e Tbe new rnle 4,f Mt. Keai«Jy ia Hkely to pove of vaat *d»M'*ge »t.be 4v»oB*) of good ovder. Toe Bflkfl ¦MB*wMhen i-r--. raiely vt.ii t o p«sr-<.iii< *>'>.n ihflj ar ea * d i -to Owi l. out Wt ibflfl go (m a b. ibe of $5oi $10 *iil..ow bavetosviue ju-i wbat MflflM >f th*..- pifaoaflM. Ma,n*ir«t a wm **>'* ot." jk. plo ar- re.ted on vari -ue charge., wiri flflfl ey, will nuw bave to be more cuef.il, and tbe pabbc at large ha bow the aflorunoc that the majority of tb* cul, '* taken inM flflflBflBf will be dealt with according B . d*eert«. a Closing op a Cqlorjcd leaaaa. TW ^ rolot6d mbool in Lfturfeue atreet, bttween Oraad M ^ Uroome WM cl«**d yeeterday wua apprspriate sr^im^ m the piewnce of tbo City hpflUBflfldoaB, Mf ^ ja,^ ud a bom* fall of spectatore. Tbe ^^j 'ia ^ biiibeacbieaof llt) girle' dck)*rimcn- ^ ^ 9aajugmm\ ii, aatic the whole mu >ol waa -aiip. rior ^ mott .f tnt. pohtie icboolfl; ef drawing* ttw* m)p fc, A^^rimetit imde aa fiee a difltday aa can be iuad* _ ^ dapartmeni in tb« city. Tb« graatoa*. mv>tr*i j,'u ^aaifeated ia ibfl BMllnre ol Uie Bt-nool hy V u% y mKu{e wuj fneude of the fflpile. Thty yitsked yie. t>i ^ijdiflp ta apiie of Ibfl bflBI ef tbe d:y. SlBBTBBBIB Wae zi RxriaiiiAN HflBMBB. A nweUttg of lhe youu/ ^ \o eu tt tho Niueleeuta Ward w;ut held at tne Park Cc Atuj^e, eoruer ot Seveaty firat etreet and Third avanue. .uu 'iVVneeday evening, for tne pir- poee of orgaLirin / ..ha Young Men 8 Lim vlu aod 11am- ba Clob ol tbe Niuetecmh Ward. Tbe proeeetiini'-* were cbaraete'' red my grea-. tu a-.imi'y, and the follow iag £eiitkuieu -were ehjeted as offioeia: Prefl'iden', John W an-e: Vice- "ret.ident*, Wm. H. Ht-bbflud aud Geo W Van Hn/rt; 8ecretariea, A. Coopei and Bobert I'fill. Trea.uier, Geo. J. Gregory. Couaidetable .»- I Aint-iuMn /U-evailod, and lhe Cl.ib adjourm «1 to meet ou %'bnrtdvj *f oDing of next weofl * A MKTEOR. IJo OA* Sittor oj tMoM. I. frtbun*. fiiB: Sitiiogou tht roof of my residenco this even- fc^, with * perty ef ladie. and gesitlemen, I waa fortunet* Btoufh to witDet. the pa..aje of a iiteteorif body thr->u^h tfc,- Boavcna aucii a* haa not beeu aeen in a rreat many yeara The Bai* waa B:*fl, aiid about a mint.t" wa. oec npied in tbe pa.aase af tbe briiii*nt ohj-et. It atarted in tae ea»t, and took a coune floe weat Beior* getting fairly ondcr way, it went thro.igb b va. riBy oi cktBiee, hke a BBM of bre-worts. When on il* BflflflB -B left behind a brill-.dnt train, about one eightli of a mile in leufllh. A* near ai 1 could Judge lt dinapp4ared flflflBBWhlM in tbe aadrhborhood of the Bowery snd Orand atreet 'Ih* M MBM aeeie atudded with .Ur., and the d»rkne». waa relieved by aii .reational tla.h ot linhtninz in the aoath wett. The highe.1 »t- titude it atuined, .. netr I ,-ouid jud?e, wae abont a qoarter .f a mile Upon eomulting the thtrtnometer a fe w minj,¦- afler I fo.ii* it marked B KDYV'AKD L. OILb. Ao. Ml huiton ttrttt, July 20, littit. BROOKL YNITEMS. B FiTtt. A(4 idfnt..Coroner Mnrphy held aii in- qneat ytelerday ou the l>ody of a man named John Dou^hty MbMfl death wa^ OBBBfld by hi8beiai.'crura(.d betae.-'j the lioe of a ligtiter yiog at the fjfl ol South Ninib atreet, E. D , aud the pier. He bdd diopp-d a piece of rope into tne water. and in reacluiig over tbe aitle of tlc huti io eec.ii.- it, the v-.-a.-l wa" orou^at into tudden colliaivn witb the pier by the union of the wav< e. iTiiBhiug the unft rtunale man and killing him iiidiamiy. Doughty waa a ua ive ol Caldw. II., N. Y. Ue feaves a widow aud two childrcn. a Kir.HTH WiRi) Lim'oln Cn b..The ltepublicane of the Eighth Wiird met yn Tbandaj eveiing, attd orgaiii/ed ihe Eii.cln Club hy the ele-.ti-n ot H^ury tk* K«nt Pieeideui; Jamta A. Vau Bruut uud Wm. A. Frnr Vn-e-Preridente; and John if. Adame aad Jo*eph Colfir Secrcuries. S<.me Lur Baadlfld BflfflhHBM voiera were m atteaaame Tlie Club ie to meet wetikly uiiUl tlei tiou. ? Thk Taxe? for lMtil.. The Joint Board of Alder- men ana Superviaors met in the OflflBMM OOBBfll Ccamler y c j*.. rday afternoon, for the parposc of ILxlug tbe amount of ta.xo* nt>c.ctMary to be raiaed foi tlie City Government in 1WI. The cbair was ocv-npiod by Suj*r»iaor CroweU. The Rpecial CMBMMBfl on tbe *al'j. ex r. j.oi.td lhe fabflwfag eBtiui.tt«a, reduced B lolala: Eor iuleiett ou tity l"*n*. *31,318 86 Eor piii.cii*! ol cty It-ai.a. I(i2,tl2 9d For priicipaj auu intereat oucertificatoa. 7. 41.1 i'i Poraalariea. BBfl M Voi F«.1m> y-rpmo,. M7.4M M Yot St-hovl poipoMia. 10 Forg-ner.l purpow*. 147,*K) UO for il.ai.iui a.iet*. Ite. 47,876 00 UrhtiutmetU, tc. 107 5i» 11) Kue D.piitiueut, VV. D. flflfl <1> lu. 1).pBrta.1 nt, E. 1). ».li7.'i 00 Ptre pttriioa*. generally. i.bV lt' F'aen aia'jc-mt-iit vva-e Bejwrately eonaidered. Tne jfixsl wm adopted. Tbe eecoud waa laid over. Tue third was adopted. The foorth w*a la.il flflar. Tbe fifth wae car led, and a motion B add * 10,000 to the eixtb, lor ihe pnrjKweof purcba-ing bflobfl for the chil- dren of the public echools, was adopted. Tne rcsoiu- tiou iiaelf aaa referred to tbe Cmiuselor for hie opinion bm to the legality cf increaaing the achool fnnd. An atlcmpt wae aiao made toraiae ealaries, bat the matter waa aaid ever until next meeting. The lioard ad- jonrned till next Wednenday at 1 o'cl.K-k y. m. t KINOS COCNTV OOUBT OK 8K.SSKl.NS-1, i 30-Before Judge (iAKRlaox and JaaflMfl SnLWBU.flBiBfBTBflfl. Joa pn Medesou, tried lor car.y ing a aluiig-nho., vv i> -u qulti. d, and pleaded ;uilty to oaaaJlt aai lattfliy aa kmmthm «n*.ciu*id, whereup.jn b^ >»a. aeuien-.-ed to the Peaitentiary f')i ata nii.n ha. Alaik M, Lauthhn, a boy U yea.a olJ, indi, teil lo- .-.arryiiif a alung .hot. pleaded guilty to ut-au.'t a:id batlcry. Hewaabued . I... wl.ich waa paid. Heni j Leli-vre pl, acled guilty to aaaa ilting an oflii.«r, aud wo. flned *l.i. Thoinat Deuiton and Tbomm Mt-('iven were ..">!.-.i.-.tcd ol a flUrilar "fltnte Tlie hr-t aaa liu-d *7 aiiil the UtflB BM Cbriatian Aaker, iliited lor burilary iu tln th::c d «n Fle*ded guilty to i>et,t larc-t.v. Beatflneed flefairefl, und tlie Coi.lt edjouriied till Tuei*lay next. leCBBDIABT Firi..About lOoMo, k ou Th.irediiy lililht a bre waa diiKSOvend in a row o' tt*i,l.-a bel-..,<it,K to ll.- %V ijiiani.burgb (>aa coinjuiiy, at the I'Ot of ."Nortn r.l.v.iitb .treel B. I) it .,..i VI^ .iii.n...i.;, ,i 11>. -. ti..-!. b*j .iit'ig, bi-loLging to Mr. J L. WelarB. Tne pr.-.,ti«.t were all dea- troyd. Laaa aadnatfll at BflB; l.nrano* Tbe n.-e *a the vroikofau iucendiury. BOARD OF COUNCILMEN. a Tbe Board met ou Friday afternoon in tbe chamber of tbe Board uf JJdflTMtw. Mr. Jobbs, lhe Pltki i.-nt, occupit-d the cbair. Bv reeoloiion of Mr. Vv\ Wai r. t'e N,-w-York Preacbere' Aesociation wua authonzed to araM a tent in Jatk-on a*iuare during ibfl .Stimaiti tx^jtuut. lor tbe Dlllj uov Ol' bol-jiug religiolia flOTI iefl llieielll. Wm. Ptafl flBfl iu a prflfflflWM to grooro tbe Buts paveu.. nt. by mtaua ol au ispn.vcd machiafl, a'. ¦ io^t ol fll per Mjuaie yam. He pfflfflflM lo gfOOflfltM Moike fliagMBlIy aud ui ngnt aagfla. Kafaned u. ib-- Couimi'.'je*.- on Stn-ola. Mr. D».i ker olliied a reeolution lo give porflflBofl lo the Thud-aveuue itailroad Company to lay r.nla in l)t.e-hundred-ai.d-ihirtuth atreet, between Tuinl and ¥. -tiith avenuoa. Tbe Buaid concniTed to adopt the rejeic ol Ibfl t> mmit *-e iu f*voi of i. <ikn,j/ an addilionul apjiropri- ation for the current year. Tbe amount aeked by tbe Controlcr nu, $*b'.^W. A (omaiUi.KiU.ii WM reteived from tbe C'liiroller in compliance w.tn a reo>lution pa."d a'. t-ie la-' aoe ing. it uppearwl Irom ibe dflflBBMt thfl thediiOuret- u.ti.t* for d'flOieg ibe aMBfla da.im,' ibe lirat aix montl-8 lu IBS0 vva= |10!*,WH .'*, '¦'--d uurin^ tbe MflM |M:rKd..f time iu Uie pree-nl JflflT |17U,7M M. 'fhe itiooui.t actuaily ex|xiid. d tor MflMt fllaaaaflg lor Ub JiiBiflix mouiii ta IHIW waa4H-'*i».41<) W, .4ii>. ifl l"".(i ^18^,10.' '>'. The |m|t.-r wan oruered lo Oc pri.-ed. The Coiitrolb Man* aittad tbe weekly rotariB of ihe City Cbauibcila-ii aod Connty Treaflarer. T,.i- MIoiHiiglahbiflbowi th. receipMand payroeata iliiing thfl vitcl., and U.e .'^uiiic.- at lhe aMMfld tne week: Ilai«u.i>liiT.e«*ur» Jnly 12.* ]Uc«i|A* liom bi, lo.i.-i t Cur.ug the aeak.> Toui.*: rMMBM. «M« " Balai-f Jn'y M.*'.¦ Tbo pi.per wae ..rd( red on iile. Ih( Coii'rolhr, in reply toa reeolution atating tba'. tlie eify by ibfl flflfl aaBBfld 'ta tenur-, haa Bfl ftftPtm MBflflM il« Ka'tny u. baaflfldftii ferryporpeflflfl; ihutaoawooMthada»er been reeeirod foi whaifjig*, Aid thal lie wonld ffbort'y commencj vig .ion* ell .rt* io prcaecuie aii panfafl who have tuiroa< '.ed uj.ou tba TbeTorporarion < «.ui:m1 aent i'i a e*.i aUt'ifiK tb.it ui hia opinion tlie pn »< ul pr..- th e ol eleaa- .i.ir tt/c M v.aa in YioUuoi. oi tho Chanar, ii MMBMdflMBbf OMMflfl ». MMfl mtm BlMMfl to ii"' Commit'fe on Cleaning Btree'a. Tb* Uttrd O'ljourne*! to ueat 'Jutatiay. AN1 ilVALOF^SOUTHERN S0LDIER3. t THEBLn:S0F6AV.\NNBn. . ;..,-, of Nev-York bc Tbtre waa a «ood plflflM yI f - . * ... th« iater*<!(uoo tv.o**! retMoay afteni.n.n at tbe i«' taS and OflBBJ at.ect. Tba.o MBB iM* aud « fbUing ttar. Tbe JKB»«, raebiLg into tne black vault of Boetou eblivion (aoder tbe eecork of aeveral military eompaniee, the full partkoWl ofBbich are aff-'drd in floofef part of tbi? Fap-r), croeied the orbit of t ie Kepublican Blats, blariug ap tou-ttoaihui ibe Lafa.ge Jlotiae. Tha phJoe-pher, afcaiflflbfl the atiuie, flflBU w>t refrnit., from ihinkiug how aometh'n g alwaya happen*. and how exactly tne law of conapenaauoti ia adniiutt <r«d lo lhe pe-'ple of thi* grtat aud bteadily-increashtg city. If to the re- treatmg footetepn of the Cn'ieago Cadeta ibe heirt ef tbe inliabitant reajionds beavily and ri-tly; if lhe ttrana ol Uieit munketB fadrng in tbe dii-taut Bnmd *Ay leavea tbat part of bia body q*ite daik, and in apLiinliffl voicebe BBBBBBj turoicgto tho Great Ewt«rn and fitKlii.g iiutbing ia it, and to Mr. Heenan aud bebold- taf be ie not around bo mueb aa he waa, and re- BembeTii'g the Japs far away M the green, greeu nea .he murmure, " eoch ie ble I Give me my alippen I hark ! and see I It ia the voice of the Dodaorth, tbe giaudafl of thema'! And yonder, regular and bril- hait, turning ronnd Chambera itwt into tre omni- bartling Uiorooghfaie, are tne admiraole City Gctud, Mdtbfl BflflBblfaM Blnea immediately behind tbem, prtctdtd by the eecond band of the tin* Dod worth .So the cop of life receivee another lamp of aagar. Ex- Lstcncc is atill dcriruble. Tne Zooavea aro gone, but we have tiOl the Biues I The City Gna.d weie called to tlieir beadquarteiaat No. 0o4 Broadway, at 3 o'elock, of the aftv-rnom. Al that honr ab<>nt fifty handaome nnd warlik-, althongh perapinng, g.-ntlemen forn.ed line iu the annory. wbere ia the dumroy cannon tbat has been ueed m dnl ing for tbe bmllery pr&etice, which wae ao buccom fol B b'ori llamilton on WedneetUy bwt. Tney were in 'Le elegaiit company nniform, turnioanted with tbe l'oiar lie, which ia Bfl eo heavy aa it eeema. Witn Dudworib'B aca.li-t buml, tbey lellthe juaitereat ha.il- paat 3 o'elock, and went througo Broudeay, Canal, Weat Broadway, and Frankliu atreetu, to the foot of North Moore etrcet, Capt. HflBfllflld Lovel in com- mand, attracting aa niucn auenuon aa Ne*-York ie OflfflBlfl of beetowing ou a niidsumaier day. Tl.e aieamooat Salelhte bad been di*pat. hod from this pier at Lalf past 1 o'elock. witn u delegitioa ofthe Gnaid, abaiid, ar.d acolbttion, to meet tbe steamer Hoii'laaud tbe giieate of tbe compaoy. Tney Wei-e tMBBfBiad from the greaterto tbo Iflflfljfl ves^vl, and a'.eamed al)4.iit lown, taking a look at, tbe Grwat Ea*t- trn, and otuci Iktle thing*; and tt.ey approa.'hed the wl.a.-1'by water juet ae their eecort had leached it by laud. Tbe Guard, with pnrpled and p-irling face*, were dra-.vn up in donble line on the truck-encambered pie.% und petple flfllflBfli uboat them on ihe l.iatimr aud atone pilea aud near boats. Tbere were al oue liuie moie than four ladiea on the apot, and the.r preseme ltut grtat animation to the ssene. Tne crowd did not get btyond tln- hundreda. Aa lhe Salellite drew near, a braas cannon epoke deafening woid« of welcoroe.eitfhteen word*.mtn rapid uittiance. Capt. Lovel preeently went upon the boat, aiid komithing paaeod between him aud the bu- perior Bl'ie in the lower cabin. A few muiutea more tlapatd. and tl.e soldieru of the Southdieemliarked, and luiujtd on ihe wharf. The Bepul.iican Blues of Savancah are an old mili- 'ary organi/ation. The company waa formed on tha lrt of May, 1*0H, aiuee which da'.e it ha-s ha-1 but foir captaiiifl, including th" pre'ent. It waa in eervice anriig lhe War ol l^i~, and from thnt a:ti'>n went mto L'nited Stutea eervice in Savauuali. Tne compauy volunUered to lake up urms iu d^euiw of their coun¬ try agaket Mexko, bui ibtir eerv icea flflflfl uo. iwed;d uor acc* j.tcd. Tbere are over -00 lueuibeie, bll ooly % arc wiih ne. The list of minies, MflJflA to emeoda- tion, i«ae followet Ctjitain.John VV. Ander.o.i. Flr»t I.ieutenant.W. II. Da- vK. Becotia Liiutenaut- JohnOliv.r. Third L,ieutu,ia.-.t J. T. McKallu.id 8^.|eanta K. L. Oue, 11. li. Letaia, b. l'--i,.,n, YY t. Davia (... YV. Andenon. torporalt.1.. A. flii.a, kV A. W.lktr T M"Ni-h J. K. Marneriyn. Quarter.na.ier. I'hlllj. S. bley. Jbdf* 'idv..ale.L S. lle Lyou. Su,|eon.fl. A. T Lawmi.'-e. Fayrnaater.U. A Mercer. Armo.er.P. M. Ho.- aeil. hargage *ta.ier.W. P. Hohe.la. Coloi Bearcr.J. VV W hite Color lluaid-Pritatei I). 11. Stewart, J. L 11a.pt, W H. Cladiinig. J F.. YY iih.ngtcti, R. BeillD. Piiralri-ll. Becxet, W. E. J. Baker. T. K. flnller, C C Caae), J D. I eropuly, K. Coh^u, Jame. Carraody, T. J Ca.-ino dv. A. Cannon. M. loben. J. O. I)avia, H. L. Uavla^ J U. Uep .,.1, 0 I)an»erene, J fc. Davi. I BaaBSB. H. T. Day, J 0 l)tnt. C. H. Oitt^n, J. H. Kanell, John tbkty. H. C Kr.e.na.i. I) Fergnaon, YV. H. Orady, VV. B. Ou»e!. M. P. Bflflfl, f 11 Oonldii.t, J. t.latli.ty, l.Uarmcn, J. liarria, J. i, liaywood. U. VV. J.. \-.t-, J Ii. Jf.uea, YV. A. Kiug, M. Moliua, L Moore, K K MeOee, D. M'-Uonald, P Mallettfl*, C, A. Ni-ol. A. H. Mafhl nt D. Oli-Mt, B. J P.ira*, B. 8. Pur.e, YV. ('. Fnrw. J. A. K.liril*.ii, i. Ru.-lie. T. VV. &)..-». II. goiBb, II. 8ni,le,. J. M. SoltDKiii-. J. 8. Silta. J. II. Sagiua. J. V. Smith, B. U. Theiia, J M. Tii.-ii,.. T. N. Ibeua. b. M. YYolf, li. O. VV'ard, 11.11. Wylij, 1. VVanl VV. B. Wjily, VV. K. YVUite, IVaU-ra, J. C. IflflBfi, Ti,e Blnea are genendly lubatantial eiti/ena of Sa- vatiiiiih, and repreaent the flovte.r ol So.ithern eUflabj. They are accompanitd by three free negroes, one a body aeivant. tl.e OflbflM Ibfl flflflflBM. The Bl.iei have more t:an aix miiHitiaua, all ola:ka, when they are iu Savaniutb, wbo fuiuieh luem wilh lield mtuic. Of ibt artiarie mj.acily of ibfl two they have brougbt along tbere haa na yet bflM MOpfOfltflflfl^B Jflfljaj hut the inabenable birthiigbt flf their ia e is a senee of melody. and tbeir revttlh vvill probably be a good thing to btar aaid. The atandard borne hy the company waa work.d in eilk by tbe f*ir lir.grre of the Savannab )a<ii.a; on ono ride it bears t-carms of tbo State of Georgia, M tbe otber the j\merictn oinitl.olof.icul tui'obm. Tbe Blnee app.-ured y-!ferday in tbeir un- dress unil'oim, wLicb ia exirvmtly pbtin. The dresn tbvtwill be worn to-day. and probably dnrifg their elay eince the ordere are to w.-ar lhe lull Oflflfflflfl uiif^rm whd'- the vi-ii la-ie; flaflMMB cbi-lly of a dark-blue coat^e, with aky-l.lne f.« ioga, and a bi^ii eapandabelt: we are nnable to irive particulars of tbe trowaere. i bc (xmpany bux been under MBMfl drill for ocveral tv. 4 ka. iind CApi-it to od-arion no little BBMfahBMM among the citizen eoldiery of the metropolis by tho BMBTB y atd bnlliaiicy of ibei.- evoluiiona. On the Iflfl, taflta, a price drill wh< given in Monumenl Sji'iiite, Siivnniah, when Col. A B. LbbBM madp a apeech, in wbicb ^a« we aie informed by Tln Dmilm .V, mmj *' he ipoke oftb-ir intended viait to New-Y'oik, aud eiabed thflBBBbaflflB voyage and a .afe return. ne feli that the honor of Savannab and the welJ-carned rcpu- in-ion flf t: e Bepnblican Blnes Bflfll I be iut iu ted to tbeir keeping, with fnll coutidence tha*. they wonld di.-ort then.vtlveH as toldieia aud gemlumen.'' On Wedi.titday aflernoou, ibey weie cmoiiod U.ibe vtliHif Ijlbfl ChflthflM Artill.-ry, the Oglfllbflffl Light Io- j.;.iiy, and ibe Irisb Jaajiei Gitttiui.On-en«.Irusu Jaaper Greens. Tne voyage in the Florida wa- truly deligbiful. But tW'. of thfl BlflM azpariflnofld uau-cu, aad tl.e niai- lK .ta were Mfflflhod uj-on tbo deck by night, wnile IM Iiourc ol duy paa-ed iu tbe piiit-tnl of gumal gumtfl and aocial ameuiliea, for b ith of wbi. li tln- pOOfJfl flf thfl whole loflflb are jually dfattagflfabflda The ordinary BBlMfaM bafltag bflM flfl taflgfld by Ibfl Guuid and tbfl BI.lflBM thfl vvl.aif, tbe line wa* lormed ainl piocved.-d, wilh ibe BflflBBM flf pfllMfl aml a fiillridi-walk 4(iiii.iiiilee, IhlBBgl 1'ia.iklin liu.l- ¦oa, i.iid ChaadflB etretwiiito Bfflfldvflja Crowda evlleMfld flfl Ibfl way. WiadoMfl BBM lUflfll A*-( -..»- taflflfld t<< Ibfl aplemlid diej.lay of Ibtir ownaddic.y, BBd Li'Viiii A \i\..\ BflMM flf tb*-' flBflbBfl dfaflipHM ol Bfl ( lii.ago ZoMflflfl, ii ia uot wonderful that the ap- Baioaaci oi tba Boathara ntHhfl excited uoMpocial a'Uiiiatiou oi auip:ie.-, bfl tb.-el.. eifl with vvl.itb tbe inei. wi tt tu iv- C l.y tbe MMMMlBtlVM ofthe p. flfll II tbfl lauiu.g, on tiie rvBBB. and al the hotel, BB ,urcd tbeir Bfllot m<. And pflflbflfa vvben tbfl fatigne if I.eir jonii'iy baa paa*ed away, ;,.,d tbey have g" B il.' ii bM t (-lollii .'. Wfl abidl bflttflflfld to aome lutui- jiable expioi.a. Tl e m <-!,e nferred lo in (be hegfoning <>f thifl n .fi..- taa in brilliaiil ub it waa MffflBaBBBBd. Tbfl '...navi- und their al.owy e.> .rt. mel tbe Bfaflfl au-l beiia at Cnii.il ati.-.-l. Tlierea)*-i 'iv.- rfiflBflU h.w.Ib DitiiJ, tbe omnibicand othei veb.vlee did the best tbey co-Jd.aDdtheeWat^ weMJ tmwmn^hjtntmp tors. Toe Blnea^ %jjA |fce (HMrJ fifrm#d ^ ^a, lej colurnu on tbe, f ^ ;d<> ^ .^..^ tNj ^er B»W «'r» aa tley p ^ ,,j ^ g^,,^B ,,. ;,.. a of -..,.'. croyi Althe LaFarge H---nf2 there wae iwh*b1 .*.'.*.- aient The *iarr. a- d -/r'pee, and a very long .ir*un.flr betokened sjajtirJ viahatlon, and tboro vraro ec-lirfl UiapLijed froia the Armoiy of the City Oiard, ne*rly tffttmk, aad frr,m olher bnilinf... Theenoipa'-.- once bi Te ealnted, the peopl* battohoi, and tne vi.it- om )3>Md into the hotwe. After a ni .nmnt'e pao*e they marcbed to the rooma jf thei. Raeitfl, and Bt*vkt*l amia, and nmeV frienda. It ia fl*ay to make frienda with the City Onr.id. If S m'hen. hoapltalit- can Ix- ,-eed the boepitJiiy ofthe City flnard, il must be K'e** .nr-ir.Iali y indeed. Th« Illoee, thua dnly enrnlled Amenii the Lwoa, took tbeir own way. Thia moming at 11 e clock they will te ereo.ted, p-.obably trom 9n\ ttt), lo BiiliaTi Irlend. wbere they wiil partaie of a ban-jn-nt Tlie ii atitntione generally will He viaited, and rivic, milttary and private hoap.tftlit.es will makn their diiy pk-naant. 1NAIGCRATION OF PREBWENT FF.L- TOX. The eeremoDiea and literary exerciaes attending tlie inangrtration of Mr. C. C. Feiton'aa President of Hai . \aidColleget«.-ok place on Tbureday, at Cauibridgaj. Tbe addre.Bof indnrtion was dcltvered by Gjv.flanka. The following ie ita opeuing paeaage: " Paoraafloa Fsltom: The 3330300*1 of the Caroo- rarion sxd tbe lloard of OveraoerB af liarvird Collcgo are aaaemhled ou tln* MM3 33B for U.e purpoae Bf cui- iiletiiig. by nuoatentatioufl yet aolemn ceremony, your n.dt.i f-on t-> tho o.aV3B af l'rew-i.:iit, to which y>a h.ivn betii flJBOt. d. T1.4: ecrvice Mflkpod to me ia U. (uvaent lo y< n, aa isabjoi <-f y<-or office aud au'b<»rii>, tl.e ci arttr and keja ofthe inatiintion. In perforining thifl Bta033fl dnty, I net-d not ...miDtnd li y-.-i, S r, tht iin¬ portant educationa; interrsta (omniitxed to yiur ihaigc an thfl head of thia aini.-iit liiiceinity. Xo oue ean better ii-.-Vraiard itn ivl.tion f.. pnpiM, the M-.- ple, and tbe Nlaie. More tt.an thirty yeara, p-ia-ed, wiih eligbl i_*jl«irti|i!.oiie. wiilnu ibe iin^ied.a'.e cir.-lw of ita ittiuence, aa stndenf, alnmnn-", tntor, profeaair in dilVeieiil d' partmeuta, .nrichixl aa thnt ptrriod hai be^ji by eipmenceof foreita travel, witn a epecinl eve to yo ir duties, and geutro-is devotoa to the ireu- eral edueitioiial mlereatu tt the tttttk *M9*. tttt lo l.ave given von a full ai.pr.x-iHti<.ti of ih 1 .iiirnity of ihe offl-e, ir the importaiit ibfluen-'e wlii'h.* wib--, jnat, and firm iiWaBlaBIBtiilil of 1 a jrowor? bBB irrpa-t to the canac of eduration tiiiouyli. .it, bBB laud. II h:ia not oDly abaorbed the .iirca tt th<: f/r*:iK'r part of yonr life, but it haa ueoome by forre of h ibit, aa it "vere, a p*it of yonr .