1 Germanischer Lloyd - Noble Denton Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Vessel 德国劳氏 - 海上风电安装船技术 2010CWEE 上海研讨会 赵航宇 德劳中国大区海洋工程业务主管经理 2010-04-27

Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Vessel

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Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Vessel

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Page 1: Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Vessel


Germanischer Lloyd - Noble Denton

Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Vessel德国劳氏 - 海上风电安装船技术

2010年 CWEE 上海研讨会

赵航宇 德劳中国大区海洋工程业务主管经理 2010-04-27

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14.04.20102010-April CWEE Shanghai Internatinal Conference No. 2

Contents 内容

1. Germanischer Lloyd group – An Overview 德国劳氏集团

2. Wind Energy, Offshore wind energy 风电,海上风电

3. Offshore Wind Farm Installation Vessels 海上风电安装船技术

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14.04.20102010-April CWEE Shanghai Internatinal Conference No. 3

GL Group: Worldwide service on site德劳:覆盖全球的技术服务

Mexico City



Division AM / Mexico City Division EMA / Hamburg Division EA / Shanghai

Found in 1867, today over 6.900 employees, of which 5.000 are engineers, are working for you in over 176 offices in more than 88 countries.

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14.04.20102010-April CWEE Shanghai Internatinal Conference No. 4

Since 2007, 11 companies, including

2007 Adventist Group, 600 staff members2007 International Refinery Services, 80 staff members2008 FutureShip / Friendship Consulting, 18 staff members2009 Noble Denton, 900 staff members 2009 Garrad Hassan 250 staff menbers

have jointed the GL group, they have strongly enhanced the CL competency and Capability as a world wide technical service provider

Since 2007, GL group is in expanding...德劳团队2007年来快速发展

GL & Noble Denton & Garrad Hassan Join Forces

A New Dimension of Technical Assurance and Consulting

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14.04.20102010-April CWEE Shanghai Internatinal Conference No. 52010-4-14No. 5


GL GL Noble Denton GL Garrad Hassan

The Oil & Gas segment of GL-Group石油天然气业务

The Renewables segment of GL-Group可再生能源业务

The Maritime segment of GL-Group船舶入级业务

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Navel Architects 造船工程师

Marine engineers 轮机工程师

Mechanical engineers 机械工程师

Electronic engineers 电子工程师

Electrical engineers 电气工程师

Welding engineers 焊接工程师

Structure analysts 结构分析专家

Vibration analysts 振动分析专家

CFM experts 流体力学专家

Metallurgists 金属学专家

Process engineers 工艺工程师

Quality engineers 质量工程师

Civil engineers 土木工程师

GL Group: a Multidiscipline Engineer Society德国劳氏: 一个多领域的工程师团队

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Oil and Gas Renewable Energy



GL Noble Denton

GL GarradHassan

Services of GL group Provide Solutions to Various Industry Sectors in one hand德劳服务:不同工业问题的一站式解决方案

Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Vessel

Service for maritime segmentService for energy segmentCross-industry segments, inter-sectoral servicese. g., also for offshore wind energy customers

GL Cross-industry


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GL in China, 德劳在中国GLMS and GLIS, total about 400 employeesin 10 site officesASEA ShanghaiGarrad Hassan in BeijingNoble Denton in North China





Hong Kong






South China sea

Yellow sea

East China sea

Main GL office

Other GL offices

Major cities





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14.04.20102010-April CWEE Shanghai Internatinal Conference No. 9

Contents 内容

1. Germanischer Lloyd group – An Overview 德国劳氏集团

2. Wind Energy, Offshore wind energy 风电,海上风电

3. Offshore Wind Farm Installation Vessels 海上风电安装船技术

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by 2020 the EU wants to cover 20% of its primary energy consumption with renewables

Wind energy, Global Trends


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14.04.20102010-April CWEE Shanghai Internatinal Conference No. 11

