스피드 리딩 카페 - 출처를 밝히지 않은 수정 및 재배포는 엄격히 금지합니다. 영어 원서 <Pretties> 단어장 http://book.interpark.com/product/BookDisplay.do?_method=Detail&sc.shopNo=0000400000&dispNo=&sc.prdNo=204664269 ▲ 원서 바로가기 (클릭) ▲ 영어 원서에 나오는 어려운 어휘가 정리되어 있습니다. 이를 활용하면 원서를 더욱 쉽게 읽고, 어휘력을 탄탄하게 기를 수 있습니다! 원본 출처 : 스피드 리딩 카페 단어장 게시판 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/59113) 이 단어장은 대한민국 최저가 인터넷 서점 『인터파크 외국도서』와의 제휴를 통해 재배포 되고 있습니다. 국내 최대 원서 읽기 동호회 스피드 리딩 카페를 방문해보세요! 이미 수만 명의 Reader들이 함께 모여 영어 원서를 읽고 있습니다! http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc

영어원서단어장bimage.interpark.com/bookpark/event/banner/52_Pretties.pdf · Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one

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Page 1: 영어원서단어장bimage.interpark.com/bookpark/event/banner/52_Pretties.pdf · Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one

�ⓒ� 스피드 리딩 카페 -� 출처를 밝히지 않은 수정 및 재배포는 엄격히 금지합니다.

영어 원서 <Pretties>� 단어장


▲� 원서 바로가기 (클릭)� ▲

영어 원서에 나오는 어려운 어휘가 정리되어 있습니다.

� � � � 이를 활용하면 원서를 더욱 쉽게 읽고,� 어휘력을 탄탄하게 기를 수 있습니다!

� 원본 출처 :� 스피드 리딩 카페 단어장 게시판 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/59113)

� � � � 이 단어장은 대한민국 최저가 인터넷 서점 『인터파크 외국도서』와의 제휴를 통해 재배포 되고 있습니다.

� 국내 최대 원서 읽기 동호회 스피드 리딩 카페를 방문해보세요!

이미 수만 명의 Reader들이 함께 모여 영어 원서를 읽고 있습니다!


Page 2: 영어원서단어장bimage.interpark.com/bookpark/event/banner/52_Pretties.pdf · Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one

3 car·ou·sel [|kӕrə|sel] 2. (공항의) 수하물 컨베이어 벨트

stut·ter [|stʌtə(r)]1. 말을 더듬다, 더듬거리다

2. [자동사][V] 차량・엔진이 (힘들게) 길길거리며 움직이다[시동이 걸리다]

4 sway [sweɪ] 1. (전후・좌우로 천천히) 흔들리다[흔들다]bogus [|boʊgəs] 가짜의, 위조의 Yes, "semi" was definitely a bogus word.

figures it/that figures그럴 줄 알았다

"Figures," Tally muttered.

get worked upget worked up (over something)흥분하다; …에 대해 소동을 부리다; …에 대해 흥분하거나 감정

적으로 괴로워하다

It didn't seem fair, having to get worked up over half a word.

sul·len [|sʌlən] 1. 뚱한, 시무룩한

squishy [|skwɪʃi] (비격식) 질척질척한

dis·in·clined [|dɪsɪn|klaɪnd] [명사 앞에는 안 씀] ~ (to do sth) (격식) 내키지 않는, 꺼리는

budge [bʌdƷ] 1. 약간 움직이다[움직이게 하다], 꼼짝하다

horde [hɔ:rd] (때로 못마땅함) (사람들의 큰) 무리

Zam·bo·ni [zæmbóuni] 잼보니 ((스케이트 링크용 정빙기(整氷機); 상표명))dart [dɑ:rt] 1. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 쏜살같이[휙] 달리다[움직이다]

schiz·oid [|skɪtsɔɪd] (전문 용어) 정신 분열병적인; 정신 분열병을 앓는The fireworks exploding in the stadium below made it glow like some kind of schizoid stained glass that changed colors every few seconds.

5 tip ***** [tɪp]

1. LEAN/POUR/PUSH AT AN ANGLE | 기울어지다, 젖혀지다; 기울이다, 젖히다

2. LEAN/POUR/PUSH AT AN ANGLE | [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (그릇을 비스듬히 기울여 그 내용물을) 따르다

Zane, who was pretty much the leader of the Crims, got bored and tipped a whole bottle onto the ice.

bash [bӕʃ] 2. (큰) 파티 They changed the bash to fancy dress.

6 wipe out wipe somebody out(비격식) ~를 녹초로[기진맥진하게] 만들다

, the day just starting and already wiping out.

bubb·ly [|bʌbli] 2. 사람이 항상 명랑 쾌활한, saying that no one would be admitted tonight without a really bubbly costume.

de·cent [|di:snt]3. (상황에) 적절한[온당한] That dress isn't decent. 저 드레스는 점잖지 못해.

Three hours to come up with something decent, and everyone else had a huge head start.



, the carousel stuttering back and forth as it tried to keep up with Tally's random eyemous clicks, setting clothes swaying on their hangers.

Tally didn't have the strength to explain that she'd really meant her hangover, which was sprawled in her head like an overweight cat, sullen and squishy and disinclined to budge.

The sheet of ice, held aloft by a grid of lifters, was thin enough to see through, and was kept transparent by a horde of little Zambonies darting among the skaters like nervous water bugs.


Page 1 By Woogie, 2010

Page 3: 영어원서단어장bimage.interpark.com/bookpark/event/banner/52_Pretties.pdf · Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one

Bloody?Bloody Mary(pl. Bloody Marys) 블러디 메리(보드카와 토마토 주스를 섞은 칵테일)

purge [p3:rdƷ] 1. ~ sth (of sb) | ~ sb (from sth) (조직에서 사람을, 흔히 폭력

적인 방법으로) 제거[숙청]하다

blimp [blɪmp] 1. (특히 美) 소형 비행선 "Um, Shay? Are we going as blimps or something?"7 scrape [skreɪp] 1. REMOVE | (무엇을 떼어 내기 위해) 긁다, 긁어내다 Shay said, scraping off the caviar decorating an melette and stirring it in.

fishy [|fɪʃi]2. 생선 냄새[맛]가 나는 a fishy smell 비린내

"Ew, fishy!"

hash browns [pl.] (美) 해시 브라운즈(다진 감자와 양파를 섞어 노릇하게 지진 요리) Then she'd move on to the hash browns .

binge [bɪndƷ] (비격식) (특히 음식을 먹거나 술을 마시며) 한동안 흥청망청하

기, 폭음[폭식]하기A good breakfast binge made her feel in control,

batted ? Batted her eyes.surge [s3:rdƷ] ? "You didn't surge again, did you?"

8 lash [lӕʃ] 1. 동의어 eyelash또한 lash [주로 복수로] 속눈썹

Shay's long lashes fluttered again.

speck·led [|spekld] 작은 반점들이 있는, 얼룩덜룩한Tally leaned forward, staring into the perfect copper eyes, wide and speckled with jewel dust, and her heart beat still faster.

awe·struck [|ɔ:strʌk] (문예체) 경이로워 하는A month after coming to New Pretty Town, Tally was still awestruck by other pretties' eyes.

lush [lʌʃ] 2. 멋진, 비싸 보이는 Shay's lush pupils seemed to murmur, I'm listening to you .

? She gestured for the windows to transpare a little more, and in the sunlight she saw the new additions.

im·plant [美ɪm|plӕnt]2. [타동사][VN] (의학적 목적을 위해 보통 인공적인 물질을 사람의 몸에) 심다[주입하다]

ringed [rɪŋd]1. 반지를 낀 a ringed finger 반지를 낀 손가락

9 puffy [|pʌfi] 1. 눈・얼굴 등이 부어 있는 (것 같은) She looked about to cry, except without puffy eyes or a red nose.

10 lame joke (idiomatic) An attempt at humor which is perceived to have been used previously to the point of being cliche, or was never funny to begin with.

Tally laughed, knowing the lame joke meant she was forgiven.

re·tard [美rɪ|tɑ:rd] [타동사][VN] (격식) (발전・진전을) 지연[지체]시키다- in all the old bandit movies in the wallscreen, the bad guys didn't look Crim, just retarded.

patch [pӕtʃ] 3. PIECE OF MATERIAL | (눈에 대는) 안대

eye·ball [|aɪbɔ:l] 안구, 눈알

Bolder than all the other implanted glitter, twelve tiny rubies ringed each of Shay's pupils, glowing softly red against emerald irises.

Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one of her new eyeballs.

, and Bloodies-more food than a whole packet of calorie purgers could erase.

Page 2 By Woogie, 2010

Page 4: 영어원서단어장bimage.interpark.com/bookpark/event/banner/52_Pretties.pdf · Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one

12 full-fledged [-flédƷd] 깃털이 다 난; 완전히 성장한; 자격을 제대로 갖춘 She'd been a full-fledged Crim for almost a month now.tickle [|tɪkl] 3. (흥미 등을) 돋우다; 재미있게 하다 Fausto kept laughing because it tickled.

13 splat [splӕt] [sing.] (비격식) 철퍼덕(물기 있는 것이 무엇에 세게 부딪치는 소리)

The hole wouldn't do costume bungee jackets, in case someone forgot and jumped off something and splatted.

14 poke [poʊk] poke about/around(비격식) (무엇을 찾으려고) 뒤지다[캐다]

"Hey, what's this thing?" Shay said. She was deep in Tally's closet,, poking around for ideas.

16 fea·thered [|feðərd] 깃털이 있는, 깃털로 덮인

requi·si·tion [|rekwɪ|zɪʃn] [타동사][VN] (특히전시나 비상시 건물・차량등의)징발하다

clique [kli:k] [C+sing./pl. v.] (흔히 못마땅함) 파벌, 패거리 A mostly naked clique of Bashes were pretending to be pre-Rusties,

17 au·then·ti·city [|ɔ:θen|tɪsəti][U] 진짜임

The authenticity of the story is beyond doubt. 그 이야기의 진실성은 의심의 여지가 없다

For unbathed authenticity they had rubbed dirt into their clothes and faces,

facegraph ? Tally saw snowmen, soldiers, thumb-game character, and a whole Pretty Committee of scientists carrying facegraphs .

18 reque request ? "I think they carry handphones all the time," Fausto said. "We should have requed one."

wob·bly [|wɑ:bli] 1. (불안정하게) 흔들리는, 기우뚱한 -teams of Jocks carrying hockey sticks and wobbly on hoverskates,swarm [swɔ:rm] 2. (특히 같은 방향으로 급히 이동 중인) 군중[대중]jab·ber [|dƷӕbə(r)] (못마땅함) (흥분해서 알아듣기 힘들게) 지껄이다

19 tu·mult [|tu:mʌlt] 1. 소란, 소동 No other Crims appeared among the tumult of costumes,para·noid [|pӕrənɔɪd] 1.피해망상적인

plague [pleɪg] 1. (한동안 고통・문제로) 괴롭히다

lurk [l3:rk] 1. (특히 나쁜 짓을 하려고 기다리며) 숨어 있다[도사리다]jar [dƷɑ:(r)] 2. ~ (on sth) 불쾌감을 주다, (신경을) 거슬리다[건드리다]

gel [dƷel] 2. [자동사][V] jell 美, 英 (英 또한) 생각・계획 등이 분명해지

다, 구체화되다; 순조롭다

cov·er·all [kʌ́vərɔ́:l] [보통 pl.] 상하가 붙은 작업복 ((overall과 달라 소매가 있음))Tally leaned back against one of the cool stone walls, remembering the gray silk coveralls that Specials wore and the cruel pretty faces they were given.

20 preda·tory [|predətɔ:ri] 2. 사람이 포식 동물 같은, 약한 사람들을 이용해 먹는

Every time Tally turned, it was there, moving with the terrible and predatory grace she remebered from being hunted through the ruins fo the Smoke on that awful day when -

21 min·gle [|mɪŋgl]1. ~ (A) (with B) | ~ (A and B) (together) 섞이다, 어우러지다; 섞다, 어우르다

, days of backbreaking work and nights staying warm by the campfire, mingled with memories of the aging ugly faces that still brought her awake screaming sometimes.

BASHTally saw an angel with beautiful feathered wings that must have been requisitioned months ago,

And of course the Swarm was everywhere, all jabbering to one another on their interface rings.

Paranoid thoughts began to plague her, and she kept catching glimpses of someone lurking in the shadows,

The plastic face jarred something in Tally, a painful memory that look a moment to gel.

Page 3 By Woogie, 2010

Page 5: 영어원서단어장bimage.interpark.com/bookpark/event/banner/52_Pretties.pdf · Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one

do a job on1. …을 때려부수다; …을 해치우다

2. …을 (감언이설 따위로) 속이다 They did a job on me. 그들은 나를 속였다.

Living in the Smoke had totally done a job on Tally's head.

22 hair·do [|herdu:](pl. -os) (구식 비격식) (여자가 매만져서 하고 있는) 머리 모양


bee·hive [|bi:haɪv]2. 올린 머리(1960년대 유행하던 여성의 헤어스타일로 머리를 정수리 위로 틀어 올린 형태)

wig [wɪg] 가발

sput·ter [|spʌtə(r)] 1. [자동사][V] (엔진・불길 등이) 펑펑 하는[털털거리는] 소리를 내다

The sparklers in his hair were sputtering out, and people were looking at him like, huh ?

cram [krӕm] 1. ~ (sth) into/onto sth | ~ (sth) in (좁은 공간 속으로 억지

로) 밀어[쑤셔] 넣다; (좁은 공간 속으로) 잔뜩 들어가다

tri·lo·bite [|traɪləʊbaɪt] 삼엽충

flecked [flékt] 얼룩[반점]이 있는Zane was always asking her about ugly days, but he did that with everyone, sucking up the Crims' stories with his gold-flecked eyes.

23 lum·ber·jack [|lʌmbərdƷӕk] 또한 log・ger (특히 미국과 캐나다에서) 벌목꾼[벌채 업자]

plaid [plӕd] 1. [U] 격자[타탄(tartan)]무늬 천

noose [nu:s] 올가미

drape [dreɪp] 1. ~ sth around/over/across, etc. sth (옷・천 등을 느슨하게) 걸치다[씌우다]

sunk·en [|sʌŋkən] 2. 눈・볼이 움푹 들어간, 퀭한He'd done costume surge to make his lips thin and cheeks sunken, whick made hime look kind of like a Special.

re·light [rì:láit] …에 다시 점화하다

wisp [wɪsp] 1. (머리카락・잔디 등과 같이 작고 가느다란 것의) 조각[가닥]

itchy [|ɪtʃi] 가려운; 가렵게 하는, but soon the other Crims were crowding in to touch the rough fibers of the handmade sweater and asking if it was itchy.

24 fuzzy [|fʌzi] 3. (모습・소리가) 흐릿한[어렴풋한] Her time in the wild was so fuzzy, but Tally could perfectly remember being a young ugly,

25 smear [smɪr] 2. [타동사][VN] (기름기 등으로) 더럽히다 , her face smeared with dirt.

fin·ger ***** [|fɪŋgə(r)] 1 손으로 만지다[더듬다] She fingered a thread working its way free of the weave, wishing that Shay hadn't found the sweater tonight.

26 stray [streɪ]2. 한쪽으로 샌, 빗나간a few stray hairs 흐트러진 머리카락 몇 올

Shay led them toward a party spire at random, through a cluster of Hairdos with beehive wigs, each with its own swarm of bumblebees ,

The four of them crammed into the elevator with a surgeon, a trilobite , and two drunken hockey players struggling to stay upright on hoverskates.

LURKERMost f the other Crims had come as lumberjacks , dressed in plaid and grostesquely muscle-padded, holding big fake chainsaws and glasses of chamepagne.

, and a hangman with a long noose draped over her shoulder.

Tally all laughed at Peris's costume, and tried to relight Fausto, but only managed to burn a few wisps of his hair, which was totally bogus-smelling.

He pushed a stray lock of Tally's hair back around her ear.

Page 4 By Woogie, 2010

Page 6: 영어원서단어장bimage.interpark.com/bookpark/event/banner/52_Pretties.pdf · Pirates were much better dressing, but Shay didn't want to wear a patch over one

lock7. [pl.] locks (문예체) (한 사람의) 머리(털)[일반]A lock of hair is in the comb.머리카락 한 뭉치가 빗에 끼어 있다.

miss·ing [|mɪsɪŋ] 4. (흔히 있어야 할 것이) 빠진[누락된]

veto [|vi:toʊ] 2. [C] ~ (on sth) 금지

rain down to fall or to make something fall on somebody/something in large quantities

27 rapt [rӕpt] 완전히 몰입한, 넋이 빠진 Zane always listened raptly to her Smoke stories.

wry [raɪ] 1. <실망스럽거나 짜증스러우면서도 재미있다는 듯한 반응으

로 보임을 나타냄> Zane asked, his smile wry.

sculp [skʌ́lp] sculp·ture [|skʌlptʃə(r)] 조각하다

His face had been sculped into more extreme shapes than most,

ab·surd [əb|s3:rd] 우스꽝스러운, 터무니없는

amused [ə|mju:zd] 1. ~ (to see, find, learn, etc.) ~ (at/by sth) 재미있어[즐거워] 하는


28 tin·kling [tíŋkliŋ] 딸랑딸랑 (울리는) A tinkling crash rose up from the darkness, surprised laughter spreading from it like ripples from a stone in water.

29 com·pos·ure [kəm|poʊƷə(r)] [U] (마음의) 평정Tally took in more breaths of the cold night air, trying to regain her composure.

lousy [|laʊzi]2. [명사 앞에만 씀] 형편없는(남에게 모욕을 받은 듯한 불쾌감

을 나타낼 때 씀)It was so shaiming to be like this, about to throw breakfast after a few lousy glasses of champagne.