-state. Fo. t .t ItM t ine, hat Univer.itv- mav be eaiu to ka ?e educiied. and, eo far aa tnat reeuk c n he achie\ t-d by ootward opportuntttes aud i.fld- ence, it has wat.hed the gr<'*th and laahioned the ch.iractei- ol itfl prcading olBtvr. An BOaBBftBBAg elrction by the OflflrpfltaiioOi th'- ..nHiiirnO'ia <..... i.aiit- tiou by a lar^e aud ii!tell:gt-nt Hoaniof Ovvrs-era: the a,|'T0viiJ of th* Ktculty Bflaj Mn-nni; lh^ iiti.ii«riiii Nflaj rurid'action uf'he underKradiiii'erf; the unrciCrved >ou- tid'uee uirpiied iu BflhOBBlfl ajd lalaBligOiit men e^iry- where. allof whom are proj-^rly re(*re--(ited i-i MtB ai-femb'y, aaann- ni> tha' the I'ree-den' it ha-> ttnmt i* equal to nia commiaaion, and will faithfolly diechtrge its duli.-a- l-ike one who rin-B from the nuik-t to the jia-n.1 ol hii BBBBJi who wi'! pMOBOB, 33 the laBaltBaOOB of yoni H'-oi'i'i'" aod the put.lic, l pjivr whr.-1 ¦ more eventlul lile utfl> Ligher attainments even miglit lail to eonler." The keye huvhiK Leeu furmally 1'r.aeuted, Preaident Fulton madu a ehort reoly. Theu followed the A I- dress to tbe Alumui, hy the Rev. Dr. Oii/ool, the ex- m iaa-*' of tbe Alnnini day and of the Iiuofruration be¬ ing joiued. At the coiicluaion of thit, Pn.nideu' Fcl- tondtliverod hi« Inanguriil Oration. Some estructn ar« given helow: Fittr.Mis ini Fei-I'-v.-Sti DBBTSi I l.ave tntfktt tbe office of I'rt-idcnt of thi« itucu-nt I'uiyeraity, no« tpmntktt i'a Uhora. nor in-xiveri'-med in its unxie- i*-i. The men who ln>r pirv-ajtl.-d me.tlie illna'riouM dTad, who r. et in vonder chnrch yard, or und^r the iK-acefut aha-lrs af M".n» Anluini.tbe eniinent nnd tieloved among the liviag. who, haviug retired from tohmtnttt Outy. a.loili by tbOlf tOflptriOi pi.8.-n.v thia di.y.have eatabliahr d I -tai di.r.1 of oma d hhttt ai.d ie-]>oi"-il.iliiy, whieh imy Bil give pBOM t«- ai.v mau culhd to lOoefloi Ihctn. 1 dare not mu pare mya-li with BBBB. Tte II. n. PtttttinA, Wr. Ouincy, who flBBiOtJ me the tir-at Hpjw.im ui. nt I (-oi- litld in tht rr.ivt-i.ity, »/l.inyi.iif ytttt Bgo, etill lives. in a aVeatJ but kiatllv age, and year yisrafti-r her ore with lm w.Icjuie couu eoauce and vigrron. .pe.-ch onracademiral fe*tiviiiea; hw aar303* eor, the hnght, coi.eun.mate floerer of AmerioHo ¦ h->l- urehip and eloquence, iu the rich matuii-y of hia apl^n- did ^eDine, n na for the day from bia piiblk-. toil ih.' eini.'iriit Hia oriaii, with Braaal faittiful reeedichca aml muht. ily work the namo and fiiuio of Wa-nhaucton aro inai.Boi'ubly conneeti^d, che.-ia ua with hia bflflkhflBBB kindneta; my iuiuiediate vrr leeeeeor, tue clear a.nl pfO* tonud thinker.the philoaophei tmt diviue. 'h-i ':n- rivaled maater of sai red eloqnence, who bo latt Iv hjld ihirHiitbn'J Iiore tlier-o carte -cornca to wituc*- the (.-renionit-Bcf the day, hi.p|iy,d-)uhtl-aa, that he ie re- leaat-d from the bur<.«n tt uu tttm whi'-h hi rrovvn«d wiih eo nintn RaOMaWtaBJ dipnity. They hnv, on« aid all. left their footpriota in iheM- a.aHeiiiir rctrratn. which I :my liod I may be :thle to follow, thongh it n u^t needa be with nnequaJ bbbOBi On thin ocisiou. you will n-it expect from ine aay i bil...rute .1:m ti nioii of ilia-an i.-« ail filiimtion. 1 iMiar lieioie _\oit lo-.lny with no 13318 viewe to oller. 1 au. not a new ruari b.-rt-l am ihe old.'-it inhahitai-t. I believe not one, holding ofliie .n any depirtim nt tt thfl I'uiveisity, when 1 rttun.od aft.-r an abeeuce of two yearp, ir now in »< tive ¦eaaVaBBBbl duty. In the immedia'c government of the CoBaBJB, my aaa jcLttea :u-e, witla f»-w . \'i-pti"ii-, m-n wh«. aiTi b< aa my pqpila; wiihout (r.\cc|irion. Bea t" wtioiii 1 have 'joeu aBoBBOla bythetitsol tri(-iiQrhi[- OJBBtBI ha-i never been i:i:er r-jpted hy a pa-aiDj; clottd. liad my p-ii»onal w!ah..« betrn gratiiied, I ehould iiavo bet u Hfl t" me viiliiv_it!..|i ol Girx-ian J.-tta-.-H, tmt Ibfl ataah at oi tiie Piataaaaorahip, in which 1 l-ave i-as-etl ro many htppy yrnr-. AVhen St. Ua-ail, haviuif lonu reeidtJ in Si society ol" ibe H'ud'rnt* aiid phil..8'>pl.ei> of Atbene, wa» ral.-.i l.y tot dn 333 of BM ti IMBI .031331 claiaic BBMBM, lie aflOBxIaal '¦-ith IUaOaalaU003 ani l- ira More brtOntVi tl.-au ttt Jtiiril, 1 am per.uitted to rt- n.iiin, I riM 1 not deaert tho AmBbBM (irovo. Thi vo-.ee-* of ihe liema aud BBfl DlBOJflJai IbBBBM -nil r i.g m my eare viiib all tfcrir enchaitmenta H-.mtr, Jrevebyhlfl, S.-pliOcle-, PlfltO, Aii-' tle, DflOBflflthaSflBJO. 1 eluili not p.-i.iOOOl uilli-yii.i yrt. ll.lu.n BOal Pi.rnaKent. which my feet have tro*lden litvrally i well a- tignrafively, flUOOBI.--.rii.ie.i i.aun 4. Mymottn^ mill viirldr. i ia honied i-lorea, and lhe Cepliieena and nhaOOl hu1; murmur with the thraafiBg mimoriea ol" the paat. I reHipi my forni*-r diiti.-a u, youi.tr..T and more vigonua handn- but my excelh nt fnend atud rac- 38030*-, IhaoW, wiil all'i.v OM to haunt tna bflliri rocm. evin to that pt-rioJ of lit'.- whc-aJ eh-iJJ he lil 8 tbechorna in the Ai/an.emnon, who. Wlia-i, ho.uy DI, iii BflBB att.d )rl!.» la-a,, \\. Ik- blatrlsle r. ot.d wav, N.,..,.,.,r.. then « fr-jbtaeWld, Wandera.a vi.i n in the liphl ot diy. Brethren, we etand here m dny aa the rrpreflenta- tives Bf the oldt-st I'niversi'y of th<- aBBBTaOBi <«n- linnii. (lur Pilniiiu ai.c.-i-tutfl IrarOflfljal wlti them froui Oxfonl und COOJaaflatajfl tln- BhOajxflBfl sch'jlarthip ol llo.'ir Uf:e. 'Ihey werts ui.;--. .. tl.e lK?nl educi.ted men ol lieir Uaiea.ihey were among the noblcat men of anv tmt, Il Uitir mtn.orire t-t.-i tata.-e to be b-.uoud here; if, among the flBflflfBa that advau. ing MBBB are aiway- nr.ak ng m tho oi.inion.. iind worka fll men, tbo naaiea ol" tbe I'uii-an Fitthrr- Baofl -'v'-r l«- HMObbI .r forgot- leii hire. tot rmil-aof Hc;t\eur-lml! BO longer ieet BOOO na, and tlieee fair rtrn. turea, now crowded wi'h ecidioua ti.inh, aad ii-ii.il l»> ihfl lighl of unt->it'nple<l iflOflfflia ny ahall truril-lo 30 ttet i»i"', hliir'-ird with tiif cur..' ol (iod .Johu Ilar-.an1, B3Bt*33 honored name the in- (¦tilliiion h.-arn wa- a ('-.tnl..i-igo ini-i.: aml lhe nniiie of the place, Newlown, waa early changvd lo Can- I'ridgt¦- < -idiiithrigia NoV. Ajif__rlin.uu. CoaaaMBBJfl of Ihfl .Noa-EngliaLuii.il. Harvard C'.lloge l.t-tr:.tiie tlifl corp<irH»e dcH'irnation. m>d th*' I'laiv.-n-ily ;it Cini- briogM ii. ilflfltnplln rynonyrr. " '1 Ij- htati. uiaiuiatt -I Ly tlie rjuiit of tl;.- l.t'h.rrr. chcr- i-:-'-d Ihfl ("il-gf, roun-liaieB by ul'loitl .ipo'-priitionai, uiul r-ii.'-ti'ii.-a '.y t-; --<-:ti bflflaOJaa ti"ii- htil bf inr tl.e largi-r jmrt of it« in.-.ttia, now-in aciivity in all ita tle- pbitin.-ii'fl. hiiv.- coiiii- tttttt priwite r-.iiieer. iu a ftrvtl nu natir.-from th(.fg('ii(.rotiii citizcua ol lloi'tn, \i tn.no iiiiii.tb will I-t i-l. iit.tatal wlth tbfl I'logroee of learniug ln rc 'I o thfl ('-.ll.-('i ptr.pn l.ave I- n *-.o <-. r-i v. ly i.it.l.d the Divinitv ,s. Iia.ol. the l.. a Rebool, tha M..li- i.il f>ih(.aal, Uo Ii..1..1.it ,al li.ir.leu Ilu- (i(/ri rvutory, aud ,,-, Iml ik.t l.-iarl. thfl Mn-.Of .Ni.tiiii.l lliiaiuiy. l.iiilt by privi.t. Iib. lalitj aod (i.li.'l.ti n. il niniifi. oiicai il lhe Con.iui n-.tcidili. Thi Collagc- Harvard Col- Iflffl, theg.rmit.al iti8tiln:ioii giving itr cirpomte natut; io the wimii- and there oti.t-r iutiiiiuioiia ftotmoi urouild it, DMkhfl coll.a ti\.ly |hfl li.i.- irity. * Itir young Ain.ri' Bl nr.-de, gtofi tirtti Ibfl Kuro- |i. mi ,v nl la, tht- ili.i'iing thal eliiill givfl l-.iiu fliPipBflOiB ¦ml r.-lf ...uiii.i.iaJ.llii.i eloill gna- liia.i Ihfl maitlory of bia tuci.if i. n, uud th'- lii.hit ul itt-idy i..ii"U. II.- iaa :il /.en of'i viot R'ptihli. «li'r»-iri i-vn ii.uu hat bifl .dtetr to open, bal fatBBfl li 3BBO, bl ni tottt to , l,i. >,.. Hfl I-,'v '.'" '. .i.n ni tl,. | -. i.il or pi.ty ,.ra,l.-, l.lad Ihfl W- ii'!' -I iiala, 1 -1;11 1 o.laoirii.ility. |., ¦. rrv lir- -oiiia' i.'.c e BUlkfl Ibfl i .. 11 ia Ohl li rrolivi orie wlii'h teuqtfl BBB yoflBag ""«(ii aBOJ pr.-ma- tn.e nr:ivitT. He i. aUnred tale the baay acea^ whcn hia BrtWM BN bnt half avfokled; hi* pnu-'.to ^ are M v.t ni certain, hia viewa * .gie, h*a ho>8 gaigMMM Bfl ruinU w, and perbap« jb MBM ,.iBu-MU..ti J. Bifltkttfl* Balflflfld, Bflfl bfa i'ior.1 b^ P. crod: ull Mo ut.iip.- f.uitof every Siimnir. \ .*> lKj, h ,r«>-*>r i* flfl tfcr Trowth «f a day.tba i>>"'ijc,'.i .1 f *c ihtafl bmm! naiiiied wuha.ut Bflf flfld vig i ,.,* i-ulnre. To n.line tbe tj-to w a IflhflflBM proo»,_»4,(.rtuycbe raa-vouiag p< vv. r witn nn appron i it*j flfadmtafl i* an a.dn«a* nu- nertflking.B MflM tne m'.r.d with «onnd Jid oolil U-arn- irg ifl lhe work of cala. .,.| amdioufl year*. It i* the buaiiieae of tbe higbur e.uin ariou ui iheck Uii* fn-.lful Mfl pai inn e, tbia crr.de and eag ir n*»te to drink tha :uo of bf,- M 4:>hauaf,zbe tatQlkfllfBg dramjt.U ol BflMtl fl. I bave a*id tl,at the flMflfll M 'be Uuiverfli'y wae to edm ate the y *ai-g.tbe picked aud cbo-^n you h fld ihe connt. y; bei it i* bMb ¦ part tb". duty of the prfltfl> rorr lo add to tlieliUrat'ireauJa-ieuce of iheir reatwct- iw department*. Thfl Ci.i-en.iy that faiifl u. rto thw, fails in »n o«ential portion flf iw proper buein-'aa. Fo* the men of Harvi.rd, I proiuHy and gratofollv appoal lo ile ludguient of lhe world. Natural BB BflM ma-i.ali^ience, Law, Phi -..logy. Poetry, are daiiy re- c iv uj. irnport.ifit ae flflduflfl from the l.f-ada an.l h indu flfflMPMflBflflB. Ifladtag flflbfl in all tbe MBfiflMI of the intelltctual Uimamuiigbt be enumerated, withij thr laflt ten ie-.tr*; but in thia p.eeeuce I IflflflH In tbe (.fi r branch of acdtuic du;;, the all imjiortunt qneetion ie, dota lhe trrining of Harv-trd prodnce a race of men, highmindid men? Piblic uid private ¦aaHflMM hi.a bmlt and llod yoader library a..4lU)e.e leaincd halla. The flflflBlpafllBM apiri hm endowed theae IVflleaaoraiiipa. j\re Uie grand objects of all theee noble endta> or* and c.Bily aa- ri6cea attainid f Are all MMflMigflM labora, theie wat bful curea, daUy and bigh ly exercuied by ti fl arad' mict'>dy, rew^nled by ta- brighi flflaoflflBflB- ments aud bOBorablfl enflnfltflM fl tl.e POBiM men wbo .i.nn-l y go forth from ib-Mfl :<n. i. i.f baflfl into tbfl '"i»y worhl I ll Bfl let the ir..ien. halla crutnhle to ih» eaitb; bt yoLtb-rnobie librury be 84-altered or burued by invading barharia'j*; let yonder mn*enm, wu.i-h BOW eontaLfl in ita ampie flpaflM an orgiu'c world. be lev-.led l-ri'-k by bnck, aid ..he nulunt'i-'. who btM it ta charge reiorn to the land whose great loee we have thought ur eAoedinggabi in hid ctmiing. Bat, no; Ba bflflfl WitBrWfl, BBMfl afl, abonld BtflBd, and th*ir aeiofl ofMBgfffl and ntilitv *vhuJl be lodetijitoly en- l-jrjjf-d. TLe n^torali»v flbali atay wbere be ie. Tbere is m f nd B t!;c pnblic and BfltflSB bleaainga tbey flflfl). Mfl. Proudly ai.d gru'efuily I go before llie world witb thcpe giadnatea of llarva-d --from the n.ihlem.in wbo Mflbdfl MIba BflB flf tM long catalcgup of illna'noua nan.ea to the cla«* that. Mflflflfld 'h^ir di|)lon aa yster- d..y. Tbere. are aor.ie wbo d'.nbt tr.e wudom of oar BfMea and tbe titneaa of onr dia. ipline, hu' MBflU ti.e re«:il(a. I make no boaaUul MBpfllflOMi bu'* wbencver I mieta Ciimbridgo man I know that I am in tbe KRirty of a gentbrnau. I tbiuk I bave known tl e CflBflBM BbMMt loug enongh to undetBtnud his flflfllkicfl. I know tba'he K'l.i'-tii. aporB fefltfltbl winnisrd faflprflflBfaflblfl theoriea of hie own rffbflfl, e-i| f c'ally aa axaina', the Fa.?nlty; I am aw<tre thnl he aop.eliuiea liibo.a umler flfllMtaM aa B tbe taflldlflM dteigi.B of intorfl aad prociore, agaicet hie peace aud Oigflity, tor I have be*n a ;.i and a ..>. But I do.ibtif Ibe f^nlta of atadenw are aa <rre.it aa tho*e th.it otber hodie-i of young men. il aflwembled in e4j.t*l nnn.lx-re, would exbibit. I flfl OMViiflfld tlmt tney bflM bflflBV BBfBBfldl apairiHl terionfl moral dangera tlar.othtr youi.g m«n .njoy. Nowhore, I think. w Ibfl inllueuce of i.igh abflKBflBf more jroweiful or j>er- vadng. 1 ki.ow of no form of ax-iety where, wi'b th. gteatest ine.juali'.y of a>cial coadit;o..H and we.ilth, .in flabflflhlM jnaucela done to mtrit. Bich and poor, OflflBBy bflfflflfld city boya, caididafea well Mflpaaad and iMii.lida'^a .11 pMBared, bere couie togt'lier. la .. it. of their nn is flf opinion and condncf., in their bearing '* ward each other, in their eatimate of ea. h othir, iu the BBBB tney award to each other, 1 tirmly ln lieve that im Mteiety af nmti iu tbe world, yonng or old, (iregnierned by a ra<>re flflMBB BflM fl ftkmm t and inipariiit' jneice. Alde'flBcb tl.e 6..n-.o afternoon tbe As*x;iaUon of the A'unini, the mentbtra of tue l*overument of th« l 'livfi.itT, thei,- taflbfld gneata, and other p.-i»...iH d. -igt.at'il in ihe order of prec.-a.ti n to tho chureh in tl«- MflBflflM, ui.ii' li* to Htuvaid Hall. where a diu- uer had b.-eii provided by Mr. Smith, under th« ana- t icea ot the above-nauied Aeaociilion. They took IMM. Dr. 0. W. HolflWB, Vi- e-l'r.-iid nt of tbe bflM dflhfl, j.n-ridirg ut the board, ia the BbflflBMflf the H"ii MobfllO.Wtethrof OfllberfabtoM PBaidaul !.'. lion. bi< l-.ltiBtit-e Sbaw. the Hon. Edward Ereretr, an.l K\ Fie-idenl WfllkflT. On the left were BBBfld (Jov. Biuiks, the Kev. Dr. O.uood Bf .New-Vork, Dr. Bi.'.bina, and othen. TLe Brigide Band lurniihed mus)C, while ibe Har- v.inl Mnaic.,1 Clnb, J. B. Ilomer, leader, snng an"- ct ->iv( ly " .V.j,, «,,/.,'< I.',,!,-,.,1.," " Lact Cercnt,'' and otber popfllar aira. Piayer v.aa ..ilered ly tln- Rev Dr. Cluindler W. Ii.l.lina. Bfl Bflbfld Ged'fl favor upon this new era hi ii,.- BHUn af tha CoOege, whicb were on tiiia ilay taaflgBiaflda After dne af'e.itii.n tbe flaBaflM D.-. Uolmt-a BTOBO, aud tpoke aa l'ollovvs: Br'.'lM.-r-, l.y tbe aide ol'ln-r vvho it; moL'.er of ua all and Irn-LCi, whom ehe welcomee H her own children! '1 bc oldtr aot-t of our comoion parent. who ah >nld have greeted yon from this chair of office, beiaj^ for dif- f'l.ni naiona ubaent, it hae become my duty M luilf IlllheplaCflB there honored, but tioant cnldren, to ibfl btei ol my inabiliiy. .\ uioet grateful olIi;e, »o fiir ae ib. . ipn cbi'ii of kiud ftelinga laconcerned; an un- .le.ired duty, it I look to the eompariaonfl you mnsl ..tbi* lxli*.-..|i lhe xovernnienl of ibe U-teociatioii exiel- inK ih j>ni. and ita g'.v'eruiiitnf defacto. Y'onr Preri- I. ni .Wr. VY inihropj ao grttce« ev.-ry BBflflBflfy wh ch hevi.ila by bia BflflBBfltfl. bifl diguity; bia aun\ ity, hia urt ol IflBflg, w'eiher it bc the BOflfla of a nation, tho Ij gfalfllfli fl 11 f a Staic. or tho livcly democracy ofa iiii.in r table, tbat whcn he mtera a meeting bkc thia, ii ie*aaa Bfltf tbfl aaafafl Mood hflab of IhaBowb wBIB let bim pa<a to the head of the board, and tbe table iliell, thal moat iutclbgeu. ol (juadntpeda, tbe ball' rea- Boblflg Bubogany, lippedbima flpflaflMBMfl vvelcomo io Ha i i^bi-st itat, and of itec-li rapped the ateembly to oador. \ "-ir lirat Vice-Pie-ident, (Mr. Charlea Franeia Ad.iii.ri, viii.i.e name and giowuig .'aine you kuow ao u.ncli U-iter ihun hie bodPj prflflBflBMM) haa not b.-.-u able to gratiiy your t-yeB .ml eara by ahovviiig you tl.e Iii.. ;.i,.,iat| BBB hii.-m.g yon wilh the toucaiulierittd Irom u.t-11 who nittde iheir eonulry OBahflBfldbfldflfl- lini.-e You ainl 1 li.t.eiio flboiflO, BflflflMflfl, uud I BBfl anbmit B atand in this pla.e of mUbBBMMA -piaki r, l. atei.d of aiutni; a happy lieteuer with my liituda and abUMMMfl OB the broadcr plattorm bflBBBlh* I.. _-!, ii,y lipa i. :. Uow the gracio.ia BfllBBBM of ibia ar,a|.i( i.u a day, wbb li brtagBM all logflthflfl in tii>4 family ten plfl undei tbe l-c-niguant amile of BM bOflflfl. tallfl Bttafitafl aiound li tj aiicit-iil al ai- fcagraul willi tle taflflBB oi '.Ui' gialt iui u< iiioiit-a. 'il.i» hathral balwayaaJflJflMao.bbb. Itrea.-- aen.hli - :i .i:itl.-ri..i lan.ily vviibotii Bflthfaw nnv di.- Bflflkfl oacflfl 'hat whflfl agp MBbHflBN. an arie'oc- racy ol'iilvtr buira wbich all inheri' in tbeir BBflB, and BMfl ia ioo BB0BV to ut.liciiiuU*. Iu lhe great World ouiei.ie theie aro an.l muat Bfl dUBflBflH ol lot and poflitioBj one haa been lortnnate. aiiother, toilit.gaa ia i.-!y. |eib;.| 8 b.ia l'alieu ... wilh fldflflflM t-.iritJii'e; ..ne I.iu4 l.e.i.me fnnioiiB.bia name ataiea in great l.-t- tera tiom thfl ImndhiH* M ihe drnina oi hi- geiieiation; iiiiin-'i lulla ni ein.ill tpM MMB§ thfl flMflMflBMSa> riea. Bnt here w> a'.-.i.d fa one BflhflBMB IBB of liin l.ii tiiii.d. No aynibol BNflblfahM fl lueraii by that iliv.il. e one bflfl anoiber; every namo whuh has MBl ti bflfl o.ir gi.ldiii hook, the tricnmal -aialoguc, ifl I'ti'i ii it'.il and eiiil.la/. it.ed iu our renembruu. e and nlb t-ii"U v* Ith lhe put-.-le and flflBflhBfl <.| our comuiou iiio.l.er'-, liull.ivt.il |n-l mui b.ipet'il futiire. We bave ;d (bia Uun- a w..-l..ld ied*in for w. Icom- ine tb.- reluru ol our .iay of fenive flflflflBfl The old il.air flf oAflflpflgflfaB wboae MMflBB kuoba have reated M n nnv w ell oinpaciiil apiuee, whoee cU8hi4)iied iirins bave euil'iaceil «o many etnlelv forma, flfai whoao mb* iiftiice oi iHTr-o ai.d toila have aciied *) nuiny ar f le blflWfl, ifl lilled flflM more wiib a ¦.'oc-lly armfiil ot Kbilaithip, expcriiuce, und lid.-lity. Tle PiiKidett never diea. Our pruitma motber i.iu.t ii"! I"- lefi too Ioiik i* widow, for tbe nir**l urgent ol iet.84.-ii8. We talk ro u.'icli a'K>ut her iiiateiuity ibit we are apt to overlook ihe fact tbat a reaponsible Im.' i i- ia ;.. flflecoBary to tlie .-4mmI name nf i, well- BfldfllfldOflllflgflM B tbiitof a well-reiruiateil bflflflfla boid. Aa ebil.ln u of ibe Cidlege our Ihongblfl t.-tiuntlly tenter on lhe I'nct ibat .-be baa tl.is -l.ty ptil olf tiie W(c.laol bei ln miu ,1 widowboiMl, aad Mfliadi liefol-r ne rm'.-ant in lhe adornim-nt ol her new eapouflala, Yon will flfl nurmur, that witb. ul .b baBBg fflOflflloM of jir.-i. il.m . Bfl Baa 0*9 *-y.H BMfl 'he new h.-adoi ifl tfcii.ilv io flbflB our youoger broihcrn are to look ii- ib'-ii itniiie nnd counaelor na we bope at-d Ir.irt Ibroflgb '".UT long an.l proaperona y.'ine. Buth. ra oftbe. Ait-ocintion oftbe Aliimni! Our J «w-i >M.-:ei.. e a-a *>.-iet\ Ifl Bo bouud flfl wilhihatol | iM CflUflgfl wi.., .- .-il is npon onr BaflBada. that . (v*rv bbafltafl we invoko ou om parent d head r> tarna I Iike ib. ii. W ....I., iii .iV4 ii IIJ....I oiiroun. >,. lo-. ly / fa tbe w*lf«*fl ol ,,nr bflleeefl Motber bnhflod M IbM hi. I i -.in.. i lor ai.d ..fficial cuaort, Hutt iu hoflh iu iigbiiii we l.4ii)i)i-bei ii,iii i wbi ao ioo!' iii aregaib- irid, at wl,..,4( hi.urte Wii bave been iiurtu:-ed, wheae li.ii liu. e flfl ti.tv. flbflB proapentv ifl our gnsceflfl, \slit a* IflflM "I l'ui;.' hfe i* lhe cbailer of oui owu ^x-r- I eiuiiy. I pflofeM tbe bflflbbofthfl Pneidetit of Harvanl li.ivt ruty: We ".'n-et atr brotber aa ibe happy fathor nf a l.'ii).' 1'iie of tiiliire itliii.iui. I'ne th lll Fe!l4ili MBpOfldl d. I.- .. -| .¦-.**. i.. lhe call of Dr. QolflflO, -Mi. Ev.rett ¦pol.e flll eliil'i.illv .,¦* fullofl Ci \ i.i mi v. I deaii'e to lav iiai.li. all titka bat the utr.it* lu., iili.-ciioi.itie i-liil.l ol ll.irt .-..I. Wi'b rvepact o ibe -I. .,'k nt deaeri] ll n givea by bia vaload ti i.n I, tle Oratoruf ibfl li.iy,"i P ralMflf paM -it<t-h, Mr. J.. i ull r.-gn Iteif iluit l.i* pflBfltfafl waa not moro .a jcrordanee witb bia docv'm*. |fw Exee'i'ency the Gcvemor, w'o bMflflBBflflJfli on wiib bo mnch p,wer Bnd fteiing. alluded in p*tbe}<< t«nn» to tho emo'.WnB w tb wbi.n bfl had in fw» yonf I a-^j*sd to ibfl ebflfloM v r .in * wl ii h, oa flabufl occa-iona. were som 'irn-a beard fro«) the tww'^«'ic ahadee aiwi ba regre., tliat it bud r.ot falb-n to hia lot Bjott tb». joyo.ti circle. Tl e apeakeV could no'. Mflfl to Ui.iae toneli'iig Ifl ¦laik.a, ai.d r. il- ct ou the cffic eut oervice* wbich be haa renderftj to onr ancbnt Uiiivcrai'y in proinotiiig Ihe eeddwment of tl.e Mnaeum of Ntttnr.il Hiitory, will out repcating -he heantiful remark made on bBflflfl i,f lhe French Aiademy, in relereme Ut one *ho w*a not a membir: " Nothmg ie wanting to his glory.bo ia wantirg lo ours " He an >po«ed that the title of an 8Z>PlBflldeB flf Mfl Ci.ivi-r.-ity M the one by which he mitfht wi'.h the gnaitit propntty ardnaa bo meeting, a* moet u*- -uredly there wua nothing iu hia bumble career .hat he ...id-ii hiin*. !f upon more ibflfl tb .1 he waa thought not ur-worthy to b*- plaecd at ita he ul. Al flflbfl wafl wbde to tbe nt.nenal apectacle of four ex-Pre.idenla of an inatituiiou Iike ibia, aaHumbled on tbe Min-e atage to aeaiat al th- iuaugtir*tiou of their aae- cciflor. Th.re wa* no one, aa d be, wbo conld better roTiptu'nlate onr honored friend wbo now a.i'-ceodM to lhe cbair tlian we who bave gooe before him. Wo kuow tbe nainre of tbe duiea to be performed -of the rcwardd to be hoped lor in their-conacientioiu dia- charge. Alter a beautifnl illaitration in reference fo the ane- ion« opeuingof the c.ireer of Preaid-nt Feltm ae id of tbe College, Mr. Evoittt apuke of the hao^y eondition flf the instfn ion at tbu* time, and also wnen e Itft, by Priaid.B Walker. h ia now, aaid hc, bicking one ye«r, two centure,* and a ou*iter from the date of the inatitn'ion- -uo inc>n»iderahl.j perwid in the hi itoryof uiy com try, and one IhB i'i Iflfl eouu'.ry BflflM back to 'be *ery erndleif the flflBBMMt Mr. BflMflB couiiiiutd at aome leugtb, aud closed wiib awieh tl.at two ceudirita btnee lue Eaet aod tbe Wtat may bcast ol totir an ient aud venerable Yalea. fcnd Harvardfl, and Dortnioutlifl, aid Columbuie,and Princetona, and Wilham und Ma.