Offshore Wind in China – Present and Planning

市场:中国海上风电场现状及规划1st Prototype installed by CNOOC in BohaiGold Wind 1.5MW Direct Drive

Offshore planned by SHANDONG/JIANGSU

Offshore planned by GUANGDONG

Offshore planned by DONGHAIx34 units. Sinovel 3.0MW (x5 units installed)

Offshore planned by ZHEJIANG/FUJIAN

计划 24 海上风电场


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Design concepts WTISMarket Situation and Motivation 市场现状及考量

• Main Driver: Political ambitions to reduce emissions by 2020, 20-30% of the primary energy production of European countries shall be coming from renewable sources

• Offshore Wind-Farming is in its start-up phase 起步阶段

• Many players in field 业者众多

• Many different design concepts exist 各有千秋的不同设计

• Large potential for growth 巨大的市场潜能

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Current Installation Way of Offshore Wind Turbine当前中国主流海上风电安装方法

• Complete turbine transport and installation


• 3.0 MW turbine, lifting weight 412 ton

3.0兆瓦机,起吊重量412 吨

• Nable height 91.3 m

安装毂高91.3 米

• Windfarm area water depth 9.90~12.0 m


Shanghai Donghaidaqiao Windpark上海东海大桥海上风电场为例

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Installation Way of Shanghai Donghaidaqiao Offshore Wind Turbine 上海东海风电场安装方法

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Fleets for installation operation安装作业所需船队

DraftMain Dimensions

Tonnage powerShip type


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14.04.20102010-April CWEE Shanghai Internatinal Conference No. 16

Contents 内容

1. Germanischer Lloyd group – An Overview 德国劳氏集团

2. Wind Energy, Offshore wind energy 风电,海上风电

3. Offshore Wind Farm Installation Vessels 海上风电安装船技术

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Design Concepts WTISFunctions necessary of offshore installation vessel海上安装作业所需功能

• Loading 装载

• Transportation 运输

• Offshore installation operation 海上安装作业

• Positioning 定位

• Jacking up 提升

• Heavey lifting 起重

• Workmanship 安装作业

• Workmanteam Accomondation 作业人员起居

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Design concepts WTISTide zone, Shallow or Deep Water?潮间带,浅水,深水作业水域?

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Design Concepts WTISForm follows Function 海上风电安装船功能设计考量

Questions to be considered• Only for offshore wind turbine installation? 仅用于海上风电安装?

• Installation way? 风机安装方式?

• Crane and lifting appliances required? 起重能力?

• Working area: Tide zone? shallow water? deep water?工作区域:潮间带,浅水,深水?

• Self propelled / no propulsion? 自航 / 非自航?

• Jacking / non Jacking? 自升/ 非自升?

• Large Deck Area for Working? 需大型甲板作业面积?

• Sailing speed and Transportation Capacity important? 航速,运能?

• Number of Accomodation Complements? 人员居住能力?

• Semi-Submersible? 半潜式?

• What is the best Combination of all? 如何综合考虑上述各因素?

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Design concepts WTISTypes of OWEA 风机,基础类型及参数

shallow water deep water

•Monopile (<20 m)•Jacket •Bucket (< 20m)•gravity foundation (<10m)

•Jacket•Tripod (<80m)•Floating Structure (<900m)

supplier GE Energy Siemens Vestas Repower Systems Multibrid Enercon Bard Nordexdesignation 3.6s 3.6 MW V 120 5 M M 5000 E 112 BARD 5.0 N90 Offshorenominal power [kW] 3600 3600 4500 5000 5000 4500 5276 2500rotor diameter [m] 104 107 120 126 116 114 122 90mass (nacelle+rotor) [t] 295 215 210 410 310 500 375 nn

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GL solution, Generation I Design concepts TIV

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• Analysis and Verification• Newbuilding Classification• Plan Approval & Newbuilding