30 belly [|beli] 1. 배Tally dodged between white coats and bounced like a pinball through a clique all dressed in fat-suits, their softly padded bellies spinning her in circles.

bowl ***** [boʊl] bowl somebody over ~에게 달려들어 쓰러뜨리다

wob·ble [|wɑ:bl] 2. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] (불안하게) 뒤뚱거리며 가다

fran·tic [|frӕntɪk] 1. 정신없이[미친 듯이] 서두는[하는] , but the crowd was thick and in frantic motion,

plas·ter [|plӕstə(r)]4. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (그림・포스터로) 도배를 하다

시피 하다

Then Tally noticed the door to the emergency stairs, bright red and plastered with warnings that an alarm would sound if you opened it.

blare [bler] ~ (sth) (out) (소리를) 요란하게[쾅쾅] 울리다 If a siren started blaring,31 muf·fle [|mʌfl] 1. (소리를) 죽이다[약하게 하다]

tu·mult [|tu:mʌlt] 1. 소란, 소동

He pushed a stray lock of Tally's hair back around her ear.

If Zane thought Tally was missing, vetoes would rain down no matter what Shay and Peris had promised.

, and his eyebrows arched absurdly high when he was amused.

Power of beautyThe Catalogue of Ships from Book II of The Iliad, which describes in detail the commanders who came to fight for Helen and the ships they brought with them, details a total of 1,186 ships which came to fight the Trojan War. As such, Helen herself has a beauty rating of 1.186 Helens, capable of launching more than one thousand ships.(from wikipedia, "List of humorous units of measurement")

She bowled over most of a hockey team, who wobbled on their slippy hoverskates like littlies.

The door closed behind her, muffling the tumult of the party.

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rag·ged [|rӕgɪd] 4. (솜씨・호흡 등이) 거친[고르지 못한] In the sudden quiet, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest and hear her own breath, still ragged from the chase.

leak [li:k] 1. (액체・기체가) 새게 하다The beat of the music seemed to leak under the door, making the concrete floor shudder.

32 brave ***** [breɪv] [타동사][VN] 용감히 대면하다Recognizing what the costume meant, chasing him across the party, braving the alarmed door-all of it had been a test.

crude [kru:d] 2. 물건이나 예술 작품이 대충 만든Finally, a sigh came through the mask, and he held up a crude leather pouch.

spook [spu:k] (비격식 특히 美) (사람・동물을) 겁먹게 하다; 겁먹다 He pushed her aside, spooked by the sight of real Specials.

33 fatty [|fӕti] (fat・tier , fat・ti・est) 지방이 많은; 지방으로 된 His face was nothing like the costumed fatties done up for the bash, with their big noses or squity eyes.

pore [pɔ:(r)] (피부의 땀구멍 같은) 구멍; (피부의 구멍처럼 식물・암석에 나 있는) 구멍

dis·joint·ed [dɪs|dƷɔɪntɪd] 연결이 안 되는, 일관성이 없는

tuft [tʌft] ~ (of sth) 다발(머리카락・잔디 등이 함께 모여 촘촘하게 난 것) Her skin crawled at his imperfections, the tufts of teenage beard,

34 dart [dɑ:rt] 1. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 쏜살같이[휙] 달리다[움직이다] , and the noise of the party rushed into the stairwell as he darted through,

plas·ter [|plӕstə(r)]4. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (그림・포스터로) 도배를 하다

시피 하다

2. ~ sb/sth in/with sth (물기가 있거나 끈적한 것을) 바르다

brit·tle [|brɪtl] 1. 잘 부러지는

35 tear [ter] 6. MOVE QUICKLY | [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 부리나케[신이 나서] 가다

She tore after him.

repel [rɪ|pel] 2. [타동사][VN] 쫓아 버리다, 접근하지 못하게 하다

skit·ter [|skɪtə(r)] [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 잽싸게[경쾌하게] 달리다[나아가다]36 howl [haʊl] 1. [자동사][V] 개・늑대 등이 (길게) 울다[울부짖다] She opened her mouth, but an alarm began to howl.

harsh [hɑ:rʃ] 3. (너무 강하거나 밝거나 추해서) 눈에 거슬리는, 야한 Everything was bright and harsh,

flare [fler] flare up 확 타오르다

They tumbled out of the light and into blackness, Peris's costume flaring up one last time in the wind of their descent,

37 in·vig·or·ate [ɪn|vɪgəreɪt] 2. (상황・조직 등을) 활성화하다He was half-screaming and half-laughing, as if enduring an annoying but invigorating practical joke-cold water over the head.

grunt [grʌnt] 2. 사람이 끙 앓는 소리를 내다(특히 아프거나 짜증스럽거나 흥미가 없어서 내는 소리)

kick in 효과가 나타나기 시작하다

brow [braʊ] (문예체) 이마

stag·ger [|stӕgə(r)] 1. 비틀[휘청]거리다, 비틀[휘청]거리며 가다

trickle [|trɪkl] 1. (액체가[를] 가늘게) 흐르다[흘리다/뿌리다] She blinked as something trickled into one eye.

In those seconds, Tally's pretty-perfect eyesight caught every gaping pore, the random tangles in his hair, the crude imbalance of his disjointed face.


The elevator was just spilling open, and Tally stumbled into a clique of Naturals plastered with brittle leaves, walking last days of autumn who shed yellows and reds as she shoved through them.

Their inhuman speed repelled her, like watching a cockroach skitter across a plate.

She squeezed harder, and heard Peris grunt as the lifters kicked in .

Peris shot back up into the air, his knee catching Tally's brow and sending her staggering back into the darkness.

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38 throb [θrɑ:b] 1. 몸의 일부가 욱신거리다, 지끈거리다

2. (소리가 규칙적으로 강하게) 고동치다, 울리다Her head throbbed,

re·vul·sion [rɪ|vʌlʃn][U , sing.] ~ (at/against/from sth) (격식) 혐오감, 역겨움, (혐오감을 동반한) 공포감[충격] her intense revulstion at Croy's ugly face,

trip overto fall or almost fall because you have accidentally hit your foot against something while you are walking or running

The pink flower in the sky faded, and Tally tripped over the winding roots of an old tree.

39 clad [klӕd]1. [흔히 부사 뒤나 합성어에 쓰여] ~ (in sth) …(옷)을 입은

leather-clad motorcyclists 가죽옷을 입은 오토바이족들

Behind him, tow other black-clad figures rode, yourger uglies wearing dorm uniforms and nervous looks.

40 dumb·found [dʌm|faʊnd] [타동사][VN] (너무 놀라서) 말을 못하게 만들다Her fingers came away sticky, and more dark blotches dripped into her palm as she stared at it dumbfounded .

mime [maɪm] 1. 무언극을 하다, (말은 하지 않고) 몸짓으로 표현하다 He mimed drowning, grasping at water and slipping under.41 shak·i·ness [ʃéikinis] [U] 진동; 동요; 불안정 , her weird shakiness turning bubbly that Peris was here.

cling·y [klíŋi] ((cling·i·er; -i·est)) 점착성의, 들러붙어서 떨어지지 않는 He rubbed one shoulder. "Also… ow on the clinginess ."whack [wӕk] 1. (비격식) 세게 치다, 후려치다 Your knee whacked into me when you bounced.

tinge [tɪndƷ] [주로 단수로] -기(氣),기미, 기운It passed silently overhead, running lights casting a red tinge on the grass around them.

42 swell [swel] 1. [자동사][V] ~ (up) 붓다, 부풀다, 부어오르다They gently led her to the car and sprayed new skin onto the wound, giving her a pill to stop the swelling .

bruise [bru:z] 1. 멍, 타박상When she asked about bruises, they laughed and said the operation took care of that.

re·tard·ed [rɪ|tɑ:rdɪd] (구식 모욕적) 지능 발달이 늦은, 정신 지체의

con·cus·sion [kən|kʌʃn] [U] [미국 영어에서는 가산 명사로만 쓰임] 뇌진탕

43 hang on hang on somebody's words/on somebody's every word ~의 한 마디 한 마디에 귀를 기울이다

lu·mi·nous [|lu:mɪnəs] 1. 어둠에서 빛나는, 야광의; 빛을 발하는

bug [bʌg] 1. 도청장치를 달다, 도청하다

45 im·peril [ɪm|perəl] [타동사][VN] (-ll- , 美 -l-) (격식) 위태롭게 하다, 위험에 빠뜨


With everything so perfect, reality seemed somehow fragile, as if the slightest interruption could imperil her pretty future.

tenu·ous [|tenjuəs] 1. 미약한, 보잘것없는 all of it felt as tenuous as a soap bubble, shivering and empty.

46 churn [tʃ3:rn] 2. (걱정・역겨움 등으로) (속이[을]) 뒤틀리다[뒤틀리게 하다] , and moved with a brutal suddenness that made Tally's stomach churn.

chink [tʃɪŋk] 1. (특히 빛이 새어드는) 틈

crum·ble [|krʌmbl]1. 바스러지다; 바스러뜨리다

2. [자동사][V] (건물이나 땅이) 허물어지다[무너지다]

The test seemed pretty retarded, but the wardens said it proved she didn't have a concussion or brain damage.

He was hanging on every word, his luminous eyes bugging wide.


He made it past the dragon, not so much slaying as creeping, finding chinks in the ancient stone wall to slip his fingers into, because it was old and crumbling .

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daunt [dɔ:nt] [타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] 겁먹게[기죽게] 하다

spare ***** [sper] 1. TIME/MONEY/ROOM/THOUGHT, etc. | ~ sth/sb (for sb/sth) | ~ (sb) sth (시간・돈 등을) 할애하다[내다/내어 주다]

47 scurry [|sk3:ri][자동사][V + adv. / prep.] (scur・ries , scurry・ing , scur・ried , scur・ried) 종종걸음을 치다, 총총[허둥지둥] 가다

48 bonk [bɑ:ŋk] 2. [타동사][VN] (…의) 머리를 툭 때리다; (…에) 머리를 툭 부딪

치다"Did Peris tell you how my head got bonked?"

breathy [|breθi] (말하거나 노래 부를 때) 숨소리가 섞인 Zane's voice was breathy in her ear, his usual cool overwhelmed.

49 stuff ***** [stʌf] 4. [타동사][VN] ~ your face ~ sb/yourself (with sth) (비격

식) (너무) 많이[잔뜩] 먹다[먹이다], 포식하다[하게 하다] Only uglies did stuff like hack mail.

spindly [|spɪndli] (비격식 흔히 못마땅함) (가늘고 약한) 막대기 같은 Out the window, the Garbo Mansion party towers rose up, tall and spindly.

snake ***** [sneɪk] [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (뱀처럼) 꿈틀꿈틀 움직이다[구불

구불 가다]They met in Denzel Park, a pleasure graden that snaked form the center of New Pretty Town down to Valentino Mansion.

1. [C] 채찍

2. <재빨리 또는 격렬하게 움직이거나 움직이게 함을 나타냄> A branch whipped across the car window. 나뭇가지 하나가 자동차 창문에 마구 부딪쳤다.

turn over turn something over ~을 뒤집다

scorch [skɔ:rtʃ] 1. (불에) 그슬리다[눋게 하다]

bob [bɑ:b] 1. ~ (sth) (up and down) (특히 물 위에서) 깐닥거리다, 까닥거


Zane arrived on time, breakfast bobbing softly behind him in the cool breeze.

51 tin·gly [|tɪŋgli] 따끔거리는, 얼얼한 Zane was extra beautiful, and his expression gave her a tingly feeling-cal·lig·raphy [kə|lɪgrəfi] [U] 서도, 서예 , but Zane dyed his with calligraphy ink.

dap·pled [|dӕpld] (색깔・무늬・그림자가) 얼룩덜룩한[어룽거리는] His gold eyes flickered as they searched for a spot, coming to rest in the dappled shadow of a broad oak tree.

dew [du:] [U] 이슬They sat down on the grass and leaves, and Tally breathed in the scent of dew and earth.

slimy [|slaɪmi] 1. (더럽고) 끈적끈적한, 점액질의

Breakfast settled between them, giving off warmth from the glowing elements that kept the scrambled eggs and hash browns from going cold and slimy.

52 mar·bled [|mɑ:rbld] 대리석 색깔[무늬]의 Tally consumed the rest of the muffin, which was totally steaming inside and marbled with half-melted chocolate,

53 hook up with hook up with somebody~와 만나서 시간을 보내다

"That's how she hooked up with you guys after coming here."

vis·cous [|vɪskəs] (전문 용어) 액체가 끈적거리는, 점성이 있는Memories from the Smokey always came back at a brain-missing pace, like bubbles rising up through some thick, viscous liquid.

55 as·cent [ə|sent] 1. [C] [주로 단수로] 올라감The feeling that real danger might be lurking out there, unlike the harmless thrill of a hot-air ascent or a bungee jump.

[wɪp]whip50 , the old-fashioned Valention flag whipping in the cold wind.

He climbed the tower's daunting height easily, sparing only an amused look down at the dragon, which had been distracted by a host of playful rats scurrying through its claws.

A maintenance robot hovered above one circle of ashes, turning the soil over with careful movements of its claws, spraying seeds into the scorched earth.

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me·tab·ol·ism [mə|tӕbəlɪzəm] [U , sing.] (생물) 신진[물질]대사, 대사Suddenly her heart was beating fast, like when you took a purger and your metabolism kicked up to burn the calories.

damp·ness [|dӕmpnəs] [U] 축축[눅눅]함 She felt a dampness on her face, the breeze suddenly cold.

56 pin·point [|pɪnpɔɪnt] 아주 작은 지점(특히 불빛이 비치는 곳) Pinpoints of sunlight cut harshly through the leaves overhead as she tried to tak deep, slow breaths.

bail [beɪl] 1. 보석으로 풀어 주다 "So you bailed too, didn't you?"

57 dreg [dréɡ] 1. [보통 pl.] 잔재, 찌꺼기, 앙금; 하찮은 것, 쓰레기She looked at Zane, his beautiful eyes still staring into the dregs of his coffee, and felt herself relax.

59 sput·ter [|spʌtə(r)]1. [자동사][V] (엔진・불길 등이) 펑펑 하는[털털거리는] 소리를 내다 2. (분노・충격으로) 식식거리며[더듬거리며] 말하다

"Oh, I'm sorry," Tally sputtered.

notch [nɑ:tʃ] 2. (기록 등을 위해 새겨 놓은 V 자나 동그라미) 표시 Her eyes were squinting, as if the sun had been turned up a notch.61 foil [fɔɪl] 1. [U] 英 또한 'silver |foil (음식을 싸는 알루미늄) 포장지,

glim·mer [|glɪmə(r)] [자동사][V] (희미하게) 깜박이다[빛나다]

62 ran·sack [|rӕnsӕk][타동사][VN] ~ sth (for sth) (무엇을 찾아서 어떤 곳을 엉망으

로 만들며) 뒤지다[뒤집어엎다]Tally tried to steady her shaking hands, ransacking her brain to fight through the fog around her ugly memories.

64 loom [lu:m] 1. (특히 무섭게) 어렴풋이[흐릿하게] 보이다[나타나다] He shook his head, glancing up at the party spires that loomed over him.65 screwy [|skru:i] (비격식) 나사가 풀린 듯한, 이상한 "But then you showed up, with your screwy stories that don't make sense.

67 reed [ri:d] 1. 갈대He threaded the rings onto two tall reeds, which bowed under the weight of the metal bands.

68 start offstart off1. 움직이기 시작하다 The horse started off at a steady trot. 그 말이 안정된 속보로 움직이기 시작했다.

"We started off down in the stone mansion,

69 swear ***** [swer] 1. [자동사][V] ~ (at sb/sth) 욕을 하다

2. [수동태로는 안 씀] (…을 하겠다고) 맹세하다Tally swore.

flit [flɪt] 1. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] ~ (from A to B) | ~ (between A and B) (가볍게) 돌아다니다, 휙 스치다[지나가다]

Shadows shifted in the wind, and she imagined gray shapes flitting among them.

70 glam·our [|glӕmə(r)] 1. (흔히 부와 신분에 따른) 화려함[매력] The glamour of the party had been stripped away, like bubbliness turned into a hangover.

rub·bish ***** [|rʌbɪʃ] 1. (특히 英) 쓰레기

raisin [|reɪzn] raisin (raisiny)[명사] 건포도

stale [steɪl] 1. 식품, 특히 빵이나 케이크가 신선하지 않은, (만든 지) 오래된

funk [fʌŋk] 3. [C] (주로 단수로 美) 지독한 악취


The shiny foil glimmered painfully in the sun, and packet's edges felt sharp as razor.


But fear kept her bubbly, her senses sharp enough to hear stary party rubbish shifting in the drafty corridors, to separate the raisiny scent of spilled champagne from the stale funk of beer.

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72 pro·pel [prə|pel] 1. (몰거나 밀거나 해서) 나아가게 하다Last night the sight of gray silk had focused her mind, had propelled her after Croy and into the fire stairwell.

74 icicle [|aɪsɪkl] 고드름 The world became as sharp as icicles.pre·car·ious [prɪ|keriəs] 2. (금방 넘어지거나 사람을 넘어뜨릴 것처럼) 위태로운 , until only Zane's toes rested on the stone, precariously balanced.

sole [soʊl] 1. [C] 발바닥

scrab·ble [|skrӕbl][자동사][V + adv. / prep.] ~ (around/about) (for sth) (특히 英) 뒤지며[허우적거리며] 찾다

dan·gle [|dӕŋgl]1. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] (무엇이) (달랑) 매달리다[달랑거

리다]scrape [skreɪp] 1. REMOVE | (무엇을 떼어 내기 위해) 긁다, 긁어내다

haul [hɔ:l] 1. [타동사][VN] (아주 힘들여) 끌다Then one of his boots found purchase in a crack between the stones, and he hauled himself over and out of sight.

