ODEIn manual xposure mode, both shutterspeed and aperture an be set manuallyaccording o the desired ffect.Use as tshutter peeds o stop he action, lowerspeeds o create motioneffects r lessdist inct ut l ines. anual ly et t ing he

    exposure ode also ets you controldepth of field,eitherby softening hebackground o the main subject f thepicture tands ut,or by creating veralluniform haroness.

    1. Set shutter oeed ial o desired oeed. 2. Set aoerture ial o desired -number.

    3. With your eye on the viewfinder, ightly ress he shutter elease utton

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    4. Rotate ither hutter peed dialor aoertureUO

    d ia l un t i l exposure nd ica to r LED l igh t s 5. Fullydepress he shutter eleasehrtton.

    *or - LED ights p n he ol lowing ases*:ure warn ing +1EV-

    + OOverexposure arn ing +t /3EV- +tEVct exposure - 1 / 3 E V- 1 / 3 E V

    O -Underexposure warn ing - tEV- - t l3EVUnderexposure arning -1EV

    *Shutter oes not ock n any of these cases.

    lfaperture ial s set be- , ;yond ens 'aper ture ange , :aperture s automatical ly :adjusted o minimum r ,"maximum ett ing, hich- ;ever s nearest. :'