-ys, we now boaet of oure. Spetcbea were aleo made by Gov. Banka, the Bev. Dr. Oagocd, Chief Jnstice I^OidcI Sbaw, ex-Preallent Walker. Prof. AgMleix, tbe Bev Dr. BtflflTflfl, thfl Hou. G. 8. Ilillard, Dr. Bellows, and otherg, when the ^alheiing diep-tited. A R0CHE8TER MAN HUNG BY A PRO- SI.AVLRY MOB IN KAN8AB. From The RochnUr Fvtning F.xprtt,. The hatcntcortk Herald of July II containa a letter dated a; Parie, K. T, July 8, giving an AflflOflM ofthe capture ol Cburles Doy ,uou of oar former tovvnsman, Dr. JobnDoy), by a band of P.o-Slavtry rulfiana oa tbe charge f horae-fl'.ealmg.h-aeacape, hia sabaequent capture, ard bie death ! We qnote: " On Thnrivlay la^t x party of afafl men, armed and equipped a* tbe law dfafltlfl, but withont fagfll proc*:afl, BHflflBB OM flaarfl Wotfle and aon and GflMMfl Doy iaon of Dr John Doy), oo a cnurge of horee-atealiiig. The.y were tried, found guilty, and tbe BHiiHace of death paflsed upon them. Doy und young Woffle oUC- ifided in makmg thiir Oica^c tne fatte.i- after bflbflg badly wonnd.d. The BeflflBBB aaa BBflflBMd ¦ »«>n P.i oltl U..-.U W'oiile. He v\a* deliberaUly ahot, aud bia b*aJy left cn tb.- prairie. On Friday uigut the aime t on.'i itty, eulurg. d by additiobal rtcruiu, faaralflg lhal Doy wae conttaledinahon.se owned bytbflfllflflBM \\ tt!- .ii ,,,, ,;-,', it .tiit.u' in .. ei." k, waiied aii'il .!ay ligM, pMMBIfld h load of bay, fired it, and flncceeded in oirlodgmg bim. Ue was tncd, coudemued, ai.d l*> ".I .iiii'i 1., Mitleied death. "Charlea Doy miuraUd fromBo-heater B KflflflB iu 18.'>4, ihree nombfl after hie father atd D, K. Aathoiy of thia city went out with tbe pioneer party from Boe- ?ou. Ytung Doy Ibe waa then under ag. *i.«ed thiough all ibe more terrible contbete atu.uding ihe eariy eetilemtnt of Lawrence and Douglaa County, and RBBfld Bfl ui.joI ibri.linga .-l.ievem-uti: of lhat little band of beroee who bo an xeaefullv reeiated and repelled lhe iucur-ii.ne of tbe Bnffian ' l.'nivalry.' " The bntory of theee timea Uiai tried men's kouIh ia tn-. fami'iar. ond Ioo ire-l. in tbe memori-H of all to rn|nii>- more tban a paaaing flBBflflb During the flBMiOfl war the Fiee-Sute men aeie ofleu alripped of tbeir honeg and caitle, and household goois; i.ud eo fn qnent becnme theae outregea, that ac leuuth tbey adopted a ayatem of repriattl. The Doye, fa ber and ton. wbo .'.:,d Icst cviirytbing but tbe 'cl.ii.iia' on which they lesiced, of eourae 8nared th^HO adventurefl, and beBM thfl charge of horae ate ding. .' The flA nee for which they were kidnapped and impriaontd at I'latte City and St. Jv*-yh, t*uere for montha they w«-ie uubjected to tbe gro^aest indignitiea that their brutal ciptor-* could invct.t, was tue at- lempted trauaportaUou of thirteen free colored ponvonB, by tne direetioii ot the Town Board of l.awreuce, ln.m tbat city to tbe State of Iowa. The hiatory ai thut anul impntonuitnt tbe trial ai.d Bflqptttfl of Charlea, the conviction and aentence of >.i» fatbor, and bia .nl MOBBBl IflBflBa.M gailant'y BtBOflapUlhfld by a bandof trte Siute meu ir-.m Liiwrenco, under the Uaoerahip of Charlea, ia fumiliar to the readera of the Doy iiturative. " Dr. Doy returned to the Eaafern Stafca, wbere he baaaiiie bflM flBgflgfld in lectnring on tlie bhtlory of Kanflii'. Charle.i. unfortunately, aa we aeo, reniaioed to pto i-ct the family, and haa at laet fallen a v.. tun to tl,. taaattalfl fury ol a brutal, bloodvhanded aaob, 'ITie letter, wl.ii li we quote, etates tbat Bfl ' flullered death .inwhat nianru r in nor described. Am be n.t-.li,-- lodged by 8ett.ni< ttre lo the boine, it iB probable lhat he waa iw, down or ahot in attemptiug to eecape. Eike hia falber, be MM ¦ man of dLtinguiahed bravery. taflfllhrM of wreng, ready in hia renotiT- '¦ea, abd flflrlera in bia meaaurca of re.i-tani-.' and ri-drenfl, While he dciied dtiiKir Iike a hero, he eiidiiud HUll.-iiiig with tbe fortitude ofa unt. yr. Hia privai.- chanirter was irrepioacbable. He wae modest in hia deni*ni,or, BflOBg in bia attichments, generous, ael'-KHi-rititing ta Mhfltf of hiaprinciplea and bia frienda. DflflthflMthfl hindiiit; -.-al of tbe q.ialiiiea of which hia lii'c waa lhe witneae. Ho liea wiidi bia b.oiber, on a 84>il tnrii bed and reeking witb the aacriti.ial blc^d of Ancrican beroes. Tbeir olood ciies fiom tbe groflad, Md though ictaliation be BflUhfl fmt-ia nor Ciirutian, tl e pp rit of iu-ti fl, if not of VflflfljflBMfl, will yet over- tukc liieir murdcrem." A>" Oi d Paikr..Tuetday waa lhe ninelieth birth- J:ty of The Worectter (Ma8«.) Spy, which was com BOMfld in Boaton by Isaiah IbOflBM on the lTtb of July. 1770, uiulei'tbfl Bflflfl of The Mutsaehiiutt* Spy. lt wuk.-'o a.-tivc in bflbflbfof thfl flBOM ..f umt ny BM ,t was i.bnoxions to the Toriea, and during the aeigo of lioaton ita put)li(ation waa auajiended. After a BflflM f about fcur Yvecks, Tlie Bpm WM presenteil to the ¦nbli.- fal WflflBflBBH with tbe inofto." Liberty or lenib." lt ia ii«vv tbe oldc-sl Bew8|iaper iu MuflBuchn- R'tU. Thk IfaMATfl Ifl Foon.-Dr. Bennett, a profeaeor of Kime celtbrity. coni-idera the tomato au Bflflbflhlfl ar- ,ic'e of ii.i i, and aaciibea to if VBlfflM impoi taui med- ctd propertie?. Firat. that the tomato is one of the jioei powtilul upeiienle ol' lhe livtr aud olb.-r organa; wbere calomei is indicated, tt is probably one of the ii'.-i tUettive itii.l Ititetl.iuuili.l nuie. ial ugeuta known o lhe profeaeioi.. Sect^nd, thnt a i-iieii.ical cxlract will >e obtaiuni trom it that will MBflrafldfl the u*e of ca'o- ni-l iu Uio cure flf diseuie. Third, thut hc liua sneetae- ully irealtd diarrbea wiih t'.ia ariicle alone. Foiirtb, hat when utcd aa an aiti.-lo ol di.-t it ia an BBBOA BTflflflajB rcu.t.ly f.r dyaatpata and indigcation. Fifth, bid it Soold be i-onatiii.tly ueed for daiiy Bod, either i-k.-.l or r.iw, or in the form ol cattup; it b tbo moat ¦ealtliy artiile now in n.c. * ^liirbrl*_P.epnrtrd by Telegraph. BiaffnOBB Ji.lt ?'>. .Ki... B flfl let but ateady BewflfllaMflM kidohio ib M. \ViiB4T Mflaflsj Ked fll Via -fl V.. YY UU.- fl waBl B I'..kn dull Yallow ti2«(,4c BTIBflBBBfl Paotiaiofl* v*ij Ina. Ba .>.. tdfflBflBfl BTaiMI ateady aud p.h t aiBBHr. I'ui; IBBLTBU, Julv tfl. Fi.il K qui.t at -f 5 15 forSuperCue. .v iir.AT aarofl; Yvint.-, *1 itmrei tu; Kid, Bl B Coaa »aiitid at i. .r Pbotiiiobb flflB; BflBflB, llfBiao fltiouldara at ,i- ,...i li^liihiiiier YY mi-m .teady Bt 21 nlle. I i.it.i... I,.iv mx . !. i... K ia In modeiate il.-inaiid: tale. of8.li .!.:. .) 4... Mltoi Kitr. State BflM favrite .|..,l,le -itr* City iiatida. Yv iibat ,|Ulrl aud ,.i.,hai:|ed. th .i a,, :t> 1>.«U re tn. t. -l.ir.B., nt l...;i Iry, .,,,.1 demWid for .. l.i g light COBB ia lli.M-f aal, . eailv W.UWI buafl. i.iiiiai.a at 444.4. (, VOu b.iah .1 .. . I :.,.ii,,..Ii J... .1 SB Oi... lit.ii.Kt ..,.i Bn .nii.1,.,1. ( IBAL Pi K't-ltTt hm. an.l l.o.it. .ear.e, I'l.,.,, Me iV iii-Hi ...'.. .,.,1 <"liii Bfl to New-Yoik. Li.. Ibc'iuth, Bbb .t.1.. I!.."ui ln, WO b, ah. YV|:,iit. w.jno bn.li. (oni. i,0)*l baah. )tta. CaKAL Kxri-i.n. l.tflt.f-la Klour, tl.Me bnah YVhHrf. .lb !.. ( wm t>tiip;. ,i t M. ti.-.l. I'JWlbhl. Kl .nr. i,. lulyfl.|.i t^aHv and ln fair de.naud laleicl ,(*(. bbl.. at ti-.i.-i *¦. .. I .r.iiiia.v to .ood ntra Ifii.ia and ,'.,... lor extra li.diana. ()h.,>, aad Yt,. |,i ., ' .' for Donble r-.tra-t. YY i:i: vt dull anJ p.rti.-. auait. -,.).% i,i».i.-.-.l Ui., i..l in :*ir .l.ii.^ii.l, I...I. |...l,i. ,|,,|i .1 nn -1, Toledo ,1 lllfl., :-"i'*> bnah lllln-.l. at Mo. Other n Ina u..n.ln..l WaiBKl In .i th rate denia.i.1. i,V. ..i'l ,1 l.bia. i W4\'. i i>*i h'ut.'. inui. at *oc ou Klour, llji. on iVheat, ai .¦. .1:4 .¦:. N,tt-\*.-rk. Lviiit Imi'.iiit. '-' ni. .bb. Klo. r. I M baah. m h. it. Myflfl buih. Corn ( uu to... Julj fl I p i. I'i .ni. la .1 ill YViiRiT |a ,|Ui. t IBlfl-fll .'I I'i'K!* it (inn tileBOf 71.,.**. bflfl at l.I'Mi;,', n .t.re (11 ra .re atea.lt. Sat aii-Ta-1(1. bbl. Klour, 1 .,000 V- it, B. l.n.li'* ... *>4t, i,..-!; (in.. HflirflBBT* -l.i.i h' .. IV.ir, ll"." buab VV h-at, lll.Mt bn-h. t orn. I,B0>bOtb. Uata, flBfllUBTI ar>- lc lower nn Corn |,i Hill.lo in.HTitiitt.. ¦ .-., N. u -Y mt ie.li.e.1 I.l fflwil pmaallllll ClBl IV t ri, J ¦.!_> W r ">. H <* .lull ...d holtlei. are wtlliug i-IIi-ib. WUIBBI I. .h.ll at I.,-. FuBfl l* q il> l. IIAi .N, :l|u |||,, I,, ,n I. quli I ...ni mu -mj lt.. 4 ,(... ai" Ci ...iu, . Ibflallaafl mm*mm,Jbtott l MBfl Bflflflj ii-'i,;;. Obb hai .'1.B..I bu.b. I'orn, b.tYd bnah UaU, 34.171 buab. \\ u.-*i, tt plflB Pitohioi.. Npkt. Laid, M'pk,.. YYnUky ntmiiitD. LOt-mi8^WORTHIMOTOf.-4>B w,dn#ed»y, J-|y 11, at Clirl.t fhorrh, l.y thr Bev O. H. fVanfleWI D , Ceaulee ». Looa.U to Bia* Mary VV.-.UI. gt,u, all »f tW eity. Exerorr, Pa , lery ft, 1*5C To tk* Kdtlm of Tke S. V. Trtoim*. 8'.; 1'.raaa '.naeittbe following marrlaejee, whV-b look pl--*) .> . pic ola: pany, by Ute Btt B. Saatlor. Paaawylvaala BBBB. r1"" ".p» Y*ur. trnlv, ( IUR<4 If HINTtlN Bir Henry KrJler to Mie. T:n>- NlrhoUa Mr Oeo Xt. Oherff tc Mlaa aaae T.yl i, Mr Eflw.rtt BVtta to Mla* Baaana rarrall, Mr. ( karlafl 4 hl ry to MUe Bfltn M1 il-r ' Mfltflhj BLACK.On PHalev Jaly Bfl, Prask Oraham, yoaxra** toaot Joarpk *...i J.itr Btack. aamd 1 teav 8 auoutb* aod li .U.a Tlie lalatlvr* and f.Ua.d. tf tae f.-rlly*.* lafljaaakflj u nU**A hia fiii.rral fmu. tke rr.i___Ui.tl of h.» parai.ia Ne. 114 W-*e 1 birt> third itn-rt. oa Hat rday. July 71 u I a/cleek p m. Bdr-SHARD-At Hobokea, en Prldey, Jaly *). Y.'au.a, Weat -l.nil.tr' ni J.iir. Heary and Reirna Hoaahard. mt*A 1 mo,, bt Tle friend. of tha fatrr.iiy *re rr»pr<tf..lly invttad lo et»ia<4 tS_a funrral Irem the.caid.Bfro of hir lafl/eiiU No 184 Aulu^. at.rat, il.,i - k-u. ".¦ i.t.dr.;, j ..y 21, at 4 a'elaflk a ra. * without fo.IJ.ri l.i.iUtlon. r" ' CLBTKI.ABP la Jerwy rftr. en FHday.Jolytfl, « 8 yrl«a* p ui.. Joarpk l/imn. -.id- at ebild of (lrr.tr. and imae tL, ( livrlftnd, .frd .'.yeara .nd *> rnontb.. Tbr r-lelive. and frirnd* vf Uir faoilly are Irirlu-d te xttrad tha fmrral Irom the .r.lda-ntr-a, ef hifl parrr tfl, No. OM vVayaa fltn-rt, Irrary (i.y, afl er-uday tde Od ln»t, at 1 t/ilotk p m* Thr ra-n flim will br taken to Orrrawood Cemetery, KOl LKK8.In thifl city, oo Thuraday cnorninf, Jaly **, r nav.ru Yo t** az-d -4 a -tit GRFF.NOIOH.On VVediveetlay. Jaly II, tt Birkflhire Hpriaee. drrat Karrin^ton, Mm.., Jere , {ah J.j (irernouxb of Uu. cktf. in tbe : '.( year 88 hia n* III. M- u.l. Bad Ikaat flt- i. brothrr, Waltrr -"rrr-niitb, (ed bifl ¦aibflB-Bfl law Mia C Hm. a/e rr*r>-< rr^lly l.aailr.1 taia.aV*4 BM t'.i.i'.al ibia i_uui.,ina at ilil ..'. lo. k* in -*<boH taitutt iivit.tion. ,'rom No. Iflfl W--at 1'aeo'y tbird .treart. MAYK1.L-Oi Thuraday, July l-r, Ljuia IV., wife tt JolflB M »j eli. ia the 5' tn mi of hir age. Tbo r- lativ- . e..d fn*uit of tlie V..i,y are r-apa-a-tf-alty kivltnd |a the fi.urial Irou. hrr liu.- rrarldrnre, Bo itt W«et Vo*tf-netm at:. tt, on aunaay, iid inat., at t p. <*.., wtthoait fiir8her larita. BBO. WALI,ORV-In thi* t-lty, on Tb-ir-aday, J ily 19, aged 45 j,utt Jobn MallTy SY.fi*i.T Un Krial.iv, Jaly 20, Cbark-*, Ufai-t tottot NaUn* nnd Mary O. Nrahlt Thr rria'i.r. ano frl.-r.d. ot* t'nr family »te ratree'ted to flBBBal tb- funer.l to-ruorro-av .aiiirt.ji a ti rsoou at I e-cJeefc, froaa No. IM \\ rat Thirty liltli aira-l, avi'botit fuiiher u-.lia.e- Sd.MK.RVII.I.K- itt Brnreii, N I , o.i Ti n-adry, Joly 1:< Joba ftomervfllH tg'dtx ftttt Thr rrlMivr. and trirn-l. of tbe fam'ly arr rr«n~-tr\_illy farvHed aa att.iid hii f.i.erj) lr in thr r-.i4-i,r- nf T.i. b.ott er, J.mea fit iirr- liie, in Kiihty aixth tt.e-t, r.r.r iicdUon Rlvi-r, tbia day (Setn.iUy). 11*( ln.'.. «t '¦< oVleel p. m. Car-iaaefl wili bfl) ln wir'to e, to on-.-a-y tnenda. at tae iromer of Broadway avn4 Tlii. t. -.. ...i "t-ri. t.i I' p. Itl. ShK*.KON-In Brooklyn, on Ihi.ra-i.y, J.ily 19 floddeuly, .M r. ar-1 yflXBBfflflt daOajhtrr of J .lm aod I. abvlla Shaaaro... SHK.RVa IN-/.. tbi. -ity on Thi-auiy. Joly 19, aaddaiuly. ei .poplrxy, John V. Shrratln, aged 34 y-tvi. Paaaernajera Ari-tveal In iteamthip Africa, from Lirerpoul.Mr and Mr. D-rWitt, Mr. ( ..l,.n Co..:.(a-. !)r Mor.e Mra Kloslr and rblkl, Mr. Uf ri.r t i.nrsi Mr«. I.'xiy, hav air. acd Mr. btovui tw« Miean. Ceben, MkBMM Cauipiou, (.'baiuier. tit. aad Ut* ht. tirakxa ai.d ¦¦!¦' .1 Mr and Mn Lowryaud'hild. J K v ... Majir Bann.-il, lirah.m, Mmair», fi. M. Prj«>r, Noirl..U. Hen, Kitl..-y, Prn-U, tttttt P-anle tavajMi'i-.aiir.iiiiii, (j,trr-!I, UultairuiBu, Barlo »# Filtli, r.-l.ri. Mr l.on.iiiirr, irM d and r i.e, I.t. Col Trav-ra, 4ii.ir.tr, Tho.. B.rbonr, J B. ( ronin P- r* h, Keniprr, SoJj'-k. lii.! i Uaali lr ar.. Hart, Hart U Ifa->ir|a| ir* T Bweeaey mau av.--it MImt. To-nliiul, Jonra, Mr* fai>nbnllaed BBbbJ 8 anl J. Ji- I.- Mi I,. tu ii- lady tud i.'d Turnboll ar4 brothrr, f fl BbtahflB. Tm. H«ywtrd. Cathra. fl. Y Ri_gja W*rd T. OaBJafl, (ivnaiid, Dt. Wid.lir.J W. Ht*-llii;e, J rf. B*vt* VV. H. Uavy and friend. K -t. li.ioot. J. A Bl.-., J. IV UU, BBaBflfla ba-iner, E. Hrrfurtb, Paraer Barh>lrni-w l,on»-r itekton. H A. Stonr. Brrnard. Dirrcht, Brown, Poolry, Suvrn. maii offi -a-r, Bari'.i-tt, Itml, 'lari-id -, E. ra. Littlowood, UxitL... Eli, liui.iflng, Oeakaiyn, Parkajr'. inao aervaat, ln ,htp MaujUvr*. jr-:m Peru and TaJ.ahuanA--Mr and Mr*. W. W. K.am. and Iwo artn.dreo, Mr. and Mn. B. Bofrri «a4 child. v -r i -:b tia-t,.. Hun-Kitet.... 1:4b it-u. :.:* Motja-.-' -U... 9.14 M|a.H WITflB THIa Olf. Sauiy Hook.. ID 00 Unv l.laaal... lu:90 HtU Irtla.tttt MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OP .Nfc.V-yoKJi.Jctr JO CltMireaJ. ¦bBBBBflftafa.Ola-igow, Thonip*ou, Liv-rpool, Joha O Dalrj Pnlton, Wotton. llt-.tr. N.w Yoik aiid Havre Bteflxnflbip ('« | haxi ax Bruwulraa, Nflasau. t'.. 4 unaid. Pbipa-Laila Rrokh. K- -t Bn.tol. Y.rx. J. VV. ElweB k Ce.f J. S. P.r-oiia. Scott N-w Orlean., N. H. Bnxham HoothrrDrr, Souln, London, Nraoiiih k !S.,i,«, J. S B..g-rt, Covil, Uivre, Baivd V. H.-in :krn. I'.ii.ibi-rUnd. Mi-rrlll. Livrrpoel Neauailh k Scila. haik»- E.fle. HixaT. I'uraroa fi W. Lewi. k Ca .11. V«Q Hr.bfltit (blrinan-.-. London, K f-iH-- Mirj L : U, (Jibb«. Rr-.-hi I.-. Arnod lt Toarnaix. Hriifl-Fxprrinirnt. Bnerrt), Rii-bmond N Brigrt; B. Hai^tt, Jobnron. St l»sr-\ Mal'rra-ly, Mn't k Co. Biliimore Pottrr, \\ niiiiniToD Alpinr klliinfln. .Matai.xa. K. P Hjrk k'"-o. M. P<-t Bobii.aoL, A.pn.wflll, Moore k Henry CyfOet, Jrlrrflun, MaOBfl, B>a.(rr. Bebeeaa .-.-(). II. Fne.a, ni|» Elrotherai B. M. Hawkiae, S.»ord, tharlrrton, Mr. r-a.ly. M'-tt fc r«. it Bfll., L. rd, Loaado, Jan.ei Biflhop 3 Co 9 Klmore Swith, Baltl.noi-r, M.ii k Atih.lt, Peail, W.taaaiitB. eraatt., J IH Buith lt, I'o.: Bri'l.h Qneet. J«b--iaiin. N»..flri, mr«ter, J. C. 1-n.-a, BraJ-ll, Norfolk, J Ran.lall Waita, lamal a; Loeiflviile, Taylor, m. Jubn. 81oop-Bl.cki.ton>-, Allen, Ilrlxtol, maater. . B...IHB1 Iiamb.l. Johnsou, PhUadi-ij.liatv, f Peraia. Arriveaj. St. .mahip Afrira, Shannon, Liverpool Ja!y 7, aiad Qtie- n.' vtn ..th ia,,,ar ki-,.1 ;,.-. t.. K Canaral. July n in t'ie ..-riaonrl p«-.ed_l O. Lar jdon. br ind W.. aame d.y. Nlafara for Llverp-aol, l-*tb, 2io ii ile. Ba < I' tl.e Hook. paawd Penia, booem tot Lla-rri-r-al. SteanaahiD Kl. riala, (irowa-II Savannaii, nid*e. and pflflfl. ti B. L. Mitehill k Son. Sleaiu.liip PaUpwre, Vail, PorlUnd, nular. and pae* te H. B. Cromwrl) li Co. Btraniflhlp Montieello. Moiiey, Airxandrla, Be., mdae.and p«aM. tO II B. (liil'itarlU Co. Pt.-aciahip I.m-ii.t Potat, FreBch, Baltimore mtba. ttyi put. lt 11 B. Cromwell lt 4 o. fi.raniai ip Nn.titillr. M-irr-v ( harlrjton, rrdflr. and pae*. Spollord lilrattnnk Co. Ship J. S. U.w.iif(Br.,of St. Jnhn, N B ), Bratlahxw, Livrr- pool 4(1 d.y. i-..»l atrdrr Jnly 15, orT Nantorket fihotl, mtt ata--<Ti.a.l.ii ¦ Adriatt.'. snd (tUafow, h.-n.-i- honnd>K. Sh'p M-iyrJower (of Boitoni, Chatheld, Taltal. Pero.'ltBrxbHI, and 1»|i-ah'i,i.no Ap.il iti wool and copper ore to uawter. li.ik Exprraa, isunbrrry, Havan* 12 daya augar 14 P, V. Kinf k Co. Ia at anc-htr-r irr. the Lower Qiaxxntine B.k K.iaawha. Jone.. (Jree»port2 day.. ln balla*t to niaetrr. Brig Roaeway Bell- («r ), C-'lr, Kajardo P. R Jnly J. auisr aud moiaaflei to \*t*blefc Reynal. July 1* la*. 88 18. Ion. 71 47, tp ke ti*rk Oaa. (irn ... Bparrow, I'ron Hi4.ii for Mobile. Brig Adrle (of Cb irlr.ton), H*ye., Cardena* II diya, tafti 16 maater. Bclir Elixabeth. lirr.-nlow, Calai. 9 daya, lumber to Siuipeoa k Ma - Ma Mobile. Howrfl. IU..... 12 day., (ugfli to T-rry tV De la Tone. ]. at ain li-ir Ifl tlie Lflfflfl. Uuaiantine 8rhr. Herndoe, Uaa.ell VVa*biiigton, N. C 9 day*, nr-.val .tor.-r to Brown fc Do Roautt. Ki-hr. Mail. Brttton. Viririnia. wood. lefct. fi*+ Mark, Jubii.o... N-w London i d.y.. S- hr. Jonatbaia Cold 11(11, Portland 2 day a. »ton*. Bebr, oiiv, r Sp. lm iti. WaehinB f'rn\idt-nje ;cr Albaxay. Bear. Cbot. tUat Kall Rive. 2d.>. Bebr, Drtflpliou. Suii.l. Providr.ic 2 day*. S. hr. \ K. Doigla. S..dn.ler., Provialeoa-r for Port F,«. n Bebr. Tilli.- K... Kabbat. l.'lghrtu, roal tor P..Ual»x-ep»l. Bcbt T M Mt'l-r. Mil'rr. P-rtlaii.t 2 day- .tone. Bebr, l.ia henry I'.lnian d.v. l.mbrrtoO. roardman. Bebr Abrnlra, M*.!.. ii Reatl-ttt coO <it Boaton Slraiurr Potouiika. Nvr, New-BedfajrJ, md«a. andpaM. to Jefl. Ilaa. etf-air.er Kennebec. Johnaon Pblladelphia aad Cape May, B<J»r. md pa.a. tn Y P.-rkln.. Stramer Vuiaren, Morruon, Philada'.pbia, mdae. to J. fc N. Mflfla, Btv.mer P. T. IU.-', 8i.Idell, Philadel.ihia, mdfle. lo J fc N. Brig.fl. Stramer Briatol, Allen, Pbilfldrlpiiia, mdae. to Loper 1 Klrfc* Mtil k. Btt «mrr Ann tlua, Robi-iton, Ph-ladelphia. mdee. to Loaar tk Klrkpfltiick Slramer Pelicai.. Ai.llch Provldr.ice. mdae. to laaao O.leJ. aStramrr Oapray, Kenuy. Pr>»i-irnc«. mdae. to laaao Oaeli. f-AII.Kl»-Ptt-.niabip lioldeu KU-ece, Oalway. N IND. 8iii.*rt, 8 aety llfi.t Tbr -l.i|i J T V. ard i-pnrtrd ba-low ln Kil.lay niorni 8 I*>|r-rfl ¦ pi..! 11 Iv the J B, Urwi.lf. lim'a- »rr. Tl.r hark Lu. j E. A.hav (now) A'liby. be.Kre for Hout Kouf ind Sliaiiglaai K.-b. ~, aaaa Bed at Anji-r April 8*1, ail well By li «mpl. inabl l-O^u.ld vraa SANDY HOOK, l.ily 20. *.iii..-t -S.r.m.blp Oold*.. Plaaaeaa, "rdiiluay .¦'. .r»,| »h- H.r «t '* 22. No inwa'H-ooui.d vr.aeUufl ilf.t \\l.,il ii,...l-r... fteea tba 8 »--tl." h..v ort .hiie BIOHLiBDi, J ily Hi, .unreL-No veaael. ln aigbt, b -und ln. IVI.ao fi K. ngb', u-flther fi*tt. NORKOLK J. ly 20 -Arr «hip Volsnt frcm. Sootktn.l, witk .o.i. AlKXANDllIA, I ily 20..Arr. bark Kaatern IJtir, ttoiu Bon* aaaa, wlth goano. m Hlt.l-llia, la, Tl.a NtriK-BKia, Duin IttttC.BBBIIbQ,CbBB.CflBflflB 'e» Kri-tfl J.a'v 18, vbaaofl K u- 1.1a. d, wa.ru»ioto by at. aahaaeJO ia ho- r.t r J..HI,- bat ..alJe.-ali'.r danug The at-hoona. kM h-c )t w-pilt. ha-1.*.t-r .tnit-d and wa. leakfi.g r>e-lv. T'ie l». ..aii l wa. luwrtl I-iu k t.> iiit- ily ior i.-pairt, aiid uow lay. a| I'irr N.>.21.**.ortti It... ¦¦ " im NEW-YORK «r.d ERIE RAILROAD.. DI'NKIRK F.XPRrgS .tta at for Duukl/k lofaJo, i>naiuliii.ia «a,d prtiarinal Starlon*. MAII. at il-lS* in.fan D't.iktrk and totermedlaie 8-*tloaa» Pbi. Train reniaiua over nulu at Bimira. . v\ AV Btiiflia. BL.forbttittt'etovrn. New barib, flnd BbBbbOBBX it* -- » ntOHT KXPRE8B d.n>. al J p. aa., for Ooaklra, Bi falo, Bui.ndaigaa.and prinolpa! Blationa. Vheualn of BaluraiaJ'44oaa Btii mail train itatiou*. aad run* only to Elailra. Ci.Afl M1NOT. 4»»fl4aiai "..»»>_, phMKAi. KAIIKOAIJ oT SErt-JElL^KT. \J Kn-o. fo.1 of Coo. laU.dt-.t.-Co...e,-llii| »4 H*"'"1^3 J ^ Ion wlth DeUtvare. Lt.-kawajiaa flnJ .Vta^era RailToaJ. aad flfl C**'e,. with L-blgh -t'loy lUilroad ai.d Ita cotuveoUoaa. BUMMKB AKii\Nt,*-.MEMT-CViiii>flai«tai BUJ 3b, .aiaj.- L'teve Neav York a.'oil, wa: , m -x, . rt,.«. lU»Mi.Hi-Hai ExrKBr.-Alla.at. for E.aton, aUaaJlBg. n»f _4.«t*u.f, Ma.it-aS Chrak «.« ... ,,_a Mau Taa.B-At Ua.Lv EbMob. \\ ttet Qtp, tttntea, 3rv.t Be.i.l. Plttaton, t\ Itk-.harre, ke. a~Mna. II a. T.H...I-..H Titir. Eor Eaxton, MauobCAima, 3>adln«. fjtuvillf, HarrUbi.rg, ko. ________________¦ ».. i. 4 t a. Taamaa Tiwts-Eci EaiUa, Alleuloera. atfluea. ^kr^Vt At fham f « ¦». Wl. a* lnt^eaiUU4totloi1a. KinnstT.ii-i rt<H luaaifl"" r 1 I' Kl -- 1 k l ^* rt'H 11 a-«r'-"- »*" Iteifl.Ba.B^ffflt. rralu Irea. Nr.^\a^rt^p"rSt: _>ur.*t 13:441, 1.001., -. time to eonae-l wl»h tiBlu. flurr- -*^e- ,.L <V..tr.l R.H., .... aod B e.l. N -tfc.nl Cfl«trfl-. ...?*> auaitli ai.J wlth Cuuila. rUi.d W.ajK.14. ^ La.ia Nb-v-Vi.bb rH.n. Pxt Na. I N B BtT BO aniU n a a .'.J i ** p ut tm K*.t -u »oJ interuirdlau atattv-iia, aaal al Itfln m. laMatoa.»lv!le«B^intrlTiev4ut»jtotio>tfl- I.JV p lt, ima ,6li>( 0 mxn^Sk, ttt