75 clutch [klʌtʃ] 1. (꽉) 움켜잡다 Tally clutched the window frame with one hand as she rose,pock [pɑ́k] 마맛자국을 남기다, 곰보가 되게 하다 The cool stone was pocked with holes and cracks,sway [sweɪ] 1. (전후・좌우로 천천히) 흔들리다[흔들다] She swayed slightly in the breeze, like an unsupported tower built too tall.ledge [ledƷ] 2. (특히 창문 아래 벽에 붙인) 선반 "Just grab the ledge."

76 blush [blʌʃ] 1. ~ (with sth) (at sth) 얼굴을 붉히다, 얼굴이 빨개지다 Pretties didn't blush-

death-defying 결사적The bubbliness of their death-defying climb had made Zane's gaze tooo intense.

2. (특히 같은 방향으로 급히 이동 중인) 군중[대중]1. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (흔히 못마땅함) 사람들・동물

들 등이 떼[무리]를 지어 다니다

vent [vent] 1. 통풍구, 환기구

mast [mӕst] 2. 안테나 기둥

shack [ʃӕk] 판잣집 (같은 건물)

77 lit·ter [|lɪtə(r)]1. [타동사][VN] 흐트러져[흩어져] 어지럽히다[어수선하게 만들

다]pains·tak·ing [|peɪnzteɪkɪŋ] [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 공들인

taut [tɔ:t] 1. (밧줄 따위가) 팽팽한

screech [skri:tʃ] 1. 꽥[빽/끼익/쌩] 하는 소리를 내다(귀에 거슬리는 날카로운 소리를 냄을 나타냄)

wrack 고문하다Tally looked at the device that kept the chain from slipping, wracking her still-spinning brain.

pad·lock [|pӕdlɑ:k] 맹꽁이자물쇠 "That's called a …padlock, I think."

78 shel·ter ***** [|ʃeltə(r)]1. [타동사][VN] ~ sb/sth (from sb/sth) (비・바람・위험 등을

[으로부터]) 막아 주다[피할/쉴 곳을 제공하다], 보호하다

Leaning close to the narrow gap Zane had opened,, Tally sheltered her gaze with both hands and peered into the blackness.

pul·ley [|pʊli] 도르래There seemed to be a huge pulley and a crude mechanical engine, like the kind they used out in the Smoke.

swarm [swɔ:rm] A soccer field full of just turned-uglies swarmed around a black-and-white ball,

Then Tally heard the muffled sound of soles scrabbling on stone.

Above her, Zane dangled from the edge of the roof, his feet swinging and scraping.

The stone roof was flat, marked only by the spinning heads of three air vents, the towering transmission mast, and a metal shack no bigger than an ugly's closet.

In the shack's ancient door, a rust-covered sheet of metal like those that littered the ruins, letters had been painstakingly scratched:VALENTINO 317.

He yangked at the door, but a shiny chain snapped taut with a screeched complaint.

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79 perch [p3:rtʃ] 2. ~ (sb/yourself) (on sth) (비격식) (특히 무엇의 끝에) 걸터

앉다[앉히다] "Or maybe," Zane said, perching on one edge of the shack,

crisp ***** [krɪsp] 4. 공기나 날씨가 상쾌한 At the sight of it, the world grew crisp again, and she smiled.

80 strut [strʌt] 1. (차량・건물을 보강하는) 지주[버팀대]criss·cross [krískrɔ́:s,-krɑ̀s] 십자 모양이 되다; 종횡으로 움직이다

cat's cradle [U] (두 손의 손가락으로 하는) 실뜨기 놀이

por·cel·ain [|pɔ:rsəlɪn] [U , C] 자기(磁器)

81 weave [wi:v] (직물을) 짜는[엮는] 법; (직물의) 무늬Tally and Zane stayed together, climbing opposite sides of the tower, finding ready handholds in the weave of struts and cable.

82 hulk·ing [|hʌlkɪŋ] [명사 앞에만 씀] (흔히 불안감을 줄 정도로) 거대한 , Tally saw her old dorm hulking among the trees.de·mand·ing [dɪ|mӕndɪŋ] 1. 일이 부담이 큰, 힘든 With her new muscles, the climb wan't physically demanding .

slick [slɪk] 4. 미끄러운, 매끈거리는The polymer coating was slick, still wet in a few corners where the morning sun hadn't yet dried the dew.

skein [skeɪn] (실・털실의) 타래

braid·ed [bréidid] 짠, 꼰; 몰로 장식한; (머리를) 땋은

83 re·flex [|ri:fleks] 반사 작용[운동]; 반사적인 반응[동작]

into gear get into gear순조롭게 돌아가기 시작하다[시작하게 만들다]

in·su·la·tion [|ɪnsə|leɪʃn] [U] 절연[단열/방음] 처리[처리용 자재]fric·tion [|frɪkʃn] 1. [U] 마찰

85 crisp ***** [krɪsp] 1. crispy 식품이 (기분 좋게) 바삭바삭한

4. 공기나 날씨가 상쾌한

fresh ***** [freʃ] 10. JUST FINISHED | ~ from sth ~에서 갓 나온[막 ~한]

sore ***** [sɔ:(r)] 1. (보통 빨갛게 염증이 생기거나 근육을 많이 써서) 아픈[따가

운/화끈거리는]It wasn't until she stood on the roof again that Tally realized how sore her muscles were.

crys·tal·line [|krɪstəlaɪn] 2. (격식) 수정같이 맑은 Her heart was still pounding, and the world remained crystalline .

flake [fleɪk] 1. [자동사][V] ~ (off) (얇게 조각조각) 벗겨지다[떨어지다]

graf·fiti [grə|fi:ti] [U , pl.] (공공장소에 하는) 낙서, 그래피티

86 pro·claim [prə|kleɪm] 1. 선언[선포]하다

crum·ble [|krʌmbl] 2. [자동사][V] (건물이나 땅이) 허물어지다[무너지다]con·tra·band [|kɑ:ntrəbӕnd] [U] 밀수품

squash [skwɑ:ʃ] 1. ~ sth (against sth) 짓누르다, 으깨다, 찌부러뜨리다Tally saw a yellowed rectangle of paper, squashed and blackened at one end,

heave [hi:v] 4. [자동사][V] (구토가 나려는듯) 속이 뒤틀리다

stench [stentʃ] [sing.] 악취

She carefully pulled the key off and slipped it into her pocket while the Valentino flag snapped overhead, the sound as crisp as clothes fresh out of the wall.


White struts loomed over Tally and Zane, crisscrossing like a cat's cradle , shining in the sun like porcelain .

Microwave dishes and thick skeins of braided cables crowded the struts, and doubts began to creep through Tally's mind.

Her brand-new pretty reflexes kicked into gear , and her hands flew out to grab a passing braid of cable.

Tall's palms slid down the plastic insulation , the friction burning her skin as if the cable had burst into flame.

As Tally's eyes adjusted, she could see the flaking graffiti that filled every centimeter of wall space, layer upon layer of slogans, scrawled tags, and the names of couples proclaiming their love.

The crumbling elevator machinery was decorated with still more graffiti, and the floor littered with ancient contraband:

She picked it up and sniffed, dropping it when her stomach heaved at the stench.

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pouch [paʊtʃ] 1. (보통 가죽으로 만든) 주머니The pouch Croy had shown her rested on one of the old rusted gears of the elevator mechanism, waiting.

skit·ter [|skɪtə(r)] [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 잽싸게[경쾌하게] 달리다[나아가다] A small, skittering sound came from the stone floor, and she realized something tiny had fallen from the pouch-

91 bled bleed 의 과거형

spat·ter [|spӕtə(r)]1. ~ sb/sth (with sth) | ~ sth (on/over sb/sth) (액체 방울 등을) 튀기다[튀겨서 뒤덮다]

93 vege·table ***** [|vedƷtəbl] 2. 英 또한 cab・bage 식물인간the pills going wrong on her, or watching Zane turn into a vegetable in her place.

95 soul·less [|soʊlləs] 1. 사물・장소가 마음을 끄는 데가 없는, 삭막한In the gloom of the shack, the pills stared up at her like two soulless white eyes.

un·ravel [ʌn|rӕvl] 1. (뜨개질한 것・엉클어진 것・매듭 등을) 풀다 She imagined her brain unraveling .

101 pane [peɪn] (한 장의) 판유리

a windowpane 창문용 판유리 한 장

Tally pressed one hand against the pane, letting the chill leak through the glass and into her palm.

brac·ing [|breɪsɪŋ] 특히 날씨가 (차가우면서) 상쾌한The bracing cold made the afternoon light sharper, as brittle as she imagined the icicles outside to be.

nudge [nʌdƷ] 2. [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (…을 특정 방향으로) 살살[조금씩] 밀다[몰고 가다] "What the…," he muttered, stirring just enough to nudge her hand away.

102 opaque [oʊ|peɪk] 1. 유리・액체 등이 불투명한 The room obeyed, opaquing the window.crip·pling [krípliŋ] (기능을 상실할 정도로) 심하게 손상[부상]한mi·graine [|maɪgreɪn] [U , C] 편두통

Cel·tic [|keltɪk] 켈트족의, 켈트어의 black Celtic swirls just above her eye that spun in time with her heartbeat.seam [si:m] 3. (판자 따위의) 이음매[접합선] , and for the millionth time she searched for any seam in its metal surface.

103 per·co·late [|p3:rkəleɪt] 1. [자동사][V] 액체・기체 등이 스며들다 Brewing smells began to percolate into the room, and Zane stirred again.flinch [flɪntʃ] [자동사][V] ~ (at sth) | ~ (away) 움찔[주춤]하다 He flinched but didn't fight back,

drow·si·ly [dráuzili] 졸린 듯이, 꾸벅꾸벅 He smiled and shrugged drowsily .

wreck [rek]1. 난파선 4. (비격식) (차량・건물 등이) 다 망가지다시피 한 것, 만신창

As always, Zane's room was a wreck.

scarves scarf 의 복수형. black scarves;

104 rink [rɪŋk] = ice rink= skating rink She shook her head, giggled, and pulled him toward the floating rink.

105 bark [bɑ:rk] 2. ~ (out) sth (명령・질문 등을) 빽 내지르다

grat·ing [|greɪtɪŋ] 소리・목소리가 귀에 거슬리는



They'd barked a million questions in their grating Special voices,

Ink bled into the spattered mark, turning the tear black.


Zane still sometimes got crippling migraines that could put him out for hours,

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med [med] (비격식 특히 美) = medical Finally, some wardens showed up with the abandoned interface rings, medspray for Tally's palms, and muffins.

come off 떼어낼[제거할] 수 있다 , unlike rings, they didn't come off.man·acle [|mӕnəkl] [주로 복수로] 수갑[족쇄] (한 쪽) They were manacles with an invisible chain,

106 con·spir·acy [kən|spɪrəsi] [C , U] (pl. -ies) ~ (to do sth) | ~ (against sb/sth) 음모, 모의 Living in an unspoken conspiracy filled every gesture with significance,107 am·bush [|ӕmbʊʃ] [C , U] 매복 (공격) , like a snowball ambush from the roof of Pulcher Mansions.

timed [táimd] 2. [보통 복합어를 이루어] 때에 알맞은 His playful glance was perfectly timed to settle Tally's nerves a little.

wob·bly [|wɑ:bli] 1. (불안정하게) 흔들리는, 기우뚱한A few newly voted-in Crims were warming up, looking wobbly ankled on the floating ice,

bump into bump into somebody(우연히) ~와 마주치다

Shay glided over to gather Tally in a hug, coming to a halt mostly by bumping into her.

re·tort [rɪ|tɔ:rt] 쏘아붙이다, 응수[대꾸]하다 "Hey, Squint-la," Tally retorted, giggling.

soli·dar·ity [|sɑ:lɪ|dӕrəti] [U] ~ (with sb) 연대, 결속She saw that Shay had wrapped a black scarf around her forearm in solidarity .

trig·ger [|trɪgə(r)]2. ~ (for sth) | ~ (to sth/to do sth) (반응・사건을 유발한) 계기[도화선]

A lot of the Crims had new facial tatoos with heart-rate triggers-you could see at a glance how bubbly they were.

108 win·try [|wɪntri] 1. 겨울의, 겨울 같은; 추운 reall metal baldes glittered in the wintry light like daggers.lace [leɪs] =shoelace 신발끈

flask [flӕsk]3. hip flask[명사] 휴대용 술병(금속이나 유리로 작고 납작하게 만들어 흔히 가죽 케이스 안에 넣은 것)

thaw [θɔ:] 4. ~ (sth) (out) (몹시 춥던 손발 등이[을]) 녹다[녹이다] "Very thawing."om·in·ous [|ɑ:mɪnəs] 불길한 The silence was ominous, unless this was another of their annoying tests.

109 break·through [|breɪkθru:] 돌파구

jolt [dƷoʊlt] 2. (특히 강한 충격・놀람으로) 가슴이 철렁하는 느낌

mot·tle [mɑ́tl] …에 반점을 붙이다, 얼룩덜룩하게 하다 She looked down through the mottled window of ice underfoot.

sun·burst [|sʌnb3:rst] 구름 사이로 햇살이 눈부시게 비침

ten·dril [|tendrəl] 2. (문예체) 덩굴 모양의 것(머리카락 등)110 ti·mid·i·ty [timídəti] [U] 겁 많음; 수줍음

sloth [sloʊθ] 2. [U] (격식) 나태, 태만

hand·stand [|hӕndstӕnd] 물구나무서기

crum·bly [|krʌmbli]crumbliesAnother word to call old people. Crumblies is the funniest word to ever call old people.

burb [bə́:rb] (속어) [종종 pl.] 교외(suburb)

break sweat

break sweat(美 break a sweat)

(英, 비격식) 열심히 땀을 흘리다[노력하다]He never broke a sweat and could hold his breath for two solid minutes.

Tally drew her laces up tight. "Got your flask?"

Well, the breakthrough would give them a jolt.

The hoverlifters that held the floating rink up in the air were easy to see, spaced in a grid a few meters apart and sending out a sunburst of refrigeration tendrils .

His operation-augmented muscles had been freed from pretty timidity and sloth.

He could hold a handstand without trembling, climb up to his window in Pulcher Mansion seconds, and outrun the monorail that brought crumblies from the burbs into the central hospital.

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feat [fi:t] (호감) 위업, 개가; (뛰어난) 솜씨[재주] Watching him perform these feats,

slouch [slaʊtʃ]?[자동사][V + adv. / prep.] (게으르게) 구부정하니 서다[앉다/움직이다]

Tally was no slouch herself, but somehow the cure had taken Zane's strength and coordination to a new level.

mot·ley [|mɑ:tli](못마땅함) (서로 어울리지 않는 사람들・사물들이) 잡다하게[마구] 섞인

vor·tex [|vɔ:rteks] 2. (문예체) (비유적인 의미의) 소용돌이

swoosh [swu:ʃ] [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 휙[쌩] 하는 소리를 내며 움직이다"Anything from the New Smoke?" he asked, barely audible over the swoosh of skates.

111 teem [ti:m] teem with something (사람들·동물들 등이) 바글[와글]거리다

The stadium below was teeming, the growing audience awaiting the first game of the intercity playoffs.

tardy [|tɑ:rdi] ~ (in doing sth) (격식) 느린, 더딘; (도착 등이) 늦은[지체된] A second later, a tardy boom shuddered up through the ice, followed by a long ahhh of appreciation form the crowd.

rasp [rӕsp] 1. [sing.] 거친[쉰 듯한] 소리

un·screw [|ʌn|skru:] come[get] unscrewed(


구어》) (산산이) 허물어지다;

《美속어》 격노하다

112 gur·gle [|g3:rgl]1. (물이 좁은 공간을 빠르게 흐를 때 나는 것 같이) 쏴[콸콸] 하는 소리가 나다

A liquid sound spread through the pack of Crims, double vodka and straight ethyl alcohl gurgling out.

creak [kri:k] [C] creak・ing [ U , C ] 삐걱거리는 소리

spirit ***** [|spɪrɪt] 11. ALCOHOL | [C] (주로 복수로 특히 英) 증류주, 화주

fridge(英) ***** [frɪdƷ] 美 또는 격식 re・friger・ator , 美 또한 구식 ice・box 냉장고 he'd even run a test in the small fridge in his room.

plume [plu:m] 1. (연기・수증기 등이 피어오르는) 기둥The stadium came into heart pounding focus, until Tally could see every detail of a rising plume of green and yellow fireworks.

ramp up ramp something up~을 늘리다[증가시키다

The fireworks display was building in intensity, ramping up for the finale.

shim·mer [|ʃɪmə(r)] [자동사][V] 희미하게 빛나다, (빛을 받아) 어른[일렁]거리다

gaz·elle [gə|zel] (pl. gaz・elle 또는 gaz・elles) 가젤(작은 영양)

slug [slʌg] 2. (비격식) (독한 술의) 한 모금[조금]

113 squirt [skw3:rt] 1. (액체・가스 등을 가늘게) 찍 짜다[내뿜다/뿌리다]; 찍 나오

다[뿌려지다]be·fud·dle [bifʌ́dl] 정신을 잃게 하다 ((with)); 어리둥절하게 하다 ((with))

put on가장하다[꾸미다/…인 척하다] He put on an American accent.

그는 미국식 말투를 가장해서 썼다.

She loved gliding across the ice with him, skating circles around the others, being the graceful center of the Crims' motley vortex of flashing blades.

Flashes of metal caught the sun, and Tally heard the rasp of tops being unscrewed.

Tally thought she heard the creak, the slightest of complaints from the ice as its freezing point was lowered by the spirits.

