Global Fund、Gavi、GHIT ファンド(GGG) フォーラム 2017 第2部 2030 年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ (一社)平和と健康の会 (特活)マラリア・ノーモア・ジャパン 共催: (一社)ジェイ・アイ・ジー・エイチ Advocacy to Control Tuberculosis Internationally (ACTION) Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) ゼロマラリア 2030 キャンペーン実行委員会 2017 年 10 月 10 日(火) ホテル・ルポール麹町 ロイヤルクリスタル 認定 NPO 法人 Malaria No More Japan (マラリア・ノーモア・ジャパン) 協力:

NPO Malaria No More Japan...Global Fund、Gavi、GHITファンド(GGG)+ フォーラム2017 第2部 2030年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ

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Page 1: NPO Malaria No More Japan...Global Fund、Gavi、GHITファンド(GGG)+ フォーラム2017 第2部 2030年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ

Global Fund、Gavi、GHIT ファンド(GGG)+

フォーラム 2017

第 2 部

2030 年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献

主催: (特活)日本リザルツ



共催: (一社)ジェイ・アイ・ジー・エイチ

Advocacy to Control Tuberculosis Internationally (ACTION)

Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA)

ゼロマラリア 2030 キャンペーン実行委員会

2017 年 10 月 10 日(火)

ホテル・ルポール麹町 ロイヤルクリスタル

認定 NPO 法人 Malaria No More Japan



Page 2: NPO Malaria No More Japan...Global Fund、Gavi、GHITファンド(GGG)+ フォーラム2017 第2部 2030年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ
Page 3: NPO Malaria No More Japan...Global Fund、Gavi、GHITファンド(GGG)+ フォーラム2017 第2部 2030年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ


13:10-13:30 KEY SPEECH

司会 山本 尚子 厚生労働省 大臣官房総括審議官 (国際保健担当)



尾身 茂 独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構理事長、名誉世界保健機関(WHO)


北 潔 東京大学名誉教授

長崎大学大学院 熱帯医学・グローバルヘルス研究科 教授・研究科長


國井 修 グローバルファンド戦略・投資・効果局長

13:30-13:50 ディスカッション

モデレーター 狩野 繁之 国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター研究所熱帯医学・マラリア


パネル 西本 麗 住友化学株式会社代表取締役専務執行役員 (健康・農業関連事業部門統括)

パトリック シルボーン

Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA)

資金調達及びリソース・モービライゼーション シニアディレクター

スリングスビー B.T.

公益社団法人グローバルヘルス技術振興基金(GHIT Fund) CEO兼専務理事

13:50-14:00 コメント

司会 山本 尚子 厚生労働省 大臣官房総括審議官 (国際保健担当)


戸田 隆夫 国際協力機構(JICA)上級審議役

14:00-14:10 閉会

司会 山本 尚子 厚生労働省 大臣官房総括審議官 (国際保健担当)

メッセージ イボンヌ・チャカチャカ プリンセス・オブ・アフリカ財団/GAVIワクチンアライアンス

開会挨拶 水野 達男 マラリア・ノーモア・ジャパン専務理事

Page 4: NPO Malaria No More Japan...Global Fund、Gavi、GHITファンド(GGG)+ フォーラム2017 第2部 2030年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ


山本 尚子

厚生労働省 大臣官房総括審議官 (国際保健担当)

北海道立札幌医科大学卒。1985 年(旧)厚生省入省。横浜市衛生局、(旧)環境庁企画調整局、厚生




担当)を経て、大臣官房総括審議官(国際保健担当)、2017年 9月まで現職。

尾身 茂



地域医療を担う公的病院の統括組織、独立行政法人 地域医療機能推進機構(JCHO)の理事長を

務める。1990年から 2009年まで 20 年間 WHOに勤務し、西太平洋地域におけるポリオ根絶を達成

したことで世界的に知られる。SARS 制圧時には西太平洋地域事務局事務局長として陣頭指揮をと

った。現在は WHO での経験をもとにシームレスな地域医療サービスの拡充に取り組むとともに、

NPO 法人「全世代」を立ち上げ、就労や医療・介護など現代日本が抱えるあらゆる分野の社会問題


北 潔


長崎大学大学院 熱帯医学・グローバルヘルス研究科 教授・研究科長


師を経て、1981 年より東京大学医科学研究所助教授。1998 年より 2016 年まで東京大学大学院医学

系研究科教授。2015年より現職(2015年度はクロスアポイントメントによる)。 日本寄生虫学会理事長、


國井 修


1988 年自治医科大学卒業、公衆衛生学修士(ハーバード大学)、医学博士(東京大学)。内科医と

して勤務しながら国際緊急援助 NGOの副代表として、ソマリア、カンボジア、バングラデシュなどの

緊急医療援助に従事。国立国際医療センター、東京大学、外務省、長崎大学、UNICEF ニューヨー

ク本部、同ミャンマー事務所、同ソマリア支援センターなどを経て現職。これまで 110 カ国以上で緊


Page 5: NPO Malaria No More Japan...Global Fund、Gavi、GHITファンド(GGG)+ フォーラム2017 第2部 2030年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ

狩野 繁之


医学博士。専門は熱帯医学・寄生虫学。1986 年群馬大学医学部卒業、1991 年同大学大学院修了。

同年4月より同大学医学部寄生虫学教室助手。講師・助教授を経て、1998 年4月に国立国際医療研




APLMAなど国際的なマラリア対策支援活動に長く係わり、現在GFでは日本を代表してTechnical Review Panel member


西本 麗

住友化学株式会社 代表取締役専務執行役員 (健康・農業関連事業部門統括)

大阪大学経済学部卒業後、1980 年 4 月に住友化学工業株式会社(当時)に入社。1998 年ベーラント

USA 社の副社長を経て、国際アグロ事業部事業企画部長、農業化学業務室部長を務める。2009 年

に執行役員、2011 年に常務執行役員、2013 年に代表取締役に就任し、2015 年 4 月より現職。2010

年よりCropLife International の農薬戦略委員会委員(2016年からChair)、2013年より日本農薬工業

会の副会長、グローバルファンド日本委員会の Advisory Boardメンバーを務める。2016年 4月にロー

ルバック・マラリアの理事として選出され、同年 6月に Malaria No More Japan理事にも就任。2017年 4月に大阪大学大

学院国際公共政策学科招聘教授、同年 5月に農薬工業会会長に就任。

パトリック シルボーン

Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA)

資金調達及びリソース・モービライゼーション シニアディレクター

前職ではグローバルファンドの渉外局民間セクター連携部門の長を務め、2016 年に同部門は 2017~

19年の資金として、企業や財団、富裕層個人から総額 8億 5千万米ドル以上の寄付を確保した。また




ーバルファンドのシニア資金ポートフォリオ・マネジャーとして南東部アフリカ諸国での 12 憶米ドルのグローバルファンド



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B.T. スリングスビー

公益社団法人グローバルヘルス技術振興基金(GHIT Fund) CEO兼専務理事




公衆衛生雑誌に 50以上の論文を投稿しており、現在、東京大学大学院および京都大学大学院の医学




戸田 隆夫


学術博士。人間の安全保障とグローバルヘルスの上級審議役として JICAのオペレーションの戦略的計

画及び実施を促進している。 1984年に京都大学法学部(LLB)、2001年に東京大学大学院新領域創成

科学研究科修士課程、そして 2009 年に名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科博士課程修了。30 年以上

日本の ODA の戦略化及び実施において、平和構築グループや人間の安全保障グループのディレクタ











水野 達男


北海道大学農学部を卒業。22 年間の米外資系企業勤務を経て、1999 年、住友化学株式会社に入社。

2007 年、アフリカのタンザニアでマラリア予防蚊帳「オリセットネット」を製造・販売するジョイントベンチャ

ーの日本側統括リーダーに就任。現地の合弁工場の開設、年間 3000 万張りの生産体制の確立、一般


2012年 11月から現職。2016年 1月 英治出版より 『人生の折り返し地点で、僕は少しだけ世界を変え


Page 7: NPO Malaria No More Japan...Global Fund、Gavi、GHITファンド(GGG)+ フォーラム2017 第2部 2030年マラリア制圧へ向けた日本の貢献 主催: (特活)日本リザルツ

Takao Toda, PhD

Vice President for Human Security and Global Health, Japan International Cooperation Agency


As the Vice President for Human Security and Global Health, Dr. Toda promotes strategic planning and implementation of JICA's operations. Dr. Toda received Ph.D at the Graduate School of International Development in Nagoya University in 2009, master’s degree at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences in the University of Tokyo in 2001, and LL.B at the Faculty of Law in Kyoto University in 1984. For more than three decades, he has been playing various key roles of strategizing and implementing Japan's ODA, such as Group Director on Peace Building, Group Director on Human Security, Senior Fellow of JICA Research Center, Chief Representative of Bangladesh Office, and

Director General of Human Development Department. He has a wide range of knowledge and experience especially on the operationalization process of Human Security, which has been the core concept of Japan's diplomatic policy of international cooperation.