NNBn. taS Uiiivcrai'y · 2017. 12. 13. · e Tbenewrnle 4,f Mt. Keai«Jy ia Hkelyto poveof vaat*d»M'*ge»t.be4v»oB*) ofgoodovder. ToeBflkfl ¦MB*wMhen i-r--. raiely vt.ii t o p«sr-

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Page 1: NNBn. taS Uiiivcrai'y · 2017. 12. 13. · e Tbenewrnle 4,f Mt. Keai«Jy ia Hkelyto poveof vaat*d»M'*ge»t.be4v»oB*) ofgoodovder. ToeBflkfl ¦MB*wMhen i-r--. raiely vt.ii t o p«sr-


Tbe new rnle 4,f Mt. Keai«Jy ia Hkely to pove ofvaat *d»M'*ge »t.be 4v»oB*) of good ovder. Toe Bflkfl¦MB*wMhen i-r--. raiely vt.ii t o p«sr-<.iii< *>'>.n

ihflj ar ea * d i -to Owi l. out Wt ibflfl go (m a b. ibe of

$5oi $10 *iil..ow bavetosviue ju-i wbat MflflM >fth*..- pifaoaflM. Ma,n*ir«t a wm **>'* ot." jk. plo ar-

re.ted on vari -ue charge., wiri flflfl ey, will nuw

bave to be more cuef.il, and tbe pabbc at large ha

bow the aflorunoc that the majority of tb* cul, '*

taken inM flflflBflBf will be dealt with according B .