She felt a shimmer of panic in the pack around her, like a herd of gazelles spotting some big cat in the distance.

A few Crims took last slugs from their flasks, then squirted boxes of orange juice into them to erase the evidence of what they'd done.

Tally grinned, imagining the pretty befuddlement she would put on for the wardens:

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teeter-totter = see·saw시소 (놀이)(teeter-totter)

ful·crum [|fʊlkrəm] 2. [주로 단수로] (가장 중요한 역할을 하는) 지주[버팀대]lurch [l3:rtʃ] 1. (갑자기) 휘청하다[휘청거리다]

whoop [wu:p ; hu:p] (기쁨・흥분 등으로) 와 하는 함성Gloved hands grabbed her coat from every direction in a moment of group panic, then a whoop rose up as the middle of the rink gave way altogether,

114 war cry (공격・돌격 때 지르는) 함성[구호] Wind tore the war cries from theh Crims' mouths.pum·mel [|pʌml] (-ll- , 美 -l-) (특히 주먹으로) 계속 치다[때리다]blind·ing [|blaɪndɪŋ] 1. 눈이 부신; 눈을 뜰 수 없을 정도인

streak [stri:k]1. <바탕을 이루는 부분과 색깔이 다른 기다란 줄 모양의 것> streaks of grey in her hair 그녀 머리에 난 흰머리 몇 가닥

bril·liance [bríljəns(i)] 1. 광휘; 광명, 광택

un·leash [ʌn|li:ʃ][타동사][VN] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) (강력한 반응・감정 등을) 촉발시키다[불러일으키다]

in·can·des·cence [ìnkəndésns(i)] [U] 고온 발광; 백열광; [비유] (분노·격정 따위의) 불타오름

det·on·ate [|detəneɪt] 폭발하다[시키다] The grand finale of the fireworks show had detonated just as the pack of falling Crims had broken through the ice.

115 siz·zle [|sɪzl][자동사][V] (기름에 굽거나 튀기는 음식이) 지글지글 하는 소리

를 내다One sizzling flare clung to her bungee jacket,

plum·met [|plʌmɪt] [자동사][V] 곤두박질치다, 급락하다

She was still out of control when the straps of the bungee jacket bit into her, bringing her headfirst plummet to a halt a few meters from the ground.

un·scathed [ʌn|skeɪðd] [명사 앞에는 안 씀] 다치지 않은, 아무 탈 없는

apex [|eɪpeks] (pl. apexes) [주로 단수로] 꼭대기, 정점

pene·trate [|penɪtreɪt]1. ~ (into/through/to) sth 뚫고 들어가다; 관통하다 3. [타동사][VN] 꿰뚫어 보다; 관통하여 보여주다

haze [heɪz]1. [C , U] 연무, 실안개

2. [sing.] (시야를 가리는) 희부연 것3. [sing.] (정신이) 몽롱한[흐리멍덩한] 상태

116 mo·men·tum [moʊ|mentəm] 2. 가속도She looked around for Zane, and saw that his momentum had carried him down the field and into one of the goals.

thud [θʌd] (낮게 둔탁한 소리를 내며) 쿵[퍽/툭] 치다[떨어지다] She thudded to a halt, relieved,

be·dazzle [bɪ|dӕzl][타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] (지성・미모 등으로) 아주 놀라게 하다[큰 감동을 주다] The bedazzled crowd looked as if they would listen.

jazz up jazz something up~을 더 신나게[매력적으로] 만들다

A trick on this scale would jazz up the Crims for a few days,


For a strange split second she was pushed up into the air as a large plate of ice teeter-tottered on the fulcrum of a lifter, but then it snapped in half and Tally was falling, her stomach lurching up into her throat.

Then a burst of light and sound sent Tally spinning, ears pummeled and eyes forced shut by blinding streaks of brilliance .

More booms thundered above her, unleashing a steady rain of incandescence .

But Tally made the bounce unscathed, and as she reached its apex she heard the ahhh of the crowd's vast confusion.

She and Zane had thought about hacking the scoreboard to show a message at this moment, to penetrate the crowd's pretty haze while their heads were spinning.

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117 eu·phoria [ju:|fɔ:riə] [U] (극도의) 행복감, 희열

wear off (차츰) 사라지다[없어지다]118 gin·ger·ly [|dƷɪndƷərli] 조심조심 He touched one side of his face gingerly ;

119 toast [toʊst] 1. [타동사][VN] (…을 위해) 건배하다, Tally and Zane felt as if they had to toast the Crims' survival of the Great Collapse of Nefertiti Stadium.

gloat [gloʊt] [자동사][V] ~ (about/at/over sth) (자신의 성공에) 흡족해 하다; (남의 실패를) 고소해 하다

norm [nɔ:rm] 1. [sing.] 흔히 the norm 표준, 일반적인 것

mu·tate [|mju:teɪt] 2. [자동사][V] (새로운 형태로) 변형되다The newsfeed story was spreading and mutating:call for resignations from the city architecture board,

120 feed ***** [fi:d]

6. TELEVISION PROGRAMMES | [U] (美) (중앙 방송국에서 다른 방송국들로 공급하는) 텔레비전 방송 프로그램 (공급 체제) network feed 텔레비전 방송 프로그램 공급 네트워크 체제

vapid [|vӕpɪd] (격식) 흥미롭지[지적이지] 못한They all were speaking fluent pretty in case anyone was listening, but Tally heard more than vapid nonsense in their words.

buckle [|bʌkl] 2. 찌그러지다, 휘어지다; 찌그리다, 휘다

A bunch of engineers were trying to figure out how twenty centimeters of lifter-supported ice could have buckled under the weight of a few dozen people.

121 clink·ing [klíŋkiŋ] 땡그랑 울리는 She raised her glass, clinking it against Zane's.

123 poke [poʊk] poke about/around(비격식) (무엇을 찾으려고) 뒤지다[캐다]

con·tort [kən|tɔ:rt] 뒤틀리다, 일그러지다; 뒤틀다, 일그러뜨리다

lull [lʌl] 2. [타동사][VN] 달래다, 안심시키다 , the cold wind sharp after lulling heat of the fire.

125 brag [brӕg] (-gg-) ~ to sb (about/of sth) (못마땅함) (심하게) 자랑하다

[떠벌리다] With enough champagne, someone might start bragging.

129 folly [|fɑ:li] 2. [C] (흔히 과거 시골 저택에서 정원에 짓던) 장식용 건물That floating rink was a typical architectural folly designed to amuse new pretties.

130 speci·men [|spesɪmən] 1. 견본, 샘플The woman gazed at her coldly, as if peering at a specimen cut open on a table.

131 black·out [|blӕkaʊt] 1. 정전(停電) "In case the lifters failed? Like in a power blackout?"

pud·dle [|pʌdl] (특히 비 온 뒤의) 물웅덩이By now, any real new pretty would have fled screaming or dissolved into a puddle on the spot.

132 trai·tor [|treɪtə(r)] ~ (to sb/sth) 배반자, 반역자 You were a good little traitor when you had to be.



They had all practiced for tonight, every reaction rehearsed, so there was no mention of spirits poured onto the ice, no gloating about a plan that had worked perfectly-just the excited chatter of new pretties recovering from a bubbly and unexpected departure from the norm.

"We can't afford anyone poking around inside my head." He flinched again, pain contorting his features.

As her euphoria wore off , Tally couldn't shake the feeling that,

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bore ***** [bɔ:(r)] 3. [자동사][V] ~ into sb/sth 눈이 뚫어지게 들여다[쏘아]보다Dr. Cable leaned close again, her eyes focusing on Tally's as if trying to bore through to her brain.

su·perb [su:|p3:rb] 최고의, 최상의, 대단히 훌륭한

lus·ter·less 광택이 없는

134 bare [ber] [타동사][VN] (신체의 일부를) 드러내다 She bared her teeth at Dr. Cable.

135 strip-mine [strípmàin] 노천 채굴하다But we're better than them, we leave the wild alone, we don't strip-mine or burn oil.

1. (한동안 고통・문제로) 괴롭히다

2. [C] 전염병

re·lent·less [rɪ|lentləs] 1. 수그러들지 않는, 끈질긴 They multiply relentlessly ,

136 hush [hʌʃ] [sing., U] 침묵, 고요(특히 한참 시끄럽던 뒤에 또는 무슨 일인

가가 일어나기를 기다리는 가운데 존재하는 것) A hush settled over the party below,

smug [smʌg] (못마땅함) 의기양양한, 우쭐해 하는 Feel free to age into a smug middle pretty.sting ***** [stɪŋ] 2. 따끔거리다[따갑다, 쓰리다]; 따끔거리게[따갑게/쓰리게] 하다 Her throat still stung from yelling, but Tally said hoarsely.

137 forth·com·ing [|fɔ:rθ|kʌmɪŋ]3. [명사 앞에는 안 씀] 기꺼이 말하는[밝히는] She's never very forthcoming about her plans. 그녀는 자기 계획에 대해 아주 기꺼이 말하는 법이 결코 없다.

"Yes. Zane was very forthcoming about David and the Smoke, that time he didn't run away."

138 peat [pi:t] [U] 토탄(土炭) Someone had requisitioned industrial-size logs of peat,

top off top something off (with something)(~으로) ~을 마무리짓다

The fire was topped off with fallen branches gathered from the park,

rip [rɪp] 2. [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (재빨리・거칠게) 떼어[뜯어] 내다

As Dr.Cable had said, the Smokies burned trees ripped alive from the ground.

139 tease [ti:z]4. [타동사][VN] (부드럽게) 당기다[뽑다] to tease wool into strands 양털을 뽑아 당겨 털실을 만들다

she could separate every sound, tease apart every strand of conversation.

petty [|peti] 1. [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 사소한, 하찮은Suddenly the Crims all sounded foolish, repeating the stories of their petty victories to one another again and again.

tur·moil [|t3:rmɔɪl] [U , sing.] 혼란, 소란 but Tally's face revealed the turmoil inside.140 non·com·mit·tal [nɑ̀nkəmítl] 1. 언질을 주지 않는, 뜻[성격]이 애매한, 이도 저도 아닌 Tally made a noncommittal sound.

hacking minder ?141 scale ***** [skeɪl] 1. CLIMB | (격식) (아주 높고 가파른 곳을) 오르다

way ahead 훨씬 앞에[앞으로]I’m way ahead of you. 내가 너보다 앞섰어.

coupley ?Of couple ?? Sorry if we've been all coupley.

142 out·burst [|aʊtb3:rst] 1. (감정의) 폭발[분출] No one had heard Shay's outburst , but Tally could feel the hard metal of the cuff around her wrist,


Left alone, human beings are a plague.plague [pleɪg]

"So, you do remember. Superb." The woman's cruel-pretty eyes, flat and lusterless and cold, somehow showed pleasure.

All the Crims were changing, but if Shay was hacking minders and scaling the Valentino tower, she was way ahead of the rest of them.

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harsh [hɑ:rʃ] 1. 가혹한, 냉혹한

3. (너무 강하거나 밝거나 추해서) 눈에 거슬리는, 야한Tally turned away from the harsh expression on Shay's face.

gut-punch ? Tally felt it again, the same gut-punch as when she'd seen Dr.Cable in the trees:caught.

143 off the hook get (somebody) off the hook곤경[처벌]을 면하다[면하게 하다] So you might be off the hook again by tomorrow.

whorl [w3:rl] 1. 와상문, 소용돌이무늬

the whorls on your fingertips 손가락 끝의 지문

The firelight revealed everything as bright as day, even the whorls of her fingerprints.

145 whirl [w3:rl] 1. 빙그르르[빙빙] 돌다[돌리다] Shay whirled to face her.

146 spat [spӕt]

spit 의 과거형

3. SAY STH ANGRILY | (욕・폭언 등을) 내뱉다

‘You liar!' she spat. “이 거짓말쟁이!” 그녀가 내뱉었다.

"No, of course you didn't," Shay spat.

ob·nox·ious [əb|nɑ:kʃəs] 아주 불쾌한, 몹시 기분 나쁜 The sort of obnoxious behavior was strictly for uglies.

147 pla·cid [|plӕsɪd]1. 사람・동물이 (쉽게 동요하거나 짜증내지 않고) 차분한[얌전

한]A few minutes of real anger had transformed her from a placid pretty to a wild beast...

148 log·jam [|lɔ:gdƷӕm] 2. (일이 진전되지 못하는) 정체

All it had taken was climbing up the tower and falling through the ice-enough stimulation to break the logjam in her memories-to bring that anger to the surface.

149 ma·li·cious [mə|lɪʃəs] 악의적인, 적의 있는The rain beat against Zane's window in malicious, half-frozne drops, tapping like impatient fingernails.

150 bore ***** [bɔ:(r)] 1. [타동사][VN] (특히 말을 너무 많이 해서) 지루하게[따분하게] 만들다

3. [자동사][V] ~ into sb/sth 눈이 뚫어지게 들여다[쏘아]보다

Tally worried, though, that a third day stuck inside by the rain would bore everyone back into being pretty-heads.

con·spira·tor·ial [kən|spɪrə|tɔ:riəl] 2. 사람의 행동이 공모하는 듯한 The silence between them since they'd been cuffed had felt conspiratorial ,

wad [wɑ:d] 1. ~ sth (up) (특히 美) (단단한 덩이가 되게) 뭉치다, 뭉치로 만들다

She fished a dirty T-shirt from the floor, wadded it up, and threw it at his head.

151 cir·cum·fer·ence [sər|kʌmfərəns] [C , U] 원주, (구의) 둘레The cuff's circumference looked just smaller than the width of the bones in her hand,

152 kit·ten [|kɪtn] 새끼 고양이The door slid away to reveal Fausto, looking like a kitten pulled out of a river.

plas·ter [|plӕstə(r)]

2. ~ sb/sth in/with sth (물기가 있거나 끈적한 것을) 바르다

3. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (머리카락이 머리에) 딱 들러붙

게 하다

4. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (그림・포스터로) 도배를 하다

시피 하다

His hair was plastered to his head,


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knob·bly [|nɑ:bli] 또한 knobby / |nɑ:bi ; 美 |nɑːbi / (작은) 혹이 많은, 울퉁불


Under his arms he carried two hoverboards, their knobbly surfaces dripping water on the floor.

nut ***** [nʌt] 2. 너트, 암나사 The nuts securing the panel were stripped, and two red wires snaked out,

153 grippy?GripMOVING WITHOUT SLIPPING | [U] 접지력

The hole in the wall had coughed up goggles and grippy shoes,

shoot down?shoot somebody/something down~을 격추하다; ~을 총으로 쏘아 넘어뜨리다

She and Zane shot down to the river at treetop level, following the winding path of Denzel Park.

154 slap [slӕp] 1. (손바닥으로) 철썩 때리다[치다]churn [tʃ3:rn] 1. ~ (sth) (up) (물・흙탕물 등이[을]) 마구 휘돌다[휘젓다]

white·cap [-kæ̀p] 1. [보통 pl.] 흰 물결, 흰 파도(breaker)

tip [tɪp] 1. LEAN/POUR/PUSH AT AN ANGLE | 기울어지다, 젖혀지다; 기울이다, 젖히다

lead [li:d] 1. FIRST PLACE | [sing.] the lead (경주・경쟁에서) 선두[우세]

155 dump ***** [dʌmp] ?4. PUT DOWN | (아무렇게나) 내려놓다

She was glad to see that her attack had also dumped Zane.

157 bulge [bʌldƷ] 1. 툭 튀어[불거져] 나온 것, 불룩한 것 She looked at the bulge in her sleeve and sighed.

beat ***** [bi:t] ?6. HIT | (아주 세게 계속) 때리다[두드리다] "Beats breaking your own thumb, I guess."

158 tarp [tɑ́:rp] tar·paulin [tɑ:r|pɔ:lɪn] [C , U] 또한 美 비격식 tarp 방수포

On the Uglyville side of the river, the four of them sheltered together under a tarp covering a paper recycler, hidden from view and out of the rain.

160 re·volt [rɪ|voʊlt] 3. [타동사][VN] 혐오감을 주다, 역겹게 하다

zit [zɪt] (비격식) (특히 얼굴의) 여드름

dumb·ly [dʌ́mli] 말없이, 묵묵히

hint [hɪnt] ~ (at sth) 넌지시 알려주다, 암시[힌트]를 주다

163 swol·len ***** [|swəʊlən] 2. 강물이 불어 난 The walking paths had been transformed into small creeks carrying the rain down toward the swollen river.

droop [dru:p] 1. (특히 지치거나 약해져서) 아래로 처지다[늘어지다]The wildlife seemed to be in hiding except for a few miserable-looking birds that clung to the branches of the great pines that drooped low under their loads of water.

piss off piss somebody off~를 열 받게[지겹게] 하다

She's kind of pissed off at me right now.

166 set off set something off1. (폭탄 등을) 터뜨리다

I tried to destroy the tracker they'd given me, but I wound up setting it off .

im·plor·ing [implɔ́:riŋ] 탄원하는, 애원하는 (듯한) "I had to." Tally spread her hands imploringly .


The tiny gap between Sussy's two front teeth seemed more charming than revolting , and even Dex's zits didn't make her skin crawl.

The tow nodded dumbly, and Tally wondered if hinting about the cure to random uglies was worth the risk.

They reached the river and turned onto it, skimming under bridges, her board slapping the churning whitecaps stirred up by the wind.

She crouched low on the board, ducking the worst of the water, and tipped it forward to shoot into the lead.

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169 ma·levo·lent [mə|levələnt] [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 악의 있는, 악의적인A trickle of water had crawled inside Tally's hood and was running down her cheek like a cold, malevolent tear.