Yvonne Chaka Chaka

The Princess of Africa Foundation/GAVI Vaccine Alliance

Yvonne is a champion for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, and the Goodwill Ambassador for the Roll Back Malaria Partnership. She was chosen by Nelson Mandela as the first ambassador for his children's fund, and has also established her own charity, the Princess of Africa Foundation, using the name first given to her in Uganda. The Princess of Africa Foundation is a partner of the ACTION global health advocacy partnership. In 2012, she was the first African woman to receive the World Economic Forum's Crystal Award.

Tatsuo Mizuno

Executive Director, Malaria No More Japan

Mr. Mizuno graduated from Hokkaido University School of Agriculture. After working for a U.S. affiliated corporation for 22 years, he joined Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. In 1999. He became an overall leader (Japan side) of the joint venture to produce/sell mosquito net “Olyset Net” in Tanzania, Africa in 2007. He has a track record of establishing business in Tanzania which included a series of process such as opening of a joint venture plant in the country, establishment of a production system for 3,000 nets/year, sales at general market (i.e., supermarkets) and establishment of a research institute. He assumed the current position in November 2011. He published a book entitled “I thought about changing the world a little at the turning point of my life” (Eiji Press) in January 2016.

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Shigeyuki Kano, MD, PhD

Director, Department of Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Research Institute, National Center for Global Health and


Medical Doctor specialized in Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. Dr. Kano graduated from Gunma University School of Medicine (MD) in 1986 and from PhD Program in Medical Sciences, Parasitology, Gunma University in 1991. He worked as Assistant Professor at the Department of Parasitology of the Gunma University School of Medicine from April 1991, and then as Lecturer and Associate Professor there. He started his career at the Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan (IMCJ. currently National Center for Global Health and Medicine: NCGM) in April 1998. Current adjunct posts include Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tsukuba, Visiting Professor at the College of Public Health of the University of the Philippines, Head of the Parasitology

Laboratory of the Institut Pasteur du Laos, President of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine, and board member of the Japanese Society of Parasitology and of the Japan Association for International Health. He is also a member (representing Japan) of the Technical Review Panel Member of the Global Fund.

Ray NISHIMOTO Representative Director/Senior Managing Executive Officer (Health and Crop Sciences Sector), Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.

Mr. Nishimoto holds a B.A. in economics with honors from the Osaka University Mr. Nishimoto joined Sumitomo Chemical in April 1980, then served as executive vice president at Valent USA Corporation, one of Sumitomo Chemical’s affiliates in agro solutions business. He became an executive officer in 2009, managing executive officer in 2011 and a member of the Board of Sumitomo Chemical in 2013. He assumed current position in April 2015. He also serves as a member of the Strategic Council of Crop Protection, CropLife International since 2010 (and as the Chair since 2016), as the Vice President of Japan Crop Protection Association and a member of the Advisory Board, Friends of the Global Fund, Japan since 2013. He also sits on the board of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership as well as the Malaria No More Japan. He also serves as a visiting professor at the Department of International Public

Policy of the Osaka University since April 2017 and as the President of Japan Crop Protection Association since May 2017.

Patrik Silborn

Senior Director, Financing and Resource Mobilization, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA)

Prior to joining APLMA, Patrik Silborn was Head of the Private Sector Engagement Department in the External Relations Division of the Global Fund. In 2016, the Department secured contributions of more than US$850M from corporations, foundations and high-net worth individuals for the period of 2017-19. Patrik also led the Global Fund’s Innovation Hub – a partnership platform to engage businesses and other actors to support program implementation and strengthening country systems – as well as the Global Fund’s work on innovative financing models such as debt-swaps, blended financing, and social impact bonds. Previously, Patrik was a Senior Fund Portfolio Manager managing Global Fund investments of US$ 1.2Bn in a number of countries in Southern and Eastern Africa. Before

joining the Global Fund, Patrik worked at Accenture and at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), both in the field and at headquarters.

BT Slingsby, MD, PhD, MPH

CEO and Executive Director, Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund

Previously, Dr. Slingsby was the global head for access strategies at Eisai Co., Ltd. where he developed new business models for R&D and overlooked market access in the developing world. He has helped launch of numerous start-ups in Japan and the U.S., and currently advises at the Graduate School of Medicine at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University. He sits on the Public-Private Partnership Forum at the Institute of Medicine in the U.S., and has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles on medicine and public health in both Japanese and American literature. He graduated with honors from Brown University, earned Master’s and Doctorate degrees from Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo, and received his Medical Doctorate from the George Washington University. He is a former professional triathlete and member of the U.S. World Cup Team.