GL solution, Generation II: Design concepts TIV: Jack-up platform ORDIN, THOR

8 100 A 5, Special Purpose Ship,

Self Elevating Unit,

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GL Solution:ODIN-Offshore Installation vessel built in 2005

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GL solution:THOR- Offshore Installation vessel built in 2007

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GL solutions, Genration III: Design concepts WTIS: Loading, Transporting, Installing, all in one德劳解决方案:下一代海上安装船装载,运输,安装一体

GL Maritime - GL Noble Denton Deliverables• Analysis and Verification• Newbuilding Classification• Plan Approval & Newbuilding Supervision

(outstanding)• Design & Consulting• Engineering supporting

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GL solutions Genration III: Beluga/Hochtief WTIS

Technical Data:Type of vessel Heavy lift jack up vessel self-propelled

Class GL+100A5 Self Elevating Unit, DP2

Main dimensions hull 135.00x40.00x11.00 m

Water depth for jacking up to 50 m

Significant wave height for jacking & Dp 2.0 m

Wind speed of crane operation up to 18.0 m

Operation draft 4.60 m min ; 7.00 m max

DP capability complying with DP2

Thrusters & propulsion 12kn

Legs 4 lattice

Jacking system open, >1m/s

CraneBoom length 90 m

Capacity up to 1700 ton

Helideck D=20.88m suitable for Sikorsky S92 with a MTOW of 12.8 t

Cargo load up to 8.000 ton

8 100 A 5, Special Purpose Ship, Self Elevating Unit, Operation according to operational manual, DP2, EP/BWM

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Generation III: RWE-TIV, GL Main Particulars

• Self-Elevating (up to 45m water depth)

• Crane 800t@20m• DP2 Capability• 100x40x8mGL-Deliverables• Analysis and Verification• Newbuilding Classification• Plan Approval & Newbuilding Supervision


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Generation III:Beluga/Hochtief WTIS

8 100 A 5, Special Purpose Ship, Self Elevating Unit, Operation according to operational manual, DP2, EP/BWM

Main Particulars• Self-Elevating

(up to 50m water depth)• Crane >1500t@20m• DP2 Capability• Large Deck Area• ~135x43mGL-Deliverables• Analysis and Verification• Newbuilding Classification• Plan Approval & Newbuilding Supervision


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Generation III: ND-GL WTIS ND 1200

100 A5Offshore Service Vessel, WTIS,

Special Purpose Ship,

Self Elevating Unit,

Operation according to operational manual,

[DP2, EP, BWM] (depends on owner Spec.)


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Technical key points 关键技术

• Jacking up system 爬升系统

• Gear box 齿轮箱

• Locking devices 锁紧装置

• Legs 桩腿

• DP system 动力定位系统

• Crane 重吊

• Helideck 直升机平台

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Crane Operation 起重作业

• Crane Equipment Approval 起重设施认可

• Hydro dynamical analysis 水动力影响分析

• Special Offshore requirements 海工作业特殊要求

• Engineering in Dynamic Crane operation 动态起重作业

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Generation I Combined crane and working barges 第I代:吊机与工作平台结合Generation II Jackup barges without propulsion第II代:无自航系统的自升式平台Generation III Self-propelled Jackup vessels 第III代:自航自升式平台

xDP2 / DP3 capability DP2/DP3 动力定位能力


xxSelf-elevating 自升能力

xxHelicopter deck 直升机甲板

xxLarge accommodation 大居住舱室

xxx*Large working deck 大工作甲板

xxx*High deck load capacity高甲板荷载能力

xxx*High lifting capacity 高起重能力

Generation III 第III代

Generation II 第II代

Generation I 第I代

Functions 功能

* on separate barges

WTIS Generation I to III Actual ProjectsWTIS第I代到第III代功能比较

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GL References for pure WTISGL风电安装船实例

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What GL-Noble Denton provide: 德劳提供技术服务