173 ca·dence [|keɪdns] 1. (격식) (말소리의) 억양

chant [tʃӕnt] 1. [C] (연이어 외치는) 구호

swirl·y [swə́:rli] 1. 소용돌이치는, 소용돌이꼴의; 소용돌이가 많은

rage [reɪdƷ] 1. [U , C] 격렬한 분노, 격노

174 queasy [|kwi:zi] 2. 약간 불안한[초조한] ; their expressions revealed a mix of queasy fear and excitement.

gleam·ing [|gli:mɪŋ] 빛나는, 환한Shay took the knife with her left hand and placed its edge against her right forearm, the wet metal gleaming.

175 fur·tive [|f3:rtɪv] (못마땅함) 은밀한; 엉큼한The others were shivering visibly now, shooting furtive glances at one another.

deaf·en·ing [|defnɪŋ] 귀청이 터질 듯한, 귀가 먹먹한 The rain became suddenly deafening around her,bleak [bli:k] 1. 상황이 암울한, 절망적인

sap [sӕp] [타동사][VN] (-pp-) ~ sth | ~ sb (of sth) 약화시키다, 차츰 무너뜨리다

176 crazed [kreɪzd] ~ (with sth) (격식) (격렬한 감정에 사로잡혀) 날뛰는[발광하는]

ec·stat·ic [ɪk|stӕtɪk] 황홀해 하는, 열광하는And as each did so, their faces transformed to become more like Shay's:ecstatic and insane.

rit·ual [|rɪtʃuəl] 1. (특히 종교상의) 의식 절차, (제의적) 의례 She couldn't forget that there was more to this ritual than madness.com·mem·or·ate [kə|meməreɪt] [타동사][VN] (중요 인물・사건을) 기념하다 she'd been the one to suggest getting a tatoo to commemorate it.

tab·leau [|tӕbloʊ]pl. tab・leaux 1. 광경[장면](역사적인 장면 등을 여러 명의 배우가 정지된 행동으로 재현해 보여주는 것)

Tally opened her gloved hands toward the tableaux before them.

177 zone [zoʊn] zone out 잠이 들다; 의식을 잃다; 멍해지다

A few of the distant figures had heard her cry, but they only stared wide-eyed at her, blood flowing and flash tatoos spinning, too zoned out to be of any help.

tear [ter] 1. DAMAGE | 찢다, 뜯다; 찢어[뜯어]지다 6. MOVE QUICKLY | [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 부리나케[신이 나서] 가다

The words tore from his throat.

178 spat [spӕt]

spit 의 과거형

3. SAY STH ANGRILY | (욕・폭언 등을) 내뱉다

‘You liar!' she spat. “이 거짓말쟁이!” 그녀가 내뱉었다.6. RAIN | [자동사][V] [진행형으로만 쓰임] (비격식) (비가) 조금

[보슬보슬] 내리다

The cold rain spat into her face,

hur·tle [|h3:rtl] [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 돌진하다 They hurtled among the trees,

RITUALTally couldn't make sense of it-the cadence sounded like a chant,

She guessed that since the stadium disaster, swirly face tattos must be the rage,

But something-the bleak setting, the spirit-sapping rain, or maybe the crazed expression on Shay's face-bound them to their spots.

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179 bar·rage [bə|rɑ:Ʒ] 1. [C] [주로 단수로] 일제 엄호 사격Squinting against the barrage of freezing rain, she managed to keep her eyes on it, following its course.

choppy [|tʃɑ:pi] 1. 바다 등이 파도가 일렁이는As they neared the middle of the river, the board descended closer and closer to the cold and choppy surface.

croak [kroʊk] 2. (낮고 거친 목소리로) 꺽꺽거리듯[목이 쉰 듯] 말하다 "Tally…," a croaking voice came from beneath her.180 rag·ged [|rӕgɪd] 4. (솜씨・호흡 등이) 거친[고르지 못한] "In case what?" he said raggedly.

be·drag·gled [bɪ|drӕgld] (비・흙탕물 등에) 젖은, 후줄그레한He looked exhausted and bedraggled , but he smiled and winked at her tiredly.

181 double overdouble up/over (double over)(갑자기 통증이 일거나 웃음이 터져 나와) 몸을 웅크리다[웅크리

게 만들다]He doubled over with pain,

re·gard ***** [rɪ|gɑ:rd] 2. (격식) (특히 어떤 감정・태도를 갖고) …을 보다

knuckle [|nʌkl] 1. [C] (손가락과 손의 다른 부위를 연결하는) 손가락 관절[마디]182 con·ta·gious [kən|teɪdƷəs] 1. (접촉을 통해) 전염되는, 전염성의 For a moment, she'd thought Shay's insanity was contagious .

plaus·ible [|plɔ:zəbl] 1. 변명・해명・설명이 타당한 것 같은, 이치에 맞는, 그럴듯한

square ***** [skwer] 4. IN SPORT | (특히 英) 동점을 만들다

183 scarf [skɑ:rf]=scoff [skɔ:f] [타동사][VN] 美 scarf (英 비격식) (많은 양을 급히) 먹다[먹어 치우다]

luxuriate [lʌɡƷúərièit,lʌkʃúər-] 3. 즐기다, 탐닉하다 ((in, on))

184 elbow ***** [|elboʊ] [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (팔꿈치로) 밀치다The other pretty elbowed her friend, widening her eyes and angling one nervous thumb at Tally.

run into run into somebody~를[와] 우연히 만나다[마주치다]

Of course you'd run into Tally Youngblood in the emergency bay, they were thinking.

rage [reɪdƷ] ?3. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 질병・화재 등이 급속히 번지다

Tally's stomach began to feel sour as she wondered if trips to the emergency bay were going to be the rage this winter.

185 clut·tered [|klʌtərd] ~ (up) (with sb/sth) 어수선한a cluttered room/desk 어수선한 방/책상

The orderly had brought her to a small room dominated by a huge, cluttered desk.

head·shrink?head·shrink·er [-ʃrìŋkər] (미·속어) 정신과 의사[학자](psychiatrist)

He had the beaming smile favored by politicians, nursery teachers, and headshrinks .

damp ***** [dӕmp] (damp・er , damp・est) (흔히 불쾌감을 줄 정도로) 축축한[눅눅한]

squelch [skweltʃ] 1. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] (물기 있는 것이 달라붙듯이) 쩌억 쩍 소리가 나다[질벅거리다]

186 mod·esty [|mɑ:dəsti] 1. 겸손 She shrugged, going for false modesty.trauma [|traʊmə] 1. [U] (심리) 정신적 외상, 트라우마 I'm a trauma counselor here on the hospital staff.


But a wounded hand was a plausible reason for their wild ride here, and would square with most of what the cuff had heard.

She ignored the details of the story, scarfing down cookies and coffee with lots of milk and sugar, luxuriating in the hopital's warmth and total absence of pounding rain.

She sat in the chair across from him, her damp clothes squelching .

He regarded the blood on the knuckles .

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stall [stɔ:l] 2. [자동사][V] ~ (on/over sth) (시간을 벌려고 대답 등을) 피하

다, 지연작전을 쓰다Tally blinked, stalling as she recalled Shay screaming at her by the fire.

tiff [tɪf] (친한 친구・연인들 간의 가벼운) 말다툼Even under all those layers, the cuff must have heard how upset Shay had been-way beyond the usual soft spoken tiff between new pretties.

187 throw a bone throw somebody a bone~를 돕는 시늉만 하다

She decided to throw Remmy a bone , and let her eyes widen.

188 rig [rɪg] 3. ~ sth (up) (with sth) (장비를) 설치[장치]하다

pol·y·graph [pɑ́liɡræ̀f] 거짓말 탐지기로 조사하다

189 waver [|weɪvə(r)] 1. 약하다, 약해지다, (불안정하게) 흔들리다[떨리다] Or was Dr.Anders looking to see if her voice was wavering?mu·ti·la·tion [mjù:təléiʃən] 1. (수족 등의) 절단; 불구로 하기; 손상 "She's okay, I guess." Just a little self-mutilation , crazy chanting,

patch up patch something/somebody up(부상 부위를) 대충[임시로] 치료하다

Well, I see that Zane's all patched up ,

190 shuf·fle [|ʃʌfl] 2. (어색하거나 당황해서 발을) 이리저리 움직이다 His feet shuffled on the board, finding their balance clumsily.

191 break loose break loose[free]떨치다, 떨쳐 풀다; (…에서) 도망치다, 탈주하다

If your Dr.Remmy gets a good look at what she's been doing to herself, all hell will break loose.

192 lay off lay off something(비격식) ~을 그만 먹다[쓰다/하다] Tell her to lay off the cutting.

swad·dle [|swɑ:dl] [타동사][VN] (구식) (특히 아기를 포대기 등으로) 단단히 싸다She was too exhausted to raise her swaddled wrist, but he took her meaning.

194 shed [ʃed] 1. (…을) 보관하는 곳, (작은) 헛간 The shop shed wasn't far from the hopital,lathe [leɪð] 선반(나무・쇠붙이 절단용 기계) This late at night, the lathes, imaging tables,smelt [smelt] [타동사][VN] (광석을) 제련하다

fur·nace [|f3:rnɪs] 1. 용광로

ven·ti·la·tion [vèntəléiʃən] 1. 통풍, 공기의 유통, 환기 "But the ventilation means no smart walls, see?"

195 slosh [slɑ:ʃ]

1. [타동사][VN] (액체를) 철벅거리다[철벅 튀게 하다] The children were sloshing water everywhere. 아이들은 물을 사방으로 철벅거렸다. She sloshed coffee into the mugs. 그녀가 커피를 철벅 튀기며 머그잔에 부었다.

Zane put down the champagne bucket he'd brought, sloshing ice water onto the floor.

rod [rɑ:d] [흔히 합성어에 쓰여] (목재・금속・유리 소재의 기다란) 막대[-대]

The tiny etched-looking dots were in fact the tips of thin rods, which could be raised up and down to make shapes.

196 stamp [stӕmp] 7. CUT OUT OBJECT | [타동사][VN] ~ sth (out) (of/from sth) (기계로 금속・플라스틱에 어떤 모양을) 찍다[찍어 내다] "Stamping out staff," Zane said.

cav·ity [|kӕvəti] 1. (어떤 물체 속의) 구멍[빈 부분] Tally noticed that identically shaped cavities had appeared in the upper surface of the crusher.

awe·some [|ɔ:səm] 2. (美 비격식) 기막히게 좋은, 굉장한

sled * [sléd] ((~·ded; ~·ding)) 썰매로 운반하다; 기계로 <면화를> 따다


Tally wondered if this room was rigged to polygraph her, and if so, how big a lie she could get away with.

"They've usually got smelting furnaces going,"

Those things were awesome for sledding,

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re·invent [|ri:ɪn|vent] [타동사][VN] ~ sth/yourself (as sth) 다른 모습[이미지]을 보여

주다But I bet some ugly reinvents them every few years.

ear·split·ting [íərsplìtiŋ] 귀청이 찢어질 듯한, 천지를 진동하는 , the top half slamming down onto the lower with an earsplitting clang .197 groove [gru:v] 1. 홈 Zane ran a finger down the grooves that marked the back side of the tray.

pow·dery [|paʊdəri] 가루 같은; 분을 바른

klick [klík] (미·군대속어) 킬로미터(kilometer) ★ click으로도 씀.

ridge [rɪdƷ] 2. (산등성이처럼) 길쭉하게 솟은[돋은] 부분The table rippled again, leaving a set of sharp ridges at its edge, like a row of teeth.

snip [snɪp] (-pp-) ~ (at/through) sth (가위로 싹둑) 자르다 "It's hard to tell with the glove on, but see where it'll snip the cuff?"198 squish [skwɪʃ] 1. [자,타동사][V, VN] (부드러운 것이[을]) 으깨지다[으깨다] It'll only crush the cuff, which will squish your hand."

hunk [hʌŋk] 1. (특히 음식을 더 큰 것에서 잘라 낸・떼어 낸 큰) 덩이[조각]a hunk of bread / cheese / meat 빵/치즈/고기 한 덩이[조각]

Our cuffs will just be hunks of dead metal after this thing hits them.

199 sinu·ous [|sɪnjuəs] (문예체) (이동 중에 우아하게) 선회하는; 물결 모양의, 구불구불

한, making the molten material bubble up into sinuous shapes.

200 liquifacted ?Liquifaction (식품공학) 액화

Your bones will be liquifacted , Zane.

swig [swɪg] take a swig (…을) 꿀꺽꿀꺽 마시다 ((at)) Zane said, taking a swig from the bottle.

201 crip·pling [krípliŋ] (기능을 상실할 정도로) 심하게 손상[부상]한 the pills, the growing bubbliness of the cure, and Zane's crippling headaches.

202 call ***** [kɔ:l] 2. DESCRIBE | …라고 (묘사)하다[여기다] Shay had been the only one to call Tally on it , but all the Crims must have seen the changes and wondered what had happened.

flex [fleks](준비 운동으로) 몸을 풀다

to flex your fingers / feet / legs 손가락/발/다리를 풀다

She looked down at her own left glove, flexing the fingers slowly.

204 thrust [θrʌst] 1. (거칠게) 밀다, 밀치다, 찌르다

wince [wɪns] [자동사][V] ~ (at sth) (통증・당혹감으로 얼굴 표정이) 움찔하

고 놀라다[움찔하다]

leech [li:tʃ] ?거머리

205 con·tract ***** [kən|trӕkt] 1. 줄어들다, 수축하다; 줄이다, 수축시키다 Cold would make the metal contract, but heat …

bliss·ful [|blɪsfl] 더없이 행복한Tally glanced at the glassblower on the other side of the shed, blissfully unaware of the violent, horrible thing that was about to happen.

206 shut·tle [|ʃʌtl] 1. (두 지역을 정기적으로 오가는) 정기 왕복 항공기[버스/기차] I think the material was invented for shuttles coming back through the atmosphere.

Zane made a fist and thrust it into the ice bucket, wincing as the freezing water began to leech his body heat away.

"On good, powdery snow you could go a thousand klicks an hour on these babies."

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211 slick [slɪk]4. 미끄러운, 매끈거리는

The roads were slick with rain. 도로는 빗물로 미끄러웠다.

Tally touched the tether with her bare hand, feeling its rain-slick links.

girth [g3:rθ] 1. [U , C] (특히 사람의) 허리둘레; 둘레 치수He slid around the tower's girth to where the other balloon bobbed in the breeze.

pro·trude [proʊ|tru:d] [자동사][V] ~ (from sth) (격식) 튀어나오다, 돌출되다Tally grinned, seeing that it was shaped like a giant pig's head, with protruding ears and two big eyes painted on the pink nylon of its envelope.

equa·tor [ɪ|kweɪtə(r)]?[sing.] the equator (지구의) 적도

At least her own ballon was a normal color: silvery and reflective, with a blue stripe around its equator.

slen·der [|slendə(r)] 2. 가느다란This slender length of chain would provide slim pickings for her board's magnetic lifters.

212 plank [plӕŋk]1. (한 장의) 널빤지[(나무)판자] a plank of wood (나무) 널빤지 한 장

She nudged herself away from the party spire, drifting out over open space, balancing her hoverboard across the tether like a tightrope walker on a plank of wood .

strain ***** [streɪn] 2. MAKE EFFORT | ~ (sth) (for sth) | ~ (sth) (to do sth) 안간

힘을 쓰다She moved slowly forward, the lifters straining and trembling,

dis·rupt [dɪs|rʌpt] [타동사][VN] 방해하다, 지장을 주다She saw the balloon dip a little as her weight disrupted the delicate balance between hot air and grivity.

213 dump ***** [dʌmp] 1. GET RID OF | (특히 적절치 않은 곳에 쓰레기 같은 것을) 버리다

4. PUT DOWN | (아무렇게나) 내려놓다

Her board trembled harder as it left the party spire behind, until she was certain the lifters were about to fail, dumping her into a fifty-meter fall.

jerk to a halt [일반]The bus jerked to a halt.버스가 덜컥 하며 갑자기 섰다.

dis·locate [dɪs|loʊkeɪt]1. (뼈를) 탈구시키다

He dislocated his shoulder in the accident. 그는 그 사고로 어깨 관절이 탈구되었다.

per·il·ous [|perələs] (격식 또는 문예체) 아주 위험한 Tally swore as her board swayed perilously under her feet.

214 wicker [|wɪkə(r)][U] 고리버들

a wicker chair 고리버들 의자

Sh4 bent her knees and jumped, in free fall for a sickening moment before her hands grasped the wicker rail.

cane [keɪn] 2. [U] (가구 등의 재료로 쓰이는) 줄기She ran her hand across the woven cane, which was still the perfect substance if you wanted something strong, light, and flexible.

216 purr [p3:(r)] 2. [자동사][V] 기계・차량이 (계속해서 낮게) 부웅부웅[부르릉] 하는 소리를 내다[내며 가다]

en·vel·ope ***** [|envəloʊp;|ɑ:n-] 2. (비닐로 된) 비닐 봉투

217 rogue [roʊg] 2. 독자적으로 행동하는 (흔히 해를 끼치기도 하는) The more rogue balloons, the better.as·cent [ə|sent] 1. [C] [주로 단수로] 올라감 She reached up and pulled the ascent chain.

From this height, crash bracelets were much worse than a bungee jacket-being jerked to a halt by her wrist would probably dislocate a shoulder.


She looked up at the burner hanging over their heads, purring like an idling jet engine, waiting to heat the air in the envelope again.

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blis·ter [|blɪstə(r)] 2. [자,타동사][V, VN] (표면이[을]) 부풀어 터지다[터지게 하다] The burner burst into a full-throated roar, blistering heat washing over them, the envelope beginning to swell overhead.

hail [heɪl] 3. [타동사][VN] (문예체) (사람을[에게]) 부르다[소리치다] They were rising fast now, passing the top of the party spire, a dozen pretties on its balcony drunkenly hailing them.

back out back out (of something)(하기로 했던 일에서) 빠지다

There would be no backing out for Zane this time.