Closing op a Cqlorjcd leaaaa. TW^ rolot6d

mbool in Lfturfeue atreet, bttween Oraad M ^ UroomeWM cl«**d yeeterday wua apprspriate sr^im^ mthe piewnce of tbo City hpflUBflfldoaB, Mf ^ ja,^ud a bom* fall of spectatore. Tbe ^^j 'ia ^biiibeacbieaof llt) girle' dck)*rimcn- ^ ^ 9aajugmm\ii, aatic the whole mu >ol waa -aiip. rior ^ mott .f tnt.

pohtie icboolfl; ef drawing* ttw* m)p fc, A^^rimetit imdeaa fiee a difltday aa can be iuad* _ ^ dapartmeni intb« city. Tb« graatoa*. mv>tr*i j,'u ^aaifeated ia ibflBMllnre ol Uie Bt-nool hy V u% y mKu{e wuj fneude of thefflpile. Thty yitsked yie. t>i ^ijdiflp ta apiie of Ibfl bflBIef tbe d:y.SlBBTBBBIB Wae zi RxriaiiiAN HflBMBB. A

nweUttg of lhe youu/ ^ \o eu tt tho Niueleeuta Ward w;ut

held at tne Park Cc Atuj^e, eoruer ot Seveaty firat etreetand Third avanue. .uu 'iVVneeday evening, for tne pir-poee of orgaLirin / ..ha Young Men 8 Lim vlu aod 11am-ba Clob ol tbe Niuetecmh Ward. Tbe proeeetiini'-*were cbaraete'' red my grea-. tu a-.imi'y, and the followiag £eiitkuieu -were ehjeted as offioeia: Prefl'iden', JohnW an-e: Vice- "ret.ident*, Wm. H. Ht-bbflud aud GeoW Van Hn/rt; 8ecretariea, A. Coopei and BobertI'fill. Trea.uier, Geo. J. Gregory. Couaidetable .»-

I Aint-iuMn /U-evailod, and lhe Cl.ib adjourm «1 to meet ou

%'bnrtdvj *foDing of next weofl*

A MKTEOR.IJo OA* Sittor oj tMoM. I. frtbun*.

fiiB: Sitiiogou tht roof of my residenco this even-

fc^, with * perty ef ladie. and gesitlemen, I waa fortunet*

Btoufh to witDet. the pa..aje of a iiteteorif body thr->u^h tfc,-

Boavcna aucii a* haa not beeu aeen in a rreat many yeara The

Bai* waa B:*fl, aiid about a mint.t" wa. oec npied in tbe pa.aaseaf tbe briiii*nt ohj-et. It atarted in tae ea»t, and took a coune

floe weat Beior* getting fairly ondcr way, it went thro.igb b va.

riBy oi cktBiee, hke a BBM of bre-worts. When on il* BflflflB-B left behind a brill-.dnt train, about one eightli of a mile in

leufllh. A* near ai 1 could Judge lt dinapp4ared flflflBBWhlM intbe aadrhborhood of the Bowery snd Orand atreet 'Ih* M MBMaeeie atudded with .Ur., and the d»rkne». waa relieved by aii

.reational tla.h ot linhtninz in the aoath wett. The highe.1 »t-

titude it atuined, .. netr a« I ,-ouid jud?e, wae abont a qoarter.f a mile Upon eomulting the thtrtnometer a fe w minj,¦- aflerI fo.ii* it marked B KDYV'AKD L. OILb.Ao. Ml huiton ttrttt, July 20, littit.


FiTtt. A(4 idfnt..Coroner Mnrphy held aii in-

qneat ytelerday ou the l>ody of a man named JohnDou^hty MbMfl death wa^ OBBBfld by hi8beiai.'crura(.dbetae.-'j the lioe of a ligtiter yiog at the fjfl ol SouthNinib atreet, E. D , aud the pier. He bdd diopp-d a

piece of rope into tne water. and in reacluiig over tbeaitle of tlc huti io eec.ii.- it, the v-.-a.-l wa" orou^atinto tudden colliaivn witb the pier by the union of thewav< e. iTiiBhiug the unft rtunale man and killing himiiidiamiy. Doughty waa a ua ive ol Caldw. II., N. Y.Ue feaves a widow aud two childrcn.


Kir.HTH WiRi) Lim'oln Cn b..The ltepublicaneof the Eighth Wiird met yn Tbandaj eveiing, attdorgaiii/ed ihe Eii.cln Club hy the ele-.ti-n ot H^ury tk*K«nt Pieeideui; Jamta A. Vau Bruut uud Wm. A.Frnr Vn-e-Preridente; and John if. Adame aad Jo*ephColfir Secrcuries. S<.me Lur Baadlfld BflfflhHBMvoiera were m atteaaame Tlie Club ie to meet

wetikly uiiUl tlei tiou.?

Thk Taxe? for lMtil.. The Joint Board of Alder-men ana Superviaors met in the OflflBMM OOBBfllCcamler y c j*.. rday afternoon, for the parposc of ILxlugtbe amount of ta.xo* nt>c.ctMary to be raiaed foi tlieCity Government in 1WI. The cbair was ocv-npiod bySuj*r»iaor CroweU. The Rpecial CMBMMBfl on tbe

*al'j. ex r. j.oi.td lhe fabflwfag eBtiui.tt«a, reduced Blolala:Eor iuleiett ou tity l"*n*. *31,318 86Eor piii.cii*! ol cty It-ai.a. I(i2,tl2 9dFor priicipaj auu intereat oucertificatoa. 7. 41.1 i'iPoraalariea. BBfl MVoi F«.1m> y-rpmo,. M7.4M MYot St-hovl poipoMia. 10Forg-ner.l purpow*. 147,*K) UOfor il.ai.iui a.iet*. Ite. 47,876 00UrhtiutmetU, tc. 107 5i» 11)Kue D.piitiueut, VV.D. flflfl <1>lu. 1).pBrta.1 nt, E. 1). ».li7.'i 00Ptre pttriioa*. generally. i.bV lt'

F'aen aia'jc-mt-iit vva-e Bejwrately eonaidered. Tnejfixsl wm adopted. Tbe eecoud waa laid over. Tuethird was adopted. The foorth w*a la.il flflar. Tbefifth wae car led, and a motion B add * 10,000 to theeixtb, lor ihe pnrjKweof purcba-ing bflobfl for the chil-dren of the public echools, was adopted. Tne rcsoiu-tiou iiaelf aaa referred to tbe Cmiuselor for hie opinionbm to the legality cf increaaing the achool fnnd. Anatlcmpt wae aiao made toraiae ealaries, bat the matter

waa aaid ever until next meeting. The lioard ad-

jonrned till next Wednenday at 1 o'cl.K-k y. m.t

KINOS COCNTV OOUBT OK 8K.SSKl.NS-1, i 30-BeforeJudge (iAKRlaox and JaaflMfl SnLWBU.flBiBfBTBflfl.

Joa pn Medesou, tried lor car.y ing a aluiig-nho., vv i>

-u qulti. d, and pleaded ;uilty to oaaaJlt aai lattfliy aa kmmthm«n*.ciu*id, whereup.jn b^ >»a. aeuien-.-ed to the Peaitentiary f')iata nii.n ha.

Alaik M, Lauthhn, a boy U yea.a olJ, indi, teil lo- .-.arryiiif a

alung .hot. pleaded guilty to ut-au.'t a:id batlcry. Hewaabued. I... wl.ich waa paid.Heni j Leli-vre pl, acled guilty to aaaa ilting an oflii.«r, aud wo.

flned *l.i.Thoinat Deuiton and Tbomm Mt-('iven were ..">!.-.i.-.tcd ol a

flUrilar "fltnte Tlie hr-t aaa liu-d *7 aiiil the UtflB BMCbriatian Aaker, iliited lor burilary iu tln th::c d «n

Fle*ded guilty to i>et,t larc-t.v. Beatflneed flefairefl, und tlieCoi.lt edjouriied till Tuei*lay next.

leCBBDIABT Firi..About lOoMo, k ou Th.irediiylililht a bre waa diiKSOvend in a row o' tt*i,l.-a bel-..,<it,K to ll.-%V ijiiani.burgb (>aa coinjuiiy, at the I'Ot of ."Nortn r.l.v.iitb.treel B. I) it .,..i VI^ .iii.n...i.;, ,i 11>. -. ti..-!. b*j .iit'ig,bi-loLging to Mr. J L. WelarB. Tne pr.-.,ti«.t were all dea-troyd. Laaa aadnatfll at BflB; "° l.nrano* Tbe n.-e *a thevroikofau iucendiury.


Tbe Board met ou Friday afternoon in tbe chamberof tbe Board uf JJdflTMtw. Mr. Jobbs, lhe Pltki i.-nt,

occupit-d the cbair.Bv reeoloiion of Mr. Vv\ Wai r. t'e N,-w-York

Preacbere' Aesociation wua authonzed to araM a tentin Jatk-on a*iuare during ibfl .Stimaiti tx^jtuut. lor tbeDlllj uov Ol' bol-jiug religiolia flOTI iefl llieielll.Wm. Ptafl flBfl iu a prflfflflWM to grooro tbe Buts

paveu.. nt. by mtaua ol au ispn.vcd machiafl, a'. ¦ io^tol fll per Mjuaie yam. He pfflfflflM lo gfOOflfltMMoike fliagMBlIy aud ui ngnt aagfla. Kafaned u. ib--Couimi'.'je*.- on Stn-ola.Mr. D».i ker olliied a reeolution lo give porflflBofl

lo the Thud-aveuue itailroad Company to lay r.nla in

l)t.e-hundred-ai.d-ihirtuth atreet, between Tuinl and¥. -tiith avenuoa.Tbe Buaid concniTed to adopt the rejeic ol Ibfl

t> mmit *-e iu f*voi of i. <ikn,j/ an addilionul apjiropri-ation for the current year. Tbe amount aeked by tbeControlcr nu, $*b'.^W.A (omaiUi.KiU.ii WM reteived from tbe C'liiroller

in compliance w.tn a reo>lution pa."d a'. t-ie la-' aoe

ing. it uppearwl Irom ibe dflflBBMt thfl thediiOuret-u.ti.t* for d'flOieg ibe aMBfla da.im,' ibe lirat aixmontl-8 lu IBS0 vva= |10!*,WH .'*, '¦'--d uurin^ tbe MflM|M:rKd..f time iu Uie pree-nl JflflT |17U,7M M. 'fheitiooui.t actuaily ex|xiid. d tor MflMt fllaaaaflg lor UbJiiBiflix mouiii ta IHIW waa4H-'*i».41<) W, .4ii>. ifl l"".(i

^18^,10.' '>'. The |m|t.-r wan oruered lo Oc pri.-ed.The Coiitrolb Man* aittad tbe weekly rotariB of ihe

City Cbauibcila-ii aod Connty Treaflarer.T,.i- MIoiHiiglahbiflbowi th. receipMand payroeata

iliiing thfl vitcl., and U.e .'^uiiic.- at lhe aMMfld tne

week:Ilai«u.i>liiT.e«*ur» Jnly 12.*]Uc«i|A* liom bi, lo.i.-i t Cur.ug the aeak.>

Toui.*:rMMBM. «M« "

Balai-f Jn'y M.*'.¦Tbo pi.per wae ..rd( red on iile.Ih( Coii'rolhr, in reply toa reeolution atating tba'.

tlie eify by ibfl flflfl aaBBfld 'ta tenur-, haa Bfl ftftPtmMBflflM il« Ka'tny u. baaflfldftii ferryporpeflflfl;ihutaoawooMthada»er been reeeirod foi whaifjig*,Aid thal lie wonld ffbort'y commencj vig .ion* ell .rt*

io prcaecuie aii panfafl who have tuiroa< '.ed uj.ou tba

TbeTorporarion < «.ui:m1 aent i'i a e*.i

aUt'ifiK tb.it ui hia opinion tlie pn »< ul pr..- th e ol eleaa-

.i.ir tt/c M v.aa in YioUuoi. oi tho Chanar, iiMMBMdflMBbf OMMflfl ». MMfl mtm BlMMflto ii"' Commit'fe on Cleaning Btree'a.

Tb* Uttrd O'ljourne*! to ueat 'Jutatiay.


THEBLn:S0F6AV.\NNBn.. ;..,-, of Nev-York bc

Tbtre waa a «ood plflflM yIf - .

* ... th« iater*<!(uoo o« tv.o**!retMoay afteni.n.n at tbe i«'

taS and OflBBJ at.ect. Tba.o MBB iM* aud

« fbUing ttar. Tbe JKB»«, raebiLg into tne

black vault of Boetou eblivion (aoder tbe eecork

of aeveral military eompaniee, the full partkoWlofBbich are aff-'drd in floofef part of tbi? Fap-r),croeied the orbit of t ie Kepublican Blats, blariug aptou-ttoaihui ibe Lafa.ge Jlotiae. Tha phJoe-pher,afcaiflflbfl the atiuie, flflBU w>t refrnit., from ihinkiughow aometh'n g alwaya happen*. and how exactly tne

law of conapenaauoti ia adniiutt <r«d lo lhe pe-'ple ofthi* grtat aud bteadily-increashtg city. If to the re-

treatmg footetepn of the Cn'ieago Cadeta ibe heirt eftbe inliabitant reajionds beavily and ri-tly; if lhe ttrana

ol Uieit munketB fadrng in tbe dii-taut Bnmd *Ay leaveatbat part of bia body q*ite daik, and in apLiinlifflvoicebe BBBBBBj turoicgto tho Great Ewt«rn andfitKlii.g iiutbing ia it, and to Mr. Heenan aud bebold-

taf be ie not around bo mueb aa he waa, and re-

BembeTii'g the Japs far away M the green, greeu nea

.he murmure, " eoch ie ble I Give me my alippen Ihark ! and see I It ia the voice of the Dodaorth, tbe

giaudafl of thema'! And yonder, regular and bril-hait, turning ronnd Chambera itwt into tre omni-

bartling Uiorooghfaie, are tne admiraole City Gctud,Mdtbfl BflflBblfaM Blnea immediately behind tbem,prtctdtd by the eecond band of the tin* Dod worth.So the cop of life receivee another lamp of aagar. Ex-

Lstcncc is atill dcriruble. Tne Zooavea aro gone, butwe have tiOl the Biues IThe City Gna.d weie called to tlieir beadquarteiaat

No. 0o4 Broadway, at 3 o'elock, of the aftv-rnom. Althat honr ab<>nt fifty handaome nnd warlik-, althonghperapinng, g.-ntlemen forn.ed line iu the annory.wbere ia the dumroy cannon tbat has been ueed mdnl ing for tbe bmllery pr&etice, which wae ao buccom

fol B b'ori llamilton on WedneetUy bwt. Tney were

in 'Le elegaiit company nniform, turnioanted with tbel'oiar lie, which ia Bfl eo heavy aa it eeema. WitnDudworib'B aca.li-t buml, tbey lellthe juaitereat ha.il-

paat 3 o'elock, and went througo Broudeay, Canal,Weat Broadway, and Frankliu atreetu, to the foot of

North Moore etrcet, Capt. HflBfllflld Lovel in com-

mand, attracting aa niucn auenuon aa Ne*-York ie

OflfflBlfl of beetowing ou a niidsumaier day.Tl.e aieamooat Salelhte bad been di*pat. hod from

this pier at Lalf past 1 o'elock. witn u delegitioa oftheGnaid, abaiid, ar.d acolbttion, to meet tbe steamer

Hoii'laaud tbe giieate of tbe compaoy. Tney Wei-e

tMBBfBiad from the greaterto tbo Iflflfljfl ves^vl, anda'.eamed al)4.iit lown, taking a look at, tbe Grwat Ea*t-trn, and otuci Iktle thing*; and tt.ey approa.'hed the

wl.a.-1'by water juet ae their eecort had leached it bylaud.Tbe Guard, with pnrpled and p-irling face*, were

dra-.vn up in donble line on the truck-encambered pie.%und petple flfllflBfli uboat them on ihe l.iatimr audatone pilea aud near boats. Tbere were al oue liuiemoie than four ladiea on the apot, and the.r presemeltut grtat animation to the ssene. Tne crowd did not

get btyond tln- hundreda.Aa lhe Salellite drew near, a braas cannon epoke

deafening woid« of welcoroe.eitfhteen word*.mtn

rapid uittiance. Capt. Lovel preeently went upon theboat, aiid komithing paaeod between him aud the bu-

perior Bl'ie in the lower cabin. A few muiutea more

tlapatd. and tl.e soldieru of the Southdieemliarked, andluiujtd on ihe wharf.The Bepul.iican Blues of Savancah are an old mili-

'ary organi/ation. The company waa formed on thalrt of May, 1*0H, aiuee which da'.e it ha-s ha-1 but foir

captaiiifl, including th" pre'ent. It waa in eerviceanriig lhe War ol l^i~, and from thnt a:ti'>n wentmto L'nited Stutea eervice in Savauuali. Tne compauyvolunUered to lake up urms iu d^euiw of their coun¬

try agaket Mexko, bui ibtir eerv icea flflflfl uo. iwed;duor acc* j.tcd. Tbere are over -00 lueuibeie, bll ooly% arc wiih ne. The list of minies, MflJflA to emeoda-tion, i«ae followetCtjitain.John VV. Ander.o.i. Flr»t I.ieutenant.W. II. Da-

vK. Becotia Liiutenaut- JohnOliv.r. Third L,ieutu,ia.-.t J. T.McKallu.id 8^.|eanta K. L. Oue, 11. li. Letaia, b. l'--i,.,n,YY t. Davia (... YV. Andenon. torporalt.1.. A. flii.a, kV A.W.lktr T M"Ni-h J. K. Marneriyn. Quarter.na.ier. I'hlllj.S. bley. Jbdf* 'idv..ale.L S. lle Lyou. Su,|eon.fl. A. TLawmi.'-e. Fayrnaater.U. A Mercer. Armo.er.P. M. Ho.-aeil. hargage *ta.ier.W. P. Hohe.la. Coloi Bearcr.J. VVW hite Color lluaid-Pritatei I). 11. Stewart, J. L 11a.pt,W H. Cladiinig. J F.. YY iih.ngtcti, R. BeillD.Piiralri-ll. Becxet, W. E. J. Baker. T. K. flnller, C C

Caae), J D. I eropuly, K. Coh^u, Jame. Carraody, T. J Ca.-inodv. A. Cannon. M. loben. J. O. I)avia, H. L. Uavla^ J U. Uep.,.1, 0 I)an»erene, J fc. Davi. I BaaBSB. H. T. Day, J 0l)tnt. C. H. Oitt^n, J. H. Kanell, John tbkty. H. C Kr.e.na.i.I) Fergnaon, YV. H. Orady, VV. B. Ou»e!. M. P. Bflflfl, f 11Oonldii.t, J. t.latli.ty, l.Uarmcn, J. liarria, J. i, liaywood.U. VV. J.. \-.t-, J Ii. Jf.uea, YV. A. Kiug, M. Moliua, L Moore,K K MeOee, D. M'-Uonald, P Mallettfl*, C, A. Ni-ol. A. H.Mafhl nt D. Oli-Mt, B. J P.ira*, B. 8. Pur.e, YV. ('. Fnrw. J. A.K.liril*.ii, i. Ru.-lie. T. VV. &)..-». II. goiBb, II. 8ni,le,. J. M.SoltDKiii-. J. 8. Silta. J. II. Sagiua. J. V. Smith, B. U. Theiia,J M. Tii.-ii,.. T. N. Ibeua. b. M. YYolf, li. O. VV'ard, 11.11.Wylij, 1. VVanl VV. B. Wjily, VV. K. YVUite, IVaU-ra, J. C.IflflBfi,

Ti,e Blnea are genendly lubatantial eiti/ena of Sa-vatiiiiih, and repreaent the flovte.r ol So.ithern eUflabj.They are accompanitd by three free negroes, one a

body aeivant. tl.e OflbflM Ibfl flflflflBM. The Bl.ieihave more t:an aix miiHitiaua, all ola:ka, when theyare iu Savaniutb, wbo fuiuieh luem wilh lield mtuic.

Of ibt artiarie mj.acily of ibfl two they have brougbtalong tbere haa na yet bflM MOpfOfltflflfl^B Jflfljajhut the inabenable birthiigbt flf their ia e is a senee ofmelody. and tbeir revttlh vvill probably be a good thingto btar aaid. The atandard borne hy the company waa

work.d in eilk by tbe f*ir lir.grre of the Savannab)a<ii.a; on ono ride it bears t-carms of tbo State ofGeorgia, M tbe otber the j\merictn oinitl.olof.icultui'obm. Tbe Blnee app.-ured y-!ferday in tbeir un-

dress unil'oim, wLicb ia exirvmtly pbtin. The dresntbvtwill be worn to-day. and probably dnrifg theirelay eince the ordere are to w.-ar lhe lull Oflflfflflfluiif^rm whd'- the vi-ii la-ie; flaflMMB cbi-lly of a

dark-blue coat^e, with aky-l.lne f.« ioga, and a bi^iieapandabelt: we are nnable to irive particulars oftbe trowaere.

i bc (xmpany bux been under MBMfl drill for ocveraltv. 4 ka. iind CApi-it to od-arion no little BBMfahBMMamong the citizen eoldiery of the metropolis by thoBMBTB y atd bnlliaiicy of ibei.- evoluiiona. On theIflfl, taflta, a price drill wh< given in Monumenl Sji'iiite,Siivnniah, when Col. A B. LbbBM madp a apeech, inwbicb ^a« we aie informed by Tln Dmilm .V, mmj *' heipoke oftb-ir intended viait to New-Y'oik, aud eiabedthflBBBbaflflB voyage and a .afe return. ne felithat the honor of Savannab and the welJ-carned rcpu-in-ion flf t: e Bepnblican Blnes Bflfll I be iut iu ted to

tbeir keeping, with fnll coutidence tha*. they wonlddi.-ort then.vtlveH as toldieia aud gemlumen.'' On

Wedi.titday aflernoou, ibey weie cmoiiod U.ibe vtliHif

Ijlbfl ChflthflM Artill.-ry, the Oglfllbflffl Light Io-j.;.iiy, and ibe Irisb Jaajiei Gitttiui.On-en«.IrusuJaaper Greens.