Manufacturer’s Capability Certification (MCC) 制造商能力认证 / Vendor Inspection 供应商检验 / Quality Assurance and Control 质量担保和控制 / Performance and Warranty Testing 性能和担保测试

Procurement Phase


Construction accompanied Design verification and certification 建造

过程设计修改审核和认证 / Construction inspection, commissioning supervision 建造检验,试车试航验证 / Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) 工程关键评估

Construction Phase


Independent Design Review 独立设计审查 / Design Verification 设计审核 /Compliance Review 合规审查 / Design Certification 设计认证 / Risk Assessment 风险评估

Detail Engineering Phase


Consulting 咨询 / Independent Design Review and Verification 独立设计审

核 / Design Modeling and FE calculations 设计建模和有限元计算 /Compliance Review 合规审查 / Stress and Fatigue Analysis 应力和疲劳分

析 / Conceptual Risk Assessment 风险评估

Basic Engineering基本设计阶段

Pre-Consulting for Process Design 过程设计咨询

Project Economics &Technical Feasibility Study项目经济性,技术可行性研究

Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) 前期设计

Concept Phase方案规划阶段

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WTIS: Rules for Classification and Construction相关 GL 规范

• 船体

For Hull: Ship Technology,

Offshore Service Vessels, Ed. 2010

• 特种设施 桩腿,提升机构,重吊等

For legs,Jacking System,crane etc.:

Industrial Services,

Offshore Technology

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WTIS Statutory Requirements海上风电安装船相关法定规范,公约要求

• SOLAS 74/88, International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea 2009

• ILLC 66/88, International Convention for Load Lines; Revision 2004

• MARPOL 73/78, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Annex I – IV

• IS Code 2008, International Code on Intact Stability

• Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008

• Guidelines for the Construction and Design of Offshore Supply Vessels 2006

• Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989 amendment by Res. MSC.187(79) 2004

• Ballast Water Management Convention, 2004

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Research worksComplementary Simulations WTIS – Semi Jack-Up

5.0 mScantling Draught

72.0 mLength of legs

3.9 mDiameter of legs

4.0 mDesign Draught

8.0 mDepth to Tween Deck

14.0 mDepth to Maindeck

36.2 mBreadth Moulded

135.0 mLength between PP

141.0 mLength over all

Main Particulars

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Operational Restrictions• Water depth = 45 m• Hs = 1.5 m• Current = 5 knots

Loading Conditions• Base shear• Overturning moment

Structural Integrity• Legs• Jacking houses• Hull




Focus on: Operational SafetyDesign Optimization

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Numerical MethodsPotential flow code AQWA

• Regular waves• Frequency domain• Linear flow + Morison forces• Radiation & diffraction (Green function)

CFD code COMET (RANS)• Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver • Nonlinear flow• Time domain• Breaking waves• Viscous effects

AQWA surface panels

COMET volume grid

WTIS on Location Hydrodynamic Analysis in Waves

Formatiert ;-)

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• Calculation of base shear and overturning moments• Results of both numerical methods are similar • Free surface elevation around the ship

Formatiert ;-)

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In Place Condition:Maximum Forces and Moments

Natural seaway: Hs = 1.5 m, Tz = 7.5 s

Base shear on aft legs [kN] Lateral overturning moment [kNm]

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Transit Condition Hydrodynamic Analysis in Waves

• Cargo only loading condition• Ship speed = 14 knots• Potential flow code AQWA • RAOs of ship accelerations

in regular waves• Critical locations:

nacelle hub & upper tower• Statistical evaluation in

natural seaways• Max. Loads on the Lashing System?

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Transit Condition:AccelerationsAt top of the pile [g]

Horizontal Acceleration [max. 0,6g] Vertical Acceleration [max. 1,0g]

Natural seaways: Hs = 2.5 m, 4.5 s < Tz < 17.4 s

Formatiert ;-)

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Thanks for your kind attention!谢谢您的关注!

Any questions? Please......

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