218 burb [bə́:rb] (속어) [종종 pl.] 교외(suburb) Tally could see the silver band of river all around them, the darkness of Uglyville, and the dull lights of the burbs in every direction.

219 arm·pit [|ɑ:rmpɪt] 또한 美 비격식 pit 겨드랑이 , pulling it up past her elbow nad almost to her armpit.

pre·car·ious [prɪ|keriəs] 1. 상황이 불안정한; 위태로운

2. ~ (sb/yourself) (on sth) (비격식) (특히 무엇의 끝에) 걸터

앉다[앉히다]2. 높은 자리[위치] He watched the game from his precarious perch on top of the wall. 그는 담장 꼭대기 위 높은 곳에 위태롭게 올라앉아 그 경기를 지켜보았


com·mit ***** [kə|mɪt]

4. PROMISE/SAY DEFINITELY | [타동사][VN] ~ yourself (to sth) (공개적으로) 의사[결정]를 밝히다 non-committal You don't have to commit yourself now, just think about it. 지금 결정하지 않으셔도 됩니다. 그냥 생각을 해 보세요.

They were committed now.

220 tap ***** [tӕp] 1. (가볍게) 톡톡 두드리다[치다] Tally reached out and tapped one gingerly.ridge [rɪdƷ] 2. (산등성이처럼) 길쭉하게 솟은[돋은] 부분

bump [bʌmp] 2. [C] (부딪치거나 맞아서 생긴) 혹, 타박상

weld [weld] 1. ~ A and B (together) | ~ A (on) to B 용접하다, 용접해 붙이다

un·canny [ʌn|kӕni] 이상한, 묘한

im·merse [ɪ|m3:rs] 1. ~ sb/sth (in sth) (액체 속에) 담그다

222 scorch [skɔ:rtʃ] 1. (불에) 그슬리다[눋게 하다] Tally nodded-the cuff had to have felt the scorching burst of flame.locket [|lɑ:kɪt] 로켓(사진 등을 넣어 목걸이에 다는 작은 갑) Like the locket Dr.Cable had given Tally before her trip to the Smoke,

de·mon·ic [di|mɑ:nɪk] 악령[악마]의 Peris stareed up at her, his terrified expression turned demonic by the intense fire, and she had to look away from him.

223 stump [stʌmp] 2. [C] (주요 부분이 잘리거나 부러지거나 닳고 난 뒤에) 남은 부분

She pulled her hand from the burner, expecting it to be a blackened stump, no matter what her nerve endings told her.

wig·gle [|wɪgl] 비격식) (좌우・상하로 짧게) 씰룩씰룩[꼼지락꼼지락/꿈틀꿈틀] 움직이다

But all five fingers wiggled in front of her.

perch [p3:rtʃ] From this precarious perch, Tally glanced down at the city passing below,

Tally could feel the burner's ridges through the heat-resistant fabric, her fingertips sensing a few stray bumps where it had been welded together.


The feeling was uncanny, as if her hand were immersed in body-temperature water.

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mes·mer·ize [|mezməraɪz][타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] 최면을 걸듯 마음을 사로잡다, 완전 넋을 빼놓다

The cuff glowed blazing white, mesmerizing blue flickers traveling around its edge.

wedge [wedƷ] 2. (문 따위를 열리거나 닫힌 채 움직이지 않게) 고정시키다His cuff was wedged around the thick of his wrist, its glow faded to a dull red.

bail [beɪl] bail out (of something)1. (추락하는 비행기에서) 탈출하다

, and they'd be forced to crash-land the balloon instead of bailing out .

227 froth [frɔ:θ] 1. [U] (특히 액체 위의) 거품 Froth bubbled out, and Tally put one thumb over the bottle's mouth.smol·der [smóuldər] 1. 그을다, 연기 피우다, 연기만 피운채 타 버리다 ((out)) An angry sizzle came from the smoldering flames.

tinge [tɪndƷ] 1. (아주적은 색채를)더하다[띠게 하다] The smell of molten metal rose up around her, tinged with an oddly sweet smell:boiled champagne.

228 pitch ***** [pɪtʃ] 6. OF SHIP/AIRCRAFT | [자동사][V] 상하로 요동치다 The balloon pitched upward as his weight left it behind.buck [bʌk] 2. [자동사][V] (아래위로) 걷잡을 수 없이 흔들리다 , the gondola bucking again under its two remaining passengers.

237 clasp [klӕsp] 1. (꽉) 움켜쥐다[움켜잡다]under·belly [|ʌndərbeli] 2. (동물의) 아랫배 부분

plum·met [|plʌmɪt] [자동사][V] 곤두박질치다, 급락하다His change of heart stung her, but she didn't have time to worry about it, not while plummeting toward the earth.

238 sail ***** [seɪl] 1. [C , U] 돛 it caught the air like a sail, threatening to pull itself from her grasp.

splat·ter [|splӕtə(r)]1. [자동사][V] 큰 액체 방울이 후두둑 떨어지다[치다]2. (물・페인트・흙탕물 등이[을]) 튀다[튀기다]

,except that if she lost control of this particular kite, she'd be splattered all over the ground in about sixty seconds.

239 blot [blɑ:t] blot something out1. ~을 완전히 덮다[가리다]

, the dark horizon of earth expanding like some huge predator advancing toward her, blotting out the starlit sky.

vice [vaɪs] 3. [C] 美 vise (英) 바이스(기계공작에서, 공작물을 끼워 고정하

는 기구), and her momentum squashed her against the braking hoverboard, forcing the breath from her lungs like a giant vice.

claw [klɔ:] ~ (at) sb/sth (손톱・발톱으로) 할퀴다[긁다] She let go of the board and clawed for the surface, her lungs emptied by the impact.

240 murky [|m3:rki] 1. 액체가 (진흙 등으로) 흐린[탁한] Forcing her eyes open, Tally saw only the faintest glimmer of light filtering down through the murky river.

1. [U , C] 격렬한 분노, 격노

2. [자동사][V] ~ (on) 폭풍・전투・언쟁 등이 맹렬히 계속되다, (계속) 맹위를 떨치다

white·cap [-kæ̀p] 1. [보통 pl.] 흰 물결, 흰 파도(breaker)dog-paddle [U] 개헤엄 She dog-paddled hard,

241 flo·tilla [floʊ|tɪlə] 소함대Shapes bobbed along in the water all around her, knobby and irregular, like a flotilla of alligators in the fast moving current.




She clasped her hands around the board's underbelly , kicking her legs, trying to control the spinning.

The river raged around her, the swift current kicking up whitecaps in every direction.


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clot [klɑ:t] a clot of blood 핏덩어리, 응혈(凝血)

In every direction were more trees, as well as branches, clots of reed, masses of rotting leaves.

242 wade [weɪd] 1. (특히 물・진흙 속을 힘겹게) 헤치며 걷다

inlet [|ɪnlet] 1. (바다・호수의) 좁은 물줄기, 작은 만

impel [ɪm|pel] (-ll-) ~ sb (to sth) (생각・기분이) …해야만 하게 하다She stumbled up the bank, desperate to reach dry ground, every instinct impelling her to keep moving away from the rushing water.

fire·start·er [|faɪərstɑ:rtə(r)] 1. 부싯돌

dul·ly * [dʌ́li] 둔하게, 멍청하게(stupidly); 활발치 못하게; 지루하게; 느리게

246 smart ***** [smɑ:rt] 1. ~ (from sth) 욱신[따끔]거리다, 쓰리다She struck the ground hard, and lay there in a crumpled heap, smarting and confused, wondering how things had worked out this way.

247 rime [raɪm] [U] (문예체) 서리

crackle [|krӕkl][자동사][V] (타오르는 불이 내는 소리와 같이) 탁탁[치직] 소리

를 내다

bloat·ed [|bloʊtɪd] 1. 부은, 부푼

blob [blɑ:b] (작은) 방울; (작은) 색깔 부분

de·li·ri·ous [dɪ|lɪriəs ] 1. (보통 고열로 인해) 의식이 혼미한[헛소리를 하는] Tally found her pitiful pile of twigs, and remembered trying to light a fire the night before, too delirious to realize how stupid that would have been.

248 silt·y [sílti] 미사(微砂)의[같은]; 미사투성이의The purifier took two fillings before it had strained enough pure water from the silty inlet to make a meal.

249 rav·en·ous [|rӕvənəs] 1. 사람・동물이 배가 고파 죽을 지경인 Bye the time the meal pinged that it was ready, Tally was ravenous.

250 hoist [hɔɪst] [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (흔히 밧줄이나 장비를 이용하여) 들어[끌어]올리다

She sighed as she tied the still-damp coat around her waist and hoisted her backpack onto her shoulders.

rug·ged [|rʌgɪd] 1. 풍경이 바위투성이의; 기복이 심한 The way through the forest was rugged, every step a battle.

hack [hӕk] 1. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (마구・거칠게) 자르다[베다], 난도질하다

When she had been forced to hike cross-country, it had been on paths hacked through the trees.

un·re·lent·ing [|ʌnrɪ|lentɪŋ] 1. 불쾌한 상황이 끊임없는, 수그러들 줄 모르는 But this was nature in the raw, hostile and unrelenting .

251 im·pene·trable [ɪm|penɪtrəbl]1. 들어갈[관통할] 수 없는; 눈앞이 안 보이는

an impenetrable jungle 헤치고 들어갈 수 없는 밀림

The dense undergrowth tugged at her feet, trying to trip her, throwing up thick bushes and ankle-twisting roots and impenetrable walls of thorn.

bram·ble [|brӕmbl] 1. (특히 英) 검은딸기나무

cor·ral [kə|rӕl] 1. (말이나 소를) 울타리 안으로 몰아넣다

252 vir·gin [|v3:rdƷɪn]

1. [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 원래[자연] 그대로의, 처녀의

virgin forest/land/territory 처녀림/처녀지/인적미답의 땅 virgin snow 아무도 밟지 않은 눈

Even deer, wolves, and wild dogs didn't want to fight their way through virgin growth .

Tally waded to shore in a small inlet, struggling through branches and reeds in the hip-deep water.

The grasping brambles seemed almost conscious of her, corralling Tally the way they wanted her to go, no matter what her direction-finder said.

But the wood was so wet from three days of rain that the firestarter 's tiny flame only made the twigs hiss dully.


The trees glittetered with frost, and the mud under her feet sparkled, its thin layer of rime crackling underfoot.

They were soaked through, reduced to bloated, squishy blobs of white.

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fis·sure [|fɪʃə(r)] (전문 용어) (특히 암석・지면의) 길게 갈라진 틈 , Tally found her path becoming easier and straighter, as if she had stumbled onto some uncanny fissure in the wild.

gnaw·ing [|nɔ:ɪŋ] [명사 앞에만 씀] 신경을 갉아먹는, 괴롭히는 A gnawing feeling started in her stomach.drip·ping [|drɪpɪŋ] ~ (with sth) 흠뻑 젖은, 물이 뚝뚝 듣는[떨어지는] The random sounds of dripping trees began to play with her mind,

creepy [|kri:pi] 1. 오싹하게 하는, 으스스한Though, oddly, she couldn't decide whether being the only person in the forest made it feel less creepy, or more.

253 para·noia [|pӕrə|nɔɪə]paranoia (편집병) 네이버 용어사전

강박한 피해망상이나 의심을 갖고 있기도 하고 과대망상이 되기

도 하는 정신분열증의 일종

But she hesitated before putting the firestarter to the pile, paranoia staying her hand.

pla·cate [|pleɪkeɪt] [타동사][VN] (화를) 달래다

trash [trӕʃ] 1. 부수다, 엉망으로 만들다

254 nurse ***** [n3:rs]4. [타동사][VN] (특별히 관심을 기울이며) 보살피다to nurse tender young plants 연약한 어린 화초를 보살피다

bank ***** [bӕŋk] 5. A FIRE | [타동사][VN] ~ sth (up) (불이 오래 타도록 불 위에) 땔감을 쌓아 올리다

shriek [ʃri:k] 1. [자동사][V] ~ (with sth) | ~ (at sb) (흥분・공포감・고통 등으로 날카롭게) 소리[비명]를 지르다

Tally was deep in pleasant dreams when the shrieking woke her.

256 bran·dish [|brӕndɪʃ] [타동사][VN] (특히 무기를) 휘두르다 Another figure blocked her path, also brandishing a club.

ob·scure [əb|skjʊr] [타동사][VN] 보기[듣기/이해하기] 어렵게 하다, 모호하게 하다

His face was obscured by a beard, but even in the jittering torchlight Tally could see that he was an ugly-fat and with a bloated nose, the pale skin of his forehead pocked with disease.

lash [lӕʃ] 1. 후려치다, 휘갈기다Tally rolled under the flailing weapon, lashing out with her feet to take his knees out from under him.

thump [θʌmp] 1. 쿵[탁] 하는 소리 By the time she heard the thump of his body hitting the earth,

cra·dle [|kreɪdl] [타동사][VN] 부드럽게 잡다[안다] She cradled the injured hand for a moment, glancing back at the ugly hunters.

weave [wi:v] (직물을) 짜는[엮는] 법; (직물의) 무늬

4. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (weaved , weaved) 이리저리 빠져 나가다, 누비며 가다

They weren't as fast as Tally, but they ducked and weaved through the forest skillfully,

257 stat·ure [|stӕtʃə(r)] 2. (사람의) 키 But what were they? They looked small in stature,

sore ***** [sɔ:(r)] (흔히 빨갛게 된) 상처 1. (보통 빨갛게 염증이 생기거나 근육을 많이 써서) 아픈[따가

운/화끈거리는]bearded men, their ugly faces marked with scars and sores.

aflame [ə|fleɪm] 1. 불타는; 불붙은 It was a wonder the whole forest wasn't aflame.stream·bed [strí:mbèd] 하상(河床), 강바닥 Tally got to her feet and dashed down the streambed,

, the more Tally understood why the Rusties and their predecessors had believed in invisible beings, praying to placate spirits as they trashed the natural world aournd them.

She nursed the fire along with larger and larger branches until it was strong enough to ignite the lightest her logs, then banked it with the others to dry them out.


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dart [dɑ:rt] 1. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 쏜살같이[휙] 달리다[움직이다]2. ~ a glance/look (at sb) (~에게) 휙 눈길을 던지다, (~을) 흘깃 쳐다보다

She stumbled on the slick, rocky bottom, but found herself outpacing the burning eyes that darted along either bank.

258 wield [wi:ld] 2. (무기・도구를) 휘두르다[들다] Of course, her food and water purifier were in her backpack in the clearing, back among the shrieking, club wielding uglies.

259 glow·er [|glaʊə(r)] [자동사][V] ~ (at sb/sth) 노려[쏘아]보다

hid·eous [|hɪdiəs] 흉측한, 흉물스러운, 끔찍한

clear·ing [|klɪrɪŋ] (숲 속의) 빈터his fat belly and big nose marking him as the hunter she'd knocked over at the clearing.

bel·low [|beloʊ] 2. [자동사][V] (황소 같은 큰 짐승이) 우렁찬 소리를 내다 He bellowed a wordless cry, raising his crude club high into the air.stran·gle [|strӕŋgl] 1. 교살하다, 목 졸라 죽이다

puff [pʌf] 2. [C] <어디에서 훅 날아오는 작은 양의 공기・연기 등> Puffs of white smoke came from the chimney. 뭉게뭉게 하얀 연기가 그 굴뚝에서 뿜어져 나왔다.

foul [faʊl] 1. (냄새가) 더러운, 악취 나는

pitch ***** [pɪtʃ]

6. OF SHIP/AIRCRAFT | [자동사][V] 상하로 요동치다

5. FALL | [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 곤두박질치다, 꼬꾸라지

With a cry she pitched forward. 비명 소리와 함께 그녀가 앞으로 푹 꼬꾸라졌다.

He pitched forward, lowering his face almost into the water.

260 mat·ted [|mӕtɪd] 머리카락 등이 (특히 물에 젖었거나 더러워서) 엉겨[들러] 붙은 , and long beards that were matted and tangled.freck·ly [frékli] ((-li·er; -li·est)) 주근깨가 많은 They were paler than pretty average, with the sort of freckly,

de·crepit [dɪ|krepɪt] 사물이나 사람이 노후한; 노쇠한Without the operation, their bodies grew decrepit , like ancient ruins abandoned by their builders.

261 gut·ter [|gʌtə(r)] [자동사][V] (문예체) 불꽃・촛불이 펄럭거리며 타다 ,ignoring their torches guttering on the ground.

top·ple [|tɑ:pl] 1. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] 넘어지다; 넘어뜨리다The old ugly rose from his crouch so suddenly that Tally stepped backward, almost toppling back into the churning pool.

stamp out [stӕmp] stamp something out2. 발로 밟아서 불을 끄다

The cry seemed to release them from their spell;they stood up, stamping out the small fires that had sprung up around their dropped torches.

prop [prɑ:p] (-pp-) ~ sth/sb (up) (against sth) (받침대 등으로) 받치다[떠받치다]

pound ***** [paʊnd] 1. HIT | ~ (away) (at/against/on sth) (특히요란한 소리를 내며 여러 차례)치다[두드리다]

263 utter [|ʌtə(r)] [타동사][VN] (격식) (입으로 어떤 소리를) 내다; (말을) 하다, the party followed pitch-black trails and waded down freezing streams, never uttering a word.

cru·dity [|kru:dəti] [U , C] (pl. -ies) 조잡함, 상스러움 Tally's guides displayed a strange combination of crudity and skill.