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Naoko Yamamoto, MD, MHP, PhD

Senior Assistant Minister for Global Health, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Dr. Yamamoto graduated from Sapporo Medical University, and joined the (former) Ministry of Health in 1985. Subsequently, she assumed positions in/as the Yokohama City Bureau of Public Health, (former) Planning and Coordination Bureau of the Environment Agency, Assistant Director of the Health Science Division and then Assistant Director of Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Director of Sasebo City Health and Welfare Department, Councilor of the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of Health and Medical Division, Bureau of Personnel and Education at Ministry of Defense, Director of Specific Disease Control Division, Health Service Bureau at Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Director-General of

Hokkaido Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare, Assistant Minister for Cancer Control and Global Health, and then Assistant Minister for International Development of Healthcare, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. She assumes current position until September 2017.

Shigeru Omi, MD, PhD

President, JAPAN Community Health care Organization (JCHO) Regional Director Emeritus, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Western Pacific

Chair, Nikkei Asian Conference on Communicable Diseases

Dr. Omi, is the President of JAPAN Community Health care Organization (JCHO) which is an umbrella organization of public hospitals serving community medicine. He worked for WHO for 20 years from 1990 to 2009, and is well known for achieving elimination of Polio in the Western Pacific Region. During the SARS outbreak, he took leadership roles in its control as the WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific. Currently, he works for expansion of seamless community medicine based on his work experience with WHO. At the same time, he established an NPO “ZEN-SEDAI”, dedicating to solve the social problems in all the fields which Japan is facing. He also serves as the Chair of the Nikkei Asian Conference on Communicable Diseases.

Kiyoshi Kita, PhD Dean, Professor, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University

Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo

Dr. Kita received his Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science degree and Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science degree from

University of Tokyo. He worked as Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo (Faculty of Science), and as Assistant Professor/Lecturer at the Juntendo University (School of Medicine). From 1981, he was Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo (Institute of Medical Science), then from 1998 to 2016, was Professor of The University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Medicine). He assumed current post in 2015 (which was cross appointment during 2015). He served as President of Japanese Society of Parasitologist and of Japanese Biochemical Society. He is specialized in Biochemistry and Parasitology.

Osamu Kunii, MD, MPH, PhD Head, Strategy, Investment and Impact Division, The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Dr, Kunii received his medical degree from Jichi Medical University in 1988, master of public health from Harvard School of Public Health, and doctoral degree from University of Tokyo. While working as a physician, he engaged in emergency medical relief in several countries including Somalia, Canbodia and Bangladesh as Deputy Representative of an international medical relief NGO. Subsequently, he worked for International Medical Centre of Japan, University of Tokyo. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nagasaki University, UNICEF headquarters in New York, UNICEF Country Office in Myanmar, and UNICEF Somalia Support Centre etc.. He has been

involved in emergenmcy relief, development peojects, research and education in more than 110 countries in total.

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13:10-13:30 KEY SPEECH

Moderator Dr. Naoko Yamamoto, Senior Assistant Minister for Global Health, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare


Theme: Nikkei Asian Conference on Communicable Diseases

Dr. Shigeru Omi President, JAPAN Community Health care Organization (JCHO) Regional Director Emeritus, World Health Organization, Regional Office

for Western Pacific, Chair, Nikkei Asian Conference on Communicable Diseases

Dr. Kiyoshi Kita Dean, Professor, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo

Theme: Global Fund’s Strategy for Malaria Elimination and its Practice

Dr. Osamu Kunii Head, Strategy, Investment and Impact Division, The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

13:30-13:50 DISCUSSION

Moderator Dr. Shigeyuki Kano Director, Department of Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Research Institute, National Center for Global Health and Medicine

Panelist Mr. Ray Nishimoto Representative Director/Senior Managing Executive Officer (Health and Crop Sciences Sector), Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.

Mr. Patrik Silborn Senior Director, Financing and Resource Mobilization, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA)

Dr. BT Slingsby CEO and Executive Director, Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund

13:50-14:00 COMMENTS

Moderator Dr. Naoko Yamamoto Senior Assistant Minister for Global Health, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Commentator Dr. Takao Toda, Vice President for Human Security and Global Health, Japan International

Cooperation Agency (JICA)

14:00-14:10 CLOSING

Moderator Dr. Naoko Yamamoto Senior Assistant Minister for Global Health, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Message Ms. Yvonne Chaka Chaka Princess of Africa Foundation/GAVI Vaccine Alliance

Closing Remarks Mr. Tatsuo Mizuno Executive Director, Malaria No More Japan

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Global Fund、Gavi、GHIT Fund (GGG)+ Forum

Part 2

Japan’s Contribution towards

Malaria Elimination by 2030

Organized by:Results Japan

Japan Association for Health and Peace (JAHP)

Malaria No More Japan

Co-organizers: Japan Institute for Global Health (JIGH)

Advocacy to Control Tuberculosis Internationally


Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA)

Zero Malaria 2030 Campaign Executive Committee

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Hotel Leport Kojimachi, Tokyo

Malaria No More Japan

Supported by: