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  • 8/13/2019 ob (2)ddw


    Organizational behavior

  • 8/13/2019 ob (2)ddw


  • 8/13/2019 ob (2)ddw


    1.1Organisational Structure and Culture:

    Organizational structure is basically the hierarchical division according to levels within an

    organization. It may be flat or high depending on the size of the organization. Organizational

    culture on the other hand is the sum total of an organizations philosophy, expectations,

    experiences which is often expressed through its interactions with the outside world

    .Organizational culture rests on the attitudes, beliefs, principles as well as the written and

    unwritten rules which have been developed through time.

    There may be different types of organizational structure Tall, Flat or matrix. The tall structure isone with many different hierarchical levels. These types of structures are complex and are

    generally slow to respond to market changes. The flat structure is one where the middle level of

    management is almost absent facilitating direct contact between the top level and base level

    employees. On the other hand matrix type of structure involves managing via multiple reporting

    line .This helps in management of cross business group functions and so on.

    1.2Organizational culture and performance

    The management of Human resources within the organizations has been a big concern both for

    HR managers as well as the organizational policy makers. On order to have a satisfied,

    motivated, stress free performing workforce the organization must strive for consistency in its

    structure, system, people as well as on the . Cultures within an organization has positive and

    negative impact on all aspects such as job satisfaction and employee motivation through the

    daily proceedings. It is found that structure, leadership, managerial practices and the decision

    processes positively impacts on the employee motivation. On the other hand excess

    centralization, no role in decision-making, little or no opportunity for growth, and high degree ofspecialization tends to effect employee motivation negatively. For a decent amount of

    satisfaction what is necessary is adequate amount of training , decentralization, kind of an open

    encouraging culture, less rigid structure, participative management, autonomy in work welfare

    opportunity for personal growth and development, promotion and recognition, supervisory

    support, employee empowerment, interesting challenging work , good communication, goal

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    congruence, warmth with variety have positive impact on job satisfaction. Formal

    communication, lack of information, lack of professional help, job difficulty, lack of adequate

    organizational policy and administration, lack of supervisory support are few things which

    negatively effects on the employees and has harmful consequences on the performances.

    1.3Memo to Managing Director


    The Managing director,

    Personality traits of different kinds may positively or negatively influence workplace behavior. It

    has been often noticed that people who tend to overtly aggressive may not be very suitable for a

    work place environment. There are different types of personality types for example extrovert and

    introvert. If a team consists of 5 Members of which 2 are introvert in nature it may hamper team

    performance. Similarly if all extroverts are put in a team that may lead to a lot of difference of

    opinions and delay of project. So it is very important to group people in accordance to their type

    of personality. Emotional stability is also required in the personality of employees. If employees

    tend to get hysteric then it is not suitable in the work place environment.

    2.1 Application


    Name of the person you are writing to: Mr. John smith

    Address (create an address)

    Dear Sir,

    There are different types of leadership that may prove to be effective in organizations depending

    upon the nature of the organization and the situation. There are different types of leadership

    styles that may be used. One of them is autocratic form of leadership. In autocratic leadership

    managers have total control of decisions; they take their own decisions and do not consult

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    anyone from his team or subordinates. Another type of leadership that is very popular is laissez

    faire style. This is a kind of delegate leadership style, here the group members are free to make

    their own decisions .However various researches have suggested that this form of leadership

    results in the least amount of productivity.

    There are different management theories like scientific management, classical theory of

    management which shapes up the culture and structure of the organization. The scientific

    management theory was put forward by Taylor and is one of the most popular theories which is

    followed by many organizations.

    Yours sincerely

    3.1 Leadership Style

    In autocratic style of leadership the management has the final say and the employees do not have

    any say in the decision making process .In Consultancy A where this is being followed along

    with downsizing of employees is tremendously negatively affecting the morale of all the

    employees. The employees who are still with the organization tend to be insecure and they look

    for viable opportunities elsewhere. Moreover the performance of the employees in the given

    situation is bound to be very low.

    In consultancy B where the organization is large and the organization is using laissez faire style

    ,where employees are delegated responsibilities and they may make their own decisions. In this

    kind of leadership it has been seen that the performance is affected and low. This is the very

    reason why they have to recruit more people to sustain the organization which again is large.

    Productivity of employees here are not up to the mark which may be a major concern.

    3.2Maslows theory and Herzbergs theory

    MaslowsHierarchy of needs and Herzbergs two factor theory happens to be two off the most

    popular of all motivational theories. Of these two theories Herzbergs theory is more inclined to

    job satisfaction. He was of the opinion that the various factors and parameters of any job can be

    broadly classified into two distinct categories. One being the motivational factor whiles the other

    being hygiene factors. Things such as company policy, supervision or working conditions and

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    salary fall under hygiene factors, the absence of which may lead to dissatisfaction in the job. On

    the contrary factors such as the work itself, recognition, achievements are termed as motivational

    factors which provides with long term satisfactions, where as the hygiene factors provide with

    short term satisfaction.