Tally raised her eyes and found at least a dozen pursuers glowering down from the stream's steep banks, their pale and ugly faces made even more hideous by the torchlight.

The torch fell from his hand and into the stream, where it was extinguished with a strangled hiss and a puff of foul smoke.

Some propped their clubs against trees and split them with a kick;others pounded them against the ground until they shattered, or threw the weapons off into the darkeness.


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shuf·fle [|ʃʌfl]

2. (어색하거나 당황해서 발을) 이리저리 움직이다

1. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 발을 (질질) 끌며 걷다

The line shuffled forward a little. 그 줄은 느릿느릿 조금씩 앞으로 나아갔다.

They were small and slow, a few even disfigured, shuffling along carrying all their weight on one leg.

scárred 흉터가 있는They smelled as if they never bathed, and wore shoes so poor, their feet were scarred.

un·err·ing [ʌn|3:rɪŋ] 틀림없는, 항상 정확한But they knew the forest, moving gracefully through the tangled undergrowth, guiding Tally unerringly through the darkness.

nurse ***** [n3:rs]

4. [타동사][VN] (특별히 관심을 기울이며) 보살피다

to nurse tender young plants 연약한 어린 화초를 보살피다

3. [타동사][VN] (격식) (감정・생각을 오랫동안) 품다

The suspicions that Tally had nursed the day before were proven right.

lace [leɪs] ?5. [타동사][VN] (서로 걸리게) 끼다

These hills were laced with human-made paths.

ca·coph·o·nous [kəkɑ́fənəs] 불협화음의, 귀에 거슬리는 After their cacophonous attack on Tally,264 grudge [grʌdƷ] ~ (against sb) 원한, 유감 Whoever the hunters' enemies were, the grudge was serious.

tang [tӕŋ] [주로 단수로] 싸한[톡 쏘는 듯한] 맛[냄새] It wasn't just the scent of wood smoke, or the less welcome tang of animal slaughter,

la·trine [lə|tri:n] (야영지 등에서 특히 땅에 구덩이를 파서 만든) 변소The smell at the outskirts of the hunters' camp was much worse, reminding Tally of the outdoor latrines the Smokies had used.

fur·row [|f3:roʊ] 1. (쟁기질로 생긴) 고랑[골]

265 plot ***** [plɑ:t]3. [C] (특정 용도의) 작은 땅 조각, 터, 대지

a vegetable plot 작은 채소밭

ruf·fled [|rʌfld] 주름 장식을 단

hub·bub [|hʌbʌb] 1. 왁자지껄한 소리People began to flow out of the huts, the hubbub growing as the village gradually awoke.

rav·ages [|rӕvɪdƷɪz] [pl.] the ~ of sth (격식) 유린, 참화They were too young for their skin to show the ravages of bad nutrition and disease,

hang back 1.to not move forwards because you are nervous or afraid

tend ***** [tend]3. ~ (to) sb/sth 돌보다, 보살피다

Ambulance crews were tending to the injured. 구급차 요원들이 부상자들을 돌보고 있었다.

266 dog·ged [|dɔ:gɪd] [주로 명사 앞에 씀] (호감) 완강한, 끈덕진 Even some Rusties had doggedly clung to that little trick.

di·vine [dɪ|vaɪn] 1. [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 신[하느님]의; 신성한From what she knew of mythology, being divine meant more than having a pretty face.

throng [θrɔ:ŋ] (문예체) 인파, 군중 Someone shouted from the outskirts of the throng,

267 matt [mӕt] matt(英) (美 mat , matte 美, 英)색깔・표면・사진이 무광(無光)의(윤・광택이 안 나는) Its handle shone with the matte black of plastic.

, the furrows of vegetable plots casting ruffled shadows in the starlight.

The women hung back in the crowd, tending to the smallest littlies and hardly daring a glance at Tally.

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268 cave in cave in (on somebody/something)지붕·벽 등이 무너지다[함몰되다] And outsiders got their heads caved in.

swag·ger [|swӕgə(r)] [sing.] (못마땅함) 으스대며[뻐기며] 걷기[활보하기] His earlier swagger seemed to abandon him during his moments of confusion, and he hardly had any beard yet.

pock·mark [|pɑ:kmɑ:rk] (병・염증으로 피부에 생긴) 우묵한[얽은] 자국, 마맛자국If you didn't notice the lines and a few pockmarks, his face could almost be an ugly of about David's age, maybe eighteen or so.

269 stagey =stagy연극조의, 자연스럽지 못한

baf·fle·ment [bǽflmənt] [U] 방해, 훼방, 좌절; 곤혹, 당혹

squawk [skwɔ:k] 1. [자동사][V] 새가 (크게) 꽥꽥[깍깍] 울다Tally smelled food, and heard the unmistakable squawk of a chicken being captured for slaughter.

270 com·mod·ity [kə|mɑ:dəti] 2. (유용한) 것 , that made stories a valuable commodity, and it probably wasn't very often that a stranger dropped in from the sky.

pass out pass out (of something)(英) (사관학교를) 졸업하다

"One story, but then I'm passing out ."

3. SAY STH ANGRILY | (욕・폭언 등을) 내뱉다

‘You liar!' she spat. “이 거짓말쟁이!” 그녀가 내뱉었다.6. RAIN | [자동사][V] [진행형으로만 쓰임] (비격식) (비가) 조금

[보슬보슬] 내리다

4. FOR COOKING MEAT | [C] (꼬치 요리에 쓰이는) 쇠꼬챙이

earth·en [|3:rθn]2. 물건이 흙으로 빚어 구운, 토기[옹기]의 earthen pots 토기[옹기]

yeast·y [jí:sti] 1. 효모의[같은], 발효하는

amok [əmʌ ́k] run amok (특히 공공장소에서 갑자기) 미친 듯이 날뛰다

Women tended to the food while littlies ran amok underfoot, the older ones feeding the fire with branches scavenged from the darkness.

272 snuf·fle [|snʌfl] 1. 코를 훌쩍이다

Tally awoke to unfamiliar smells and sounds: sweat and morning breath, a soft chorus of snores and snuffling , the heavy, humid warmth of a small and crowded space.

stir ***** [st3:(r)] 2. MOVE | 약간 움직이다[흔들리다]; 약간 흔들다

A noise stirred me from sleep. 무슨 소리 때문에 내가 잠깐 잠이 깼다.

inter·twine [|ɪntər|twaɪn] 1. 뒤얽히다, 뒤얽다, 엮다, 엮이다

suf·fuse [sə|fju:z][타동사][VN] [흔히 수동태로] ~ sb/sth (with sth) (문예체) 특히 색깔・빛・감정이 (온통) 퍼지다[번지다] Beneath the fur blankets, soft, comforting warmth suffused her senses.

"From the sky!" He looked around with a stagey bafflement , spreading his empty hands.

The smell of roasting chicken came from long spits held over the flames, and earthen pots were shoved in among the coals, something white and yeasty-smelling gently rising in them.


She stirred in the darkness, and a ripple of movements spread out from her, intertwined bodies shifting to accommodate one another.

spit [spɪt]

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273 strew [stru:]

1. [타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] ~ A on, over, across, etc. B | ~ B with A 흩다, 흩뿌리다 Clothes were strewn across the floor. 옷이 바닥 여기저기에 흩어져 있었다.

Apparently, in this village, staying warm on winter nights meant sleeping in piles, fur blankets strewn across everyone.

kit·ten [|kɪtn]

새끼 고양이 kittens in a pile

It was just a way of keeping warm, like kittens in a pile

stoop [stu:p] 1. ~ (down) 몸을 굽히다[구부리다] Stooping, she gratefully crawled out into the bright sun and fresh air.

goose-pimple?goose pimples[pl.] 또한 드물게 goose・flesh [ U ] (특히 英 모두 사용) (춥거

나 무섭거나 할 때 돋는) 소름

The freezing cold goose-pimpled her bare arms and face, every breath carrying ice into her lungs.

274 gaunt·let [|gɔ:ntlət]run the gauntlet(특히 많은 사람들 사이를 지나가면서) 집중 공격[비판]을 받다

Tally realized that her coat was back in the hut, but she only wrapped her arms around herself, deciding she would rather shiver than run the gauntlet of all those sleeping bodies again.

ditch [dɪtʃ] (들판・도로가의) 배수로 It was nothing but a ditch,sew·age [|su:ɪdƷ ] [U] 하수, 오물 The nanos broke down sewage and routed it straight back into the soil,

stink [stɪŋk] 1. [C] [주로 단수로] 악취 More importantly, they kept the latrines from raising a stink.

275 trench [trentʃ] 1. 도랑, 해자(垓子) Gusts of wind still broght smells of staggering intensity from the latrine trench,

276 per·iph·eral [pə|rɪfərəl]2. (전문 용어) 말초의; 주변부의

peripheral vision 주변시(周邊視)

Somewhere in her peripheral vision, something had shifted,

277 vex [veks] [타동사][VN] (구식 또는 격식) 성가시게[짜증나게]하다 Perhaps he thought Tally was hiding her special powers just to vex him.

con·trap·tion [kən|trӕpʃn] (기묘한) 기계[장치] He seemed confused for a moment, perhaps amazed that divine contraptions could get broken.

beam [bi:m] 1. [수동태로는 안 씀] ~ (sth) (at sb) 활짝 웃다Then suddenly he beamed, revealing a missing tooth that made him look like a littlie.

278 come upon come on/upon somebody/something(격식) 수동태로는 안 씀 ~을 우연히 만나다[발견하다] We came upon outsiders.

ráid·ing pàrty [réidiŋ-] (군인, 경찰의) 기습조, 공격조 It was a raiding party looking for a kill.

sprain [spreɪn] [타동사][VN] (특히 팔목・발목을) 삐다[접지르다] Tally swallowed, dizzy at the thought of someone dying from a sprained ankle.

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279 sav·age [|sӕvɪdƷ] 2. 야만인, 포악한 사람In seconds, Andrew Simpson Smith had changed from a grieving son into some kind of … savage.

280 feud [fju:d] ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sb) | ~ (over sb/sth) (오랜 동안의) 불화[반목] In school, they'd talked about this sort of blood feud.

war·fare [|wɔ:rfer] 1. (특히 특정한 무기・방법을 이용한) 전투[-전] And the Rusties had only been worse, inventing mass warfare,

heft [héft] 2. [미·구어] 중요성; 세력, 영향력She forced herself to stare at Andrew's grim expression, his weird delight in the heft of the knife in his hand.

sheathe [ʃi:ð] 1. (문예체) (칼을) 칼집에 넣다[꽂다] Andrew looked up from his knife and sheathed it,

281 fatal [|feɪtl] 1. 죽음을 초래하는, 치명적인Even if she wasn't being chased by a bloodthirsty raiding party, a sprained ankle alone in the freezing wilderness could prove fatal.

huffily [hʌfɪli]huffy(비격식) (특히 다른 사람의 말・행동 때문에) 발끈 성을 내며[홱 토라져서]

"Yes, I know the god's calendar," he said huffily .

awe [ɔ:] [타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] (격식) 온통 경외심을 갖게 하다 He shook his head, an awed expression on his face.

282 grisly [|grɪzli] [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 소름끼치는(보통 죽음과 폭력이 관련됨) When Tally realized that the grisly stuff was meant to be eaten,

be·stow [bɪ|stoʊ] [타동사][VN] ~ sth (on/upon sb) (격식) (특히 존경의 뜻으로) 수여[부여]하다

The headman publicly bestowed his blessing on the journey,

283 flush [flʌʃ] 1. (사람의) 얼굴이 붉어지다, 상기되다 Adrew flushed with pride at the gift,

inter·fere [|ɪntər|fɪr] [타동사][VN] ~ (in sth) 간섭[개입/참견]하다Apparently, placating the gods was a holy man's most important job, which made Tally wonder how much city pretties interfered with the villages.

en·tou·rage [|ɑ:nturɑ:Ʒ] [C+sing./pl. v.] (주요 인물의) 수행단Once she and Andrew were past the town limits, and their entourage of littlies had been called back home by anxious mothers,

fill one's shoesI hope we can find someone as competent as her to fill her shoes .그녀를 대신할 만큼 유능한 사람을 찾아야 할 텐데 말이야.

As she'd guessed, he was still trying to fill his father's shoes .

284 mate ***** [meɪt] 1. ANIMALS/BIRDS | [자동사][V] ~ (with sth) 두 마리의 새나 동물이 짝짓기를 하다

"We talked about animals. When they mate and what they eat."

ditto [|dɪtoʊ] (약어:do.) (〃) 위와 같음, 상동

arche·olo·gist [|ɑ:rki|ɑ:lədƷɪst] =archae·olo·gist고고학자

285 an·thro·polo·gist [|ӕnθrə|pɑ:lədƷɪst] 인류학자 "Anthropologist , they call him,"mock [mɑ:k] 1. (특히 흉내를 내며) 놀리다[조롱하다] The other gods sometimes mock the Doctor.

Ditto for archeologists .


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286 ex·ploit [ɪk|splɔɪt] 1. (못마땅함) (부당하게) 이용하다

shore up

Both men need to shore up their power bases while avoiding moves that would bring them into a wider conflict with Israel.두 남자들은 이스라엘에과 더 큰 전쟁을 일으키지 않을 행동을 골라 해야 하며 그들의 세력 기반들을 강화 시켜야 한다.

nutty [|nʌti] 2. (비격식) 약간 돈[정상이 아닌] Of course, from his perspective it probably did sound pretty nutty.287 burn oneself 불에 데다 "Hye, don't burn yourself ,"

288 hydro·pon·ics [|haɪdrə|pɑ:nɪks][U] 수경 재배 수경 야채

hydroponic vegetables

Even fresh produce was never spectacular when it had been harvested from hydroponic tanks.

mope [moʊp]

[자동사][V] (아무 일도 하지 않고) 맥이 빠져 지내다

mope about/around ( …) 침울하게 서성[어정]거리다

Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job. 하루 종일 집에서 침울하게 어정거리지 말고 거기 나가서 일자리를

찾아 봐야지.

but he still moped at her as she chewed her toothpaste pill -

re·crim·in·ation [rɪ|krɪmɪ|neɪʃn] [C , U] [주로 복수로] (상대방의 비난에 맞서서 하는) 비난[맞대

응]After a long, silent session of self-recrimination , she siged and crawled over to nestle against Andrew's back.

289 plant ***** [plӕnt] 3. PUT IN POSITION | [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] (특정 장소

에 단단히) 놓다[두다]; (재귀 대명사를 목적어로 써서) 자리를 잡다

Tally tried to cry out, but a hand was planted firmly over her mouth.

thrash [θrӕʃ] 2. ~ (sth) (about/around) 몸부림치다, 허우적거리다, 요동치

다; 몸부림치게[허우적거리게/요동치게] 만들다She was about to thrash out with her fists in the semi darkeness,

sear·ing [|sɪrɪŋ] 1. 타는[태울] 듯한 Tally sniffed the smoky air, detecting the smell of searing meat.rau·cous [|rɔ:kəs] 요란하고 거친, 시끌벅적한 The sound of raucous conversation reached her ears.

290 pull away to make somebody/something move away from somebody/something

wiry [|waɪəri] 1. 사람이 (여위지만) 강단 있는

jeop·ard·ize [|dƷepərdaɪz] [타동사][VN] (격식) 위태롭게 하다Honor compelled him to hunt the enemy, even if it jeopardized both their lives.

292 pseudomeat ? She prepared VegiRice for them both, not in the mood for the taste of pseudomeat .

game·ly [|geɪmli] 투지 있게Andrew was like an anxious-to-please puppy, gamely trying to use chopsticks and making jokes about his clumsiness.

The scientists who exploited these people had been doing so for a long time, and weren't above bringing in Specials to shore up their authority.


He tried to pull away, but his wiry strength was no match for her postoperation muscles.

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seep [si:p] [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 특히 물기 등이 스미다, 배다The chill that had seeped into her bones while he was out looking for ravenge had'nt gone away.

aver·sion [ə|v3:rƷn][C , U] ~ (to sb/sth) 아주 싫어함, 혐오감

He had an aversion to getting up early. 그는 일찍 일어나는 것을 아주 싫어했다

cas·ual [|kӕƷuəl]

1. WITHOUT CARE/ATTENTION | [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 태평스

러운 (듯한), 무심한

a casual manner 태평스러운 태도

294 de·ject·ed [dɪ|dƷektɪd] 실의에 빠진, 낙담한 He looked dejected by her silent treatment,far·away [|fɑ:rəweɪ] 1. 멀리 떨어진, 먼 He sometimes glanced at the faraway hills to point out landmarks.

295 be bent on be bent on one’s work일에 열중해 있다

The last thing she needed was as traveling companion who was bent on revenge at any cost.

296 noose [nu:s] 올가미

twine [twaɪn] [U] 노끈(두 가닥 이상의 실・줄 등을 꼬아서 만든 것)

mush [mʌʃ] 1. [U , sing.] (보통 못마땅함) 곤죽 (같은 덩어리・반죽) Her backpack felt suddenly filled with stone, and the ground had become mush under her feet.

297 un·tend·ed [ʌ̀nténdid]

돌봄[간호]을 받지 않는, 거들떠 보지도 않는(neglected) untended - lacking care and attention; "untended garden was soon overgrown with weeds"; "untended children"uncared-for - lacking needed care and attention

sun·burn [|sʌnb3:rn] [U] 햇볕에 심하게 탐, 햇볕으로 입은 화상

de·fi·ant [dɪ|faɪənt] (공개적으로, 때로는 공격적으로) 반항[저항]하는She gritted her teeth and took a defiant step forward, but the buzzing swarmed into her hand, blurring her vision again.

gag [gӕg]3. [자동사][V] ~ (on sth) (~을) 토할 것 같다

She gagged on the blood that filled her mouth. 그녀는 입안에 그득한 피를 토할 것 같았다.