Tne voyage in the Florida wa- truly deligbiful.But tW'. of thfl BlflM azpariflnofld uau-cu, aad tl.e niai-

lK .ta were Mfflflhod uj-on tbo deck by night, wnileIM Iiourc ol duy paa-ed iu tbe piiit-tnl of gumal gumtfland aocial ameuiliea, for b ith of wbi. li tln- pOOfJfl flfthfl whole loflflb are jually dfattagflfabfldaThe ordinary BBlMfaM bafltag bflM flfl taflgfld by

Ibfl Guuid and tbfl BI.lflBM thfl vvl.aif, tbe line wa*

lormed ainl piocved.-d, wilh ibe BflflBBM flf pfllMflaml a fiillridi-walk 4(iiii.iiiilee, IhlBBgl 1'ia.iklin liu.l-¦oa, i.iid ChaadflB etretwiiito Bfflfldvflja CrowdaevlleMfld flfl Ibfl way. WiadoMfl BBM lUflfll A*-( -..»-

taflflfld t<< Ibfl aplemlid diej.lay of Ibtir ownaddic.y,BBd Li'Viiii A \i\..\ BflMM flf tb*-' flBflbBfl dfaflipHM ol

Bfl ( lii.ago ZoMflflfl, ii ia uot wonderful that the ap-Baioaaci oi tba Boathara ntHhfl excited uoMpociala'Uiiiatiou oi auip:ie.-, bfl tb.-el.. eifl with vvl.itb tbeinei. wi tt tu iv- C l.y tbe MMMMlBtlVM ofthe p. flfllII tbfl lauiu.g, on tiie rvBBB. and al the hotel, BB,urcd tbeir Bfllot m<. And pflflbflfa vvben tbfl fatigneif I.eir jonii'iy baa paa*ed away, ;,.,d tbey have g"B il.' ii bM t (-lollii .'. Wfl abidl bflttflflfld to aome lutui-

jiable expioi.a.Tl e m <-!,e nferred lo in (be hegfoning <>f thifl n .fi..-

taa in brilliaiil ub it waa MffflBaBBBBd. Tbfl'...navi- und their al.owy e.> .rt. mel tbe Bfaflfl au-lbeiia at Cnii.il ati.-.-l. Tlierea)*-i 'iv.- rfiflBflU h.w.Ib

DitiiJ, tbe omnibicand othei veb.vlee did the best tbey

co-Jd.aDdtheeWat^ weMJ tmwmn^hjtntmptors. Toe Blnea^ %jjA |fce (HMrJ fifrm#d ^ ^a, lejcolurnu on tbe, f^ ;d<> ^ .^..^ tNj ^er B»W «'r»aa tley p ^ ,,j ^ g^,,^B ,,. ;,.. a of -..,.'.

croyiAlthe LaFarge H---nf2 there wae iwh*b1 .*.'.*.-

aient The *iarr. a- d -/r'pee, and a very long .ir*un.flr

betokened sjajtirJ viahatlon, and tboro vraro ec-lirfl

UiapLijed froia the Armoiy of the City Oiard, ne*rlytffttmk, aad frr,m olher bnilinf... Theenoipa'-.-once bi Te ealnted, the peopl* battohoi, and tne vi.it-

om )3>Md into the hotwe. After a ni .nmnt'e pao*ethey marcbed to the rooma jf thei. Raeitfl, and Bt*vkt*lamia, and nmeV frienda. It ia fl*ay to make friendawith the City Onr.id. If S m'hen. hoapltalit- can Ix-

,-eed the boepitJiiy ofthe City flnard, il must be K'e**.nr-ir.Iali y indeed.Th« Illoee, thua dnly enrnlled Amenii the Lwoa,

took tbeir own way. Thia moming at 11 e clock theywill te ereo.ted, p-.obably trom 9n\ ttt), lo BiiliaTiIrlend. wbere they wiil partaie of a ban-jn-nt Tlie

ii atitntione generally will He viaited, and rivic, milttaryand private hoap.tftlit.es will makn their diiy pk-naant.


The eeremoDiea and literary exerciaes attending tlie

inangrtration of Mr. C. C. Feiton'aa President of Hai .

\aidColleget«.-ok place on Tbureday, at Cauibridgaj.Tbe addre.Bof indnrtion was dcltvered by Gjv.flanka.The following ie ita opeuing paeaage:

" Paoraafloa Fsltom: The 3330300*1 of the Caroo-rarion sxd tbe lloard of OveraoerB af liarvird Collcgoare aaaemhled ou tln* MM3 33B for U.e purpoae Bf cui-

iiletiiig. by nuoatentatioufl yet aolemn ceremony, yourn.dt.i f-on t-> tho o.aV3B af l'rew-i.:iit, to which y>a h.ivnbetii flJBOt. d. T1.4: ecrvice Mflkpod to me ia U. (uvaentlo y< n, aa isabjoi <-f y<-or office aud au'b<»rii>, tl.eci arttr and keja ofthe inatiintion. In perforining thiflBta033fl dnty, I net-d not ...miDtnd li y-.-i, S r, tht iin¬

portant educationa; interrsta (omniitxed to yiurihaigc an thfl head of thia aini.-iit liiiceinity. Xo oue

ean better ii-.-Vraiard itn ivl.tion f.. pnpiM, the M-.-

ple, and tbe Nlaie. More tt.an thirty yeara, p-ia-ed,wiih eligbl i_*jl«irti|i!.oiie. wiilnu ibe iin^ied.a'.e cir.-lwof ita ittiuence, aa stndenf, alnmnn-", tntor, profeaairin dilVeieiil d' partmeuta, .nrichixl aa thnt ptrriod haibe^ji by eipmenceof foreita travel, witn a epecinleve to yo ir duties, and geutro-is devotoa to the ireu-

eral edueitioiial mlereatu tt the tttttk *M9*. tttt lo

l.ave given von a full ai.pr.x-iHti<.ti of ih 1 .iiirnity ofihe offl-e, ir the importaiit ibfluen-'e wlii'h.* wib--,jnat, and firm iiWaBlaBIBtiilil of 1 a jrowor? bBB irrpa-tto the canac of eduration tiiiouyli. .it, bBB laud. II h:ianot oDly abaorbed the .iirca tt th<: f/r*:iK'r part of yonrlife, but it haa ueoome by forre of h ibit, aa it "vere, a

p*it of yonr .-state. Fo. t .t ItM t ine, hat Univer.itv-mav be eaiu to ka ?e educiied. and, eo far aa tnat reeukc n he achie\ t-d by ootward opportuntttes aud i.fld-ence, it has wat.hed the gr<'*th and laahioned thech.iractei- ol itfl prcading olBtvr. An BOaBBftBBAgelrction by the OflflrpfltaiioOi th'- ..nHiiirnO'ia <..... i.aiit-tiou by a lar^e aud ii!tell:gt-nt Hoaniof Ovvrs-era: thea,|'T0viiJ of th* Ktculty Bflaj Mn-nni; lh^ iiti.ii«riiii Nflajrurid'action uf'he underKradiiii'erf; the unrciCrved >ou-

tid'uee uirpiied iu BflhOBBlfl ajd lalaBligOiit men e^iry-where. allof whom are proj-^rly re(*re--(ited i-i MtBai-femb'y, aaann- ni> tha' the I'ree-den' it ha-> ttnmt i*equal to nia commiaaion, and will faithfolly diechtrgeits duli.-a- l-ike one who rin-B from the nuik-t to thejia-n.1 ol hii BBBBJi who wi'! pMOBOB, 33 the laBaltBaOOBof yoni H'-oi'i'i'" aod the put.lic, l pjivr whr.-1 ¦more eventlul lile utfl> Ligher attainments even miglitlail to eonler."The keye huvhiK Leeu furmally 1'r.aeuted, Preaident

Fulton madu a ehort reoly. Theu followed the A I-dress to tbe Alumui, hy the Rev. Dr. Oii/ool, the ex-

m iaa-*' of tbe Alnnini day and of the Iiuofruration be¬

ing joiued. At the coiicluaion of thit, Pn.nideu' Fcl-tondtliverod hi« Inanguriil Oration. Some estructn

ar« given helow:Fittr.Mis ini Fei-I'-v.-Sti DBBTSi I l.ave tntfktt

tbe office of I'rt-idcnt of thi« itucu-nt I'uiyeraity, no«

tpmntktt i'a Uhora. nor in-xiveri'-med in its unxie-

i*-i. The men who ln>r pirv-ajtl.-d me.tlie illna'riouMdTad, who r. et in vonder chnrch yard, or und^r theiK-acefut aha-lrs af M".n» Anluini.tbe eniinent nndtieloved among the liviag. who, haviug retired fromtohmtnttt Outy. a.loili by tbOlf tOflptriOi pi.8.-n.vthia di.y.have eatabliahr d I -tai di.r.1 of oma d hhtttai.d ie-]>oi"-il.iliiy, whieh imy Bil give pBOM t«-

ai.v mau culhd to lOoefloi Ihctn. 1 dare not mu

pare mya-li with BBBB. Tte II. n. PtttttinA,Wr. Ouincy, who flBBiOtJ me the tir-at Hpjw.imui. nt I (-oi- litld in tht rr.ivt-i.ity, »/l.inyi.iif yttttBgo, etill lives. in a aVeatJ but kiatllv age, and yearyisrafti-r her ore with lm w.Icjuie couu eoauce andvigrron. .pe.-ch onracademiral fe*tiviiiea; hw aar303*eor, the hnght, coi.eun.mate floerer of AmerioHo ¦ h->l-urehip and eloquence, iu the rich matuii-y of hia apl^n-did ^eDine, n na for the day from bia piiblk-. toil ih.'eini.'iriit Hia oriaii, with Braaal faittiful reeedichca amlmuht. ily work the namo and fiiuio of Wa-nhaucton aro

inai.Boi'ubly conneeti^d, che.-ia ua with hia bflflkhflBBBkindneta; my iuiuiediate vrr leeeeeor, tue clear a.nl pfO*tonud thinker.the philoaophei tmt diviue. 'h-i ':n-

rivaled maater of sai red eloqnence, who bo latt Iv hjldihirHiitbn'J Iiore tlier-o carte -cornca to wituc*- the(.-renionit-Bcf the day, hi.p|iy,d-)uhtl-aa, that he ie re-

leaat-d from the bur<.«n tt uu tttm whi'-h hi rrovvn«dwiih eo nintn RaOMaWtaBJ dipnity. They hnv, on«

aid all. left their footpriota in iheM- a.aHeiiiir rctrratn.which I :my liod I may be :thle to follow, thongh itn u^t needa be with nnequaJ bbbOBiOn thin ocisiou. you will n-it expect from ine aayi bil...rute .1:m ti nioii of ilia-an i.-« ail filiimtion. 1 iMiarlieioie _\oit lo-.lny with no 13318 viewe to oller. 1 au.

not a new ruari b.-rt-l am ihe old.'-it inhahitai-t. Ibelieve not one, holding ofliie .n any depirtim nt ttthfl I'uiveisity, when 1 rttun.od aft.-r an abeeuce oftwo yearp, ir now in »< tive ¦eaaVaBBBbl duty. In theimmedia'c government of the CoBaBJB, my aaa jcLttea :u-e,witla f»-w . \'i-pti"ii-, m-n wh«. aiTi b< aa my pqpila;wiihout (r.\cc|irion. Bea t" wtioiii 1 have 'joeu aBoBBOlabythetitsol tri(-iiQrhi[- OJBBtBI ha-i never been i:i:err-jpted hy a pa-aiDj; clottd. liad my p-ii»onal w!ah..«betrn gratiiied, I ehould iiavo bet u Hfl t" me viiliiv_it!..|iol Girx-ian J.-tta-.-H, tmt Ibfl ataah at oi tiie Piataaaaorahip,in which 1 l-ave i-as-etl ro many htppy yrnr-.AVhen St. Ua-ail, haviuif lonu reeidtJ in Si societyol" ibe H'ud'rnt* aiid phil..8'>pl.ei> of Atbene,wa» ral.-.i l.y tot dn 333 of BM ti IMBI .031331claiaic BBMBM, lie aflOBxIaal '¦-ith IUaOaalaU003 ani l- iraMore brtOntVi tl.-au ttt Jtiiril, 1 am per.uitted to rt-

n.iiin, I riM 1 not deaert tho AmBbBM (irovo. Thivo-.ee-* of ihe liema aud BBfl DlBOJflJai IbBBBM -nilr i.g m my eare viiib all tfcrir enchaitmenta H-.mtr,Jrevebyhlfl, S.-pliOcle-, PlfltO, Aii-' tle, DflOBflflthaSflBJO.1 eluili not p.-i.iOOOl uilli-yii.i yrt. ll.lu.n BOalPi.rnaKent. which my feet have tro*lden litvrally i

well a- tignrafively, flUOOBI.--.rii.ie.i i.aun 4. Mymottn^mill viirldr. i ia honied i-lorea, and lhe Cepliieena andnhaOOl hu1; murmur with the thraafiBg mimoriea ol"the paat. I reHipi my forni*-r diiti.-a u, youi.tr..T andmore vigonua handn- but my excelh nt fnend atud rac-

38030*-, IhaoW, wiil all'i.v OM to haunt tna bfllirirocm. evin to that pt-rioJ of lit'.- whc-aJ eh-iJJ he lil 8tbechorna in the Ai/an.emnon, who.

Wlia-i, ho.uy DI, iii BflBB att.d )rl!.» la-a,,\\. Ik- blatrlsle r. ot.d wav,

N.,..,.,.,r.. then « fr-jbtaeWld,Wandera.a vi.i n in the liphl ot diy.

Brethren, we etand here m dny aa the rrpreflenta-tives Bf the oldt-st I'niversi'y of th<- aBBBTaOBi <«n-

linnii. (lur Pilniiiu ai.c.-i-tutfl IrarOflfljal wlti them frouiOxfonl und COOJaaflatajfl tln- BhOajxflBfl sch'jlarthip ol llo.'irUf:e. 'Ihey werts ui.;--. .. tl.e lK?nl educi.ted men ol lieirUaiea.ihey were among the noblcat men of anv tmt,Il Uitir mtn.orire t-t.-i tata.-e to be b-.uoud here; if,among the flBflflfBa that advau. ing MBBB are aiway-nr.ak ng m tho oi.inion.. iind worka fll men, tbo naaieaol" tbe I'uii-an Fitthrr- Baofl -'v'-r l«- HMObbI .r forgot-leii hire. tot rmil-aof Hc;t\eur-lml! BO longer ieet BOOOna, and tlieee fair rtrn. turea, now crowded wi'h ecidiouati.inh, aad ii-ii.il l»> ihfl lighl of unt->it'nple<l iflOflffliany ahall truril-lo 30 ttet i»i"', hliir'-ird with tiif cur..'

ol (iod .Johu Ilar-.an1, B3Bt*33 honored name the in-(¦tilliiion h.-arn wa- a ('-.tnl..i-igo ini-i.: aml lhe nniiie

of the place, Newlown, waa early changvd lo Can-I'ridgt¦- < -idiiithrigia NoV. Ajif__rlin.uu. CoaaaMBBJfl ofIhfl .Noa-EngliaLuii.il. Harvard C'.lloge l.t-tr:.tiie tlifl

corp<irH»e dcH'irnation. m>d th*' I'laiv.-n-ily ;it Cini-briogM ii. ilflfltnplln rynonyrr.


'1 Ij- htati. uiaiuiatt -I Ly tlie rjuiit of tl;.- l.t'h.rrr. chcr-i-:-'-d Ihfl ("il-gf, roun-liaieB by ul'loitl .ipo'-priitionai,uiul r-ii.'-ti'ii.-a '.y t-; --<-:ti bflflaOJaa ti"ii- htil bf inr tl.elargi-r jmrt of it« in.-.ttia, now-in aciivity in all ita tle-pbitin.-ii'fl. hiiv.- coiiii- tttttt priwite r-.iiieer. iu a ftrvtlnu natir.-from th(.fg('ii(.rotiii citizcua ol lloi'tn, \i tn.noiiiiii.tb will I-t i-l. iit.tatal wlth tbfl I'logroee of learniugln rc 'I o thfl ('-.ll.-('i ptr.pn l.ave I- n *-.o <-. r-i v. lyi.it.l.d the Divinitv ,s. Iia.ol. the l.. a Rebool, tha M..li-i.il f>ih(.aal, Uo Ii..1..1.it ,al li.ir.leu Ilu- (i(/ri rvutory, aud,,-, Iml ik.t l.-iarl. thfl Mn-.Of .Ni.tiiii.l lliiaiuiy.l.iiilt by privi.t. Iib. lalitj aod (i.li.'l.ti n. il niniifi. oiicaiil lhe Con.iui n-.tcidili. Thi Collagc- Harvard Col-Iflffl, theg.rmit.al iti8tiln:ioii giving itr cirpomte natut;io the wimii- and there oti.t-r iutiiiiuioiia ftotmoiurouild it, DMkhfl coll.a ti\.ly |hfl li.i.- irity. *

Itir young Ain.ri' Bl nr.-de, gtofi tirtti Ibfl Kuro-|i. mi ,v nl la, tht- ili.i'iing thal eliiill givfl l-.iiu fliPipBflOiB¦ml r.-lf ...uiii.i.iaJ.llii.i eloill gna- liia.i Ihfl maitlory ofbia tuci.if i. n, uud th'- lii.hit ul itt-idy i..ii"U. II.- iaa

:il /.en of'i viot R'ptihli. «li'r»-iri i-vn ii.uu hat bifl.dtetr to open, bal fatBBfl li 3BBO, bl ni tottt to, l,i. >,.. Hfl :¦ I-,'v '.'" '. .i.n ni tl,. | -. i.il or pi.ty,.ra,l.-, l.lad Ihfl W- ii'!' -I iiala, 1 -1;11 1 o.laoirii.ility.

|., ¦. rrv lir- -oiiia' i.'.c e BUlkfl Ibfl i .. 11 ia Ohl lirrolivi orie wlii'h teuqtfl BBB yoflBag ""«(ii aBOJ pr.-ma-

tn.e nr:ivitT. He i. aUnred tale the baay acea^ whcnhia BrtWM BN bnt half avfokled; hi* pnu-'.to^ are M

v.t ni certain, hia viewa * .gie, h*a ho>8 gaigMMMBfl ruinU w, and perbap« jbMBM ,.iBu-MU..ti J.Bifltkttfl* Balflflfld, Bflfl bfa i'ior.1 b^ P. crod: ull Mo

ut.iip.- f.uitof every Siimnir. \ .*> lKj, h ,r«>-*>r i* flfltfcr Trowth «fa day.tba i>>"'ijc,'.i .1 f *c ihtafl bmm!naiiiied wuha.ut Bflf flfld vig i ,.,* i-ulnre. To n.linetbe tj-to w a IflhflflBM proo»,_»4,(.rtuycbe raa-vouiagp< vv. r witn nn appron i it*j flfadmtafl i* an a.dn«a* nu-

nertflking.B MflM tne m'.r.d with «onnd Jid oolil U-arn-

irg ifl lhe work of cala. .,.| amdioufl year*. It i* thebuaiiieae of tbe higbur e.uin ariou ui iheck Uii* fn-.lful Mflpai inn e, tbia crr.de and eag ir n*»te to drink tha :uo ofbf,- M 4:>hauaf,zbe tatQlkfllfBg dramjt.U ol BflMtl fl.I bave a*id tl,at the flMflfll M 'be Uuiverfli'y wae to

edm ate the y *ai-g.tbe picked aud cbo-^n you h fld iheconnt. y; bei it i* bMb ¦ part tb". duty of the prfltfl>rorr lo add to tlieliUrat'ireauJa-ieuce of iheir reatwct-iw department*. Thfl Ci.i-en.iy that faiifl u. rto thw,fails in »n o«ential portion flf iw proper buein-'aa. Fo*the men of Harvi.rd, I proiuHy and gratofollv appoallo ile ludguient of lhe world. Natural BB BflMma-i.ali^ience, Law, Phi -..logy. Poetry, are daiiy re-

c iv uj. irnport.ifit ae flflduflfl from the l.f-ada an.l h induflfflMPMflBflflB. Ifladtag flflbfl in all tbe MBfiflMIof the intelltctual Uimamuiigbt be enumerated, withijthr laflt ten ie-.tr*; but in thia p.eeeuce I IflflflH Intbe (.fi r branch of acdtuic du;;, the all imjiortuntqneetion ie, dota lhe trrining of Harv-trd prodnce a

race of men, highmindid men? Piblic uid private¦aaHflMM hi.a bmlt and llod yoader librarya..4lU)e.e leaincd halla. The flflflBlpafllBM apirihm endowed theae IVflleaaoraiiipa. j\re Uiegrand objects of all theee noble endta> or* andc.Bily aa- ri6cea attainid f Are all MMflMigflM labora,theie wat bful curea, daUy and bigh ly exercuied byti fl arad' mict'>dy, rew^nled by ta- brighi flflaoflflBflB-ments aud bOBorablfl enflnfltflM fl tl.e POBiM men wbo.i.nn-l y go forth from ib-Mfl :<n. i. i.f baflfl into tbfl '"i»yworhl I ll Bfl let the ir..ien. halla crutnhle to ih»eaitb; bt yoLtb-rnobie librury be 84-altered or buruedby invading barharia'j*; let yonder mn*enm, wu.i-hBOW eontaLfl in ita ampie flpaflM an orgiu'c world. belev-.led l-ri'-k by bnck, aid ..he nulunt'i-'. who btM it tacharge reiorn to the land whose great loee we havethought ur eAoedinggabi in hid ctmiing. Bat, no;Ba bflflfl WitBrWfl, BBMfl afl, abonld BtflBd, and th*iraeiofl ofMBgfffl and ntilitv *vhuJl be lodetijitoly en-

l-jrjjf-d. TLe n^torali»v flbali atay wbere be ie. Tbereis m f nd B t!;c pnblic and BfltflSB bleaainga tbey flflfl).Mfl. Proudly ai.d gru'efuily I go before llie world witbthcpe giadnatea of llarva-d--from the n.ihlem.in wboMflbdflMIba BflB flftM long catalcgup of illna'nouanan.ea to the cla«* that. Mflflflfld 'h^ir di|)lon aa yster-d..y. Tbere. are aor.ie wbo d'.nbt tr.e wudom of oar

BfMea and tbe titneaa of onr dia. ipline, hu' MBflUti.e re«:il(a. I make no boaaUul MBpfllflOMi bu'*wbencver I mieta Ciimbridgo man I know that I am

in tbe KRirty of a gentbrnau. I tbiuk I bave knowntl e CflBflBM BbMMt loug enongh to undetBtnud hisflflfllkicfl. I know tba'he K'l.i'-tii. .« aporB fefltfltblwinnisrd faflprflflBfaflblfl theoriea of hie own rffbflfl,e-i| f c'ally aa axaina', the Fa.?nlty; I am aw<tre thnl heaop.eliuiea liibo.a umler flfllMtaM aa B tbe taflldlflMdteigi.B of intorfl aad prociore, agaicet hie peace audOigflity, tor I have be*n a ;.i and a ..>. But Ido.ibtif Ibe f^nlta of atadenw are aa <rre.it aa tho*eth.it otber hodie-i of young men. il aflwembled in e4j.t*lnnn.lx-re, would exbibit. I flfl OMViiflfld tlmt tneybflM bflflBV BBfBBfldl apairiHl terionfl moral dangeratlar.othtr youi.g m«n .njoy. Nowhore, I think. wIbfl inllueuce of i.igh abflKBflBf more jroweiful or j>er-vadng. 1 ki.ow of no form of ax-iety where, wi'bth. gteatest ine.juali'.y of a>cial coadit;o..H and we.ilth,.in flabflflhlM jnaucela done to mtrit. Bich and poor,OflflBBy bflfflflfld city boya, caididafea well Mflpaaadand iMii.lida'^a .11 pMBared, bere couie togt'lier. la.. it. of their nn is flf opinion and condncf., in theirbearing '* ward each other, in their eatimate of ea. hothir, iu the BBBB tney award to each other, 1 tirmlyln lieve that im Mteiety af nmti iu tbe world, yonng or

old, (iregnierned by a ra<>re flflMBB BflM fl ftkmm tand inipariiit' jneice.Alde'flBcb tl.e 6..n-.o afternoon tbe As*x;iaUon of

the A'unini, the mentbtra of tue l*overument of th«l 'livfi.itT, thei,- taflbfld gneata, and other p.-i»...iHd. -igt.at'il in ihe order of prec.-a.ti n to tho chureh intl«- MflBflflM, ui.ii' li* to Htuvaid Hall. where a diu-uer had b.-eii provided by Mr. Smith, under th« ana-t icea ot the above-nauied Aeaociilion. They tookIMM. Dr. 0. W. HolflWB, Vi- e-l'r.-iid nt of tbe bflMdflhfl, j.n-ridirg ut the board, ia the BbflflBMflf theH"ii MobfllO.Wtethrof OfllberfabtoM PBaidaul!.'. lion. bi< l-.ltiBtit-e Sbaw. the Hon. Edward Ereretr,an.l K\ Fie-idenl WfllkflT.On the left were BBBfld (Jov. Biuiks, the Kev. Dr.

O.uood Bf .New-Vork, Dr. Bi.'.bina, and othen.TLe Brigide Band lurniihed mus)C, while ibe Har-

v.inl Mnaic.,1 Clnb, J. B. Ilomer, leader, snng an"-ct ->iv( ly " .V.j,, «,,/.,'< I.',,!,-,.,1.," " Lact Cercnt,'' andotber popfllar aira.Piayer v.aa ..ilered ly tln- Rev Dr. Cluindler W.

Ii.l.lina. Bfl Bflbfld Ged'fl favor upon this new era hiii,.- BHUn af tha CoOege, whicb were on tiiia ilaytaaflgBiaflda After dne af'e.itii.n tbe flaBaflM D.-.Uolmt-a BTOBO, aud tpoke aa l'ollovvs:

Br'.'lM.-r-, l.y tbe aide ol'ln-r vvho it; moL'.er of ua alland Irn-LCi, whom ehe welcomee H her own children!

'1 bc oldtr aot-t of our comoion parent. who ah >nldhave greeted yon from this chair of office, beiaj^ for dif-f'l.ni naiona ubaent, it hae become my duty M luilfIlllheplaCflB there honored, but tioant cnldren, toibfl btei ol my inabiliiy. .\ uioet grateful olIi;e, »o fiirae ib. . ipn cbi'ii of kiud ftelinga laconcerned; an un-.le.ired duty, it I look to the eompariaonfl you mnsl..tbi* lxli*.-..|i lhe xovernnienl of ibe U-teociatioii exiel-inK ih j>ni. and ita g'.v'eruiiitnf defacto. Y'onr Preri-I. ni .Wr. VY inihropj ao grttce« ev.-ry BBflflBflfy wh chhevi.ila by bia BflflBBfltfl. bifl diguity; bia aun\ ity, hiaurt ol IflBflg, w'eiher it bc the BOflfla of a nation, thoIj gfalfllfli fl 11 f a Staic. or tho livcly democracy ofaiiii.in r table, tbat whcn he mtera a meeting bkc thia,ii ie*aaa Bfltf tbfl aaafafl Mood hflab ofIhaBowb wBIBlet bim pa<a to the head of the board, and tbe tableiliell, thal moat iutclbgeu. ol (juadntpeda, tbe ball' rea-

Boblflg Bubogany, lippedbima flpflaflMBMfl vvelcomoio Ha i i^bi-st itat, and of itec-li rapped the ateembly tooador.

\ "-ir lirat Vice-Pie-ident, (Mr. Charlea FraneiaAd.iii.ri, viii.i.e name and giowuig .'aine you kuow ao

u.ncli U-iter ihun hie bodPj prflflBflBMM) haa not b.-.-uable to gratiiy your t-yeB .ml eara by ahovviiig you tl.eIii.. ;.i,.,iat| BBB hii.-m.g yon wilh the toucaiulierittdIrom u.t-11 who nittde iheir eonulry OBahflBfldbfldflfl-lini.-e You ainl 1 li.t.eiio flboiflO, BflflflMflfl, uud IBBfl anbmit B atand in this pla.e of mUbBBMMA-piaki r, l. atei.d of aiutni; a happy lieteuer with myliituda and abUMMMfl OB the broadcr plattorm bflBBBlh*

I.. _-!, ii,y lipa i. :. Uow the gracio.ia BfllBBBM ofibia ar,a|.i( i.u a day, wbb li brtagBM all logflthflfl in tii>4family ten plfl undei tbe l-c-niguant amile ofBM bOflflfl.tallfl Bttafitafl aiound li tj aiicit-iil al ai- fcagraul willitle taflflBB oi '.Ui' gialt iui u< iiioiit-a.

'il.i» hathral balwayaaJflJflMao.bbb. Itrea.--aen.hli - :i .i:itl.-ri..i lan.ily vviibotii Bflthfaw nnv di.-Bflflkfl oacflfl 'hat whflfl agp MBbHflBN. an arie'oc-racy ol'iilvtr buira wbich all inheri' in tbeir BBflB, andBMfl ia ioo BB0BV to ut.liciiiuU*. Iu lhe great Worldouiei.ie theie aro an.l muat Bfl dUBflBflH ol lot andpoflitioBj one haa been lortnnate. aiiother, toilit.gaaia i.-!y. |eib;.| 8 b.ia l'alieu ... wilh fldflflflM t-.iritJii'e;..ne I.iu4 l.e.i.me fnnioiiB.bia name ataiea in great l.-t-tera tiom thfl ImndhiH* M ihe drnina oi hi- geiieiation;iiiiin-'i lulla ni ein.ill tpMMMB§ thfl flMflMflBMSa>riea. Bnt here w> a'.-.i.d fa one BflhflBMB IBB ofliin l.ii tiiii.d. No aynibol BNflblfahM fl lueraii by thatiliv.il. e one bflfl anoiber; every namo whuh hasMBl ti bflfl o.ir gi.ldiii hook, the tricnmal -aialoguc, iflI'ti'i ii it'.il and eiiil.la/. it.ed iu our renembruu. e andnlb t-ii"U v* Ith lhe put-.-le and flflBflhBfl <.| our comuiouiiio.l.er'-, liull.ivt.il |n-l mui b.ipet'il futiire.We bave ;d (bia Uun- a w..-l..ld ied*in for w. Icom-

ine tb.- reluru ol our .iay of fenive flflflflBfl The oldil.air flf oAflflpflgflfaB wboae MMflBB kuoba have reatedM n nnv w ell oinpaciiil apiuee, whoee cU8hi4)iied iirinsbave euil'iaceil «o many etnlelv forma, flfai whoaomb* iiftiice oi iHTr-o ai.d toila have aciied *) nuinyar f le blflWfl, ifl lilled flflM more wiib a ¦.'oc-lly armfiilot Kbilaithip, expcriiuce, und lid.-lity.Tle PiiKidett never diea. Our pruitma motber

i.iu.t ii"! I"- lefi too Ioiik i* widow, for tbe nir**l urgentol iet.84.-ii8. We talk ro u.'icli a'K>ut her iiiateiuity ibitwe are apt to overlook ihe fact tbat a reaponsibleIm.' i i- ia ;.. flflecoBary to tlie .-4mmI name nf i, well-BfldfllfldOflllflgflM B tbiitof a well-reiruiateil bflflflflaboid.Aa ebil.ln u of ibe Cidlege our Ihongblfl t.-tiuntlly

tenter on lhe I'nct ibat .-be baa tl.is -l.ty ptil olf tiieW(c.laol bei ln miu ,1 widowboiMl, aad Mfliadi liefol-rne rm'.-ant in lhe adornim-nt ol her new eapouflala,Yon will flfl nurmur, that witb. ul .b baBBg fflOflflloMof jir.-i. il.m . Bfl Baa 0*9 *-y.H BMfl 'he new h.-adoiifl tfcii.ilv io flbflB our youoger broihcrn are to lookii- ib'-ii itniiie nnd counaelor na we bope at-d Ir.irtIbroflgb '".UT long an.l proaperona y.'ine.

Buth. ra oftbe. Ait-ocintion oftbe Aliimni! Our J«w-i >M.-:ei.. e a-a *>.-iet\ Ifl Bo bouud flfl wilhihatol |iM CflUflgfl wi.., .- .-il is npon onr BaflBada. that .

(v*rv bbafltafl we invoko ou om parent d head r> tarna IIike ib. ii. W ....I., iii .iV4 ii IIJ....I oiiroun. >,. lo-. ly /fa tbe w*lf«*fl ol ,,nr bflleeefl Motber bnhflod M IbM

hi. I i -.in.. i lor ai.d ..fficial cuaort, Hutt iu hoflhiu iigbiiii we l.4ii)i)i-bei ii,iii i wbi ao ioo!' iii aregaib-irid, at wl,..,4( hi.urte Wii bave been iiurtu:-ed, wheaeli.ii liu. e flfl ti.tv. flbflB proapentv ifl our gnsceflfl,\slit a* IflflM "I l'ui;.' hfe i* lhe cbailer of oui owu ^x-r-I eiuiiy.

I pflofeM tbe bflflbbofthfl Pneidetit of Harvanlli.ivt ruty: We ".'n-et atr brotber aa ibe happy fathornf a l.'ii).' 1'iie of tiiliire itliii.iui.

I'ne th lll Fe!l4ili MBpOfldl d.I.- .. -| .¦-.**. i.. lhe call of Dr. QolflflO, -Mi. Ev.rett

¦pol.e flll eliil'i.illv .,¦* fulloflCi \ i.i mi v. I deaii'e to lav iiai.li. all titka bat the

utr.it* lu., iili.-ciioi.itie i-liil.l ol ll.irt .-..I. Wi'b rvepacto ibe -I. .,'knt deaeri] ll n givea by bia vaload ti i.n I,tle Oratoruf ibfl li.iy,"i P ralMflf paM -it<t-h,Mr. J.. i ull r.-gn Iteif iluit l.i* pflBfltfafl waa not moro

.a jcrordanee witb bia docv'm*. |fw Exee'i'ency theGcvemor, w'o bMflflBBflflJfli on wiib bo mnch p,werBnd fteiing. alluded in p*tbe}<< t«nn» to tho emo'.WnBw tb wbi.n bfl had in fw» yonf I a-^j*sd to ibfl ebflfloMv r .in * wl ii h, oa flabufl occa-iona. were som 'irn-abeard fro«) the tww'^«'ic ahadee aiwi ba regre., tliat itbud r.ot falb-n to hia lot Bjott tb». joyo.ti circle.Tl e apeakeV could no'. Mflfl to Ui.iae toneli'iig Ifl

¦laik.a, ai.d r. il- ct ou the cffic eut oervice* wbich behaa renderftj to onr ancbnt Uiiivcrai'y in proinotiiigIhe eeddwment of tl.e Mnaeum of Ntttnr.il Hiitory,will out repcating -he heantiful remark made on bBflflfli,f lhe French Aiademy, in relereme Ut one *ho w*anot a membir: " Nothmg ie wanting to his glory.boia wantirg lo ours "

He an >po«ed that the title of an 8Z>PlBflldeB flf MflCi.ivi-r.-ity M the one by which he mitfht wi'.h thegnaitit propntty ardnaa bo meeting, a* moet u*-

-uredly there wua nothing iu hia bumble career .hat he...id-ii hiin*. !f upon more ibflfl tb .1 he waa thought notur-worthy to b*- plaecd at ita he ul.Al flflbfl wafl wbde to tbe nt.nenal apectacle of four

ex-Pre.idenla of an inatituiiou Iike ibia, aaHumbled ontbe Min-e atage to aeaiat al th- iuaugtir*tiou of their aae-cciflor. Th.re wa* no one, aa d be, wbo conld betterroTiptu'nlate onr honored friend wbo now a.i'-ceodM tolhe cbair tlian we who bave gooe before him. Wokuow tbe nainre of tbe duiea to be performed -of thercwardd to be hoped lor in their-conacientioiu dia-charge.

Alter a beautifnl illaitration in reference fo the ane-ion« opeuingof the c.ireer of Preaid-nt Feltm aeid of tbe College, Mr. Evoittt apuke of the hao^y

eondition flf the instfn ion at tbu* time, and also wneneItft, by Priaid.B Walker. h ia now, aaid hc, bickingone ye«r, two centure,* and a ou*iter from the date ofthe inatitn'ion- -uo inc>n»iderahl.j perwid in the hi itoryofuiy com try, and one IhB i'i Iflfl eouu'.ry BflflM backto 'be *ery erndleif the flflBBMMtMr. BflMflB couiiiiutd at aome leugtb, aud closed

wiib awieh tl.at two ceudirita btnee lue Eaet aod tbeWtat may bcast ol totir an ient aud venerable Yalea.fcnd Harvardfl, and Dortnioutlifl, aid Columbuie,andPrincetona, and Wilham und Ma.-ys, a« we now boaetof oure.Spetcbea were aleo made by Gov. Banka, the Bev.

Dr. Oagocd, Chief Jnstice I^OidcI Sbaw, ex-PreallentWalker. Prof. AgMleix, tbe Bev Dr. BtflflTflfl, thfl Hou.G. 8. Ilillard, Dr. Bellows, and otherg, when the^alheiing diep-tited.


From The RochnUr Fvtning F.xprtt,.The hatcntcortk Herald of July II containa a letter

dated a; Parie, K. T, July 8, giving an AflflOflM ofthecapture ol Cburles Doy ,uou of oar former tovvnsman,Dr. JobnDoy), by a band of P.o-Slavtry rulfiana oa

tbe charge f horae-fl'.ealmg.h-aeacape, hia sabaequentcapture, ard bie death ! We qnote:" On Thnrivlay la^t x party of afafl men, armed and

equipped a* tbe law dfafltlfl, but withont fagfll proc*:afl,BHflflBBOM flaarfl Wotfle and aon and GflMMfl Doyiaon of Dr John Doy), oo a cnurge of horee-atealiiig.The.y were tried, found guilty, and tbe BHiiHace ofdeath paflsed upon them. Doy und young Woffle oUC-ifided in makmg thiir Oica^c tne fatte.i- after bflbflgbadly wonnd.d. The BeflflBBB aaa BBflflBMd ¦ »«>n P.ioltl U..-.U W'oiile. He v\a* deliberaUly ahot, aud biab*aJy left cn tb.- prairie. On Friday uigut the aimet on.'i itty, eulurg. d by additiobal rtcruiu, faaralflg lhalDoy wae conttaledinahon.se owned bytbflfllflflBM\\ tt!- .ii ,,,, ,;-,', it .tiit.u' in .. ei." k, waiied aii'il.!ay ligM, pMMBIfld h load of bay, fired it, and flncceededin oirlodgmg bim. Ue was tncd, coudemued, ai.d l*>".I .iiii'i 1., Mitleied death."Charlea Doy miuraUd fromBo-heater B KflflflB iu

18.'>4, ihree nombfl after hie father atd D, K. Aathoiyof thia city went out with tbe pioneer party from Boe-?ou. Ytung Doy Ibe waa then under ag. *i.«edthiough all ibe more terrible contbete atu.uding iheeariy eetilemtnt of Lawrence and Douglaa County,and RBBfld Bfl ui.joI ibri.linga .-l.ievem-uti: of lhat littleband of beroee who bo an xeaefullv reeiated and repelledlhe iucur-ii.ne of tbe Bnffian ' l.'nivalry.'

" The bntory of theee timea Uiai tried men's kouIhia tn-. fami'iar. ond Ioo ire-l. in tbe memori-H of all torn|nii>- more tban a paaaing flBBflflb During theflBMiOfl war the Fiee-Sute men aeie ofleu alripped oftbeir honeg and caitle, and household goois; i.ud eofn qnent becnme theae outregea, that ac leuuth tbeyadopted a ayatem of repriattl. The Doye, fa ber andton. wbo .'.:,d Icst cviirytbing but tbe 'cl.ii.iia' onwhich they lesiced, of eourae 8nared th^HO adventurefl,and beBM thfl charge of horae ate ding.

.' The flA nee for which they were kidnapped andimpriaontd at I'latte City and St. Jv*-yh, t*uere formontha they w«-ie uubjected to tbe gro^aest indignitieathat their brutal ciptor-* could invct.t, was tue at-lempted trauaportaUou of thirteen free colored ponvonB,by tne direetioii ot the Town Board of l.awreuce,ln.m tbat city to tbe State of Iowa. The hiatory aithut anul impntonuitnt tbe trial ai.d Bflqptttfl ofCharlea, the conviction and aentence of >.i» fatbor, andbia .nl MOBBBl IflBflBa.M gailant'y BtBOflapUlhfld by abandof trte Siute meu ir-.m Liiwrenco, under theUaoerahip of Charlea, ia fumiliar to the readera of theDoy iiturative.

" Dr. Doy returned to the Eaafern Stafca, wbere hebaaaiiie bflM flBgflgfld in lectnring on tlie bhtlory ofKanflii'. Charle.i. unfortunately, aa we aeo, reniaioedto pto i-ct the family, and haa at laet fallen a v.. tun totl,. taaattalfl fury ol a brutal, bloodvhanded aaob, 'ITieletter, wl.ii li we quote, etates tbat Bfl ' flullered death.inwhat nianru r in nor described. Am be n.t-.li,--lodged by 8ett.ni< ttre lo the boine, it iB probable lhathe waa iw, down or ahot in attemptiug to eecape.Eike hia falber, be MM ¦ man of dLtinguiahedbravery. taflfllhrM of wreng, ready in hia renotiT-'¦ea, abd flflrlera in bia meaaurca of re.i-tani-.'and ri-drenfl, While he dciied dtiiKir Iike a hero, heeiidiiud HUll.-iiiig with tbe fortitude ofa unt. yr. Hiaprivai.- chanirter was irrepioacbable. He wae modestin hia deni*ni,or, BflOBg in bia attichments, generous,ael'-KHi-rititing ta Mhfltf of hiaprinciplea and bia frienda.DflflthflMthfl hindiiit; -.-al of tbe q.ialiiiea of whichhia lii'c waa lhe witneae. Ho liea wiidi bia b.oiber, ona 84>il tnrii bed and reeking witb the aacriti.ial blc^d ofAncrican beroes. Tbeir olood ciies fiom tbe groflad,Md though ictaliation be BflUhfl fmt-ia nor Ciirutian,tl e pp rit of iu-ti fl, if not of VflflfljflBMfl, will yet over-tukc liieir murdcrem."

A>" Oi d Paikr..Tuetday waa lhe ninelieth birth-J:ty of The Worectter (Ma8«.) Spy, which was com

BOMfld in Boaton by Isaiah IbOflBM on the lTtb ofJuly. 1770, uiulei'tbfl Bflflfl of The Mutsaehiiutt* Spy.lt wuk.-'o a.-tivc in bflbflbfof thfl flBOM ..f umt ny BM,t was i.bnoxions to the Toriea, and during the aeigo oflioaton ita put)li(ation waa auajiended. After a BflflMf about fcur Yvecks, Tlie Bpm WM presenteil to the¦nbli.- fal WflflBflBBH with tbe inofto." Liberty or

lenib." lt ia ii«vv tbe oldc-sl Bew8|iaper iu MuflBuchn-R'tU.

Thk IfaMATfl Ifl Foon.-Dr. Bennett, a profeaeor ofKime celtbrity. coni-idera the tomato au Bflflbflhlfl ar-

,ic'e of ii.i i, and aaciibea to if VBlfflM impoi taui med-ctd propertie?. Firat. that the tomato is one of thejioei powtilul upeiienle ol' lhe livtr aud olb.-r organa;wbere calomei is indicated, tt is probably one of theii'.-i tUettive itii.l Ititetl.iuuili.l nuie. ial ugeuta knowno lhe profeaeioi.. Sect^nd, thnt a i-iieii.ical cxlract will>e obtaiuni trom it that will MBflrafldfl the u*e of ca'o-ni-l iu Uio cure flf diseuie. Third, thut hc liua sneetae-

ully irealtd diarrbea wiih t'.ia ariicle alone. Foiirtb,hat when utcd aa an aiti.-lo ol di.-t it ia an BBBOABTflflflajB rcu.t.ly f.r dyaatpata and indigcation. Fifth,bid it Soold be i-onatiii.tly ueed for daiiy Bod, either

i-k.-.l or r.iw, or in the form ol cattup; it b tbo moat¦ealtliy artiile now in n.c.


^liirbrl*_P.epnrtrd by Telegraph.BiaffnOBB Ji.lt ?'>. .Ki... B flfl let but ateady BewflfllaMflM

kidohio ib M. \ViiB4T Mflaflsj Ked fll Via -fl V.. YY UU.-fl waBl B I'..kn dull Yallow ti2«(,4c BTIBflBBBflPaotiaiofl* v*ij Ina. Ba .>.. tdfflBflBfl BTaiMI ateady audp.h t aiBBHr.I'ui; IBBLTBU, Julv tfl. Fi.il K qui.t at -f 5 15 forSuperCue.

.v iir.AT aarofl; Yvint.-, *1 itmrei tu; Kid, Bl B Coaa»aiitid at i. .r Pbotiiiobb flflB; BflBflB, llfBiao fltiouldara at,i- ,...i li^liihiiiier YY mi-m .teady Bt 21 nlle.

I i.it.i... I,.iv mx. !. i... K ia In modeiate il.-inaiid: tale. of8.li.!.:. .) 4... Mltoi Kitr. State BflM favrite .|..,l,le -itr* Cityiiatida. Yv iibat ,|Ulrl aud ,.i.,hai:|ed. th .i a,, :t> 1>.«U retn. t. -l.ir.B., nt l...;i Iry, .,,,.1 demWid for .. l.i g light COBB ialli.M-f aal, . eailv W.UWI buafl. i.iiiiai.a at 444.4. (, VOu b.iah .1 ..

. I :.,.ii,,..Ii J... .1 SB Oi... lit.ii.Kt ..,.i Bn.nii.1,.,1. ( IBAL Pi K't-ltTt hm. an.l l.o.it. .ear.e, I'l.,.,, MeiV iii-Hi ...'.. .,.,1 <"liii Bfl to New-Yoik. Li.. Ibc'iuth, Bbb.t.1.. I!.."ui ln, WO b, ah. YV|:,iit. w.jno bn.li. (oni. i,0)*l baah.)tta. CaKAL Kxri-i.n. l.tflt.f-la Klour, tl.Me bnah YVhHrf.

.lb !.. ( wm t>tiip;. ,i t M. ti.-.l. I'JWlbhl. Kl .nr.i,. lulyfl.|.i t^aHv and ln fair de.naud laleicl

,(*(. bbl.. at ti-.i.-i *¦. .. I .r.iiiia.v to .ood ntra Ifii.ia and,'.,... lor extra li.diana. ()h.,>, aad Yt,. |,i .,

' .' for Donble r-.tra-t. YY i:i: vt dull anJ p.rti.-. auait.-,.).% i,i».i.-.-.l Ui., i..l in :*ir .l.ii.^ii.l, I...I. |...l,i. ,|,,|i .1nn -1, Toledo ,1 lllfl., :-"i'*> bnah lllln-.l. at Mo. Othern Ina u..n.ln..l WaiBKl In .i th rate denia.i.1. i,V. ..i'l ,1 l.bia.i W4\'. i i>*i h'ut.'. inui. at *oc ou Klour, llji. oniVheat, ai .¦. .1:4 .¦:. N,tt-\*.-rk. Lviiit Imi'.iiit. '-' ni..bb. Klo. r. I M baah. m h. it. Myflfl buih. Corn

( uu to... Julj fl I p i. I'i .ni. la .1 ill YViiRiT |a ,|Ui. tIBlfl-fll .'I I'i'K!* it (inn tileBOf 71.,.**. bflfl at l.I'Mi;,',n .t.re (11 ra .re atea.lt. Sat aii-Ta-1(1. bbl. Klour, 1 .,000

V- it, B. l.n.li'* ... *>4t, i,..-!; (in.. HflirflBBT*-l.i.i h' .. IV.ir, ll"." buab VV h-at, lll.Mt bn-h. t orn.I,B0>bOtb. Uata, flBfllUBTI ar>- lc lower nn Corn |,i Hill.loin.HTitiitt.. ¦ .-., N. u -Y mt ie.li.e.1 I.l fflwil pmaallllllClBl IV t ri, J ¦.!_> W r ">. H <* .lull ...d holtlei. are wtlliugi-IIi-ib. WUIBBI I. .h.ll at I.,-. FuBfl l* q il> l. IIAi .N, :l|u |||,,I,, ,n I. quli I ...ni mu


lt.. 4 ,(... ai" Ci ...iu, .

Ibflallaafl mm*mm,Jbtott l MBfl Bflflflj ii-'i,;;. Obbhai .'1.B..I bu.b. I'orn, b.tYd bnah UaU, 34.171 buab. \\ u.-*i,tt plflB Pitohioi.. Npkt. Laid, M'pk,.. YYnUky

ntmiiitD.LOt-mi8^WORTHIMOTOf.-4>B w,dn#ed»y, J-|y 11, at

Clirl.t fhorrh, l.y thr Bev O. H. fVanfleWI D .», Ceaulee ».

Looa.U to Bia* Mary VV.-.UI. gt,u, all »ftW eity.Exerorr, Pa , lery ft, 1*5C

To tk* Kdtlm of Tke S. V. Trtoim*.8'.; 1'.raaa '.naeittbe following marrlaejee, whV-b look pl--*)

.> . pic ola: pany, by Ute Btt B. Saatlor. Paaawylvaala BBBB.r1"" ".p» Y*ur. trnlv, ( IUR<4 If HINTtlNBir Henry KrJler to Mie. T:n>- NlrhoUa Mr Oeo Xt. Oherfftc Mlaa aaae T.yl i, Mr Eflw.rtt BVtta to Mla* Baaana rarrall,Mr. ( karlafl 4 hl ry to MUe Bfltn M1 il-r '

MfltflhjBLACK.On PHalev Jaly Bfl, Prask Oraham, yoaxra** toaotJoarpk *...i J.itr Btack. aamd 1 teav 8 auoutb* aod li .U.aTlie lalatlvr* and f.Ua.d. tf tae f.-rlly*.* lafljaaakflj u nU**Ahia fiii.rral fmu. tke rr.i___Ui.tl of h.» parai.ia Ne. 114 W-*e1 birt> third itn-rt. oa Hat rday. July 71 u I a/cleek p m.Bdr-SHARD-At Hobokea, en Prldey, Jaly *). Y.'au.a, Weat-l.nil.tr' ni J.iir. Heary and Reirna Hoaahard. mt*A 1 mo,, btTle friend. of tha fatrr.iiy *re rr»pr<tf..lly invttad lo et»ia<4 tS_afunrral Irem the.caid.Bfro of hir lafl/eiiU No 184 Aulu^.

at.rat, il.,i - k-u. ".¦ i.t.dr.;, j ..y 21, at 4 a'elaflk a ra.* without fo.IJ.ri l.i.iUtlon.r" '

CLBTKI.ABP la Jerwy rftr. en FHday.Jolytfl, « 8 yrl«a*p ui.. Joarpk l/imn. -.id- at ebild of (lrr.tr. and imae tL,( livrlftnd, .frd .'.yeara .nd *> rnontb..

Tbr r-lelive. and frirnd* vf Uir faoilly are Irirlu-d te xttrad thafmrral Irom the .r.lda-ntr-a, ef hifl parrr tfl, No. OM vVayaafltn-rt, Irrary (i.y, afl er-uday tde Od ln»t, at 1 t/ilotk p m*Thr ra-n flim will br taken to Orrrawood Cemetery,KOl LKK8.In thifl city, oo Thuraday cnorninf, Jaly |« **,

r nav.ru Yo t** az-d -4 a -tit

GRFF.NOIOH.On VVediveetlay. Jaly II, tt Birkflhire Hpriaee.drrat Karrin^ton, Mm.., Jere , {ah J.j (irernouxb of Uu. cktf.in tbe : '.( year 88 hia n*

III. M- u.l. Bad Ikaat flt- i. brothrr, Waltrr -"rrr-niitb, (ed bifl¦aibflB-Bfl law Mia C Hm. a/e rr*r>-< rr^lly l.aailr.1 taia.aV*4BM t'.i.i'.al ibia i_uui.,ina at ilil ..'. lo. k * in -*<boH taituttiivit.tion. ,'rom No. Iflfl W--at 1'aeo'y tbird .treart.

MAYK1.L-Oi Thuraday, July l-r, Ljuia IV., wife tt JolflBM »j eli. ia the 5' tn mi of hir age.

Tbo r- lativ- . e..d fn*uit of tlie V..i,y are r-apa-a-tf-alty kivltnd |athe fi.urial Irou. hrr liu.- rrarldrnre, Bo itt W«et Vo*tf-netmat:. tt, on aunaay, iid inat., at t p. <*.., wtthoait fiir8her larita.BBO.

WALI,ORV-In thi* t-lty, on Tb-ir-aday, J ily 19, aged 45 j,uttJobn MallTySY.fi*i.T Un Krial.iv, Jaly 20, Cbark-*, Ufai-t tottot NaUn*nnd Mary O. Nrahlt

Thr rria'i.r. ano frl.-r.d. ot* t'nr family »te ratree'ted to flBBBaltb- funer.l to-ruorro-av .aiiirt.ji a ti rsoou at I e-cJeefc, froaaNo. IM \\ rat Thirty liltli aira-l, avi'botit fuiiher u-.lia.e-

Sd.MK.RVII.I.K- itt Brnreii, N I , o.i Ti n-adry, Joly 1:< JobaftomervfllH tg'dtx ftttt

Thr rrlMivr. and trirn-l. of tbe fam'ly arr rr«n~-tr\_illy farvHed aaatt.iid hii f.i.erj) lr in thr r-.i4-i,r- nf T.i. b.ott er, J.meafit iirr- liie, in Kiihty aixth tt.e-t, r.r.r iicdUon Rlvi-r, tbiaday (Setn.iUy). 11*( ln.'.. «t '¦< oVleel p. m. Car-iaaefl wili bfl)ln wir'to e, to on-.-a-y tnenda. at tae iromer of Broadway avn4Tlii. t. -.. ...i "t-ri. t.i I' p. Itl.

ShK*.KON-In Brooklyn, on Ihi.ra-i.y, J.ily 19 floddeuly,.M r. ar-1 yflXBBfflflt daOajhtrr of J .lm aod I. abvlla Shaaaro...SHK.RVa IN-/.. tbi. -ity on Thi-auiy. Joly 19, aaddaiuly. ei.poplrxy, John V. Shrratln, aged 34 y-tvi.

Paaaernajera Ari-tvealIn iteamthip Africa, from Lirerpoul.Mr and Mr. D-rWitt,

Mr. ( ..l,.n Co..:.(a-. !)r Mor.e Mra Kloslr and rblkl, Mr. Ufri.r t i.nrsi Mr«. I.'xiy, hav air. acd Mr. btovui tw« Miean.Ceben, MkBMM Cauipiou, (.'baiuier. tit. aad Ut* ht. tirakxa ai.d¦¦!¦' .1 Mr and Mn Lowryaud'hild. J K v ... Majir Bann.-il,lirah.m, Mmair», fi. M. Prj«>r, Noirl..U. Hen, Kitl..-y, Prn-U,tttttt P-anle tavajMi'i-.aiir.iiiiii, (j,trr-!I, UultairuiBu, Barlo »#Filtli, r.-l.ri. Mr l.on.iiiirr, irM d and r i.e, I.t. Col Trav-ra,4ii.ir.tr, Tho.. B.rbonr, J B. ( ronin P- r* h, Keniprr, SoJj'-k.lii.! i Uaali lr ar.. Hart, Hart U Ifa->ir|a| ir* T Bweeaey mauav.--it MImt. To-nliiul, Jonra, Mr* fai>nbnllaed BBbbJ 8 anl J.Ji- I.- Mi I,. tu ii- lady tud i.'d Turnboll ar4 brothrr,f fl BbtahflB. Tm. H«ywtrd. Cathra. fl. Y Ri_gja W*rd T.OaBJafl, (ivnaiid, Dt. Wid.lir.J W. Ht*-llii;e, J rf. B*vt* VV.H. Uavy and friend. K -t. li.ioot. J. A Bl.-., J. IV UU, BBaBflflaba-iner, E. Hrrfurtb, Paraer Barh>lrni-w l,on»-r itekton.H A. Stonr. Brrnard. Dirrcht, Brown, Poolry, Suvrn. maiioffi -a-r, Bari'.i-tt, Itml, 'lari-id -, E. ra. Littlowood, UxitL... Eli,liui.iflng, Oeakaiyn, Parkajr'. inao aervaat,

ln ,htp MaujUvr*. jr-:m Peru and TaJ.ahuanA--Mr and Mr*.W. W. K.am. and Iwo artn.dreo, Mr. and Mn. B. Bofrri «a4child.

v .¦ -r i -:b tia-t,..

Hun-Kitet.... 1:4b it-u. :.:* Motja-.-' -U... 9.14M|a.H WITflB THIa Olf.

Sauiy Hook.. ID 00 Unv l.laaal... lu:90 HtU Irtla.tttt


CltMireaJ.¦bBBBBflftafa.Ola-igow, Thonip*ou, Liv-rpool, Joha O Dalrj

Pnlton, Wotton. llt-.tr. N.w Yoik aiid Havre Bteflxnflbip ('« |haxi ax Bruwulraa, Nflasau. t'.. 4 unaid.Pbipa-Laila Rrokh. K- -t Bn.tol. Y.rx. J. VV. ElweB k Ce.f

J. S. P.r-oiia. Scott N-w Orlean., N. H. Bnxham HoothrrDrr,Souln, London, Nraoiiih k !S.,i,«, J. S B..g-rt, Covil, Uivre,Baivd V. H.-in :krn. I'.ii.ibi-rUnd. Mi-rrlll. Livrrpoel Neauailh kScila.haik»- E.fle. HixaT. I'uraroa fi W. Lewi. k Ca .11. V«Q

Hr.bfltit (blrinan-.-. London, K f-iH-- Mirj L : U,(Jibb«. Rr-.-hi I.-. Arnod lt Toarnaix.Hriifl-Fxprrinirnt. Bnerrt), Rii-bmond N Brigrt; B. Hai^tt,

Jobnron. St l»sr-\ Mal'rra-ly, Mn't k Co. Biliimore Pottrr,\\ niiiiniToD Alpinr klliinfln. .Matai.xa. K. P Hjrk k'"-o. M.P<-t Bobii.aoL, A.pn.wflll, Moore k Henry CyfOet, Jrlrrflun,MaOBfl, B>a.(rr.Bebeeaa .-.-(). II. Fne.a, ni|» Elrotherai B. M. Hawkiae,

S.»ord, tharlrrton, Mr. r-a.ly. M'-tt fc r«. it Bfll., L. rd,Loaado, Jan.ei Biflhop 3 Co 9 Klmore Swith, Baltl.noi-r,M.ii k Atih.lt, Peail, W.taaaiitB. eraatt., J IH Buith lt,I'o.: Bri'l.h Qneet. J«b--iaiin. N»..flri, mr«ter, J. C. 1-n.-a,BraJ-ll, Norfolk, J Ran.lall Waita, lamal a; Loeiflviile, Taylor,m. Jubn.81oop-Bl.cki.ton>-, Allen, Ilrlxtol, maater. .

B...IHB1 Iiamb.l. Johnsou, PhUadi-ij.liatv, f Peraia.

Arriveaj.St. .mahip Afrira, Shannon, Liverpool Ja!y 7, aiad Qtie- n.' vtn

..th ia,,,ar ki-,.1 ;,.-. t.. K Canaral. July n in t'ie ..-riaonrl p«-.ed_lO. Lar jdon. br ind W.. aame d.y. Nlafara for Llverp-aol, l-*tb,2io ii ile. Ba < I' tl.e Hook. paawd Penia, booem tot Lla-rri-r-al.SteanaahiD Kl. riala, (irowa-II Savannaii, nid*e. and pflflfl. ti

B. L. Mitehill k Son.Sleaiu.liip PaUpwre, Vail, PorlUnd, nular. and pae* te H. B.

Cromwrl) li Co.Btraniflhlp Montieello. Moiiey, Airxandrla, Be., mdae.and p«aM.

tO II B. (liil'itarlU Co.Pt.-aciahip I.m-ii.t Potat, FreBch, Baltimore mtba. ttyi put. lt

11 B. Cromwell lt 4 o.fi.raniai ip Nn.titillr. M-irr-v ( harlrjton, rrdflr. and pae*. t»

Spollord lilrattnnk Co.Ship J. S. U.w.iif(Br.,of St. Jnhn, N B ), Bratlahxw, Livrr-

pool 4(1 d.y. i-..»l t« atrdrr Jnly 15, orT Nantorket fihotl, mttata--<Ti.a.l.ii ¦ Adriatt.'. snd (tUafow, h.-n.-i- honnd>K.Sh'p M-iyrJower (of Boitoni, Chatheld, Taltal. Pero.'ltBrxbHI,

and 1»|i-ah'i,i.no Ap.il iti wool and copper ore to uawter.li.ik Exprraa, isunbrrry, Havan* 12 daya augar 14 P, V. Kinfk Co. Ia at anc-htr-r irr. the Lower QiaxxntineB.k K.iaawha. Jone.. (Jree»port2 day.. ln balla*t to niaetrr.Brig Roaeway Bell- («r ), C-'lr, Kajardo P. R Jnly J. auisr

aud moiaaflei to \*t*blefc Reynal. July 1* la*. 88 18. Ion. 71 47,tp ke ti*rk Oaa. (irn ... Bparrow, I'ron Hi4.ii for Mobile.Brig Adrle (of Cb irlr.ton), H*ye., Cardena* II diya, tafti 16

maater.Bclir Elixabeth. lirr.-nlow, Calai. 9 daya, lumber to Siuipeoa

k Ma -

Ma Mobile. Howrfl. IU..... 12 day., (ugfli to T-rry tV De laTone. ]. at ain li-ir Ifl tlie Lflfflfl. Uuaiantine8rhr. Herndoe, Uaa.ell VVa*biiigton, N. C 9 day*, nr-.val

.tor.-r to Brown fc Do Roautt.Ki-hr. Mail. Brttton. Viririnia. wood.lefct. fi*+ Mark, Jubii.o... N-w London i d.y..S- hr. Jonatbaia Cold 11(11, Portland 2 day a. »ton*.Bebr, oiiv, r Sp. lm iti. WaehinB f'rn\idt-nje ;cr Albaxay.Bear. Cbot. tUat Kall Rive. 2d.>.Bebr, Drtflpliou. Suii.l. Providr.ic 2 day*.S. hr. \ K. Doigla. S..dn.ler., Provialeoa-r for Port F,«. nBebr. Tilli.- K... Kabbat. l.'lghrtu, roal tor P..Ual»x-ep»l.Bcbt T M Mt'l-r. Mil'rr. P-rtlaii.t 2 day- .tone.Bebr, l.ia henry I'.lnian d.v. l.mbrrtoO. roardman.Bebr Abrnlra, M*.!.. ii Reatl-ttt coO <it BoatonSlraiurr Potouiika. Nvr, New-BedfajrJ, md«a. andpaM. to Jefl.

Ilaa.etf-air.er Kennebec. Johnaon Pblladelphia aad Cape May,B<J»r. md pa.a. tn Y P.-rkln..Stramer Vuiaren, Morruon, Philada'.pbia, mdae. to J. fc N.

Mflfla,Btv.mer P. T. IU.-', 8i.Idell, Philadel.ihia, mdfle. lo J fc N.

Brig.fl.Stramer Briatol, Allen, Pbilfldrlpiiia, mdae. to Loper 1 Klrfc*

Mtil k.Btt «mrr Ann tlua, Robi-iton, Ph-ladelphia. mdee. to Loaar tk

KlrkpfltiickSlramer Pelicai.. Ai.llch Provldr.ice. mdae. to laaao O.leJ.aStramrr Oapray, Kenuy. Pr>»i-irnc«. mdae. to laaao Oaeli.f-AII.Kl»-Ptt-.niabip lioldeu KU-ece, Oalway.N IND. 8iii.*rt, 8 aety llfi.tTbr -l.i|i J T V. ard i-pnrtrd ba-low ln Kil.lay niorni 8 I*>|r-rfl

¦ pi..! 11 Iv the J B, Urwi.lf. lim'a- »rr.Tl.r hark Lu. j E. A.hav (now) A'liby. be.Kre for Hout Kouf

ind Sliaiiglaai K.-b. ~, aaaa Bed at Anji-r April 8*1, ail well

By li l« «mpl.inabl

l-O^u.ld vraaSANDY HOOK, l.ily 20. *.iii..-t -S.r.m.blp Oold*.. Plaaaeaa,

"rdiiluay .¦'. .r»,| »h- H.r «t '* 22. No inwa'H-ooui.d vr.aeUuflilf.t \\l.,il ii,...l-r... fteea tba 8 »--tl." h..v ort .hiieBIOHLiBDi, J ily Hi, .unreL-No veaael. ln aigbt, b -und ln.

IVI.ao fi K. ngb', u-flther fi*tt.NORKOLK J. ly 20 -Arr «hip Volsnt frcm. Sootktn.l, witk

.o.i.AlKXANDllIA, I ily 20..Arr. bark Kaatern IJtir, ttoiu Bon*

aaaa, wlth goano.m

Hlt.l-llia, la,Tl.a NtriK-BKia, Duin IttttC.BBBIIbQ,CbBB.CflBflflB 'e»

Kri-tfl J.a'v 18, vbaaofl K u- 1.1a. d, wa.ru»ioto by at. aahaaeJOia ho- r.t r J..HI,- bat ..alJe.-ali'.r danug The at-hoona. kM h-c)t w-pilt. ha-1.*.t-r .tnit-d and wa. leakfi.g r>e-lv. T'ie l»...aii l wa. luwrtl I-iu k t.> iiit- ily ior i.-pairt, aiid uow lay. a|I'irr N.>.21.**.ortti It...¦¦ " i m

NEW-YORK «r.d ERIE RAILROAD..DI'NKIRK F.XPRrgS .tta at for Duukl/k lofaJo,

i>naiuliii.ia «a,d prtiarinal Starlon*.MAII. at il-lS* in.fan D't.iktrk and totermedlaie 8-*tloaa»

Pbi. Train reniaiua over nulu at Bimira. .

v\ AV Btiiflia. BL.forbttittt'etovrn. New barib, flnd BbBbbOBBXit* -- »

ntOHT KXPRE8B d.n>. al J p. aa., for Ooaklra, Bi falo,Bui.ndaigaa.and prinolpa! Blationa. Vheualn of BaluraiaJ'44oaaBtii mail train itatiou*. aad run* only to Elailra.

Ci.Afl M1NOT. 4»»fl4aiai "..»»>_,phMKAi. KAIIKOAIJ oT SErt-JElL^KT.\J Kn-o. fo.1 of Coo. laU.dt-.t.-Co...e,-llii| »4 H*"'"1^3 J^Ion wlth DeUtvare. Lt.-kawajiaa flnJ .Vta^era RailToaJ. aad flflC**'e,. with L-blgh -t'loy lUilroad ai.d Ita cotuveoUoaa.BUMMKB AKii\Nt,*-.MEMT-CViiii>flai«tai BUJ 3b, .aiaj.-

L'teve Neav York a.'oil, wa: , m -x, . rt,.«.lU»Mi.Hi-Hai ExrKBr.-Alla.at. for E.aton, aUaaJlBg. n»f

_4.«t*u.f, Ma.it-aS Chrak «.« ... ,,_aMau Taa.B-At Ua.Lv EbMob. \\ ttet Qtp, tttntea,

3rv.t Be.i.l. Plttaton, t\ Itk-.harre, ke. a~Mna.II a. T.H...I-..H Titir. Eor Eaxton, MauobCAima, 3>adln«.fjtuvillf, HarrUbi.rg, ko. ________________¦ ».. i.4 t a. Taamaa Tiwts-Eci EaiUa, Alleuloera. atfluea.

^kr^Vt At fham f « ¦». Wl. a* lnt^eaiUU4totloi1a.KinnstT.ii-i rt<H luaaifl""r 1 I' Kl -- 1 k l ^* rt'H 11 a-«r'-"- »*"

Iteifl.Ba.B^ffflt. rralu Irea. Nr.^\a^rt^p"rSt:_>ur.*t 13:441, 1.001., -. time to eonae-l wl»h tiBlu. flurr- -*^e-,.L <V..tr.l R.H., .... aod B e.l. N -tfc.nl Cfl«trfl-. ...?*> -«auaitli ai.J wlth Cuuila. rUi.d W.ajK.14. ^La.ia Nb-v-Vi.bb rH.n. Pxt Na. I N B BtT BO aniU n

a a .'.J i ** p ut tm K*.t -u »oJ interuirdlau atattv-iia, aaal alItfln m. laMatoa.»lv!le«B^intrlTiev4ut»jtotio>tfl-I.JV p lt, ima ,6li>( 0 mxn^Sk, ttt