    Maslows theory of needs tells us how people in general try to satisfy their needs in context to

    their work. He opined that there was a generalist pattern that of needs people follow

    hierarchically to quench their need thirst. The idea that the theory conveys is that managers

    should supply or provide with the necessary opportunities as a person tends to advance within an

    organization ,to the mutual benefit of both the employee and the employer.

    3.3Theory X and theory Y

    In his theory X and theory Y Mc gregor has put forward two opposite ideas of management

    and leadership styles. Mc Gregor Was of the opinion that the managers may use any one of

    them based on the need of the situation and the nature of employees, however better results will

    be given by theory Y rather than theory X.

    Theory X is authoritarian style of management where the management of employees is very

    strict since the theory assumes that people have an inherent tendency to dislike work and will try

    to avoid it at the least possible opportunity. So in order to bring them in line with the

    organizational objectives it is extremely necessary to control, direct and threaten them of

    punishment .It also states people have little sense of responsibility and are mostly ambitionless

    but they seek security above and al everything,

    Contrary to theory, X is theory Y that suggests, the management should aim at the overall

    development of an employees key skills and potential and channelize them properly. The theory

    thus argues that work is as natural as play and rest. People are not lazy and shall themselves

    strive for the organizational goals even if not prodded continuously. People use their imaginative

    creativity and genius to solve organizational problems in accordance with their potential.

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    4.1Group and team:

    When three or more people tend to interact towards achievement of a mutual goal and exercise

    individual differences or agreements, they are said to constitute a group. A team is formed of a

    group of people who have coordinated their actions over a considerable period of time in order to

    accomplish an unified goal. A group doesn't necessarily constitute a team because a team

    requires a coordinated effort. A team is a more specialized in that it includes common resources

    and collective effort. Characteristics of a group are interdependence, interaction, synergy,

    common goals, shared norms, and cohesiveness. A group may also be informal, such as 3-12

    people that are in a meeting to discuss any form of business problem. Teams

    are structured more formally and are sometimes assigned. Teams have a purpose, specific goals,

    and assigned duties. Teams need to have different members with special roles in order to help

    achieve a common goal.

    On the other hand, groups are often comprised of people with similar abilities and goals and may

    not have participating members with different skill sets. Groups come together more casually and

    will typically have less structured meetings than teams. A successful business needs both groups

    and teams in order to function effectively. Groups may come together to solve less complex

    issues in meetings, while teams will be structured and formed in order to solve more difficult

    issues that take a longer time to solve.

    4.2 Team Performance

    One of the most important factors that contribute to team performance is cohesiveness.

    Cohesiveness helps to build on the commitment and willingness to achieve results from the team

    members. It also helps participation among the team members and helps to solve any and all

    team conflicts that are likely to happen while working in at team. Another very important factor

    that affects team performance is communications. A team must develop effective communication

    techniques among them to work in a coordinated manner. Communications may be in the form o

    E- mails, intranet present in office or weekly meetings. Communications is vital to solve the

    project related problems and issues.

    Effective team performance may be severely affected by team members who are not sincere

    enough and perform poorly. It is necessary for the team leader here to intervene and clearly

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    explain to him the deliverables that are expected out of him. If there is some sort of technical

    problem or knowledge gap it may easily be resolved by a senior team member with necessary

    experience to do so. Often teams may underperform due to poor leadership skills exhibited by

    the team leader. The team leader plays a pivotal role for the success of the team .If he is

    incompetent then chances are the entire team will suffer no matter what.

    4.3Impact of technology:

    Technology has made it possible to unite teams across distances, assemble them to produce

    results which previously could not be dreamt off. There are numerous advantages and

    disadvantages that technology brings with it. With the help of technology business

    communications have become easier, faster and cheaper. It has helped teams to use advanced

    softwares to assist on their projects to give much more accurate and better results. One

    disadvantage is that teams are getting more techno logy oriented so if ever technology fails then

    the entire project may get hampered. Security and loss of potential information may be regarded

    as another threat or disadvantage.

    However nowadays technology has also facilitated in creation of virtual teams and organizations

    .In virtual teams it is not necessary for the team members to know each other or work with each

    other physically. They do so using various forums over the internet, video conferencing. They

    may even work with the help of mails and spreadsheets, dissolving the age old concept of a

    physical workplace. This also helps businesses in saving considerable amount of capital

    expenditure. Virtual teams are thus a latest addition which is being extensively used these days.

    It improves performances of the team too.

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