Her throat gagged on her next breath, as if the air were too electrified to breathe.

riot [|raɪət] 1. [C] 폭동 , the riot of sensation slowly faded.quiver [|kwɪvə(r)] [자동사][V] (가볍게) 떨다[떨리다] Her whole body was quivering inside.

298 wea·ther·ing [|weðərɪŋ] [U] 풍화(작용) It seemed to be made of twigs and dried flowers-natural materials-but it showed no signs of weathering .

tor·ren·tial [tə|renʃl] 비가 양동이로 들이붓듯이[앞이 안 보이게] 내리는

down·pour [|daʊnpɔ:(r)] [주로 단수로] 폭우

crip·ple [|krɪpl] 1. 불구로 만들다And inside them was something far more sophisticated, a security system powerful enough to cripple human beings,

stray [streɪ] 2. 제 위치[집단]를 벗어난 사람[것] This wasn't just a few stray people living in the wilderness;

Tally stretched her arm out farther, and the vibrations in her fingertips increased, itching like an untended sunburn.

All of the dolls Tally could see looked brand new, not like handmade things that had hung for days in a torrential downpour.

Probably he couldn't understand Tally's aversion to casual murder.

the dolls all hung from their necks, nooses of rough twine around every one.

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299 prickle [|prɪkl] 2. [자동사][V] 피부・눈 등이 따끔거리다; (무서움・ 화・흥분 등으로) (머리털이) 곤두서다[(몸이) 오싹하다]

She stepped back from the edge of the world, and the prickling in her hands subsided.

300 vig·or·ous [|vɪgərəs] 1. 활발한; 격렬한 Andrew shook his head vigorously .

suc·cumb [sə|kʌm] [자동사][V] ~ (to sth) 굴복하다, 무릎을 꿇다

tin·ker [|tɪŋkə(r)]

tinker with something to make small changes to something in order to repair or improve it, especially in a way that may not be helpfulThe government should stop tinkering with the education system.[C] creak・ing [ U , C ] 삐걱거리는 소리

삐걱거리다 The door creaked open. 문이 삐걱거리며 열렸다.

ob·liv·ion [ə|blɪviən] 1. 의식[자각]하지 못하는 상태"The stories say that the gods put these here, to mark the edge of oblivion."

hurl [h3:rl] 1. [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (거칠게) 던지다 He pulled back his back, took aim, and hurled it.

la·tent [|leɪtnt] [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 잠재하는, 잠복해 있는Her fingertips buzzed with the latent energy in the air, the ants crawling up her arm until she pulled away.

303 in·ter·min·able [ɪn|t3:rmɪnəbl] (지겹고 짜증날 정도로) 끝없이 계속되는Andrew was silent for a while, but Tally could tell he was thinking, taking one of his interminable delays to ponder her question.

304 cast out cast somebody/something out(문예체) ~을 몰아내다[내쫓다

I understand that you have been cast out.

305 cranky [|krӕŋki] 1. (英) 기이한 "Won't they get cranky with you?"

round·about [|raʊndəbaʊt] [주로 명사 앞에 씀] (길을) 둘러 가는; 우회적인, 에두르는The next morning they began a roundabout journey back to Andrew's village, taking their time, avoding the outsiders' hunting grounds.

lore [lɔ:(r)] [U] (특정 주제에 대한) 구전 지식; 구비 설화, (민간) 전통

It took three days, during whick Andrew displayed his knowledge of the forest, mixing villager lore with scientific knowledge he'd picked up form the gods.

306 har·bor *** [hɑ́:rbər] 1. <죄인 등을> 숨겨 주다 And she didn't want anyone getting blamed for harboring a runaway.id·i·ot-proof [-prù:f] (속어) <기기 등이> 쉽게 다룰[이해할] 수 있는 Of course, they'd only stolen idiotproof cars that flew on the city grid.

307 tat·ter * [tǽtər] 갈가리 찢다[찢어지다], 해지(게 하)다 In all of Tally's tattered memories, she'd never experienced anything like that memonent.

con·fine ***** [kən|faɪn] 1. [흔히 수동태로] ~ sb/sth to sth (활동・주제・지역 등을) 국한시키다

When she wasn't driving herself crazy, Tally also spent the time wondering about Andrew's confined world.

ruth·less [|ru:θləs] (못마땅함) 사람・행동이 무자비한, 가차 없는, 인정사정없는Why were the villagers allowed to live out here, when the Smoke had been ruthlessly destroyed?


These dolls weren't likely to succumb to Tally's tinkering with the point of her knife.

creak [kri:k] She found a smooth, flat stone and loaded it up, the leather creaking as she drew it back.


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308 in·tent·ly * [inténtli] 골똘하게, 여념없이, 오로지The difference between magic and technology was lost on Andrew, but he listened intently .

thick ***** [θɪk] 7. STUPID | (英 비격식) 사람이 우둔한, 미련한

He made some briiliant leaps of insight, but other times he was just as thick as could be expected from someone who thoought the world was flat-

slack [slӕk] cut somebody some slack(비격식) ~을 덜 몰아붙이다

Tally knew she should be more understanding, but was only willing to cut Andrew so much slack;

cook chickens ? It seemed like Andrew could learn to cook his own chickens .

309 hem [hem]

hem somebody/something in~을 (꼼짝 못하게) 둘러싸다

The village is hemmed in on all sides by mountains. 그 마을은 사방이 산으로 둘러싸여 있다.

Everyone in the world was programmed by the place they were born, hemmed in by their belief,

roil [rɔ́il] 2. <…의> 마음을 휘젓다, 혼란[산란]케 하다; 화나게 만들다, 안달하게 하다, 발끈하게 하다(irritate, vex) It was a noisy way to travel, the wind roiling the trees like a storm.

whine [waɪn]1. 끼익끽 하는 소리

the steady whine of the engine 엔진이 끊임없이 끼익끽 하는 소리

Tally saw a huge cloud of dust rising up form the landing area, and then the whine of their rotors cycled down into a riot of frightened birdcalls.

re·hearse [rɪ|h3:rs] 1. ~ (for sth) 리허설[예행연습]을 하다. Rehearsing her approach every morning, Tally had become familiar with every tree along the way.

310 bulky [|bʌlki] 2. 사람이 덩치가 큰gear ***** [gɪr] 4. EQUIPMENT/CLOTHES | [U] (비격식) 옷

311 in·flect [ɪn|flekt][자동사][V] (문법) (단어・언어가) 굴절하다[어미・어형 변화를 하다]

grav·el·ly [|grӕvəli] 2. 목소리가 걸걸한

1. 끼익끽 하는 소리

the steady whine of the engine 엔진이 끊임없이 끼익끽 하는 소리

1. 징징[칭얼]거리다, 우는 소리를 하다

313 neurolo·gist [nʊ|rɑ:lədƷɪst] 신경학자, 신경과 전문의 "We're called neurologists , actually."com·pos·ure [kəm|poʊƷə(r)] [U] (마음의) 평정 He turned to face her again, his late-pretty composure crumbling.

meek [mi:k] 1. 온순한, 온화한He meekly allowed himself be locked into the cargo container of the hovercars,

314 deter [dɪ|t3:(r)] (-rr-) ~ sb (from sth/from doing sth) 단념시키다, 그만두게 하다

The purpose of the brain lesions was to deter violence and confilct,

rabid [|rӕbɪd] 1. [주로 명사 앞에 씀] (못마땅함) 사람 유형이 과격한, 광적인

blood·shed [|blʌdʃed] [U] 유혈 사태

The scientists looked like campers dressed in bulky winter gear ,

The voice called out again in the villagers' language, but it was inflected with a late pretty's gravelly air of authority.

whine [waɪn] He blinked, perplexed that a new pretty was asking questions instead of whining about getting home.


Like rabid enemies in a locked room, the tribes trapped within the ring of little men would reveal anything you wanted to know about the very human origins of bloodshed.

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boot ***** [bu:t] 3. [주로 단수로] (비격식) (재빠르게) 세게 차기 put/stick the boot in (특히 이미 쓰러져 있는 사람을) 세게 걷어차다

The first thing she did was put her boot through the communication system;

316 frenzy [|frenzi][C , U] (pl. -ies) [주로 단수로] ~ (of sth) 광분, 광란

in a frenzy 미쳐서, 격분하여

The rotors whipped the treetops around her into a frenzy, but the car rose steadily, under control.

317 weed-choked

<Weed Choked Garden>

The vehicle settled onto the weed-choked ground,

318 spore [spɔ:(r)] (생물) 홀씨, 포자

Plague-transformed petroleum burst into flame when it came into contact with oxygen, and the oily smoke from the sudden fires spread the bacterial spores on the wind,

319 in·tact [ɪn|tӕkt][대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀] (하나도 손상되지 않고) 온전한, 전혀 다치지 않은

The few intact skulls just stared back at her with empty expressions.

ex·tinct [ɪk|stɪŋkt] 1. 동식물 등의 종류가 멸종된Farther into the dead city, the buildings grew taller and taller, their steel frameworks rising up like the skeletons of giant and extinct creatures.

jagged [|dƷӕgɪd] 삐죽삐죽한, 들쭉날쭉한

Then she turned a corner and saw it, chunks of old concrete clinging to the towering matrix of steel beams, the empty window gazing down at her, jagged shapes of bright sky showing through.

320 in·nards [|ɪnərdz] 1. 내장(특히 위) The innards of the building had long since rotted away.

321 cav·ern·ous [|kӕvərnəs] (격식) 방이나 공간이 휑뎅그렁한; 동굴 같은A fire would be pretty obvious down here in the shadows of the cavernous buildings.

dim-witted (비격식) 우둔한, 멍청한 How had she been so dimwitted?

322 siz·zle [|sɪzl]

[자동사][V] (기름에 굽거나 튀기는 음식이) 지글지글 하는 소리

를 내다 sizzling sausages 지글지글 굽히고 있는 소시지

The safety flare sizzled out to a sputtering death while the hoverboard descended slowly,

323 blem·ish [|blemɪʃ] (피부 등의) 티, 흠 His blemishes weren't as bad as Andrew's, of course.



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324 pro·found [prə|faʊnd]1. (영향・느낌・경험 등이) 엄청난[깊은] profound changes in the earth's climate 지구 기후의 엄청난 변화

But her life among the pretties must have changed something even more profound:

327 husk [hʌsk] (특히 곡물의) 겉껍질He let the board coast to a stop between two towering husks of metal and concrete,

328 hole up(비격식) (어떤 장소에) 숨다

We believe the gang are holed up in the mountains. 우리는 그 갱단이 산속에 숨어 있다고 믿는다.

We've been holed up in the wild.

329 for·sake [fər|seɪk] 1. (특히 책임져야 할 대상을) 저버리다[버리다] The torment in her dreams, the worry that David had forsaken her, had all been over a mix up,

333 put off put something off(시간·날짜를) 미루다[연기하다]

be·drag·gled [bɪ|drӕgld] (비・흙탕물 등에) 젖은, 후줄그레한

ripe [raɪp] 3. 냄새가 고약한

fis·sure [|fɪʃə(r)] (전문 용어) (특히 암석・지면의) 길게 갈라진 틈 , and a narrow shaft of blinding sunlight streamed through the dome's great fissure.

334 steely [|sti:li]2. 강철빛의

steely blue eyes 강철빛의 검푸른 눈동자

Tally held her steely glare.

335 home ***** [hoʊm] 8. WHERE STH FIRST DONE | [sing.] the ~ of sth (사물・사

상 등의) 고향[발상지]The sickening feeling in Tally's stomach redoubled as the realization sunk home:

cog·ni·tion [kɑ:g|nɪʃn] [U] (심리) 인식, 인지Those connections are where memories and motor skills are stored, and where cognition happens.

slate [sleɪt]

have a slate loose 머리가 좀 이상하다

I think he has a slate loose.내 생각엔 그는 좀 미친 것 같아.Everyone’s life starts as a blank slate .모든 사람들은 백지 상태에서 출발한다.

Some parts of his mind are almost a blank slate.

338 epic [|epɪk] 3. 장대한; 방대한 His speech was full of long silences now, almost like Andrew's epic pauses.339 in·firm [ɪn|f3:rm] 1. 병약한, 노쇠한 He struggled to sit up, his movements shaky and infirm.340 ex·cru·ci·at·ing [ɪk|skru:ʃieɪtɪŋ] 몹시 고통스러운; 극심한 Zane took one of his excruciatingly long pauses.

343 wal·low [|wɑ:loʊ]2. (흔히 못마땅함) (쾌락을 주는 것에) 젖어[빠져] 있다 to wallow in despair/self-pity (그것을 즐기듯이) 절망/자기 연민에 빠져 있다

With Zane lying here in front of her, his mind half-missing, what was the point of wallowing in old guilt-his, or hers, or anyone's?

344 filthy [|fɪlθi] 1. 아주 더러운


The others wre hovering close, but looked a little put off by her bedraggled appearance and ripe smell.


Tally figured death was better than being this filthy, and she needed more than a rubdown with a wet cloth to feel clean again.

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rub·down [rʌ́bdàun] 신체 마찰, 마사지 ((특히 운동 중·운동 후에 하는)) a brisk rubdown with a rough towel 건포 마찰

pla·cebo [plə|si:boʊ]

(pl. -os) 플라세보, 속임약, 위약

the placebo effect 플라세보 효과(플라세보를 썼을 때 환자가 진짜 약으로 믿어 좋은 반응이 나타나는 일)

Maddy had muttered something about a "placebo effect ,"

346 smear [smɪr] 2. [타동사][VN] (기름기 등으로) 더럽히다

1. [타동사][VN] ~ sth on/over sth | ~ sth with sth (기름기가 있거나 부드러운 물질을) 마구 바르다[문지르다]

Tally smeared a soap packet onto herself before jumping in,

dunk [dʌŋk] 2. [타동사][VN] (특히 美) (장난으로 사람을 물 속에) 밀어 넣다, (무엇을 물 속에) 빠뜨리다

With a titanic act of will she dunked her head in,

348 dor·mant [|dɔ:rmənt] 휴면기의, 활동[성장]을 중단한 But the bug must have been dormant-

349 be in the lead 앞장서[선두에] 있다; 리드하고 있다 Tally stayed in the lead ,

350 whim·per [|wɪmpə(r)] (사람이) 훌쩍거림; (동물이) 낑낑거림Tally pulled his hand away and opened his mouth wider, and he made a whimper of protest.

wheep wheeeeeepa noise used to scare old peopl The wheep of a scanner booting up sounded beside her ear;

1. ~ (into sb/sth) 후려치다, 세게 치다

2. (큰) 파티

352 for·ceps [|fɔ:rseps][pl.] 겸자(의사들이 쓰는, 날이 없는 기다란 가위같이 생긴 도구)

skip a beat (literally) To miss a beat.

shat·ter [|ʃӕtə(r)]1. ~ (sth) (into sth) 산산이 부서지다, 산산조각 나다; 산산이 부수다. 산산조각 내다

I'd have to shatter his jaw to remove it.

355 rob ***** [rɑ:b] 타동사][VN] (-bb-) ~ sb/sth (of sth) (사람・장소를[에서]) 털다[도둑질하다]

She couldn't abandon him now, just because he had been robbed of part of his mind.

smug·gle [|smʌgl]?[타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] 밀수하다, 밀반입[출]하다

We can smuggle Zane the cure, like we did for you.

357 stran·gled [|strӕŋgld] 울음・목소리 등이 터져 나오다가 끊긴 Tally let out a strangled laugh.

360 ten·ta·tive [|tentətɪv] 2. 머뭇거리는, 자신 없는 Tally announced in a tentative .

364 nim·ble [|nɪmbl] 1. (동작이) 빠른, 날렵한They couldn't outrun the Specials' cars in a straight line, but their hoverboards were more nimble.

re·bel·lion [rɪ|beljən] 1. [U , C] 반란, 모반Tally and Zane's rebellion had swelled the ranks of the New Smokies by a couple of dozen members.

365 ember [|embə(r)] [주로 복수로] (장작・숯이 타다 남은) 잉걸불[불잉걸] Their rotors stirred the embers of the fire.

Tally figured death was better than being this filthy, and she needed more than a rubdown with a wet cloth to feel clean again.


bash [bӕʃ] She couldn't just bash it out with a rock…351

Tally saw that Maddy was carrying some sort of forceps in her hand, and her heart skipped a beat .


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366 limp [lɪmp] ?1. 기운[활기]이 없는, 축 처진[늘어진] Ho and Tachs, Shay's fellow Cutters, each held a limp form.

367 se·rene [sə|ri:n] 고요한, 평화로운, 조용한

snare [sner] [타동사][VN] (특히 짐승을) 덫[올가미]으로 잡다

368 stum·ble [|stʌmbl] 2. [자,타동사][+ adv. / prep.] 비틀[휘청]거리다 She managed to pull away and take a few stumbling steps,

shroud [ʃraʊd] 2. ~ of sth (문예체) 장막

a shroud of smoke 연기 장막

A shroud of gray descended across the fire in front of her, the world growing dark.

tum·ble [|tʌmbl]

4. [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] <느슨하게・제멋대로・시끌벅

적하게 움직이거나 아래로 내려옴을 나타냄> Thick golden curls tumbled down over her shoulders. 숱 많은 금발 곱슬머리가 그녀의 어깨 위로 출렁이듯 흘러 내렸다.

Words tumbled at her through the void, carried on a razor voice:

369 maw [mɔ:] 2. (구식) (동물의) 위[목구멍] The tower was guarded by a gray dragon with jeweled eyes and a hungry maw.

Despite the pretty-talk, she heard a cold, serene intelligence in Shay's voice, a pitiless joy in having snared her on betrayer.


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